#rolling thunder cannon punch
howlingday · 3 months
Yang VS Jaune
Goku VS Superman story
Thunder echoed across the mountain range, disturbing the peaceful wildlife that lived there. At the source of these explosions were two combatants, each brave heroes in their own right. One was a huntress from an island north of Vale, training her mind, body, and spirit to become the strongest who ever lived. Her opponent was a huntsman from a small farming community from the south, raised from humble beginnings and trained to be the greatest protector of Remnant. They'd once met as little more than colleagues but steadily grew into becoming rivals. And today, Yang Xiao Long was ready to prove herself against Jaune Arc.
Yang: Today's the day, Vomit Boy! Today we settle who's stronger~!
Jaune: (Chuckles) If you say so.
Jaune charged at his brawler foe, his armored weight shaking the ground as he barreled towards her. Yang gave a smirk as she slapped his punch away, deflecting herself out of his path. Watching her fly over made him grin, something she held as well as she struck him from behind with a swift heel kick.
Jaune rolled through a tree in his flight, stopped only as Yang cut him off and struck him from every direction. Jaune, now with bearings regained, delivered hard blows in kind, only to be deflected once more by a kick to the chin. Both fighters stared each other down for a moment before continuing their tear across the forests of Sanus.
More booming strikes were given back and forth them until Jaune boosted the aura within his eyes in an attempt to distract Yang. This didn't work as Yang blinked out of sight. Once Jaune blinked, Yang appeared in front of him and delivered a hook kick before blinking out once more. This time, she appeared behind him and delivered another kick into him.
Yang: You're holding back!
Jaune: (Hit from every angle)
Yang: Give me your all!
Jaune: (Grabbed by his armor)
Yang: (Spins him around) NO REGRETS!
Jaune: (Rolls to his feet) I'm doing just fine, thank you!
With little effort on his part, Jaune launched himself at Yang and knocked her across a lake. She really felt that one as her semblance flared her body to shine like gold with a superheat that caused water on the shore to evaporate just from her being nearby! Jaune quickly crossed the water to strike but was easily dodged by Yang once more with a simple leap and a struck him into the water. As he fell, he saw the golden light concentrate to a single point as Yang began to chant her mantra above him.
Yang: Golden Dragon Wave!
Jaune yelled as he was knocked deeper below the waves, searing heat scorching his body like dragon fire! However, Yang noticed something was off. Faster than she could respond to, Jaune shot out of the lake like a cannon, just over her attack, and hit her hard once again, sending her flying across Remnant. Chasing her, Jaune swung and missed as Yang dodged, and the two entered their aerial combat dance, perhaps unknowing that they'd left the world of Remnant and entered orbit!
The Shattered Moon hanging just overhead, Jaune and Yang clashed outside of all but the Brother's view. Jaune threw a punch, but was easily dodged as Yang delivered one-inch counter punch that knocked Jaune back just enough to give her the chance to launch fireballs at him. Jaune responded to these projectiles with using his eye beams once more, decimating most of them before grabbing one in his hand. Tossing it aside, he was too late to realize it was heading for-
The formerly known Shattered Moon, now known as the Obliterated Moon.
Yang: Whoops! Ha ha! Well, I guess we can always make a new one, right?
Jaune: (Flexes hand) Paper-thin world... (Smiles) Alright! I'll show you just how powerful I really am~!
Yang: (Giggles)
With a single strike, Yang caught a glimpse of a tear in reality, one in which she was a lot more dragon-y than usual, with scales and everything, as she duked it out with a much more knightly looking Jaune. She was sent flying a lot farther than before, stopping herself in time to throw a counter at the near-teleporting image of Jaune, who blinked out and struck again, making her see another tear in which black fire erupted from her hands against the rainbow-hued eye beams of a more sinister looking Jaune. Sent further away from Remnant, still reeling in pain, Yang didn't notice Jaune had already sped ahead of her to deliver a two-handed hammer-fist blow to her back, forcing another vision of another world in which she, in much simpler clothes, challenged a planet-sized being that looked dangerously similar to Jaune. The visions came to an end as she hurtled back down to Remnant, landing not in the Kingdom of Vale but crashed into the deserts of Vacuo!
Picking Yang up from her crash site, he tossed her into the side of a mountain. Or was it a plateau? In any case, she hit the stony structure hard. So hard, in fact, that the impact shredded her jacket and knocked the golden shine from her hair. Jaune stood in front of Yang with a beaming smile, but hers was even bigger and brighter.
Jaune: So? What do you think?
Yang: Heeheehee~! That was AWESOME~! By the way, nice shirt!
Jaune: Oh! Uh, thanks! Old Arc family fabric. My sister said it was the same kind our grandpa wo-
Yang: HYA!
Yang's attempt to strike Jaune from behind while he was distracted didn't work so well, so she tried again. Then tried again. Even as Jaune lazily blocked her strikes, she continued to battle. Going in for the counter, Jaune aimed right for Yang's face. Time slowed around her, so she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Jaune rocketed past Yang faster than she casually stepped aside with her hair glowing white.
Faster than Jaune could react, Yang delivered a gut punch that bent Jaune over. As Yang backflipped away from another punch, lights glittered around Jaune, each exploding all at once like tiny, little fire-bombs. The smile knocked off Jaune's face and a more mischievous one settled on Yang's, the two charged one another across the arid skies. Jaune unleashed a wave of eye beams so intense that they sliced the peaks off distant mountains!
Yang moved in, countering Jaune's blows with either blocks or dodges, slipping in hooks, crosses, jabs, uppercuts, and even a few kicks until Jaune was left immobilized by the assault. Having enough of being stuck in one place, Jaune super-charged his semblance to unleash an explosion of aura that destroyed everything around him! Everything, that is, except for Yang.
Tired by the sudden outburst of his aura, Jaune took to the skies and beyond Remnant's orbit once more. However, this time, he went further than the Obliterated Moon. He flew into the source of all life on Remnant, the Sun, and then traveled even further beyond, reaching a dozen or even a hundred or a thousand, maybe even a million different suns! Back on Remnant, Yang gave a soft smile as the sky began to glow brighter and brighter with from a more intense beacon of light than the star that greeted her every morning.
Yang: Finally...
Crouching into a horse stance, Yang gathered her aura. All of it, every last bit, and focused it into a single point in her hands. This technique, the same one she used earlier, the very same she'd been taught by her father, allowed her to gather all of her fighting spirit and concentrated it into a single beam of aura. As it built, she chanted the same mantra she'd always had, ever since her first day at Signal.
Jaune then began his return to Remnant. The world he grew up on looked so small, so delicate from here, and yet its growing size did little to ease his worry. Even though he'd faced challenges greater than himself time and time again, fearing for his life every time, he knew he'd do it over and over again every time, because that's what she would have done. Shining with a golden light, he moved forward and kept pushing on.
Remnant quaked as a tower, no, a CONTINENT of golden aura erupted from its orbit! This was only matched as a smaller, more concentrated beam of golden light pierced a path through towards the huntress. With a scream, she activated her semblance, forcing the beam to explode out with more power, more intensity that destroyed the world behind her. But this blast, too, however, was also cut through as the huntsman neared her position.
Using the last of her strength, Yang Xiao Long formed a conduit of pure aura from her, a titanic version of herself, and launched a fist the size of a mountain at her opponent. Jaune Arc replied with his own punch, the cosmos themselves shaking as a shockwave destroyed all of creation, shattering reality and leaving only a white void.
Yang groaned, opening her eyes, wincing from the bright world around her, confused by the white space. Looking down, she saw that she was still whole, her body still intact. It wasn't until she saw the ring above her head that she let out a sigh.
Yang: Ah, darn it.
A chuckle nearby drew her attention to Jaune, who was smiling in his cracked armor and tattered clothes.
Jaune: You almost had me there! That was actually pretty fun.
Yang: Yeah, it sure was!
Yang gave a laugh of her own, but it was short-lived as she stood up, clenching her fist with more competitive, but no less friendly grin.
Yang: But I'll be stronger next time!
Jaune: I look forward to it.
Jaune turned away from the blonde brawler, looking to the shattered reality around them. In the tears in the rifts, the two saw windows into countless, alternate worlds. In these windows of different Yang and different Jaunes, there were only three constants.
There was always a Yang.
There was always a Jaune.
And even though they fought in some tears, they were always friends.
Yang: ...
Jaune: ...
Yang: (Holds out her fist) Wanna go again~?
Jaune: (Bumps her fist) You bet~!
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pokemontrainerjay · 6 months
["Do you mind if I record the battle?" Jay asks as the video starts, "Hm, oh yeah sure, I'd love to have recorded evidence of me beating a Paldea champion" Drayton replies, "Ready when you are"
"Livewire, Vocal you're up!" Jay shouts throwing out two pokeballs, "Dragonite, Flygon!" Drayton calls back throwing out two pokeballs of his own, "Flygon Earthquake now!" Flygon hits the ground causing a giant earthquake, "Vocal take Livewire and fly up!" Jay orders Vocal grabs Livewire with their claw before launching up into the air, once in the air Livewire climbs up onto Vocal's back. "Livewire use Gyro Ball now on Flygon!" Jay shouts, "Vocal use Acrobatics on Dragonite!" Livewire rolls up into a ball and jumps off of Vocal and heads straight for Flygon, Livewire hits Flygon repeatedly on the forehead meanwhile Vocal speeds towards Dragonite kicking her repeatedly, "Flygon use Stone Edge on Livewire!" Drayton commands, "Dragonite use Thunder Punch on Vocal!" Dragonite attempts to hit Vocal with Thunder Punch but they keep flying around the attacks, "Now!" Jay shouts causing Livewire to jump off of Flygon and towards Vocal, Vocal just about grabs it and flies up meanwhile Flygon uses Stone Edge in an attempt to hit the two of them however Dragonite flies after Vocal and Livewire causing Flygon to hit Dragonite instead, "Shit" Drayton mutters, "Dragonite, you okay?" Dragonite, who was visibly wounded, smiles at Drayton, "Alright good, use Extreme Speed!" Dragonite bolts towards Vocal however right before Dragonite lands the hit, Jay shouts, "Use Acid Armor" Which made Livewire, who was on Vocal's head before, to melt down the liquid metal part of its body into a shield in front of Vocal causing Dragonite to punch the metal causing no damage to either Vocal or Livewire, "Let's see how that strategy holds up against fire!" Drayton shouts, "Flygon use Fire Punch!" Flygon charges towards Vocal and Livewire with his fists set ablaze, "Dodge it!" Jay shouts Vocal then throws Livewire above Flygon while they dodge underneath, "Dragonite grab Vocal now, Flygon grab Livewire!" Dragonite successfully grabs Vocal using extreme speed meanwhile right as Flygon is going to grab Livewire Jay shouts, "Use Flash Cannon and Vocal use Acrobatics!" Causing Vocal to kick Dragonite making her drop Vocal, Livewire meanwhile launches a huge beam of Steel energy out of its eye knocking Flygon far back knocking him out, "Flygon return, Kingdra go!" Drayton shouts returning Flygon and sending out Kingdra, "Kingdra use Rain Dance!" Kingdra spins around causing huge clouds to appear above the battlefield that start pouring down heavy rain, Kingdra then starts moving around the battlefield at ridiculously quick speeds, "Hurricane now!" Drayton shouts Kingdra then charges up a huge hurricane that begins pulling both Livewire and Vocal in, "Dragonite use Thunder Punch!" Dragonite starts punching the water charging it with electricity she then grabs Kingdra and flies both of them out of harm's way leaving Vocal and Livewire to fight off the Hurricane, that was beginning to pick up electricity charged water, all on their own. Vocal and Livewire try to avoid the Hurricane but Kingdra keeps making it bigger and after a while of dodging Livewire gets blown off of Vocal's back and gets sucked into the Hurricane.
"Now that's how a Champion fights" Drayton shouts mockingly as Jay returns Livewire to its Pokeball, "You did good buddy" Jay says, "Vocal use Revelation Dance right into the Hurricane!" Vocal looks back at Jay shocked but Jay just smiles back at them so they do as ordered and zap the Hurricane while keeping as much distance as possible, "Keep going!" Jay says, Vocal keeps charging up the Hurricane and soon later lightning reaches the wind Kingdra was blowing out of her mouth zapping her, "Kingdra stop!" Drayton shouts causing Kingdra to stop the Hurricane and Dragonite to fly back down with Kingdra in hand, "Not bad but it won't be enough" Drayton says, "Lily you're in!" Jay shouts as the rain clouds from rain dance disappear, "How about we keep this battle in the sky? Lily use Hydro Pump on the ground, Vocal use Revelation Dance on the water as it comes out of Lily's cannons!" "Dragonite go up!" Drayton shouts not bothering to counter the electric water on the battlefield, "How do you plan on keeping a Blastoise in the air?" "It's pretty simple actually" Jay says, "Lily go up!" Upon hearing this Lily starts using Hydro Pump on the ground boosting herself up, "Not bad, but good luck attacking when you have to use your cannons for that" "You're right I can't attack with my cannons but I can still attack like this" Jay says, "Rapid Spin now, Vocal get on Lily's shell!" Lily starts spinning around and launches towards Dragonite and Kingdra, "Dragonite use Ice Spinner, Kingdra use Ice Beam!" Drayton retaliates, Dragonite starts spinning around and moving towards Lily, while Kingdra fires a beam of Ice towards Lily, "Vocal Revelation Dance now!" Jay shouts Vocal's Revelation Dance and Kingdra's Ice Beam collide while Lily and Dragonite bash into each other. "Vocal use Quiver Dance now!" Jay orders, "Don't let them get that stat boosts!" Drayton says, "Dragonite use Thunder Punch!" Dragonite, holding Kingdra with one hand, charges electricity in one fist and goes to punch Lily however Lily uses a burst of water to go higher up dodging Dragonite's attack, giving Vocal enough time to finish using Quiver Dance, "Quiver Dance again!" Jay shouts, "Not this time!" Drayton retaliates, "Dragonite use Extreme Speed, Kingdra use Dragon Pulse!" Dragonite uses Extreme Speed to get herself and Kingdra above Lily and Vocal allowing Kingdra to easily fire a Dragon Pulse at the two of them, "Dodge it!" Jay shouts, Lily ducks down underneath the Dragon Pulse while Vocal flies above, "Vocal use Alluring Voice!" Jay orders, Vocal starts singing a soothing melody lowering Dragonite and Kingdra's guard, "Lily use Rapid Spin!" Jay shouts, while Vocal was using Alluring Voice Lily had boosted herself behind Dragonite and Kingdra without either of them noticing, "Dragonite dodge it!" Drayton shouts, but it was too late Dragonite had already been hit towards Vocal, "Finish her off with Revelation Dance!" Jay orders Vocal charges electricity in her pom-poms before launching it out at Dragonite knocking her into the electricity charged water below knocking Dragonite out, "Dragonite return, Sceptile go!" Drayton says as the electric water clears up, "I didn't think I'd have to use this but I can't lose my Champion Rank again!" Drayton shouts as he rolls his sleeve up revealing his mega bracelet, "After you beat the Elite Four I got myself a Key Stone, I knew I couldn't lose again, and I won't lose again, Sceptile mega evolve!" "We're going all out as well, Lily mega evolve!" Jay shouts, "Acrobatics and Ice Beam!" Both trainers shout, Kingdra fires her Ice Beam at Vocal however Lily uses both of the ice beams she had fired out of her hand cannons to knock Kingdra's beam off balance allowing Sceptile and Vocal to meet head on and deliver flurries of punches and kicks to the other, a few seconds later Vocal gets flung towards Jay completely knocked out.
"Great Job Vocal I couldn't have done this without you" Jay says tapping Vocal's Pokeball on her head lightly, "Petal you're in!" "Sceptile use Leaf Storm, Kingdra use Hydro Pump both at Lily!" Drayton orders Sceptile holds Lily in place with Leaf Storm while Kingdra uses Ice Beam, "Toise" Lily says to Petal, "Blast" It was almost impossible to tell what Lily was telling her but whatever it was Petal replied saying, "Che pin" And giving a quick thumbs up before lining herself up as if she was about to launch herself, Lily then begins charging water up in her hand cannons, "Oh I get it!" Jay says, "Lily use Hydro Pump!" Lily launches herself up with so much force she breaks through the Leaf Storm, "Sceptile get up there!" Drayton orders causing Sceptile to make steps for himself out of the leaves from Leaf Storm and begins climbing them as this happens Petal slingshots herself towards Kingdra, "Petal use Pin Missile!" Jay orders, "Kingdra use Hydro Pump!" Drayton retaliates, "Block it with Leaf Storm!" The shield from Leaf Storm isn't perfect but it shields Petal from most damage, meanwhile Sceptile slashes Lily knocking her down to the ground but she was still just about able to fight, "Acrobatics now!" Drayton shouts causing Sceptile to jump down in front of Lily however when he tries to move his hands he couldn't he turns around to see Petal holding both of his arms with her vines stopping him from moving either of his arms, giving Lily enough time to get back up, "Lily use Hydro Pump!" Jay orders Sceptile tries to run but gets caught up in Petal's vines which allows Lily to easily hit Sceptile with Hydro Pump knocking him all the way across the battlefield, "Sceptile can you fight?" Drayton asks, "Tile, Sceptile" Sceptile replies getting back up and walking onto the battlefield, "Kingdra use Ice Beam on Petal, Sceptile use Acrobatics on Lily!" "Lily head up with your arm cannons!" Jay orders "And Petal swing from Lily when she goes up!", Lily heads straight up narrowly dodging Sceptile's attack and Petal grabs onto Lily using her vines dodging Kingdra's attack, "Petal start swinging!" Jay shouts as Lily keeps moving side to side keeping her and Petal out of danger, "Now let go!" Jay says after Petal had built up more speed. Petal detaches from Lily and uses her built up momentum to kick Kingdra straight into a wall, knocking Kingdra out, "Kingdra return" Drayton says, "Haxorus go!" "I won't lose, I can't lose" He adds under his breath, "Haxorus use Dragon Dance!" "Stop her Petal!" Jay retaliates, Petal nods towards Jay and then uses her vines to grab Haxorus however Haxorus breaks free and completes the dance giving her boosts in attack and speed, "Use Iron Head and X-Scissor both on Lily" Drayton shouts "Keep them back with Dragon Pulse!" Jay orders, Lily fires purple beams out of her cannons in attempt to keep Haxorus And Sceptile back but it isn't enough, thanks to her Dragon Dance boost, Haxorus manages to pin Lily down allowing Sceptile to come in and knock her out.
"Lily return!" Jay says returning Lily to her Pokeball, "Thanks for your help, Viv you're in!" "Viv set up Grassy Terrain" Jay orders as Petal sets herself up on Viv's back, Viv drums out a quick melody causing grass to spread around the battlefield, "Alright then let's do this, swirling bullet now!" "Swirling bullet?" Drayton mutters confused, Petal grabs onto Haxorus using her vines while Viv begins using Grassy Glide, "Oh no you don't" Drayton says realizing what Jay is doing, "Haxorus use Earthquake!" Haxorus stomps on the ground but the earthquake barely does any damage, thanks to Grassy Terrain, "Sceptile try and break Haxorus out with X-Scissor!" Drayton shouts, Sceptile sprints towards Haxorus, however right as he was about to get there Petal releases the vine causing her and Viv to launch into Sceptile knocking him out and even cracking the wall he was knocked into slightly, "Sceptile return" Drayton says as Haxorus shakes the vines off. "I'm not going to lose to anyone, I can't!" He shouts sending Archaludon out of his Pokeball, "Dragon Pulse and Dragon Dance now!" Viv, who now has a faint blue glow around her sticks, jumps above the Dragon Pulse and once she lands on the ground again Petal begins lining up to slingshot her and Viv, "Alright Petal stop Haxorus" Jay orders causing Petal to slingshot towards Haxorus, "Alright, Viv use Wood Hammer repeatedly!" Jay shouts, As Viv begins hitting Haxorus repeatedly with Wood Hammer you can notice that Jay is doing the same movements as her the blue light around Viv is also becoming much more visible, "Alright now!" Drayton orders as Haxorus runs out of the way and Archaludon releases his Electro Shot directly at Viv, As soon as Petal had launched towards Haxorus Archaludon had been charging up an Electro Shot without Jay noticing, Viv put her sticks in front of her face knowing she couldn't dodge the attack however to everyone's surprise Viv and Petal emerged completely fine, "What!?" Drayton says shocked, you can see now that the Aura that was surrounding Viv before has now gone fully into her sticks changing their shapes, one becoming a shield the other becoming a long staff. "Viv! You did it!" Jay shouts, "Thwackey!" Viv shouts back, if you zoom in enough you can see that Viv's eyes are now also a shade of blue instead of yellow. "Whatever I can still win this!" Drayton says, "Archaludon Use Dragon Pulse repeatedly, Haxorus use Breaking Swipe repeatedly!" Haxorus runs towards Viv and Petal and begins slashing at them repeatedly, while Archaludon starts firing Dragon Pulses towards them, "Viv get on Haxorus and Petal pull all three of you towards Archaludon!" Jay orders, Viv jumps onto Haxorus' back, Petal then pulls all three of them towards Archaludon, Haxorus ends up getting hit by multiple Dragon Pulses on the way towards Archaludon which heavily weakens her and at the last second Viv jumps off Haxorus and straight onto Archaludon, "Use Snarl!" Drayton commands, Archaludon lets out a foul sound that causes Petal and Viv to fall off of him, "You can't take my Champion Rank from me!" Drayton shouts, "Use Iron Head!" Haxorus sprints towards Viv, "Meet her head on with Wood Hammer!" Jay orders Viv tucks her Shield into her hair and grabs her Aura Staff with both hands she then turns it into a double ended hammer that she swings around hitting Haxorus directly on her forehead knocking her out, "Return!" Drayton shouts, "Petal use your vines like reins!" Jay orders, Petal jumps onto Archaludon and starts using her vines to control Archaludon, no matter what Archaludon did he couldn't get Petal off, "Viv use Grassy Glide!" Viv charges up into a green coloured bullet and bolts into Archaludon's face as Petal brings him closer in, knocking him out. Drayton, after returning Archaludon to his Pokeball, drops down to the ground in defeat as the video ends]
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fioras-resolve · 8 months
Every Pokemon move by how much it would take to make them a guaranteed hit
95% (Wide Lens) Crush Claw Cut
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Double Hit Giga Impact Hyper Beam Hyper Fang Population Bomb Present Sonic Boom Super Fang Wrap Barrage Bind Comet Punch Double Slap Fury Attack Mega Punch Rock Climb Screech Swagger Tail Slap Take Down
80% (Compound Eyes) Fury Swipes
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Egg Bomb Lovely Kiss Mega Kick Slam
55% (Gravity + Wide Lens) Sing Supersonic
30% (Do Not Use) Guillotine Horn Drill
95% (Wide Lens) Flying Press Jump Kick
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Axe Kick Circle Throw Hammer Arm High Jump Kick Sky Uppercut Triple Kick Rolling Kick
80% (Compound Eyes) Cross Chop Submission
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Focus Blast
50% (Gravity + Zoom Lens) Dynamic Punch
95% (Wide Lens) Aeroblast Air Cutter Air Slash Floaty Fall Fly
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Dual Wingbeat Sky Attack Bounce
80% (Compound Eyes) Bleakwind Storm
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Hurricane (Rain also works)
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Poison Gas Toxic (Being Poison-type works too)
80% (Compound Eyes) Gunk Shot
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Poison Powder Smog
95% (Wide Lens) Drill Run High Horsepower Mud Shot
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Bone Rush Bonemerang Bone Club Mud Bomb Precipice Blades Sand Tomb
80% (Compound Eyes) Sandsear Storm
30% (Do Not Use) Fissure
95% (Wide Lens) Diamond Storm Rock Tomb
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Meteor Beam Rock Blast Rock Slide Rock Throw Rock Wrecker Rollout Stone Axe
80% (Compound Eyes) Head Smash Stone Edge
95% (Wide Lens) Fury Cutter Pin Missile String Shot
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Skitter Smack Megahorn
90% (Zoom Lens) Poltergeist
95% (Wide Lens) Metal Claw Steel Beam
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Meteor Mash Steel Wing Gear Grind Metal Sound Mirror Shot
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Iron Tail
95% (Wide Lens) Fire Fang Sacred Fire V-create
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Blast Burn Blaze Kick Heat Wave Overheat Pyro Ball Blue Flare Fire Blast Fire Spin Will-O-Wisp
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Magma Storm
50% (Gravity + Zoom Lens) Inferno
95% (Wide Lens) Razor Shell Steam Eruption Triple Dive
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Aqua Tail Crabhammer Hydro Cannon Clamp Muddy Water Octazooka Origin Pulse Whirlpool
80% (Compound Eyes) Hydro Pump
95% (Wide Lens) Chloroblast Razor Leaf
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Frenzy Plant Leaf Storm Leaf Tornado Leech Seed Matcha Gotcha Sappy Seed Power Whip Seed Flare Syrup Bomb
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Sleep Powder Stun Spore
55% (Gravity + Wide Lens) Grass Whistle
95% (Wide Lens) Electroweb Supercell Slam Thunder Fang
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Charge Beam Thunder Cage Thunder Wave Bolt Strike
80% (Compound Eyes) Wildbolt Storm
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Thunder (Rain also works)
50% (Gravity + Zoom Lens) Zap Cannon
95% (Wide Lens) Glitzy Glow
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Mystical Power Psycho Boost Psyshield Bash
Zen Headbutt
80% (Compound Eyes) Kinesis
60% (Gravity) Hypnosis
95% (Wide Lens) Glaciate Ice Fang Icy Wind
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Freeze Shock Freezy Frost Frost Breath Ice Ball Ice Burn Ice Hammer Icicle Crash Triple Axel Mountain Gale
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Blizzard (Hail/Snow also works)
30% (Do Not Use) Sheer Cold
95% (Wide Lens) Spacial Rend
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Draco Meteor Dragon Tail Dual Chop Eternabeam Roar of Time Scale Shot
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Dragon Rush
95% (Wide Lens) Baddy Bad Night Daze Snarl
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Ceaseless Edge Ruination
50% (Gravity + Zoom Lens) Dark Void
95% (Wide Lens) Strange Steam
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Fleur Cannon Light of Ruin Nature's Madness Play Rough Sparkly Swirl
80% (Compound Eyes) Springtide Storm
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Sweet Kiss
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spooky-draws-stuff · 1 year
Chapter 3 (Ego cannon rewrite)
In this chapter Jackie and Anti fight each other.
Thunder echoed in the distance, as drops of water began to slow down. It seemed like the storm from earlier was finally passing, as the night began to quiet down.
Jackie leaned against a brick wall, his breathing was shallow. How long had he been wandering around outside? He couldn’t remember. He was uncertain of how much longer he could keep running. He pulled out a can of soda, and opened it. Jackie drank the soda as quickly as possible. Everything was going well, until his phone started to ring. At first he didn’t want to answer it.
But he was so far from home, and yet he still couldn’t find Anti like he promised to Marvin and Robbie. But what if it was important? The phone continued to make noise from the pocket inside his hoodie. He placed the phone next to his ear. “Who is this?” Jackie demanded to the mysterious caller.
“First mistake. You decided to answer this. Second mistake, you're all alone. So What do you think you should start doing, Jackie?” The voice was a rather mocking tone. “I’m not scared of you. Reveal yourself to me.” Jackie snarled. “Behind you.” Jackie ignored this message and put his phone back into his pocket.
Before he could react he felt Henrik grab his shoulders and slam him into the wall. Jackie struggled to breathe but was able to kick Henrik away from him. He turned around and used his speed to keep running.
“Wrong move.” Anti laughed as he glitched in front of Jackie, hovering above the ground. He held a chef’s knife in his right hand, his green eyes lighting up in the darkness. Jackie changed the way he was standing and placed his fists in front of himself. Anti rolled his eyes in annoyance. Jackie charged towards Anti and threw as many punches as he could. Anti was surprised, as some of his own teeth landed in his hand. Anti tossed his now lost teeth onto the ground. There was a strange clicking sound as Anti’s bones began to regenerate, with all his teeth growing back at once.
“Anti, shouldn’t you use the strings on him?” Henrik shook in fear, the red strings glowing around his neck. He was waiting for orders. “Shut up puppet. I’m the one who gives orders, not you.” Anti spoke calmly, shoving Henrik to the side. Henrik whimpered as he stumbled over his own feet, falling down on the ground in a clumsy manner.
Anti’s eyes blacked out in fury. His screams became distorted as he glitched behind Jackie and slashed his knife across his back, before stabbing him in the shoulder. Jackie became stunned for a few seconds. The blur that was Anti had punched him somewhere.
Jackie gripped his arm tightly as the blood began to spill from his open wounds. Jackie yelled in rage. “WHERE IS CHASE! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?” Jackie’s body shook as he was filled with fear at the sight of his own blood. He had never had injuries this severe before. He could feel something wrong with his lower ribs.
Anti admired the fresh crimson liquid on the blade of the knife he was holding. He glitched intensely, giving the illusion that he was moving fast. “Chase doesn’t need you anymore.” Anti remarked coldly, before moving closer to Jackie. Anti attempted to punch Jackie in the stomach, but Jackie dodged. Jackie was able to kick Anti in the leg, but It didn’t do anything.
Anti grabbed Jackie by the neck and lifted his body above the ground. “What's wrong, hero? Can’t move?” Anti giggled maliciously. Jackie struggled to breathe, his limbs flailing with anger at Anti failing to hit him. “TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO HIM NOW!” Jackie’s screams were muffled.
Anti slammed Jackie into the ground, the impact leaving behind a roaring thud and a sickening cracking noise. Jackie moved sluggishly, gripping his ribs tightly. He wiped the blood away from his forehead, and red droplets splashed onto the ground.
Jackie’s blue eyes were filled with intensity and determination. Jackie ran again to Anti, kicking him and punching as many times as he could, with all his remaining strength. Anti was able to dodge these attacks a few times, but not all of them. Anti’s eyes were still blacked out and he stared at Jackie, the darkness from his eyes filling Jackie with a sense of lingering dread.
His hair was a mess, and he was bleeding a little. “I can’t believe you’re this stupid. That you thought you could win. But you were wrong.” Anti looked down at his bruised arms and he could feel his cells regenerating. He touched his fangs, making sure they were in better condition than before. He picked up his knife and tilted his head to the side, gazing at Jackie with a malignant grin. “You’re nothing but my worthless puppet now.” Anti screeched in outrage for Jackie’s actions.
Bright bolts of electricity crackled in his hands and shot out at Jackie. Jackie rolled on the ground in pain. “You’ve done enough!” Henrik sobbed as he ran to Jackie and scooped him up in his arms. He could feel the strings scorching his throat.
“Puppet! Get away from jackie!” Anti grabbed Henrik's arm aggressively, his claws sinking into his flesh leaving behind small claw marks. “Jackie is not your friend anymore! We’ve talked about this! None of the other egos care about you! Aren’t you tired of being used? Stop trying to help him!“ Anti shouted, his voice layered in a static hiss.
Anti growled before dropping Henrik. Jackie’s eyes started to close as he lost consciousness from the blood loss. Henrik stood back up against Anti’s requests and began to bandage Jackie. Anti placed his hands over Jackie’s shoulder and red strings started to form in his hands.
Anti tied the strings into a cute bow around Jackie’s neck. “I can get him more blood by tomorrow.” Hernik smiled at Anti. “Excellent.” Anti hissed. “Now, I just need a few more puppets to receive. I will have them all. I must have them all.” Anti’s tone was confident and smooth. It distorted itself with happiness.
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madmarchhare · 2 years
New Book: I'm writing something that will either be a novel or novella, so here is the first chapter!
Name is WIP but at the moment it's called 'Changes a Man' I would REALLY welcome suggestions. Hope you all like it, I may or may not release some of the other chapters on here as well.
I had never really liked the idea of war. It was one of those things that you heard good things about from everyone bar those who had actually experienced it. But, a friend of mine thoroughly rejected that opinion, calling out how he would join the army as soon as he was fit to. I humoured him, as friends often do, knowing it was not an argument I could win with him. But, then he told me of the wages.
I think myself of a good and decent man, but I do not have the spending of one.
I didn’t quite yet know what I wanted to do with myself at the time, so, I thought I should serve my term as a soldier. Earn my pay, then move onto something else when I had made up my mind. I had always had a talent for mathematics and geography, I had learned to read maps from my father, so they made me an artillerist. I expected that I would spend my tour marching about the country from training exercise to training exercise, the odd celebration calling for our services. Maybe an orchestra.
Then we were at war. My country had been at war before of course, rampaging across the continent carrying the banner of republicanism, the head of our late Queen spiked at it’s top. At the end of it all, and a number of revolutionary convulsions that wracked the country like bloody fits, there was peace. Peace was what my grandfather died in, what my father lived through and all I had known, bar for some conflict in the peripheries of the world you only heard about on an idle whisper. I was not prepared for it, I doubted our Assemblies and generals were either, despite their posturing.
Where that now leaves me is stood amidst a flock of fifty artillery pieces near a large forest, my fingers stuffed into my ears in a fruitless attempt to shut out the thunderous cannon fire. You’ll never hear anything lounder than artillery. No sound made by man or by nature could overshadow it. Not even the cacophonous rolling of thunder could match the roar of those steel beasts, as I had witnessed during one particularly horrible day. Which was likely why we could not have heard them sooner.
Suddenly I heard a taught snap below the thundering of the artillery. I turned around to look at the sound, concerned that one of the tents had fallen over from the blasts. I saw instead a squad of enemy infantry, dressed in their dark green, red sashes pulled in a cross over their chests. Their faces were grizzled, many unshaven or bloody, maddened looks of fury pulled over them-the looks of someone who had finally laid their hands upon a hated enemy. It was quite clear who that enemy was.
One charged straight at me, his sword drawn as I reached for my revolver calling out, “Enemy attack!” He swung the sword down and I raised my left arm up to block it, feeling the steel cut deep into it, gritting my teeth. I wrestled with him for a moment as he forced me down, pressing down on me with his sword making me seize my jaws shut from pain. I fumbled about my holster, searching for the grip of my revolver, tugging at the latch to try and open it, likely not doing anything.
Then, I suddenly felt his sword slip past the final shaft of bone just as I found the grip of my revolver. I snatched it from it’s place, cocking its’ hammer in the same movement and gestured it at the man, not bothering to aim. I fired just as his sword slashed through the last sliver of my arm, severing it as its’ tip cut down the front of my chest just as his head flung backward from my bullet that punched into it. I screamed through my clenched teeth, dropping my revolver to the ground to clutch at what was left of my severed arm. I snapped around to look at my comrades and saw them being gunned down or simply flinging up their arms in surrender. Many of them far to late to be noticed.
I spun on my heel and ran, jumping over the lump of a corpse I had left for the crows. I ran to the forest, the opposite side to where the other soldiers had crept up upon us from. I heard shouts being flung after me, along with shots thrown ahead of me, skipping up clumps of earth or pinging off dumped shell casings. I ran past the trees, running as fast as I could, slipping and stumbling as my boots found every patch of wet moss or wire thick clump of brambles they could. I ran for longer than I had ever in my life, the taste of copper smothering my tongue as I tried to gulp down as many breaths as I could.
How many more did I have left?
Then, after a while I noticed that the only sound I was left with was the pounding of my own feet. I slowed down, darting my head over my shoulder to look for where my pursuers had gone. I hoped I had lost them, and stopped. Then suddenly every thing that I had pushed to the back of my mind in my panic caught me, leaping upon me like a fox hound. The pain in my arm and from my chest burned through me, I threw up from the pain, coughing as I gasped for air, only aggravating my slashed chest. My legs stung from the use, as did my feet, threatening to fall out from under me.
I wanted a rest, I wanted to lay down. I just needed a breather. Just a minute then I would be fine.
“No. No, I can’t stop now,” I wheezed out to myself, clutching at my arm to try and stem the bleeding, “if I stop now I’ll be dead. If they cant find me, then no one else will either.”
I just needed to find some help, then I would be fine. I assured myself, hobbling forward still, my vision slowly blurring, twisting the forest before me. I just needed a doctor, someone who could help. I closed my eyes for a second, forcing them open again quickly so they it wouldn’t be the last time. Then before me was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Tall and thin, with a timeless figure, her face was warm with smiling lips and welcoming eyes all under a bloom of golden locks that hung to her shoulders.
She wore a long white dress that seemed to flutter from some wind my tired body could not feel. She extended her arm and laid and open palm to me, beckoning me. I looked up at her with blurry eyes, a smile falling across my face from relief as I placed my remaining hand into hers. She closed her hand on it tightly, but no so much that it was a discomfort, then pulled me after her.
The ground seemed so much smoother. No odd stones or roots to threaten to send my face to meet with them. No hanging nooses of brambles or young branches waiting to whip me as I was pulled along. I felt at peace, far more than I had felt at any point in my adult life, let alone during this bastard of a war.
As she pulled me along, I noticed how heavy my eyelids suddenly felt, like a pair of battleships anchored over my watery eyes. It was hard to keep them afloat, I looked ahead at the heavenly figure of the woman as they slowly sank down over my darkening vision.
Then, suddenly, they felt as light as air, letting me snap them open. When I did, I noticed that, quite oddly, everything had suddenly either doubled or trebled in height. I looked around at the small clearing that the woman had brought me into. The next thing I noticed that the pain in my arm was gone. I turned to look over to it and confirmed that there was in fact an arm again. It wasn’t my arm however. I felt panic race through my mind, turning to look at the hand that was still in the grip of the taller woman.
She was still taller, but now, her arm was hung down like when a mother held a child’s hand. The hand she specifically held was furry, with claws, fur reaching partway down the arm before ending like a glove. It was fantastical, like something one would read from a children’s book or would hear whispering about when the washing was hung.
And it was attached firmly to me, as was the arm I had only just lost in the same pattern. I snatched my hand from her grip, panic gripping me even tighter as the strange appendage followed my order, confirming it was my own. I clutched at it with my other arm, staring at it, my mouth gripped in a grimace, breathing hard as I panicked.
I snapped my gaze up to look at the woman, quickly channelling all of my panic into aimless fury, “What did you do to me?!” I screamed out at her, the voice that left my mouth of a far higher pitch than my own, not helping matters. She looked down, down!, at me with an expression somewhere between plain and mirthful.
“I saved your life.” She replied back softly, the tenor of her voice dewy with a sort of false kindness that made you feel as if you had been made a fool of.
“What, by changing my arms into dog legs?” I snapped back, trying to put as much vitriol into my gaze as I could. But she simply gave a chuckle in response.
“That’s not all I changed,” she responded an evil smirk falling over her lips, one that made the blood drain from my face. I flicked my gaze back down over myself. The first thing I noticed that everything hadn’t suddenly gotten much larger. I had simply gotten much smaller. I was left at three feet of height, maybe a little more, my uniform replaced by a vaguely similar short sleeved jacket, along with a pair of knee high shorts.
The legs that protruded from the shorts however far more resembled the hindlegs of a large lion or beast than anything that should belong to a man. They were long, finishing in a pair of small paws clad in pale blonde fur that was practically white. And they most definitely were a part of me, I could feel the paw pads, my paws, touching the grass beneath me.
Fear raced even faster through my mind, flooding every section of it, almost drowning my common sense as it suffocated my thoughts. I threw my hands up to my face, feeling it for any difference, and there was. It was far rounder and softer than it had been, like a child’s face, a mouth full of sharp teeth, and a nose that ended like a dogs on my face. I flung them onto the top of my head, finding my trimmed black hair had been replaced by a mess of bone blonde hair, the same colour as th-my fur. A far nastier surprise there was the discovery of two pairs of ears, giving me four in total, all fluffy and long like rabbits ears completely covered by fur, sticking out from the side of my head in a v pattern. I could feel them moving with from my panic, which did not help. The final act of cruelty the universe reminded me of was the feeling of something swishing about from my backside, making me turn around to see a long, thin tail that exceeded my height in length with a crest of fluff at the ends, all covered in fur.
It was hard to breathe, I felt like a tree had fallen across my chest, that or my lungs had fallen out of my chest through the slash I had been given and I was in hell. I snapped my gaze up to look at the woman, breathing hard, only just holding back tears as I stared up at her with fury burning behind my eyes, which felt distinctly larger than they had before. She looked down at me with a scoffing expression, seeming to be enjoying herself, a hand held beneath her chin as she chuckled.
“Change me back, change me back dammit!” I roared out, lunging forward on one of my new legs, stumbling as I did, only just managing to remain standing. She just laughed in response, a shrill, shattering laugh, like a Baroness watching a comedy, some trifle thing to amuse her.
“Why would I ever do that? You came into my forest, you took my hand and gave me your blood,” she replied as she walked closer, leaning down to me, her sultry voice now sending a shiver down my spine, “you were mine to play with. It serves you right for firing all those horrible little guns of yours next to me.” She finished, her voice cold, cupping the bottom of my face in one hand as I tried to recoil in fear but was left paralyzed.
She let her hand fall away after a moment and turned, beginning to walk away. I scrambled forward, stumbling and falling to my knees, flinging out an arm towards her, “please! Don’t do this to me! I don’t care if you leave me one armed, one legged, one eyed or mute but just don’t leave me like this! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you, I was just following orders, please!” I cried out, crawling after her, panic shaking my voice as it echoed around the small clearing.
She turned around to me with an evil little smile, “No, I find this far more interesting, oh what’s the word for it, schadenfreude.” She waved her fingers at me, then placed one foot into the air as she seemed to twist into it then rush invisible out into the forest accompanied by singing laugher on the wind and the rustle of the trees. I stared out where she had vanished, feeling hot tears fall from my eyes as every emotion from despair and disbelief to fury and hatred slammed against my mind in a great flood.
I wasn’t given a moment to grieve either. Suddenly the echoing yells of soldiers ran into my ears, making me snap my head around to where I had heard them. The foreign words and calls charged out from the trees and I knew that soon their creators would come chasing after them. I scrambled to my feet and ran forward, stumbling and tripping like a new born dear, grabbing at trees and branches to keep myself upright as I darted away through the twists and hollows of that wood accompanied by the shouts of my pursuers and the howls of beasts in the forest, tears drying on my face as soon as they left my large eyes.
I wondered whether surrendering my life would have been wiser than loosing my humanity. But, I did not stop running.
Any questions on character design or otherwise are welcome either on here or just on the ask bit.
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stachehand · 2 years
If some Generation 1 Pokémon had signature moves
Just a side project I randomly decided to start up. This will be Part 1 of me giving my ideas for changes I'd make to this long-running franchise's many fantastical creatures, if only I had the power and position at Game Freak to do the deed. Let's roll.
Spread Sunbeam:
80 Power
100 accuracy
Grass Type
30% chance of lowering the target's accuracy
15 PP
Hits all foes and allies
Note: Based on Venusaur's tendency to heavily absorb energy from sunlight.
Melting Torch:
80 Power
100 accuracy
Fire Type
Super-Effective against Rock Types
15 PP
Hits single foe or ally
Note: Based on information that states Charizard's fire breath has boulder-melting heat.
Pump Bullseye:
80 Power
100 accuracy
Water Type
Breaks Defensive "Screen" moves, i.e. Reflect and Light Screen
15 PP
Hits single foe or ally
Note: Based on information about Blastoise's water cannons having the potency to punch right through steel.
Pikachu & Raichu:
Blackout Blow:
140 Power
90 accuracy
Electric Type
Sharply lowers the user's Special Attack
5 PP
Hits single foe or ally
Note: Based on Ash's Pikachu's overpowered nature with Electric Type attacks.
Road Burn:
110 Power
100 accuracy
Fire Type
Raises the user's Speed
10 PP
Hits single foe or ally
Note: Based on the reported beauty of Arcanine's running.
Air Destroyer:
100 Power
95 accuracy
Flying Type
Raises Attack with rage upon taking damage after use
5 PP
Hits all foes and allies
Note: Based on Gyarados' infamy for rampaging and destruction.
Freezing Glow:
0 Power
0 accuracy
Ice Type
Heals 1/2 of the user's HP; heals 2/3 of the user's HP and status conditions in a Snowstorm
5 PP
Affects user and allies
Note: Based on Articuno's virtuous nature among mountain climbers.
Thunderous Wing:
100 Power
75 accuracy
Electric Type
Induces the lightly damaging Wrap effect for four to five turns
5 PP
Hits single foe or ally
Note: Based on Zapdos' appearances bringing about thunderstorms.
Fiery Descent:
110 Power
85 accuracy
Fire Type
Semi-invulnerable turn; 30% chance of inducing the Burn status on the target
5 PP
Hits single foe or ally
Note: Based on the fiery glow that comes with Moltres flapping it's wings.
Genesis Bang:
85 Power
100 accuracy
Psychic Type
20% chance of raising the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed
5 PP
Hits single foe or ally
Note: Based on the belief of Mew's possible ancestral connection to all Pokémon, and a reference to it's Z-Move, Genesis Supernova.
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newstfionline · 11 months
Monday, November 6, 2023
A Snapshot of Support for Palestinians Across America (NYT) Bearing flags and united in fury, tens of thousands of demonstrators crowded the streets of American cities on Saturday to denounce the scope and scale of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza in response to last month’s terrorist assault by Hamas. The day’s protests, within sight of the seats of American power in Washington but also in places like New York, Nashville, Cincinnati, Las Vegas and even Orono, Maine, extended and amplified demands for a cease-fire and an end to the siege in Gaza. The demonstrations came a week after vast protests in Asian and European capitals, and a day after the Israeli government appeared to rebuff the United States’ call for “humanitarian pauses” in the bombardment. But Saturday’s demonstrators demanded far more than that, their chants in Washington thundering along Pennsylvania Avenue, their protest signs filled with messages like “Mourn the dead, fight like hell for the living” and “Let Gaza live!” Beyond a swift end to the siege that is exacting a swelling human toll, they also sought a shutdown of American aid to Israel. The protests in the capital and elsewhere unfolded as public opinion surveys show support for Israel in its military campaign against Hamas, but rising concern for Palestinian civilians. Roughly 1,400 Israelis were killed in the attack by Hamas, and more than 9,000 Gazans have been killed in Israel’s bombing campaign.
A Secret War and Strange New Wounds (NYT) When Javier Ortiz came home from a secret mission in Syria, the ghost of a dead girl appeared to him in his kitchen, glaring at him. The 21-year-old Marine was part of an artillery gun crew that fought against the Islamic State, and he knew that his unit’s huge cannons had killed hundreds of enemy fighters. The ghost, he was sure, was their revenge. All through his unit—Alpha Battery, 1st Battalion, 11th Marines—troops came home feeling cursed. And the same thing was happening in other Marine and Army artillery units. An investigation by The New York Times found that many of the troops sent to bombard the Islamic State in 2016 and 2017 returned to the United States plagued by nightmares, panic attacks, depression and, in a few cases, hallucinations. A striking number eventually died by suicide, or tried to. The only thing remarkable about their deployments was the sheer number of artillery rounds they had fired.       The United States had made a strategic decision to avoid sending large numbers of ground troops to fight the Islamic State, and instead relied on airstrikes and a handful of powerful artillery batteries to, as one retired general said at the time, “pound the bejesus out of them.” The strategy worked: Islamic State positions were all but eradicated, and hardly any American troops were killed. But it meant that a small number of troops had to fire tens of thousands of high-explosive shells—far more rounds per crew member, experts say, than any American artillery battery had fired at least since the Vietnam War. The cannon blasts were strong enough to hurl a 100-pound round 15 miles, and each unleashed a shock wave that shot through the crew members’ bodies, vibrating bone, punching lungs and hearts, and whipping at cruise-missile speeds through the most delicate organ of all, the brain.
Right turn on red? With pedestrian deaths rising, US cities are considering bans (AP) Sophee Langerman was on her way to a bicycle safety rally in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood in June when a car turning right rolled through a red light and slammed into her bike, which she was walking off the curb and into the crosswalk. The car was moving slowly enough that Langerman escaped serious injury, but the bicycle required extensive repairs. To Langerman, it’s another argument for ending a practice that almost all U.S. cities have embraced for decades: the legal prerogative for a driver to turn right after stopping at a red light. A dramatic rise in accidents killing or injuring pedestrians and bicyclists has led to a myriad of policy and infrastructure changes.
South America’s Lake Titicaca nears record low water level as El Nino bites (Reuters) The water level at Lake Titicaca on the Peru-Bolivia border is edging towards a record low, exacerbated by the weather phenomenon known as El Nino that is expected to get still more intense in coming months. The waters of the sprawling freshwater lake nestled in the Andes mountains have fallen an average 4 inches (10 cm) per month since April, said Milagros Quispe, an engineer with Peru’s national meteorology and hydrology service Senamhi. Over the past seven months, the lake’s water level has fallen 29 inches (74 cm), according to Senamhi data.
French Nuns and Climate Activists Square Off (NYT) When climate activists protesting the building of a large church complex in a natural park in the South of France scaled the construction site, the nuns gave chase. One sister grabbed an environmentalist climbing an excavator, but lost her grip and fell rolling into a pit. Sister Benoîte raced and tackled a running activist—and pushed him inside a ditch. “They lost,” said Sister Gaetane, who had also grabbed a protester. “We tried not to cause any injuries.” The clashes in October were a significant escalation of a longstanding hostility between environmental activists and the Missionary Family of Our Lady, a Roman Catholic order that wants to build a majestic new religious center in a verdant valley of the pristine Ardèche mountains. The order, part of a Catholic community of about 150 people, has planned to build the new site for more than seven years to welcome what it says are a growing number of pilgrims who visit the village to worship. Their opponents, said Brother Clement-Marie, a member of the order, use “ecology as an excuse” because they are fundamentally “anti-Catholic.”
Ukrainian troops battle exhaustion as war drags into second winter (Reuters) Istoryk, a 26-year-old soldier in eastern Ukraine, finally managed to fall asleep one morning, exhausted from the relentless battles against Russian forces in the pinewood forests near Kreminna. His rest was cut short just an hour later when a fresh firefight broke out, forcing the senior combat medic back into action in a fierce and lengthy exchange. “We had a firefight for over 20 hours,” said Istoryk, identified by his military call sign. His description of recent clashes, and the fatigue that he and his unit are experiencing, underscore the huge strain that the war, now in its 21st month, is putting on Ukraine’s limited resources and on its troops. The soldiers also know that Russia has a far bigger army and more weapons and ammunition, raising the uncomfortable question of how Ukraine can ever repel the invaders once and for all in Europe’s bloodiest conflict since World War Two. Zakhid, a 26-year-old officer, said the next phase of the war would be tough. “We’re exhausted, they’re exhausted. But there are more of them, and they have more equipment.”
Warplanes strike Gaza refugee camp as Israel rejects US push for a pause in fighting (AP) Israeli warplanes struck a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip early Sunday, killing at least 38 people and wounding dozens, health officials said. The strike came as Israel said it would press on with its offensive to crush the territory’s Hamas rulers, despite U.S. appeals for a pause to get aid to desperate civilians. Israel said that Hamas was “encountering the full force” of its troops. Arafat Abu Mashaia, who lives in the camp that was bombed, said the Israeli airstrike flattened several multi-story homes where people forced out of other parts of Gaza were sheltering. “It was a true massacre,” he said early Sunday while standing on the wreckage of destroyed homes. “All here are peaceful people. I challenge anyone who says there were resistance (fighters) here.”
Christian children in Gaza ask children in the world to pray for peace (Vatican News) As 7,000 children from the five continents prepare to meet Pope Francis for the "Learning from Children” event on November 6, their peers in the Holy Family Catholic Parish in besieged Gaza ask them to pray for peace, and in particular for children living under the war in the Holy Land. As of 3 November, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health 2,326 women and 3,760 children have been killed in the Gaza Strip, representing 67 per cent of all casualties, while thousands more have been injured. This means that 420 children are killed or injured every day, some of them only a few months old.
Blinken meets Abbas in the West Bank (Politico/AP) In Ramallah, Blinken stressed that “the U.S. envisions the Palestinian Authority as ‘playing a central role’ in any post-Hamas administration in Gaza,” reports AP’s Matthew Lee. “But Abbas said the Palestinian Authority would only assume power in Gaza as part of a ‘comprehensive political solution’ to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to the Palestinians’ official WAFA news agency. Abbas condemned Israel’s bombardment of Gaza as a ‘genocidal war’ and urged Blinken ‘to immediately stop them from committing such crimes,’ the agency reported.”
The Walking School Bus (NPR) When Aaron Friedland was entering a master's program in economics at the University of British Columbia about a decade ago, he decided to research how the distance to school impacts attendance rates. So he spent two months living in a rural community in Uganda, regularly trekking with a group of kids who walked five miles each day round trip for their education. He still remembers that first morning, taking a boda boda motorcycle taxi at 6:30 a.m. past fields of maize to meet them at a fork in the iron-rich red road. "Jacob was the first to arrive. He was 12 and the pack leader," Friedland says. Several other kids in backpacks appeared and they started their walk—with Friedland wearing sturdy boots and all the students in sandals made from recycled car tires. "Jacob scurries off, hops over a barbed wire fence and runs into a corn field to a large mango tree. I see mangoes dropping, and then he comes back with a large grin and passes everyone a mango." Kids with this grueling commute need extra food so they don't arrive at school hungry and not in the best condition to learn. The experience resulted in a lot more than that planned research paper. ("The longer the distance, the more likely you are to miss school," Friedland confirms.) He founded a nonprofit he called The Walking School Bus, dedicated to improving access to education.
Look, Up in the Sky! It’s a Can of Soup! (NYT) Exactly a decade ago, Amazon revealed a program that aimed to revolutionize shopping and shipping. Drones launched from a central hub would waft through the skies delivering just about everything anyone could need. They would be fast, innovative, ubiquitous—all the Amazon hallmarks. The buzzy announcement, made by Jeff Bezos on “60 Minutes,” drew global attention. Years later, drone delivery is a reality—kind of—on the outskirts of College Station, Texas, northwest of Houston. Yet the venture as it currently exists is so underwhelming that Amazon can keep the drones in the air only by giving stuff away. Years of toil by top scientists and aviation specialists have yielded a program that flies Listerine Cool Mint Breath Strips or a can of Campbell’s Chunky Minestrone With Italian Sausage—but not both at once—to customers as gifts. “Having ideas is easy,” said Rodney Brooks, a robotics entrepreneur and frequent critic of technology companies’ hype. “Turning them into reality is hard. Turning them into being deployed at scale is even harder.”
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jungletac · 2 years
Cheat codes for NES Pokemon Yellow (NJ046 - Pocket Monsters - Yellow (C))
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I found a few random cheat codes for the NES Chinese Pokémon Yellow (specifically the English patch).  Why?  idk bored lol.  These cheats were found in FCEUX but I’m sure could be used in any emulator where you can edit the value of an address in RAM. 
First are the move modifiers.  They seem to work different than official Pokémon games, rather than it being what slot in your party the Pokémon is in, it seems to be in the order that you caught the Pokémon (maybe)?? you may need to play with these codes to figure out which address applies to which Pokémon.
------------------------------------------------- Move modifiers ------------------------------------------------- First move slots addresses 6063:xx 6064:xx 6065:xx 6066:xx 6067:xx 6068:xx
Second move slots addresses 6069:xx 606a:xx 606b:xx 606c:xx 606d:xx 606e:xx
Third move slots addresses 606f:xx 6070:xx 6071:xx 6072:xx 6073:xx 6074:xx
Fourth move slots addresses 6075:xx 6076:xx 6077:xx 6078:xx 6079:xx 607a:xx
Move values-
00: ember 01: flame wheel 02: fire punch 03: flame thrower 04: sacred fire 05: fire blast 06: erupt 07: wisp 08: bubble 09: water gun 0a: water pulse 0b: bubble beam 0c: octazooka 0d: crab hammer 0e: surf 0f: hydro pump 10: water sport 11: clamp 12: withdraw 13: thundershock 14: shock wave 15: spark 16: thunderpunch 17: thunderbolt 18: zap cannon 19: volt tackle 1a: thunder 1b: thunder wave 1c: avsorb [sic] 1d: mega drain 1e: magic leaf 1f: vine whip 20: razor leaf 21: needle arm 22: seed bomb 23: solar beam 24: frenzy plant 25: grass whistle 26: sleeping powder 27: spore 28: stun spore 29: powder snow 2a: icy wind 2b: arctic breeze 2c: ice punch 2d: ice beam 2e: blizzard 2f: sheer cold 30: mud slap 31: mud shot 32: dig 33: bone club 34: earth quake 35: bonemerang 36: fissure 37: sand attack 38: rock throw 39: rock tomb 3a: ancient power 3b: rock slide 3c: leech life 3d: twin needle 3e: silver wind 3f: signal beam 40: mega horn 41: tail grow 42: string shot 43: poison sting 44: smog 45: acid 46: poison tail 47: poison fang 48: sludge 49: sludge bomb 4a: poison gas 4b: poison powder 4c: toxic 4d: low kick 4e: rock smash 4f: karate chop 50: double kick 51: revenge 52: rolling kick 53: vital throw 54: seismic toss 55: brick break 56: sky uppercut 57: cross chop 58: dynamic punch 59: power-up punch 5a: focus punch 5b: peck 5c: gust 5d: air cutter 5e: wing attack 5f: aerial ace 60: fly 61: drill peck 62: bounce 63: aeroblast 64: sky attack 65: confusion 66: psybeam 67: mist ball 68: psyshock 69: zen headbutt 6a: psychic 6b: dream eater 6c: psy boost 6d: hypnosis 6e: rest 6f: teleport 70: calm mind 71: agility 72: lick 73: astonish 74: shadow punch 75: shadow ball 76: shadow claw 77: confuse ray 78: twister 79: dragon rage 7a: dragonbreath 7b: dragon claw 7c: dragon pulse 7d: dragon dance 7e: knock off 7f: faint attack 80: bite 81: crunch 82: metal claw 83: steel wing 84: iron tail 85: meteor mash 86: iron defense 87: splash 88: rapid spin 89: tackle 8a: scratch 8b: pound 8c: quick attack 8d: pay day 8e: fake out 8f: cut 90: swift 91: stomp 92: crush claw 93: hidden power 94: hyper fang 95: razor wind 96: double edge 97: hyper beam 98: self destruct 99: explode 9a: guillotine 9b: horn drill 9c: sing 9d: love kiss 9e: supersonic 9f: sword dance a0: growl a1: bulk-up a2: defense curl a3: harden a4: tail whip a5: charm a6: smoke screen a7: flash a8: double team a9: recover aa: encore ab: roar ac: whirlwind ad: ???????? (is supposed to be transform but doesnt work, even when ditto uses it) ae: counter af: strength b0: ----- (fire type, has 100 pp, 100 power, and 0 accuracy b1: crashes the game if you try to look at move or use it b2: crashes the game if you try to look at move or use it b3: crashes the game if you try to look at move or use it b4: ieved Mew! (fire type, 125 power 0 accuracy) b5: EaSa0quFi (water type, 238 power, 2 accuracy) b6: glitches graphics, very entertaining. power eAA accuracy e (never seems to hit) b7: similar to above but different graphics, i got it to hit at least once but it usually doesnt hit b8: nameless 0 power 0 accuracy 0 pp move, Did not evolve! type. b9: 145 pp move, glitches out if trying to view stats. glitches out graphics, always misses ba: crashes the game bb: needs tobe stopped. - 87 power 32 accuracy 0 pp type: KeyItm (crashes game sometimes) bc: Pickachu isbetter than yours! - 51 power 5 accuracy type: ash! bd: amine. - power 16 accuracy 0 type: Did not evolve!. glitches battle graphics be: MesHotl - power 55 accuracy 7 ghost type bf: ArSiBrBe - glitches graphics, never hits c0: nameless 16 power 0 accuracy 64 pp move c1: saffron city - 65 power 8 accuracy 114 pp ghost type. crashes game if it hits c2: crashes game c3: rcanine - 49 power 8 accuracy 68 pp c4: tarmie - 118 power 20 accuracy 48 pp , crashes game if it hits c5: as data viaPC! power 39 accuracy 6 type: Yes No c6: crashes game c7: crashes game c8: crashes game c9: crashes game ca: crashes game cb: crashes game cc: crashes game cd: crashes game ce: crashes game cf: to the next trainerGood luck! - 16 power 1 accuracy 32 pp type: e   u d0: ourin succession - 51 power 6 accuracy 99 pp type: Ciis Iss - crashes game d1: rin succession. - 8 power 0 acc 33 pp type: Did not evolve! d2: crashes game d3: crashes game d4: garbled glitch move - doesnt do very much damage when it hits (rarely) d5: nameless move - 36 power 4 acc 32 pp type: Regained HP! d6: ladon Aty - 32 power 2 acc 113 pp type: e  u d7: crashes game d8: om Parasect - 67 power 18 acc 80 pp type: Ciis Iss d9: danger - 39 power 4 acc 48 pp type: How     Many? da: it - 89 power 39 acc 40 pp Type: Did not evolve! db: to the next trainerGood luck! - power 51 acc 1 pp 64 Type: How    Many? dc: succession. - 33 power 16 acc Type: Ash! Your legend is about to unfold! - really messes up battle graphics but works as intended dd: ccession. - 20 power 4 acc 64 pp de: crashes game df: garbled move name - 87 power 32 acc type: u - could not get this move to hit once even though it has way more acc than some of these other moves e1: rmilion Ity - freezes if it hits e2: K ilion - 71 power 8 acc 96 pp type: Hello! Welcome to the world of Pokemon! e3: crashes game e4: crashes game e5: crashes game e6: to the next trainerGood luck! - 67 power 0 acc 2 pp Type: Ash! Your very own legend is about to e7: sion. - crashes game if move details are viewed or if it is used in battle e8: on. - 51 power 7 acc 16 pp Type: Ash! Your very own legend is about to e9: crashes game ea: crashes game eb: ArSiBrBe - gliched stats, always misses ec: On - 20 power 1 acc 64 pp ed: Q - 65 pw 17 acc 0 pp Type: Send - stable move, appears to be psychic type as poison and fighting types are weak to it ee: crashes game ef: crashes game f0: crashes game f1: crashes game f2: crashes game f3: crashes game f4: crashes game f5: crashes game f6: -ar - 71 power 9 acc 4 pp - always freezes opponent if it hits f7: are you good enou g h   f o r m e ? - o power u acc type: Ciis Is Appears to be a new type of move because it is not very effective against normal, ground, poison, fighting, bug, water f8: Are you good enough - glitched stats. does decent damage but rarely hits, puts pokemon to sleep sometimes, crits a lot f9: Are you good enough - very glitched stats screen. crashes game if you look at stats or use it in battle fa: crashes game fb: to sleep, then eats their dreams - 51 power 6 acc 67 pp type: defense fc: ink from its mouth - 33 power 5 acc 86 pp type: defense fd: 0'F - 20 power 1 acc 116 pp fe: crashes game ff: empty move slot --------------------------------------------------------------------- Item addresses.   --------------------------------------------------------------------
Pokeballs 60d0:ff - pokeballs 60d1:ff - great balls 60d2:ff - ultra balls 60d3:ff - master balls
Main pocket items 60d4:ff - potions 60d5:ff - super potions 60d6:ff - hyper potions 60d7:ff - max potions 60d8:ff - antidote 60d9:ff - paralyze heal 60da:ff - sleep heal 60db:ff - ice heal 60dc:ff - burn heal 60dd:ff - full heal 60de:ff - revive 60df:ff - ether 60e0:ff - max ether 60e1:ff - rare candy 60e2:ff - fire stone 60e3:ff - water stone 60e4:ff - thunder stone 60e5:ff - leaf stone 60e6:ff - moon stone
Key Items 60e7:ff - parcel 60e8:ff - pokedex 60e9:ff - map 60ea:ff - helix fossil 60eb:ff - dome fossil 60ec:ff - s.s. ticket 60ed:ff - lemonade 60ee:ff - silph scope 60ef:ff - pokeflute 60f0:ff - gold teeth 60f1:ff - secret key
HMs 60f2:ff - cut 60f3:ff - fly 60f4:ff - surf 60f5:ff - strength 60f6:ff - flash
TMs 60f7:ff - TM01 - focus punch 60f8:ff - TM02 - dragon claw 60f9:ff - TM03 - water pulse 60fa:ff - TM04 - calm mind 60fb:ff - TM05 - roar 60fc:ff - TM06 - toxic 60fd:ff - TM07 - hidden power 60fe:ff - TM08 - bulk up 60ff:ff - TM09 - fake out 6100:ff - TM10 - bite 6101:ff - TM11 - bubblebeam 6102:ff - TM12 - steel wing 6103:ff - TM13 - ice beam 6104:ff - TM14 - blizzard 6104:ff - TM15 - hyper beam 6105:ff - TM16 - rest 6106:ff - TM17 - smokescreen 6107:ff - TM18 - ancient power 6108:ff - TM19 - magic leaf 6109:ff - TM20 - iron defense 610a:ff - TM21 - recover 610b:ff - TM22 - solar beam 610c:ff - TM23 - iron tail 610d:ff - TM24 - thunderbolt 610e:ff - TM25 - thunder 610f:ff - TM26 - earthquake 6110:ff - TM27 - fire punch 6111:ff - TM28 - dig 6112:ff - TM29 - psychic 6113:ff - TM30 - shadow ball 6114:ff - TM31 - brick break 6115:ff - TM32 - double team 6116:ff - TM33 - razor leaf 6117:ff - TM34 - shockwave 6118:ff - TM35 - harden 6119:ff - TM36 - sludge bomb 611a:ff - TM37 - aerial ace 611b:ff - TM38 - fire blast 611c:ff - TM39 - rock tomb 611d:ff - TM40 - psy beam ---------------------------------------------- Wild Pokémon code: this works pretty much just like it does in the official games.  Turn on the code and walk into the grass. -------------------------------------------
wild Pokémon code 7D96:xx
Values 00: ---------- placeholder pokemon - has bulbasaurs moveset? but is a dark steel type bulbasaur - mew are the same as their national dex number converted to hex 98: raikou 99: entei 9a: suicune 9b: lugia 9c: ho-oh 9d: kyogre 9e: groudon 9f: rayquaza a0: all values after crash the game --------------------------------------------------- scraps. random codes that dont fit anywhere else, or i didn’t have time to finish --------------------------------------------------- enemy Pokémon level 7D47:xx palette addresses(?) 7D23:xx 7D24:xx 7D25:xx Bonus: glitchy screenshots
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0 notes
tobiasdrake · 2 years
Gym #6: Ryme, the MC of RIP
Time for another Gym battle with a randomly selected team!
Ryme's blurb says she's a legendary rapper who does live shows with Double Battles, so I should probably anticipate Double Battling. I'm glad I read the blurb. That would have caught me totally by surprise.
Also, I bet you money that we're going to see Annihilape in here. Seems like the place to show off the cool new Primeape evolution.
Anyways! On to the team I've rolled up.
Pachirisu (Pickup) w/ Magnet - Thunderbolt, Nuzzle, Volt Switch, Encore. Pachirisu's an Electric specialist, but he's also fast. Armed with Nuzzle and Encore, he might be able to do some damage out there.
Gallade (Sharpness) w/ Shell Bell - Sacred Sword, Night Slash, Zen Headbutt, Swords Dance. Gallade was hard to choose moves for because Sacred Slash is just so powerful. Between Sharpness and STAB, it has an attack power of 202.5! What a shame we're going to be fighting Ghosts. Well, here's to you, Night Slash.
Wigglytuff (Competitive) w/ Leftovers - Play Rough, Hyper Voice, Thunder Wave, Disable. Wigglytuff's stats are nothing to write home about besides her HP, so I figure Leftovers can give her some longevity. With her immunity to Ghost moves plus the Thunder Wave/Encore combo, she may wind up carrying this fight.
Lurantis (Leaf Guard) w/ Quick Claw - Petal Blizzard, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Synthesis. Lurantis is good for a Sunny Day/Solar Blade combo but Solar Blade doesn't happen until level 63 and we're only 41. So here we are with a basic coverage/Physical attack set. Not feeling great about this.
Dragonair (Shed Skin) w/ Eviolite - Dragon Rush, Aqua Tail, Flamethrower, Thunder Wave. Tragically, Dragonair doesn't learn a single Ghost or Dark move. He can do some damage with his Dragon Rush, but I'm not expecting much out of him in this match.
Revavroom (Overcoat) w/ Black Sludge - Iron Head, Gunk Shot, Magnet Rise, Shift Gear. I think this is a decently strong Revavroom build for L41, but not specialized for the Ghost Gym in any way. Still, we'll see how things play out.
All things considered, this team's definitely on the weaker side, so far as teams we've challenged Gyms with go. We have nobody that STABs super-effective against Ghosts. Worse still, one of our two Night Slashers is weak to Ghost, so that's just fantastic.
This is going to be rough.
I'm going to lead with Pachirisu and Wigglytuff. I think these two can pull off some killer saboteur shenanigans. They both have Paralyzes, plus a Disable and an Encore between them. I don't know if that will be enough to win, but I'm sure they can at least give Ryme a headache.
Ryme Pokemon #1 & #2: Banette and Mimikyu
Ooh, going for the obscure. Fortunately, I've caught these two so I have specs. Mimikyu's a Physical attacker with high Speed and fantastic Special Defense. Notable point: His Disguise will absorb the first attack to hit him, like a Substitute. Also, he's subtyped Fairy, for what it's worth.
Banette is a monotype Ghost. He didn't Frisk us when he entered battle so he likely has Insomnia; He can't be put to Sleep, but no one said anything about Paralysis. He's also a glass cannon; High Attack stats, but dismal HP, Defenses, and Speed.
Alright. Let's move as planned. Nuzzle/Thunder Wave. Mimikyu is the faster of the pair, so Pachirisu takes him while Wigglytuff takes Banette. Nuzzle has the added bonus of being a damaging move, so it busts Mimikyu's Disguise. And with damage that pitiful, it's no real loss.
Pachirisu and Wigglytuff do take some damage, though. Banette hits Pachirisu with Sucker Punch, which is the drawback of Nuzzle being a damaging move. Mimikyu can't muster more than a Slash to throw at Wigglytuff though.
For round two, Pachirisu's still got some fight in him. A Thunderbolt and a Play Rough bring Banette down near zero, but unfortunately it's not quite enough. His Icy Wind does some more damage to the pair, dropping them to around 60-70% HP. Mimikyu doesn't get to move due to Paralysis.
One more Thunderbolt means the end for Banette. I'm pretty sure he tried to Sucker Punch at the end there, since he got move Priority. But the paralysis stopped him. So long, Banette. Meanwhile, Wigglytuff and Mimikyu trade Slash for Play Rough. Both of them are still in the green.
Ryme Pokemon #3: Houndstone
Houndstone looks like he would be Ground type, but he's not. Monotype Ghost with Sand Rush, so he gets a Speed boost during Sandstorm. Feels like firing off a Sandstorm would be a Double-edged sword here, but we'll see.
In any case, Houndstone's a contender. Powerful Physical Attack and both Defenses are high. He pays for it with low HP and Speed.
He's going to need a Paralyze. I'll make that Pachirisu's job while Wiggles and Mimikyu keep after each other.
To my surprise, Houndstone moves first. Must be the Speed debuff from Icy Wind. He uses Phantom Force, disappearing into the aether. That's going to be a problem. Even more of a problem, Mimikyu changes targets and attacks Pachirisu, dropping him to about 25% HP.
Wigglytuff, however, manages to flex Mimikyu into the ground with that last Play Rough. KO!
Ryme Pokemon #4: Toxtricity (Low Key Form)
Huh. Interesting. He's going to be her Terastal, of course, so he'll be acquiring the Ghost type any moment. But why Toxtricity? Is it just for the flavor?
Toxtricity is normally Electric/Poison. His signature ability, Punk Rock, gives a damage boost to sound-based attacks while shielding him from the same. He's primarily a Special Attacker with good Speed and HP to compensate for low Defenses. He's going to be a problem.
(But why him, though? What am I not seeing?)
The biggest problem, however, is that incoming Phantom Force. Obviously, it's targeted at Pachirisu since it would pass harmlessly through Wigglytuff. He needs to get out of here. His work is done. The good news is that the crowd cheering for us gave us a stat boost, which included Speed. So I think Pachirisu can move first.
I'll have Pachirisu Volt Switch while Wigglytuff shoots off a Thunder Wave at Toxtricity. Ordinarily Toxtricity's Electric type would shield him from Paralysis, but he's about to shift into monotype Ghost so he's going to lose that protection.
Pleased to report that Pachirisu's Volt Switch succeeds in firing off first. Revavroom hits the field to tank the Phantom Force, as well as Toxtricity's Hyper Voice. Unfortunately, Thunder Wave misses its mark, and the crowd cheers for Rime this time.
Houndstone's probably going to do that Phantom Force shit again. But Toxtricity is down to 60% after that Volt Switch. Dropping the Paralysis tactic, I think we should just focus fire on him. Iron Head and Play Rough.
It seemed like a good plan. Toxtricity had other ideas though. He fires off a Discharge, knocking out both Wigglytuff and Revavroom. Shit. He also does about 30% damage in friendly fire to Houndstone and paralyzes him too.
Hmm. Houndstone goes under with Phantom Force, but he's paralyzed. I have a terrible idea. I bring out Pachirisu in the first slot, where Houndstone's aiming, and Gallade in the second. Pachirisu can go for another Volt Switch, while Gallade Night Slashes Toxtricity.
But the crowd buffs on Toxtricity are too much. Toxtricity fires off another Hyper Voice before anyone can move. Pachirisu goes down and Gallade takes massive damage. Gallade lands his Night Slash bringing Toxtricity down to ~15%, but the loss of Pachirisu redirects Phantom Force right into him for the KO.
This is it. Down to Dragonair and Lurantis. I pile a Dragon Rush and a Night Slash on him. Dragon Rush misses because its accuracy is bad, but Lurantis hits his mark for the KO. A buffed Hyper Voice knocks them both down to about 60% first though. Meanwhile, Houndstone's paralysis stops him from moving.
This is it. It's all or nothing here. Dragonair goes in for the Dragon Rush while Lurantis... Actually, he's about to go under with Phantom Force, isn't her? Lurantis uses Synthesis to bring his HP back up.
Well, I failed to account for two things. One is that Houndstone has Play Rough, which Dragonair is weak to. He opts for this to KO Dragonair. The other is that it's snowing, so Synthesis's healing is weak.
Final exchange: Lurantis vs. Houndstone. This will be the move that decides it all. And with Houndstone's paralysis and the crowd buff having moved over to my side following Toxtricity's KO, I think the quick-draw is mine.
I don't actually find out who has the Speed advantage, though. Lurantis's Quick Claw triggers at the eleventh hour, automatically granting him the first move. A Night Slash puts Houndstone down for the count.
It's Over!
Man, that Toxtricity. Hyper Voice is brutal in Doubles. Though I can't help but think it wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't been for the obnoxious crowd buff. Giving stat buffs to whoever is already winning feels pretty cheap.
This came down to the wire. I feel like I was literally one round away from failure. But I'm happy to say that my Pachirisu/Wigglytuff plan did work out. Those two went far. We wouldn't have won that without their hard work, even if BS-buffed Hyper Voice ultimately put an end to it.
Well, onward to the next gym: The Psychic Gym of Alfornada!
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sandyhookhistory · 2 years
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Good evening, everyone. Today - December 4th - is a special day in the hearts of all "Red Legs" (Artillerymen) around the world. This is the Feast Day of the Patron Saint of Artillery, Saint Barbara. In the 7th Century AD, she was tortured and murdered by her pagan father for her unflinching Christian faith. Shortly after he executed her by beheading, her father was struck dead by a bolt of lightning and consumed by fire. So, where do the cannons come in, you ask? Let's roll back the history pages to the earliest days of cannons - they were as dangerous to shoot WITH them as they were to be shot at BY them. Early metallurgy in cannons was primitive at best, and often prone to failure - and the guns could burst and explode! Given her homicidal father's violent and crispy demise, early cannoneers looked to Saint Barbara for protection from the fire and flames of an exploding cannon. She has also since become the Patron Saint of Firefighters, Miners, Armorers/Gunsmiths, Engineers, and all those who work with fire or explosives. Not only does she protect from accidents with gunpowder, she also protects from thunder and lightning, and all those in danger of sudden death. Her visage (image) is almost always shown with a cannon, and with the castle she was imprisoned in. To this day, she remains as associated with the Artillery as powder and shot. As I type this, US Army and Marine Corps Artillery units, as well as those of other nations, are engaging in, or preparing for formal dinners and dress balls (if not held today, on as close a date as possible). These "Saint Barbara's Day Balls" are extremely formal, black tie affairs, and each unit has their own traditions that they follow. Each unit also has their own recipe for the extremely lethal - yet very tasty - Artillery Punch. It is most certain that such events were held here at Ft Hancock, as well as other Coast Artillery posts - especially given the massive sizes of the Coast Artillery guns. This also applies to the US Army Ordnance troops here at the Proving Ground from 1874-1919 And now you know... the rest of the story! A Happy and Peaceful Saint Barbara's Day to you all! (at Fort Hancock, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clw2vRNAjLB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
yutaya · 4 years
Iron Fist Rewatch: 1x03: Rolling Thunder Cannon Punch
That's so terrifying. You look an entitled asshole in the eyes and say "no" when he tries to pressure you into doing something morally corrupt that would actively hurt another person - one who has specifically asked you for help - and then armed home invaders break in in the middle of the night. Ward is basically the mafia boss that Colleen has just pissed off, from her POV. No wonder she hates him.
Wow, now I want the fanfic where Colleen keeps calling Ward a mafia boss to his face. "Just because I'm under your mafia family's protection NOW doesn't make that time you put out a hit on me any better, mobster." "'Mob-' I never put out any 'hit'. I'm not the mafia." "You don't need to bother with pretence here, mob guy." (Danny helpfully does not point out that Ward definitely put out a hit on him, but the entire room is still painfully aware.)
Danny: Sorry the people trying to kill me broke your lock.
Colleen doesn't for one second find it out of the question that the cops might be in on the whole "corrupt rich white man is doing shady illegal things and trying to have a 'problem' 'fixed'" thing. Danny does, ("I haven't broken any law?") because Danny spent ten years as a rich white boy and then the next 15 in a culture completely separated from the rest of the world's reality. Or: Danny, a rich white boy, trusts the police. Colleen, who tries to make her dojo a safe space for a bunch of underprivileged majority bipoc kids living in the "bad part of town", does not.
Possibly the reason they speedrun us through Ward going up to the penthouse again is to remind the viewers how obnoxious it is to get up there before we see Danny climb the building later?
I forgot about this freaky tube thing. What is that? High tech coffin? lol. There's an implied "you should be unsettled by this" vibe to Harold's whole "it's so peaceful in here, I can't help but doze off" but when I don't know what the tube is the context is kind of lost on me.
Again with Ward calmly asking for an explanation about such a seemingly insane business choice, especially one that he's going to have to explain to people, and Harold brushing him off. Infuriating. And let's just toss in a sprinkling of "Joy has always been and always will be better than you, who can't do anything."
Harold: "Doesn't it occur to you that I'm doing this all for you?" Me: "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP I HATE YOU." He doesn't even just say "I'm doing this for you." No, he has to say "Doesn't it occur to you that I'm doing this for you?" Rather than simply lying, he just has to back Ward into that corner. Ugh. UGH.
Ward: closes his eyes, long huff of breath. I should start a count of how many times he does this.
MY SKIN IS CRAWLING. Freaking Harold. Ugh ugh ugh he's the worst.
Danny you realize you're both disrespecting Colleen AND talking about pretty sensitive subject matter right in front of her student?
Joy: "We need to do the right thing." Me: "You keep telling yourself you're a person who cares about that, Joy."
Joy used to do Ward's homework for him????
Like, what?
Seriously, what?
Was this supposed to be a cute exchange? Because my Asian American upbringing says it's NOT.
Joy: "In another life, this would have been romantic." Danny: "Gross, you're my sister."
"You and Ward, you're the only link to a life that I had. It kept me going under very difficult circumstances." ;___;
Joy talking about clinging to her dreams of Harold meeting her after school and holding her hand and smiling at her in her grief after he died is making me so miserable. To Joy, Harold means comfort.
Danny: *Starts talking about ghosts* Joy: Oh right, he's crazy.
Colleen: "You dishonor yourself when you fight for money."
Jeri, who has literally been mind-controlled, almost got murdered slowly and painfully, and brought a killer to her wife,
Young intern Jeri Hogarth calling the boss's secretary a "hatchet faced bitch" and then bribing said boss's 10yrs or younger kid not to tell is. Well. It sure is a thing.
I still want Danny inviting Jeri to Defenders friend group hangouts and Foggy and Marci both blanching. Jessica and Jeri can snark at each other and Danny can be like "You're friends too! I didn't know!! :D"
Honestly, I would have watched a whole show on the intricacies of classism issues, with the Elite like Jeri and the Meachums teaching Danny how to live and maneuver in that world and Colleen and the dojo and Big Al teaching Danny about the reality of life for the lower class, and our golden-hearted Danny in the center of it, consistently determined to do what's Right,
Joy: lol, isn't this such a fun, teasing, sibling-banter thing we do, me joking about how I'm going to close this deal and you would only endanger it?
Harold: punches trainer full in the face, then casually suggests weapons next time while the guy is still groaning on the ground
Is Gao terrorizing Harold and making him kneel on glass supposed to make me feel for Harold? No one deserves this but that doesn't make Harold magically not a monster.
Danny.... just taking over lecturing the class is not respectful to Darryl or Colleen either.
Danny: "What kind of soldier training is this? They're acting like kids!" Colleen: "That's the POINT! I am not training them to be soldiers, I am creating a safe space for them to be kids when they usually can't be in the rest of their lives." Danny's warped K'un Lun upbringing really shows here. It's heartbreaking to remember that Colleen isn't just some good samaritan either - that she was raised in a cult too and has her own warped upbringing viewpoints.
A line I need to appear in a Ward/Misty/Claire pov fic: "Colleen tends to seem normal because most of the time she's next to Danny. It's easy to forget that actually, she's completely batshit."
Colleen keeps throwing Danny out for bringing trouble to her doorstep and then not really fighting it when he sticks around anyway (Which: Danny. Danny, this is problematic behavior, Danny.) - it's when he becomes a danger to her students that she gets serious about it. Even if Danny wouldn't physically harm them again, he is now a drain on their mental health: he represents a potential danger, a reason to be constantly on guard, and a removal of their safe space.
Ward clearly has no idea what the heck Joy is doing. It's all very troubling and this family is so messed up.
The way Ward ever so slightly shakes his head at Joy as she bribes Patel with his nephew's actual life.
The blanket into snow is a great transition shot
Joy feels like Ward refuses to tell her things the same way Harold refuses to tell Ward things! But Ward doesn't actually have the ability to tell Joy anything because he doesn't know anything! Ugh!!
On Joy's desk: a photo of her and Ward toasting at some party. She also has a copy on her shelf at home.
Joy poured her blood sweat and tears into Rand. She's proud of it. To Ward, it's a prison.
Wait so their plan is that there's no record that Danny Rand ever existed? Like, besides. The city's collective memory? People know about Danny Rand, guys. You need to delete the ability to connect this adult man to Danny Rand, not young Danny's entire paper trail. I mean, anything linking them would be included in literally everything about Danny but still. Seems unnecessary and suspicious?? I know nothing about crime.
Jeri casually constantly reminding Danny that the Meachums are the corrupt villains of this story must be really messing with Danny's head. Not that she's wrong. Poor boy.
"Isn't it obvious!? I'm not your sister. He's not your brother. We don't want you here." brb crying forever
I have to appreciate that this fight moderator is actually trying to run a semi-safe tight ship behind the showmanship
"Cut the Floyd Mayweather shit." Floyd Mayweather: a former professional boxer, competed from 1996-2015. Often referred to as the best defensive boxer in history, as well as the most accurate puncher. Nicknamed "Pretty Boy" by his amateur teammates because his defensive technique left him with relatively few scars.
That whole Randy biting Colleen (breaking the rules about going too far laid out at the start of the fight) and then her climbing on top of him to keep on punching after he's down was really framed like one of those troubling "the hero loses control and it's bad" type scenes.
I am very curious about Jeri and the Meachums' history. Jeri and Ward snark at each other so much in this meeting. And they definitely seem amused while doing so. Also Joy was like "Hogarth" at Ward earlier, and Jeri described their relationship as "complicated" to Danny.
Ward slumps down in his seat so he's lower than anyone else in the room, despite probably being the tallest. This is probably meant as a show of dismissiveness: Danny's case is so insignificant that he doesn't need to respect them by sitting up straight - but it IS interesting, from a power dynamics in staging perspective.
Ward, who has a constant escape plan of stealing from his employees and running away with Joy, plus was literally talking about leaving and starting over with nothing earlier in this same episode: "It could have been easy. You could have taken the money and had a great life."
The elevator level can be controlled by the lobby man???
Another picture of presumably child Joy on Harold's desk, as a toddler this time. How many does he have?? This is cruel set dressing.
Harold playing on Ward's loyalty again. "I need you to help me. I don't have anyone else."
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mousathe14 · 7 years
You can always tell a bad fight scene by how many cuts they do.
And jesus christ, this third episode of Iron Fist has this fight in a records room, Danny is, for some reason, struggling against this one completely ordinary bodyguard despite having easily dispatched a small crowd of them in episode one, and there are so many quick cuts it’s practically dizzying. That is one way you can tell they had to work around someone that doesn’t know what they’re doing.
It’s also indicative of someone bad at filming and editing a fight.
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tv-moments · 7 years
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Iron Fist
Season 1, “Rolling Thunder Cannon Punch"
Director: Tom Shankland
DoP: Manuel Billeter
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misshogarth · 8 years
- Danny Rand
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malisses · 8 years
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Marvel's Iron Fist
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ashleybenlove · 8 years
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