esta-elavaris · 24 days
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To be a healer was to know the stench of death – of rot, of decay, it was one in the same. Not so often from corpses themselves as from wounds that had been ignored and neglected until they turned foul, of limbs that were beyond saving, of lost causes in general. Anybody who had been forced to work under such an odour just once would be hard-pressed to ever forget it again, and for Sybil it was the norm, having laboured under it ever since her memories began. It was familiar, even if it was impossible to grow entirely numb to. And it permeated Moria.
[Boromir/OC] - AO3
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haldirs-melda · 2 years
“How?” he asked between kisses. “Why was my wish granted?” He rested his cheek to yours, “My sunlight in armour, the most beloved sight.”
Haldir x OFC
Chapter 25/27
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kaatiba · 2 years
last line(s) tag
tagged by the ever-supportive and writer-with-incredible-prose @muddshadow. tagging you, dear reader, as well as @jamieanovels, @faytelumos, @lockwoodlogs​,  @samplewriting​ (no pressure, only if you want to)
You sink back against the bolster, a squirming disquiet in your belly; fear mingling with worry. You worry for Theodred; you want him to prevail against his wounds with a desperation that has only partly to do with the mystery of yourself—you know him, and his loss would grieve you though you don’t know why. But you do know him, so perhaps he knows you too.
If he dies, so do you. Or at least, your past does.
↳ from my lotr canon divergent fanfic experiment
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ellayuki · 3 years
LoTR: The Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo & Sam
"Go back, Sam, now, while you still can," Frodo tries one more time, although he knows it's futile. "Ask that Rosie Cotton to marry you," 
Sam looks at him over the fire. "Only after we're done with the ring, Mister Frodo. Only then," he says, like Frodo knew he would.
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aowyn · 5 years
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like gold fall the leaves in the wind by @aowyn for @lotr-zine
Rating: General Audiences
Fandom: The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Relationship: Aragorn | Estel/Arwen Undómiel
Characters: Arwen Undómiel, Aragorn | Estel
Additional Tags: Post–War of the Ring, Angst, The Choice of Luthien, Canon Compliant
Summary: What a strange thing it was, the anathema of a deathless creature dying. Written for the 2019 Twilight and Shadow Lord of the Rings fanzine.
Read on Ao3!
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kittenwritesstuff · 7 years
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Fandom: The Lord of The Rings Pairing: Legolas x (human)reader Genres: angst, sadness, platonic fluff Words: 1.620 Summary: Having lost your family, you travel to find a place you can call home. On your way, you meet Legolas, who has a most surprising offer - requested by Anonymous
The night’s falling but you’re nowhere near any resident area. Which is odd, given that on your map you have marked that specific place as a small village. You have hoped to reach it today so that you can sleep on a comfortable bed instead of the ground.
Anyway, it seems you have a hard night ahead of you. On the top of that, you begin feeling anxious. What if you got lost? What if you took a turn to the right, not left and now you’d wander somewhere hostile?
You heave out a sigh and yank your backpack off, sitting down a broken tree log. You can do this. You’ve spent countless nights sleeping in the woods, or open fields, it’s hardly something new for you.
Yet, you were sure that you will arrive at the village and during the day you started to feel excited. And now, you’re faced with harsh reality – your hopes mean nothing, and you need to get used to feeling disappointed.
Ironically, all your life has been a constant disappointment so far, yet you still stayed hopeful. Naively you always remained optimistic, your head full of positive thoughts, trying your best to will the dark ones away.
It started when you were young. First, your father left when you were six and you never understood what had you done wrong. Your mother told you it wasn’t your fault so you desperately held onto her words.
Then, when you were seventeen, a proper age to find a love interest and at least begin courting, your mother slipped that your father actually left because of you. That he hoped for a son and you came, a girl who was a bit sloppy, who didn’t like archery and who’d rather spend a day in a library than in the woods. He couldn’t bear that your mother wasn’t able to give him more children and so he decided to leave the two of you behind.
It was the first night in your life when you cried yourself to sleep.
And the next day your mother announced that you had to move out. She couldn’t afford keeping you – without work and perspective for a marriage – not when your father contacted her and confessed that ever since he’d left he missed her.
Her, not you.
You felt as an object. A toy that someone got bored of and wanted to throw it away.
And your mother, a woman who carried you under her heart, raised you for seventeen years chose a man over her own daughter.
It broke your heart but you packed that few things you had and departed, not bothering to say a word of goodbye. She didn’t care, anyway. Didn’t even ask if you needed anything more than what belonged to you.
Even if it was somewhat freeing to leave a place where you were unwanted you were feeling utterly heartbroken. Your own mother didn’t want you, why would anyone else do?  You lost a sense of belonging somewhere, and your journey was aimed to find it, find a place you could call home again.
So far, you have found nothing.
You bite at your lower lip to stop a sob. Covering your face with your hands you try your hardest not to cry. You did enough of it, and you promised yourself you will shed no more tears, maybe only happy ones.
Despite a creeping sense of hopelessness, you force yourself to remain strong. If you give up, you will never get a new home.
Swallowing the sob, you take a deep breath and stand up. You need to start a fire and make yourself something to eat. You should have some bread and dried meat in your backpack, it will be enough for a supper and a breakfast.
You make a quick job with gathering the wood and starting a fire. You’re accustomed with it now and remembering your pathetic father’s lessons it wasn’t that difficult.
As you sit by the fire, a meal in your hands, chewing on a piece of meat, a sudden feeling of loneliness washes over you. You’d give everything you own to have a family again, a real, loving, caring family, not a joke of one you had.
You almost choke on the meat when you hear a crack of a branch behind your back, a startling sound indicating that someone is there.
“Forgive me,” a melodic voice calls and you quickly look over your shoulder to look at the intruder. A tall lithe figure comes to the view, long blonde hair with intricate braids, his hands raised to show you he has no intention to attack you.
“You’re an elf?” you mutter after you swallow the food in your mouth and the stranger nods, taking a step closer.
“My name is Legolas.”
“Y/N. Would you like to warm by the fire?”
“Only if you are fine with it.”
“”It’s better to not be alone during the night, master elf,” you say and tilt your head, beckoning him to the fire. Cautiously, he nears the spot and sits opposite you, resting his pack by his side.
“I didn’t mean to startle you. I decided to approach you to offer you my company. And protection, should any danger occur,” he explains and you open your eyes wider, surprised.
“Do I look like I need protection?”
“No, no! I just thought you might need someone to talk to.”
“True. It’s always better to have someone you can open your mouth to.”
“Where are you heading, if I may ask?”
“A village nearby. I hoped to reach it today, but didn’t manage to.”
“Yes, the distance can be tricky. It’s half-day-long journey from here.”
“That’s good. I dream of sleeping in a nice, warm bed,” you smile and Legolas nods, a small smirk on his face.
“I’m used to sleeping on the ground or trees, but frankly, I miss my bed.”
“Are you far away from where you headed?”
“Quite far.”
“Oh,” you answer, not knowing what else to say. You lower your gaze and mentally slap yourself. “Apologies, Legolas. Would you like a slice of bread?”
“Thank you, Y/N, it’s very nice of you. I can offer elvish bread as an exchange. Do you want a bit?”
“Sure, yes,” you hand him a piece of your bread, taking what he offers. Even though Legolas is a complete stranger to you, you already feel safer. He looks skilled, a bow on his back, and you are happy that you met a friendly soul on your way.
For the first time in a very long while, you sleep soundly, having Legolas on the watch.
Legolas accompanied you not only to the village, but stayed with you for a day while you wandered around it. It didn’t feel welcoming so you decided to leave and head to another one.
He said it was on his way to his home, so he’d gladly travel alongside you. You agreed, of course. He was kind and made you feel wanted, at least for the time being.
One evening, as you were having a meal in an inn, you told Legolas about your family. He asked if your parents were all right with your travelling, and you told him everything. you shed a tear or two and Legolas apologized profusely that he made you go through such a sad memories.
After that he didn’t ask and you didn’t mention your parents again.
As of now, you are traveling with Legolas for over a week and secretly entertaining an idea to actually go to Greenwood with him and ask for a place there. That way, you’ll stay with Legolas, who became a brother figure to you and who you consider a friend, despite spending little time in his company.
He seems to not mind that you remain walking with him, even though you were supposed to stay in the last village. And the one before. And before.
“Y/N,” he says during a break as you munch on an apple.
“Legolas,” you answer around the mouthful of fruit watching him sit with crossed legs in front of you. His face is serious and you begin to think that he will ask you to go away.
“I’ve noticed that sometimes you look utterly sad. I know the reason behind it and I don’t mean to shame you. However, because you are a wonderful person, I hate to see you miserable, and I believe I came up with a solution.”
“Yes..?” you inquire carefully, not knowing what to expect. You furrow your brows, puzzled, as a bright grin spreads of Legolas’ lips.
“From now on I’m calling you my sister.”
You gasp, your eyes growing wide. To say you’re shocked would be an understatement.
“B-but how?”
Legolas shrugs.
“Just like that, little sister. We arrive at Greenwood and you’ll stay there.”
“Because, as I said, you’re a wonderful person, and I wish you to be my family.”
You swallow hard, a lump growing in your throat. Your eyes become watery and Legolas smiles softly at you before standing up and gathering you in his arms.
“Thank you,” you mumble quietly, tears streaming down your face. By some kind of miracle, Valar have placed Legolas on your way, finally gifting you with someone who truly wants you, for what you are. You can’t bear that much happiness.
“Legolas?” you ask after a moment as you tilt your head to look at him.
“Yes, my newly gained sister?”
“Will you braid my hair?” your voice is shy and Legolas chuckles airily but nods nonetheless.
“Sure will, Y/N. We need to look similar to be taken as a sibling, after all.”
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
May I get a ship for a male character from LOTR and The Hobbit? I am an ISTP-A, easily bored and hotheaded, usually gets things done on time which influences my impatience. I’m not very affectionate with loved ones, I’m very talkative, especially when I’m close with you and can get off topic at times, I am easily annoyed/bothered, and can get rude once annoyed. I’m picky with a lot of things, and I am better at coming up with solutions rather than cheer someone up emotionally. Thanks
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+ later confirmation of Prompt 25 for LOTR, and Prompt 9 for The Hobbit
Special 5k Ship Event (Read post if your going to request)
Hope you like them! :) Sorry if the first drabble is a bit short, I’ve had 25 requested like 5 times and I’m running out of ideas for it
Lord of the Rings: 
I ship you with Boromir. You two would clash at your first meeting, your personalities being similar, as well as your impatience. You insisted at first that you would never get along with him, but it didn’t take long before you realized you shared similar views as well, often agreeing with one another. Shortly thereafter your relationship formed into a bickering and sarcastic friendship. Many around you would think you hated one another, but in reality, you grew to trust each other more than anyone else. Your bickering becoming a form of affection for the two of you. 
Prompt 25: Friends to Lovers
You don’t know what happened, it was so sudden, like a flash of lightning. You stared at Boromir, stunned. 
You had stormed off after having an encounter with Denethor. Though he loved Boromir so much, he held hatred for everyone else, even his youngest child. Denethor would not hold back on his opinions of you, with his underhanded comments about you. 
Finally growing tired of it, and barely holding your tongue, you left the room, unable to look at the false king any longer. 
“Y/n, please! Stop running!” Boromir called after you as he followed you.
“I’m not running Boromir, I’m walking swiftly away!” you yelled back, your anger still bubbling.
“Y/n, please!” you called one more time as he finally caught up to you, grabbing onto your elbow, stopping you.You stopped, letting out a sigh as he turned you to face him “I know my fathers words can be vile, but he does respect you, he is simply stressed-”
“I don’t care Boromir” you snapped “He has said those vile things too many times, I can no longer take them” you pulled away from his grasp as you turned away “Maybe I should leave, and rid him of my nuisance all together”
You did not see the panicked expression that passed his face briefly “You cannot leave Y/n” he took a step forward, his chest almost almost pressed against your back “I would not know what to do with myself if you left”
Scoffing you shook your head “You would do what you did before I ever came here Boromir, you can find other friends”
“I cannot remember what my life was like before you. And I cannot- I would never be able to replace you. Our friendship- It’s-”
You heard him let out a frustrated sigh before you suddenly felt your body forcefully spin around. Before you could react, Boromir’s lips were pressed firmly against your own, his hand holding the back of your head, deepening the kiss before pulling away. 
You don’t know what happened, it was so sudden, like a flash of lightning. You stared at Boromir, stunned.
“I cannot ever find a friendship like ours, because before I even knew it, at a moment I cannot place, I stopped seeing you as a friend, and instead, like the light of dawn, a comforting light that takes a hold of you and never lets go. A light you rise early for, just to see it. You are the closest friend I’ve ever had, but I want you to be so much more. So if you left me, I do not know what I would do” he pressed his calloused had to the side of your face, gently stroking your bottom lip with his thumb “So please, do not leave me”
You stared, still shocked, your own feeling coming to the surface. The feelings you tried so hard to suppress and ignore “I never thought you the type to speak so poetically Boromir” you spoke, a hint of amusement in your voice.
He smiled back at you, recognizing the affectionate emotion in your eyes, reflecting his own “I would speak it, only ever to you” he leaned in closer, your noses touching, and his lips barely brushing yours “So if you told anyone, they would not believe you” You shared a small smile before you both leaned in for another kiss. 
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The Hobbit: 
I ship you with Thorin. Similar to with Boromir you clashed on first meeting. But he grew to care for you mush faster than he’s willing to admit. He began to find your sarcasm, and impatience attractive, and when it’s aimed at someone other than him, it amuses him. He grew to pay attention to your advice, and the actions you would condemn him for. You became a sort of advisor for him, in that he would come to you before making a big decision. He also appreciates that you help him fix a problem rather than beat around the bush.
Prompt 9: Crush Confession
Thorin watched you from afar as you looked out at Rivendale below you. The light reflected off of you, making you seem ethereal in his eyes. He was unsure of when he began to see you as more than a member of the company, but doing nothing about it was beginning to make him restless. 
Especially recently, when he began to notice changes in you. You watching him more often, being gentler with your words, not to mention the blush that crept onto your face the previous day when he removed a leaf from your hair.
His heart about combusted when you blushed, giving a quiet thank you as you turned away from him. He thought he was alone in his affection, but recent events proved otherwise.
“You are not joining the others?” he asked as he approached you, talking softly as to not startle you.
You turned to him “No, I’ve had enough reckless evenings with them, I need not attend another” 
He smiled at he stood next to you, both of you turning to look out at the landscape “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” you asked quietly. 
“Yes. I must admit it is” he replied, glancing at you he cleared his throat “It suits you. This place” he ignore the sideways glance you gave him “Perhaps. Perhaps you would prefer to stay here? The dangers of our quest will only get worse from here on out”
You turned towards him “Do you not think me capable?”
He smiled lightly “I do. Perhaps even more that me. But-” he paused
“But, I would hate to see you hurt. As I would any of the others but, I’ve....grown quite fond of you, if you haven’t noticed” he glanced at you, almost startled at the small smile on your face.
“So you would wish to keep me safe?”
You stared into each others eyes “Yes”
“Even if it meant me staying with elves, as you went on without me?”
He hesitated “I did not say that I’d like it” he said bluntly,
You let out a small giggle, making him smile “You sure have a way with words Thorin” you said, amused “But I will not stay here” you finished “I began this quest with you, and I intend to finish it the same way”
You met eyes once again, this time Thorin straightened up before taking a step closer to you “With me?”
“Yes” you nodded.
He reached out, his hand touching your face “By my side?”
“If you’d like” 
Leaning forward, stopping an inch away from your face he whispered “I would have you by my side always if I could, and I will try. Because. Because I have fallen for you, faster and harder than I would ever imagine I could” You smiled at him lightly before he closed the gap between you.
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bonniebird · 4 years
I don’t wanna bother you, but I’m not sending a request, I’m just asking if I can be added to your pinned post about accounts currently taking requests. I write for both Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit and my requests are currently open at the moment. I commented on the post yesterday but I don’t think you saw it so I’m sending this just in case
You’ve been added to my list :)
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Hello! I am a new blog that writes for only Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, and I am in need of requests, so I was wondering if I can get a shoutout? I write for any character :)
of course!!! if anyone likes lord of the rings and the hobbit, check out @lotrfics !!
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emcon-imagines · 4 years
Hi, I write one shots and headcanons for both Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. I was wondering if I could get a shoutout? Thank you
Yes of course!! Guys, go check out @lotrfics for Lord of the Rings + Hobbit writing. I’m a fan of LOTR but could never write for it, so kudos to you!!
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guardianofrivendell · 4 years
LOTR Characters and Your Nightmares (request)
Requested by @lotrfics : “May I send in a preference request? How would Aragorn, Boromir, and Frodo react when their s/o is having a nightmare so they try to wake them up, but in the process reader accidentally hits them and it actually hurts? Thank you!”
A/N: I turned it into mini blurbs again, hope you like it! 
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Aragorn knew you were having nightmares. Bad ones. 
Heck, the whole fellowship knew. Every night your agonizing screams pulled them out of their sleep and kept them awake until you calmed down. 
The first night, everyone jumped up when your screaming began thinking they were under attack. But after a few nights, they knew it would happen.
After a few sleepless nights they decided to let you take the first watch every night. Aragorn had told you they chose you so you would have an uninterrupted night’s sleep, but in reality they did this so everyone could sleep for a few hours before your nightmares began. He didn’t have the heart to tell you the truth.
One night, you had an exceptionally bad nightmare, worse than before. 
Aragorn was keeping watch at the time. He was sitting right beside you when it began, waiting for the inevitable. He saw your face twist in fear, heard the soft whimpers escaping through your lips and it broke his heart. But this was ‘normal’ for you, any minute now the screams would start. 
But when the screams began, they sounded different. More terrifying. Every time you screamed, it went right through his bones. 
And then the crying began. This was new, Aragorn thought to himself while he watched the tears run down your cheeks. 
He couldn’t just stand there and watch you suffer. He knelt beside you, ignoring the stares from the others. 
“Y/N?” he said, shaking you softly. 
But the minute he touched you, you woke up with a start and started kicking and swinging your arms violently, to try and fight off your ‘attacker’. Aragorn was caught off guard, and your hand hit him right in the face. 
The others rushed towards you, to try and calm you down.
When you finally realised it was just another nightmare and you had told everyone to  give you some space, you saw Aragorn a few feet from you with a bloody nose.  It didn’t take long for you to figure out what had happened.
“Aragorn, I am so sorry,” you gasped, crawling towards him on your knees. 
“It’s fine, Y/N, don’t worry about it,” he laughed. “That’s a strong punch you have.”
“You scared me.”
“So I’ve noticed,” he said, wiping the blood with his sleeve. 
Everyone went back to sleep, but you and Aragorn stayed up talking.
He asked about your nightmares, and you told him that you couldn’t seem to get rid of them no matter what you tried.
Aragorn had put his arm around you in an attempt to comfort you, and it seemed to work. Your breathing slowed down and after some time he felt your body slumping against him. You had fallen asleep again. 
He thought about laying you down on your blanket, but decided against it when you let out a content sigh. 
He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, the feeling of you in his arms made him somehow feel oddly relaxed...
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Boromir had a reputation to maintain, as the son of the Steward of Gondor. He was tough, a fierce warrior and no one dared to think about challenging him. They would definitely lose. He earned the respect of every person in Gondor. 
But when it came to you, Boromir was a certified Soft Boi. Something he desperately tried to keep behind closed doors. At all costs.
One night you were both fast asleep, your back pressed against his. 
You started shivering, and Boromir turned around and put his arm around you, still half asleep, thinking you were cold. 
But you still shivered, and after a while it turned into shaking, your arms and legs twitching and your breath hitched. Boromir realised you were having a nightmare. 
He started rubbing your back, and whispered comforting words in your ear in the hope the nightmare would go away. It seemed to work, and Boromir nestled himself back against you and tried to fall back asleep. 
But then it started again, and he decided it was best to wake you up. He cupped your face, rubbing his thumb in circles over your cheek. 
“Y/N, my love. Wake up, it’s only a dream.”
“No!” you screamed, and you shot up, panting heavily. But when you looked around, you noticed Boromir on his knees next to you, clutching his face. 
Apparently you had smacked him right in his eye when you jolted awake...
When he finally let you look at it, it was already starting to bruise. 
“I’m so sorry,” you said, softly touching his black eye.
“Don’t worry about it,” he answered, but you knew he only said it to put you at ease. 
The next day, his brother and friends asked about his injury. You expected him to start boasting about saving some damsel in distress - his reputation you know - but he smiled at you knowingly, before he said: “The things one does for their true love...”
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If anyone knew what it was to have nightmares, it was Frodo.
Ever since he returned from his long journey to destroy the One Ring, he suffered from them. He couldn’t remember them when he woke up in the morning, but the bags under his eyes told him everything he needed to know.
So when you were visiting and stayed the night, he let you sleep in another room. He didn’t want you to worry about him. Little did he know it would be the other way around for a change.
He woke up in the middle of the night, thinking he heard someone scream. He rubbed his eyes and listened, but couldn’t hear anything. Thinking he probably imagined the whole thing, he laid down again and closed his eyes. 
But then he heard another scream, and he jumped out of bed the minute he realised it was you.
“Y/N!” he yelled when he ran to your room, almost tripping over the rug in the hallway because he was trying to get to you as fast as he could.
When he opened the door to your room, he saw you thrashing in your bed. Your pillow was on the ground, and the blanket all tangled up between your legs.
You were having a nightmare. He thought back to all those times he wished someone would wake him up when he had a nightmare. He knew what he had to do. 
He walked towards your bed and tried to wake you up, but didn’t succeed immediately. You were still fast asleep. 
So he crawled next to you and took you in his arms, in an attempt to calm you down. 
Well... that was his plan. But when he tried to wrap his arms around you, you woke up. 
Thinking you were being attacked, you turned around and hit Frodo as hard as you could. 
“Y/N, it’s me! Stop!” he screamed, raising his arms to protect himself. 
“Frodo? What are you doing in my bed?”
“It’s not what you think!” he said quickly, realising what it looked like. “You were having a nightmare.”
“Oh...” you whispered. “I’m sorry I woke you up.” 
It was probably best that he went back to his own room, but Frodo realised he didn’t want to. And apparently, neither did you, because the minute he stood up to let you go back to sleep, your hand found his.
“Can you please stay?”
Frodo smiled, secretly relieved that you asked. He crawled next to you, and right before he wrapped his arms around you, he said:
“You’re not going to hit me again are you?”
Aragorn taglist: @katethewriter​
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esta-elavaris · 7 months
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Flufftober Day 26: Fireplace - Boromir/OC [1,656 words]
My Flufftober '23 masterpost can be found here, and my currently ongoing main fic about these two is here 💜✨
This was originally going to be an AU of Boromir and Sybil meeting in a different way, with him coming to the cabin injured before Bera dies and Sybil having to patch him up immediately upon meeting him…but we’re all enjoying the established relationship stuff so much that I wanted to write more of it. I maaay still write the other one at a later date? But this approach leaves much more room for fully fledged fluff (try saying those last three words three times fast).
This one skews more towards hurt/comfort than pure fluff, but they’re still cute.
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Word reached them in Minas Tirith before the men did. What was supposed to be a reconnaissance mission on a pack of orcs rumoured to be skulking around the nearby wilderness had turned into an ambush – some men had been slain, more still were injured. After he’d announced it to those who had filtered out into the courtyard, the messenger pulled Sybil aside and she felt like the world was giving way beneath her feet before he placed a hand on her shoulder and told her that Boromir was fine. He had, it turned out, been given specific instructions to reassure her as to that fact.
Her husband knew her well. But she still paced the courtyard until he arrived – grim-faced atop his horse, his right arm holding the reins and the other held awkwardly towards his body. Injured, then. Boromir’s face softened when he saw her waiting there, although it didn’t cheer much. Sweeping forth, Sybil held out a hand to offer some stability as he climbed one-handed from the horse. Ordinarily she would have hugged him, but she held back, not wanting to aggravate any injuries she couldn’t see.
But it wasn’t going to allow that, reaching out with his good arm to pull her to him tightly, nose burying itself in her hair as she pressed her face to his chest. He smelled of sweat – and blood, along with dirt from the road – but she cared not.
“You’re hurt,” she said when she pulled back. “Come, I can tend to you.”
“I was going to go to the healers,” he hesitated a little. “I just wanted to see you first.”
“The healing houses? Why? Is it…is it so severe?”
“No,” he said quickly. “No, my love. I just have no wish to worry you.”
“If your injuries are so severe you have no wish for me to see them, I’m not sure I find that soothing.”
He smiled tiredly, as if conceded her point. “I suppose I’ve never known you to have a penchant for hysterics.”
“Unless your coat is the only thing keeping the arm on, I’m sure I’ll be able to hold my nerve.”
“Loss of limb is where you draw the line, then?”
“When it’s your limb, yes.”
“I shall keep that in mind for the future. I’m sure neither Aragorn nor Faramir will take your favouritism personally.”
Their teasing was a tired, half-hearted thing – with no real mirth in it, for that matter. Mostly, it was a way for them to both reassure the other that they were well…and avoid discussing anything serious until they were safely within their chambers. He did, however, catch her hand once again halfway up a staircase, urging her to turn, and then kissed her when she did. Ordinarily she would’ve just thought him playful – but ordinarily he’d have done so outside, pulling her up to him so he didn’t need to stoop. The fact that he had to wait until he could use the stairs to their advantage revealed how the injury, or injuries, pained him.
The hand that lifted to touch him faltered in mid-air, not wanting to hurt him further, but his own hand quickly found it and encouraged it closer as he kissed her. Her fingers smoothed up his neck, over the beard at the side of his jaw, threading their way through his hair, and Boromir practically purred under the attention, leaning in impossibly closer still. Even those small movement caused him to pause, a hiss of a breath sucked in sharply between his teeth, but before Sybil could pull away, he kept her where she was with his good arm, kissing her again.
This was not kissing for kissing’s sake – they’d certainly done enough of that for her to recognise it – but the seeking of solace. That she was here, and so was here. And he wasn’t the only one seeking that comfort, for she’d missed him. The tickle and the scratch of his beard against her skin, the surety with which his hands grasped her, the way he towered above her. Even here, with her two steps above him on the staircase, he was still just a touch taller than she.
But a tilt of his head had him drawing back and wincing once again, and Sybil refused to entertain even the most pleasant of delays any longer.
When they arrived to their chambers, she worked with the sort of efficiency that Bera had seen fit to install as muscle memory, back when she first came to her. A fine leather chest brimming with supplies sat where it always did – and she shot a dangerous look to Boromir when he stepped forth to help her lift it – and soon it was dragged beside a stool, and a table by the fire so she would have the best light possible.
They never got the best of the sun in here until the afternoon, and she was not content to wait that long.
Boromir already began to remove his clothing without needing to be asked. First his cloak, cast aside onto the couch, then his surcoat, and by the time he had stripped down to his tunic she was staring worriedly. For no small amount of blood had seeped through the bandages she saw poking out through his collar, as well as the white linen shirt he wore beneath that.
“Had I been wearing my armour, I would not have been scratched,” he noted sourly, taking in her expression as the tunic was discarded into he pile and the shirt swiftly followed thereafter.
It turned out that the only part of the bandage that had been visible up until then was the only part of it that remained white. The rest was dark brown, encrusted with long-dried blood. Sybil pressed her lips together worriedly, and quickly set a pot of water to boil over the fire.
“Sit,” she said softly.
He obeyed without question, only sighing and beginning to offer explanations without her needing to ask.
“It wasn’t supposed to be a battle,” he said.
“I know,” she said quietly, trickling water over the bandages so she wouldn’t rip open the wound when she tried to peel them away.
If it stung, he gave no indication. But his shoulders did tense when she was finally able to peel the soggy bandages away, undoing them from where they’d been haphazardly wound across his shoulder and under his arm. Already it was bleeding anew, bright red blood oozing out over the older dried patches.
The wound was deep. Horribly deep – in a wicked, jagged half-moon across his shoulder, suggesting the blow had been dealt by one who sought to carve meat.
Sybil cursed. “What fool did these bandages?”
“I did it myself.”
“Yourself? Boromir, it should have been stitched, you should know that! You do know that– it’s a miracle it’s not-”
“Our healer was the first to be slain,” he interrupted – with neither anger, nor bite. “In the ambush.”
Her hands stilled, then one settled on his arm, far below the wound. One of his hands found hers readily, reassuring her that there was no ill-will taken from her careless words.
The wound had been cleaned and stitched before either of them spoke again, as she was winding fresh bandages across his chest and up, over the shoulder.
“The orcs?”
In response to that, he grimaced a bitter, bloodthirsty smile. “Wiped out. That band of them, at least. Every last one.”
Lowering her head, she pressed a feather-light kiss over the bandage and then stepped away, ready to begin tidying up her mess. Boromir rose, rolling his shoulder apprehensively – testing the bounds of the bandages and the stitches both. Afterwards, he moved to sit on the couch not occupied by his clothing, clad only in bandages, boots and breeches, watching her progress as she tried to work the shaken nerves out of her system.
“Sit with me?” he broke the quiet they lapsed into once again.
Sybil hesitated and then did so, smiling despite herself as he guided her to practically drape herself across his lap.
“I hate not being out there with you,” she confessed quietly. “I go mad with worry.”
“As I would have, were you there,” he murmured.
The War of the Ring had been one thing. She’d had no choice but to go – but she was not made for warfare, even as far as the small skirmishes that it had devolved into in these times of newfound peace. She was a warrior of absolute necessity, little more. But none of that made it easier to watch him go, despite the fact that he never took on tasks that would see him gone for more than a few weeks at a time. She could never ask him to remain here and live a life of leisure…but she almost wished she had the heart to demand such a thing, on the days she had to watch him ride away. Only almost, though.
She kissed him again, letting it linger, and then sighed and dropped her head to his shoulder.
“I’ll have them run you a bath.”
Boromir barked a laugh – the first real one he’d offered since his return, grinning and shaking his head at her. “Were I less aware of my present state, I’d take offense to that.”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” she snickered. “Do you forget the days we spent on the road together?”
“How could I?”
“So you’ll know I’ve smelled you in far worse states.”
“You make a habit of sniffing me, do you?”
“Trust me, there were times when I could hardly avoid it,” she teased. “In all seriousness, I’m thinking only of your comfort. It’ll ease your muscles.”
“If it’s my comfort you’re thinking of, you’ll join me in the bath,” he suggested at a murmur. “Only to make sure I don’t get my shoulder wet, you understand.”
Sybil had a vague suspicion that an ulterior motive lay within the request.
But she lost what mind she had for teasing when he pulled her closer and sighed softly.
“How I missed you, my love.”
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Links: AO3 -- FF.net -- flufftober masterpost -- dividers by cafekitsune
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haldirs-melda · 2 years
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Song of the Marchwarden - A Deathless Death - Chapter 11 - Dancing Souls (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1232300771-song-of-the-marchwarden-a-deathless-death-chapter?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Haldirs-Melda&wp_originator=W0ehujLWcF1dAPsvqnbKFw8xV4BsMSCk2D3QcmrxEFM7q1rxPyBGf1sN%2BIGXzKAp%2BGnXCqwg8lobUKzuiVZiq14y%2BchKpZRZ7hShFV5v%2FJ93Ft%2BioC8KH4VZ%2BWST6%2F7p The last of the Teleri is back, and she is back to love and fight. Join the story with Gaeariel, as she finds love in Haldir, and an enemy in an old friend.
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lotrfics · 4 years
IMAGINE: Boromir carrying Aragorn bridal style just to prove he can
Pairing: Boromir x Female Reader
Requested: Yes (This sounds hilarious and awesome!!!  @lotrfics, so sorry for spamming you but i had to show you.   Please, do something with this.  I had an idea for a plot where the rest of the fellowship (with a reader who is part of the fellowship and has a crush on boromir) are having a random argument on who is the strongest,Boromir or Aragorn.  Boromir lifts Aragorn to show them that he can, the reader is all impressed and gets accidentally super obvious on the crush because of her reaction.   It’s an dea i got from this, the only fic i found for the idea on this image was posted in a deleted blog and when i clicked “ read more” to read it, it wasn’t there anymore.) @streets-in-paradise
Summary: Boromir carries Aragorn cause why not?
A/N: I thought this was going to be longer but I guess not, this is less than 1k words
Based on this imagine right here
Members of the Fellowship were having the most ridiculous argument to date. 
They were arguing whether Aragorn or Boromir was the stronger one. 
Everyone involved was so engaged in the argument it was surprising there were no orcs that were nearby and ambushed them. 
You, Gimli, and Pippin agreed Boromir was stronger, but Legolas, Merry, and Sam believed Aragorn was stronger. Boromir found this amusing, while Aragorn shook his head, because, well, did it matter?
To the six arguing, yes, it did matter. There was a bet placed. Gimli and Legolas had a good amount of coins in their pockets. They didn’t know why, they didn’t need it at all, but it was helpful for bets like this. 
“I’m sorry, but even when he is fully clothed, you could still tell he’s got muscles!” Gimli said, waving his hands everywhere. Legolas facepalmed. “Yes, but Aragorn is one of the Dunedain. Boromir only has some Numenor blood in him, but he is leaning into one of the Lesser Men.”
“That doesn’t convince us at all.” Pippin said, munching on his food. 
“Looks can be deceiving, remember? Sam said to Pippin, “Boromir may indeed look stronger, but that does not always mean he is.”
“This argument is only getting ridiculous,” you said, “how about we let them show us? I don’t think words will end our debate.”
Merry turned to Boromir. “Come on, then. Show us what you can do. See who’s right and who’s wrong.”
Boromir chuckled and stood up. Carrying Aragorn seemed like a weird but fun idea, and he saw this as a chance to show off to you. If he was the stronger one, that is. He walked over to the ranger and scooped him up from his position with ease, carrying him bridal style. 
Aragorn yelped at the sudden action. The hobbits let out a loud gasp, Gimli cheered, Legolas’ eyes widened, and Gandalf only smiled. You on the other hand, were very much impressed, you had a look of adoration on your face, and you did not know it but you began to blush. Pippin had caught on this when he turned to look at your reaction. 
“Miss (Y/N) is blushing! I think she has a crush on Boromir!” Pippin said. 
Everyone turned to look at you. “You wish you were Aragorn, don’t ya, lassie?” Gimli laughed, and everyone, including Aragorn himself and Gandalf, began laughing as well. 
“I don’t blame you, (Y/N). Even from a man’s perspective, Boromir is handsome. There is nothing to be ashamed of.” Aragorn tried to comfort you, though still teasing you at the same time.
“Would you like to blow his Horn of Gondor?” Legolas said. You gasped at his comment while you heard some chuckles from the group. 
Not going to lie, you actually enjoyed the teasing, it made you feel you had a chance with him. 
“Everyone has had a crush on someone at some point in their lives,” said Sam, “yours happens to be Boromir at this very moment. It happens, Miss (Y/N). We understand how you feel.”
“Of course you would understand. It’s just like your crush on Rosie back in the Shire. Really sweet, but at times amusing.” Frodo nudged his best friend, and Merry and Pippin snickered. Sam didn’t seem to mind at all. 
“Well,” said Boromir, who may or may not have absentmindedly dropped Aragorn, “I hope you do not mind me carrying you.”
Before you could respond, you were suddenly lifted from the ground by Boromir, carrying you bridal style. You wrapped your arms around his neck as if you were about to fall off from his hold, though the way he held you told you he would do anything to prevent you from getting hurt, whether you were being carried or not. 
“Look at the way they’re holding each other,” Merry whispered to Pippin. 
“It’s so cute. They look like they are in love.” Pippin nodded. 
Boromir glanced at you and gave you a charming smile, the smile you grew to love seeing. “I like you too. I am grateful to have ever gotten the chance to get to know you and befriend you.”
You nuzzled your head against his neck, enjoying each other’s company, and you began closing your eyes (though you tried so hard to keep it open) as you were beginning to get a little sleepy. Today was a long day, after all.
Boromir sat down where he was earlier before everything had unfolded, because standing still for so long is not something he would like to do. He took a look at you and saw that you were already asleep. 
The other members of the Fellowship glanced at each other and agreed it was best to start sleeping. It was silent, until Gimli spoke up. 
“I almost forgot,” Gimli with a proud grin showed an open hand to Legolas, “we won the bet. Give me those coins of yours, eh?”
Legolas sighed then pulled out the amount of coins he and Gimli agreed on, and gave him what he needed. 
Taglist: @aspiring-ginger @moony-artnstuff @kata1803
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For @lotrfics
Boromir x reader
Word count: 623
Legolas POV.
I glanced over at y/n who was watching Boromir train two of the halflings. I smirked at the smile gracing their face.
Since the Council of Elrond, the two of them had been stealing glances and flirting. They thought no one could see it, but I did. So did the halfling Pippin; we’d discussed it at great length the previous evening after watching them sit close together, knees almost touching. They would be a lovely couple, with his brave heart and their kindly demeanor.
Upon seeing their fit of giggles when he was knocked over by Merry and Pippin, I decided that they must be together and that I would spend the rest of the day pondering how to make it so. Although it would turn out that I didn’t need to.
Boromir POV.
Despite being attacked by two surprisingly feisty hobbits, it was y/n’s laugh which captured my attention. It was the most beautiful sound to ever grace my ears. When I glanced over at them and saw their bright eyes and wide smile, I think my heart skipped a beat. I could no longer deny it: I was in love.
Later that day, when everyone was resting during a rare period of tranquility, I grabbed their hand and dragged them behind a particularly large rock.
“What are you-“
Y/n stared at me like I was mad; confusion, amusement, and exasperation written across their face.
“Y/n, you are a truly noble and beautiful person. I have admired your strength and courage since I first saw you. And during our time together, my feelings have only grown stronger.”
Y/n POV.
“Feelings?” I was breathless. Could he feel the same as me? Surely not. He is a warrior, I am a simple human (and elf-friend) who happened upon the council by mere chance. I did not believe myself worthy of such affection from him.
“Yes... I... I am in love with you, y/n. And I wish to court you, if you’ll allow it.”
“Yes!” Cried a voice... which wasn’t my own.
I whirled around to see Pippin and Legolas’ faces peering out from behind a boulder, an embarrassed looks on their faces.
“I apologize, but with my hearing it was impossible for me not to notice you two.” Legolas explained. Pippin, on the other hand, was bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement. “I knew it!” He said proudly.
I rolled my eyes, but laughed. Even Boromir seemed amused, shaking his head fondly.
“It appears Legolas and Pippin will also be a part of this relationship, my love.” I joked.
Boromir’s face split into a grin at the words “my love.” Then his eyes softened and he leaned in toward me, cupping my cheek gently in his strong hand. Just before our lips could touch, he said quietly, but firmly, “Legolas. Pippin. Get out of here.“
The elf and hobbit quickly retreated back to the rest of our fellowship, leaving Boromir and I to enjoy our alone time.
Pippin POV.
When they finally returned to the rest of us, they both looked considerably happier and flushed. Y/n’s normally neat hair was disheveled, and Boromir was carrying his boots which he didn’t even sleep without.
I shared a look with Legolas. Even Aragorn and Gandalf raised their eyebrows at the couple. Gimili exclaimed in his booming voice, “Oh ho ho! It’s about time you two! I was wondering if you’d ever-“ Aragorn quickly elbowed him to silence him. Merry snorted.
The new couple just sat down, all pressed together, knees touching and arms linked. I finally voiced what we’d all been thinking: finally.
A/n I hope you like this! Let me know what you think :)
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ericas-fate · 4 years
Frodo having a crush on his best friend
Anon: I was wondering if you could write headcanons for Frodo crushing on his best friend? Reader is the best friend, not Sam, haha.
Warning: None
Type: Headcanon
Character: Frodo
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Frodo would try to keep it as quiet as possible, he wouldn’t tell too many people that he had a crush on you. Though “somehow” everyone already know it. It was quite obvious that Frodo liked you, based on how he would behave around you and treat you differently than other people he cared about.
Frodo would tend to your friendship you to had together more closely, making sure that nothing would ever happen to jeopardize it. He wouldn’t be able to handle the thought of you not liking him, even as a person.
He wouldn’t be able to tell if you shared the same feelings for him, and rather than taking a chance and confessing to you, he preferred to just live his life knowing that if he confesses and you don’t like him, he’ll lose you. So why risk it? Right?
Before you would know it one of Frodo’s friends (most likely Pippin) would spill the beans, leading you to believe Frodo liked you. At first it wouldn’t be easy telling whether or not he was telling the truth, for Frodo was kind to everyone. But soon enough, you would pick up on the little signs that he had an endearing crush on you. 
Moments like whenever you would tell a joke, Frodo would always have an uncontrollable laugh even if they weren’t funny. He would become very giggly around you, and would always invite you to do some of your favourite things with him, even if he weren’t too interested in them. 
Frodo would enjoy spending time with his best friend, but even more now that you were his crush. It wasn’t like spending time with his other friends, for he could feel a connection he never felt before with you.
It would drive Frodo crazy the fact that he wasn’t dating you, but would soon be relieved once he found out that you shared said feelings. He would be beyond thrilled, once you would ask him out. All of the nervous waiting would pay off, for he finally could call you his own.
I definitely enjoyed writing this, thank you for requesting it! I hope you enjoyed reading it!!
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