#brb taking a mental health break
invisiblewashboard · 9 months
Small Child’s Thoughts will be taking a short hiatus till after the New Year, mostly because Small Child’s Mama needs a break from the Internet.
Second Year Grief combined with all the grief anniversaries are getting to be too much, and I want to pour into my family as much as I can this Christmas season.
We will be back once school starts again.
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sandinthepipes · 11 months
Does the flag REALLY means death once again? Can’t it mean something else for just once? Why is the flag denied a fairytale ending even this time?
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l-boomburg · 7 months
BRB in like a week gonna take a break from tumblrrr
Mental health's been bad lately and I kinda need a social media detox so byeeeeeeee see you losers soon <3333
Expect art. Lotso art. Hopefully I can draw hands. Maybe also write a bit. WHO KNOWS? adiossss
just know I'm not dead. probably.
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monk-of-mystery · 7 months
me: brb going to take a mental health break
coworker: what does a mental health break look like?
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getinkbox · 2 years
brb taking an hour long mental health break while my tats develop.
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woahsehun · 3 years
♡ boyfriend jaemin ♡
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what I think jaemin might be like as a boyfriend
disclaimer: obviously I don’t know jaemin lmao this is just for fun and if you disagree feel free to politely disagree elsewhere ♡ but I mean comment if you want idc just pls don’t be mean to me I’ll cry
I also tried to keep it gender neutral but I am new to writing these types of scenarios and stuff so if you notice anything that I should change feel free to let me know :)
now back to our regularly scheduled programming
• house husband boyfriend #1
• if he wakes up before you… would probably drink a cup of coffee before you get up, but would then make himself another with yours so you could drink them together (or if you drink tea same situation different beverage)
• is a big fan of waiting to do things in order to do them together
• another example would be: I think even if he was super hungry he would often hold off on eating dinner until you got home/to wherever he is so he can eat with you, because he doesn’t like the thought of you having to eat alone and always prefers your company anyways :’)
• y’all know that clip of him hugging jaehyun? yeah. would do that a lot, but not just a back hug, like the full on pajamas-morning breath-messy hair-half open eyes vibe. has his face against your shoulder so he can take a deep breath in to let the smell of your hair and clothes comfort him
• taking a quick break because I’m making myself go insane I think
• anyways
• takes pictures of you whether you’re aware or not (but not in like, a creepy way idk). will also force you to let him take pictures of you like that one video of him dragging haechan by the jacket so he could take pictures of him yeah that. hey, it’s not his fault you’re breathtaking
• of course he likes taking the aesthetic candid pictures of you, but his guilty pleasure? taking absolutely wack pictures of you eating and sleeping. hilarious. cute. lockscreen material in his eyes
• expect your cheeks to be squeezed. ya got cheeks? congrats! you get a squeeze. or maybe even a squish who knows. you do something remotely cute jaemin is all over it “ooohhhhwowowo my baby so cute” while you’re just cheeks compressed like (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)
• may tease and nag but it’s out of love ahdhba
• would be a really good person to talk to about your mistakes/worrys or make mistakes around, because I think unless it’s something serious he would be great at calming you down and assuring you that everything is okay. seems like a big fan of “keep moving forward” and thinks sweating the small stuff is a waste of time almost
• maybe I think that because of his not-so-competitive nature most of the time but either way
• I feel like (if you had a day type job or were in college) he would enjoy seeing you off to work or classes if he has time. has your bag and/or drink ready and held out for you as you’re on your way out the door, but he wouldn’t let go of them without a goodbye kiss of course
• yeah I’m going insane again brb
• really appreciates anything you do for him whether it’s getting him coffee unexpectedly, visiting him at work (and if he’s having a hard time it just lifts him right up), rubbing his shoulders after a long practice, or even just the way you look at him is enough to satisfy his happiness quota for life
• because of this, like I mentioned before, he would try and do small things for you too. would wash your dishes or put away leftovers if you forget, would put your shoes by the door if you happen to kick them off elsewhere, sends you goodnight and good morning texts if you’re not together
• probably wouldn’t have much time to visit you at work or school, but would always try and call or text you during your break
• obviously just really affectionate and caring I mean we know this about him but I’m reminding us
• might pout it you reject his affection, but also kinda understands if you need space (even if he wants to hug you tighter than some skinny jeans)
• other than that I don’t feel like he pouts much I mean he trusts you and respects your thoughts and opinions idk what else to say about it
• probably admires you for your similarities and differences.
• I don’t even think it would depend on if you’re a hard worker or successful compared to others he just thinks you’re inspiring to him in your own right. I know people say he’s a member that definitely admires strong women, ya know based on his music tastes, and I for sure agree, but I also think no matter your gender identity he would just be in awe at your inner strength and it would help drive him in other things he does :)
• hello I’m back bc I had more thoughts so am making some edits lmaooo
• the type to make you lunch and leave little notes in it like “I love youuu”, “you mean the world to me”, “have a great day!”, “ooooh sexy”
• takes care of you really well even when you don’t ask for it like makes sure you eat enough and drink enough water, get enough sleep, take care of your mental health etc.
• which I also feel like means he can be stern sometimes, but it’s just because he really cares and doesn’t know what he would do if something happened to you
• that’s where the nagging comes in a bit like if you got sick “”tch tch tch* see this is why I told you you have to drink more water” as he absolutely babies the hell out of you
• if you’re laying on the couch or smth he’d probably just lay his whole body over you limp like a blanket until you tap out from being SQUISHED
• alright I think I’m really done for now so if I think of anything else maybe I’ll just make a part two
♡ I feel like this was kinda short but that’s all I have for now so thanks to anyone who read this I guess, and I hope everyone has a great day/night! ♡
(✿◕ ‿◕ฺ)ノ``` bye bye ```
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wish-to-be-as-cool · 2 years
(Sorry for the constant Andy and Kipling rant)
What do you think Kipling's method is to calm Andy down whenever he transforms?
You got that blorbo brainrot, everyone suffers it here no need to apologize
Kipling would probably climb up to Andy's shoulder and try to lead him away from the bad vibes so he could detransform and not be put into a frenzy
Then there'd be hugging and breathing exercises. I feel like transformation like that would take up a lot of energy so Kipling keeps snacks on hand. If its a really bad trnasformation, he'd probably send a note to Headmistress Bloodgood/Ms.Kindergrübber "yeah me n Andy are gonna have a mental health break camping trip, brb in a few days, send makeup work to our dorm" and just peace out for a bit
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bokutsumie · 4 years
hi- im having a very difficult time coping atm and ur hcs make me feel a lot better when im feeling down :). do u mind making some angst hcs of katsuki, mirio, and iida supporting a partner with ptsd? and pls make it gn since im enby. thank u so much and have a good day/night <3
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-> gender neutral reader
-> bakugou, mirio, iida
-> tw: ptsd/bad mental health
-> hi! i'm so sorry you're having a rough time :( i really hope these make you feel better. i know it can be nerve-wracking to message someone but if you need to talk, my dms are always open. or feel free to do it through an anon ask if youre comfortable!! i'm glad to hear my works make you feel better 🥺 i hope you're doing better now as this request is a couple days late <\3 i really tried to do my best because i don't know a whole lot about ptsd/how your ptsd works so i did a little research. these are also shorter than usual because of that, i didn't wanna go in too deep because this request is for you, i didn't wanna stray away and make it too specific.
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you definitely help eachother out if the other is having a rough time because he has a lot of trauma/ptsd as well
if you're having a rough time he'll hug you to calm you down and just let you cry on his chest if you need
words of affirmation!!!
he wants to let you know that it's okay to be upset
"whatever triggered this, let me know. i dont wanna have to see you like this at all, never mind because of me."
if you're thinking too much he can definitely tell
"hey look at me, okay?"
puts on little firework shows for you because he knows you love them
(idk if this is possible with his quirk but) you know that powder you can put into fires that make the flames rainbow?
he definitely sprinkles some onto his hands to make it more colorful
if you want to be left alone he respects that because he usually feels that way
so he picks up a teddy bear from your bed and sprays his cologne on it
he says "i know you want to be left alone and i'm gonna go in a second, but just know that i'm here for you. text me if you need anything, okay?"
and tucks the teddy bear between your chest and arms before giving your nose a kiss and leaving quietly
when he sees you smile again he feels so proud of himself- not in an assholeish huge ego way- he's just glad that he's the only one to be able to cheer you up like this
i've said it before and i'll say it again
this man loves cuddles no matter if they're happy or sad cuddles
moving on
he can tell instinctively
he'll be in the middle of training or working and come home because he felt like something was off
immediately takes you into his arms
"hey, it's okay. i'm here, i'm here."
if you want to be left alone he respects that
even then, he's still in the next room
uses his quirk to pass you notes through the wall once in a while to check up on you
will literally die for you if it means you're happy
works very hard with you and constantly does research to help you
he wants you to know that he cares and that you aren't upset over something stupid, it's valid to feel how you feel
if you show any sign of distress he's like OH FUCK BRB
and goes out and gets a bunch of snacks/board games so you can be distracted from your thoughts
if he's not home or can't come home, he texts you,,,
,,,and tells you to put on his hero suit so it feels like he's there (assuming the reason he's not home isn't because of hero stuff
probably doesn't know how to deal with it at first
but when you break down in front of him for the first time all he wants to do is kiss and hug you and tell you it's okay
he tries to make you laugh, which isn't really like him
but he just wants to see you smile
he puts his glasses on you and brings you over to the mirror
"look at you, you're so cute. i don't know what i would do without you. you know that right?"
and kisses you on the forehead
another thing
he just
again doesn't know what to do but he's trying his best
"give me one second, okay?" and he gives you a kiss on the cheek
mofo ZOOMS out the house and comes back in about 30 seconds
he went out to get you,,,,,:
chocolate/candy, a onesie, flowers, and one of those GIGANTIC FUCKING TEDDY BEARS
i feel like his love language is gift-giving
so he just always gets you things whether you're sad or not (but especially when you are)
even though he's not really experienced with this kind of stuff, he does anything in his power to make you feel better
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tags: @we-mentally-unstable @ees420
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drinkingthemoon · 4 years
BRB I’m Shifting to Twilight
So about a month ago I discovered reality shifting through TikTok and have since fallen deep down the rabbit hole.  If you’re unaware, shifting is basically the process of moving your consciousness out of your current reality and into a new one that matches your desires.  It goes off the multiverse theory, that there are infinite realities existing simultaneously and we actually shift every second with every choice we make.  Since realities are infinite everything is possible.  Lot’s of people are shifting to Hogwarts, for example.
You script what you want to happen.  You can write yourself into the wizarding world and be friends with the golden trio or you can shift to a world exactly like this, the only difference your appearance or job.  It’s important to note that scripting is not the process of creating a reality, it’s more like choosing the reality you want to be in.  Since every possible reality exists anything you script is already real.  There are no constraints, you can go anywhere, do anything, and you can have more than one desired reality too.  Want to go to Hogwarts, be a Marvel superhero, and a K-pop idol?  Go for it, you can have as many DRs as you want.
When you shift you leave behind what is called a “clone,” which sounds scary but it’s actually just you.  Your awareness moves into your new life and in this reality your clone takes over, behaving and feeling exactly as you do unless you script otherwise.  You can script that your clone will clean your room or study for your classes, take care of themselves and others, etc.  You can also script how time moves.  You can make it so that a year in your DR is only a minute here.
My current DR is my own Twilight AU (and no I’m not ashamed don’t come for me.)  I really went overboard on my script to be honest.  Scripting isn’t even necessary but people recommend it just so you have a clearer picture of where you’re trying to go.  Most people write up a page or two describing their desired appearance, personality, relationships, and life.  My script is nearly seventy pages.  I wrote out in depth profiles detailing the pasts and personalities for everyone in my DR, used Face App and Photoshop to create totally original character portraits, and poured over the official Twilight illustrated guide to make sure I had all the details necessary.  I even used Google Maps to make custom maps of Forks that are CR accurate but with all the locations from the books in their proper places.
Yes, I’m fucking nuts.
I’ve been immersed in this for thirty days now, though I’ve only truly attempted to shift maybe twelve or so times.  I haven’t managed it yet.  This is where my frustrations come in.  Shifting is supposedly all about belief.  If you don’t truly think shifting is real and that you can do it, you won’t.  Everyone is different.  Some people shift on their first try and for some people it takes weeks, months, or even years.  This is partly what trips me up.  One cannot shift if they don’t believe they can, but is it even possible to truly believe something so outrageous and too good to be true?  Part of me does believe it, at least I keep telling myself that I do, but I also have doubts.
There are tons of “methods” that you can research and attempt in order to shift.  Many involve affirmations, counting, meditation, inducing sleep paralysis or creating lucid dream portals, etc. but people say that even methods are unnecessary.  Shifting is easy, apparently you can literally close your eyes in this reality and open them in another the same second if you truly believe in yourself.  This is a major issue to me for some reason and is actually starting to impact my mental health negatively.  It’s basically saying that if you’re not shifting then you only have yourself to blame.  You don’t believe enough, you don’t have faith, you’re getting in your own way.  “Just go home,” everyone says.  “Shifting is as easy as breathing,” they claim, and if you can’t do it it’s because you haven’t done enough work on yourself.
I did get super close once.  I was in bed, lying perfectly still for nearly an hour trying to induce sleep paralysis (as it is supposedly one of the easiest methods, shifting through SP.)  My entire body was numb, I felt disconnected from my limbs, lights were flashing behind my closed lids and it felt like I was falling.  These are all the common shifting symptoms but I think I started affirming that I was in my DR too soon and pulled myself out.
Despite coming so close I still don’t know what I believe honestly.  Are we actually shifting into a real alternate universe or are we just splitting our consciousness so that our awareness goes into a sort of hyper-realistic hallucination?  I find it easier to believe it’s more like a waking dream than an actual existing destination, but does thinking that mean I won’t shift because I’m doubting it’s validity?  It’s infuriating.  According to the many people who claim to have shifted everything feels exactly as real as it does here.  It’s supposedly nothing like a lucid dream, everything is solid and you are fully awake.  You can do everything there that you can here plus more and you don’t ever have to leave if you don’t want to.  Once you’re there you can stay forever.
I think I’m going to take a break though.  Breaks are important apparently, you need to have high vibrations and lots of energy in order to shift and I’ve been feeling very drained lately.  The trying and failing while so many others are claiming to succeed is making me depressed.  I’ve been actively trying to detach from everything in this reality and am partially succeeding but that just makes me feel worse every time I fail to wake up in my DR bedroom.  I don’t want to be here anymore, my family doesn’t feel like my family and I miss the friends I have in my DR even though I technically haven’t met them yet.  That makes me feel guilty though, which I’m sure is also impeding my shifting.  I want to leave behind my friends and family and pets and it makes me feel like a bad person.
I am grateful for what I have in this reality, but this isn’t my home.  I'm not happy here and I haven’t been for 12 years now.  If there is even the slightest possibility that I can escape into a universe where I might actually like myself then is that so selfish?  I don’t think so.  And the people I know here won’t even know I’m gone.  They’d be better off with my clone in truth, he’s going to be a better friend and do a better job here than I ever could.  That’s how I scripted him anyway.
I do believe in shifting and I am going home.  In truth I’m there already, I just have to get my awareness to switch over.  I want the constant cloud cover, to inhale the scent of fresh rain and run my fingers over the squishy moss-covered mother logs.  I want to walk through the misty forests and feel their chill.  Falling in love and eventually becoming a practically indestructible immortal is really just a bonus to me.
God, I sound fucking crazy.  Sigh--  
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yutaya · 3 years
Iron Fist Rewatch: 1x03: Rolling Thunder Cannon Punch
That's so terrifying. You look an entitled asshole in the eyes and say "no" when he tries to pressure you into doing something morally corrupt that would actively hurt another person - one who has specifically asked you for help - and then armed home invaders break in in the middle of the night. Ward is basically the mafia boss that Colleen has just pissed off, from her POV. No wonder she hates him.
Wow, now I want the fanfic where Colleen keeps calling Ward a mafia boss to his face. "Just because I'm under your mafia family's protection NOW doesn't make that time you put out a hit on me any better, mobster." "'Mob-' I never put out any 'hit'. I'm not the mafia." "You don't need to bother with pretence here, mob guy." (Danny helpfully does not point out that Ward definitely put out a hit on him, but the entire room is still painfully aware.)
Danny: Sorry the people trying to kill me broke your lock.
Colleen doesn't for one second find it out of the question that the cops might be in on the whole "corrupt rich white man is doing shady illegal things and trying to have a 'problem' 'fixed'" thing. Danny does, ("I haven't broken any law?") because Danny spent ten years as a rich white boy and then the next 15 in a culture completely separated from the rest of the world's reality. Or: Danny, a rich white boy, trusts the police. Colleen, who tries to make her dojo a safe space for a bunch of underprivileged majority bipoc kids living in the "bad part of town", does not.
Possibly the reason they speedrun us through Ward going up to the penthouse again is to remind the viewers how obnoxious it is to get up there before we see Danny climb the building later?
I forgot about this freaky tube thing. What is that? High tech coffin? lol. There's an implied "you should be unsettled by this" vibe to Harold's whole "it's so peaceful in here, I can't help but doze off" but when I don't know what the tube is the context is kind of lost on me.
Again with Ward calmly asking for an explanation about such a seemingly insane business choice, especially one that he's going to have to explain to people, and Harold brushing him off. Infuriating. And let's just toss in a sprinkling of "Joy has always been and always will be better than you, who can't do anything."
Harold: "Doesn't it occur to you that I'm doing this all for you?" Me: "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP I HATE YOU." He doesn't even just say "I'm doing this for you." No, he has to say "Doesn't it occur to you that I'm doing this for you?" Rather than simply lying, he just has to back Ward into that corner. Ugh. UGH.
Ward: closes his eyes, long huff of breath. I should start a count of how many times he does this.
MY SKIN IS CRAWLING. Freaking Harold. Ugh ugh ugh he's the worst.
Danny you realize you're both disrespecting Colleen AND talking about pretty sensitive subject matter right in front of her student?
Joy: "We need to do the right thing." Me: "You keep telling yourself you're a person who cares about that, Joy."
Joy used to do Ward's homework for him????
Like, what?
Seriously, what?
Was this supposed to be a cute exchange? Because my Asian American upbringing says it's NOT.
Joy: "In another life, this would have been romantic." Danny: "Gross, you're my sister."
"You and Ward, you're the only link to a life that I had. It kept me going under very difficult circumstances." ;___;
Joy talking about clinging to her dreams of Harold meeting her after school and holding her hand and smiling at her in her grief after he died is making me so miserable. To Joy, Harold means comfort.
Danny: *Starts talking about ghosts* Joy: Oh right, he's crazy.
Colleen: "You dishonor yourself when you fight for money."
Jeri, who has literally been mind-controlled, almost got murdered slowly and painfully, and brought a killer to her wife,
Young intern Jeri Hogarth calling the boss's secretary a "hatchet faced bitch" and then bribing said boss's 10yrs or younger kid not to tell is. Well. It sure is a thing.
I still want Danny inviting Jeri to Defenders friend group hangouts and Foggy and Marci both blanching. Jessica and Jeri can snark at each other and Danny can be like "You're friends too! I didn't know!! :D"
Honestly, I would have watched a whole show on the intricacies of classism issues, with the Elite like Jeri and the Meachums teaching Danny how to live and maneuver in that world and Colleen and the dojo and Big Al teaching Danny about the reality of life for the lower class, and our golden-hearted Danny in the center of it, consistently determined to do what's Right,
Joy: lol, isn't this such a fun, teasing, sibling-banter thing we do, me joking about how I'm going to close this deal and you would only endanger it?
Harold: punches trainer full in the face, then casually suggests weapons next time while the guy is still groaning on the ground
Is Gao terrorizing Harold and making him kneel on glass supposed to make me feel for Harold? No one deserves this but that doesn't make Harold magically not a monster.
Danny.... just taking over lecturing the class is not respectful to Darryl or Colleen either.
Danny: "What kind of soldier training is this? They're acting like kids!" Colleen: "That's the POINT! I am not training them to be soldiers, I am creating a safe space for them to be kids when they usually can't be in the rest of their lives." Danny's warped K'un Lun upbringing really shows here. It's heartbreaking to remember that Colleen isn't just some good samaritan either - that she was raised in a cult too and has her own warped upbringing viewpoints.
A line I need to appear in a Ward/Misty/Claire pov fic: "Colleen tends to seem normal because most of the time she's next to Danny. It's easy to forget that actually, she's completely batshit."
Colleen keeps throwing Danny out for bringing trouble to her doorstep and then not really fighting it when he sticks around anyway (Which: Danny. Danny, this is problematic behavior, Danny.) - it's when he becomes a danger to her students that she gets serious about it. Even if Danny wouldn't physically harm them again, he is now a drain on their mental health: he represents a potential danger, a reason to be constantly on guard, and a removal of their safe space.
Ward clearly has no idea what the heck Joy is doing. It's all very troubling and this family is so messed up.
The way Ward ever so slightly shakes his head at Joy as she bribes Patel with his nephew's actual life.
The blanket into snow is a great transition shot
Joy feels like Ward refuses to tell her things the same way Harold refuses to tell Ward things! But Ward doesn't actually have the ability to tell Joy anything because he doesn't know anything! Ugh!!
On Joy's desk: a photo of her and Ward toasting at some party. She also has a copy on her shelf at home.
Joy poured her blood sweat and tears into Rand. She's proud of it. To Ward, it's a prison.
Wait so their plan is that there's no record that Danny Rand ever existed? Like, besides. The city's collective memory? People know about Danny Rand, guys. You need to delete the ability to connect this adult man to Danny Rand, not young Danny's entire paper trail. I mean, anything linking them would be included in literally everything about Danny but still. Seems unnecessary and suspicious?? I know nothing about crime.
Jeri casually constantly reminding Danny that the Meachums are the corrupt villains of this story must be really messing with Danny's head. Not that she's wrong. Poor boy.
"Isn't it obvious!? I'm not your sister. He's not your brother. We don't want you here." brb crying forever
I have to appreciate that this fight moderator is actually trying to run a semi-safe tight ship behind the showmanship
"Cut the Floyd Mayweather shit." Floyd Mayweather: a former professional boxer, competed from 1996-2015. Often referred to as the best defensive boxer in history, as well as the most accurate puncher. Nicknamed "Pretty Boy" by his amateur teammates because his defensive technique left him with relatively few scars.
That whole Randy biting Colleen (breaking the rules about going too far laid out at the start of the fight) and then her climbing on top of him to keep on punching after he's down was really framed like one of those troubling "the hero loses control and it's bad" type scenes.
I am very curious about Jeri and the Meachums' history. Jeri and Ward snark at each other so much in this meeting. And they definitely seem amused while doing so. Also Joy was like "Hogarth" at Ward earlier, and Jeri described their relationship as "complicated" to Danny.
Ward slumps down in his seat so he's lower than anyone else in the room, despite probably being the tallest. This is probably meant as a show of dismissiveness: Danny's case is so insignificant that he doesn't need to respect them by sitting up straight - but it IS interesting, from a power dynamics in staging perspective.
Ward, who has a constant escape plan of stealing from his employees and running away with Joy, plus was literally talking about leaving and starting over with nothing earlier in this same episode: "It could have been easy. You could have taken the money and had a great life."
The elevator level can be controlled by the lobby man???
Another picture of presumably child Joy on Harold's desk, as a toddler this time. How many does he have?? This is cruel set dressing.
Harold playing on Ward's loyalty again. "I need you to help me. I don't have anyone else."
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Code of Conduct
Decolonise Menstruation - Safer Spaces Policy Decolonise Menstruation was founded by Decolonising Contraception & Bloody Good Period, our Code of Conduct that reflects the principles of both groups. Decolonising Contraception is based on the  principles outlined in their sexfesto and has a safer spaces policy.  More information on Bloody Good Period can be found on their website.
We are at our best when we are inter-sectional; inclusive and diverse. As part of our working we aim to create environments where our collective and others feel secure and respected. We strive to ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect regardless of gender, sexual orientation, transgender status, marital or family status, colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origins, creed, culture, religion or belief, age, immigration status, body size, mental health, neuro (a) typicality, differently abled, skill level, occupation, or background. To ensure that our events meet our standards we like all our members and event attendees to abide by the following principles and use this to guide their behaviour.
We will not tolerate bullying or harassment, whether the conduct is a one-off act or repeated course of conduct, and whether done purposefully or not. It is important to recognise that conduct which one person may find acceptable, another may find totally unacceptable. [dm1] Behaviour that falls short of these principles will be challenged and may lead to you being ejected from the event on the day or asked to commit to an accountability process before returning to future workshops.
Our events at times involve discussing topics that may be difficult for some participants and you should be mindful that they may have experiences that cause or have the potential to cause emotional distress (triggering) e.g sexual assault. It is vital that nobody feels pressured to share a particular experience.
To set the foundations for a safe learning and organising environment please abide by the following, Code of Conduct
In solidarity, Decolonising Contraception Collective, Bloody Good Period and Decolonise Menstruation
Code of Conduct
Respect Confidentiality: don’t repeat anything you hear in Period Club, outside this space without getting informed consent first, this applies to breakout groups, comments and screenshares
Come and go as you need to: but you can type BRB (Be Right Back) or Bye so we know you are or aren’t coming back
Self Care: you know yourself best, so we ask you to participate at the level that feels comfortable and take a break whenever you need Caveat If you can, we ask you to sit with discomfort: Because the most learning comes from gently pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. But you know for yourself, when something is a discomfort versus a trigger and take care of yourself as you see fit.
ONLY Share what feels comfortable & appropriate (for yourself and others): It is vital that nobody feels pressured to share a particular experience. Also discussions may arise that may be difficult for some participants so you should be mindful that they may have experiences that cause or have the potential to cause emotional distress (triggering) e.g sexual assault, FGM please be mindful
Practice Personal Responsibility: DM has a duty of care towards our team members and participants. However, it is necessary that, as with any successful community, each individual takes a share of responsibility towards the group as a whole.
Only speak from your lived-experience: Don’t try to speak on behalf of other people, cultures, communities. You can share anecdotes but don’t speak on behalf of others, be wary of explaining a person’s experiences to them
One person speaks at a time
Step Up / Step Back: if you are shy we will all try to make this a safer space for you to speak so please try to speak up, if you have a dominant personality, try giving softer voices space, try prioritising marginalised voices
Respect difference lived experiences / backgrounds: don’t make assumptions
Challenge discriminatory behaviour It is unlawful to discriminate directly or indirectly against a ‘protected characteristic’. The Equality Act defines the protected characteristics as being age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy, maternity, race (which includes colour, nationality, caste and ethnic or national origins), sexual orientation, religion or belief, or because someone is married or in a civil partnership. In addition to the UK law we also don’t accept micro-aggressions or discrimination because of immigration status, employment status,(unemployed or type of employment) or body type.
Challenge the statement not the person: Instead of saying “you are wrong”, say you may not have realised that your comment has this meaning to me
Clarification, there’s no such thing as a silly question: Please feel free to ask anything, there really is no such thing as a silly question, if you are confused that usually means others are as well. You can send a private message to a volunteer who will repeat it to the group anonymously
Conflict resolution: You don’t have to continue in a conversation, but if you choose to continue you have to be willing to answer clarifying questions. This can feel exhausting and unfair but it also can sometimes end an argument which was a misunderstanding rather than a disagreement. Oftentimes, if given the chance, people will understand how they misspoke when they are asked to clarify so it saves everyone emotional energy.
Note: We have a duty to listen to those informing us that they feel harmed by a particular action and to undergo a process of self-reflection to address any harm caused. We all acknowledge that we must continue to educate and learn from our actions.
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karasunology · 4 years
Classes just started and stress is getting on me rokaksis ur works r the things that give me comfort :(((((( liKE akaashi wer u @
BABY, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?? istg i'll write something to make you feel better just say the word and i am ON IT, will literally drop everything else; i know how exams could kill your mental and physical health, and beforr anything else PLEASE DON'T OVERWORK YOURSELF, take a break or two when things get hard, bb i'm not the best at studying but i'll LITERALLY DO REASEARCH FOR YOU. stress makes me forget a lot of things so please try and relax - use a bubblegum to chew on whenever you're feeling stressed, that works for me. try to get enough sleep but ofc ik how hard it is to do that because of subjects you needs to revise on, but i promise you - a one or two hour nap does wonders for you and with resetting your brain. you wan't akaashi? i'll GIVE YOU AKAASHI. brb i'm going to work on it now.
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mattmurdocksscars · 4 years
It totally makes sense! I find I more people I can relate to when it comes to my mental health. I’m enjoying seeing you on my dash today. You’re seriously one of my fav writers on here. You keep doing you and working on yourself. It took me a long time to realize that I need to stop worrying about pleasing others and that I need to come first. It’s not selfish. Any-who I’m glad to hear you are doing even just a little better.
I’m one of your fav writers 🥺 ME?! 🥺🥺😭 brb crying
And yeah, the older I get, the more I realize I gotta take time for myself. I’m still terrible about it but I’m working on it. I wouldn’t have even taken the breaks I have taken a few years ago so yay growth! Again, thank you so much for checking in 💖
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dangcommaannie · 4 years
Farmer Ushi/Volleyball player Sakusa hcs
Friends, for those of you who have been here awhile, you may remember the adventures of farmer Ushijima. First was farmer Ushijima with mangaka Tendou. Second was farmer Ushijima and lawyer Oikawa. And now, I present to you, farmer Ushijima and volleyball player Sakusa. But this time, it's different! We're set in canon times, yo! So, uh, spoilers.
Set after the MSBY vs. Adlers match, though it hasn't ended in the manga yet, let's be real here because we all know that MSBY are gonna win. But my advanced chickens still did good though! Okay?! Being two of the three former top aces, Sakusa not only admires Ushijima, but also sees him as a rival and a goal to overcome as well. So after winning the match, Sakusa is really living his best life when Ushijima comes over and congratulates him on his win. He's also low-key had a crush on Ushi since the handkerchief incident, so hearing Ushijima complimenting him has him like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, Sakusa thinks this is his chance to get closer to Ushijima and talk more, but they don't really get the chance to and go back to their teams. Sakusa gets caught up in his own team shenanigans and Ushijima in his, so they don't get to really talk at the party that's thrown afterwards either and they end up leaving without really talking. Sakusa thinks he missed his shot and it about to go back to focusing on volleyball, but then he hears news of Ushijima retiring and he's like, hold the fuck up! What?! because he doesn't understand why someone so good would just...leave, so he's calling up Kageyama as fast as he can now. He's asking about what the fuck is happening and Kags is just like, idk. I haven't seen Ushijima in weeks, and Sakusa is like weeks???? and Kags is like, yeah, he actually said he was just taking a break for a bit and left, but then he called the other day and was like, hey, I may be gone indefinitely, so yeah, and the media just assumed he retired, but tbh, no one really knows.
Sakusa is now like wtf? Clearly, he's missing and you guys have to find him! and Kags is like, idk. He's an adult. It's not my business and the coaches are fine with it. But Sakusa refuses to accept that, so now he's calling up his own coach and is like, brb gonna go do some personal business and sets out to find Ushijima. After a lot of phone calls and digging, he finds out that Ushijima is on a farm out in the country and the thought of going out to a farm with animals and dirt is a literal nightmare for Sakusa, but he's willing to do it for Ushijima.
Sakusa manages to make it to the farm and there he finds Ushiijma sweaty and shirtless working in the field and his first thought is gross, but also, he does begin to the understand the appeal now ngl. Anyways, Ushijima sees Sakusa and he's like, not that it's not nice to see you, but like, what are you doing here? and Sakusa's like, I'm here to talk to you! Are you really retiring? and Ushi's like, ah. I see. We should probably go inside and talk about this then.
They head inside the house and it's actually very nice and well kept and Sakusa would be lying if he wasn't like oh thank god, but that all changes when he sees Ushi's dog just chilling and then start to approach him, but knowing how Sakusa feels about germs, Ushi lets him go outside while they talk. Ushi explains that as of currently, he has no plans of retiring and that was an assumption made by the media to explain his extended absence. He actually just wanted a brief break from volleyball for mental health, so he decided to head out to his family's farm, but while he was here he got to thinking, so he decided to stay a bit longer. He still plans on returning to volleyball, but for now, he's staying here while he sorts through his thoughts. It's getting late, so Ushi offers Sakusa a place to stay for the night and mentions that if he wants to stay longer, he can, if he wants to. Though Sakusa does understand what Ushi said, he's also curious about what he meant by things he had to sort through and since he took a few days off because he wasn't sure of how long it would take for him to find Ushi, he decides to take him up on the offer to stay for awhile.
The next morning, Sakusa wakes up to see Ushi's dog staring at him and he's freaking out because germs, but the dog doesn't approach him or anything and just kinda stares happily at him and follows him around as he does things. He expects to find Ushi in the house, but he isn't and Sakusa's like :/ well now what? and that's when the dog leads him outside and to the barn aka Sakusa's worst nightmare. He does manage to go to try and find Ushi, telling himself that he can shower and clean himself later on, but because he's a new person a lot of the animals are very curious about him and he's like, oh hell no! He's about to get crowded by some goats and chickens, when the dog comes back and manages to herd them all away from him and Sakusa won't say it, but he is thankful for the intervention and that's when Ushi finds him, having come back from feeding the rest of the animals. He didn't expect to see Sakusa here, but he's glad he got to at least see the animals and that he's at least befriended his dog.
They head back inside with the dog still following them and Ushi prepares breakfasts and asks what Sakusa's plans for the day were. Sakusa confirms that he'll stay for a few days because he's got questions to ask Ushi and Ushi more than happy to answer them. Sakusa then asks about what Ushi is here. He knows he said it was for a break, but what things are he dealing with that are making him stay longer? Shouldn't he return to his volleyball career? Ushi explains that yes, he probably should, but volleyball is also why he's here. Seeing and knowing how passionate Sakusa is about volleyball and knowing that he's essentially all or nothing, Ushi began thinking about his own career choices and after his lost, he wondered what he would do after volleyball ends for him. Like Sakusa, Ushi has dedicated so much of his life to volleyball that he's kind of unsure of what else he would like to do. He never really got the chance to explore anything else, so he wanted a break to see what else there was in life. Sakusa argues that he could still continue with volleyball after retiring from being an athlete. There were coaches after all, and not only that, a lot of athletes become celebrities, motivational speakers, and entrepreneurs and business owners too. Ushi understands the appeal and thought, and he had considered these options already and he's not rejecting them, but rather, he would still like more options in the off-chance that those don't work out either.
Sakusa's not entirely happy with Ushijima's answer, but he accepts it because it's not his to make, but then Ushi asks him the same question about his potential plans after volleyball and Sakusa realizes that he is has no clue either. He did go to college and he did play volleyball while there, but honestly, all he remembered was volleyball because his goal was to good enough to beat Ushijima, which he did. He realizes that like Ushi, he's feeling lost right now and before he can stop himself, Sakusa's run off to somewhere else on the farm. He doesn't really know where or how far he went, but he can't see the house anymore and he feels bad until he realizes the dog has followed him. He takes a moment to sit in the grass and reflect on what happened and all the information he just learned and he realizes that he wouldn't have even gotten into volleyball unless Komori hadn't introduced him to it and he doesn't really know what he wants to do afterwards. Knowing he can't stay there forever, Sakusa begins heading back to the house with the dog guiding him along the way.
When they get there, Ushijima is waiting for him on the front porch and Sakusa joins. To his surprise, Ushijima apologizes and tells him that it wasn't his intention to overwhelm Sakusa like that. He understands what he's going through though, hence why he's out here in the first place. He then reassures him that while he may not know what he wants to do now, he still has time to figure it out and not stress about it too much. As important as it is to focus on the future, it's just as important to focus on the current situation and get through that first. Sakusa reassures him that he knows Ushijma wasn't trying to overwhelm him and that it was more about himself than anything else. He then thanks Ushijima for his kindness before they both retire for the night.
Over the next few days, Sakusa decides he wants to try and get to know Ushijima more because he now realizes that he actually knows very little about him outside of volleyball. He learns that the farm is Ushijima's family's, but usually, they're not around, so they pay some of their neighbors to help take care of it until someone returns, which isn't often. Ushijima used to be able to come more often, but since becoming a professional, it's hard to balance and he usually only comes during the off-season. He learns more about his family and friends, and how he still remains in close contact with all of teammates from Shiratorizawa. It was actually Tendou that suggested he take a break from everything and he's happy he did. The dog was also named by Tendou, hence his name being Pakkun. He learns that like himself, Ushijima paid close attention to his progress in volleyball and was proud to hear when he joined MSBY and believes that they wouldn't have won without him, though he'll now admit that Hinata is better than when they first met.
In turn, Ushijima learns more about Sakusa as well. He tells him about how he got into volleyball and how he and Komori are cousins. He talks about how he's never been one to give up on things halfway and always has to follow through. He talks about how he's a germaphobe and that coming here was a nightmare for him, but he's slowly starting to see the appeal of this place and why Ushijima comes here. He still doesn't want to pet any of the animals on the farm, but he doesn't mind being around them so much and maybe, *maybe*, he'll eventually be able to pet Pakkun.
By the end of Sakusa's volleyball break, he can firmly say that the crush he felt before was nothing more than infatuation because what he feels for Ushijima now is light years beyond that. He doesn't know if he can say he's in love with Ushijima, but he's in love with Ushijima. He almost doesn't want to go back, but he knows he has to and he knows that Ushijima will eventually return and they'll see each other again too. Ushijima offers to drive Sakusa to the nearest town, so he wouldn't have to take the bus, but Sakusa declines, telling Ushijima that he's done enough. They say good bye to each other, with promises to see each other back on the court, and Sakusa gives a good bye pet to Pakkun. When Sakusa returns home, he realizes that while he's still uncertain about his future, the thought of not knowing what he's doing is not as daunting because he realizes that after what he and Ushijima went through these last couple of days, there's no way that Ushijima wouldn't continue to be part of his future and for now, that was enough.
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morethansnaps · 5 years
Oh mah gawd hello internet! I hate Avocado! I mean "hate" is a strong word, maybe I only “dislike” that little green fruit. vegetable? idk. Avocado sounds like Colorado haha I'm getting off track. You will soon find out I do this a lot. Well Hi! My name is Keith and I am an aspiring food/portrait photographer based in Central Minnesota. Soon I will be making the move to New Zealand! I'm 23, I’m a dude, and I need caffeine. brb. 
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Okay that is much better. Now I can focus. 2019 has flashed by and the start of a new decade has plopped itself down at the table and it's ready to make or break your beautiful dinner that you worked so hard on perfecting all last year. We all seem to make New Years resolutions. "I'm going to start working out" "I'm going to wake up at 5 a.m. every day" "I'm going to stop being a cunt to everyone at work" Whatever you say Sarah. Personally I want to make a large conscious effort to accept my flaws. To be more open and confident. To take control of my mental health and work my butt off in 2020 of making my dreams of becoming a professional food/portrait photographer real.
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So what is 2020 going to look like for me personally? I can't say for sure because I can't see into the future. What I do know though is this year will be the biggest year of my life.
Hold yourself accountable this year. Don't wait until tomorrow. Don't put it off. Start NOW or YOU. NEVER. WILL. What are your goals for this new year? Maybe just one main goal :)
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I'd love to know what you have planned! Leave a comment and let me know the scoop! Here are some of my goals and lifestyle switches I'm looking forward to owning in 2020.
Move from USA to New Zealand by April 2020
Buy a car
Apartment hunting with my girlfriend
Road trip to Milford Sound NZ
Upgrade to a full frame camera
Create a blog
Create a shared YouTube channel with my girlfriend
Learn how to cook recipes from scratch
Brand for my photography business (logo, cards, website etc.)
Get 4 retainer clients
Wake up earlier (5-6 a.m.)
Read 10 books
Get my fitness on
10,000 Likes on Instagram
Get my food photos featured in a cookbook/Mag
Switch from Android to Apple
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These are the goals I can think of in my little big brain at 3:30 am haha!Learn Learn LEARN. Soaking up all of the knowledge. Building those life long friendships and making so many more amazing memories. 2020 has begun! I just want to thank you for finding my blog :) I've never really written anything like this before, I'm not an author by any means haha This is just a fun way to get my thoughts out and keep myself accountable! We're going to be talking food, food photography, portraits, recipes, and more on this blog along with travel and other random thoughts I have. Good luck this year! Go get 'em tiger!
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taking a mental health break. brb
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