esta-elavaris · 8 days
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I have half a mind to make this a cute little miniseries but I don't know whether I will or not.
Modern AU meet cute -- originally for flufftober, before I decided I would not be doing flufftober. I hope you guys enjoy, just a bit of cute fluffiness for this far too warm Wednesday evening.
I'll post it on AO3 eventually, but for now it's just here.
Main, tenth walker, modern girl in Middle-earth fic of these two can be found here 💜
Dividers by cafekitsune
Boromir/Sybil [Boromir/OC] ~ 2,880 words
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Sybil was having what was quite possibly the worst day of her entire year.
Striding through Gondor’s vast parkland, she turned her head this way and that, tears stinging her eyes and a lump lodging itself in her throat.
“Sarah? Sarah! Oh come on, damn you – Sarah?!”
Nothing. No response, no glimpse of ruddy red between the trees, nothing. What was she going to do? What could she do? Going home alone wasn’t an option, but how much longer should she search? When did it become a matter of informing authorities? Did one even inform authorities, in circumstances such as this?
…Was she hurt? Had she been taken?
“Sarah? Sarah!”
She was so concerned with her search that she didn’t bother looking where she was going, and she realised the stupidity in that only when she tripped.
Tumbling into the grass, she managed to roll as she did, taking the brunt of the impact to her hip rather than her tailbone. She was apologising before she’d even registered the pain.
“I am so sorry!” she exclaimed to the owner of the slack-clad legs she’d tripped over.
A businessman, judging by his dress, reclined on the grass, the remnants of his lunch gathered in a paper bag at his side. He was already sitting up, caught between grabbing at her to make sure she was already and the knowledge that laying hands on unknown women was not a welcome thing.
She tried to right what she’d knocked over – a paper coffee cup, which she realised had thankfully already been empty – and then accepted his help to rise, which he offered as he did so, too. Her heart thudded in her chest as she already wondered how quickly she could leave without being rude, more concerned with her search than with this stranger who was making enquiries as to her wellbeing that she only half listened to.
Then, though, she registered who she was looking at. Boromir. Lord Boromir. The Steward’s son.
Her panic – it had to be the only reason she hadn’t recognised him from the start. How many times had his face been flashed across the television screen in her home growing up, usually accompanied by her parents shaking their heads? When she was very young, the news pieces usually despaired at his teenage antics, often debating (just a touch too gleefully) whether any typical youthful foolishness was actually an indicator of a deeper, more troubling character flaw. But as he aged into young adulthood, and Sybil grew old enough to heed the goings-on of Gondor at all, those stories shifted, instead hailing him as the people’s prince – despite the fact that he technically wasn’t one – and singing of his wartime achievements.
These days, the press took on a decidedly different turn, focusing instead on when he would finally marry. And, more importantly, whom.
Naturally, Sybil found the whole bloody thing ridiculous. Not only that, but also intrusive to any unlucky enough to be involved, and – most of all – entirely irrelevant to her life. So she paid it little mind. But now he was smiling at her, he was handsome, and she was blushing.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I? I wasn’t looking, it was stupid of me – I’m so-”
“I’m uninjured,” he cut in with a warm laugh. “Truth be told, I’ve been debating on whether to offer you my assistance. You’ve lost your friend?”
If it was a friend she’d lost track of, she wouldn’t be wandering the park on the brink of tears. She wasn’t quite that pathetic just yet.
“Sort of,” she offered an embarrassed smile. “A four-legged one.”
Mostly, she just wanted to end this encounter with as much dignity and speed as humanly possible so she could get back to her search without worrying about creating a diplomatic incident.
“A dog?” he understood her meaning easily. “You…you named your dog Sarah?”
Sybil met his eye, then quickly looked away, and finally looked at him again, knowing what she had to do but doubting she had the strength.
“It’s…it’s a stupid joke.”
“Now you must tell me,” amusement coloured his tone.  
“Look, I really need to-”
“The sooner you tell me, the sooner you will secure my aid. I’ve quite a lot of confidence that I can help you.”
Quietly, Sybil muttered the dog’s full name. He didn’t catch it.
“Sarah Jessica Barker,” she repeated.
There was no way he wouldn’t understand the reference. Sex and the White City had been filmed here in Gondor, after all, continuing to shut down the fancier levels of Minas Tirith whenever an additional movie or season was dredged back up.
Lord Boromir’s lips stretched into a wide grin, his chest stuttering a little as he swallowed down a laugh, before he cast his eyes out into the distance, visibly trying to school himself back into seriousness. Great. Being laughed at by one of the loftiest men in the land in this moment, of all moments, was packing salt into a wound that still bled – and whatever momentary bedazzlement had struck her upon coming face to face to him quickly faded into annoyance, her lips thinning and nostrils flaring.
“If you’ll excuse me,” she said flatly.
She spun on her heel but his voice stopped her.
“Wait – wait. Miss! I’m sorry,” he held out a hand as if to snatch at her wrist, before he seemed to remember that grabbing strange women in parks wasn’t particularly well-received in civilised society. “Please. Allow me to help you. Truly, I didn’t mean to laugh.”
He was so contrite, and so damn earnest, that she couldn’t continue to be annoyed. Not outwardly, at least. And whatever ire still had her chest feeling tight was more panic masquerading as anger than anything else – the latter feeling somehow more palatable to feel.
“Fine, but unless you’ve seen her, I’m really not sure how you can help.”
“What does she look like?”
So sincere was his contrition that any who saw them without knowing who they were might think him her assistance, standing and regarding her solemnly, his hands behind his back as he waited, prepared for any request she might have. And then there were his eyes. So warm, and shining with true concern. It was enough to do away with the last of her annoyance.
“Tall, blonde, with a fondness for high heels,” her attempt at a joke was weak, but it earned her a grin, and he at least stopped looking so damn guilty. “She’s…she’s a spaniel. A red spaniel. She doesn’t bother much with strangers, so she wouldn’t have come up to you. I’m sure you would have missed her, if you weren’t specifically looking for her.”
“Perhaps, but hope is not lost. Come – please.”
And follow she did. Not because she ascribed to the belief that his station gave him mystical powers of capability, but just for sheer lack of anything else to do. What was the alternative? Refuse, and continue to wander, her calls for Sarah going ignored? And he seemed pretty sure of himself, at least. That gave him more going for him than she had for herself.
Boromir led the way to the pond that the park boasted – a manmade feature in a rough oval shape that curled in on itself, spanning almost the full width of the park, with a bridge stretching over it that was a very popular scenic spot for proposals.
“Ah,” he stared at the water. “It’s just as I thought.”
Still addled by panic, it took her a second to realise what he was talking about, beyond a look that confirmed that her dog was not, in fact, lurking beneath the surface. The emerald green algae that coated the surface of the water by the stony shore was disturbed, broken up here where it was otherwise a thick undisturbed carpet all the way to the left and right.
It was with a heavy sigh that he spoke next.
“The ducks like to gather on a hidden ledge beneath the bridge there,” he explained. “And the dogs like to bother the ducks.”
As he talked, he stood on one foot, lifted the other with not even the slightest wobble, and began to untie his shiny black leather shoe. He was moving onto the second one by the time she broke through her shock.
“What are you doing?”
He grinned at her, the impact annoyingly devastating.
“What do you think I’m doing?”
“Something ridiculous – you can’t go in there.”
“I must reunite you with your, forgive me, ridiculously named hound. The ends justify the means.”
“If she really did swim under there, she can swim back,” she protested.
Apparently willing to entertain her theory, but visibly unconvinced by it, he gestured at her as if to say by all means. Then he stood, rubbing at the back of his neck as she called out to her hound. The ledge that he’d spoken of was only barely visible from where they stood, but at her call, a black nose poked around the corner of the underside of the bridge, followed by fur that usually glowed a beautiful golden red on sunny days like this, but was now a sodden algae-ridden ruddy mess.
"Sarah!" she called, hunkering down and holding out her arms. “Sarah, come here!”
The dog panted, and she might’ve wagged her tail, but otherwise she regarded the water, and then Sybil, as if she was asking far too much. As if she hadn’t just been in that very water.
“Oh, for the love of…”
With a groan, she toed off one trainer, and then the other. She wasn’t wearing white today, at least that was something – nor anything particularly nice. Just workout leggings and a long, baggy tank top reserved for dog walking and generally not being seen by anybody of consequence. So much for that.
“What are you doing?” Boromir echoed her earlier words, placing himself between her and the pond.
“I’m getting my dog.”
“I’ll do it,” he laughed as if her idea was ridiculous.
“She’s my dog.”
“It’s my father’s pond,” he countered easily. “Technically speaking. And I was the one who presided over its opening ceremony, so I suppose it’s also part mine.”
“You can’t-”
“I insist! I can’t have you stealing my thunder when I have an opportunity for heroics.”
Those brilliant, handsome grins of his could easily have her giving him the damn dog if he kept it up. As he made his insistences, he took the cufflinks from his cuffs, handing them to her for safekeeping before he began to roll up his shirtsleeves. Too stunned for words, she may have ended up staring at his forearms…and he may have caught her. The grin on his face became just a touch more boyish for it.
“Are you sure?” she asked, shielding her eyes from the sun as she squinted up at him.
“I insist,” he repeated. “On one condition.”
“Tell me your name.”
It beggared belief. How swiftly, without being able to even pinpoint when it had happened, the atmosphere between them felt charged, somehow, now that she wasn’t driven by panic. When he saw how his condition surprised her, he looked just a little too smug, so Sybil gave herself a shake, cleared her throat, and breathed a laugh.
“Well?” he prompted, removing his socks next.
“You haven’t held up your end of the deal yet.”
She almost regretted her words when he stepped into the pond. Gritting his teeth, he hissed sharply at the cold, then looked at her as if to make sure she was still watching. When he found that she was – little could persuade her to look away – he schooled his features back into an amused sort of determination, his brow set with a smirk tugging at his lips.
Sarah watched the spectacle with curiosity.
As he waded deeper into the pond, Sybil couldn’t help but be relieved that he’d volunteered himself for the task. The water, when it just reached his hips, would’ve already been well up to her waist.
“She doesn’t bite, does she?” he called back towards the shore.
“No. I’m more worried about her making a break for it.”
If she decided she’d rather not be captured by the strange man, she could easily jump back in and swim further up the shore. All right, if she did that, Sybil could run and try to beat her to whatever patch of land she emerged at, but it would complicate matters. Especially if the dog decided this was a very fun game to play.
“I’ll catch her, if she does,” he replied, unfazed. “I’m a fair swimmer.”
Yes. She’d heard that particular tale. Although she’d never be so insensitive as to bring it up. Although the knowledge of what he’d seen, fought, and lived through, did make the sight of him wading through a pond to retrieve her dog all the more surreal.
“Faster than a dog?” she asked doubtfully.
“My lady, if you keep doubting me, I shall have no choice but to take it personally,” he levelled her with a boyish grin over his shoulder before he turned back to the pup.
She was glad for his divided attention, for it would hopefully mean he’d miss how she blushed.
Boromir continued wading towards the dog, her brown eyes fixed on him with a sort of interest Sybil knew well enough to recognise as mischief, but even still hoped she might be mistaken. It was all for naught, though. Once Boromir was just out of arm’s reach, she yapped, and then threw herself into the water, paddling happily past him and towards the shore. Once out of the water, she shook herself off with ease, and then trotted to Sybil, sopping tail throwing algae with each wag.
Yes, there would be absolutely no living this down.
Lifting the dog into her arms just for something to occupy her hands with, she slotted the lead back onto her collar, and then watched in mortification as Boromir waded his way back out of the water. They’d drawn rather a crowd.
“I am so, so sorry,” she said when he drew near, trailing water in his wake.
His white shirt was now a very strange brown-ish green, clinging to his abdomen in a way that was determined to draw the eye.
“Don’t be,” he insisted, “I mean it. A more novel lunch I’ve never had.”
Wriggling in her grasp, Sarah panted, writhing and trying to struggle in the direction of her would-be rescuer. Unhesitating, Boromir extended his arms, looking to her for permission. When Sybil granted it, he accepted the dog with warm laughter, keeping her easily in his grasp despite how she jolted, holding her just far enough away that her attempts to lick his nose would prove fruitless.
"Hello, Sarah," he greeted, eyed Sybil warmly for a few moments, and then returned is attention to the pup. “Your mother is very pretty when she’s embarrassed, did you know that?”
“Technically, I’m her aunt. She was my sister’s before she was mine.”
“I think I shall make it my mission to have her grow more comfortable with compliments, too,” he commented idly, holding the dog in one strong arm so he could scratch behind her ears with the other hand. “What do you think?”
He spoke to the dog but he looked to her, his face more tentative than his words, as if worried he was making her uncomfortable. Sybil acted on impulse. Later, she’d blame it on the sun beating down on them, the collective of people who were pretending (poorly) not to watch, and the sheer amount of genuine kindness in his smile.
“I…live nearby. And I have a tumble dryer, clothes that may just fit you, and a collection of coffee options that beggars belief. If any of that would do as thanks.”
“Ah, but you have not yet offered the thanks I am truly interested in,” he said – and then balked, appearing to realise how suggestive his words sounded, and quickly added. “Your name.”
She wasn’t the only one, she thought, who was pretty when she blushed. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she stifled a smile at how he appeared to be in no rush at all to return her dog – nor was Sarah in any rush to be unhanded.
“Sybil,” she answered finally. “My name is Sybil.”
Extended a hand, her cheeks blazed when he accepted it and then lifted her knuckles to his lips. He had to bend a little at the waist to avoid yanking her arm up at an uncomfortable angle, such was the height difference between them – and his beard tickled her skin when he kissed her hand.
“Sybil,” he repeated with a smile when he’d released her hand, “it suits you. Now, tell me more about this coffee collection.”
 She took up his shoes, seeing as he was in no hurry to release the dog, and he nodded his thanks before nodding that she should lead the way out of the park. In the back of her mind, she wondered if she didn’t owe Sarah a treat or two after all.
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quillofspirit · 11 months
In honour of me having absolutely no self-control whatsoever
Here are my thoughts if there were more horses in @esta-elavaris fics, featuring Theodora and Sybil! I'll leave the names up to imagination!
Theodora Byrne
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p.s. I only put the dress there because it's purple, and I can't get Theo in a purple dress out of my head, and I know it's not lilac but I love this colour
An Irish cob stallion. It would come in her life by accident. They did need a new horse, mostly for supplies, and Theo had been meaning to learn to ride better. First, she’d not be stuck with the slow horses, second she could race (and win) against James, third she would be able to go anywhere anytime. I think she’d come across it not when they’d first settled, but maybe 1 or 2 years after. They were receiving a carriage of supply, whether for their joint business or their home. The merchant lead the horse to the entrance, and made an off-hand comment about knowing a good stable if they needed horses, patting his cob’s wide neck. The supplies were being unloaded while they discussed easily. Theo found herself standing beside the horse, and startled when she felt the soft bristles of its nose on her cheek. She let it smell her, and it nuzzled into her neck, reminding her of her two beloved dogs. It struck her how similar the colours were too. She’d made her mind then, and the merchant had left with more coin and on foot.
The Irish cobs are known to be extremely gentle, yet capable horses. They are versatile, and while they generally won’t win all the races, they make incredible sturdy and remarkably comfortable companions. In my experience, some horses truly are agents of chaos. I think that would be a nice play by the universe if Theo was payed back all her chaos ten-fold in the form of a tall block of muscle that has found a way to open doors ☺️ I also was not not inspired to create an iconic duo of hair, with cobs having beautiful flowing manes and pretty feathers on their feet.
fun fact! this horse color is called a seal brown, and it love it
Also do forgive the brave vibes, I only realised later that I’d paired a fiery red head with a cob horse
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A Lusitano mare. Lusitanos are nowadays often used for dressage, though they used to be considered ideal horses for war. They are sure-footed, reliable, and have strong nerves. Lusitanos are incredibly loyal, they create strong bonds to their owners. On top of that, mares tend to have only a few humans they tolerate, and often have very strong personalities. I think a good fit for Sybil would be stubborn but love her to death, sometimes going a little too far to protect her, and be a little jealous at times. The type to request scratches and snort aggressively at someone if they interrupt their bonding time.
From what I understand of Sybil, she’d need a few weeks to really bond with her horse, but she would be absolutely delighted the first time her horse went at full speed. To feel the wind in her hair, the sun on her cheeks and the strong companion underneath her. Oh its a wonderful feeling.
BONUS the horse really didn’t like Boromir at first. I AM SORRY. I have this image in my head of Boromir saying something, Sybil deciding to walk it off, and going to her horse to brush it and think of other things - because brushing a horse is, in my opinion, one of the easiest ways to meditate - and Boromir following, only for the horse to put itself between them and paw at him. I love protective horses. And temperamental mares make the best companions with calmer riders.
Am I slowly starting to forcibly put more horses in everyting? yes. Will I apologize for wanting to share the beauty and chaos of horses? Never.
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Bellona’s headcanons masterlist
Tolkien Legendarium (All media)
Boromir and Eowyn 
The Sail Master 
The Sail Master(II) 
Eärien and Valandil 
Isildur, Anarion and Eärien 
Durin V 
Médhor and Feren
Éomer Eadig
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Helmut Zemo 
Helmut Zemo(II) 
Natasha Romanoff 
Sam Wilson 
T’Challa and Okoye 
John Walker
Pietro and Wanda Maximoff
Rocket Raccoon
Tony Stark
Kingsman franchise
Agent Tequila
Agent Champagne 
Archie Reid 
Orlando Oxford and Polly Wilkins
Sorsha Tantalos 
Graydon Hastur
Jade Claymore
Father Brown
Isobel Devine 
Sid Carter  
Reverend Mother Adrian and Sister Julienne
Call the Midwife
Jane Sutton 
Reverend Mother Adrian and Sister Julienne
Sister Evangelina
BBC Merlin
Morgana Pendragon 
Sir Elyan 
Arthur Pendragon 
Sir Leon
The Orville
Lee Dutton 
Liquor store cashier
Downton Abbey
Marigold Gregson
Harold Levinson
Lady Rosamund Crawley
Thomas Barrow
Johnny Bates
Sybil Harding (OC)
Patrick Crawley
Mr. Mason
One Piece (All media)
"Red-Haired" Shanks
"Knight of the Sea" Jinbe
Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk
Monkey D. Garp
Devil Fruit soulmates
Lucky Roux
Massacre Soldier Killer
Doctor Who (All media)
Clyde Langer
Bill Potts
Canton Everett Delaware III
Bellona’s masterlist
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be-side-my-self · 2 years
10 characters I am attracted to!
Tagged by @densofyarrow ... ten days ago.
This is really hard because I am rarely attracted to fictional characters? I didn't manage to find ten... also many of them are... thin cases. Also I ship many of them with other characters which will instantly mute my attraction. XD ... so no guarantee about the order.
#10 ??????? idk I’d probably find another One Piece Character. Maybe just Oscar from Syberia? But then I kind of ship him with Kate so that would be weird too... idk.
#09 Bobby Fulbright - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies (don’t question this............ Bobby ;_; we hardly knew you... or maybe we did.)
#08 Boromir - Lord of the Rings (Book version ... yeah... when I got older he became more interesting? idk)
#07 Vimes - Discworld books (like... It’s him or Vetinari if you’re into men, let’s be real! But also Vimes/Sybil = OTP)
#06 Hannemann - Fire Emblem Three Houses (I do ship him with Manuela but... I dig the gentleman scholar vibes.)
#05 Ponder - Discworld books (I like my men either lawful and/or loyal and/or good and/or so fucking nerdy that couldn't function in the real world)
#04 Vice-Admiral Momonga - One Piece (There is just something about him... idk)
#03 Dedue - Fire Emblem Three Houses (There is a trend of me enjoying to romance the right hand man of the "main characters")
#02 Kuririn - Dragon Ball Z (so the adult version... fml I had a real crush on him... I just remembered that I got really upset when I learned that he was together with Android 18... lmao. I was young. Also in reality I’m more attracted to men who are around my own height... so... that was the first indicator for that?)
#01 Mr. Husbando: Frederick - Fire Emblem Awakening
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Please I need me a freak like that. And with freak I mean a battle butler who loves fire as much as I do and is too loyal for his own good.
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Damn I wish he was real and I could have him.
I tag no one, because I don’t want to annoy anyone. But you can always tag me, I don’t mind! Thank you!
Oh wait... @burning-peanut if you want to?
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rose-edith · 3 years
My inbox is OPEN!
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My inbox is open for all fandoms I’ve previously listed, but I will add a list of these in case you don’t know, or are new (if so, welcome!)
I do accept platonic, love-full, smut/18+ requests, as well as angsty, rawly emotive ideas! So you can be as specific or as vague as you like- pretty much anything goes!
Here is a list of characters and shows I write for (under the cut because it’s quite a list):
Father Brown:
•Father Brown
•Mrs McCarthy
•Lady Felicia
•Sidney Carter
•Bunty Windermere
•Hercule Flambeau
•Inspector Valentine
•Inspector Sullivan
•Inspector Mallory
•Sergeant Goodfellow
•Leroy Jethro Gibbs
•Ziva David
• ‘Very Special Agent’ Anthony DiNozzo
•Timothy McGee
BBC The Musketeers:
•Captain Treville
•Cardinal Richelieu
•King Louis
•Queen Anne
•Hercule Poirot
•Captain Hastings
•Inspector Japp
•Miss Lemon
LOTR/The Hobbit:
•Lord Elrond
•King Thranduil
The Walking Dead:
•Rick Grimes
•Daryl Dixon
•Negan Smith
•Dean Winchester
•Sam Winchester
•John Winchester
BBC Merlin:
Doctor Who:
•3rd Doctor
•Sarah-Jane Smith (young and older, please specify)
•4th Doctor
•7th Doctor
•9th Doctor
•Rose Tyler
•Captain Jack Harkness
•10th Doctor
•Martha Jones
•Donna Noble
•11th Doctor
•River Song
•Amy Pond
•Rory Williams
•12th Doctor
•Clara Oswald
•Bill Potts
•13th Doctor
•Yasmin Kahn
North & South:
•John Thornton
•Margaret Hale
Downton Abbey:
•Lady Mary Crawley
•Lady Edith Crawley
•Lady Sybil Crawley
•Dowager Countess Violet Crawley
•Tom Branson
•Matthew Crawley
•Michael Gregson
•Violet Bridgerton
•Anthony Bridgerton
•Benedict Bridgerton
•Colin Bridgerton
•Daphne Bridgerton
•Eloise Bridgerton
•Lady Danbury
•Penelope Featherington
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magravenwrites · 3 years
Requests are CLOSED!
Please send in your request as an ask!
If you don't specify a pronoun, I will write fem!reader.
I will write character pairings as well as 'x reader'. Just let me know which pairing you want written/made.
Prompts can include song prompts, or be general prompts, but I ask for you to be as specific as you can, so I can try and write something you will like!
I will write for platonic relationships as well as love interests!
I will be accepting requests for moodboards, imagines and fics/oneshots.
I will write pretty much anything - fluff, angst, au's, crossovers and smut... 😉
I will also write for potentially triggering topics, relevant warnings will be included. I don't aim to romanticise these topics in any way, they are serious topics and will be treated as such.
You can find a list of fandoms and characters I write for below the cut.
If you would like to request something for another fandom or character that isn't listed, just send me an ask and I will do my best to complete it for you!
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Simon Basset
Daphne Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Penelope Featherington
Marina Thompson
Downton Abbey:
Matthew Crawley
Tom Branson
William Mason
Bertie Pelham
Henry Talbot
Thomas Barrow
John Bates
Atticus Aldridge
Mary Crawley
Edith Crawley
Sybil Crawley
Rose MacClare
Anna Bates
Lucy Smith
(I have not read the books yet, so works will be mainly based off the show)
Kaz Brekker
Jesper Fahey
The Darkling/General Aleksander Kirigan
Matthias Helvar
Malyen 'Mal' Oretsev
Inej Ghaffa
Alina Starkov
Nina Zenik
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Percy Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Oliver Wood
Seamus Finnigan
Dean Thomas
Hermione Granger
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Young Sirius Black
Young Remus Lupin
Young James Potter
Young Lily Evans/Potter
Young Tom Riddle
The Hunger Games:
Peeta Mellark
Gale Hawthorne
Finnick Odair
Katniss Everdeen
Johanna Mason
Annie Cresta
(I am not up-to-date on all Marvel films/series, so please bare with me)
Steve Rogers/Captain America
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Sam Wilson/Falcon
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Peter Parker/Spider-man
Bruce Banner/Hulk
Clint Barton/Hawkeye
T'Challa/Black Panther
Scott Lang/Ant-man
Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Dr Stephen Strange
Nick Fury
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
Maze Runner:
Peter Pevensie
Edmund Pevensie
Prince Caspian X
Mr Tumnus
Susan Pevensie
Lucy Pevensie
Poison Study/Glass series:
Pride and Prejudice:
Mr Darcy
Mr Bingley
Elizabeth Bennet
Jane Bennet
Sense and Sensibility:
Colonel Brandon
Edward Ferrars
Elinor Dashwood
Marianne Dashwood
The Last Kingdom:
Throne of Glass:
(I have not read the last book yet so please bare with me)
Dorian Havilliard
Chaol Westfall
Celaena Sardothien-
-Aelin Galathynius
Manon Blackbeak
Asteria Blackbeak
Elide Lochan
Lord of the Rings:
The Hobbit:
Ross Poldark
Francis Poldark
Drake Carne
Sam Carne
Jeffry Charles Poldark
Dwight Enys
George Warleggan
Peaky Blinders:
Tommy Shelby
John Shelby
Arthur Shelby
Michael Gray
Ada Shelby
Polly Gray
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starry-sky-stuff · 3 years
Sortinghatschats Comparison with MBTI and Enneagram - List Pt 1
Based on a post by @arisruby I decided to compare the sortinghatchats system with MBTI and enneagram types and see if there's any correlation. The summary post is here and the analysis post is here.
For the full list of sortings and MBTI types see under the cut. Since it was very long the list of sortings and enneagrams is here.
LP = Lion Primary
BiP = Bird Primary
SP = Snake Primary
BaP = Badger Primary
LS = Lion Secondary
SS = Snake Secondary
BiS = Bird Secondary
BaS = Badger Secondary
If you want to learn more about the sortinghatchats systems check out @sortinghatchats and @wisteria-lodge.
MBTI and Enneagram: @funkymbtifiction
Sortinghatchats: @sortinghatchats, @wisteria-lodge, @the-phoenix-heart, @missbrunettebarbie, @montmarayroyal, @persefoneshalott, @awinterrain, @everyonewasabird, @yoursummerfrost, @reds-burrow, @dragonsaredorks,
Aleskander Kirigan 3w4 Shadow & Bone — Badger/Badger
Bonnie Bennett 2w1 The Vampire Diaries — Lion/Lion
Carlisle Cullen 9w1 The Twilight Saga — Badger/Badger
Charles Xavier 2w1 X-Men — Badger/Badger
Emma Woodhouse 2w3 Emma (2016) — Lion/Lion
Jasmine 2w1 Aladdin — Lion/Snake
Loki 4w3 The Avengers — Snake/Bird
Maggie Vera 3w2 Charmed — Badger/Badger
Marcel Gerard 3w2 The Originals — Lion/Badger
Marisa Coulter 3w2 The Golden Compass — Snake/Snake
Morgana Pendragon 4w3 Merlin — Snake/Snake
Regina Mills 2w3 Once Upon a Time — Snake/Bird
Linda Martin - Lucifer — Bird/Bird
LP: 4
BiP: 1
SP: 4
BaP: 4
LS: 2
SS: 3
BiS: 3
BaS: 5
Badger/Badger = 4
Lion/Lion = 2
Snake/Bird = 2
Snake/Snake = 2
Lion/Badger = 1
Lion/Snake = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Alice Cullen 2w3 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Bird
Mr. Bingley 9w1 Pride & Prejudice — Badger/Badger
Boromir 2w3 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Lion
Clark Kent 2w1 Smallville — Snake/Snake
Cora Crawley 9w1 Downton Abbey — Snake/Bird
Daphne Bridgerton 2w1 Bridgerton — Badger/Snake
Emily Gilmore 2w3 Gilmore Girls — Lion/Lion
Esme Cullen 2w1 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Badger
Gertrude 3w2 Ophelia so — Snake/Lion
George Knightley 1w2 Emma — Snake/Badger
Georgiana 3w2 The Great — Snake/Snake
Guenevere Pendragon 2w1 Merlin — Badger/Badger
Margaery Tyrell 2w3 Game of Thrones — Snake/Badger
Nate Archibald 9w1 Gossip Girl — Badger/Lion
Peeta Mellark 9w1 The Hunger Games — Snake/Badger
Peter Pevensie 2w3 The Chronicles of Narnia — Badger/Lion
Sam Gamgee 2w1 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Badger
Sam Wilson 2w1 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier — Badger/Lion
Molly Weasley 2w3 — Snake/Lion
LP: 1
BiP: 0
SP: 12
BaP: 6
LS: 7
SS: 3
BiS: 2
BaS: 7
Snake/Badger = 5
Snake/Lion = 3
Snake/Bird = 2
Badger/Badger = 2
Snake/Snake = 2
Badger/Lion = 2
Badger/Snake = 1
Lion/Lion = 1
LP: 6
BiP: 1
SP: 15
BaP: 10
LS: 9
SS: 6
BiS: 5
BaS: 12
Badger/Badger = 6
Snake/Badger = 5
Snake/Bird = 4
Snake/Snake = 4
Lion/Lion = 3
Snake/Lion = 3
Badger/Lion = 2
Lion/Badger = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Lion/Snake = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Aaron Burr 9w1 Hamilton — Snake/Snake
Albus Dumbledore 1w9 Harry Potter — Lion/Snake
Drusilla 9w1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Lion/Snake
Faramir 9w1 The Lord of the Rings — Bird/Bird
Galadriel 1w9 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Lion
Gandalf 6w7 The Lord of the Rings — Bird/Bird
Obi-Wan Kenobi 5w6 Star Wars — Badger/Snake
Varys 5w6 Game of Thrones — Snake/Snake
Charlotte Richards - Lucifer — Snake/Lion
LP: 2
BiP: 2
SP: 4
BaP: 1
LS: 2
SS: 5
BaS: 0
Snake/Snake = 2
Lion/Snake = 2
Bird/Bird = 2
Snake/Lion = 2
Badger/Snake = 1
Alec Hardy 5w6 Broadchurch — Snake/Bird
Brandon Stark 5w4 Game of Thrones — Bird/Badger
Mr. Darcy 5w4 Pride & Prejudice — Snake/Badger
Elphaba Thropp 4w5 sp/sx Wicked! — Lion/Lion
Elrond 1w2 The Lord of the Rings — Bird/Bird
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto 6w5 X-Men — Lion/Lion
Mr. Gold / Rumple 5w4 Once Upon a Time — Snake/Bird
Michael Corleone 5w6 The Godfather — Badger/Bird
Mycroft Holmes 5w4 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes — Lion/Bird
Petyr Baelish 3w4 Game of Thrones — Snake/Snake
Tom Riddle 3w4 Harry Potter — Lion/Bird
Victor Frankenstein 5w4 Victor Frankenstein — Bird/Bird
LP: 4
BiP: 2
SP: 4
BaP: 1
LS: 2
SS: 1
BiS: 7
BaS: 2
Snake/Bird = 2
Lion/Lion = 2
Bird/Bird = 2
Lion/Bird = 2
Bird/Badger = 1
Snake/Badger = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Snake/Snake = 1
LP: 6
BiP: 4
SP: 8
BaP: 2
LS: 4
SS: 6
BiS: 8
BaS: 2
Bird/Bird = 4
Snake/Snake = 3
Lion/Snake = 2
Snake/Bird = 2
Lion/Lion = 2
Lion/Bird = 2
Snake/Lion = 2
Badger/Snake = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Snake/Badger = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Alexander Hamilton 8w7 Hamilton — Snake/Lion
Denethor 3w4 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Bird
Gale Hawthorne 8w9 The Hunger Games — Lion/Lion
Gerard Argent 8w9 Teen Wolf — Lion/Bird
Kaz Brekker 8w9 Shadow & Bone — Snake/Snake
Leia Organa 8w9 Star Wars — Lion/Lion
Lynette Scavo 8w9 Desperate Housewives — Snake/Snake
Mary Crawley 3w4 Downton Abbey — Snake/Snake
Palpatine 3w4 Star Wars — Snake/Bird
LP: 3
BiP: 0
SP: 6
BaP: 0
LS: 3
SS: 3
BiS: 3
BaS: 0
Snake/Snake = 3
Snake/Bird = 2
Snake/Lion - 1
Lion/Lion = 1
Lion/Bird = 1
Adora Belle Dearheart 8w9 Going Postal — Snake/Snake
Angelica Schulyer 8w7 Hamilton — Snake/Snake
Anthony Bridgerton 1w2 Bridgerton — Badger/Lion
Blair Waldorf 3w4 Gossip Girl — Snake/Badger
Bree Van De Kamp 1w2 Desperate Housewives — Badger/Bird
Cersei Lannister 8w9 Game of Thrones — Snake/Lion
Cordelia Chase 3w2 Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Lion/Lion
Donna Noble 8w7 Doctor Who — Lion/Lion
Éomer 8w9 The Lord of the Rings — Lion/Lion
Hector Barbossa 8w7 The Pirates of the Caribbean — Snake/Badger
Hermione Granger 1w2 Harry Potter — Lion/Bird
James Norrington 3w2 The Pirates of the Caribbean — Bird/Badger
Lydia Martin 3w2 Teen Wolf — Bird/Bird
Marial 8w9 The Great — Snake/Lion
Paris Gellar 3w2 Gilmore Girls — Lion/Lion
Percy Weasley 3w2 Harry Potter — Lion/Bird
Tywin Lannister 8w9 Game of Thrones — Lion/Bird
Victoria Argent 8w9 Teen Wolf — Lion/Lion
Violet Crawley 6w5 Downton Abbey — Snake/Snake
Mazikeen Smith 8w7 Lucifer — Snake/Lion
LP: 8
BiP: 2
SP: 8
BaP: 2
LS: 9
SS: 3
BiS: 5
BaS: 3
Lion/Lion = 5
Snake/Snake = 3
Lion/Bird = 3
Snake/Lion = 3
Snake/Badger = 2
Badger/Lion = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
LP: 11
BiP: 2
SP: 14
BaP: 2
LS: 12
SS: 6
BiS: 8
BaS: 3
Snake/Snake = 6
Lion/Lion = 6
Snake/Lion = 4
Lion/Bird = 4
Snake/Badger = 2
Snake/Bird = 2
Badger/Lion = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Catherine the Great 3w2 The Great — Lion/Bird
Elizabeth Bennet 7w6 Pride & Prejudice — Snake/Lion
Henry Mills 7w6 Once Upon a Time — Lion/Lion
Lorelai Gilmore 7w6 Gilmore Girls — Lion/Snake
Samwell Tarly 9w1 Game of Thrones — Bird/Bird
Tenth Doctor 7w8 Doctor Who — Lion/Lion
Veronica Mars cp 6w7 Veronica Mars — Badger/Snake
George Weasley 7w6 — Snake/Bird
LP: 4
BiP: 1
SP: 2
BaP: 1
LS: 3
SS: 2
BiS: 2
BaS: 0
Lion/Lion = 2
Lion/Bird = 1
Snake/Lion = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Snake/Bird = 1
Darcy Lewis 7w6 WandaVision — Bird/Lion
Eleven 7w6 Doctor Who — Snake/Snake
Jonathan Carnahan 7w6 The Mummy — Bird/Snake
Lyra 7w8 The Golden Compass — Lion/Snake
Merry Brandybuck 7w6 The Lord of the Rings — Badger/Bird
Moist von Lipwig 7w6 Going Postal — Snake/Snake
Stiles Stilinksi 6w7 Teen Wolf — Snake/Bird
Tyrion Lannister 7w6 Game of Thrones — Bird/Snake
Fred Weasley 7w8 — Lion/Snake
Ella Lopez - Lucifer — Badger/Badger
LP: 2
BiP: 3
SP: 3
BaP: 2
LS: 1
SS: 6
BiS: 2
BaS: 2
Snake/Snake = 2
Bird/Snake = 2
Bird/Lion = 1
Lion/Snake = 2
Badger/Bird = 1
Snake/Bird = 1
Badger/Badger = 1
LP: 6
BiP: 4
SP: 5
BaP: 3
LS: 4
SS: 8
BiS: 4
BaS: 1
Lion/Lion = 2
Snake/Snake = 2
Bird/Snake = 2
Lion/Snake = 2
Snake/Bird = 2
Lion/Bird - 1
Snake/Lion = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Bird/Lion = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Badger/Badger = 1
Frodo Baggins 9w1 The Lord of the Rings — Bird/Snake
Hamlet 6w7 Hamlet — Bird/Lion
Hamlet 6w7 Ophelia — Bird/Lion
Lucy Pevensie 9w1 The Chronicles of Narnia — Lion/Badger
Matthew Crawley 1w2 Downton Abbey — Bird/Bird
Susan Mayer 6w7 Desperate Housewives — Snake/Lion
Sybil Crawley 9w8 Downton Abbey — Badger/Lion
Wanda Maximoff 9w8 WandaVision — Snake/Lion
LP: 1
BiP: 4
SP: 2
BaP: 1
LS: 5
SS: 1
BiS: 1
BaS: 1
Bird/Lion = 2
Snake/Lion = 2
Bird/Snake = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Badger/Lion = 1
Alina Starkov 6w7 Shadow & Bone — Snake/Lion
Bella Swan 9w8 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Bird
Dean Forester 6w7 Gilmore Girls — Snake/Badger
Edith Crawley 4w3 Downton Abbey — Bird/Badger
Edmund Pevensie 4w3 The Chronicles of Narnia — Bird/Snake
Éowyn cp6w7 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Lion
Fantine 9w1 Les Miserables — Snake/Lion
Gregor 9w8 The Great — Snake/Lion
Harry Potter 9w8 Harry Potter — Bird/Lion
Hope Mikaelson 2w1 Legacies / The Originals — Snake/Lion
Inej Ghafa 9w8 Shadow & Bone — Bird/Bird
Jess Marino 4w5 Gilmore Girls — Bird/Snake
Jon Snow 6w5 Game of Thrones — Lion/Lion
Logan Echolls 7wcp6 Veronica Mars — Snake/Lion
Luke Skywalker 1w2 Star Wars — Bird/Lion
Mary Margaret Blanchard 2w1 Once Upon a Time — Badger/Lion
Rosalie Hale 4w3 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Lion
Scott McCall 2w1 Teen Wolf — Badger/Badger
William Turner 1w9 The Pirates of the Caribbean — Badger/Lion
LP: 1
BiP: 6
SP: 9
BaP: 3
LS: 12
SS: 2
BiS: 2
BaS: 3
Snake/Lion = 7
Bird/Snake = 2
Bird/Lion = 2
Bager/Lion = 2
Snake/Bird = 1
Snake/Badger = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Badger/Badger = 1
LP: 2
BiP: 10
SP: 11
BaP: 4
LS: 17
SS: 3
BiS: 3
BaS: 4
Snake/Lion = 9
Bird/Lion = 4
Bird/Snake = 3
Badger/Lion = 3
Bird/Bird = 2
Lion/Badger = 1
Snake/Bird = 1
Snake/Badger = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Badger/Badger = 1
Amelia Pond 7w8 Doctor Who — Lion/Lion
Anakin Skywalker cp6w7 Star Wars — Snake/Lion
Arya Stark cp6w7 Game of Thrones — Snake/Lion
Elizabeth Swann 8w7 The Pirates of the Caribbean — Lion/Snake
Imhotep 8w9 The Mummy — Snake/Bird
Jaime Lannister 9w8 Game of Thrones — Lion/Snake
Jasmine 9w8 Aladdin (2019) — Lion/Snake
Jesper Fahey 7w6 Shadow & Bone — Snake/Snake
Joffrey Baratheon 3w2 Game of Thrones — Lion/Lion
Mel Vera 8w7 Charmed — Lion/Lion
Pippin Took 7w6 The Lord of the Rings — Lion/Snake
Robb Sark 1w2 Game of Thrones — Badger/Lion
Ron Weasley 4w3 Harry Potter — Lion/Lion
Rose Tyler 7w8 Doctor Who — Snake/Lion
Serena Van Der Woodsen 7w8 Gossip Girl — Bird/Lion
Sirius Black 7w8 Harry Potter — Lion/Lion
Tony Stark 7w8 Avengers — Snake/Lion
Xander Harris 6w7 Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Lion/Badger
Yelena Belova 8w7 Black Widow — Snake/Lion
Eve 7w6 Lucifer — Lion/Badger
LP: 11
BiP: 1
SP: 7
BaP: 1
LS: 12
SS: 5
BiS: 1
BaS: 2
Lion/Lion = 5
Snake/Lion = 5
Lion/Snake = 4
Lion/Badger = 2
Snake/Snake = 1
Badger/Lion = 1
Bird/Lion = 1
Aladdin 9w8 Aladdin (2019) — Snake/Snake
Chuck Bass 8w7 Gossip Girl — Snake/Bird
Dean Winchester 8w7 Supernatural — Badger/Bird
Draco Malfoy 3w4 Harry Potter — Badger/Snake
Emmett Cullen 7w8 The Twilight Saga — Badger/Lion
Gabrielle Solis 7w8 Desperate Housewives — Bird/Snake
Ginny Weasley 8w7 Harry Potter — Snake/Lion
Han Solo 7w8 Star Wars — Snake/Lion
Jack Sparrow 7w6 Pirates of the Caribbean — Lion/Snake
Jackson Whittemore 3w4 Teen Wolf — Bird/Lion
Kate Argent 8w7 Teen Wolf — Lion/Snake
Malyen Oretsev 6w7 Shadow & Bone — Snake/Badger
Napoleon Solo 3w2 The Man From UNCLE — Lion/Snake
Peter 7w8 The Great — Snake/Lion
Rhett Butler 7w8 Gone With the Wind — Lion/Snake
Rick O’Connell 7w8 The Mummy — Snake/Lion
Scarlett O’Hara 3w2 Gone With the Wind — Snake/Lion
Scott Lang 7w6 Ant Man & the Wasp — Snake/Bird
Selena Kyle 7w6 The Dark Knight Trilogy — Badger/Snake
Thor 7w8 The Avengers — Lion/Lion
Ygritte cp6w7 Game of Thrones — Badger/Lion
Ginny Weasley 8w7 — Snake/Lio
Jacob Black 6w7 Twilight — Snake/Lion
James Kirk 7w8 Star Trek — Lion/Snake
Lucifer Morningstar 7w8 Lucifer — Badger/Snake
LP: 6
BiP: 2
SP: 10
BaP: 6
LS: 10
SS: 10
BiS: 3
BaS: 1
Snake/Lion = 6
Lion/Snake = 5
Snake/Bird = 2
Badger/Lion = 2
Badger/Snake = 2
Snake/Snake = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Bird/Snake = 1
LP: 17
BiP: 3
SP: 17
BaP: 7
LS: 22
SS: 15
BiS: 4
BaS: 3
Snake/Lion = 11
Lion/Snake = 9
Lion/Lion = 5
Badger/Lion = 3
Snake/Bird = 2
Badger/Snake = 2
Lion/Badger = 2
Snake/Snake = 1
Bird/Lion = 1
Snake/Snake = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Bird/Snake = 1
Luna Lovegood 9w1 Harry Potter — Bird/Badger
Macy Vaugn 6w5 Charmed — Bird/Bird
Milena 5w6 Black Widow — Bird/Bird
Milo J. Thatch 5w6 Atlantis: The Lost Empire — Bird/Bird
Twelve 5w4 Doctor Who — Snake/Bird
Vision 9w1 WandaVision — Badger/Bird
Arthur Weasley 9w8 — Lion/Bird
LP: 1
BiP: 4
SP: 1
BaP: 1
LS: 0
SS: 0
BiS: 6
BaS: 1
Bird/Bird = 3
Bird/Badger = 1
Snake/Bird = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Lion/Bird = 1
Bucky Barnes 6w7 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier — Bird/Bird
Dan Humphrey 5w4 Gossip Girl — Lion/Badger
Derek Hale 8w9 Teen Wolf — Snake/Bird
Emma Swann cp6w5 Once Upon a Time — Snake/Lion
Evie Carnahan 5w4 The Mummy — Bird/Lion
Gaby 7w8 The Man From UNCLE — Lion/Bird
Jasper Hale 9w1 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Badger
Montgomery Scott 6w7 Star Trek (New) — Bird/Snake
Mulan 6w7 Mulan — Lion/Bird
Natasha Romanoff cp6w5 Black Widow — Badger/Snake
Nick Burkhardt 9w1 Grimm — Bird/Lion
Sherlock Holmes 5w4 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes — Badger/Snake
Spike 7w8 Angel / Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Snake/Snake
LP: 3
BiP: 4
SP: 4
BaP: 2
LS: 3
SS: 4
BiS: 4
BaS: 2
Bird/Lion = 2
Lion/Bird = 2
Badger/Snake = 2
Bird/Bird = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Snake/Bird = 1
Snake/Lion = 1
Snake/Badger = 1
Bird/Snake = 1
Snake/Snake = 1
LP: 4
BiP: 8
SP: 5
BaP: 3
LS: 3
SS: 4
BiS: 10
BaS: 3
Bird/Bird = 4
Lion/Bird = 3
Snake/Bird = 2
Bird/Lion = 2
Badger/Snake = 2
Bird/Badger = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Snake/Lion = 1
Snake/Badger = 1
Bird/Snake = 1
Snake/Snake = 1
Adalind Schade 6w7 Grimm — Snake/Snake
Allison Argent 6w7 Teen Wolf — Bird/Lion
C-3PO 6w7 Star Wars — Bird/Bird
Cosette 2w3 Les Miserables — Lion/Snake
Edward Cullen 6w5 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Snake
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton 2w1 Hamilton — Snake/Badger
Jane Bennet 9w1 Pride & Prejudice — Badger/Badger
Melanie Wilkes 9w1 Gone With the Wind — Badger/Snake
Neville Longbottom 6w5 Harry Potter — Lion/Badger
Padme Amidala 2w1 Star Wars — Lion/Snake
Peter Pettigrew 6w7 Harry Potter — Lion/Badger
Robert Crawley 2w1 Downton Abbey — Bird/Badger
Rory Gilmore 9w1 Gilmore Girls — Bird/Bird
Steve Rogers 1w2 Avengers — Lion/Badger
LP: 5
BiP: 4
SP: 3
BaP: 2
LS: 1
SS: 5
BiS: 2
BaS: 6
Lion/Badger = 3
Snake/Snake = 2
Bird/Bird = 2
Lion/Snake = 2
Snake/Badger = 2
Bird/Lion = 1
Badger/Badger = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Aragorn 6w5 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Lion
Brienne of Tarth 6w5 Game of Thrones — Badger/Lion
Catelyn Stark 1w2 Game of Thrones — Snake/Badger
Chris Argent 1w9 Teen Wolf — Badger/Bird
Eddard Stark 1w9 Game of Thrones — Badger/Lion
George Washington 1w9 (Hamilton) — Badger/Badger
Harry Greenwood 1w2 Charmed — Badger/Bird
Illya cp6w5 The Man From UNCLE — Snake/Lion
Katniss Everdeen 6w5 The Hunger Games — Snake/Lion
Luke Danes 6w5 Gilmore Girls — Lion/Badger
Mando 9w8 The Mandalorian — Badger/Lion
Richard Gilmore 1w9 Gilmore Girls — Snake/Badger
Rupert Giles 6w5 Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Badger/Lion
Susan Pevensie 6w5 The Chronicles of Narnia — Bird/Bird
Théoden 6w5 The Lord of the Rings — Badger/Lion
Jean Valjean 8w9 Les Miserables — Lion/Snake
Inspector Javert 1w2 Les Miserables — Bird/Lion
Chloe Decker 1w9 Lucifer — Lion/Lion
LP: 3
BiP: 2
SP: 5
BaP: 8
LS: 10
SS: 1
BiS: 3
BaS: 4
Badger/Lion = 4
Snake/Lion = 3
Snake/Badger = 2
Badger/Bird = 2
Badger/Badger = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Bird/Lion = 1
Lion/Snake = 1
Lion/Lion = 1
LP: 8
BiP: 6
SP: 8
BaP: 10
LS: 11
SS: 6
BiS: 5
BaS: 10
Snake/Badger = 5
Lion/Badger = 4
Badger/Lion = 4
Bird/Bird = 3
Snake/Lion = 3
Snake/Snake = 2
Lion/Snake = 2
Badger/Badger = 2
Badger/Bird = 2
Bird/Lion = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Badger/Badger = 1
Lion/Lion = 1
48 notes · View notes
do you have any infp x estj pairings - romantic or platonic
INFP x ESTJ Relationships
Following text pulled from Truity:
The two of you have some very fundamental differences in how you see things, and this can make getting along a challenge for both of you. That's not to say you shouldn't be friends; in fact, you might find that spending time with this person introduces you to ways of thinking that help you learn and grow. But this relationship will not be without its frustrations.
INFP: Fundamentally, [the INFP is] concerned with people, relationships, and values. [They] are a highly idealistic [people] and are always looking for opportunities to make the world a better place. [They] empathize easily with others, and [they] often feel their suffering acutely. But [they] never accept suffering as a fact of life; to [them], we all have a responsibility to change, improve, and become better than we are. [They] can easily imagine a better world, and [they] enthusiastically embrace change when you see it as a positive move forward.
ESTJ:  [The ESTJ] puts a high value on tradition and stability. It's not that [they] don't care about people or making the world a better place, but [they] tend to be suspicious of change in general, and [they] rarely see it as the first solution. [They] tend to believe that the best way to serve people is by keeping things consistent and predictable, and [they] often find the [INFP’s] supposedly “innovative” ideas unnecessary and disruptive. At [their] worst together, they'll tend to view [the INFP] as flighty, unrealistic, and impractical. The [INFP will] see you as dull, stagnant, and unimaginative.
The same things that irritate you about one another are also opportunities for learning. Yes, [the INFP] has wonderful ideas, but they also truly can be a bit impractical. [The ESTJ] can help you think through the realities of [the INFP’s] ideas so that [the INFP is] better able to actually make them happen. And for [the INFP’s] part, they have an opportunity to get [the ESTJ] out of their rut and help them imagine possibilities for a better world. If [the INFP plays] it right, they may actually become enchanted with your creativity and wide-eyed idealism.
Fictional Examples in no specific order:
1. Steve Smith [INFP] x Stan Smith [ESTJ] from “American Dad”
2. Todd Chavez [INFP] x Princess Carolyn [ESTJ] from “Bojack Horseman”
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3. Cinderella [INFP] x Lady Tremaine [ESTJ] from Disney’s animated “Cinderella”
4. Valka [INFP] x Stoick [ESTJ] from “How To Train Your Dragon”
5. Sadness [INFP] x Anger [ESTJ] from Disney’s “Inside Out”
6. John Redcorn [INFP] x Hank Hill [ESTJ] from “King of the Hill”
7. Merryweather [INFP] x Flora [ESTJ] from Disney’s animated “Sleeping Beauty”
8. Frodo Baggins [INFP] x Boromir [ESTJ] from “The Lord of the Rings”
9. Kylo Ren [INFP] x General Armitage Hux [ESTJ] from “Star Wars”
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10. Sybill Trelawney [INFP] x Hermione Granger [ESTJ] from “Harry Potter”
11. Earnest ‘Earn’ Marks [INFP] x Van [ESTJ] from “Atlanta”
12. Phoebe Buffay [INFP] x Monica Geller [ESTJ] from “FRIENDS”
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13. Frankie Bergstein [INFP] x Robert Hanson [ESTJ] from “Grace and Frankie”
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14. Nell Crain [INFP] x Shirley Crain [ESTJ] from Netflix’s “The Haunting of Hill House”
15. Wes Gibbons [INFP] x Micaela Pratt [ESTJ] from “How To Get Away with Murder”
16. Dorian Williams [INFP] x Alaric Saltzman [ESTJ] from “Legacies”
17. Charlie [INFP] x Ava Sharpe [ESTJ] from “Legends of Tomorrow”
18. Merlin [INFP] x Uther Pendragon [ESTJ] from BBC’s “Merlin”
19. April Ludgate [INFP] x Craig Middlebrooks [ESTJ] from “Parks and Recreation”
20. David Rose [INFP] x Johnny Rose [ESTJ] from “Schitt’s Creek”
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21. Mike Wheeler [INFP] x Lucas Sinclair [ESTJ] from “Stranger Things”
22. Nia Nal [INFP] x J’onn J’onzz [ESTJ] from “Supergirl”
23. Vanya [INFP] x Pogo [ESTJ] from “The Umbrella Academy”
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nerdasaurus1200 · 4 years
Ghost Bug Ghosts Version 2.0
An update of the update, cause I’ve made a few changes and added some people. If you guys want, I’ll make a separate list for my completely fanon heroes 
Marinette- Consort Yu/Piao Chong, Eru Iluvatar, Bahiti/Oracle of Khepri, Queen Hippolyta, Mudekudeku, Adora, Bo Rua, Joan of Arc, Princess Rapunzel/Sunbug, Cyrus/Sunbug, Micazoyolin, Tentomushi, Mudangbeolle, Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton/Lady Luck, Captain Marie Dupain/La Coccinelle, Maria/La Mariquita
Adrien- Hei Mao, Melkor/Morgoth, Mairon/Sauron, Isildur, Sméagol Stoor/Gollum, Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Bastet, Antiope, Phantom Lion, Catra, Namaari, Meo Den, Prince Consort Aladdin, Jean d'Aulon, Hector/Gato Noir, Lady Cassandra/Madame Noir, Jericho/Sir Noir, Mistontli, Kuro Neko, General Alexander Hamilton/General Cat, Felix Agreste/Le Chat Noir, El Gato Negro, Selena Kyle/Catwoman
Alya- Bai Qian/Húlí, Nessa, Curumo/Saurman, Bofur, Sir Meriadoc Brandybuck, Set, Moses, Ulysses, Dolos, Tyrion Lannister, Double Trouble, Vixen, Tromus, Loki, Robin Hood/Swiper, Esmeralda, Prince Horace “Eugene” Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider/Reynard Rouge, Elianna/Reynarda Rouge,  Kitsune, Pied Piper of Hamelin, Conrad Dupain/Filou Fennec, La Zorra, Frederick Douglass, Clyde Barrow/Swiper, Edward Nigma/Riddler
Chloe- Jing Ze/Mifeng, Tian Ming/Mifeng, Aulë, Aiwendil/Radagast, Balin, Dwalin, Boromir, Apis, Artemisia, Boudica, Arya Stark, Scorpia, Ong Chúa, Demanitus, Sigyn, Will Scarlet, Addie/HoneyBee, Captain Quaid, Sir Varian/Sir Bumble Squeak, Luna/Honey Bumble, Grace O’Malley, Hachi, Angelica Schuyler/Lady Stinger, Peggy Schuyler/Miss Buzz, Amalie Bourgeois/Reine des Abeilles, La Abeja Reina, Dr. Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Nino- Yu Gui, Li Shang, Vana, Uinen, King Thorin Oakenshield, Samwise Gamgee, Ha, Moana, Athena, Jon Snow, Sir Leon, Netossa, Ngọc rùa, Baldur, Little John, Gilles de Rais, Adira/Hardshell, Thomas, Kame, Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens/Lieutenant Turtle, Frances Laurens, Alexandra “Lex” Beaufort/Snapper, La Tortuga, Kristoff Bjorgman
Nathalie- Kǒngquè, Yavanna, Alatar, Galadriel, Isis, Pharoah Rameses II, Hera, Queen Margaery Tyrell-Baratheon, Morgan le Fay, Gothel, Con công, Frigga, Sultana Jasmine, Queen Arianna/Bluebird, Atlas/Juno, Chiyome Mochizuki/Pīmosu, Aida Agreste/Paon Royale, Pavo real
Gabriel- É wáng, Melkor/Morgoth, Eonwë, Luthien, Ori, Alrabu Aleutha, Aaron, Psyche, Merlin, Chúa tể, King Odin, Friar Tuck, King Edmund/Monarch, Princess Nuru/Painted Lady, Ronnie/Grayling, Chiyome Mochizuki/Pīmosu, General George Washington/General Moth, Absolon Agreste/Le Papillon, Polilla, Ulysses S. Grant, Anastasia Romanov/Monarch
Mylene- Shǔ, Mandos, Nori, Belladonna Baggins, Bilbo Baggins, Seth, Hecate, Entrapta, Noi, Con chuột, Midge, Sir Varian/Sir Bumble Squeak, Kiera/Pack Rat, Carina/Reginault, Nezumi, Captain Jacquotte Delahaye/Bilge Rat, Cinderella, Clementine Haprele/La Rat Gris, La Rata Gris, Mary Bowser/Anonymouse, Billy the Kid/Pack Rat, Jane Porter, Bonnie Parker/Minnie Mouse
Ivan- Lu Bu/Niu, Tulkas, Pallanto, Gloin, Gimli, Apis, Hephaestus, Hercules, Hodor, Sir Percival, Frosta, Tong, Sửu, Magni, Quasimodo, Lance Strongbow/Strongbow, Ushi, Hercules Mulligan/Mighty Ox, Dureau Bruel/Puissant Beouf, Buey Poderoso, Tiana/Blue Babe, Bane, Clark Kent/Superman, Kara Danvers/Supergirl
Juleka- Mǔ lǎohǔ, Oromë, Tilion, Princess Tauriel, Princess Mili, Montu, Ares, Lady Sansa Stark, Con Hổ, Queen Freyja, Queen Brunnhilde, Tomoe Gozen, Catalina/Tigerin, Amber/Shadowcat, Tora, Anna Strong/Agent 355/Tiger Phantom, Amber Couffaine/La Tigress, La Tigresa,  Harriet Tubman/Shadowcat, Helena Bertinelli/Huntress
Alix- Ā lìkè s Kudbel/Tùzǐ, Vairë, Aliks/Huh, Princess Cassandra of Troy, Alix Kubdel/Con thỏ, Kanin Kubdel, Usagi, Alice Kubdel/Lapin Blanc, Alexander Kubdel/Lapin Blanc, Alessandra Kubdel/El Conejo Blanco, Mary Poppins/Miss Hopp, Alim Kubdel/Bunnyx
Kagami- Fa Mulan/Mother Dragon, Ulmo, Arien, Tefnut, King Zeus, King Aegon Targaryen, Queen Daenerys Targaryen, King Arthur Pendragon, Spinnerella, Raya, Nữ Hoàng, Prince Thor, Chieftain Hiccup Haddock, Chieftess Zephyr and Chieftain Nuffink Haddock, Maid Marian, Maleficent, Quirin/Zmey, Cassandra/Shadowscale, Doragonesu, Aria Sanceour-Agreste/Dragon Rouge, La Dragoness, Queen Elsa/Dragon Empress, Queen Anna/Dragon Empress, Kida
Luka- Bai Suzhen/Shé Nǚshì, Varda, Salmar, Beren, Bifur, King Aragorn, Wadjet, Medusa, Perseus, Oberyn Martell, Queen Guinevere, Mermista, Con Rắn, Jormungandr, Alan a Dale, Hugo/Schlange, Hebi, Lieutenant Colonel Aaron Burr/Colonel Serpent, Adam Couffaine/Le Serpent, La Serpiente, William Sherman
Max- Ma, Manwë, King Theoden, Princess Eowyn, Astarte, Pegasus, Khal Drogo, Glimmer, Con Ngựa, Heimdall, Sleipnir, Gilbert Whitehand, Stalyan/Lady Mare, Juliet/Equine, Uma, Sybil Ludington/Madame Mare, Le Chevalier, El Caballo
Marc- Gao ChangGong/Shānyáng, Irmo, Ilmare, Dori, Khnum, Silene, Sir Elyan, Dê đực, Aurora, Evie, Niorun, Yagi, Miram Anciel/Madame Bouc, La Cabra Billy
Nathaniel- Gōngjī, Estë, Oin, Lord Bard, Prince Legolas, Ra, Artemis, Apollo, Jaime Lannister, Sir Lancelot, Bow, Princess Merida, Chim Trời, Eir, Captain Caspar/Lord Dawn, Helene/Lady Dawn, Ondori, Dawn Kurtzberg/Poulet Rouge, El Pájaro del Sol, Clara Barton
Kim- Sun Wukong, Ossë, Prince Kili, Pippin Took, Babi, Icarus, Sir Gwain, Sea Hawk, Boun, Co Khi, Freyr, Diana/Singette, Monkī, Sasuke Sarutobi, Jack Overland Frost/Monkey Boy, Mary “Flee” Overland/Monkey Girl, La Singe, El Mono, George Custer
Sabrina- Gǒu, Faramir, Anubis, Hades and Persephone, Brienne of Tarth, Cú Chulainn, Chó, Hel, Yong/Xiǎo gǒu, Romeo/Weredog, Inu, Private Deborah Sampson/Private Hound, Leala Raincomprix/Chien de Guarde, El Perro Guardián
Rose- Zhu Bajie, Nienna, Melian, Bombur, Hathor, Aphrodite, Eros, Perfuma, Heo Con, Sif, Grenelda/Porcina, Ingrid/Porcina, Artemis, Snow White/Princess Schwein, Buta, Belle/Cochonette, Violet Lavillant/Petite Cochon, El Pequeño Cerdito, Charlotte/Princess Piggy
Jess- Yīng, Varda, Olorin/Gandalf, Miriam, Sucracha, Vedrfolnir, William Wallace, Chim ưng, Willow/Freebird, Orion, Pocahontas, Queen Elena/Aguila, Washi, Marquis de Lafayette/Aiglon
Lady Lion- Shīzi, Prince Fili, Hercules, Sư tử, Raion, León
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An old Éothéod poem, half canted, half sung, he grew up with it resonating in the back of his mind: Það man hún fólkvíg, CerðiÞwyn hana hétu hvar, völu velspáa, seið hún hugleikin, æ var hún angan illrar brúðar -
CerðiÞwyn they called her, a sybil skilled in scrying, playing with the minds of men through seiðr, oh was she ever the joy of evil women -
There was more, of course. CerðiÞwyn was burnt three times, rose again three times, and three times made magical staves with which to turn the tide of war. One of Elm, one of Ash, and one of the tall grasses of Éomarc.
I do hope everyone pays attention to the weird folk lore Grima dredges up in his chapters because it’s relevant. 
The other little tricks he has: making fire, causing plants to grow at unnatural speed, well those aren’t seiðr, but they’re not galdorcræft, either. Tröllcræft, he supposes.
Also his particular skillset. 
Could he flee elsewhere? Laketown? Dale? Somewhere far north, out east — out to the sea of Rhûn, where his mother’s people are from. He supposes he could. His great aunt Ethelinda is out there. She’s mad, he’s heard, but as he also isn’t doing stellar on that front perhaps they could be mad together.
i’m just very pleased with the intertwining of things mostly. 
Aragorn sits back, resting palms on the edge of the broad benches that flank the hearth. He chews on his lip then says, ‘I saw a possession once.’
‘Out near the sea of Rhûn. Where everyone speaks Skoltse. There was a commune of women who tended to a sacred space outside the city of Dunoul. It was a spring, and was believed that an elemental or local spirit resided there. A landwight as the Rohirric would call them. The women took it upon themselves to take care of the place, provide offerings and the like. The usual things one would expect. Anyway, a number of them found themselves afflicted by some form of spellcraft.’
‘Was it like,’ Boromir vaguely motions towards the dais at the end of the main hall where sits the throne.
‘Not quite. There was one woman, Ethelinda, who spoke languages that were apparently unknown to her. She also prophesied in a voice that was not her own and sort of,’ Aragorn twists his wrist around, ‘contorted herself. At one point she was bent near in half and screamed in a language I didn’t know. As she did this her eyes rolled so far back you could only see the whites.’ He shakes his head, gaze hovering on the fire.
Boromir ... asks: ‘Do you know what possessed this poor Ethelinda?’
‘No, that was never determined. There was a local man who seemed up on his knowledge of such things and suspected it was an old god. But that’s a bit —’ Aragorn hums over his word choice. ‘Well, you know, old gods are a bit mythical.’
Boromir grins, hands back the pipe. ‘What is this? Aragorn son of Arathorn declaring something to be mythical. He’s not seen an old god?’ ‘
No,’ Aragorn replies, rolling his eyes. ‘Because no one has. If they ever were real they’ve disappeared. Taken themselves off somewhere else. Anyway, I feel that if she had been possessed by one it would be different than what I saw.’
‘What would you expect?’
Aragorn taps out the pipe and refills. He tilts his head from side to side then sighs, ‘I don’t know. I just refuse to believe that’s what it was. But what do I know? Maybe they’re still out there waiting quietly for their own time to come again.’
Dunoul is Loudun for those who were wondering. 
Aragorn’s like: hmmmm old gods, sounds fake. 
Grima: But you believed in Ents before you ever saw Fangorn? 
Aragorn: Yes. 
Grima: mk. 
.... he wants to play backgammon wonders what happened to his mother’s pretty board probably stolen probably taken away by light fingers with no appreciation for Skoltse craftsmanship there is an inscription on the inside from his mad great-aunt to his mother my C, may you always travel lightly, your dear aunt E ... 
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clair-void-ance · 4 years
Startup and Guidelines
Here’s a list of the type of content that I’m allowing to be requested for time being (until my no thoughts head empty lookin brain gets its crap together lmao). I’ve listed a few fandoms and the characters in them that I’ll be willing to write for at the moment. I’ll be adding more soon, so keep an eye out for when I do! Even request a few and I’ll say if I can do them or not! (It’ll be based on if I’ve seen or read any of the media suggested, but if i haven’t seen or read it yet I’ll add it to the list!)
Types of Content:
Full fics
Playlists Maybe?
Drabbles (If I can handle writing so little)
Fandoms: (bolded means I write best for those***)
(Will do almost any character and any type of reader! Just give me ideas and a detailed description of what you’d like and I’ll try to get to it :) I may have to do research if I don’t understand a topic, but I’ll try to do my best!)
Buzfeed Unsolved: Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara
Conan O’Brien [cause honestly, why not?]
Ghost [the band]: Cardinal Copia, Papa Nihil, Papa Emeritus II, and Tobias Forge
Good Omens [book and movie]: Crowley, Aziraphale, Gabriel, Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer, Hastur, War, Death, Famine, Pollution, and Beelzebub
Harry Potter [books and movie]: Severus Snape, Cho Chang, Barty Crouch Sr. and Jr., Cedric Diggory, Amos Diggory, Albus Dumbledore, Argus Filch, Hermione Granger, Rubeus Hagrid, Viktor Krum, Tom Riddle, Silvanus Kettleburn, Neville Longbottom, Golderoy Lockhart, Luna Lovegood, Xenophilius Lovegood, Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Alastor Moody, Garrick Ollivander, Poppy Pomfrey, Harry Potter, Quirinus Quirrell, Newt Scamander, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Aurora Sinistra, Sybil Trelawney, Blaise Zabini, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Percy Weasley, and Ginny Weasley
Joker: Arthur Fleck and Sophie Dumond
Law and Order SVU: John Much, Olivia Benson, George Huang, Odafin Tutuola, Melinda Warner, Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Ed Tucker, William Dodds, Mike Dodds, Carl Rudnick, and Greg Yates.
Network: Max Schumacher, Howard Beale, Diana Christensen, and anyone else you want
Sherlock Holmes [books, movie, or tv show versions! I love them all!]: Sherlock Holmes, Moriarty, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Philip Anderson, Molly Hooper, Irene Adler, and Charles Magnussen
Sofia the First [kinda cringe, but let ya boi live man]: Cedric, Greylock, Baileywick, and maybe Roland
Stephen Colbert [Because, again, why not?]
Supernatural [sort of? I haven’t seen it fully yet, but I got a feel for the characters!]: will list later (way too many characters; gotta love them tho)
The Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit [book or movies. I write pretty decently for all of these and maybe a few more]: Boromir, Pippin, Gil-Galad, Bilbo, Gandalf, Aragorn, Arwen, Elrond, Lindir, Galadriel, Eowyn, Faramir, Grima Wormtongue, Haldir, Saruman, Denethor, Thranduil, Radagast, Ori, Bofur, Thorin, Nori, Tauriel, Beorn, etc.
The Matrix [currently watching, so hopefully I’ll get a good grasp of the characters: Agent Smith, Morpheus, Neo, and anyone else I suppose
The Office [U.S. version, although I may do the U.K. one if I watch enough of it]: Toby Flenderson, Dwight Schrute, Andy Bernard, Darryl Philbin, Gabe Lewis, and Michael Scott
The Thick of It: Glenn Cullen, Hugh Abbot, Malcolm Tucker, Peter Mannion, Phil Smith, Emma Messinger, Jamie, Cliff Lawton, and anyone else I suppose
Top Gear [UK]: James May, Jeremy Clarkson, and Richard Hammond
Twin Peaks: Dale Cooper, Audrey Horne, Jocelyn Packard, Andy Brennan, Lucy Moran, Laura Palmer, Leland Palmer, Tommy “Hawk” Hill, Lawrence Jacoby, Albert Rosenfield, and Gordon Cole
Watchmen [movie and comic for now until I finish the new series!: Walter Kovacs, Jonathan Osterman, Daniel Dreiberg, Nelson Gardner, Byron Lewis, Hollis Mason, Ursula Zandt, Adrian Veidt, and Moloch
To Be Continued....
Will do:
The best that I can with what is asked! I’ll even write for super old or niche media as well if I know it; asking would probably be the best option though :)
Will not do:
To sum up: anything offensive or that is morally wrong. If you aren’t sure about something, just ask! I’m down to answer questions! :)
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esta-elavaris · 1 month
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On the flet, they were offered water, which she sipped at just enough to ease the scratch in her throat, and food rations, which she could not stomach at all. Neither she, nor Boromir, nor the ellon who had been assigned to watch over them, spoke. Somewhere through the leaves, though, Sam was in passionate conversation with his kin. Sybil suspected he had no idea that she could hear him at all, out of sight as she and Boromir were from the rest. Sitting atop her cloak, her knees beneath her chin, she listened silently as they debated. "If she hadn't, I would have. She stopped me," Pippin was insisting quietly. "She stopped you and then did it herself! What's the good in that? A seer who diverts disaster just to bring it about with her own two hands after? What's next? Will she stop Strider from being stabbed, and then do it with her own blade? Will she save that…it…from the enemy's grasp, and then-" Boromir shifted where he sat beside her, shaking his head and then opened his mouth to call out, but Sybil grabbed his hand, squeezing it and shaking her head. The hobbit's voice was tearful, and it was clear he spoke from a place of grief rather than true hatred – or so she hoped, anyway. But even if not, could he be blamed? Would she react much differently in his place?
[Boromir/OC] ~ 4,906 words
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Lottie’s Plans {31/08/18}
Below the cut is a list of all the characters I have plans for. Please tell me if there are any characters you’d like me to write for or anyone whom isn’t listed I should plan for.
Bad Education
·       Rosie Gulliver
·       Jing Hua (1)
·       Chantelle Parsons (1)
Bate’s Motel
·       Emma Decody (1)
Being Human
·       John Mitchell (2)
Black Mirror
·       Yorkie (3)
·       Kelly Booth (1)
·       Patterson (1)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
·       Rosa Diaz (1)
·       Jake Peralta (1)
·       Amy Santiago (2)
·       Kate Beckett (1)
·       Richard Castle (1)
·       Javier Esposito (1)
·       Tamzin Bayle (1)
·       Alice Chantrey (1)
·       John Denham (2)
·       Polly Emmerson (1)
·       Zoe Hanna (1)
·       Tom Kent (1)
·       Lenny Lyons (1)
·       Elizabeth Dwyer (1)
·       Grant Gustin (1)
·       Trisha Hershberger (2)
·       Phil Lester (2)
·       Kate McKinnon (1)
·       Sebastian Stan (2)
·       Emma Watson (1)
Criminal Minds
·       Alex Blake (1)
·       Penelope Garcia (1)
·       Elle Greenaway (1)
·       Aaron Hotchner (4)
·       Jennifer Jareau (2)
·       Russ Montgomery (2)
·       Derek Morgan (1)
·       Emily Prentiss (5)
·       Spencer Reid (1)
·       David Rossi (1)
·       Ashley Seaver (1)
·       Mon-El (2)
·       Barry Allen (1)
·       Alex Danvers (8)
·       Kara Danvers (13)
·       Sara Lance (1)
·       Lena Luthor (10)
·       Diana Prince (26)
·       Oliver Queen (3)
·       Thea Queen (1)
·       Harley Quinn (1)
·       Cisco Ramon (1)
·       Maggie Sawyer (3)
·       Winn Schott (2)
·       Felicity Smoak (1)
·       Steve Trevor (1)
·       Belle (1)
·       Alex Russo (1)
Downton Abbey
·       John Bates (3)
·       Tom Branson (5)
·       Cora Crawley (1)
·       Edith Crawley (3)
·       Mary Crawley (2)
·       Matthew Crawley (4)
·       Sybil Crawley (6)
·       Gwen Dawson (1)
·       William Mason (4)
·       Alfred Nugent (1)
·       Anna Smith (4)
·       Marcus Bell (1)
·       Joan Watson (1)
Fallout 4
·       Cait (2)
·       Curie (3)
·       Deacon (2)
·       Preston Garvey (2)
·       Robert McCready (2)
·       Nick Valentine (3)
·       Piper Wright (2)
Fear The Walking Dead
·       Alicia Clarke (1)
·       Ofelia Salazar (3)
·       Sam Evans (1)
·       Quinn Fabray (1)
·       Kurt Hummel (1)
·       Santana Lopez (4)
Gossip Girl
·       Nate Archibald (1)
·       Chuck Bass (1)
·       Blair Waldorf (1)
·       King George III (1)
·       Aaron Burr (1)
·       Alexander Hamilton (8)
·       Philip Hamilton (2)
·       Thomas Jefferson (1)
·       Marquis De Lafayette (3)
·       John Laurens (2)
·       Hercules Mulligan (4)
·       Angelica Schuyler (2)
·       Peggy Schuyler (3)
·       George Washington (1)
Harry Potter
·       Marauders (2)
·       Fred and George Weasley (2)
·       Hannah Abbott (1)
·       Katie Bell (2)
·       Bellatrix Black (1)
·       Narcissa Black (2)
·       Sirius Black (55)
·       Cho Chang (2)
·       Fleur Delacour (1)
·       Cedric Diggory (3)
·       Marietta Edgecombe (1)
·       Lily Evans (1)
·       Alice Fortescue (1)
·       Hermione Granger (21)
·       Godric Gryffindor (1)
·       Angelina Johnson (1)
·       Jacob Kowalski (1)
·       Viktor Krum (1)
·       Frank Longbottom (1)
·       Neville Longbottom (8)
·       Luna Lovegood (1)
·       Remus Lupin (53)
·       Draco Malfoy (6)
·       Lucius Malfoy (1)
·       Ernie Macmillan (1)
·       Marlene McKinnon (1)
·       Parvati Patil (1)
·       Albus Severus Potter (1)
·       Harry Potter (5)
·       James Potter (14)
·       James Sirius Potter (1)
·       Newt Scamander (2)
·       Salazar Slytherin (1)
·       Dean Thomas (2)
·       Nymphadora Tonks (6)
·       Ted Tonks (1)
·       Arthur Weasley (1)
·       Bill Weasley (8)
·       Charlie Weasley (9)
·       Fred Weasley (12)
·       Ginny Weasley (5)
·       George Weasley (14)
·       Molly Weasley (2)
·       Ron Weasley (1)
·       Oliver Wood (1)
·       Heather Chandler (1)
·       Jason Dean (3)
·       Heather McNamara (4)
·       Veronica Sawyer (8)
How I Met Your Mother
·       Robin Scherbatsky (2)
·       Barney Stinson (1)
How To Get Away With Murder
·       Laurel Castillo (1)
·       Frank Delfino (1)
·       Rebecca Sutter (1)
·       Ravi Chakrabarti (4)
·       Major Lilywhite (2)
·       Olivia Moore (1)
·       Lowell Tracey (2)
·       Kate Austen (2)
·       Boone Carlyle (1)
·       James Ford (3)
·       Sayid Jarrah (1)
·       Sun-Hwa Kwon (1)
·       Claire Littleton (1)
·       Charlie Pace (5)
·       Shannon Rutherford (3)
·       Jack Shephard (2)
·       Gamora (1)
·       Bruce Banner (2)
·       Bucky Barnes (22)
·       Clint Barton (17)
·       Laura Barton (1)
·       Peggy Carter (3)
·       Phil Coulson (1)
·       Leo Fitz (4)
·       Jane Foster (1)
·       Maria Hill (2)
·       Daisy Johnson (2)
·       Scott Lang (1)
·       Loki Laufeyson (5)
·       Remy LeBeau (1)
·       Erik Lehnsherr (1)
·       Peter Maximoff (1)
·       Wanda Maximoff (3)
·       Thor Odinson (6)
·       Peter Parker (3)
·       Pepper Potts (1)
·       Rocket Raccoon (1)
·       Reed Richards (1)
·       Natasha Romanoff (4)
·       Steve Rogers (10)
·       Jemma Simmons (3)
·       Tony Stark (11)
·       Stephen Strange (1)
·       Hope Van Dyne (2)
·       Sam Wilson (1)
·       Wade Wilson (2)
·       Charles Xavier (2)
Middle Earth
·       Bofur (1)
·       Boromir (1)
·       Kili (2)
·       Bilbo Baggins (2)
·       Gary Preston (1)
·       Paul Maddens (3)
Once Upon a Time
·       Jefferson (2)
·       Mulan (1)
·       Mary Margaret Blanchard (1)
·       August Booth (1)
·       Belle French (2)
·       Killian Jones (1)
·       Ruby Lucas (2)
·       Regina Mills (1)
·       David Nolan (1)
·       Emma Swan (1)
One Day At A Time
·       Penelope Alvarez (1)
·       Dwayne Schneider (1)
Orange Is The New Black
·       Dayanara Diaz (1)
·       Susan Fischer (1)
·       Tasha Jefferson (1)
·       Tricia Miller (1)
·       Lorna Morello (2)
·       Nicky Nichols (2)
·       Maria Ruiz (1)
·       Brook Soso (1)
·       Alex Vause (1)
·       Poussey Washington (1)
·       Janae Watson (1)
·       Fareeha Amari (1)
·       Amelie Lacroix (2)
·       Brigitte Lindholm (1)
·       Gabriel Reyes (1)
·       Hana Song (1)
·       Mei-Ling Zhou (1)
·       Angela Ziegler (4)
Pitch Perfect
·       Beca Mitchell (1)
Pretty Little Liars
·       Jason DiLaurentis (4)
·       Emily Fields (2)
·       Spencer Hastings (4)
·       Aria Montgomery (1)
·       Caleb Rivers (1)
·       Dean Stavros (1)
·       Francis (2)
·       Mark Cohen (2)
·       Tom Collins (2)
·       Roger Davis (6)
·       Angel Dumott Schunard (2)
·       Joanne Jefferson (2)
·       Maureen Johnson (2)
·       Veronica Lodge (1)
·       Emma Duval (1)
·       Noah Foster (1)
·       Cassie Ainsworth (1)
·       Sid Jenkins (1)
·       Freddie McClair (1)
·       Effy Stonem (1)
·       Dean Winchester (1)
·       Sam Winchester (1)
Teen Wolf
·       Scott McCall (1)
The Vampire Diaries
·       Elijah Mikaelson (1)
·       Klaus Mikaelson (3)
·       Kol Mikaelson (1)
·       Katherine Pierce (1)
The Walking Dead
·       Aaron (1)
·       Amy (1)
·       Michonne (1)
·       Negan (1)
·       Tara Chambler (2)
·       Denise Cloyd (1)
·       Daryl Dixon (1)
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·       Hershel Greene (1)
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·       Rick Grimes (5)
·       Aiden Monroe (1)
·       Paul Rovia (1)
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·       Tyreese Williams (1)
The 100
·       Bellamy Blake (1)
·       Octavia Blake (1)
·       Jasper Jordan (4)
8 Simple Rules
·       Bridget Hennessy (1)
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juliaanoia · 7 years
Oh boi, I got tagged by @we-shall-wear-midnight 
I’m really bad at naming my favourite things because I always like many many random different things so I will just pick some I’m currently into or something...?
rules: tag (nine) people you want to get to know better.
relationship status: single
favorite color: ??? depends on context and stuff...sky blue is pretty cool on its own I guess
lipstick or chapstick: lipstick, but only for special occasions
last song: David Bowie - Lazarus
last movie: The White Zombie (old horror flick with Bela Lugosi) :D
top three shows: (at the moment) Hannibal, Better Call Saul, Peaky Blinders
top three ships: Grantaire/Enjolras, Sam/Sybil, Hannibal/Will
top three bands: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Turbostaat, White Stripes
three favorite foods: Mum’s christmas cooking, Pasta, Risotto
currently reading: Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
I’m tagging:  @littlesmartart @abyssgazing @skullchicken @eustace-h-plimsoll @tangledndark @hobbitron-3000 @boromirs @bookhobbit @gayharoldfinch
(no pressure though. Also feel free to do this if you want and I didn’t tag you specifically)
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esta-elavaris · 5 months
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To be a healer was to know the stench of death – of rot, of decay, it was one in the same. Not so often from corpses themselves as from wounds that had been ignored and neglected until they turned foul, of limbs that were beyond saving, of lost causes in general. Anybody who had been forced to work under such an odour just once would be hard-pressed to ever forget it again, and for Sybil it was the norm, having laboured under it ever since her memories began. It was familiar, even if it was impossible to grow entirely numb to. And it permeated Moria.
[Boromir/OC] - AO3
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esta-elavaris · 11 months
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Flufftober Day 26: Fireplace - Boromir/OC [1,656 words]
My Flufftober '23 masterpost can be found here, and my currently ongoing main fic about these two is here 💜✨
This was originally going to be an AU of Boromir and Sybil meeting in a different way, with him coming to the cabin injured before Bera dies and Sybil having to patch him up immediately upon meeting him…but we’re all enjoying the established relationship stuff so much that I wanted to write more of it. I maaay still write the other one at a later date? But this approach leaves much more room for fully fledged fluff (try saying those last three words three times fast).
This one skews more towards hurt/comfort than pure fluff, but they’re still cute.
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Word reached them in Minas Tirith before the men did. What was supposed to be a reconnaissance mission on a pack of orcs rumoured to be skulking around the nearby wilderness had turned into an ambush – some men had been slain, more still were injured. After he’d announced it to those who had filtered out into the courtyard, the messenger pulled Sybil aside and she felt like the world was giving way beneath her feet before he placed a hand on her shoulder and told her that Boromir was fine. He had, it turned out, been given specific instructions to reassure her as to that fact.
Her husband knew her well. But she still paced the courtyard until he arrived – grim-faced atop his horse, his right arm holding the reins and the other held awkwardly towards his body. Injured, then. Boromir’s face softened when he saw her waiting there, although it didn’t cheer much. Sweeping forth, Sybil held out a hand to offer some stability as he climbed one-handed from the horse. Ordinarily she would have hugged him, but she held back, not wanting to aggravate any injuries she couldn’t see.
But it wasn’t going to allow that, reaching out with his good arm to pull her to him tightly, nose burying itself in her hair as she pressed her face to his chest. He smelled of sweat – and blood, along with dirt from the road – but she cared not.
“You’re hurt,” she said when she pulled back. “Come, I can tend to you.”
“I was going to go to the healers,” he hesitated a little. “I just wanted to see you first.”
“The healing houses? Why? Is it…is it so severe?”
“No,” he said quickly. “No, my love. I just have no wish to worry you.”
“If your injuries are so severe you have no wish for me to see them, I’m not sure I find that soothing.”
He smiled tiredly, as if conceded her point. “I suppose I’ve never known you to have a penchant for hysterics.”
“Unless your coat is the only thing keeping the arm on, I’m sure I’ll be able to hold my nerve.”
“Loss of limb is where you draw the line, then?”
“When it’s your limb, yes.”
“I shall keep that in mind for the future. I’m sure neither Aragorn nor Faramir will take your favouritism personally.”
Their teasing was a tired, half-hearted thing – with no real mirth in it, for that matter. Mostly, it was a way for them to both reassure the other that they were well…and avoid discussing anything serious until they were safely within their chambers. He did, however, catch her hand once again halfway up a staircase, urging her to turn, and then kissed her when she did. Ordinarily she would’ve just thought him playful – but ordinarily he’d have done so outside, pulling her up to him so he didn’t need to stoop. The fact that he had to wait until he could use the stairs to their advantage revealed how the injury, or injuries, pained him.
The hand that lifted to touch him faltered in mid-air, not wanting to hurt him further, but his own hand quickly found it and encouraged it closer as he kissed her. Her fingers smoothed up his neck, over the beard at the side of his jaw, threading their way through his hair, and Boromir practically purred under the attention, leaning in impossibly closer still. Even those small movement caused him to pause, a hiss of a breath sucked in sharply between his teeth, but before Sybil could pull away, he kept her where she was with his good arm, kissing her again.
This was not kissing for kissing’s sake – they’d certainly done enough of that for her to recognise it – but the seeking of solace. That she was here, and so was here. And he wasn’t the only one seeking that comfort, for she’d missed him. The tickle and the scratch of his beard against her skin, the surety with which his hands grasped her, the way he towered above her. Even here, with her two steps above him on the staircase, he was still just a touch taller than she.
But a tilt of his head had him drawing back and wincing once again, and Sybil refused to entertain even the most pleasant of delays any longer.
When they arrived to their chambers, she worked with the sort of efficiency that Bera had seen fit to install as muscle memory, back when she first came to her. A fine leather chest brimming with supplies sat where it always did – and she shot a dangerous look to Boromir when he stepped forth to help her lift it – and soon it was dragged beside a stool, and a table by the fire so she would have the best light possible.
They never got the best of the sun in here until the afternoon, and she was not content to wait that long.
Boromir already began to remove his clothing without needing to be asked. First his cloak, cast aside onto the couch, then his surcoat, and by the time he had stripped down to his tunic she was staring worriedly. For no small amount of blood had seeped through the bandages she saw poking out through his collar, as well as the white linen shirt he wore beneath that.
“Had I been wearing my armour, I would not have been scratched,” he noted sourly, taking in her expression as the tunic was discarded into he pile and the shirt swiftly followed thereafter.
It turned out that the only part of the bandage that had been visible up until then was the only part of it that remained white. The rest was dark brown, encrusted with long-dried blood. Sybil pressed her lips together worriedly, and quickly set a pot of water to boil over the fire.
“Sit,” she said softly.
He obeyed without question, only sighing and beginning to offer explanations without her needing to ask.
“It wasn’t supposed to be a battle,” he said.
“I know,” she said quietly, trickling water over the bandages so she wouldn’t rip open the wound when she tried to peel them away.
If it stung, he gave no indication. But his shoulders did tense when she was finally able to peel the soggy bandages away, undoing them from where they’d been haphazardly wound across his shoulder and under his arm. Already it was bleeding anew, bright red blood oozing out over the older dried patches.
The wound was deep. Horribly deep – in a wicked, jagged half-moon across his shoulder, suggesting the blow had been dealt by one who sought to carve meat.
Sybil cursed. “What fool did these bandages?”
“I did it myself.”
“Yourself? Boromir, it should have been stitched, you should know that! You do know that– it’s a miracle it’s not-”
“Our healer was the first to be slain,” he interrupted – with neither anger, nor bite. “In the ambush.”
Her hands stilled, then one settled on his arm, far below the wound. One of his hands found hers readily, reassuring her that there was no ill-will taken from her careless words.
The wound had been cleaned and stitched before either of them spoke again, as she was winding fresh bandages across his chest and up, over the shoulder.
“The orcs?”
In response to that, he grimaced a bitter, bloodthirsty smile. “Wiped out. That band of them, at least. Every last one.”
Lowering her head, she pressed a feather-light kiss over the bandage and then stepped away, ready to begin tidying up her mess. Boromir rose, rolling his shoulder apprehensively – testing the bounds of the bandages and the stitches both. Afterwards, he moved to sit on the couch not occupied by his clothing, clad only in bandages, boots and breeches, watching her progress as she tried to work the shaken nerves out of her system.
“Sit with me?” he broke the quiet they lapsed into once again.
Sybil hesitated and then did so, smiling despite herself as he guided her to practically drape herself across his lap.
“I hate not being out there with you,” she confessed quietly. “I go mad with worry.”
“As I would have, were you there,” he murmured.
The War of the Ring had been one thing. She’d had no choice but to go – but she was not made for warfare, even as far as the small skirmishes that it had devolved into in these times of newfound peace. She was a warrior of absolute necessity, little more. But none of that made it easier to watch him go, despite the fact that he never took on tasks that would see him gone for more than a few weeks at a time. She could never ask him to remain here and live a life of leisure…but she almost wished she had the heart to demand such a thing, on the days she had to watch him ride away. Only almost, though.
She kissed him again, letting it linger, and then sighed and dropped her head to his shoulder.
“I’ll have them run you a bath.”
Boromir barked a laugh – the first real one he’d offered since his return, grinning and shaking his head at her. “Were I less aware of my present state, I’d take offense to that.”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” she snickered. “Do you forget the days we spent on the road together?”
“How could I?”
“So you’ll know I’ve smelled you in far worse states.”
“You make a habit of sniffing me, do you?”
“Trust me, there were times when I could hardly avoid it,” she teased. “In all seriousness, I’m thinking only of your comfort. It’ll ease your muscles.”
“If it’s my comfort you’re thinking of, you’ll join me in the bath,” he suggested at a murmur. “Only to make sure I don’t get my shoulder wet, you understand.”
Sybil had a vague suspicion that an ulterior motive lay within the request.
But she lost what mind she had for teasing when he pulled her closer and sighed softly.
“How I missed you, my love.”
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Links: AO3 -- FF.net -- flufftober masterpost -- dividers by cafekitsune
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