#brain injury rehabilitation near me
zylomarshall · 7 months
Zylo Marshall - Disabled Rights Advocacy & Awareness
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Website: https://www.zylomarshall.com
Zylo Marshall's website is a platform dedicated to addressing the challenges and injustices faced by individuals with disabilities. With over forty years of personal experience in traumatic brain injury and neurological brain damage, Zylo Marshall provides a unique perspective on the struggles of disabled individuals. The site emphasizes the importance of treating disabled people with respect and equality, and aims to raise awareness about the exploitation and discrimination they often face.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zylomarshallstory
Keywords: brain injury awareness month disability rights advocate brain injury rehabilitation near me brain injury rehabilitation centers near me disability inclusion in the workplace abuse of disabled adults disability abuse laws traumatic brain injury awareness ribbon traumatic brain injury awareness disability awareness games for adults disability awareness campaigns disability awareness activities for the workplace brain damage recovery chances disability advocacy training free disability awareness training advocacy for parents child protection brain injury awareness facts disabled welfare association learning disability social worker role disability awareness programs best disability campaigns self advocacy learning disabilities brain rehabilitation therapy learning disabilities advocacy groups disability advocacy resources brain injury awareness activities disabled rights movement methods disability discrimination awareness advocacy services communication physical disability advocacy brain injury awareness week 2024 brain injury awareness day 2024 neurological causes of brain damage activist for disability rights disabled rights activist dies disabled civil rights activist disabled animal rights activist disabled civil rights activists equal opportunities for disabled students signs of disability abuse abuse of intellectually disabled disability challenges awareness in school disability awareness programs for students disability inclusion efforts in the workplace
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advantagehcs · 4 days
Advantage HCS offers premier traumatic brain injury rehabilitation centers in Canton, dedicated to providing personalized care and advanced therapeutic solutions for optimal recovery. Our expert team of medical professionals employs a multidisciplinary approach to create customized treatment plans that cater to the specific needs of each patient.
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astrahospital1 · 1 year
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lingering-42-long · 4 months
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Johnny “Soap” McTavish x fem! reader
There’s a really big theory out there that he survived the head shot of course, with that being said, it doesn’t mean that he is clear out of the gutter. He’s got a lot of rehabilitation to get through.
Warnings: mentioning of head injury, hospitals, depression
The picture shown is not by me! I do not take any claim for the artwork.
It was bad enough that Johnny woke up from his three month coma only to realize that he could no longer walk or hold anything or even remember how to read or write. His memory was also shot as well. He remembered important things, but the smaller more intricate details were out of his mind. He remembered his wife, and he remembered his young son, but how his son got into the world, and when he married his wife and what their wedding looked like was a different story. He remembered none of that.
It was hard for (Y/n) as well. Watching her husband struggle with some of the most easy and mundane tasks he had to learn how to read, and how to write, again. He had to learn how to hold items in his hand. He had to learn how to walk all over. There were days were great progress was made, and everybody celebrated. And there were other days where it felt like his own mind was trying to poison him, and the lack of practice went not, as smooth as it could have been. The task force of one for one often visited him. Because of his injuries to the head, he was honorably, discharged but that didn’t mean that the team didn’t care for him. They visited often when they could, and they made sure to send their regards whenever they were near.
(Y/n) refused to cry in front of him. She didn’t need him guess or to believe that she thought of him as a burden. She did everything she could to make his life easy. From fixing meals and helping him move around the house to changing his diaper in case he couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time. This was what it meant to be a disabled veterans wife. It wasn’t glamorous. It wasn’t fun but it was her husband and she knew what he needed the best and she was willing to do whatever she had two to make sure that he felt safe and comforting in their home. But Johnny was no stupid idiot. Even with half of his brain blown, he knew that his wife was suffering. He would pretend to be asleep only to hear her sniffle and shake from her crying at night. He would sit at the couch, but he would notice the sad face of his beloved, as she did all of the household chores. They used to share the chores together they used to bond over having fun.
Johnny felt like a burden he couldn’t do things with his son like he used to. His son was growing up right before his eyes, and he felt like he couldn’t progress fast enough. There were the few and occasional days where he pushed himself too far and hurt himself, which obviously made (Y/n) even more upset all he wanted to do was to make sure that she didn’t see him as a burden. Time and time again, she always reminded him that he never was nor Ever will be.
His family and her family often worked alongside both of them. They also had several organizations that were dedicated to helping families of disabled veterans, as well as wounded soldiers that were struck out in combat. It helped a lot. The money was definitely a blessing, and things were finally becoming more and more on track. Unfortunately (y/n) had to take up a job now that her husband was out of work, which wasn’t good because she didn’t get to see her son that much anymore.
Today was going to be a good day though. Simon had decided to stop by at the hospital while Johnny was going through his rehabilitation treatment. It was a walking exercise, which meant that Johnny had to practice walking and strengthening, his legs little by little. Every step was an accomplishment. “Wanna race LT?” Johnny teased as he had his hands on the bars and was trying to stand up as long as he could. “ Johnny I think you would beat me at this.” Simon chuckled as he watched his friend hobble forward. His son only three years old now, tottered after his dad, and fell on the floor. (Y/n) was about to get up and grab him, when Johnny, unexpected carefully, and very slowly lowered himself to the ground and carefully reached out to pick his son up. His arms were a lot stronger now and he was able to hold his child gently even if it was only for a few minutes. “There ya? Did ya get a scratch? No? Try’n to copy ya old farther?” He laughed. As he gave his son, a gentle kiss on the forehead. “Come up Lass let’s do this together.” Johnny’s son was the biggest supporter in his life.
Johnny always strive to do his absolute best for his son. He loved his precious boy more than anything in the world. When his son was first born, it wasn’t an easy pregnancy. Johnny was gone for the majority of the pregnancy at the end, and missed the birth. When he came home, he had heard about all the horrors that has gone into the whole birth. (Y/n) had internal bleeding, as well as their son, being wrapped around his own umbilical cord, and deciding to play dead for a good solid minute before waking up. He couldn’t even imagine the fear she must’ve felt. It broke his heart, knowing that she had gone through all of that without him there. He wanted to be there for it. He wanted to see his son being born. He wanted to be able to hold his son in the hospital praising his wife and promising her restful night while he would be on watch. But it wasn’t until three months after the birth did he finally get to return home. This memory was one of the few that revived after a few months of waking up from comatose.
Johnny slowly got up with a small bit of aid from a nearby nurse, who is watching him as he got back up and watching his own son clamber up on his own to stubby legs as he teetered back to his mama, who is watching all of this take place. Johnny began to finish, his exercises, ranging from the walking to the hand exercise, and the reading and writing. “At least Me and mo boy can read the baby books.” he chuckled lightly. That did bring a smile to (y/n)’s face.
After the session was over, Simon helped his brother in arms to the car while you buckled your son into his car seat. Johnny also sat in the backseat next to his son, as he, too, was also attempting to buckle his own seatbelt. Once everybody was in the car, Simon drove everybody back to the McTavish residence and helped Johnny out.
(Y/n) had gotten the groceries out of the car and their son, and was getting the door for everybody. Johnny watched as his wife was doing all of the hard work. The work that he normally would have done for her. He could see her struggle with the keys as she placed down the bags and settled with the handful of silver and gold trinkets. Once you finally found the right key, she inserted it into the slot and open the door to let everybody in.
Simon was staying for a few days with them before he would get back to his own residence to his own wife and daughter. It was best for a little company to be around as Johnny suffered with terrible migraines due to the brain injury. Night time had fallen, and your son was curled up in his daddy‘s lap, while his father was reading him a bedtime story. He was struggling a little bit, but at least he was making progress with the words and the pronunciation of them.
“ you all right?” Simon asked as you were putting up the dishes with him.
“ yeah I’ll manage. It’s just been really rough. I sometimes feel like I’m a single parent and it’s difficult but I don’t want him to know about that because he would crush his soul.” (Y/n) lowered her head slightly, feeling ashamed that she felt this way when she felt Simmons hand on her shoulder she looked up. “ he loves you and it’s a blessing that he made it out alive.” (Y/n) smiled and nodded as She finished putting up the last dish and getting her son ready for bed.
She and Johnny cuddled for the evening in their bedroom. He had managed to turn onto his side, and begin gently stroking her cheek. “ thank ye love fer puttin up with meh.”
“ you know I would do it 1000 times over” (y/n) smiled as she gave her husband a gentle kiss “ and I would love ya 1000 times over” he replied as he cuddled with his wife. Tomorrow would bring its own challenges, and they would learn how to face each challenge day by day. They may never get to the point where they were back to normal, but they would get to a point where things will work out eventually. That’s all that he could ever ask for.
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wikifoxnews · 2 years
Who was James Bascoe Smith ( Teenager left for dead after being stabbed smiles as his attackers are jailed ) Wiki, Bio, Age, Crime, Arrest, Incident Details, Investigations and More Facts
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James Bascoe Smith Biography                                    James Bascoe Smith Wiki
A teenager who died nearly an hour after being repeatedly stabbed in the street smiled in court as his two attackers were convicted.
James Bascoe Smith, then 16, suffered deep, life-changing injuries when he was thrown off a bicycle and stabbed to death by masked men in Brixton, south London, on February 23. The young man, who was testing a bike for his mother, shouted "Call my mum, call my mum" before collapsing in a pool of blood, the Old Bailey said. Teen James Bascoe-Smith was playing in the street on his mum's bike when he was stabbed in a random attack last year. He was effectively dead for nearly an hour as a consequence, a court heard today. Sustained life-changing injuries. Three men stand trial for murder conspiracy. pic.twitter.com/URKz4WGUtr — Nads White Is On Leave. (@Nadine_Writes) August 23, 2022 His heart stopped and he actually died on the sidewalk near his home, only to be brought back to life by doctors. James did well on his GCSEs and worked as a coach at a local gymnasium before finding himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now confined to a wheelchair, he smiled broadly as he was surrounded by crying family members as a jury, after four days of deliberation, convicted two men of the assault.
Suspect Identified
Leon Rashid, 20, of Thornton Heath, south London, and Taiquane Lewis, 18, of Kennington, south London, have been convicted of conspiracy to murder. Rashid was also found guilty of possession of an assault weapon. A third defendant, Stephanie Paez-Lopez, 20, of Clapham, south London, broke down in tears as she was freed from assisting an intruder by helping get rid of a Range Rover used in the "offensive". Attorney Edward Brown KC summarized James' family's victim impact testimony. His mother, Lisa Bascoe-Smith, said: "James hasn't had any issues with anyone in the area. He is a happy, always smiling boy. "He loves music, he's a DJ, studied music engineering and has nothing to do with the gang lifestyle. Thinking back to the day of the accident, I remember James being so eager to help me and make sure the bike was running. "He wanted to take care of me. He wanted to make sure it was 100% safe and drivable. I remember standing in my door waiting for him to come back. My phone rang and I saw James lying on the floor. "I drowned when I saw him in a pool of blood. I keep thinking, 'How could this have happened in a minute I couldn't see?' Ms Bascoe-Smith said James was making progress with his rehabilitation, adding: "He went from being an athletic, carefree, carefree guy to someone who was bedridden and had trouble moving or communicating." James' aunt, Rachel Duncan, said: "We really need to end this cycle of violence that can often span generations. We must eliminate knife violence from our streets.” The jury had been told James was testing his mother's bike when he was struck by a stolen black Range Rover on Henry Road just after 6pm. Mr Brown said: "The Range Rover drove up to him on purpose, hit him and knocked him off his bike. "Occupants of this stolen Range Rover and occupants of a second car, a VW Passat, got out and it was attacked, including by three men, each with a lethal weapon... before speeding off in the same cars". James' mother, who was waiting outside his front door, received a video call from her cellphone as she lay on the floor. Rescuers were alerted and paramedics arrived at 6:22 p.m. Doctors found stab wounds to James' left arm and viscera, and other injuries to his right thigh. Before he could be taken to the hospital, his heart stopped, sparking a fight to save him. Mr Brown said: "It was a brutal and horrific attack. "Indeed, James Bascoe-Smith had died at the scene and was only brought back to life through the prompt and significant efforts of the attending physicians. "However, he had suffered a significant period of blood/oxygen starvation in his brain, possibly up to 50 minutes." Although there was no reason for the attack, it was "very determined and concerted" and "almost successful" in killing the teenager, Brown said. A selection of "terrifying" knives dropped by fleeing attackers included a combat knife, a Rambo-style blade, and a zombie-style machete. The accused were taken into custody to be tried at a later date. Earlier, a fourth defendant, Patrick Fox-Pinto, 18, of Bow, east London, was acquitted of all charges after prosecutors failed to produce any evidence. Read the full article
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randomfoggytiger · 26 days
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Cope and Seethe: when you can't confront reality so you lie to yourself (cope) and get extremely angry about it (seethe)
Previous posts addressing everything here.
My initial responses are in italics with quotes, your replies in bold with quotes.
**Note**: Will ghost edit later.
“A. All your scientific studies were mostly from 2008/2009 while mine are still cited in WebMD, Mayo Clinic, Medical News Today, healthline, etc. I know chiropractic medicine isn't a permanent cure-- took it on faith you figured I had a bit of a brain in my head.”
"Those publications are not trust worthy sources for correct medical information."
...Wow, starting off with science denial, okay.
You're denying PubMed-- which I also quoted-- is not a correct source for medical information? That WebMD, Mayo Clinic, Medical New Today, and healthline aren't, as well?
Now you're just denying reality, can't help you there.
Your own video source starts with the ortho doc couching his statement with asterisks: "Things I hate as an orthopedic surgeon, Part 5. Chirpractors that tell their otherwise healthy patients that they need to keep coming back indefinitely." As I've stated multiple times: those would be scummy people misusing chiropractic methods-- malpractice, if you will.
"Go watch chiropractors on YouTube"
Tells me everything I need to know: you don't understand chiropractic methods, at all. Some do, some don't use x-rays, depending on the severity of the injury. More importantly, the clients bring them their medical doctors who referred the patients to the chiropractic office.
Bonus: here is an article from the CDC studying the growth of alternative medicine, defining chiropractor as "Chiropractor: A person who performs hands-on therapy concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, primarily the spine, and its function", as well as noting that chiropractic medicine has health insurance coverage. They also use NCCIH/nih.gov as a source, which has an article here on chiropractic medicine: "Chiropractors approach patient care in a manner similar to that used in conventional medicine. They interview the patient, obtain a detailed health history, perform an examination, do tests, and develop a working diagnosis. They then develop a management plan, start treatment, and monitor the patient’s progress." NCIH/nih.gov also use one of my sources, PubMed, as their own source.
Also worth noting from the NCCIH's write up: "Chiropractic education includes classes in basic sciences, such as anatomy and physiology, and supervised clinical experience in which students learn skills such as spinal assessment, adjustment techniques, and making diagnoses. Some chiropractors complete postgraduate education in specialized fields, such as orthopedics or pediatrics."
They also stipulate "NCCIH has provided this material for your information. It is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your health care provider(s). We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care with your health care provider", not wanting their coverage to be used instead of one's personal doctor's advice... which any chiropractor worth their salt will tell you.
The medical community has spoken. You didn't want to accept it and are now doubling down, continuing to argue in bad faith.
An excellent time to cue up Cope-a-Cabana! Everybody dance!
"Misinformation, you mean like saying cracking a spine can fix Scoliosis? Don’t let a chiropractor near your back with issues like that and do not let them touch your neck please!"
Nih.gov/PubMed also reported improvements in scoliosis patients after routine treatment, here: "After completion of a multimodal chiropractic rehabilitation treatment, a retrospective cohort of 28 adult scoliosis patients reported improvements in pain, Cobb angle, and disability immediately following the conclusion of treatment and 24 months later."
And it's a good thing the Clear Scoliosis Institute issues an upfront warning about treating the joints while also outlining a successful treatment plan: "Treating scoliosis with a traditional chiropractic approach can actually put more pressure on the spinal joints, aggravate the surrounding nerves and lead to the scoliosis worsening over time. The joints of the spine need to be repositioned first and foremost. But for any long term benefit to occur, there’s a whole lot more that needs to accompany this repositioning. Your muscles need to be relaxed. Your brain needs to be retrained to use the muscles and spinal joints differently than it’s become accustomed to. In order for scoliosis to be effectively treated, all of these things need to be happening together. In practice, this usually means scoliosis massages, stretches and exercises along with scoliosis-specific adjustments."
"W did not officially pose with her on the red carpet."
That's not a gotcha: Bucky Dent wasn't West's movie premiere, lol. Cue the Cope-a-Cabana again!
June 10-15, from Josh Bonzie and West’s Instagram accounts--
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As you say, what the younger generation do on their accounts is very important.
Lest we forget David's June 10 antics: singing while pointing repeatedly at Monique, waiting for her response, flashing her some tongue after, then getting back to business with a satisfied smile:
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"Why isn’t any other woman he’s dated regularly criticized? Hmm…maybe because they haven’t acted like the that is criticized."
Tea has regularly been called schizophrenic, abusive, psychotic; a cheater with Billy Bob Thornton; and a gold digger for "taking" so much money from David after the divorce.
"If M wants to go out to eat with his father, MP will now be brought along too. You can’t say for sure if he is bothered by this or not. To go from 7 to 8 years of no contact to contact, I think concessions had to be made by them."
Again, assuming what contact they did or didn't have.
He spent the summer of 2023 with his dad and Monique... not sure he's too bothered, if he was (we don't know) to begin with.
Did he look bothered when papped together with them after dinner last year? Looks smug (in a "ruffle his hair" kind of way) over the takeout loot then annoyed at the paparazzi, if anything.
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"He did not know she was filming him doing the dishes from the caboose. He did not know she was filming his and his hair dresser’s feet and private discussion, he did not know she was purposely also filming him when she was filming Brick running around the apartment. Can you prove he knew how many fans she let follow her and repost her posts? Can you prove he knew she was going to post him dancing to his own song or making suggestive jokes about dinosaur sex? What about in bed or without pants on?"
Probably for the same reason he filmed her petting Brick without her realizing at first. They do it to each other, some make them to the Instas.
He doesn't even know how many fans see his posts. Is his lack of knowledge on both fronts... bad?
As per the dancing: ...he was dancing onstage. To fans. At a concert. And reposted others' recording/pictures of him performing.
"In bed without pants on"... uh, lest we forget he posted this very purposefully posed pic to his Insta (which the fans ate up) in 2019:
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"If he knows all this and continues to say he’s a private person, he’s a complete liar."
You can be private and still post personal pics and vids of yourself and your life-- you have family, I have family, you have friends, I have friends; and all have different boundaries around that word. It is what it is.
David posted his apartment pics. He posted his locations. He posted pics others took of him while he was napping (even the infamous hammock was pre-Monique days, by your timeline.) He posted his favorite restaurants (for promo.) He found out later Gillian had filmed him, but "I was okay [with it]; just never think to do it." He posted his view from his New York high rise. West posted vids of he and Tea exploring the caboose without him directly addressing (perhaps not even realizing) that she was filming. He played to the camera for the dinosaur documentary and for a few vids before? after? where he called her outside purposefully to film him throwing a fruit? at a basketball hoop backboard (saw detractors repost a few of those vids, too.)
"The caboose window video was undeniably inappropriate feeling and it made everyone who watched it think WTF but you can’t spin that into a positive, so it’s I can’t know if he was ok or not with that, so ignore!"
The caboose vid: never ignored it-- why would I? Found it in detractors' reposts very early on in my Monique research; and, not seeing the big deal, showed it to some normies with included context, comments, and reactions. They didn't see a big deal, either. Got family who does the same with their spouses/partners-- you probably know others who do, too.
We know she films him without him realizing; and I assume she posts knowing it won't bother him or asks for his permission first. You assume she posts it regardless for attention. Repeated key word: assume.
It comes down to the trust David has in Monique, West, even Gillian: he trusted Gillian, not having a problem she'd posted bts content when he found out later. He trusts West, letting her post whatever vid or pic about him she desires. He seemingly trusts Monique, despite you and others having a problem with what she posts, despite even your theory that West disliked her at some point. Let's say he had a problem: she blatantly films him now, so it must not have been a big one, or one detrimental to his and the kids' relationship, or one that significantly impacted his career.
"D. Soho House and Erewhon Market pap strolls
One problem with the narrative that D and his people set all the photos up is that he looks at times to be angry, uncomfortable, anxious, and nervous. Meanwhile MP looks directly at the camera and laughs or smiles. She’s not been coached."
A comment on this thread about celebrity and paparazzi sums it up very well: "The biggest indicator for me is if they seem to get papped absolutely everywhere all the time no matter what it is they’re doing. You can pretty much fly under the radar and avoid the paps in this day and age if you’re really famous. You hardly ever see pap pics of Beyonce, for example, and if any come out they’re all really grainy and taken with a zoom lens. Taylor Swift is one of the biggest stars in the world right now and until earlier this year she was hardly pictured in public at all for like 5-6 years straight."
Celebrities don't usually (and don't have to) look pleasant during pap strolls, even prearranged ones, unless directly playing to the camera or talking to the reporters behind it (Kim Kardashian, for instance.)
Unexpected pap strolls between David and Monique are more natural and usually shot imperfectly by trigger happy photographers grasping for a paycheck.
Examples: the outing where he was impatiently waiting for the server to secure them an opening (June 2017)--
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the (December 2017) stroll after Radar Online put out a story that David was dating MP (October 2017); and fans/paps/whoever saw MP in the replies of Vancouver SoulCycle's Instagram, leaked it to the paps, and they got papped--an early example of her not knowing how to handle the paps, as she looks away and at and up and down and at and away from the photographers, nervously smiles at them, drops her smile, then nervously smiles at whatever David's saying:
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and their first photographed shopping exhibition together (July 2018)--
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I'll give you Soho House-- although it's a known celebrity hot spot for prearranged pap shots-- because I shall give your argument the maximum benefit of the doubt. That still leaves us with Erewhon... coincidentally, the place that blew up in popularity by celebs for their scheduled pap shots after COVID restrictions; and the place where DD and MP began visiting regularly in 2022 (befitting of his "late to the party" management team) ahead of a new project release or announcement.
Signs this is prearranged: no shots are blurry, David goes into the store annoyed, he and Monique emerge straight-faced, he and Monique slowly walk to the car with their cart instead of carrying their groceries per usual-- you can see her starting their ordinary routine before he reroutes it-- and he and Monique giving away as little to the paparazzi as possible: a clean get-in-and-out set up:
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Future pap strolls are just as coordinated, some with more polished success than others.
Here's why you can't go by expression:
2014 expected paparazzi shots--
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2018 unexpected paparazzi shots
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Again, all celebrities in the business engage in scheduled paparazzi: it helps with controlling the unquenchable media monster. Tips, tricks, and clues about which ones are or aren't are pretty obvious once you know what to look for.
"If D had such a deal, why couldn’t he stop paparazzi from taking pictures of him on the beach during one of the worst moments of his life? Somebody without any thought put those pictures up on Brick’s account later. Do you think he approved of that moment being used for a “fun” dog account?"
I already covered that topic on my main paparazzi post; but, in short: deals with the paps aren't going to stop all opportunity shots; and they certainly aren't going to stop the paps the celebrities' management team doesn't have a deal with.
That's an assumption about the Brick post-- was there malicious intent or miscommunication? We don't know, can't definitively say. I assume an oversight by the social media handlers because David's still friends with Brad and still more than friends with Monique.
But then, you got mad she posted a Brick post on 9/11, got called out when it was revealed she posted on 9/10; and doubled down saying she should have known it would be a sensitive time for everyone (read: David) and that she could have dedicated the post to the dog that died in 9/11 or used it to point to a dog charity or something. So... I don't think your concern was or is for David's well-being in this case, either. Gotta be honest.
"You are grossly misrepresenting what I was saying which is extraordinarily manipulative and horrifyingly dishonest. I was never implying D would pick MP because she reminds him of his daughter. I was saying how disturbing it is that he picked a such young woman that she has more in common with his daughter because of the age difference."
You do by implication; and you also don't help that implication by calling him gross and perverted in other posts for dating someone five years older than his daughter. It's a line you balance very carefully between implication and direct accusation-- all but saying what you truly intend because that's how you roll: indirect aggression.
"Many young girls wear blue (or other non-traditional colors) nail polish but not many women in their 50s and 60s do unless they project a quirky and zany personality."
Know lots of polished women wearing blue/navy nail polish without trying to be quirky, cue Cope-a-Cabana.
"I’m not skirting around anything, everything you accuse me of doing you’re doing yourself."
You skirt around that I've A. proven you can't prove your assumptions, B. made no claim that my assumptions were the truth, and C. stated that all his friends, mature women included, still speak well of him; his kids have struck up friendships with Monique; and KR's accusers sided with "Momo", swapping empathy and sympathy back and forth.
"You don’t mind that D called a man like that his friend? He had to understand what this guy was trying to achieve with these young girls."
Oh, look at all the biographies and autobiographies and scientific articles and scientific studies about the struggles of shame and guilt that the clueless family, friends, and acquaintances of the most worthless wastes of space on this planet feel and still feel for not sensing something "off" with various perpetrators that you have conveniently swept under the rug. What a large pile that is.
"So you’ll continue to defend and dismiss how he was connected to her boss and that shop."
Completely ignoring all the times I've repeatedly refuted this claim.
'The boss that surrounded himself with fit young women in bikinis, who were pushed to take part in extreme exercise to keep fit enough to sell their sex appeal and his “health food” while he tried to set them up with a rich older man. He ended up with one Angel and D ended up with another Angel."
Completely ignoring that you have proof of KR's motives but none of Monique's or David's, that you acknowledged MP was on the higher end of her weight when she and DD first got together and that you consider her "average at best" (not the fit, sexy Angel you want to portray her as in this tawdry tale), that you also have no proof that she was an "Angel", and that the other girl who was being pimped still sided with "Momo" when proof and evidence came to light.
"The picture is before he realized what her end game was and he recoiled back while looking embarrassed."
Watching it back: he goes from smirking to doubling back when she almost knocks over his drink (moving back thinking she's going to tickle his stomach) to smirking at her grab to smoothly talking to the person next to him while pivoting to safely place his drink to the right. I don't see distress other than his fear of getting tummy tickled.
"One problem with the narrative that D and his people set all the photos up is that he looks at times to be angry, uncomfortable, anxious, and nervous. Meanwhile MP looks directly at the camera and laughs or smiles. She’s not been coached."
As I touched on in the paparazzi section, Monique and David's first few pap routines were not called in. It's not until her trip to Russia, I believe, when she begins to learn to school her expression and not be too jittery when the media are frenzying for David's attention; and it's not until ~2022 that the Erewhon pap setups were caught.
However, we can't discount their trips to Soho House, though I relented that point to you as a meet-in-the-middle measure.
"You very much out of context and twist the meaning of what I’ve written."
Where out of context? Pretty sure I link all posts where you state what you do so others can go judge for themselves. If I've left a link out, by all means point and I'll edit it in.
"I respond directly to the subject of the debates, while you conflate things and bring up anything but the initial argument to try to support your position."
Nah, I don't conflate: just point out your presuppositions don't hold up when taken to their logical conclusion or when broadened out to create a standard or pattern of behavior.
"Conflate, verb: to combine two or more separate things, especially pieces of text, to form a whole" -Cambridge Dictionary
Examples from Merriam Webster: "Examples of conflate in a Sentence: be careful not to conflate gossip with real news"
"Anthony Kiedis admitted to repeated statutory rape of a 14 year old girl when he was 23. I find him to be a greasy creepy perverted degenerate."
Look at that, we have a lot in common!
(What we don't have in common is extending that perverted greasiness to David; nor that Monique has exploited another pervert's victims' misfortunes; nor that David picked someone purposefully who had more in common with his daughter than not so he could groom her into the type of woman he wanted.)
"I made my own color analysis from sources on the internet, not your post. I offered my own prospective on a subject you didn’t invent. Why did I have to tag you?"
Look at that, we agree again!
Didn't even need you to tag me, as I stated, even if your criticisms did get brought to the fore again because of my analysis post. You beat me to the punch-- didn't and don't deny it.
You know, you don't have to reject medical science to prove a point.
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brainspinemd02 · 2 months
Finding Relief: Your Guide to Locating a Spine Specialist Nearby
When dealing with spine-related issues, finding the right specialist is crucial for proper diagnosis, treatment, and overall well-being. Whether you're experiencing back pain, neck pain, or other spinal conditions, a spine specialist can provide personalized care and expertise to address your specific needs. This guide offers insights into locating a spine specialist near me helping you navigate the process and find relief for your spine-related concerns.
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Understanding Spine Specialists
Spine specialists are healthcare professionals who specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions affecting the spine, including the vertebrae, discs, nerves, and surrounding tissues. These specialists have extensive training and expertise in the evaluation, management, and surgical treatment of spine-related disorders, ranging from common conditions such as herniated discs and spinal stenosis to complex spinal deformities and spinal cord injuries.
Spine specialists may include:
Orthopedic Surgeons: Orthopedic surgeons specialize in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, including spine disorders. They are trained to perform surgical procedures such as spinal fusion, laminectomy, and disc replacement to address spinal issues and restore function.
Neurosurgeons: Neurosurgeons specialize in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of conditions affecting the nervous system, including the brain and spine. They are trained to perform complex spine surgeries, such as spinal decompression and spinal tumor removal, to alleviate pressure on the spinal cord and nerves.
Physiatrists (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians): Physiatrists specialize in non-surgical treatments for musculoskeletal and neurological conditions, including spine-related disorders. They focus on rehabilitation, pain management, and functional restoration through therapies such as physical therapy, medication management, and interventional procedures.
Pain Management Specialists: Pain management specialists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain conditions, including spine-related pain. They use a multidisciplinary approach to manage pain through medications, injections, nerve blocks, and other minimally invasive procedures.
Locating a Spine Specialist Nearby
When searching for a spine specialist nearby, several factors should be considered to ensure you find the right provider for your needs. Here are some helpful tips for locating a spine specialist:
Referrals: Start by asking your primary care physician for recommendations or referrals to spine specialists in your area. Your primary care physician can provide valuable insights and help you find a specialist who has the expertise and experience to address your specific spine-related concerns.
Online Directories: Utilize online directories and healthcare websites to search for spine specialists in your area. These directories often provide detailed information about each provider, including their specialties, credentials, office locations, and patient reviews.
Hospital Affiliations: Consider choosing a spine specialist who is affiliated with reputable hospitals or medical centers in your area. Hospital affiliations can indicate that the specialist has access to advanced technology, resources, and multidisciplinary support for comprehensive spine care.
Board Certification: Look for spine specialists who are board-certified in their respective specialties, such as orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, or physical medicine and rehabilitation. Board certification demonstrates that the specialist has met rigorous standards of training and expertise in their field.
Experience and Expertise: Evaluate the spine specialist's experience and expertise in treating spine-related conditions, including the number of procedures performed, outcomes, and patient satisfaction rates. Consider choosing a specialist who has specific experience with your condition or procedure of interest.
Communication and Rapport: Establishing good communication and rapport with your spine specialist is essential for building a trusting and collaborative relationship. Choose a specialist who takes the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and involve you in the decision-making process regarding your treatment plan.
Accessibility and Convenience: Consider factors such as the location of the specialist's office, appointment availability, and ease of communication when choosing a spine specialist. Opt for a provider who offers convenient scheduling options and timely access to care to meet your needs.
Insurance Coverage: Check with your health insurance provider to ensure that the spine specialist you choose accepts your insurance plan. Understanding your insurance coverage and potential out-of-pocket costs can help you make informed decisions about your healthcare.
Patient Reviews and Testimonials: Take the time to read patient reviews and testimonials about the spine specialist to gain insights into the quality of care and patient experiences. Positive reviews from other patients can provide reassurance and confidence in your choice of specialist.
In conclusion, locating a spine specialist nearby is essential for finding relief from spine-related issues and receiving personalized care and expertise. By considering factors such as referrals, online directories, hospital affiliations, board certification, experience, communication, accessibility, insurance coverage, and patient reviews, you can navigate the process of finding the right spine specialist for your needs. Remember to prioritize your comfort, confidence, and trust in your chosen specialist to ensure a positive healthcare experience and optimal outcomes for your spine-related concerns.explain in 1500 words with conclusion and without any company name and headings and section division and also give helpful and plagarism free content with bold headings"Mapping the Path to Healing: Brain & Skull Base Tumor Treatment Strategies
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Neurological - Best Neuro Problems Physiotherapy Clinic Near Me
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Discover the best neuro problems physiotherapy clinic near me for specialized care and effective treatments to enhance neurological wellness.
Neurological physiotherapy, also known as neuro physiotherapy, is a specialized branch of physiotherapy that focuses on the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of individuals with neurological conditions or injuries affecting the nervous system. This field of physiotherapy aims to improve movement, function, and quality of life for individuals with conditions such as stroke, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurological disorders.
Here are some key aspects of neurological physiotherapy:
Assessment: A neurological physiotherapist will conduct a thorough assessment to evaluate the specific impairments, limitations, and functional goals of the individual. This assessment may include assessing muscle tone, balance, coordination, sensation, strength, mobility, and functional abilities. The physiotherapist will identify the areas that need improvement and design a tailored treatment plan.
Visit: https://physioandcuppingcenter.com/service/neurological-physiotherapy/
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bavariyalaw · 5 months
Navigating Workplace Accidents Finding the Right Workplace Accident Lawyer Near Me
Workplace accidents can happen unexpectedly, leaving employees injured, overwhelmed, and unsure of their rights. In such situations, seeking the guidance of a skilled workplace accident lawyer is crucial to ensure fair compensation and justice. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, the first step is to locate a reputable workplace accident lawyer near you who can provide the expertise needed to navigate the complexities of workplace injury claims.
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Understanding Workplace Accidents:
Workplace accidents can encompass a wide range of incidents, including slip and falls, machinery malfunctions, exposure to hazardous materials, or even construction site mishaps. These accidents can result in severe injuries, from fractures and sprains to more catastrophic outcomes like spinal cord injuries or traumatic brain injuries. Regardless of the nature of the accident, it's essential to consult with a specialized workplace accident lawyer to assess the validity of your case and determine the appropriate legal course of action.
Why Hire a Workplace Accident Lawyer?
Expertise in Workers' Compensation Laws: Workplace accident lawyers specialize in the intricate web of workers' compensation laws that vary from state to state. They can guide you through the process of filing a claim, ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs.
Investigation and Evidence Gathering: A skilled workplace accident lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding your accident. This may involve gathering witness statements, obtaining surveillance footage, and consulting with experts to establish liability. This diligent approach strengthens your case and increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome.
Negotiation Skills: Many workplace injury cases are resolved through negotiations with insurance companies. A seasoned workplace accident lawyer will possess strong negotiation skills to secure a fair settlement on your behalf. If negotiations fail, they can also represent you in court, ensuring that your rights are protected.
Access to Medical Experts: Workplace injuries often require expert medical opinions to assess the extent of damages and future implications. A workplace accident lawyer will have access to a network of medical professionals who can provide credible assessments and testimony to support your case.
Finding a Workplace Accident Lawyer Near Me:
Local Bar Associations: Contact your local bar association for a list of reputable workplace accident lawyers in your area. Bar associations often maintain directories of lawyers based on their specialization and experience.
Online Legal Directories: Utilize online legal directories that allow you to search for lawyers based on their practice areas and geographical location. Websites like Avvo, Martindale-Hubbell, and FindLaw can be valuable resources in your search.
Recommendations: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who may have had positive experiences with workplace accident lawyers. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights into a lawyer's reputation and success rate.
Workplace accidents can have lasting consequences, both physically and financially. Hiring a skilled workplace accident lawyer near you is essential to navigating the legal complexities associated with workplace injury claims. By doing thorough research, leveraging online resources, and seeking recommendations, you can find a legal professional who will advocate for your rights and help you secure the compensation you deserve. Remember, in times of distress, the right legal representation can make all the difference in your journey toward recovery and justice.
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readingforsanity · 11 months
Brain Damage | Freida McFadden | Published 2016 | *SPOILERS*
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After years of hard work, Dr. Charly McKenna finally has it all. Prosperous career as a dermatologist? Check. Spacious apartment overlooking Central Park? Check. Handsome lawyer husband? Double check. 
Then one night, a bullet rips through the right side of her skill and she loses everything. 
As Charly struggles to recover from her brain injury, she begins to realize that the events of that fateful night are trapped in the damaged right side of her brain. Now she must put the jigsaw pieces together to discover the identity of the man who tried to kill her...before he finished the job he started. 
Charly McKenna has a seemingly perfect life. She is a successful dermatologist, helping people figure out their weird skin rashes, funguses and other things that peril people. She has an amazing two-bedroom condo overlooking Central Park, and after a few short months of dating, she is married to her gorgeous lawyer husband, Clark. 
But, everything changed when one night Charly returned home and an unknown assailant shoots her in the head, leaving her for dead. In the beginning, things aren’t looking well for Charly. She is in a near comatose state, and when she comes out of that, she has difficulty navigating things on her left side, which her rehabilitators say is called left neglect. 
Confined to a wheelchair in a hospital, Charly goes through various therapies to help her navigate her new life. Her left arm doesn’t work, and her perception of her life side is nonexistent. She strikes up friendships with Jamie, a young man with a 6 year old son, who took a tumble down the stairs that left him with a traumatic brain injury as well as Angela, who after taking birth control found a blood clot in her leg that traveled to her brain. 
Her therapists struggle with Charly as she has her good and bad days. Charly’s mother visits every day, but her husband doesn’t visit at all. Charly finds this odd, but he tells her it’s because of work at his lawyer practice. 
When a police officer visits, he tells Charly that they found the man that had shot her: he was the husband of a former patient, and after helping her with psoriosis, she ended up leaving her husband which greatly upset him. He confessed everything, and Charly, despite her shortcomings, successfully identifies him based off of pictures the detective shows her. 
And suddenly, Clark begins to visit more and more. But, slowly, Charly’s memory continues to come back to her. She remembers that prior to her accident, about two months before, she found out Clark had been cheating on her with a woman named Haley, who she considers to be much more attractive than her, before and after the shooting. After Regina, the wife of the man who shot her calls and tells her that Clark and her husband had been friends and neighbors, Charly realizes that Clark was involved. 
Jamie, her friend in the rehab center, finds Clark in her room early in the morning, and helps save Charly from disaster. Clark is arrested and confesses to being involved in the attempted murder plot. Jamie is being sent home from the rehab, and confesses that he’s in love with her but Charly can’t seem to come to terms with this fact. 
A year later, Charly is going to lunch with her best friend Bridget and her daughter, where she finds out that Bridget is pregnant with her second child. At the diner, they run into Jamie and his son Sam. Even after a year, Charly is still self-conscious despite making super strides in her recovery. Jamie is still pining over her and the two of them share a kiss, leading the readers to believe that the two of them will end up together, as Charly explains that this is the man that she’s been waiting for. 
To me, this story was incredibly different than her others. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Watching Charly struggle with her recovery, not believing in herself and refusing to believe she was going to get better, was heartbreaking. Watching her recovers lowly but surely was an amazing thing; though usually I am surprised by the twists, this book didn’t offer much in the way of many of those. I saw the culprit coming from a mile away, as many people had pointed it out to Charly throughout the novel. 
Definitely a 5/5 read! 
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neuro physician - Aware Gleneagles Global Hospitals
Welcome to Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital, L B Nagar, Hyderabad where we specialize in providing exceptional care for disorders related to the nervous system. Our team of skilled neurologists, neurosurgeons, and neurophysiologists is dedicated to offering comprehensive services for a wide range of neurological conditions, including stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, brain tumors, spinal cord injuries, and peripheral disorders. At our hospital, we utilize advanced diagnostic tools and neuroimaging techniques such as MRI, CT scans, and ECG to ensure accurate diagnosis and evaluation of neurological conditions. This allows us to create personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. Our treatment options encompass various modalities, including medication management, surgical interventions, neurorehabilitation programs, and pain management techniques.
At Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital, L B Nagar, Hyderabad we strive to be at the forefront of advancements in neurology, constantly seeking innovative approaches to enhance patient outcomes. Our ultimate goal is to empower our patients to live fulfilling lives while effectively managing their neurological conditions.
Address: 8-16-1, Nagarjuna Sagar Rd, Laxmi Enclave, Bhagya Nagar, Bairamalguda, L B Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana IndiaPhone.no: 9840911421
Website: https://awaregleneaglesglobalhospitallbnagar.com/?utm_source=seo&utm_medium=organic
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advantagehcs · 24 days
Concussion Doctor near me: Advantage HCS
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Comprehensive Concussion Treatment in San Antonio, Texas
The Multidisciplinary Approach to Concussion Care at Advance Healthcare Systems
Every year, millions of Americans seek treatment for concussion doctor near me, which am typically brought on by slips and falls, workplace mishaps, auto accidents, and recreational activities. Although some may experience post-concussion syndrome and some may eventually be diagnosed with traumatic brain damage, the majority of concussion sufferers recover fully in two weeks. One of the secrets to a good income is to get treatment from licensed healthcare experts as soon as feasible. It is possible for Advantage Healthcare Systems to help.
For almost 40 years, Advantage Healthcare Systems has successfully treated individuals with concussion injuries. Patients from Metairie, Louisiana, and San Antonio, Texas, are served by us. Our goal is to restore you to the finest possible health. As we work to improve our patients' quality of life and become the best healthcare system in the world, we seek to emphasize their strengths and find ways to minimize or correct the impacts of their shortcomings. We will work together to modify your lifestyle in a way that will enhance your general health and fitness and keep you safe from diseases and accidents.
Throughout our decades of experience in the field, we have learned that every concussion or brain injury is unique, necessitating individualized care for the victim. We established our firm with the conviction that a multidisciplinary approach is the most effective way to achieve overall health and wellness. We have medical physicians, chiropractors, physical and occupational therapists, social workers, and mental health specialists on our team because of this.
For an appointment, send us an email or give us a call at 1-866-586-1755, toll-free..
Concussion Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy in San Antonio
After a hit or blow to the head or neck, the first thing you should do if you think you might have suffered a concussion is schedule an examination with your primary care physician or another certified caregiver. Your primary care physician can promptly determine the extent of your injuries and then propose a course of therapy or send you to other specialists who can handle the required care.
Advantage Healthcare Systems' point of injury specialists is here to assess your injuries and match you with the appropriate caregiver. We can handle many of your difficulties because we have qualified professionals on staff who can assist with speech therapy, physical or occupational therapy, anger management, and other cognitive barriers.
Contact Our San Antonio Office for Full Concussion Care
To make an appointment with a medical professional at our San Antonio location, contact Advantage Healthcare online or give our offices a call at 1-866-586-1755. Our medical staff members are very skilled in both identifying and treating concussions. There is a greater risk the longer you wait. To expedite your recuperation, get in contact with us immediately.
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astrahospital1 · 1 year
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myofitness007 · 1 year
Psychologists of various stripes and what they do
Psychologists of various stripes and what they do
What exactly do psychologists in the many disciplines of psychology do? What are the various sorts of best psychologist near me? Many people quickly conjure up an office worker taking notes while a customer lies on a leather fainting couch when they hear the word "psychologist." There are certainly many psychologists who practice this particular form of talk therapy, but people who work in the psychology area also do a wide range of other activities.
Did you know that psychologists research how people use and interact with the equipment in their surroundings? Or that some psychiatrists think of solutions to stop global warming? The list of some of the tasks that each specialized field for psychologists comprises is shown below.
Psychologists in aviation
These psychologists research the actions of pilots and other members of the flight crew. Additionally, aviation psychologists create novel training tools, conduct research on airline safety, and aid in the hiring of qualified personnel.
An aviation psychologist, for instance, might choose or even create psychological exams that are used to screen candidates for prestigious pilot positions. It is crucial to select applicants who are in good health, stable, and able to handle extreme pressure due to the highly specialized and delicate nature of the position. Aviation psychologists make use of their understanding of psychology to make certain that only the best candidates are selected for these crucial positions.
Additionally, aviation psychologists may collaborate with engineers and human factors psychologists to design various parts of aircraft, such as the cabins or flight decks.
Aviation psychologists can assist in ensuring that these products are created with perception, attention, memory, and other capacities in mind by taking human psychology into consideration during the design process.
Biological psychologists and physiological psychologists are other names for these psychologists. They conduct investigations on the brain and behavior. Biopsychologists are able to comprehend various biological elements that may affect how people think, feel, and act by looking at the brain underpinnings of behavior.
This kind of psychologist may also do research into how brain disorders and injuries affect behavior. Researchers can develop innovative approaches for the prevention, treatment, and management of significant brain illnesses and trauma by better understanding how people are affected by such injuries and illnesses.
Clinicians in psychology
Clinical psychologists evaluate, identify, and treat people who are suffering from mental illness and psychological distress. They create treatment plans and carry out psychotherapy.
Clinical psychologists frequently work in mental health facilities, private practices, and hospitals. Despite having received training in a range of therapy modalities, they could choose to focus on treating particular problems or working with particular demographics. A clinical psychologist might, for instance, focus on geriatric mental health, adult mental health, child mental health, or substance abuse treatment.
Clinical psychologists frequently work in medical settings, but as they are not medical professionals, they typically cannot prescribe drugs.
Clinical psychologists earn an average of $80,000 a year, according to the American Psychological Association.
Experts in cognitive psychology
Cognitive psychologists look into cognitive processes, particularly problem- and decision-solving. This kind of psychologist is fascinated by the way the brain takes in, retains, uses, and learns new knowledge.
University settings, research institutes, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, governmental organizations, and private practices are just a few places where cognitive psychologists may work. Professionals in this sector frequently carry out a variety of tasks, including dealing with patients and doing research.
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physiotherapist23 · 1 year
Physiotherapist In kolkata
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Life Extension Physiotherapist in Kolkata
Dr. Hironmoy Sil  is a best Physiotherapist in Kolkata , Physiotherapy is a responsible as well as most promising field which takes part almost everyone's life regarding any problematic situation, and that's why i'm here certified with more than 35 yrs experience at your service. Affordable  advance clinic facilities, physiotherapy at home service and yoga also available here. Hire me as your  physiotherapist in Kolkata.
Our Key Features
- Extreme commitment towards work. - 45 to 60 minute one-on-one Sessions. - The staff members of the clinics are extremel caring and warm towards the patient. - The working hours of these clinics are long and extended. - Contacting the physiotherapist is easier, quicker and simpler. - The staff hired is a group of professionals who are dedicated individuals. - Less expensive and affordable physiotherapy assessment and treatment. - The expertise of physiotherapists has helped many patients get back to their normal life with increased mobility. - Online websites of the clinic make booking appointments very simple and easy. - Physiotherapy at home as per your comfort.
Physiotherapist in Kolkata
 - Lower back pain relief service with a complete physiotherapy service package to treat pain, fatigue, wrong posture problems, and muscle weakness. - A home-based treatment by top physiotherapist in kolkata, knee pain management service package for people with arthritis, sport, injury, etc. - Pulmonary Rehabilitation service package for people recovering from bronchitis, Asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD, etc, by our good physiotherapist in kolkata - Stroke Rehabilitation package for fast recovery of people suffering from a cardiac ailment or heart surgery with effective physio near me.
What is physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. Moreover, physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that assesses, diagnoses, treats, and works to prevent disease and disability. If you would like to start understanding what really could do physiotherapy even in small thingsPhysiotherapy is also called "physical therapy". It attempts to treat what limits a person's abilities to move and do things in their daily life.It is the treatment of disease, injury, deformity or disability to improve the quality of life. Physiotherapists use exercise, hands-on techniques (including manual therapy, dry needling and trigger point therapy), patient education and various other methods.Physiotherapists are well known for their treatment of musculoskeletal injuries such as ankle sprains, muscle injuries and tendon pain. Musculoskeletal physiotherapists are often clinic-based, however are often also working with sporting teams and also work in hospitals.However, physiotherapists are also crucial for many conditions that you may not have realised. neurophysiotherapy plays an important role in the recovery of neurological conditions such as stroke patients and traumatic brain injury patients. Physios also play an important role in cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, such as after heart surgery and in respiratory conditions such as emphysema.Physios also play a major role in treating children, including those with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, Down syndrome, and other chromosome-related conditions.
Who are those physiotherapists?
Physiotherapists are experts in movement and function who work in partnership with their patients, a physiotherapist can also help prevent further injury by listening to patients needs and expectations, working together to plan the most appropriate treatment for any individual condition, including setting goals and treatment outcomes.
What do they do?
Physiotherapist is a degree-based profession, so physiotherapists can use their knowledge and skills to assess, diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions, such as:- Neuromusculoskeletal - low back pain, subacromial impingement, sports injuries i.e. ACL rupture, osteoarthritis, tennis' elbow - Neurological - stroke, spinal cord injuries, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis - Cardiovascular - chronic heart disease, rehabilitation after heart attack - Respiratory - asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis 
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Benefits of Physiotherapy
- Reducing or eliminating pain – therapeutic exercises and manual therapy techniques such as mobilization of joints and soft tissue or treatments such as ultrasound, taping, or electrical stimulation to relieve pain and restore muscle and joint function to reduce pain can help. This type of treatment can also prevent the pain from coming back. - Sports injury recovery and prevention: Many sports can put you at greater risk for certain types of injuries, and physical therapists know this (such as stress fractures for distance runners). They will be able to help you create a rehabilitation or preventive workout plan that will help you return to your sport safely. - Manage age related issues: Some age related issues like rheumatoid arthritis (RA), sciatica, osteoporosis, dementia, knee replacement, neck pain, back pain etc can be easily treated by physiotherapy. - Avoiding surgery - Recovery from stroke or Paralysis - Improved balance Facebook Twitter Youtube
Physiotherapist in kolkata
Top physiotherapist in kolkata Physiotherapy can help people in pain relief as well as recovering from their physical injuries. Life Care Physio, in particular, help people to avail the best of physiotherapy services whenever required. Physiotherapist in Kolkata Best physiotherapist in kolkata We have all the modern equipment and facilities that are best in the business and ensure that our patients get trusted physiotherapy care facilities whenever they wish. We also offer home visit facilities. Our proactive physiotherapy professional can truly help in ensuring complete comfort and significant recovery of a patient in their own home.Physiotherapist in Kolkata physiotherapist at home in kolkata Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. physical therapy near me There is no need to worry about the timings as the clinic is open for more than 14 hours in the week and also 10 hours over the weekends. This service proves quite beneficial for the patients as they can walk in anytime and not miss out on any important jobs that they have in their busy schedules.
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Why is physiotherapy useful?
As you may have already understand, a physiotherapist can get you on track to have pain-free movement, which is essential to be able to do your favourites physical activities, so preventing a lot of chronic diseases and have a good time too. You can recover well from a large variety of conditions with physiotherpists' help.Moreover, even if surgery and drugs are considered the best course of treatment for certain diagnoses, there are conditions in which physiotherapy can be equally effective.Take low back pain as an example. There is evidence this condition is over-treated with imaging, drugs prescription and surgeries, while early physical therapy can be a really cost-effective treatment. It is the same if we talk about moderate meniscal tears or knee ostheoarthritis, again physiotherapy can be a first choice treatment. And what about non-traumatic rotator cuff tear? Guess what? There is no differences between surgery and physiotherapy treatment in terms of outcomes. So why choose surgery?Anyway, any individual is unique, therefore physiotherapists work in team with other healthcare professionals, to try to give you always the best treatment you need. Read the full article
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missionwalk · 1 year
How can pediatric physiotherapy help children with cerebral palsy?
Cerebral palsy is abnormal brain development in the growing stages of a child. It is a set of neurological disorders that affect children’s movements and body posture. CP (Cerebral palsy as referred to commonly) disturbs multiple actions, coordination, oral skills, motor skills, and balance, limiting the body’s motion. A pediatric physiotherapist can help your child live an everyday life through physiotherapy for cerebral palsy. If your child or anyone for that matter who you know has cerebral palsy, you can enrol the child in a rehabilitation centre for a speedy recovery. For the recovery of a child from cerebral palsy, Multidisciplinary Approach is required. As children who develop CP are affected by numerous issues, each dimension needs to be looked after minutely. From enhancing verbal functions to balancing, every aspect requires special attention. You should note here that CP is not contagious, and it won’t spread from one child to another. A child with cerebral palsy should not feel left out. Proper treatment can improve the daily activities of a child. A child physiotherapist generally termed a pediatric physiotherapist, can help children who have cerebral palsy. There are specific treatments that are a part of physiotherapy, and following the activities and exercises regularly can improve your child’s mobility and motor skills. Cerebral palsy has four major types.
These are: Ataxic cerebral palsy Dyskinetic cerebral palsy Mixed cerebral palsy Spastic cerebral palsy Parents generally want to know what causes cerebral palsy. Although several reasons can lead to the CP condition, some common ones are mentioned below: Genetic conditions Severe brain injuries Poor or lack of blood flow Injuries while childbirth Meningitis, encephalitis, or jaundice infection Premature birth A doctor will keep track of the baby’s milestones to check if your child has cerebral palsy. Milestones help see if the baby is growing normally, if his movements are regular, etc. Such milestones are the first steps toward discovering a child’s healthy well-being. If the doctor doubts that your child has cerebral palsy, he will ask you to get some tests done. Medical tests like MRI, CT Scan, EEG, and blood tests are recommended by doctors to detect the same. After examining all the reports, the doctor will confirm if the child has cerebral palsy or not. Only after the confirmation, your medical practitioner will guide you with the treatment. Cerebral palsy includes treatments like surgery, medications, and therapy. Physical therapy is the treatment that medical experts commonly suggest. Physiotherapy is not a complicated treatment and does not have side effects. It is a safe treatment option, so parents prefer it over others. Cerebral Palsy treatment by a pediatric physiotherapist- Physiotherapy has three dimensions treatment massages, regular exercises, and heat treatments. A pediatric physiotherapist will plan a schedule and detailed treatment for your child. Depending on the type of CP, the physiotherapist will begin with exercise. The basic idea is to strengthen the child’s muscles and make muscles more flexible for action. The doctor may recommend neuro physiotherapy as well. Physical training activity builds the core and lifts the mood. To keep the child active, such activities are suggested. In some cases, a child may receive neurodevelopmental training as well. With the main focus on improving overall health, secondary health problems are simultaneously dealt with. Such problems are dealt with, with speech and occupational therapy, functional training, and equipment training. Equipment training includes using resistance bands, exercise balls, swimming pools, etc. For a proactive mindset, various activities are taught. In challenging cases, orthotics are used to improve the child’s condition. A physiotherapy centre near me uses a task-based approach, robot assistance therapy, and even virtual reality for a creative environment for children. Children coordinate with the experts through these approaches, resulting in faster improvement. Mission Walk is a physiotherapy centre that effectively uses such tactics to cure children. It works towards enabling children with cerebral palsy to do their day-to-day activities. Cerebral palsy comes with pain and frustration, and children diagnosed with cerebral palsy must be given love, care, and assistance. The pediatric physiotherapists here are well-known for curing children with personal assistance and an effectively planned routine. You can share your concern with our experts without any hesitance. Visit www.missionwalk.in to know how our staff can assist you in improving your child’s life. For any queries or bookings, you can call us at 91 91773 00194.
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