#bree said to get online
sburbanlegends · 9 months
✦ - timid starter call. specify muse.
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jamespotterthefirst · 7 months
A Note and A Thank You
Dear wonderful readers,
I've been on the fence about this for months, but due to some life-changing (and scary) news I received today in my personal life, I decided it is the right time to say this. I always said that when the time came to hang my writing hat, I would not write a long goodbye post. And I plan to stick to my word. This is not goodbye. Not really. 
This upcoming March 2024 will mark four years of writing for Choices (more specifically, for Open Heart). I started this journey when Open Heart: Second Year was still publishing and as the world was going on lockdown due to the pandemic. Times back then were truly terrifying and unpredictable, but I found solace and comfort in this community. I was lucky to be received with what felt like open arms by friendly users and enthusiastic readers. 
That is a memory I will cherish until the end of my days.
With that in mind, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest and everlasting gratitude to YOU for joining me in this crazy journey. Writing for Open Heart helped me re-discover my love for writing and I truly believe that wouldn’t have been possible without you. Your support and enthusiasm have been a tremendous source of joy these past four years.
Again, I know this sounds like a goodbye and it’s not. 
But I also want to be completely honest about my future here.
Many of you know that the world has long since returned to normal since the pandemic (or as normal as it can be). Things are vastly different from the day I wrote and published my first Open Heart fic (Lovely). These days, life has presented me with a series of challenges, including serious medical diagnoses and demanding work duties. As a result, finding the time and energy to write has become a complex balancing act.
I wanted to share this with you to express my sincere appreciation for your understanding during this busy (and terrifying) period. Though there is still much I want to create, I am uncertain about the frequency with which I can write in the future. To be brutally honest with myself, I doubt I will be able to create anything in the foreseeable future. I hope one day things will be okay in my life and I can return to doing what I love most. 
In the meantime, I leave you with my Masterlist. The works there are not perfect and if given the chance, I would definitely change many things, but they were written with much, much love. Though my online time is very limited now, I will still be here on Tumblr, reading and reblogging content when I get little breaks here and there. You guys also know I can't resist reblogging pictures of my pairing or answering asks about them! You can also find me on my main blog (if you want to follow the madness there). 
I once more want to say thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Your support, understanding, and patience mean the world to me. Thank you for being a part of this journey, and I hope to return to writing one day.
Until then, I'll see you guys around!
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ashsostrange · 10 months
"averagegirlie" is just "xxoxobree", formerly known as "breeandhermunches" on a burner. newsflash, your "fav" miles writer isn't who you think she is!
ik a lot of us must be VERY confused so let me help you out. @/averagegirlie and @/xxoxobree are the same mfkn person! why did bree make this account? i assume that it's so she could fend for herself and keep the "unbothered" act up on her main page. that's why she deletes all her reblogs after arguing w someone then comes over to this account to start bsing. not to mention she can say extremely problematic things with no repercussions, because she doesn't have a following on that page + it's not tied to her.. at least it wasn't before! bree's a very messy liar. i peeped the truth so lemme share it w y'all.
bree if you're seeing this, go take a couple shots before you read. you should've kept it cute but you didn't, so let's get nasty mf.
i have receipts! let's start right here cz i find this the funniest:
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nobody but her spells "internet" like that... this is one of the many examples of the two accounts talking alike, even though bree said she wouldn't refer to "yao" as a friend when the whole rashad thing was going down. yesterday, i reminded yao of that. she said "i like bree, so what" but she deleted that and changed it to "when are y'all gonna catch on to the fact that we talk?" mhm.. bree's a lil confused, but next!
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y'all see "yao's" tag? telling alexa to play some bs... then y'all see bree?? NEXT!
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go look on miss average's page. she only comes online to defend and ride the hell out of bree's dick. remember ts w amani? why are you going so hard for someone who says they dk you like that LMFAO. not to mention, when the rashad shit was happening, bree said "this my girl and she never been wrong" but then she turns around and says "i wouldn't say we're friends" WHICH ONE IS IT MISS MUNCH??! 😭🤣🤣 next!
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why we praising tf out of bree's oc? ts was ai bro. we got a self supafan. next...
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look at this smart anon, putting tg the pieces and shit. "ash and dalia fight your battles every time" is literally.. a lie. what battles are we referring to? talia's never in drama as much as you're implying. and ima ride for my friends anyway, tf? but my entire blog will never be centered around ONE human being. it ain't that serious ever. "yao" and bree need hobbies cz writing obv ain't doing it for her. next.
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bree has also said she's messy lol. she likes drama. hm!
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look at how she came on her white horse when bree was battling the great war w anons over miles morales smut (which i don't fw, js to be clear.) who summoned her? BREE LMFAIOFHDGFKJAS... NEXT!!!
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here's miss xxoxo munches being ableist, much like her alter ego. bro went silent and blocked lia after this. now let's get into miss average again.
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look at this bs. ion even gotta say much.. this girl is black & not chinese!! y'all should know why this is weird. here's the "evidence" she gave me btw:
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here's me proving her wrong! she tried! next.
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y'all see the way they're tagging their posts w their usernames? mhm.. ik you do.
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these are both bree. i don't mean to bring up maye again, but i have to for context. what happened wasn't js "drama"... the things she said to dalia were racist + that post she was lyin' about lia in. she also liked the post.. dead giveaway you silly bitch! 🥱 nd she was also instigating in honey's inbox. i know her typing style and her emoji colors lol. it's common sense atp. it's not hard to tell when an anon is bree. and from what i'm seeing not even maye is fw her.. LMFAISAIDHSAY GIRL YOU'RE DONE! 😭 feel free to go thru their accs, you'll see ts too. she's funny asf for this, i'll give her that and that only. i've never laughed so much in under 24 hours. 💓
in conclusion, bree is messy, bored, insecure, ableist & miserable! she thought nobody would ever find out but here we are today. she fronts not gaf but then switches to this acc to let off some serious steam... as miss freeman once said: "Alexa, play yikes!"
but bless bree 💗 maybe if you change now, you'll still be able to collect your tokens like dalia says.
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xanadontit · 3 months
Dear Care and Feeding.
My husband and I have a delightful, inquisitive 4-year-old daughter, “Bree,” who has a nut allergy. We have been able to manage this fairly well, but the problem is my in-laws. They were careless about nuts to the point that we had to stop coming over to their place. My father-in-law keeps a bowl of peanuts or trail mix on the end table next to the couch, and never remembered to remove them before we arrived for a visit. Even worse, my mother-in-law believes Bree’s allergy is something she will outgrow over time and even thinks she can be “cured” if she is exposed to nuts in small doses, because she read about people overcoming allergies through exposure therapy on the internet. After Bree nearly ate some peanut butter M&M’s my FIL forgot to put away on our last visit to my in-laws’ place I put my foot down. I said until they were willing to take my daughter’s safety more seriously, we would not be coming over to their house. My husband grumbled that he thought I was overreacting, but went along with it. My in-laws were very chilly for a couple of weeks, but eventually agreed to the new arrangement.
I thought we had resolved the problem, but I was wrong. When my in-laws visited our home last month, I left Bree watching TV with her grandmother while I went to check the mail. I came back to find my MIL in a panic, my FIL on the phone with 911, and Bree on the floor nearly purple and gasping …
I realized she was having an allergic reaction and immediately gave her a shot with the EpiPen I carry with me at all times. Within several heart-stopping minutes Bree was breathing better. The EMTs came and took her to the hospital in an ambulance while we followed behind.
While we were waiting for the doctors to update us at the hospital, my MIL told me she had given Bree a small piece of a Snickers bar. She said she thought Bree could overcome her nut allergy if she ate a little each day. My husband had to practically hold me back. I shouted at her that she had nearly killed my daughter and as far as I was concerned, we were done with both her and my FIL. My MIL huffed that she was only trying to make it so Bree could have a normal life and stalked out of the hospital with her husband on her heels.
It’s been over a month now, and my husband has been trying to facilitate a reconciliation between us. He acknowledges that what his mother did was wrong and dangerous, but still tries to defend her by saying “that’s how she is,” and pointing out that she never intended to harm Bree. I have told him that I will never be able to trust his parents around our daughter again. His mother hasn’t even so much as apologized. He thinks I am being too harsh and am taking this too far. Please tell me I’m not.
—Am I Nuts?
Dear Nuts,
No, you are neither being too harsh nor taking this too far. You made it abundantly clear to your in-laws what the rules were regarding your daughter and her allergies. Because they read too much online baloney and like to imagine they know better than anyone else, they broke them on purpose, put her life at risk, and don’t even seem to feel that bad about it. They suck! You are right and he is wrong. I hope this makes you feel better.
But it does you no good to feel better now and still have your husband claiming you’re overreacting, even in the aftermath of your child nearly dropping dead. It does you no good to be the lone voice in the wilderness. You need him on your side.
It’s possible that he finds your daughter’s nut allergy so frightening—and it is frightening!—that he’s desperate to grasp at any straw that suggests she might “get over it.” Combine that with an unwillingness to confront his parents, and you might have a dad who’s feeling just torn enough not to know how to handle this mess. Sit down with your husband and explain exactly how you feel about what his parents did, and how you feel about how he is not supporting you—or, honestly, even protecting his own daughter. Feel free to wave a printout of this advice column to help make your case.
Maybe, down the line, you’ll decide together to reintroduce his parents into their granddaughter’s life. (I know it feels like you never will want to, but there are such wonderful rewards for a child in having a relationship with even totally objectionable grandparents.) If so, there will be conditions, and whatever those conditions are, he’d better be on board for conveying them, in no uncertain terms, to his amateur-immunologist parents—and making clear to them that there will be no divergence from those rules.
I'm sorry but what the FUCK is Dan Kois' problem? The dad/husband fucking sucks which tracks because he comes from fucking sucky stock and I'm failing to understand what "wonderful rewards" await this poor child from "having a relationship with even totally objectionable grandparents" unless he means "heavenly rewards" because they seem intent on killing their granddaughter.
Can you imagine being this kid?
"Hey, Mom, why did you let Grandma and Grandpa around me? They were constantly feeding me peanuts and I ended up in the hospital every Christmas."
"Oh, a complete moron advice columnist said it would be good for you. Somehow. Hey, you were great at calling 911 and not all kids can say that!"
ETA: And what's with all the sympathizing with the dad because he's just so sad his kid has an allergy and doesn't know what to do?! You don't let the kid eat peanuts/peanut products and you keep the kid away from people who purposely do that. He doesn't need to get an MD and cure food allergies for all of mankind. Christ.
Would love to hear @sequinedably's thoughts on this one.
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coinandcandle · 5 months
Hello, I'm the anon who asked about reading recs! I did respond back right away, but since you just asked for asks, I get the feeling Tumblr ate my ass 😄. In case it did, here it is again:
I'm trying to get my footing into witchcraft in general. I'd really like to start practicing, especially anything nature related, but I truly know nothing more than what you'd get scrolling through the tumblr tag. So I'm supposed I'm looking for a good starting place to learn my history around the practice (I know "the practice" is an incredibly broad way to describe it. But I don't know enough to be specific. I suppose anything that could give me a foundation to build from?) and something(s) that could help me dip my toes in for the first time. I've been watching everyone else swim in the pool for years, but I've never even touched the waters.
To simply put it, I'm trying to figure out the very beginning steps of witchery. I know I described everything broad and vague, but I don't really know enough to be more specific 😅
(if Tumblr didn't eat my ask and you haven't responded to my ask for any other reasons, no worries! I'm certainly in no rush)
Omg hello! No tumblr didn't eat you but I was waiting on some responses from friends who I asked for reading recs and my draft box DID eat your ask lol. Thank you for following up with my ADHD-addled ass!! <3
The good news is to start you just kinda jump in. I'm not saying throw yourself into the deep in but you can get your feet wet pretty easily.
Unfortunately during my beginner years most of the published books available were heavily soaked in Wiccan ideology which is absolutely not my vibe and not something I think people should start out with since there's a twisted history to it that you have to unwind but I see why people are attracted to it--it's structured in a way that solitary practice isn't.
I found my start online, honestly, then followed my gut to see where it took me next. All that said;
Here are some recs from me and my buddies:
Magic in the Middle Ages by Richard Kieckhefer (History)
Cunning Folk and Familiar Spirits by Emma Wilby (History)
Popular Magic by Owen Davies (History)
Grimoires: A history of magic books by Owen Davies (History)
Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from the Ancient World by John G. Gager (History)
The Crooked Path by Kelden (Traditional Witchcraft)
13 pathways by Daniel Schulke (Occult Herbalism)
A Deed Without a Name by Lee Morgan (Witchcraft)
Of Witchcraft and Whimsy by Rose Orriculum (Witchcraft)
Grovedaughter Witchery by Bree NicGarran (Witchcraft)
Queering Your Craft by Cassandra Snow* (Witchcraft + queer)
Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine* (Chaos magic)
Outside the Charmed Circle by Misha Magdalene* (Witchcraft)
Sacred Gender by Ariana Serpentine (Witchcraft + queer)
Kitchen Table Magic by Melissa Cynova* (Witchcraft)
*Queering Your Craft and Kitchen Table Magic are that they both feel more basic, Condensed Chaos is more of a "102" type book for chaos magic specifically, and Outside the Charmed Circle is strongly Wiccan in influence but brings up some very interesting topics and ideas. (Note from Jasper)
Make sure to keep an open mind and take no one's word as law when it comes to witchcraft and magic. Take in the information and come up with your own conclusions based on your experiences! :>
Thanks to @windvexer , @stagkingswife, @jasper-pagan-witch, and @rose-colored-tarot for help with the recommendations!
Feel free to comment or reblog with your own suggestions!
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themoonandtheprincess · 5 months
Tasha Davenport and Davenkids headcanons for Mother's Day!
•In the first episode, Leo says Tasha and Donald met on online dating but I think it would be much more realistic if they met while Tasha interviewed him about an invention.
°And Donald's brain just short circuits straight out of his head and he drops this million dollar, brand-new technology right on the floor and it breaks into a million pieces.
°He cries about it to Adam, Bree, and Chase later but all they do is make kissy faces and mock him because they're around 11-13 at the time.
°So, Tasha has known about them for a while and they were, at one point, the final straw in their relationship because she couldn't handle how Donald wasn't even treating them as humans.
°She threatened to take them with her but Donald had bullied her, saying she knew nothing about science or robotics and wouldn't be able to keep them alive without their bionics and millions of equipment and tech.
°So, she stayed with him but emotionally away. And kept Leo away from him for the longest time. The first episode was the first time he had been in Donald's house. Their relationship only started getting better when Adam, Bree, and Chase were "freed" from the basement.
°Leo didn't meet Donald until three years into their relationship and they then got married five months later.
•And it wasn't until Chase started dating Sebastian that she saw essentially a mirror of her relationship with Donald. That is to say, toxic. The only difference being Tasha and Donald actually healed their relationship and regained trust, if rocky.
•When they were Davencourting, Donald promised her she would never had to work again but she told him that reporting was her passion.
•How they would do the "Pass the phone" trend.
"I'm passing the phone who married a millionaire scientist yet still insists on keeping her reporting job."
"I'm passing the phone to someone who programmed a home security system to bully him."
"I'm passing the phone to the home security system that literally has stopped nothing from coming in. Also he doesn't have hands so it cant be passed to him."
"I'm passing the phone to the smartest man on earth who insisted his first gay relationship didn't fuck him up."
"I'm passing the phone to someone who got a job at Mighty Med to pop bones back in place with his super strength and ended up breaking them."
"I'm passing the phone to Skylar."
"Adam! That's not how you're supposed to do it!"
"Oh, well, you already passed me the phone."
• She dyes Skylar's pink streak by having her hover over the bathtub then Oliver shoot water at her when it's time to rinse. Impractical but they find it fun.
• Her children had disaster coming outs.
°It started with Bree in the lab, putting away training gear, when Tasha had approached her. "Bree," she said. "I have nothing against it, but you need to stop looking up 'girls kissing' on Donald's computers."
Bree watched Tasha pick at her fingernails. "But," she started. "That's not normal? Just like growing up in a basement?"
"No, no, no." Tasha rectified. "It's normal- the girls part, not the basement part- but it's being sent to Eddy."
Bree's mouth made an 'O.' "But Chase looks up two guys kissing and it never gets sent to Eddy."
Chase's head perked up from where he was tinkering with a project. "That's a perk of being half-robot, sis!"
"The Perks of Being Part Robot," Adam laughed. "They're gonna make into a LGBT movie."
"So..." Tasha drawled out. "Do you like guys, too?"
"Oh no," Adam grinned, bouncing on his toes. "I just kiss my homies goodnight."
•Tasha loves Kaz. Especially because she can relate to him on a personal level growing up in a poor household and being forced to parent younger siblings.
•Kaz also teaches her basic medicine for the team and she has basically all of Mighty Med out after a mission.
°She finds him infinitely times better than Sebastian but only tells him that once.
•Nobody even thinks about getting into an argument with her, let alone raising their voice, because the only person who did that was Chase.
°It was when he was dating Sebastian and he was trying to convince her that he was a good guy and wasn't paying attention to when he raised his voice at her.
°For the smartest man on earth, it was a very easy and very big fuck.
•She refuses to be mediator on any argument. Even the simplest thing like when Chase and Adam argued about boxed water.
•Leo's dad left when he was four but Donald has never had the "I'm not trying to be your dad" talk with him.
•When Skylar started dating Bree, she brought Tasha and Donald a dead pig. "It is an offer for your daughter's hand in courtship and proof I can provide for your family through the winter."
•Before Kaz and Chase's relationship was out, Kaz would catch on flames from anxiety if Donald or Tasha saw them even remotely next to each other.
•She was the one who suggested to Kaz that Adam could work at Mighty Med to pop bones back in place or whatever required super strength.
•Donald offered to make her bionic but she said she'd rather die.
•Donald used to cut the Rats hair when they were kids and it looked terrible. (It's why Chase's hair is so spiky. Ha. Spiky.)
•Also, Tasha never got used to Spike coming out. It scares the shit out of her every time.
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tainted-liquor · 10 months
this was specifically requested BY Bree, so here we go🤷🏽‍♀️
“Hood Princess” bree
For starters, I wanna just get a little background info out the way before I do anything. Bree is Bahamian, says she doesn’t experience racism, and its v likely that she has never lived outside of the Bahamas. The official language of the Bahamas is English and Haitian Creole, as many people of Haitian decent LIVE on the island. Haitian Creole derived from FRENCH, lets keep this in mind.
so first I wanna address Bree’s ignorance/marginalization of Caribbean people.
In the DC server I said “maldito mamaguevo” right after having a disagreement over…this message
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I thought it was obvious this was in a playful/joking manner, but maybe she took this as a personal attack/accusation. I would just like to say that if I suspected Bree abt this anon (which I didn’t because she had Honey BLOCKED for some reason during this), I wouldn’t have made a joke abt it. Not sent the SS to her. I would’ve made a mental note of it and kept it pushing.
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When Bree first sent this message I was confused, because as you know I have Dominican family. I speak Dominican Spanish, and generally only rlly know Dominican slang that I’ve learned from my brother and his side of the family. So obvi I was confused because Bree makes it known she’s very much Bahamian, so I googled what language the Bahamas speaks and if it’s anything like Dominican Spanish !
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As you can see, they don’t speak Spanish…so what was the point of saying “I’m Caribbean I know what this means?” Anyone can be Caribbean…White black Asian Latino. If you’re born in the Caribbean you’re Caribbean…so why does this equate to her speaking spanish?
so naturally i went to Dalia abt it cuz even tho I myself could feel this was iffy, I wanted to ask someone else who is more submerged in Dominican culture. And Dalia said this felt iffy, because she has marginalized the Caribbean before and hopped between different dialects that are…not her own! Like Jamaican patois
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But besides that, lets address another issue w Bree before we dive into her history of supporting a miles smut writer.
As some of you may know, Bree used to refer to herself as a “hood princess” and used PLENTYYYYY of AAVE and african american culture in her works…lets break this down rq
Bree has earned herself a reputation as a rather aggressive and obnoxious blogger, doing absolutely nothing but fighting w gwiles Stans and “speaking her mind” abt things nobody really paid any attention to. She said she was a pale “natural blonde” girl (I haven’t seen shawty so idk wtf she looks like)
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So why does she run around claiming the title of a “hood princess” when she 1, did not grow up in an American hood, and 2, is probably white passing from her own mouth?
for black children who grew up in the hood, you know it’s nothing to brag about. It’s a low income neighborhood, a “bootleg” version of a neighborHOOD. Hence the name. It’s an incomplete neighborhood.
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When I had a general discussion w her about the fetishization of African American culture a week ago, she seemed mad avid to defend making the hood be your whole personality..trying to justify it by saying it “makes you think and act a certain way” which is v true! However I’ve never once tried to make myself into a sexxyred “hood princess” js cuz I grew up in a low income area. She even agreed that african american culture was fetishized, so I’m so confused as to why she was offended by my post yesterday?
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So as to why she’s mad…idk. When I’ve talked to her abt this issue before, and I’ve literally just taken the issue online this time as a black creator
now let’s move on to Bree’s ableism☠️
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I got her so mad she tried to tell me I was “half a chromosome away from a learning disability”…ok!!
But besides that, lets talk about her defending Anika!
So this summer, a popular creator by the name Anikaluv made a fic where miles had readers…nudes in his phone😭
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Children should not be sending, keeping, or taking nudes of themselves or anyone else. Wether that’s 14, 15, 16, 17. Just DON’T! It’s illegal, and this fic glosses over the fact that it’s a disgusting crime. Not only that, but miles mother SEES the readers nudes…so😭
Bree immediately took to defend Anika, showing her support for her and saying if we keep complaining we won’t have anything to read☠️☠️
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When this is Anika…and Bree DEFENDING Anika
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Anika also wrote about the reader buying miles a thong?? At 15?? You don’t “read miles smut” but you sure read anikas work !
FYI…Anika was going to write about Reader and miles GRINDING in said lingerie. And Anika said she despises miles smut, and so did you! But at the end of the day that doesn’t change what you said
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Here’s the screenshot you wanted ms. “People are gonna do what they do”
mouthful, but there we go
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breelandwalker · 11 months
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Hex Positive, Ep. 040 - Bree and Lozzie Ruin Everything (CritWitchCon 2023)
Here it is - the episode you’ve all been waiting for! CritWitchCon 2023 was an absolute blast and Lozzie and I made the most of it with another LIVE episode of The Stardust Sessions. And as you may have inferred, the title of said panel was, “Bree and Lozzie Ruin Everything.” We each picked a topic which is taken for granted as Gospel Truth by certain segments of the witchcraft community and set about tearing those assumptions to shreds.
(For my Patreon supporters, a full video version of the panel is available to subscribers!)
For those of you who might be interested in future Critical Thinking Witches online gatherings and virtual events, please visit ⁠http://criticalthinkingwitches.com⁠ for announcements, scheduling, and contact information. More events are definitely planned for the future and we’d love to see you there!
Hello November Market Saturday, Nov 4 2023, 12pm-5pm Strangeways Brewing 2277A Dabney Rd, Richmond VA ⁠Hosted by Mystic Markets⁠
Crystal and Oddity Witch Market Sunday, November 19 2023, 12pm-6pm Diversity Richmond 1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond VA ⁠Hosted by River City Witch Markets⁠
Check my⁠ Wordpress⁠ for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my⁠ Patreon⁠. 
Visit the⁠ Willow Wings Witch Shop⁠ to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the⁠ Nerd and Tie Podcast Network⁠.
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ads – “Feelin’ Good,” and “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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louisupdates · 8 months
UK superstar hands local band its biggest gig yet
By Cassidy Pearce - January 31, 2024, 14:15
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After taking over venues everywhere from Katoomba to Canberra, local band Club Halifax is about to hit their biggest stage yet, opening for internationally renowned singer-songwriter Louis Tomlinson at Qudos Bank Arena.
Club Halifax initially came together in 2021, when existing bandmates Bree Greasley, Cameron Browning and Cameron Hopcroft joined forces with new members Robert Jinks and Ethan Karpathy to create a brand new sound.
Over the last few years, the group has performed all over New South Wales and interstate whilst working collaboratively to write and release two singles, with Karpathy admitting that Glenmore Park local Hopcroft, whose home they record at, is always the “secret ingredient” in their music.
“I like a lot of heavier music, a lot of the other guys like a lot of the folkier stuff, so you blend that all together, and then our sprinkle on top is always Hop – whenever Hop brings his lead lines on, that’s when it goes from a song, to a Club Halifax song,” he said.
Everything changed for the band last year when a targeted advertisement came up on Karpathy’s Instagram looking for a local act to support the former One Direction member at his Sydney show on Friday, February 2.
Despite saying he ignored the advertisement at first, thinking the band had no chance at the spot, Karpathy ended up applying the next day with a short blurb and video of them playing at the Blue Mountains Theatre.
You can only imagine their shock upon opening an email from Tomlinson’s team just a few weeks ago naming Club Halifax as the official opener.
“[Browning] and I yessed it before we got everyone else saying ‘yes’ – we just knew it had to be done,” Karpathy said.
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Club Halifax is one of three Australian bands opening for Tomlinson over the span of his tour, with The Velvet Club performing in Melbourne, and Safety Hazard in Brisbane – each local to their respective shows.
According to Greasley, artists like Tomlinson providing opportunities like these for smaller bands is an integral part of the industry locally, showcasing that there’s no shortage of musical talent in Australia.
“I think it’s awesome, because all of these smaller bands are getting so much momentum out of it, and hopefully opportunities out of it as well,” she said.
With the countdown now officially on, the band said they’re all dealing with mixed emotions, struggling to focus on day-to-day life without being reminded of the gig.
“I think we’re all feeling terrified, but excited,” Hopcroft said.
Ultimately, however, Jinks noted that they can’t wait to soak it all up, especially given they’ll be surrounded by loved ones who have bought tickets to support them.
“For a western Sydney band, this is a huge opportunity. I don’t think any of us saw this coming, and definitely not this quick. It’s the dream, but it doesn’t happen often,” Jinks said.
“I’m pretty excited that we’re going to have all of our friends and family in the audience. I think that’s going to be the only comforting thing in the whole gig – looking out and seeing mum. But also, brushing shoulders with pop royalty Louis Tomlinson is super exciting.”
As for what’s next for Club Halifax, Browning assured that there’s plenty more in the pipeline for 2024.
“There’s at least one EP, potentially two, in the works, and then other stuff beyond that, like merch and more gigs,” Browning said.
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alligatorjesie · 4 months
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Hey that's alright you can block me as much as you like but it wont change anything man. You said some shit things so I'm going to say some shit things to you.
You know what that's fine we can just repost that whole comment so people can see what a shitass you are @blessyouhawkeye
Hey real quick you do realize that reylo is just a really vanilla ass enemies-to-lovers ship if you have a problem with it well good luck man this shit is literally everywhere in media.
Almost like it's a popular trope. Have you never watched a rom com? Woof. I got some news for you brosph.
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but you know what since we're on the tangent of 'weird people' in fandoms let's talk about that for a moment.
You wanna know what's weird? There's a lot of finnreys in the reblogs acting positively feral about their ship not being canon
(which idk I watched TRoS that was pretty open ended if your still mad about reylo by the end of that movie that shits on you)
and upset they don't have book deals like the reylos but IDK man maybe the reason finnreys ain't got book deals is because they spend all their time online bitching about how their ship got shafted instead of writing that fucking fanfiction.
You know when the reylos got shafted with the shit show that was EP9 instead of spending the next 3 years complaining they just trucked along in their own fucking sandbox completing their own fucking projects for their own fucking friends.
Fuck Disney we'll make our own reylo with blackjack and hookers and sex scenes.
You mean to tell us you've had more problems with reylos who were just excited to see the story concepts they predicted from The Force Awakens coming true in The Last Jedi and making positive content to reflect that joy compared to the actual nazis on YouTube who flood the platforms with 3 hour long hate videos over how Bree Larson is somehow personally responsible for their dicks falling off?
You remember that one time ethan van sciver said he wanted to kill Chinese people? He's a really popular star wars/comic book YouTuber and he's way more problematic than anyone I've ever met in the reylo fandom.
And guess what he also hates reylo what a shock!
You wanna talk about some unhinged weird behavior allow me to direct you at a rabid finnrey who has told me graphically to kill myself at least 5 times now for the sin of enjoying the wrong part of star wars according to them.
That shits fucking unhinged
Here's some of those death threats these are 100% real by the way:
Obviously Death Threat Warning some of these are quite gnarly.
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This user still has an active account.
I've reported them several times but I sometimes feel like the only thing that will get you banned on this hellsite is being trans I swear to fucking god.
This user has spent over 7 years shit posting hate directly into the reylo fandom's tag instead of doing literally anything else to make their own fandom more enjoyable for themselves.
That's weird shit.
What has been hellish is being in this fandom for over 9 years and dealing with the amount of uncalled for vitriol at this very fucking plain flavor baby's first enemies-to-lovers ship.
I only started keeping track of the death threats back in September 2022
It's not even been a full 2 years and I'm nearing 1000.
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This is the header for my Tumblr. This is a real number by the way I have every death threat I've gotten since starting this documented on my computer.
It's actually 955 because thepettycunt here just sent me a new death threat so now I gotta update the banner.
One day I'll make a master post.
Today is not that day.
But let's be very honest here the real number of death threats I've personally gotten are well into multiple thousands across multiple platforms over 9 years.
Just for enjoying reylo.
And I'm a furry and have been since the 90s. I'm use to being told to kill myself from strangers on the internet so color me confused when I join this really basic bitch of a fandom ship only to find the hate towards it somehow fucking worse.
That's some fucking weird unhinged shit.
I know you made this shit post just to be a shit poster so don't take this too personally I'm sure at this point you already think I'm unhinged and rightfully so
maybe I am
but after the 100th death threat I just stopped giving a fuck so you'll just have to forgive me but it's real buck ass wild to be called 'weird' when I've never sent death threats to people over fictional ships and none of my reylo friends have done that shit either but I am almost 99% sure if you look though the history of any single person who reblogged this post bitching about reylo you'll find they have a history of doing that shit.
You can pick any one. Odds are they have anti reylo posts going years back and at worst some of them have straight up told people in this fandom to kill themselves.
I can look through YOUR history OP and see You're a huge pile of shit towards reylos!
Go on pick one out at random and have a go. It's a fun horrible way to spend a afternoon.
And before anyone brings it up because people who hate reylo always do;
'what about that one time reylos harassed John Boye-'
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a group of women telling John Boyega the things he's saying are sexist towards his female coworker who had already been harassed off social media a few years prior and asking him to do better isn't the harassment you think it is.
You can find that 'reaction' video John made to the reylos on google and watch it yourself. No one is being racist but they are all asking him to stop making sex jokes on his female coworkers behalf and expressing disappointment in him. In fact he even had to reused quite a few of the quotes because I think about halfway through making the video he realized he just didn't have that much material and the things people were saying were pretty fucking mild.
And I'm not sorry. Asking a adult man to hold himself accountable for the shit he says is not on the same level as the far fucking worse shit the over arching star wars fandom has done well before reylo was even a twinkle in anyone's eye
Lastly one more thing and I'm done I swear and I'm going to apologize in advance because I'm gonna sound really spicy and I guess I kinda am but not in a mean way more in a really fucking confused way
but what the fuck do you mean jenny nicholsons reylo videos are unhinged?
They're the fucking same as the rest of her videos.
Is there something less unhinged about a nearly 4 hour long video about a failed fantasy RPG theme park over a 1 hour long video about how star wars episode 9 was absolute dogshit?
Jenny makes cringe videos about cringe shit. That's her brand.
She's voiced her enjoyment of reylo very early on... I think back in The Force Awakens days? So why are you surprised she would talk about the subject at length in detail? She bought a stuffed porg larger than herself and documented collecting it on video for her channel.
Yeah man she probably likes reylo.
Most people who like TLJ do.
What... what the fuck do you mean her reylo videos specific are unhinged?
I'm sorry but if known racist and sexist YouTuber doomcock can spend 6 hours complaining about TLJ because Rey don't make his dick hard like Luke Skywalker does and he's going to make his refusal to reflect on that issue our fucking problem I don't think Jenny is unhinged for complaining about the inarguably bad movie that was the rise of skywalker for less time than the movie's total runtime.
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I'm not even mad I'm just really confused by your statement.
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mariacallous · 1 month
Since the early 1990s, people have used doxing as a toxic way to strike digital revenge—stripping away someone’s anonymity by unmasking their identity online. But in recent years, the poisonous practice has taken on new life, with people being doxed and extorted for cryptocurrency and, in the most extreme cases, potentially facing physical violence.
For the past year, security researcher Jacob Larsen—who was a victim of doxing around a decade ago when someone tried to extort him for a gaming account—has been monitoring doxing groups, observing the techniques used to unmask people, and interviewing prominent members of the doxing community. Doxing actions have led to incomes of “well over six figures annually,” and methods include making fake law enforcement requests to get people’s data, according to Larsen’s interviews.
“The primary target of doxing, particularly when it involves a physical extortion component, is for finance,” says Larsen, who leads an offensive security team at cybersecurity company CyberCX but conducted the doxing research in a personal capacity with the support of the company.
Over several online chat sessions last August and September, Larsen interviewed two members of the doxing community: “Ego” and “Reiko.” While neither of their offline identities is publicly known, Ego is believed to have been a member of the five-person doxing group known as ViLe, and Reiko last year acted as an administrator of the biggest public doxing website, Doxbin, as well as being involved in other groups. (Two other ViLe members pleaded guilty to hacking and identity theft in June.) Larsen says both Ego and Reiko deleted their social media accounts since speaking with him, making it impossible for WIRED to speak with them independently.
People can be doxed for a full range of reasons—from harassment in online gaming, to inciting political violence. Doxing can “humiliate, harm, and reduce the informational autonomy” of targeted individuals, says Bree Anderson, a digital criminologist at Deakin University in Australia who has researched the subject with colleagues. There are direct “first-order” harms, such as risks to personal safety, and longer-term “second-order harms,” including anxiety around future disclosures of information, Anderson says.
Larsen’s research mostly focused on those doxing for profit. Doxbin is central to many doxing efforts, with the website hosting more than 176,000 public and private doxes, which can contain names, social media details, Social Security numbers, home addresses, places of work, and similar details belonging to people’s family members. Larsen says he believes most of the doxing on Doxbin is driven by extortion activities, although there can be other motivations and doxing for notoriety. Once information is uploaded, Doxbin will not remove it unless it breaks the website’s terms of service.
“It is your responsibility to uphold your privacy on the internet,” Reiko said in one of the conversations with Larsen, who has published the transcripts. Ego added: “It’s on the users to keep their online security tight, but let’s be real, no matter how careful you are, someone might still track you down.”
Impersonating Police, Violence as a Service
Being entirely anonymous online is almost impossible—and many people don’t try, often using their real names and personal details in online accounts and sharing information on social media. Doxing tactics to gather people’s details, some of which were detailed in charges against ViLe members, can include reusing common passwords to access accounts, accessing public and private databases, and social engineering to launch SIM swapping attacks. There are also more nefarious methods.
Emergency data requests (EDR) can also be abused, Larsen says. EDRs allow law enforcement officials to ask tech companies for people’s names and contact details without any court orders as they believe there may be danger or risks to people’s lives. These requests are made directly to tech platforms, often through specific online portals, and broadly need to come from official law enforcement or government email addresses.
“If a threat actor can intercept that process, it’s the fastest way for them to get highly accurate sensitive data on the victim,” Larsen explains. “They’re really stepping up and using that as their primary method for doxing victims.” This kind of request has previously been used to harass women and children, as well as weaponized against security researchers.
During his research, Larsen says he infiltrated various Telegram groups where people were selling access to systems to make EDRs and government emails needed to make requests. One individual, according to screenshots shared by Larsen, claimed to be selling access to TikTok’s law enforcement platform using a US Department of Justice email address, and claimed they had an FBI email address too. Another claimed they would make government emails addresses from Mozambique, the Philippines, Pakistan, and Brazil for $125 each.
Larsen says he reported the details to law enforcement agencies. The FBI declined to comment about false EDRs to WIRED, while a TikTok spokesperson pointed toward its public policies on emergency data requests and the ways it tries to ensure they are valid. The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency did not respond to a request for comment.
“Violence as a service” groups have appeared from SIM swapping communities in recent years as well, allowing people to pay for violent acts to be carried out. Digital extortion can lead to physical extortion, Larsen says, adding that Doxbin doesn’t allow threats or discussions of violence to be posted on its platform. “I’ve seen people get doxed and that ends up in them being bricked, getting their house shot up, getting a Molotov thrown through their windows, gang stalked, all in an attempt to extort them for money,” Ego said in a conversation with Larsen. Videos of attacks are sometimes posted online. “Things get pretty wicked online, much more than people realize,” Ego said.
These incidents can involve people trying to extort cryptocurrency from people with large stashes—although some violence services have been used by feuding online groups. “Unless these platforms get taken down, or more actors get punished, both in the US and abroad, it's just going to continue to rise,” Larsen says. “Particularly as cryptocurrency becomes more adopted by more people.”
Few Doxing Protections
Globally, few legal protections against doxing exist—although elements may fall under stalking, harassment, or data protection legislation. “Laws worldwide are simply not fit to provide protection,” says Amanda Manyame, digital rights adviser at Equality Now, a feminist human rights NGO. “Victims have no way to swiftly regain control of information that has been published with the intent to harass, intimidate, and/or harm them.”
“The prompt takedown of doxing-related content is very important for victims, and governments need to enact laws that mandate the removal of such content within 24 hours,” Manyame says, with Equality Now’s research stating that doxing can “disproportionately” impact women and girls.
Indicating the challenges of getting information removed, Doxbin publishes a transparency report—mimicking the practices of Big Tech platforms—listing the number of removal requests it receives. Around 160 requests from lawyers and local and national law enforcement bodies are listed from 27 countries, Larsen says, with the majority being denied as they don’t break Doxbin’s limited terms of service.
While legal routes to getting data removed are slim, there are steps people can take to limit some of the impacts linked to doxing and wider online privacy abuses. At an individual level, Larsen says, common cybersecurity measures can help, including not reusing passwords across apps and websites, locking down social media accounts and not posting photos and personal information, and turning on multifactor authentication for as many accounts as possible. For people wanting to go further, using usernames and emails not linked to the same email address or online handle is a potential first step.
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kaicrose · 5 months
How Black athletes are negatively Represented and mistreated by the media.
Black athletes both men and women, have been negatively represented and mistreated by the media for as long as people of color have been able to play sports without segregation. From Football, soccer, tennis and baseball just to name a few  black athletes have been victims from the media. My first example of this is when Jackie Robison became the first African American to play in the MLB in the modern era. This was in 1947 which was before the Civil rights movement. Robison had faced many death threats to his family and to himself and was even threatened by opposing teams just based on skin color. According to Andscape.com “Baseball writers were far more comfortable dressing up in blackface and speaking in black dialect during their skits at their annual banquet than in writing about racism. They used racial pejoratives and stereotypes in print and in conversation. Shirley Povich, who was one of the relatively few mainstream sportswriters who advocated for blacks in baseball, was asked why so few white sportswriters called for the end of the color line. “I’m afraid the sportswriters were like the club owners,” he said. “They thought separate was better.” Obviously in today's world we have moved past segregation in sports and as a country but I think this is a great example to start with to show that this has been around for a while. 
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In 2018 Lebron James had a 17 minute interview alongside Kevin Durant with ESPN. According to an article from NPR.com “James discussed family, personal growth and the challenges that come with being black and a public figure in America — including his reaction to the racial slur that was graffitied on his Los Angeles home last May. He also discussed politics and President Trump”. So clearly lebron is speaking out about things that have happened to him recently that were hateful and he was also talking about how president trump had said some questionable and shocking things he had said. In the interview Lebron stated "The No. 1 job in America, the appointed person is someone who doesn't understand the people," the athlete said at one point during the interview, adding that some of the president's comments are "laughable and scary." As we see here Lebron James who is one of the biggest Black athletes on the planet and maybe of all time is practicing his 1st amendment right. Laura Ingrahm from fox news had some rude things to say about lebron like that he was barely “intelligible”, and “ungrammatical.” She then finishes the segment by saying "It's always unwise to seek political advice from someone who gets paid $100 million a year to bounce a ball," she said. "Keep the political comments to yourselves. ... Shut up and dribble." This obviously challenged Lebrons intelligence as a black man and the comment of shut up and drip in my opinion had some racist undertones. Laura Ingrahm had actually gotten called out for her comments on defending Drew Brees a couple years ago as Drew brees made his politcal commets public. Laura had nothing to say about Brees. Drew Brees is also a white man.   
Here is the link to her speaking-https://youtu.be/AlHuaOIvRLY?si=QDFA1kN4EUTbCBtW 
Respone about Drew Brees - https://youtu.be/ege-lfF-TIA?si=hUmO7Zg8mLLArvIL
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Serena Williams is one of greatest Tennis players ever to play the sport. If you have watched any sports news channel the last 15 years odds are you have seen a headline of Serna dealing with racism abuse online. She has also dealt with issues involving the French Open on what she could and can’t wear. In 2012 a man named David Leonard who was the chair of the department of critical culture, gender, and race studies at Washington State University decided to record tweets and comments after she had won her 5th Wimbledon title. Some of the awful things that he found during this process where things such as “Serena Williams look like a man with tits, it's only when she wears weave she looks female tbh, what a HENCH BOLD GORILLA!,” “I don't see how in the hell men find Serena Williams attractive?! She looks like a male gorilla in a dress, just saying!”. Not only is she being called a gorilla which is already messed up and racist on its own there are comments on the way she looks saying she looks like a  “Male” . David Lenord also states “The racism that underlies the characterizations of her as hypersexual, aggressive, and animalistic also means that when she dares to express frustration, she's stamped with the infamous "angry black woman" stereotype.” If we are being honest we do not see this type of hate towards white women in the sport and this is a prime example of mistreatment from the media and sexism is also demonstrated. 
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In 2020 the UEFA Euros took place. It was England Vs. Italy. This is one of the largest soccer tournaments on the planet. The Game ended up going to penalties as the result of the game ended up in a draw. 3 out of the 5 people who took the penalties were black. All 3 of them unfortunately missed their penalties. There was already a stereotype online that black soccer players are not good at penalties. The problem with online racism and hate towards black soccer players in media is so bad when was watching it live I already knew that the young men Marcus Rashford, 23, Jadon Sancho, 21, and Bukayo Saka, 19, where going to be victims of mistreatment and to be negatively represented by the media. The abuse online was getting so bad that the government was getting involved. Fans that were caught making abusive comments towards the players were facing bans from stadiums and games for the rest of their lives. Marcus Rashford had released a statement saying "I can take critique of my performance all day long... but I will never apologize for who I am and where I came from,". Comments that were made about the players stemmed from fans calling them monkeys and other racial slurs like the N word. Along with these comments there was plenty of talk about how black people are not good at penalties and this is an example of black athletes being negatively represented.  
Here is a video of the Penalty shootout- https://youtu.be/QwvV06FvXbg?si=soHNWeBsENqieMwc 
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Black athletes are subjected to negative representation by the media and are often mistreated as well. I hope this Blog has informed you of moments where black athletes have been treated negatively. Things have gotten a lot better since when Jackie Robinson was around and I hope to continue to see improvements in the treatment and representation of black athletes. 
Works Cited
Desmond-Harris, Jenée. “Serena Williams Is Constantly the Target of Disgusting Racist and Sexist Attacks.” Vox, 11 Mar. 2015, www.vox.com/2015/3/11/8189679/serena-williams-indian-wells-racism. 
England’s Black Players Face Racial Abuse after Euro 2020 Defeat | Reuters, www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-pm-johnson-condemns-racist-abuse-england-soccer-team-2021-07-12/. Accessed 1 May 2024. 
Lamb, Chris. “The White Media Missed the Significance of Jackie Robinson.” Andscape, Andscape, 22 Feb. 2021, andscape.com/features/the-white-media-missed-the-significance-of-jackie-robinson/. 
“Shut up and Dribble- (Full Video).” YouTube, 23 Feb. 2018, youtu.be/AlHuaOIvRLY?si=QDFA1kN4EUTbCBtW. Sullivan, Emily. “Laura Ingraham Told Lebron James to Shut up and Dribble; He Went to the Hoop.” NPR, NPR, 19 Feb. 2018, www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/02/19/587097707/laura-ingraham-told-lebron-james-to-shutup-and-dribble-he-went-to-the-hoop.
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Hey everyone,
Clay the Assassin intern here, since Bree is on vacation. By the way, when do I get vacation from this job? I’m supposed to give you a heads up that the company that runs our food and cafe services will be training a new class of employees this week so service might be slightly slower than usual. They still promise everything will otherwise be up to the usual standards.
Which, by the way, I just stopped by the lobby stall and…we may owe Shaun the British guy that I absolutely do not know outside of work an apology. Coffee still sucks—the stall must be cursed. And the trainee barista only gave me six of my eight espresso shots. What’s the point of coffee if you can’t hear colors and taste sounds?
- Clay the “Intern”
Yeah, still not apologizing to the lobby guy. Also, Bree said that now that Andrew Tate is in jail, I get my online privileges back so…yay!
- Intern Jaxon
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ashsostrange · 11 months
it’s stand on business o’clock, cz i know y’all sick gw*les & p*nkflower shippers + delulu gwen stans ain’t try to run my girl bree (@breeandhermunches) off her blog… you got me all the way fucked up and ima tag this in ALL the categories. you can’t do anything about it 🤣 if you’re upset, then scroll ho. if you know i’m not talking about you, then have a great day! 🫶 if the shoe fits, then wear it.
i’m getting disrespectful. ima return the energy you hoes dished out n you better take it like some mf champs. y’all wanted to fuck around so now you gotta hear my mouth and find out. read it ‘n weep. clearing you bitches gives me life.
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such a shame we’re back here, but y’all are mad, mad miserable. like, i’ve never seen a fandom so chronically online. are you even trying to mask the fact that you rarely step outside anymore…? 😬
let me making it so very clear why i’m making this post in the first place, bc y’all seem to struggle with my main concerns never clicking in your heads.
y’all have the time to sit in somebody’s inbox and complain about their hatred towards fictional ships, meanwhile the people y’all complain about stay on their pages and mind their business? 🤨 those people being US. ion recall none of us going directly to YOUR pages to hate on punkflower and gwiles. if we hate, it’s on our pages. i don’t go looking for a mf fight, that’s mad childish. y’all were riding bree’s dick like crazy. at this point, her hate for gwiles must keep y’all up at night. talk to a therapist about that. it’s not healthy. i’m gna address ALL the bs y’all be on.
so now that you know why i’m posting this, let me set few things straight for y’all.
“don’t use the ship tag to hate! 🤬🤬” the day you copyright and trademark the tag, present me with an official “tumblr etiquette” rule book or, show me proof that you own tumblr is the day i’ll stop. ima do wtv i want whenever i want, please get that thru ya hollow ass heads. y’all aren’t entitled to anything. not respect, not no damn “common courtesy,” ESPECIALLY not over dysfunctional ships/fictional characters 🤣 i don’t owe you SHIT.
some of were y’all tryna go back and forth with me at the grown ass age of TWENTY. over GWILES. a sixteen yr old vs a twenty yr old, see your life 😂😂 it’s truly alarming. go get employed. if you alr are, then call your manager and pick up some more shifts bc you clearly ain’t doing enough. if college graduation rates begin to decline, i know exactly who to come to. everything’s going up and even tho you should be standing on some mf business so you can afford the cost of living, you’re arguing with teenagers online instead. a lot of you have too much free time.
“you posted this publicly under the tag, you can’t expect people not to want to argue” yes i can! block me and scroll. we don’t have to argue. i don’t remember starting an argument? i was never on your pages. i only reblog shit when it appears on my dash. like i said, i’m not searching far n wide for no damn fight. 🤷‍♀️ nobody told y’all to bitch, whine, and reblog mine or bree’s shit. your issue is that you have no self control. you don’t know when to hold yourself tf back, so you feel obligated to reply. god forbid someone has a differing opinion. my post was never even about the flaws in miles and gwen’s relationship. i was talking about how it is disappointing to see miles’ story be reduced to a love story. unfortunately, y’all forgot to put your glasses on beforehand and read “i hate gwiles.” yes, i hate gwiles!!! but that was not the point of my post. y’all are either illiterate or trying to let off some serious steam. i’m not having any of it. maybe y’all are upset i called you delusional, but you’ve effortlessly proven my point.
this is the internet. you have the tools to avoid seeing what me n bree hv to say, so why are you throwing a tantrum like a goddamn child instead of utilizing them?? you’re not special. the world doesn’t revolve around you and what you want. people are dying n you’re worried about a hate post under a ship tag?? mind you, that was the one and only “hate post” i’ve EVER put under that fuckass tag 😭 bree will make one post about gwiles, and y’all are the ones who’ll drag it out, then call her “obsessed.”we’re doomed bc y’all are doomed.
the white mfs complaining ab the term “snow bunny”… jesus 🤦‍♀️ ts didn’t even mean what you think it meant in the first place. it was originally used to refer to female skiers. some of y’all swear up, down, n all around that being “racist” to white people is the same as racism towards black people, and it’s not. let’s use “snow bunny” and the n-word as examples:
snow bunny had an alternative use before it was used to refer to white people. there’s no significant history behind it at all, unless you count tiktok as history. the n word has always been the n word. it’s always been derogatory, and anyone will a brain would know it’s mad history behind the word. it roots in deep hatred. people continue to use this word to belittle those who are black, or use it lightly around their friends nd behind closed doors as if it’s a common cuss word. y’all’s experiences with “racism” are nowhere near comparable to the experiences black people have BEEN facing and will be facing for fucking ever. white people have and always will be seen as the superior race, therefore, you face minimal to no “racism” outside of the internet, and i’d do anything to be able to say that. don’t even @ me talking about “🥹🥹 that doesn’t make racism against white people oka—“ i don’t care. at all. drink some water. you’ll be fine.
“you guys hate women!!!” “y’all hate gwen bc she’s white!!” like, you sound so fkn dumb nd all i can do is sit and stare at you.
me nd bree are black girls. people from EVERY race and EVERY ethnicity hate black people and EVERYONE hates black girls. hell, not even black men like us. why on god’s green mf earth would we ever want sb else to feel that way??
yk what y’all need to do? y’all need to quit whining and accept the fact that bree doesn’t like gwen because of what she did to miles. it’s as simple as that. stop trying to complicate things bc you so desperately want to deem her and other people who hate gwen “racists” or “misogynists.” no. i fw gwen heavy, nd me and bree are able to coexist bc neither of us are fucking delusional and regularly touch grass 🤷‍♀️ same thing with all my other mutuals.
meanwhile, you hoes get your panties in a twist when sb calls gwen a snow bunny as if she’s a sentient being who’s going to cry over ts, like, no. your feelings are hurt? take a fucking walk! nobody has to like her.
and punkflower, oh my god 😐 i’ve never been homophobic and i never will be. i’m literally queer. i’m not about that friendly fire before y’all try and call me homophobic. my thing is, if hobie was originally supposed to be a nineteen year old, n now his age is unconfirmed, why in the hell would we go and age him down to sixteen?? all y’all wna do is ship that man with miles or write smut about him. some of y’all wanna do both!! you change his age when it’s convenient to you. if you don’t see an issue with that, then i can’t help you. you’re weird. until i hear otherwise from one of the directors, he’s 19.
ghostflower or gwiles 🙃 the reason y y’all are sobbing or wtv. i thought y’all were exaggerating when you said gwiles was your religion, but it’s looking like i was very incorrect. real talk, ion like that fuckass ship. i don’t have to and neither does anybody else. just like you lames do with gwen, you dig deep in your ass for every problematic reason possible. “you have a racial bias!!!” “you hate interracial relationships!!” the fuck?? 😭 do you cunts read what you write before you post it?? “they’re more obsessed with gwiles than we are” “they must be in love with ghostflower & gwen”
…huh? covid really set some of y’all back tremendously because it seems a concerning amount of you lack critical thinking skills. in reality, just like hating gwen, the reason we dislike gwen and miles together is SO very simple. it all boils down to the fact that gwen did miles dirt. and i’ve made a separate post, i’ve talked about why they would never work imo. when i present y’all with my logical reasoning, you dgaf! so the only thing you can do now is shut the hell up, unclench, and cope. since you wna get in your feelings bout it, fuck gwiles, n fuck you too.
y’all even got some of your own people agreeing w me, props to y’all btw 👏 it’s never you i’m talking about.
i hate that y’all made it this deep bc it didn’t need to be. this is a fucking movie. none of this is real, yet you continue to harass me and bree like we murdered your immediate + extended family + the family dog that had cancer. i find myself hoping that one day y’all will realize how dumb you sound, but then i remember some of you niggas are already grown, so it’s looking quite improbable.
and also, don’t b up in my reblogs chattin’ it up about shit i’ve explicitly stated that idc about. i won’t repeat myself because you can’t read. if this post hasn’t shown you i don’t give even half of a fuck about you or your feelings regarding ANYTHING at this point in time, then i don’t really know what will 🤷‍♀️
if i made you mad, go ahead nd suck it up fa me. we won’t be going toe to toe and debating on MY blog because you’ll be actively wasting your own time, as i am not willing to hear anyone out. it’s been that way from the start and it won’t change. if you send an anon message or any type of inbox w some bs then it’ll sit there until the end of time or be swiftly deleted. if you reblog this post trying to invalidate anything i just addressed, i won’t even give you the time of day, bc i said everything that needed to said. i was very articulate and extremely clear. know that i can’t and won’t be swayed in the slightest. we’d just go back and forth until you decide to shut your mouth or block me. so block me now. ian the one.
if you don’t get it, then you don’t fucking get it, but what y’all aren’t gna do is treat people the way y’all were treating bree just because she hates two ships + gwen stacy. you complain about how the fandom sucks like you’re not the same people who make being in fandoms in unenjoyable.
you usually have to go to a therapist and pay for reality checks. luckily for y’all, i gave you one for free! you needed to be humbled and i happily did the humbling. lil piece of advice: stop trying to force people to gaf if they clearly do not. block and move on with your life. you gon get tired one day. leave me, bree, n anyone else you bother tf alone. spend your energy trying to change people’s minds on REAL ISSUES that actually matter, not fucking spider-man.
whew, ANYWAY… i hope i never have to speak bout this again. act right in the near future n i won’t have to “invade your tags” with long paragraphs in which i set you fools straight, thank yewww! 🫶
god bless!! 💗
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writerdragon4 · 1 year
Keys in a Bookcase Chapter 5
Chapters 1-3 here
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: More Questions Than Answers
“Bree gave the witch amulet to Emmy right?” Ben guessed.
“Yep,” Sara confirmed.
“And Emmy put it on,” Ben continued. 
“She put it on and she aged ungracefully in the span of a week and left to hide her shame,” Alex said. 
“She left behind the amulet and Bree buried it,” Conner added.
“And a cross between a petunia and a clover grew where the amulet had grown,” Conner said.
“Which would explain the confusion about the flower,” Ben said.
“So your Great Aunt Clover wrote about something she went through, just exaggerated I’m guessing,” Alex said.
“I don’t think so,” Sara said.
Conner threw a hand in the air. “What do you mean?” 
“I mean that my great aunt and grandmother got along well. And Great Aunt Clover was always too busy going on adventures to find a husband and settle down,” Sara rested her elbows on the table.
“How would she know about it then?” Ben asked.
“Great Aunt Clover must have learned about it on one of her trips.”
“Then how do you explain your grandma having the plant? Or the amulet getting here?” Alex asked.
“She must have dug up a bush and brought it here,” Sara said.
“She would have found the amulet digging,” Ben guessed.
“And it got into the shed how exactly?” Alex asked.
“My great aunt had a friend in town who stored stuff for her.”
“So that solves that question,” Ben said.
“We’re forgetting something,” Conner said. The other three looked at him.
“Well we still need to do something about it,” Sara muttered.
“Actually the wings and the pointed ears.” Conner gestured at Sara. “The poem said enchanting beauty, not whatever that is.” Ben and Alex debated the question without words. Sara buried her face in her hands. 
“It could be that the spell mutated while it was buried. The beauty’s still enchanting, just a different kind,” Ben suggested.
“I was gonna suggest that Sara has something less than human in the family history and the amulet just brought it out,” Alex said.
Sara didn’t lift her face out of her hands when she replied. “There’s nothing non-human in my family history.”
“You never know,” Conner said
Alex tipped his head back. “It’s magic man.”
“I can’t believe we’re discussing the logic of magic,” Ben muttered to himself.
“I do it all the time, normally it’s fictional though,” Conner said. 
“What now?” Sara ran her hands through her hair and brought her face up.
“More research,” Ben said. Conner and Alex half heartedly objected. “And to start we should create a list, just like for a research paper.” 
“There should be some paper around here.” Sara pulled herself from her chair. She went over to a side table holding a lamp. After some digging in the drawers she pulled out a yellow pad. On her way back to her set she put it in front of  Ben.
“Do you have a pen?” he asked. Alex handed him a pen that the others had no idea where he got it from. “Thank-you?” 
“You’re welcome.”
“Right so first point,” Ben prompted. He brought the pencil down to the page.
“First question: what is Sara,” Conner said.
“I’m human.” The teen was getting really tired of insisting that. 
“Probably a fairy of some sort, with the ears and the wings,” Alex said.
“Guys.” Sara crossed her arms. She glared at her friends for a second before throwing out her own point. “We should probably figure out where Great Aunt Clover was when she heard the story, you know use geographical information.”
“You have a way to do that?” Alex asked.
“She kept a travel journal. My cousin has it right now, so I’ll have to talk to him.” Sara shrugged. 
“Okay, so Sara will ask her cousin then we can look at the local legends. Anything else?” Ben asked. 
“We should try to see if there’s anyone who’s had something like this happen to them,” Conner said.
“I don’t think anyone’s going to be advertising this kind of thing,” Sara said.
“Come on, there’s all sorts of communities online,” Conner said.
“You’re probably just going to come across role-players,” Alex said.
“Role-players tend to be well researched at the very least,” Conner said.
Ben set down the pen. “Okay, so here’s what we got: What does Sara turn into? Where does the story come from? Are there any relevant local legends? And are there other people similarly affected?” 
“If it’s anything like the papers professor Grey assigns, more questions will come up,” Alex said. 
“Sounds about right.” Sara sighed. “I’ll go call my cousin.”
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bananabali · 2 years
Petite summer lin swallow
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#Petite summer lin swallow series
“I wish people would treat me like they would treat a married registered nurse with 2.5 kids in Indiana. She brings her hands to her mouth, falling silent as tears fill her eyes. When Olson is asked in the video how she would like to be treated, the question appears to catch her off guard. “In our next episodes, we want to keep spotlighting provocative stories about women that you don’t get to access through magazines and reality television.” I believe that with that proper exposure, we can minimize the destruction and even reverse some negative trends against women,” he told CNN in an email. “Today, unfortunately women are seriously under-represented across nearly all sectors of society around the globe.
#Petite summer lin swallow series
The curator of “Real Women, Real Stories,” Matan Uziel, told CNN he launched the series to empower women by highlighting their struggles, challenging stereotypes and raising money for causes that support girls’ and women’s education. to offer an honest take on the porn industry and its effects on female stars of adult films. Olson said she agreed to do the video interview - recorded last year at her home in L.A. She has a girlfriend, and Bree Olson is not her real name. She now works reluctantly as a cam model, a term for men and women who perform sex acts on live webcams for Internet customers. In an email interview with CNN she said she left the porn industry in 2011 and tried to launch several businesses that failed. Olson, 29, moved recently from Los Angeles to Fort Wayne, Indiana. They treat me like I would somehow be damaging to children.” They don’t treat me like an ex-sex worker. “I have really gotten to the point where there are days to weeks at time where I don’t leave the house because I don’t feel like facing the world,” she said. “When I go out, I feel as if I’m wearing ‘slut’ across my forehead,” she said in the video interview, which was posted online last week and is making the rounds in feminist circles on social media. Without giving details, she said people who recognize her in public call her ugly, demeaning names. No one wants anything to do with her after they find out about her former life. She said she has trouble finding work and making friends. Olson shared her struggles in a video for the digital interview series, “ Real Women, Real Stories.” Since then, she’s been trying to transition into mainstream life, but it hasn’t been easy. Olson estimates she was making $30,000 to $60,000 a month in the adult film industry before she gave up her career and parted ways with Sheen. Olson was one of Charlie Sheen’s live-in “goddesses” who shared his home with other women during his 2011 meltdown. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.įormer adult film star Bree Olson has a message for young girls: Don’t get into porn. All rights reserved.ĭatabase structure, search engine, and dynamic content generation by CMAC Web Design and Small & Rubin Ltd.This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. If you have questions about the site please contact us at: contents ©2010 by Pollution Probe and Technology and Health Foundation. All use of this site is subject to our disclaimer. Pollution Probe and Technology and Health Foundation and their funding partners assume no liability or responsibility whatsoever arising from the use of any information found in or accessible from the site. TO CONTINUE CLICK HERE: /en/content/thugbait-1.html These links to commercial sites in no way imply any form of endorsement of such commercial products or services by either Pollution Probe or Technology and Health Foundation or its funding partners. has links to some commercial donors (in cash or in kind) on its home page, to some commercial sites that provide information on indoor environment management within the database, and to some commercial gateway sites as a way of providing easy passage from the prescriptive information contained in the database to the world of commercial products and services, which will be required by school boards to implement their Indoor Environment Management Plans. is a not-for-profit, non-commercial site dedicated solely to increasing the access of School Boards to good information that will assist them in preparing and implementing Indoor Environment Management Plans to the benefit of students and school staff. You have clicked on an icon or URL that will take you out of the site into a commercial site.
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