struwberrii · 3 months
hi lovely !! (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)
i saw you also love suga~ and after seeing those oikawa headcannons i would love to know if you would make some sugawara ones (i don’t know if i have to specify but, pre-timeskip:3)!!
koushi needs more loveeeeee 𓂃 ࣪˖
thank youuu!! have a great day!!
suga headcannons ⋆˚🐾˖°
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thank you for the request (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
i totally agree w u!! where are all the sugawara fans at!!! but here are some of my cute and silly sugawara headcannons :3
he loves thrifting, his ideal hangout would be grabbing some fast food or boba then thrifting
loves doing those stupid tiktok trends, like he has a million capcut edits of chickens pooping you out lol
he gives me middle child vibes, i feel like he would totally have an older sister (she’s like a year older and they’re besties)
the best guy to go to for advice, like even if you don’t want advice he still knows exactly what to say to make you feel better
you guys HAVE to have a movie night at least once a month
his bag is covered in those cute hot topic pins
he always smells very fresh, like floral
he has the worlds biggest stanley cup and refills it at least 5 times a day
he’s super good at drawing and is always sketching silly cartoon characters on his assignments
he loves baking with you, even if neither of you are good at it, you always end up laughing and covered in flour and batter
he is a god at imessage word games, he shows no mercy
probably also in art club with yachi (they both just talk drama and paint) (also idk if u can be in multiple clubs let’s just pretend guys)
wears/keeps everything you give him, like if you make him a bracelet he’s never taking it off, if you give him a keychain it’ll be on his bag forever
if you ask him for advice on a situation he isn’t afraid to tell you when you’re at fault, he does NOT sugarcoat it
serial candle lighter, his room always has candles lit
always has medicine on him incase anyone around him isn’t feeling well
he’s the best tutor ever, if you’re confused suga is the guy to talk to
he has a polaroid camera and has like a hundred polaroids of his siblings, friends and you
probably has a plant that he takes the best care of
probably really into conspiracy theories, true crime and creepy pastas, he’s always watching scary stuff like that
his pinterest is updated hourly
always sneaks his phone during class and never gets caught
has the comfiest hoodies ever, if you’re ever cold he’ll let you borrow one
always has hand sanitizer on him
always brings extra snacks just incase
probably really into reality tv and loves talking about the drama with people who are also watching
he plays stardew valley
he has the cleanest and most organized bag ever
old people love him
he probably listens to the most random podcast ever like emergency intercom or very really good podcast
takes notes in different colored pens
probably loves romance anime and has the best recommendations
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saigethearies · 1 year
(fem!reader, mentions of insecurity and self-consciousness)
sometimes you felt as if your boyfriend iwaizumi’s friends didn’t like you.
they always seemed to…laugh whenever you were around. you weren’t sure what was funny to them exactly but you couldn’t fight the feeling that you were the one being looked at as a joke.
you had begun to avoid being around iwa whenever you knew he was with his friends because you just couldn’t help how self-conscious you were becoming around them.
one friday afternoon, however, you found yourself heading towards the gymnasium. your boyfriend had promised a boba date once he was done with practice. he should be the only one left, since oikawa and him started to take turns on who was gonna stay longer to finish locking up.
“haji bear!” you chimed happily, almost skipping into the gym you were so excited.
unfortunately, instead of your boyfriend, you were met with the sound of someone snorting in amusement.
“haji bear?” makki questions between chuckles, mattsun and oikawa also bursting out into laughs beside him. “he actually lets you call him that?”
you shrunk in on yourself, that familiar sensation of insecurity swirling in the pits of your stomach. you hadn’t even been there for more than fifteen seconds and they were already laughing at you. again.
“what other pet names do you have for him? hajikins? haji pie?” mattsun asks, continuing off of the bit makki started.
“please, gentlemen, im sure she’s more creative than that,” oikawa said. “she probably has some nice rhyming ones that iwa-chan just loves.”
their chorus of chortles increased in volume, and you stood there feeling like a stupid and silly girl.
until they heard a small sniffle and every single one of them went silent.
the three men began to watch on as your eyes got glassy, shoulders starting to slightly shake.
“why do you guys- sniffle- always have to make fun of me?”
finally voicing the thought you’d kept to yourself for weeks had your tears streaming down your cheeks, eyes squeezed shut as little sobs left you.
that’s when the expressions on your onlookers faces turned into ones of horror.
you heard three bodies shuffling towards you, a pair of hands coming to rest on your shoulders and panicked voices sounding off around you.
“it’s not like that! we swear! we’d never try to make fun of you!”
“makki’s right! we’d never purposely make a sweet thing like yourself upset! promise!”
the hands on your shoulders gave a small squeeze. “what mattsun said, we weren’t trying to offend you, cutie! we just think it’s so funny someone as bubbly as you is dating someone as grumpy as our-“
“what the actual hell is going on here?”
the trio surrounding you froze, and everyone turned to look at iwaizuimi, signature scowl present on his face.
at the sight of tears on your face and the deer-in-headlights look all of his friends sported, however, his scowl nearly became a snarl.
“what did you three dumbasses do to her?”
oikawa released his hold on your shoulders immediately, having more familiarity with iwa’s wrath than anyone else. “just a little misunderstanding! that’s all!”
your boyfriend walked forwards, pulling you away from his teammates so that he could tuck you safely into his side. he immediately felt you hold onto his arm, small sniffles still being heard.
“and what exactly was this ‘misunderstanding’?”
“we heard her refer to you as haji bear and we laughed because we thought it was funny! that’s all!” makki answered in a rush, hands coming up as if in surrender.
“we weren’t intentionally trying to hurt her feelings, iwa, swear,” mattsun added.
“but we understand how our actions came across and take full accountability for accidentally bringing tears to eyes of lady iwa-chan!”
oikawa sounded out of breath by the time he was done talking, trying to come about the situation in the most emotionally intelligent way that he could to avoid getting smacked in the back of the head.
iwa regarded all of his friends carefully, each of them still looking incredibly nervous. he then turned his gaze to you, eyes meeting your still watery ones staring back up at him.
“they telling the truth, doll?”
you gave a small nod. “yeah, that’s pretty much what happened. i…i believe what they’re saying.”
you heard the three of them all sigh in relief. was your haji bear really that scary to them?
“we’re really sorry we upset you!”
“we weren’t making fun of you, pinky promise.”
“we just always find it funny how someone as sunny as you is doting on our grumpy iwa-chan.”
you gave them a small smile, a weight lifting off your shoulders now that you finally understood what was always so humorous to them. “apology accepted.”
you heard your boyfriend huff. “i guess it’s easy to judge my relationship when none of you have your own to worry about.”
the look of offense that flashed across the three faces in front of you almost had you laughing.
long story short, iwaizumi doesn’t let anyone mess with you.
not even his best friends.
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lale-txt · 2 months
𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐇 (𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) ❦ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟏: 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬
♫ Middle Kids - Bootleg Firecracker
I'll be your midnight bootleg firecracker I could blow up in your hand It could be great or a disaster That's the point that I am after
✰ 𝐜𝐰: the panic attack from the prologue is continuing here for a bit! written part between the handwritten notes and SMAU parts.
⭅ back to m.list
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Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
Everything is on autopilot; it always is when the panic takes over. The blood rushing in your ears, the air squeezed out of your lungs, the blurry tunnel vision. Your shaky hands slam a few banknotes too many on the counter but you don’t wait for the change back; you’re out the door already when a voice is calling out to you, but you ignore it. Everything in you is telling you to run.
Foolish. So damn foolish. You’ve always been like that, haven’t you? Falling in love with the idea of someone; blindly following a siren call only to turn into a wreck. It’s a familiar pain, there’s a strange sense of safety in it. Don’t fly too close to the sun, don’t get loved too much, or else you’ll burn yourself.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts.
Makki is talking relentlessly to you on the phone. He knows how quiet you get once the anxiety kicks in, how you can’t focus on anything but the overwhelming urge to run, how hard something as simple as breathing is when you get into your head like this. You wish he were here to hold your hand through this. You wish you never came here at all. You wish you weren’t so desperate to be loved.
Are you outside? Okay, good. Can you sit down somewhere till Bokuto picks you up? A bank maybe? Oh, wait, your location says there’s a playground right around the corner. You see it? Do they have swings? Remember in high school when Oikawa kissed the ground face first when we challenged each other who could swing the highest? You and I laughed so hard we almost had an accident. And of course Hajime won, stupid beefy monster that he is. Bet he’d still do, we should really try it out next time we’re all visiting home. Ah, there’s a vending machine? I knew that beeping was familiar. Whatcha gettin’? The same juice box like you always do? You know what we should do tomorrow when you get home? Grab some boba from the store you had pinned forever, my treat.
The tight knot in your chest is slowly unraveling as you listen to your best friend’s voice. In the background you occasionally hear Yukie munching on something, probably the vegetable chips you made yesterday. She’s less calm than Makki is, you can tell from the lack of blissful humming she usually does when eating and her hushed voice, asking Akaashi when Bokuto will get there. Despite everything, you manage to let out a small, hoarse laugh. At least it will make a great story with some water down the bridge.
“There you are.”
A warm voice, kind. Almost familiar, as if you’ve heard it in a dream before. You look over your shoulder and freeze, almost dropping your juice box. It’s not Bokuto, but the same guy from Onigiri Miya who you snapped at earlier when he asked if you were alright, while blotches of snot were dripping on your half-eaten onigiri. You feel hot shame creep up your neck, your heart rate picking up again. He tips his cap back a bit to get a better look at you under the dim light of the street lantern and you feel the urge to flee again.
“You were gone so fast, I couldn’t give you this,” he puffs, as if he actually ran after you. He holds up a brown paper bag, the logo of the shop stamped on it. “Since you didn’t seem to enjoy the onigiri you had at the shop, I packed you some more to eat when you’re feeling more like it.”
“That’s not necessary” you mutter while your eyes dart left and right, searching for a way to escape this situation. Somehow he is making your skin crawl; not because you feel like he’s gonna harm you, but because he makes you feel seen and you really, really hate that.
He takes a step towards you and shoves the bag into your hands, almost making you drop your phone. Makki on the other end calls out your name, sounding slightly concerned, but who wouldn’t be when their friend was approached by a stranger at night in an unfamiliar place far, far away from home?
“I don’t want it,” you say, your voice a bit more steady now. Your brows furrow and for the first time you look back at him. Somehow your panic is slowly getting replaced by irritation. Just what was his problem? “You’ll get in trouble when your boss finds out that you’re giving out stuff for free.”
This makes him laugh; a sound so clear and warm, washing away your worries for a fleeting second. How strange.
“It’s sweet that you worry, but I am the boss,” he replies with a smug smile and uses the second of surprise to firmly plant the paper bag into your hands. His fingers graze your skin and you can’t help but notice how warm they are; and you think about flying close to the sun again and it makes you want to cry.
Everything in you wants to run from this kindness. Run, before someone can notice that you don’t actually deserve it. You’re good at that, aren’t you? 
For a few heartbeats you’re too stunned to speak and the bag with onigiri weighs heavy in your hands. Hot shame crawls up your spine and your neck again, remembering how you cried at the counter and snapped at him like a hurt dog. Why would he even come after you, when you’ve already made your best effort to push him away? To get rejected again? You couldn’t even fathom to imagine.
“Hold up,” you say eventually when he’s about to turn around and leave, probably sensing your discomfort. You wish he wouldn’t look at you like that, with this faint smile playing upon his lips and his dark eyes searching yours, searching for something you could never offer and yet you can’t look away either. Your stomach is doing a funny little flip. 
From the depths of your bag you pull out the marred box of cupcakes you still have with you and hold them out for him. You don’t dare to look inside, but you can imagine they must look like a hot mess by now (probably even worse than you feel at this moment). 
“They’re lemon lavender cupcakes,” you explain and look away, rubbing the back of your neck. “After my own recipe. I baked like ten trays of them last night and those are from the best batch but I doubt they’re still any good now. The rest I left with my roommates, though honestly they’re not the best food critics and just happy when they’re being fed.”
Without noticing, your voice gets a bit more steady and excited now that you get to ramble about food, your brain pleased over the distraction. It’s the one thing that always helped with the panic. Your fingers are still fiddling, your weight shifting from one foot on the other, but your breathing is calmer now and the instinct to run is subsiding. 
“The lavender syrup I used for them is homemade, too. Tastes great with some sparkling water and mint. We grew the lavender I used on our rooftop garden. I’ll admit I’m not the best at keeping plants alive, but Akaashi does that for us thankfully, he’s amazing. I also have some tomatoes growing there, and tomato salad in this summer heat just hits differently in my opinion. Anyway, sorry for the cupcakes, I don’t know why I gave them to you, they’ve probably gone bad by now so you can just throw them out and–”
“What’cha talkin’ about? These are amazing,” the guy mutters with his mouth full, one smushed cupcake in his hand that he took a big bite out of like an apple, buttercream at the corner of his mouth. You snap out of your haze and blink at him as he takes another big bite, eyes widening and head nodding approvingly as he chews. 
He doesn’t seem like he’s lying or doing it only out of politeness–because you obviously had a very bad night–no; it’s as if he’s genuinely enjoying the food you made. Something inside of you twists again and it’s all too much. 
Thank fuck you don’t have to think about this any further, because the familiar face of Bokuto appears from around the corner, eyes lightening up when he recognizes you as well. He waves from a distance and you grab your things, hurrying past the boy who makes your tummy feel funny and towards Akaashi’s boyfriend who holds out his arms for you. You fling yourself into them for a quick hug and then quickly drag him away, unable to think about anything but putting some distance between… well, everything. 
“Was that Myaa-sam? You know him?”, Bokuto asks when he shoulders your bag, one arm around you as you walk back to his place. He’s not loosening his grip around you and you have a good idea what Akaashi must have ordered him to do: Don’t leave Y/N alone until she’s on her train back tomorrow.
“His onigiri are the best! I always tell Kashi he should bring you some when he’s here but he has no self-control and eats them all in one go. They taste best fresh anyway, you should try them while you’re here,” Bokuto rambles. You’re grateful for it, though. It’s easier than having to explain everything that happened and why your heart seems unable to stop pounding, and it helps you not to scream when really it’s all you want to do right now.
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✽ 𝐚 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐮𝐧…
only a handful fun facts because this chapter is long as it is heh
yes the Tokyo group can afford an apartment with a rooftop garden. no i don't know how. one of them is secretly rich i guess (probably Makki)
Kiyoomi and Y/N sang Good Luck, Babe! 31 times that night
Atsumu makes a horrible bartender but somehow no one is stopping him either
Y/N likes to scribble every fleeting thought down because otherwise she will forget them in a heartbeat
grocery store runs together are one of her favorite activities with friends
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@brithedemonspawn @notverymarley @yuminako @gigiiiiislife @wyrcan
@krissiekris @kentocalls @simp-simp-no-mi
send me an ask or dm to be added (or removed, no hard feelings ♡)! minors DNI!
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kimbapisnotsushi · 4 months
Hajime’s nineteenth birthday is the first he spends without his best friend.
They’re far from each other and far from home. It’s strange, Hajime thinks, to no longer be confined by mountains and farm fields. Not that California doesn’t have those things—it’s just . . . different. The air is different. The sunshine is different. The way Americans call him by his first name is different. The fact that the driver’s seat is now on the left side of the car instead of the right is different.
Not having Oikawa Tooru by his side is different. 
It wasn’t like Tooru hadn’t tried. He’d sent Hajime a birthday text at the stroke of midnight, and then they spent two hours FaceTiming each other until Hajime had shooed Tooru off, because he knew that Tooru had practice in a few hours and needed at least some shut-eye. And then Hajime had laid there, in the dark of his apartment, wishing and wanting and aching for something a million miles away.
Five thousand and five-hundred thirty-nine miles, to be specific. Not that Hajime is counting. Not that he’s keeping track of every minute that passes between their time zones, because that would be all kinds of pathetic, and Hajime likes to think he's coping with Tooru's absence much better than that.
Anyways. His nineteenth birthday. Off to a great start, obviously. 
It’s also the first birthday he spends with Ushijima Wakatoshi. If you had told Hajime last year that he’d run into Ushijima at a university in California to speak with Ushijima’s father about internships, he probably wouldn't have believed you. If you had told him he’d be stuck in the backseat of a minivan with Ushijima, cruising through the southern Californian desert to watch the stars on his nineteenth birthday—American pop music cranked high, hot wind grazing his shoulders, the van floor littered with chip crumbs and empty boba cups stuffed in the cupholders, with people he’s barely known for the better part of a week—he definitely wouldn’t have believed you. 
But here he is. Munching on shrimp chips, listening to Ushijima’s friends belt out Fall Out Boy. 
Ushijima’s UCI friends are . . . something. Riding shotgun is Kevin Nguyen—he’s what Ushijima calls a “frat boy” and a “gym bro”, but Kevin seems nice enough, if not overly familiar. Selene Hiraishi wears dramatic eyelashes and nails, and her family has been friends with Utsui since he moved to California, so Ushijima’s known her for some time. Citlaly Torres has about a dozen piercings in her ears and graciously offered to drive for the three-hour trip to the park from the university. Avery Cherent, Hajime was happy to discover, is a fellow Godzilla nerd with short silver-dyed high-top curls. Jaesung Han is never seen without their black bomber jacket and a pair of ripped jeans, and—Hajime has noticed—keeps their eyes on him more than the others seem to do.
They’ve taken to Hajime like ants to a cookie, and Hajime is grateful for it, really. He's grateful for anything that can distract him from that empty, aching tug in his chest. From knowing that he'd wake up lonely, and that today would have been a lonely day if it weren't for these plans.
The road is bumpy, and honestly—Hajime is hesitant to even call it a road. It’s more like a wide stretch of dirt that’s been cleared for cars. Joshua trees—the park’s namesake plant—dot the landscape far into the horizon, sharing ground with desert brush and craggy boulders. Outside the open windows, the sky looks like it’s been brushed with watercolor; deep oranges and purples and pinks bleed from the setting sun like the branches of a river.
Citlaly turns into a pullout, kills the engine, and twists around to grin at everyone. “Made it in one piece. What did I tell you guys?”
“You almost crashed into that Honda Civic right off the freeway,” Kevin says. “‘One piece’, my ass.”
“The One Piece is going to be a far greater treasure than your ass, Kev,” says Avery loftily. “They haven’t gone through six hundred and twenty-eight episodes just for that.”
Jaesung claps Kevin’s shoulder as they clamber out. “Don’t worry, Kev, I think you have a great ass.”
Kevin beams. “Aw, Jae! I think you have a great ass, too!”
“Your friends are weird,” Hajime remarks while he and Ushijima hop out the backseat. “Nice, but weird.”
Ushijima smiles. Before today, Hajime hadn’t even known that was something the guy was capable of doing. “They are, aren’t they?
-- an excerpt from wherever you go in this world (i'll come along), an iwaoi bday fic i really really wanted to finish today but perhaps later this week???
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bnnywngs · 4 months
Oikawa remembers everything from beginning to end, as if it was a movie with the highest definition inside his own brain and he was the lonely viewer.
When they first met, they were both 15.
The first time Oikawa met Koushi, he didn't know who he was - it was his anonymous post on a very popular, at that time, online forum for volleyball players. Koushi used the forum to rant and vent, letting out his thoughts and feelings for anyone interested enough to read, like a diary or something.
Oikawa couldn't judge, he did the same.
It was one particularly emotional and depressive post that their first interaction happened. Koushi had lightly sprained his ankle after too much training and was out of volleyball practice for at least two weeks. Oikawa was a veteran in injuring himself for practicing too much, just ask Iwa-chan.
After that, they started to talk more, at first through comments in each other's posts, then through dms, and lastly, through their personal social media accounts. Oikawa struggled with his feelings for a while until he found the guts to ask for Koushi's phone number.
Their talks were long and deep, exchanging personal struggles and painful feelings they rather not show to anyone. Little by little, day by day, they got closer and Oikawa was going mad, his heart overflowing with affection.
"Can we meet?" was the message he sent after losing to Ushiwaka yet again - first time in high school.
"Sure!" Koushi's answer was quick, without showing doubts or apprehension.
The place they decided to meet for the first time was a popular boba place near the station, without saying where they lived or where they went for school.
Oikawa fell even more in love with Koushi when he saw the other boy up close. Those beautiful round eyes with a beauty mark, that silky hair and innocent expression, they made his heart skip one or two beats before going overdrive.
"Wow, you're so pretty!" Koushi said and his voice was as beautiful as his everything.
Blushing faintly, Oikawa scratched his nape "You're also reaaally pretty."
"Hehe." Koushi chuckled and Oikawa could swear he saw the boy sparkle.
And suddenly, their meetup ended up being a date of sorts, with both flirting in a subtle way with each other.
Though, they never touched the subject of volleyball and school.
By the fourth pseudo date, Oikawa found the courage to ask about it.
"Isn't it better to let fate decide if it wants us to know where we study?" Koushi said with a beam that pierced right through Oikawa's heart.
"But why~?" he whined "What if I want to pick you up during Valentine's Day with a heart shaped chocolate?"
Koushi, for the first time, blushed, his pale cheeks gaining a pinkish hue that made him look even more pretty. Unfairly pretty. Oikawa was so in love he wanted to scream or bash his head against the concrete floor.
"Oh." Koushi said, embarrassed "I mean... I want that. Definitely. But." he chewed on his lower lip, looking for words "Wouldn't it be funny if we went to interhigh and we look at the other side, to the school we're playing against, and saw each other?"
"...Maybe?" Oikawa wasn't convinced "But why wait?"
"Tooru, please~" Koushi huffed, exasperated "Imagine the surprise! The dread! The panic! The gay panic! It looks straight out off a shoujo manga, right?! Right?!"
Oikawa laughed "You're so weird, what the hell." then sighed "Fine. You win. Let's do your way."
"Not my way, fate's way!" Koushi looked so proud of himself.
Not resisting anymore, Oikawa bowed down and kissed those pretty lips.
They were both 15 when they met online, and 16 when they started dating.
A year later, they found themselves across a net.
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xxmaddyxx · 1 year
Hi I saw you had request open for Haikyu! I’d like to request one with Nishinoya and maybe with prompt “this color suits you” maybe taking place before or after a game? Thanks!!!!
omg i had this idea as soon as i read this thank you for requesting!!
masterlist <3
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"this color suits you" - Nishinoya
you were driving noya to a practice game against aoba johsai and he was rummaging furiously through his bag
bombastic side eye, "what're you looking for noya?"
"you'll see, i just hope i brought it" he mumbled and continued searching the bad
you pulled into seijoh's parking lot and parked next to the gym
"AHA!" he pulled out an orange sweatshirt "babe look!"
his eyes were glowing as he held up the shirt
it was a bright orange to match his libero jersey
on the front it had "Karasuno" in big black letters and he turned it around to reveal a big number 4 and letters printing "best libero ever"
you smiled as he handed it to you
"PLEASE wear this y/n!"
"of course I'll wear it this is so cute!" you kissed his cheek "after all you are my favorite libero"
he blushed a little and y'all walked into the gym as you slipped on the sweatshirt
it was the perfect oversized fit
noya pecked your cheek and went to warmup with the team
you sat in the bench and it was a great match to watch
noya kept looking over at you bcs you just looked so damn good in his team colors
and ofc everytime he made a save he looked over at you with a bright smile and you gave a thumbs up
he's so adorable oml
after the match, which karasuno won, noya ran over to you and gave a you a bear hug
"you should wear this every game, this color suits you"
"oh, i was planning on it don't worry" you ruffled his hair
"thank goodness, i had it custom made for you y'know" he winked at you as you walked out of the gym
"i thought so when i saw the 'best libero ever' on the back" you smirked playfully at him
"what?? am i not??"
"no, baby you are i promise"
especially after receiving one of oikawa's serves
"okay boba time!!" he practically pulled you out of the gym
"uhm hello?? my arm?! noya!"
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kuroppiii · 2 months
chat! <3 when i finish one of my ongoing series i already have an idea for a new one
with no spoilers, it has to do with boba!
i can’t decide who should be the main man though, so could you lend me some help? :)
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kings-highway · 1 month
alright, i’ll give it a shot: oinoya (oikawa tooru x nishinoya yuu). i read this ONE time. i saw the relationship tag on ao3. that was the first time i’d ever even THOUGHT of that being a ship, and yet, when i saw it, i immediately went, “yeah that makes sense.”
essentially, “i’d give up my life for this game” x “i quit playing because my bestie ain’t on the team anymore” and i think that’s fascinating
mmmhhhhhhhmhmhmmmmm 🤔
never even thought about this one before... its gonna take a while to get something going...
My first instinct was rejection, of the ship, I'm not sure it's for me, buttt...
I do think their mutual high energies could really pair well together. Like I imagine they'd go on dates, and each date ends up being like 4 different locations. "Oh there's this amazing boba shop that opened up, lets go there... oh, you know what, we should go minigolfing... yeah its only 20... 25 blocks away, lets walk." They'd have a TON of fun together.
I can also imagine the slightly quiet evenings, where Oikawa is reading a book and Noya falls asleep on his legs so they just stay there the whole night until Oikawa's feet are numb and he HAS to move.
I see your point on their potential dynamic as being opposite, but I dont think they're as different as it looks... Noya was willing to give up playing the game because he didnt want to play without Asahi but he wanted Asahi to play. I feel like Noya could be the most diehard supporter for Oikawa. Like of course the Seijoh team backs him up, but I imagine Noya grabbing him by the face and being like "OH MY GOD ARGENTINA IS THE BEST IDEA IN THE WORLD YOU'LL BE AMAZING!!!" like 100% faith in his boyfriend, only support, nothing else in him. Plus, Argentina is beautiful. He's already traveling the world he can make 4-5 pitstops a year there to appreciate his boy. Crash on his couch and come watch his games and make him food he's learned from all around the world, and Oikawa never has a dull moment with him, listens to his stories from everywhere he's ever been, and just falls deeper and deeper in love because he's finally found someone who's seen the whole world but still chooses to come back to him.
Oikawa would absolutely cut Noya's hair for him. Noya would be like "put a lightning pattern in it!!!" and Oikawa would laugh and say "i dont know if I can, i might fuck it up" and Noya will just laugh more and tell him even a fucked up lightning bolt would be cool
They'd fall asleep with Noya spread out on Oikawa's chest, no blankets, because it's so hot. Post timeskip I see a lot more potential for them.
Overall ratings:
For me, Personal Interest: 0/10
Potential/Concept: 4/10, post timeskip 5.5/10
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calqlate · 3 months
INCLUDES: bokuto + ennoshita + fukunaga + hanamaki + kuroo + nishinoya + oikawa
CW(S)/TW(S): coarse/foul/strong language used
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[everyone bought boba and the boba packaging has a ribbon on it]
fukunaga, pointing at the ribbon: omg coquette
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nishinoya: shows them off like yugioh cards
nishinoya: dun fuck around with me
nishinoya: i got the power of yaoi on my side
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kuroo: guys i need cool band names for my fic
bokuto: bad boyz
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oikawa: bro what a bitch gotta do to be called not gay
hanamaki: idk
hanamaki: you have gay energy
hanamaki: gaynergy
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© CALQLATE. all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, repost, or translate my works on any platform.
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seravphs · 1 year
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— HINATA SHOYO i love you. i’m glad i exist | 1k fluff
Hinata peels oranges for you to eat, or, food as a love language + toothachingly sweet domestic fluff.
— SEMI EITA love songs sound better if you scream them | 1.9k fluff and light angst  
When Semi Eita drops a title track for his new album called ‘Fuck Semi Eita,’ the whole world is shocked and confused. Not you, though. After all, the song is for you.
— SUNA RINTAROU ✧ ink under the skin | 2.2k fluff | tattoo artist au
Tagging along while your best friend Kyotani got a new tattoo was supposed to result in him buying you boba, not freshly pierced ears, but you can’t complain when your piercer is so damn cute.
✧ losing faith | 1k angst
You and Suna reminisce on your adulthoods.
✧ confectionery | 1.4k fluff
Suna becomes a regular at your maid cafe - a regular thorn in your side, that is. 
✧ omakase | 700 fluff
In which Suna becomes the maid. Sequel to Confectionery. 
— MIYA OSAMU the way to the heart is through the stomach | 2k fluff
On a bad day, Onigiri Miya becomes your new comfort restaurant. Not only is the food good, but the man who takes your orders is always kind. You think the Miya you’ve been venting to on the phone is the same Miya who shows up at your door to deliver all of your orders.
It’s too bad you don’t know there’s two of them.
— MIYA ATSUMU ✧ check out | 800 fluff
Being hot at the grocery store should be illegal. Set in the same universe as the way to the heart is through the stomach 
✧ flex | 700 fluff
When you started dating Atsumu, you swore to never be the annoying gym couple, and yet here you are. 
— KITA SHINSUKE anywhere i want (just not home) | 1k mild angst
You’re doing a good job of convincing yourself you don’t miss your hometown until Kita drops back into your life. 
— OIKAWA TOORU the coronation | 1.4k | royal au
Masquerades are about deceit. In a world built on spun sugar and gems the size of fists, very little can be trusted to be what it appears to be at first glance.
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miya-twins · 5 months
the twins, aran, yachi, and ushijima? 👀
thanks for the ask!! I shall copy you and give the bingo and my opinions because the bingo doesn't always encapsulate my feelings,,,
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literally he is the Blorbo. the main obsession. my little guy. I'm thinking about him practically 24/7. I care so much about his chracter arc and his impact on the narrative and I wanna see him smooch all the guys and I want him to suffer but really I want him to be safe and happy and loved and appreciated and to never learn what it means to be lonely. ahem. anyway. no surprises. you've seen the blog's name and its content.
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obviously he is Blorbo Number 2. you can't have one twin without the other. I love thinking about his character arc and his impact on the narrative and I wanna see him smooch all the guys and I wanna see him suffer but really I want him to be safe and happy and loved and appreciated and to never learn what it means to be lonely. yes I said this before but it's just as true for osamu. also yeah the only difference in the bingo is people are less mean to osamu and I can't fool myself into thinking atsumu wouldn't be too annoying for me to kiss. I can fool myself for osamu tho even tho realistically he's probably just as annoying but that's not my problem.
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what can I say y'all are sleeping on him. he's such an interesting guy and every time someone gives the twins another childhood/best friend I'm internally like hello? they already have one of those? his name is aran???? why are you putting other characters where he belongs? anyway I love how silly he is and how easily he gets swept up by the twins' antics and I'm so proud of him for how far he's come. 10/10 would go on boba date with.
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god I love her like that's my girl!!! she's so cute and relatable and funny and her story in s2 was one of the best in the whole series. literally every time she smiles it's like the sun rises. would vote best girl in any poll. genuinely think about her a lot even though she doesn't have much relation to my main guys which tells you how serious I am about her
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I'm sorry the board looks so empty but frankly none of these options accurately describe my thoughts on him. because I do have a lot of thoughts. genuinely he's such a well-written character, and I love all the relationships he has in the series, with tendou, with his dad, with sakusa, with oikawa!!! but even with all these thoughts and genuine appreciation I don't have that many actual feelings in regards to him... at least not unprompted. I like seeing him around and maybe I'll put him somewhere as a cool side character in my thoughts but I'm just not obsessed with him. but his story is good and he's so important to hq overall... maybe if we'd gotten that shiratorizawa/inarizaki match I'd be frothing at the mouth thinking about him... but alas I just quietly appreciate him
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jahnavisurenda-21 · 5 months
Haikiyuy[Oikawa TooruX Reader]Long Distance.
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This factor is the most challenging one because so many people fail it, that's why fictional men.
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1. He's in a sense of shock, and is a little flabbergasted he was ready to cut the ties at any given moment maybe, in a selfish way of self preservation.
2. It had been three years, he was sure there was a limit to how much you could accept him being an Volleyball addict it was a driving force, an obsession he needed to thrive, win championships, play again and again on the court. But, all you would say to him was,
"Don't forget to eat your meals, drink water, and sleep well." It was something even his mother would say, his coach would repeat and his teammates followed religiously.
3. Then why does he seem to play that on repeat like a broken record it's almost like he could hear your concerned voice in his head.
4. He had plans to go to Argentina in his last months of school, yet, despite so many things with the disbanding of Aoba Johsai his previous team, his decisions like a gentle breeze in the spring he met you.
5. He refused take it seriously at the beginning, this happens all the time, people date, they find problems, you realize it was a mistake, it couldn't work, and you deal with heartbreak because sometimes it doesn't work.
6. But, this morning when he saw your beautiful face at the airport, his doubts seemed to be disappearing like it never was there, your eyes looked like hope itself like a present promising all wonderful things, like a possible bright future, but ofcourse the present had not been opened yet.
7. If he ever thought of breaking up with you, to avoid his fears he wished it could be postponed, yes, he imagined if you both could go to Argentina, then everything would be convenient and his heart wouldn't be aching and longing by now. He could've reached to take your hand in his, promising to never let go.
8. When his arms found your frame against his chest, pressed so warmly, he wanted to keep you in this embrace forever, take you on more dates, enjoy going to the cafes to get milk bread, and Boba tea, see you at the stands cheering for his team, see your excited smile whenever he got you gifts, the three years which he had spent with you were truly like an amazing dream, which he didn't want to wake up from.
9. His carrer seemed far from over, his teammates, his school, and you, everything seemed to fit in one plate.
10. "Y/n, let me just ask this one thing do you think it's going to be better if we b-break up and avoid any problems?" The words came out before he could stop them, what an idiotic move like Iwaizumi said to him so many times he might actually believe them.
11. Your silence for a few moments felt like an eternity for him, you closed your eyes enjoying his arms around you for some more time, before you gathered up the energy to look him in the eyes, "No. I don't believe in breaking up with you. Call me delusional or unrealistic, but somehow you've made me believe... believe in us. But... if you want to break up with me, I won't hold that against you." You replied,
12. Oikawa suddenly chuckled out of the blue, "Then Iwa-Chan will probably hunt me down, and who knows the chances of my survival then."
Oikawa pressed his trembling lips to your forehead and let it stay there for a few seconds, never letting go of your frame. "You really are ready to do the work right Sweetheart, cause afterwards if you say your not I might become to obsessed with you to let you go." He whispered in your ear, "That was hot!" You whispered back.
13. The announcement for Tooru's flight departing was announced and Oikawa simply tightened his arms around you, "Call me every week, and if I'm being an idiot just tell Iwaizumi, and if I ever hurt you just kill me and--"
"Idiot." You mumbled, "Take care of yourself, and don't and I mean don't act like an insane obsessive freak." You warned.
14. Oikawa finally pulled away gazing at your eyes which tried to conceal some fresh tears,Oikawa cupped your cheeks, "Okay now, I don't like seeing you cry because you'll make me cry as well."
15. You laughed making Oikawa smile, "Bye sweetheart."
16. "I love you." He confessed finally after three years, before wishing you farewell.
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kkotda · 4 months
We should single-handedly bring back this era of hcs 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
Kenma probably has the lightbulbs you can turn off / dim / change the color of from your phone all over the apartment so you guys can literally dim the lights and your cats would snuggle with you and you’d order takeout and it’s so ARRRGHHH
Just Imagine late night study sessions with Kenma and co like before a test or smth. Like your group wouldn’t let you overwork yourself like kuroo and everyone would push you justtt enough to spur you on to get stuff in your head / get work done and I feel like they’re good at monitoring people (remember Kuroo’s whole “WE ARE PLASMA” thing LOL) so they’d know when to start being silly to take your mind off things and avoid burnout
bro stop because i'm literally CENTIMETERS away from opening a draft I'VE BEEN SO STRONG UNTIL NOW YOU ARE SINGLE-HANDEDLY RUINING ME (HAHAHAHA)
putting a cut because i already know i'm gonna yap y'all's heads off (sorry not sorry)
KENMA IS A LITTLE LIGHT PERSON!!!!!!!!! like he'll have led's or lamps, etc instead of using those godforsaken huge like ceiling fan or whatever lights ykwim?? and the warmer lights and OMG THE VIBES!!! THE VIBES!!!!!!!! i think this is like the second time i'm saying this but can you imagine him with a black cat (shiro) and a white cat (kuro) and whenever he calls for kuro whenever kuroo is with them they both turn and it's the CUTEST THING EVERRRRRR gosh
STUDYING WITH THE ENTIRE HAIKYUU CAST WOULD BE SO FUN and like these are friend groups you can actually lowkey mix!!!!!! studying with the canon karasuno 2nd years for when you need to lock in, with nekoma when you're trying to be a person in stem (sorry for succumbing to the sterotypes guys), johzenji when you want to yap because come on now we already know nothing is getting done with them, OIKAWA WHEN YOU WANT TO YAP!!!!!! iwaizumi just looking so done and tired (SORRY IWA LKSDJFSLDFKJ)
and omg can you imagine studying with dateko?? LIKE FUTAKUCHI WITH THE 3RD YEARS WOULD BE SO FUN and aone just sitting there like i don't know how to math (i'm lying i think he's like extremely smart)
as for boba runs hear me out... BOBA RUNS WITH YAMAGUCHI AND TSUKKI I THINK WOULD BE SO FUN LIKE yamaguchi has the best boba recommendations and tsukki knows where all the good places are COME ON TELL ME YOU CAN SEE IT PLEASE
anyways i'm also crying with you because i love haikyuu atmosphere so much so so so so so much THEY ARE WHO I ASPIRE TO BE!!!!!
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lou-struck · 2 years
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Emoji Writing Event!
Hey guys!
I wanted to start this year off with a New Event To Introduce a few New Fandoms to my Blog with the Emoji Game...
If a picture is worth a thousand words then emojis are just as useful. These digitized images are able to shorten text messages, express emotion, and increase communication... And they are so freaking fun to use.
Send Me an Ask: With a combination of a character, an event, and one to two emojis of your choice and I will be posting drabbles and short fics related to the asks.
Example: Deku +Picnic + 💍
➼Fandoms include BNHA, KNY, HQ, Obey Me, and...
NOW INTRODUCING... Blue Lock and Tokyo Revengers!
➼Please refer to my Blog Rules before submitting
➼All works will be SFW
➼Character repeats ARE allowed
New rule: ^ up to 3x
➼Feel Free to submit more than one. No guarantee all will be added
To Enter: Feel free to send me an ask, message, or comment below a combination of a character, event, and one to two emojis of your choice
STATUS: Submissions Closed!
Prompt List Below The Cut!
Tea For Two: Barbatos + 😘 + tea party
Like the Dead- Belphegor +🧟‍♂️+sleep
Countdown... Belphegor +😴+hypnosis
Sipping on Stars :Belphegor + 🌠/ ⭐ + Picnic
For Sweeter Dreams: Beelzebub + 😭 + nightmare
Composure: Levi +🤬+troll
A Simple Gift- Lucifer + 💍 + Dinner
Luke + 😊 + Baking
House Rules: Mammon+ 🚫👖+ Casino|
A Demon's Duty: Satan + 🐈 + Park
Different Results: Solomon + 🎂 + cooking
Melting the Ice: Kyojuro Rengoku +🧊+ beach
Sea Birds: Hawks + 🚢 + vacation
It Goes Both Ways: Hawks + 🤒 + date night
Hawks +⛈️🖼️ +meeting the family
Sugar and Secrets: Tamaki Amajiki + 💌 + bakery!
Tamaki Amajiki+ 💐+ museum
Beyond the Sunset: Katsuki Bakugo + 🍁+late night drive
Tiles, Towers, and Teleportation: Katsuki Bakugo+ 💣🐩+game night
Strawberry Candies: Haijime Iwaizumi + 🍬+ garden
Bribery: Kei Tsukishima +🍩 +study date
Boba and the Beach- Koshi Sugawara + 🧋+ beach
Kotaro Bokuto + 🎶+ kitchen
Suna Rintarō +🍰+ vacation
Tooru Oikawa + 🔮 + arcade
Sick Days With You: Meguru Bachira+ 🤧🤒 + cuddles
Yoichi Isagi + 🍨+ sleepover
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gladiatorcunt · 5 months
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aries 𖤓 taurus ☾ virgo ↑ . intj-t ᵎ 5w4 548 ᵎ nb & bi. neurodivergent. true neutral. cabin 6 🦉I. he/they/she
ꉂ 𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖎𝖓𝖌 ⧘ baldur’s gate 3
𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 ⧘ the familiar & alice in borderland ☠︎︎
𝖌𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖘 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖆𝖉𝖉 𝖒𝖊 𝖔𝖓 ⧘ genshin impact, fall guys, fortnite
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!!history doc & horror movie enthusiast, neutral (anti leaning) jedi, live action disney sw era critical (likes: the mandalorian, andor, obi wan. haven’t finished ahsoka or seen the acolyte) , anakin acknowledger & dick rider • loustat’s, sunday’s, john b’s, jiaoqiu & moze’s, alucard’s, darth maul’s, messmer the impaler’s, capitano’s, bradley bradshaw’s, zagreus’s, guts’s, boothill’s, dick grayson’s, anakin skywalker’s, kakashi’s, tyler owens’s, dracula’s, hades’s, zhongli & neuvilette’s, sorcerer rogier’s & martian manhunter’s ̟ ˖ tradmalewife (selfshipper & reality shifter)
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✮ : your dad & your mom, pierce the veil, hozier, fka twigs, sakusa & oikawa (haikyuu), kishibe (csm), sukuna & geto (jjk), junji ito, mangoes & cherries, franz kafka, frankenstein, rice, lemon cake, history of the sci fi genre, cleopatra (1963), tobey maguire!spiderman, tarot/spirituality but also religious imagery, the supernatural & paranormal, winter, anthropology, literary analysis, tigers > lions, dr. pepper, history docs & video essays, banana snow cones, boba & coffee, rpgs & dark fantasy
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side blog: @bonedevour ao3: franzkafkaslut nsfw blog: @dilfcorp
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HAIKYU HEADCANONS : telling your boyfriend you saw him fall/trip in the hallways.
" i saw you fall in the hall not long ago"
You suddenly blurt out, drinking boba tea while looking at your boyfriend
" no. I attacked the floor."
" backwards?"
You said lifting an eyebrow
" look. Its another special talent of mine"
Lev haiba, nishinoya yu, Tanaka ryunosuke,oikawa toruu, Atsumu miya. Tendou satori.
" i saw you fall in the hall the other day"
Spit out drink*
" no. It must have been someone else"
Oikawa toruu, kuroo tetsuro, aran ojiro, Tsukishima kei, Kageyama tobio. Tendou satori
" i saw you fall in the hall the other day"
* looks at you like wtf*
" is that your best attenpt at starting a conversation with me, through text?"
A/n: y'all were sitting next to eachother but u texted him lol.
Osamu miya, kuroo Tetsuro, suna rintarou, Tsukishima kei.
" i sae you fall in the hall the other day"
* can hear the concern in ur voice*
" im quite alright, dont worry"
Kita shinsuke, akaashi keiji, daichi sawamura, sugawara koushi, asahi azumane. Semi eita, ushijima ushiwaka.
" i saw you fall in the hall the other day"
* freezes*
Question marks appear all over his head.
" really?".
Actually doesn't remember or pretend not to.
Shoyo hinata, bokuto kotaro, atsumu miya, oikawa toruu, kageyama tobio, lev haiba.
" i saw you fall in the hall the other day"
* silence*
Kenma kozume, suna rintarou, kita shinsuke.
" i saw you fall in the hall the other day"
Turns to you
" im sorry honey, what did you say?"
Yaku Morisuke, daichi Sawamura, Yamaguchi tadashi, ushijima ushiwaka.
All that i could come up with, im always open to ideas so you can always dm me or leave a request.
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