#bojack style
hullaballoooo · 2 years
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i did a style challenge :]
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attyattlaw · 1 year
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old art bc i was digging smth up in my facebook
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zeearty18 · 4 months
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lakesparkles · 19 days
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I got 13k followers on Instagram so it's a good chance to do something I always wanted to - a DTIYS challenge! This may seem complicated at first but, as I have people who followed me for different fandoms, I figured it was a good idea to give three different options so you can choose which one you want to draw.
- You have to follow me, of course.
- Feel free to change anything you want: the number of characters (of course you don't need to draw all my four OCs if you choose this one); poses, expressions; anything that makes it easier and better for you! Just keep the idea similar to the original.
- If you do it, tag me and use the tag #lakesparklesdtiys (very creative, I know)
- There will be three winners in the end, one for each drawing. The prize will be a shaded fullbody!
- The deadline is July 20th
- Just ask me if you have any questions!!
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cyclorose · 4 months
[ sad cat women ]
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I had a vision
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thensson · 9 months
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Dream Girl, Clementine von Radics || Melancholy, Krzysztof Gil || Twinflower, Don McKay || Bojack Horseman, @haleyincarnate || Alone, Jess Harris || The Man With a Hole in His Head, Rick Bursky || Pilgrim Bell, Kaveh Akbar
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sodafrog13 · 9 months
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back in the 90's, i was in a very famous-
...wait a minute-
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I’ve seen a lot of different “hot takes” about adult animation because of recent events that I don’t really want to get into on this blog. Mainly that all adult animated cartoons are vapid, derivative, ugly, nihilistic, cynical, shallow, etc., etc. But there ARE good adult cartoons out there, almost all of them get completely ignored.
There’s The Simpsons, Futurama (especially the earlier episodes for these shows), Castlevania, Close Enough, and BoJack Horseman. Then there are shows I haven’t really watched like King of the Hill, Bob’s Burgers, Inside Job, and Final Space. And there are likely quite a few that I’m missing, these are just off the top of my head. And of course, Close Enough, Final Space, and Inside Job just got canceled without getting much of a chance to get their feet off the ground.
And yes, I know these shows have fans. But if I’m being honest, their fanbases are so fucking tiny (with some exceptions). You rarely see people talking about these shows in the wider animation fan community. It feels like these shows are very much ignored outside of a small group of people. You have people screaming for good examples of adult animation, when the good ones we have are ignored and then get canceled.
And yes, I know these shows are flawed, but everything has flaws and problems. And if you actually watch these adult cartoons, you’ll find that they tackle a lot of meaningful subjects and actually have surprisingly positive outlooks on life. Not to mention that shows like BoJack Horseman and Close Enough have wonderful LGBTQIA representation that rarely gets discussed, if at all.
And you know what? The “art style” argument irritates the hell out of me. I personally don’t think any of these shows look ugly. They have art styles that are unique, that suit the show very well, and quite a few of them are diverse in terms of body types and race. Boiling everything to “ugly” is pretty shitty, given how many talented artists work their asses off on these shows.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t criticize adult animation, but I think it’s insulting to reduce an entire genre to “everything is terrible.” If you look into the history of many of these shows, the creators worked their asses off to get them greenlit, and are insanely passionate about telling great stories. It’s frustrating to see people boil everything down to “all adult cartoons are nothing but sex jokes and ugly art.”
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old art. been thinking a lot about depressing horse show lately. i hate drawing horses so. humanization. enjoy 🤠
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dyingbuck · 3 months
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mr. man horse himself
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pathetic-dreamy · 1 year
*Every time the two bands are in the same place*
5SOs: One Direction! What is this, a crossover episode?
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dunyun-rings · 1 year
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I’ve been rewatching BoJack for the umpteenth time so I doodled the main anthro characters as humans
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My Artstyle: Bright saturated colors. Sharp eyes. Thick lineart (usually) lots of scars. Exaggerated emotions. Big ish head and eyes. Round ears. Small details but not a lot of color detail/ bad at multiply
Evil artstyle: Dull colors. Round lines. Small head. Thin lines with lot of variation. Not a ton of detail. No over exaggeration. Small/No ears. No detailed eyes. Round nose. Airbrush. 😭
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thediamondarcher · 10 months
Hi !! I'm looking for moots
I'm primarily a Solitaire and BoJack Horseman fan. But I'm also into heartstopper, the 2010 barbie movies, the osemanverse in general, please like me, Wes Anderson movies, The end of the f***ing world
I tend to have a lot of hyperfixations and sometimes more than two at the same time
neurodivergent, aromantic lesbian, minor, diamond and harrie
feel free to comment on my posts all you want
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zarasaurus-studios · 9 months
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foodistaaa3 · 4 months
The Sun
She was like the sun,
She gave light to everything and anyone that came near her.
She gave them that warm feeling of belonging,
Despite the fact that she does not belong anywhere.
And with all the light she carries around, comes darkness.
Darkness that lives inside of her.
Darkness that is consuming every inch of her.
And the question in my mind remains unanswered:
 “How can someone be the source of light while darkness is growing inside of them?”
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