#bnha color theory
lanirawhoney · 5 months
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Color is crazy because the way each looks is dependent on what's already on the canvas. This is why shortcuts like color picking are doomed to fail. Learning to look at color as an ecosystem rather than one choice in a vacuum is the only way to go
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nottspocket · 1 year
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Completely spaced Mother’s Day so I made this in a 3 hour frenzy lmao
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shih-coulda-had-it · 3 months
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aerial hazard | bg courtesy of pexels
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froggybirdtaco · 4 months
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I love color theory ‼️☺️
i lied, I fucking hate it so much
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fireheartwraith · 5 months
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Happy birthday Kacchan! Celebration with the giga cover because I only had time for one piece and I needed to get this one out of my sistem
One day I'll figure out how to draw your face, Bakugou Katsuki... but that day is not today. For now, you will continue looking derpy 🩷
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senpaiquirks · 5 months
I just thought of this.
Japanese culture, especially in Japanese schools, they are VERY against things like coloring your hair and wearing any 'identifying' things (like jewelry). This is because they favor the group over the individual, plus they do see such things as less 'professional' or even downright criminal (like having tattoos).
But did this ever change when quirks first started popping up? I know there is still (obviously) heavy discrimination against someone having mutations. But what if their blue or pink hair is natural, because of their quirk? Would people just outright bully these people? Or are mutations like this more common now, to the point where the Japanese government (and society as a whole) simply cannot discriminate against such things anymore?
Because, the thing about heroes is, they are VERY flashy. They stand out, and everyone wants to be them. But is there, like, a thing in hero courses where they just allow people to color their hair freely? Or do they need papers saying it's ok, like how Aoyama needs his special belt? Because we know that at least Kirishima colors his hair (his natural color is black not red), and his reasoning is to be like his hero Red Riot.
And it makes me think of all the blonde Japanese characters too. Like, do they get confused for being foreigners or Asian-American a lot? Or is it an accepted thing by now, because All Might was the #1 hero and he's naturally blonde?
This has been bugging me for awhile now, because I REALLY wanna know how much Japan's culture/society has changed solely because quirks exist.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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Perry Fross, the Periwinkle Drewman
Be Ambitious
Rank: B+ (Season Two Major Character)
Character Bases
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Always Three Steps Ahead
With Rudy occupying the stock “shōnen hero” niche, a rival was inevitable. Perry’s coolheaded, serious exterior masks a hotblooded, competitive personality. Perry grew up in a place where a “cute” aesthetic was frowned upon, so forgive him if he’s not great at socializing. People really didn’t reach out to him in particularly positive ways, so his default state is confrontational.
Fun Facts
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Perry’s surname is a play on “fairy floss”, aka cotton candy. It could also be read as a play on frosting, which would probably just make more sense, wouldn’t it?
Perry’s “anime rival” schtick was added on later in development to give him more character.
Perry’s name and color were originally used for Amy (amethyst) of the Gem Tones (formerly the Pastelles). He shares this trait with Bobbie (bubblegum pink), Cree (cream), Monty (mint green), and Lila (lilac).
Perry’s distinctive, permanent blush marks (only shown in his headshot) came about when I misremembered how I initially drew them in his otherwise unchanged prototype design.
Perry has the dumbest sense of humor. He’ll break out laughing at the absolute worst jokes. Luckily for his reputation, most people just assume he’s being sarcastic.
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Ok so perhaps bakugos favorite color is red right? Sooo maybe that adds some factors to the Kiribaku ship just a theory idk. Also like if kiribaku is your fav ship in bnha
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I have not posted about BNHA in ages but I must. A theory just appeared in my brainspace and it’s not like many people are gonna see this anyway so have this absolute crack theory. Do not take this seriously. I’m in no way suggesting this is canon I just think it would be funny.
So two of my favorite minor characters are Mr. Compress/Sako Atsuhiro and Shindou You. Their personalities are so fun and I wish they’d have more screentime (especially Shindou, since Compress has more than like- two appearances) and a little something popped out to me. Mainly their similarities. So here comes another family ties theory!
So visually they have a similar haircolor and style. Compress’s is more reddish brown but it’s still quite close and they both have the many slightly rounded spikes in all directions. Also, Compress’s eye color seems to be the same as the color of Shindou’s pupils. As for their personalities, they’re both some flavor of theatrical. Compress is pretty obvious. He’s a magician and performer (and con-artist) with a very flamboyant personality. Shindou, meanwhile, puts on an overly sweet and charming persona for others. He’s an actor who exaggerates it when he needs to convince someone of something (like right before he fights Muscular).
Compress is sneaky. Part of Shindou’s personality gimmick is that he hides how sneaky and calculating he can be when he wants to. He also remains calm in difficult situations. Compress acts as the voice of reason for the league, so they both have the ability to keep a cool head when they need to. Due to how creatively Compress uses his quirk, we know he can think out of the box. That’s a very useful skill to have while creating strategies, something Shindou is reportedly good at. They’re not at all the same character, but they do share some core similarities. This brings me to my theory:
What if Shindou is in some way related to Compress? My dumb brain took the next step: what if Compress is Shindou’s dad? But not in a “Shindou is a spy” way because that’s obviously not true. He nearly died fighting Muscular. Compress has dad energy so what if Shindou wants to be a hero and Atsuhiro just let him. His issue is the corruption of society and he knows his son isn’t corrupt so what’s the issue? They still have the same goal. I’m mostly writing Hunger Games but it might be fun to write a crack one shot about this.
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shxtodxroki · 6 months
Match-Up Exchange
These are some BNHA match-ups done for @twilightpentagram for a match-up exchange we arranged! I hope you enjoy your match-ups (pls let me know what you think!), you’ve been super sweet and understanding throughout this exchange and I enjoyed getting to interact with you! Please feel free to visit my blog or my DMs if you ever have any requests for me, or if you just wanna chat! :D
For The Guys, I’d Match You With:
Hitoshi Shinsou! :D
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A lot of the things you mentioned that were important to you just seemed like they’d fit really well with Shinsou’s personality and characteristics to me. From interests and hobbies to things you find important and valuable in a partner, I thought Shinsou matched well with a lot of your major points and I think he’d be the kind of partner who you’d be able to be fully comfortable and happy around! 
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- I absolutely see Shinsou as someone who really enjoys video games in his free time. Suddenly joining the hero course is stressful since he feels like he’s behind and needs to work extra hard to catch up to everyone else, so video games are a really nice way for him to unwind and let go of that stress for a bit, especially if he gets to play them with you either in co-op form, or just gaming in the same room together or watching one another :>
- I feel like he’d especially like playing visual novels with/alongside you! Idk if you’ve ever watched Game Theory or seen MatPat and Steph play those kinds of games together, but I could see you two having a similar dynamic to them! Making up voices for the characters together and giggling and debating/making the choices together, it’s one of his favorite ways to spend time with you when you both have the time to spare
- He’s also not the kind of boyfriend who ever minds giving you reassurance, in fact he can often tell when you’re feeling a bit down or just in need of a bit of a pick-me-up without you needing to explicitly say it :> And though he’s not especially poetic with his words or anything, he’s more than happy to tell you how much he adores you and how endearing he finds your habits and mannerisms. He makes sure that you always know that you’re the perfect s/o for him, that he loves you more than words and that he could never ask for anyone better than you <3
- Hitoshi absolutely loves whenever you dye your hair with new, fun colors, he always tells you how amazing he looks and if you dye your hair yourself, he’d probably eventually ask if he can help you! He enjoys getting to be a part of the process and helping you, and he loves being the first to see how the colors turn out when you finally get to wash all the dye out :> 
- Shinsou definitely understands your preference for one-on-one conversations vs. bigger group settings, as he feels the exact same way. He’s an introvert just like you, and he especially gets overwhelmed sometimes being around all the hero course students as it’s still a very new environment for him, so he much prefers spending the majority of his free time with you just relaxing in your dorm, cuddling and chatting about whatever comes to mind
- I definitely think that he would also be the kind of boyfriend who you can banter with and tease the way you mentioned. He feels completely comfortable and secure when he’s with you, so he’s very laid back and conversation flows so easily between you two that he doesn’t bat an eye when you jokingly insult or tease him. He also laughs at all your jokes, he loves that you feel comfortable and at ease around him to the point where you’ll crack jokes with him without fear and he genuinely thinks you’re very funny too!
- He’s also very cuddly, you definitely won’t be deprived of touch when you’re with this man. When you first get together he always asks before initiating affection to gain a better understanding of what you’re comfortable with, and he always backs off if you’re not wanting affection on any given day, but generally he loves laying with his head in your lap and having you play with his hair or vice versa, and the two of you tend to be very cuddly when you’re alone together in general
- He’s also the perfect mix between sometimes being assertive and initiative, and also letting you take the reigns a bit more once the relationship is more established. It takes him a bit of time to work up the courage, but I do feel like he’d be able to be the one to make the first move and ask you out, and take charge a bit more at the beginning of the relationship as you get more comfortable. At the same time, though, once you feel more comfortable in the relationship and want to be a bit more assertive and in control, he’s happy to give you that and step back a bit to let you initiate affection and stuff like that more. He’s content either way, and he prefers the nice balance the two of you have found in your relationship :)
- And when Shinsou’s in need of help with academics, since he sometimes struggles to understand the concepts in his regular courses as he spends so much time trying to catch up with hero course work, he’s quick to go to you if you’re not too busy. He knows how smart you are and truly appreciates how you explain things to him in a kind, understanding way without making him feel stupid when he doesn’t understand something <3 It’s very obvious that he feels secure and comfortable around you, and you can always see the way his face relaxes with ease whenever you gently help him with something he’s confused on
- While Shinsou may not be the most outgoing around others, once he’s comfortable with you he loves randomly making flirty comments at you or using pick-up lines when he sees an opening <3 He finds it adorable the way you get so excited when he flirts even when he’s already your boyfriend, and he just loves making you feel loved and wanted whenever he can
Second Choice:
I think if I were to match you with someone else, it would probably be Kirishima! He also seems like he could be a good fit for you as he’s an absolute sweetheart and would be so reassuring and invested in hearing you open up and sharing your interests with him, so I could see him also being a really good partner and think your relationship dynamic with him would be super loving and mutually supportive :D I just thought Shinsou would be a better fit overall, especially since he's more introverted and interested in one-on-one time rather than group events :)
Song For Your Relationship:
It’s You by Ali Gatie <3
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For The Girls, I’d Match You With:
Mina Ashido! :D
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I know this could seem odd at first after the Shinsou pairing, since they’re pretty different characters. But while their personalities are different, I think that Mina is also the kind of person who could meet a lot of your relationship needs and values, and I absolutely envision her as the perfect supportive girlfriend for you! 
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- Mina’s absolutely the kind of person who knows she likes you as soon as she sees you, and those feelings only grow as she gets to know you, so I’m sure she’d have no problem making the first move. She’s a confident, secure girl, and once she’s sure of her feelings she’s quick to approach you and ask you out on a date (And she finds it adorable how you act so casual and chill even when she can tell that internally you’re freaking out lol)
- She also totally loves the fact that you cosplay! She finds it so fun to help search for the perfect outfit or wig or accessory for whatever cosplay you’re in the process of creating, and she always offers to film videos of you in cosplay and acts as your number one hype woman, telling you how awesome you look and how amazing the cosplay is!
- She’s definitely a super supportive, reassuring s/o as well. You don’t even have to ask, and even when you’re not particularly in need of reassurance, she’s just very vocal with her love and is always complimenting you and saying how thankful she is to be with you. She just loves you so much, and she’ll constantly be telling everyone she knows about it (including you)
- Though Mina is extroverted and does enjoy spending time in groups when it comes to her friends, she understands that you don’t tend to prefer that environment as often, and she never forces you to join her and her friends (though you’re always more than welcome to, she loves showing you off and bragging about her amazing s/o). She makes sure to make plenty of one-on-one time with you without anyone else involved, to make sure you feel comfortable and relaxed when you’re with her <3
- Mina’s been known to not be the best at studying and academics in general, but you always motivate her to try harder and she always comes to you when she’s having trouble with her grades. She likes the way you’ll explain something until you find a way to help her understand, and you’re able to push her to getting better (or at the very least, passing) grades because she doesn’t want you to feel like your time helping her was wasted. Plus she loves it when you praise her for even just managing to pass a test, and her not failing gives her more time with you and less time in make-up classes :D 
- Mina’s not super big on electronics, but she loves watching you mess around and experiment with them! She finds it super cool how you understand something so complicated and foreign to her, and she loves watching the excitement and curiosity on your face, so even if she doesn’t understand much herself she still loves watching you fiddle around with them 
- And even outside of that, she totally enables and even encourages you to ramble on and on about your interests and passions as much as you’d like! She has a habit of getting carried away and rambling on when she’s excited about something herself lol, so if she can see there’s something on your mind she definitely probes you and gives you a safe space to chat about whatever you feel like! Plus it makes her feel more connected to you to know about your interests and the things you care about <3
- Even though she’s not much of a reader in general, Mina absolutely loves reading your writing if you’re willing to share! Sometimes she asks if she can see what you’re working on if she notices you writing, and though she never pushes it if you say no, she always takes the time to read anything you do let her see and gives you tons of positive feedback and encouragement :) Your writing is without a doubt her favorite thing to read
- She’s also the type who’s not afraid to banter and tease you, and she takes it in stride if you show the same treatment to her! Once you two find your footing in the relationship and are comfortable with each other, it’s easy to make light jokes while not crossing any of each others’ boundaries and allows you both to be so comfortable and at ease around each other and in the dynamic you manage to form together
- Mina’s another one who you’ll never feel deprived of affection around. The second she learns what you’re comfortable with, she’s the kind of girlfriend who always has her hands on you in some way if you’ll let her. From casually holding your hand in classes if you share them or when walking around together, to having her arm around your waist or shoulders when telling a story about you/the two of you, to collapsing into your arms after a long day of training. She’s very cuddly and forward with affection, so as long as you want it, she’ll never deny you of affection :>
Second Choice:
I struggled a bit more with this one, but of the students I think my next pick for you would be Ochaco! She’s a very thoughtful and generally empathetic girl, and she sometimes also feels a need for a bit of reassurance, so I think the two of you would be able to understand each other quite well and care for each other <3 I decided to go with Mina over her mainly because I figured Ochaco would probably be a bit more hesitant to initiate/approach first, so I thought Mina was a better choice in that regard/overall!
Song For Your Relationship:
No Problem by Nayeon feat. Felix <3
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cookiecrumbles52 · 4 months
Welcome to Palace
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About the Artist . . .
Name: Madison Riley (aka CookieCrumbles52 or Fale “Fae”)
Current Age: 23
Fav Color: Blue
Fav Food: Pasta 🍝
Current Fav Animal: Siberian Sable
Years of Experience (Art/Writing): 12yrs
Status: "The Grandma Friend" & "Just an Anxious Little Bean"
Main Fandoms:
TMNT, Pokémon, DC Comics, Minecraft, FNaF's, Undertale, Wakfu, Voltron, The Arcana, Zelda BotW/TotK, The Octonauts, Poppy Playtime, Moomin
Current Fav Illustration(s): “ Cult of the Lost ” ( 9hrs 8m ) and “ Fale_Tsuyoshi has joined the game. ” (Over 12hrs, half of the project was lost) “ Assessing the Damage ” ( 8hrs 37min )
Tools of the Trade:
Pencil, Paper, Tablet — Procreate, my brains
Other Interests:
Writing, Video Games, Lore Theories, Cosplay
(Aka a massive nerd)
Want to see more of my works? Here are my socials (I don’t post art on my main account just reblogs)
[ No DM's unless you're a Mutual, please. I've had way too many people follow me just to DM requests for art. I'm not doing any requests or trades (unless stated otherwise), my comms are closed, please don't DM just so I draw something for you. I'm an adult with a very busy life/work schedule, I'll only warn you once. If it keeps up I'll have to block you. ]
More interests if you care for my ramblings . . .
(This is the point of no return so if you actually want to get to know me then you gotta commit!!)
Favorite Visual Artists:
flowerygarrland, fdevitart, Lackadaisy, Froustious, Jerome-K-Moore, Don Bluth, Earthsong9405, Neytirix, Sadist Animations. Suzukiwee1357, Richard Chen (Insta), Burrotello, Van Gogh, Hayao Miyazaki, Cartoon Saloon
Favorite Movies:
(All) DragonHeart Movies, (All) TMNT Movies, First Knight, King Arthur, Narnia, (All) Jurassic Movies, Quest for Camelot, Stardust, Ophelia, Oliver & Company, FNaF's, Sahara, The Christmas Dragon, Justin and the Knights of Valour, Monster in Paris, Song of the Sea, (All) Studio Ghibli (Except Grave of the Fireflies . . .😭)
Favorite TV Shows:
TMNT, The Octonauts/Above and Beyond, Moomin, BBC Merlin/Sherlock, HeMan, SheRa, ThunderCats, Rainbow Brite, Voltron, The Gummi Bears, Jane and the Dragon
Fairy Tail, BlackButler, Inuyasha, OHSHC, Free: Iwatobi Swim Club, Life of a Househusband, BNHA
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists:
The Oh Hellos, Kalandra, Rag'n'Bone Man, Jason Graves, Cody Fry, Cosmo Sheldrake, CG5, Dzivia, Sail North, Natewantsbattle, PEGGY, Billy Joel, Yaelokre, ABBA, Michael Jackson
Fav Genre of Music:
Singer Songwriter, Musicals, Whimsical Fae Vibes, Folk, Cultural Folk
Favorite Songs: (Changes may very)
"Mother to a Savior and King" - Journey to Bethlehem, "Still" by Hunter Hayes, "Top of the World" by Shawn Mendes, TWRP - "Starlight Brigade", "Harpy Hare" by Yaelokre, "Euclid" by Sleep Spoken, "What Makes Me Tick" by JT Music, “Ruined Lullaby” - CG5, "False Idol" by Ivycomb, Octonauts Theme Song & Creature Report
Fav Musicals:
Anastasia, Wicked, Dear Evan Hansen, School of Rock, Shrek, Alice in Wonderland, Newsies, Phantom of the Opera, The Prince of Egypt, In Strange Woods, EPIC, Jane Eyre, The Lion King
Favorite Books:
The Secret Garden, Treasure Island, Six of Crows, Alice in Wonderland, King Arthur, Beauty & the Beast, Sherlock Holmes, Rise of the Guardians (GoC), Outsiders, Number the Stars, The Hobbit, Narnia
Favorite Writers:
C.S.Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Jane Austen, Frances Hodgson Burnett
Favorite Games:
Jinx & Minx’s Tower, Minecraft, Undertale, FNaF's, Zelda: BotW/ToTK, Prop Hunt, Sims 4, Lay, Mario: Galaxy/Kart/Super Mario Bros, Untitled Goose Game, Animal Crossing, Cult of the Lamb, Harold Halibut
Favorite Gaming Platform:
Nintendo, Steam Powered
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk :)
[ Updated: Sept. 2024 ]
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mynameisnotsoda · 7 months
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These refs are from last year actually, same with the oceanside refs!
Fun fact they all used to be bnha ocs (my dark past) AND luminary was originally going to be kinda like bnha just set in my ocs universe but i scrapped that pretty quickly LMAO
Now its more inspired by stranger things and some analog horror series' I've seen!
Everyone's 17, except for Juniper whos 16 and Sirus who's 18 and they're all seniors in highschool so dont be weird haha they're still kids.
Juniper uses she/her
Hazel uses she/he
Tommy and Sirus use he/him
Sammy uses they/them
Fun facts (that I haven't written down until now)!
Juniper moved to town in middle school from Asterberos, which is a hundreds of miles long cave system that is very secluded from the rest of the world. Although in recent times with social media its less than stellar reputation is slowly being rebuilt, as it's actually quite a lovely place to live, if you have the money.
Raziel notices things others dont.
Tommy and Sammy are twins! Tommy's the oldest by seven minutes and they both love sports. Sammy is the captain of the swim team and Tommy plays volleyball. Sammy is REALLY competitive and can sometimes take things too far, meanwhile Tommy could care less about competition he just likes having fun!
Sirus and Hazel are what I like to call "Abstracts"! Abstracts are people who dont have any defining features apart from the obvious. Typically they're unnatural colors, dont have organs, have simple faces (sometimes just eyes or just a mouth), and can change their shape at will! Sirus is also a special case, since he has dual colors instead of just a single one, especially with the even split down the middle! And Hazel too since she has a face! Its unknown what causes abstraction, but a popular theory is mutated abnormalities that fuse a persons looks with their ability. But its just a theory!
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wellbone · 2 years
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redraw of arguably one of the most iconic panels in bnha :)c
open for nicer quality !!
comparison with my old redraw from 2020 can be found under the cut <3 it’s a little ugly
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the original piece (on the right) was from november 2020, and it was pretty much 80% traced off horikoshi’s original work </3 luckily i’ve developed a more personal art style, and also have a slightly better hand on color theory and shading ^_^
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sundersea · 2 years
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TOP COMICS OF 2022 - PART 1 So this was the year I discovered the Webtoon app which completely ruined my life and reading habits for the past three months. The upside? So many brilliant new comics to sink my teeth into! This is essentially a list of all my favorite graphic novels, webtoons, webcomics, and manga from 2022. Happy reading!
The High Desert: Black. Punk. Nowhere (Graphic Novel) A...young man’s immersive reckoning with identity, racism, clumsy teen love and belonging in an isolated California desert, and a search for salvation and community through punk. A really moving, thoughtful examination of a young, Black teenager finding home in the punk scene in a hostile environment. I love stories that make full use of the story’s location and reading this felt like pulling back a flap into the past
Inhibit (Webcomic) As a kid, Victor dreamed of training to be a superhero. That didn't go so well. I’m usually a superhero hater because superpowers rarely ever feel integrated into the world of the story...which is why I loved Inhibit so much! It’s a really grounded look at how superpowers might give rise to institutional failure and repression. Also features some of the best comic dialogue I’ve read in ages
Talentless Nana (Manga) In the near future, mysterious monsters begin to appear, and with it so do children with supernatural powers called the "Talented". To prepare them for the upcoming battle, all the Talented are sent to a school located on a deserted island. One day, a new student named Nana Hiiragi arrives at the school. BNHA if Izuku had snapped in middle school. So iconic, with one of the coolest female protagonists I’ve read this year and several fun, inventive murder mystery scenarios. The dichotomy between Nana’s moeblob appearance and her actual zealous, desperate, grief-driven character makes this manga worth it. (cw: some weird twin stuff in the later chapters. just skip it)
The Carpet Merchant of Konstantiniyya (Webcomic) A two-volume Eisner-nominated graphic novel set in 17th century Istanbul and 18th century England,  about a carpet merchant's reconcilitation with faith, love and home in the aftermath of his death by a vampire. The one comic on this list that actually made me cry. Every single page was so full of care for its characters, for Turkish Muslim art and culture, for its paneling, for everything. If there’s one comic on this list you read, read this one!
This Isekai Maid is Forming a Union! (Webtoon) Bridgette is a young woman who has been Isekai'd 10 times as a maid, and she has had enough of Otome protagonists abusing their power, slapping maids, and using them as pawns to do their dirty work. Her solution? Form a union, protect her coworkers, and bring the worst house down! Damn....I actually haven’t read that many otome isekais and I feel like I can’t even start because none of them are going to hold up against this one. Read for an epic anticapitalist, anticolonial isekai story!
Stick & Poke (Webtoon) Mal Hassan is just a girl living on her mom's farm, but when she is offered a once in a lifetime chance to work with her favorite band, she drops everything to follow them on tour. How could she pass up her one chance to hook up with that hot guitarist? ALERT! STRAIGHT TRANS GIRL ROMANCE PROTAGONIST!! A total hidden gem with really incredible art, a lovely story, and the cutest female lead ever!! This comic makes color theory its bitch btw
Tiger Tiger (Webcomic) Tiger, Tiger is a story of a young noble lady, who steals her brother's identity and his ship to sail across the world to find love and adventure, and to write a book about her favourite subject: the fascinating life cycle of sea sponges! Yeah, this 100% deserved an Eisner. Brilliant art, incredible comic timing, hot butch monstergod girls, and a mystery of the deeps unfolding at its core.
Never Ending Darling (Webtoon) Ha-im Yun lives in a world where people register their DNA into cloning databases, invented by her boyfriend of five years, Geunhu Ji. Their relationship isn’t perfect, but they make it work -- or so Ha-im thinks, until she finds her dead body at her boyfriend’s house...her body! The next day, she finds a note from herself in her room… “Ha-im, if you’re reading this, you’re a clone.” We all love to see girls outsmarting their abusive partners. Especially if said partner can literally clone you forever. WILL have you on the edge of your seat.
Castle Swimmer (Webtoon) What happens when your entire life is ruled by a prophecy? Such is the story of two young sea creatures. One believed to be a guiding light, a Beacon who will lead them to a bright, prosperous future. The other a teenage prince for who’s destiny is to KILL the Beacon. When both reject the course set for them, it leads to a raucous adventure as big and unpredictable as the ocean itself – and a romance that nobody could have predicted. I’m not going to lie - I did judge this book by its cover. Like, I fully thought this was going to be some cringe timepass fantasy where the author just wanted to see anime mermaid boys kiss or whatever. Which just....no. Get ready for the emotional thrill ride of your life.
The Croaking (Webtoon)  The Roost - the world’s most prestigious military academy - has never accepted a Crow into its ranks. Until now. However, the conditions surrounding Scra’s acceptance are shrouded in conspiracy, and his new roommate Ky won’t rest until he finds out just where he goes every night. Scra, Ky and Ree must band together to uncover the truth about their utopia and the whispers of a superweapon - “The Croaking” - that are seeping from the cracks. AGAIN, I thought this was going to be some cringe timepass fantasy where this time, the author just wanted to see winged guys kiss. Yeah, no. Get ready for the most intricate political thriller you’re ever going to read on webtoon. 
Okay, that’s it! There’s definitely more, but we’ll save that for next year!
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Asleep In The Keep: A DP x BNHA fic
Summary: Danny's day at the cafe
Word count: 5547
Chapter 21: Customer Service Smile
TW for minor dysphoria
Working at the coffee shop was a lot harder than Danny thought. When he had met with Mr. Tanaka a few hours before, they agreed on Danny working the early morning shift to afternoon, since no one else was able to cover. Apparently there were only 2 other employees, but they both had “nightly duties,” whatever that meant. Danny wasn’t so much as trained as he was thrown in the fire. Mr. Tanaka explained what each thing did and how it was done, but it was so fast Danny didn’t understand, but nodded along anyway. It seemed simple then. He had been an avid coffee drinker when he was alive, and had even made his own coffee. Of course, it was with the Fenton Coffee Maker™ (gave it an extra kick), but the theory was the same. Coffee was just hot bean water after all. Danny only had 30 minutes of instruction before the shop opened, and Mr. Tanaka left to go back upstairs. 
He was excited when his first customer came in. It was a man with the most beautiful hair he had ever seen. Honestly, Danny thought he was a ghost but then he remembered quirks were a thing. Danny still couldn’t completely process it. Heroes made sense (he’d read comics), but powers were usually the minority rather than the rule. As long as none of them triggered his ghost sense (or blindly attacked him like last night), it didn’t really matter. He has gotten a few false alarms here and there, but that's usually around monster-type quirks, or whatever the term was. 
The man ordered a super fancy coffee that Danny had never heard of. He understood “mocha” and “espresso shots”, but the rest he was flying blind. He really wished he had his phone on him, but he’s pretty sure that was on his other body. Danny shivered. He did not want to know what ended up happening to it. Maybe it was still with him somehow. After the guy sat down, Danny went to the booklet that had all the recipes that Mr. Tanaka told him about (it was the one thing he remembered). He had just found the specific recipe when another customer came in. 
He wore dark baggy clothes and looked like he hadn't slept in days, Danny could relate. His clothes were all dirty and he smelled like smoke, or that he had just been in an alley. He was probably homeless . He ordered a black coffee and nothing else. He was reaching into his pocket when Danny told him it was on the house. The man looked taken aback, but didn’t protest, just nodded and sat down. He looked out of it, like he just might collapse right there. 
He got back to making the other man’s coffee and after a few attempts, he finally got it right. Danny didn’t know what it tasted like, but it smelled pretty good so he must’ve done something right. He brought it over to the man and smiled at him. Danny was pretty proud of himself. 
Just when he was back behind the counter, the man shot up and bolted at Danny.
“What the hell is this shit?!” Danny was stunned, he was about to say something when the man cut him off, “You can’t expect me to drink this garbage?! I paid 1,304¥ for this and I demand a refund!” 
“I’m sorry dude-” Danny tried to calm down the man, but he looked even angrier, turning red.
“Dude?!” he shouted even louder and his hair changed colors and hues to match a fire. 
“Sir!” Danny corrected, “but could you tell me what was wrong with it?” He thought he did a really good job…
“What’s wrong with it? What isn’t wrong with it?!” in his craze his hands started shaking and he spilled some of his coffee on the floor. Danny frowned, he was the one who had to mop that up. The man suddenly stuck out his tongue, but Danny already stopped paying attention to what he was saying.
When he finally stopped talking, Danny offered him a refund but the guy didn’t really seem interested. Danny noticed that the homeless guy from before had gotten up and looked towards him. 
“It’s time for you to stop-” But no sooner had the man spoken those words did Danny suddenly feel the coffee seep into his uniform and hair. Oh he was pissed! 
Before Danny could jump over the counter to kick the guy out, mummy-like tendrils shot out from the homeless guy’s neck, no, scarf, and the man went down. Danny jumped back, he was not gonna be taken by surprise like last night. Instead of going after Danny, the homeless man just dragged the man out the store. 
Danny started to wipe himself off while they were preoccupied. He was gonna get sticky if he let the coffee dry, he hated being sticky. He could still feel it in his clothes, so while the men were outside, Danny briefly went intangible, letting the coffee spill on the floor. The floors will get sticky but at least he was safe. 
The homeless mummy came back inside and returned to his table. He looked even more exhausted. There was an awkward silence in the air. What were you supposed to do when that happened? 
He suddenly remembered the man’s coffee and decided that was a good way to break tension. He set it down on the table with a coaster, careful not to get it near the thick folder in front of the man. Weird.  
“Thank you…for that…” Danny gave him a short bow, copying it from the boy he met before.
“Anytime kid.” The man nodded. He seemed nice enough if a bit standoffish, and he did help Danny with that customer (even if he could’ve handled it on his own). Danny walked back behind the counter, but could still feel the guy staring at him. He started cleaning a random cup to seem busy. He could’ve cleaned the floor but he didn’t want to turn his back completely to the guy. He was still looking at him…
Danny wouldn’t let it bother him. He turned around and went back to scrubbing. A pair of eyes opened on the back of his head, hidden by his hair. Danny didn’t even mean for that to happen, but it suited him all the same. He watched the man sip the coffee- and then spit it out. 
Danny snapped his head back, expecting the man to react in aggression like the one before. Instead Mr. Mummy kept drinking it. Perhaps it was too hot? The man gave him a weird smile with dead eyes and too much teeth. 
He finished it quickly and left the café, leaving Danny alone once more.
Only one thought ebbed in his mind…
“Am I really that bad at making coffee?”
His shift was pretty uneventful afterwards. He was able to get around his coffee making skills by saying the machine broke, which some customers understood (others not so much). Just because it was uneventful didn’t mean he didn’t get death threats. 
A group of teenage girls walked in with brightly colored clothes. They all idled around the counter and started at the menu above Danny. A few of them were glancing at him then back at the menu, their faces red from embarrassment. It was awkward deciding something to order with someone watching you.
“Here,” he picked up a stack of menus, “you can order so you don’t have to stand here.” 
The girls lined up and each took one, bowing slightly as they walked away. The last one was a girl with big eyes and messy colorful hair. Her costume was the most bare, just a plain blue bodysuit with chunky gloves and boots. She kinda glowed a little and Danny felt a tickle in his throat. 
She looked more nervous than the others and her lip quivered. She grabbed the menu then ran off, forgetting to bow (it’s not like Danny cared).
The girls started talking and Danny did his best not to eavesdrop.
It was their final day of internships, but most of class 1-A got released early, due to the stress from the Hosu attacks. Their mentors didn’t make it known that was the reason though, instead saying they did such a good job they deserved a day off early, ribbit . It didn’t make sense to Tsu, since she had been nowhere near land when the attacks happened and would’ve liked to finish out the whole 2 weeks. Although after saying that, her body was starting to get tired of the non-stop work, ribbit . 
The rest of the girls thought it would be a good idea to hangout at a café (apparently Momo’s favorite), and catch up. It has been less than two-weeks, but a lot has happened since then. Tsu feels she has learned a lot, and she was sure the others did too.
“It was absolutely awful!” Momo moaned, still looking elegant if a bit stressed. “Medusa had us do nothing but work on a hair commercial. I felt useless... We’re supposed to be training to be heroes but instead we’re selling hair spray?”
“There there” Mina patted her on the back as she pouted. She looked like a baby who was told no ice cream. 
“It wasn’t completely for nothing. I was able to get closer to the girl from class 1-B, Ms. Itsuka.”
“Was she the one with the, you know” Uraraka made karate chop gestures, “the hand quirk?” She had a nervous smile on her face. 
“The very same,” Momo responded. “We both came in looking for a strong womanly role model, but we were both disappointed.” she shook her head solemnly. Mina patted her back again, mimicking her face. 
“Are we actually gonna look at the menu?” Jiro asked, “I feel bad making the guy wait”
“The barista?” Uraraka asked.
“He’s kinda cute, don’t you think?” 
“Mina!” Momo sounded scandalized. 
“What? You were all thinking it” she teased, “Look at him”
In sync all the girls turned their heads at the poor barista. He looked awkward and turned away from them. Tsu didn’t see what the big deal was, ribbit.  
“I think he was able to see me,” a small voice sounded. Everyone turned their heads to the pair of floating gloves.
“What? No way” Mina beamed. 
“How could you even tell?” Momo seemed more skeptical. 
“When he handed me the menu, he looked at me in the eyes…”
“What!” Mina leaned over the table and grabbed Hagakure’s gloves, “so he gets to see a total cutie and I can’t” She then pulled her into a hug and pressed their cheeks together (or at least where Hagakure’s cheeks seemed to be, ribbit).
“Get off, you look ridiculous” Momo pulled Mina down, looking around the cafe for any pair of eyes. She succeeded and Mina was back on her chair with a yelp. 
“You’re no fun” She stuck her tongue out.
“Do you think Itsuka would want to join us sometime?” Uraraka asked.
“That would be absolutely lovely!” Momo beamed, clasping her hands together. “Her and I exchanged numbers, do you want me to add her to the group chat?”
The girls of class 1-A had a group chat they’ve been using since the start of school. They’ve planned outings, worked on homework or just shared memes. Tsu didn’t always respond to it (usually using a 👍or👎), but she still felt like she was still pretty included, ribbit. 
“It might be better to hangout with her first. Catch the vibe.” Mina stated.
 “Yeah, it would be awkward if we don’t get along and have to kick her from the chat”
“I would die of humiliation if I saw her after that!” Uraraka put her head on the table and covered it with her arms.
“Guys, the menu,” Jiro stressed. She had her face in it like it was a textbook.
“Whooo did you guys hear about the attack last night?” Mina sidestepped. 
“Geez, we’re never gonna order…”
“What attack?” Tsu didn’t hear anything about that in the news. The rest of the table was also interested.
“Okay so, allegedly some heroes found one of the members of Phantom…” she drew out the name for dramatic effect, and it worked. 
“Which heroes?” Jiro asked, forgetting the menu. 
“I think Mt. Lady and some other guys?”
“I hope she wasn’t injured, I like Mt. Lady” Momo pouted again. 
“If it was Mt. Lady one of the others could be Kamui Woods” Uraraka tapped her chin, looking up. 
“You’ve been hanging around with Midoriya too much” Tsu had noticed them walking around the school more often (that was when he wasn’t chasing after Bakugo). As soon as Tsu said the name, Uraraka’s face turned red, ribbit.  
“Whaaa no, he’s just a really good friend and he likes to talk about heroes so I like to listen to him talk about heroes…” There was something in there, but Tsu decided to ignore it.
“Back to topic-”
“The menus?”
“No, the Phantoms! Where was I…” Mina bobbed her head back and forth a few times before lighting up, “oh yeah! So- the heroes find a member of Phantom. They start fighting him, trying to get him into custody, but he’s fighting back.” while she's telling the story she’s making wild hand gestures, “They have him on the ropes though, or roots in this case, but then!” She jumped at them with her hands raised like claws. Only Momo jumped. “Another member shows up! It’s now 2 on 2 and they’re evenly powered! Then I think another guy shows up and one of the Phantoms gets downed!”
“Of course, they’re fighting against professionally trained heroes.” Momo leaned back in her chair and folded her arms, unimpressed.
“I heard rumors that Phantom are all trained too. That's why it's taking so long to catch them.” Jiro said. 
“That would make sense. They were able to take down a Nomu” Tsu added. Even All Might had trouble with one. Whoever they are, she’s glad they aren’t a part of the league. The table went quiet after she mentioned the Nomus. The memories of the USJ attack still fresh in their minds. 
“Whatever, can we just order? He’s gonna think we’re loitering.”
“No, let me finish my story.”
“Finish it fast, I’m hungry!” Jiro yelled, but they could all tell she was teasing.
“Geez, alright, you’re so annoying” Mina stuck her tongue out again. “Aaafffttteeerrr ttthhheee Ppphhha-OW!” Jiro japped her in the ribs.
“Come on,” Jiro threatened.
“Okay, okay! I’ll tell it normally. Okay, so after one of the Phantom’s goes down, The rest show up!” 
“How many are there?” Hagakure asked.
“I think officially it’s 5?” Mina tilted her head, unsure. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter, just know that the heroes are outmatched now. One of them grabs the downed brother, and the rest are able to hold back the heroes. Doesn’t last though since more heroes soon enter the alley.”
“Yeah, the alley a few blocks from here. That’s why I’m telling the story?”
“Wait, this all happened nearby?” Jiro looked shocked. “Why don’t we go over and investigate?”
“Already did.” Mina responded causally, like she didn’t walk into a crime scene, ribbit.
“It was pretty boring. You can barely tell that there was even a fight. The Hero Commission must’ve covered it up good.” 
“Where did you even hear about this?” Momo's voice was tight, like a plucked string on a harp. 
“Online” Mina responded simply. “Denki sent it to me. You should hear him, he’s obsessed with Phantom” 
“And you believe that idiot?” Jiro looked baffled.
“He wasn’t the one who wrote it.” Mina shrugged.
“Yeah, but he still believes it.”
“And he also believes that I have the best stories, so he still has some brains.”
“His brain is worse than fried chicken and you know it”
“Can you just finish your story so we can order?” Uraraka pleaded. 
“Of course!” She eyed Jiro, “that's what I’ve been trying to do. Uhhh so more heroes show up and somehow, through spooky forces, Phantom disappeared…” She wiggled her fingers.
“And?” Jiro pressed. 
“That’s it” Mina shrugged her shoulders again. 
“That's how it ends?!”
“Oh, and one of the heroes got beaten up.”
“As long as it wasn’t Mt. Lady…” Momo commented. 
“It wasn’t”
“Okay, so can we order now?” Jiro pleaded with her hands clasped. 
“Yeah, I already know what I want.”
“Me too.”
“I’ve known for a while, ribbit.”
“You guys suck…” Jiro laid her head down on the table and looked away. 
The girls stayed in the café for a while, almost two hours. Danny didn’t really mind since it would’ve been empty without them. He tried his best not to eavesdrop, but they were so loud. Most of the stuff he didn’t understand, topics of internships and classmates. He wondered if they went to the same school as Deku. If so, that must mean that they’re training to be heroes, which would explain the get-ups. 
He did overhear them talking about Phantom, which was weird. Sure, he’s heard people talk about him in Amity, but this wasn’t Amity. It also didn’t help that the story was way wrong. 
It made sense that the media (or whatever power oversaw them), would spin it that way. The public's reaction to a single kid defeating even one pro-hero would be massive. Still, things were different now that Danny knew they were after him specifically (and not just because he broke the anti-quirk law). When the heroes attacked him, they did it to take him down. He was almost able to taste their desperation. He tried to give them opportunities to run, but they wouldn’t. What was so special about him than any other person illegally using their quirk? Danny knew he was different (he was a ghost after all), but what did they know? There must've been a reason he made headlines over other vigilantes…
Danny started wiping down the tables the girl’s sat at. Despite how noisy they were (which wasn't that bad, Danny just had good hearing), they were really polite customers. At the end of their meal (wow those girls could eat a lot), they cleaned up their trash and dishes and put it away. They were delightful, and he hopes they come again. 
In a way, watching them reminded him of Sam, Paulina and him. It was in another lifetime (back when he was known as Dani ) that the 3 of them would go on little outings. That was back in middle school, before things got complicated. He partially blames himself for that, but Sam and Paulina both have explosive personalities, so it was bound to happen (they have a lot more in common than they would admit). 
It used to hurt thinking about the him from then. He was trapped in a body that wasn’t his, pretending everything was alright. Not much different from now. At first he wanted to forget that part of himself, reject it in all forms and despise it. I was weak then, I was worse then, but that didn’t help the swirling of emotions inside. The painful truth was he loved the little girl he was then, he loved the little boy he was then. They were so strong to be able to get him here, and now he could protect them. He wouldn’t let himself destroy his own innocence, not when so many things made it crack. He was a collection of all his scars. They were proof that he lived.  
Danny rubbed at his wrists, the faded scars hidden under fabric. After he woke up in the Keep, all his scars had faded. Another swirl of emotion twisted at him when he thought about it. He didn’t want to have everything taken away from him, his body to heal while he lay dead. He wanted to be the one to care for his scars, to watch them fade because of his own effort, not the invisible hand of time. Danny understands he might have a different perspective had they stayed. He probably would’ve looked at them in shame and disgust, but that would’ve been his choice. Now, he didn’t have anything to tend to. 
He clenched his fist and stared at the table. He had to stop thinking about it. He had to get back to work and enjoy life and all he’s been given. It was just so hard when it felt like all the choices that were laid out in front of him were ripped away. He was dead now, and dead things can’t heal. Who he is now is who he’ll forever be. The past can’t change and he belonged in the past. 
Danny grabbed a washcloth and started obsessively cleaning. He scrubbed every countertop, every table, every nook and cranny. When he was done with that, he grabbed a mop and did the same to the floors. He can’t fix himself, but he can make this place neat. He went into a daze where the only thing he was aware of was the smell of bleach. 
He didn’t know how long he was in this state for until he heard the chime of the door bell. In walked a familiar face, and Danny gasped.
Izuku walked into the familiar coffee shop. Momo discovered the place a few weeks ago and since then, it has become almost a communal spot for class 1-A. Izuku preferred going alone though. He's been able to make a few friends within the class, but he still feels like an outcast. He feels like they see a greater version of him that he wasn’t yet. It was reassuring as much as it was stressful, like he had to be someone else to live up to the exceptions he set in their mind. He hasn’t failed yet so that must mean he’s doing something right… 
Izuku could hear himself mumbling and he shut his mouth. Fortunately, no one else was in the shop, aside from the barista, who was currently cleaning something. Izuku walked up to the counter to say his order, but stopped when he saw the barista’s face. Glowing green eyes met his.
“Pha-No wait, Tucker?!” He shouted despite himself. He clasped his hands over his mouth. No, Phantom didn’t have black hair. Izuku slowly lowered his hands, ready to apologize when not-Tucker laughed.
“No, Tucker’s my brother.” his eyes were intense and now a blue-green, “My twin brother,” he coughed, “My name’s Tommy.” Tommy shook his hand out, presumingly for Izuku to shake. He had latex gloves on for cleaning, but the image just reminded him of Phantom. “He likes to pretend that I’m a clon- copy of him since he’s older.” Tommy laughed again.
Izuku did remember Phantom saying he was the “original”, he guessed that’s what that meant. Weird way to say you’re a twin. “So does that mean you’re a vigilante too then?” Izuku was still really confused…
“No, I’m…” He paused, “quirkless?” His voice sounded unsure. He was probably nervous to tell someone. Izuku understood. He wanted to say he was quirkless too, but that would be hard to explain.
“Oh.” he opted for instead. 
“Yeah. So how do you know my brother?” Tommy changed the subject, “Did he threaten you? Did he beat you up? I think I remember him saying he beat up a green kid last week” Is that how he remembers it?! Tommy continued, ”Tell you what, how about you order and I’ll come sit down with you?” He smiled at him.
“Ok. Uhh can I just have a water bottle and a sandwich?” Izuku got out his wallet.
“You’re gonna get a water at a café?” Izuku felt his heart go into overdrive. Was this a test? Did he fail? “Smart choice.” Tommy smiled, “I’ve been told my coffee sucks.” Izuku shakily put the money on the counter but Tommy didn’t take it. “Nuh uh. This ones on the house.”
“Are you allowed to do that?” Izuku took his money and put it away, unsure.
“I don’t know, but I have been. Which sandwich do you want?” 
“A1?” It was a turkey sandwich with tomatoes and lettuce, good for a day like this. 
“Cool. You can go sit down and I’ll be over in a minute” He smiled and turned around. 
Izuku walked away from the counter feeling dizzy. He found a spot in a corner by a shelf with a lot of little figurines. Yeah, that made sense to be there. His head finally caught up with him when he sat down. How could Phantom have a brother?! Were they both grown in a lab or were they taken from a loving family? If so, why would All For One keep the quirkless twin? Maybe he used him as leverage over Phantom? Or maybe he was the spare if Phantom died? Is that why he called himself Phantom? Because he was a dead-man walking? The thought made him sick. 
Suddenly Tommy was in front of him with his water and sandwich. He set them down and sat in front of him. He smiled at him and motioned for him to take it.
“I’m glad you’re alright. Tucker thought he’d never see you again.” The way he said Tucker was wrong, like it was forced. He didn’t think Tucker and Tommy were their real names. And was Tucker here? Tommy said it like Tucker was at the table. 
“Yeah, I didn’t think I would see him again either.” He bobbed his head around, looking behind Tommy in case Tucker was there, “Is there a way for me to contact him? Like a phone number or something?” He wanted to know if he was okay. He read some rumors online that he got into an alteration with some heroes. 
“No, we don’t have a phone” Izuku deflated, “But I can pass on a message?” Tommy smiled again. He couldn’t imagine what they’ve been through. They both seem so happy now, it was hard to imagine them small and hiding in the corner of a lab. Izuku scratched at the table. 
“Really?” Tommy nodded. He seemed so fake. There was the same lightfulness that Phantom had, but it seemed forced somehow. The smile was real, but it was like there was something more behind it. “Is he okay?” Are you both okay?
“What?” Tommy looked off-guard and for the first time he stopped smiling. 
“I heard a rumor he got into some trouble last night…and I wanted to make sure he was alright.”
“Oh…” Tommy’s smile returned but it was wetter now, “Yeah, he’s okay” He put his hand over Izuku’s, stopping him from scratching anymore. “Thank you.” He squeezed it, “I’m uhh..” he stood up, “I’m gonna go clean some stuff in the back, okay?” He whipped his hands on his apron, “You can take your time, no one else is here.” He patted Izuku’s head and then walked off.  
Izuku didn’t stop him. It gave him time to be alone and process his thoughts. Was Tommy crying just then? It was probably the first time that anyone had expressed worry for them. Tommy and Phantom only had each other for so long, no one else to care for them. He clenched his fist just thinking about what they had to endure. 
They probably escaped when Shiguraki let out those Nomus. They finally had the opportunity to see the world, and yet they stayed here. Why? Phantom can fly, he could fly them somewhere far away, but he didn’t. Did Phantom want revenge? He had become a vigilante and most notably took down most of the Nomus from that night. Maybe he's like Todoroki, trying to prove something to his creator.
Or maybe he was afraid? Afraid that as long as All For One was out there, they’d never be safe. 
Where did that leave Tommy then? He just had to watch his brother go down that path? To possibly destroy himself? Did he try to convince him to leave but was powerless to stop him? How did it feel to be the quirkless twin? Was he jealous of his brother? Or was he relieved everytime they took Phantom away instead of him? 
Izuku just quietly ate his sandwich. He didn’t want to think about it anymore, worried he would get sick. After he was done he got up and brought the plate back up to the counter. Tommy wasn’t there when he left. He walked by a couple walking in and he could hear Tommy greet them behind him. Izuku swore he wouldn’t let them be alone anymore. He would become a constant for Tommy, at least while he was at work. 
Danny felt bittersweet watching Deku walk out the door. When he first saw the kid he was so surprised that he couldn’t even react. He defaulted to his first instinct, which was to lie. He had thought about telling him, but he didn’t know how he would take it. Plus he didn’t even really know the poor boy, they had only met 2ish times. For some reason though, Danny trusted him. It was weird. It was like there was a strange rope that latched onto the both of them. Danny couldn’t describe it. It was almost like a recognition in the other? Maybe it had to do with the ghostly vibe from his quirk?
Regardless, Danny didn’t end up telling him. He just sat in front of him like a smiling coward. The kid seemed off today too. He wasn’t as perky as he usually was, although that probably has more to do with Tommy being a stranger. What Deku said was a shock though. 
Is he okay? Was Phantom okay? Are you okay? The boy had cared about him, even if it was the other him. He wasn’t used to that in this world. The question rang in his ears like a sharp bell.
Am I okay? Surface level, yeah, Danny was doing pretty okay. He had gotten a job, found the portal, gotten a hold on his new body and powers, but under that? Danny felt nothing. He should be feeling so much more after everything's that's happened, but he just feels …dead. 
The lights started to flicker and Danny felt cold. 
Ghosts feel more than people. They no longer hold back in their emotions because emotions are all that they have left. By ghost logic, Danny should be rampaging. He had gotten his head blown off last night! People are still hunting him down, even in another dimension! Danny thought, he really did, in a world of heroes he wouldn’t be the only freak out there. Why do people always get what he can’t have? He was dead. He died a long time ago and life moved on. He needed to move on, but what would that leave him? He needed to hold on to these emotions otherwise he’ll disappear. Is this how Dan felt? Is this how Vlad felt? Everything is just so unfair and he was still just a kid.
Danny shut his eyes tight. The more he thought about these emotions, the more hollow he felt. He was such a fuck up. He sucked at being a human and now he sucks at being a ghost. He wanted to stop feeling this, feeling everything. He missed being nothing. It almost felt like he was in the nothing now except for the prickly sensation of being aware. He felt something cover him, something warm and real.
“Are you okay, kid?” he was able to hear his dad’s voice call out to him, but it was fussy under all his boiling thoughts.
He just wanted to be happy again, but there's no such thing as a happy ghost. If they were truly happy, they would pass on. The only cluster of ghosts that couldn’t move on were the actual denizens of the Infinite Realms, or the Ancients. 
“My god, you’re freezing” Danny felt like he was being wrapped into a blanket. He felt like a kid again. He wanted to drift into it.
“Just breathe,” His dad guided. Danny wanted to tell him that he didn’t need to, but didn’t want to fight him. He instead followed his motions. In and out, air being breathed into him like a dead frog. 
“There you go, in” He paused and breathed in, “and out…” Danny could smell coffee and mint toothpaste. His dad continued to repeat the motions over and over above him.
Despite not needing to breathe, Danny had started to feel better. He knew it was the presence of a person that pulled him back, rather than the breathing. He had felt so lonely for so long that he started to actually feel like a ghost. He waited a few more breaths to open his eyes. 
At first he was only able to make out long black hair and a pale face. Vlad? His vision adjusted to the darkness, slowly. Instead of seeing the familiar eyes of his dad or Vlad, panicked black ones looked back…
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wawa-boonliang · 1 year
Flufftober Day 2: Family, Friends, Loved Ones
Summary: brotherly bonding between Hitoshi, Dabi, and Shouto. Based on my BNHA fanfiction Never and Always, Eventually
Aizawa-Yamada Shouto isn’t entirely sure why he’s doing this.
It’s been six months since the adoption was finalized. Life had simultaneously calmed down and become more hectic than ever. Shouto didn’t think he’d ever be able to go back to his quiet, shut-in life-style. He didn’t know what he’d do if he ever had to go back to where he was. What he’d do if he lost all of this, all of the hugs in the morning, all of the hair ruffles in the classroom, all of the forehead kisses and sweet wishes goodnight. What he’d do if he didn’t have the warmth of Bakugou… Kacchan… leaning against his side as he sat on the couch with Explodocat spread across his lap, watching TV as Yamada Sensei… as Papa Mic and Shins– Hitoshi argued over the channel.
What he’d do without the warm flutter in his stomach every time he saw Izuku.
But sometimes… he can’t help but fall into old patterns.
Hitoshi froze and peered over Shouto’s shoulder. Shouto held very still, hoping that if he didn’t move, somehow his… brother… wouldn’t be able to see what was on his screen. Unfortunately, Hitoshi didn’t seem to have turned into a T-Rex, so after a few seconds, Hitoshi cleared his throat and read outloud “New theory, Endeavor is secretly in love with All Might.”
Shouto knew it was hopeless at this point, but he still didn’t move, or speak, or breathe.
“Halfy… what the fuck?”
“...it’s not my theory. I’m just reading it.”
“Why are you reading it? What even is this?” Hitoshi gestured to the screen, before heaving himself over the back of the couch and sliding in next to him, pulling the laptop onto his own lap and exploring the page. “ProShippersUnite.com?” Hitoshi read out in glee. “Is this what you fucking do all day in your room?”
“...not always.”
Hitoshi scrolled back up to the post that had initially got his attention due to the giant fan-created splash art of Endeavor and All Might in a passionate embrace. “Don’t show this to Deku, I think he’d actually combust.”
“I wasn’t planning on it? I wasn’t planning on you seeing either.”
“Well, then you shouldn’t have been on it in the living room.”
Shouto flushed. “I didn’t know anyone else was home.”
Shouto, truth be told, had been feeling a little lonely today. Izuku and Kacchan were with Mrs. Midoriya… Aunty Inko… and Papa Mic was at work doing a Charity Marathon stream for the local children’s hospital for cancer awareness month. He wouldn’t be home for another three hours if all went well. Dad was covering patrol today for Mrs. Joke who was out of town visiting family. And up until a few minutes ago, he’d been under the impression that Hitoshi was with Tokoyami at the other boy’s house. Somehow, being in a public space, even in an empty house, was a bit less isolating than being alone in his room in an empty house.
Hitoshi didn’t seem to notice his embarrassment, or if he did he didn’t comment on it. He was too busy reading through the post. “Oh my god, this person made a timeline. All Might says in an interview that he enjoys a specific spicy noodle dish at a certain restaurant, four days later Endeavor is seen at that restaurant ordering that same dish. God, look at that picture. You’d think with being on fire and all he’d be able to handle spice. All Might changes his costume, a few months later Endeavor also changes up his look with the same shade of blue being the predominant color. That’s hilarious, I never noticed that.”
“It’s oddly compelling,” Shouto breaks his silence hesitantly. These days, even though he… he does love Hitoshi… he isn’t always sure when the other boy is making fun of him or not. He never feels like Hitoshi means to hurt his feelings, even though he occasionally does, but he’d rather not be teased about this.
“I…” Shouto wants to explain how, before he had friends, before he had this… theories were all he had. Stupid things to waste time thinking about, because keeping his thoughts occupied was the only way he was able to… just get through the day. Every day. He’d run ridiculous stories through his head, each one more preposterous than the last, and do his best mental gymnastics to justify them. It was fun.
Some of the only fun he’d been able to take for himself for years.
Hitoshi must hear something in his voice, because he stops scrolling and gives Shouto his full attention. “Yeah, Halfy?”
“Sites like these were how I learned about Dad and Papa,” Shouto said slowly. “And Kacchan and Izuku. Them being a family. Theories about Aunty Inko and Mrs. Bakugou being surrogates. Theories about what quirk Izuku had or which father was biologically connected to which son. And before that… I didn’t really have any friends. Theories like this were… the only way I knew how to talk to people. Pros were always happy to share their own, and they always seemed to like mine too.” Shouto huffed. “But now I know they were probably laughing at me half the time. I hadn’t realized it at the time.”
Hitoshi hummed, but his gaze was focused on Shouto. Shouto knew he was listening.
“I just,” Shouto had no idea how to elaborate on how important things like this had been to him, and the more he said out loud, the sillier it seemed. “I just liked them,” he finished lamely.
Hitoshi kept looking at him silently for a few more moments before clearing his throat and closing the laptop. “Let me ask you something, little brother.”
“I’m older than you.”
“Have you ever tried to prove a theory?”
Shouto blinked. “Only…the EraserMic one.”
Hitoshi grinned. “Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today.”
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“How does this prove that Endeavor is in love with All Might?” Shouto asks Hitoshi an hour later as they hide behind some bushes with a video camera liberated from their parents’ room.
Hitoshi, when he answers, addresses his response towards the camera. “I’m glad you asked lil’ listener,” Hitoshi grins, throwing the camera a couple of finger guns. It’s disconcerting, because the grin is all Dad, but the voice is all Papa Mic. It makes Shouto smile despite himself. “We’ll be able to tell by his reaction. Surely, if he isn’t madly in love with everyone’s favorite hero, then he won’t bat an eye. But if he is get ready for an explosive time!”
“Please stop talking like Papa.”
“No. We ready to go live?”
“Oh. We’ve been live.”
Hitoshi freezes, and by his face, Shouto can tell he regrets talking like a mini Present Mic. Shouto feels a strange, unfamiliar sense of glee. A type of glee he’s only recently discovered and is usually reserved for when one of his brothers gets caught doing something harmlessly stupid.
Hitoshi slowly pulls out his phone and clicks onto their website where Momo had hired somebody to set up a page for live streaming. Sure enough, Shouto had been streaming for ten minutes already. Two thousand people were watching, and the chat was very active.
Lmao dude wat
Endeavor? He hates All Might
no no let them talk
lil listener hahaha
omg my babies
Hitoshi kinda hot tho
dat smile damn
Who let them out of hte house unsuerpvised
Present Mic come get ur kid
im worried
plz dont do anything stupid
Wait wut imlate to stream
let him cook
why r u in a bush
put todoroki on camera!
hes not todoroki anymore he got adopted and changed his name
he’s not todoroki
I think his last name is Yamada like Mic
yeah put him on camera!
Where are the adults? Am concerned?
are we sure they aren’t blood related?
Hitoshi punched Shouto in the arm. “Dude, why didn’t you warn me?”
Shouto frowned at him. “I’ve been pointing it at you for the last ten minutes with the light on.” Shouto gestures to the little green light that indicates that the camera is in use.
“How was I supposed to know! I wasn’t looking at you! I was busy.”
Shouto ignores him and points the camera towards the villain fight that they definitely weren’t supposed to be anywhere near. Endeavor had a villain cornered. Shouto hadn’t been paying attention to what the villain in question had done to get the new number one hero on his tail, but that wasn’t what was important. What was important was the several life-sized All Might cardboard cutouts that Hitoshi had sourced from somewhere, and then used his Aizawa-honed skill set to sneakily place just so, peeking out of alleyways, on rooftops gazing down benevolent, inside someone’s car, and even in the window of a shop – the owner lady had been nice when Hitoshi had told her it was a prank on Endeavor.
Since the court transcripts had been made public, the public opinion on the new number one hero had tanked to all time lows. Shouto felt suitably vindicated by this.
They knew the exact moment when Endeavor clocked the first one, the one in the alley, because he froze, letting the villain with the telekinesis quirk get a good hit in with a piece of rubble from the torn up street. A group of civilians cheered. As did their live chat.
yoooooo ten points
Oooooh face shot
lmaoooooooo pog
ouch. i mean lmao. But ouch.
Rofl nice shot
go for the crotch next time!
ahhhh come on, there was a perfectly good car right there. throw that!!!
Shouto the fuck are you doing and why didn’t you invite me
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Dabi stared in disbelief at his little brother’s livestream.
(He wasn’t entirely sure if he was still able to claim that connection. Not that he’d wanted to for the better part of ten years. But now he wasn’t sure that he could if he did want to. Not since Shouto had been adopted by that sickeningly sweet hero couple. Not since Shouto had been given two new brothers. Or maybe even before. Not since he’d left. But his little maybe-brother had grown into someone that Dabi could see himself being friends with. His little maybe-brother had grown into someone that made Dabi feel a strange feeling of loss in his chest whenever he thought about lost years and lost chances.)
He was all for tormenting Endeavor. But this was lame as hell.
Dabi could do so much better.
“Hey,” Himiko whined. “Are you going? I want to come!”
“No,” Dabi told her sharply, but not unkindly. “One, your obsession with my… brother is weird.”
“Not him! I have a crush on Katsuki!”
“Two,” Dabi steamrolled past, ignoring that. “This is Todoroki business.”
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The fight went well.
For the villain.
Once Endeavor noticed the second cut-out, he seemed to be on the lookout for more. The villain had used his distraction to first rough him up, and then get away. Endeavor roared as he gave chase, blasting down the street, almost burning a few civilians in his wake.
Hitoshi and Shouto ran to keep up, making sure to stay out of sight.
“Okay,” Hitoshi panted. “Step two.”
“And what would step two be?”
The two of them stumbled into each other, surprised. Out of an alley came the burned, but amused figure of none other than Touya. Shouto blinked twice, then gave an awkward smile. “Hello, To— Aniki. Would you like to play with us?”
A look of irritation came over Touya’s face, but it disappeared just as fast. “Don’t call me that.” Shouto nodded, knowing that Touya wasn’t talking about aniki. Shouto wasn’t sure why Touya didn’t want to be called Touya, but Shouto also didn’t want to call him Dabi. Dabi was a villain name. Touya wasn’t a villain. Touya was just his brother. But then Touya smiled a smile that wouldn’t look out of place on Dad. “But, yes. I would.”
“Great,” Hitoshi said, accepting this immediately and rolling with it, which Shouto thought was just one of the many things that made his new brother amazing. He couldn’t help but feel a burst of warmth at the thought of spending time with both his little brother and his older brother. “So the plan is–”
“No, no, no” Touya interrupted. “I saw what the plan was. It was dumb. No, you need to listen to me. I know how to fuck with Endeavor.”
Hitoshi and Shouto passed a look between them.
“What do you have in mind, Aniki?” Shouto asked. Touya’s eyes glinted in a way that reminded Shouto that while Touya wasn’t a villain, Dabi was.
“I have a plan.”
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Shouto had never thought that he’d be back here.
Even more than that, he never thought he’d be back here laughing.
Fuyumi and Natsuo had moved out ages ago, so the empty manor seemed even emptier than it ever did. Endeavor was still out, and hopefully would be for a while. Technically, they didn’t break and enter, and therefore committed no crime. Originally, Touya had planned on busting through a window, but Endeavor had never asked for Shouto’s house key back. He’d also never officially banned Shouto from the property.
“So,” Hitoshi said to the camera. “My little brother–”
“I’m older than you.”
“-forgot some things when he left, and so we’re here to help him get his stuff. That’s the official story and we’re sticking with it.”
Touya snorted and hefted his bag of supplies. “Now, for the record, I definitely wasn’t in favor of burning down the entire house and dusting off my shoes,” Touya said over his shoulder. “But trust me when I say, this will be better.”
“Also,” Hitoshi continued. “I, as a hero in training, am absolutely not bugging the house in order to get Endeavor's reaction. No siree.”
“Neither am I,” Touya says, gleefully as he hides a small camera in a painting’s frame. “As a dutiful friend of the family, I’m helping with security.”
From behind the camera, Shouto added. “I don’t know what’s happening.”
oh yes we absolutely agree with you
I believe you entirely
Nope nothing sus here
perfectly innocent yup
I mean i actually do believe Shouto
so we not burning down his house?
omg thats a fucking huge ass mansion
steal a tv
With that, Touya started pasting a giant wall art of All Might’s face to the wall.
“It’s beautiful,” Hitoshi wiped an invisible tear from the corner of his eyes. Then, he got to work moving every piece of furniture ever so slightly to the left, dropping tiny but very sharp plastic All Might figures between cushions and behind pillows. And then he scattered the extras around the floor to hopefully be stepped on by bare feet.
“Which is his bedroom?” Hitoshi asked.
“Furthest door down that hallway,” Touya answered before Shouto could.
“Got it,” Hitoshi disappeared. Shouto debated for a moment for as to which brother he should be filming, but then he decided to follow Hitoshi. Touya seemed to be struggling a bit with getting the wall art to stick. Hitoshi was in Endeavor’s room, putting little stickers of All Might’s face on everything, but in unobtrusive areas where they wouldn’t be discovered right away.
“And the best thing is,” Hitoshi said without looking up from what he was doing. “These are all cheap ass dollar store shit, so if he tries to peel ‘em off they’ll leave that shitty resedue that you need glue remover to get off.”
Shouto nodded, accidentally moving the camera as he did so. When Hitoshi was done, he stepped back and took in the room as a whole. It was spartan, with the only decorations being various awards and trophies that Endeavor had been awarded over the years. The overall color scheme was mostly gray with a few splotches here and there of brown. For as long as Shouto can remember, being called into this room meant pain. It meant kowtowing on the ground until his knees went numb as his father ranted. It meant whipping. It meant a heavy boot on his back. It meant fire. It meant whatever he’d done or hadn’t done had been serious. Going into his father’s room to “talk” meant–
“This is boring,” Hitoshi declared after a moment. “Honestly, we’re doing the man a favor.”
That startled a laugh out of Shouto. Hitoshi darted out of the room and was back moments later with spray cans in All Might red, blue, and gold. Hitoshi tossed Shouto the gold. “Here, baby bro–”
“I’m older than you.”
“-that’s for you. Just put that down on the window sill so it can still see us.” Shouto obliged, and then looked for a long moment at the can in his hands. He tried to think of the perfect thing to say. The perfect comeback to years of abuse. (It was easier to think that word now, now that he’d talked about with the Hound Dog and Dad and Papa and Kacchan and Izuku and Hitoshi. It didn’t hurt as much anymore. Nothing hurt as much anymore.) He tried to think of something profound. Something eloquent. Something suitable to match the crime.
He couldn’t think of anything.
Hitoshi noticed his hesitation. “What’s wrong, Halfy?”
“I don’t know what I want to say to him.”
“I mean…” Hitoshi trailed off and Shouto looked up at him, and then noticed that Hitoshi hadn’t been writing anything at all. Rather, there was a rather impressive mural of a dick on fire. Hitoshi shrugged at Shouto’s bemused look. “It’s not like you have to write a poem.”
Shouto looked at his can. He climbed on the bed, standing up, taking joy in not removing his shoes and idly hoping he’d stepped in dog poop at some point that day. Then he reached up as far as he could go, and started spraying the ceiling above the bed.
Hitoshi watched him, his face twisting with laughter. Then he stood next to Shouto and added a final line.
Together, they admired their work.
“I am a mature hero in training.” Hitoshi announced.
Touya peeked his head in. “Hows it going in here.” Then he spies the poem. He barks out a short laugh. “Beautiful. Art. Poetry.” He has a drill in his hand, and he makes a hole in the corner of the wall where there’s a good angle to see the rest of the room. He presses one final camera bug into the hole, smoothing it in so that it’s flush against the plaster and nearly invisible unless you know what to look for. Then, he grabs the camera from the sill and points it at the ceiling. “Behold.”
All was still for a moment. And then they heard the unmistakable sound of the front gate opening. “Scramble” Touya hissed. They dart down the hall and towards the back of the house, exiting through the garden and leaping over the back fence. They don’t stop running, keeping up the pace as they leave the manor behind them, but after a moment, Touya starts laughing.
It’s a more free laughter than anything Shouto has heard from his older brother in… ever. He sounds young. He sounds free.
He sounds a bit evil.
Hitoshi starts laughing, too. “Please tell me you got all the cameras set up.”
“They’re recording as we speak.” Touya assures him, still smiling widely as they run.
Gradually, they slow their pace until they’re jogging side by side. Shouto is a little surprised that Touya hasn’t gone his own way yet, but he still has their camera, which is presumably still live streaming, so he doesn’t say anything. Afterall, he’s not exactly complaining that his older brother hasn’t disappeared for parts unknown. Again.
And yet, Touya seems a bit surprised when he sees where the two younger boys have led him. “This… is your new home?”
“Yup.” Hitoshi pops the p. “Papa’s probably home by now.”
Touya stops walking. Shouto and Hitoshi look at him in question. “I’ll, uh,” he pushes the camera into Hitoshi’s hands. Hitoshi looks at the screen for a moment, before saluting and turning it off. Touya watches him do this and swallows. “I’ll see you guys–”
The front door opens.
Touya ruffled up in affront. “That’s not my name.”
“Sorry, sorry, Dabi.” Papa Mic smiles at him. “Thanks for watching the boys today. Come on in! Shouta set some soup to cook this morning and I think it’s ready!”
“I’m not sure-”
“There’s a place at my table with your name on it,” Mic continues, his face carefully open and welcoming. “Even if you don’t claim it today.”
Touya swallows. “Um.”
“All of our family is welcome whenever.”
“I’m not part of your family.”
“I’m not your friend.”
“Loved ones, then.”
“I’m not–” Touya blinks rapidly. Mic wags a finger at him.
“Rule number seven in this house,” Mic tells him very seriously. “No one gets to decide who someone else loves.”
“You don’t even know me.”
Mic lets his hand fall back to his side, then he steps back, leaving the door open. “No, I don’t.” He admits. “But I’d like to.”
Touya looks lost. Shouto grabs his hand. “Aniki,” he says. “We have to watch the reaction together.”
Touya swallows. “Are you sure? This is your family. Not mine.”
“You’re my family.”
Touya stares at him for a long moment.
Of course, it’s Hitoshi that breaks the silence, tossing his comment over his shoulder as he embraces Mic and goes inside. “Yeah, Aniki, get your butt in here. You haven’t lived until you’ve tried Dad’s pho. Its fucking to die for.”
Touya turns wide eyes at Hitoshi’s back disappearing into the house. Slowly, he nods. Mic’s smile grows as Touya slowly walks up the front steps, hesitating just before crossing the threshold into the house. Mic, moving slowly so there’s time for him to move, places a hand on Touya’s shoulder. Touya flinches anyway.
“Are you sure?” Touya asks again, his voice a hoarse whisper.
“I’m sure.”
Touya meets his eyes, then nods. He takes a deep breath, as if steeling himself.
He goes inside.
Shouto follows, pressing briefly into Mic as he passes.
Mic closes the door behind them.
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