#bp valerie
crystalelemental · 9 months
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Doing CS stuff and okay, that’s pretty good.
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pokemaster91 · 9 months
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Another couple of new BP ticket sync pairs! Player & Registeel and Valerie & Mawile!
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p-chux · 7 months
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the-creeps-blog · 2 years
[Friend Group Headcanon]
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[Friend Group Headcanons]
DISCLAIMER: We’re only listing the main ones we write for, but there may be mention of others outside the list :)
Slender - 
Not really a "friend group" more like an authority figure
like a really chill teacher everyone likes but only when ur well behaved
Sally Williams - he has a soft spot for her and her alone, actually treats her like a daughter, everybody else is just like a business partner lmao
Laughing Jack -
LJ’s kind of a loner, but he is social
He doesn’t really have a set group since he gets along with most of them most of the time
He does interact with the other clown/circus themed pastas most tho, like Candy Pop, April Fools, Jason the Toymaker, etc
Eyeless Jack -
EJ’s a bit of a loner and not really social either, pretty much only interacts if someone else talks first
Homicidal Liu - They just seem like book worm buddies ;))
Dr. Smiley - Dr. Smiley likes to ask a lot of theoretical questions about experiments he wants to perform since EJ has a lot of biological and medicinal knowledge
Homicidal Liu -
Also a bit of a loner that only socializes if someone else speaks first
Eyeless Jack -  They just seem like book worm buddies ;))
Jane the Killer - Bond over hating Jeff lol fuckin loser
Bloody Painter - Not exactly friends, but they’re more well acquainted than most if that makes sense. Liu would rather be hanging with BP than most others
Hoodie / Brian -
Socially speaking he’s average, he’s fine being alone or with other people. He’ll either start a convo or wait for someone else to start one
Masky/Tim - They’re frenemies, good buds but also fuckin hate each other
Jane the Killer - wine buddies, they talk shit and gossip
Ticci Toby - He’s like a kid brother, really enjoys watching him piss off Masky
Sally Williams - She’s like a kid sister as well. As someone who’s also POC, he knows how to take care of her hair so he’s taking care of it most of the time and she really enjoys it
Valerie (OC) - They’re both proxies, so they’re meant to get along but they get along anyways so it works
Tails Doll -
He’s another loner, he tends to get along or tries to get along with most but he doesn’t go out of his way to interact or socialize
Sonic.EXE - I mean, c’mon, you know why
Iris Meadows (OC) - Iris goes out of her way to include TD, so they interact pretty well
Jane the Killer -
Very sociable, usually the one starting convos
Hoodie/Brian - wine buddies, they talk shit and gossip
Homicidal Liu - they DEFINITELY vibe and bond over hating Jeff and wanting him dead
Judge Angels - pretty girl squad, idk they just seem like they’d bond over being ethereal <3
Valerie (OC) - Strong Woman Gossip Club
Iris Meadows (OC) - Tea buddies! rather than gossip, they just have pleasant wholesome convos
Sally Williams - like the cool aunt figure to Sally
Masky / Tim -
loner lmao, doesn’t start convos but if someone talks to him he either ignores them or says some insulting/offensive shit
Hoodie/Brian - haha L loser, only got one friend
Jeff the Killer - Not really a friendship, it’s like a rivalry to see who can be the shittier person but at least they don’t fight.. much
Glitchy Red -
loner, not very sociable, he’ll just kinda stare at you with a resting bitch face if you talk to him
Strangled Red - LS protection squad lmao
Lost Silver - They’re both Pokepastas who dealt with abandonment and being forgotten so they can relate and bond pretty well
BEN DROWNED - they hang out pretty much because of LS, they’re just acquaintances really
Sonic.EXE - Same scenario as BEN
Strangled Red -
loner, will also just stare at you with a grin if you talk to him, but he’ll actually eventually answer. If he finds you interesting in a good way he’ll actually engage in conversation. If he doesn’t like you, he somehow knows your greatest insecurity just by looking at you and insults you on it to get you to go away
Glitchy Red - LS protection squad lmao
Lost Silver - Not as close with him as Glitchy is, but close nonetheless
BEN DROWNED - Chaotic gremlin trio with EXE -pUT YOUR CAT ON THE MIC-
Sonic.EXE - Chaotic gremlin trio with BEN
Jeff the Killer -
loner loser 
Masky/Tim - pretty much the only friend he’s got and they still aren’t even actual friends
L, loser, bozo
Bloody Painter -
Loner, not really sociable. If you talk to him he just kind of grunts in response as if he’s listening but he’s probably not
Judge Angels - lovers your honor
Ticci Toby - they’re close in age, so Toby tries to get to know him thinking they’ll understand each other more since they’re from the same age group. It’s pretty much just BP enjoying Toby’s company, talking his ear off
Iris Meadows - makes him tea :) listens to him so he appreciates that
Lost Silver -
Loner, if you talk to him he just stares with a deadpan staring into your soul kind of look. He doesn’t respond at all, but he actually IS listening intently to what’s being said
Glitchy Red - The protector he actually doesn’t need but appreciates, bond over abandonment issues
Strangled Red - scary gremlin protector he also doesn’t actually needs but appreciates nonetheless
BEN DROWNED - the voice of reason to BEN’s chaotic antics
Sonic.EXE - let’s be real, the voice of reason for this asshole too
Ticci Toby -
Toby is very sociable and a conversation starter, thought it’s like 50% pissing someone off on purpose 50% just an enjoyable conversation
Hoodie/Brian - like an older brother, encourages his annoying antics much to Masky’s dismay
Bloody Painter - talks BP’s ear off and just provides him enjoyable company
Judge Angels - Only started interacting because he started talking to BP, they together talk up a storm to BP lmao
BEN DROWNED - they make fever dream tiktoks lmao
Valerie (OC) - She teases him a lot, but attention is attention and he likes having attention
Iris Meadows (OC) - they have a rivalry for Sally’s attention lmao
Sally Williams - He and Iris literally fight for her attention because he likes being like a big brother and Iris likes being motherly
Judge Angels -
Also pretty average socially, if she feels like talking she’ll find someone, but if you come to her she won’t ignore you
Bloody Painter - Lovers your honor <3
Jane the Killer - pretty girl squad, they bond over being the most ethereal bitches there
Ticci Toby - Only started interacting because he started talking to BP, poor BP’s getting his ears talked off
Iris Meadows (OC) - THEY are gossip buddies
Sonic.EXE - 
Also very sociable and a conversation starter, though he’s like 80% trying to piss you off, 20% an enjoyable conversation
Tails Doll - I mean, I seriously don’t need to explain this
Glitchy Red - has to get onto him when he picks on LS too much
Strangled Red - chaotic gremlin trio with BEN
Lost Silver - easy target, little does he know LS got deep dirt on him and he’s no afraid to expose
BEN DROWNED - Chaotic gremlin trio with Strangled Red
Valerie (OC) - Flirt back and forth a lot
Iris Meadows (OC) - Pretty much just because Val and TD are friends with him lmao
Also very sociable and a conversation starter,, IF he’s away from his game, otherwise you’re not getting any of his attention
Glitchy Red - another one who Glitchy has to get onto from time to time for picking on LS too much
Strangled Red - chaotic gremlin trio with EXE -MEOW MEOW MEOW
Lost Silver - he’s BEN’s voice of reason, but he’s also fun to hang out with :)
Sonic.EXE - chaotic gremlin trio with Strangled Red
Valerie (OC) - she picks on him like you would a younger sibling. She also critiques his hygiene routine because it’s absolute shit
Iris Meadows (OC) - She’s an affectionate friend and he appreciates the attention
Sally Williams - 
She’s very sociable and bubbly, but because she’s so young and childish not a lot of pastas wanna pay attention to her
Slender - Dad figure <3
Hoodie/Brian - Like an older brother! He actually knows how to properly take care of her hair so she enjoys when he does
Jane the Killer - she’s like a cool badass aunt
Ticci Toby - he actually pays attention to her, plays with her, and treats her like a little sister so she loves him like a brother
Valerie (OC) - Often plays house, doctor, pretend games with Sally
Iris Meadows (OC) - Treats her very motherly so Sally likes to play house with her a lot. They’ve baked together for sure before :)
Valerie (OC) -
Very social in her friend group, but if she doesn’t know you she’ll look at you very confused
Hoodie/Brian -  They’re both proxies, so they’re meant to get along but they get along anyways so it works
Jane the Killer -  Strong Woman Gossip Club
Ticci Toby - likes to tease him but he likes attention so he doesn’t care
Sonic.EXE - Likes to flirt with the short man
BEN DROWNED - treats him like a younger brother and critiques on his shitty hygiene routine (because she cares for him ofc)
Sally Williams - they play pretend together a lot so Sally likes her :))
Iris Meadows (OC) - badass girl and sweet girl, iconic duo
Iris Meadows (OC) -
very sociable and friendly, she’ll offer you tea if you just look at her
Tails Doll - She goes out of her way to include him and treat him nicely so he’s got a bit of an attachment to her
Jane the Killer - Tea buddies! they have wholesome convos :))
Bloody Painter - Tea buddies as well, she likes to listen to him talk about whatever and he enjoys having someone to vent or rant to
Ticci Toby - They have a rivalry for Sally’s attention
Judge Angels - they gossip over tea
Sonic.EXE - pretty much only vibing because they’re both friends with Val and TD
BEN DROWNED - She’s affectionate with all of her friends, and he enjoys the attention
Sally Williams - treats her like a daughter and Sally loves it
Valerie (OC) - the badass girl and the sweet girl, still an iconic duo
Post written by Admin Dina
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Everything written down is agreed by the both of us though, it is our headcanons. <3
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
A group of more than 40 high-level former White House officials, members of Congress and state officials traveled this week to Azerbaijan for a convention sponsored by top energy companies.
Former White House deputy chief of staff and Obama 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina, former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs and former Obama senior adviser David Plouffe all gave speeches at the two-day event in Baku, according to the schedule on the conference website.
Vice President Joe Biden’s sister Valerie Biden Owens was also listed as a speaker on women’s rights issues. [...] The Washington Post reported Thursday that the speakers all received five-figure checks.
A person familiar with the speeches said that Gibbs, Plouffe, and Messina all mentioned human rights in their remarks. Corporate sponsors for the event include major energy companies BP, the Caspian Drilling Company, KBR, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and others. [...] Offices for the sitting members of Congress either declined to comment or did not respond to a request for comment. [...] State level officials from across the country — including the secretaries of state from California, Wisconsin, and Arkansas — are also on the schedule. The White House and Vice President Joe Biden’s office declined to comment. Plouffe, Gibbs and Messina did not immediately respond to requests for comment or declined to comment. It’s not the first time that former Obama administration officials have appeared in the oil rich nation that has been roundly criticized by human rights groups in recent years. In between his stint as 2008 Obama campaign manager and top White House official, Plouffe was paid $50,000 to speak at a 2009 event and met with government officials. He later donated the funds to a pro-democracy charity after an outcry from human rights groups and the American Armenian lobby. [...]
Representatives of Azerbaijan — which has retained several high profile D.C. lobbying and consulting firms including the Podesta Group, Tool Shed Group and Potomac Square Group — defended the conference as an exercise in relationship building between Baku and Washington.[...]
“This was the second time we are having the convention. It’s a very nice exercise. We’re proud of the fact that we can do it. It’s very positive for both countries,” Mammad Talibov, a counselor at the Azerbaijan embassy in Washington D.C., told POLITICO.
An embassy spokesman also added that Azerbaijan is working with international organizations and has implemented measures to improve the protection of human rights.
“The government of Azerbaijan is committed to building a free, democratic and secular society despite the challenges imposed by the region’s difficult geopolitical environment,” the spokesman said.
Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev “has made a multimillion-dollar industry of recruiting current and former U.S. officials to give show speeches in Azerbaijan, in the hopes, it seems, that these high-priced dog-and-pony shows will somehow provide him with political cover against increasing vocal challenges by the U.S. government and human rights groups against his regime’s corrupt and undemocratic practices,” said Aram Hamparian, executive director of the Armenian National Committee of America.
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ask-agent-void · 1 year
Been a few years since I've been active on social media, but I was told I should find some sort of outlet besides my work. Anyways...
My name is Valerie Ravenwood. Any pronouns. AroAce.
I'm a special agent at the Bureau of Paranormal Security (BPS). The BPS is a government organization dedicated to the research, containment, and neutralization of paranormal and otherworldy threats.
Basically, I investigate and fight the things that go bump in the night.
I'm also infected with one such thing that goes bump. A cosmic parasite dubbed a "symbiote" that greatly enhances my physical abilities, grants me shapeshifting, and psychic protection against unknowable horrors that would shatter the average mind. So I guess I'm more of a "Super" Agent. Though, to be honest, while it is useful, I'd rather be rid of it.
I'm here to answer any of your burning questions of the paranormal and/or personal variety.
Standard DNI and rules. No bigotry, no perverts, etc.. Just be civil.
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fatorangepoo · 2 years
16th July 2022
woke up at 7:05, brush teeth, change, eat. gather at padang,, they gave a bottle o water, gardenia bread, oat crunch and cream o...! They did the zoomba and liting was leading , we danced to wakawaka eh eh shamalamila eh eh, a maroon 5 song and did starjump. typical teacher made us do 3 times because we "werent coordinated"!
me valerie asli aishua gather at middle of starting line. valarie said we can be "runners" quote unquote then we wrre like sure!!! then when we joking about stuff i saw cikgu hisham hand was like 3.. 2.. then FART and we were like omg! omg! Then valerie run and ditch us and me asli run to find her and only found her at mrt there
after we reunited with mrs ferari I ditched asli and i run!!!!! I said hi to my form3 pss teammate in the camp, i jog again, slow walk sometimes also, said "Hiii!!! Shi ying~~!!!!" then we chatted for a while then i jog away. She was like "O ziqi ah, ziqi ziqi!" today. so funny but im kinda scared to make conversation with her.
when passing by the puay chai 2 nasi lemak guy he chinese and his wife malay ma then he was like "NI MEN BU HUI PAO DE LA, ONLY KNOW HOW TO WALK EYEROLL EMOJI" THEN WE ALL STARING AT HIM. Matthew run past me at nasi lemak stall 🤬🤬🤬🖕
At 1u traffic light there i was balancing on the sidelanes and i wa sjogging on it idk how i tripped bro i was perfectly balanced, it was like i was walking regularly and then my vision just tilted sideways then my palms were on the sidelane and my feet were on bicycle road, then i was like omg so sandy! then ran. near the school gate i speed walk and today we never enter school using normal gate we use the teacher car gats and we still have to run to the startng line only finish.
i was at transporter parjing there then my form 1 friend in front of me run already so i was like omg fine i speedwalk but cikgu fakruddin was holding camera and noone was posing everyone walking so i ran for him and he took a shot and i ran until the finish line (technically starting line)
when i reach i thought can rest already but the girls on the side of the school road were like NOO!! RUN!! UNTIL STARTING LINE!!! THEN I RUN IDK WHY BUT I WAS EUPHORIC IT WAS SO FUN RUNNING LIKE THIS WHY DIDNT I RUN THE WHOLE DAMN TIME 🤬🤬🤬
Liting and i grabbed orange juice in canteen, seniors were surrounding it. I still got a place near the orang ejuice cylinder with 200ml of juice left and they were fighting for it.. Litjng was like, "OMG THATS UR SENIOR!!!" then i was like whart???? "IN FRONT OF YOU LA" THEN SHE WAS ACTUALLY IN FRONT OF ME OUR FACES WERE LIKE 20CM APART 😍 Then liting brave she ask the other senior to "let her la!" then when he finish taking he gave me the ladle! i accidentally took a lot bc liting tilted the thing sideways so i could take more.. Then we queued for milo.
Liting bought me to BP room, tharun sister is actually a pengawas! then sofee and her were talking there and liting and i were looking at her (lt) spotify profile. Then a senior oengawas come, "she not pengawas?" then liting brought me out! then we Only take milo actually..
Zhen hin took some photos, just remembered right now, i forgot to ask him for it. I probably look bomb in it. 🥺
In award ceremony got one dude win second place and bought his phone up the stage. He held it diagonally to the audience and it was a huge text saying "EZ" while the principal gives him a medal. that was jerky but funny.
When we got home i showered and we left for hometown! Down the lift my mom said she'll take the next one since ours was packed. when we arrive at LG1 floor an uncle was standing facing the doors of the lift and my dad was mad bc he was in a rush then they almost bumped into each other, he didn't even say sorry, so i smiled and nodded slightly at the uncle and he smiled! good mooOooOod~~~
Bought filet o fish, fries and cheeseburger. 10/10. In ipoh ate chicken rice.. i ate mostly tauge and rice. 7/10
ah ma made boiled buns it was mediocre, don't wanna Hurt her feelings though.. >-<
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agapesophy · 9 days
Why did my wife and mother in law fall apart? At least they kept me because justice assault me with domestic violence to my mercy six months of prohibition because prohibition is crime because you asked me to commit ask my employer why i don't give a fuck BP is loyal to King Charles and you aren't fascist Rebels. I am red coat let me show you execution of my own contempt, and my self guilty Victim shame is offered flesh dick for ticket to leave or plastic dick to rape Chris, so I stayed with her plastic love of Chris my cackled observations that blame the Chinese abuse on the under ground railroad because the number of flesh dicks murders you literally but who cares Chris raped wrong is justice because they both agreed and I perfer porn because it wrong.
My wife was raped by his honor becuase I agreed to pay and she pay 50 bucks but I collect your court house or return the 50 dollars I stole from my wife became she beat me. because you hate her justice because she only hit me because she paid greedy evil pigs, his unhonorable who rape Navajos calling it honor! I need Receipt mailed 2749 Liberty 🗽 #A# 84403 Ogden Utah
Police captain murders my judge because I killed his little midgets in exchange for peace, but he said evil Kings don't respect rebel officers! Betrayed!
I shoot a bullet in the heart for betraying uniform because he pushed away, but he no gaint who take dive because he could not speak freely and it was done in my witness my execution failed but the fire department couldn't save me either, it is not suicide attempt? My motives are certain, without a doubt, signs of agreements, mistaken !
Because the sheriff knows my court house, saving me wrong but pure enough to trust I am judge, because I don't preejaculate in slandered bear the President comfort me who call me saying you are pardon to hold bear hand because that gay for bear to handle any misfire of injustice because the judge slay himself wrong for you champ 🏆 oh Trunp your flattering fart please because safety once is best safety last because it better weapon do onto him afterwards because Tit for Tat is Justice not honor!
Look, I will find Mother buried under concrete slab of house alive when the judge.say she a waste of resourses to save a murderer of a mother and then when I call a shrieff I broke the concrete foundation and pull her out alive we can go to the judge and I will grab your weapon a slaughter a mistaken judge a firefighters Pistol saying that judge murdered PO.W just like any criminal is a POW because I don't give a fuck about Solomon bling on each American house take the blood put that on each sheriff house, what about police fuck who cares get me the pestle nazi Concentration style let me hang 12 resource rmanangamt rapers one bullet for 12 jury of my peers because I won't tolerate the idea that even retired or fired unfairly by evil judges of good gods don't have right to my mercy love that won't give a fuck the recycling Solomon of sold out bling to.the citizen! Because the IRS will murder me, then murder other citizens because my Good God not invisible I saw his tears for evil mercy for jusitce everyone suffered me to be vicitm I must die.then.tax.the citizen to death after I die the government employee blood on the houses because why should the innocent die for having saved me they where weak like me fuck any one with bling of Solomon because evil tax payers I slander back the tax raped of my good God murdered and son before him in the honor of mom and two in laws AJ & JS & JR & JR's mother & little ones I fell for you go.in your freedom Rachel Valeri & Chris King and Sunshine software design of our resourse management AI software slain squeal of judges shall never be again because I am judge betrayer of my own kind the last judge slayer to slay for bloodshed of the white rabbit vengence!
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productsreviewings · 1 year
Jim Ratcliffe was knighted in 2018.Valerie Hatche/AFP by way of Getty Photographs Jim Ratcliffe is considered one of Britain's richest males price greater than $11 billion based on Bloomberg. A lifelong Manchester United fan, the 70-year-old is a fan of the soccer crew. From proudly owning a biking crew to sponsoring the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 crew, this is a have a look at his life. Jim Ratcliffe is the founder and CEO of Inos, one of many world's largest chemical corporations.Getty/Bertrand GuaySupply: IneosA lifelong Manchester United fan, Ratcliffe submitted for the soccer crew this week.Getty/Katherine IvilleSupply: BBCHe promised to "return Manchester to Manchester United".Picture by Peter Byrne/PA by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: BBCRatcliffe is competing towards Qatar's Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani, who submitted a revised bid for the membership on Saturday, and Finnish entrepreneur Tomas Ziliakas, per BBC Sport.Picture by Peter Byrne/PA by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: BBCPreliminary bids had been regarded as round $4.2 billion, based on Sky Sports activities Information. The Glazer household, which purchased Manchester in 2005 for round £800 million, are believed to be looking for between £5 billion and £6 billion ($6.1 billion to $7.3 billion).Getty/Lawrence GriffithsSupply: Sky Sports activitiesThe 70-year-old magnate is price greater than $11 billion, based on Bloomberg, and made his fortune within the chemical trade.Brian Lennon/Getty PhotographsSupply: Bloomberg Billionaires IndexRatcliffe, who lives in Monaco, additionally owns an property in Hampshire, England.Getty PhotographsSources: Hampshire Stay, The GuardianRatcliffe was born in Manchester and lived in public housing till the age of 10.Dennis Tangney/Getty PhotographsSupply: HeadspaceAt 18, Ratcliffe went to the College of Birmingham to review chemical engineering earlier than doing an MBA at London Enterprise Faculty.Getty PhotographsSupply: BloombergAfter graduating in 1974, he labored as an engineer for ExxonMobil-owned oil corporations Esso and BP earlier than becoming a member of cloth and chemical producer Courtaulds.Artistic Contact Imaging Ltd/NurPhoto by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: Headspace, BBCHe was headhunted by the personal fairness agency Introduction in 1989 and started in search of funding alternatives.Valerie Hatche/AFP by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: Bloomberg, HeadspaceHe joined forces with former chemical government John Hollwood and purchased BP's chemical division in 1992. Two years later it listed on the London Inventory Change and was valued at £100 million (about $150 million on the time).AP Picture/Kirsty WigglesworthSupply: BBCThe enterprise turned Inspec with Holwood as chairman and Ratcliffe as CEO.Valerie Hatche/AFP by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: BBCIn 1998, Ratcliffe arrange his personal agency, Ineos.Rafael Henrique/Sopa Photographs/Lightrocket by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: BBCRatcliffe is almost all shareholder and doesn't resolve to drift the corporate, which permits him to maneuver ahead with the deal shortly.ReutersSupply: BBCIn 2016 Ineos was criticized by inexperienced teams after it imported its first cargo of US shale gasoline, derived from fracking, into the UK.Thomson ReutersSupply: BBCRatcliffe was knighted in 2018, making him Sir Jim, however reportedly moved in 2020 to Monaco, which doesn't levy private or capital positive aspects tax. He declined to substantiate the transfer however informed the BBC he was attempting to "give again to the UK" and invested billions within the nation.John Grime/Lightrocket/Getty PhotographsSupply: BBCRatcliffe started interested by constructing a 4x4 after Land Rover introduced the discontinuation of the Defender in 2016.InosSupply: Occasions of LondonHe went forward with the thought and the Ineos Grenadier begins at £55,000 ($67,000). "It is a mixture of British know-how and German engineering," he informed The Occasions of London.InosSupply: Inos Grenadier.
The Occasions of LondonIn 2017, Ratcliffe purchased luxurious motorbike put on producer Belstaff, whose jackets had been as soon as worn by actors Steve McQueen and David Beckham.Britney FieldsSupply: BBCIn 2019 Ratcliffe biking crew purchased Group Sky and renamed it Enos Grenadiers.Group Ineos Grenadiers trip Pinarello bikes.Michael Steele/Getty PhotographsSupply: Ineos GrenadiersIn 2020, Ineos signed a partnership with Formulation One, with Mercedes-AMG sponsoring Petronas. "They've constantly demonstrated that they're on the forefront of technological innovation and human efficiency," Ratcliffe mentioned on the time.Brian Lennon/Getty PhotographsSupply: IneosInos owns a 3rd of the crew with the Mercedes-Benz Group and Toto Wolff.Emilio Morenatti - Poole/Getty PhotographsSupply: IneosIn 2017 Ratcliffe turned the proprietor of Swiss Tremendous League facet FC Lausanne-Sport and two years later French soccer membership Good.Valerie Hatche/AFP by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: IneosRatcliffe supported a luxurious clubhouse on the French ski resort of Courchevel, the place he and his daughter have skied for years.Valerie Hatche/AFP by way of Getty Photographs; Peter Turnley/Corbis/VCG by way of Getty Photographs;Supply: The GuardianHe additionally reportedly owns a superyacht named Hampshire II in-built 2012.Valerie Hatche/AFP by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: Superyacht Fan.He tried however failed to accumulate Chelsea FC final yr when Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich was compelled to promote the crew after Russia invaded Ukraine.Clive Mason/Getty PhotographsSupply: BBCLearn the unique article on Enterprise Insider
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This week’s Champion Stadium is done! It was a pretty interesting one too.
This is the first Champion Stadium run that I did not use Hop at all, even though he’s my most favorite. There are some fights that probably could have gone better if I used him, though.
Agatha: In hindsight, I should have used Hop as the main tank here so he could have buffed attack and crit. While I always associate him as the physical tank, but since Rachel could debuff Special Attack, he would have been fine. That said, Leon would appreciate someone who could regularly replenish his move gauge should he need one anyway, so Rosa it is, even though she’s weak to flying.
But yeah, weird team compilation aside, I’m just so so excited to use Christmas Leon in Champion Stadium ever since I got him, and I’m really glad that this opportunity comes, to show how kickass he is! He froze Agatha’s entire team and swept it with ease. Reminder that my Christmas Leon is only 1/5, yet he did incredibly well already. His debut Champion Stadium performance was so great, I’m really really happy to have the Unbeatable Galar Champion in my team.
Bruno: Decided to use the usual Steamroll team to fight against Bruno, even though I fully know Roxanne is weak to fighting. It went pretty much the same as usual: Roxanne went down, Giovanni quickly finished the fight before he went down too. Liza got crit-ed so she went down, but Bruno only had very little health left. I feel like there’s still something else that needs to be improved here, but I dunno what it is. Maybe investing more on Liza?
Lance: Don’t mind Plumeria, she’s just there to inflict poison and to reach the requirement to unlock Master Mode, since Ice, Poison, and Ground are the only types that I haven’t finished. I was considering to use Valerie since she’s an attacker, but other than her sync move, her other attacks aren’t really doing much. Sycamore could naturally outdamage her buffed attacks even without Geomancy, so I decided to use him as the main damager there. Of course, it went very slow since Sycamore didn’t have an attacking sync move, but it worked anyway, helped a bit by Plumeria’s poison statuses. Swimsuit Misty is there as healer. 
I was going to use Lillie as the main tank since she has Group Dragon Guard, but even with that, I don’t think she can take a lot of damage. Also, Sycamore should have been the main tank there, but Swimsuit Misty survived just fine. MPR proc-ed a lot on her Potions, so that helped everyone to survive as well (except Sycamore because he’s already so tanky that he didn’t need much help to survive). 
Lorelei: Been a while since the last time I used Wally, so I chose him as the main DPS. Knight Diantha as the main tank there while Leaf is the healer. I also wanted to make use of Wally’s EX to wipe the sides. Knight Diantha is just so good, she can tank while dealing lots of damage alongside Wally. Unfortunately I never intended to gear Knight Diantha as tank, so she got crit-ed by Lorelei. Thankfully, while Knight Diantha was close to going down (though she’s going to be healed by Leaf anyway), Wally could quickly finish the fight. 
Blue: Now, here’s an interesting one. Blue used Alakazam, so it’s gonna be mostly special attacker. I could have gone with the Hop and Anni N combo, but the parameter is increased effect of status conditions (and I chose Special Attack reduction parameter as second parameter). So, while I have decided this is gonna be mostly Lusamine’s fight, I changed the team around a little bit. As a result, Halloween Caitlin as the main tank, with BP Erika to inflict statuses. Not the most ideal because no healer (except from Halloween Caitlin’s sync move), but it works somehow.
Even though MPR didn’t proc on X. Sp. Def, Lusamine survived Blue’s sync move with 1/3 health, thanks to Halloween Caitlin’s barriers from her sync and her buffs that she could provide. BP Erika also helped to weaken the sides with status condition and let Lusamine finish them to get the Positive Reinforcement buffs.
Halloween Caitlin went down, but Blue only had very little health left. BP Erika could take a hit and let Lusamine finished the fight. Lusamine surviving is a miracle itself, but it’s even more of a miracle that she could survive in a team with minimum healing. Great job for surviving, Lusamine.
I only need to use Ground-type left to unlock Master Mode, and I only have Hapu. Hopefully next time there’s gonna be an opportunity to use Hapu in a team without her needing to do much, just like how I used Plumeria in this week’s Champion Stadium. 
Most importantly, hopefully I can clear the next Champion Stadium! As always, thanks for reading my weekly rambling!
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crystalelemental · 10 months
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Champion Stadium clears, testing out the new sync pairs, and trying to stay mostly within the F2P lines. There are some exceptions, though...
Vs. Karen BP Barry is really good. Like, this kit rules. Him and base Erika form a really strong partnership to an EX Striker like Lusamine, who may need a bit of crit, and a lot of special attack. Barry supplies it all, with solid defensive profile and Synthesis to sustain. I am exceptionally impressed with his work.
Vs. Will Defensive supports are nice for pairs that are offensively self-sufficient, or for longer modes like Gauntlet. In CS, I feel like defensive supports largely exist for stall. You'll be happy to know, Olivia does this pretty well. X Regen All is nice gradual recovery for the sides to shrug off sync, while her own Protect and First Aid 4 can keep her in place longer than you might expect. I'm not blown away by her performance, but she accomplishes a goal and serves nicely within Stall Meta.
Vs. Koga And now we reach mistakes. A major problem with the BP Master Pairs this time around is that the buffing kit is very poor. Registeel, in particular, kinda sucks. Defensive boosts are decent, but only self-applied, which means sides will obliterate your allies with AoE. Cutting healing in half is a generally smart strat in CS, but Registeel works entirely with recovery so it's hard to facilitate. Its speed boosting, a major draw of its kit, is slow to start up given your two TMs to max defenses, then probably throwing out Potions as needed, resulting in few actual attacks occurring. It's also just not that sturdy. Even with +6, it didn't take much for Koga to overwhelm it. This was carried by Kukui's flinch and Candice's sync bombs, which also needed to remember to reset Hail for Sure Crit or she'd die.
Vs. Bruno Believe it or not, I actually don't respect SEUN on its own. Even aside from how much content these days focuses on off-type, a major issue is that it tends to come with limited offensive support. Dana is a pretty good example of the issue. When looking to the lower tiers that most want this, they can't buff, and she can't help them. The closest we came was Gardenia, who had two problems. One is setup. Without 3/5 Dana, we just didn't have the ability to save a turn off Dire Hit+, or the ability to boost special attack enough for Gardenia to win. The other is bulk. Dana can buff both defenses eventually, but skews special, so a physical stage like this is very difficult for her. I had to settle on SS Erika as the only option with really good self-setup, and to be honest, Erika could've done with this other pairs. This is decisively not Dana's best showing, and I'm feeling very strongly that this is a pair that lives and dies by 3/5 access when considering anything but the elite in self-setup.
Vs. Lance Look, I needed to test out BP Valerie, I adore her. Off-typing Lance it is. This is a particularly scary fight, because of the high BP moves that Lance throws around constantly. Even H!Caitlin has trouble with it. That said, permanent field condition is a choice this time, so welcome to easy street. Caitlin's shields last through Lance's sync, and Colress can debuff accuracy to really cheese round 2. I will say, with concentrated DPS and a flinch off Iron Head, it...legitimately might have been possible to pre-sync clear center. Valerie's pretty impressive on DPS. Sync isn't fantastic without on-type, but we knew that already. Overall though, very satisfied with her performance.
BP Falkner Falkner was the odd man out here. I wasn't exactly confident in his off-type sync potential, so I dropped it. That said, in more closely assessing how he could've been used, I did recognize two things. One is, his speed debuffing is great for Cakewalk. Second, his attack debuffing with Defog would've made something like Bruno much, much easier to handle, as he removes all the shields and offsets parameters. Third, Confuse. This one was especially salient, because I remembered Tate exists, and has hilarious DPS numbers on-type when facilitated, with Cakewalk as the sync. Tate might be Falkner's best F2P partner, facilitating effectively every condition for DPS and Sync that Tate needs. Now if only we had a Psychic Terrain support.
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feelingbluepolitics · 4 years
"A federal judge in New York has invalidated rule changes by the [t]rump administration that allowed individuals and corporations to kill scores of birds as long as they could prove they did not intentionally set out to do so.
"In a blistering ruling that cited Harper Lee’s 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' U.S. District Judge Valerie E. Caproni ripped the administration’s interpretation of 'takings' and 'killings' of birds under the century-old Migratory Bird Treaty Act as applying only if the animals are specifically targeted.
"Tuesday’s ruling was the latest legal setback for the [t]rump administration as it has systematically tried to weaken or nullify scores of federal environmental protections. In her decision, Caproni said the administration had gone too far.
"'There is nothing in the text of the MBTA that suggests that in order to fall within its prohibition, activity must be directed specifically at birds,' wrote Caproni, who was nominated to the Southern District of New York by President Obama in 2012. 'Nor does the statute prohibit only intentionally killing migratory birds. And it certainly does not say that only ‘some’ kills are prohibited.'
"The changes made by the [t]rump administration largely benefited oil companies, which have paid most of the fines for violating the act, according to an analysis by the National Audubon Society.
"In the administration’s view, even BP, the company responsible for the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that led to the deaths of an estimated 1 million birds, would not be liable for punishment under the law. A landowner who destroys endangered owl nests without checking before building a barn or an oil company that fails to cover a tar pit that birds could dive into and be killed could not be held responsible as they have for decades.
"Caproni determined that allowing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service police to enforce the act only if officials could prove intent was a violation of the federal Administrative Procedure Act and vacated the changes. In striking down the rule change, she admonished the Interior Department with a passage from 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'
"'It is not only a sin to kill a mockingbird, it is also a crime,' Caproni wrote. 'That has been the letter of the law for the past century. But if the Department of the Interior has its way, many mockingbirds and other migratory birds that delight people and support ecosystems throughout the country will be killed without legal consequence.'
"Eight state attorneys general challenged the administration when it weakened the act two years ago. Led by then-New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood, the coalition included the top attorneys in Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, Oregon, California and New Mexico.
"The court joined their lawsuit with another challenge filed by the National Audubon Society and numerous other conservation groups, including the Center for Biological Diversity.
"'This is a huge victory for birds and it comes at a critical time — science tells us that we’ve lost 3 billion birds in less than a human lifetime and that two-thirds of North American birds are at risk of extinction due to climate change,' Sarah Greenberger, interim chief conservation officer for the National Audubon Society, said in a statement."
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rjzimmerman · 4 years
Excerpt from this story from the Washington Post:
A federal judge in New York has invalidated rule changes by the Trump administration that allowed individuals and corporations to kill scores of birds as long as they could prove they did not intentionally set out to do so.
In a blistering ruling that cited Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird,” U.S. District Judge Valerie E. Caproni ripped the administration’s interpretation of “takings” and “killings” of birds under the century-old Migratory Bird Treaty Act as applying only if the animals are specifically targeted.
Tuesday’s ruling was the latest legal setback for the Trump administration as it has systematically tried to weaken or nullify scores of federal environmental protections. In her decision, Caproni said the administration had gone too far.
“There is nothing in the text of the MBTA that suggests that in order to fall within its prohibition, activity must be directed specifically at birds,” wrote Caproni, who was nominated to the Southern District of New York by President Obama in 2012. “Nor does the statute prohibit only intentionally killing migratory birds. And it certainly does not say that only ‘some’ kills are prohibited.”
The changes made by the Trump administration largely benefited oil companies, which have paid most of the fines for violating the act, according to an analysis by the National Audubon Society.
In the administration’s view, even BP, the company responsible for the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that led to the deaths of an estimated 1 million birds, would not be liable for punishment under the law. A landowner who destroys endangered owl nests without checking before building a barn or an oil company that fails to cover a tar pit that birds could dive into and be killed could not be held responsible as they have for decades.
Caproni determined that allowing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service police to enforce the act only if officials could prove intent was a violation of the federal Administrative Procedure Act and vacated the changes. In striking down the rule change, she admonished the Interior Department with a passage from “To Kill a Mockingbird.”
“It is not only a sin to kill a mockingbird, it is also a crime,” Caproni wrote. “That has been the letter of the law for the past century. But if the Department of the Interior has its way, many mockingbirds and other migratory birds that delight people and support ecosystems throughout the country will be killed without legal consequence.”
Eight state attorneys general challenged the administration when it weakened the act two years ago. Led by then-New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood, the coalition included the top attorneys in Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, Oregon, California and New Mexico.
The court joined their lawsuit with another challenge filed by the National Audubon Society and numerous other conservation groups, including the Center for Biological Diversity.
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adozentothedawn · 4 years
First Playthrough Log Pathfinder: Kingmaker Part 25
Nok-Nok is adorable and his alignment is just stupid. He really tries to be good! He wants to be a hero! His only crime is being a goblin and worshipping a goblin goddess. And that’s really none of anyone else’s business. I mean yeah, Tamary would tell him to not maim people and then she’s put up some signs around the clearing to keep others away, but really everything else is fair game. Jhod can calm the fuck down. He can keep worshipping Erastil and if the goblins want to have religious orgies (which doesn’t seem to be the case anyway) that’s none of his business.
j/ “We stand on the side of lawful authorities and recognize you as such.” “Great, in that case, get out I don’t like you.” “No.” Bitch.
j/ Bitch, what do you mean how did I find this place? This is my kingdom!
Gotta say, I’m not a fan of Valerie’s last quest. I get what they were going for, but removing the scar in the end just feels tasteless. Just in the general this beauty thing is weird and just not framed very well. Couldn’t thy have ended it differently and just have Shelyn smite the asshole instead? Still wouldn’t have been great but at least better. Ah well, whatever. It’s not god awful it just grinds my gears. Also… I really want to compare her to Pallegina because there’s actually a lot of ground for that, but I’ll need some more time to do it properly. Once I’m done with the game maybe I’ll write something up.
j/ Amiri understand how rpgs work! “She’s scum of course, but she’s our scum!”
I’m glad at least Amiri likes Nok-Nok.
j/ I’ve just levelled up Maegar like crazy in the hopes of getting more bp, and I don’t think he can fail anymore with double the level than any of my other ministers. xD
More new pillow talk from Kanerah that absolutely melts me!
I spent basically the whole day just leveling up my advisors. I’m still not done. I’m not sure if this is annoying or satisfying honestly, but for now I think I’m going with satisfying,
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kriiistinuhh · 5 years
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Some RnM sketches. I wanna do more drawings of Squanchy and Birdperson due to the fact that there is hardly any fanart of them. Please excuse all of the awful body proportions and poses
BP is so proud of his birdseed coffee!
I can’t decide whether or not I want to have Valerie be Rick’s sister or just a friend of Diane’s.
So many thoughts…
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silver-writer · 5 years
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What’s up, my dudes? It’s Lay! 
Long story short, I don’t have an easy way to navigate my blog for both my followers (and others) and myself. So, I decided to make a master post! This will have everything from things about me to my wips. 
(I’ll make sure to update this regularly. Hopefully...)
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While this blog is mainly for me to gush about my wips and all of my crazy ideas, I also want to allow my followers to get to know me. (Tell me about you guys too!) My personal stuff is all tagged with #silverslife
Just to get things started, my name is Lay Silver. (Though, it’s not my real name, just a pen name. You can call me Lay!) My pronouns are she/her (I’m cis). I’m an ‘01 liner (born on Dec. 4th, the same day as Mr. Worldwide Handsome Kim Seokjin of BTS.) I have just finished my junior year of high school (11th grade) and I’ll be a senior stressing over college apps in the fall oof. When I graduate from high school, I plan on going to university and majoring in creative writing. (I may also double major in Asian studies or something like that because my grandmother is Japanese and I find Asian cultures (more specifically East Asian) fascinating. 
I started my writing journey in 6th grade when I had just finished reading The House of Hades by Rick Riordan. So, I started to write fanfictions. (I’m going to make a post about my writing journey, then I’ll link it here once it’s posted.)
Rick Riordan’s books will always be my favorite series’. Since the I have become a part of many fandoms. From books to anime to bands. (I would say I’m a pretty hardcore kpop fan at the moment. I’ve also been getting back into anime and reading books after my like two year slump. I blame school.)
My kpop fandoms are ARMY, Blink, Stay, I’m also in TXT’s fandom. BTS is my ult group. My biases are Jungkook (BTS), Jennie (BP), Hyunjin (SKZ), and Yeonjun (TXT).
My sexual orientation is on the asexual spectrum (I’m pretty sure I’m demisexual, but gray-asexual works too, I think. So, I’ll just say I’m ace-spec.) I’m still trying to figure out my romantic orientation. I know I definitely like guys, however, I’m not sure if my attraction to girls is purely aesthetic or if I would actually date them. So, I guess for my romantic attraction I would say I’m questioning? IDK, I’ll figure it out some time. 
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Besides Tumblr, I also have other social media. (I don’t post much on the others quite yet, but one day!) I have other social media for my writing as well as a personal/photography account. My Instagrams are also linked on my blog (desktop version).
Writing (I don’t post much here. I just recently deleted all my previous posts, but I hope to do more soon.)
Photography/personal (I post here quite often. All of the photos are my own.)
If any of you want to email me for something (idk what for): 
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The Seventh Study is technically my main WIP. It’s the project that I have the most written on, at least. Though, I’m planning on putting it to the side for a bit for another wip since publishing a series as your debut novels isn’t the best idea financially. 
Anyway, TSS will be a trilogy. It’s a new adult dystopian novel following my main character Avalon. As well as having POV chapters from my characters Carla, Mare, and Jaemin!
I do have a tag for this wip, so if you’re interested in TSS follow the tag #wip: the seventh study
WIP Introduction
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Okay, so, I don’t talk about TLF very often. I’m still working on the wip intro too since I have absolutely no idea where the plot will go. All I have down is that it’s based off of the Lost City of Atlantis and the story takes place mostly in Florida, but also the Bermuda Triangle. There’s the Greek gods, demigods, Atlanteans, some eclectic witches, etc... The main character is going to be bisexual and I think the story might be an LGBTQ+ novel, but I haven’t worked out all the details quite yet. 
This wip’s tag is #wip: the legend’s frail
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A Crown of Aces follows an aro-ace (aromantic-asexual) main character. She is a princess and her father, the king, has been assassinated. Now she must become the queen of the kingdom. Only one problem: her father’s advisors are pushing her to have a husband because they don’t think that this insolent girl is capable of ruling the kingdom at eighteen years of age alone. She plans to prove them wrong all while hiring the help of the infamous band of assassins that lurks in the alleyways of the kingdom to find her father’s killer. The assassin she hires is named Altaeus whom soon falls in love with the new queen. He soon realizes that she isn’t looking for romantic love nor a partner. But the two do stay friends. MC wants to make her kingdom a better place for the people living there and with Altaeus’s help as well as friends she makes a long the way, she just may be able to improve the lives of the people in her kingdom.
That’s all I got so far. Since I identify on the asexual spectrum, I thought it would be cool to have an ace oc. I’m not aromantic, though. 
The tag is #wip: a crown of aces
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So, LoF is somewhat based off of the anime Sword Art Online. Basically, the main characters. Jennie and Luke, get trapped in their favorite game and the only way to get out is to complete all the quests and beat the game. If they die in the game they don’t die in the real world, though. LoF in the story is an massively multiplayer online role playing game (mmorpg). I’m thinking that the reason they’re in the game is because of a really intense dream one of them has.
I’m still doing a log of world building for this wip since there’s a lot of stuff that has to go into it like mobs, bosses, quest arcs, cast, what roles there are in the game, etc...
Tag #wip: light of faeran
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Finally for my new wip! Final Legacy is similar to LoF in a way. Final Legacy is a full-dive VRMMORPG in the story. It is a dystopian, sci-fi novel (and I suppose fantasy is some aspects). There’s also a lot of world building I still have to do for this wip as well. I need to come up with mobs, bosses, quest arcs, game races like fairy, elf, human, etc..., I also have to come up with the different worlds featured in Final Legacy. This is probably going to be a very in depth novel.
Final Legacy WIP Intro 
There is a lot more info about Final Legacy on the WIP Intro. Please check it out if your interested!
Septimus Hale drawing (right)
Valerie Cruz drawing (left)
The tag for this wip is #wip: final legacy
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