booksbylana · 2 years
Read as much as you can, whenever you can. Make time for that special activity. It will make up to you.
#bookstagram #bookstsgrammer #booksbooksbooks #books_by_lana #readingforpleasure #readingtime
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mousethatreads · 6 years
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early morning reads✨
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Wir sind bloß Schatten Wir sind ein Team, Brüder und doch so viel mehr. Seit zwanzig Jahren holen wir Leute aus Kriegsgebieten. Soldaten, Journalisten und Privatpersonen, die gefoltert und gedemütigt wurden und deren Leben eigentlich bereits abgeschrieben waren. Warum wir das tun? Weil SIE es wollen! Wir sind Seals und Eigentum des amerikanischen Militärs. Ich erinnere mich noch an unseren ersten Einsatz im Sudan. Sie impften uns gegen Krankheiten, um nicht von Krankheiten heimgesucht zu werden, die uns dort erwarten könnten. Doch das war gelogen. Diese Impfung nahm uns die Menschlichkeit. - Shadow ... gab sie uns zurück. Nun wird es Zeit, dass wir gehen. Egal, ob sie dies zulassen wollen oder nicht. Meine Rezi folgt in den Kommentaren. . . . #buchrezi #buchblogger #bookstsgrammer #bookstagramdeutschland #bookstagramgermany #bookstagraminternational #deutschebuchblogger #fantasydeutsch #deutschefantasy #darkfantasyleser #siljazachian #schattenkrieger #cikaste #leserunde #reziexemplar https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc3BUp-Igns/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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booksloversworld · 2 years
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🔥🔥ICYMI: HOT NEW RELEASE🔥🔥 LIKE I NEVER SAID by @authorcwfarnsworth is LIVE! #1ClickHere https://amzn.to/3i5nx0M Free in KU A lot can happen on a two-week trip to the Canadian wilderness. Auden Harmon learns her parents’ marriage is officially over. Expected. Accidentally gifts a five-hundred-dollar pen to a stranger. Unexpected. Neither event wreaks havoc on her life quite like meeting Elliot Reid does. He has eyes the color of the cloudy sky. A slapshot the whole country has an unhealthy obsession with. The uncanny ability to say the exact right thing, right when she needs to hear it. They stay in touch after she leaves. Swap secrets. Become best friends. Tell each other everything. Well…almost everything. It’s a thin line between love and hate. The line between love and friendship with a guy who makes mammoth-sized butterflies swarm your stomach? Practically transparent. But when he’s made it clear friendship is all he has to offer? You can never say it. #newrelease #ilovebooks #sportsromance #hockeyromance #freeinku #friendstolovers #bookslover #readyourheartout #readmoreromance #bookstsgrammer #needtoreaditnow #bookblogger #booknerdigan #bookaholic #bookstagram #wildfiremarketingsolutions https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb3hER_KJ2H/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fashioneyesta · 3 years
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"If you knew Time as well as I do,' said the Hatter, 'you wouldn't talk about wasting it,” - Lewis Carroll . . . Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland will always stand out as one of my favourite Children’s classics. Although I did spend an entire term during my Children’s literature MA writing about whether it was in fact written for children. Alice is a true heroin, she enters a world full of dangers and adults who aren’t always inclined to guide her through this labyrinth. She has to learn to stand up for herself and negotiate the confusion of this world full of mystifying riddles and unknown places. But ultimately Wonderland teaches what it means to grow up and have to be an adult. I think what Carroll was trying to tell us through this book was that adulting is hard! Does anyone else agree? . . . #AliceInWonderland #Wonderland #MadMattersTeaParty #WorldBookDay #Bookstagram #Bookstsgrammer #BookLover #BookPhotography #BookNerd #BookCommunity #CottageCore #CottageCoreCommunity #CottageCoreStyle #CottageCoreFashion #CottageCoreAesthetic #RomanticAcademia #RomanticAcademiaAesthetic #LightAcademia #LightAcademiaAesthetic #LightAcademiaFashion #OfWhimsicalMoments #GloomAndGlow #DreaminPictures #PoetryAndPictures https://www.instagram.com/p/CapjiFnKNNB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Nuova lettura 👉🏻 #cynder primo libro della serie #cronachelunari Era da un po' che volevo leggere questo libro e finalmente ci sono riuscita. "Cynder" è la rivisitazione in chiave #cyborg di #cenerentola Cynder è un cyborg, una persona a cui sono state fatte delle modifiche. Ha una gamba e una mano robotica, nonché un'interfaccia mentale. Cynder appartiene alla matrigna, la quale la sfrutta spudoratamente. Cynder è un meccanico e tutto ciò che guadagna viene requisito dalla matrigna. Tutto precipita quando una delle sorellastre di Cynder si ammala di peste, chiamata letumosi. La matrigna dà la colpa a Cynder e la vende, la offre volontaria per i test sul vaccino. E proprio nei laboratori scoprono che Cynder è immune ... 👍🏻 L'ambientazione di questo libro è affascinante: un mondo in cui la luna è abitata e in cui le persone vengono modificate e chissà perché emarginate. 👍🏻 La narrazione è molto coinvolgente, tutte le ingiustizie di cui Cynder è vittima mi hanno fatto arrabbiare tantissimo. 👍🏻 È una delle rivisitazioni di Cenerentola che più apprezzo. Mi sa tanto che prenderò anche i seguiti 😅 #instalibri #letture2020 #abookformy2020 #libripuntoebasta #librielettura2 #bibliophil #seriedaleggere #libricheconsiglio #recensionelampo #recensionivelocidilibri #bookinfluenceritalia #bookstsgrammer #luglioinpillole #antrodilibri #julyfullofbooks #libriamoci1 #lacasadicarl #trovandopillolelibrose #amicandito #lettureimbranate #libriacolazione #fantasy https://www.instagram.com/p/CC24fGnnkS-/?igshid=t91qqu6lqogt
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What got you started? New blog post is up guys! Took me a little while to post here it's finally there!! Let me know what series got you started on reading. . . . #book #twilight #twilightsaga #cullencrest #vampires #bookstagramtags #bookstsgrammer #bookblog #amwriting #blogger #bookstablog #reading #stepheniemeyer https://www.instagram.com/p/BzevyknAH1c/?igshid=xua31enpgepu
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apmjo · 6 years
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I have been making my way through some of my early favorites from 20 or so years ago. Judith McNaught began my love of romance, specifically historical romance. Currently I’m reading Something Wonderful, book 2 in her Sequels series (https://amzn.to/2D2XqCV). What are some of your favorites from your literary journey? . . #ireadromance #historicalromance #bookstsgrammers #bookphotography #bookpics #booknerd #currentlyreading #whatimreading #booksandflowers #somethingwonderful #judithmcnaught #pocketbooks #simonandschuster #ficwishes https://www.instagram.com/p/Btb5Y_7HdS4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19hksavdwoclg
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So with the general color of the books I have now, I’m thinking of doing an earth-tone theme starting Jan 1. Thoughts? Also - I was tagged for #12daysofchristmas by @anna.b.madrise_author - but I’m not sure there were any rules? It appears it’s just twelve things you do around the holidays, so I’m gonna go with that. #1 - Christmas starts the day after Thanksgiving. House gets decorated regardless of weather #2 - Christmas music is the only music stations I play on Slacker and Pandora #3 - raking the garden beds and preparing for winter veggie planting #4 - dinners are 100% comfort foods - soups and chilis and stews #5 - no mall shopping!! (We hates it) #6 - fireplace cleaned and tested #7 - cookies.... #8 - Xmas cards (the old fashioned kind that you actually mail) get signed and mailed on 1st weekend of December #9 - at least three blankets added to the bed #10 - bring the basil plants back indoors #11 - summer outdoor furniture put in storage #12 - Elf, Christmas Story, Grinch, Scrooge’s, Santa Clause - What are your twelve? - - - #writerscommunity #writersofig #writersofinstagram #writersofbookstagram #bookstsgram #bookstsgrammer
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chelseasbookreviews · 3 years
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The perfect fitbit screen for a Bookstsgrammer! #Bookstagrammer #Bookstagram #bookreviewer #bookwormsofinstagram #bookworm #bookwormforlife #bookworms #bookwormsunite #booklover #booknerd #bibliophile #bibliophilelife #alwaysreading #bookreviewersofinstagram #bookreviewers #bookreviewerslife #authorsofinstagram #authorlife #authorcommunity #arcreader #arcreadersofinstagram #arcreaders #arcteam #fitbit #fitbitversa #fitbituser https://www.instagram.com/p/CX-SaItrVXL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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booksbylana · 2 years
A book I got, and want to read soon 📚
#bookstagram #bookstsgrammer #booksbooksbooks #books_by_lana
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All too true! #KennethGrahame #TheWindInTheWillows #books #readers #bookstagram #readersofig #book #bookish #bookworm #booklovers #bibliophile #lovebooks #reader #readersofinstagram #readinglist #goodreads #booksbooksbooks #amreading #readmorebooks #booknerd #bookstsgrammer #readingchallenge #readingchallenge2018
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booksbylana · 2 years
✨ Glennon Doyle, Neukroćena ✨
Pred vama je knjiga o ženi koja je naumila imati sve, bez obzira na to što ljudi govore.
Glennon ne mari za konvencije, što dokazuje i sama činjenica da je odlučila napustiti supruga koji ju je varao cijelo vrijeme njihova braka te se naumila upustiti u vezu i konačno brak sa ženom u koju se na prvi pogled zaljubila.
Knjiga, odnosno memoar je lako čitljiva, a podijeljena je na kratka poglavlja čiji se naslov najčešće sastoji od jedne do dvije riječi.
Izrazito poučno, pitko i životno djelo, neće vas razočarati. Moje preporuke!
#bookstagram #bookstsgrammer #booksbooksbooks #books_by_lana
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booksbylana · 2 years
✨ Federica Bosco, Govorili su da sam preosjetljiva ✨
Knjiga "Govorili su da sam preosjetljiva" dala mi je mnogo razloga da se poistovjetim s autoricom koja iz vlastitog iskustva piše o svojoj 'borbi' s hipersenzbilnošću. I sama sam hipersenzibilna, tako da mi je bilo iznimno zanimljivo čitati koliko je odnos takvih ljudi prema svijetu poseban. Ovaj priručnik mi je dao toliko odgovora na neka moja neodgovorena pitanja, ali i mnogo materijala za razmišljanje.
Imate moju toplu preporuku za ovu knjigu - ne samo ako ste hipersenzibilni, nego ako i živite s takvom osobom i želite ju bolje razumjeti.
"Živjela sam život kao nešto veće od mene, nešto nepoznato, nezgodno i prijeteće, nešto od čega treba trkom pobjeći umjesto da se s povjerenjem prigrli. Zavaravala sam se da će s vremenom stvari promijeniti, da ću jednog dana nekim čudom postati kao i drugi i da će sve biti dobro.
Ali to se nije nikad dogodilo."
#bookstagram #bookstsgrammer #booksbooksbooks #books_by_lana
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booksbylana · 2 years
✨ Favorite Book Challenge ✨
Day 9 - 11 dana 11 knjiga
Obožavam ovu knjigu Lene Dunham "Drukčija od drugih".
Danas nominiram @citajcvjetaj da se pridruži izazovu! ❤️
#bookstagram #bookstsgrammer #booksbooksbooks #favoritebookchallenge #books_by_lana
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booksbylana · 2 years
Izazov #pinkshirtday
Danas se obilježava Dan ružičastih majica u svrhu preveniranja vršnjačkog nasilja.
Za sudjelovanje u izazovu označujem:
#bookstagram #bookstsgrammer
#booksbooksbooks #pinkshirtday #books_by_lana
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