#bodyguard Haldir
gloomwitchwrites · 10 months
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Missed Hints (Thorin Oakenshield x Female Reader)
Misunderstanding (Thorin Oakenshield x Female Reader)
Mint & Stone (Thorin Oakenshield x Female Reader) ... coming soon
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Rainy Reunion (Aragorn x Female Reader)
Burnt Bread (Éomer x Female Reader)
Gentle Dark (Haldir x Female Reader)
A Sudden Spark (Éomer x Female Reader)
We Won’t Be Missed (Legolas x Female Elf Reader)
An Unexpected Catch (Boromir x Female Reader)
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Untitled Captain Rex ... coming soon
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Untitled Hunter (Bad Batch) ... coming soon
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Ink & Needle Masterlist (Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader)
Dangerous Pursuit Masterlist (Captain John Price x Female Reader)
Imagines & What If Main Masterlist (Task Force 141)
Locker Room: Part One // Part Two // Simon's POV (Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader)
Second Act Masterlist (Task Force 141 Masked Metal Band AU)
A Brute, Brute Heart (Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader)
Thinking Of Series: Knight // Viking // Hacker // Hitman // Pub Owner // (Summer) Olympics // (Winter) Olympics // Regency // PornStar // Gladiator // BlueCollar // Bodyguard // RockStar // MMAFighter
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solasan · 2 years
2, 8, 9, 13, 17 and 33 for vórimë pls!! 💚
02. can your oc play any instruments? have they ever wanted to learn how to play any? why?
uhhh on a purely practical level, yeah, sure, vórimë can technically play the harp and flute, and by the standards of men, she probably wouldn't even sound too bad. by the standards of her fellow elves, though, she absolutely fucking butchers music dshdsjkds. i think that she has a quite clear, sweet singing voice — again, nothing special by elven standards, but enchanting to the race of men — but when it comes to instruments, she's better off leaving that to her more talented kin.
she'd like to be better with the harp especially, because her long-dead mother loved the harp best of all and she'd like to connect with her — and also, honestly, she doesn't like being bad at things. maybe after retiring from arwen's service and heading for eryn lasgalen she picks it up and puts in some practice but idk?
08. does your oc prefer being in a crowd or being completely alone? how many people can be around them before they get uncomfortable?
answered here <333
09. how easily does your oc make friends? do they have difficulty talking to new people? why?
she doesn’t have much difficulty talking to new people — she’s relatively outgoing for an elf, and she’s a quick wit, so even if she’s not necessarily charming (bc she can come across as a little arrogant and intimidating), she’s not all that difficult to talk to — but making and then keeping friends is... difficult for her. she’s outlived a lot of her friends, just bc of the number of wars she’s seen, and because of that she kind of... has trouble actually connecting with people beyond politeness or funny small talk. she doesn’t make the effort with mortals anyway tbqh; it’s too painful. by the third age, she counts arwen, elladan, elrohir, @denerims’ tiriel, and like... possibly haldir? among her friends? maybe? (even if tiriel’s kind of more of an adopted granddaughter in vórimë’s head bc of how young she is) and that’s kind of it sdhdsjk. she’s very lonely tbh.
13. how dangerous is your oc? are they completely innocent, or someone to be feared? do others know?
oh yeah, dangerous. not in a malicious way — vórimë doesn’t pick fights and there’s not an evil bone in her body — but more in a... very capable kind of way? she’s known for her skill in combat; there’s few finer swordsmen in imladris, and she’s definitely the best archer rivendell has. she didn’t become arwen’s bodyguard just bc her dad was pals with elrond (tho that probably helped). 
so she’s not rly someone to be feared (unless like thranduil u get on her bad side) but she’s definitely respected for her capabilities. however, she’s no great legend told around campfires, so unless a person’s resided in rivendell or hung around with a lot of elves from the area, they probably haven’t heard of her. she’s no aragorn, son of arathorn.
17. how well can your oc keep secrets? is there a difference between how they handle their own vs someone else’s? to what lengths would they go to keep something hidden?
i’m honestly not sure omg. i think— i think she honestly probably approaches secrets in much the way a therapist or doctor would; if no one’s going to be hurt, she’ll keep it, but if someone’s in danger, she won’t. arwen is probably the only person vórimë would keep any secret for, purely bc they are so close. she doesn’t have many secrets of her own to keep, so she’s pretty open; the only one i can rly think of is her growing love for thranduil over the years, and that’s mostly out of embarrassment / belief the feelings aren’t reciprocated. it’s also not especially well-hidden; anyone who knows her knows about those feelings, even if they don’t know the details of their relationship.
she’s not a particularly brilliant liar, though, so how successful she’ll be in hiding a secret is questionable. probably if someone could tell that she was lying, she’d admit it, but refuse to elaborate on the secret in details. so i don’t think she’d go especially far to keep a secret; just refuse to speak on the matter, growing steadily agitated if she’s being probed. she wouldn’t like... kill someone to keep a secret.
33. how does your oc’s own perception of themselves compare to how other people see them? is your oc aware that other people see them differently (if it’s different)?
oooooof. i don’t think vórimë’s self-perception is bad, per se; she’s very proud of her capabilities and the things she’s accomplished, and she’s especially smug about having the honour of guarding arwen. but i don’t think that she really... views herself as particularly legendary? she perceives herself in a very utilitarian way; how can she serve, what can she do, what use is she in a given situation? she doesn’t really let herself just... breathe. 
whereas i think other people yes, do see her for these capabilities and her prowess in battle, as well as the wisdom she’s gained through experience, but not just as a tool to be used. to others like thranduil, she’s laughter in a quiet room, or sunlight washing over the trees. she’s a safe place to land — even if she does come across as somewhat intimidating on first meeting. and i’m not sure if she’s even aware of that tbh dshdsjk
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Aahanna: *at a wedding and had invited Lady Galadriel to it- is wearing this*
Haldir: *a bit bored waiting around for Aahanna to finish dressing*
Lady Galadriel: *is lowkey gossiping with Haldir. Then needs to use the washroom*
Haldir: *waits near top of the stairs that is near to the washroom for her*
Aahanna: *running up the stairs because she forgot something with a platter of flowers in her hand too and is phone the phone. Loses her footing on the last step* yes yes! Am going to get it! I’ll catch up you go!
Haldir: *notices and acts fast without thinking- catches her- wraps his hand around her waist and pulls her up to him*
Aahanna: *gasps and drops the platter of flowers and her hands are flat on his chest. Wides eyes looking at him and feeling his hand on her waist*
Haldir: *realizes how close they are and clears his throat awkwardly. Pulls her safety up*
Aahanna: *blushes and shocked that his hand was around her exposed waist and back* umm. . . thank you
Haldir: are you alright, princess?
Aahanna: *shivers when he takes his hand away* yeay. . . umm. . . *blushes a lot and pats her face with the back of her hand*
Haldir: Am sorry, I couldn’t grab you any other way.
Aahanna: It was only you, am ok with that *sees a flower on his shoulder and brushes it off and straightens his suit and his collar*
Haldir: *is still a bit shocked at her forwardness and as usual flustered* thanks Aahanna
Lady Galaldriel: You know, if I didn’t know any better, I would call you a married couple.
Aahanna: *jumps back and almost falls again but Haldir catches her. Embarrassed and buries her face in his chest*
Haldir: *is trying not to laugh and likes the feeling of her close to him*
Lady Galadriel: Alright you love birds, come along before I proclaim you husband and wife.
@i-did-not-mean-to Idk if this is what you wanted— I didn't plan out my entire imagine lmfaoo. I hc galadriel being the biggest haldir and aahanna shipper!
The fic - bodyguard Haldir + secret royalty
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
Bodyguard Haldir + secret Royalty
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This is for my lovely friend (I love you baby)
Words: 2,25 k
Warnings: violence, blood
Haldir was a professional – the very fact that he had to tell himself this in so many words might have hinted at the fact that, maybe, he was not as aloof as he tried to make everyone believe though – and he would behave accordingly.
In all his years in the service of Galadriel, a strong and ruthless businesswoman, he had never had any job even remotely as emotionally taxing as the one laid before him now; he was to play the bodyguard for a foreign dignitary, a young woman, while she was in the city of Lothlórien for diplomatic talks of the utmost importance.
“Haldir,” his boss had smiled – tight-lipped and charmingly enough for him to know that he was in serious trouble – as she had handed him the file of the young lady in question, “as she is such a tremendously vital part of these negotiations, she will be undercover; nobody is to know who she is.”
“I am to babysit a person who pretends to be someone else?” he had gasped in reply, “You seriously want me to supervise a young woman who’ll probably want to do all the things she’s never been allowed to due to her upbringing and name?”
Lady Galadriel – as the staff called her not without affection behind her back – had merely nodded and grinned.
That had been 2 weeks ago, and since, Haldir’s whole world had shifted.
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“Princess Aahana,” Galadriel had introduced the most beautiful woman he had ever beheld, “this is Haldir; he shall be your shadow from now on.”
Oh, how those eyes – black as jet and ink – had radiated as they fell on him and – for the first time in his career – Haldir had wished, be it only for a single moment, that she might have seen him in his own well-tailored suits rather than the black on black uniform he was expected to wear while on a job.
“You’ve got to lose that suit,” she had giggled, “everyone will know that I’m travelling with a bodyguard otherwise.”
“As Milady commands.” He had hated the hollow sound of his own voice, but it had taken all his strength to dissimulate the treacherous tremor of admiration and breathless captivation he felt for that princess from a faraway land.
Already, minutes after that very first meeting, he felt his resolve mellowing; all his words of stern refusal of whatever fancies a young woman might have dissolved like snow in the sun upon seeing her fresh, open face full of life and joy.
Galadriel merely chuckled; she had been sure that Haldir was the right man for this job – conscientious to a fault but gentle enough to not disregard the princess’s well-being and happiness in the name of safety and decorum – and she loved being right.
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“Ah come on,” Aahana, as she demanded to be called, laughed, “you look cute!”
Haldir made a face; he did not want to look cute, but – truth be told – he would have done almost anything to make his princess – for she was his for the time being – laugh; of course, he would have preferred to be called ‘handsome’, but any compliment falling like stardust from her perfectly shaped lips was a blessing he accepted in grateful humility.
It was hard to put into words how different she was from all the other people in his life; Aahana was a special kind of light that blinded his heart without hurting his eyes.
Looking at her felt as if he had slept through every single night of his life before, as if he had never seen the stars, for – unlike the pale and colourless beauty of those he called kin and friends – she made him discover and adore the endless nuances of duskiness.
Her skin was like velvet the colour of a sunset over the deserts he’d only seen once during his training years, and her eyes were as dark and mysterious as a moonless night.
Nevertheless, he had never seen anyone half as luminous as that young woman who could laugh and cry about almost anything; she had a quick wit and a tender heart, and – professional or not – he was already half in love with her.
On this fateful day, she had taken him into one of those malls where predominantly young people hung out to buy him a new set of clothes that would be less conspicuous as they walked down the street – discovering sights and restaurants – and visited museums of all sorts.
“I don’t know, Aahana,” Haldir muttered, looking down miserably at the tight jeans and the preppy sweatshirt she had chosen; it was the very opposite of the sober, clean style he usually preferred in his own private wardrobe.
“I like it,” she grinned, “it accentuates your butt.”
Haldir twisted and turned to check, freezing when Aahana’s soft fingers closed around his chin and directed his face and gaze to the mirror that stood in plain view just a few steps away from him.
“You look great, Haldir,” she repeated.
Someone cleared their throat and they both turned to the source of the ominous sound only to find an elderly saleswoman grinning at them.
“Is everything to your satisfaction, you lovebirds?”
Haldir froze, but Aahana only chuckled and assured the woman that they were more than satisfied with the wares; despite pretending to be normal citizens, nothing could dissimulate her good breeding and expensive wardrobe or – for that matter – his military precision and protective demeanour around her.
It was absolutely normal to think that they were lovers, Haldir tried to assuage the panic rising like acid in his throat, they were – after all – a man and a woman who went shopping for clothes together.
Also, Aahana stood suspiciously close to him, holding his face tenderly while she gave him one of those radiant smiles that always turned his insides to goo.
There was nothing strange about this and yet, he felt like he was breaking some sacrosanct rule by letting her encroach upon his personal space and break through the barriers of his heart so.
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“You need to relax, Haldir,” Aahana laughed as they stepped out of the shop, “nobody will believe that I am not important if you keep looking at me as if I was made of pure gold.”
“It has nothing to do with your status, princess,” he muttered and bit his lip when he realised that he had said that out loud.
“Oh, really?” she pounced on this moment of inadvertent weakness with a sunny smile; her voice sounded like milk and honey – inflections of a faraway realm spicing it like her secret ingredients made her tea a symphony of subtle flavours – and he couldn’t help the slight shiver running up his spine upon hearing that sweet voice flow like a river of serene joy around him.
“You are precious,” he simply stated, hoping she’d leave it at that.
Truth be told, Haldir cared nothing about the peace talks or the monumental role this young woman was to play in them anymore; all he could think of was how pearly her laughter rang out and how beautiful she looked in the silken robes of her people.
She was colour where he was blankness and – whenever he saw his own skin on hers – he couldn’t ignore the jolt of pleasure the contrast gave him; Haldir had never wasted a single thought on his own appearance before, but he could admit that he felt more handsome by her side as if they brought the best out in each other – inside and out.
Sometimes, when she was distracted by other things, Aahana would almost walk into traffic and Haldir necessarily held her back – his hand hard and white as marble on the dusky satin of her skin – which would elicit an apologetic giggle from her that made his heart cramp with longing.
Beyond a doubt, Princess Aahana was the most gorgeous and enchanting woman he had ever met and ever since he had clapped eyes on her and exchanged the first words with that sweet soul, his mission had become secondary.
He would have died for her, he would have walked into the inferno of lethal flames and off a cliff to protect her, and it had nothing whatsoever to do with his loyalty to Lady Galadriel or professional dedication.
At night, he would dream of exhausting all his life savings to cover her in jewels and precious metals for he didn’t doubt that the most valuable of gems in this world deserved to be worn and showcased on the smooth perfection of her pristine skin.
“Haldir?” Princess Aahana interrupted his shameful daydreams, “what are you thinking of?”
He would not, he could not tell her; his fantasies of holding her in his arms, of carding those stiff, white fingers of his through the thick, silken hair presently held by an exquisite pair of pins, or of kissing those warm, smiling lips were preposterous, for they would never come true.
“Nothing, Milady,” he sighed, tightening his grip around her wrist as she tried to hasten across the street.
Haldir realised that he had been momentarily distracted by her beauty, but – in a painfully blinding flash – his awareness returned with a sharp sting, the metallic taste of apprehension making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up; someone was watching them.
“Milady,” he called, damning propriety to hell, as he wrapped himself around her like a shield.
To the people passing by, they looked like an ordinary couple hugging in the street, and nobody heard the muted ‘whoosh’ of a bullet finding flesh even though it missed its target by a hair’s breadth.
“Haldir?” Aahana stared up at the tremor of shock and pain that flashed over those features she had come to admire so much before all colour drained from them.
“Haldir!” she repeated, frantic now, as his cold fingers tightened around her upper arms; it didn’t feel as if he was trying to keep her from doing something injudicious anymore, on the contrary, she got the distinct impression that he was clinging to her like a man afraid of drowning.
“Get…to…safety…” he panted, his eyes huge with an emotion too close to fear to leave her unfazed, “run!”
That’s when – trying to pat his back reassuringly – she felt the sticky heat seeping through the new sweatshirt they had just bought.
“Go, princess, please,” he croaked, squaring his jaw in a heroic attempt not to topple and – in the worst case possible – take her down and pin her under his lifeless body.
Damn her pride, Aahana thought feverishly, damn the whole secretive nonsense; clearly, her enemies had found her after all and despite all the precautions that had been taken to keep them in the dark.
“HELP,” she screamed, a sob shredding her words into a cacophony of feelings, “help me! Call an ambulance!”
People started turning around, hastening to her side; they were all in danger, Aahana knew, but she accepted to build a human shield if only it would boost Haldir’s chances of getting to the hospital before bleeding out.
“Aahana,” he wheezed, “don’t! You need to…”
Words failed him as the pain and the numbing cold flooded his senses.
“Hush, friend,” Aahana caressed his cheek tenderly, “it will be alright. I’ll alert your people from the ambulance; don’t worry.”
For weeks now, he had kept her safe – physically as much as emotionally – and she would be unworthy of her title and its honours if she could not repay his dutiful kindness by stepping up in his hour of need.
It had been her fault; she had become too confident and frivolous.
If only she had listened to careful, measured Haldir, but now it was too late, and she prayed to her gods and his alike that he’d be fine; she knew not how she would deal with the guilt and the emptiness if he was to succumb to that insidious wound.
Wasn’t it funny that a man so discreet and stoic was taken down by an attack equally as silent and dignified?
“Milady,” Haldir gasped – jolted awake by a bump in the road – and felt around the sterile cloth for her hand, “why did you…? How could you put yourself in danger for me like that?”
“I don’t often get the chance to talk to someone like you,” Aahana replied softly, “let alone be with someone like you, or be myself for that matter; I owe you not only my life but what little happiness I have known in the last year.” With a gentle hand, she brushed away a strand of hair – tacky with sweat – from his fair brow as she went on: “I am not more important than you, Haldir, no matter what people tell you…what else did you want me to do?”
“Run, as I told you,” Haldir frowned at her, but he didn’t manage to look quite as severe as he would have liked to, “get to a safe house and call Lady Galadriel.”
“And leave you behind?” Aahana was aghast.
“Yes, I am but a small cog in the works,” Haldir replied without false modesty.
“Wrong,” Aahana protested, “you are the only thing that mattered in that instant to me….” He managed a sad smile – allowing himself for a single second to believe that the way she looked at him now was proof of more than just professional courtesy and basic human decency – and then, the world went black around him.
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I hope you enjoyed this, baby, once again, I love you truly <3
You are a really pretty girl and I hope I didn't say anything offensive. Love you ❤️
@eunoiaastralwings have her read this one to you <3
@fellowshipofthefics second entry :D
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Continue - Part 3
Summary: You have been ripped away from your world and tossed into one that is supposed to be pure fiction. You know the stories, how they are supposed to go. Despite your knowledge, you are unable to change the fates of the Fellowship you had grown so close to.
Pairing: Legolas x Modern!Reader
Word Count: 1,957
Warnings/Disclaimers:  Violence, mentions of blood.
A/N: So this one turned into a beast. I wanted to write in some of the Battle of Helm’s Deep to try something different. Hopefully, this worked out, and I didn’t jump all over the place too much.
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“Please, reconsider,” Legolas pleaded with you. “What if the binding magic activates, again? If we are separated, you will be defenseless amongst the chaos.”
You chewed on your bottom lip. He had a point, but still...
Squeezing his fingers, you tried your case again. “Legolas, I understand. I truly do. But I want to help you all on the field, not hide away in the caves. In a battle like this... Every person counts.”
Thunder from the impending storm nearly overshadowed the elf’s sigh. He unlaced a hand and cupped your face, stroking the apple of you cheek with his thumb. “There is that endearing determination, again.” Pulling you forward, he laid his forehead on yours. The tenderness of the action made your heart flutter. “I will not be able to convince you, will I?”
“Not this time, no,” you breathed, a ghost of a smile adorning your face.
With a light huff, Legolas pulled away to help you secure chainmail and light armor. If he couldn’t coax you into staying safe inside the caves with the others who were unable to fight, then he would at least ensure you would have some protection. The goal would be for you to stay by him as much as possible in the upcoming battle, but both of you knew that most likely would not happen.
Just as you remembered from second movie, there was a commotion at the gate. With knitted brows, Legolas took your hand to head outside where you met with Aragorn and King Théoden. Before you stood an elven army, Haldir at the forefront looking as stoic and regal as ever. Relief and hope visibly flooded the Ranger’s body. So much so, that he pulled the elf into a hardy embrace.
Out of all the characters you knew of, the Marchwarden was the only one whose fate was up in the air. There was no mention of his death in the books. Then again, he had not led an army to Helm’s Deep. The second film added drama with his appearance and fall. But… Could that change?
This version of the world seemed to meld the two forms of media together. You had been able to meet Tom Bombadil and his wife Goldberry after leaving the Shire which definitely hadn’t happened in the movies. And then there was the time when Frodo had to be rushed to Rivendell after being stabbed with a Morgul blade. That played out like the film with Arwen cradling his weakened form and speeding away on her horse. You had only caught a glimpse of Glorfindel after meeting Elrond. So maybe… Just maybe…
It wasn’t long after Aragorn released Haldir from the awkward hug that orders to get into position were sent out. Squeezing your hand, Legolas motioned for you to join him with Gimli at the higher parapet where you all could use arrows until the enemy tried to clamber up the walls. Lightning cracked the sky as you reached your station, the accompanying thunder booming off the stone. Your elf had placed you in between Gimli and him. Despite the dwarf not knowing of the magic that tethered you, he cared for you like family. It was almost like you had your own bodyguards.
Checking your bow one last time, you noticed Gimli struggling to see over the wall.
“What’s happening out there?”
“Shall I describe it to you?” Legolas turned his head towards the dwarf who met his gaze with a hum and arched brow. “Or would you like me to find you a box?”
And there was that lopsided smirk that partly caused Gimli’s boisterous laugh. It wasn’t often you saw that kind of smile sneak its way onto Legolas’ face. You bit back a chortle just as the rain plummeted down on the battlefield.
Then the chaos began. An arrow was loosed early into the throng of Uruk-hai and orcs, sending them into a frenzy. Between firing attempts and dodging projectiles, you didn’t notice the ladders hitting the walls.
A sweaty, snarling orc head popped over the edge next to you. It was close enough to smell its rancid, putrid breath. Swallowing your shriek, you took the arrow you were about to notch and shoved it into the creature’s throat. A gurgled screech tore from its mouth as it feel backwards off the ladder. What moment of triumph you had was short lived as a new round of orcs quickly followed. You opted for your sword instead, strapping your bow on your back for later.
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You weren’t sure when you ended up on the ground level. It was all a blur. You were fairly sure you had fallen from the stairs at some point, probably in the middle of defending yourself. You at least remembered laying the mud and scrambling to reach your feet to dodge the next blow before lodging your sword in the orc’s side. Another orc rushed towards you, leaving no time to gather your bearings or look for your companions. After barely managing to take down that opponent, an explosion rumbled from the other side of the keep.
Adrenaline coursed through you, blood pounding in your ears, as you sprinted off in that direction. By the time you reached him, the ranger was mostly back on his feet. You had only been able to make sure he regained his balance just as an Uruk-hai bulldozed its way to you from the newly breached wall. Jumping away from each other to miss its crudely forged blade, Aragorn and you then lunged forward with your swords, the steel penetrating the thick flesh not hidden away by armor. The Uruk-hai fell into muddy water, its black blood nearly indistinguishable from the muck.
Now focused on containing the breach, a handful of soldiers joined you and the ranger. A mess of Uruk-hai and orc were pouring through the opening. It wasn’t going to be enough. Aragorn called for everyone to start falling back. Just as you were headed off, a flash of red caught your eye. Your breath caught in your throat. Haldir was still on the upper level, making sure his soldiers were able to escape, and he was being surrounded rapidly.
Ripping the bow from your back, you shot at some of the orcs rushing up the stairs. You at least nailed a few of them. Your throat constricted lightly as you fired, either from your exhaustion or the magic warning you about interfering again. You weren’t quite sure at this point. Then, Haldir was hit, his entire world thrown off kilter. He spun wildly to defend himself from the onslaught. An Uruk-hai was readying his blade for the Marchwarden.
Magic be damned. You couldn’t just stand there and watch. Not again.
Sucking in a breath, you closed your eyes and raised your bow. Your chest tingled as you pointed in what you thought was the general direction. Flinging your eyes open, you made a last second adjustment to your aim. Just a touch to the left…
You were able to let go of the arrow just enough to let it fly from your fingers when your lungs froze and muscles locked you in place, leaving you unable to do anything but watch the following events. Your arrow hit the Uruk-hai’s bicep - non-fatal, but enough to cause it to falter. It also recalled Haldir’s focus, enabling him to dispose of his attacker.
He turned to find his savior, his eyes widening upon seeing you. At first you thought he was just surprised, but then you noticed movement in your peripheral. The binding magic still had you rooted to the spot and had ramped up. Your breathing was thin and ragged, vision blurring at the edges. You couldn’t even adjust your gaze to see what was approaching you at such a speedy gait.
An arrow whizzed past your face. A squelch sounded as it pierced the flesh of your supposed attacker. As the orc dropped to its knees, the spell chaining you down released. Gasping and choking on a torrent of oxygen, your burning muscles loosened and you fell back on the tower behind you.
Your head was pounding, muffling out the sounds of the battle still taking place. Warm hands encased your face and lifted your gaze. Panicked blue eyes bore into yours.
Legolas breathed your name. “Are you all right?”
“Yes,” you hoarsely replied while nodding, your throat feeling like coarse sandpaper.
The sound of more Uruk-hai and orcs stole your attentions. Legolas let go of your face and snatched up your hand instead, pulling you along with him. The Marchwarden had made it down the stairs and joined you in the retreat. With the three of you, you were able to brute force your way to the inside of the keep.
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Cheers and laughs echoed through the Golden hall. The Battle of Helm’s Deep was over. Saruman had been defeated, locked away in his tower with his lackey Wormtongue. Merry and Pippin were safely back with the company, celebrating the victory with the rest of Rohan. You, however, had chosen to go outside near the beginning of the festivities. There had barely been a moment’s rest between everything. All you really wanted was to decompress.
The cool breeze caressed your skin as you breathed in the clean air, your lips tugged lightly into a smile. You had done it. You had managed to bypass the stupid binding magic that kept you from changing anything. Albeit barely and your muscles still ached from how tightly the curse had wound them, but you still did it.
Leaning on the railing, you looked up at trillions of stars in the night sky. This world was truly beautiful. You could get used to living here if you were never to return to your own. Maybe by then, the curse would ease or end completely.
You swung around, facing Legolas who had been standing almost directly behind you.
“Legolas!” you gasped, before sniggering. “You always manage to sneak up on me!”
The elf laughed along with you and joined you at the railing, resting his hand on yours. “Are you well?”
“Never better.” You rested your head on his shoulder. “Thank you, by the way.”
He hummed questioningly while nuzzling your hair.
“Back at the keep. You were right about the binding magic. It did almost get me killed. If it weren’t for you, I may not be here right now.”
Tiny tears began to sting your eyes. This was just as real as your world and you could die just as easily. Legolas and the others had been vital in keeping you breathing. And you just had to try. It was only a fraction of a second that stood between life and death for both Haldir and you. It could have all gone wrong within moments.
Lacing his fingers with yours, he spoke softly, “I will admit, I was terrified when you disappeared. Even Gimli was unable to say what happened. I managed to find you when the air changed again. Seeing you frozen with that orc so close… My heart nearly stopped.” His voice nearly broke at the end.
“Just promise me,” he stopped you, turning to where you were facing each other. “Promise me, you will be more careful.”
Gingerly cupping your face with his free hand, his thumb stoked your cheek.
You nodded, “I promise.”
Legolas then kissed your forehead. “Now, you did save the Marchwarden’s life, did you not?” He pulled back, tugging you with him to head inside. “That is added cause for celebration.”
“I guess it is,” you laughed and allowed him to bring you back to the party.
Tag List: @thisbreakableheaven​ @beakami​
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ilovedainironfoot · 3 years
You are really tall girl ( like 1,80m so 6′), how do they react ? ( Dis + Gimli + Aragorn + Galadriel )
 ( none of the gifs or pictures are mine )
asked by @bigcatmairon​ to celebrate my 100 followers \^o^/ ( requests are closed now )
-she is a dwarf and from the royal family so she is used to diplomatic meetings with humans bigger than her 
-so when she meets you she only thinks that you are bigger than the human females she usually sees but she forgets very quickly and she does not care 
-she who at first paid no attention to you ends up finding something in common with you when you get angry with one of the human guards about your "rather unusual size for a lady"
-like you, dwarfs get angry at any reflection about their size (it's fine for five minutes but when you hear the same joke ten times in a day, thanks but no, please fuck you)
-by dint of seeing you in diplomatic meetings you two end up becoming friends
-you are the only ones allowed to make jokes about each other's size, if someone other than the two of you makes a joke, they will have to face the anger and retaliation of both of you
-she laughs like crazy the first few times she takes you to the mines, seeing you bend over and walk with difficulty when she is perfectly at ease
-to take revenge you place all her personal objects or those she will need during the day in a high place, so that she will have to ask for your help
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-he doesn't care about your size, anyway humans are always big compared to him so it doesn't change anything compared to usual ( he is 1,37m, 4′6′‘)
-on the other hand you two become very quickly brothers ( and sisters ) in arms
-he protects your knees, you protect him from attacks coming from above, your sizes are perfect in combat for each other
-you are his eyes when he cannot see because of an obstacle
-on the other hand he does not authorize you to carry him, he finds it humiliating
-you two have monumental laughs on the days you try on each other's clothes
-the first person who makes a joke about your size that will hurt you will get a very violent kick in the nuts
-and the first person who will make fun of Gimli's size will be violently lifted up by you so that their eyes will meet yours and that they will shit themselves to see your death stare from hell
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-that guy is 1,98 cm so 6′6′’
-he has already met women with the same heights as you, so he doesn't think much of them, he doesn't make any remarks about you
-he is rather happy to meet a human being to whom it can speak directly in the eyes
-he teaches you to use your great size as an advantage in combat
-he takes you to Rivendell where elven robes and armor fit you perfectly
-humans being more used to human women smaller than them, you and Aragorn have fun making them believe that you are an elf
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-she is quite happy to meet a human woman who is close to her size ( she’s 1,93 cm  so 6′4′‘)
-you two become best buddies very quickly
-she remarks to you some time after the beginning of your friendship, how unusual it is for her to meet human women of your size
-you fit perfectly into the elven armor of the Lothlorien
-she makes you her bodyguard when she leaves the Lothlorien ( not that she really needs it but well )
-she makes Haldir train you to fight 
-when she has some time, Galadriel teaches you to climb trees like an elf
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1,500 Followers Challenge!
The Title/Trope Challenge!
Again, thank you all for all your support!  You are all amazing and I truly cannot thank you enough for helping me get this far.  It’s certainly a milestone that I never thought I’d see.
Straight to the challenge!
Basic rules apply ~ there are 30 songs and 30 quotes posted below, pick one from your fandom with your character.  This will be open for a while as 2 requests per song/quote.  The only rule is here is, is that the requests cannot be from the same fandom.  I will try and keep the lists as updated as I can to try and avoid cross overs!
The extra - This time around, send me either a title and/or a trope to base to the fic on.  They can be as weird and wonderful as you want, or something simple.  In your ask, just specify which you are sending me and I’ll do the rest from there!
Send me an ask with your request
Include your fandom and character
Choose a song and quote
Give me a title and/or a trope to base the fic on!
In saying that, please remember that this is all just a bit of fun, I’m sure you can have a laugh at some of the quotes below (based off of some of my favourite movies).  Please send all requests through asks, it’s easier for me to keep track of, and let me know of any questions!  It is, of course, okay to request more than once!
For now, there is no closing date, we will just keep going until all the requests are full!  Requests will be closing 1st May.
Further info below the cut.
Evermore  ~ Dan Stevens (Beauty and the Beast) - Lord of the Rings
Protector  ~ City Wolf - Supernatural and The Hobbit
I  See the Light ~ Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi (Tangled) - Lord of the Rings
I'd  Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That) ~ Meat Loaf - Marvel and Supernatural
Bloodshot  ~ Sam Tinnesz
Let’s  Hear It For The Boy ~ Deniece Williams
All  Eyes On You ~ Smash Into Pieces
Feel  Invincible ~ Skillet
Natural  ~ Imagine Dragons - Lord of the Rings
Wrong  Side Of Heaven ~ Five Finger Death Punch
Shatter  Me ~ Lindsey Stirling Ft. Lzzy Hale - Supernatural
Feeling  Good ~ Nina Simone - The Hobbit and Marvel
Somebody  To Love ~ Queen - The Hobbit and The Witcher
Hurricane  ~ Thirty Seconds to Mars
You  Give Love A Bad Name ~ Bon Jovi - The Hobbit
Girls  Just Wanna Have Fun ~ Cyndi Lauper - Supernatural
Total  Eclipse of the Heart ~ Bonnie Tyler - The Hobbit
Don’t  You (Forget About Me) ~ Simple Minds
Hell  Ain’t a Bad Place to Be ~ AC/DC
Love  Is A War ~ Jeremy Renner
A  Reason to Fight ~ Disturbed - The Witcher
True  Love ~ P!nk ft. Lily Allen - Marvel and Supernatural
Poison  ~ Alice Cooper
Sucker  for Pain ~ Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons w/ Logic & Ty  Dolla $ign ft X Ambassadors (Suicide Squad)
Hello  Hello ~ Elton John ft. Lady Gaga (Gnomeo and Juliet) - Lord of the Rings and Supernatural
I’m  Gonna Be (500 Miles) ~ The Proclaimers - Marvel and Lord of the Rings
I Will Always Love You ~ Whitney Houston  (The Bodyguard) - Supernatural and Lord of the Rings
When You Wish Upon A Star ~ Cliff Edwards  (Pinocchio) - The Hobbit
Raise Hell ~ Dorothy
Leave Me Lonely ~ Imelda May
I mean, those people aren't exactly our regular customers. (Legion)
I would not have shown you such mercy. (Legion) - Lord of the Rings
When you hesitate, people die. (Doom)
Yeah, I was thinking about it. (Doom)
Will you please get this child off my leg? (Bedknobs and Broomsticks) - Supernatural
Do you poison the dragon or just the liver? (Bedknobs and Broomsticks)
I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering. (The Music Man) - Supernatural and Lord of the Rings
A man can't turn tail and run just because a little personal risk is involved. (The Music  Man) - Marvel
You idiots! You fools! You imbeciles! (101 Dalmatians) - Supernatural
It was a beautiful spring day. Tedious time of the year for bachelors. (101  Dalmatians) - Marvel
I think I am familiar with the fact that you are going to ignore this problem until it  swims up and bites you in the ass. (Jaws) - Lord of the Rings
Smile you son of a bitch! (Jaws)
You never have control, that’s the illusion! (Jurassic Park) - The Hobbit
Boy, do I hate being right all the time.  (Jurassic  Park) - The Witcher
The suspense is terrible.  I hope it'll last. (Willy  Wonka and The Chocolate Factory) - Lord of the Rings
So shines a good deed in a weary world. (Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory)
That was naughty. (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) - The Hobbit and Supernatural
You broke my heart once. This time you missed. (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
You know, he looks heroic and he walks fast, but he’s kind of got a negative attitude.  (The Meg) - The Lord of the Rings
Yeah, well, I’m not crazy, I’ve just seen things no one else has. (The Meg) - Marvel
Eight years is a long time. Can I make you a cup of tea? (Godzilla) - Marvel
As far as he's concerned, you're just a pair of breasts that talk. (Godzilla) - The Hobbit
Afraid? You don't know what afraid is. You will not last five minutes without me.  (Jumanji) - The Hobbit
Oh, okay, honey. Well, that would be cheating. (Jumanji) - The Hobbit
Carrots? Why is it always carrots? I didn't even eat carrots! (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) - Supernatural
I know what you seek, and you will not find it here. (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) - Supernatural and The Witcher
No. I can't do that, and if you were in my position, you'd do the same. (Alien)
When I give an order I expect to be obeyed. (Alien)
I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier.  (Dogma) - Lord of the Rings
Well, I say we get drunk, because I'm all out of ideas. (Dogma) - Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit
Characters I will write for:
The Hobbit – Thorin, Fili, Kili, Dwalin, Bofur, Nori, Gloin (friends only), Frerin, Thranduil, Bard, Legolas, Bilbo, Lindir, Beorn
The Lord of the Rings – Aragorn, Boromir, Eomer, Faramir, Legolas, Gimli, Frodo, Merry, Pippin, Elrond, Haldir
Supernatural – Sam, Dean, Castiel, Crowley, Gabriel, Lucifer, Benny, Balthazar, Chuck, Garth, Mick, Gadreel, Charlie, Bobby
Marvel – Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Loki, Thor, Peter Quill, Logan, Stephen Strange, Carol Danvers, Sam Wilson, Heimdall
Dragon Age – Alistair, Anders, Cullen, Morrigan, Zevran, Leliana, Fenris, Sebastian, Iron Bull, Dorian, Cassandra, Blackwall, Varric
Harry Potter – Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Neville, Remus, Sirius, Fred, George
Star Trek (Newer Films) – Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty
The Witcher (TV Series) – Geralt, Yennefer, Jaskier
Of course, this list isn’t a final thing, if you feel I could write a character, please just send me a message and I’ll let you know if I’m comfortable with it or not.
Please of course note that all drabble requests are reader insert.  I will not do character pairings, but I will change to first/third person if you prefer reading that way.  Y/N will be the standard name though and remain that way.
For any Dragon Age requests, if you wish to appear as a certain race, please let me know.
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All the Love {Thranduil x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by: @queenofmankind​ Wordcount: 3296 Summary:You show up uninvited to a grand affair, hosted by King Thranduil. There’s been some things left unspoken.
No matter how ornate your gown, or how beautifully braided your hair was, attention always went to the necklace that rested between your breasts. Silver, twisted into branches to make a teardrop like shape, framed the four pointed star within. It hung off of a delicate looking chain, but it was one which was extremely hard to break. Throughout your long life, it had never broken once, not even when you were a child and not as careful as perhaps you should have been. It was not only a beautiful piece of jewelry, but it was a sign of your life force. It was realized that if you were ever seen without it, it meant that you had fallen in love. Many elves had tried to have the privilege by courting you, but you remained stubborn and so the necklace had stayed. There was no one you had yet met who you would give your heart, your life to. The keyword in this being yet.
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The rain was falling when you reached Mirkwood. You never minded the rain, but nonetheless, it was a relief when you were under the thick canopy of trees rather than out in the open. It was only when you saw the lights floating among the trees that you even realized you had reached your destination. A blonde haired elf approached, his hair as straight as the tree trunks around you. “Welcome, Lady y/n,” He said with a bow of his head. You chuckled, your fingers playing at your bottom lip.
“After all of the playing that we had done while you were a child?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “You should know better than to call me a Lady. We both know I’ve never acted like one.”
“Calling you a mudcrab wouldn’t have been as nice a greeting,” Legolas said with a smile, welcoming you into his arms. He still smelled of the deep forests, you noticed. Your oldest friend had not changed much over the years, though perhaps he had gotten a little more serious. It seems like it had just been yesterday when you had been one of his carers, and walked him through these very woods to help him appreciate nature. It was something that he was born with, but you had helped him to look beyond the trees. To respect the soil as well as the roots, and the birds as well as the leaves.
“Might have gotten a few looks for that, you’re right,” You smiled. You weren’t opposed to getting dirty when you went on your little adventures. It was why he called you mud crab - because you would wander into the lakes and come back looking like some sort of creature. He let go of you, and you let go of him, once the timing was on the verge of being inappropriate. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“He’d want you to be here,” Legolas said, taking you from your guards to lead you to where you would be staying.
“He still has no idea, does he?”
“He might. One of his spies might have already told him that you’re here.” Legolas was, of course, talking about his father. Thranduil, King of Mirkwood. The most noble and regal elf that you had known, except for perhaps Elrond. “He claims to know everything that goes on in here, but we still have some secrets.”
“That’s good. I would hate for him to know what we used to call him,” You whispered the last bit in case there were, indeed, spies about. Legolas smiled, and stopped in front of a archway.
“This will be your room,” He told you, bowing his head as you walked inside. It was a bit dark, but airy. Little fireflies were buzzing their way around, landing on the wooden headboard. Not much had changed in the millenia that you had been away. You could well recognize that it was the same room you used to use.
“Of course,” You said, your guard coming behind you, bearing your things. He started to unpack on your behalf. Gowns came out of your bags and were hung from a thin but strong branch, coming in from the outside. An owl flew in and perched on it, keeping its wide eyes on what was happening. “Where is your father now?”
“There’s a concert in the main hall. The first of many, I expect. I remember the celebrations for his 6000th birthday, and there was a lot to sit through. This year is meant to be more spectacular.”
“Well, it’s not everyday that a King makes it to seven thousand years old, now is it?” You said with a faint smile. You had come for the last large birthday, and the one before that. Back in the days when there was a Queen, Legolas’s mother, before she had passed. You had been a friend of hers from childhood. That was why you were selected to be one of her son’s caregivers after she was gone. You could tell him stories that Thranduil could not, and help him to forge a relationship with his dead mother. “I’ll freshen up and then I’ll go down. See if I can give him a little surprise.”
“I’ll be watching for you,” Legolas said with a grin. He left you and your guards to prepare for the night ahead. The first thing that you did was change out of your traveling attire into a more respectable gown. You chose something in a muted gold, floor length, with a slit in the front to make walking easier. It was a bit low on the chest to show off your necklace, but had long sleeves so it was still modest. With your hair tumbling down, you thought it was most appropriate for the beginning of a long birthday festival. Your guards gazed as you finished getting ready, bringing on a sort of confidence in you. You weren’t one one of the royals, but rather the daughter of a noble and thus you didn’t get much attention. You were only invited to this because of Legolas but - perhaps, you might look like you belong.
“You look beautiful, y/n,” Your closest friend and bodyguard told you, taking a seat on the floor. There would be more than enough protection in the concert hall. He and the few others would stay in your room until you returned, then find lodgings as close as they could be.
“Thank you,” You said with a curtsy. You wished them all a good night, then followed the few stragglers left to the grand hall. It was the sound of the music that guided you more than the elves. It was far from happy, but rather, a tragic sort of song, a longing sound coming from violins. Leave it to Thranduil to be dramatic.
You spotted the King as soon as you walked inside. He was sitting on his throne, hair draped over his shoulders, attention on the band in front of him. Standing to his right was Legolas, with his hands clasped in front of him, playing the part of the Prince. He caught your eye and let go of the facade for a second, sending you a smirk which you returned before standing on the sidelines to watch the band. You nudged yourself in beside Haldir, who smiled at you, and indicated that he was pleased to see you without verbalizing in it. It would be a very bad idea to interrupt the music.
The song came to an end, then something more upbeat started. “Would you like to dance?” Haldir asked, holding out his hand to you.
“I would be delighted,” You said, taking a hold of it. It was not a slow dance, but it was not as if elves were known for jigging the way that other races did. But you gave it a little of your energy, eyes sparkling bright as you did a spin. He was a beloved friend from years ago, but it had been centuries since you had seen him last. It was wonderful to be in his presence once more.
“First, you show up uninvited,” A voice drawled, bringing your attention to a figure standing beside you. You stopped mid-spin, frozen in spot at the stares this brought. “And then you don’t even come and say hello when you do get here. I must say, you are one of the rudest houseguests that I have had in quite some time. And to my birthday, of all occasions.”
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“Now now, Thranduil,” You said, letting go of Haldir’s hand so you could give a proper curtsy to the King. You noticed his eyes trail to your cleavage, but stopped at the necklace. It made you feel a little warm. “I wasn’t going to interrupt the experience of such a lovely band. I plan to stay for as long as you will have me, and would have come to you at an appropriate time. And as for being uninvited, I think you should ask your son about that.”
“I think I will,” Thranduil’s eyes flickered to his son who was still standing by the throne. I noticed him look uncomfortable at the glance, and walk to find someone to dance with. Some things never change. “You look well.”
“I am well, thank you,” You said with a smile. Haldir excused himself from his position beside you and went through the throngs of people who were still dancing. Even with the music still playing, some of the elves looked a little antsy for the King’s attention. It was a special celebration in his honor after all. “And you - you haven’t changed at all.”
“Older and wiser, though perhaps those are things that you cannot see,” Thranduil snapped his fingers and the band began playing another tune. One that you recognized as his favorite. You had heard it many times while you worked under him. “Would you care to dance?”
“It would be an honor,” You accepted his hand and fell into a perfect harmony with the King. And an honor it was - he could dance with anybody here. No one would dare to reject him, even if they had wanted to. They were all here for him, and here he was, picking you. The uninvited former nanny. A singer came onto the scene and gave a powerful performance of some passages, which you noticed Thranduil singing to as well under his breath. Where his hand and yours were clasped, you began to feel warm. And where the necklace sat upon your breast, that too was beginning to feel warmer. When the song came to a close, he bowed his head to you, and you curtseyed back to him.
“I’ll be just a few moments,” He said, barely moving his lips as he told this to you. No doubt you were the only one who could hear it, even with the enhanced ears of the others in the room. “I expect you to wait here for me.”
“Years, if I have to,” You risked saying, the tips of your ears growing red. A smug smirk went across Thranduil’s features, and you had just enough time to catch a glimpse of it before he headed back towards his throne to make a speech. He thanked everyone for coming out, he was honored to have them in his home, enjoy yourselves but follow the rules - the same speech he had given last year, you recalled. An elf came to you with a glass of sparkling water, which you accepted and sipped at while watching the display. Thranduil really was a good speaker, keeping eye contact with the adoring crowd throughout. He spoke about how everyone here was vital to his success as a ruler, and you thought - perhaps it was an illusion - that he looked at you as he said those words.
After the speech, the music picked back up, and finger foods started to arrive from the kitchens. You looked at the snacks with a sparkle in your eye but did not venture forth to take anything. You had been told to wait here and thus you would. You were as obedient as a perfect child, you thought, and your heart beat inside of your chest as you thought of what he might want from you. Elves were known for being aloof, nonchalant, emotionless.  Some certainly were, including the King that you were waiting for, while others had more man-like emotions. Like Legolas, who was still discovering his own. You were in the latter sort. You felt, and you felt things strongly, and you weren’t ashamed of that. Standing here, feeling like your heart was going to beat out of your chest - you never felt more alive.
You remained silent as you waited, though a few had asked you to dance. You only shook your head politely and sipped at your water, smiling softly at anyone who tried to get your eye. Thranduil had disappeared briefly, as had his son, but when they reappeared, it was not to the throne but it was to beside you.
“Why don’t you find someone to dance with, Legolas? I do recall that I had Lady y/n here give you lessons as a boy.”
“Yes, I hope you’ve kept up with those lessons,” You said with a mischievous look. Legolas looked a slight bit uncomfortable but he did give you a smile and a nod.
“I am a prince, of course I remember how to dance,” He protested, before going through the crowds to find someone to partner up with. Thranduil lightly touched your arm, the bell sleeves of his cloak almost enveloping it from sight.
“I wish to speak with you alone,” He commanded rather than asked. He turned on his heel and walked out of the grand hall, leaving all of the food and friends alone. You looked over your shoulder to see if anyone was paying attention to you now, but everyone was so excited over the delicacies, you didn’t even get a second glance. So you left as swiftly as the King did - for you knew that it was far easier to do as he said than deal with his temper tantrums. There was a reason that you and Legolas had called him King PrissyPants.
You saw the tail end of his cloak spin around a corner, and so you followed it cautiously until you found yourself by the dungeons. “Are you really this upset that I came uninvited?” You asked, feeling nervous.
He finally turned to look at you, with eyebrows furrowed. Why, it even brought a wrinkle to his otherwise ageless appearance. “Yes,” He started. “Tell me - do you know why I didn’t invite you?”
“I didn’t really think about it much,” You admitted. “I didn’t take it personally, is what I mean. Perhaps because I’m just a former nanny?” You weren’t regretting coming at all - seeing Thranduil and Legolas was worth this grief, but you were starting to think it might not have been the best decision you’ve ever made.
Thranduil took a deep breath in, and then a deep breath out. It was really weird seeing him out of sorts like this. “No - that is not why,” He stared at you, hard. You could physically feel it. “It is because I do not plan on getting married ever again because of how heart breaking it was to lose...” He couldn’t even say her name, and you could not blame him. You felt sorrow for him, until you remember how this conversation had come about.
“What has that to do with my being here, Thranduil?” You addressed him by his name, rather than just his title. It felt more personal. This whole conversation felt more personal.
“When I watched you raise my son, it brought something out of my heart that I was never ready to admit to. Even now, I do not wish to say anything out loud. To me, the years since I’ve seen you last were long, but I was ready to move on, to attend to my duties as King. To focus all of my energies on Mirkwood. But then you came along once more, ready to ruin all of that.”
Damn your human-like emotions! You were close to a faint with all of the words that he spoke. Never had anyone come across as so romantic while so angry before. And angry he was - you could see that he blamed you rather than his own heart for these feelings. “I know you have cared for others in your long life, so you are more than capable. But has it really become so foreign to you that it infuriates you? Have you forgotten that love can be such a beautiful thing?”
“I have not forgotten, but neither have I forgotten the feeling of losing it.” Thranduil’s thumb grazed against his lower lip. It took restraint not to kiss him there and then. You weren’t just here for a good party, you were here to see him, and what he was saying - why, they were things you felt when you lived under his canopy centuries ago.
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“As a King, I understand that you sometimes must dwell on the shadows for it helps you to find the light once more,” You said, your own hands going to the back of your neck, fiddling with the chain. “The sun always rises again, you know this as well as anyone. So I am going to give you a little something which I hope brings the dawn.”
The necklace fell loose against your chest. You kept hold of the chain, and held it out to Thranduil to take. He did not do so, but regardless, it wrapped it around his wrist with the pendant resting on top. “I’m not sorry that I came back for the celebration. I’m not going to apologize for coming back to you. I think that she would have wanted me to take care of you, as well as Legolas. So take this, and know what it means.”
You patted his hand, leaving the necklace with him, then turned and quickly went back to the party. You couldn’t make eye contact with anyone when you returned, your nerves were buzzing with the possibilities. Thranduil was a King - surely he would not want the heart of someone like you.
“Where is your-?” Legolas asked upon approaching you, but you hushed him, just like you had done when he was a child. You didn’t want any of Thranduil’s subjects hearing what he was going to ask.
“Hush now,” You said, taking his hands and leading him into a dance. “We’ll find out sooner or later, won’t we?”
It was sooner rather than later. Thranduil returned to the party after a few more songs. Around his neck, in a place of high honor, was your necklace. The pendant that meant your life, your love, your being, was close to his heart. He saw you dancing with his son and sent you a rare smirk as he took his seat upon the throne. That alone was enough for now. That was a serious sign that feelings were returned. If he did not return them, the necklace would have been sent discreetly to your room.
“I’m not calling you mother,” Legolas said seriously, once he saw what you had been looking at.
“I wouldn’t expect you too. Mud-crab is always fine by me.”
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ladyideal · 4 years
This Is Us Part 2
Pairing: Legolas x OC!reader
Word Count: 1615
Summary: When the One Ring was found, it becomes a journey across Middle Earth to destroy it. Watch as the Fellowship is formed, and crossed the continent, where loyalty will be tested, and love will blossom at the most unexpected places.
A/n: Apologize this was a little shorter than I wanted it to. I’ll make it up in the next few chapters. With this out of the way, I can finally get to my requests which for now are open indefinitely. :)
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3
As the Fellowship made their way towards the gap of Rohan, you took the chance to get to know them better. 
There was Gimli the dwarf, the loud one around the campfire, was usually the comic relief. Boromir, the Captain of the White Tower, would snort at the dwarf's efforts, but grin regardless. The four hobbits took turns making stew and food, with the occasional lembas bread from Legolas. You met Aragorn, who normally took the lead during the day travel, and the third on the night watch.
Gandalf would sit alongside the camp, blowing smoke out of his pipe, quiet mostly, but still involved in the nightly conversations. He had pulled you aside as soon as the Council finished, asking why you were sent to Middle Earth.
The same mission as he had, that you were able to protect yourself, you replied, but you knew that explanation alone wasn't going to keep him from worrying. You didn't need a bodyguard, you could handle yourself if need be. 
Lastly, you met Alena, the other lady in the Fellowship, was a fellow Ranger to Aragorn. And from the sea of men, it was a breath of fresh air to speak with someone you could easily relate to.
So while Sam was cooking food, and Boromir was teaching Merry and Pippin, you sidled up beside the elf lady. Aragorn sat nearby, a pipe in his mouth, but otherwise giving out pointers to the young hobbits. 
"Hey," You spoke, folding your knees to the side, watching the mock fight with interest. 
"Hello," She greeted you, but otherwise paying no mind to you. In her hand, she was absentmindedly rubbing something around her neck. Curiously, you leaned in to get a better idea of what it was. 
"Is that a ring?" You chanced, resuming your previous position. 
"It is," Alena confirmed. "Haldir braided my hair before I left for Rivendell. See?"
You leaned back to take in the view of her braided hair, and gently took the courting braid in your hand. "It's beautiful."
"Thank you."
You and Alena continued watching Boromir and the two hobbits fight. 
"Come on, good," The Captain spoke, before accidentally nicking Pippin's hand.
"Sorry!" He apologized before falling on his knees at the sudden kick at his shins.
"Get him!" Merry joined in.
As you and Alena cheered for the hobbits, you almost swore that the half elf glanced curiously at you. During watch, you and her had swapped stories. While you avoided speaking of your lineage as much as possible, you had a faint feeling that the Ranger was suspicious of you.
While Aragorn broke up the fight, Legolas stood up, staring at something from the South. You nudged Alena, and indicated at the elf with a slight tilt of your head. Sam, noticing Legolas, stood up as well from beside the bubbling stew.
"What is that?" The hobbit inquired.
"Nothing, just a cloud," Gimli spoke with a shrug.
"It's moving fast, and against the wind," The mock fallen Captain rose from the ground, dusting himself off.
"Crebain!" Legolas shouted after a moment. "From Dunland."
As the Fellowship scrambled made for the rock outcroppings or under bushes, Sam hurriedly put out the fire and you helped hurry everyone else into hiding. 
The two Rangers huddled with the hobbits, pulling their green cloaks over the group, in an effort to blend in with the clumps of bushes. Suddenly, Legolas wrenched you away from them by the crook of your arm, towing you backwards towards the shadows of the rocks.
"Lego-," You yelped, but was instantly shushed by the elf when he placed a finger on your lips. 
And waited with bated breath. For a moment, all you could think of was how close his body was against yours, the finger on your lips, the crease on his forehead as he concentrated, and the frown on his face. There was a rather uncomfortable pebble wedged against one of your knee, and you shifted around impatiently.
In a burst of darkness against the light of day, a flock of black birds rushed  overhead, cawing loudly. They circled the hill a few times, before one cawed and the murder of crows turned and left.
Slowly, one of the hobbits peeked out from around the bushes. "They're gone!"
With a collective sigh of relief, the company crept out from their respective hiding places. You smiled at Legolas as he helped you pull yourself up to your feet.
"Hannad," You spoke, dusting the pebbles off your clothes. (Thanks.)
"Nad dithen," He spoke, echoing a warm smile back at you. (Just a little thing.)
"That was too close," Aragorn muttered as he helped Alena up. "Too close."
"Spies of Saruman! The passage South is being watched," Gandalf uttered the moment he too straightened up from the other rock outcroppings. "We must take the Pass of Caradhras."
You glanced worriedly at him, but agreed with a nod. Worry gnawed at your thoughts at the change of direction, but bravely pushed it away for now.
As the Fellowship climbed through the glistening, fresh snow beneath the great blue sky, Frodo lost his footing and fell, rolling down the slope towards Aragorn.
"Frodo!" Aragorn righted the hobbit up, helping him brush the snow off his clothes.
Regaining his footing, Frodo placed an instinctive hand to his neck for the Ring, slung across a chain. Finding it missing, he wrenched his gaze back up the slope, where the Ring laid in the snow, glistening from the sunlight above.
Seeing the Ring, Boromir reached for the chain, and stared sadly down at it. "It is a strange fate we should suffer so much fear and doubt, over so small a thing. Such a little thing."
"Boromir!" Aragorn sharply responded, gripping the hilt of his sword. "Give the Ring to Frodo."
Soon, everyone watched him, hands on their respected weapon. You watched nervously, hand already reaching back for an arrow. 
Shaken out of his trance, the Captain glanced at the Ranger then back at the Ring. There was a moment of silence as he took in the crossed expressions of the Fellowship before acquiescing. Holding it out for the hobbit to take, he snorted, "As you wish, I care not. "
You shook your head, and turned away as Frodo quickly snatched the Ring back under his possession. There was a tension in the air, and suspicion amongst the group. While everyone harbored under the weight of sloughing through the ice and snow, you, Alena, and Legolas bounced above.
The air was clean and crisp. Only in the mountains would there would ever be a place so beautiful, yet dangerous at the same time. 
Doing his best to ward off the snow from hitting his face, Legolas peered into the storm. "There's a fell voice in the wind!"
"What did you say?" Alena called out, barely heard from the howling of the blizzard storm. 
"It's Saruman!" Gandalf responded, striking his staff through the snow to get better footing. 
"He's trying to bring down the mountain! Gandalf, we must turn back!" Aragorn stopped his trek.
"No!" The grey wizard lifted his hands up and repeatedly made a calming motion. "Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho i 'ruith!" (Sleep, Caradhras, be still, lie still, hold your wrath!)
His voice was drowned out by a more terrible cry in the maelstrom. You shook your head sadly. Saruman.
"Gandalf! It's no use," You too added your growing concern.
Lightning strike the tip of Caradhras, sending a second avalanche of white ice onto the Fellowship. Before Gandalf was pulled down the edge, Legolas hurled him against the cliff just before the ice-fall hit the place he stood just mere seconds ago. Alena pulled you back roughly, and you felt the tumbling pebbles against your back.
The avalanche cascaded over the Fellowship, and snow buried everyone completely. After a moment, Alena's head popped out first. With the hobbits shivering, and teeth involuntarily clacking, you knew the company couldn't stay any longer.
While the two Rangers brought the hobbits closer to themselves for warmth, all heads went back to Gandalf once more. You stood close to Legolas, as he brought his arm around your shoulder in the hopes of warming you up.
"We must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the west road to my city!" The Captain of the White Tower shouted, covered in snow from head to foot.
"That's too close to Isengard, Boromir!" Aragorn countered, pulling his cloak tighter around Merry and Pippin.
"If we cannot pass over the mountain, let us go under it. Let us go through the mines of Moria." Gimli suggested, shaking the snow of his beard the best he could. 
You watched as Gandalf stilled against the mountain, an emotion from him you haven't seen in a long time. 
If he had his full powers, there was nothing standing against him. But now, his powers were lessened in Arda, and there was nothing he could do about it. A shadow of doubt flitted through his features, and you nervously watched. You didn't have full access to your power either. Whatever was down in Moria, was powerful enough to scare the wise wizard.
"We cannot stay here! This will be the death of the Hobbits!" Boromir continued shouting through the harsh blizzard.
"Let the Ring bearer decide." Gandalf finally decided. "Frodo?"
As all eyes turned to the young ring bearer, Alena hugged him and Sam closer to her, doing her best to keep the warmth.
"We'll go through the mines."
As Gandalf's eyes met your gaze once more, you nodded slowly. This was going to turn ugly.
Permanent Tags: @asraime @mournthewicked 
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panicrobotdragons · 5 years
Dragon Share! Elderly dragons in your lore
What dragons in your lair and/or lore are 50+ human years old? What events have they seen? What duties do they have or activities do they enjoy? Just like the official threads run by staff in the forums, share up to three (3) dragons and tell us about them!
I'll begin:
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Cheya is the oldest ID in my lair, as well as oldest in my lore, about 80 human years old. she is a retired theater actress and diplomat, who enjoys walking through the forests and gardens with her wife, Nylai:
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Nylai is third oldest ID in my lair, but is second oldest in lore (about 77 human years old). she is the clans's Nature Ambassador, along with Haldir the Nature druid.
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Jucara is a loner, and an unusually old one, at about 75 human years old in my lore. she's lean, mean, and hates to be around any other dragon unless they're paying her to be a bodyguard or a hitman.
Elderly dragons seem to be few and far between. Come show off yours!
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sdfndsfnsd bodyguard HALDIR
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 5 years
Nightingale and General
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ser2WC
by meerkatinDalton10
Born as the son of the mighty general of the Kingdom of Snow, Haldir's desire has always been heiring his father's position and name, while the first serious job he received was to be the bodyguard of Lindir, the younger prince.
Words: 18710, Chapters: 1/2, Language: 中文
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Lord of the Rings (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Haldir of Lothlórien, Lindir (Tolkien), Galion (Tolkien), Original Characters
Relationships: Haldir of Lothlórien/Lindir
Additional Tags: old time au, prince and general
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ser2WC
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Aahanna: Am going to promote you!
Haldir: *frowns and takes the tiny piece of glittery paper from her hand* - how’s becoming your boyfriend a promotion ? *raises an eyebrow*
Aahanna: simple!- You get to hug me whenever you want *wraps her arms around him*
Haldir: *blushes- clears his throat- is a little amused*
Aahanna: you get to kiss me whenever you want *leans in really close to him*
Haldir: *is ruby red- tries to look away*
Aahanna: *quietly* and if you want . . . we can do other stuff . . .
Haldir: *raises an eyebrow* what kind of other stuff?
Aahanna: *dying on the inside* y’know. . . stuff . . .you and me. . . alone. . . out of breath kind of things?
Haldir: what you mean, princess? *leans in too* stuff like . . . this . . .? *suddenly starts tickling her*
Aahanna: *throws her head back laughing* AISH! HALDIR!!!
Haldir: *laughs- ends up on top of her and kisses her*
@i-did-not-mean-to this was long overdue!
The fic - bodyguard Haldir + secret royalty
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Haldir: *wraps an alarm sensor bracelet– that is connected to his smart watch around Aahanna's wrist* This is for emergencies only! There could be times where I'm not right beside you— press this whenever you feel scared or threatened. It's waterproof too.
Aahanna: *nods her head a bit too happily*
Aahanna: *presses it*
Haldir: *rushes in* Aahanna?
Aahanna: That light was blinking so I thought it could be dangerous! *points to the lamp on her study desk*
Haldir: *closes his eyes and sighs in relief*
Aahanna: *presses it*
Haldir: *who's only an aisle away from her in the library runs to her*
Aahanna: this book looked scary so I thought I should press it! *holds up The Silm*
Haldir: *mentally face palms*
Aahanna: *presses it*
Haldir: *was downstairs and rushes into her room to see a somewhat decently dressed Aahanna running out of the washroom* AAHANNA?
Aahanna: tHeRe iS A hUgE sPiDeR oN tHe wALL
Haldir: *not amused*
Haldir: *sighs and throws it out* I said emergencies only, princess.
Aahanna: it was though! 
Haldir: *regrets everything*
Aahanna: *presses it*
Haldir: *rushes into her room again*
Aahanna: I thought there was someone on the balcony— but turns out it was just a pigeon *shrugs*
Haldir: That's it! *pulls her to him and wraps her in his arms* I'm going to keep myself glued to you from now on.
Aahanna: *melts into the embrace* I'm okay with that...
@i-did-not-mean-to I hope you don't mind— I needed to do this and it was lowkey revenge!
The fic - bodyguard Haldir + secret royalty
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Aahanna: *trying to block the sun from her eyes* it's really sun today— probably should have worn sunscreen.
Haldir: We can stop by any shops if you like.
Aahanna: nah, it's fine. Let's get this tour over with first.
Haldir: If that's what you wish.
Aahanna: *tired from walking from morning to evening under the heavy sun*  Haldir: *notices* We can take a— YOUR FACE! 
Aahanna: *flinches* what? *self consciously touches her face*
Haldir: *without thinking cups her face and rubs the white patches on her cheeks* What is this? 
Aahanna: *wide eyes and blushing* Haldir. . .
Haldir: did someone hurt you?
Aahanna: Haldir. . .
Haldir: *panicking* are you sick? 
Aahanna: Haldir. . . It's. . . It's sunburn.
Haldir: *is confused* what?
Aahanna: this is how i get sunburn *gestures to the white patches on her skin* i'm alright 
Haldir: oh! sunburn. . . right. . .
Haldir: *still cupping her face— trying to rub away the white patches*
Aahanna: Haldir. . . You can let go now. . . *blushing*
Haldir: you are foolish, princess— look at what you have done to your beautiful skin. We stop this tour now— we must cover you in sunscreen.
Aahanna: *is shocked when he said beautiful skin*. . .Okay
@i-did-not-mean-to another revenge!— for context south asians' skin turn white or get white patches for sunburn!
The fic - bodyguard Haldir + secret royalty
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 5 years
The Other End of Hell
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vk2lPO
by meerkatinDalton10
Lindir Kalache was adopted by the Lanwey family and became the bodyguard of Rahl Lanwey, the young master and heir of the family since he turned adult. But no one really knows what had been happening in this powerful family, let alone what's between the master and guard.
 *when I wrote this I also saw Rahl as Haldir in lotr. thus this is also for hallindir, but the setting for Rahl was brutal and miserable just like how he was in the original series, so I may not harm Haldir.
Words: 18868, Chapters: 1/3, Language: 中文
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Lord of the Rings (Movies), Legend of the Seeker (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Darken Rahl, Lindir, Galion, Original Male Character(s)
Relationships: Galion / lindir, darken rahl / lindir, original male character / lindir
Additional Tags: Submissive, Sex Slave, BDSM, guard and master
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vk2lPO
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