#box truck graffiti
fixedgearbacon · 8 months
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Graffiti on trucks, May 2022
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houseshoesandtallboys · 4 months
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wallsandtrains · 2 months
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WAND - 2012 - San Francisco
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r1sk0ne · 3 months
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Caught a box truck bombed in Smyrna
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grossgraff · 9 months
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afrotumble · 4 months
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📷 Gail
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Graffiti Box Truck in Minneapolis.
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keirawantstocry · 5 months
fitpacbo moving in together
that’s all
so true. cheering and clapping
Tubbo heaved a sigh as he set down the large box in the living room of his new apartment. His dumbass boyfriends were both still taking some of the largest boxes out of the moving truck, trying to compete to see who could lift the most. So Tubbo took the opportunity to look around the apartment. 
It wasn’t a large apartment, not with their budget and three kids but it was still a nice size. The living room had a nice little fake fireplace that Tubbo and Pac had been discussing how to figure out to make into a real fireplace. Fit advised them it was a horrible idea but Pac and Tubbo had easily brushed his concerns off. 
The kitchen was small but functional, Tubbo was sure nobody but Fit would be in it anyway. Right beyond the kitchen was their bedroom. They made sure to buy a king bed so they could all sleep together. And beyond their bedroom was the kids’ room. Tubbo grinned. He couldn’t wait to decorate it. Sunny had been nearly bouncing off the walls of their old room in excitement over the idea of being able to decorate. She and Pac had talked for hours about all the painting that they were going to do to her walls, all the graffiti. 
The door swung open again behind him and he whirled around to see Fit and Pac smiling at him from the entrance. 
“Hey, wanna help us with this?” Fit asked, angling his chin toward the box they were carrying in between them. 
“Oh yeah!” Tubbo dropped the box in his hands to come help them lower the large box onto the floor. “How did you two only manage to bring one box in?” 
“We tried our best,” Pac said, sticking his lip out in a frown. “It’s not our fault.” 
Fit laughed, crossing his arms over his chest. “I didn’t see you out there trying to help us.” 
“I was busy,” Tubbo said with an eye roll turning back to the walls. “I’m thinking we paint the living room blue.” 
“Hell yeah!” 
“You two want to paint everything blue,” Fit protested. 
Tubbo and Pac exchanged looks. “It’s a diverse, beautiful color,” Pac said. “You really aren’t appreciating it enough.” 
“Yeah what color do you want our walls to be? Fucking green?” Tubbo said. 
Fit stuttered in protest. “Hey! It’s a good color.” 
“It’s the color of puke,” Tubbo shot back. 
“It’s the color of trees,” Fit countered.
“Yeah and fucking dog shit.”  
“You're gross, man. Not everything needs to be so nasty.” 
“Suck my dick.” 
“The kids are right outside, can you two not do this right now?” Pac reminded them. 
They both gave him sheepish looks and apologized. 
“Yeah, let's not fight over something as stupid as the color of the walls. We have plenty of time to decide how we want to decorate the place. And plenty of people to ask,” Fit said just as the kids barreled through the front door with matching grins.
“Speak of the little devils,” Fit teased. 
They all laughed, grabbing onto his legs. “Dad,” they all signed frantically as best as they could with their arms wrapped around his legs. 
“Show us to our room?” Sunny signed happily, bouncing around. 
“Yeah!!” Both Richas and Ramón agreed frantically. 
“Okay, okay,” Fit agreed, reaching down to rustle each of their little heads. “Let's go check it out, little darlings.”
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What Comes Around: Chapter 5
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Mafia! Afab Reader Synopsis: (Y/N) faces the dangerous consequences of Gino’s ruthless orders while overseeing a shipment of fear gas. As Red Hood and Nightwing stage a daring rescue, (Y/N)'s vulnerability is exposed, deepening the bond between them and Red Hood amidst a harrowing escape. (Y/N) = your name (l/n) = last name Content Warnings: Violence and gunfire, Intense emotional distress, Threats of harm and physical pain
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The warehouse loomed on the outskirts of Gotham’s industrial district, its faded, graffiti-covered brick walls crumbling under the weight of years of neglect. Rusted steel doors lined the perimeter, barely hanging on their hinges. High above, shattered windows allowed cold, silver shafts of moonlight to spill into the dim interior, casting broken light patterns across the dust-laden floors.
(Y/N) stood near the loading dock, their silhouette sharp against the gloom, watching with a critical eye as their crew hauled the crates of fear gas from the truck. The crates were heavy, marked with ominous warning labels, and the faint hiss of compressed gas leaked from some of the containers as they were hastily unloaded. The low hum of machinery filled the air, punctuated by the occasional metallic clank as crates were stacked carelessly onto nearby shelves.
A dim overhead light flickered, casting erratic shadows that played tricks on the eyes. The warehouse smelled of chemicals and decay, the pungent scent mixing with the natural grime that covered the walls and floor. (Y/N)’s crew worked in silence, their movements quick and efficient, their faces set with grim determination.
(Y/N) crossed their arms, the weight of Gino’s orders heavy on their shoulders as they observed the shipment being tucked away in the corner of the warehouse. The sickly yellow hue from the flickering lights above painted the scene in a sinister glow, adding to the oppressive atmosphere. They knew that eyes were on them—Matthis and Gino had made sure of that. Somewhere, they were watching, waiting for (Y/N) to slip up.
(Y/N) could feel the weight of their eyes, causing shivers to crawl down their spine. Shaking off the chill, they turned toward the crew, who nearly dropped a box of the dangerous gas. “Watch it, you idiots!” (Y/N) screamed, marching over to the two young mafia members. “This stuff is highly dangerous. Are you trying to get us caught?” The young men shivered under (Y/N)’s icy glare. “N-no, boss, we’ll be more careful,” one of them squeaked, his eyes darting around, avoiding (Y/N)’s gaze. Sighing, (Y/N) relaxed, closing their eyes as they rubbed the bridge of their nose. “Just—just be more careful,” they said before turning on their heel and heading back to the loading dock. The familiar static of the comms crackled to life, followed by Gino’s grumbling voice, “(Y/N), you’ve grown soft.” His voice was strained, his anger palpable even over the comms. (Y/N) sighed, pressing the button on the small device. “They’re kids, Gino,” they said, their voice trembling. A deep, chilling laugh echoed through the comm. “They’re just kids,” Gino mocked. “I don’t care. Shoot them next time.” (Y/N) shuddered at the command, their eyes scanning the warehouse as they watched their crew continue to unload the crates of fear gas. They couldn’t explain to Gino how wrong this all was. (Y/N) wasn’t like Gino; they wouldn’t kill without reason, especially not such young people who, in their opinion, shouldn’t be involved in the mafia at all. (Y/N) had no one left; Gino had made sure of that, in ways that left (Y/N) shouldering the blame. Unbeknownst to (Y/N) and their crew, two dark figures observed from a nearby rooftop. Red Hood let out a small, disgruntled sigh as he lowered the binoculars, extending them toward Nightwing. “I don’t like this, ‘Wing. They look like a caged animal. (Y/N) seems scared,” he grunted.
Nightwing nodded as he took the binoculars, his gaze following the groups of (Y/N)’s crew hauling crates of what appeared to be fear gas into the dilapidated warehouse. His focus zeroed in on (Y/N). “They look anxious, flinching every time they hear the person on the other end of the comms. Do you think it’s this Gino person?” he asked, noting (Y/N)’s repeated flinches whenever the comms crackled to life. “They look like they want to throw up. Very unusual for a mafia member,” he added, turning to Red Hood, who looked ready to storm in with guns blazing. “What’s the plan here, Red Hood?”
Red Hood grunted, running a hand along the top of his helmet. “They’re scared, ‘Wing. They didn’t tell me much. Probably too afraid that Gino would find out. They did leave this address on Benny’s rooftop for me to find. All it said was this address and ‘Fear,’” he said, standing up fully. “The plan is to attack and fake arrest (Y/N) without hurting them. It’s the best way to get them out of this and to gather more information.”
Nightwing mulled over this, his hand coming up to his chin as he considered the new information. This operation could go south quickly if they weren’t careful, and it would be worse if Gino was present. “What if Gino is here? Or worse, if he’s here and they shoot (Y/N) before we get the chance to save them?” he asked, trying to anticipate every possible outcome.
“I know, ‘Wing, but it’s a risk we have to take. You weren’t there that night. You didn’t hear how their voice shook when they said, ‘Because if I do, you will die.’ It was like their entire will to fight was gone. Something happened, and even if we don’t fully trust them, I think there’s more to this story than meets the eye. We need to find out what’s going on in this city.”
Nightwing nodded, his gaze refocusing on the operation. “Let’s do this,” he said, reaching for his Escrima sticks and holding them at his sides in a relaxed stance. Red Hood nodded in response, drawing his pistols and ensuring the safeties were off.
Nightwing and Red Hood moved stealthily across the rooftop, their figures merging with the shadows. Nightwing held up a gloved hand to signal Red Hood as they reached the edge, peering down at the warehouse below. The building's rundown facade was barely illuminated by flickering streetlights, casting eerie shadows across the loading area. (Y/N)’s crew was busy moving crates marked with ominous symbols, the fear gas inside barely visible in the dim light. Nightwing pulled a smoke grenade from his utility belt and gave Red Hood a brief nod. With a quick flick of his wrist, Nightwing tossed the grenade toward the warehouse entrance. It landed with a soft thud, and a thick, swirling cloud of white smoke erupted, quickly shrouding the area in an opaque haze.
Red Hood and Nightwing descended swiftly from the rooftop, slipping through a side entrance now obscured by the dense smoke. Inside, the warehouse was a labyrinth of crates and industrial shelving, shadows playing tricks on their senses as the smoke rolled in.
As the smoke thickened, Red Hood and Nightwing sprang into action. Red Hood, pistols drawn, fired non-lethal rounds with surgical precision. The bullets struck mafia members with sharp impacts, sending them crashing to the ground or stumbling away from the fight. Red Hood moved with ruthless efficiency, aiming to incapacitate rather than kill.
Nightwing fought with his Escrima sticks, darting between crates and using his environment to his advantage. His strikes were rapid and controlled, targeting key pressure points to bring down opponents without causing fatal harm. He maneuvered through the smoke, his movements deliberate and strategic.
(Y/N) coughed as the thick smoke obscured their vision, the acrid haze mixing with the relentless sounds of gunfire and the pained grunts of those around them. Their heart pounded in their chest, each beat echoing louder in the chaos. (Y/N) flinched as a firm grip clamped down on their arm, the robotic distortion of Red Hood’s voice modifier cutting through the din. “Come on,” Red Hood commanded, his voice clipped and urgent.
With a powerful tug, Red Hood wrenched (Y/N)’s arm behind them, forcing their wrist up between their shoulder blades. The pain was sharp, almost dislocating (Y/N)’s shoulder, and they let out a muffled cry. “Wing, I’ve got them! Let’s move!” Red Hood barked, shoving (Y/N) in front of him as he pushed toward the exit.
As the smoke thickened and the chaos inside the warehouse reached a fever pitch, Gino’s gruff voice cut through the haze with a menacing edge. The deep, guttural laugh that followed seemed to resonate with the darkness of the scene, sending a shiver through the room. His figure emerged from the swirling smoke, a silhouette of formidable presence against the billowing gray.
Gino stood tall and imposing, his tailored suit contrasting sharply with the grimy surroundings. The sharp lines of his expensive, dark suit and the glint of his polished shoes were out of place in the run-down warehouse, marking him as an outsider to this rough environment. His face was partially obscured by the haze, but his steely eyes, narrowed in anger, were unmistakably visible. The small pistol he brandished was steady in his hand, the metal catching what little light filtered through the smoke.
He advanced slowly, each step deliberate and calculated, his movements echoing with the clink of his leather gloves adjusting his grip on the gun. The sharp, predatory smile on his face was a stark contrast to the pain in his voice as he shouted, “Move and I shoot, Red Hood.” The threat was as much about power as it was about intimidation, his voice carrying an undercurrent of raw, unfiltered menace.
Gino’s eyes locked onto (Y/N), and a dark, satisfied glint sparked in his gaze as he took in their visible distress. His expression, a mix of cruel amusement and contempt, revealed his utter disregard for (Y/N)’s suffering. “Think you can just waltz out of here with them?” he sneered, his voice laced with menacing confidence.
As Red Hood immediately fired his pistol, Gino’s reaction was immediate. He let out a sharp cry of pain, the bullet striking his shoulder with a resounding thud. The impact made him stagger back, a grimace of pain flashing across his face. He clutched his wounded arm, his anger flaring into a more frantic rage. The pistol wobbled slightly in his grasp as he struggled to steady himself, his face contorting in a grimace of both pain and fury.
Despite his injury, Gino’s resolve remained unbroken. His eyes, though pained, were still cold and calculating as he watched Red Hood drag (Y/N) away. The frustration in his voice was palpable as he shouted after them, “You think this is over? I’ll find you. And when I do, there will be consequences.” His figure was enveloped by the smoke.
Taking advantage of Gino’s distraction, Red Hood dragged (Y/N) forcefully toward the exit, his grip unyielding. Nightwing was right behind them, his figure cutting through the smoke as he followed closely. The urgency of their escape was palpable, the tension mounting as they navigated the remaining obstacles.
As Red Hood and Nightwing pulled Renee out of the warehouse, they maneuvered into a narrow alley, the surrounding walls providing a brief respite from the chaos. The city loomed ahead, its labyrinth of lights and shadows stretching out below them. The cool, crisp night air was a jarring contrast to the intense heat and chaos they had just escaped. Red Hood maintained a firm grip on Renee ready to make their next move.
Nightwing took the lead, his grappling hook already at the ready. He fired it toward a nearby building, the hook securing with a satisfying clang. With a quick, practiced motion, he swung up to the roof. He looked back at Red Hood and (Y/N), his expression intense. “Come on!”
Red Hood’s grip tightened around (Y/N) as he quickly detached the grappling hook from his utility belt. With a swift, practiced motion, he fired the hook toward the next rooftop, the cable whizzing through the air before catching securely on the edge of the building. The sudden jerk as the hook anchored itself was felt through the line, but Red Hood’s focus remained unwavering.
He wrapped his arm firmly around (Y/N)’s waist, pulling them close to his side for support. As he activated the mechanism, the pair was launched into the air, the world blurring around them. The city lights below seemed to stretch and distort as they soared through the night sky. The sensation of weightlessness was brief but intense, ending abruptly as they slammed down onto the rooftop with a heavy thud. Red Hood’s boots skidded slightly as he steadied himself, his heart pounding from the adrenaline.
As the hook retracted and the cable slacked, Red Hood swiftly unfastened it, keeping a vigilant eye on their surroundings. He released (Y/N) from his hold, the momentary respite allowing him to assess their condition. (Y/N) collapsed onto their knees, their body trembling uncontrollably. Their complexion seemed to lose its vitality, giving them an ashen appearance. Each breath came out in shallow, ragged bursts, the effort visibly taxing their strength. Their eyes darted around erratically, desperately trying to focus on the shifting surroundings as their vision constricted to a narrow, flickering tunnel. Red Hood’s gaze hardened with concern as he saw the signs of (Y/N)’s collapse. His breath caught beneath his helmet as he swore under his breath. “Damn it,” he muttered harshly, crouching beside (Y/N). Their eyes fluttered erratically, rolling back into their head as consciousness slipped away. Red Hood’s gloved hand reached out urgently, his fingers brushing against (Y/N)’s skin as they slumped forward, their eyelids falling shut.
With a grim determination, Red Hood quickly lifted (Y/N) into his arms, cradling them carefully, their body limp in his grip. Nightwing, who had been keeping watch, joined him, his expression grim as he assessed the situation. “We need to get them to the safe house now,” Nightwing urged, his voice taut with worry.
Red Hood nodded, his face set in a determined scowl. “I’ve got them,” he said, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. He adjusted his grip on (Y/N), ensuring they were secure before signaling to Nightwing. With a shared look of resolve, they resumed their rooftop escape, moving quickly yet cautiously as they carried (Y/N) toward safety.
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Well, I hope everyone enjoyed the action in this chapter. I really hope this shows how much even if Jason isn't happy about this, he listened to when you talked. Luckily the next chapter will be a bit calmer.
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Lexington KY
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wallsandtrains · 2 months
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ENRON - 2012 - San Francisco
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asfodelle · 11 months
Hello, hello, here's the first scene of the one-shot I've been writing the last few months. It's about a 'He Tian is involved in the mob and returns occasionally tho feelings never leave' situationship neither can walk out of, Mo is a boxer, there's a touch of religious themes, made myself cry writing it, it's a blast.
1. May 5th 7:12 p.m. - Bell
Before leaving the car, He Tian lets out a long sigh, blowing smoke. He should probably get to praying.
The door snaps shut, echoing in the small street he parked in. Past the intersection he hears kids chatting, going home for dinner maybe. He Tian takes a second to watch himself in the reflection of his tinted windows. He readjusts the collar of his shirt, brushes his pants wrinkled from the long hours of driving, throws his hair backwards and the damp air soon gets him to fold his sleeves up. He doesn’t look so bad, he thinks. Tired. He rubs his face with both hands to bring back some color to his cheeks, then under his eyes as if he could dim the blue tint that’s been settling there, but it doesn’t have very conclusive results. He starts walking.
The entrance of the old warehouse is slightly different from the last time he’s seen it. It looks more welcoming, but it might just be a trick of the light. The peach clouds of the spring evening just paint a nicer ambiance than the grey winter sky did, last January. The gates have been adorned by new tags that have been sprayed on top of the old faded ones and there are flyers encouraging people to join the Sunday mass down the street glued all over, though they don’t reach very high. He Tian imagines a troop of old women roaming the streets, spreading the holy word but his little game of guesswork doesn’t help him relax one bit. 
He gets in front of the door, a smaller entrance within the large sealed gate that used to let trucks in and out of the warehouse. He grips the handle for a second, takes a long inhale and gets in. His eyes slowly adjust to the dimmer lighting but he quickly notes that, contrary to its facade, the inside of the place hasn’t changed much since the last time he saw it. Between high walls of concrete and sheets of metal lie mismatched sets of equipment. Barbells, slick black punching bags, discolored benches of various sorts, a couple old bikes in the back, punch mitts forgotten over a pile of cardboards. A few training boxing rings give shape to the room, the space between them gives the illusion of corridors. The walls are covered in overlapping posters, the grey disrupted by layers on layers of paint and graffitis that even cover the high windows. They let small rays of tinted light in like the stained glass of a church, though the candles are replaced by tens of flickering LEDs lights. There are a few people here and there, busy with dumbbells or talking in their little spot but the room is so wide they can’t be heard. Stairs crawl by the walls leading to more rooms and places He Tian had never been to. Music resonates, low and muffled from a speaker somewhere in a corner.
In the middle of the room stands another ring, a bright red one standing higher than the rest, with white thick cords. When He Tian sees him, he’s sat there, on the side of the wooden platform the red ring rests on. He's listening attentively to a trio of teenagers, leaning backwards on his hands. 
Guan Shan had taken a liking to boxing in high school. A good outlet, he said, one that taught him to measure his emotions. It stuck through the years and he’s been great at it. Then he started giving advice to newcomers, to give some of spare time to help young blood he saw himself in and slowly it transformed into actual lessons and training sessions he holds after work. These kids have been coming here for a couple years now, He Tian remembers them. They are reenacting punches and kicks, arguing and giggling over different combinations and they turn to their coach for approval whenever they get a new idea. He nods along and fixes their posture a couple times, something soft in his eyes. He looks beautiful. Toned and pale as ever, the bare skin of his chest clashes with the black shorts and the tattoos that spangle his body. He Tian stands close to the entrance, leaning cross-armed, his shoulder against a pillar and keeps on watching over him though he struggles to truly appreciate the contrast of colors due to the fifth character in the scene.
A guy he doesn’t know is sitting close to Guan Shan, too close. His hair is an ugly shade of bleached blond and he keeps looking at Guan Shan whenever he speaks with big dumb eyes, mouth agape and enamored. He looks young, but maybe He Tian only feels so much older than his age. He looks stupid.
He Tian hasn’t moved but Guan Shan suddenly lifts his head and catches him right away, as if he’d known all along where he was hiding. The way his eyes widen for a second betray his surprise however but he quickly regains control over his face. It seems like he excuses himself from his little group, the blonde argues something, he wants to follow but he’s brushed away by a dismissing hand.
Guan Shan glances back to He Tian’s shadowy corner and starts moving towards the closed rooms in the back of the building, grabbing a few boxes on the way. He Tian traces behind him with a confident walk and ignores how all of his body stiffens with apprehension, every single muscle a little too tight. Guan Shan enters the room first and He Tian follows a few seconds after. He closes the door behind them. The handle creaks and his hands are sweaty.
It’s not quite messy in here, but the little office room is packed. The desk is covered with stacks of papers, cardboard boxes are neatly piled up in the back of the room; some are already opened and uncover the gloves, the tapes and bandages they hold. The window is open too, letting in the noise of the city. Guan Shan sets the boxes he carried over on top of one of the piles and gets to fumbling in his bag, almost turning his back to the door where He Tian stands.
« Hi. » he tries, and braces himself for what’s coming. 
« You know it’s fucking weird creeping in corners like this? »
He Tian pinches his lips in a thin line.
« Why are you here? » Guan Shan asks then, still busying himself in his bag. He doesn’t sound angry, just a little cold, maybe annoyed at the disturbance.
« I’ve got some business to handle in town. »
« I thought you were abroad until September. » Guan Shan muses, finding the shirt he seemed to be looking after, a large black one. He Tian follows his hands and notices he has splatters of white and red paint over his forearms, his short nails are stained too.
« The schedule is never really steady. » 
Guan Shan scoffs. He Tian know that’s a first warning but he can’t help but focus on the way his muscles jolt, on the way they flex as he flips the shirt over. He tries to not lose his eyes on the curve of his biceps. It’s a struggle. 
« I negotiated a little. » He adds « Took over Cheng’s spot. »
Little negotiations that involved a precarious alliance, three weeks of tailing for intel and a couple of threats. It was worth it.
Carefully, He Tian moves away from the door, closer to Guan Shan. He probably shouldn’t, definitely shouldn’t yet he lifts a hand and reaches out to touch his bare back. Guan Shan freezes.
« I wanted to see you. » he explains, voice low as his knuckles trace the bumps of Guan Shan’s spine. It’s daring. It might earn him a hook but the pull is magnetic.
As their routine dictates, they hadn’t parted in very good terms the last time and for that, coming back to him is always a gamble. A game of Russian roulette even and quite a dangerous version of it; one where he never even knew how many bullets were hidden in the cylinder, each of them taking a different shape. At times He Tian had handled days of scowling looks and a soft kiss that had left him bleeding out, he had received sharp words from petty fights without wincing but just the weight of Guan Shan’s rehearsed indifference could pierce his lungs and leave him breathless. He will take the hits, he does not care. It’s a game they’ve played for years now and as long as the other still accepts to pull the trigger on him, he’d take anything. After all, He Tian is the one who bound the gun to his hand in the first place.
A punch never lands this time. Guan Shan sighs, his shoulders drop then he turns around and throws his arms around He Tian’s neck, knocking the air out of him all the same. He Tian holds back tightly, and finally breathes out, his fingertips digging into hot freckled skin.
« I missed you. » He Tian whispers. What a fucking understatement. 
The arms around his neck tighten in response, only for a brief second before they hear loud noise by the door. Their embrace ends as quick as it started, Guan Shan stepping back and turning to put on the shirt he had discarded a second ago. He glares at the door, expecting it to open at any moment but thankfully, the people outside only pass by. 
« I’m training the kids all evening, and there’s a party at eleven, but I don’t think it’ll stay long. » Guan Shan says when the room has quieted down enough. 
« I’ll pick you up then. »
Guan Shan nods. That should be He Tian’s cue to leave, he has a couple things to settle tonight anyway but the other looks as if he’s pondering over something. He Tian catches how amber eyes roam over his face, for a brief moment they even settle on his mouth, but then return to the door. 
« Get lost. » he tells He Tian, tilting his head towards the door but there’s no bite into it.
When He Tian gets back to the car, his cheeks hurt. In the tinted window, his smile might look shy but it’s wider than it’s been in the last four months.
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grossgraff · 8 months
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atiny-for-life · 8 months
Ateez's Full Storyline Explained - Part 23
Youth (A-World)
I'm a bit reluctant to talk about this one since it's clearly a very personal song for both Yunho and Mingi so I will, once again, stick strictly to the visual parts of the MV and steer clear of the lyrics
We open on Yunho and Mingi running along a dirt path between two open fields toward a small wooden cabin, its windows lit up
Given the protagonists in the other two unit MVs prior to this one, we can already assume that these two are from the Halazia World as well so we won't be able to rely on any diary entries or other past knowledge outside that one MV and its associated promo-material and worldbuilding
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They reach the building and Mingi peeks through one of the dusty windows and we get to look at a scene from his past
His past self, scratched up cheek and blood around the corner of his mouth, is sitting across a masked man in the shabby interior of the cabin
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Speculating on the identity of the man is not yet needed as we'll get more hints toward his identity in a second; however, it is noteworthy that a gramophone can be seen on the chest of drawers - it seems music was not yet outlawed when this took place
We move on to Yunho who's also looking through another window into his past which consists of a garage-like room filled with instruments, tools, a beat-up looking car and sound-muffling rugs, boxed in by walls covered in graffiti
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Since I assume they didn't have timelord-technology when they built this cabin, we can gather that they're not actually looking into these rooms but are rather thinking back to their lives in the other world - the cabin is simply a symbol of their past
It's likely, though, that it's located in the same place as their hideout back in their world since they specifically sought it out
We return to Mingi who's now being confronted by multiple masked men in a rather run-down looking police interrogation room
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It could be that these guys are working directly under Henry Jo - elites, maybe, or a human version of the Android Guardians from Z-World
Either way, we can conclude that Mingi, and potentially other Black Pirates, were involved in some kind of scuffle during which Mingi was injured and arrested
They're likely now trying to get him to rat out the rest of the Black Pirates or maybe they're just pissed at his attitude or behavior
Either way, Mingi visibly doesn't back down - instead, he snaps back before putting in his earbuds and looking away (behavior that is reminiscent of Mingi in the A-World, specifically in the Diary Film)
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After this, we cut to shots of current-day Yungi performing in an abandoned parking-garage-like building, followed by a more artistic shot
We see a row of full-body mirrors showing Mingi in a suit and glasses - all polished and business, alongside a more translucent version of Yunho in a similar get-up
Is this what they were pressured to look like? Is it what society expected of them, what they were forced to conform to? It's likely.
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Much like in IT's You, albeit more violently and blatantly, the screen shatters as he punches one of the mirrors to signify his breaking point as he recalls past trauma
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In their business suits and among the shards, they both dance with a row of Black Pirates between them before they break formation and spread out more freely to continue their performance
We get some pretty shots of Yungi on the roof of the cabin and with a nearby parked truck before we return to Yungi in his past
He's standing by the beat-up looking car and it looks... truly wrecked, potentially burnt and with a smashed in driver's side window
Did his older brother die too, like A-World Yunho's? If so, is this some Across the Spider-Verse type thing where certain fixed events cannot be avoided?
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It's definitely a possibility, given the emotional outburst during which Yunho grabs an electric guitar and proceeds to bash it into the car's windshield
The trauma-related anger aligns with Seonghwa and Hongjoong's in Matz - but who can blame them?
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And like Hongjoong and Seonghwa, he also has a tendency for expressing his trauma further by committing arson
As we see him perform near the car wreck, the flames are already licking away behind the glass panes in the background
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Clearly, Mingi had the same idea as we see him stand in front of the now burning cabin before Yunho steps up beside him
While Mingi seems transfixed by the flames, Yunho looks over to check on him
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Mingi meets his eyes a moment later before we cut back to their performance in suits which transitions to the same choreo performed in front of the burning cabin
A few more flashes of their past and them running on the dirt path before we end with the title card as they stand there, side-by-side, while the symbol of their trauma burns to the ground
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vulpinesaint · 7 months
by the way. gravity by maura o'connor.
Gravity by Maura O’Connor
Today I am fragile pale twitching insane and full of purpose.
I’m thinking of my lover: my soft hips pressing his coarse belly my tongue on a salmon nipple, his hand buried in my thick orange hair the telephone ringing.
I’m thinking we tend our illnesses  as if they are our children: fevered screaming demanding attention and twenty dollar bills, hours we could have spent making love with the television on.
Faith is a series of calculations made by an idiot savant. I’m in love. I’m alone in this city of painted boxes stacked like alphabet blocks spelling nothing.
There are things I know: trees don’t sing birds don’t sprout leaves the sky never turns to wine roses bloom because that’s what roses do, whether we write poems for them or not.
I concentrate on small things:  ivy threaded through chain link, giveaway kittens huddled in a soggy cardboard box, a fat man blowing harmonica through a beard of rusty wires brown birds chattering furiously on power lines.
I try not to think about lung cancer, AIDS, the chemicals in the rain; things I can’t imagine any more than a color I’ve never seen
My heart is graffiti on the side of a subway train, a shadow on the wall made by a child. Nothing has been fair since my first skinned knee I believe death must be.
I cling to love as if it were an answer. I go on buying eggs and bread,  boots and corsets, knowing I’ll burn out before the sun.
I’m thinking of the days I tried to stay awake while the billboards and T.V. ads for condoms, microwave brownies, and dietetic jello lulled me to sleep.
A brown-eyed girl once told me a secret that should have blown this city into a mass of unconnected atoms Our sewage is piped to the sea.  Beggars in the street are hated for having the nerve to die in public. 
Charity requires paperwork, Relief requires medication
as if we were the afterthoughts of institutions greater than our rage.
Gravity chains us to the asphalt with such grace we think it is kind.
We all go on buying lottery tickets Diet Coke and toothpaste as if the sky over our heads were the roof of a gilded cage.
We provide evidence that we were here: initials cut into cracked vinyl bus seats, into trees growing from squares in concrete, a name left on a stone, an office building, a flower, a disease, a museum a child.
Tonight the stars glitter like rhinestones on a black suede glove.
In the coffin my room has become,  I talk to God about the infrequency of the rain about people who can’t see the current of gentleness running under the pale crust of my skin.
I tell him under the jackhammer crack, the diesel truck rumble, even the clicking sound traffic lights make switching from yellow to red, there is a silence swallowing every song, conversation, every whisper made beside graves or in the twisted white sheets of love.
I tell him I can’t fill it with dark wine, blue pills, a pink candle lit at the altar the lover touching my hair.
God doesn’t answer. God doesn’t know our names.
He’s only the architect designing the places we occupy like high rise offices or ant hills
I know this  the way I know sunrise and sunset are caused by the endless turning of the Earth.
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hazbinextgeneration · 10 months
Housed Hearts Ch4 New Home New Faces
(Dom Hus belongs to Bileshroom. Art is by me. From here on out I will reference and use info from the games House Hunted 1 and 2 by Mortisfox. I don't know if Dom will be canon to the story or not but I wanted to add him as a fun cameo.)
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It was so helpful of Ivy to help her locate an affordable car in her price range.
Rose had decided that she was definitely going to get a car and desperately needed it after painfully carrying one heavy box after another all the way a few streets over to Heim's house only to repeat the process three times. Her arms and back were sore for a bit after. Although Heim seemed ecstatic to find out Rose would be the one to personally work with him now. Although Rose decided then and there that taking the bus would not be convenient anymore. So it was off to the local newspapers and net for any ads for a pre-owned car. No way she could afford a brand new model. However she happened to mention her search in passing to Ivy when she called to check in on how the first day of her new job and not a few days later she mentioned to her about someone who she knew that needed to sell his old pick up truck. It wasn't the best by any means, and the truck definitely needed some work done but it was a functional truck. It drove her places and it was something she could afford so Rose didn't complain about it so much. It definitely helped her in delivering those heavy boxes to Heim. Speaking of Heim, he seemed to be doing better in life too. By now all the small cracks in his outer shell had disappeared, his lawn was better full and green, and the graffiti bit was gone from his inner illusions and the 'sofa' was no longer looking torn. Still scuffed up but no longer torn up. Obviously he still had a long way to go especially with the state of his roof but it was a great start! So she continued to feed him between the feedings he'd already get from the Mayor's office. Although he still insisted on eating large amounts of fast foods. So maybe it wasn't the nutrition of the food that was helping him but the fact he was being kept constantly full? Or maybe the addition of nutritious foods was boosting his body's healing abilities?
She wasn't sure which one it was but she was glad that it was working out. She also slowly began to trust Heim more and more until it was to the point she felt comfortable with just walking right in. Although Rose still refused to be inside Heim whenever he digested anything. Not that she didn't trust him at this point but she'd rather not be in the same place as digesting food. Luckily Heim was nice enough to understand completely and didn't make a big deal about her decision. She had become friends with a REALTOR. Not sure anyone could claim that but it didn't bother her so much. It was nice to have a friend who didn't mind her view on things. Also the extra hundred dollars a month didn't hurt either. Things also seemed to be getting better for her. She had gotten a call from the housing department. They had found her a house for her at last! And it wasn't too far from here or from Heim as well even if it was a little bit farther away from her workplace than she'd like. Oh well. She wasn't going to complain about it now. 
She moved out of the apartment and organized a moving truck as soon as she could. Even telling Heim about it all. He seemed upset she wasn't going to be so close but she wasn't going to be too far away either. Still technically within walking distance for him. She'd be able to see him regularly still, after all he still needed help getting better. With everything still mostly packed it was only a matter of piling everything into a moving van, and driving to the address given to her. The drive was only an hour away and it was just on the outskirts of Normal Business District. A neat suburban district quiet and peaceful. Just like she wanted. She followed the address until she got to a nice looking small house with her moving van in front of it. Already there was a few movers lifting heavy objects out and slowly bringing them into the open garage. The house itself was a pretty cream color with a beige roofing. A decently sized front and back lawn was included in the package deal. Already she was planning out the garden she's always wanted. She'll plant beautiful flowers and a tree in the front and grow food in the back. Oh! She should also put a bird bath in the middle of the flowers! That'd really bring them together.
With a smile the truck slowly came to a park in front of the house and Rose exited to stand before her new home. This was it. Her very own house. After so long. She walked out onto the lawn with a smile. This was it. She was finally home. 
"Ah! Good evening!" She jumped and whirled around. Blinking widely as she came face to face with a red coat. She blinked for a moment before looking down. Black pants and..heels? Met her eye before she looked back up quickly and was met with the widely smiling face of an older man around six feet tall. He held his hands behind his back in a professional pose and tilted his head of grey hair at her. "I see you're a new face around here." He sounded both interested and slightly happy. "Are you perhaps with the gentlemen moving those boxes inside the home?"
Rose blinked taken aback. She hadn't even heard him walk up on her. Eventually she shook her head and looked up at him. "No. Technically not. I'm actually moving in."
"Ah! A buyer! HOME buyer that is," he quickly corrected himself. "Allow me to introduce myself." A hand was placed on his chest as he smiled proudly. "Maison Talo. Number one REALTOR in all of Uncanny Valley. And surely I can help you find your dream home today." Quickly the hand on his chest pulled out a card from his coat's breast pocket and held it out to her. "My card."
....Wait a darn minute.
Rose slowly took the card from his hand and looked it over. On it read 'Maison Talo #1 REALTOR Uncanny Valley' followed by a phone number. ....Oh. OH! Oh no. Now she knew why this felt so familiar to her. Her eye looked back up to the wide, proud smile on his face. It was another REALTOR. Only this time the lure cord on this REALTOR was well hidden unlike Heim's. Ah. So another encounter with the species happens. She smiled at the card before looking back up to this Mr. Talo and then did something that he might've never had done to him before.
"Thank you but I think you should have this back." With an amused smile she held the card right back to his face. "As you can see I already have a house and don't need your services."
The REALTOR's face dropped into one of stunned silence. He didn't say anything as he almost went cross eyed to stare at the card she so bluntly refused to take... before he quickly seemed to regain his composure and smiled again. He chuckled at her and slowly pushed her hand back to her. His skin had a similar plant texture to Heim although it was slightly different. A bit softer.
"Keep it! I'm sure I can find you a much more comfortable abode to dwell in than this simple, old structure of worn out wood.'' He insisted with a wider smile while subtly insulting her new home. Classy. "Give me a call if you change your mind. I have a home that's just STARVING for attention."
Her brow rose amused. "I'm sure you do. I'll surely think about it."
"I know you will. I bid you a good day my dear potential buyer."
He didn't say another word before turning on his heel and starting to walk away from her down the street from them. Amused she watched him walk away before looking down along his back until she got to his feet. Ah! And there was the lure cord sticking out from one of his pants leg. Clever. With an eye roll she turned back to her new home. Nice try but she wasn't about to fall for his tricks. Besides she had more important things to worry about. Like getting her furniture set up and transferring her mail here. Her first few days were rather busy. Furniture arrangements, work, and checking up on Heim being a few of them. But eventually everything came together and she was able to wind down enough to fully enjoy her home without being so busy. Now what? Well now seemed like a good time as any to go introduce herself to her new neighbors. So one Friday when she had work off and nothing else to do that day, that's exactly what she did. She started with the houses across from the street from her first. Knocking on doors and smiling at all kinds of faces. Smiling and introducing herself to them as the new neighbor. There was mixed responses and different faces. A sweet old lady. A sleepy looking business man. A friendly young couple. Cute little kid. An annoyed disheveled guy in a robe that slammed the door in her face-... Good times. Then she got to her side of the street doing the same thing. However she paused at one house. It was literally the one right next to hers to the left. It was your typical house. 
A VERY NICE looking house.
Two stories tall with a garage. The outside of which was surprisingly very clean looking and looked as if someone just finished building it and slapped on a fresh coat of paint. Not a shingle was missing and not a single dirt stain was on the homes walls. Even the windows looked clear as crystal. The lawn was perfectly maintained and grown lighting up a beautiful bright green that had her impressed. And lastly was a perfectly paved driveway leading up to the garage and sidewalk leading to the front door without a single crack in the concrete. But what was the most curious thing was the sign planted right smack dab in the middle of the yard that read 'House For Sale.'  Oh. Was the housing department also selling this house? It looked pretty nice but she doubted she'd be able to afford that. But a movement in one of the windows caught her eye. Someone just walked past one of the windows although it was too quick to see who it was. Ah. Guess whoever was selling the house hadn't moved out yet. Well if they were in the process of moving out then they weren't going to be here for much longer so they probably wouldn't know each other for very long. There was probably no reason for her to introduce herself to this neighbor then...But  she might as well since she was going around introducing herself. So with a smile she walked up the driveway and up to the door extending a hand to knock loudly on it. And waited. There was silence for a long moment before the doorknob turned and the door opened. Rose froze and the man on the other side blinked surprised.
It was the REALTOR she had encountered here days before!!
Mr. Talo stood there blinking in surprise at her before he seemed to shake off the initial shock to smile widely at her. "Well if it isn't my dear potential buyer!" He greeted brightly opening the door all the way. "I was right about you changing your mind about my offer I see! No doubt the luxurious sight of this one of a kind house caught your eye! Not that I blame you! It is quite a catch!" He proudly puffed out his chest.
Her eye blinked. ...Wait. If THIS was a REALTOR....Then that must mean this house was his- Her eye looked past him into the house behind him. It looked like a giant living room complete with a top leather sofa and other high end furniture that looked like they could've come from one of those fancy stores where everything was expensive. Everything also looked so clean and polished. Clearly whoever he was his illusions were top notch unlike Heim's. Although she knew those were only for show and nothing else. Rose looked back up to him as he smiled almost hungrily at her and took two steps back and shook her head.
"No. I'm just going around and introducing myself to everyone. Sorry. Besides I already have a home. Remember?" She gestured to her home literally right next to his house. "You were there when I was moving in."
His smile disappeared for a moment before it came back wider. "Ah. But you haven't seen a house quite like THIS one I assure you."
"And I can assure you that I already have.'' She then Crossed her arms and smiled. "I also know for certain that if I step inside you'll literally eat me alive." He paused the smile straining on his face. "So you'll excuse me if I refuse the offer."
The strained smile faded to a frown as he continued to stare at her before humming. "You are aware of me?"
"Of you and my friend who's also a REALTOR and a lot of your kind. I will say that you genuinely had me surprised. I wasn't expecting a REALTOR to literally be right next door." Her eye again scanned the insides before looking at him again with a smile. "But I'll give credit where it's due. I've never seen illusions so perfect and fancy looking. You must've had a lot of time to perfect your methods."
He blinked slowly at her as if caught off guard by the comment before smiling. "But of course! I am the number one REALTOR in Uncanny Valley after all!"
"Although I would change the color of your curtains." He again blinked and turned his head as she pointed inside. "The sickly yellow clashes with the walls. It would look better if they were white or a beige color."
"Oh..Is that so?" He hummed in thought as he narrowed his eyes at the illusions. "I'll keep that in mind." He then turned to her again smiling. "I don't suppose you'd like to come in and perhaps tell me more of your thoughts? You seem to have an eye for decor."
She chuckled. "Nice try but no. It was nice meeting you Mr. Talo but I have other neighbors to introduce myself to. You have a nice day."
He blinked as she then turned on her heel and started to walk away before again turning to his  insides and humming again. "White eh?"
Rose was just happy to get out of there despite the fact that he hadn't made a move to grab her or anything. Luckily he hadn't. She's heard horror stories of REALTORS starting to grab people to eat like flies in a Venus fly trap but he hadn't tried that. He just seemed insistent on her to come inside which was a red flag and a dead give away. But she had other things to worry about other than a REALTOR living next door. Like her work and finally getting her garden set up. All she needed was some materials and a few plants from work. Surely they wouldn't mind her borrowing a few things if she asked her bosses nicely and explain it was for her garden. 
During her stay there she had been infact informed that she was going to be assigned to feed yet another REALTOR by the name of Dom Hus. According to the address she was given, he was in fact located almost on the other side of Normal Business District but still within driving distance to herself. Alright. No problem. Although she was going to be delivering Heim's boxes first. The new address brought her near the middle of the district and into a similar suburban area only it was more upper class with slightly bigger houses and that look where you could tell that this was probably where all those well off business people in this district lived. Her old pick up truck sure looked plain compared to all them. Eventually she came to a giant blue house that was only two stories but was rather large. White trimming framed the windows and doorways and on the top roof was two chimneys. Similar to Mr. Talo's home, this was a very nice looking house. With the truck parked, Rose excited and went for the back seat where the first of a few boxes were stationed. Whomever this REALTOR was, they sure must've been more on the carnivorous side because most of the boxes labeled for this guy was meat. Mostly prime cut steaks. With the first box in her arms, Rose walked slowly up the driveway however she wasn't expecting to look back up and literally come face to face with the REALTOR whom wasn't there a moment before...Or if he was she didn't notice because he was standing to her right which was her blind side. 
A pair of footsteps approaching caught the tall man's attention. His back was to her at first but his head had turned and saw her. "Ah. There you are."
Rose jumped at the male voice jolting up and to the right before pausing again. Sweet fuzzy regular guys. THIS GUY WAS HUGE!! He must've at least been almost eight feet tall!! His body's colors matched the theme of the house as well. His hair was a snow white with his eyes being a blur sclera and white pupil. A deep blue coat with white stripes was thrown over a white turtleneck sweater while the pants and shoes he spotted were a black. And like all REALTORS he spotted some form of house pin and a pocket where she spotted a few cards sticking out. Rose could only stare as he smiled widely at her hands held behind his back. 
"I was expecting you sooner or later," he spoke calmly and Rose could see the fangs inside his mouth. The eyes he had went from her face to the box she carried. "Ah. And I was certainly expecting this." He turned his full front to her now swaying the thick cord jutting out from his neck. HOLY COW!! This guy looked pretty strong! "You even delivered it in record time. Marvelous!"
.... Eventually Rose shook her head before giving a slightly weary smile up at him. "Right. If you were the one expecting me then that must make you a Mister Dom Hus. Am I correct about that?"
He chuckled deeply before leaning over at the waist and she remained calm as he tilted his head at her. "You are. My I have the name of my new provider in return?"
"Rose Willow. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Hus." She then held up the box. "If you would be so kind to grab this I have to get the others."
He hummed as his attention went back to the box she held and a larger pleased grin spread across his face. "Oh. What do we have here?"
"Steak?" She blinked as he asked rather loudly and seemed to light up at her or more specifically the box she had. "I haven't had that in four months."
She blinked as he looked happy.. before leaning to left...and then giggled. Which caused him to look back at her in question. Her expression turned to one of amusement. "Your tail coats wag?" He immediately paused. "That's pretty cute."
Unlike the previous REALTORS his response was instant. Snapping his head back up and clearing his throat loudly. "Well...We all have our quirks." Again he smiled like he wasn't caught red handed doing something charactistally cute and she blinked as a rather large hand grabbed hers to hold it up to his face. "But traveling all the way here must have been exhausting for you. Perhaps I could offer you a spot indoors to sit down and relax for a while?"
Her brow rose. "How kind but flattery will get you no where, Mr. Hus."
He chuckled back. "Can't blame a house for trying. Perhaps next time."
Her hand was kissed by him and she rolled her eye. "Such a gentleman."
She was sure meeting a lot of interesting people with this new side gig. REALTORS were sure intriguing to meet... Although she was confused about one thing. If they wanted to assign her a new REALTOR to feed why did they give her one that was so far away when she was living right next to one? Or why give her a home next to a known REALTOR anyways?...They probably figured she'd be fine with it since she didn't mind Heim being around. It sure would've been nice to know she was going to be living next to one though. What if Maison had been one of those dangerous ones she's heard about? She could've been in danger. She'd be sure to call Ms. Ivy and tell her about her concerns hopefully this won't happen again then. Well imagine her surprise when she was pulling up into her driveway and spotted a certain REALTOR walking back up his own driveway.
"Good evening, Maison," she called from her position of getting out of the truck. At hearing his name, the REALTOR stopped and turned in question. Rose smiled and gave a wave before slamming the door closed behind her. "Out again? Isn't it getting a little late to do 'business'? I don't think too many people would be out this late. Then again this is a business district so maybe people are working all kinds of crazy hours around here."
Maison just...blinked as Rose spoke to him. His head looked around him as if questioning if he was the person she was talking to before deciding to greet her with his usual smile. "Ah! Well if it isn't my dear potential buyer! Why yes! After all being the number one REALTOR in all of Uncanny Valley means I am rather busy. Have to keep on top of I wish to live up to my name's sake. I've also been updating my furniture arrangements lately. Perhaps you'd like to come over and see for yourself."
"Yeah..No thank you. I think you should know by now that I won't be tricked into going inside but It's a good effort."
He was caught off again by the blunt tone and just kinda stood there staring at her for a while before humming and blinking. "...I see. Well what number one wouldn't I be if I was nothing but determined?"
"Uh huh." A low rumbling suddenly sounded out and it caught her off guard enough to jump and turn her head in the direction it came from. "What was that?"
It was then the smile strained on Maison's face and he seemed almost.. embarrassed? "*ahem* Well. It would seem that all this work has built up quite an appetite for myself."
Her head snapped to him eye wide. "That was YOU?! Haven't you gotten your monthly feeding today like every other REALTOR?" 
Again his smile strained as he looked off at nothing. "I don't actually require their assistance. I have an almost perfect streak of success!"
"I heard that almost. And clearly not if your main body is growling loud enough for us to hear all the way out here." Her brow rose as she flung an arm at the home. "When's the last time you ate anything?"
Again he was silent for a moment before smiling again. "Ah. Well you see dear buyer being the number one REALTOR comes with it's responsibilities. I'm not like the other REALTORS you see. I take great care in what I do unlike those who simply only want a quick snack."
Her eye narrowed and arms crossed. "... You're talking about the recent problem with REALTORS snatching up people for food."
He chuckled. "Your wig is quite fierce, you catch on fast. Yes. It's become so hard here in the Valley to find buyers. The others REALTORS have taken to simply snatching and running. Quite barbaric. Wouldn't you agree?"
Rose nodded again in agreement. That was one thing that they could both agree on.
Maison shook his head waving a hand. "No, no. My value is much, much higher! I find only the finest buyers to incorporate into something much greater than themselves. I can't just have any tenants to eat now can I? I have my standards and I will not stop to such low behaviors."
Rose hummed in surprise. "A REALTOR with some good standards. Color me impressed." He smiled obviously proud of her compliment. "But wouldn't it be helpful for you if you were also part of the Mayor's feeding program?" By now she assumed someone as prideful as him probably wasn't a part of the program. That..and if he was it was odd he wasn't fed when all the others were. "It's obvious that you're really hungry."
He again waved off her concerns. "Nonsense. I have been doing well by myself for years. I always come out on top."
"You just said it was hard to get 'buyers' though? How do you expect to get food when it's hard getting someone in your house?"
"Hm. I will admit it does get tiring controlling this albeit handsome, cumbersome little lure." A proud hand placed itself on his chest as she became amused again.
He sure liked to brag about himself huh? A little bit braggy but not on a narsassitic level. It was more amusing than anything else to her and she couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh yes. You're probably the most handsome REALTOR in the Valley." 
Rose had said it in a more playful manner but it was still enough to catch him off guard blinking for one moment before smiling wider. "Yes. Quite impressive isn't is? With such an attractive lure it's become quite easy to bring in such tasty, prospective buyers the old fashioned way. I suppose it's just my luck to be so gorgeous naturally. It's clearly no wonder how I became the number one REALTOR-"
"And it's clearly no wonder why you're having so many problems too." He blinked as she finally slammed the truck door shut and pointed at him. "Your pride is altering with your head if you ask me. Just a moment ago you said it was hard tricking people and then you contradict yourself by saying you're having an easy time doing it.  I think your pride and ego is getting in the way of you having success with handling your hunger and your hunger is making you more pushy to your 'clients'. All three of those factors just make you come off as unlikable to the average person. That might be why you're having a hard time."
Maison froze smile straining before the smile slowly faded to a blank face as he just... stared back at her blankly. Almost shocked looking. Not humming or making a move until another loud rumble noise interrupted the awkward silence causing both to again turn to the main body of one Mr. Talo...to which Rose hummed in thought at it. 
"I'd better get going. I have some work to do before bed. Good night, Mr. Talo."
With a small wave to him, Rose turned and left while the eyes of the lure blinked following her movements before looking slowly at his own home with a single hum escaping him.
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