#also accept comms to write it
bnnywngs · 4 months
Oikawa remembers everything from beginning to end, as if it was a movie with the highest definition inside his own brain and he was the lonely viewer.
When they first met, they were both 15.
The first time Oikawa met Koushi, he didn't know who he was - it was his anonymous post on a very popular, at that time, online forum for volleyball players. Koushi used the forum to rant and vent, letting out his thoughts and feelings for anyone interested enough to read, like a diary or something.
Oikawa couldn't judge, he did the same.
It was one particularly emotional and depressive post that their first interaction happened. Koushi had lightly sprained his ankle after too much training and was out of volleyball practice for at least two weeks. Oikawa was a veteran in injuring himself for practicing too much, just ask Iwa-chan.
After that, they started to talk more, at first through comments in each other's posts, then through dms, and lastly, through their personal social media accounts. Oikawa struggled with his feelings for a while until he found the guts to ask for Koushi's phone number.
Their talks were long and deep, exchanging personal struggles and painful feelings they rather not show to anyone. Little by little, day by day, they got closer and Oikawa was going mad, his heart overflowing with affection.
"Can we meet?" was the message he sent after losing to Ushiwaka yet again - first time in high school.
"Sure!" Koushi's answer was quick, without showing doubts or apprehension.
The place they decided to meet for the first time was a popular boba place near the station, without saying where they lived or where they went for school.
Oikawa fell even more in love with Koushi when he saw the other boy up close. Those beautiful round eyes with a beauty mark, that silky hair and innocent expression, they made his heart skip one or two beats before going overdrive.
"Wow, you're so pretty!" Koushi said and his voice was as beautiful as his everything.
Blushing faintly, Oikawa scratched his nape "You're also reaaally pretty."
"Hehe." Koushi chuckled and Oikawa could swear he saw the boy sparkle.
And suddenly, their meetup ended up being a date of sorts, with both flirting in a subtle way with each other.
Though, they never touched the subject of volleyball and school.
By the fourth pseudo date, Oikawa found the courage to ask about it.
"Isn't it better to let fate decide if it wants us to know where we study?" Koushi said with a beam that pierced right through Oikawa's heart.
"But why~?" he whined "What if I want to pick you up during Valentine's Day with a heart shaped chocolate?"
Koushi, for the first time, blushed, his pale cheeks gaining a pinkish hue that made him look even more pretty. Unfairly pretty. Oikawa was so in love he wanted to scream or bash his head against the concrete floor.
"Oh." Koushi said, embarrassed "I mean... I want that. Definitely. But." he chewed on his lower lip, looking for words "Wouldn't it be funny if we went to interhigh and we look at the other side, to the school we're playing against, and saw each other?"
"...Maybe?" Oikawa wasn't convinced "But why wait?"
"Tooru, please~" Koushi huffed, exasperated "Imagine the surprise! The dread! The panic! The gay panic! It looks straight out off a shoujo manga, right?! Right?!"
Oikawa laughed "You're so weird, what the hell." then sighed "Fine. You win. Let's do your way."
"Not my way, fate's way!" Koushi looked so proud of himself.
Not resisting anymore, Oikawa bowed down and kissed those pretty lips.
They were both 15 when they met online, and 16 when they started dating.
A year later, they found themselves across a net.
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aibouart · 3 months
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compilation of my other fav palette challenges from the years past... i should do them again sometime......
chara #9 belongs to @askbookwormflareon
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godblooded · 2 years
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neganium · 11 months
I lost the thread, so to speak, and now idk if I'll be able to get it back. Which is a shame, bc for once it actually seemed like a workable idea! I wish I had just left StimuWrite as it was (I'm still not completely sold on it in its base form, anyways, tho it was excellent for a very quick piece I needed to get done for this year's Monster Masquerade on Goatlings), or used 2007 Word or SmartEdit instead, since I have both of those as well, and even typically use Word as my predominant writing program. Ugh. I'll still try, tho; I've always wanted to do a monthly challenge, and while I'd likely never make it to the usual goal post for NaNoWriMo, I could at least set an achievable goal on a daily to weekly basis (or just whenever I felt like writing) and get something done to get me out of my slump. One thing that I do enjoy about StimuWrite is the progress bar, and active feedback in the form of little floating emojis whenever you reach a certain percentage of your goal (which you can set for yourself; default is 200 words).
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moonlit-imagines · 1 month
Headcanons for being the Justice League’s computer intelligence
Justice League x reader
a/n: THANKS BABE. this is such an old request i am so freaking sorry
prompt: anonymous: “Hello! I would like to request a Justice League (DC Extended Universe) + Reader who is sort of their 'Person in the Chair' - helping behind the scenes to keep their weapons/powers/skillset in tact, but is not afraid to fight back if necessary? I would like these to be a set of headcanons, please? Thank you and Happy Writing! P.S. You're writing is incredible!”
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you and alfred got along well
“glad i’m not the only one doing the grunt work anymore” -alfred
“and i was under the impression you loved this job” -you, sarcastically
you could frequently be found switching between important sites that actually helped during missions and reddit
“alfred hang on i want your opinion on this: ‘am i the asshole for trying on my bosses suit? i (25m) work with some pretty famous people and my boss (45m) has a really cool suit. it’s a little stiff but i think i like it. anyways, there’s a matching hat (if you will) and it smells AWFUL, so i sprayed it with febreeze but it only made it worse—’” -you
“hang on. this cant be…” -alfred
“HOW DID YOU FIND MY REDDIT ACCOUNT?!” -barry, over comms
“your name is scarletspeedster, and we’ve been trying to wash that febreeze smell from the cowl for weeks.” -you
“my god, barry. next time, just use an old suit” -alfred
“really?!” -barry
“no” -you and alfred
you do a lot of gadget/weapon design with JL members
“it’s acceptable” -bruce
“wow, thanks” -you
“it’s…it’s good work. i mean it” -bruce
diana sits with you and tells you stories, sometimes theyre very informational
“so if you ever do end up fighting, you’re going to want to craft a very nice sword for yourself. i know you’re good at that, you’ll do just fine” -diana
barry nerds out with you sometimes
he gets real excited when he sees you designing stuff on the computer
and tries to be helpful
“wind resistance might be a problem with this design, you should go sleeker” -barry
“hey, barry? if you don’t let me do my job im gonna design a tool specifically to shut you up” -you
“harsh!” -barry
“sorry, maybe a little too far. but let me work” -you
arthur wanted cooler clothes
“can i get you some material from atlantis so you can make me a nicer suit?” -arthur
“only if you bring me extra so i can have fun with it” -you
“not a problem for the king, its a deal” -arthur
clark didn’t really need/want much
but he was a great help when testing new weapons and suits
“can you just…laser vision that target right ahead. new suit material” -you
“yeah, stand back” -clark
it held for a good 20 seconds
“better than i thought” -you
you were their eyes in the sky on missions
directions, lookout, enemies, obstacles, detours, you name it
and yeah, maybe victor could also do a great deal of this stuff, but you got to do it behind the scenes and you actually got paid pretty well for it
but occasionally you did ask him for tech support
“victor, the batcomputer froze” -you
“i know, i did that on purpose” -vic
“can you unfreeze it so i can see what’s going on?” -you
“what’s the password?” -vic
*sigh* “ilovevicstone123” -you
diana let you spar with her sometimes
which honestly scared you every time bc you know she could kill you if she wanted to (but you knew she would never)
(but she could)
you’d never be apart of the justice league, which was very okay with you because you loved being behind the scenes and not being shot at
and so long and you had tea with alfred while the rest of them were kicking ass, you’d manage
taglist: @locke-writes // @captainshazamerica // @summersimmerus // @deanzboyfriend // @zoeyserpentluck // @mr-mxyzptlk-1940 //
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fourmoony · 10 months
Hey! Requesting a Remus fluff where he spots reader in the library and is completely infatuated by her. James and Sirius persuades him to go up to her and eventually builds up the courage :3
hi lovely, thank you so much for requesting! hope you enjoy :) this one realllly got away from me, but I love it sm!!! he's baby your honour...
2.3k remus x fem!reader fluff language
Sirius has his feet kicked up on the desk, his chair balancing on its hind legs and if Remus wasn't so distracted he'd probably tell him off, make up some lie about a kid he knew when he went to primary that fell and smashed his head open, caused a scene, traumatised a teacher and a classroom full of seven year olds, the paramedics ended up coming in to do a talk on classroom safety... something like that. Sirius probably wouldn't listen anyway, but at least he'd know he tried.
But he's distracted.
For once, it's not because of James' heavy handed typing as he abuses his poor laptop's keyboard, writing and erasing, writing and erasing. And it's also not because of the obnoxious groan Sirius lets out every few minutes just to make sure Remus and James know he's still there, waiting for them to be done so they can wrap up another week of uni with a few pints at the local pub.
No, today he's fully distracted by something else.
It's not fair, actually. He thinks your beauty is actually hurting him, doing something funny to his heart. Can a person's beauty physically cause heart failure? Chest pains? Maybe an anxiety attack over the existential crisis he's facing knowing he'll never be able to have you? Remus doesn't know, but he thinks James would - he's the one doing his PhD, after all. Not that Remus would ever admit to finding you so breathtakingly beautiful it's causing physical pain. No, Sirius and James would never let him live that down.
So instead, he pretends to read his textbook on astro-physics, everything he's supposed to be revising going straight over his head, while stealing glances at you two tables over. You're in your own world, furiously typing into your laptop, stopping every now and then to take a sip of the comically large coffee beside you. It's midterm season, your large coffee is warranted in Remus' humble opinion. Not that you're even aware he's in solidarity of it. James would probably have some boring medical fact about coffee stunting growth and hormones or some load of bollocks similar, but he doesn't care.
Every now and then, you'll pout at your laptop screen, tilting your head to the side like whatever is on your screen has personally offended you. It makes Remus' heart slam against his rib cage in a totally annoying, embarrassing way he wishes he could make soft. He's not a creep. Really, he's not. He knows you. Somewhat. You've met a couple times when you've been chatting to Marlene - who shares a Comms class with you - either in the library or at the pub on the occasional Friday you make an appearance with your friends. It's not like he's having these weird feelings about a stranger. Well. A complete stranger. But there's just something so startling about how kissable your lips are, so soft looking and pink, and adorable in the way your head tilts like that of a confused puppy.
Your attention leaves the screen in front of you in an instant as if you can feel Remus' pining from ten feet away, eyes scanning your surroundings, and when your eyes meet his, Remus chokes on thin air. Thin fucking air. He's so shocked you've caught him, so shocked you're actually a real person he can make eye contact with and not a figment of his imagination, that he chokes, eyes widening, and looks back down to the text book in front of him. He resigns to the awful feeling of humiliation creeping up his neck, accepts the fate of his crimson red cheeks.
"Subtle." Sirius comments, a sickening smirk that Remus just knows means he's been caught graces the former Black Heir's lips and he'd rather like to kick the two back legs out from under best friend's chair now, thanks.
Even though he knows he's been caught, Remus schools his features, because he's actually very capable of that when it comes to his friends, and returns to his book, flipping the page with what he hopes is nonchalance and shrugs, "Dunno what you're on about."
Sirius scoffs obnoxiously, just like Remus knew he would, and returns his chair back to four legs with haste, arms planted on the table in front of him and a look on his face that reads 'I hate to break it to you, but you're the most obvious bloke on the planet'. "Mate, just go over and put us all out of our misery. It's painful."
"It is, mate." James mumbles agreeably, still very much engrossed in the battering of his keyboard. It's a wonder he hasn't broken the thing, Remus thinks.
Remus rolls his eyes. If only it were that simple. How could anything be that simple when you're so infuriatingly beautiful Remus doesn't think he could get two words in to a conversation with you without making a royal twat of himself.
"You make it sound so simple, Pads, truly." Remus drawls sarcastically, eyes still downcast on the book in front of him.
He hasn't read and actually processed a single sentence since he caught sight of you on arrival. He's well and truly fucked.
Sirius scrubs his hands up and down his face like Remus' hesitance is physically paining him, "C'mon, Moony. They didn't call you the Casanova of Gryffindor House for nothing, mate."
It's Remus' turn to scoff, now. He was hardly a Casanova. Just a nice bloke who girls happened to be attracted to. But that was a private boarding school where girls had no access to the outside world apart from the odd weekend at the school's nearest village. You live in a world with people disposable at your fingertips. Coffee shop baristas, classmates, the people on the commute to your classes, there's an endless opportunity for you to meet someone of interest. And how is Remus supposed to compete with that?
"Not happening. I'll suffer in silence, thanks." Remus tells Sirius, a tight lipped smile about his face that he hopes Sirius will read as the end of the conversation.
Clearly, Sirius is no better at social cues now than when Remus first met him, because his friend rolls his eyes and returns to leaning back on his chair, legs once again kicked up onto the desk, muddy boots falling on a piece of paper Remus knows he'll probably have to rewrite, now. "All I'm saying is what do you have to lose? You ask her out she says no, you go back to staring at her like a right creep from two desks over, or," He makes a flourishing movement with his hands, ever the one for dramatics, "She says yes, you bang, fall in love, get married, have kids, etcetera, etcetera."
Sirius' smile is triumphant, like he truly believes he's some sort of genius and Remus can't help the way his lips tick up in amusement. Maybe he has a point, but anxiety still claws at Remus' chest.
"He's got a point, mate," James has pushed his laptop away from himself, his circular glasses balancing haphazardly on his forehead as he rubs tiredly at his face, "Even if he didn't, I'm still begging you to go over there just to get him," he jabs a finger at Sirius, who preens proudly, "to shut up so I can get this paper finished."
Remus sighs, mulls it over in his head, an endless list of outcomes, variables, it's what his scientist mind is programmed to think like. But he gives Sirius a look, finds his best friend staring at him earnestly, and he realises that Sirius doesn't actually see it as a big joke. He truly thinks Remus should do it.
"Fine." Remus bites, taking a breath and pushing himself out of his seat.
Sirius pumps his fists in the air so violently his chair wobbles, but Remus doesn't look back. If he does, he might turn around and give up, go back to staring from afar. God, maybe he is a creep.
You're so engrossed in whatever you're working on, you don't realise Remus hovering at the seat across from you. When you do, you jump a little, and Remus opens his mouth to apologise, but you're already speaking, a wide smile gracing your lips, features completely taken over by the kindness in your eyes - you recognise him, "Remus, right? You're friends with Marls."
Remus nods, swallows the thickness in his throat. He doesn't trust himself to talk, just yet, so he's grateful when you nod your head to the seat across from you, welcoming him to sit. You half close the lid of your laptop, offering him your full attention and wait patiently for him to talk.
"How are your midterms going, by the way?" You ask when Remus finds himself unable to start a conversation.
You don't seem put off by his apparent silence, more than happy to carry the conversation if he needs. He's grateful, because your direct question has given him a reason to speak, a boundary of the things he can say. He's not worried about shouting just how beautiful he finds you for the entire campus library to hear when he has a strict criteria of answers he can give. Well. He's less worried. It's still not impossible.
"Uh, alright, thanks. You're taking Art History, right? Hows that going?" He hopes he's not misheard Marlene's brief introduction, and he knows he hasn't when you preen at his remembrance.
You nod enthusiastically, hair bouncing over your shoulders with the movement, "Yeah! It's currently kicking my arse, but I'll pull through. I imagine it's not as hard as," you pause, brows furrowing for half a second before Remus sees a lightbulb go off behind your eyes, your smile returning, along with the smooth plane of your forehead, crease gone, "Astro-physics, right?"
Remus tries not to think about the way his entire stomach knots up and threatens to give out over the fact you know what his degree is. There's every chance Marlene has told you, like she told him your degree, but he can't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, you'd asked about him. Instead, he smiles dutifully, even though he can feel his somewhat calm and collected exterior melting away, "Yeah, astro-physics. But I imagine they're equally challenging in different ways."
You seem to like that answer, following along and nodding amicably to show you're listening, "I suppose you're right. Although, I think you could explain it to me like a five year old, and I'd still be lost."
Remus laughs. Not at you, but at the perplexed expression on your face as you imagine such a scenario. You shake your head out, giving him your full attention again. You're so lovely. So sweet and nice and Remus feels like he might actually have a shot, if your kindness and patience so far is anything to go on.
"If it makes you feel any better, I couldn't tell you squat about the Mona Lisa." Remus shrugs.
It's your turn to laugh, your head tilting back ever so slightly as it rocks through you. The sound is like music to Remus' ears. He decides then and there he'll do anything, forever, to get you to make that sound again. He commits it to memory, allows it to warm his chest, potential heart attack be damned.
"You're cute, Remus Lupin." You're amused as you say it, eyes shining with a kind of fondness Remus allows to steal his breath.
He thinks maybe you don't mean to say it, at first, but when your gaze holds his, confident and teasing Remus knows. He just. He knows. You're into him, too. Maybe not as deep as he's into you, but the interest is there and that's all Remus cares about.
"A few of us are going to the pub in a few for some drinks, Marlene will be there. Did you maybe want to join us?" Remus asks, an uncomfortable heat in his cheeks even though he knows you're likely to say yes.
He chuckles when you pretend to think it over, pout twisting into an amused grin when you go to speak, "Sure, Remus. I'd love to."
Remus feels like he's won some sort of gold medal, maybe the lottery. He's not sure. But what he does know is that his blood is thrumming through his veins in a way it never has before with pure elation. You're grinning ear to ear, already beginning to pack up your things. He waits patiently while you do, following your lead in standing up. You round the table, closer to him, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
"Remus?" You ask, stepping into his space and he can smell your perfume, your shampoo, so sweet he thinks he's going to pass out.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"I only have one condition."
He arches an eyebrow, urges you to go on.
"Next time, it's just us two. A proper date." You smile sweetly, completely unaware of the affect your sultry voice has on Remus' already weak knees.
His breath catches in his throat as you look up at him, your tiny hand encircling his wrist oh so carefully.
"Yeah?" His voice is gravelly, lips threatening to turn up in a wicked grin, "I'm sure we can make that happen."
Just like that, you step out of Remus' space, hand dropping his wrist and your teasing smile falling back into your soft, kind grin, "Great. I'm all yours for the rest of the night, Remus."
Remus almost groans as he leads you back over to Sirius and James, who are grinning like cheshire cats as they pack up their belongings to follow suit with you and Remus. He's met his match, he thinks. You're well and truly going to be the end of him.
Not that he cares in the slightest.
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naffeclipse · 3 months
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Woohoo! I'm opening up writing commissions! My job slows way down in the summer and I need a little cash, however, I want to make this clear: this is not replacing the usual writing that I regularly post. I will continue to write stories and share them. This is a way to earn money while continuing to do what I love.
I will be taking commissions on a 3-slot round basis as indicated on my Ko-Fi. First come. First serve.
Please click on the read more for more information! (I also transcribe my commission info above.)
Word Count - Prices:
1,000 — $25 1,500 — $35 2,000 — $50 2,500 — $60 3,000 — $80
Will Do:
Romance Platonic Love Angst Fluff Hurt/Comfort Mild Violence/Gore/Horror (ask me via Tumblr Ask) Suggestive Themes
Won't Do:
NSFW Incest Hateful, Offensive Themes Minor Romantic Pairings DCA x DCA (i.e. Sun/Moon) (ask me via Tumblr Ask if you're unsure what what counts as 'won't do')
I won’t post any commissions on AO3. I will post it to my Tumblr with your permission. I will keep you updated on your commission as needed. You will receive the finished piece via E-Mail or Discord (your preference) in PDF format.
Extra Notes:
Payment is accepted only via Ko-Fi in the commissions tab, then we will discuss your comm on Ko-Fi messages. I will write any DCA in AUs I’ve created (I won’t write Sleuth Jesters Eclipse, but I will write Bloodstain Fool Eclipse, Syzygy in Dedication Sun and Moon, etc.) I won’t write any AUs/DCAs that belong to someone else. Original AUs, monster OCs, monster prompts, and Creature/AU DCAs are okay. Comms will be Second Person POV non-gender specific.
More Notes (Please Read before Commissioning Me):
I will write shipping fics with the DCA, AUs of the DCA (I won’t write any AUs/DCAs that belong to someone else), and Monster OCs! So long as it's a relatively non-human being (e.g. robot, vampire, alien, swamp thing, ghostly entity, mermaid, etc) I'm down to write your scrumptious monster boyfriend/girlfriend.
I also accept prompts if you're unsure of exactly what you want but have an idea for something e.g. 'the reader discovering Mothman on the side of the road' or 'the reader repairing a Ruin Eclipse' or 'the reader with a swamp creature Sun'. I will happily run away with a prompt if you so desire.
My writing commissions are strictly pairing fics (either romantic or platonic).
All fics are written in second-person POV and are strictly non-gender-specific.
I will contact you on Ko-Fi Messages when I am ready to get started with your commission. Please be prepared with your request at the time of purchase.
We will then discuss your request. I will write a detailed outline of what I plan on writing. I will show you the outline, rework it at your desire, and once your approval is given, I will begin writing.
I will deliver your final piece in a PDF format via E-mail or Discord (your preference).
With your permission, I will post your fic to my Tumblr (you can be anonymous if you wish).
Cancellations are not allowed once I begin writing after the outline is accepted. Refunds will not be issued under any circumstances past this point so you need to be sure you're satisfied with the outline before I begin writing!
I ask for your patience, however, if I don’t contact you after 3 days of radio silence without at least an update on my situation/your commission after payment, please feel free to message me on Ko-Fi for an update.
Again, I ask for your patience, however, if I don't contact you after 2 weeks of radio silence after confirming your commission and starting on it, feel free to message me on Ko-Fi for an update.
Lastly, this is my Ko-Fi where you will find the commissions tab. You can also find my Ko-Fi in my pinned post on my Tumblr. Thank you for reading! Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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ohsunnyboy · 4 months
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living wine | song eunseok ˚₊‧⁺˖
song eunseok is good at maths, a vampire or an extreme lightweight. one of those is false, and it's not the one you think it is!
TAGS: college!au, vampire!eunseok, human!reader, gn!reader, vivid descriptions of blood, veins and feeding, kissing and caressing, gets suggestive by the end!!
A/N: eunseok has such vampire-esque visuals i couldn't help myself hehe self indulgent as per usual (idk why this turned out so long i just wanted to write some hot bloodsucking)
WORDS: ~2400
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"How on earth did you get all of this wrong?" You stare at the question sheet and back at his laptop. The fang about, find out! sticker on it fraying and stained with takeout. "I thought communication studies was meant to be easy?"
"It's not wrong. There's no wrong in comm studies," he groans, still rolling about the floor of your dorm like a toddler. “I swore to Sungchan this would be the last time I change my major and he's going to tear me apart if I can't ace this."
"Oh boohoo, your mysterious campus vampire aura will be ruined. What will everyone do?" you intone, rolling your eyes.
Said mysterious vampire, Song Eunseok, buries his face into your plush cushions and groans some more. Imagine communications being the biggest of your worries in the world.
As a political science major, with a minor in vampire relations, it seemed natural when you stumbled into Eunseok's friend group at a You Can Fang event at the college. A vamp and human mixer to encourage integration due to well... reasons.
Because the thing is, vamps have only been about for 30 years.
Which is a lie. Or rather, a condensation of the fact that they've been generally acceptable for 30 years. It's only now do you find tick boxes for vampires on questionnaires, 24/7 blood banks and raw blood on the a la cartes to cater to the perpetually living.
Apart from that, it's been since the dawn of time they've been kicking about, seamlessly blending into society by acting like the rest of you. As evidenced by the one stretched out like flattened dough on your plush carpet. Eunseok physically exists at 18, has the vainness of a 15-year-old but has been kicking around for 22 whole years.
Which somehow doesn't qualify him from doing college level anything even half well.
"You still there?" Eunseok’s voice is muffled from where he's face down on the carpet, that or it's his fangs digging into his lip. He’s been limp and lethargic like this for far too long.
"Yeah, yeah just baffled at what you've written," you hum.
You shift the laptop from your lap to the floor next to you, choosing to study the moping princess. Eunseok’s brown hair is almost black in the dim of your room while also sticking up everywhere from running his hand through it constantly. Even his clothes look out of it, which is a feat for someone who always aims for college campus chic. Further, while it’s traditionally vampiric to be ghastly pale – Eunseok’s always had a tan from when he was bitten at 18 that just stuck around – his skin somehow looks even worse in the lamp light.
"What's wrong, Eunseok? You've been like this all week," you sigh.
Thump-thump. The clock ticks three times; it’s nearly midnight and the full moonlight peeks through the blinds. Thump— he shifts. “It’s nothing..." Curling further up into a ball. Like you believe that, he’s a professional whiner.
"Real convincing. How about you sit up and look me in the eyes when you say that,” you quip back. With some more prodding at his head with your foot, Eunseok sits up petulant.
You take your time to look at him properly now: Eunseok’s sunken eyes and dry mouth. It makes your own lips purse in concern. It’s a far cry to what your Eunseok usually looks like however it’s all signs of what you’ve been suspecting all this time. Idiot.
"I am completely fine,” he says it with the utmost uncertainty of any college student lying through their teeth about already having started a paper that is due the next day.
"Seok... you're paler than a sheet." When you say it, his face nearly brightens up. "That’s not a compliment!" And only then does he huff out a small laugh, eyes casting to the side.
“I’m fine, promise. Just…long night?” Eunseok mutters but it comes out like a question. You know he sleeps poor in general but that’s no excuse. You pay way too much attention to him, is what some voice says at the back of your mind, but never mind that.
Maybe it’s a reassurance when he snakes a hand around your ankle, but his cold embrace only reminds you of what he is. Maybe it’ll make whatever you plan to do just a bit easier. The question’s been dancing on the tip of your tongue since the start after all.
"...When's the last time you fed?" your eyes search for his as you ask, but he seems hellbent on avoiding your gaze.
"Why? are you offering?" Eunseok snorts and you can taste the sarcasm in his tone. He shakes his head again, before finally raising his gaze to yours apologetically. "...Look this week's been so bad. All the blood banks are low, my new TA is Satan incarnate and Sungchan chipped my tooth last time I tried feeding from him so I couldn't even feed properly then.” His finger’s drum across the skin of your ankle: pinching and smoothing.
"...and then everybody's also been busy with the new semester,” you conclude.
The silence consumes the room. You’d liken it to someone taking a fluffy blanket and smothering you in it. Dying in comfort and screaming in silence.
The sensation of Eunseok’s fingers on your skin is what grounds you. Pinch and soothe, thump-thump, pinch and smooth, thump-thump. Goosebumps have started to rise up your leg as you watch his movement. Thump-thump, pinch and smooth. You’ve grown used to his cold whenever you press against each other, even when he tries to stay away. Despite it, your heart races all the same.
Thump-thump, pinch and smooth.
The carpet bites when you crawl to him.
"Woah, woah hold on. You’re not doing what I think you’re doing.” Eunseok holds out his hand like that’s going to stop you. “You've never been fed on before,” he says it with such a painful sincerity that you think it’s meant to hurt, but right now, waiting in silence is hurting you more than he ever could.
"You need it, idiot. Besides, I trust you enough.”
"I've been a vamp for like 4 years! I don't trust me enough!"
"What happened to feeding from Sungchan a minute ago? You literally led the safe feeding talk at that You Can Fang thing last year!" You kneel back, saving yourself from your tone.  
Eunseok’s pinching and smoothing down the skin of his own hand. Nerves line him but you know he can hear your heart much better than you can your own. Thump-thump-thump—
"It was from his wrist, and it wasn’t term yet. I’ve – well, I’ve looked at yours, your veins are way too faint,” Eunseok mumbles. His beady eyes dipping towards your throat, while your own eyes track his tongue as he wets his lip. “You know I’d have to feed from your neck.” His voice trembles under the suggestion. Under this light, it should be impossible to tell if he’s blushing, but you swear he’s buzzing with heat.
You’re not stupid: you pay attention to your vampire education and etiquette classes. Enough people walked out of that feeding talk red faced and a little shifty eyed at anyone that had bite marks at the neck. The blush that sears across your face now probably mirrors theirs.
The thing is, you’ve made up your mind a long time ago.
“I’m offering, Eunseok. Don’t be more of an idiot than I think you already are.”
Eunseok’s pupils swallow up the whites of his eyes, and in the next instant, you’re being lifted, straddling his thigh, his arms a crushing force wrapped around your back and cradling your head. Burying his face into the skin of your throat, he makes a high sigh of relief. Fire licks up across where you touch, eating you alive before he’s even sank a fang.
Even if he’s stone cold under your touch, the room feels like it’s been plunged into a broil, losing yourself in a steamy haze. He noses at your pulse, the tell-tale thump-thump-thump— of your own must be as loud as the fucking heavens crashing down on him. Amber and roses, the scent that’s haunted you everywhere since you got it for him, reminds you of all that he is.
A breath, another, another, before Eunseok’s head tilts up from where you’ve locked your arms around him, and you come to stare at his impossibly dark eyes paired with his pearly peeking fangs. “…Are you sure?"
You close your eyes, seeking patience. “Take as much as you need, idiot.” And Eunseok exhales so hard his whole-body shakes. Your hand tightening itself at the mess of his hair. Come on, take it.
His eyes flutter, stupidly long eyelashes ticklish against your skin, his head ducks and you get a second before he presses his lips to your neck, drops his fangs and bites.
The pain is a pinch.
A sensation that will root itself into your guts and sear itself into your muscle memory. It crawls up your jaw and shatters across your head; it splits from your skull, and it streaks down your back; and then it sets aflame everything you thought was burning already. Distantly, he groans into your skin with the same neediness as before.
Where there is fire, his lips come to sooth. Eunseok lets out a soft, needful sound as he presses his lips over your skin – and maybe you do too. Every inch of you breaks into shivers. Thump-thump-thump-thump— an anthem backed by chorus. You can feel yourself losing grip in his hair, but Eunseok just pulls you impossibly closer into him, propped up in his arms as you give more onto him. Drinking you in and eating you whole.
“Thank you,” he starts mumbling into your skin, over and over. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Eunseok slurs it out like prayer. Blood drunk is the word you can find floating in the haze of your mind. You turn the thought of it over and over in your head with fascination. You have to bite back a whine.
Even without the blood, you could lose yourself to the feeling of his roaming hands. Always so close to edging under your sweatshirt but catching himself every time. His hands clench at your hips, taut in a way he’s never been before.   
"Please, Eunseok..." Amid your daze, you find the strength to nod, finding his hands and slipping them under and then up, and up. You reward him, pressing a kiss to his hair. He answers with a groan that shudders down your body. Tracing the line of your spine, ribs and collar. Leaving you gasping into your quiet dorm room. You’re half aware of your agape mouth, eyes rolling to the back of your head, every part of you singing as Eunseok takes.
Propped up in each other’s arms, you don't know which one of you has given more to the sensation. Far away, you think you could sit like this for hours. Wrapped up in everything Eunseok. Subject to a degree of sheer want that you’d never want him sharing with anyone. Yours, yours, yours. It’s the anthem of your heart when you’re pressed against each other in one hot line.
…It could be another age when you feel his fangs detract. 
All you hear is your heaving breaths against the tick of the clock. The hum of your blood has plastered itself to the walls of your mind, another fixture that you’ve somehow adjusted to. Just like the cold that meets your neck again, and again. A break in the ice after drowning for hours.
Eunseok laps at the puncture wounds at your neck with enthusiasm. His hands planted firmly on your hips, holding you in place. You want to squirm as he leaves a trail of kisses to chase after the blood that drips from the wounds. Savouring every drop of you.
You bring a hand up, to cradle his working jaw, marvelling at the flush on his skin, the utter mess of his hair, how he holds you so gently.
“You… you taste like living wine. You know that, right?” Eunseok croaks out, eyes closed, head down. Something in you is struck with awe, you’ve never seen him like this. “Taste so fucking good.” He punctuates it with a kiss at the base of your throat, searing with want, humming from satisfaction.
He continues to trail them up all the way to the corner of your mouth. Teasing at your lips with his red stained ones. “You’ve ruined this for me. Don’t want anyone else feeding from you,” he purrs.
Instead of sitting there limp, you capture his face and plant a quick kiss to his lips. “Don’t want you feeding from anyone else either.” You can taste your blood on your lips as you smile and look him dead in the eye. “You’re mine too.”
Thump-thump. Eyes wide open, he stares back at you with the same craze. Partnered with Eunseok’s own brand of a self-satisfied smirk that’s driven you insane since you met him – it's mix made for devastation.
“Feel better now?” you croak out.
“All thanks to you,” he hums.
Moonlight pierces into the room and you can see him clearer now. There’s some more colour to his skin, flush from exertion, with your blood a lip-stain. Even his dazed eyes are somehow more alert than before – in spite of being a notorious lightweight.
“Let me take care you.” Eunseok preens under your hands and moves.
You nearly go dizzy from the rush as Eunseok manhandles you. Lifting you from under the knees, plastering you to his front, legs bracketing his waist, before depositing you onto your bed. A laugh escapes you from the rush of Eunseok caging you in, while landing a glancing peck on your lips
“Oh?” And you quirk your brow. A cheeky grin on your face at his own amused look. "A round two?"
However, Eunseok just rolls his eyes and collapses beside you. “We both have class in the morning and it’s like 1am.” The cheeky bugger buries into your side and slings an obnoxious leg around your hip. “I’ll get you like a Gatorade in the morning for your electrolytes when we wake up, yah?”
To be honest with yourself, there’s not enough strength in you to protest or even roll your eyes back at him. Your heart’s too busy guiding you to sleep while a hand finds yours in the night.
Thump-thump… pinch and soothe.
(Needless to say, you had to wear a turtleneck to class tomorrow morning.)
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pls lmk how this turned out bc this one was a learning experience for me! a like or reblog would be lovely if you enjoyed ty <3 ⭒ masterlist
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Black Widow
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Summary: How a Black Widow made it out of the Red Room, and onto the 141.
Warnings: there’s a lot of talk of trauma in this, explicit smut, threesomes, jealousy, spitroasting, etc, etc, weirdly long (5k)
Notes: the reader was raised (ish) in the red room but this fic is not at all a part of the mcu – it’s just supposed to be the story of a defector, and how she became a part of the 141
kind of felt guilty while writing this bc it made me feel like ghost was cheating on red fox from the fics by @charnelhouse lmao
feedback and comments are very much appreciated!!!
Masterlist | requests are OPEN! | hmu to be added to one of my taglists!
The first memory you have of an outsider is at eleven years old. You and the other girls are sleeping in the dormitory when Madam Ivanova bursts in and opens the handcuffs binding you all to your beds. She pulls the others from their cots, and you almost don’t notice the man that grabs you by the arm.
He’s wearing a hat you’ve never seen before, and that immediately scares you – you don’t recognize him.
“I’ve found the girls!” he shouts, and others pour in, armed to the teeth. Madam Ivanova is still guiding other girls out of the room, and you can see the fear in her eyes. She’s not a kind person, but she takes care of you. Nothing bad has ever happened to you when you were with her.
Nothing like this.
So you turn around, and punch the man square in the face. It takes him aback, and he stumbles backwards. It gives you just enough time to run from him.
Later, you learn that his name is Price, and that he is with the British. An enemy of the Red Room.
Seven years later, you come face to face with him again. You’re three years into active duty, serving the Red Room, and you look drastically different from what you looked like at eleven.
It’s a mistake from another girl that causes your capture. It’s his face that you see first when the hood is pulled off your face.
In the past few years, he’s been the face of your nightmares, so you stay silent. It surprises you when the British don’t torture you. Instead, they offer you a deal. Provide them with the intel they want, and be free of the Red Room.
It takes you three months to accept that deal, and one more to get Price and his colleague Laswell the things they want.
They give you your pardon, and you move to New Zealand, as far away from Russia and Great Britain as you can.
With a fake passport, fake birth certificate and fake story, you leave all of it behind.
You wake up early, shrieking out of your sleep from a nightmare. Your first thought is to call Sarina, an old colleague who also made it out, but you know that she’s still asleep – at least the people in her time zone are. Instead, your feet carry you outside to the lake.
You fish around in your jacket, finding a cigarette and lighter. There’s a nervous feeling in your gut, ever-present. Trained into you since you can remember. This country is the safest and most isolated you could manage, and yet, there’s always the imperative of looking over your shoulder.
You hear Price walking onto the gravelly beach before you see him.
“You know I moved here to be left alone, right?” you tell him, taking another draw from your cigarette.
“I’ve got a job for you.” Price says instead, and you shake your head.
“I’m done with contracting work.”
“So you live off of government support and the intel you sell on the dark web?” he asks.
“That’s my business.”
“It’s about the Red Room.”
You pause, glancing over at him. He looks sincere, but you can also see the earpiece he’s wearing.
“Laswell on the comms?” you asked. You still remember the woman, distrusting as fuck from the moment she met you.
“Yeah. She’s helping with coordinating the team.”
You snort with disdain. “I don’t work in teams. We aren’t trained to.”
“You’ll like them.” Price promises.
“I doubt it. I don’t like you very much.”
Price gives you a dry laugh, and you know he doesn’t take it as personally as you want him to.
“I know that this is personal to you. You got out at eighteen – that’s later than most. You know what they do.”
“Ask any other defector. Sarina, or Antonya. I’m not interested.” You tell him firmly.
“We’re not taking many prisoners from the Red Room.” Price begins again, and you’re about to cut him off. “You can kill the head. Get the girls safe, and you can do with Dreykov whatever you want.”
The offer is too tempting to turn down. To be able to kill the man that ruined your life? The man that ruined the lives of all those other girls?
“I’m in.” you say, and Price gives you a grim smile in return.
“Pack your things. You can meet the team in England.”
Price had said that he was going to New Zealand for business. He hadn’t realized that ‘business’ entailed a woman.
“That yer girlfriend?” Soap asked, and the woman gave him a look so mean that she almost compared to Ghost.
“I’d hope not.” Price replied. “I’d be dead before morning.”
The woman sat down at the end of the table silently. She looked around, before her hands grabbed a pack of cigarettes from her jacket, lighting it up again.
Ghost was quiet too, but fuck, he knew Ghost. This woman didn’t say a single fucking word, but Soap still knew that Price didn’t have any kind of power over her.
“What’s the mission?” he asked impatiently, and Price set down a stack of Manila folders onto the table.
Laswell pushed off from the wall she’d been leaning against, pulling one of the folders from the stack.
“To most special operatives, the Red Room is a myth. A story made up by the KGB, and nothing more. But the Red Room exists, and we’re going to take it down.”
The woman made a sound for the first time, and it was a disdainful laugh. The others turned to stare at her, but Laswell cleared her throat to redirect their attention back to the right person.
“Over the years, the US and Britain have worked together to take the Red Room down, but it’s evolved from a KGB branch to a human trafficking ring. They take young girls off the streets all over the world and turn them into trained killers, mostly targeting politicians. Taking down the Red Room would mean putting a stop to their ongoing crimes and potentially explain some of the most unclear assassinations of the past seventy years.” Laswell said.
Soap glanced over to the woman, who was watching Laswell with close to no emotion on her face. Stubbing her cigarette on the steel table she leaned back, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“And she’ll be a part of that?” Gaz asked, nodding to her.
Price nodded. “Her call sign is Black Widow.”
“Got a name too?” Soap asked, and she told him, quickly. Quietly.
“What do you do in the field?” Gaz asked her. Soap noticed that Ghost was watching her closely, as if he expected her to pull a gun on the team.
“Hand to hand combat, espionage, sexpionage. I can be a sniper if you want me to.” She answered quickly.
“She’s here to show you the way into the Red Room and make the girls there trust you enough to get them out.” Price added.
“What, don’t want to get punched by a kid again?” she said, and Price rolled his eyes. They knew each other, but they didn’t like each other at all.
When the meeting ended, the team began to file out of the room, but Soap stayed behind, hoping to catch her and introduce himself. Ghost shot him a warning look, that Soap chose to ignore.
“Welcome to the team.” He said.
“Thrilled.” She replied dryly.
“I’m John. Everyone here calls me Soap though.”
“I know. I read your file.” She deadpanned. She could have been funny if she hadn’t been constantly mean.
“Ya got access to that?” he asked.
“No.” she replied.
Of course she didn’t.
They’d tried to get into a smaller base of the Red Room first, to gather some more intel. None of the team had expected there to be any people, much less a bunch of teen girls armed to the teeth.
It didn’t end well.
Out of the thirty girls there, they’d managed to get seven out alive. The others had either died via cyanide pills or while fighting them.
Black Widow had explained that they were brainwashed, and that was why they’d immediately committed suicide when other options ran out. She didn’t seem to be affected too much by it. At least, she tried to pretend that it was that way.
He’d taken a bullet to the thigh, and it had been her to stitch him up in the safehouse before he could call the medic. She’d been grazed by something, and she took care of that herself as well.
They’d all managed to get some time under the shower, and now, they sat in the living room together. She was in the cargo pants she’d worn on the mission and a black tank top, and Ghost could see the tattoo on her right shoulder blade while her back was to him.
The square hourglass symbol, followed by a number.
He didn’t have to ask to know that she was the 1047th girl they’d taken. He wondered how many of them had died at his hands, while he didn’t know that he was fighting children.
Price was working on the radio they’d found in the safehouse, but finding an enjoyable station in the middle of Russia was proving to be harder than expected. Eventually, he landed on a classical music station.
She didn’t seem to mind, scraping her can of tortellini clean, until a new song played. Ghost did not recognize it, but he saw her hands curl around the can tightly, knuckles turning white.
“Change the station.” She said. Price looked up. It was the first thing anyone had said in a few hours.
“Just change the fucking station.” She snapped. “Please.”
Price nodded, turning it to something else. A Russian voice chattered into the room. Ghost could see that she was listening, probably understanding every single word.
“What are they saying?” Price asked.
“That there was a fire in the warehouse we were in.” she said.
“Nothing about us?”
She shook her head. “From what they’re saying, they don’t have a clue. The Red Room will know.”
“Why?” Ghost asked.
“They chipped us. They know the last location of the girls, and they know that seven of the chips moved without the rest. I had the medics take them out, but it took them a while to get here. By now, Dreykov will know that something is going on.”
It was the most she’d said in one go so far.
Ghost didn’t trust her, but he didn’t mind her either. Most of the team disliked her, and Price couldn’t seem to stand her. Soap had his mind set on talking to her. But Ghost… he didn’t know who she was, only that she was as quiet as he was.
He knew that Soap wanted to ask about the scars that littered her arms and what they could see of her back, and he knew that she would not answer.
Suddenly, there was a shout of frustration from Gaz.
“What happened?” Price asked, immediately on his feet.
“Heater’s out.”
Glancing outside, Ghost saw that it was snowing heavily. Black Widow got up from her spot in the room. Ghost could hear her shuffle inside one of the cabinets.
She returned with blankets, dumping them in the middle of the room before taking one for herself. Ghost said nothing as she sat down next to him, an arm length of space between them. The snow only got heavier, until it turned into an all-out blizzard.
“We’ll be snowed in tomorrow.” Soap noted.
“Let’s worry about freezing to death first.” Gaz said. He was chattering, despite the blanket around him. Black Widow had gotten herself a second already, and she still looked cold.
“Taking first watch.” Ghost muttered, sitting down by the window.
“I’ll join you.” Soap said. Ghost knew that Soap wanted to chatter about something idle to distract himself from the image of 23 dead fourteen-year-olds.
The others shuffled together for warmth, except for her. She stayed where she was, leaning against the counter of the small kitchen.
“Ya think she’s from the Red Room?” Soap asked under his breath.
“Course she is.” Ghost replied.
“I heard they take the girls when they’re three. Teach ‘em ballet and how to be all pretty while killing a man. Then they send them out when they’re fifteen.”
Ghost nodded, letting Soap know that he was listening.
“Ya think that’s why she wanted ta change the station?”
“They were playin’ sum ballet song.” Soap said. “Maybe she knows how to dance to it. “
“Doubt she does much dancing.” Ghost replied.
“Sight for sore eyes though. But after what she did today…” Soap mumbled.
Ghost still remembered it. How ruthlessly she’d fought against those girls. Wasn’t she supposed to know that they had no choice?
They had all obviously gone through the same combat training, but she was older and stronger. Those girls knew that. She knew that.
Ghost had watched her snap the neck of one with a twist of her hand. Something like that was so grotesque that even Ghost seldom did it, but with her it looked like the starter to a five-course-meal.
“She ain’t happy.” Soap said.
“No shit.”
“Ya think she’s a good person?”
“I doubt it.” Ghost replied.
“I think she could be. Maybe she’s an ass due to circumstance.”
Ghost snorted. Only Soap would say something like that. When he glanced over to her, he saw beady eyes glancing back in the darkness. He wondered if she’d listened in to their conversation.
She didn’t sleep for most of the time Ghost and Soap were on watch. A few hours in, she picked up her pack of cigarettes and lighter and offered them to take over watch.
Ghost nodded, about to get up and go back to bed, but Soap was hesitant.
“It’s fucking cold sleeping on tha ground.” He said.
“We can sleep close. For warmth.” Ghost replied.
“Nah. I’ll stay on my feet.” Soap said.
Ghost shook his head. What the fuck was going on with Soap?
You were back to square one, thanks to some wrong intel. On top of that, they all saw what you did to the other girls. You weren’t sure if their pity was worse or whatever they did now.
All of them except Soap, who still seemed determined to chew off your ear. Currently, he was telling you about his hometown in Scotland.
“You’re from New Zealand, aren’t ya?” he asked finally.
“I just lived there.”
“Then where are you from?” he asked. You shrugged in response. Russia was where you were raised, technically, but you did not know where you were taken from.
Soap smiled at you brightly, completely unguarded. It threw you off. He was a special ops, and yet, he sometimes behaved like anything but.
You didn’t need classes in the Red Room to know that he was attracted to you. Yet, you weren’t sure whether that would help or hinder you.
“Who raised ya? Masked soldiers?” he said, and you were sure he’d meant it as a joke.
“A woman called Madam Ivanova. She was in charge of us.”
“Was? Who killed her?”
“Price.” You replied curtly.
“I’m sorry.” He said quickly. You could see that he was regretting his words.
“Don’t be. She wasn’t a good person.”
“You say that as if she killed your friends.”
“She did.” You replied.
“If recruits aren’t good enough, you don’t let them into your ranks.” You shrugged.
“Recruits? Fucking hell, you were girls.”
“Yeah, at the beginning of the program. 1 in 20 makes it through.”
Soap didn’t say anything else that night.
You stayed on after taking down Dreykov. By going back into this industry, you’d given up New Zealand, and in your gut, you’d known that when you made that choice.
The team had grown to accept you, and even Price was alright with your company by now. In return, you tried to be less snappy towards them. It worked, most of the time.
The last mission had been a good one. No one innocent had died, you’d gotten the intel, and the bad guys were dead. It was like out of a story, and the group was celebrating.
Price had gotten an empty bar, and Soap was playing bartender, giving out drinks like there was no tomorrow, and chugging his own just as quickly. Ghost was in the corner, mask rolled up to drink whatever Soap handed him.
You could see a bit of blond stubble peek out, along with a small scar. You knew how he’d gotten it. It had been in the Red Room, the actual Red Room, and an eight-year-old girl had slashed at him with a sharpened letter opener.
Ghost hadn’t defended himself. You’d pried the girl off him, taking the weapon from her and making sure she wouldn’t jam it into his neck next.
“Here.” Soap said, handing you a shot of Tequila.
“I’ve had enough.” You replied. “If I drink any more, I’ll get tipsy.”
“That’s the point.” Soap said, firmly putting the shotglass down. “You’re lucky we’re not playing any drinking games.”
You snatched the glass from him, ignoring his smug smile as you downed it, holding out your ahnd for a lime wedge. Soap dropped it into your hand quickly.
You laughed at some stupid joke he said, ignoring the stares on your back from the rest of the team. You couldn’t deny the fact that Soap could make you feel less…
You weren’t sure, but when you were with Soap, your past faded into the background. It wasn’t as important anymore. All the blood and fucking gore of it.
He wasn’t sure why, but he hated that she was laughing at Soap’s idiot jokes. Somehow, he had convinced her to get tipsy, and it was a good look on her.
She was pretty when she smiled. Not that she wasn’t without, but it made her look careless. At some point, she walked over to him, another shot glass in hand.
“Soap insists you drink another. He wants to see you tipsy.”
Ghost took the glass from her, ignoring the fact that he enjoyed their hands touching.
“What’s wrong?” she asked. Ghost paused.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re quiet. You always are, but you’re like… quiet tonight.” She said. He wanted to scoff at her.
“You and Johnny fucking?” he asked. He wasn’t sure why.
“What?” she asked. “Where the fuck is that coming from?”
“Don’t want my team messed up.”
“Oh in that case, you don’t have to worry Lieutenant.” She spat. Her entire body language had shifted in a moment, and it was telling Ghost to fuck off. “I’m going for a smoke.”
Ghost watched her storm out, before glancing over to Soap. He’d stilled his movements, looking after her.
Ghost followed a few seconds after, leaving the bar. She stood outside, clicking on her lighter angrily.
“Don’t fucking say anything stupid.” She told him, throwing the lighter away with a frustrated movement. Suddenly, Ghost surged forward, grabbing her jaw softly. He had to lean down to look at her, even if she wasn’t short.
“Wha-“ she began
“I thought you learned about all of this.” Ghost mumbled, suddenly unsure what to do. Her hands surged forward, pulling the lower half of his mask up.
His hand moved the back of her neck, covering pretty much all of it. He could taste the sourness of limes on her lips. Her lips were so soft Ghost thought he might forget about everything else.
He ghosted over her jaw, and felt the tenseness in it. Carefully, Ghost broke contact.
“Relax.” He told her.
“I am.”
“This isn’t a mission.”
“I just- I haven’t done this just for the sake of it.”
Shit. Ghost felt terrible when she said that.
“Don’t stop now.” She whispered, and Ghost obliged, his lips meeting hers again. Her jaw wasn’t as tense as it had been, and her arms hung loosely around his neck. Slowly, he let one of his hands slide down to her waist, pulling her in closely.
She let down a quiet oof as she hit his vest, letting him guide her towards the wall of the bar. His other hand pillowed her head, making sure that she would not hurt herself.
He hated to admit that kissing her was everything he wanted in that moment.
It was so perfect, the taste of her lips, her small hands on his chest and his own encircling her waist. Their closeness.
And then, the illusion shattered.
She sprang back from him, looking towards the door of the bar.
“Soap?” she asked, voice hoarse.
He’d only come out of the bar to check on her and Ghost, expecting them to be at each other’s throats. They were, just not the way he’d thought.
“Soap?” she asked, surprise apparent on her face. Ghost’s hand was still on her waist, but she’d backed away from him as soon as she’d heard his steps.
His stomach dropped. He wanted her. Simon fucking knew that. He’d wanted to do that to her since he’d met her, and he’d told Simon. He’d told him about what he thought of her and he did this?
And from the look on her face, she knew how he felt as well.
“Fuck you, Riley.” He spat, turning back around. Ghost stayed where he was, but she followed him.
“Please don’t go.” She said. “It was- I didn’t mean to-“
“What? You looked like you were about to fuck him right there.” Soap replied. He knew his accent was thick due to anger, and he didn’t care. He didn’t expect her to push him like a petulant child though.
Soap barely stumbled, and that only seemed to enrage her more.
“It was a heat of the moment thing!” she finally said. “He got me angry, and it worked, okay?”
“I don’t know why you’re so upset.” He finally replied. “You don’t owe me anything.”
“But I like you.” She blurted out. Soap blinked dumbly.
“Don’t make me say it again. It makes me sound so childish.” She said. Behind her, Ghost moved.
“So why’d you make out with him?” Soap asked. She didn’t reply, but for the first time since he’d met her, she blushed. Furiously.
He glanced over to Ghost, who towered behind her. He saw it too. Their eyes met, and Soap saw the idea that was coming to his mind mirrored in Ghost’s.
They’d never even come close to something like that, but maybe…
Softly, he tipped up her chin, There were the beginnings of tears in her eyes, but her cheeks were still flushed from kissing Ghost and the Tequila she’d had. Her pupils were still dilated.
She was so fucking hot.
He could share with Ghost.
This wasn’t the first kiss Soap had imagined, but imagination be damned, it was still fucking amazing. Soap pulled her closer by the loops in her belt, feeling her body press against him. Her hands grabbed his neck, pulling him closer.
Soap could practically feel Ghost hover behind her, feel the impatience rolling off of him.
“Let’s get outta here, yeah?” Soap offered, and she nodded, grabbing him by the hand. Ghost followed, putting a hand on his shoulder.
He leaned in, whispering. “She’s never had sex for the sake of sex.”
Soap nodded. If she knew they were talking about her, she ignored it.
“I wasn’t planning on not focusing on her.” He replied.
They found a dingy motel, and Soap barely managed to scrape money out of his wallet before he was already sprinting up the stairs to their hotel. The woman behind the desk gave them a look that told Ghost she knew exactly what they were planning.
Not that he cared much.
He caught up with her, grabbing her by the waist and throwing her over his shoulder. Soap shook his head, unlocking the door to their room as quickly as he could.
Ghost let her down on the bed, crashing lips onto lips. She gave a surprised squeak that turned into a moan as his hand wandered to her tits, greedily squeezing.
Blindly, she pulled Soap onto the bed, causing it to groan from the weight.
“Might break it if we keep going.” Soap said.
“That’s the goal.” She replied, before kissing him. Ghost didn’t know why he didn’t feel jealous but he was glad. Carefully, he set to work on pulling off her jacket, and then, her shirt.
He paused when he saw a massive scar, running from under her left breast until her hipbone. Ghost ran a thumb over it carefully. There was another, low on her stomach. Ghost didn’t want to think of where they’d come from. Kissing up her breasts, she felt her hands tug at his vest.
He shrugged it off, watching as she wrapped her legs around Soap’s waist, flipping him onto his back.
From under her hair, he saw the tattoo. It disappeared again when she leaned forward to suck on Soap’s neck, softly biting his shoulder.
Soap groaned and Ghost suddenly felt his pants grow uncomfortably tight.
He moved to kneel behind her, feeling her grind against the bulge in Soap’s pants. His hand snaked onto her neck, and she turned to kiss him.
“Good?” she asked. Simon and John nodded at the same time. She’s the most naked out of all of them, bra and pants still on, and God, it’s not enough for him. He picked her up, knowing exactly that she knew this was nothing for him, and beginning to open her pants.
Soap sat up, looking almost offended at being left out but then, he leaned back, giving her an appreciative smile.
Simon had almost managed to not feel guilty for making out with her behind the bar despite what Soap had told him.
She’s a pretty lass. I think she’d kill me if I told her.
That was the first thing Soap had told him, and Simon had silently agreed. He’d had no idea that Soap’s simple attraction would turn into a full-blown crush, like that of a lovesick teen. He’d had no idea that he’d follow so closely behind.
It had happened to him after the mess with the Red Room. She’d come out of Dreykov’s office, covered in blood, slick with it, and collapsed at his feet. He’d picked her up and carried her to the medics, but not before he’d caught a glimpse of the office.
Dreykov’s body, scattered across the room, his bodyguards dead with him.
He’d seen her carnal violence, and she’d held his hand afterwards, as they stitched her back together. Three bullets and six stab wounds, and she’d squeezed his hand so hard he was sure it would fall off.
They never spoke of it afterwards, but there was something there then.
There’s a moment of awkward rustling where Soap and Widow pull off their clothes, and Simon stands off to the side, unsure whether he should take his off as well.
Instead, he lowers himself to the end of the bed, pulling her towards him until her cunt is in front of his face. She crosses her legs for a moment, and Simon begins to work on her thighs. It takes her a moment, and then she lets him touch her.
Soap is somewhere above him, making out with her so intensely that Simon can see her chest heave with each breath. He’s so hard in his pants it almost hurts.
But this is about her. For her.
The first moan he coaxes from her is muffled, almost swallowed by Soap’s kiss, but the second comes more loudly. Simon stays where he is, until her legs wrap around his head with a trained strength and he can barely breathe.
He’d die happy between her legs.
Everything that’s happening turns into an avalanche once her clothes are off. She’s still sweaty from the bar and walking to the motel, but he couldn’t care less. Her tits are in his face – he has no right to.
Ghost is somewhere, doing something, and he can barely concentrate on what he’s doing with the sounds that are coming from her mouth. She’s not fragile – he knows she isn’t. And yet, he feels like he has to hold her like she’ll break apart.
“I want…” she begins, but trails off again, into another moan. Johnny throws a look behind his shoulder and sees her legs wrapped around Ghost’s head, so tightly that he isn’t sure his friend is still alive.
“What do you want?” he demands from her. She could ask anything from him right now. He’d shoot his own brains out if she wanted him to.
“Please, I need you.” She begs, and he thinks he’s going to lose his mind in this shitty motel.
Slowly, she lets Ghost go, and he stands up, pulling his mask over his face again. He’s still wearing his clothes.
Soap lets her get on top. Ghost is somewhere, holding her somehow, but all he can focus on is the feeling of him inside her. It’s never-ending, golden, and Soap knows nothing has felt more right.
“Fuck.” She mumbles, her arms shaking as she tries to steady herself on his shoulders. Ghost had done a number on her, and it looked amazing.
When she began to move, the scar on her stomach stretched, pulling on her skin. Soap wanted to take her away from it all. Him and Ghost, they could protect her. Let her truly retire.
She was younger than both of them, and had worked this kind of stuff long before them. Only Price had more experience.
Suddenly, she leans forward, her lips grazing his ear.
“Ghost feels a little left out.”
“We don’t want that, do we now?” he replies.
“I have something that might work.” She says, and Johnny trusts her. She turns around, offering her cunt to him from behind, facing Ghost. He takes out his cock, stroking leisurely, and Soap wants to gulp with her.
It’s fucking massive. She wants to suck him off when he’s that big?
But then she’s practically begging him to fill her cunt again, and all thoughts of possible or not possible are gone when he’s inside her.
He watches, through a haze, as Ghost feeds her his cock. She gags on it, and Johnny can feel himself twitch inside her. She feels it too.
Ghost is careful with her at first, whispering praises.
Good girl. You’re doing so well.
And then, he kind of forgets all about that, slowly guiding her head. The enormity of him causes her to rock back against Soap, and he wishes he could see her face.
He feels himself growing close, and suddenly he panics – there’s no condoms.
So he pulls out of her, and both Ghost and her halt their movements.
“You on the pill?” Soap asks quickly.
“I can’t have kids.” She replies. He halts at that for a moment, but then, she and Ghost are back at it, and he doesn’t want to miss out.
His hand snakes down to her belly, finding her clit. It causes her to clench around him and it takes Soap all of his willpower not to come then and there.
He doesn’t know where to look. The perfect fucking curve of her back. Her ass. Her face in Ghost’s crotch, taking him as if that wasn’t a fucking challenge.
Soap barely manages to coax an orgasm out of her before he cums. He's so close his brain has turned to mush. She shudders against him, and he has to hold her up, feeling her pretty ass bump against him, always begging for more. He gives as much as he can, making her moan around Ghost’s cock so loudly that the woman behind the desk downstairs has definitely heard.
One last time, he grabs her hips tightly, cumming inside her, before he pulls out and leans back.
He gets to enjoy the view as she continues to suck off Ghost, his cum dribbling out of her cunt. His handprints are on her hips, already beginning to bruise. Ghost doesn’t take much longer before he comes too, holding her head down. Soap hears her choke, and it’s enough to make him hard again.
She collapses onto the bed next to him, sweatier than before and hair in tangles thanks to Ghost.
Soap takes the stringy towel Ghost gets him from the bathroom, wiping down her thighs and offering it to her for her face.
“No need.” She says with a proud smirk.
“God, stop. You’ll be in for another round otherwise.”
Ghost sits on the bed across from them before she waves him over. It’s barely enough space, but she manages to squeeze between them. Soap scratches her back carefully, and she purrs like a cat.
“Was that good for a first?” Soap finally asks.
“Oh no it was totally terrible.” She answers, her voice sarcastic. “It’s not like I came all over your dick.”
“Jesus.” Ghost manages, but Soap sees his massive hand already on her ass.
“Round two?” Soap asks, and she gives him an adoring smile. There’s a moment where he feels himself falling in love with her even more, and maybe even with Ghost, for taking care of his girl.
“Give me a moment.” She says finally. “But yeah, let’s go for a round two.”
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fyrewalkwithmee · 8 months
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Thin Walls Pt. 1
Special Agent Dale Cooper x reader
Sooo there's a serious lack of Dale Cooper x reader and I'm in my Twin Peaks era and plan to change that. This will be a multi-part story because I can't physically write anything under like 1k words lol.
word count: 1.8k
WARNINGS: 18+ due to sexual themes, descriptions of masturbation, sexual frustration/tension, pining, smuttyness ;)
Please let me know if you enjoyed the story and want pt.2 I'm also happy to take requests for Agent Cooper if you have any naughty ideas.
Thank you for reading <3
Chapter 1, The Agent Next Door
Your mind flashed to what happened earlier that day as you fixed your just-curled hair into an elegant but wild bun. You had been interrogating two high school girls who were Classmates of Laura Palmer. You and your partner had discovered evidence possibly linking them to the Palmer case.
You and Dale had decided it would be best for you to question them first as they may be more likely to talk if it were a younger female agent grilling them. You had a way with young girls that almost always made them spill their secrets. Perhaps you saw a bit of yourself in them. Maybe it was your gentle nature and 'kind eyes' as Dale liked to call them. He was always saying things like that, complimenting you, uplifting you as an agent. It never went any further than that, Dale was a professional after all, and what could he possibly see in a rookie agent like you? You never told him but somehow you could sense he knew that you always felt a bit insecure being his partner. You were always afraid of letting him down or being the reason a case went south. You knew it was doomed and a pathetic cliche, but you had grown quite fond of him and were desperate for his approval. And that's not all you were desperate for…
You always thought he was handsome and charming and had just accepted it for what it was. But after seeing him work, the way his mind would reel trying to solve a case, the way he was so kind and careful with a victim's family and those in pain. You couldn't help but feel yourself grow more and more attracted to him.
Sometimes when working late at night his large hand would accidentally brush up against yours when going to grab another file amongst the mess of papers on the desk. Electricity would shoot up your hand and travel down your body to places where it probably shouldn't. He would mumble a "sorry" as you brushed it off, trying to look lost in whatever you were reading and not thinking about those hands. So much bigger than your own, so experienced. You imagined what they could be capable of in the right situation, the way they would rub that spot in between your thighs, stretch you out and become wet with your arousal. How he would make a mess of you as you reached closer and closer to that delicious breaking point.
At this point, you would shift in your seat, trying to alleviate the intense need for him beginning to pool in your panties. Sometimes, you thought you could feel his eyes fall on you and linger a little longer than usual when you did. You were almost certain he could read your thoughts, often sharing a new theory with you that you were just about to bring up yourself. You secretly wished he could, that would be a lot easier than actually telling him how you felt. Telling him wasn't an option, you couldn't risk compromising your partnership if he didn't feel the same way. So you kept it all inside, frustration building with each new case and each hour spent with your special agent.
You often found yourself having to relieve that tension in the wee hours of the morning when you couldn't sleep. Your own fingers taking his place, slipping in and out of yourself, imagining you and Dale in an array of naughty and scandalous scenarios until your desperation reached it's climax.
Dale's POV. It had been 2.25 hours since the special agent had recorded his final comments to send to his trusty assistant. He had had a smug, prideful grin on his face, "Diane remind me to tell agent y/l/n how impressed I was with her work today and how she has continuously proven herself to be a highly skilled and valued member of the bureau and well, just a lovely partner. I will report back to you tomorrow with details of the interrogation of Laura's two classmates. This is Special Agent Dale Cooper saying, goodnight." he placed down the recorder and turned off the light, more than ready to rest after a long day of investigatory work.
It was approximately 2 and a half hours later that he was woken by a thump coming from the wall right where his bed ended and his head lay on the plush hotel pillow. He kept very still, eyes wide, trying to see through the darkness of the room. Another smaller thump followed by a bigger sound made him lean over and grab his recorder, "Diane, I ask you again to please express post those earplugs to my room at the Great Northern. It appears that whatever animals that have been having relations in the walls for the past week have returned tonight for another session. Note that February must be mating season in Twin Peaks. Another note, the Great Northern has excellent coffee but very thin walls." He placed the recorder down and sighed deeply, closing his eyes when he heard another thump followed by another sound entirely. It sounded like a high pitched squeal coming from one of the animals, "at least the animals are getting some action" he said to himself with a sigh.
It was an unfortunate part of the job. Maintaining any romantic relationship was hard due to the travelling nature of his work and becoming involved with anyone he met along the way was against his guidelines as it could compromise the case. To put it shortly, he hadn't infact been intimate with a women in a long long time. He pushed himself closer to the wall and placed his ear against its coolness, maybe if he could figure out what animal it was the staff could find a way to expel the creatures.
Upon getting closer the muffled sounds became a lot clearer. He could now tell that it wasn't an animal at all. It was a human voice, a woman's voice, it was familiar to him. It was his partner's voice… He quickly shrugged back down into the covers, a million thoughts passing through his mind and one particular feeling shooting straight down into his crotch. "Agent y/l/n, no it couldn't be." He thought eyes wide with shock and confusion.
He had thought she'd taken this work seriously. she knows the risk of getting involved with people while on a case, especially in a town as small and tight-knit as Twin Peaks. Who could it be? He wondered an unexpected feeling of possessiveness rising up from his chest. He heard another more pronounced moan come from behind his head, more desperate in nature. He felt cock twitch in his pants and shifted around a bit, trying to keep his mind and body distracted by who the mystery man was. Harry is seeing Ms Packard so it wasn't him. It could be Hawk but he hadn't picked up on any tension between the two. It definitely wasn't Andy, he wasn't her type. She had spent 90% of her time in the town with him, so who was it and why was this getting on his nerves so much?
Yes his partner was exceedingly beautiful and intelligent and he would often have death stare the slimey men that would ogle at her when she would get dressed up to go undercover. The way he would sit in anticipation every morning waiting for her to join him for breakfast and how his heart would race every time their bodies would press up against each other trying to avoid gunfire didn't go noticed to him. He had pegged all that down to adrenaline and not having been this close to a woman for a long time. Except this feeling he had now… Knowing that there could be another man in her life, touching her, kissing her, making her scream. it was all too much. All at once the feelings he had pushed down for so long rose up to the surface and he had half the mind to go into that room, grab whoever was in there by the collar and beat them bloody for touching his girl… Well, his partner, he mentally corrected himself.
He hadn't realised it but while lost in his thoughts his hand had travelled down to the bulge that had formed in his pants and he was palming himself, rubbing his aching cock to the sounds of his partner in the next room. The agent felt ashamed but her whimpers were too much for him and he knew he wouldn't sleep at all that night unless he felt his release. He pulled himself out of his shorts, he was uncomfortably hard and his length slapped right up against his abdomen. He let out a relieved sigh as he circled the beads of precum that had leaked from his tip using them to help slick his member as he started slowly stroking. His hips bucked at the sensation, face painted with ecstasy. He felt the urge to make sounds to further release his pleasure but knew he had to stay quiet. If he could hear her, she would definitely be able to hear him.
He wondered what she would think. Would she be disgusted or would it turn her on further knowing her sensible and trustworthy partner was touching himself madly at the sounds and thought of her current predicament? this idea pulled him closer to the edge as he added more pressure to his movements, sliding his hand at an impossibly fast pace up and down his cock, hips bucking and sweat building around his temples. He tried his best not to think about the third person in this situation, not wanting anything to distract him from his impending orgasm.
It was as if his partner had read his mind because it seemed that she too was close to climaxing, her cries becoming more and more laboured. He was so so close to release, about to tip over the edge when he heard a sound that he never thought he would hear in his wildest dreams or fantasies. The familiar voice called out in pleasure a singular name into the nightly abyss, "Oh Dale, ohh fuckk". The proclamation was followed by a lengthy moan and then the silence of the night returned.
The detective halted all movement his seed pumping out of him, spilling onto his stomach. He lay there with his eyes and mouth open shocked at what he just heard and disappointed at his ruined climax. "I must be going insane", he thought to himself, "there's no way she just said my name as she-" he just couldn't believe it. As one agent on one side of the wall fell into a deep frustration free sleep, the other lay in his bed wide awake. Unable to shake the millions of thoughts now cluttering his already busy mind. He wouldn't get any sleep that night but he knew one thing for sure…
He needed her desperately and after tonight there was no going back.
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cerise-on-top · 9 months
Nikolai and price with sniper!gn!reader who is apart of taskforce 141 thxx
Yeah, of course! Here you go, I hope it's acceptable enough. They're roughly 600 words each, so they're more in a headcanon format this time, but it was nice to not write a 2.500-3.000 words long fic. Those take a long time to write, unsurprisingly. Either way, these HCs can be read either romantically or platonically as well, so there's that.
Price and Nikolai with a TF141!Sniper!Reader
Price: When you were recommended to be a part of the task force, Price already held you in high regards. After all, he had Simon “Ghost” Riley, a man with a steady hand like no other, with the precision of a falcon diving in for its prey, with the patience of a spider awaiting its next meal in its nest, on his force. You had a lot to live up to, not many could call themselves even with Ghost himself. But Price, having heard of your abilities, was willing to see you in action, having you watch over him and his boys from afar, giving them the green light on their mission while raining death and destruction from above. And that you did, proving yourself to be worthy to be on the legendary Task Force 141.
It wouldn’t take long for Price to take a liking to you. You were part of the team now, a part of the family, even. You were his subordinate, it was his job to make sure you’d make it out alive, regardless of what was to come. Your abilities were paralleled only by Ghost, and it showed in the way you could take on any enemy before Price and his cohorts could even spot them. You and Ghost were one of a kind, with the both of you making sure the others could advance unhindered. Despite the two of you sometimes being assigned to train with each other, mainly because you lack a bit in close combat, you don’t see each other that often otherwise. It is actually Price you see the most, surprisingly. It isn’t on purpose, neither on your behalf nor Price’s.
A late night coffee would turn into two, some advice on how to take down enemies of all sizes turned into a sparring session to show you how it’s done. You would be able to fend for yourself in an emergency, that much was clear, but it still wouldn’t stop Price from worrying about you. No matter how hard you tried, you were never able to take down Ghost on your own, not even Johnny. Gaz was a bit distracted that evening, even if it still took some effort into getting him onto the ground. Your strengths were leveled by your weaknesses. For that reason Price would be more watchful over you. You and Gaz had the potential to become something great, Price wanted to see that happen.
If he could, Price would stay closer to you than the others, they can handle themselves well enough in hand-to-hand combat. Unless he’s certain you were safe and there were no enemies nearby, or someone else, like Laswell, had their eyes on you, he would always make sure to either be close enough to intervene or have you in his range. If he’s inside a building, he’ll talk to you over comms fairly often, making sure nothing happens.
If something ever were to happen to you, his charge, then he’d be the first to be by your side. Regardless of whether he’s taking down the last few enemies near you or you’re waking up in an MTF, he’ll be up as quickly as he can, making sure you’re relatively okay. Even while you’re still delirious in bed - he had demanded beforehand he was to be called when you awoke - he’d ask you if you were okay, holding your hand, cursing himself for being so careless. You’d genuinely have to reassure him that it wasn’t his fault, that everything ended up being okay, to take some bits and pieces of his guilt.
Nikolai: In all honesty, he probably knew about you before Price did. Nikolai has his eyes and ears just about anywhere. There’s a chance he also may have tried to recruit you to Chimera, only for you to refuse him. It was noble enough of you, even if you have the blood of your enemies on your hands either way. Though, there’s also a chance that Nikolai was among the first ones to hear about your transfer to the task force. Upon hearing your name fall from Price’s lips, he’d immediately know this was about you, giving the captain a warning about your expertise, but also your shortcomings. Either way, he knew you were going to be in good hands, able to learn a lot from your peers and go out of your way to side with them on dangerous missions.
Just for old time’s sake, Nikolai would try to talk you into joining him, even if he knew you were going to refuse him every time. It was a joke at that point that you both could laugh at. Still, he always looks forward to working with you, getting to catch up on things neither of you knew about. You’d gone to Las Almas? Tell him all about it, he’s more than happy to tell you about some not-so classified endeavors of his. Nikolai and Price are good friends, so you get to see the Russian fairly often, if just through your new captain. Like Price, he’s more than happy to give you some pointers on how to take down some enemies. He’s been in the military business the majority of his life, he’s confident he can teach you a thing or two. He may seem like an older man, and he isn’t the youngest anymore either, that much is true, but don’t get too cocky, he could take down Ghost with ease if he wanted to.
If you ever have some days off, feel free to come visit him when he has time. Not only will he help you hone your close combat skills, he’s also more than happy to give you a range to practice your shooting. He knows you’re a prodigy when it comes to sniping, but practice makes perfect. Russia has some severe conditions at times, especially in winter, so you can prepare yourself for the real deal by hunting down some moving targets in the snow during a storm, all the while not having to worry about freezing to death afterwards. Nikolai can be harsh with his training, it’s no different at Chimera, but he does take care of his people and, by extension, you. In all this time, you, too, have become near and dear to him.
Since you’re part of 141, he can’t always be around to help you out, but when he hears about you having gotten injured on a mission, you can bet he’ll come visit you as soon as he can. Doesn’t matter where you are, he’ll find a way to weasel himself in. Might even bring you some presents to cheer you up during your sick leave. Either way, he can be a calming presence to have around as, when he’s worried, he becomes less cocky and confident, willing to show he cares. If you want him to stay a few hours just so you have someone to talk to, he’ll be there. But if you have another wish, if you want a certain brand of ice cream, or even if you want him to bring you some homemade pirozhki, he will. He won’t make those for anyone, but they’re absolutely to die for. Nikolai is an amazing cook.
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Eventually I might write an entire thesis on all the ways Tech shows that he loves and cares deeply about his family; but for now, here's a slightly shorter essay focusing on how Tech dealt with Echo's departure in "The Crossing." 
One of the main themes of this episode is how different people deal with loss/goodbyes, and this is illustrated particularly well by the contrast between Omega and Tech (Hunter and Wrecker are basically the middle ground). Omega, of course, is vocal about how much she misses Echo and initially misinterprets Tech's attitude as him "not caring" that "everything's changing," but it's precisely Tech's attitude and actions that show how much he DOES care.
Tech is fully aware of Echo's absence
Tech relays right away that Echo's comms are off - meaning he had to have been in contact with Echo (or at least tried to contact him) since their parting. He is also the first to propose that the assignments for the mission might need to be adjusted due to Echo's absence leaving them "one man down."
Tech compartmentalizes Echo's departure within the same framework as Crosshair's departure.
I'm inclined to believe he does this because this is how he's able to accept this specific type of change. Of course there are differences between the two - one of which being that Crosshair left on barely civil terms after making it clear he had a hard time accepting that the squad could have different life goals/opinions without being enemies, while Echo left on good terms and made it clear he'd return - but ultimately both brothers left because the pull to pursue a different objective was greater than the call to stay with the family. And while Tech later admits this "can be difficult to understand" - which is likely why he acts as he does at other points in the episode - he understands and respects their decisions at least well enough to know he needs to carry on.
Tech is extra tetchy with the others for most of the episode - and this is NOT typical for him.
Tech has always been dry and blunt, sometimes seemingly emotionless ("seemingly" being the operative word), and he's not shy in expressing his opinions; but rarely has he ever crossed the line into being rude and blatantly argumentative with his squadmates as he is here. For example: in "Aftermath," Wrecker and Tech have a brief exchange during the battle simulation where Tech points out that maybe Wrecker should learn the hand signals and Wrecker gets a touch defensive; but rather than the issue blowing up into a major disagreement, Tech translates the hand signals for Wrecker and they move on. In "The Crossing," however, Tech gets irritated that Wrecker didn't notice the Marauder being stolen, and he just won't let it go. He then gets a bit sharp with Omega when she presses the subject of Echo's departure, telling her "What is your issue?" (He might have inadvertently said borderline insensitive things before, like "Perhaps the situation is not as dire as described. Children often overreact"; but as far as we've seen he has never singled out Omega as the subject of these observations and has never been curt with her.)
Omega, of course, gets frustrated with Tech, primarily because she doesn't see Tech's behavior for what it is: an indication that Tech feels the loss just as much as she does, even if he doesn't express it the same way.
Tech accepts Hunter's and Wrecker's criticism that he has handled things poorly with Omega, and when she finally tells him exactly what is bothering her about his behavior, he takes the time to put his feelings into words
Tech has been more irritable than usual, but he still cares about his family enough to notice when he's gone too far, accept correction, and do his best to smooth things over. He doesn't quite seem to know at first how to approach the topic with Omega so things can be smoothed over; but when she opens up to him, he is silent for a long time as he ponders how best to explain himself to her, rather than brushing aside and avoiding what is obviously a difficult conversation for him but an important one for her.
And thus we get one of my top favorite scenes along with one of my top favorite quotes in the entire Star Wars franchise:
"Echo chose a different path, as did Crosshair. I have to respect their decision. Even though it can be difficult to understand, we must carry on. I may process moments and thoughts differently, but it does not mean that I feel any less than you."
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Can you write a Crosshair x reader and him with his shaky hands like we saw in season 3 and maybe reader comforting him...
For The Love Of A Bounty Hunter
Summary: Crosshair goes missing while dealing with your family. You have opinions about it.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Bounty Hunter Reader
Word Count: 1919
Warnings: Mentions of torture
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I decided to make this story a sequel to one of my Event Fics, I'll add the link so people can find it easily. Also, there are no spoilers here, because I haven't watched TBB at all. ^-^
For The Love Of A Sniper - Part 1 of this Mini Series
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You stare, blankly, at the calendar on the datapad in front of you as you draw another red X over another day.
Three weeks.
It’s been three weeks since Crosshair went to deal with the PI who was looking into you on behalf of your family. Three weeks since he vanished.
You carefully set the datapad down on the table and release a shaky breath. Carefully shoving the burning rage down, for now.
Crosshair would sooner cut his own hands off than betray you. You know this. You know him. He would never tell your parents where you are. And, the fact that they haven’t shown up at your ship, is proof enough that Crosshair didn’t tell them anything.
The bigger question is, is Crosshair still alive.
Stars, you hope so. You’re not sure the galaxy will survive your rage if he isn’t. You’re not sure you’ll survive your rage if he isn’t.
You jerked out of your thoughts when your holo chimes. 
For a moment you consider ignoring it, you’re not in the mood for chatting. But, in the end, you cross the room and hit the button to answer the holo, “I’m not accepting any jobs at the moment.” You say bluntly.
“It is me.” Tech’s image flickers to life above the holo, “I have the information you asked for.”
You blink, “Oh. Sorry.”
“No harm done, I know that you are stressed.” He looks down at his datapad, “I am sending you the information I have.”
You pick your datapad back up as it chimes with the information he sent you. “Are you sure this is accurate?” You ask, as you see the information, “Last I heard the people who took him are wealthy.”
Tech sniffs, “Very sure. According to what I have found, they used to be wealthy. But then spent most of their fortune looking for their missing child.” He pauses, “That would be you, I am guessing.”
“Right in one, Tech.” You reply with a grimace.
“I am sure you had your reasons.” Tech says after a moment, “If Crosshair is anywhere, it is there.”
You scan the image that Tech sent you. Figures, it would be your childhood house. Not home. Never home. “Thanks Tech.”
“You are welcome.” He pauses, “Are you quite sure that you do not require aid? We can be there in a couple of days.”
“I have it.”
“They are your family.”
“Not all families are created equal, Tech. And this,” You hold up the datapad, "has been a long time coming.”
Tech sighs, “Comm when you have him back. And if you should think that you need our help-”
“I’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks for the intel, Tech. I mean it.”
“You do not have to thank me. Crosshair is my twin brother. I want him safe just as much as you do.”
“Even so. I know you’re not my biggest fan.”
Tech is quiet for a moment, “I will concede that, perhaps, I was too quick to judge.”
“Yeah, well…so was I. Water under the bridge.”
Tech smiles at you, a small smile, but a smile all the same, “I think I am beginning to see what Crosshair sees in you. Happy hunting.”
You flash a small smirk, “Yeah. Right back at you.” And then you kill the holo. You look back at the datapad, and swipe through the information.
“Hold on, Cross. I’ll be there soon.” You whisper to the empty ship.
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“It’s a simple thing,” Crosshair rolls his eyes at the massive Devaronian looming over him, “All you have to do is tell us where the little mistress is.”
“I told you the truth weeks ago,” He drawls, “I can’t help you.” He grunts in pain as a large fist slams into his stomach, “Kriff-”
“Mistress,” The guard says with a frown, “I’m beginning to think that he’s telling the truth.”
‘Mistress’ is a slender woman with white blonde hair and piercing green eyes. Though slender isn’t really the right word. Crosshair would personally call her skeletal, but the first time he asked how they managed to make a corpse walk and talk, he was electrocuted, so he’s learned to hold his tongue.
“He has to know,” The woman’s voice is cold. “Why else would he have gone to the PI?”
“Because you’re offering a hell of a lot of credits, lady.” Crosshair lies.
“You do not speak to the Mistress,” The guard snaps, taking a menacing step towards Crosshair.
“No. Leave him. I tire of this.” The woman says, before she turns to the side, “What do you think, darling.”
‘Darling’ is her husband. Just as thin and skeletal as his white, though his hair is more of a golden blonde than the silvery blonde of his wife. If Crosshair had to guess, one of them bleaches their hair, though which one isn’t something he cares about.
He’s also crueler than his wife. 
Crosshair will likely have scars from the stun batons that ‘Darling’ used against him. If he hates ‘Mistress’, then Crosshair absolutely despises ‘Darling’. How either of these people could parent someone like his Princess is beyond him. Maybe she’s adopted.
He glances to the side when the door to the dungeons slams open and a trembling twi’lek hurries his, “Master! Mistress!” He gasps, “The Little Mistress is here.”
The room falls silent, “Are you quite sure?” The Mistress asks. 
“Yes ma’am,” The Twi’lek bobs into a bow, “She consented to a DNA scan. It’s her. Would you like me to bring her down?”
“No, we’ll-”
The door slams open again, “No need. I thought I’d come and say hello.”
Crosshair has always thought that his Princess is stunning, but seeing her standing in the doorway, clad in tight leather, and with her short hair falling into her eyes…she looks like an avenging angel and he’s never been more attracted to her in his life.
Impressive, since he can hardly keep his hands to himself as it is.
“Sweetheart!” The Mistress takes half a step towards her, “Your hair…your face! Why are you so fat?”
Princess closes her eyes for a moment, and then she turns and blatantly ignores everyone in the room, “Are you okay?” Her voice is soft, and for a moment, Crosshair can pretend that they’re on the ship and it’s just them. 
He slides his arms through the bars of the cell, and holds out his trembling hands, “Better, since you’re here.”
Her sharp eyes linger on his trembling hands, on the burn marks on his arms, chest, and stomach. Her gaze lingers on the bruises covering his face and his torso.
And her eyes go cold.
“Sweetling, why are you talking to that-” His Princess’ father says as he takes a step towards her, reaching out to touch her. 
There’s a flash of silver, only noticed because he was looking for it, and then there’s screaming as ‘Darling’ falls back, clutching his blood soaked arm. His Princess carefully uses a cloth to wipe the blood off the blade. 
“You took Crosshair.” Her voice is flat, emotionless. 
She’s clearly pissed.
“You know,” She continues, some emotion returning to her voice, and she directs her comment towards him, “I really only considered two options when coming here.”
“Oh yeah?” Cross asks as he leans against the bars.
“Hm. Option 1, they took you and killed you.” She continues lightly, “And if that was the case I was going to kill them all, burn this place to the ground, and then throw myself at the Empire until they managed to kill me.”
She shrugs a single shoulder, “Option 2, is that they took you and were using you as bait to make me come here. In this scenario, you were uninjured, just annoyed, and I just threatened great bodily harm and we carried on our way.”
She casts her gaze over him again, “Somehow,” She continues, “The idea that they might torture you never crossed my mind.”
“They are still your family, Princess. I’m not gonna blame you for not wanting to believe the worst of them.” Crosshair says lazily.
She turns to the cell door and effortlessly picks the lock and swings the door open, “Well, you’re the injured party, Cross. What do you want?”
“You have a blaster?”
She smiles and wordlessly passes it to him.
Even with nerve damage, and trembling hands, he’s still the best. 
Three shots. Three blaster rounds. 
Three dead bodies. 
His Princess takes the blaster back and slides it in her holster, before she helps him with a shirt she brought him, “Are you ready to go?” She asks.
“More than ready.” He leans against her, needing her support to make it back to the ship, “Let’s get out of here.”
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A week later, you step into the bedroom on your ship, your gaze lingering on Crosshair. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, glaring at his shaking hands. Nerve damage takes weeks to heal, even with bacta.
His hands will be shaking for a while.
Maybe you’ll take Tech up on that offer for a 3 month long vacation on Pabu.
But first-
You enter the room and kneel in front of him, taking both of his hands in yours and pressing light kisses against the palms of his hands. “Do they hurt?” You ask.
“It’s mostly just an ache,” He admits, bitterly, “I’m not going to be able to-”
“Shh,” You release one of his hands and reach up to cup his cheek, “Crosshair, your only responsibility right now is to heal.”
He scowls at you, though you know he’s more annoyed at the situation than at you. “I feel useless.”
“Nonsense. You could never be useless.”
“You’re biased.”
“Mm, perhaps. A little.” You stand and settle on the bed next to him, “But I’m also honest. You will heal. You will get back to 100%. It just takes time.”
He scoffs.
“Don’t be like that.” You say as you lay your head on his shoulder, “After that Wookie broke my leg in three places, you didn’t accuse me of being a burden or of being useless, even though I felt like I was.”
Crosshair shakes his head, and then leans his head against yours, “You gonna use my words against me?”
“If I have to.”
He huffs out a laugh, “I suppose you did pay for the best doctors to see me.” 
“Yes, I did.” You reply smugly.
“Alright.” He turns to look at you properly, “I’ll be patient.”
“You’re a sniper, patience is your thing.” You tease him, throwing his words back at him.
His arms, strong and steady, hook around you and he pulls you onto his lap, “Yeah, yeah.” Crosshair leans in and kisses you hungrily, nipping at your lower lip roughly enough that you squeak, “So. You gonna tell me what you and Tech have been talking about?”
“...he’s invited us to come to Pabu until you finish recovery. I’m thinking that agreeing might be a good idea.”
He’s quiet for a moment, and then he sighs, “If you think it’s a good idea, Princess, then I won’t argue. But I refuse to stay with my siblings.”
“Of course not, we’ll be staying here or in an inn.” You brush your fingers across his cheek, “I’ll go let him know.”
Crosshair tightens his grip around you, “You can tell him later. I want you for myself right now.”
You beam at him, “I think that sounds like a great idea.”
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invaive · 3 months
writing + editing comms for gaza 🕊️‼️
hello! i decided to make a separate post for this information. i am currently offering writing commissions in exchange for proof of donations to vetted fundraisers and/or relief organizations.
i am a published author and have had both poetry and fiction appear in multiple online magazines, which you can view here. i also have experience as a freelancer and have written commissioned works in the past.
you can get:
short stories (original or fanfiction!)
poems about anything you want!
typewriter poems mailed to you!
probably literally anything else you ask for!
please check under the cut for guidelines, rules, and further information.
must provide a screenshot, via ask or messages, with proof of donation. please make sure the date/time, amount, and name of the fundraiser is visible. donation date must be from within 24 hours of submission.
examples of acceptable screenshots:
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currently i am focusing donation efforts on @/alaa-pales! please help her and her family; they are only ⅕ of the way to meeting their goal.
i will also accept proof of donation to any fundraiser on the OOB masterlist (please include line number!) or to the PCRF.
you will have the choice between prose (fiction or nonfiction) or poetry.
for every $10 (USD or equivalent) donated, you will receive 500 words of prose. ex. if you donate $50, you will receive 2,500 words.
for every $5, you will receive one short poem. if you donate more, you will have the choice to receive multiple short poems, or to combine the funds into longer poems. we can work that out in DMs!
i am extremely open as to the subject matter. i only ask that you do not request of me anything hateful/bigoted towards any group, and that you do not request anything purely pornographic. if you have questions, just ask!
you can find examples of my published works here and some of my other writing here. if you would like further examples, just let me know and i'd be happy to send you some.
for every $10, i will read 1000 words.
i can help with all levels of editing: developmental/substantive editing, line editing, copy editing, and proofreading. just me let know what you want our focus to be!
if you choose a poem and would like it written on a typewriter and mailed to you, i would be happy to do so! minimum of a $10 donation for this. see examples below.
don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
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(apologies for the low tumblr quality. they will be scanned at full resolution and i can email them to you + snail mail them to you if so so wish)
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idontknowreallywhy · 7 months
Resurface 2 - React
Smashed out some more words on the old commute. Am writing poor Virgil’s story from both ends now - this sits somewhere in the future where it all comes back to bite him (and happens immediately after this scene).
Train fic means unedited for now so please forgive heinous errors. Also it was a toss up between “solar flare” and “rare earth minerals” (thanks @gumnut-logic) for what is hampering Five and EOS for tension purposes - had to hamper them somehow else they are a bit OP. Also one of the other Thunderbirds has Magic so… *fudges everything*
“I’m doing my best, Scott, but the solar flare is overwhelming some of Five’s sensors… there are only so many overrides EOS and I can…”
“Sorry. Yes. I’m sorry, John, it’s just…”
“I know.” The precise set of John’s jaw revealed his tension but otherwise he was projecting calm, sympathetic professionalism.
Scott looked around at the various shades of brave face the remainder of his family were wearing. Allie looked sick as a dog but stood tall and his shoulders were squared. Gordon was muttering aggressively and glaring at the island infographic as if it was deliberately withholding information. Brains was whispering to MAX and recalibrating scans at the speed of desperation. Kayo’s expression had set into neutral with the slightest tension in her frame which he recognised as her readiness to spring to their defence against… whatever was happening.
What WAS happening? It had been so fast and Scott had been so absorbed in his own thoughts he didn’t have any answer for what happened in the seconds between Virgil cheerily entering the room bearing coffee and him bolting like a startled hare.
“And he’s not been hiding an illness? His vitals were…”
“Entirely within normal range until 14 minutes ago when there was a sharp spike in heart rate and blood pressure for 6 minutes then he…”
“Became invisible to Five’s scans, yes.”
“Maybe he took one of the boats?” Gordon ventured.
“Negative, EOS has scanned the dry dock, they are all still down there.”
“And no unexplained life signs?” Scott knew they’d covered this but he just couldn’t accept the answer.
John sighed but answered patiently “No, Scott that was the first thing we checked.”
Scott paced and tried to drag his mind out of the spiral of imagining the various scenarios in which his brother could be somewhere a life sign wasn’t. He needed to compartmentalise. This was just another search and rescue mission.
Rescue. Not recovery. Please not recovery.
“Ok. Manual search it is. Brains, you and Max use the drones to access the caldera and the more remote parts of the western slopes. Kayo, Gordon take Thunderbird Four on a clockwise sweep to check the beaches. Alan, you and I will…”
“JOHN!” EOS‘s voice was shrill and Scott’s heart froze.
“Thunderbird Shadow has commenced her launch sequence!”
Kayo’s eyes widened in shock.
“SHADOW? What? Why?”
Everyone looked blank.
“Is Virgil in there? Can you reach him?”
“Sorry Scott, she’s already cloaked and there’s no reply on comms.”
“Stop the launch then!”
“I can’t, we’re locked out.”
“I can.” Kayo, pulled up her remote access and wrestled with the controls for a few seconds before breathing a sigh of relief. “Ok, she’s not going anywhere. Um…”
Scott was already heading for the elevator to the hangars when his sister’s uncharacteristic uncertainty arrested him. He looked back. She swallowed.
“We may have a slight problem.”
“What? What is it Kayo??” Scott knew he was raising his voice but it was that or burst into frustrated tears which was… not an option.
EOS answered first.
“Thunderbird Shadow halted her sequence on the outside of the cliff face.”
Virgil was suspended over a death drop.
“Can we lock him inside?” Gordon had clearly reached the same horrified conclusion as his eldest brother had. Kayo shook her head.
Brains stepped forward “Unf-fortunately n-not as currently configured. The p-pilot’s ability to exit is always p-prioritised over remote a-access in c-case of… c-compromise.”
“I get it. Not your fault Brains. EOS?”
“I’m working on it Scott.”
“Good, in the meantime I’ll grab a couple of jet packs.” Scott headed for the hangar again.
“SCOTT! Wait!” John had dropped the professionalism which arrested Scott’s momentum faster than a brick wall.
“What now John??”
“Let the others go. You have to change.”
“He can’t see you wearing… that.”
Scott looked down at the dress uniform he had forgotten he was wearing and ice crept down his spine. This… was the problem? He suddenly realised John knew something that he didn’t and cursed himself for not finding out what it was already. But now wasn’t the time.
“Right. You three, take jetpacks and get up there but don’t let him get out before I’m with you. I’ll be there asap.”
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mxrtified777 · 2 months
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Oh, should I...
Challenge accepted :)
Alright, right off the bat for Morro, I'm thinkinggg something with tea notes, leaning towards the fresh-spicy end of things. Maybe some smoky/incense accords? Nothing too sweet, definitely trying to avoid gourmands for him. We'll get into all of the sugary colognes with Cole.
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Either Black (Comme des Garçon) with notes of black tea, black pepper, red pepper interestingly enough, incense, violet, and moss or Armani Eau de Cèdre (Giorgio Armani) with notes of sage, bergamot, cardamom, black tea, and suede seem to be fitting for him. Personally, I find the former to be more interesting.
Now for some gourmands with Cole; as a gourmand guy myself, I could not be more excited and also worried considering that there are almost too many to choose from. I can absolutely just find a cake fragrance for shits and giggles along with something that's actually intended to be tailored to him. I'll try and stick to the pastry side of things here.
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FUCKIN' KNEW I COULD FIND A CAKE COLOGNE, LAST BIRTHDAY CAKE (TOSKOVAT), BABY; with notes of hazelnut spread, brandy, cake, tonka, vanilla bean, brown sugar, and custard, as well as some more... odd notes (this fragrance comes from a brand known for basically writing stories with perfume; the lineage of each fragrance projects a specific moment or event, specifically here, blowing out candles on a birthday cake (I'm assuming)) such as cork, milk, and malt. The second cologne is definitely more of a day-to-day fragrance, with hearty notes of hazlenut, dark chocolate, and roasted coffee beans laying on a base of leather and cedar.
This has been Chris Mashing His Interests Together Like Play-Dough Part 734. Thank you for joining me. If you'd like to see me do this with any other characters (including your own!), feel free to send a request to my ask box :)
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