atelie-pdg · 2 years
Kit Carnaval do Rafael
🔹Bodys 100% Algodão
🔹P,M,G, GG,1,2,3
📦 Enviamos Para todo o Brasil.
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waitineedaname · 9 months
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this is how edling confessions during the camping trip go
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thethirdvoerman · 1 year
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"you know, i could have spent my unlife being a nice little cammy drone. but i'm glad i've gone for making an influencer pyramid scheme antediluvian cult instead. it's much more fulfilling!"
ophelia, the main antagonist in my vtm chronicle "detroit: help wanted"
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luxurybeautyreviews · 4 months
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borderlinecatboy · 1 year
Boys when they remember they're not masculine in any way shape or form
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poppy-metal · 3 months
when you come to in vamp artashis guest room, you wonder if maybe you had dreamed it. your neck throbbed, but there was no wound. you felt weak, but that was almost definitely the hangover. yes. a dream. you were probably too drunk to do anything, and they probably put you up in their bedroom out of pity. bless their hearts, you almost felt guilty. and regretful. how you would’ve like to fuck them.
but maybe it isn’t a dream, because the blonde one, art his name was, comes in holding a tray, with an expression on his face that borders on manic excitement. he looks thrilled with the novelty of the task he’s performing, which under normal circumstances would be extremely sweet, with no hidden layer of irony. but he lifted the tray up like you wouldn’t know what it was, and in a voice too loud for your pounding head said “eggs and bacon!”
he was so gorgeous. he was shirtless, only in boxers like he didn’t feel the morning chill. his hair was tossed to and fro but always looked angelic and framed his face, the picture of youth and vitality. you forgave him his loud entrance immediately.
“thank you so much,” you croak as he lays the tray on your lap gently,”i’m so, so sorry about last night, i didn’t realise how drunk i was. i hope i didn’t disappoint you and your wife.”
“disappoint us?”
he stood over you, waiting for you to eat his overcooked breakfast and love it, ringing his hands together like a dad finished with a woodworking project. you pop a piece of egg in your mouth. extremely mediocre.
“what do you remember of last night?”
“just coming back here, kissing. and i had a weird dream, so i don’t know how much of that is real. why?”
“it wasn’t a dream. do you like your breakfast?”
you pause with some fluffy egg on the end of shiny fork tensils. the way art is staring at you is sort of uncanny valley - you can't place what it is. just some displacement in the air around him. he stands too still, too perfectly still. you wouldn't notice how abnormal this is - except now you do. usually people are always moving in some way. shifting. even a slight sway when standing in one place. he's like marble. a statue of some greek god or angel. 
you lower the fork. he watches the motion. with your other hand, you delicately touch the side of your neck again, feeling. his eyes watch that movement too. his pupils dilate. blue almost disappearing entirely within black. he licks his bottom lip. 
“did you bite me last night?” 
you don't feel any marks. but your dream….. maybe they were somewhere else. you put the plate to the side and moved the covers aside, blinking down at your body. last night was fuzzy, yes, but you were definitely still in your dress last you remembered. you weren't in a dress now. you were in a soft cotton tshirt. white and large on your bodym, coming down to your knees. a mans shirt. 
“that's my shirt. and yes, I did. are you feeling alright, by the way?” 
you look up at him. the clouds in your brain begin to part, revealing something that is far more ominous and dangerous than the sun. even if you still can't place it. 
“did we have sex?” the biting isn't so abnormal. loads of past boyfriends had given you hickeys before. but really, you'd have liked to remember losing your virginity. you tried to focus between your legs- squeezed your inner muscles to test for any aches and pains, but felt none. mostly just your neck ached. he must have really bitten you, then. but then where was the mark? 
“we didn't.” art tells you. he looks a little forlorn about this. “you passed out in the middle of - in the middle of uh.” some pink comes to his cheeks. it's a beautiful color on his smooth pale skin. “in the middle of things.” he settles on. he sits down gently, the bed dipping under his weight. “I wanted to, though.” 
you feel your own cheeks heat. your fingers play with the frayed edges of your - his - shirt, nervously. the room is so quiet. no other sounds like a clock ticking or a fan whirring. it's just you and this practical stranger. alone in a unfamiliar room. 
“im - I'm kind of glad we didn't.” you admit. “I dont know if I told you - the night is a blur - if I didn't, I'm sorry - I should have. it's just that I'm actually a virgin? not that it's a big deal or anything to me - I just. well, it's something I'd like to remember, at least.” 
arts places his hand close to your knee on the bed. he has an athletes hand. somehow slender and beautiful, but powerful too. you think you remember something about him saying he was a tennis player. one of his fingers brushes against the bare skin of your thigh and a muscle twitches. 
“it is a big deal.” is all he says, and the way he looks at you silences any protests you might have had. like he sees inside you and already knows that you'd gone to that club with the very notion of losing your virginity already in mind - that you'd wanted rid of it like a bad disease - flushed from your system. but that you'd secretly always wanted the act to mean something. to be romantic and symbolic in some way, even as you deliberately set out to make it mean nothing.
art is so pretty. it's a combination of feminine beauty and masculinity that doesn't clash - but rather mixes like primary and secondary colors do together to make something wholly complementary. 
he has delicate but sharp bone structure. a strong nose and jawline. soft silky hair. long lashes. his body is lithe but solid. built and strong but not bulky. not a smattering of hair anywhere in sight. just miles and miles of smooth milky skin. 
“yeah…” you say, a little dazed. are the clouds rolling back in? 
art tugs his pink bottom lip between his teeth - blindingly white - flicks his gaze to your discarded plate. you think you should be asking more questions, but you don't know what those questions should be. 
“you should finish eating.” he nudges your plate back into your lap. “I want you to be healthy. we want to talk to you later, when you're feeling better.” 
you pick up your fork again, wondering at how the sight of his obvious pleasure at the listened to action makes warmth blossom in your chest. 
“we?” you remember tashi. flush. “your wife.” 
god, had you really planned to lose your virginity to two people at once? you couldn't risk drinking like that again. 
art nods. stands again and smiles down at you. he has dimples, you realize with some levity. not that you necessarily felt threatened, but the sight of something so boyishly charming melts you a little. 
“we like you.” he states. “well, I like you. and tashi likes what makes me happy.” 
you pause in chewing a piece of bacon. a little charred but still good. you imagine him cooking and fretting over when to turn the slices - blink and blink again. “um. t- thank you.” 
you should probably mention something about going home. you think you came here in a limo? did they own a limo? they were obviously rich. you wondered if it would be rude to ask if they buy you an Uber.
suddenly, art leans down - his scent fills your nose - something crisp and clean and minty - and his cool lips press against the center of your forehead. your fork haults against the plate, scraping in suprise. you suck in a breath, your heart beating suddenly as fast as a hummingbirds wings. he'd gotten to you so quick, you'd hardly felt a disturbance in the air - a shift in the atmosphere - something about the way he holds his lips to your skin is almost tender. loving. another beat starts, between your legs this time. 
art speaks - and his breath puffs the baby hairs wisping around your head back a little - his voice as soft and smooth as melted butter - 
“you look fucking delicious in my shirt, by the way.” 
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averysaurus · 9 months
fellas do you ever beat the ever loving shit out of a dude just to prove to your bodymate that you are NOT a wimp >:(
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fyrefrostanimus · 6 months
I'll preface this by saying that I'm a bit of a sucker for body swap scenarios.
Then I realized how funny a body swap between The Hero and The Princess would be. The Narrator getting ready to claw his on face off because how in HELL can it go THIS wrong?! The Voices freaking out because The Princess is in here with them, but also she's across from them, and on top of that their usual roommate (bodymate?) is also over there but they can't see him because he's also The Princess. Especially Voice of the Smitten, because he must be having complicated feelings about this: declaring his love to The Princess' mind would be weird because she's technically in control of The Hero's body, but declaring his love to her body would also be weird because The Hero is currently in there. Meanwhile The Hero is thinking it's awfully quiet without The Voices because he's used to their banter.
And THEN I realized how easily this could accidentally happen. All The Hero has to do is believe The Princess can do something like that, then somehow word "I wonder what it's like being her" wrong either in his head or out loud. He didn't have any prior warning something like this could happen, it just suddenly HAPPENED in his point of view.
And I'm still not talking about how the whole "affected by perception" thing probably is stuck with The Princess' body so The Hero would have to deal with that
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orange-orchard-system · 7 months
Was thinking about a hydra character of ours and if they would describe themselves with plural terms considering they're more so plural-adjacent, having multiple heads instead of multiple beings in one head, and that's when I thought
What if instead of headmates
They call each other bodymates
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lamb-of-elderberries · 4 months
John needs to stop admitting to being terrible /j like does he need to talk to someone?? He keeps making his boy bestie bodymate hate him self destructive king or whatever
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thenightfolknetwork · 10 months
There are… strange things happening to my body. I heard from some of my friends that I should come to you for things like this. Sorry if it’s a bit oddly worded, I’ve had to rewrite this quite a bit.
You see, I’m used to having the ocasional astral spell, leaving my body from time to time while I nap and waking up an hour or so later to find my body right where I’ve left it. But recently, these spells have been getting quite a bit longer. And someone has seen fit to move into my body while I’m out.
I’ve heard of this sort of thing before, shared vessels and all that. But I never asked for a bodymate, let alone gave them permission! You see, my new bodymate is a refugee from their dimension. They jumped into my body since it was the first they could find unoccupied at the time, and apparently it’s rather similar to the one they used to have at home. I’ve left notes around, and they’ve written back, and for a while we had a somewhat tedious agreement over who could control the body when. I control it during the daytime, and them at night, simple as that. We both take frequent naps as our schedule allows, so our body doesn’t get too exhausted.
However recently, they’ve been a bit of a “controller-hog”, so to speak. I’ll settle down for a nap in my bed, only to wake up on the couch watching some bad medical drama. I hate medical dramas. But the worst thing by far was when I woke up three days ago with blue hair. Blue HAIR. My hair has never been blue, nor have I ever dyed it, or even had hair dye in my home!
I immediately wrote several very stern letters to my bodymate. I had hoped that maybe over the next few nights, we could have hashed something out together. But today I woke up with a NOSE RING. What’s next? Some cheap tattoo?!
I’ve tried writing this letter SO MANY TIMES, but each time I’ve been “dozing off” and waking up with my finger pressed conveniently to the backspace button. I’ve tried so hard to get them to leave, but they simply refuse. What do I do?!
Reader, this is absolutely appalling behaviour. It is never acceptable for a bodymate to make changes to the shared vessel without the permission of all inhabitants, and their blatant disregard for your wishes proves them to be as unscrupulous as they are rude.
The fact this person is a refugee from another dimension does not give them the right to treat your shared body with impunity. Quite apart from the violations of changing the body's appearance without your agreement, there are the very real health risks involved.
After all, if your body doesn't get enough rest because one of its occupants sees fit to sit up watching medical dramas, you will both suffer the physical consequences.
Usually I am the first to advocate for communication and compromise. But in this situation, I think your bodymate has shown they are not interested in negotiation. The time for rationality and reason has passed. You must take direct action.
There are two options available. If you are not particularly attached to the body itself, you could always cede possession and take up residence in another vessel.
Many people consider such a change to be a refreshing change of perspective. You might choose a vessel at random, find a volunteer online, or indulge in having a custom body created for you by a professional matter consultant.
Just be sure to update your identity documents and paperwork before making the jump. There are ways to prove your identity in the case of corporeal eviction and so on, but it can be a lengthy and uncomfortable process and is far best avoided.
Alternatively, if you have a particular affection for this vessel, I'm afraid you're going to have to put your foot down. At a time when you are in full control of the body, speak to a trusted friend and establish a way of communicating to them whether or not the person in control of the body really is you. A code word will do, or a reference to a shared memory. Anything your new bodymate will be unable to guess.
Then, you need to call in the professionals. Exorcism has an understandably poor reputation in the community, but it remains the most effective way to handle unwanted guests.
Find a licensed practitioner to perform the ritual, and book them for a time and place of your choosing. You'll also need to give them the contact details of your trusted contact, to check whether the ritual was successful or not.
Finally, at the allotted time, tell your bodymate that you are ready and willing to take drastic measures to protect your boundaries. There is a chance they will take your threat seriously, and agree to either vacate your body of their own volition or to treat your shared space with more respect.
Given their behaviour during the writing of this letter, however, I think it far more likely they will respond with aggression. Brace yourself. They will very probably try to wrest control of the body and suppress your influence entirely. Let them – your exorcist will be on hand to manage the situation.
Once your bodymate has been safely transferred into temporary storage, the rest is up to you. The most ethical choice is to find a willing alternative vessel and having your bodymate transferred to them as soon as possible. Alternatively, safe release into a crowded public area is often included in the price of an exorcism, with a small surcharge if you want to choose the target area yourself.
Banishment to another realm entirely will cost significantly more. Besides, even without the concerns about keeping them from accidentally going back to the realm they just left, crossplanar banishment is considered rather gauche.
You don't need to decide right away. Once your headmate is removed, they will be able to remain in the storage container for up to a week with no harmful effects. It will be rather boring for them, but frankly I'm inclined to think they deserve a little time to sit on the mantelpiece and think about what they've done.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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doveshovel · 4 months
anon is right, more hunter lore.
he's very fun. love your ideas.
Do you mind if I ask what goes on regarding all the magic stuff? Is he Aideen-adjacent or just kind of vibing? Somewhere in-between? I know there's some drama going on with Sabine 🤔
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I wasn't expecting my guy to get this much attention, thank you guys!
Going to be completely honest here: I'm a very new player who only really started playing SSO in January of this year, and took about a month's break from the main quests in March. As a result, I've almost definitely forgotten a lot of important lore surrounding Aideen/soul rider magic, and don't have many of the magical shenanigans in Hunter's story fully thought out :'))
But! It has definitely been on my mind. Hunter's specific role among the soul riders + his relationship with the different circles of magic are works in progress so here's what I've been working with so far!
(Content warning for some (pink) blood in image!)
Lately, I've been messing with the idea (just for fun) that Hunter's a conduit for Aideen, rather than a descendant or reincarnation. He has almost no magical power of his own, and relies pretty much entirely on the whims of an incorporeal, deity-like being to perform any kind of soul rider magic. Essentially, he gets partially possessed every now and again when what remains of Aideen's soul decides that it would be beneficial to the fate of Jorvik and/or its inhabitants. During this "possession", Hunter functions as a point at which her soul (which I think was supposed to be scattered among the horses, people, and nature of Jorvik? correct me if I'm wrong. Hunter's lore google doc is in dire need of revision and organization anyways) can condense enough to produce magic from any of the four circles, and create the illusion that he's the mystical fifth soul rider.
Other bits of this idea from the google doc:
The four runestones in Valedale respond to a concentrated "presence" of Aideen, rather than to Hunter himself.
He's aware of this. Aideen's not of this world in cannon (emerged from a falling star), and practically dissolved into the entire island of Jorvik. Containing even a fraction of her soul in a human body is a jarring experience that can cause a lot of issues for the "host" ranging from minor side effects (cold sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, mild nausea, etc.) to more severe (short memory gaps, nosebleeds, migraines, loss of consciousness, insomnia, severe nausea, visual disturbances and/or hallucinations, auditory disturbances and/or hallucinations, etc.).
Maybe losing so much of his memory and original personality in the process of getting to Jorvik counts as losing part of a soul? So it creates a kind of "empty space" that Aideen's own soul is able to fill whenever she so chooses, and that's why Hunter works as a conduit/vessel, rather than a reincarnation. Idk. May have to workshop this.
The soul riders, valiant reincarnations of previous soul riders. +This one guy who has a weird thing with the local deity
Hunter and Aideen have a similar relationship to roommates who butt heads frequently but have no intention of leaving to seek a better roommate. but in Hunter's brain/soul/body. Bodymates. Soulmates (derogatory) (not romantic) (not platonic either). Symbiotic relationship. Both parties benefit and Hunter recognizes the necessity of it for saving Jorvik but he's still having a very bad no good time with the side effects, and he's still mad at her for letting him die.
This is the idea that I like working with the most so far, but I'll update y'all if there's something better in the works! :^D
As for Sabine: I was in a weird headspace while making that little comic of Hunter and Sabine up in Dinosaur Valley. At the time, it was just intended to be the end of Hunter's story. He'd be a spooky character who haunts the forest up in the valley as a ghost and that's that. Maybe the world's doomed by Garnok now, maybe the keepers find someone to replace him. Hunter doesn't know, he's dead on a mountainside and doomed to spend eternity wandering in search of an escape from Sabine.
A couple weeks after making that scene, I decided I didn't want that to be the end of his story. Just because it's kind of sad :( As much as I delight in making Hunter's wildly out of place string of crimes for a backstory, and making him experience endless horrors, Star Stable's very much a happy game for me. It's something I couldn't afford as a 10 year old but desperately wanted, and bought for myself with adult money a decade later to live out some old horseboy dream with beloved pixel horsies. :) To end my first (and so far only) player character's story there feels like a disservice, so I've got that scenario tucked away as a sort of AU/alternate timeline thing. It's still very fun to draw and think about because I love giving characters horrors to experience, but I want him to keep going on horse adventures in Jorvik :D
I decided that he does in fact die there in the Hidden Valley though. Not many people can survive that kind of thing after all. Aideen, however, decides she doesn't want to lose her vessel just yet, and Hunter's resurrected through a combination of the power of horsies and friendship Aideen's connection to the star circle and WizardEgg's (Starter horse) Starbreed magics. Magical resurrection results in the ability to channel more of Aideen's magic, but also the worsening of side effects, and a glowing star-shaped scar on his forehead that appears when using said magic.
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^Old doodle from when I was playing around with negative side effects of magic :)
The whole scene creates a point of tension between he and Aideen. Hunter thinks Aideen could have done more to prevent it, and isn't particularly fond of the new, worsened magical side effects. Aideen isn't mortal and so doesn't think the way mortals do. She sees her vessel as having gained more power, and knows he'll come to understand the value of that power in the future. She's right, but he's still going to be mad about it.
As for Sabine? Hunter's still scared of her! Her and all the dark riders! They're spooky 👻 and he's a bit of a coward! Hunter lost a lot of his nerve/confidence with his memories during the boating incident, along with coordination and a couple other odds and ends.
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(Chapter 3 of an RP) @zenkaiankokurp
Fragile little things~
*he said showing this side's voice by accident which isn't like Eclipse's normal voice but a mix between a light German accent and a thick French accent, DJ had heard this voice and seen those eyes once before; long ago when morbid pranks were pulled on everyone in the Pizzaplex including the staff bots as well as frequencies messing with his mini hims heads trying to make them attack him, this is 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑝𝑠𝑒 Eclipse's bodymate who is apathetic and careless as well as bad news*
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judithan-xing · 4 months
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oc phone bg + detail shots ^w^
This is a redraw of an old phone background I made a couple years back, except I wanted to make it themed around my unofficial Year of Yaoi I've been doing. It's a celebration of all of my gay protagonists, with more detailed notes about them under the read more, please consider taking a look through at it, I really poured my heart into this piece ;w;
[In order of top to bottom, left to right]
Fester and Riot (Lordless) are what I would consider the ship that is the most "I would kill for you", in a mutual way. Riot is given his Blessing by Abaddon and prays and worships him at every hardship, completely unaware that the creepy, rot-smelling freak that he's been helping unwillingly is the object of his worship. Fester would do anything for Riot, having fallen in love with him the moment he laid eyes on him, and suffers torture and having his wings ripped from him and still goes to Riot's side.
Valcher and Dirk (Red Snow) are obsessed with each other. Codependent, but in a way that's mutually beneficial. Valcher hates humans and finds them disgusting (his vampyric diet consisting of wild game) but trusts Dirk with his life and finds him to be Different than the rest. Dirk is obsessed with Valcher and realizes that his repressed lack of want for love or sex has actually been due to needing a Freak Like Him. His love for Valcher comes easily.
(Center panel) Tamara and Judas (Magus Society) are the It Couple of All Time. Judas originally courts Tamara on the idea that he's both extremely powerful, frail, and naive, but eventually can't help but truly fall in love. His dubious morals are no match for Tamara's virtue, and he changes, not just to save the world, but to earn back his love's trust. And Tamara, despite the heart ache he's put through, lets Judas back in. Forgives him, loves him flaws and all. A Demon Prince and his Deity of Hope.
Saber and Lux (Elemon) are rivals. While Saber is nonbinary so this wouldn't count as MLM, Lux is also nonbinary so it still counts a T4T. Lux is exceptional at everything he does, between training Elemon to besting others in combat, to the point it enrages Saber. How could this idiot Nobody beat them? Over the course of their story, however, Saber learns to realize they never stood a chance. Lux is in a league of his own. The respect becomes mutual, and the crush is incidental. If you ever asked what their relationship is, they'd both say "we're just rivals" even after making out.
Sinclaire and Kail (Demon In The Machine) are... coworkers, if you could call them that. Kail, in a desperate attempt to find a better life for himself and his sister, and get them off the frozen hellscape of Titania, makes a deal with a devil - an Arma demon named Sinclaire. He sells his soul in exchange for a new hand and a mech. What he doesn't know is included is his heart, clutched in the black claws of his boss, his owner, his downfall. Toxic lovers to the end.
Avelar and Gentri (Legend of Arcadia) are bodymates. Gentri is the God of Nature, Avelar a man of science, and in an effort to turn himself into a God he fused the soul core of one into him and became permanently bound to the deity. Gentri detests him at first, trying to do anything and everything he can to remove himself from the semi-mortal prison, but eventually grows to understand and even like Avelar as a person. He learns of human fear, mortality, abandonment, and while he wishes to be a separate person he grows to enjoy the man's company... especially after several decades of Avelar furiously trying to find a way to undo his mistake. Their trope is enemies to reluctant friends to lovers.
Sterling and Rez/Rezykai (Benevola) are acquaintances by necessity at first. Sterling is a merc who takes jobs others don't want, and when he's asked to transport Rez across the border he nearly refuses. But he does it anyway, and goes from being barely involved with his political drama to integral and attached. They're both idiots and bicker constantly, but they both care deeply about the other and would kick anyone's ass for touching them. Sterling is cold and Rez is a tsundere and together they're hilarious and insufferable.
All of these ocs have spanned the course of my entire artistic life. Tamara and Judas for example I drafted up in 2007, while Saber and Lux are my most recent mainstay duo having been created in 2023. I love my ocs a lot and I could go on and on about them forever if prompted. (pls send me asks about my ocs lol)
if you got this far tysm i cherish you <3
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mayasaura · 2 years
ms. maya, you have good opinions & ive been chewing on this question for a while: what do you think rd!gideon would do if cav!harrow died for her? im not so sure that she'd go down the lobotomy route, but i do think shed do something equally insane
bruh. I don't even know. I agree, she'd come up with her own bull-headed solution. Her mind doesn't twist into labyrinths like Harrow's. Building a construct out of her own skull to enforce a self-administered lobotomy was a uniquely Nonagesimus kind of solution.
Harrow Nova absolutely would sacrifice herself for Gideon. She'd do it gladly, if she thought it would save her necromancer's life. She might do it believing this was the reason the universe had suffered her to exist at all; so she could use her ill-gotten life to fuel Gideon's ascension. And Gideon would.....
It depends on the situation, but I think Gideon might say no. To all of it. She would refuse to elevate herself at Harrow's expense, to derive further privilege from Harrow's suffering. She'd find some way to keep Harrow without consuming her at all, and not become a lyctor. Trap Harrow's soul and stuff it in a jar. Hold onto the pieces of her until she can figure out how to fix them and put them back together.
That is, of course, assuming she'd be able to survive without becoming a lyctor. Which I am assuming because the thing Gideon knows, and Harrow mercifully doesn't, is that Cytherea didn't intend to kill Gideon. She says as much before Harrow gets there, right after Palamedes went off.
If she had to take a nibble to survive, and started the process? Fuck, man. She'd wish really, really, hard? We don't know, it might work. Pyrrha survived without any elective surgery, and our Gideon is very very good at not looking into the parts of her brain she doesn't want to see, and not thinking about things she isn't ready to understand. She might end up exactly like the Gideon before her, blacking out and losing time and having no idea why because her secretive bodymate elected not to enlighten her as to her continued existence.
Or, and this is a fun one, she might go 'welp, can't eat her if I'm not here!' and put herself into a coma. My favourite scenario for this is that it yeets her soul right out of her body and into the River before she's even been taught how to do that, and Harrow is left behind in her body to be a broken lyctor who can't necromancy. The more things change...
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fyrefrostanimus · 7 months
Day 1 (AU Prompt): Bad Ending
Man I underperformed for this one imo. I wanted to do more but the art block fucking slapped me just in time
So after asking the event host puhpandas if just talking about this was enough and getting yes as an answer, I present to you this AU I came up with after the release of Ruin but didn't know how to share it, we have this AU (it's original name was the Illustrated Lullaby AU but I'm not sure if the name really sticks for me).
TL;DR in case my insane ramblings about this AU I have never mentioned anywhere before but have had in my mind for months are incomprehensible: Burntrap Ending is canon, Gregory dies while separated from Freddy, possesses Daycare Attendant, and when Cassie eventually shows up come Ruin Gregory tries to tell her what actually happened to him, eventually having to do it through comics since he can't really get through Eclipse.
Everything is the same as the base game's Burntrap Ending until the actual ending cutscene. Glamrock Freddy gets stuck behind while Gregory, who's smaller, can still move forward. He hates having to leave Freddy behind after bonding the whole night, but Freddy also wanted him to keep going and get out of the flaming sinkhole as quickly as possible. The problem is that he got lost. Any way out he found was already either on fire or blocked by the fallen debris, until there was no way out. Eventually smoke inhalation killed him from being near the fire for so long.
I'm not quite sure how Gregory ends up possessing the Daycare Attendant in the original just-after-Ruin cut, but then I noticed just how similar this was to Charlie's death and possessing the Puppet, so I decided to stick with the "history repeats itself" idea to a degree. The Daycare Attendant finds him once the fire dies down: Gregory is still alive yet past saving, but at least getting him out of the hell pit in case anyone comes looking for him would be nice. Little guy dies shortly after the two of them get out of the sinkhole (it's easier when you're tall and used to climbing things like the DCA).
I know this is about Gregory but imagine being the Daycare Attendant watching this kid die, only to hear him "wake up" 30 seconds after in your head. That's pretty much what happened here and both parties freak out. FazEnt. wiped most of the popularly-known stuff about the animatronics being possessed so it seemed more like a joke when kids' grandparents brought it up. Sun and Moon didn't expect it to be a real thing, or that they'd be stuck with the ghost kid for an indefinite amount of time. Gregory took a little longer to realize he died since he wasn't fully conscious when it happened, but when he did figure it out he was pretty much bawling (he usually holds it back or suppresses it, but since he could feel Sun and Moon's emotions, he guessed that they could do the same with him and it was pointless trying to hide it this time).
It's kinda random stuff to bridge the gap of a few months between base Security Breach and Ruin. Gregory meets Sassy Sun (A.K.A. how Sun ACTUALLY acts as shown in HW 2) and that's pretty funny to him since before the sinkhole they genuinely seemed childish, they draw stuff together since they all enjoy art, etc.. They're all stuck together, so they have to get to know each other if they don't want to go absolutely insane. Only about half of the daycare is destroyed (it would definitely be more if I'm being accurate to real sinkholes) and it's a mostly safe place as almost every dangerous animatronic melted in the pit. All three of the bodymates have pretty much agreed not to go back down there, for understandable reasons.
Ruin arrives, and Cassie's getting a call on her Roxy talkie supposedly from Gregory that he's in the sinkhole. We all know where this leads but hey, dramatic irony. Everything once again goes as Ruin does at the beginning minus the Monty attack and Glamrock Chica appearing, except after rebooting Eclipse, they join her (after a lot of pushing from Gregory since it became clear she wasn't leaving). He tries to tell her that he's there, but since Sun and Moon merged to make Eclipse, he doesn't really have much he can do in the terms of speech. But he's still given the freedom to draw, so he tries using that. And it somewhat starts working. Whenever Cassie isn't one the move, he's making a clue as to try and at least let her know that whoever is on the other end of the line isn't him.
I don't know how I want this AU to actually end. Part of me wants to lean completely into the "history repeats itself" idea and have Gregory start Puppet 2: Electric Boogaloo, but he's also his own character and might not do that simply because to him, this is hell, and he doesn't want Cassie experiencing that even if it means she's gone for good. Or maybe it has a good ending where the cycle doesn't quite repeat, and she goes free with closure on what happened to Gregory. I'm definitely leaning to "history repeats itself" though.
And a height chart because it's all my dumb ass could draw before the art block took my lunch money
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Idk if this is actually how tall the DCA is but the idea of them being comically tall and towering over the kiddos is fun okay
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