icequeenbae · 8 months
Translucence (m) | Astro LDM
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Pairing: Cha Eunwoo x Reader (Lee Dongmin x Reader)
A Jinjin cameo? hehe
Established Relationship, slice of life, fluff, PWP, smut
Warnings: glass bathroom you heard me lol, explicit content, unprotected sex, this is smut with minimal plot (it’s becoming my style), a sprinkle of voyeurism, maybe a noona kink, maybe Dongmin's splendid ass is mentioned more than once
Word Count: ~4.2k
Author’s Note: Heyyy~ Finally posting my first ASTRO fic! This has been waiting to be released for a while now, but the timing wasn’t working out… But now that it’s done, I hope that you enjoy this little story! Let me know what you think~ And a special thank you to the lovely @the-boy-meets-evil for looking over my story, I really loved your comments, Jess <3
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Summary: It’s your first short vacation with Dongmin since you started dating, and you get a chance to stay at an extremely fancy hotel in Jeju. The ocean-view suite is perfect, yet there’s a small inconvenience… or a genius design?
Network tags: @superm-net  @exo-writers-net  @bbh-net  @k-vanity @ksmutsociety ​
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It was your first time taking a vacation together.
With the type of hectic schedule Dongmin had to maintain, you barely managed to book the hotel of your dreams for this weekend, which was actually your one-year anniversary. Two days was all you had, and you planned to enjoy them to the fullest, start to finish.
Which was why you’d surprised your boyfriend by appearing clad in a white sundress with a stylish wide brim hat to match. It was a simple feminine look, yet it set the mood from the start.
‘Wow, I’m suddenly looking forward to our flight…’ He smiled at you softly before murmuring, ‘You look beautiful.’
Avoiding his eyes timidly, you chewed on your lip to contain a silly grin. Dongmin took the handle of your suitcase to put it away in the trunk of the car.
‘Let’s get going, we have to be at the airport in thirty,’ Jinwoo’s voice startled you as the window on the driver’s side rolled down. ‘You’ll have a whole hour to exchange your lovey-dovey stares on the plane, children.’
‘Hyung…’ Dongmin mumbled in embarrassment, and you coughed, sliding into the backseat while your boyfriend’s palm hovered above your head protectively.
‘I’m older than you, Jinwoo-yah,’ you scolded, and he hummed in response.
‘Barely!’ He glanced in the rearview mirror, meeting your eyes, and added. ‘Noona.’
You shook your head in disapproval, and turned to Dongmin, who settled in the backseat with you and moved to buckle you up.
‘I can do it! Let’s not make Jinwoo cringe.’
‘Why would he cringe…’ Your boyfriend pouted, watching you tug at the seatbelt.
‘I’m fine unless you start the funny business,’ the leader announced nonchalantly from the front seat.
‘Have you ever caught us doing anything?’ You huffed, and the car was silent for a few long seconds. ‘Have you??’
‘Does hearing count?’ He asked, and your boyfriend’s eyes almost bulged out of his head.
‘Shut up,’ you laughed nervously, only half-assured that it was a joke.
‘It’s actually true. It was when we all stayed at the dorm for a sleepover. You rustle like mice,’ Jinwoo recalled.
‘What?? We weren’t doing anything fu-’
Dongmin’s hand suddenly squeezed your thigh, putting a stop to your protesting speech.
‘Please, just… change the subject, noona.’
Teasing you and Dongmin was Astro members’ favorite pastime, and you noticed from the very beginning. They simply loved making him a flustered mess. Not that you couldn’t relate – the face genius looked almost unbearably cute when embarrassed. You weren’t a stranger to teasing him yourself, just to get your fix of his adorable shy smile and his extensive nagging about how you never let him breathe.
In fact, he loved to nag. It was his way of showing affection.
‘Ah, noona… Your dress is so revealing,’ he kept whining while you were on the plane. ‘D’you know how active the sun is in Jeju? Did you apply the sunscreen thoroughly?’
‘Yes. But you can reapply it if you want an excuse to touch my chest,’ you murmured, making him flush red and lower his voice to a scandalized whisper.
‘That’s not what I meant-’
‘I’m sure it isn’t.’ You hummed, laying your head on his shoulder. ‘But I’d still let you.’
The flight from Seoul to Jeju Island was rather quick, about one hour in the air. And it seemed to be over even faster since you were too busy whispering, giggling like lovestruck teenagers, and ‘oh’-ing in excitement as you looked out the illuminator.
Going on a trip with your boyfriend was something you’d been dreaming of for months now, so your mood was through the roof from the moment you woke up. It kept gradually increasing while you were on your way to the dream destination, and reached its peak when Dongmin rented a car to drive the two of you to the hotel.
‘If anything is better than this view,’ you turned away from the window to look at your boyfriend’s relaxed form. ‘It’s probably this.’
‘What?’ He glanced at you, not catching your meaning.
He huffed, scolding you for being cheesy.
‘What, I’ve told you this before! You look most handsome either when you’re driving or when your hair gets wet.’
‘I shall try driving with wet hair someday. Will that make you explode?’
‘Is that your goal?’ You asked, tracing your index finger down the side of his neck, which made him squirm.
‘Stop it, you know I’m ticklish…’
‘You’re not ticklish, you’re sensitive.’ You corrected, running the pads of your fingers over his skin again to make him shudder. ‘So, who’s exploding now?’
He gave you a reproachful look, and you chuckled, pinching his cheek to annoy him further.
‘Why do you have to be so shameless, noona…’
‘Don’t you love that about me?’ You asked playfully.
‘I do,’ he was quick to admit. ‘I love everything about you.’
Caught off guard by his sudden confession, you fell silent. Dongmin didn’t say things like this often, he was a bit reserved about his feelings. You actually recalled that he’d only said ‘the three words’ twice in the span of your relationship. And on one of those occasions he was actually drunk, so… yeah. He was strangely tight-lipped about it for the romantic that he was.
But you’d learned to accept it. You wouldn’t push him to do something he didn’t want to or wasn’t ready to do. So, you just said nothing before your hotel was finally visible.
‘This is great, we can just drop everything and head out to the beach! I’m living for this weather,’ you said, clapping your hands in excitement.
Dongmin nodded in agreement.
As expected, the hotel was splendorous. You noticed that while your boyfriend was checking you in. Taking those few minutes to look around, you found yourself ogling the crystal-clear glass constructions that separated the lobby and the waiting area. The outer wall was also steel and glass, so you could enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Jeju even from there.
‘Let’s go,’ a low voice called, and you followed the tall figure to the elevator.
You really wanted to give him a back hug as he pressed the button, but decided to at least wait until you were on your floor.
Dongmin took your suitcase, which made you pout, unable to hold his hand.
‘I think it’s here,’ he guided you to the door and used the card to open it. ‘After you.’
And there went your plan to give him a back hug. Up in flames.
You sighed and stepped into the room.
‘Oh!’ You exclaimed, rushing to get rid of your outdoor shoes in favor of slippers. ‘Let’s check the view! Come on!’
Surprised by your eagerness, your boyfriend shook his footwear off as well, reaching out his hand to allow you to tug him towards the balcony.
‘Oh my god, this is even better than I expected!’ You squealed, almost jumping in excitement, and squeezed his palm. ‘My hands are itching to take pictures! Come on, lean on this railing.’
Knowing better than to argue with you, he did exactly as he was told, and posed for you.
‘Ah, so handsome,’ you kept repeating, while preserving this moment in the form of a photograph.
Dongmin lost his patience in about a minute, pulling you closer to his body.
‘Are you interested in the view or in spending time with me?’
‘I see you every other day, and it’s my first time in Jeju, of course I’m interested in the view!’ You exclaimed. ‘Especially when you’re making it even better.’
He allowed you to kiss away his pout, and held you close for a selfie.
‘No, my head looks too big like this!’
You jumped in place to reach the phone, because your partner refused to take likable pictures.
‘I got it, I got it,’ he assured you, angling it to make the two of you look disproportionate again.
When you pinched him angrily, he laughed in the cheekiest way possible, begging for mercy instantly.
At least then you’d managed to finally take presentable photos.
Leaving you to admire the ocean some more, Dongmin headed back inside to unpack your belongings. You needed to change into your swimsuits if you wanted to enjoy the rest of the day on the beach.
‘Uh- noona?’
‘Did you… see that?’
His voice sounded confused, so you followed it back into the room.
‘See wha- Omo! Is this..?’
You turned to your boyfriend, who denied you eye contact.
‘Glass bathroom.’ He noted blankly, without showing what his actual feelings about it were.
Was he shy? Anxious? Excited? Uncomfortable? You couldn’t decipher his expression for the life of you.
‘Yeah,’ you agreed.
It was a simple yet exquisite design, no one could argue that it looked good. But the problem was that the bathroom here had no wall separating it from the main bedroom space. Which could only mean…
‘Well, I’m sure we’ll manage,’ you shrugged, walking past Dongmin to find your change of clothes. ‘Get your swimwear out while I change. And don’t peek!’
He grumbled under his breath and you snickered faintly. Damn, you were going to have to face the bathroom issue at some point today. And you should mentally prepare.
It wasn’t on your mind for long though.
As soon as you hit the beach… The beautiful clear sky, the warm sand under your bare feet, the lagoon blue water – all of it occupied your head and made you forget all of the possible inconveniences.
‘Don’t swim away,’ Dongmin nagged, stretching out his arms to reach you.
‘Why, scared of going in deep water?’ You teased him, splashing him lightly with your foot.
‘Noona,’ he sulked, and you allowed the waves to push you towards your boyfriend.
As soon as you were within his reach again, he pulled you closer to his body, not caring too much about the spectators.
‘What now, giant baby?’
‘Don’t call me that,’ Dongmin murmured, and you instantly knew he wanted a kiss.
‘There’s too many people, Min-ah,’ you responded, placing your palm on his chest, covered by the soaked white fabric of his tee.
‘Just once,’ he badgered, stepping closer to you.
Of course, his feet were still grounded where you were floating.
‘Why should I?’ You feigned a complaining tone, glancing at his plump lips.
Dongmin’s hands seized you by the waist, and your forearms prickled with goosebumps.
Staying still while he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, you’d allowed him to steal this quick kiss before swimming away again.
You had literally spent all day in the water, taking short breaks to let your wrinkled skin get back to normal. And reapply sunscreen again, of course, with your boyfriend being a total worrywart.
‘I don’t want you to get sunburnt. Your skin is so fair and delicate, it’s important to make sure it’s protected. Did you know getting sunburned increases your chances of skin cancer?’
A worrywart and a smartass.
It was hard to be mad at his smart (and round) ass though, when he had brilliant ideas like tonight. Dongmin had suggested ordering a fancy dinner to your room and having it on your balcony to enjoy the view.
‘Wah, the sunset is perfect today,’ you said.
‘Your dress goes well with it. Very chic and minimalistic.’ His eyes followed the curve of your waist down to your thigh.
‘I’ve had it forever, but I have no clue where else to wear a red silk gown.’
‘Don’t.’ Dongmin’s cheeks and lips were both red from the wine. ‘Only wear it for me, noona.’
Chuckling, you rose from your seat and stepped closer to your boyfriend. Using just your index finger, you tipped his head up to meet his eyes, and then you put your right knee onto his chair, right between his thighs.
‘Are you telling me what to do now, aegi?’ You asked, enjoying the sensation of his gentle fingers ghosting over your thighs.
‘It’s your decision, but why would you deny me this request?’ His hand became more confident, creeping up your bare skin now. ‘Are you hungry for someone else’s attention?’
‘How drunk are you, Dongmin-ah?’ You asked, brushing your lips against his. ‘Because it seems like you could do something right here, where people might see us.’
Straightening up, you smiled angelically at him.
‘We need to shower and cool off. I’m pretty sure I have sand where it shouldn’t be.’
It was obvious that he was disappointed, but the night was young, and to fully enjoy the experience you had to sober up a little. But it was nothing a quick shower couldn’t fix.
‘You go first, I’ll get rid of the dishes. Don’t argue,’ you cut him off, nodding at the entrance to your room. ‘Go.’
It took you only a few minutes to tidy up, so when you walked in Dongmin was just starting out. The water was on, and he was in front of the glass door, almost ready to step in.
The realization hit you right then. You were going to see all of it. And you didn’t hate the idea.
You’d watched, as if in slow motion, how your boyfriend shoved his underwear down, revealing his plump butt, and got into the bath. Feeling no shame whatsoever, you stood your ground, staring at his bare back.
The water hit his body, languidly running down his smooth skin like a dozen forest streams. From where you were standing you could see the enticing flex of his muscles and the breathtaking curve of his waist. As he leaned in to wet his hair, you pressed a palm to your mouth. This slight voyeurism was making you quite… hot. And bothered.
Swallowing hard, you took a step towards him. You were a bit uneasy with the thought of how he might react. At least you’d hoped that he wouldn’t consider you a complete pervert. But you couldn’t resist the obvious temptation; it was most likely what this bathroom was built for. After all, you still owed him a back hug in your mind from earlier… Surely, he wouldn’t mind that you decided to give it to him now, you thought.
Easily sliding your dress and underwear off, you stopped in front of the glass that was getting foggy already.
‘Dongmin-ah,’ you called, opening the glass door to join him. ‘Noona doesn’t have to wait, does she?’
There was no way you could get a coherent response to your question as your hands wrapped around him and your cheek pressed to his shoulder blade. You felt him freeze for a moment, probably startled by your actions, and then he sighed under his breath.
‘What are you up to now? I thought you wanted me to cool off.’
‘Did you now?’ You hummed, pressing a quick succession of kisses along his spine. ‘Would you like me to stop?’
He pressed his palm to the wall in order to maintain his balance under the attack of your tantalizing hands.
Snaking your hand down to cup his balls, you smiled at his gasp of surprise.
‘That’s what I thought.’
With your body pressed so tightly to his, you didn’t even think twice before grinding on his ass and urging him to moan out loud as your fingers wrapped around his semi-hard penis.
‘Noona…’ He gritted, glutes flexing against your pelvis impatiently. ‘What are you doing…’
‘You don’t like it?’
Dongmin glanced at you over his shoulder before turning to face you. His hands gripped your sides and pushed you into him.
‘Were you watching me this entire time?’ He scolded in his low, velvety voice.
‘It was just a couple minutes,’ you defended weakly and wrapped your arms around his neck, ready to purr as his palms stroked up and down your back.
‘I see.’
You stood like that for a few moments, soaking in the warmth of your entangled bodies while the water splashed you from the side.
‘Didn’t you mention having sand in places it shouldn’t be?’ He murmured, hands dipping lower to squeeze your ass. ‘Want some help with that?’
‘How naughty,’ you snickered, messing up his wet hair even further. ‘Would you rather help me clean up, or...?’
He responded in a heartbeat, gripping you tight before lifting you up to settle you in the bathroom wall niche.
‘But I can always do both,’ he said, readjusting the shower head to splash you with water again.
You squealed and dragged him in the line of fire as well. Inevitably in ten seconds you were both properly soaked.
‘There was no need to get my hair wet. You look sexy like this, and I look like I need to use a hairdryer real bad.’
He ignored your complaints, leaning close and nearly grazing your lips. With your eyes shut, you waited a few seconds but nothing happened.
‘Were you expecting a kiss?’ He grinned in your face, eyes crinkling in mischief. ‘Aw, what a tiny baby…’
Recalling your earlier interactions in the water, you rolled your eyes at him.
‘So, this is your revenge?’ You asked, not resisting as he wrapped your legs around his waist to move even closer. ‘I don’t find it fair since I did let you kiss me. In public.’
He huffed in response to your statement.
‘You call that a kiss?’
Dongmin’s lips suddenly found yours, and you couldn’t avoid the contact. Tilting your head back you hit the tiled surface, but, thankfully, your boyfriend could predict this move. His palm on the back of your head cushioned the hit, and you could only squeak in surprise, parting your lips invitingly.
He wasn’t the type to waste an opportunity like that. And once Dongmin’s tongue was in your mouth, there was no point in fighting him. Your partner was a little too good at French kissing, and you could easily admit to being hopelessly weak to his talent. He was also a toucher, so whenever a makeout session started, his hands would be all over you.
Moaning as he squeezed your breast gently, you pushed against his chest to break the kiss. Your lips were moist, and you were sure it wasn’t because of the water still running, and you licked them in a failed attempt to gather your thoughts together. Dongmin used your momentary struggle to tease you.
‘That is what I call a kiss, noona. You know this.’
You gulped, trying to think of a good comeback. At this point, you really just wanted to surrender. But him being smug about it was an obstacle: you had no intention of pleasing his ego with instant capitulation.
Grabbing a handful of his hair, you pulled hard. His head whipped back, and you didn’t think twice before latching onto his neck hungrily.
Dongmin’s grunt was the single sexiest thing in the entire situation, not even the sight of his broad shoulders that you were holding onto right now or his curvaceous butt that you loved so much could compete with the sound he produced. It was both surprised and pained, loud and husky with pleasure. You could tell he was conflicted about it just from the way his fingers dug into the skin of your sides, almost scratching at your ribcage, while his cock twitched, pressed between your bodies. He needed to get you off of himself but did he want to?
Pulling away from his flushed neck, you tugged at his hair again just to hear him groan beautifully before he used his strength to tear your hand away from his hair.
‘Noona. You know how heavily it bruises,’ he rubbed his neck with the pads of his fingers. ‘Why would you?’
‘On a scale from one to ten,’ you murmured, brushing wet hair out of his eyes. ‘How much did you hate it?’
You touched the tender skin of his neck, just where the redness was growing, and his breath seemed to get shakier.
‘…s-seven,’ he mumbled.
Dongmin cleared his throat, staring at you through his dark eyelashes.
‘Three point seven,’ he offered this time, and you couldn’t help but smile.
‘That’s more like it,’ you hummed, finding his frowning lips in a quick peck.
Meanwhile, he reached down to wrap his fingers around his rock-solid cock to guide it where you both wanted it.
‘Ough-’ You gasped as he bottomed out in one go. ‘Don’t be impatient.’
Your boyfriend’s hips didn’t slow down one bit, although his next thrust seemed slightly more careful. He loved you but he was also damn stubborn.
The glass wall behind Dongmin was getting cloudier from the hot water, which you didn’t hate. The enclosed space seemed snugger now that you were isolated from your surroundings in a way, holding so tightly onto each other. Your skin was slippery under your partner’s fingers, yet he made sure to secure you in his arms. He liked to make it known that once he got you, he wasn’t letting go.
‘Mm- Dongmin-ah,’ you moaned, clutching his shoulder to ground yourself as he kept thrusting quickly.
‘There,’ he finished for you, already knowing what you wanted to express from the way that you tightened around him.
‘Yes, fuck-’
‘Don’t you wish you were more compliant earlier?’ He chuckled darkly, knowing damn well his hips were steadily pushing you towards your release.
The curses you muttered only spurred him on. He got fired up easily, and wanted nothing more than to see and hear you come undone. Especially when he felt he was denied something – like access to your body.
‘I’m… so close, Min-ah, please- You feel so good.’
You knew he liked to stay in control, so instead of bickering with him mid-sex, you just let him know how great he was at what he was doing. A tiny smile that he couldn’t contain revealed that he was pleased with the option you decided to take. With that, he got slightly more determined and aggressive in his thrusting. Patience was not the virtue that he possessed, so you simply closed your eyes, focused on the grind of your bodies.
‘God, I love you so much,’ he gritted, letting out a curse under his breath.
The words were muffled, but you heard them loud and clear. A pleasant shiver ran down your spine, and you moaned, muscles clenching around his cock. The smooth sensation of his length sliding in and out of you made your legs start to tremble.
‘Dongminie-’ You wailed as his hips kept up the brutal pace that brought you to your release so quickly.
He was still going fast and strong while you yelped, on the verge of pushing him away.
‘I’m there, I’m there… Y/N! Agh-’
Dongmin’s voice reverberated from the walls, not even absorbed by the thickened fog around you that you barely noticed. He groaned loudly as he came, and your pussy quivered while you took all of what he was giving you.
Resting his forehead in the crook of your neck to get a breather, he ran his hands up and down your damp waist. You allowed him a moment to gather his strength, finding his slumped shoulders and stroking them along with his back. There were still butterflies in your stomach – either from your recent orgasm, or from him sneaking in the words you cherished so much, or both.
His hands soon reciprocated.
‘Dammit.’ He cursed, turning his head to kiss your neck that was in close proximity. ‘I feel like I could go again.’
The announcement made you squirm. Going several rounds was more than fine with you, but the bathroom wasn’t really suited for his appetites. You could barely hold your balance on wet tile, and it was also getting too hot and humid for your taste.
‘Are you cold?’ He asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You realized his palm was slowly caressing your back, feeling almost scorching against your skin.
‘Not too cold. But I’d still prefer to continue after we finish the shower.’ You suggested, hoping that he wasn’t dead set on milking the bathroom thing further.
‘Noona needs to lie down. I got it.’
You were both grateful and annoyed at his answer.
‘Noona can very well be on top if someone lets her.’
He quickly let you down from the niche you were occupying. Just to remind you how much taller and broader than you he was, for sure.
‘Someone prefers to have noona underneath. Nice and pliable.’
‘It has to be your way, doesn’t it?’
You exchanged naughty chuckles.
‘Come on. Haven’t you been imagining exactly this since the moment you saw the bathroom area? I’m not entirely convinced it was my way just now.’
‘Oh well. I guess I’ll have to convince you once we get to the bedroom.’
‘Who said I wanted to relocate?’ He asked, eyes narrowing at you cunningly.
You were positive that next time you should go for a glass jacuzzi to get the best of both worlds. It’s bigger, warmer, comfier… And still see-though. And hot as hell.
Dongmin snorted, inspecting the pensive expression on your face.
‘I’ll give you a five-second head start to reach the bed. If I catch you on the way… We’re doing it here.’
In any other situation you would’ve called him out for his childishness. This time, however…
You were out the glass door in a heartbeat.
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A/N: Thank you for reading!! Please comment and reblog if you'd like to support me ✨ I don't write for fandoms other than EXO often, so feedback is important to me~
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agustd-png · 6 months
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Day 9: Eunwoo + JinJin 🎄 Voyeurism
Kinkmas 2023
You and Dongmin had really thought you'd have the dorm to yourselves for the night, so Jinwoo walking in while you were fucking on the living room couch was a surprise to say the least.
When you heard the lock being opened, you scrambled to act as though you were just watching TV together, but it was far from convincing.
"You know, I don't care if you have sex here, right? Like, I know you fuck here, it's not like it's some secret." Jinwoo set down his keys and shrugged off his coat, seeming unfazed by the whole situation. Under the blanket that Dongmin haphazardly threw over the both of you, you were half naked and had his cock stilled inside of you.
You cleared your throat to say something but Dongmin beat you to it. "What, so do you want us to just fuck in front of you, not even caring when you walk in?"
Jinwoo smirked crookedly, tonguing his cheek and letting his eyes linger over the blanket. "I mean...kinda."
Your pussy clenched at the idea of him watching; you'd always been attracted to your boyfriend's friend and roommate, just kept that to yourself. Dongmin chuckled darkly, getting your attention to look at him. He noticed the way you clenched around him. "What, you like that? Want him to watch?" He subtlely pressed deeper into you and you must have been really cock drunk because you easily agreed to having Jinwoo watch you both.
In a few minutes the blanket was tossed aside, Jinwoo was comfortably watching from a chair on the side, and Dongmin continued where he had left off. You laid on your side with Dongmin fucking you from behind, a soft moan leaving you when he moved again.
"You like him watching, hm, sweetheart?" Dongmin's voice was low, right at your ear. You were unsure if Jinwoo could even hear.
You glanced over to him and saw him gently rubbing the growing bulge in his pants. It did turn you on to see someone else getting horny because of you. And if you got to keep getting railed at the same time, even better. You sighed contently and nodded affirmatively, reaching down to lazily rub at your clit.
Jinwoo noticed you watching him and smiled but broke any eye contact. He reached into his pants and stroked his length more directly now, his eyes mainly focused on where your body connected with Dongmin's.
Your senses felt heightened, a need to perform pushing you on, in the best way. You wanted to put on a show, for someone else to see how good you can fuck and how good you get fucked. You were so head over heels for him, you wished you could show Dongmin's skills in bed off to the whole world.
Dongmin fucked you harder, the whole couch starting to shake with each thrust, and his groans were music to your ears. But you were used to hearing them; Jinwoo's low moans cut through and pierced your ears, a rush running through you down to your pussy. You noticed Dongmin was watching Jinwoo and you did the same. His pants lowered just enough to get his cock out, he stroked it pretty quickly, biting his lip.
Fuck, that was hot.
"She really likes having you watch," Dongmin chuckled. "She's so wet and keeps clenching around me. So tight, aren't you, sweetie?" You looked back at him with a slight blush, unsure if he was okay with you admitting your attraction to another man. "It's okay, I know it's hot. I think it's hot too." He spoke only to you now, punctuating the comment with a sweet kiss.
"Yeah, I like an audience." You watched Jinwoo's eyes meet yours and saw him swallow hard, his hand speeding up.
Dongmin grunted and kissed up your neck, his hot breath fanning over your skin heavily. "Gonna cum in you, sweetheart," he murmured in your ear. "Gonna fill you up, okay?"
Your heart throbbed, pounding in your chest. "Please, please, do it. I'm all yours, baby."
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Finds Out That Another Idol Fancies You ~ Astro Reaction
“What is going on with you?” You asked Myungjun, pulling him to one side as you got fed up with how dominant he was in the conversation.
“I’m just getting myself heard,” he began to explain, “with Soobin stood around with us, I want to make sure I have your attention.”
Your brows furrowed as you listened to Myungjun’s explanation. “Firstly, what’s the problem with Soobin? Secondly, you always have my attention anyway.”
“He fancies you,” Myungjun shrugged dejectedly, “and I’m worried that he might try and get your attention because he’ll want to find a way to impress you.”
“That’s ridiculous,” you couldn’t help but laugh, “he could never impress me.”
“Y/N, he’s insanely talented, much better than me.”
Your head shook as soon as Myungjun started speaking, “that’s not true, and anyway, I definitely don’t fancy him.”
“You don’t know him though,” he sighed, “that’s why I’m being so loud to stop you from getting to know him.”
“I don’t want to; I’m more than happy just knowing you.”
“I’m sorry, I guess I just got into a panic.”
“Is he serious?” Jinwoo scoffed as he read through the article that his manager had sent him, worrying that he might want to read it.
“What’s happened?” You quizzed, peering past Jinwoo’s shoulder to try and get a glimpse at what had seemed to rile him up.
He turned his phone so that you could see, “the interviewer asked Hwiyoung who his crush was, and he had the cheek to say you, someone that’s not single.”
“It’s just a crush,” you smiled back to Jinwoo, pressing a kiss against his cheek, “I’ve never even met him to know what he’s like, it’s not as if you need to worry.”
“He’s horrible,” Jinwoo quickly told him, “the worst possible person imaginable.”
“You’re just saying that because of what he’s said.”
Jinwoo’s eyes rolled at just how well you knew him, “whether it’s true or not, he’s still nowhere near as good as I am Y/N.”
“Of course,” you agreed, “but you don’t need to get so protective, it’s just an interview, I bet he doesn’t even fancy me.”
“I bet he does, I mean I could hardly blame him if he did anyway.”
“It’s a shame all I’ll ever be is a crush for him.”
Cha Eunwoo:
“Where’s your boyfriend?” A voice asked, turning back to see Sehun coming up behind you, hovering just beside where you were.
“He’s just gone to speak to someone,” you explained, nervously glancing down to the floor as Sehun seemed to make himself comfortable.
His head shook as he leant in towards you, “it’s busy here tonight, he shouldn’t be leaving you around here all by yourself for anyone to come over.”
“You mean like you,” a voice suddenly spoke up from just beside Sehun, his figure shrinking down as he glanced back to see Dongmin hovering just behind him.
“I was just looking out for Y/N,” Sehun defended, “being a good friend.”
“I’m not an idiot, I know exactly what you were doing.”
With Sehun creeping away, Dongmin quickly sat himself down in Sehun’s spot. “What was he doing?” You asked, a little clueless.
“He fancies you,” Dongmin simply replied, “I know what he thought, make a move whilst Dongmin isn’t around.”
“If that was him making a move, he needs to work on his game.”
“He’s not the talker that he thinks he is.”
“Does that guy really have nowhere else that he wants to look tonight?” Moonbin huffed as he looked past your shoulder once again.
“Just ignore him,” you tried to encourage, knowing that it was Yugyeom sat just behind you that had captured Moonbin’s attention.
His head shook as his eyes looked back across to you. “What does he think is going to happen? Aside from winding me up and getting himself into trouble.”
“Stop,” you sighed, grabbing both of Moonbin’s hands, “he wants a reaction out of you, there’s no way he’d be brave enough to do anything tonight.”
“It’s annoying,” Moonbin whispered, “I just wanted to enjoy tonight.”
“We can, just pretend that he’s not there.”
Moonbin’s eyes went to look again, but a squeeze of his hands quickly made him look back at you again, “I’m sorry, it’s hard.”
“Why don’t we swap places?” You offered, “that way you can’t look at him because you won’t be facing him.”
“No way, I’m not letting him sit there and get to see you.”
“Just ignore him, he’s not worth it.”
“Some guys really should be taught what guy code is,” Minhyuk huffed as he sat back down beside you after getting himself a drink.
“Should I ask?” You slightly laughed, resting your hand against the top of his thigh in an attempt to try your best to calm him down.
Minhyuk’s eyes flickered across to look at you, “Mingyu asking me if I was dating you or whether I’d just brought you for the evening as just a friend.”
“Maybe he wasn’t sure,” you tried to defend, but Minhyuk quickly shut you down with a sigh. “Does everyone know that the two of us are actually dating Min?”
“He knows,” Minhyuk huffed, “it’s just that he fancies you, that’s all.”
“He fancies me? He doesn’t even know me though.”
A shrug followed from Minhyuk, “that doesn’t seem to stop him though. He was trying to wind me up, find a way to get to you.”
“Don’t worry,” you whispered, a soft smile on your face, “I’m definitely not going to be going anywhere near him all evening.”
“I’m not letting you out of my sight with him around.”
“I wouldn’t want you to anyway.”
“Excuse me,” Sanha spoke up, using his shoulders to shield you as you walked into the entrance of the arena passing by a row of idols.
“What’s going on?” You asked, taken aback by how confident Sanha suddenly sounded as he made sure to block you off from being seen.
After walking for a few moments, Sanha looked back before standing back by your side again. “I was just making sure that no one spoke to you just then.”
“Who? Why?” You quizzed, glancing back to try and see who was around only for Sanha to quickly turn you back around and stop you from seeing anyone stood around.
“Changkyun was there,” he explained, “I’ve heard that he fancies you.”
“I could’ve just said hello if he spoke to me though.”
Sanha’s head quickly shook back at you, “I’m not even giving him the chance to talk to you, he’s got quite the charm you know Y/N.”
“I’m sure that he would never be able to charm me as much as you can,” you smiled back to Sanha, “he’s not that impressive, is he?”
“He’s definitely nowhere near as impressive as I am.”
“Of course, no one even comes close.”
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soulmateszedits · 1 year
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Jinjin × Astro ᓚᘏᗢ
✧ Boyfriend material
✧ Lys
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novellagg · 6 months
Min Su-Jin (민수진)
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── ✒️ Personal Information
Birth Name: Min Su-Jin (민수진)
Birthday: June 3rd, 1997
Birthplace: Jeju Island, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Nationality: Korean
Height: 165cm/5'5"
Family: Father, mother, younger brother (1998), younger brother (1999)
Language(s): Korean (native), English and Japanese (proficient)
Face Claim: Lee Chaeyoung (fromis_9)
── ✒️ Idol Information
Stage Name: Sujin
Nicknames: Jinnie, Jinjin, Amsaja (lioness)
Agencies: Storybook Entertainment (2016 - present)
Training Period: 2 years 8 months (Mar 2016 - Oct 2018)
Position(s): Visual, Centre, Sub Vocal
Her emoji is a lion (🦁) because of how protective she is over the younger members (her cubs). She also has very charismatic stage presence and visuals onstage.
── ✒️ Misc Information
She is very intelligent and was able to get into Yonsei on her first try.
Authors call her the mum of the group.
She is very short-tempered and easily gets worked up.
She is 100% E and has many friends in Seoul, both in and out of the industry.
Her family (more specifically her mother) owns a bichon frise puppy.
She reads a lot and gives book recommendations on her Instagram.
She has a mini garden that she hands over to her boyfriend when out of town.
── ✒️ About Sujin
Warnings: N/A
Sujin is the first born and only daughter of two parents. Her mother has a decent position working in a hotel, and her father has a typical office job. Thanks to this, Sujin grew up in a middle-class family and lived a very comfortable life.
As a child, she was always exceptionally brilliant, but she had no real ambitions growing up and did not enjoy school. She would often rebel against her parents by threatening not to apply to university and skipping cram school to hang out with friends. But besides this, Sujin had a fairly uninteresting (not traumatic) childhood, and her home life was relatively great compared to certain other members.
After passing her CSAT with flying colours, Su-Jin went to Yonsei University to study an undeclared degree. Being the extrovert she is, Su-Jin did not fail to make tons of friends and was thriving. The only thing holding her back was the actual university part. Su-Jin hated studying even more at this point, and with every passing day, it felt like there was more and more pressure from her parents to choose a career path.
On the way to one of her lectures, Sujin was abruptly stopped by a scouting manager who worked for MISSMUSE Entertainment. Despite refusing the offer and insisting that she couldn't sing or dance, she was still invited to audition at MME. She decided to go audition on a whim, but around one month later, she was invited to MME.
Originally, MME was casting trainees to add to GRLZ HIGH after the departure of two members, but Su-Jin was a new trainee, so she wasn't put in the running. She was, however, able to meet long-time trainee Aecha. Aecha was often training in a special group at completely different times because MME was planning to put her in GRLZ HIGH. Because of this, the two of them only saw each other in passing and were unable to get close. She also met Aina, who joined the company about a month after her. They both trained together and became close to the point where Sujin even began to learn Japanese despite her busy schedule.
MME never ended up adding new members to GRLZ HIGH, and they soon disbanded in Feb 2017. This resulted in many trainees either leaving or being referred out of the company. Only 5 trainees remained at MME, which included Ae-Cha, Aina, and Su-Jin. For Su-Jin, she decided to stay at SBE because, although she wasn't quite sure yet, she was growing to ‘enjoy’ trainee life and could actually start to see a career for herself in K-pop.
In 2018, MME announced that she was in the final lineup for an upcoming girl group. They did not explicitly tell Su-Jin to drop out, but the group was set to debut years before her graduation, so she made the executive decision to leave uni before starting her 3rd year. This caused a major fall out between her and her parents, who didn't even know she was a trainee until she dropped out. Her parents would then go on to cut all contact with her for around three months until her brothers managed to convince them otherwise.
In NOVELLA, Su-Jin's greatest insecurity has been her ‘lack of talent’. Compared to the other members who had developed their dance/vocal skills from early on in life, Su-Jin was very inexperienced and often felt that her own singing and dancing was letting the group down. Many antis of the group claim that she is ‘nothing but a pretty face’ and/or a ‘dozen’.
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leehestia · 2 years
Upcoming works for Astro:
Notes from Author: I mostly make stories based on songs or whatever drama or movie I watch, and some of these won’t be released if I read it again to check and find out that it’s really horrible or cringe so please don’t have high expectations 😭😭😭
- Kim Myungjun / MJ
None yet
- Park Jinwoo / Jinjin
1. Luxurious Love || Rich husband!Jinjin x Wife!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Synopsis: Park Jinwoo, one of the richest CEO's in South Korea. You're his wife, a humble middle-class woman who is still adapting to this 'rich' environment. You and Jinwoo argue about it, until you finally understand him and you both apologize through words and pleasure.
Notes: Based on “Luxurious” by Gwen Stefani
- Lee Dongmin / Cha Eunwoo
1. It Was Always Her || Toxic boyfriend!eunwoo x reader
Genre: Angst, A little Fluff, Suggestive
Synopsis: You know you're being used, you hated it. But you'd do anything to be with him. You know you're not the one he loves. You know that you just remind him of her. You can't help but let him use you for his comfort. You love him, but he doesn't love you.
Notes: Based on “Glimpse of Us” by Joji
2. The Depth of the Crazy Sea || Stalker!eunwoo x Idol!Oc (Han Hyeseung)
Genre: Angst, Suspense, Yandere
Synopsis: Love is truly unexpected. Who would have thought that your beloved is just like you? Good-looking, rich, popular, crazy, horrific, and most importantly, in love with you. Love can never be predicted. If obsession towards someone is what you call love, then can you really call that… love? Cha Eunwoo, passionate trainee by day and an obsessed stalker by night. Han Hyeseung, a popular idol loved by many who has everything all except love. Under one company, both were casted as the main characters for an upcoming drama, The Depth of the Crazy Sea.
An opportunity for both people to find out more about each other. But what if they already know each other? To be exact, one already knows way too much about the other. Too many things even the other doesn’t know about themselves.
This is what they call love. But if stalking and obsessing towards someone is their own love, can you really call that love? No one knows. After all, no one knows the depth of a crazy sea.
Notes: Me and my friend made this for our creative writing class and it’s in short chapters. Btw if the writing style is so much better than my solo works, it’s bc my friend is 100x better in story writing.
- Moon Bin / Moonbin
1. A random moonbin story lol (I don’t have a name yet 💀💀) || husband!moonbin x wife!reader
Genre: Arranged marriage, smut, angst, fluff
Synopsis: idk yet but basically y’all got arranged marriage and moonbin lieks it but u dont etc etc and u think moonbin is dangerous af.
Notes: I didn’t really prioritize it bc it’s just a random story I made in school out of boredom 😭😭😭
- Park Minhyuk / Rocky
None yet
- Yoon Sanha / Sanha
1. To Be King || Prince!Sanha x Princess!Reader ft. knight!Rocky
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst
Synopsis: You and the prince from the neighboring land make an agreement to get married so that you may escape the dreadful palace life you both live. Sanha, being completely in love with you, takes advantage of your marriage to build a relationship with you. Rocky, your ex-boyfriend tries to steal you back by creating misinformation about Sanha’s love for you.
Notes: Plot by my cousin @leedongmen 😻😻🫶🫶
2. “You’re too fast!” || hufflepuff!Sanha x gryffindor!Reader
Genre: Hogwarts!au, Fluff, Sports, Humor
Synopsis: Popular quidditch player, Y/N, goes against a weak quidditch player, Sanha, and teaches him how to properly play despite the risk of getting caught.
Notes: idk bro just came up in my head after rewatching harry potter
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the-strange-world · 7 months
Rating October kpop releases (16-31)
Masterpiece 5 | amazing 4 | good 3 | ok 2 | skip 1
Give You My All - HIGHLIGHT : 1
Kiss me Baby - E’last : 1
Love It - YOUNITE : 2
Stranger - Sunmi : 4 • it’s Halloween esque
Rockstar - Jay Chang : 1 | BSIDE - Sunlight
Howl - CHUU : 4 | BSIDES - Hitchhiker & Underwater
God of Music - SEVENTEEN : 3 • not my favorite svt title track but I like it. Honestly didn’t love the album as much as I thought I would | BSIDES - Monster (most of it sounded like Vernon to me so ig the line distribution might’ve been bad) & Diamond Days
DANG! (hocus pocus) - Billlie : 3
Weed Out - Kandis : 2.5 • it has a 90s vibe. I added it to my playlist but idk if I’d listen to it again
Gummy Bear - DOHANSE feat. BIGONE : 1
Wave in my heart - JINJIN feat. YUNHWAY : 2
To My Boyfriend - ILY:1 : 1
Truth or Dare - PIXY : 2 • how was it not a Halloween song??? Come on pixy | BSIDE - The Letter
Ruckus - GHOST9 : 4 | BSIDE - Bookmark
Gum - Jessi : 1 • I’ll give it to her tho it’s fun to watch the titoks with other idols doing the challenge
Malaga - 9001 : 2.5 • it’s a nice chill song but I don’t think I’d listen to it often
Loved - B.I [prerelease] : 2 • it’s ok but another song I wouldn’t listen to a lot probably
Talk Saxy - RIIZE : 1
Fallin’ - Mark Tuan : 3 | BSIDES - Your World & This Is Everything
HEARTRIS - NiziU : 4 | BSIDES - Lucky Star & Paradise (Korean Ver.)
ONLY FUN - XODIAC : 5 • fun!
Guilty - Taemin : 3 | BSIDE - Blue
X.O.X - Moon Jong Up : 4 • I liked both taemin and his albums! They were released the same day & were very similar in vibes/music. Both albums only had one bside I really loved | BSIDE - Stuck
Algorithm - Heejin : 3
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astroyongie · 2 years
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❀ Group Headcanons 
✿ Astro Love Reading - December Edition 
✿ Astro Kissing Styles 
❀ Group MTL 
✿ N/I
❀ MJ 
✿ N/I
❀ Jinjin 
✿ N/I
❀ Eunwoo 
✿ A To Z Analysis: NSFW
✿ Eunwoo as a Boyfriend  
✿ Eunwoo First Time With S/O 
❀ Rocky
✿ N/I
❀ Moonbin 
✿ N/I
❀ Sanha
✿ N/I
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thepixelelf · 2 years
Daisy @wooahaes tagged me in this and it looked fun!! Some questions were tuff puppy but I had a good time :)
List your top 10 biases and answer the following questions -
Jibeom (golcha)
Jinjin (astro)
Sungyoon (golcha)
Woozi (svt)
Donghyun (golcha)
Scoups (svt)
Dongyun (drippin)
Sungjin (day6)
Haknyeon (tbz)
Sanha (astro)
Q1: between 1 and 4 who would your rather kiss? Ummmmm Jibeom 😳 ((but uji is so smoochable too.....)
Q2: between 2 and 7 who would be your best friend? Maybe Dongyun? Idk friendship is so weird and nuanced idk how to answer this one :')
Q3: between 5 and 10 who has a better voice? Sanha's vocals are super sweet but I think I'd pick Donghyun because I find his voice really unique! In Burn It and Ra Pam Pam, you can really distinguish his voice during group vocal parts
Q4: between 1 and 8 who is the funniest? I'm sorry Sungjin but Jibeom is my funnyman
Q5: between 6 and 9 who would you date? (Haha 69) Haknyeon would be my sarcastic soulmate but I am absolutely boyfriending Seungcheol no questions asked
Q6: between 9 and 10 who would you do a collaboration with? I have nothing to contribute to a collaboration... maybe I could write a script for a web drama? In that case then I'd want to write something for Sanha!!
Q7: between 4 and 8 who is the better dancer? A svt (widely recognized as most synchronized kpop group) member vs a day6 (literally a band that plays instruments) member? Obviously it's gotta be my man Sungjin...
Q8: between 3 and 5 who would you most likely marry? TWO GOLCHA BOYS NOOOOOO why must I make this choice... jk Donghyun would NOT marry me I am too much of a mess lol. Guess Sungyoon is stuck with me >:) (I would do anything for him)
Q9: between 1 and 7 who would you nurse when they are sick? Dongyun is baby Jibeom can take care of himself 😪
Q10: between 2 and 3 who has a better smile? SHUP UP I COULDN'T POSSIBLY CHOOSE (low-key their smiles are kind of similar)
Q11: between 6 and 8 who would you vacation with? Sungjin would take care of me while I'd have to take care of Seungcheol... I'm bad at planning so I'm going with Sungjin!
If anyone wants to do this, tell them (ambiguous audience) I sent you!!
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sunflowercheol · 2 years
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JinJin (Jinwoo) x Y/N
Word Count: 266
Warnings: curse word(s)
A/N: unedited :))))
31 Days of Halloween | Main Masterlist
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“Out of all things we could’ve done tonight,” you pout, holding tight onto Jinwoo’s arm. “We could’ve watched a movie and had some popcorn or gone out to eat.” You two reach a fork in the maze and had to either turn left or right. “But here we are. Walking in a scary maze at night,” you tug Jinwoo towards the right as he chuckles. “With these stupid, creepy scarecrows popping up every now and then.” 
“It’s fine, don’t worry,” Jinwoo tries to reassure you as the two of you try to find a way out of the maze. “It’s fun, isn’t it?” 
“What part of this is funny?” you mumble under your breath. “Why are they so creepy for?”
You guys walk past a bush that rustles as soon as you step by. You both pause and you look at Jinwoo in terror. 
“What’s th-HOLY SHIT!” you scream when a scarecrow pops up and then disappears back behind the bush. 
Jinwoo holds you as you throw yourself onto him trying to calm yourself down. 
He laughs, “It’s okay, it’s gone.” You take deep breaths and slowly release your hold on your boyfriend. Your evil boyfriend, who is still laughing at you. 
“Haha,” you sarcastically laugh once you calm down. You let go of him and start walking away from him, pouting. 
“No, honey! I swear I wasn’t laughing at you!” Jinwoo tries to explain as he catches up to you. He throws his arm around your shoulders and pulls you into him as the both of you find your way out of the dark maze. 
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k-pop-lovers · 5 months
Top rated songs will compete for the best K-pop song of fourth quarter of 2023
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Give Another Member A Perilla Leaf ~ Astro Reaction
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” Myungjun called out to you as soon as he spotted you passing the perilla leaf that you had to Moonbin.
“I’m just being friendly,” you tried to tell Myungjun, but his head shook, grabbing your hands and bringing them away from Moonbin’s direction and over your plate.
“I’m the only person that you give a perilla leaf too,” Myungjun warned you, ignoring the laughs of the boys at how jealous he was.
“It’s just a perilla leaf,” Moonbin tried to tell him too, but Myungjun’s head shook, shooting a glare across at Moonbin to make sure he was quiet.
A chuckle came from you as Moonbin sighed away, “would it make you feel better if I peeled one of the leaves for you to eat and have this myself instead?”
“You didn’t think of me first,” Myungjun frowned.
“Moonbin said he wanted one.”
Myungjun’s head shook back at you, “next time tell him to get his own food and stop getting you to do it, he only does it to try and annoy me you know.”
“It looks as if his trick worked too.”
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“Does that not annoy you?” Moonbin asked from Jinwoo’s side as he watched you pass the other perilla lead that you had to Sanha.
“It’s just a perilla leaf,” Jinwoo tried to tell him, however Moonbin could hear the slight apprehension that was in his voice.
Moonbin’s eyes raised suspiciously across at Jinwoo, “are you really sure that you don’t care?” He asked once again, trying his best to wear Jinwoo down and annoy him.
“Y-yeah,” Jinwoo stuttered, looking down across the table. “They were probably just stuck, it’s not as if Sanha would ask Y/N for one.”
A chuckle escaped from Moonbin, “how do you know that for sure?” He continued to tease, unable to stop himself as Jinwoo began to get a little bit agitated.
“Stop trying to wind him up,” Minhyuk interjected.
“Who’s trying to wind who up?”
Minhyuk immediately pointed at Moonbin as Sanha asked the question. “He’s trying to make you sound bad for taking the perilla leaf from Y/N.”
“No way, it was just stuck stop causing trouble.”
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Cha Eunwoo:
“I think you might want to get another leaf,” Minhyuk joked beside you, noticing Dongmin sat with his mouth open, staring across at you.
“Who?” You asked, however your question was soon answered when you turned around and saw Dongmin looking across at you.
Your head shook causing his eyes to go wide, pointing down at the perilla leaves. “You can’t give one to him and not one to me, I’m supposed to be your boyfriend Y/N.”
“I didn’t give him one, they were just stuck together,” you tried your best to tell Dongmin, “Minhyuk just caught me separating them both.”
A shrug of the shoulders followed from Dongmin, “I don’t care how it happened, you have to feed me a perilla leaf now so that everyone knows I’m yours.”
“They all already know we’re dating,” you chuckled.
“They might be uncertain now though.”
A sigh came from you as you leant across the table and picked up one of the leaves, “will it shut you up and stop you being stroppy if I feed you this?”
“You have to do it nicely, like couples do too.”
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“Maybe you shouldn’t give this to me,” Jinwoo warned you as you offered the other perilla leaf to him that you had picked up by accident.
“Why?” You asked him, confused where the sudden change of mind came from after him excitedly asking for it a moment ago.
You followed Jinwoo’s gaze, turning around to notice Moonbin staring just beside you. “That’s why,” he whispered before turning his attentions elsewhere from you.
“Moonbin,” you whispered, waving your hand across his face to stop him from staring, “why are you looking at the two of us like that for?”
His eyes widened as you asked the question, “why are you giving him a perilla leaf? I can’t believe he almost let you do that; Jinwoo should know better.”
“You’re really that concerned?” You questioned.
“You know what they say about perilla leaves.”
Your head shook back at Moonbin, “I think it’s a bit different when one of you has a boyfriend and the other is your relationship’s biggest fan, don’t you think?”
“Perhaps, but you still should have shared it with me.”
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“What’s wrong?” You asked Minhyuk, taken aback by his blunt answers to the conversations that the boys were all having around the table together.
“He’s being stroppy,” Myungjun laughed as he listened to you beside him, “someone’s not happy that you gave me a perilla leaf.”
Your eyes widened as you looked to Minhyuk, surprised to see his head nodding back at you. “You should’ve shared with me, I’m your boyfriend,” Minhyuk told you.
“I only shared with Myungjun because he mentioned that he wanted one,” you told him, holding onto Minhyuk’s hand underneath the table.
A chuckle escaped from Myungjun beside you, “you’re not frightened that Y/N and I are going to be a couple now that she gave me a perilla leaf, are you?”
“Shut up,” Minhyuk told him, shooting a glare.
“It was just a perilla leaf, that’s it Min.”
His head nodded as he listened to you, forcing a smile back onto his face. “From now on, you only share any perilla leaves that you pick up with me Y/N.”
“Don’t worry, I promise I won’t make that mistake again.”
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“Look at his pout,” Jinwoo immediately called out, pointing across to Sanha as his eyes watched you peel off the perilla leaf that was stuck to your own.
“Are you jealous?” Dongmin teased as he took the other perilla leaf that you had peeled into his chopsticks to eat.
Sanha’s head immediately shook in reply to his question, “I’m not jealous,” he whispered, but his expression told a different story, “you’re just eating food.”
“Are you sure?” You asked Dongmin as the boys carried on reaching across the table, picking from the various dishes. “You look a little bit pouty right now.”
A sigh came from Sanha, lowering the volume of his voice. “I’m the one that you should be sharing perilla leaves with, don’t go giving them any ideas Y/N.”
“It was just a perilla leaf,” you assured him.
“It always starts with a perilla leaf Y/N.”
Your head shook as you nudged gently against Sanha’s arm, “I’m not going to go and run off with Dongmin now just because I gave him a perilla leaf, don’t worry.”
“There’s no way I’d let you run off with him, I’m better.”
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milkybonya · 2 years
Ok, I'm here to do a formal request to how would JinJin react to he called a short king. It would be even better if his s/o is foreign but speaks korean fluently.
Also I need to say it again, I'm doing a full marathon of your fics and Im absolutely head over hills, you're so talented and I hope to have more of your writing in the future.
Have a nice day!
hihi! i'm so sorry this is late >.< i hope you enjoy it~ also tysm for your kind words IM CRYING
short king
Jinjin's reaction to being called short king by his s/o ^3^
warnings: s/o is not necessarily foreign because i want to be inclusive, but they can speak english <3, cracc-filled+fluff
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look at this photo isn't he just the MOST SQUISHY SQUISH YOU'VE EVER SQUISHED
anyways ahem hi back to this fic
i imagine the first time you call Jinjin short king, you might be a bit nervous?
you and Jinjin tease each other often as s/os
but you never want to cross the line
so ! one time Jinjin is just struggling to reach the top cabinet
that top cabinet is a real STRUGGLE okay
you watch him dust himself off
hop on the counter and grab ths thing he wanted with ease before he jumps back down
you're just like WOAH
short king
you say it in tiny in case he'll get upset
he turns around and has this smile that says
i know ur up to something weird now tell me what it is
but also
what are you saying???
so you repeat it again and say short king! you're a short king!!
and Jinjin goes 'me? i'm king... but i'm not short'
you tell him that it's not a bad thing to be short
'why cant you just call me king? why do you have to say short king?' he'll whine
and you're just like yo!
it's cause you're short, but you're still a boss
and he's like hey didn't you say it isnt bad to be short!
you're kinda getting a headache at this point and sigh
but then you're like LISTEN MY LOVE
being short has its downfalls but despite that you're still a king!
look at you being a boss and hopping on the counter to reach the top cabinet!
being short isn't bad, but it's also not easy
Jinjin is eyeing you weirdly at this point
cause you make sense
but somehow short king sits weirdly with him
don't you worry though
the more you repeat it, he'll start to love it
he loves it so much that he even uses it to refer to himself
"y/n, i'm your short king, won't you listen to me?"
he'll say stuff like that
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starbandit · 2 years
JinJin as your boyfriend
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 he def asks you out with a cheesy pick up line
 does that adorable eye smile when you say yes
 takes u to an arcade where he tries to win the biggest plushie for u
 shows off his skills with the basketball games and you cheer him on which makes his cheeks red
 he would take u to a cafe and split some sweets with u
 imagine if you got some frosting on ur cheek or smth and he would use his thumb to wipe it off and then suck it off his finger oh my god
 makes sure u get home safe and gives you the sweetest kiss on ur doorstep before he leaves
 im talking hand in ur hair, pulling you closer to him, asking if he can kiss you while his nose is pressed to urs
 after that date its over, youre marrying this man no matter what
 totally the type to spoil u randomly or just show up when he knows ur home
 as much as he loves taking u out, he wont say no to some take out and a crappy movie from netflix on ur couch
 it gives him an excuse to cuddle under the blankets with u and touch ur soft skin
 i dont think he would be huge with skinship but would def like to have his hand on ur thigh and like it when u back hug him while hes doing smth
 if you suggested wearing matching outfits there is no way he would say no
 some big sweaters, jordans, his heart would melt
 i think he would be nervous to introduce you to the boys bc theyre his brothers and he wants yall to get along
 but theres no reason to fear bc you guys instantly act like best friends
 watching you interact with them makes his heart happy
 the day you drop food off for all of them unexpectedly is the day he knows he truly loves you
 it had been stressful with the comeback and preparations and u knew they wouldnt eat unless someone brought them food so u dropped smth off for them
 sanha tells jinwoo he better marry you after you leave
 he tells you he loves u for the first time immediately after that
 he wouldnt trade u for the world and shows it
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m00nbap · 3 years
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𝒮𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝒶 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉
✿ Rocky Astro Icons.🌃🌠🐺
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villainsblog97 · 3 years
Astro as Your Boyfriend
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So I have been really into Astro lately, mostly Cha Eunwoo, so I thought I would write about what kind of boyfriends I think our 6 sweet boys would be like.
GIFS are not mine, Credit to original owners! 
Scenario: Boyfriend scenario, romance, extra fluffy (CARNIVAL COTTON CANDY FLUFFY!!!) 
Warnings: Language (Maybe excessive fangirling)
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I can see him spoiling the absolute the hell out of you!
To the max
Fancy dates
Expensive gifts
He also is an expert cuddler
And he wants it.... like all the time
I can see him loving being next to you
but it doesn’t have to be all the time
He’s a busy guy... 
So he can’t always be there for you
But he also makes up for it
He also makes sure you watch all his performances 
He loves you a lot, but sometimes he needs to space himself from you and work
That can lead to conflict 
And sometimes he can snap at you
but if he does, he’s a mess afterwards 
He’ll get really emotional and tell you he’s sorry 
He also doesn’t want you to be upset with him
He’ll explain that his work is important and he doesn’t want to make you upset, but sometimes he just can’t do things with you
You two of course make up and then he picks a day where he’s free and he’ll take you out and spoil you like the princess you are! 
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You better buckle up honey!
Myungjun is crazy AF 
You’ll be in stitches laughing so hard with this boy
But he’s also adorable to no end
So dating him is like an adventure everyday
I feel like he would love taking you around town for your dates
Shopping is his favorite
He’s always showing you outfits he thinks you would look good in!
“Jagiya! this one! you’d look so cute!” 
He would want you to try them on, and of course he’s taking pics 
You’re definitely his home screen wallpaper 
Myungjun would also have to hold you 
Cooking, reading a book, washing dishes
Arms are glued around you 
I can’t exactly see you guys fighting 
Who’s gonna fight him??? lets be real
It would just be like little rants or arguments
He would just hug you and kiss you until you forgot why you were mad at him. 
MJ would be a chaotic but, no doubt, hella fun boyfriend!
Lord give me strength....
Cha Eunwoo
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Okay Dong Min would be the sweetest boyfriend (not just saying this because he’s my bias)
But he would be!
I can’t see him too much into PDA 
but this boy will definitely hold your hand every where
He will show you all his love when it’s just you guys 
I can see him getting adorably jealous 
Like he wants you all to himself
no one else can have you
I can see the guys giving him a hard time about you as well
They love messing with him 
They will purposely flirt with you, just to get a reaction out of him
(Pray for them... they’re gonna need it)
He would just put his arms around you 
look them dead in the eyes 
and say 
“She’s Mine”
If there’s any fights, I can’t see him apologizing right away
He’s kind of stubborn
The guys would probably have to tell him to
But then he makes it all up to you.
He also loves forehead kisses 
Okay I’m done hurting myself >.<
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Bin would be a little similar to Eunwoo
He’s already perfect Boyfriend material 
He would definitely treat you like royalty 
A princess
He would also get a lot of gifts
Mostly jewelry 
Okay prepare yourselves for this one...
Beach Picnic dates
*deep sigh*
He would love walking along the beach with you
He can also pick you up like its nothing
Unfortunately I could see you two getting into arguments
but I think it would end with the two of you exchanging kisses and just showing each other how much you love one another.
He hates it when you guys fight
So he would make you feel all the love you deserve. 
because at the end of the day he still loves you
and doesn’t wanna give up on you guys 
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Minhyuk is a little tough...
But I think he would be a little bit of MJ and JinJin
Silly yet sweet.
He’s always sending you random snaps
Weird faces
and cute faces 
A lot of cute captions like
“I miss you baby :)”
“I can’t wait to see you later! hang on just a little longer”
“I ate some Spicy Ramyun and I thought of you because you’re so hot!!” 
He loves dancing with and for you
He’ll pull you up off the floor and turn on some music and dance with you 
Definitely a slow dancer 
He would use this method to cheer you up on bad days
Even if he was the problem, and you were mad at him.
He would turn on some music on his phone
Pull you close and slowly dance with you
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Sanha is growing up right before our eyes
He is still Astro’s baby
But he is one of the many evil maknaes!
So though he loves you with all his heart
You’re still his number 1 target
He’s the kind to kick you off the couch
then make sure you’re okay.
“Oh! My baby! are you okay??” 
He can be really sweet
or a total shit head
He makes fun of all the member’s height (except Eunwoo)
And he’ll make fun of you too
“Guys... how can this tiny thing here, be my girlfriend!?
If you two fight
He’ll go to his Hyungs 
Because he screwed up and now he doesn’t know how to fix it...
So he’ll show up with flowers
put on the best Aegyo he can muster 
And tell you he’s sorry with the smallest voice ever 
and of course you can’t help but forgive him
He then will cuddle you and never let you go. 
then the next day, it’s back to the teasing! 
All in all I would give Astro a 10/10! Enjoy you day Arohas and Happy New Year! 
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