#boycott Mulan
tasenda · 1 year
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thegoldenduckie · 1 month
could you do fluffy creativtiwns
i love them sm i swear :]]]
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Theyre watching Disney together! Specifically mulan
Btw remember to boycott disney
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floralcavern · 5 months
Disney filmed in literal Muslim concentration camps for the live action Mulan movie, but you guys never boycotted them for that. What’s changed with current events? Both are terrible to you, but why did you never boycott them back then? Is it just because of the fact that that didn’t involve Israel?
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For a mostly-zen guy, you seem to have it out on Disney. What’s been eating you exactly?
Okay, look, the Bobby Driscoll controversy is only the tip of the iceberg, but it’s a really good way to explain how soulless Disney is as a corporation. I love a lot of the films under the Disney brand (Toy Story, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, The Emperor’s New Groove, The Incredibles, Up, Tangled, Soul, Encanto, and so much more), but the actual corporation in charge of the creators behind these films thrives on a false image.
They constantly act like they’re this all-loving beacon of family goodness, yet they’ll do whatever it takes to make some kind of money, whether it’s prematurely cancelling projects for having LGBT content like The Owl House, monopolizing beloved franchises by making countless spinoffs to the point of exhaustion like with Star Wars and the MCU, exploiting critical backlash to their products by making it out to be like only the “toxic” fans hate their projects like with The Last Jedi and Captain Marvel, providing base-level representation and expecting to be praised for it like with Eternals and the Mulan remake, constantly making live-action remakes of classic films that either barely improve on the original like with The Lion King remake, or make so many changes you’re questioning what the hell they’re thinking like with the Cruella de Vil movie, and supporting terrible people like the Chinese concentration camp they filmed one of their movies nearby.
While I admire a lot of creative minds like Alex Hirsch, Dana Terrance, Brad Bird, and Dave Filoni, I have little to no respect for Disney as a company. They have screwed over their talent if it isn’t profitable, and outside of social media sites like this one, never gets called out for their shady business practices. What makes it worse is that they’re such a huge media juggernaut, it’s impossible to even boycott them or make some kind of changes. Just look at what Alex Hirsch and Dana Terrance had to go through to get any form of LGBT representation in the House of Mouse. Outside of them, nobody is willing to stand up to this terrible company and how doing things like censoring LGBT scenes in other countries is influencing the media industry as a whole.
I’m just so fucking tired of the stuff they pull...
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random question but i need to check something
there's no other options you just have to choose between these. for science. also an obligatory fuck disney (also boycott disney+) i'm just making this because i want to see something. also there's only one song from each movie (aka the most popular song from that soundtrack) so sorry to those that didn't quite make it.
also reblogs help <3
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ughmyreality · 4 months
I'm ready for Disney to go back to being Disney ANIMATION studios! I'm all for inclucivity, but you can't just do the bare minimum and claim it's good because it features minorities. Or even worse, start remaking every single thing you've already done before, just in a lackluster version. I wish these companies would see that these projects aren't doing well and change directions. Besides, you'd think they'd learn because nearly every live action remake (Disney or not) involves some sort of "scandal" with one of the actors.
Ian Ousley (Sokka) aledgedly lying about his race.
liu yifei (Mulan) supporting Hong Kong police causing people to boycott the movie.
Rachel Zegler (Snow White) acting like she couldn’t care less about the role and having an overall entitled attitude, making people dislike it when the film hasn't even been released yet.
The list goes on. I am absolutely tired of seeing the "magic" being sucked out of everything. I feel like I grew up with some pretty good animated movies, but what is there for people nowadays. Elemental? Wish?!?!?!?
And please don't start to mention the countless different "companies/shows" Disney has bought the rights to. Really, I think that's part of their problem. They're trying so hard to keep all these different things afloat that they're all sinking. They are trying to do too many cash grabs at once, and the quality is seriously suffering.
Disney knows, or at least knew, how to make a classic romance. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'd say stick to what you know until you can get going.
And another thing, I hear there's supposed to be a Moana 2! Moana isn't even that old. They're not even letting an ample amount of time pass before they start another ploy. Where are the original ideas? Because all we're getting is revisited versions of things they've already done. And isn't common knowledge by now the running joke that the majority of Disney sequels are trash?
Now for the extra controversial option. I'm over the live action race swapping of characters we've already seen. It's one thing if it's a book. Sure, I can get behind that. But it's getting to the point that they're just swapping out anyway white person with a minority girl and calling that diversity. Can we PLEASE have some more diverse main original characters?
Plus, diversity is not having one person of color and calling it a day. Diversity isn't even having a full cast of one minority. In order to be diverse, there actually has to be a group of multiple different types of people. They think they can just throw in one black people, and all of a sudden, they're so with the times.
Then you only ever see 3 different types: black people, Latinx, and Asian (typically only Japanese or Korean). But I just have to say that that is not as diverse as people make it seem. And why is it that these minorities never interact. It's either all one minority or minorities with white people. Absolutely no in between.
Then, to top it off, I want to get back to catchy songs. A good example of this was Encanto. Not only did it focus on a topic besides romance (family bonds), but it also features a minority family in which each member looks like some actual representation. That on top of the fact the music was good, made Encanto popular despite not having much marketing I'm the beginning. You go from songs like "we don't talk about Bruno" and "Surface Pressure" to.... "This is the thanks I get" from wish.
I feel like they need more people who are passionate about what they do. Even if it's not for the whole movie, just certain aspects. Lin Manuel Miranda is known for his music. Great! He's passionate about it that's one of the reasons it was so good. Who exactly wrote the songs for wish? That is the question.
Anyway... that's all I had to say. Just felt like complaining.
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mx-piggy · 5 months
so i've switched my website from Wix to Wordpress (here's a page that explains why you should boycott Wix if you want to be an ally to Palestinians and alternative site builders you can use).
anyway, since i've switched websites, i figured i'd share an updated link to an essay that was pretty popular on my previous site; it's about Gonzo and his value to me as a nonbinary trans person. if you've read it before it'd mean a lot if you reblogged this post so that the most popular link isn't to my now closed-down site.
i'm gradually uploading the content of my previous site to this new one, so if you like this essay it would mean so much if you subscribed. i've posted some poetry there as well- with more to come- and i have an essay about Heartstopper season 2 that i'll be posting in the next couple of weeks.
i'm going to start going to the cinema regularly this year (i haven't been since 2019), so i'll likely start writing reviews for the films i go to see. and, i've got this Futurama season '11' review and ranking that i'm working on, but it likely won't come out for a while since i've only written notes for episode 1 and some of the Comedy Central episodes. basically, this year i really want to work on this site and write some neat things and share them with some people who want to read what i have to say. i have started essays about Ghostwatch, Mulan and my NLOG phase, and since my Sara from Creep 2 post is getting pretty popular i might end up writing something about her. i'm also considering writing something about the Taking of Deborah Logan because, boy, i do not care for that movie and i could go on at length about why i do not care for it.
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madameinsomnia · 1 year
Everyone wants to go harass HP fans and send them hateful messages and call them transphobes but people aren't just as outraged at Disney? It's the cherry-picking for me. Let's all go tell these woke activists about this:
And this:
And this:
Or how about we let Disney fans be? People give Disney money EVERY DAMN DAY. The same company that has done all the above and more. That doesn't mean they are homophobic. That doesn't mean they are racist. Just like people who like Harry Potter aren't transphobic. People who like HP aren't anti-Semitic (I'm Jewish FYI). But god forbid WE indulge ourselves in something we enjoy. Disney fans can go to the park every year scot free without being called a bigot or this and that.
At the very least people could keep the same energy. Either go all in or leave everyone be.
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psitrend · 4 years
Mulan: What Disney's Movie Teaches Us About Xi Jinping's China
New Post has been published on https://china-underground.com/2020/09/11/mulan-what-disneys-movie-teaches-us-about-xi-jinpings-china/
Mulan: What Disney's Movie Teaches Us About Xi Jinping's China
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The failure of the remake of the famous 1990s cartoon highlights several issues hidden under the carpet for too long.
In 2015, Disney had the great idea of making a film aimed at the Chinese market and at the same time designed to please the regime. Mulan’s remake seemed at the time an excellent idea to raise cash and at the same time to strengthen itself in the local market, which has always been considered a sort of Eldorado for many Western brands. But simply to set foot (or to remain) in this immense market, some minimum requirements must be met and above all, companies must not make the government nervous with useless trifles such as the existence of Tibet or human rights.
The removal of Tibet from the collective Hollywood consciousness
In the 1990s, Disney made Kundun, a film directed by Martin Scorsese about the life of the Dalai Lama. Chinese leaders turned against the film, and Disney CEO Michael Eisner himself had to travel to China to ask for forgiveness for making a film about Tibet and to negotiate a theme park in Shanghai. The film Seven Years in Tibet received a similar fate.
Again in 2016, Marvel (also owned by Disney) removed from the film Doctor Strange the character of a Tibetan sage, in the film replaced by Tilda Swinton, again in order not to break the fragile feelings of the Chinese government, which feels threatened by a superhero of paper.
The result of these setbacks is an excess of zeal towards the Chinese regime and the preventive self-censorship of the great Hollywood productions, which to reach the Chinese market, do not have any problems in putting a muzzle on their authors.
The genesis of a failure
From the earliest stages of the making of this film, Disney’s guiding light throughout Operation Mulan appeared to be to indulge and anticipate every wish of the Beijing government.
At the beginning were the unfortunate statements of the film’s protagonist Liu Yifei, who thanked the Hong Kong police for her role in crushing the pro-democratic protests in Hong Kong, causing the immediate boycott by activists and sympathizers around the world.
Like most of the film productions released in this period, the movie has had to face the crisis triggered by the COVID, which has emptied the theaters and is putting the health of the entire sector at risk. As early as 2003, SARS was among those responsible for the Hong Kong film crisis, which could no longer recover.
To get around the problem, Disney decided to rely on its new Disney + streaming platform, however requiring an additional financial effort, in addition to the cost of the subscription.
When the film was finally released, Disney’s eagerness to please the Chinese regime was finally revealed by thanking the authorities of the “autonomous” province of Xinjiang, where some scenes of the film were shot, the same authorities who rounded up and sent Uyghur citizens to concentration camps.
View this post on Instagram
#BoycottMulan is a MUST! After support HK police brutality, @Disney is pro genocide on #Uygur ! The final credits of #mulan thank Chinese government security agency in Xinjiang , where about 1m people are sent to concentration camps for torturing and forced slave labor. / support me on patreon : patreon.com/badiucao & badiucao.com/artshop 开通了 Patreon 接受捐赠,希望大家的支持和分享。 请戳:patreon.com/badiucao 独立性是艺术的根本,但是面包和牛奶也不可或缺,疫情之下许多展览和活动的机会都被取消。艺术家的生存成为难题。 感谢大家一直以来的支持,你们的慷慨解囊会让我的创作独立,持之以恒。🙏 #五大诉求缺一不可 Chinese dissident cartoonist Badiucao has unveiled a flag design that he hopes will “become a new symbol of Hong Kong’s freedom and resistance.” The rainbow-coloured design was inspired by the “Lennon Wall” message boards that have sprung up in communities across Hong Kong since June. #freedom #hongkong #antielabhk #standwithhongkong #art #artistsoninstagram #arts #streetart #hongkong #hongkongprotest #humanrights #freespeech #beijing #china #politicalcartoons #illustrationartists #australian
A post shared by 巴丢草 badiucao (@badiucao) on Sep 8, 2020 at 12:34am PDT
At this point, the film in the West was damaged by the choices made by Disney, choices dictated as we said earlier out of opportunism and to satisfy the wishes of Beijing.
Yesterday a circular from the Chinese government imposed silence around the film, guilty of having attracted further unwelcome criticism from the West.
The film has therefore not been banned in China but has been blacked out in the mainstream media, forever undermining the chances of recovering the investment and at the same time betraying the expectations of the Disney CEO who imagined diving into a sea of the renminbi.
The film also did not even receive positive reviews on the Douban aggregator, who with an average of 4.7 out of 10, decreed a negative verdict, thus nipping in the bud the possibility that the film could be saved thanks to word of mouth. The film was not particularly appreciated by the Chinese public for some changes made to the original plot, for the general flatness of the production, and the lack of historical coherence.
Mulan, however, comes out in 2020 and not in 2016, after the outbreak of the coronavirus, which originated in China, after the trade war with Trump, after the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, and also after the creation of the unfortunate concentration camps in Xinjiang.
In this period, the American government has also targeted for security reasons several Chinese companies, starting with Huawei to get to Tiktok, companies that have managed to spread to the West, but which have now been crippled by US intervention. The first was banned from competitions for the construction of 5g networks in practically the entire West and was prevented from buying the American chips, essential for the creation of smartphones, and the second instead is seen as a Trojan horse for spy on citizens of half the world.
Since the opening of the Chinese market in the 1990s, China has been stormed by large and small Western companies who saw the Asian country as a possibility to increase turnover, without paying attention to a series of “annoying” limitations, such as environmental regulations and respect for workers’ rights. Therefore, with this looting mentality in mind, countless companies have moved to China in search of easy earnings, putting aside any moral qualms, often relocating wildly to the East, sending home workers in place of cheaper labor, often also taking advantage of government incentives to promote foreign trade.
Disney wasn’t the first Western company to try to satisfy Beijing’s wishes. The NBA lost hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue after a dispute over comments directed at the situation in Hong Kong. The English Premier League was also confined to a corner for the same reason. Canadian canola producers had their exports frozen for a year to China, in retaliation for the arrest of Huawei founder’s daughter in Canada, all South Korean operations were halted in China during the construction of the US anti-missile system in South Korea.
Self-censorship, as well as being morally questionable, does not pay.
#Censorship, #Mulan, #Uighurs, #Xinjiang
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fineillsignup · 4 years
why not to waste your money on Mulan (2020)
send message to Disney to stop with this lazy remake bullshit already and create actual new content
no Mushu
no songs
bisexual icon Li Shang replaced with bland inferior love interest
lead actress Liu Yifei trashed Hong Kong protesters, specifically supported HK’s brutal police
Hong Kong activists are asking international supporters to boycott it
perfect live action Mulan starring Vicki Zhao Wei made in 2009 already exists
here in Canada they’re asking for thirty five fucking dollars PLUS a Disney+ subscription
thirty five fucking dollars just to rent it
Edit: this blew up whew but I want to say if you’re on Twitter check out the hashtag #MilkTeaAlliance! It’s a grassroots effort by pro-democracy activists in Thailand, HK, and Taiwan to support each other and they have picked boycotting Mulan as an opportunity to raise awareness and solidarity!
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Reasons to boycott Mulan aside from the police brutality issue:
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telgip · 4 years
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My public service announcements for the day.
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placedupon · 4 years
Genocide in China?
I’ve been seeing lots of articles and posts claiming that China is interning the Uyghur Muslim population in camps, killing, torturing, and even forcibly sterilizing people. This post is the main one I’ve seen going around. I wanted to put together articles on how these claims are false, and why it’s important to be critical of what US funded media is telling us.
1. The “China Scholar” who made the claims that China is locking up ‘millions of people’ is an ant-semitic white man
Almost every article on XinJiang references Adrian Zenz, a ‘China scholar.’ Adrian Zenz is the one who estimated that the camps contain “Up to 1.5 million people.” He also called it cultural genocide, and alleged that they were labor camps. 
He also alleged that XinJiang is forcibly sterilizing women. However, these reports were based exclusively on the fact that the government had spent money providing free birth control to women in XinJiang. While China has denied these claims, other countries have also come out in support of China on XinJiang.
Adrian Zenz is just one person, and he’s also incredibly anti-semitic and racist. He says that he is “led by God” to defeat China and bring Christianity. This man is a self declared China expert who has only been to XinJiang once. He is a right-wing propagandist backed by the United States.
2. When these allegations first emerged, the United Nations and the United States were invited by China to visit XinJiang. Both refused. However, over 37 countries came out in support of China.
If the UN and the United States were truly concerned about the state of life in XinJiang, wouldn’t they have visited? This invitation remains open.
On the other hand, many other countries have sent diplomats to XinJiang, and have concluded that the camps were more like centers designed to teach people vocational skills and how to integrate into society after radicalization. One diplomat said, “The vocational education and training centers in Xinjiang are not 'concentration camps' as described by some Western media, but schools to help those influenced by extreme thoughts to eliminate the harmful thoughts and learn vocational skills” These countries include Laos, Cambodia, Nepal, the Phillipines, Sri Lanka, Bahrain, and Nigeria.
In addition, when the United States first alleged human rights violations, a total of 50 countries came out in support of China. If you look at the list of countries that are accusing China, you’ll see it’s mostly white countries that are settler colonies, and former or current colonizers. If you look at the second list of the many more countries that support China and refute these claims, you see many formerly colonized countries, as well as Muslim led countries. These are allegations, and many countries do not support them. Notice that Palestine is in support of China, as well as Cuba, both countries that have been targets of US imperialism. Regardless of how you feel about these countries individually, there’s a clear split between white, colonizing countries and POC, formerly colonized countries.
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In addition, 37 countries signed a letter on this issue:
"We appreciate China's commitment to openness and transparency. China has invited a number of diplomats, international organizations officials and journalist to Xinjiang to witness the progress of the human rights cause and the outcomes of counter-terrorism and de-radicalization there... We call on relevant countries to refrain from employing unfounded charges against China based on unconfirmed information before they visit Xinjiang.”
However, neither the UN nor the United States have actually visited XinJiang since they made these allegations. Instead, they have continued to make broad allegations without actually visiting XinJiang or researching these claims. Meanwhile, the United States has been sterilizing women in ICE camps, encouraging rampant islamaphobia, and continues to blame China for COVID.
3. The United States has a vested interest in portraying China as evil. Only a few leftist organizations have spoken up.
Many of us are familiar now with blaming China for things. China is blamed for COVID time and time again, even being called the “China Virus” by the president of the USA. However, despite such a right wing push for Americans to hate China, the left has bought nearly everything they’ve said.
The Black Agenda Report, a Black American led news site, has published many articles on China and the US’s lies about it.
My Trip to China Exposed the Shameful Lies Peddled by the American Empire
Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s Anti-China strategy is part of a broader imperialist war against China
Bolton Threatens to force Africa to choose between the US and China (this is especially important considering AFRICOM! but that’s another post)
In addition, the Greyzone, a US left newspaper (that isn’t paid by the United States, or any other country for that matter) has written on China.
US Left Aligns with State Department on China Cold War
China detaining millions of Uyghurs? Serious problems with claims by US-backed NGO and far-right researcher ‘led by God’ against Beijing
No, the UN did not report China has ‘massive internment camps’ for Uighur Muslims
I’m making no claims on the merit of China as a country. It is a huge, complicated place. Many groups within it have done good and bad things. Merit isn’t the question. Rather, my point is that the United States is in a cold war and is accusing China (and all its people) of things it hasn’t done. The US has been in this situation before. It has used vague claims of “human rights abuses” to justify invading and killing innocent people in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Hawaii, Yemen, and many other regions.
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manda-kat · 4 years
If any of you pay for this live action mulan that literally backs Hong Kong police, then, uhh... Not only do you show little care about what the media you consume stands for, but you're stomping on the faces of all the Hong Kong protesters (the REAL Chinese citizens who are being killed, injured and having their rights taken away) who have asked that people boycott the film.
So... Why don't we all show Disney that making movies in collaboration with totalitarian regimes is NOT going to be accepted and show China that we are not going to watch police propaganda and accept the horrors they have committed.
There is no excuse to watch this movie. There are two perfectly good Mulan movies that already exist. Don't even hate watch it. Ironic money is still money. Tell your less-informed friends to avoid the movie. Give them NOTHING.
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suika28 · 4 years
I still can’t understand why people can support Black Lives Matter, but want to watch Disney’s Mulan(2020), even if the protagonist and other Chinese actors support police brutality.
(The Hong Kong police attack pregnant women, the elderly and children.)
The spirit of Disney's Mulan is to be brave to do the right thing. But obviously we can learn from the heroine's speech that she did not do it.
Boycotting this movie is not to punish the staff who work hard. This is to make it clear that we must bravely choose to do the right thing and stand with justice.
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emerald-studies · 4 years
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Don’t watch Mulan y’all, the actress supports police brutality.
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