thegoldenshi-shi · 2 years
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Celtic Malleus talking with Egyptian Leona.
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relaxmammal · 2 years
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if looks could kill
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sinlizards · 2 years
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Does she love you Does she love you Does she love you not?
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melmedarda · 3 days
Jayce's brilliance is not dependent on anyone. If he was left on his own, without any incidents, he would have eventually figured out how to stabilize the hex crystal on his own. He's a genius; there was a reason he was being sponsored by the Kirammans. He was close to a breakthrough in his research at the time of the explosion. He would have figured it out. The explosion, meeting Viktor, and meeting Mel only served to speed up the process. But he didn't need any outside catalyst because he would have eventually figured everything out.
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greghatecrimes · 10 months
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A few weeks ago, @oddlittlestories and I were talking about Choreman and Camteen, featuring a Camteen wedding. Bee came up with the absolutely genius idea of poor Chase being a little confused on the details 🤣
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malfiora · 3 months
this is so important to me (dialogue in the description below):
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Nightwing (2016), #113.
Marv: How many other programs did you create that will make livable the lives of Blüdhaven citizens?
Dick: Thanks Marv, but I shouldn't be the one you celebrate. Alfred Pennyworth willed me that money.
Marv: Because he trusted that you would know what to do with it.
Marv (continues): And I bet you've done a whole lot more than Alfred would have guessed. The city gave you its key for everything you've done...
Marv (continues): ...But these people here, the ones you've selflessly helped, give you their love.
Marv (continues): I am so proud of everything you've done, Dick. And George was, too.
Marv Wolfman and George Pérez (RIP) did something so incredibly special. When they created the Nightwing persona, they gave Dick Grayson the space to mature into this responsible, compassionate, unerringly good hero, and into an adult. As many iterations of Dick's transition to Nightwing as there are, the original, the New Teen Titans run, will always be my favorite because Dick chooses to let go of Robin (chooses to gift it to someone he had faith would do it justice; that's you, Jason) and centers himself and decides that his future was Nightwing.
Whenever a creator of something I love passes away, I always hope that they are made to understand how deep of an impact their work had on us, and on me specifically. I truly, truly hope that George Pérez knows, and I'm so glad that Marv Wolfman is proud of what their idea became.
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eldritch-spouse · 13 days
Ima be real honest when I first came to your blog ages ago the designs of Ludwig and Santi made me assume it was a gay (mlm specifically) blog (due to most male characters being so when presented in that way), which would have been fine but it’s not really the kind of thing I’m interested in often so I probably wouldn’t have stuck around.
I was pleasantly surprised to find out that most of your characters are bisexual and also that your blog is mostly geared towards women as most of the monster stuff I’ve come across has been geared towards men, which has made it annoying to try and find things more relevant in the past. Whenever I have actually occasionally come across monsterfucker content geared towards women in the past it’s usually just been humans that hardly look monstrous in the slightest (aka maybe they just have fangs) or are too far on the other end of the spectrum where it almost just feels like beastiality
No- No anon- You can't just drop this in my hands and take off running. What. What do you- Be honest. Do I have the artstyle of a gay man? Putting that one aside (which I will need to unpack rsrsrs)-
I absolutely understand what you're saying. More below.
While a lot of the monsterfucker content I consume is veered towards women, most of that content is written. Because when it's drawn, it doesn't always meet my standards, just like it doesn't for you. It could be because the character is indeed too humanoid, because it's generic werewolf_#32980, they're too pretty, or anything else really. It's hard to explain but it doesn't always hit the spot.
I'll concede that sometimes it's quite hard to determine how sentient a described monster is, but you can always explicitly impart sentience onto them as the creator (like a licker from RE, for example. Sentience? Ehh, questionable. But a licker OC who retains sentience after transforming? Okay with me.) Unfortunately, some people like to lump teratophilia and literal animals in the same bag. I've had one admitted zoo follow me, instant block naturally.
A lot of the inspiration and personal favorite monster drawings of mine are, actually, made by gay men. They draw monsters better, I just can't pinpoint why. I like the style better, which inhuman features they choose to incorporate and how they do it. A lot of it is from gay furry artists that don't even consider themselves monsterfuckers yet draw monsters like they were born for it. I like it when they're cartoony yet still hot, they have more style variety, I think. There's so much to like that you often don't see in a woman monsterfucker's work. It saddened me a lot, before I started making my own content, that all of it was for men. Thus my enjoyment was always a bit tainted by disappointment.
I never made a conscious effort to emulate the style of mlm artists, truly. I just try to draw what I like. But a lot of what I sometimes attempt to syphon into my art comes from possibly mlm or not entirely originally women-oriented styles, yes.
You've made me question the vibes of my own art now. 🤔
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2dami2furious · 6 months
Idk what if Margo is very escapist and basically figured out dimensional travel to get out of her shitty home life and the overall dystopian reality she probably lives in.
From what little we do know about her world it’s heavily implied that she lives in a Ready Player Oneish world where everyone is chronically online. I don’t think id be far fetched to assume that it is likely a corporatocracy controlled by massive tech and media conglomerates whose sole purpose is to keep people online for as long as possible. Everything is artificial and nothing is human. Think everything wrong with the internet times 1000. 
Isolation and a lack of human connection, coupled with her parents loveless marriage, fuels her obsession with the past. She loves the 21st century the same way gen-zers love the early 2000s. The fashion and technology reminds us of a hazy, bygone era where everyone was a little bit more human. Technological limitations allowed for genuine connection in a way that is increasingly harder to find in our world and nigh non existent in Margo’s.
Somehow she finds out about the multiverse. Collider shenanigans blase blah. She sees all of these different universes and the past, which she desperately longs for. A world where everything is simple and people go to real parks, and her parents love each other. Its not some maladaptive daydream that she acts out in her virtual house. It’s real. She just has to figure out how to get there.
She does, eventually. And it’s probably the greatest thing she’s ever done. She goes on an absolute multi-dimensional bender and Consumes Everything. From the 70s to the Renaissance to the 22nd century. Shes so enthralled with these worlds and their quaint existence. She doesn’t even realize that she’s been totally neglecting her spider duties until she’s too late to stop a virtual heist.
No matter. She updates her avatar with the ability to split into multiples, so she can leave traces of her code in different universes that send a live feed to her monitor. This way she is not limited to one world. She sees everything all at once and imagines this might be how god feels.
All of her dimension hopping gets the attention of a certain 6’9 Mexican Spider-Man from 2099. He asks her how she’s able to do it, and shows her his watch. He explains that it’s a prototype and wants to compare notes so that they can maybe come up with a more stabilized version of it. It’s the first time an adult has ever taken interest in anything she does.
Anyway she is one of the first recruits of the spider society and her knowledge is invaluable to its development.
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halvedslab · 8 months
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sank way too much time into this silly warmup
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sharkgirldick · 2 years
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nyaskitten · 4 months
I think it'd be infinitely hilarious if Ras could smack Wolf Masks onto objects to evilify them, like how the Fangpyre could evilify things by biting them... Wolf Mask Water Bottle...
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baylardian-1 · 2 months
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lil art trade with @relaxmammal <3
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minamill · 6 months
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Happy Trans Day Of Visibility!
Viv (she/her) Sun-ok (they/them)
Sovann (he/they) André (he/him)
Dahlia (she/her) Farrah (she/her)
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ok, once more I realize that my own kindness and friendliness has been taken for implied consent, and as always, the troubles that are brewing now are connected to OCs.
So let me be clear and frank one more time, one last time, because I have NO INTENTION of going through what I went through in 2021.
While I am always immensely happy that my Original Characters are enjoyed and that they can serve as source of inspiration, they are NOT however a template for anyone to base their OCs on.
They are not something that you can take in their entirety, change whatever suits you, and then call it your own.
It doesn't work like that, especially because, and allow me to reiterate this once and for all, OCs are *immensely* personal.
They are an extention of the soul of the person that creates them.
So taking whatever suits your fancy and use it for the "aesthetic" or the "vibes" is immensely disrespectful and, dare I say, rather impertinent, especially when both characters happen to belong to the same fandom.
Now, I am not talking about certain tropes and subjects that are typical of certain genre, of course not.
We are all somehow reinveting something that's already there when we work with OCs and stories.
What I am talking about is taking certain specific idiosyncrasies that make a certain character unique, change them to suit your character, and then being SO IMPERTINENT to just call it your own and parading it around without even having the courtesy to quote the person that has inspired you, taking advantage of the fact that I am just a small creator with a small following.
This is a huge No No for me.
I appreciate that other creators might have a different opinion or perspective when it comes to OCs, and while I do not share entirely in that, I sure as hell respect it.
But allow me to be crystal clear: if this happens to me, like it had in 2021, that's the *easiest* way to lose all respect I might harbour for you, and I seldomly get mad or angry.
I am always accomodating, always supportive, and I think I have proven it aplenty in the past few years.
But this is something that I cannot condone nor agree with.
And it's not just a matter of ethic, in this sense: it's a matter of also hurting me, and literally put my whole creative process into shamble.
It's a matter of having respect of others.
Now, you might say: who cares if they hurt you? they are characters that do not exist, just move on and have thicker skin!
Well, as I said above, for when it concerns myself, my OCs are an extention of my own soul, a way for me to formulate and explain feelings that sometimes I have a hard time let out; a way for me to actually face, fragmentize and analyze my own trauma through them;
and most important of all, they are OFTEN a love letter to both the world I am exploring with them AND my own husband and child, such as in the case of Jacob and Dorothea,for whom, as I said often in the past 5 years, I have poured A LOT from myself and my husband's own story.
You could say that it probably my fault for having bared my feelings so much and poured so much of myself into a character;
And you might be correct, because I have learned my lesson, and ever since Dorothea and Jacob, no other character has been infused with as much of my own being as they were.
but that doesn't mean that it stings any less when I see it unravels in front of my eyes.
I am tired.
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santa-lilio-sangre · 5 months
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made a little interactive slideshow game where you have to guess if the image shown is solid snake or not. feel free to take it by yourself, or share it with a group of your friends who know nothing about metal gear if you so please :) with added sound effects for maximum impact
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omppupiiras · 7 months
here's jere talking about how HE came up with a lot of the CCC choreo 😎
quick translation under the cut
öö.. for example about my own UMK performance I remember that about 1,5 weeks before the competition we redid half of it completely, like we had to practice new choreo and everything. I was like.. "ei jumalauta..."
(int. what did you have to redo?) from the part "nyt lähden tanssimaan", from the first singing part, from there we erased everything, and for half an hour we wondered with the UMK team what are we going to do, I was insanely stressed, thinking now everything is over. But then I got some idea, and accidentally did all these moves, and threw in the ideas for "possujuna" and "letkajenkka" (human centipide & idk what letkajenkka is in english, but the bit where they all stand together and hold on to the person in front of them). And then as a team we used those, (int. they were your ideas?) Yes, they were my ideas, I brought those things into it, but they figured out at which points they would happen. But I said I want possujuna, then letkajenkka, and I had the CCC moves I did with my hand, they were all accidents.
(So at first they said everything has to be changed, but then after that you came up with the ideas? I thought they wanted to change them because they knew what they wanted, but instead you came up with everything afterwards?)
What maybe happened was that at first I was dancing with a lot of style, yknow, but then even I was like I'm Käärijä, I'm not a very stylistic dude. Then the whole team watched it like this is not working, gotta rethink the whole thing. then they told me, go on stage, we gotta find something new (Erika: a way of moving that suits you), they told me, do what you want to do. We are gonna watch you do it. They all watched me with the song on repeat, and I just had to come up with something, and then I did some of those things and they were like "that's good! that's good! excellent!" and then we started picking stuff out from that, and that's how it all happened, the whole thing, the dance moves and possujuna and such legends.
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