#body upright
soullessseraphim · 3 months
Is this even Arcana related anymore ? -
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lunarcrown · 7 months
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Renthubs commission for @dioslab from @plumelagoon from their fic "eros and psyche" ~~ please read it and get all misty eyed like I did at a tale of curses, arranged marriage, lunar kings and demon princes! And also check out the official matching art piece that @briseise did for their collab a bit back right here!!!! it's beautiful as all things honey does of couuurse!!!
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creekfiend · 6 months
does anyone have any lying down setups for drawing/painting/ANYTHING else lol
what I am learning from my imp today is that if I am lying flat I can get my bpm down to 75 but the moment I sit up it goes to 95, and the lowest I can get it while sitting up is 85
I think if I had more activity options while lying down that were not Be On Phone, I would be less bored and therefore do less overexerting myself in order to simply relieve boredom (problem that I have frequently)
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blackholemojis · 3 months
Two versions of a rollator, regular and upright
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A purple and grey rollator walker with a bag attached to the seat.
A purple and grey upright rollator with a bag attached to the front of the seat, and a strap for back support when sitting. The upright rollator is taller, and has platforms for one’s forearms to rest on while walking.
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sealrock · 5 months
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the major arcana, shuffled: 7/??
THE STAR; ⤉ hope, inspiration, healing, positivity ⤈ hopelessness, despair, monotony, lack of faith THE MOON; ⤉ illusion, instability, dreams, confusion ⤈ releasing fear, unveiling secrets, subsiding anxiety, regaining composure THE SUN; ⤉ vitality, joy, confidence, self-expression ⤈ unrealistic expectations, ego, conceitedness, pessimism
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mods asleep post Rogers II
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roguewallenthusiast · 1 month
Would you still love me if I was paleontologiclly incorrect 🥺
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sorrcha · 4 months
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ungainly form
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sysig · 3 days
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DAX “Cold and Unromantic” SCII is what he’s called (Patreon)
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blood in leGs, It sucks.
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zeb-z · 11 months
bbh finally realized his insistence on revenge at the cost of himself isnt worth it and hurts his loved ones! and it only took seeing someone he loves also burn themselves in their hunt for vengeance in a way that’s somehow far more deadly and self destructive
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ardenrabbit · 4 months
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pkmn-smashorpass · 1 year
I wanted to redo this poll since I missed a couple options and have more followers now
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fatal-blow · 3 months
okay it's happening. im making a post about compensation and muscle pain.
let's say you have a pain. the type of pain that's been nagging at you for quite a while, maybe in different spots but it has a bit of a pattern: like your left shoulder, or the achy knee, and, of course, back pain.
most people don't really know when or where it started, but in this hypothetical scenario it's been building over the years. that pain, and how it has developed over time, is your body Compensating, which starts as something small, but can grow into something utterly disabling.
to give you an idea of what I'm talking about, imagine you've hurt your foot. it hurts to put weight on the ball, but you still need to do stuff, so you just walk around on your heel.
this isn't the normal way to walk, obviously, and most people would go back to normal once the injury is better. but let's say for whatever reason, you end up in the habit of walking on your heel for a while.
because this isn't the right way to walk, you're putting strain on the shin muscles, which have to constantly flex to hold your toes up. it will also overstretch the bottom of your foot. over time, that overstretched muscle starts to hurt too, so now you start curling your toes in to make it hurt less. this in turn puts more strain on the shin muscles, who have now recruited the muscles on the side of your calf to keep your toes raised.
you are now straining several different muscles, and that's just on the foot. each new pain that arises causes a different muscle to act, which creates another new pain when it in turn starts to strain. and the worst part is that this pattern can be so subtle, you don't even realize it happening.
so when you are modifying your posture to address pain, you have to be careful not to continue the cycle. remind yourself that a good posture is relaxed--even standing requires very little muscle activation. if you catch yourself clenching up, try to find the reason for it and follow it back. it's the only way you'll escape the cycle.
a good posture is a relaxed posture. instead of forcing yourself to sit straight, find the reason you were in that pose to begin with.
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ocherednoe-dno · 3 months
Belisarius has as many primaris kids as can be expected of a particularly long-lived shrimp
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tofangirlonly · 2 months
Me @ me for not eating enough on the very frequent schedule my body demands
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