eilooxara · 7 months
I have an amusingly broad range of Wikipedia tabs open right now and I can't find my post where you post what Wikipedia tabs you have open so I'm gonna tag this with stuff I think I might have tagged THAT with and we'll see if I can fish it out
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galanissurgery · 1 year
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theygender · 2 years
August 11, 2022
I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that 30+ brands of nutrition drinks including but not limited to Ensure, Pediasure, Glucerna, Oatly, and Premier Protein just got recalled for possible contamination with the bacteria that causes botulism, a paralytic toxin with a lethal dose of 1.3 nanograms. If you've purchased one of the affected lot numbers please return it to the store to be properly disposed of as a biohazard but do not accept any compensatory gift cards because that can be counted as a settlement if you need to file a lawsuit for any potential damages caused by this later on. If you have any questions regarding the recall there's a phone number listed in the article above that you can call, but if you believe you may have ingested toxins then please call your local poison control hotline. Stay safe
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Definisi | Terminologi | Klasifikasi | Penawar Racun | Pertolongan Pertama Pada Umumnya Racun merupakan Suatu Zat Padat, Cair dan Gas yang dapat mengganggu atau merusak proses kehidupan sel suatu organisme. Untuk dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh Racun dapat masuk melalui permukaan tubuh atau mulut. Poison Dalam Biologi, Racun adalah zat yang bisa menyebabkan luka, sakit dan bahkan kematian suatu…
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allbotoxonline · 2 years
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drdaljitghatoura · 2 years
Botox: Cosmetic and medical uses
Botox: Cosmetic and medical uses
Botox is a drug that weakens or paralyzes muscle. In small doses, it can reduce skin wrinkles and help treat some medical conditions. Botox is a protein made from Botulinum toxin, which the bacterium Clostridium botulinum produces. This is the same toxin that causes botulism. Botox is a toxin, but when doctors use it correctly and in small doses, it can have benefits. It has both cosmetic and…
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awishclinic · 2 years
BOTOLINUM TOXIN for DYNAMIC or STATIC WRINKLES Best & Authentic wrinkles Treatment in Delhi (South Delhi) People fear Botulinum toxin injection because it tends to give out a Bumpy rug look. But, not many would know that Botulinum injection are the true and natural proteins that help to relax the muscles that trigger wrinkles and lines. These are the cheap variants of Botulinum that are cost-compromised, not just mess up your facial looks but sometimes are beyond repairable.
At AWISH Clinic, situated in South Delhi (Sarita Vihar), we use the authentic Botulinum injection by Allergen and make sure to attend to the patients with utmost care and responsibility. Our 15 minutes of the session of Botulinum injection for facelift offers results that are not only natural, pleasing but sustainable too.
Contact us at - 8287640479 Official website- www awishclinic.com Visit AWISH CLINIC- J-232, Pocket- J, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi- 110076
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dilfsisko · 4 months
The history of Botox is so funny. ‘I am going to put one of the most dangerous neurotoxins in the world in your face to see if it stops your eyes from fucking up. Holy shit where did your crows feet go’
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consult-sherlockholmes · 10 months
What's your favourite kind of bacteria?
The genus Clostridium has many interesting bacteria, and my favourite of all bacteria is Clostridium botulinum, and close second is Clostridium tetani. Who doesn't love the bacteria that produces the most potent toxin known to humans?
But Yersinia pestis and Bacillus anthracis are also very fascinating. The deadlier, the more fun interesting they are. You also have to watch out for the MDR bacteria.
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tweedstoat · 2 months
Death and destruction to all Wellness influencers/believers ofc but if you ever wanted evidence that their entire worldview of "health" is based on outward markers of wealth and social status (thinness and attractiveness) I present without comment this image of an equinox rooftop exercise class in New York City when smog and pollution levels from wildfire smoke were the worst in the world and the air quality was stated to be "hazardous for all residents"
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Botulinum Toxin is so weird.
She's like... I'm the deadliest toxin known to man.
I'm favoured by celebrities as an anti-aging injection.
I can help with migraines and muscle spasms.
Get yourself a girl who can do everything.
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galanissurgery · 1 year
Double Chin Surgery in CA
One of the benefits of chin liposuction is the relatively quick recovery time. Most patients can resume their normal activities within a few days, with minimal discomfort and bruising. Using advanced techniques, Dr. Galanis will make tiny incisions in discreet locations to access the targeted areas.
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lilnasxvevo · 7 months
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puppybong · 7 months
tim: do you think your metabolism would nullify the effects of poison
bart: i don’t know i don’t usually spend my free time drinking chemicals.stupid fucking question
tim: do you—
bart: yeah sure
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