#blue valentine dean
frecklystars · 1 month
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♬♪ ♡ broken and bruised, longing for you - ̗̀💐 ̖́-
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hollandmarrch · 5 months
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BLUE VALENTINE 2010, dir. Derek Cianfrance
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fleursial · 9 months
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Tell me how I should be. Just tell me. I'll do it.
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uncleclam · 11 months
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stephstars08 · 5 months
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Jensen Ackles as the colors of the rainbow ~ Blue💙
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joes-eyelashes · 9 months
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velveys · 9 months
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Blue Valentine (2010)
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admireforever · 11 months
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Blue Valentine
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foxdev1l · 4 months
hi last time i asked for thoughts it went really extremely well and i've been six-obsessed since. i didn't even like a/b/o before but i'm crazy now. anyway you mentioned you have a/b/o notes on pretty much all characters so i'm politely shaking your brain more please 🤲
thanks for the ask <3 very sorry it took me so long to reply - i spent the last two months trying to finish a big fic on ao3, and that took up most of my time and energy. but i've finally managed to scrape together the a/b/o headcanon notes for most of the geese - some longer and more detailed than others - and i hope you enjoy it as much as the six one. feel free to add your own thoughts and opinions :]
thank you to @hollandstrophyhusband for brainstorming with me, and @uncleclam for being a dan expert and helping me come up with the second half of his headcanon!
CW: nsfw, identity issues, self-destructive behavior
Richard – Alpha
He presents very early on, as an Alpha to his own smugness and the annoyance of anyone else. He's flourishing, unstoppable, not afraid to lean into any stereotypes. He wears his status proudly, clogs up the air with the obnoxious stench of Alpha pheromones wherever he goes. 
He's a fucking bastard, pushy towards Omegas without caring whether or not they already have a partner. And he loves to rile up other Alphas, cocky and overconfident as he is. 
It's only when he ends up pressed against a cold, stained wall – fledged, sharp teeth scraping along the tendons of his neck and a knee dug into his growing erection – that the consequences of his actions finally and truly sink in.
Julian – Beta
He's not an Alpha like his brother, strong and resilient and born to become something great. But neither is he an Omega, can't be married off to some strong, influential Alpha. 
He is completely and utterly useless. His mother despises it.
Jacob – Omega
There is an undisclosed box of suppressants crammed between a bottle of mouthwash and a pack of razor blades in the cupboard under his bathroom sink. It sees the artificial light of the bathroom twice a day before it gets pushed back into its hiding place – all the way against the back of the cupboard to make sure not even one of his nameless hookups can find it.
He can't remember the last time he went into heat, and it's not right, it's not healthy, but he can't make himself stop.
His body is beginning to fold under the abuse. It's still holding together, is not on the verge of collapsing, but it's showing in smaller, more painful ways. The inability to regulate body temperature, constant headaches, shaky hands, and recurring bouts of nausea.
What little pheromones still manage to leak through despite the strong suppressants get dampened by scent blockers. He uses sticking plasters to tape them over his glands. They make his skin red and irritated but he can deal with it – he’s fine.
Others think he's a Beta, which is almost just as embarrassing, but at least no Alpha looks down on him, mostly just ignores him – it's a small mercy.
What he's lacking, he tries to make up for in other ways. He seeks out bar after bar, fuck after fuck, desperately trying to compensate for who he truly is.
But there's an itch deep inside him, and no matter how many times he gets his dick wet and presses someone else into sheets underneath him, it's not enough to scratch it, to satiate the hunger within.
There is a part of him, longing and yearning and disgusting, and no matter how hard he desperately tries to get rid of it, it stays.
Luke – Omega
Luke is slutty, has done a lot of stupid, risky things over the years, and he's always half-expected this all to end with a child. But he always assumed he'd be the one knocked up.
A male Omega can impregnate another Omega, though it's rare and risky. That’s why Luke is so shocked when he comes back to find he has a kid.
His instincts are clawing at his insides with the vigor of a wounded animal. Being away from his child hurts, seeing it getting raised by a complete stranger – an Alpha – is even worse.
Dan – Beta
Dan is a beta. There is nothing particularly special about him, though that suits him just fine. He likes being ordinary, being able to slip through the cracks unnoticed, away from prying eyes and unnecessary attention.
He does, however, have a few things to say about their current political system, if one were genuinely interested and patient enough to listen to him – about the oppression of Omegas, the glorification of Alphas, and, above all else, the exploitation of Betas.
But all in all, he's just trying to get through life, keep his head down as much as possible, and being a Beta is pretty convenient for that.
It doesn't keep him from experimenting, of course. There are drugs, altered pheromones that, instead of giving you the kick of a high, can simulate a heat or a rut upon injection. 
Alpha pheromones are much more pricey so Dan mostly keeps to the Omega substances. It's addicting, intoxicating, and he can't help but seek it out, that pleasurable thrill, the feverish lust, if only momentarily.
It's a risky game he's playing, he knows, for the gratification of fleeting ecstasy. He's heard the stories, of people overdoing it and ending up in a constant state of heat, getting trapped in a never-ending spiral of overwhelming pleasure.
But taking drugs is always risky. He's never expected anything less.
Besides, compared to all the other stuff he's got lying around in his flat, being non-stop horny is probably the least of his worries.
Dean – Beta
Dean is a beta. His anger is neither that of a hot-headed Alpha nor is his gentleness rooted in the caring nature of an Omega. He just is. He's never cared much for his secondary gender, has never let it bother him. He's got other things he rather focus his energy on.
Driver – ???
Driver is a fucking mystery. No one knows his secondary gender, but most people aren't brave enough to flat-out ask. 
He's got that unbothered and cool persona of a Beta and the assertive, intimidating facade of an Alpha. But he can also be strangely quiet and shy, almost akin to an Omega.. Sometimes people wonder if he ever even presented in the first place.
Steven – Alpha
Steven is an alpha stuck in a constant state of rut.
Lars – Alpha
He presents late as an Alpha and spends his first rut gently rutting against a pillow, cheeks tear-stained, too overwhelmed to do much else. It's hardly pleasurable, mostly painful, and his father decides to put him on suppressants pretty quickly afterward. He just can't be bothered.
It doesn't really help though. The suppressants keep Lars’ ruts subdued but never truly kill them. He can still feel it, a straining pressure just below the surface; an itch he can never quite satisfy no matter what.
It's frustrating, irritating, keeps him on edge, and makes him fuzzy and restless, but he's too scared to quit the suppressants, the mere thought of going through another rut as maddening and consuming as his first almost unbearable. Albeit, it can't go on like this forever. The suppressants take a toll on his body, and, as stubborn as he is and as frightening as he feels, he knows he's going to have to lay off eventually.
 His next rut is going to be worse than his first, aggressive and forceful. What he needs is someone he can trust. Someone patient, understanding. Soft but firm. An anchor he can hold onto when he finally eases off the suppressants, to soften the rough edges of his rut as it overtakes him, and to hold and soothe him when all is done.
K – Omega
All replicants are designed to be Alpha's, although their DNA has been altered to make them more suitable. The strength and resilience persist, but the rough edges – the ruts and aggression and possessiveness – have been chafed away to make space for a modified, more obedient type of Alpha.
Officer K is made to be an Alpha, just like all the other models, and he does not waste much thought on it, has more important things to focus on. 
That is, until one day and without any warning, he goes into heat.
His madame has just sent him away to hunt down another old replicant gone rogue halfway across the entire city when it happens. It starts slow, a low simmering heat below his skin, a fuzzy vision, and a quickening of his pulse. 
Then it hits him all at once.
It must have been a malfunction, during his creation, while he was being processed. K isn't sure.
He barely manages to drag himself to the nearest hotel before the worst of his heat hits. The next few days are a haze, spent terrified and alone. The skin on his arms and chest is irritated and painful by the end of it, scratched raw by his nails in a desperate attempt to gain back control. 
When he gets back to the police department, he offers his madame the replicant’s bagged eye like a gift and hopes she won't ask why it took longer than usual.
He does not tell her what happened, has instead chosen to chase down illegal heat suppressants on his way back to keep most of his…issue contained. Buying the suppressants off some sketchy dealer has left a bitter taste of guilt behind but the fear of what may happen if someone realizes he's malfunctioned – is nothing but a failed product – is enough to keep him tongue-tied.
They will retire him, K has never been more sure about anything in his entire life. And so he continues to take heavy heat suppressants, drowns out the overwhelming, traitorous smell of an Omega with scent blockers.
It's painful, stressful to always be on guard, in a constant state of fear that someone will find out his secret. But K has made his decision. 
It's fine. After all, it only helps solidify the growing belief that something is truly and fundamentally wrong with him.
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hollandmarrch · 7 months
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BLUE VALENTINE (2010) dir. Derek Cianfrance » deleted scene, “That Face”
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stupidfuckingwindow · 11 months
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what are your favorite sexy scenarios with your Ryan F/Os?
Oh what a fun question 👀!!! Thank you for asking!!!!
♡ Officer K being very grabby while making out on his couch in his apartment, mainly when I'm wearing a midi knee-length skirt. I LOVE thinking about this man's hands bunching the material of my skirt, glittery fabric spilling between his fingers as he's pulling and tugging. Feeling the petticoat adding extra layers of volume/texture and it just makes him wanna bunch it in his hands even more, clawing at it when we start getting really into it. Him pulling me onto his lap, leaving the skirt on while he undoes the buttons on his pants, and we just do it right then and there on that uncomfortable ass couch with his face buried in the crook of my neck, groaning like a starved dog.
♡ Driver being SO fucking horny out of his mind. When I drop into his dimension and it's been too long he just does his usual prolonged eye contact but with More Intensity silently saying let's get out of here. He gets us alone somewhere and it doesn't matter where, we're gonna fuck. Shannon's Garage after hours. His '73 Chevy Malibu (malibuuuu). The LA River. On top of the hood of some old race car he's fixing up. His living room floor. The shower. The kitchen counter. Oh, and I guess the bed works too... it's almost like a sleeping predator jolts awake within him and he just has to pounce immediately
♡ Sometimes when I leave Driver's dimension, he thinks I might not come back. He tries not to worry, but the fear is always in the back of his mind. Sometimes he's worried that I'll have another nightmare about him and I'll be too scared of him and I won't visit his dimension anymore. I tell him I'm fine now and I've never felt better and I haven't had any nightmares about him in a long time, but he still gets anxious. So any time we fuck, if the position allows it, he's hugging me. Arms wrapped around me and he tries to make me feel as secure and safe as possible. One hand cradling the back of my head, thrusting at a quick but steady pace that wouldn't hurt me but his little groans and little huffs sound almost heartbreaking when he hugs me tighter and tighter. Like I'll disappear if he lets go. I think about that a lot ;u; it's comforting to think about being hugged during sex and especially if it's with him
♡ Driver masturbating to the thought of me in his car -- I have doodled variations of this one hundred thousand times and I'll do it one hundred thousand more!!!! Sitting in the driver's seat, putting on some Charlie Puth songs on the radio (that dude has some horny asf lyrics and in interviews he's said he wants his music to sound fuckable in the most literal sense so I think it's perfect lol) reclining his seat back and going to town. I like thinking about him putting on "Smells Like Me" bc the lyrics seem fitting for us. He's missing me while I'm in Ken's dimension but he isn't worried bc I'm the one wearing Driver's scorpion bomber jacket. I could be getting action from any other guy or gal but I've got Driver's scent on me as long as I'm wearing his jacket and he likes that little sense of ownership over me, a bit of possessiveness... not in an extreme way but he just feels such an overprotective urge to make sure a part of himself is always with me. I DUNNO I don't care if that's in character or not, it makes me feel really good hehehe////
♡ Wait god I need to bring up K again..... I know it's a little out of character but I love daydreaming about him being sooo comfortable with me as our relationship progresses. You know how in canon, he comes home from retiring replicants, nearly getting killed, and he roleplays with Joi that he is just a simple human man who is coming home from a 9 to 5 shift at the office? He'd do that with me; he can come home from a long day and find me waiting for him on his bed - I'm wearing a skirt with a petticoat underneath bc I know he'll enjoy the texture of the folds between his fingers as he slides the fabric up my legs. Him doing the little "tsk tsk" click of the tongue while shaking his head, leaning over me with his hand snaking between my thighs, saying "oh, you poor thing, you've been soaking wet for me all day, haven't you?" and suddenly his stress of the day is gone. He forgets the dried blood on his face, the bruises on his neck, the stab wound in his shoulder. He crawls into bed and guides my hand, sliding my palm down his pants, tilting his head... "you feel that, sweetheart? feel what you do to me? I couldn't concentrate on my reports today, all I thought about was you..."
♡ That opening Bangkok party scene in The Gray Man, except put my self insert in there wearing a red dress to match Six's red suit, with white flowers and stars to match Dani's flowered suit. I know Dani isn't a Ryan F/O but I wanna think about her pulling me away into a private corner of an empty room and eating me out. Same with Suzanne oh my god please I need that woman to eat me out so BAD PLEASE ughhhhh. okay okay this was a Ryan F/O question... I'm sorry. I got Keri'd away
♡ The opening Bangkok party scene in The Gray Man and YES it makes NO SENSE for Six to be horny enough to need to pull me into the closet to fuck me, and that miraculously there wouldn't be cameras or mics in any of the rooms, but hear me out: you can do whatever you want forever and nothing in life matters. I'm working on a fic where mayhaps, against all odds, the Lord has given this horny desperate gentleman seven minutes where absolutely nothing bad will happen to him; he sees me in that red dress and he's like "Jesus CHRIST I missed my glittery wife. Baby please get over here." I have been in other dimensions for what, two weeks, maybe even two months, and this man has not only missed me so fucking bad, but he is starvinggg. He pulls me into a storage closet and we don't have time to Properly Fuck™ but I wanna give him a handjob just to give him some relief. His hands shaky while undressing me just a little bit so he can touch me wherever he wants, his head buried into my shoulder while he's groaning as quietly as he can. I think about this all the damn time and I really wish I had the time/energy to draw it. Maybe someday.
♡ Dean kissing me while straddling me on his bed, then slowly backing up and sliding his palms under my mini skirt, being very gentle and making eye contact with me the whole time he's slipping off my underwear, checking that I'm okay. Going really slow when he puts his head between my thighs, the whole time our song is playing in the background. Yes this is just me 100% self projecting over Cindy but that is exactly what canon love interests are for !!! and I like to think about him reaching out one of his hands and intertwining our fingers while he's eating me out 🥺🥺
♡ Ken eating me out and laughing into my thigh every so often. Licking his lips and saying "sweet girl..." giving that nickname a whole new meaning. I also think the image of him being completely oblivious to giving me an orgasm during our first time after eating me out and he's like "wow you're so yummy 😋 I want some more" while I'm gasping for air and shivering and saying HOLD ON GIVE ME A SECOND. Same goes for when I give Barbie her first orgasm after she becomes human and I'm just sitting there like "damn was my head really that good 😳"
♡ Sebastian not even bothering to undress, just unzipping his pants and bending me over the piano (consensually ofc) bc he's so pent up after a long night. Or sharing that tiny tiny tiny bed together in his little apartment, snuggling... we're both too pent up to sleep, and one of us starts grinding against the other and it just escalates... while he's wearing that tight white t-shirt and then his hair gets messier bc he's so lost in the moment.... yeah
♡ Laughing with Jacob during sex to the point where he's snorting and I'm wheezing and we have to stop for a few minutes. You know that cute couple thing where you pretend you're meeting for the first time, like, one of you pretends to be flirting with the other in a public space? And then you "go home together"? I think it's so funny to think about doing that with him. So we're at a bar, he's doing his thing, does the whole "let's get out of here" line, drives me home, we start going at it -- but I make a joke about something and he's losing it. He fires back and I have to cover my face and laugh. Out of every Ryan F/O, I like thinking about him saying "hey girl" just to make me laugh. He doesn't know the meme, he doesn't get it, but one time I asked him to say it and it made me laugh. and he's like "I don't understand what's so funny" but that doesn't stop him from saying it at the perfect moments. He's undressing me on his bed and it's all slow and sensual ooo and aaa... and after some sexy prolonged eye contact he mutters "hey girl" and I start losing it, and then he starts losing it because I'm losing it. and then he snorts and it makes me laugh even harder and then he's laughing harder. This may not necessarily be a "sexy" scenario but I really do love tender stuff like that in intimate settings... loving knowing my romantic partner is also my best friend.
♡ Luke is intimidating and he knows he looks scary but he tries to be rly gentle. He's slow and when I'm nervous he whispers reassurances until I relax. He's my guardian angel, he's my bodyguard, he wants me to feel safe with him. This isn't a "sexy" scenario I guess but I do think about this a lot, him just being very careful with me despite his outer appearance making him look like he'd be very rough. And maybe he would be! But with me he knows he's gotta go slow. and he's okay with that.
♡ COLT SPEAKING FRENCH Colt speaking French Colt speaking FRENCH Colt speaking French THE ENTIRE GODDAMN TIME in my ear while his arms are wrapped tight around me hugging me close. I have no fucking clue what he's saying to me but it sure sounds sexy. He could just be saying "omelette du fromage" lmao. but jokes aside maybe he'd say something like "my beautiful falling star" in French or 🥺🥺 something like that... and I think about being super careful with him bc of his back injury and double checking that he's okay all the time too. This man suffers from chronic back pain and he appreciates I am looking out for him and making sure he isn't hurt in any sort of position we're in. also did I say COLT SPEAKING FRENCH. Wearing a collar for me too maybe... with "therapy dog" on the tag... maybe he'd like being tied up too I dunno....................
♡ With Julian I don't have any "sexy" scenarios but goddd I sure do find myself thinking about having really, really, really gentle slow sex with him... I'm a top 99% of the time, but I wouldn't mind allowing him to have full and complete control, so he feels safer. He's straddling me while we're drowning in those neon red lights. His hands shake a little too much to undress me at first so I gotta hold them until he's calmer. Him kissing my neck and hearing his soft, short breaths in my ear when he's inside me. He's a SA victim too, so he'd understand that I prefer going slow, and tbh maybe he'd also prefer that ;v; I think he could still be rough if he wanted to, but he just. he gets it. he knows why I'm so scared and hesitant, so he's gonna be so, so careful. I'm precious to him, he wants me to know that, wants me to know he doesn't want to hurt me. would rather cut off his own hands than ever lay a hand on me. wants me to know that, to feel that, when we're making love. I'm gonna start openly weeping over him for the 100th time today let's move along
♡ I've written having a threesome with Driver and Six where they both try to make me feel as comfortable and safe as possible. Regarding the nightmare thing, Driver gets emotional and a little sniffly when he hides his face into my tummy and says "I don't want to hurt you" and I tell him "I know." Six isn't as vocal about his fear of me getting too scared of him either but he definitely feels it and it shows through how careful he is when we're being intimate to the point where he almost treats me like porcelain. More of an angst scenario than a sexy scenario BUT LISTEN. I LOVE THE HURT/COMFORT and my ace ass finds emotion so much sexier than anything else.
♡ Speaking of emotion. Ken getting weepy and sniffly while I'm riding him for the first time (just pretend he has a dick for my sake ok) bc he's never felt so loved before and especially not in a sensual way. Cradling his face in my hands and kissing his tears away while he hugs me and when we finish we just sit there for a while and hold each other until he calms down. Maybe I'd get weepy too bc it would be my first time feeling safe in a rly rly long time
♡ Actual sexy scenario: Stephen fucking me hard in his office, me laying on my back on his desk, his face between my legs drinking his fill until he stands up and places his hands on my hips, pounding me -- no no listen I KNOW his office walls are see-through but let's just pretend that he has some... other... office somewhere with normal walls.
♡ I think about pulling Steven's hair sometimes...... or him sitting up in his bed, his back resting against the headboard, me in his lap, while he fingers me and whispers in my ear, kisses my neck.
♡ OH I FORGOT WEREWOLF DRIVER I need him to fuck me so lovingly in a forest somewhere please god. or werewolf colt I don't care who just please god I need a werewolf to fuck me tenderly while we're surrounded by wildflowers. I'll pretend bugs and dirt don't bother me. Getting fucked by werewolf Driver WHILE wearing his JACKET. OOGH. god. can someone please teach me how to draw werewolves so I can draw some good ol fashioned monsterfucking
Thank you for letting me ramble 🥰🥰🥰
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I love this movie so much
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chungkong-nl · 3 months
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Bring your walls to life. Visit the webshop chungkong.nl today!
The film centers on a contemporary married couple, charting their evolution over a span of years by cross-cutting between time periods.
Director: Derek Cianfrance Stars: Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams, John Doman
0 notes
stories-all · 9 months
When I Think of You
The story talks about:
lived two souls destined for an extraordinary love story. Emily Harper, an artist with a heart that painted emotions onto canvases..
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1000roughdrafts · 7 months
Just Another Day
Summary: Fluffy Dean x female!reader Valentine's Day post
Warnings: some language (like 2-3 words), light mentions of angst, but mostly fluff
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Not betad, all mistakes are my own 😊 and bear with me, I’m a little rusty 🥰 happy love day 🥰
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Valentine's Day has never really been a favorite of mine, let alone anything I'd consider more than 'just a day'. Hell, Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, even birthdays are all just 'another day' for me. It's kind of difficult not to harbor ill feelings about them after constantly being let down by the people in my life, one broken promise after another.
Dean and Sam have kept every promise they've made, though. In fact, they're managing to break down my walls bit by bit from stolen candy on Halloween to a fried chicken meal with beer on Thanksgiving all while living in cheap motels chasing monsters. When I told them this morning that I just wanted to hunt as usual for the day, I couldn't help but to feel a tad disappointed that they agreed. Bit by bit, I'm breaking my own rules about not getting my hopes up on holidays.
This is our first Valentine's Day as a couple, and I've known Dean long enough to know that chocolate and flowers aren't exactly his style. But I can count on him to bring me a piece of pie "just because" or he'll clean my weapons for me after a particularly grueling hunt because he knows all I want to do is shower and get in bed.
After a long day of exorcising demons, we are on the road again. Burnin' For You by Blue Oyster Cult plays low on the radio, but the clattering of rain on the roof has my full attention. Sam loudly rifles through the papers in his lap with one hand, flashlight held in the other, hesitant to ever let himself relax. Dean's eyes flicker between the road and the rear-view mirror to periodically check on me.
"Hey, you seem off today, you okay?" Dean asks, picking up on my vacant eyes and slight frown.
I suck in a breath, inhaling the scent of the Black Ice air freshener and a hint of stale whiskey, "yeah," I say curtly, keeping my eyes on the trees swaying in the wind as we drive past, lit only by the moon above us. The wind howls against the windows of the Impala, sneaking in and covering my skin with goosebumps.
His face scrunches a bit and he nods before the tick of the blinker signals that he's turning off the highway. I feel a twinge of discomfort knowing we're only minutes away from the motel now. As much as I hate the numbness I feel in my butt and thighs, there is something meditative about being a passenger on a long drive.
We pass an abandoned gas station before I can see the dim lights of the Wandering Inn. Dean parks us by the front desk, leaving the Impala to run with a soft purr as he gets us a key to a room. Neither Sam nor I take our time getting the bags together, so by the time Dean is back out and we find a parking spot near the room, we're ready to head in.
The door whines as Dean pushes it open, immediately palming the peeling wall for a light switch. The overhead light flickers a few times before settling on a weak glow, and before I can even shut the door behind us, the smell of burnt dust and old pledge assaults my nose. I glance around the small room. The musky yellow walls seem to make it feel even smaller, somehow.
Dean turns to me with outstretched arms and a smile, asking for my bags. I dutifully and sleepily hand them over, not realizing the weight they bared until the relief of their absence waves over me. Dean nods his head towards the bathroom, "ladies first on a shower," he says softly. His boots click on the tile as he walks over to toss our bags onto the bed, plopping down next to them to remove his boots.
In a few short strides I head over to grab my bag for the bathroom, stopping in front of him to plant a kiss on his forehead. His eyes, droopy and half-closed, look up at me in a smile. He places his hands my back, thumbs rubbing circles on my skin as he pulls me in for a kiss.
"Thanks for first shower, Dean," I say, letting my hands rest on his shoulders.
His eyebrows rise and fall before he says, "yeah, well, by the looks of it, you need it more than we do tonight."
My ear to ear smile is real, but I fake a laugh before pulling away. "Whatever," I say, but I slowly lose my smile on the way to my shower. Dean's ability to pick up on even the most subtle of changes in me are a testament to how great of a hunter he is, and even greater boyfriend. How he can't pick up on how torn I'm feeling about this wretched day I've no idea. What conflicts me further is that I know it's my responsibility to share these feelings with him. Dean may have an attention to detail I haven't seen in a partner in, well, ever, but he's not a mind reader.
The tile of the bathroom is cold under my feet, so I remove my shirt to stand on it while I wait for the water to heat up. I hear the guys shuffling and moving things in the room, keeping their voices hush, but I'm too tired to give a shit. Waving a hand under the water I decide that it's the perfect temperature and remove the rest of my clothes to get in.
I don't even realize how tense I am until the water hits my shoulders, nearly forcing me to relax under it. My body's reflexes take over and I go into autopilot as I think about today and Valentine's Day is already almost over, but we did nothing… at my request. I roll my eyes at myself, brushing my teeth while the conditioner sits in my hair. The scent of fruit and mint fill the room among the steam. When I rinse my hair, I imagine I'm rinsing the day away.
The mirror is completely fogged up by the time I get out. With slightly damp skin, and a towel wrapped around my head, I struggle to get my clothes on, and it frustrates me.
I open the door and allow the steam to pour into our room, and I'm immediately hit with a surprising smell. It's almost as if someone is roasting marshmallows in our motel room. I take a small, careful step and peek just my head out, eyes zeroing in on the lit candles on the table.
My eyes skip over to Dean who sits on the edge of the bed with his elbows resting on his knees, a single flower in one hand, and a mix-tape in the other. Beneath his feet is a trail of rose petals leading to the door of the bathroom. He keeps his eyes on me, a smile peaking through his lips as he awaits my next move.
Sam's eyes and mine meet before he offers an awkward smile and shuffles a few things around on his bed. He grabs his shower bag, and I take a few steps towards Dean to allow him to enter the bathroom. Dean and I are both silent until the door closes behind Sam.
"What is all this, Dean?" I asks, astonished. Moldy motel room, or 5 star suite, never in my life has anyone laid out rose petals for me. I feel my heart racing like it's ready to burst right out of my chest.
Dean smiles, standing to hand me the flower with a kiss on my cheek. My skin is warm where his lips just were, and he reaches to take my hand, guiding me to sit on our bed.
He notices my eyes glance down at the mix tape before jumping back up to his. "I've been working on this for a few weeks now," he says, shaking the tape in his hand before handing it to me.
My hand shakes when I grab it, and I flip it to see "To my Y/N/N, Love Dean," scribbled on the front. My cheeks grow hot again, but this time with embarrassment that I'd spent the whole day thinking about myself, when here's Dean blowing expectations right out of the water.
"It's, uh, all the songs that remind me of you," he says softly, and I notice the scent of my favorite candle as the flame burns. My head spins.
"I don't know what to say, Dean," I start, and he just smiles, caressing my hand with his calloused fingers, "I mean, thank you. This is the kindest, most loving thing anyone has ever done for me," I say, tears welling in my eyes.
It's overwhelming to think a personal could love someone so much that amidst hunting Heaven, Hell and everything in between he could find the time to make this moment so special.
"Aw, sweetheart, don't cry," he says, arms wrapping around me, pulling me in for a tight hug.
"I'm not crying, Dean," I contest, but I nuzzle my face into his soft, comforting shirt, allowing my arms to wrap around his torso, and under the warmth of his jacket.
I soak in the smell of his sandalwood cologne and tighten my arms around him. Kissing his chest, I mutter another "thank you" before lifting my head to look him in the eyes. He brings his hand to either side of my face, eyes looking back and forth between mine, "you're very welcome," he says, kissing me with a tenderness that takes my breath away, and I realize that it's moments like these that I want to fill my heaven with.
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PermaTags <3 @waywardblueshun @81mysteriouslyme @drakelover788 @soab1967 @shutupandfeedmethings @pollywantacracker666 @sonnierae26 @obsessed5sosfreak @tlovescoffee @noodledoodlebug @hobby27 @cluz1babe @emptycanvasposts @suckmyapplejacks @sigrunsavestheday @flamencodiva
Dean @akshi8278 @squirrelnotsam @laxe-from-outer-space @ellewritesfix05 @cluz1babe @lyarr24 @mrspeacem1nusone @idksupernaturl @fandom-princess-forevermore @stoneyggirl
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