#bre tag
basiltonpitch · 3 months
AN EVIL BOOP?!?!????
EVIL BOOP !!!!!!
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emblazons · 1 year
What I imagine happened before yesterday’s Finn panel:
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dear-ao3 · 6 months
selling sunset is such a stupid show but i’m obsessed with how all these girls rehash drama from three seasons ago like their life depends on it it’s so entertaining
“it’s refreshing to hear that” no it’s not this is the same thing that you said 12 episodes ago that someone new just worded slightly differently so now you have the opportunity to talk about it again
“not to speak for her” no you’re absolutely speaking for her. go girl, tell me the same story that you’re not even involved in for the hundredth time from a slightly different perspective i’m here for it
“so i haven’t seen ___ since ____ and i know she’s going to be at ____ and i’m so stressed about it” if i had a dollar for every time someone said this i could pay my tuition i love it
“so i was talking to ____” oh pull up a chair and grab a drink we’re about to talk about a spat from 4 seasons ago again yes go off
“omg you look so good!” (or variation) translation: i hate you and i’m currently plotting revenge. smash cut to an individual interview laying out every time shes done that person wrong. gets me every time.
“when did i say that?” GIRL THIS IS A SHOW ITS FILMED !!! WE HAVE RECORD OF YOU SAYING EXACTLY THAT!!!! i live for it
“we’re a family” no no no let’s not forget all the times you nearly killed eachother 12 times over. but we won’t because someone is going to lay out exactly that in about .2 seconds.
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likegoldintheair · 5 months
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guess you could say it was a graveyard smash
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breannasfluff · 8 months
Milestone Celebration: LU Hug Prompts
I've reached a follower milestone on tumblr and I've reached 400k words for the year! That means it's time for a prompt event! Thank you to my wonderful followers and I hope you enjoy!
Reblog this post
Send me an ask with one of the words in brackets and two of the LU boys!
Anon is on for asks, but I do ask you still reblog <3
Other characters you can include: Malon, Ravio, Flora (platonic only), Sun, Sidon. One of my aus is fine as well, just specify that!
Prompt Link (also listed below)
[ LIFT ]:     sender, being taller than the shorter receiver, lifts them off the ground mid-embrace.
[ SIGH ]:     sender releases a soft sigh of relief the moment they have the receiver in their arms.
[ CHEEK ]:     sender presses a quick kiss to the receiver’s cheek on their way into the hug.
[ TEMPLE ]:     sender presses a soft kiss to the receiver’s temple while hugging them.
[ CROWN ]:     sender presses a kiss to the crown of the receiver’s head while hugging.
[ NECK ]:     sender reaches up and wraps their arms around the receiver’s neck when hugging them.
[ MIDDLE ]:     sender wraps their arms around the receiver’s middle while hugging them.
[ OPEN ]:     sender wordlessly opens their arms out to offer the receiver a long-awaited hug.
[ CRY ]:     while holding on to the receiver, the sender begins to cry into their shoulder/chest/hair (depending on height difference and whatnot.)
[ HAIR ]:      sender buries one hand into the receiver’s hair while hugging them.
[ CUP ]:      sender gently cups one hand against the back of the receiver’s head while hugging them.
[ ASSURE ]:     sender quietly reassures the receiver that everything’s okay while they’re hugging one another.
[ HESITATE ]:     startled by a sudden hug from the receiver, the sender pauses for a moment, before hesitantly returning the embrace.
[ CLING ]:     sender wraps their arms tightly around the receiver, clinging on to them throughout the embrace.
[ STROKE ]:     sender slowly and repeatedly runs a hand through the receiver’s hair in a soothing motion while they hug.
[ SPIN ]:     while hugging the receiver, the sender lifts them off the ground and begins to spin them both in a giddy, joyful circle.
[ FALL ]:     receiving a sudden and forceful embrace from the receiver, the sender stumbles and falls to the ground while still hugging them.
[ THROW ]:     sender suddenly flings their arms around the receiver in an impulsive embrace.
[ SPRINT ]:     seeing the receiver across the room, the sender sprints across the distance between them to give them a hug.
[ PULL ]:     sender physically pulls the receiver (by the hand or waist or arms, etc.) into a hug
[ SHOULDER ]:     sender buries their face into the receiver’s shoulder/the crook of their neck while hugging them.
[ WAIST ]:     sender jumps up at the last minute while running to hug the receiver, wrapping their legs around their waist and their arms around their neck as they hug them.
[ SIDE ]:     sender wraps an arm around the receivers shoulders and pulls them in for a side-hug.
[ GIFT ]:     while hugging the receiver, the sender slips something into their pocket out of the public eye. (FEEL FREE TO SPECIFY WHAT THIS GIFT IS!)
[ GUIDE ]:     as they go in for a hug, the sender gently rests a hand and guides the receiver’s head to rest against their shoulder/chest.
[ CHIN ]:     sender, while hugging the receiver, rests their chin on top of their head.
[ SWAY ]:     while embracing the receiver, the sender begins to sway in a slow, soothing manner.
[ COAT ]:     as they go for a hug, the sender opens out their jacket so the receiver can “share” it, warming them up as best they can while they hug.
[ HUM ]:     as they embrace, the sender begins to gently hum under their breath to soothe and relax the receiver.
[ CIRCLE ]:     while they’re hugging, the sender begins to rub their hand in slow circles on the receiver’s back.
[ SUBSIDE ]:     an emotionally distressed sender initially shoves and strikes out at the receiver, but collapses into tears after a few moments and sinks against them for a hug.
[ CARRY ]:     the sender pulls an emotionally/physically exhausted receiver into an embrace, then lifts them off their feet and carries them to a sofa/bed to let them lie down and get some rest.
[ COLLAPSE ]:     a weakened sender (either from exhaustion or injuries or whatever!) sinks into the receiver’s embrace, only to collapse in their arms, too weak to move. 
My Normal Pinned Post if you are looking for it
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alonelystargazer · 25 days
Last Line Tag
thanks @mothboypoison for tagging me!
RULES: show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you’d like).
This is from one of my ItaFushi wip fics called Foreign Language:
Where there were traces of life and joy and warmth, there is now a deep chill that runs down to his bones.
I'm tagging: @a-rdentlyy @uriekukistan @epickiya722 @thegoodgege and anyone who is interested! don't feel pressured to do this though :)
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imjustchori · 2 months
Made some art for @bredrawz! Hope she likes it (if she even sees this) ^_^
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stoned-kittenx · 2 years
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nooomagnus · 11 months
black irises in the sunshine (a noir au)
a @tlt-big-resurrection fic! ft. art by @rhywhitefang @nakji and @ellevenstar and cosplay by @abhorsenkatiel!
Nova & Co Private Investigations is the best damn detective agency in all of New Canaan—and strictly a one-woman operation. No one can match Harrowhark’s sleuthing instincts, commitment to uncovering the truth, gritty aesthetic, or willingness to sleep in the office every night. But when Harrow gets shot (again) while working to expose corruption at City Hall, her friend Palamedes goes behind her back to hire her some muscle. The person who shows up on her doorstep is mouthy, annoying as hell, and distractingly attractive: exactly the opposite of what Harrow needs. But when an heiress with a mysterious corpse and a hefty purse takes a liking to her new bodyguard, Harrow is forced to keep Gideon Nav around. The good news: Harrow only has to work with Gideon until she’s cracked the case. Once she’s busted this thing wide open, they never have to see each other again….right?
coming this friday (8/4) to an ao3 near you!
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sunlitriddle · 6 months
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Happy FFXIVWrite 2023!
Congratulations to @scrollsfromarebornrealm for participating in the writing event. I got to draw Augustine Bishop for her. I might have ended up going off the deep end on the details >.>
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basiltonpitch · 10 months
hii! ∞
getting better (otherwise) - the aubreys: "am i getting better at this? / please tell me when i get the gist / am i waste or am i missed?"
send me a ∞ and i'll put my music on shuffle and tell you my favorite lyric from the song
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emblazons · 7 months
re: tfs spoilers (no mention of actual spoilers)
everyone I’ve seen concerned about play spoilers “ruining the show” and then extrapolating that to mean the whole narrative sucks now (which is already wild to do, considering you’re taking about bullet points? but whatever) needs to remember y’all literally got the fact that the monologue was happening spoiled for you before vol ii and freaked out with the “we lost….” until people put it in its proper context + made it clear what was happening with all the wider details.
Like. the ST byler fandom is notorious for taking .005 seconds of media DESCRIBED to them and extrapolating a whole canonically baseless narrative…and then getting mad the show / play / story doesn’t meet something stranger things or it’s supplements never told them 😭 like. Sure there are small inconsistencies between supplements & the show / less detail in canon than we want in the show some places. Always. But they are never even 1/60 as troublesome as the high-emotions, forego-context convos had about it before a single person u know has even SEEN the thing
also? Personally….not one spoiler felt out of place for my analysis of the show as it’s been presented which…I mean idk. All the details fall within expectation, I’m not sure where the “we lost” came from unless (likely) 18 months of fanon had made people forget the show itself LMAO
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thedivineelite · 11 months
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 7 months
I kinda want to see a fic where the Mounders talk Mumbo down from his trying to kill them on Red, and they get to heal and be happy for just a bit longer once Mumbo realizes he has a choice about killing them and they can stay as a team and look out for each other still
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breannasfluff · 6 months
Next task: add to the ravioli agenda. I might even manage something that isn’t Wing Bois for the masses.
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alonelystargazer · 3 days
I haven't been on twt for days and part of me says I should feel bad for leaving my moots without warning but another part of me feels like I'm not being tied down, the constant stream of interactions were getting overwhelming
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