#boyd how dare! <3
Dancer!Neil is such a dear concept to me. Neil who snuck into dance clubs at the various schools he went to, snatching a few minutes here and there before Mary came to pick him up. Neil practicing silently in his room, trying to figure out how to move a singular part of his body. Neil getting access to a computer in a library and watching blurry snatches of ballet performances or breaking battles or ballroom dancing from another era. Neil diverting all the energy he can't invest into exy and instead using that for dance, and then years later, when he joins the foxes, him being unconsciously graceful on the court. Reminiscent of Dan's playing style, but something uniquely Neil, in the way he spins, when he ricochets the ball off the court walls, when he dodges an attack, its all with the subtle grace of someone with an inaudible song playing in their head. Idk, just. Dancer Neil.
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theheathenousfish · 7 days
A continuation of professor andreil. I will not apologize.
It’s the weekend. Casey and 3 of his classmates are at a restaurant celebrating the end of midterms ( which they did pretty well on, if they do say so themselves)
They were looking at the menus when Owen noticed their professor walk through the door with a red haired woman on his arm
“Hey, is that professor minyard?” Owen asked the table “and is that his wife? Didn’t he kiss professor Josten like, last month?”
Casey swirled around to look at the couple, who were walking towards the table the dean and his wife are sitting at.
“ about damn time you bring her. Jesus kid you’ve been married 10 years” the dean, wymack, grumbles.
“Oh my god!” AJ gasps “he wasn’t lying when he said prof josten wasn’t his boyfriend ! He’s the side piece!”
A few minutes later professors day, Boyd-wilds , walker-Reynolds, and Josten walk in and to the table.
“ hey Matt, how are the kids?” Prof josten asks
“ Neil! My man! Teenagers are so hard. Cody and Marlo have discovered my college photos and are giving me shit for how my hair looked”
Just then, a second minyard enters and sits down? It’s Avery’s turn to say something “I’m sorry, what? He has a twin?” Therefore she does.
Professor day scowls and says “ Neil your monster is here.”
“Drew! I thought you couldn’t make it”
“ sit down, junkie.I’m here.” Prof minyard mutters. In a louder tone asks “ why are we here day?”
“Why do you have something you were going to do?”
“ I want to go home and do nothing.”
Prof josten chokes on his water.
“ kevin” Mr wymack says “ tell them or I will.” Prof day huffs “ wymack is my father. I found out last year and I told him a week ago.”
“ this is why I’m here? Kevin, I could be asleep right now. I just worked a 24 hour shift.” Possible prof minyard complains
“Aaron! Be nice.” The red haired woman scolds
“ ok, so, that’s not our minyard.” Casey confirms
“Our minyard?” Aj asks
After about an hour of the teacher meeting talking about stuff, they start to, one by one, venture back home. All that’s left is the real professor minyard, prof josten, and the dean and his wife( who’s name is apparently abby)
“So, um, wymack, we have news. Andrew and I are married. We thought you should know first.” Prof josten states
“Oh! Congratulations boys! When did this happen?” Abby gushes
“5 years ago.” Prof minyard says flatly
“Christ, you two will be death of me. 5 years? Seriously?” Wymack sounds exasperated
Once the teachers leave the students just look at each other stunned.
“So he’s not the side piece, he’s the main piece.” Aj says so solemnly everyone else thinks she’s trying to be funny. She’s not.
Andrew is running late for work. Like, stupidly late.
When they got home, Neil jumped him and they’d spent most of the night having mind blowing sex, then when he woke up it was 10am and sir jumped onto the bed landing directly on his dick. Neil just laughed at that.
His coffee had grounds in it.
He grabbed Neil’s lunch on the way out.
And he’d forgotten to put his ring on.
He was having a bad day.
Thankfully most of his class was also late. “ today we will be visiting the butcher case. The key points are on the board, write them down. Neil josten will be joining us”
Just then Neil walks in, looking so fucking gorgeous. How dare he.
“ hey Drew. I brought YOUR lunch and some coffee. Also your ring is in my pocket if you want it.” Neil says. He’s so sweet, he’s beautiful, and kind, and Andrew loves him.
Andrew pulls Neil in by his pocket and gets his ring out. He puts it on, obviously.
“Care to introduce yourself junkie?” Andrew drawls
“Sure. Hello, my name is Neil josten, I’m here to consult on the butcher case. Any questions?”
A student raises his hand “are you two married?”
“That’s none of your concern,” Neil says coldly
“Why are you consulting on this case?” another student asks
“Because this case is personal, and also because Andrew asked.”
“ sit down rabbit.” Andrew murmurs “We will start with Nathan wesninski’s connection to the yakuza,specifically the moriyamas.
Neil and Andrew switch places when it’s stated that a college student was kidnapped and tortured
“ in fall of 2006 i was kidnapped and tortured by my fathers people. I was brought to my childhood home where my father was going to question and kill me. My uncle on my mother’s side came to my aid, and shot my father. By then I had sustained serious injuries to my face, arms and hands. I was brought to a hospital with two FBI agents in my room. I was demanding to see my teammates. In spring of that year my father killed my mother, she died on a beach in California. Her body was recovered by the FBI for evidence.” Neil recounted
“Junkie” Andrew asked softly
“ I’m fine.”
“I want a 20 page report on my desk by Friday.”Andrew told his students
Neil didn’t have class today, Andrew knew.
“Drew. I need to go. I want to go home. I need you.” Neil whispers
“I know ,love, I know. We will.” Andrew reassures him
They got home hours ago, and Neil immediately went to their bed and beckoned Andrew to come lay down with him.
Andrew was happy. He was so fucking happy.
Neil was kissing down Andrew’s neck as he thought. Andrew gave a shiver of pleasure when Neil sucked a mark just under his ear. He was going to have to cover that up tomorrow.
Andrew was home
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Day 18: Panties & Lingerie
Warnings: none
Rating: M
Pairing: Raylan/Jimmy
“Can I talk to you?”
Jimmy’s voice is small, hesitant, and when Raylan looks up from the clothes he’s folding he sees the younger man hesitating in the doorway to the bedroom. He straightens, setting aside the t-shirt in his hands. “Of course,” he says, taking in the tension in Jimmy’s shoulders, the way he’s looking off somewhere to Raylan’s left instead of in his eyes. “Is something wrong?”
Jimmy shakes his head – but he also closes the door behind him when he steps into the bedroom, making sure it shuts firmly. “Nothing’s wrong,” he assures Raylan, though the way he immediately crosses his arms over his chest, almost like he’s hugging himself, makes Raylan question just how valid that statement is. “I’m fine. I just…”
When there’s nothing more forthcoming, Raylan sits down on the edge of the bed and pats the space next to him. “C’mere,” he says. “Sit down. What’s gotten you all worked up, huh?”
Jimmy eyes the spot next to him for a moment, before he sighs and goes over to the bed. When he sits down, there’s some deliberate space between him and Raylan, but that all but disappears when Raylan holds out his arm, offering. Jimmy all but folds into him, leaning up against his side with an annoyed little huff.
“I’m fine,” he mumbles. “Really. It’s just… I was thinking…”
“Always dangerous,” Raylan murmurs, and Jimmy pinches his side. But he laughs, too, so Raylan accepts the pinching with as much grace as he can.
“Ass.” Jimmy’s voice is quiet, but Raylan can hear his smile. Then he sighs and leans his head against Raylan’s shoulder. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, baby.” Raylan turns his head and presses a kiss to Jimmy’s hair. “So, what were you thinking?”
There’s silence for a moment, and then, even more quietly, Jimmy says, “I want something.”
Raylan’s interest is immediately piqued. “Oh?” he says. Jimmy is a lot of things – eager and voracious among them – but he’s never really voiced many of his own desires. Or any, really, not beyond harder or faster or don’t you fucking dare stop. “I’m listening.”
“Okay.” Jimmy takes a breath. “I want something pretty.”
Raylan waits for more, but that’s it. “Pretty?” he repeats. “Like…?” He’s not even sure what to provide as an example – isn’t sure he wants to say the wrong thing, not with pretty hanging in the air between them.
Jimmy doesn’t let him flounder for long. “Like… like lace,” he says. He leans back, looking up at Raylan for the first time since he walked into the bedroom. “You know?”
And yes, fuck, Raylan knows. Pretty and lace don’t leave much room for doubt, even if Jimmy hasn’t said the actual word. “Yeah,” Raylan says, his voice a little hoarse. A smile teases at the corners of Jimmy’s mouth when he hears it. “Yeah, I think we can make that happen.”
Raylan’s no stranger to buying lingerie. He supposes that’s a good thing (and, perhaps, why Jimmy chose to talk to him about this want of his, instead of Tim or Boyd).
He splurges, a little. It’s not too bad. This is new and he doesn’t want to overwhelm the kid, but given the opportunity to spoil someone he loves… well, he’s going to spoil them. 
(The salesperson even tells him that his girlfriend is a lucky lady, and Raylan has to bite his lip against mentioning the 3 boyfriends and exactly 0 girlfriends that he has waiting at home.)
Jimmy is practically vibrating when he gets home, eagerness and nervousness mixing to make him a bit of an anxious mess. So when Raylan gets him upstairs, gets the door closed behind him (because if Jimmy doesn’t want to share this, yet, Raylan’s going to make sure it stays just theirs) he kisses him, pulling Jimmy in flush against his own body and kissing him until he shudders and relaxes, sinking into Raylan with a sweet little moan. 
When they part, Jimmy looks a little dazed. Raylan offers him a smile. “Relax, sweetheart,” he says, and color springs to Jimmy’s cheeks. “I got you something.”
He lays the sets out on the bed for Jimmy’s perusal. The first is black satin, because Jimmy said lace but Raylan wanted to give him options. The second is the lace one, emerald green and as delicate as it is beautiful. Jimmy’s eyes go wide when he sees it, and he reaches out one hand, tracing his fingertips gently over the lace.
“Oh,” he says softly. “Oh, Raylan.”
“You wanted pretty.” Raylan smiles when Jimmy looks at him, something hesitant in his expression. “Go on, then,” he says, nodding at the bathroom. “Try them on.”
Jimmy flushes a little darker, but he picks up the bra and the panties – gently, so gently it makes Raylan’s chest ache – and disappears behind the bathroom door.
And Raylan waits. 
He’s patient, even when enough time passes for Jimmy to have stripped down and changed maybe three times over. He might not have the most tact, or be the most sensitive, but he knows when something is important. And this is important. It’s not time to rush, or tease. 
When Jimmy does come out of the bathroom, though, Raylan can’t stop the soft, “Goddamn,” that spills from his lips.
He knew Jimmy would look good. There was no doubt about that. But with a flush sitting on his cheeks and the shy, almost demure way he’s holding himself, he looks a little more than good. Like something from a dream, Raylan thinks. 
The green is beautiful against Jimmy’s skin. The lace of the bra lays flat against his chest, and his cock is a soft swell in the panties, making them bulge, but not obscenely. And Raylan’s always liked the way lace looked hugging a curve – Jimmy is no exception. He looks pretty, like he just walked out of somewhere a lot fancier than their ensuite bathroom. 
“What do you think?” Jimmy asks, and Raylan makes a strangled little sound.
“Baby.” Raylan takes a step closer, and when Jimmy doesn’t flinch or pull away, he lets himself reach out, his fingertips dancing along Jimmy’s hip, right above the waistband of the panties. “I think you look perfect.”
Jimmy shivers at the touch, and then again at Raylan’s words, and when he looks up his eyes are a little watery. “I like it too,” he says quietly. “Feels nice.” He takes a breath. “But I think I just… I want to wear it, for a little bit. I don’t–” He sighs, frustrated, and Raylan steps in.
“You don’t want me to help you make a mess of those panties?” he asks, and the flush staining Jimmy’s cheeks darkens. He nods quickly, glancing away.
“I’m sorry, I–”
“Oh, honey.” Raylan gently tugs him in close, wrapping his arms around Jimmy’s smaller frame. “It’s okay. You don’t have a thing to be sorry for. You just take your time, all right?”
Jimmy nods against his chest, and if they don’t separate for a long, long minute, well – Raylan doesn’t mind. He doesn’t mind at all.
find this fic on AO3 here:
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christinesficrecs · 2 years
These are lost fic requests from last month. Any and all help would be appreciated. ❤️
Hi I'm looking for a fic where Erica dares Derek to order a cup of coffee as balck as his soul I can't remember anything else just that was a sterek coffee shop fic. I think it was a tumblr fic that's all I can recall. I hope you can help me.
@smowkie found it. Thank you!! Tumblr Ficlet 
Hi I was wondering if you know a fanfic where Stiles is hurt badly by Gerald and hides his injuries from the pack. I think he stitches his own wrists and tries to treat the injury’s. The pack find out weeks later and are all upset stiles was hurt and they didn’t know. Thanks
@terrenlurks found this one. Thank you!!!
It's all part of the master plan by Littleredridinghunter | 57.1K | Sterek Version
When Gerard kidnaps Stiles at the lacrosse game, nobody knows he was taken, nodoby knows how bad it was. Stiles swears Erica and Boyd to secrecy.
When the pack finally find out about it they do everything they can to help him heal and protect him from future threats.
Too bad that they don't manage to do that.
- Looking for a Teenwolf/Supernatural/Trueblood crossover where the Winchesters & Castiel join the pack.  Dean gets attacked & has to ge bitten by Derek.  Dean & Castiel move into the Lift.  Sam becomes a Deputy.  Derek & Stiles adopt 3 or 4 kids, one of whom is the nephew of Alcide.
- Looking for fics where Stiles is sent to live with his Uncle in England only to have Jacson & Cora join him there to study at Oxford.  They get recruited to MI5 OR M16 where his Uncle is the head & eventually join up with Derek & the rest of the pack in Beacon Hills who have joined the FBI?  They join forces to protect the innocent
- I'm looking for fics where Stiles runs away to Beacon Hills from 'Deucalion'.  He us both a Werewolf and a Werefox and has magic.  He & Derek get involved, Derek & Peter take the pack on holiday to either Greece or Egypt, another lesbian couple cause trouble when one claims to be engaged to Derek to hide her relationship from her parents
Hello! I’m not sure if you accept questions  about identifying fics but thought I’d give it a shot! I’m looking for a sterek fic where stiles in an omega chosen to be the star of a reality tv show where other alphas have to physically fight to remain in the competition for stiles. Derek is one of the producers/directors and they end up secretly sort of dating while stiles is still in the show. Would really appreciate it if someone could tell me the title of this fic!
@calvinballrules found it. Thank you!!
Helen of Troy by standinginanicedress | 150.2K | Explicit
Stiles can fake laugh, fake smile. He can play coy and he can be demure and barely eat anything in front of them, and he can sit still and do his little song and dance of feigning interest.
But this is a little out of his scope. They want him to fully become someone else. They want him to be who everyone wants him to be, and it scares the shit out of Stiles, because he doesn’t know if he can do it for hours and hours while cameras watch his every single move. It’s a lot. It’s more than he bargained for.
- Hello! I’ve been looking for this fanfiction where Derek and stiles are mates and Derek leaves because he doesn’t want to pressure stiles, but he doesn’t tell stiles they’re mates, so stiles figures it out after researching getting super sick from Derek leaving. Peter is the one to bring Derek back whose also sick and almost dying from being separated from stiles. They only get better once they’re reunited.
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cinema-tv-etc · 1 year
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Movie Moments: Was Ben Hur gay? 
Leo suggested a classic such as Ben-Hur, The Magnificent Seven or The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, for a Movie Moments, hence this selection. One interesting item about Ben-Hur, released in 1959, is its underlying gay aspect. The story: Judah Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) is a wealthy merchant of noble blood living in Jerusalem. His childhood friend Messala (Stephen Boyd), a tribune, arrives in Jerusalem to command the Roman garrison. At first happy to be reunited, they argue over Messala’s belief in the glory of Rome and imperial power, and Judah’s commitment to his faith and the Jewish people. They part in anger. When a tile is accidentally dislodged from the roof of Judah’s house, almost killing the newly arrived governor, Messala sentences Judah to the galleys although he knows him to be innocent. Judah’s sister and mother are sent to prison. On the way to the galley, Judah is given water by a then unknown Jesus. A galley slave for 3 years, Judah saves the life of Quintus Arrius, the Roman commander, during a battle. All charges are dropped against Judah and Arrius eventually adopts Judah as his son. Judah returns to Jerusalem and confronts Messala, demanding that his mother and sister be freed. Unbeknownst to Judah, they have become lepers and have been sent to live in the Valley of the Lepers, away from everyone else. Esther, a servant girl in love with Judah, discovers the truth but tells Judah that they are dead. When Judah is offered the chance to race a sheik’s chariot and 4 Arabian stallions in an upcoming race before Pilate, Judah accepts when he learns that Messala will be racing and is considered the finest charioteer in the land. The chariot race: The chariot race is one of the great film moments in history, filmed before the days of computer generated effects. It can be viewed at: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=pbQvpJsTvxU Messala eliminates the other charioteers one by one but in the final confrontation with Judah, Messala’s chariot loses a wheel and he ends up being badly trampled. On his deathbed, he refuses amputation which may save his life, stating that he will not meet Judah with half a body. When he is asked how he knows that Judah will come, he hisses that he will come. We then see Judah’s silhouette against the light in the doorway. The following exchange takes place, one of the most emotionally powerful scenes in the movie: Messala: Triumph complete, Judah. The race won. The enemy destroyed. Ben-Hur: I see no enemy. Messala: What do you think you see? The smashed body of a wretched animal! Is enough of a man still left here for you to hate? Let me help you...You think they're dead. Your mother and sister. Dead. And the race over. It isn't over, Judah. They're not dead. Ben-Hur: Where are they? Where are they? (shouting) Where are they? Messala: (vengefully) Look for them in the Valley of the Lepers, if you can recognise them. (Grabbing Judah's clothing) It goes on. It goes on, Judah. The race, the race is not over. He dies gloating at Judah's horror, More than friends? Hollywood in 1959 was not a place to make statements about being gay, or to portray “the love that dare not speak its name”, as Oscar Wilde referred to homosexuality. There has been conjecture and commentary for many years that the relationship between Judah and Messala was more than friendship. This has been denied by the studio but conjecture persist. In the 1995 documentary The Celluloid Closet, which examined how Hollywood treated gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender characters, Gore Vidal recounted that he had been brought in to rewrite parts of the script, including the relationship between Judah and Messala. Director William Wyler was not satisfied that two men who had been close friends as youths could end up hating each other after disagreeing on politics. Vidal came up with the idea and subtext that the two had been lovers as teenagers and that Messala’s anger and hate come from Judah’s rejection of him. Wilder agreed provided that there was no direct reference to the sexuality and he discussed it with Stephen Boyd, who played Messala. He was told not to discuss it with Charlton Heston, who would freak out over the subtext. Heston later denied both the gay subtext and that Vidal had had any input into the script, a comment rebutted by Vidal by referring to Heston’s 1978 autobiography in which he stated that Vidal had been the author of much of the final shooting script. A bit of trivia: At about the 5.37 mark on the above Youtube clip, you will see Judah get thrown forward out of the chariot and get back in. The stunt man being thrown out and forward, and getting back in, was unintended but looked good on film so it was kept in. A scene was shot with Heston getting back in to the chariot to link with the above footage. How’s that Leo?
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👀 choose between two things: justified season 3 or justified season 4
How. Dare. You.
I honestly think I prefer season three. It was a season that had to follow up with season two (my favorite so far), and I think it did incredibly well.
There were so many moments that just stuck with me more than season four, like Dewey's freak out over his "four" kidneys, or Arlo shooting who he thought was his own son (The Drama!) We also had the Raylan/Winona split. which I did not see coming (well... maybe a little, but it was so unexpected for me when I watched the episode, and I think I screamed because - again - THE DRAMA), and the continuation of characters and plots from season two really just cemented this season for me.
I also really enjoyed the antagonists of this season more than I did in season four. Quarles was batshit crazy, but in a fun, slightly fruity way, and Duffy is ALWAYS a treat. Limehouse creeped me the fuck out, with his dead-eyed stare and that huge cleaver, but I thought he was a cool villain and I'm glad we get to see him some more in season four.
Something else that I found really interesting in season three was Arlo. I hate the bastard, but I thought it was cool to see him lose his marbles and grow into an even bigger dickhead than originally. Raylan's relationship with Arlo (and Helen!) are some of the most interesting dynamics to me in the show, and I'm obsessed with how Raylan, even after twenty years, can not help but want his daddy's approval (not love, not anymore, but his respect).
Now, there are some things I love about season four (aka Raylan's slut!era). I thought the introduction of Drew Thompson was cool, and we got to see Arlo die like the gremlin he is. We also got hilarious moments like Raylan cuffing Boyd to a tree, along with the iconic line, "I don't like your plan, Raylan!" as Boyd is being dragged out of a cage by his feet. However, I think after 4.11 (favorite episode of the season) I lost interest, whereas I was mostly invested in season three's plot for the whole ride.
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stereksecretsanta · 2 years
Merry Christmas, @thetommoway-oioii!
It's a little longer than I expected and had to split it up to three parts so this is the first part and the other two parts will be updated on the 26th and than 27th, hope you like it ^^
Little one on the Way
3 weeks
For the past week Stiles Stilinski felt odd, not only was he getting irritated by every little thing but he was also craving the weirdest things seriously when has he ever wanted raw meat?
Certain smells were causing him headaches and he could've sworn he was gaining weight. 
But he wasn't the only one going through changes, Derek was scenting him more than he usually did placing kissing all over his belly while also inhaling it {it was weird but for some reason it brought joy to Stiles' heart}.
He was also growling at anyone that came near him well okay not anyone primarily Scott, Jackson, and Allison hell he wolfed out on the poor girl so many times Allison was to afraid to get near them.
Stiles and Scott reprimand him and he tried to apologize keyword tried the pack soon learn that it was probably best if Allison didn't come near Stiles with sharp items.
It was a little sweet but also irritating especially when he instructed Boyd if Derek wasn't around to never leave his side and Boyd took that order to heart. Whenever Derek wasn't around Boyd was by Stiles side and if he was honest Stiles was ready to punch them.
Another situation that was odd was Cora, the girl couldn't get near Stiles without crying seriously whenever she saw him she would cry and leave.
Stiles tried talking to her but she would break into tears.
It was irritating him and he had enough he needed to know what was going on with those three because they knew something and he was gonna find out. 
He waited till they were in the vicinity of their room before he calmly asked what was going on.
"What the hell is going on?" Okay maybe calmly wasn't the right word but he was getting aggravated with the way he, Cora, Boyd and now Peter were acting.
Peter took it upon himself to cook for stiles which would've been fine…if it weren't for the fact he gave him nothing but organic food with vegetables soy wheat and threw away his curly fries and other snacks.
"What do you-"
"Don't you dare play dumb Derek Hale I know for a fact that you, Cora, Boyd and now Peter are hiding something,"
"Cora won't stop crying every time she sees me, Boyd-even before you asked him too refused to leave my side and now Peter! Peter is cooking for me which wouldn't be so bad if the fucker didn't throw away my chips, soda, cookies, and other foods that he said were and I quote "diabetes waiting to happen"."
Derek stared at the liquid orbs of Stiles Stilinski-Hale, his husband, his mate, how was he supposed to tell him why his family were acting like this?
To him it was a blessing to Stiles it might be something else it might freak him out and cause him to say something that while it may not be intentional harm it'll still cause him harm.
And yet looking at his mate's eyes he couldn't help but feel that maybe just maybe Stiles might accept this information, he might take it to stride the same way he did with the supernatural.
He was scared yes but…if Stiles can accept werewolves, magic, and other night terrors that come out to play every other week he might be able to handle this.
Only one way to find out.
"Theres no easy way to say this but Stiles…your pregnant,"
Derek was expecting a lot of things, anger disbelief, denial, him fainting was not one of them.
When Stiles came too he found himself lying on his bed he knew it was his bed because only his mattress was as firm as the one he was lying on.
He turned his head and saw Derek currently walking in the room with his mug.
"You're awake,"
"Yeah I am,"
The silence between them was awkward and Derek did not for one bit like it.
"Umm…I have some hot chocolate, I was told that it's okay to drink it so long as it's umm soy milk and-"
"I know this is a lot to take in and I understand if you're freaking out-"
"But hot chocolate should calm you down, I would've gotten you tea but i wasn't sure how you'd feel-"
His alpha had the decency to look embarrassed.
"Derek I need you to explain things to me before i start freaking out and I don't think either one of us needs that right now,"
"Right you're right…ummm…ask away?"
Stiles can count on one hand the amount of times Derek was flustered and nervous, and he so badly wanted to count this and take a moment to crack jokes but right now he needed to know how it was possible to get pregnant since he didn't exactly had the right parts to get pregnant.
"Okay, you said I was pregnant are you sure I'm pregnant?"
"Yes, I could smell it on you and, and you also were more clingy and wanted to be around me not to mention you were nesting,"
"THATS REAL?!" he couldn't help but shout because never in his life did he think the Fanficion he read was actually true. 
Seriously NESTING? Of all things to be true nesting is true. 
"Yes, it's umm…true anyways you were nesting and also umm…eating raw food-"
"Yeah eating raw meat is gross and yet I couldn't stop eating it,"
"Yeah we all realized it when you wanted meat and nothing but meat,"
"Okay, okay,"
"Than there was me attacking Allison and Chris,"
"You still owe those two an apology I hope you know that,"
"I'm not apologizing for protecting my mate and pup,"
He glared at his mate while his mate stared him down, he refused to back down from Stiles glare.
"Stiles understand where I'm coming from," 
When he said that Stiles calmed down and he did understand if anyone understood Derek's anger and frustration towards the Argents it was him.
Derek might be in a better place but that didn't mean he didn't still carry the scars the Argents left him.
The two were silent for another moment before Stiles asked,
"How? Stiles are you really gonna ask how you're pregnant?"
Stiles grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.
"Derek I mean how is it possible that I got pregnant I'm case you haven't noticed I'm a guy!"
"OH right umm…well you see you're pregnant because not only because I'm a werewolf but you're also a spark and because of that you had a baby?"
"Are you stating that I'm pregnant or asking?"
Derek once again looked sheepish as he answers,
"Stating, you're pregnant because I'm a wolf and you're a spark. Yourealsomymatesothatalsohelps,"
The glare he gave him made him realized he should say the last part slow and steady.
"You are also my mate so that also helps,"
Stiles fell on the pillow he than grabbed another pillow covered his face and groan in it.
"Okay," he uncovered his face sat up.
"So I'm pregnant because I'm a spark and you're mate,"
"Okay, will it be a normal pregnancy or not?"
"Yes but it's gonna be 6 months instead of 9 but don't worry that's normal,"
The look he gave him told him that the word normal wasn't the right choice of word.
"Or as normal as it can get for us,"
"I'll take it,"
"But yes, other than that you'll be fine,"
"Okay and will Deaton be able to help us?"
"Peter is getting a list of dos and don'ts to prepare ourselves for your pregnancy. I should also mention that Peter will be delivering since he specializes in this stuff,"
"Peter knows how to handle this?"
Derek was quite for a moment before he answered,
"He was our pack doctor and helped my uncles deliver their kid,"
Stiles looked at his mate before getting out of bed. He wrapped his hands around him and gave Derek a tight hug.
"Okay, I may be a little scared but I know how important this is for you and honestly I'm a little scared but I'm also excited to have a little bundle of joy with us,"
Derek smiled as he wrapped his hands around him he than kneeled down and placed a soft kiss on his tummy he made a soft promise that he will do everything he can to protect his babies.
2 months
Stiles turned around and saw his father standing at his door way.
"How, Stiles how are you pregnant?"
"Well you see me and Derek had sex and-"
"Okay okay sorry umm well Derek is a werewolf,"
"I'm aware of that,"
"And I'm a spark which means I'm an emissary and the end result was a little bun in the oven,"
John looked at his son before taking a deep breath.
"Im worried but I'm also scared Stiles is this safe? Will you be okay?"
Stiles smiled at his dad. He understood his fear but he also needed to reassure him.
"Yes daddy I'm safe Derek is making sure I'm okay and Peter is taking care of me,"
"He use to be the packs doctor,"
"Questions for another day,"
The two Stilinski men were silent before John approached him and kissed his forehead.
"So we're gonna have another headache in a few months huh?"
"Yeah we are,"
3 Months
Stiles was surprised he didn't get morning sickness however he got something much, much worse.
Derek came rushing to the house to see Lydia glaring at Jackson while holding Stiles who was crying.
"What's wrong?" He turned to Jackson and growled at him.
"He, he broke my mug!" Stiles wailed ad he buried his face in Lydia's shoulder who was glaring at Jackson.
"It was an accident I swear!"
"You dropped it when I told you to be careful!"
"It was hot!"
"You're a werewolf you should be okay with holding a cup of chocolate!"
"You broke his mug?!" Derek decided now was a good time to intervene.
"The hot chocolate was hot"
"Lydia is right you're a werewolf you should be able to handle the pain!"
"Whats going on? I can hear you yelling from across the fields," Cora asked.
"Jackson broke Stiles mug"
The she-wolf turned to glare at Jackson.
"You broke his mug?!"
"It was hot!:
"You're a werewolf suck it up you little bit-"
"Stop yelling this is not good for the baby!"
Immediately everyone shut up.
"Sorry Stiles we didn't mean to upset the baby-"
"What? No not my little nibblet I'm talking about me I'm the baby this yelling isn't good for me,"
Everyone was quiet for a moment before they all began to laugh like crazy. 
Stiles looked at his mate and fellow pack members and while he wanted to be mad he couldn't help but smile and giggle as well happy to see both his mate and family members happy.
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fyeahboydholbrook · 3 years
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Boyd Holbrook as Stephen Tynan in "Beckett" 2021
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henryobsessed · 3 years
The Veterinarian and the Werewolf
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Word Count: 1800
Summary: The calm before the storm
A/n hello, and thanks again @sillyrabbit81 for reading and editing for me :)
Chapter 11
Henry was angry. It was truly the first time he had allowed himself to feel such anger in almost fifteen years. Everything that was happening, all the pieces coming together to paint a picture of that night, it didn’t bring healing like it should, instead, it just bought more pain. All the locked away feelings he had tried so hard to forget from the past kept coming up, especially when he saw Tom’s face. Everything in him wanted to go full wolf, ignore human laws and decimate his friend’s abusers. If he had not felt a strong need to comfort Tom, to help heal some of his wounds then he would have snuck out right there and then.
But Jessie had different ideas, even after the boys left, she insisted he stay by her side. It was as if she knew what he was thinking, knew he would be reckless. When they arrived at the house, he did a quick sniff of the perimeter before feeling secure that there were no new smells. He found Jessie in the kitchen making a coffee. What he wouldn’t give to taste the magic brew again, it had been so long since his last sip. Wondering if she would understand him, he padded over to her and bumped her leg, put his nose in the air, sniffed at the cup she had finished pouring and then yipped. For the first time in a few days she smiled, a genuine large smile. “Did you want some coffee, Henry?” He yipped again, this time emphasising it with his tongue panting.
She found a small ceramic bowl and poured some coffee into it, she picked it up and placed it on the coffee table in the living room. It was the perfect height for him to first sniff the delectable scent, then hesitantly dip his tongue in. It was perfect, she had made it smooth, bold, and milky. He turned his head to her and almost laughed at the look on her face as she watched with anticipation. “Is it ok? I can change it if you don’t like it that milky.” Her nervousness was real, and he wanted to show her how much he liked it, so instead he turned around and lapped the whole bowl up before jumping on the couch and giving her a series of long sloppy kisses on the cheek. Giggling Jessie squealed, “Henry! Stop! If that’s a yes you liked it then great. But if that’s just a reaction to the coffee then no more for you mister.” He stopped immediately not wanting the coffee to stop.
Henry curled up next to her on the couch laying his head in her lap. It was the only intimate thing that he could do whilst he was still in wolf form. He wanted her to know she was safe. Her fingers began to caress his fur, threading through massaging his skin. The tension and anger melted, all that mattered at that moment was his mate.
She softly cleared her throat, “Henry, I need to let you know about something important. Please yip if you are understanding me.” It had been a while since her voice had not made sense, another sign he hoped that he was closer to the surface. “Yip” was his reply. Her body sagged a bit. “Good, I have insisted Tom come to live here for a while until he is safe to go home. But that might be a long while. I learned something this morning and I need to tell you, but I don’t want you to overreact, ok?”
Overreact, what was she talking about? Henry listened intently a soft growl intimating he heard but was not happy. “Tom, well Tom is my secret admirer.” At that comment, Henry leapt up sitting his full height on the couch. His eyes bored into Jessies, looking to see if what she said was true and not a horrible joke. But the seriousness on her face confirmed her words. Both her hands came up and cradled his muzzle, keeping his eyes on hers as she spoke with authority. “Now listen to me Henry, I know you have been jealous and I appreciate you trying to protect me from Boyd. But you know Tom, he is sweet, caring, and young. You have nothing to be jealous of. I see him as more of a younger brother, heck even as a son. So, you have nothing to fear, I want you to continue to care for him just as you have been. He needs our love and affection right now, not more rejection. Ok?”
Not sure how he felt about it, on top of everything else, he flopped back down in her lap. Not willing yet to acknowledge what she was asking of him. She didn’t know how much it hurt to see her with another, to know outside of a dream he could not hold her. He settled enjoying her hands once again scratching behind his ear and smoothing his fur. They stayed like that until the sound of multiple footsteps sounded at the front door, Henry jumped up and ran to the door his fur heckled and a low growl sending out a warning. “Hey Jessie, Wolfy, it’s just us.” Jessie walked past him and opened the door showing a mountain of bags hiding the two boys behind.
Henry’s heckles stayed up as he watched the wall of bags shuffle into the room. It wasn’t till the bags had been placed down, and Tom’s face was shown again, that his fur smoothed down, at that moment he made his mind up. No matter how painful it was seeing someone else fawn over his mate, he would treat Tom as family. He walked up to Tom, rubbing his body up against him then gave his hand a quick lick. Tom’s hand rested on his head-scratching behind his ear. “Thanks, Wolfy. I missed you too buddy.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jessie with a soft smile on her face.
Joe stayed for dinner, the foursome enjoyed steak and veggies, with ice cream for dessert. After dinner, Joe tried to convince the party too, “Have a fashion parade.” A chorus of no’s including a growl from Henry had him lifting his hands in surrender,.“Oh, you guys are no fun. At least let us get dressed in our pj’s.” Jessie frowned at this comment, causing Joe to explain, “We thought with everything going on it might be a good idea to have a slumber party. You know an extra body in case you know who decides to turn up.” Henry was surprised at Joe’s gesture. As excitable as the boy was he was a true friend to Jessie. Jessie, he could see, was struggling and if he guessed her problem, it was accepting help. She had been independent for so long, had to be strong for herself, work everything out for herself. He could only guess if she was anything like himself that she would try to back out of this extra support.
Before she had a chance to speak, he pushed towards her, growling low making her look at him. He put as much feeling behind his eyes as he could trying harder than ever to push towards the surface. The message he wished to convey was one of “please, accept their help.”
She looked at him, her head cocked to one side before her ridged stance melted and her soft voice yielded. “As long as Dillon is ok with it, Joe that’s fine. Heaven knows this house has enough rooms to have 3 separate guests so I’m ok with you having a ‘slumber party.” Joe whooped at that and ran to ring his boyfriend.
Henry had to snigger, here she was surrounded by boys, Tom was 19, and Joe 22 they had gone and changed into PJ’s that had caused Jessie to giggle, the Pokémon images outlined on the two-piece top and pants make them look like overgrown children. Confirmed by them pulling the cushions of the chairs and creating a fort with blankets for them to sit in and eat popcorn as they watched movies. It truly was a sight to see but Henry could tell she was slightly uncomfortable with the interaction. But with his body surrounding hers, she began to relax and enjoy the constant chatter of Joe and Tom.
As the clock chimed 11pm, the party began to go quiet, and eventually, Jessie put on her boss hat. “All right boys. Time for teeth, toilet, and bed, and I want this room set to rights before you head upstairs.” Yawns and tired agreements grumbled as Henry got up and yipped to Jessie. “You need to go out Henry?” It was the first time she had addressed him with his full name in front of the others.
Joe was the only one who made any note of it as he was picking up the last cushion. “I like that name, Jessie. It suits him.” She smiled at Henry, then let him out.
When he was back inside, they locked up the doors and walked silently upstairs. She poked her head in both rooms saying the good night before moving to her own room. After looking after her own needs Jessie snuggled under the covers. Henry positioned himself so he was stretched out next to her ready to hold her in his arms he shut his eyes pleading for sleep to come fast.
Trees, trees, and more trees, the more he pushed the thicker they grew as if they were alive and deliberately holding him back. Henry began to grow angry again, how dare they stop him from seeing his mate. His anger hit a point causing him to turn into his wolf while in the dream state. This allowed him to duck under the branches until he finally broke free into the clearing. There was Jessie, patiently waiting for her man but the look of shock on her face when wolf Henry broke through into the clearing was evident.
“Henry? Are you, ok?” He looked up at her, the anger still burning hot in his eyes. She stilled for a moment then sat patting her lap in an invitation for him to join her. He passed back and forth for a moment before his heart rate began to settle, then he walked forward, and laid down beside her. His head in her lap she gently caressed his fur before he was fully calm. At that moment his desire for her pulled to the front so much so that he began to shift, she stilled as his body creaked and popped until Henry’s head laid in her lap his naked body stretched out for all to see.
Chapter 12
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princecharmingwinks · 3 years
i cant believe you said you dont write for fandoms!! these are ending up AMAZING! have another fail date for you to make better: we went four-wheel driving over the dunes out bush, we took my car but he drove because he's done the route before. we were the second car in the convoy and because my car is a little smaller than the others it couldnt make it up the last dune! it nearly made it over before sliding back into the sand and ended up half buried! (1/2)
(2/2) the rest of the group had to drag and push us out with planks and chains etc while we were stuck inside because no way in hell i was opening the door to let the sand in! so three wheels in the sand, waiting on our rescue, irl it was a bit awkward but im hoping you'll rewrite a better ending <3
Awww concussed dragon, you are sooo sweet! Thank you! Your unique failed dates are great to work with. Alrighty, let's get into this one! So the pack got big in this one and while most don't have lines, I liked the idea of everyone being there (or almost for anyone I missed haha). I left some of the couple combos up to interpretation so feel free to ship at your leisure.
The pack, after much pestering from a certain human/spark, were finally going on their camping trip. The alpha had finally conceded when Stiles had shot him a pout and hopeful eyes. Derek had reluctantly agreed and ignored the snickering of his betas in the corner of the room.
On the morning of the trip, everyone was pairing up into groups of drivers and passengers so no one drove alone and there were less cars.
Derek and Stiles were the last members out of the rebuilt Hale House. Derek had been locking up and Stiles was finishing off some wards to ensure there were no unwanted visitors while they were away. He was still learning to harness his spark but small wards of protection were easy enough. Defensive magic was easier, offensive was another story.
Stiles threw his bag into the back of the jeep and glanced around.
"So, who's joining Roscoe and me?"
Erica snickered, "Derek."
"What?" Stiles and Derek snapped in unison. Well at least Stiles had a punctuation mark, Derek's not so much.
"I'm with Danny, Lydia and Jacks." Kira spoke up. "Scott, Malia, and Isaac are with Allison."
"I'm obviously with my boy." Erica jumped onto Boyd's back, who was used to his girlfriend's antics and easily caught her. "And Theo is meeting us there after picking up Liam from work. Everyone's paired up so that just leaves you two."
Stiles felt his heart flutter but managed to keep his voice even as he spoke, "Alright Alpha My Alpha, let's get going."
Derek didn't say a word as he slid into the passenger seat of the jeep. Everything would be fine.
Everything was not fine. Stiles was definitely going through a quarter life crisis at the realisation most of the pack were in couples. How did he not realise that? When had it become a prerequisite to start dating a pack member? And now it was just Stiles and the alpha. The alpha he had been in love with for years. Great...
"What's wrong?"
Stiles was pulled out of his internal panic by said alpha's soothing voice. Derek had softened over the years, showing care and concern for each member of the pack. He now bought scent-free nail polish for Erica (so the acid smell didn't upset all the were's noses), stocked Isaac's favourite gummybears and even hugged Kira willingly at her university graduation. Derek Hale was a softie.
"I'm fine, nothing wrong here, no sir." Stiles prattled. Even he heard the blatant lies without supernatural healing. He glanced to his side and was greeted by raised eyebrows.
"Ok, so I may have just realised how paired up everyone in the pack really is."
"Except us."
"Yeah," Stiles sighed. "Except us. Do you ever think about that? Like, why you haven't dated anyone since..." He trailed off. Derek didn't have the best track record for his love interests but he hadn't even been on a date for more than 3 years.
Derek looked out the window at the scenary, they were driving into the sand dune part of the journey, and for a moment Stiles thought he wasn't going to answer.
"I've been waiting."
Stiles blinked. Huh?
"For someone so smart, you're really clueless sometimes." Derek huffed, glancing back at Stiles.
"What have you been waiting for?" Stiles dared to ask. They had paused to allow Allison's four-wheel-drive to roll up the last sand dune, waiting for their turn. Roscoe would be the last time to make the climb.
"I thought it was my imagination at first but then you kept coming around and..."
It was Roscoe's turn now and Stiles slowly prepared for the final climb of the dune. He tried to keep focused on the task at hand, allowing Derek to speak his thoughts. You never rushed the alpha when he was being vulnerable.
"I know you kind of like me?" Derek voiced it as a question but all Stiles heard was sirens in his brain. Derek knew? Stiles' foot slid off the peddle and they immediately started rolling backwards, fast.
"Shit! Shit, shit shit." Stiles acted quickly but it wasn't enough. Roscoe descended the sand dune and sank, refusing to move. Sand on either side of them blocked the bottom of their doors. They were officially stuck.
Stiles rested his head on the steering wheel and slowed his breathing. There were multiple crises going on but most had solutions.
The others would work out they hadn't made the climb soon enough or Theo and Liam would find them on their way through. So either way, Roscoe being stuck wasn't a massive deal. The real dilemma was Stiles' outed feelings for Derek.
The same Derek that was eyeing Stiles with concern as he called Kira to request some assist. Stiles heard him hang up before the sound of a door handle being jiggled. He snapped his head up.
"Whoa there sourwolf, there is to be no sand storm in this car, thankyouverymuch." He reached out and tugged the alpha's hand away from the door.
"I figured me getting out and pushing was the preferred option to sitting here with you in a state of panic at my assumption."
Stiles pulled his hand back. "What?"
"Look, we can just forget I ever said anything, alright? I get I'm not the most desirable crush to have. It's probably just familiarity and your sense of loyalty that's fueled your scent around me anyway. Don't worry about it."
Stiles shook his head, "Oh no you don't. You opened that can of worms and I'm no coward." The spark met Derek's gaze. Had he been planning on ignoring his feelings for the alpha? Sure. But was he going to run away from a moment like this? Nope. Stiles Stilinski was a lot of things but after running with wolves and other supernaturals for most of his life, he knew when he needed to tackle something head on.
"Now, before you go down your rabbit hole of I'm-not-good-enough crazy talk, I've got something to say."
Derek nodded like the soft alpha he was and turned to face Stiles more fully.
"You, Derek Alexander Hale, are amazing. A little on the martyr side but that's because you are so protective of your pack. I'd be crazy to not fall in love with you. That's right, love not like. I've been in love with you for years but how was a kid like me going to catch the alpha's eye? I didn't want to ruin our friendship. This," He gestured between them. "This is important to me. I don't want to ruin it."
Derek released a sigh of relief? Stiles couldn't read his eyebrows which was disappointing when he was the most expert at interpreting the alpha's facial expressions.
Then Derek was darting forward and claiming Stiles' lips in a searing kiss. Stiles went with it, almost unbelieving that any of this was happening.
Derek eventually pulled back and rested his forehead against Stiles'.
"Worth the wait." The alpha whispered, grinning, bunny teeth all on display.
"Two way street here. You could've said something too. How long have you liked me?"
Derek blushed and it was only because they were so close that Stiles saw the pink of his cheeks and ears.
"I've always liked you, even if I didn't always show it. But love? I think I've loved you since you woke me up on an elevator floor by punching me. You could have left without me but you didn't."
Stiles pouted, "Since then?"
Derek raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong?"
Stiles pushed Derek back and clumsily crawled across the gear stick to straddle the alpha's lap.
"We could have been having the best sex of my life for years, Derek! Years! We've got a lot of making up to do." Stiles dove in to kiss Derek this time. The alpha happily drew Stiles in closer, curling his arms around the spark's slim waist.
A knock on the window, interrupted their make-out session. Boyd's face appeared with judging eyebrows to rival Derek's.
"Heard you needed a hand." Boyd spoke loudly with a smirk as Derek's hand moved away from Stiles' ass to rest safely on his back.
"What's Erica doing?" Stiles asked, leaning over Derek to squint at the blonde chatting wildly on the phone. Derek focused his hearing.
"Turns out I'm not the only one who was waiting." Derek grinned, "And everyone apparently owes Lydia money."
They did eventually get Roscoe out of the sand dune thanks to the advantages of going camping with multiple supernatural creatures. By the time everyone was settled in the camp and Erica had informed Theo and Liam on the events of the day, Lydia was a very rich woman.
Stiles couldn't complain though. Not when the alpha was snuggled between his legs as Stiles sat on the log and Derek roasted them marshmallows. Apparently no one trusted Stiles near an open flame following the incident with that vampire clan. Stiles combed his fingers through Derek's hair and looked around at the pack. This camping trip was the best idea ever.
Ok so I must confess I do not camp like...ever and have no idea how four-wheel-driving works so please forgive any major errors in that department. I tweaked things a bit from your prompt sorry. I just couldn't imagine Stiles letting anyone else drive Roscoe. Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for popping in!
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darlingbudsofrae · 3 years
Matt Boyd Appreciation Post
Foxes Appreciation Series : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 ||
If you hate Matt, I just have one question for you— WTF??
Second to Renee, Matt is a pretty hard character NOT to love.
He’s friendly, reliable, and understanding.
But he’s also really badass.
So back when Matt struggled with drug addiction because his dad doesn’t deserve to be a parent, his mom got him into these activities to help cope while on rehab- exy and boxing.
Because Matt’s mom is a professional boxer, of course she teaches him all the right moves to flip someone in a matter of like two seconds with no sweat.
Now, add Matt’s height to the equation and you got yourself another fox not to mess with (honestly, you shouldn’t even mess with any of the foxes- they’re all dangerous).
Matt is the tallest out of the foxes.
And he isn’t just all skins and bones either. 
I think people forget that he can throw a good punch. (Like his mom is a professional boxer and taught him how so of course he’s going to hit hard af)
The thing though is, Matt chooses not to in most situations. 
He just doesn’t give people his time of day and if that doesn’t scream IDGAF bad bish energy I don’t know what does. 
Like at any point in time, he could’ve punched Kevin for being a bit insensitive at times and you may argue that he doesn’t do that because he’s scared of Andrew but that didn’t stop him from doing so during TRK.
Because he hit his limit. 
Because Matt was probably dead worried about Neil and his immediate thought process when he saw Neil all battered up was pure anger. 
He thought it was because of Kevin and was so mad about it that he hit him- Andrew be damned.
Matt stared at him for an endless minute, then said, "I want to break his face in six places. If he ever comes within a thousand yards of you again—"
Also, I don’t know where I read this but apparently Matt was assaulted? 
I think I remember that being included in his past, it was at one of his dad’s wild parties and holy shit.
He has a horrible dad.
The thing about Matt Boyd is that he chooses his own battles, and the scariest thing is he goes all out on those fights.
Because he can. Because he’s a fox and he knows how to go down and nasty. 
Also, I love how enthusiastic Matt was in taking Neil under his wing. 
I think he was so insistent about it because the foxes are a VERY rowdy bunch and the others at that time were either planning to break him or couldn’t care less about him.
So Matt made it a point to let Neil know that he can always go to Matt because he’s that person. He can be relied on.
Most people forget that the first person to offer Neil Josten protection was Matt Boyd.
I cannot emphasize enough how amazing Matt Boyd is a character. 
Like, he always goes on the defense mode rather than the attack most times but he’s not completely against throwing a punch every now and then.
Also, I love how Matt respects Dan and is always there to support her, even through the bad times.
And the best boyfriend award goes to...
Plus, I really just love how collected with his shit together Matt is.
He’s also pretty competent- like one of the things people forget about because it gets overshadowed by Andreil’s prowess is that Kevin respects Matt because of his knack for exy. 
Like, I know this is putting Kevin in the pedestal but this is Kevin Son of Exy Day.
Lowkey- he’s just an overall chill, awesomely considerate, and nice dude.
But he would be out for blood if his friends family got hurt and that’s- 
While it’s never explicitly stated in the books, Matt is such a respectful person. You can see it in the way when tension rises between the monsters, or just the way he treats people.
I think this is also evident when everyone knew about Andreil.
I don’t remember Matt reacting so negatively or thinking that the situation was too bizarre unlike the others.
Like, on CHP15 before the shower scene, Matt didn’t really pried too much or went all Allison/Nicky on them and just went on his merry way to Dan.
I think Matt is one of the most overlooked characters, like most see him at face value and makes a caricature out of it.
Which I think is also a product of him not really having a lot of pages in the books.
But Matt is so much more than comic relief- he’s strong, competent, is a shoulder to lean on, and just overall such a well-rounded character. 
He’s one of those nice guys actually done right and hopefully he gets appreciated more. 
Like, dare I say it? He’s the most decent guy out of all the foxes. 
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Everyone; here’s that mini essay I did it’s not that long but it’s HERE
I’ve refreshed my memory everyone get ready; Why Season 3 Episode 6 Astroboyd is the best episode in Ducktales; a thread.
For starters; this is Gyros big character development episode upon being confronted with BOYD he immediately shuts it down
He immediately protest when Huey tells him that his “friend” is glitching , i”I know all about IT , IT is not your friend” “at its core 2BO is a dangerous weapon” when we know he DAMN well knows that he’s lying, he’s just believing it to be this way
And it doesn’t stop there, Huey is out there proving to Gyro that 2BO is more than his programming just by being his friend WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT GYRO WAS TO HIM! the reason Gyro gets so upset with Huey is that he sees himself in Huey, he was in his shoes
Which leads to the discovery of 2BOs memories; which I cannot praise the show enough by how these are presented, the robot was just looking for that affirmation that Gyro gave him all those years ago. We learn that Gyros old mentor (who definitely abused Gyro)
Akita had over rode his work, gyro was huey in this situation, he gets frustrated in the same ways that Huey did, it’s really a fantastic parallel through the whole episode; and it really just shows what trauma can do to a person; it’s so obvious that Gyro
Was a bit afraid of Akita which is why I think it was so easy for Akita to emotionally manipulate Gyro; he was genuinely a sweet kid and he genuinely wanted to do something good for the world; but Akita would not let him. It makes it so sad to see gyro bitter
Because you just know it’s due to the fact Akita took advantage of how smart he was; using him for 2BO. Now I want to talk about Gyros body language because that’s very important to why this episode is just the best. When we first see Gyro with Akita;
It’s when he is telling and berating him for trying to call TBO “a real boy” he tenses up freezing , and walks away defeated. Flash forward to the present , Gyro finally confronting Akita the second he yells the habit returns. Gyro tenses and freezes up.
However , being fucking brave; he confronts him; calling out Akita for what he did, this is BIG for gyro it’s clear that he was repressing this for too many years; ignoring the fact that it wasn’t his fault, you can just tell how much pressure is relieved—
Just by that hug scene alone; he could have been potentially killed here; he had no idea this was going to actually work, but he did it anyway and it worked you can just tell how much baggage he was dealing with all this, this poor fucking chicken man
Naming Fenton was also a huge deal for him, I think that he didn’t because he was afraid of getting attached to him and doing something horribly wrong and pushing away. I think he realizes after essentially saving everyone and saving Boyd for that matter -
Because I know that he was about to shut Boyd down until he was stopped by Huey and he realizes that he wasn’t wrong and he could still exist , he realizes that he was pushing Fenton away from him and that he was more than that, he hires him cuz he cares
Gyro continues to change and you really do get to see him get softer by the end especially with Fenton , he definitely got all star eyed when it came to Gizmocloud! Something he definitely wouldn’t have done sooner, that’s character GROWTH.
So yeah, THIS is why astroboyd is the best episode of all of Ducktales 2017; and dare I say, why Gyro Gearloose is the best character in all of Ducktales 2017 GOOD DAY.
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Stalking the King Chapter 3
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
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Henry V/OFC
Historical AU, Historical Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Eventual Smut, Angst, Sexual Tension, Bathing
Lisabet is a high born Lady of Oleans, France. When King Henry V conquers her city, taking her brother hostage along with other nobles, she vows to be revenged upon the foreign invader and rescue her brother. Dressed in boys clothing she hopes to escape notice in Henry’s camp, but the English King has a much more perceptive eye than she anticipated.
A bit of a plot heavy chapter, but I hope you like it nonetheless!
Lisabeta had seen no more than a glimpse of Henry’s sun kissed locks as he strode away that morning. Not, of course, that she wanted to see the King. She had seen enough of him last night. More than enough, she added, as the image of him in all his naked splendor slipped its way into her mind.
That vexing image seemed to be branded into her brain, so often did she find herself thinking of it when she let her mind drift. His skin, dotted with freckles and crossed with scars that somehow failed to detract from his masculine beauty. The breadth of his shoulders that tapered slowly, over a long distance, to his narrow hips. How could one so unquestionably awful be so unquestionably awe arousing? It was simply not fair!
She had barely slept last night, so active had been her mind. Her body also seemed more alive than usual. There was a curious heat within her, to the point that she wondered if she was feverish. Her skin tingled, and her stomach felt unsettled. Most distracting of all was the odd ache she felt in her womanly organs. She was not due for her courses for weeks, why was she feeling so out of sorts there? She didn’t know, but she was more than willing to blame the English King.
She hated him, more than she had ever hated anyone. He had toyed with her, she knew it! And yet, how could that be when to him she was simply one of his pages. The fact that he had treated her with such disinterest and disregard only meant her disguise was working, for no well born man, even an Englishman, would ever behave so in front of gently bread lady. And yet it maddened her to no end that he had been so with her. She wanted more than ever to find him and run him through with her sword. If she had to wait on him again, no doubt she would do so.
And yet, it was even more insufferable that he did not send for her. Lisabeta was not a woman used to being overlooked, particularly by men. She commanded attention the moment she arrived in a room by virtue of both her looks and her natural spirit. To be forced to sit idly waiting for Henry to call on her was not to be endured.
Around midday of the day following the tent incident she had been sent for, but it was not the King who had called her. She was beginning to wonder what pages were expected to do in a royal camp, and how she was to maintain her anonymity. The night before she had simply found a place on the ground near a fire, using her saddle roll as a pillow and her cloak as a blanket. It was a long night, with only restless sleeping on the hard ground, but she had endured it. In the morning she had snuck between a tent and a wagon towards the tree line and relieved herself, frantic lest someone should see her. It could not go on like this for long, and she knew it.
When summons had come, she assumed it was from the King. After all, who else knew she was there? Instead, she had been brought to a smaller tent not far from where the Royal Standard flew. A desk took up most of the space, somehow both neat and cluttered with papers and ink. Sitting behind it was a thin, balding man who looked less like a soldier that Lisabet herself. She guessed him to be her father’s age, and dark circles ringed his eyes.
“You are Phillipe Cavot, the King’s new page?” the man asked in a voice as tired as his eyes.
“I am, my Lord, what would you have with me?” Lisabeta struggled to make her voice sound more like an anxious page and less like a confident lady.
“King Henry thought I might make use of you,” the man sounded uncertain as he looked her over.
What! The King was handing her off like so much unwanted baggage to one of his underlings? Lisabeta seethed internally. How dare he be so high handed?
“Did he indeed, how generous of him,” she bit off.
“I thought it so, if what he says is true,” the man’s voice was mild and slightly perplexed at her answer. “Your hand, I take it, is decipherable? If so, you will be better than the last. I am Laurence, Henry’s secretary. I have a stack of documents to write, and time is not a friend to me of late. You will assist me here with all my work. I know it is less exciting task to aid a secretary than knight. But here at least some comfort does exist. There is a cot for you to sleep upon, and there behind the screen a chamber pot. Perhaps it is no luxury for you, but when one reaches my age, one will find such niceties are of a great import.”
Lisabeta was at first inclined to be outraged, if only because outrage seemed to be her reaction to all that Henry said or did. To be stuck in this tent with a reedy man with a reedy voice all day was not the reason why she had come here. On the other hand, it did neatly solve both of her core problems. It was as if providence had given her a way to stay until she figured out the next step in her plan.
In addition to all of this, it occurred to Lisabeta that this could be just the place she needed to be. If this man was King Henry’s secretary, then the documents scattered about his desk took on an entirely new interest to her. It was possible that hidden among the mounds of papers that looked to be mostly correspondences could be maps, perhaps even battle plans, detailing the English forces’ intentions. If she could put her hands on those documents, it could be a turning point in this war.
In her mind, Lisabeta pushed away the picture of Henry mercilessly and in its place forced in what must be seen as a happier view. She would wait until the secretary had left, of perhaps gone to sleep as it looked like he must soon do. Once he was out of the way, she would find the betraying documents, copy them down, and slip from the camp. How easy would it be then to send them via courier, or maybe even bring them herself, to the French King and his constable in Paris? Lisabeta could singlehandedly win this wretched war for France!
It was a plan, and she would see it done. She need never cross paths with the arrogant King Henry again. Let him preen around his camp in the mud for another day or two, she would not be there to wash it from his body. And all the better for that, she insisted to herself, even as she fought back regret.
“Your Majesty, what brings you to our tents?” Sir Stephen Boyd asked, beginning to drop to one knee in the mud before Henry waved away the need.
“My restless legs that needed room to stretched,” Henry laughed good naturedly. “How goes it with our enforced visitors?”
“Well, my Lord, when all is said and done. One little lad no more than three years old did give us all some trouble at the start.”
“Precocious lad! How did he manage that?”
“With screaming morn and night, to wake the dead. I tell you Sire, I’ve seen my share of war. I’ve fought in wars whose blood would fill a lake, and thought my life was ended more than once. But never have I known a greater fear than when the cub did last drift off to sleep and any noise did threaten our brief peace.”
Henry could not but laugh at the thought of the bluff old knight fearing a lad of three. The very sight of him proclaimed the battles he spoke of. Still, there lived inside the blustery warrior a soft heart. Henry remembered being found out by Sir Stephen after his first taste of battle. An overwhelmed squire, Henry had been horrified by the carnage he had witnessed. Ashamed of himself, he had hidden behind a wagon to empty his stomach before crouching down trembling from the shock, terrified lest someone should see him so unmanned.
But when Sir Stephen had discovered him, the older knight had not mocked or scolded him. Instead, he had hunched down next to him and handed over a flask of water for Henry to rinse his mouth. After Henry had stopped shaking, Sir Stephen had spoken to him in a matter of fact voice, telling him that all men of intellect were shaken by the reality of war. It was only the dull or the cruel who escaped unscathed. Any man worth following would react as Henry had, he opined, and he was proud that his future lord was such a one. With a nod, he had risen and walked away, leaving behind the water and a more thoughtful Henry.
It was because of this innate compassion that Henry had chosen him to have custody of the hostages. Other, higher ranked men had chafed, wanting the potentially lucrative position where they could extort money from anxiety ridden parents. Henry had thwarted them all, placing in stead an honorable man who would do his best to keep the young hostages safe and well looked after.
“A mighty terror indeed, how solved you it?” he asked now with a shudder.
“I handed off the boy to Mistress Mead,” Sir Stephen replied, face reddening. “She’s wife to Seargent Mead, a doughty man, and raised a brood of children of her own. I know your Grace did put him in my charge, but at his age he needs a woman’s care. I hope you know I meant no harm by it. I’d trust the goodwife my very life.”
“As I trust you with mine, my blustery friend,” Henry assured him. “I should have thought to do so from the start. I thank you, Sir, for seeing to it now.”
They stood in companionable silence for a while, watching a pair of lads in oversized helmets batter at each other. Henry wasn’t entirely sure why he had come here. He had been at his desk going over the papers his secretary had left for him, but his mind was not really focused. He needed to walk, to exercise. To get away from his tent where his eyes and mind kept drifting over to the large tub where the Gascoigne lass had bathed him two nights before. He had not been able to stop thinking of her since.
It was only because he had been celibate, he assured himself. That was the reason why he had responded so strongly to the chit. She was completely lacking skill in her ministrations. Her touch had been hesitant, shy, barely skimming over his skin. And yet, that had changed as she proceeded. She had grown bolder, pulling slightly on his hair, rubbing his aching shoulders and back. He had been loud in his appreciation, moaning as he felt the tension and stiffness melt out of him.
Well, it had melted out of his upper body, his lower body had been an entirely different story. As her hands drifted lower, his erection had become painful in its insistence. She was just inches away, all it would take was a small dip down for her soft hand to be wrapped around his length. He had wanted it with an intensity that left him throbbing. If he had not sent her away at that point, he would have dragged her into the tub with him.
It was a thought that kept occurring to him through the night and all the next day.
He thought he had hit on the perfect solution by handing her off to Laurence. The man could use an extra hand, and he could only imagine the girl’s education had included penmanship. He could not have her running about his camp, just waiting for someone to realize she was a woman, for god’s sake. She was a scandal just waiting to happen, in no small part because she seemed incapable of staying unobtrusive.
Laurance, on the other hand, could be trusted implicitly with her. The man was discreet to a fault, as one who preferences were as his had to be in their society. As Henry suspected, he had sussed out her true nature the first day, but rather than confront her with it had quietly brought it to his King’s attention. When Henry indicated that he knew her identity, but wished to do nothing for present, his secretary had sighed but nodded, mumbling that at least she had a passable hand a quick mind, if an even quicker tongue. She would be safe with him until he decided how to proceed.
He just needed to find out more about her, which brought him to his current location.
“Tell me, Sir, how does the young Gascoigne?” he asked, attempting nonchalance.
“Little Phillipe? He does right well, my Lord,” Stephen answered, slight curiosity in his voice. “That be him over there, the one in blue. He’ll make a proper Knight if ‘ere he grows. A bit to clever, like to one I know. But taking to account his lineage and vast side of the force he’ll one day lead, that is no bad thing, as I think you know.”
Henry watched the boy as he traded blows with another a head taller than him. He saw what Sir Stephen alluded to. The larger boy clearly had strength and reach on his side, but Phillipe easily side stepped the attacks launched on him. He had an excellent eye for what his opponent was about to do next. If only he had a better control of his own weapon. Acting on instinct, Henry strode forward, grabbing a practice sword from the wrack as he did.
“Your grip is wrong, if I may intercede?”
He didn’t raise his voice, he seldom did, but the two boys drew back, instantly lowering their blades. Phillipe dropped to one knee, and after a slight pause the other boy did the same, removing their borrowed helms.
“Rise up, Phillipe, I’ll show you how it’s done,” he offered, along with his hand to help the boy to rise.
He was a handsome lad, Henry observed. Very much the boyish version of his sister. Henry was continually amused at how everyone else took her for a boy. Her hips were obviously those of a woman, and the combination of padding and binding did not completely hide her other curves. On top of that, the planes of her face were more feminine, if older and sharper than the boy before him.
He spent the next hour happily helping Phillipe improve his grip. The boy had stamina, and after the first few moments lost his stiffness with the King. Henry enjoyed physical activity of all sorts and had been unhappy with the idleness. The lesson was just what he had needed to restore his good humor.
“Well done, my lad, I think you have the trick,” he said at last, setting aside his sword and ruffling the boy’s hair.
“I thank you, Sire, for sparing me your time,” Phillipe said shyly, panting a bit. “I father doth despair of my poor skill. Why even my own sister Lisabet can best me when it cometh to the blade.”
“Ah, Lisabet! That is your sister’s name!” Henry said, remembering now that he had heard the lovely moniker before.
“Why yes, my Lord, but know you Lisabet?”
Henry cursed silently, damning his tongue for saying the name out loud. A lovely name, he thought, although perhaps too soft for the sassy brat who had infiltrated his camp.
“By reputation only, to my woe,” he said with an easy smile to, “I hear she is the jewel of all of France.”
“So all do say, though I do see it not,” the boy made a face all brothers of sisters would recognize before continuing to ramble. “A willful fury, with a biting tongue is more the face that she does show to me. But those who know the fashion of the world have dubbed her oft an incomparable. My parents seek to make for her a match with every single gentleman of name.”
“And is there any one she most prefers?” Henry asked, irritated at the idea that the innocent vixen in his tent last night might be promised to another.
“No, not when last I spoke to her, my Lord. Papa would wed her to Lord Constable, I heard him say the match was all but made. But Lisabet just curled her lip at that. I think she fancies more to be a queen, or empress who could manage one and all. She certainly does like to get her way. But do not, please, mistake me good my Lord. Though she can be a right pain in my side, she is at heart a loving sister still. She wept when I did leave to be our pledge.”
“Belike she thought I meant to use you ill. I hope, Phillip, that has not been the case?”
“Why no, my Lord, though I should say it not, the days that I have spent here in your camp seem almost as a holiday to me!”
“Then I am glad to give you such a treat. You must inform your sister of the truth.
“I will when I am back at home with her. She will just roll her eyes and scoff at me and tell me that I do betray our house. She would have had us fight till all were dead, or ere she ever flew the flag of truce.” 
“She sounds a truly formidable foe. How glad I am I had to fight her naught.”
 “As you should be, she wields a blade with skill!”
“Gascoigne, will you talk the good king mad? Come over here and help to clean the blades!”
Chastised by the should from Sir Stephen, the boy ducked his head and bowed to Henry before running over to assist in the work. Henry smiled in reply, but him mind was elsewhere. So, his fiery, would be page was set to marry the Constable of France? And, moreover, she was a fierce opponent of the peace with England. That would not bode well for Henry or for Fance. He hoped to settle the matter of his sovereignty, and the good Constable was a stumbling block in his way. If the man were wed to a woman of passion who stood against Henry’s claim, he would be only more likely to dig in and voice his dissent. No, Henry did not think he could allow such a union to take place.
It had nothing at all, of course, to do with his own attraction to the woman.
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @yespolkadotkitty@maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston​ @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @ghostypau @justthehiddleswrites @ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza​
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september11th2001 · 3 years
Gyro Gearloose: Kid Inventor and Father
i havent written fics in like a millenia so i apologize if this is kinda messy but i had this idea and had to get it out there ksdkjsh
word count: ~900
characters: Boyd Gearloose, Huey Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Dr. Akita (briefly), Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (mentioned)
tws: yelling ment and a bad view on gnc clothing ig??
fic under the cut <3 <3
Boyd had a lot of repressed memories of Dr. Akita’s lab.
One memory he had been able to remember was when he was walking the streets of Tolkyolk, holding his inventors hand, when he spotted a box of clothes left out on the corner.
The definitely real boy tugged on Intern Gearloose’s hand, leading him to the box. He pulled out what seemed to be an old school uniform skirt. It was around his size, and was a soft texture he couldn’t get enough of. Gyro let him keep the skirt, and they went back to Akita’s lab.
When the then named 2-BO tried on the skirt, he loved it. Hewouldn’t stop spinning around, giggling as the young intern watched him. Dr. Akita entered the lab, not nessecarily looking at 2-BO until he had bumped into the doctor.
The chicken sat up in his chair, looking at his boss. “yes, Dr. Akita?”
Akita kneeled down, picking at the boy’s skirt until the intern made a move to stand up and walk over to him. “Did you change 2-BO's gender?”
Gyro looked somewhat puzzled. “of course not, Dr. Akita, 2-BO picked this outfit out on his own!”
He sounded confident in his answer, but his confidence waned when the doctor glared at him. “A word in my office, Intern.”
Boyd couldn’t remember what had happened next exactly. It was a blur. He remembered distant yelling, and a fear of wearing what he would later learn was “feminine” clothing. It got Dr. Gearloose in trouble, so he decided not to wear those kinds of clothes again.
But, he had almost completely forgotten about this when Huey was staying the night at him and Dr. Gearloose’s apartment.
The two junior woodchucks were playing dress up with some clothes Huey and brought just for the occasion (he had planned out the whole evening for maximum friendship fun!) and the two were having fun in Boyd’s room.
“Here, I picked out this outfit based on junior woodchuck rule #204; always plan ahead for both fun and freedom! This outfit has expertise sewing from yours truly while still being breathable!” Huey took out a dress with a slightly shorten than knee length skirt and puffy shoulders. It was that tan-ish color all of Boyd’s clothes were (Gyro had insisted he could pick any color he wanted, but he found beiges had suited him best), with a bow on the waistline very similar to the red of his usual bowtie.
“Really Huey?? For me??” Boyd sounded astonished. Huey handed it to Boyd, nodding ecstatically. “Really!! Try it on!!”
Boyd took the dress and put it on over his pajamas, straightening out the skirt a bit. He looked up at Huey, bouncing on his heels. “How do I look??”
Huey paused, examining Boyd quickly, and then smiled and gave him a thumbs up. “Like a definitely real boy!”
The two boys had decided to play make-believe (after Huey explained what that was), with Huey putting on his own costume he had also worked on that made him look like a knight with a very royally red color palate.
As the two were laughing and running around Boyd’s room, they hadn’t noticed the front door of the apartment opening, insinuating Gyro was home.
Suddenly, as the two boys were in the middle of a story line about an epic quest with dragons, witches, and dragon witches, the door to Boyd’s room opened. “2-B- I mean, Boyd, what do you want... For...”
Gyro looked down at the two children in their medievalesque garb, Boyd particularly looking frightened, like a definitely real deer in headlights.
“Boyd... I-”
Gyro was interrupted as Huey stepped in between them, holding his arms out like a shield. “Don’t you dare judge him, he can wear whatever he wants! A fellow woodchuck will always look out for their fellow woodchuck, no matter what!”
Gyro paused. He sighed. “Look, Hansen-”
“Not my name.”
“As you say, but, I’m not here to judge Boyd.’
Huey slowly lowered his arms. “You’re... Not?”
Gyro sighed again, thinking of how to go about this. Red nephew didn’t need to know every intimate detail of what Boyd’s life as 2-BO was. Luckily, before he had to say anything, Boyd gently stepped in front of Huey, looking up at Gyro.
Gyro exhaled and kneeled down. “Here, Boyd, your sleeve.” Gyro lifted up Boyd’s arm, straightening out his sleeve that had gotten bunched up and twisted during make-believe.
Boyd looked at Huey, who by now had taken a few steps back, looking at him the way he does when he usually has a yes or no question, and Huey almost always knows what he’s asking, and right now was no exception.
Huey gave him two thumbs up, and Boyd looked back at Gyro, pausing for a moment before tackling the doctor in a hug, sending them both tumbling to the floor in a feat that didn’t really require much strength or effort from the definitely real boy.
Gyro squawked, being attacked in his home home by his own son had startled him to say the least, but he was learning to be more “with the flow” as Cabrera would say. He awkwardly pat Boyd on the back, sitting up. “Okay, okay, that’s enough.”
Gyro gently grabbed Boyd and set him down next to Huey, standing up and dusting himself off. “I’ll be in the living room if you need me, just make sure you’re in pjs before dinner so you don’t have a chance of accidentally ruining your clothes.”
Gyro smiled as he left the room, hearing both the boys cheer as he shut the door. He sat down on the couch, somewhat melting into it after having to be a parent. It’s tiring, yknow?
But it was worth it for Boyd.
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jjchantill · 4 years
Updated Masterlist
Started: 12/05/2015
Last Updated: 05/11/2021
Total Posts: 153
One Direction:
Adore You
How You Meet
First Date
He Gets Sick While Visiting Your Parents
He Pretends To Hate You
He Holds Your Baby For The First Time
You Break Up
You’re Sick *Part Two* *Part Three* *Part Four*
Your Wedding *Part Two*
Good Enough
He Doesn’t Think He’s Good Enough
I Don’t Do Popstar
Under The Mistletoe
You Deserve The World
They Don’t Know You
Back Together
Scared To Love
Swimsuit Shopping
He’s Sick
Road Trip
Tell Her *Part Two* *Part Three*
One Word
Approval *Part Two* *Part Three*
How You Meet
I’ll Take Care Of You
He Gets Sick While Visiting Your Parents
He Pretends to Hate You
His Letter To You *To The Boys*
Earn Me
Your Wedding *Part Two*
Twelve Hours
Under the Mistletoe
Truth or Dare *Part Two*
Wedding Photo
How You Meet
He Cheats
He Gets Sick While Visiting Your Parents
Small Moments
He Pretends To Hate You
Your Wedding
Pregnant On Vacation
How A Heart Breaks
Sick In The Middle Of The Night
You Have A Bad Day
How Do You Know
How You Meet
Regrets *Part Two* *Part Three* *Part Four*
He Gets Sick While Visiting Your Parents
Forever And Always
Your Wedding
Proposal Gone Wrong
How You Meet
She Will Be Loved
He Gets Sick While Visiting Your Parents
He Breaks Up With You Because Of Management
Your Wedding
All the Boys:
He’s Jealous of Your Eyes *Part Two*
Change Your Ticket
Before The Wedding
During The Wedding
After The Wedding
You’re Almost Kidnapped
Your Kids As Teens
How Fans Find Out About Your Relationship
Five Seconds of Summer:
Anniversary *Part Two*
First Date
How You Meet
You Love Him But He’s Your Best Friend *Part Two*
He Cheats And You Find Out
Best Friend Dies
Your Wedding
How You Meet
You Love Him But He’s Your Best Friend
He Tracks You Down *Part Two*
Your Wedding
Married & Pregnant
Knocked Up
How You Meet
You Tell Him You’re Pregnant
Hiding Your Relationship From Your Brother
You Get In A Fight
You Love Him But He’s Your Best Friend *Part Two*
Your Wedding
How You Meet
Ignored *Part Two*
You Love Him But He’s Your Best Friend *Part Two* *Part Three*
Your Wedding
All the Boys:
Leaving For Tour
Before The Wedding
During The Wedding
After The Wedding
Your Kids As Teens
How Fans Find Out About Your Relationship
We Don’t Talk Anymore:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Other Imagines:
Alex Wolff:
Fourth of July
Tom Holland:
Your Ex is Still in Love with You *Part 2* *Part 3*
I Hate You
Break Up *Part Two*
Little Piece of Heaven
Before *Part Two* *Part Three*
Charlie Hunnam:
Garrett Hedlund:
Scott Eastwood:
Boyd Holbrook:
133 notes · View notes
the writing style of dt17
Hi there I am bored and a bit sick so I have decided to go on a huge rant/ break down about the “writing style” of Ducktales 2017.
the writing on the show is fantastic and is wonderful example of masterful writing, in both character and mystery’s. So after re-watching the show (again) I have put together the basic formula that the seasons have.
first things first, I have to explain the difference between a Plot line and a Story line. now these terms in this context, means that a ‘story line’ can out live a ‘plot line’.let me beak it down.
in Season one, 
the Plot line- 
Magica de spell made Lena and she got close to the family to steal scrooges dime and free Magica. 
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with me so far, now. 
the Story Line -
is about a family coming back together after years apart.
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now even when the ‘plot’ is not around the ‘story’ still continues. So each episode focuses on one or both of these elements.
How do they do that? simple, character focus.
both the ‘plot line’ and the ‘story line’ are embodied by one to two characters (as the focus)
in season one the plot focused character was Lena.
meaning that whenever she showed up in s1 the audience knew that something plot related is going to happen. Lena pushed the s1 plot line forward with every appearance, until the every last episode of s1. 
she was the connection to Magica, she was the one with the ‘plot secret’ and it was reviled with her character. 
simple enough. 
the characters pushing the story line in s1 were
Dewey and Scrooge, 
Dewey in particular was the one pushing the ‘story line’ as he (and webby) was the one most involved with finding out WHY the family had been apart so long (why and how his mother was missing).
so whenever an episode focused on Dewey the audience knew that the ‘story line’ was moving forward. the way Scrooge fits into this is what makes the writing on this show so damn amazing.
the way dt17 uses characters to play off not just each other but the story is what makes it all so impressive.
Scrooge in s1 was ‘holding all the cards’ as it were as he already knew how the whole thing happened BUT when it is revealed and the audience, like Dewey thinks we have all the answers this happens 
Here (4 mins in)
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we (the audience) think the story is over the truth that Dewey (we) wanted was reviled but at the last turn, we find out the story is not over, that there in another peace that was missing. why scrooge pushed everyone away in the first place. this showed that the story was not over, and that there was more to it then anyone realised. ok so we know that s1 ends with both the story line and plot line merging and then concluding at the same time. the family came back together to beat De Spell (but they would have come back regardless which is important to the story line) 
ok so that was season one 
Season Two 
has a similar formula in that it also uses characters as focuses points for both plot and story.
The plot line-
 of season 2 is, that the moon is trying to invade earth and made it into a moon.
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 the story line-
is about Della finding and reconnecting with her kids.
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the focus of this season is a little different though as the plot is not driven by a single person like last time but a location.
the Moon
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whenever the moon was given focus it moved the plot along regardless of who it was following. weather is was 
- Della
- Penny 
- Lunarus
the location is what made episode plot related not just the characters themselves per say, same as s1 whenever the moon showed up the audience knew it was plot related in some way. 
moving on to the Story line focus of s2  was
Louie and Della
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Louie’s arc in s2 (which i will expand later) is basically him finding how he fits into the family and what his ability’s are.
Della’s as stated above is about finding and reconnecting with her boys,
Della is was connects the story line to the plot line this season as she was the character involved in both. the consultation point of both the story and plot is in the scene pictured about.
this sealed the connection between Della and Louie and lead into them all ‘rejoining’ the plot.
thus concluding season 2′s story and plot.
Now with all of that in mind what does this say about s3 and how it does and does not fit this formula.
so far it does fit this formula as each of the seasons starts with an episode about the “Story Line” which focuses on one of the boy’s
what do I mean,
s1 (for sack of agreement lets say woo-woo and the Atlantis ep are one ep)   
the first ep focused on Dewey and how he wanted to show how daring and bold he is but that gets him into trouble for not thinking anything through, but it also shows that Dewey is emotionally in touch with himself and others like when he tells Donald all he can do is let go and trust him.  
the frist ep is the game night and how Louie feels like he doesn’t fit in and that he feels useless, but the ep shows what his, ability's really are “seeing all the angles” and how he can use it to befit himself and his family.    
both of these eps shows the boy’s strengths and weakness 
Dewey - 
pro - Brave, adventures, emotionally aware
con- don’t think things through, brash, attention starved
Pro- is a thinker and a planner, smart in a business way, and understands the people around him 
con- insecure about his place in the family, greedy (in a kid way tho), can be manipulative
now this leads us to s3
the plot of season 3 is simple enough
FOWL wants to steal the world.
that it, how remains to be seem.
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the story line is most likely set up in ep one that was about Huey,
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and how his greatest weakness are
- having no guide 
- failure
-anger (the duck family anger is strongest in him)
- fear of not knowing what to do/ what is out there
- his self worth is fragile (no woodchucks “no him” idea)
- making bad choices under pressure   
but mostly Accepting Change (he can’t understand)
but his strengths are
- humble (in defeat) 
- willing to try anything
- can admit when wrong 
-smart and capable when claim  
- makes good friends easier then the other main kids (as Boyd and Violet became friends with Huey much faster and both of them are good kids, unlike say Doofus and Louie and Lena (at first) for Webby, point is Huey didn’t have to change them (lena) or get way from them (doofus))  
now how will this tie into the plot?  no idea. but none of the other two seasons tied that in, until at least halfway through the season anyway.
but this does give us a look into the story line of this season might be about.
the next question is who is the other character Huey will be ‘bounce off of’ in the story line, and so far I think that it is either
- Donald
- Launchpad
as Lp was give plot focus in ep 3, and Donald was given character focus in both ep 2 and 5.
so atm my money is on Donald in the story line part of this season.
now what is the conflict here? or what could it be?
looking back at the last 2 seasons the story conflict is shown in each focus character.
s1- Dewey asking questions and Scrooge having the answer
s2- Louie trying to “fit into” the family/ find himself  and Della trying to space her her past idea’s into the family 
(ep. “Louie should stop scheming” as appose to “I will show you the scheme with/for the family”)
so if s3 follows suit the story line might be something like.
Donald wants to ‘move on’ with his life but Huey want things to stay as they are.
Donald wants to have a life outside of his family which he has not been able to do for 10 years or so, due to raising the boys by himself. but now that Della and Scrooge are back in the picture Donald can spread his wings. He got the band back together and is finding love (Daisy) so he may want to leave the house boat and travel with his friends and Daisy, without the family (not all at once tho).
so Huey might freak out at these changes as Donald is the one contain in his life. never changing always the same uncle Donald, until now 
but i can’t say for sure that’s just one idea.
it could be that Huey might feel that he failed Donald somehow?
that Huey makes a bad choice under pressure and that makes Donald upset at him?
Huey could have an out burst at Donald that leads to a riff between them?
the point is, that the story line this season is going to be looking at Huey in away we have not seen him before. 
Angry and unsure.
and depending on who “Huey’s nemesis” turns out to be (as hinted at by show runners) that is what will shape the rest of the season 3 ‘story line’.
is it a FOWL villain 
like say Gandra or Funzo  
or is it a personal one like
Daisy (for “taking” Donald away), Gosalyn (as she was meant to be in the first ep and not violet) or even Donald (idk)
but this show is just so well put together and written that whatever the case is its going to be good. 
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