#breezy just killing it again
wanderingaldecaldo · 2 years
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commission by @breezypunk
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slashersidewhore · 1 year
Slashers! First meeting their S/O
Slashers! x gn!reader
Includes Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair
Requested? Yes
Warnings: beefy murder boyfriends, fluffy shit, pre-relationship stuff, love at first sight, mentions of murder/gore/malicious intentions, violence
Michael Myers
It was Halloween night, dark eyes through holes in a white, cast of a mask staring through the second story window of an old, decrepit house
A young boy skipping by as in a blue, capped superhero, an older couple strolling on the opposite street, arm in arm minding their own in the breezy night
Eyes cast downward as the sharp ring of a doorbell shot through the old bones of the house, glint of a butchers knife tight in the grasp of the man know silently making his way through the upper hall
“Are we even supposed to be going in here?”
“Who cares, it’s tradition to check out the Myers mansion, relax”
“I don’t know, this feels wrong..”
Listening to what seemed to be two young adult, the shrill voice of one of them almost instantly striking the silent man with a headache
Michael watched from the shadows as the pair came into view, the louder of the two wearing her hair in tight pigtails, a cheerleader outfit splattered with what was obviously fake blood, a bad attempt at a murder victim
Ready to lumber from the darkness and strike down on the intruders, the man was struck to the spot he stood as you came into view, wearing another poorly, and clearly last minute, thrown on pirate costume
You were what he imagined when the perfect kill was dreamt, your face burned into his as your pictured screams of fear and pain died as did your fighting spirit, the knife once again tightened in his grip, knuckles turning a pale white, veins pulsing beneath taut skin
He wanted, no, needed to kill you
Even the thought alone send a bold chill of excitement through the otherwise lifeless body of his
“You know what would be so funny-“
The girl in pigtails spoke as she flipped around the corner, the voice shrinking in her throat quickly morphing in a scream of terror as she bumped into the large, awaiting body of the infamous Michael Myers
Although her scream was also short lived as a rough hand was immediately around her throat, lifting her from her feet and slamming her back into the adjacent wall breath knocked from her body at the impact
His other hand rose, moonlight catching the long, silver blade as it was plunged deep into her stomach, twisting, turning as her throat gave up on its scream, another shriek caused the killers head to twist like an owl
There you stood, frozen in place with hands partly covering your mouth, eyes wide, not shaking, not running, just watching as the man before you brutalized your friend
But as your eyes caught each others in the dimly lit hallway, Michaels grasp on the now corpse released, body hitting the floor with a dull thud he didnt bother to pull the knife from its placed nestled between dead flesh, not even glancing down at it
Your hands slowly fell from your face, still not shaking, but clearly stressed with sweat as you wiped your hands on the fabric covering your thighs
“I’m, sorry for breaking in”
Your voice was soft, careful but not disingenuous, Michael didn’t know how to react, unable to look away or even move
His head tilted to the left, mask bunching at the bottom, he turned on his heel and made his exit through the rickety wooden door leading to the backyard, leaving the body, knife, and you alone in the corridor
As his walk through the brisk night air flooded under the neck of his mask, the killer could feel his normally emotionless face scrunch with confusion
If hearing you scream in fear wasn’t what he thought he wanted from you, then what did he want from you?
He would have to investigate this sudden curiosity closely
Jason Voorhees
Jason was tirelessly indulging the day by sitting on the end of his cabins patio, watching the slow turn of various wild animals go by
There weren’t any campers to keep him busy, nor screams and boisterous laughter of teens trying to get their rocks off on the property, just the hum of June bugs and trees swaying beneath the gentle breeze of warm weather
That was until a shrill yelp drilled into Jason’s eardrums, bothered by the distraction from his day of calm, the man stood with shoulders squared, grabbing the awaiting machete perched against one of the patios wooden posts
Marching through the dense woods, his boots crushed leaves as he made he way to the noise from minutes earlier, hoping whoever it was was far gone
“Oh my god”
Of course they weren’t though, of course whoever this was decided to stupidly wander onto private property, clearly posted in writing on multiple trees and wire fences
Although Jason hesitated when he heard something he’d never had the pleasure of catching
“You poor thing, here I am breaking the law because of you”
Peeking from behind the thick trunk of a large oak, Jason was surprised to see a stranger kneeling in the dirt, fingers and palms cut up with minor wounds as they attempted to unwind a helpless rabbit that seemed to have gotten itself rolled in loose barbed wire
Not minding to worry about yourself, you winced as another barb caught your finger, slicing the thin flesh there as the rabbit was freed, trotting away without a care in the world
“Okay, now which way did I come in from?”
You wondered aloud, turning on your heel to go back the direction you think you came from, hoping in get back on the hiking trail you’d left behind
Jason merely watched with confusion, no malice or really any thought behind his eyes other than the urge to, protect you, from what he wasn’t sure
But he knew for certain, you weren’t someone he’d be able to forget
Thomas Hewitt
Let’s get one thing straight, Thomas doesn’t enjoy killing, him and his family was forced into it by Hoyt and his insatiable urge to feed and “care” for everyone
Most victims were easy to kill, treating him like a monster, screaming in his face curses and insults as they went out
Others he had a harder time with, the ones that just cry, plead with him for their life, promise they won’t tell the police if he lets them go
That being said, he’s never failed to kill, not once since he’s begun
That is until one summer day, when a knock at the door caught Luda Mae by surprise, wiping her wet hands on a dish towel and headed to the front door
Eyes narrowed, the older woman opened the door to reveal a young adult, you, standing there with a shy smile gracing your features, you held a pair of car keys in one hand, the other free to reach up and rub nervously at the back of your neck
“I’m sorry to bother you and, whoever else is home, but my car broke down a mile out, and I’m unable to reach anyone on my cell”
Luda Maes confusion turned to soft pity, a reserved grin taking over her lips as she moved to the left, a hand beckoning you in
“Well dear, there’s a phone in the kitchen, if you’d like I can call the towns auto shop while you wait in the living room”
Although still shaken from being practically dropped in the middle of nowhere Texas, you made your way graciously inside, thanking the woman with kind praise as you did so
Taking a seat on one of the two sofas available, your ankles crossed as you stared down at one of the keychains dangling from your car keys
You could hear the woman in the kitchen shuffling around, although you weren’t sure if you could hear anyone speaking to anyone on the phone
Curious, you slowly stood, palms sweaty as you now took a few steps from the living room, now able to hear Luda Mae speaking on the low to someone, then the sound of a corded phone clicking into its place on the wall
Heart slowing as you realized you were just being paranoid, you quickly turned on your heel to find your way back to the couch, although your trip was cut short by your feet crossing over one another, about to fall on your face when a two large hands steadied your shoulder
Gazing up, your breath caught in your throat at the absolute behemoth of a man now standing before you, a leather mask covering the bottom half of his face, thick brows furrowing as you simply continued to stare with wonder up at him
“Thank you”
Was all you could manage, voice catching as you realized your body was practically pressed up against his
“There you are dear, oh look I see you’ve met my youngest boy Tommy”
Luda Mae spoke as she entered the room, knowing look on her face as she coyly added fuel to the current fire
Pulling yourself up right and out of Thomas’ grasp, your hot face was focused on the older woman in hopes the man wouldn’t notice your sudden fluster
“Unfortunately our only truck is out with my other son, so I was thinking my boy here could be so kind as to walk you to the auto shop, you’ll be safe with him, promise”
You didn’t notice the way Thomas’ eyes followed you, too focused on thinking about being alone with a man as attractive as the one quietly standing beside you
“You’re not worried are you?”
Luda seemed to test you, but it went right over your head as you shook your head no
“He seems very reliable”
You smiled up at Thomas, unable to catch the skip in his chest as you did so
Luda Mae could only grin at the sight, ready to call up Hoyt and tell him to leave this stranger alone, as she could see a future blooming before her eyes
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent wasn’t one to leave his studio unless absolutely necessary, and even in those cases he didn’t, it wasn’t pleasant for the man
Until Bo brought home a guest, someone shaking and blindfolded as he manhandled the poor soul, although the stranger wasn’t screaming nor fighting, it was as if they’d completely given up, or knew it wouldn’t help
Vincent watched silently as his brother forced you to the ground, your knees surely hurting as they made contact with the hard, concrete floor
“Do you know what happens to people that wander where they don’t belong?”
Bo questioned menacingly, although he had a playful glint in his eye Vincent had never seen before
Silently creeping up behind his twin, the long haired man narrowed his eyes as he scanned what he could see in the dim, candle lit room of your face
The obvious old, dried tears that had found their way down your cheeks were still shining, creating lines over your soft skin
You looked to be carved of marble, painted with delicate strokes and framed with care, you were a work of art, and he hadn’t even seen your eyes yet
Placing a deft hand on Bo’s shoulder, the two exchanged looks, the shorter haired twin groaning in annoyance, although that look from before was still in his eye
Right as he was turning to take his leave, he leaned closer to Vincent, whispering to him as he passed
“I took one glance and knew you’d like them, guess I was right”
Then he was gone, foot steps disappearing as he left up the basement stairway
Vincent cautiously walked closer to you, noticing how you flinched back a bit when he made a move to pull your blindfold up, doing it slowly as to not startle you
Your watery eyes fell on his masked face, brows furrowing slightly as you glanced around the room
Vincent’s mouth soured at the idea that you were looking for Bo, of course you would be, what new comer in town wasn’t, until
“Is that man from before gone?”
You’d whispered, and if your sweet voice didn’t send Vincent into a flutter of strange emotions, your next words at the nod of, “yes”, Vincent gave you did
“Good, he scares me”
He merely nodded, unsure of how to act
“Is he going to come back?”
Vincent shrugged
Your shifted so you were sitting, wincing at the ache in your legs, eyes nervous but no longer afraid, you looked to the silent man before you
“Will you, stay here if he comes back?”
Vincent had never been so quick to nod a, “yes”
Sorry I’ve been gone for so long, but I’m back now! I’m working on what is currently in my requests but feel free to send in more!
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^ me returning after being inactive for 6 months
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terras-domain · 4 months
Who can't afford to pay the delivery driver extra and offers to "take their tip" as a tip?
Culture Shock
Miyawaki Sakura
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California, USA
Le Sserafim just finished their second performance for Coachella. Whether it was loved or hated, the girls could only pat on their backs for their performance. A good night rest helps the girls sleep through the thoughts of their whole trip to a foreign country (barring Yunjin). The next day arises, and most of the girls are still sound asleep, but only Sakura was awake, maybe being the mom of the group really awakened her mom abilities to be up early and get a cup of coffee to start the day. Sitting by the kitchen counter, slurping her cup of black coffee as she scrolls through her Instagram, yet the negative comments starts to overwhelm her, making her hands slowly lose grip on her mug. Thankfully she managed to put it down safely before she drops it on the floor, that'll definitely be a mess. Before she closed the app, a post caught her eye. A post compiling a pictures of a bundle at a Target somewhere near California. Excited, she quickly googled the area, and lucky for her it's only 20 minutes away! "Oh, that's not too bad! I could get a taxi to get there." She monologued, but her mind shifted to the other members. Will they be fine without her? Eeeeh, they probably will, she thought. She got up to her room and quickly got herself changed, while her phone still rests on her palm, texting without looking. "I'm off to go shopping for a bit. Be good whilst I'm away okie~ 💜" and sent. She got herself ready, fully changed from her PJs and now in a presentable manner, ready to move out.
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Kkura had to recap on how to book an Uber ride, because usually Yunjin does it and she barely focuses what the members do sometimes, so it took her a good minute to get to it. "Oh, that's pretty easy." She smiled, celebrating her victorious achievement by humming to Easy, reminiscing her wonderful time on the big stage. She wanted to scroll on her phone to kill time, but she remembered how crazy her social media feed at the moment so she decides to just fidget around, moving back and forth to look at the cool breezy morning, blowing her hair back as she enjoys the mixture of greenery and concrete. She must've spaced out too much since she didn't realized the Uber driver was already there. "Ahem, miss? Are you, Miyawaki?" A strong Californian accent jolted into Sakura's mind, popping the bubbles of her own world which made her realized she's been daydreaming and spacing out in to the view. "Oh! I'm sorry! Yes yes I'm Miyawaki." Kkura bowed repeatedly as she enters the backseat of the car, covering her face with her palms from the embarrassment. "So....Target right, Miss Miyawaki?" He asked, the taxi driver looking through his back mirror to see the flustered Japanese lady, her pale skin turning red from shame. Sakura only replied with a nod, which was enough for him to shift his gear from neutral back to drive to take her to her destination.
Judging by the way the driver wasn't fazed by the fact a singer that performed in Coachella yesterday made Sakura deduced that he doesn't know her. Cool, less talking needed for her. It's early in the morning anyways, so she couldn't gather enough social energy to be making conversations this early. The 40-ish year old driver seems like he knew the road in the back of his head, taking turns to maneuver the busy city life traffic. It was surprisingly short, a ride that was expected to be 40 minutes long due to traffic turned to a 20-minute leisure drive with the cab driver's help. "Thank you sir, how much did I owe you again?" Kkura asked, taking out her purse from her small handbag. "It's...30 bucks miss." He replied, looking at the meter counter, to calculate how much the lady needs to pay him. "Would you also like to lend a tip?"
"A tip?" Sakura was shocked, nearly jumped from shock from hearing the driver's request. The moment she heard the word tip, her mind immediately shifted to the night where she and Yunjin were sharing a room. Yunjin booted up porn on her laptop for them both to watch while touching each other. The scene included the woman sucking off the man's "tip", which made Kkura assume that's what the driver is requesting. Nervous, Sakura gave a reply, "I-I mean I would. But isn't it a bit too cramped here to be giving you a tip?" Her reply made the cab driver just as confused. "Huh? What do you mean, ma'am?" His confusion intimidated Sakura, making her heart beat faster. "O-oh, we can do it at the backseat of course! I forgot here it has more space."
The Uber driver got himself to the backseat to the backseat after parking his car. He was just trying to get some answers to the lady's answers to him asking for a tip. And this, was not what he expected. The moment he got in, Sakura helped him to sit up on the seat while she adjusted the front seat forward so there's space for her to kneel down. "Wa-wait, ma'am-" he paused as he stares at the japanese doing her thing, taking down his pants and revealing his cock. "I thought you wanted me to give you a tip?" She asked, looking up. Her eyes sprinkles innocence, that convinced the driver to understand that Sakura genuinely believes this is what he wanted. He meant money, but this works too. "W-well Miss Miyawaki, please give it to me." Sakura enjoyed the words that the man gave her, as her mouth starts to envelope his cock, beginning to suck on his growing shaft. The sight of a beauty like Sakura sucking him off made the driver extremely turned on, his cock growing bigger fast, he was ecstatic to see it. Sakura was into it, her lips wrapping around his size whilst her tongue worked his tip. The sensation was too good to hold on. "M-miss, I wa-wanna cum!" He grunted, warning Sakura who's running an assault on his cock. Sakura continues to bob her head back and forth on his cock, until eventually she takes it all inside her throat, taking it to the base as he came deep inside her throat, filling up the sweet japanese singer with cum.
Sakura's inviting lips traps his cock, not letting him free as he starts shooting cum, rope after rope of cum shooting in her mouth, reaching the back of her throat. "Fuuck...Miss. Your mouth game really surprised me." The driver panted, leaning to his seat as Kkura starts to clean her lips, licking the residue of semen and swallow. Sakura grinned as she grabs her stuff, and starts to leave the car. "It was nice meeting you mister, hope you enjoy your tip!" She waved goodbye as her hips sway, spending her day and money joyfully at the mall. Well now the US isn't as scary as she thought, heck she might've enjoyed it too much.
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lovexjoe · 2 months
In Love With A Stripper Part 3
warning: drugs, violence, language
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The hurt and confusion that took over her. Why is this necklace here!? Why! She felt so fucking stupid, the fact that she was actually starting to feel something again. She closes the duffel bag and throws it aside. She was not even going to touch that money. She doesn’t need his help. She doesn’t need him. He is dead to her. She only knew him for a fucking DAY!  Be fucking real with yourself Xiomara. 
The weekend went by rather quickly. She spent some of the money on Ricky to take him out and buy him some new toys. Spoiling her kid doesn’t count if he deserves every last bit of it. He’s been playing with the same toys that she was gifted from her baby shower which wasn’t much. Now those old toys are in a bag to be given to a shelter along with a couple new ones she purchased. 
The money was convenient as much as she didn’t want to use it, she really needed it.  She looked at herself in the mirror one last time as she gets herself ready for her day job. Andres mom: Grace was already at her doorstep, ready to watch Ricky when her smile immediately fades away when she sees the necklace. 
“Mi amor donde encontraste esto?!” (My love, where did you find this?) She looks at the necklace then up at her. 
“I-I found it in some of his old things” she tried her best to sound convincing. 
“Xiomara…por favor ten cuidado.” (Please be careful) She cups her face with tears brimming her eyes. Xiomara has become a daughter to her, she may not express it much but it would break her heart if she lost her to her son’s wrong doings. She simply nods her head, holding back her own tears. 
She kisses Ricky goodbye and they did their handshake. Two slaps on the back of the hand then a fist bump. She gave Grace a big hug and let her know that everything will be okay. The weather was a bit breezy today so the walk to the school wasn’t as brutal as it normally was. She drops the box of toys off to the shelter on the way; the front desk lady thanking her as the kids there really did not have anything. Making a note to herself to bring some more when she could. 
As she got closer to the school, she felt like someone was watching her. She starts to hurry her steps, her heart started to beat quickly. Was it the necklace? Before she could even react, someone grabs her into the alley way, covering her mouth. The familiar scent causing her not to scream, but she couldn’t help the tears that were falling. 
“Why are you crying? Miss me that much?” He wipes her tears but Xiomara pushes him away. 
“Stay away from me!” She tries to walk away but he pulls her back, pushing her against the alleyway wall. Xiomara wanted nothing more than to feel his lips but she couldn’t process the betrayal. 
“Talk to me…what’s wrong?” This wasn’t what he wanted. He’d do anything to turn everything back the way it was. Her pouty face still looked so fucking beautiful. She was on his mind this entire weekend. Her scent still in his sheets. God he wanted more than anything to make her his that night, but he refused to rush it. She pulls out the cross necklace and he froze. 
“Why the fuck was this inside the duffle bag?! Did you kill him?!” He looked hurt that she would just assume he killed him. Is he that much of a monster to her? How could he even explain that this pains him just as much as it pains her? He didn’t realize she was the girl Andres talked about until last night. He hasn’t gotten over his death. He watched it happen. 
“No, I didn’t kill him….just let me explain later. I promise to tell you everything.” She looks at him not knowing to agree or not. He could be lying. What if he kills her to hide his tracks? The look in his eyes says otherwise. 
“No….just just leave me alone. I don’t ever want to see you again!” She storms off and he lets her because regardless of how she wants it to go they were going to talk. 
Xiomara didn’t give a fuck what he had to say. There was nothing that could change the outcome. She may have questions but her gut already gave her the answers. Armando knew he was gonna get her to talk to him, so whatever she had to say right now didn’t matter. Xiomara went about her day, staying at the school past sundown because she needed to catch up on grading the kids papers. Who knew 1st grade had so much work? She gave Grace a call and let her know that there’s money in an envelope for her and that she’ll probably be out the rest of the night. The walk from here to the strip club isn’t horrendous plus she had clothes in her locker to change into. Throughout the day her mind kept flicking back and forth about whether she was being too stubborn about listening to Armando. Shaking her head, she pushes the thought away and starts to put her papers away.  He’s not a good person no matter how sweet he was. The school was quite eerie with no kids and the darkness that engulfed the night. All she could hear was her steps and breathing. 
She started to feel uneasy, as if she was being watched again. She clung onto the cross necklace hoping his presence was still here to protect her. As she left the school grounds and kept walking the roads were more empty than usual. Her anxiety started to kick in. A black car pulls up next to her , she pauses for a moment than proceeds to run. Not knowing if she could take anymore, her steps start to slow down but another black car pulls in front of her. Men filed out in black mask, she can’t even fight anymore.  
She was grabbed against her will and her mouth was covered with a white cloth that was submerged in a substance. Her body instant gave out and her vision went black. Hearing a few mumbles before she was out cold. Her mind was in and out of sleep. She was placed in someone’s arms. The scent giving her comfort so she held it close, snuggling her head into whatever it was. 
“It’ll wear off in 15 mins. She’s not hurt but goddamn she’s a runner.” A deep voice spoke to receive a chuckle. 
“Yeah…that’s my girl.” Xio felt something soft touch her forehead and she was out again trying her hardest to wake but sleep over took her body. 
She woke up with a horrendous headache, groaning as she opens her eyes taking in the scenery. She was in a decent sized warehouse that clearly someone was living out of. She forces herself to get up, but is unable to. The drugs clearly still in her system. She looks around and notices the little picture frames of Polaroids around and she realizes this was Armando because the background was a prison. 
She couldn’t imagine what his childhood was like or how he even recovers. 
“Good morning mami.” He teases coming into her view with a pill and water. She got fanny flutters from the way he said mami even though she was livid. 
“Kidnapping me cause I don’t want to speak to you is actually insane! You do know I have to work tonight ?!” Armando rolls his eyes at the thought of her on a pole again. It wasn’t happening. 
“You’re not stepping foot in that club again Xio.” He says sternly then motions for her to take the pill and water. 
“I just got drugged and you want to take a pill?! Go fuck yourself!” He just stands there with his jaw clenched waiting for her to take the pill. In reality he can stand there all night he was just as stubborn as she was. 
“If you try any funny shit I will shove my heel into your neck.” She snatches the pill and water. He bites his lip trying to contain a laugh. He knew this wasn’t a laughing matter but she’s making it hard by putting on this tough front. The warehouse was his hideout away from home. It was decorated with a bed and a couch and random art pieces that he found along the way. 
“Xio….just hear me out fully okay? Andres was working with me before you guys left the states and came here. He was a close friend of mine, w-we were basically brothers. Never asked each other too much information, we knew the basics and that’s it. Andres was undercover the entire time….” He pauses knowing the rest of the story is going to break his heart all over again. 
“They found out that he was undercover, I tried to save him Xio I really tried” He starts to tear up. 
“They made me watch them kill him….” The flashbacks coming back to him as he watched one of the cartels put a bullet through his head. Xiomara couldn’t believe what she heard and felt a bit guilty for thinking he did it. Armando at any point could have done it himself but even with Andres being undercover he wanted to save him. 
“I-I’m sorry Xio. I kept the necklace cause it’s all I had left of his.” He wipes his eyes, sniffing as he allowed himself to cry enough. Andres is already gone there is nothing else they can do. He held her close and they both stayed like this for a few just comforting each other. She realizes she had to get going. She pulls back from him as she goes to grab her purse. He pulls her in close, wanting nothing more than to feel their lips touch. She can’t explain it, but he lights a fire inside her she didn’t know existed. 
“Armando I have to go to work-“ 
“Shhh you’re not working there anymore. Whatever you want or need I will provide for you”   His lips starts to kiss on her jawline and she felt so weak. 
“P-please I need you….Armando I want you!” Xiomara begs as he starts to suck on her neck. That’s all he needed to hear because now he wasn’t gonna hold back.
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@yeahnohoneybye @cardi-bre91 @onlysarang @romanreignsluver1 @minwn
@armandosbabymama @dyttomori @bbyplutosblog @vergilnelosparda @believeinthefireflies95 @cardi-bre91
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I would like to ask if there are some things I've misunderstood or been misinformed about when it comes to masking. Are the following things true?
If I take off my mask in public for even a brief moment, it cancels out any positive effect wearing it might have had up until then.
If I touch my mask with my hands, my hands are contaminated and must be washed immediately with soap and water before I touch anything else.
If I take off my mask, it's "spent" and must be thrown away, and I have to put on a new mask.
I'm asking because I'm having a hard time figuring out how to drink water or eat food while masking, or if it's even possible to do so safely.
There's some crossed wires and half-truths here.
While unmasking in public for a moment doesn't undo the protection you've been doing, it does remove that protection and potentially expose you to covid. This risk is lessened outdoors, especially when you're far from others and it's breezy/windy (covid aresols don't stay aloft long on moving air; and the turbulence can potentially kill any virions that remain aloft... and being away from people diffuses any potential covid they may be exhaling, substantially reducing chances for infective exposure.) The risk rises the closer the people and in public indoor spaces (air changes often aren't high enough to clear covid aresols via ventilation. Big offenders in bad air circulation are schools, many medical buildings, and resturants.) You also are far less likely to get a good seal when putting your mask back on in public, increasing your exposure risk while masked again. It isn't all or nothing, but donning and doffing [taking off] a mask isn't just like pulling up socks: there's ways to do it correctly and most people don't.
This is following contamination controls for diseases spread by fluids or fomites. While covid rarely if ever spreads via surface contact, other diseases (such as mpox, potentially) could seep through the fibers of your mask given the right circumstances. All this being said, touching your mask (especially with dirty hands) fouls it like any filter. It means it will have to be thrown out sooner, and touching it may also break your seal. Avoid touching your mask in public and do try to touch it with mostly clear hands, and only on the edges of the filter material for best longevity.
Most masks used for covid can be used several times by most people. It's been proven in studies that the elastic on a disposable mask will wear out before average usage would wear out its filter medium. You should throw out any mask that is visibly dirty: sweaty masks grow mold. Dry masks can be stored in paper bags for a week or more to aid in basic decontamination, and you can use most masks that still have stiffness in the nosepiece and good elastic 3 or 4 times depending on type and how you use them. Daily wear (multiple hours at a time) will wear out the components faster. I have some KN95s that I opened in 2021 that I still use when opening the door to get a delivery or when I'm pumping gas around people or something like that. They probably need to be replaced soon (and many have been) but they've been used maybe a total of 25 minutes each and they're clean and the elastic and nosepieces are still good! It's all about being able to judge the quality. If you struggle with this aspect, it's best to play it safe and not reuse masks much.
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Do you wanna dance? - Matty Healy
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A/N: i couldn't help myself, these two deserve to be happy forever and ever xx
this is a part two to this request i did earlier, but can also be read separately!!
wc: 3k
content warnings: mentions of drugs (weed), cursing, typical MPIND banter, kissing, a touch suggestive?
May, 2009 
“I’m so fucking boreddd, kill me now.” you drag your feet on the ground, letting yourself be pulled along by Matty, his hand tightly clasped against yours. He rolls his eyes, begging you to walk properly, and that you would find something to do soon. 
“Carolines?” he suggests, pointing in the general direction of the old paper factory, it being maybe a 25 minutes walk from where you were currently at. You raise your eyebrows at him, a skeptical look on your face. “Really?” you ask, whining about how your feet hurt and you didn't want to walk any further.
“Pretty please, I promise I'll make it worth your while.” he lowers his voice, winking at you cheekily. A groan leaves your lips, and you shove him off to the side, taking a swig from a freshly opened bottle of cheap tesco wine. 
“I’d do alot for you,” you burp, making Mattys face scrunch up in disgust “but i am not shagging you on a terrace, not a chance in fuck.” he laughs like music to your ears, a gross snort slipping out.
You suggest calling your other mates, inviting them for a few drinks on the balcony, just like old times. That small platform just off the main office held dear memories, good and bad. Matty immediately shakes his head, bringing your hand away from the phone in your pocket. “Just you and me, no one else.” He sounds different, you couldn't quite place it. 
“Carry me.” you joke, pressing a dramatic hand to your forehead. Imagine your surprise when you feel a firm hand press against your back, and another wrap around the back of your knees, hauling you up. Your hip hits the bare skin on Mattys chest, another ‘stylistic’ choice of his, only being covered in a thin, see through black shirt. 
“Jesus, fuck, let me down!!” you scream, attempting to push him away. 
All he does is giggle at your struggle, only pulling you closer, planting a sweet kiss on your lips. 
“D’you think I'm too weak to carry you?” you huff, letting out a frustrated sigh.
“I’m too heavy, you’ll proper hurt yourself-” he laughs again, almost in disbelief. “Oh, come off it, I'm pretty strong, you know!” you roll your eyes, shooting him a worried look. He nods, leaning in to give you what you think is another kiss.
Instead, he fucking licks across your face, making you squirm away at the odd feeling. 
“Perv.” you spit, turning your head away from him. He nuzzles his face into your freshly curled hair, humming contentedly as he starts walking down the sidewalk. You notice him adjusting his hands a few times, trying to get a better grip, so you ask to be let down. He refuses, like he’s trying to prove something to someone. It was no use, he was going to see this through, apparently. 
It was wet, the rain from a few hours prior making everything smell like damp concrete. It was barely sunset, the sky painted several shades of blue, purple and orange, clouds sparsely littering the sky. Trees were finally starting to green again, and the warm air kissed your skin, warning you of the hot summer to come. It was late May, breezy and comfortable, even if it was pissing it down most of the time, you didn't mind it, rarely getting sick anyway. 
The back entrance was covered by stacks of cardboard, soggy and flimsy from the rain. Matty tries to set you down gracefully onto a rock nearby, miserably failing as when trips over his own feet, sending you both flying down onto the soft, grassy ground. 
Laughing at the stumble, he kisses you while you're still under him, gripping your cheeks between his fingertips. The moment doesn't last long, wet dirt sullying the back of your shirt, making you whine like a small child. He reluctantly rolls off you, offering a hand to help you stand. Wobbly on your very impractical heels, Matty takes a jab at your choice of footwear.
“Who wears heels to go walk around? You've got fucking ankles of steel or something, thats mad.” he laughs, gesturing at your red platforms, thin straps the only thing keeping them attached to your feet. 
“They’re platforms.” you correct him “You’d know that, if you knew anything ever. Fuck you, you’re just jealous i’m taller now.” It was true, you towered slightly over him, even if only a few inches, it gave you a sense of power. 
Twirling your hair around your fingers, you let Matty lead you up the stairs, hand firmly gripping your wrist. His nails were painted black to match, though they were significantly more chipped than yours, the nail polish peeling off in chunks. 
Still, you found it endearing how he always wanted to use the things you did, whether it be makeup, clothes, even colors. What was yours was his, and what was his was yours, evident au cause de the blue top you were wearing. The stupid tourist shirt, his prized possession. 
The wind had died down a bit by the time you reached the smashed glass door leading to the terrace. Ross had managed to fall through it one night, absolutely wrecked off half a bottle of tito’s, no mixer. The four of you spent hours afterwards trying to pick small shards of glass out of a blacked out Ross, utterly convinced he was dying of alcohol poisoning. Fucking drama queen. 
Orange light floods the terrace, painting the worn down sofa in a warm hue. Matty smirks slightly as he plops down onto it, patting the space beside him, asking a silent question. You smile, the sight of him making your heart swell up with love. God, he looked beautiful, it was almost too much. Thicker chunks of his hair were now dyed blonde, streaks of pink peeking through. Impulse decision, though a good one, the bit of color really suited him.
“You got any?” he asks, tucking both his hands behind his head, spreading his legs, his shirt riding up slightly. A suggestion. 
“What do you take me for?” you giggle, already pulling out your weed. He never brought his own, insisting that if you wanted to roll them yourself, you’d also buy it. His logic was deeply flawed, but honestly, you loved him too much to tell him. 
Rolling the spliff, flashes of memories flip through your mind, you hear Hann’s voice. 
‘Girls don't roll their own spliffs’ God, he was such a dickhead.
“Girls don’t roll their own spliffs.” you giggle, grinning at Matty as you lick it closed, admiring your work. George had given you a few tips, and you’d actually gotten better. Mattys angelic laugh fills your ears, bouncing off the concrete walls. 
“Fuck yeah, I'm your girl.” he says proudly, brushing tangled curls out of his face, slightly more tan than usual, the sun having branded his fair skin. Your eyes roll of their own accord, and you nudge him with your elbow, muttering quietly. 
“Shut up mate, honestly.” he lets out a dramatic gasp at your words, pressing a hand to his chest is faux shock. 
“Do mates do this?” You jump as he snatches the spliff out of your hand, grabbing your face just like he did on the grass before, pressing a hot kiss right beside your mouth, just missing it. Biting back a moan, you feel his tongue slip past your lips, running across your own. 
“Okay, fuck off now, thanks.” you smile, unable to stop yourself. Not when he looked at you with such joy, eyes glimmering in the warm light. 
He hands the joint back to you, your hands brushing against each other. It felt loving, purposeful, real.
Grabbing the lighter from your right pocket, you run your fingers across the worn rhinestone, fondly remembering the day he’d made it for you.
The way he was reluctant at first, only giving in after you physically dragged him through the doors of the hobby shop, forcing him to pick out decorations. His concentrated expression as he tried to pick off the cheap stones, having to let you help him do it after numerous failed attempts. It was one of your favorite days with him, wishing you could relive it a thousand times over.  
Laying back, you hold it in front of you, rotating it over the flame to get an even burn. The smell flooding your senses, you close your eyes, bringing the spliff to your lips. Inhaling deeply, you feel Matty shuffle next to you, shifting and making the sofa creak under him. You try to ignore it, keeping your eyes shut as you feel the drug hit your system, a warm, weightless sensation enveloping you. It was when he moved for the third time that you snapped your eyes open, going to complain.
“Christ, will you stop moving around like tha-” your words get caught in your throat, dying out. 
He wasn't in the spot next to you anymore. No, he was on the floor. On the floor, on one knee, holding a small, red velvet box in his right hand. Your breath hitches as you notice the expression on his face. Anxiety. You could speak, hell, you could barely fucking think. Matty was in front of you, kneeling, holding a white diamond that was shimmering in the light, like a goddamn dream. 
You watch as he opens his mouth to speak several times, closing it before any sound comes out. His eyes fill with panic as you sit up, eyes wide in shock. He was proposing. Properly proposing, with a ring and everything, down on one knee. You’re convinced this is a dream, of a fucking hallucination, something more believable than what was actually happening in front os you. 
“Marry me?” he forces out, hand slightly shaking as you look him up and down, mouth completely dry. You felt tears stream down your face. Obviously, with Matty not being able to read your mind, his eyes dart around your features, trying to gauge what your reaction meant. 
“Holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with you.” are the first words you say, hands coming up to shield your face. The panic only grew as he tries to speak, only things coming out being bits of words and ‘sorry’. 
Shaking your head violently, you reach out your hand, presenting your ring finger. Tears well up in Mattys own eyes, dangerously close to rolling down his puffy cheeks. 
“Yes, oh my god, I fucking love you so much.” you scream, bouncing off your spot on the sofa, lunging towards a very emotional Matty. You catch his lips in a kiss, wrapping your arms around him tightly, not daring to let go 
“Really? You’ll marry me?” he says in genuine disbelief, his left hand gripping your lower back, pulling you close.
“Of course i’ll marry you Matty, christ.” he pushes you away, giddily slipping the silver ring onto your ring finger, planting a soft kiss to the metal. 
“Fucking hell that is a boulder.” you look at the diamond in awe, the stone basically blinding you. He grins from ear to ear, grabbing the fabric of your top, kissing you softly, a gentle warmth spreading throughout your body as your lips make contact. 
“Only the best for my wife.” giggles leave his lips, delirious and ecstatic, disbelief still evident in the way his eyes rake over you, settling on the ring. Pressing a hand to your cheeks, he thumbs the tears away, kissing all over your face. Your heart thrums against your ribcage, threatening to burst out of your chest. 
“Bit early, innit?” you comment, sucking in a deep breath, eyes glued to Mattys. You're both on your knees, concrete digging into the skin of your legs. It was cold, uncomfortable, but you truly couldn't care less.   
“Never too early, Mrs. Healy” he smirks in that cheeky way of his, both hands settling onto your shoulder, rubbing small shapes into your skin. The moment doesn't feel real, nothing does. You hope to god that this isn't a dream, that that this was really happening. 
“Can Hann be the flower girl?” your inability to be serious for five fucking seconds shines through, the both of you falling into each others arms, uncontrollably laughing. Mattys eyes crease as he giggles, the feel of his hands on your body is heavenly, l of his hands touching your skin makes you truly believe you've reached a higher plane of existence. 
“Only if he wears the dress.” 
“Deal.” you say, knowing well that getting Adam Hann into a dress would require months of begging, maybe even bribery. You would probably need to buy him a fucking house to get him to even consider it. 
More laughter, more kissing, more planning a future neither of you had ever actually thought possible. A future with each other. 
Matty fumbles around in his pockets, pulling out his Ipod, initials erratically scratched into the metal. You raise your eyebrows at him, asking a silent question of ‘what the fuck?’
“Do you wanna dance?” he asks, smirking at you as he swiftly stands up, extending his hand. This is so incredibly cliché, and you know that yourself, but you can't bring yourself to care. 
His fingers press one earphone into your ear, before doing the same to his own. He smiles sweetly, expression softening. This was true, raw, unbridled love. 
“Can I choose the song?” you ask, fingers trailing down Mattys jaw as he settles his hands onto your waist. Nodding, he hands you the Ipod, letting you select whatever you wanted. 
“I love you so much, my darling girl.” he mumbled into your hair, the vibrations of his voice sending shivers down your spine. 
“Stop being such a sap,” you laugh, quickly adding a “I love you too.” as to not offend him. As if he would be offended. 
Suffragette City blared through the headphones, the music filling every corner of your being. Your hips swayed, and so did his, guiding you lightly with the hands gripping you tightly. 
You didn't speak, letting Matty spin and twirl you around, breaking out into fits of laughter when you almost tripped over your ridiculous heels. Fuck, they were really a bad idea. 
Stopping for a second, you reach down to unclasp your shoes, kicking them off without a second thought. 
“Already taking your clothes off? We haven't even said our vows yet-” he teases, being met with a sharp look and a hand threaded into his hair, pulling him into a deep kiss. 
“Don't ruin the moment, you wanker.” you mutter against his lips, licking into his mouth as you let him take back control of your movements. 
You don't know how long you dance for, but by the time the two of you finally come up for air, the sun had almost completely disappeared behind the tall buildings of the city. 
Your life together flashes through your mind. That very first kiss. That night in The Sound. Ruby. The drugs. The lighter, smashed into little bits. Your fight with the guys. The night he had called you, shaking and crying, scared. The photos. The sight of him, down on one knee.  
This was it. Everything that had happened; every mistake, every fight, every passionate kiss, every gasp of pleasure when skin met skin, every tear shed since that night at the bus stop had been leading up to this final moment. 
You and Matty, 
Matty and you 
Properly this time 
The music faded, the sound of rainfall pattering loudly against the metal roof replaced it. 
A Suffragette City, A Suffragette City
Quite all right
A Suffragette City
Too fine
A Suffragette City, ooh, A Suffragette City
Oh, my Suffragette City, oh my Suffragette City
Ah, Suffragette
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yuesya · 3 months
Gojo-sensei is bleeding.
It’s a jarring sight, one that sends Yuta’s thoughts screeching to a stop for a single awful, broken moment. Because Gojo-sensei doesn’t bleed. To bleed means that there’s someone who managed to get past the barrier of his Infinity, and that means–
Oh, wait.
Yuta blinks rapidly a few times.
Gojo-sensei… isn’t bleeding. That’s not his blood.
Yuta lets out a small sigh of relief, releasing a breath that he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding in. There’s a lot of blood covering the man, especially surrounding the hole in the clothes on his back –but the skin underneath is smooth and unmarred by any injury.
Gojo-sensei turns around with a breezy laugh and friendly wave, “Hey, Yuta! Fill me in on the current situation?”
A little ways behind him, a cursed spirit is suddenly ground down into paste by an invisible force, leaving nothing but a splatter on the sidewalk. Gojo-sensei’s smile doesn’t waver.
“We heard you were sealed, sensei.” Clearly that was misinformation, though, given that Gojo-sensei was standing here perfectly fine. Although, given the blood that covered him… it had likely been a difficult fight that he’d been involved in, down in the subway station alone. “The sorcerers on standby around Shibuya were all sent in. We were heading towards the station–”
“Aww, to rescue little ol’ me?” Gojo-sensei laughs again. Yuta flushes slightly in embarrassment, even though his teacher’s tone is one of giddy delight rather than anything mean-spirited. “I feel so loved.”
Not that he’d needed the help, evidently.
“What happened, sensei?”
“Some upstart Special Grade cursed spirits decided to ambush me while using civilians as meat shields.” The casual sentence is enough to make Yuta turn green from imagining the gory scene that’s painted from it. “Also, a brain-thing was puppeting Muneyoshi’s body. I killed them all.”
Yuta blinks. “… Who’s Muneyoshi?”
“Oh yeah, I guess you wouldn’t know about him,” Gojo-sensei hums, “Our father.”
“Oops. Not you, Yuta! Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” How could he possibly not worry? Discreetly, Yuta gives his teacher a careful, long look. Gojo-sensei’s default state is cheerful and smiling, but in this moment there’s something about the man’s demeanor that almost seems to be a little… manic. “Now, it seems like we have some other rats scurrying around in Shibuya right now, and I’ll need to–”
Gojo-sensei pauses mid-sentence, head whipping around to his left. A heartbeat later, Yuta is hit by a vague sense of dread, something that pricks at his skin. The cursed signature energy that just flared up out of nowhere, it’s–!
A swooping sensation falls in his stomach. “Ryomen Sukuna?!”
… This has got to be the worst Halloween, ever!
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twstfanblog · 2 months
Who gets robbed first who gets robbed first and how
Malleus gets robbed fucking blind and he's more mad that Yuu left before their wedding.
Yuu sneaks into the castle of the Dragon Emporer, Malleus Draconia, during one of the MANY balls the kingdoms under him throw. Its part to keep him pleased with them enough so that he doesn't burn down their homes again, and also to throw their kingdoms' beautiful people at him in hopes he'll fall in love and they'll get a leg up (it's been centuries guys. He just thinks parties are fun and so is burning your crop fields)
Yuu literally came to the party to steal the royal jewels while everyone was partying. Instead, she runs into Malleus. It's a fumble into a touchdown as Yuu lies and flirts her way into having Malleus invite her to the party. They talk for half the damn ball, Malleus just falls more and more in love with her because she is so fucking on par with his easy breezy style of evil. Malleus just kind announces that they're engaged now and the wedding will be in the morning.
Yuu's on a time crunch now, so she kicks up the flirting. Its a literal miracle that they both actually fell in love with each other that night when Yuu decides the best way to get past Malleus is to just fuck his brains out. And she does.
Malleus wakes up the next morning to a hungover Lilia yelling that his grandmother's jewelry was stolen from the treasury, and that girl he said he was going to marry last night is GONE
Mallues has been pouting ever since. Or he was until 13 years later Silver alerted him to a new quest about killing a juvenile dragon.
In the 'Yuu is aware she makes men fall in love with her' version. Things are pretty similar only one day Malleus wakes up to a servant saying a dragon egg was left in the treasury. Lilia is partly wondering how this single human women is getting past the guards, but he's more ELATED that he's a grandpa now.
Malleus is just as happy because the egg means that Yuu loves him back and its only a matter of time until she's back with him. The note she leaves has three name choices on it and just 'Sorry I stole your grandma's earrings, have what came out of me ♡'
Everyone is fucking stunned the egg hatches three babies.
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cloveroctobers · 4 months
JEY USO x BLACK! READER — Spring Writings 🩵
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A/N: I took a stab at writing for roman and now here I am doing the same for jey? Except this one isn’t strongly plot based…Wish me luck! I’m new to the scene so I apologize if this isn’t in his character…But I think I got it? We’ll see 😆
PROMPTS ARE FROM HERE + HERE & I’m using:  “did you seriously use the last of the milk for this?” “i thought it would taste good!” +  “well i put it on the grocery list!” “i didn’t think i needed the list!” “you clearly did!!” +  “i can’t find the remote.” “i’m actually going to kill you.” 1. “But look, this is on sale!”
WARNINGS: language + just doing typical bickering couple things.
☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎
In the near future, you wanted to advocate for detaching your head (not on some Black mirror type shit, although you knew there was a 70% chance that it could go that route) and leaving it to get any protective style for yourself, sisters, brothers, and non-binaries while you went about your business before you came back to collect your freshly did head. You originally wanted to go in with some straight backs with the water wave left out towards the ends but switched to boho locs last minute.
Thankfully you had that type of relationship with your stylist so she didn’t mind much.
You were always down to try something new and been contemplating getting some locs after a few of your family members been on their journey for years now. Tending to your head nearly everyday was a hassle especially as a routine to go into the world and work. Hair had a mind of its own and it didn’t need to be explained, if you know, you know.
The last thirty minutes of your appointment, you were reaching out to your husband to see what was on the menu at home or if you needed to pick something up. The snacks your go to girl provided only held up for so long and when Jey told you that he had a taste for Kopai, basically hinting that would be for lunch or dinner—when Jey threw down he made enough for both occasions—you sat up a bit in the driver’s seat, one hand on the wheel, while you floated through the streets to get back home.
When you unlocked the white security gate to the bright russet orange home (Jey picked the exterior color and you weren’t crazy about it but at least it stood out from the other homes, which was his main goal), you were already hit with a whiff of spices, thanks to the breezy San Francisco spring air and found the petal pink front door wide open. Which made you quirk up a brow but you were too famished to think too hard about it as you quickly made your way through the small entry way into the master bedroom to toss your things onto the bed.
You sighed with a shake of your head as you made your way up the stairs, hearing Jey listening to Kendrick’s disses on loop again but you also ignored that as you made your way to the right where the kitchen and living room sat. Sneaking behind the man on your toes like swiper, you slapped a hand and squeezed his backside in greeting while Jey legit yelped and yanked himself away.
Grinning at him innocently you say, “why are your clappers clenched?”
Jey sucked his teeth while you attempted to hide your laughter, “yo, what I tell you about doing that man? That’s my job to do to you, not other way around.”
“I thought we believed in equality in this house?” You placed your hands on your hips while Jey just huffed.
You moved towards the stove, where Jey was hovering over. The soup pot was there, steaming but the aroma wasn’t giving Kopai. While jey was distracted on his phone again, mumbling to himself and nodding his head—possibly the lyrics—you snatched up a spoon to dip into the pot.
Wincing against the temperature on your tongue, you managed to get the food down after chewing and sucking air into your mouth. That was enough to get Jey’s attention as he looked at you with a straight face, annoyed that you went and sampled.
“This is not giving dumpling…where are the dumplings?” You managed to get out after your last chew.
Jey folded his muscular arms honestly replying, “that’s because there isn’t any.”
“Huh? But it’s Samoan Sunday.” Which meant each Sunday included something from Jey’s culture, sometimes combined with soul food, depending on what y’all were in the mood for.
Jey lifted his chin, “turns out it’s a whatever’s in the fridge day. That you just rudely sampled behind my back without giving me any proper love by the way, it’s spicy chicken and rice chowder.”
Scrunching up your face, you popped your tongue in distaste at the aftermath. Now that you knew what it was, it could explain this foul after taste because something wasn’t adding up.
“Oh here you go,” Jey threw his hands up in the air, “If I wanted another food critic, I’d just call your damn father.”
Your father has his own successful restaurant here in California and back up North where you were originally from. Majority of the time if your family was over, Jey did everything in his power not to be the one who was solely on food duty because your father was very critical especially when it came to food.
That’s that Virgo shit.
“Chowder includes milk right?” You didn’t get the culinary trait but you watched enough cooking competitions and attended plenty to know the basics. You weren’t the biggest fan of seafood, although that was the common type of chowder, there was no seafood in this dish.
It still didn’t taste right to you.
And Jey usually knew what to do in the kitchen, more so on the grill but still he got by and knew Gordon Ramsey would approve of at least a few of his dishes. If not? His bitch ass could certainly see Jey’s hands. Not your pops though, he wasn’t messing with him at all.
Jey scoffed, “yeah.”
“Hey, I’m not feeling your attitude.” You addressed over your shoulder as you went to the fridge to open up.
Jey shot back, “well I’m not feelin’ you sneaking and holdin’ two handfuls of my ass but here we are.”
It was one hand but whatever fed his ego.
He was really about to bring the hangry out of you if he kept it up to be honest. Your hands went to the top shelf, immediately spotting the now empty glass milk bottle. Yanking it out, you held it up in the air for your husband to see.
“Did you seriously use the last of the milk for this?” You questioned, one hand on your hip now.
He blinked between you and the glass and then back again, “I thought it would taste good!”
Your eye twitched, “With expired milk, Josh?!”
He scrunched up his face at this news, “be for real,” he starts as he makes his way towards you to grab the glass, “…how was I supposed to know?”
Jey’s fingers quickly unscrewed the silicone dispenser cap to take a sniff of the inside and recoiled.
“By doing that like you normally do.” You respond, “also there’s a label on the back that aways gets written with the expiration date.”
Jey snarled, “Why can’t we just keep the damn carton instead of this aesthetically pleasing bullshit?”
“That’s rich coming from Mr. Leo the flashy asshole himself.” You tilted your head to the side, sending him the same type of energy.
“Why am I catching strays?” Jey pounded on his chest, voice naturally booming off the walls, “it’s my fault I like nice things?”
‘And that I tried to cook us a meal?’ He thinks to himself.
“No but it’s mine?” You repeat his motions, pointing at your own chest while Jey sighs, “I tried to remind you this morning before I left, that the milk needed to be dumped.”
Jey scratches at his ear with his lips pushed out in thought, “I heard none of that.”
“Well, I put it on the grocery list!” Your voice went up now and you can only blame your hunger.
Jey slides the bottle onto the white surface of the pale blue counter, “I didn’t think I needed the list!”
“You clearly did!” You laugh humorlessly at the fact that you just ate partially spoiled food.
It was funny how your husband picked and chose what he wanted to remember. Granted it was pretty early when you told him this, waking him up from his snoring slumber as you pecked his cheek on your way out. Last night in bed he said he would hit the store for a few quick items you needed for the house and milk was the first thing on the list. He didn’t remember that but he knew you had a hair appointment since he insisted on paying for it, he always loved your fro and didn’t mind seeing you change it up.
He was very vocal if he didn’t like a look either, even if you were pranking him a few times with stiff wigs from Tyler Perry Amazon, which caused many more lashings from the both of you that it sometimes got personal. The both of you could take the shit talking from each other but once it actually stung just a little too much? And if it happened to occur in front of family? Oh the silent treatment was more lethal than the actual words.
“Now I see why your ass was so clenched when I came in here. You were trying to poison me, or encourage me to go vegan, my own got damn husband.” You scoffed while Jey rolled his eyes at your dramatics and that was saying a lot, since he was the number one Thespian.
He makes the noise of a buzzer, “wrong answer forehead! My fatty is too well rounded for it to be clenched. Especially if it was glute day yesterday. There’s no high booties around here and I’m highly offended that you think I would do that to you when you’re my whole heart.”
You stuck your tongue out giving him a thumbs down, “don’t try to butter me up, I’m still aggy and I’m trying to big my back, not make my stomach touch my back.”
And just like that he grins as he moves to grip the sides of your face, “I’m sorry ma, you know I always got you and already have a back up order for dinner if this didn’t turn out too well. Plus, I got something else that could feed your appetite. A appetizer if you really think about it.”
His smile turns devilish now as he moves to place his hips on yours to feel exactly what he’s serving up. You shove at his chest as he goes even further to try and kiss up your neck, “Nope, if you don’t get off me! You’re not getting none of that.”
“Why not? We got at least twenty-five minutes before option B is ready and I can make it work.” He’s chasing after you now.
You’re on the other side of the white and blue island with a shake of your head, “for one, I have no nutrients in my body and it’s really sounding like you want me to cross over to the other side.”
Jey interrupts as he stares at you in all seriousness, “never.”
Holding up fingers you continue, “Two, my laser appointment isn’t until Wednesday.”
Jey caressed his beard in thought licking his lips, “oh word, hump day? That’s even better but fuck all that we grown! Let me get you that jug of fruit water you made and then that ass is mine.”
You laughed, “you think I’m gonna just fold after you deprived me of Kopai? You really done lost your mind and it’s all KDot’s doing.”
“Nah, leave my boy out of this.”
You gasped, “That switch up is crazy.”
‘Guess we know who Jey’s shaking that ass for and it’s not just for me,’ you cackle internally before focusing back on what your husband’s response would be to picking with him. You knew better than to let that slip through your lips because you wouldn’t hear the end of it and your body was already going through it okay!
From getting your hair done and WORKING OUT!
Get your mind out of the gutter you hoes.
“I mean I didn’t say I was going to completely cut BBL—
Your eyes went wide as Jey smacked a hand over his mouth. You pointed at him and hopped up and down to prove your point.
“Be quiet.” He hissed before he made his claim, “I mean sure if im in the car I’ll bump Drake over Kendrick but he had something on his chest so some shit talking needed to be said.”
“And did.”
“Exactly but Drake’s still my guy.” He shrugged.
You shake your head as you pace the floor as if you were analyzing Jey like you were in some courtroom instead of your kitchen, “That’s just like you, taking up for the light skins.”
“Aight now you dragging it.” Jey sent a glower in your direction.
You laugh as you leaned against the counter feeling like a nap but not without facing the issue here, “so…what’s actually on the menu since you lied to me about the Kopai and then flopped the chowder.”
“It wasn’t a complete flop!” Jey argued with a deep furrow of his brows, “the flavor was on point, I just messed up with the dairy portion.”
You stated, “Goat milk would have been superior.”
“Oh hell no, wait until I tell your father about that one.” Jey’s shaking his head in disgust, goat milk was only great for a skincare routine and he could say that based on experience but far as consuming? Jey was good on that.
“Wait until I tell him that you tried to give me food poisoning.” You countered with a heated stare.
Jey deeply inhaled and sucked his teeth, “aight let’s roll before you get my blood pressure up to the point I need to be hospitalized.”
He turns the stove off and moves the pot to the side while it’s your turn to make your way over to the tatted man. You nuzzle your head into the back of shoulders while hugging him, “it’s only fair that we get on each others nerves.”
“You’re lucky I love yo ass.” He mumbles, resting a warm hand on top of your clasped ones.
“And you’re lucky I love you right back and didn’t take a bite out of your behind for depriving me of food.”
Jey scrunched up his nose at that and side eyed as he turned to face you a bit but you held his stare, letting him know that you weren’t joking. “See, I knew it in my spirit that you were one of those kids that liked to bite. I’ve seen baby pictures and that’s something I’ll have to keep in mind when we’re blessed with children.”
“Says the fighter out of the marriage.” You quirk up a brow but Jey just shrugs.
“I own my shit.”
“Whatever bro…where’s your keys?” You remove yourself from Jey to look around the kitchen while the said man follows you.
He buries his forehead against the side of your temple bumping you, “i’m not your bro so I don’t know who you think you’re talking to.”
You push him from your space, “stop playing with me, Joshua. We don’t have time for this!”
“Come correct then.”
You roll your eyes with a flick of your hair, “keys or I’ll go get my own.”
“I’m driving, I don’t need you acting like the streets are Mario kart like you probably did on your way here.” He states before he sarcastically jokes, “You’re not you when you’re hungry.”
Let’s not talk about driving skills…of course you didn’t say that but Jey could tell you were thinking it. So he steps to you, holding out his hand but kept his eyes on you until you placed yours in his. He led the way back downstairs to the front level of the home, keys already in his pocket as he locked up the front of the house before heading to the garage.
There was tension on the first five minutes of the drive but not to the point where you two knew you wouldn’t get past it. You fumbled with the radio as the wind whipped across your profile and before you both know it, you’re both singing along to music from 2018, which was reminiscent back when things were starting to heat up between you two. Back when Jey was inviting you to family barbecues and being too afraid to ask you to be his girl and making an ass out of himself to his family when they questioned what you were.
It was all trial and tribulations that led to your marriage a year later. This bickering was nothing compared to what the both of you dealt with prior. And what’s a perfect marriage?
“By the way, the new look is sexy.” Jey comments as the both of you sit in his car digging into your food.
He chose Japanese…which was satisfactory since you loved the Wagyu beef tacos here and he was tearing into the BamuBamu wings, licking his fingers and everything that you knew his mother would be slapping the back of his head if she was in the backseat.
“Thanks baby, we’ll call this look: Gaia or Alani.” You posed, hands still holding a taco.
Jey nods, “ooo, Gailani is fire! See how I just did that?”
“Hope you come up with better earthy names for our future crotch goblins.” You told him while Jey frowned at you mid-bite.
“No way you just said that.”
Shrugging you say, “I mean I don’t know how pregnancy is going to make me feel so that’s their potential nickname.”
“I mean…how would you feel if I referred you as a gremlin?” Jey questioned, not liking how you were picking on your unborn children already.
Listen to him being the sensitive parent! He cared deeply for his niece and nephew, he also didn’t play when it came to them either so he can only imagine how he would be with his own.
“…I’d blame the children you played a part of helping create. Like child like father.”
“That’s cap and not exactly how that works, that’s right, I paid attention in biology class! You’ll probably start taking it out on me, I’ll have to have doc on speed dial for tetanus shots.” Jey winked at you while you elbowed his arm, “but nah I’ll love y’all through it regardless because like it or not I’m a pretty great guy.”
You snort, “You say that now.”
“I mean it though and I know you know that. I couldn’t have picked a better person to ride through this rollercoaster of life with and the world deserves to have mini versions of us roaming the earth, plus I’m always down to get to practicing.” He winks at you while you shake your head.
“I can tell, you almost leaped over the counter to take me down.”
He pointed, “You started it by grabbing my ass and the new look isn’t helping my urges.”
“Well,” you shrugged with a smirk on your lips, “it’s definitely not happening since you like to pull hair and you didn’t buy the milk.”
“There’s a farmers market right up the street, they got to have some and then will you chill?”
“I’m chill now.” You chew with a smile as you slump into the passenger seat while Jey deeply exhales.
“Yeah, cause you’re spoiled.”
“You made me this way.”
“I know.” Jey smiles at you adoringly before shaking his head, “my own personal pain in my butt.”
“But I do appreciate the effort…although my stomach might feel different in a few hours.” You pout a little, feeling it flip just a smidge.
Jey widens his eyes at you, just hoping that didn’t happen, “nah we getting probiotics or some type of cleanse at this market, let’s go before they close. Seatbelt please.”
“I’m eating.”
The side eye he gives you makes you do so but you hold onto your taco a little tighter in the process. Driving across the street to the open parking lot that sat to the side of where the market was set up, he’s ready to hop out the car, door tossed open, without you since you were still eating but you call out to him to wait for you.
The farmers market was one of your favorite places to be, especially on a Sunday and there was no way he was going without you. He was the main one that said the both of you were always going to be by each other’s sides wherever you went. When it came to grocery shopping, Jey was the type of shopper that wanted to get in and get out. Anything else? Clothes? Cars? He could spend all day there.
Yes he was huffy as you took your time, knowing they were about to start closing up in the next fifteen minutes. You had to search his car for your gum, lipgloss, and micro wallet that you stored in here just in case you didn’t have your purse (which was sitting pretty back at home on your bed) and stole Jey’s car for the day.
“C’mon,” Jey says your name impatiently, “what’re you doing?”
“Where’s my green mini wallet I had stored on the side of the rati?” Your hands are going along the pocket of the black Maserati.
Jey answers, “that little thing? I been took that out and threw it somewhere in your drawer back at the crib. What do you need that for when you’re with me anyway? Let’s go, ma.”
Then he questions why you’re a pain in his butt!
Checking your lips once more, you get out the car dusting off any crumbs from your lap before you circle around the car to intertwine your fingers with Jey’s. You huddle closer to him as the wind is at your backs before you enter through the tarps of set up sections. He’s on a mission while your eyes are wide, trying to look at any and everything to the point he lets go of your hand to keep searching for what you’re mainly here for.
Usually it’s mostly food here but occasionally they’ll have a few clothing, accessories, and even home decor shops set up as well. It really was the best of both worlds when that happened. Jey already knew that you would search for one of those while he stayed where the food was at. He chatted with the elderly man who had his own farm about forty miles from here, got three jugs of milk: oat, goat, and coconut. Along with a nice tip before he bid his farewells then began checking for you around the sizable space.
“Hey baby,” you greet as he eventually finds you at a vendor that wasn’t selling food yet you’re holding a few fruits and fruit juices in your hands, “I got us some more papayas and pineapples. It’s already paid for since the lady took Zelle but I want to show you something else.”
You finally shift the items into the netted bag onto your other wrist as you reach out for Jey’s wrist to drag him back to a few vendors over. It was some shop that was selling antiques and he’s now standing in front of two figurines.
“Wouldn’t this be cute for the mantle above the fireplace?”
Jey glanced at you, “yeah if we wanted to be murdered in our sleep at some point.”
“Joshua!” You shushed him, “I thought they would add more color to the mantle since the fireplace is black.”
“And the marble on the bottom is white along with the rest of the furniture that’s light and the walls except for that one kitchen wall that’s a chalkboard.” The man blinks as he vividly remembers your shared home, “We don’t need anymore unnecessary stuff, especially no dolls that look like annabelle and her possessed friends.” Jey tells you while you frown as he grabs your wrist now.
You’re being dragged away while the woman laughs and sends you a wave as you attempt to persuade him one last time on one other decor piece sitting on a table, “But look, this is on sale!”
Jey mutters, “there’s a reason why majority of her items are. I know evil when i see it.”
“Not the judgement. You don’t know that lady, Josh and you need to stop watching so many scary movies lately, they’re making you so paranoid.” You sassed while you two made it back to his car.
He peeked at you before he grabbed his seatbelt, “did you see her pet possum on the leash sleeping underneath that dusty red chair?”
“Her what?!”
“Uh huh.” He nods, starting the car while going into detail about how the vendor felt off the moment you dragged him closer to it.
By the time the two of you get home, you’re heading into the master bedroom to grab your floral bonnet while Jey heads up stairs with the food. He does the clean up of the soup, finishes up his wings while you eventually make your way upstairs to eat your own food. When you meet Jey’s brown eyes across from the dining table, the both of you share a laugh at your matching low-lidded eyes. The Itis. You’re the first to move, discarding your food since Jey finished way before you and pull at his hand for him to stand.
Wrapping your arms across his shoulders before moving one hand to play with the end of his hair, he leans down to grasp your back before slipping his hands down to your ass to lift you against his hips. “That’s how it should be,” he tells you as you kiss his lips and he makes his way over to the couch.
You warn your husband, “Watch my head, we know how heavy handed you are.”
“I got it, I got it.” Jey mocks as he protects your head, laying you down first before he climbs over you to rest against the couch.
He loops an arm across your shoulders as you move around trying to get comfortable thanks to your new do. Finding that your left is less painful than your right, you face the coffee table, two living chairs, and tv instead while Jey lightly wraps his arm around your neck instead.
And you’re fine just like this, well fed and in the arms of your man ready to get a nap in until…
“I can’t find the remote.” Jey breaks the silence that makes your eyes peel open with a flare of your nostrils.
You want to fling your entire body back but your neck said different, leaving you to only side eye Jey as he sheepishly smiles at you.
“I’m actually going to kill you!” You inform him, “i said leaving the remote in the drawer of the coffee table makes it easier so we don’t have to go crazy looking for it.”
“And I may or may not have done that.” He says nonchalantly, not bothered that he was pushing a button again, “I like to leave it tucked in the cushions along with my leg in there because you know how that stupid thing likes to overheat sometimes and it’s always cold in there.”
Only Jey y’all.
Only Jey.
Once you go quiet and manage to face the brown eyed man again, you smile softly at him as you caressed his face, “that lady at the market that you were shook over, ain’t got shit on me.”
“Whatchu mean? Aye!” Jey yelled as you started to playfully ring his neck.
The only way to get you to stop was for him to slap his hand right on top of your sore head and wiggle it and what did he do that for?
“OW! Why would you—I’m done.”
You hop off the couch and circle around it but not without yanking a pillow and slamming it against Jey’s stomach, “disrespectful ass.”
“So I’m just supposed to take you son-ing me?” Jey sat up on his elbows, grunting at the attack before shoving the pillow to the floor.
You snapped over your shoulder, “I don’t know, I thought you might like that since you like your ass grabbed, although you try to deny it as much as possible.”
“What?! Now you just saying shit.”
“And you’re always doing shit!” You yell back, out of sight now and heading back downstairs.
Jey sighs as he settles back against the couch again, “Where you goin’?”
“To bed!”
“It’s 4pm.”
“Goodnight mullet! You play too much.”
Jey felt his chest bubble with some laughter but said back, “I LOVE YOU!”
“I SAID, I LOVE YOU!” Jey called back out but when he didn’t get any response, he jumped up to his feet and raced down the stairs just to see you laughing waiting to slam the door in his face.
Yet you were too slow, making Jey barge into the room to latch onto your body to pepper your face in kisses.
It was the little things that he did that he knew would get on your nerves (which was mutual) but ultimately you loved that man down no matter what.
Jey could say the same even if you got on his case majority of the time.
You were his everything and more.
☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎
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matchadobo · 1 year
KIDD; 3 times he almost said i love you and 1 time he actually did
summary: kidd is someone who is not a man of words but by actions. those 3 times where he said words that was his equivalent of i love yous and that 1 time he actually uttered it. wc: 2126 tw: fem reader, mentions of nsfw but no actual seggs, fluff? no angst, kidnapping, i think this was just me rambling about him again hadbhasbs
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those three words.
how much you long for those words.
you look at him, and it's all you could think about. it's all that you want to say to him. it's just words really, yet he gave it so much meaning. yet you'd feel your heart flutter through the breezy sea when you think about how he'll say it to you. you'd feel yourself being completely drawn to him, each time he parts his lips to talk to you. his love feels so distinctive, so delicate and so amatory for a coarse man like him.
there were three occurrences where he almost said it. rendering you the same flustered mess under his spell.
the first one was that one time where you two were on night watch, getting drunk on beer and on each other's company. the cicadas chorusing with the cacophonous laughter from the both of you. breaths reeking of liquor, eyes burning of weariness. your skin felt cold under the chilly nights of the approaching winter nights. the inner heat brought by the alcohol, insinuating the pink tint on your cheeks and the mild dizziness in your vision. shoulders and fingers touching each other from time to time with a hint of underlying intimacy known to the two of you whenever the both of you gets a little too touchy.
seated close to each other under the full moon, glistening on your and his's skin, radiating each other's features and growing more in love with one another, feet hanging down above the calm current of the sea, the cool breeze whisking away the weariness of midnight. you shivered under the arctic gust washing over you, you took another chug of alcohol before you felt an arm around you.
he called, "hey, buttercup." pulling you closer and wrapping his furry coat around the both of you. "you're shivering like a damn wet dog, c'mere."
you melted under his touch, feeling all hot and bothered all of a sudden. you hid your face under your hair, blushing at the sight of your thighs dangerously close to each other. his flesh arm settled around your waist, a firm yet tender grip leaving your head in a flurry and your heart rabbiting in your chest.
"what's got you all quiet, doll?" he teased, playfully leaning down your ear. he watched how you perked up and tried avoiding his gaze, his heart bursting in affection to you.
"s-shut up it's cold." you nudged him lightly.
"y'know." he paused before nudging you back a little. "you feel good in my arms, name."
your world stopped and your ears rang. you looked up at him and it felt like the church bells rang. you felt more lightheaded than before. and all you could focus on was how profusely your cheeks heated under his gaze. you inmediately looked away, trying to regulate your heartbeat. hearing him say those kind of words was foreign, given that whatever you two have right now is blurry. for him to drop hints like that drove you insane. as the night got deeper, you slowly lost yourself and fell asleep in his embrace. later in the morning, you found yourself tucked in his quarters, yet the space beside you was empty.
the next one was when you were held captive by a pirate you formerly didn't perceive as a threat, you got careless and almost gotten yourself killed. you were missing for two days yet it felt like decades. these pirates almost played with you and strip you off of things other than your possessions. it irked you how they looked at you like you were some kind of food. things started looking hopeless for you. will kidd come? is the crew going to save you?
it was your fucking fault in the first place. why will you sit there, hands tied up by the ceiling, and think that your captain will save someone like you? when you got held captive by these lowly pirates, you're already pathetic and not deserving to be a part of his crew anymore. he doesn't want someone as weak as you, someone puny enough to be captured by nobodies like these fuckers. he sure as hell forgot about you, he doesn't need a weakling to drag down everybody in the victoria.
plus, is there really something between the two of you? or are you just someone to keep his bed and cock warm? there never really was something exclusive in the relationship you two were in. you enjoyed his company and so was he to yours. neither of you tried to poke around and find out what it is you two have. scared of shattering the delicately formed glass encasing this thing between the two of you.
"oya? what's got the pretty lady daydreamin'? your weak ass captain isn't comin', aight? so why don't we finally take our turns in enjoying you, aye?" the chorus of disgusting laughters of men and those hungry, predatorial looks they gave you sent goosebumps across your skin. you were about to lose your dignity and you haven't even told him that you love him yet. fucking fantastic.
with all hope lost, your face dropping as these men circled around you in that dark room. a thunderous cannon bolted in the sky and landed on their ship, creating a hole in the basement you were currently in. you finally saw daylight after forty-eight hours.
in a blink of an eye, all the metals in the room and the ship floated into one particular axis where you could vaguely see the figure in the deck as your eyes adjusted to the light. purple lightning was electrifyingly present here and there and the pirates suddenly lost their weapons, all flying towards the figure at the deck. "if you degenerates so much as touch a strand of hair in her head, guarantee your fucking heads to be off your goddamn necks."
hearing that voice in the flesh has kept you sane until now, the voice you want to always wake up to and tell you those three words brought an ear to ear smile in your face. "captain...!" you shakily called, trying to meet his eyes when you feel weaker by the minute.
his gaze landed on you while the other members jumped from into the basement to attack the pirates. chaos unfolded as he held your gaze and got you under his spell again. "found you, shortcake."
he jumped from the deck and untied you himself, his musky scent bringing you butterflies and a sense of warmth and safety. you couldn't stop yourself from burying yourself into his arms and tightly wrapping your limbs around him once he freed you. "i-i thought you forgot about me."
"y'know, i went through hell to find you. even if i want to forget about your dumbass, it'd be impossible for me." he said befote planting a kiss at the top of your head. taking you back a bit, you looked up at him with tear-stained cheeks and buoyant eyes. he parted his lips and said, "i'm fuckin' nuts about you, bunny." he lopsidedly smiled, flicking your forehead affectionately.
the bags under his eyes proved how he didn't sleep in those two days from finding you overnight and throughout daylight. the tired, yet gleeful glint in his eyes as he looked down at you mirrored how much was he was itching to be this close to you in the time of your absence. you later found out from the crew that kidd was more than cross when he found out that you were missing, moreso was the ship in upheaval when he learned that you were kidnapped. he started the search right away, not stopping whether the sun sets or rises, whether storm ensues or the scorching sun burned through his skin, or whether has he eaten meals or not. he wanted to find you, he's yearning for you—he still has so much he wants to do with you, to you. you two then spend the night in each other's arms; crying, laughing, and rambling about arbitrary nothings and somethings as you two seemingly did not heed the sun rising and peeking by the window. killer had to physically drag the both of you away from the bed at the morning.
the last one happened one night. kidd was in bathing in cold sweat. fidgeting through his sleep, he felt tears form at the corner of his eyes. his arm was hurting again, the phantom pain together with the scars of defeat was haunting him. the stinging sensation of torment caving in his chest and rattling his mind. he had his brows furrowed as he was fisting the sheets beside him, mumbling unintelligible somethings.
you awoke at the sound of him sobbing through his sleep, writhing in his mental agony. you pulled yourself up and immediately woke him. as soon as you his eyes opened, you saw how much terror his golden orbs mirrored. his chest heaved up and down, trying to catch his breath and regulate his heartbeat. gnawing at your heart, you choked out a sob as you cupped his face between your hands. "what happened, baby?" you mumbled meekly, voice still drunk from sleep.
after seeing your face and processing whatever happened before, he broke into tears. his cheeks becoming wet and sticky, he pulled you closer and mewled at your chest. choking out sobs as he fisted your shirt, you had your hand by his head and gave him massages whilst your other hand rubbed circles on his knuckles.
he was curled up in your arms, blubbering as he tried to mask the horrors of his nightmare. immediately finding solace in your arms; your usual redolent scent wafting in his nostrils, the soft sheets beneath the two of you.
you let him lay his head on your lap as your back rested on the headboard, soothingly playing with his locks. he snuggled closer to your touch, reveling into rhythm of your voice. your melodic songs that brought heaven to him and lulled him to slumber. just a few seconds before drifting into dreamland, he managed to mumble something. "name."
"hm?" you peeked down at him, the tip of your fingers brushing by the edges of his face.
"you're the kindest thing that ever happened to me."
you jolted awake from your drowsy state. his words repeating like a siren's hypnotic songs in the stormy sea, ears ringing from the melody of his words. your mind going blank and your vision tunneling, all you could focus on was the snoring man on your lap and the spell he put on you.
he had somehow made it clear to you how you're the serenities to his storms, the flowers in his what used to be barren groves, the peace in his tumultuous wars. amidst the madness within him, you're the only benevolence that can regulate his turmoil. in the untamed four blues of world, you were the calm belt of his currents. extinguishing all uglies within him and around him with just one smile, one hug, or one gaze at your sparkling eyes. nurturing the scars of yesterday to a part of him you've grown to love of today.
you'd think to yourself, it's rare for him to say stuff like this. he was never really big on words, he's a man defined by his actions. rather than telling you how much he wants to hold you close; he'd take delight in the tranquility of your shared quarters, fold you in his velvet sheets, unforgiving hips reminding you how much you're a who/re for it, a who/re for him. as opposed to grand romantic gestures; he'd give you little trinkets every day and sizeable figurines on special days all from his handiworks that you'd keep dear and display them on your shelves. and instead of declaring promises; he took your hand that one night, slid his handmade, gold-plated ring in your middle finger, and proclaims to find the one piece with you.
and finally you're here, dressed in that long, white dress that reached the aisle down the church hall. you were facing the man that you're willingly and more than happy to spend your life with. he's looking at you with a nervous yet elated gaze, holding your hand as the pastor (a.k.a. killer) proclaimed you two as one. husband and wife.
"i love you, always fuckin' will." he uttered those three words just before he grabbed your waist and pulled you into a deep kiss, cheers and church bells rang across the halls. it felt like a fever dream, yet here kidd was, shaking you into a reality where you two are spending it together until whenever.
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finally putting this out! this shit has been in the works for too long hdasbfsabbfah i miss tulipboy smmm TT a lot has happened that's why this shit took so long
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suguruspit · 4 months
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Spider-Man ! Ino Takuma gets beat-up and comes to your apartment to get patched up :) gn!reader
C/w: brief description of patching up a wound and some blood, suggestiveness near the end.
A/N: two of my favourite things; Ino and Spider-Man. I have another steamy one that I'll post next, I just feel there's a distinct lack of Ino on here :P Joey, enjoy king.
Ino Takuma had very few things he enjoyed after swinging around the city at night, probably taking a beating and definitely getting closer to losing than he liked.
Getting a pizza from the parlour down the street, loaded with cheese and extra sauce until it’s sloppy.
Watching reruns of sex in the city and pretending his dramatic problems were as easy to solve as they are for the ladies he’s obsessed with.
And crawling through the wind-beaten window of the apartment three stories up, five windows to the right, with the fire escape underneath that creaks if you step in the middle; that window belongs to you.
Tonight was particularly difficult, skateboarding down the backstreets of Shibuya turned out to be a meet and greet for the weirdest folk, Mysterio keeping them under some kind of attack order until he could figure out the puzzle laid out in front of him. His suit was torn, midnight black fabric with teal stitching ripped tragically and Ino mourns the lack of warmth in his body as he wraps it with duct tape he’d found in his bag.
The plan was to go straight to get pizza before he headed back to his own place, probably to put hip hop on his vintage (read: beaten up, ten year old) stereo and worked on meal prepping for the bentos you’d take to work that he adoringly plans out for you each week.
Plans go awry, and instead of doing that he’s rapping on your window with gloved fingers, hoping and praying that you won’t notice the blood caked above his eyebrow that is weeping quite disgustingly into his eye.
There’s about a ten second wait as Ino holds his breath, wincing as it aggravates his (probably) broken ribs, before he lets a soft grin pull at his features as he hears the sound of you grumbling and shuffling out of bed to approach the window.
"Hey, good lookin'," Ino goes for flirty, easy-breezy, even. What comes out instead is a pain filled groan and he grimaces as he watches your eyes immediately flit up to the cut on his eyebrow.
"Shit, you're bleeding," You sigh, jamming the window open so that he can crawl through, letting him practically fall into your bedroom. "C'mon, bug boy. I'll patch you up."
"You know, if you keep being this nice to me I might get attached." Ino teases, following you into your en-suite as you pull the well used first aid kit from under the sink. "You'll have to keep your window open all the time."
"Oh, will I?" You hum, pushing his chest until he's sitting on your bed, black and teal standing out against your pale grey bedding. Fluffy, caramel brown hair mussed up in every direction as you push your hand through it, clearing the area that you need to clean. "Can't have that, I might get cold."
Ino hisses as you place the antiseptic wipe on his skin, you shush out an apology as you get to work cleaning. This is a regular occurance between the two of you, you know exactly what to do. You'd been friends since childhood, and when he got his powers he'd decided to tell you first, in the middle of Korean Barbeque. You'd slapped his arm about twenty times, his head ten times, and then you'd hugged him tightly for about an hour as you recounted the fight you'd seen on the news, telling him that if he died, you'd kill him all over again.
Only in the last two months though, he'd finally asked you out, and although you'd been scared to take that leap from friends to partners, you'd never been happier to see his face every single morning. Even if he dredged blood and all sorts into the apartment occasionally.
"Mind if I put on some music?" Ino asks with another hiss as you pat the cut with clean gauze, breaking you out of your thoughts. It's not deep, his healing seems to have already started so just some butterfly stitches should be fine. "Was gonna rock out tonight, dance in my pajamas, that sort of thing."
"Dork." You laugh softly, dabbing at the wound a bit more before you reach down to grab the stitches from the kit.
You roll up your sweater sleeves, Ino's university one that you stole as soon as he left it lying about, and clap once.
"Okay! Stitches time, you big baby."
Ino groans as he scrolls on his phone before smirking at you, his finger hovering over a song. You finish sticking the thin white strips onto the wound above his eye and raise an eyebrow at him.
"What's that look for, Takuma." Your voice comes out as a warning, but there's a soft adoration in your eyes. It takes a second of his ridiculous smirking, which you hope to wipe off by shoving his cheek, for you to realise what he's about to play. "Absolutely not."
"Absolutely yes." Ino grins, nodding his head and standing up, stretching before holding out a hand to you. "Get ready."
"Takuma," You laugh out, and it only gets richer as California Love starts playing out of his busted phone. "Oh my god, you're ridiculous."
He tugs you by the hand as you continue laughing, his hips swaying ridiculously, the teal stitching and lines of his suit glinting in the soft light of the hallway as he drags you into the kitchen, badly singing along to the song and whooping as you start swaying to the music as well.
"Dance with me,"
"You've hit your head, clearly," You shake your head as you dance anyway, a huge grin on your face as Ino sways and sings and puts leftovers from your fridge in the oven for the both of you. "Is that my pizza?"
"Our pizza, baby," Ino corrects you, eating a cold slice from the box despite warming the other slices up. "Totally beat the shit out of these guys today."
You hop onto the counter and swing your legs as he feeds some of the cold pizza to you, a soft smile on his face.
"Oh really?"
"Hell yeah," Ino flicks his wrist, and a thin web shoots out to grab the chilli flakes you keep on the table. You shake your head in exasperation. "Check it, new web recipe. Yuji and I have been working on it for the last couple of weeks."
You reach out and brush against the delicate webs with your fingertips, humming when it springs back. Definitely more solid than his previous webs, a little thicker too.
"Working in the lab?"
"Yeah," Ino speaks with a full mouth, and you wrinkle your nose at him.
"Kinky." Ino teases, wiggling his eyebrows and moving so that he's framing you, hands either side of you on the counter and your noses brushing against each other. "I love you."
His lips are on yours and you sigh into it. It really is like coming home, no matter how cringey that sounds. You wait all night when he's on patrol.
It's soft, and he pulls back to look into your eyes, kissing the bridge of your nose before muttering a 'thank god, I was dying'.
The next couple of minutes is just pure domesticity, the oven timer is about to ping as Teenage Dirtbag starts to play out of the music rotation. You slap a hand against your boyfriends ass as he laughs and you grab his hips, pulling him in and giving a kiss.
"Change out of your suit, lets eat." You tell him, biting his lip as he pulls away and puts both his hands in his hair, groaning and tugging at it.
"You drive me crazy, Bug."
"Sooner we eat..." You trail off, laughing as Ino spins around and trips in his haste to get changed, his mask slipping out the belt around his suit, dropping to the ground with a light noise.
You scoop it up, brushing a thumb over the cut above the lens, an uncomfortable feeling in your gut as you realise it really means he got hurt.
"I'm fine, babe." Ino calls out from the bedroom, and before you can retort with the snark you usually have, there's web shooting out and snatching the mask from your hands.
You scoff, and start to set plates on the table instead. Whatever. As long as he comes home to you at the end of the day, you don't need Spider-man, you just need Ino.
"No Yuji tonight?" You call out, double checking.
Sometimes if it's late and the patrol has been particularly hard, the young teen will stay at yours or Takuma's. You both want to make sure he eats properly and heals up. He has a tendency to underplay his injuries, so you have to wrestle the truth out of him. You smile thinking about his cute pink hair and endearing personality. Ino couldn't have got a better sidekick.
"Nah, he's at Fushiguro's for tonight - something about meeting his parents."
"Whew," You whistle, feeling slightly bad for him all of a sudden. "Meeting the parents after crime fighting? Yeah, no thanks."
Ino is walking out of your bedroom now, grey sweatpants loose on his body and a tight band t-shirt that was definitely yours. He also had his black beanie on, which you'd made sure to pick up from his apartment earlier in the day when he texted you about plans changing and Mysterio on the loose.
There's the sound of light bells, and then your cat is running behind him, meowing for his attention. He coos before picking her up and tickling her little belly.
"Aw, Mochi is hungry, look!" He holds her up to you as she purrs, reaching out a white paw. "She's my real sidekick, keeping you safe whilst I'm out."
You shake your head, amused.
"Kuma, she'd let me die right in front of her if someone offered her biscuits."
Mochi meowed, as if she was agreeing with you, and you let out an 'ah-ha!' and gestured at her. Ino just rubs his face into her fur and you roll your eyes.
"Mochi would never ever be that cruel, baby. I'm a great judge of character."
"Oh, sure." You snort. Putting the pizza onto plates, you put an extra slice on your boyfriend's with a warm feeling in your heart as he puts the cat down and cradles you from behind. "Remember when that guy you wanted to go skating with turned out to be selling stolen tech?"
"That's different," Ino whines into your neck, kissing the soft skin there. "You liked him too."
Well, he's got you there. Dude seemed normal. However, you aren't Spider-Man.
"Whatever, dude," You push him away by flicking his forehead, and laughing when he slaps your ass in retaliation. "Eat."
"If I eat super fast, can I feel you up before bed?" Ino practically begs, puppy dog eyes shining at you from where he's sat down across from you, hands in a prayer.
You shrug as you pick up a piece of cheesey deliciousness. You really needed to remember to stock up on these pizzas, especially if Ino was going to keep eating them.
"I'm not saying no." You drawl out, rolling your eyes and tampering down a smile as Ino pumps his fist in the air and starts inhaling his dinner.
He's ridiculous, and late, and he's definitely got mud in your carpet again. You'd be stitching his mask up tomorrow, and helping reload web cartridges, but you can't help it.
You love him.
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comfied-chriterature · 5 months
WAIT OMG I forgot it was Mermay!!!!! I'm gonna share the siren/selkie/sailor Sigskk (accidental alliteration) au I made up purely so I could describe the ocean in loving, overabundant detail (and also because I'm reading To Kill a Kingdom)
𓆞༄・゚𓆝࿐ ࿔*: 𓆟
Sigma's casino floats on the blue, but instead of the sky, it's the sea. A cruise that feels like a home, and every customer is family. (He is not a pirate, even though he has a cutlass and a flintlock pistol and a freaking hook.) Longing to feel the liquid pull of the ocean against his skin, Sigma steps down into a jolly-boat. There, he is assailed and nearly butchered by a siren defending his territory, a creature of water with fiery hair, until he's pulled back aboard.
Later, Sigma's ship is attacked by real pirates. After defeating them, Sigma and his crew scour their ship and find, imprisoned, a man with tousled cacao hair, clothed only in bandages (along with... Gogol??? How did you get here????) He's a regular damsel in distress with a mysterious eyepatch over one of his eyes, and definitely not a selkie and ex-partner of that siren.
Below: A snippet of Sigchuu's meeting that I wrote in a fit of passion.
The sea glitters, waves crashing gently against the hull of his ship, an ambient noise that could lull one to sleep. It’s deliciously blue, an ombré that melts into a softer azure, highlighted by the shimmering, radiating dot of the white sun.
Sigma dives in.
The salty water should burn his eyes, but Sigma hardly feels it. It’s even more beautiful down under, a dazzling world of aquamarine — beams of light slanting over his head, his hair weightless and flowing around him. Fish in primary colors dash past his eyes and bubbles float up from his mouth. Seaweed sways in a breezy dance. Atop the squishy sand, Sigma's hands caress vibrant seashells like so many gems.
And then his back is crushed against them.
Sigma can’t see — his hair whips in front of his face and sticks to his eyes. The air is pushed out of his lungs and he inhales water. Something is beating his head into the smooth, colorful sea pebbles below, and there’s blood clogging the water and his vision.
He swears and gasps and chokes, heartbeat all he can hear against the throbbing of the waves in his ears. I'm going to die I'm going to die my casino my patrons my ship I need to get back I can't breathe...
Sigma shoves against the snarling, squirming thing forcing him down. He curses his long hair with his limited thought space. He reaches blindly, catching on teeth and skin and hair and- and scales? But he’s got it — his flintlock. He wrestles it out of his pocket and fires.
There’s a growl of shock, and Sigma forces himself away from his assailant and up, praying that he’ll break the surface before everything goes black—
The sky. The sun. Sigma breathes as everything becomes bright again. He hacks up seawater and blood (concerning), and frantically rubs the ocean and his hair out of his eyes.
There’s someone with him.
Something? He can’t tell. All he sees is a face — a human face — submerged in the water with only the eyes breaking surface, eyes bluer than the sky, than the sea, than any gem tossed on Sigma’s poker tables when all other currency had been lost. A predator. Sienna locks surge over brown shoulders and swirl around their head like a planet’s rings. Most striking of all are their ears, fanned like fairy wings but nowhere near as delicate, frilled and bristling in aggression.
Sigma thinks this creature is beautiful, even as their face is twisted in animalistic rage.
The creature lunges. Claws drip with crimson, swirling patterns up the arm. They're sharp enough to hook Sigma's breath.
He's scrambling onto his boat before he can learn just how sharp they are, and his ever-diligent crew shouts and hoists him up immediately.
Sigma's eyes meet scorching blue, narrowing in rage. They're nothing like the ocean, he realizes. They're like fire.
Then he gasps and flinches back. A mirage... it must be. The flare of the sunlight must be fooling his eyes. Because, inexplicably, the ocean seems to whirl up to meet him, as though sentient.
But now is not the time to think about that.
𓆞༄・゚𓆝࿐ ࿔*: 𓆟
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moonspirit · 4 days
I’m at a mud run so…
Aot ambassadors at a mud run!
Sjshsknsuwks anooooon that sounds like so much of fun omg!
You have Armin who's the only one serious about doing things by the book - and therefore the only one doing the mud run the way it should be done - and therefore ALSO barely getting through it 🥲
You have Jean expending buckets of sweat and hard work and doing REALLY well, he's doing GREAT, he's leading, he's fast, he's sprinting- but- oh wait no, hold on- what the FUCK, seriously?!?!
*insert suspense cliffhanger: what did Jean just see?!*
You have Connie who took this seriously for about 0.5 seconds before he decided: hey the mud's nice and cool... It's a nice sunny and breezy day... Why not just... lie down in the mud and watch the clouds... :3 Connie Boy knows how to have a good time, okay?
Annie's gone. Annie's gone. She's building a tunnel through the mud underground and taking that as a shortcut to escape the obstacles and also win the race.
(the prize is a bakery discount coupon, now it makes sense huh?)
Pieck... Works smart, not hard. She identified the fastest team taking part and latched onto them like a leech and now refuses to get off unless they win the race. (She's dangerous in the most unassuming way, so they don't dare shake her off)
Levi's a safe distance away because mud is dirty and full of germs and his wheels will get stuck and no fucking thank you.
(spoiler: he gets rescued by Jean bridal-style)
(spoiler: half an hour later, Armin is only a quarter of the way across)
(spoiler: Annie pops up from the ground like Diglett and drags Armin into her tunnel)
(spoiler: 😏)
(spoiler: Connie lay in the mud too long now he's gone. Swallowed. One with the mud. We'll never see him again. Good bye...)
(spoiler: Pieck's winning
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I could dissect all kinds of wrongs IC did to Nesta all day long and still it wouldn't be enough.
The IC made it sound like she was mooching off them. Nesta removed herself from the IC and her sisters, left the Town House. She moved into a crappy apartment because she believed with all her heart that she didn’t deserve much else. Apart from the drinking and sleeping around, she basically didn’t do anything that affected the IC—even this is just a blip in their reputation. Yes, she spent their money but they could have easily refused from the beginning. But they make it sound like she was pounding on their doors every month for money.
She wanted to be left alone to clear her shit out but all they did was keep refusing her wishes. And that’s when she lashed out. Not that she was following them around being a bitch for no reason. Yes, she went every time they invited, but then again they cornered her there too. They brought up Elain a lot, asking Nesta to attend for Elaine’s sake. Guilting her into thrusting herself among people she hated so much.
In the Solistice party, she basically does nothing but sit there and watch them. And she even gets ready to leave without even bringing up the money. It was only when Feyre offers that she takes it, and partially it could have been because ‘this is what you think of me, fine, I’ll play the part.’
Nesta is a proud woman who refused to ask for anything. I bet the only reason she asked for money is because she knew that would hurt Rhys and Feyre. Since Rhys loathes her and Feyre is too proud herself.
If they had refused the money since the beginning, she would have done whatever she could and lived alone without even bothering any of them. And if IC cared, they could have just kept an eye on her instead of forcing her to do something she didn’t want to do in a place she didn’t want to live, to be around people she didn’t like.
Their alternative was to be throw her in human realm. Not sending off to wherever she wants. She would've done better literally anywhere, in any other court. Maybe she should have taken up that offer and went to Lucien. Jurian, Vassa, Lucien, Nesta would have solved all the shit IC started everywhere in a heartbeat. Fuck, even Eris and Tamlin sound like a good company than Cassian who couldn't stand her calling Rhys a dick.
The only reason Nesta turned her life around was because she found Emerie and Gwyn. Even the house, which no one suspected being a sentience for 500 fucking years, helped her. Not because of the IC. If she didn't have any of them, she would've probably flung herself down the stairs and killed herself. But of course, Feyre and Rhys are the heroes, so it was their decision that helped her.
What the fuck was that about Nesta kneeling before Amren? Amren isn't a fucking saint. She's got a mouth on any good day. So the fight between them wouldn't have been an easy, breezy one. Nesta reached out to her out of all the others and because she refused to let Feyre in, they lashed out at Nesta?
And all those who wanna come up with 'she was her sister, she couldn't let her sabotage herself' shit. Helping others 101: You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. Forcing someone to do shit isn't going to help. Definitely not imprisoning them with a guy who has an emotional range of a rat.
I'll probably vent again. But this keeps me awake at night.
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ender1821 · 11 months
(back on my shiny duo brainrotting time, featuring Secret Life 9AM Pearl!)
— — —
It was a beautiful day out. Autumn had arrived in its wonderful grace, bringing nice but not too breezy afternoons and picturesque views of the forests that stretched beyond the world’s borders. The scenery was simply too breathtaking to not—
“What are you doing?”
Pearl perks up from the sketch pad she had on her lap, discovering that Gem had approached her.
“Just a lil’ doodling.” Pearl answers, using the pencil in her hand to point to her work-in-progress.
Gem quirks an eyebrow up at the reply, trying to have a glance at the picture before questioning her friend more. “Really? Right here?”
Pearl looks around. Well, she couldn’t really see what’s wrong with having a break in front of her mound, unless Gem was referring to the whole…game situation. In that case, she supposes it’s a fair query.
“Inspiration waits for no man, GeminiTay!” Pearl puffs out her chest, as though her declaration was meant for more than just Gem, but for the whole world.
Unfazed by Pearl’s theatrics, Gem sighs, “I knew I should’ve stopped Jimmy from calling you Shakespeare.”
With that, any attempt Pearl made at refocusing on her drawing were thrown out the window, and she took Gem’s words as a challenge.
“Why, doth thee not hold the same enthusiasm for the arts as I?” Pearl set aside her pencil, then mimicked holding a skull in her palm, preparing to monologue to thin air if Gem doesn’t stop her.
“Weirdo.” Gem giggles at the grand gestures Pearl made.
“Oh, you love it.” Pearl waves off the remark without a thought. It never gets old, and Pearl’s sure that Gem must’ve called her that a hundred times by now.
Just as Pearl expected, Gem lets out another fond sigh before taking a seat next to Pearl. Out of the corner of her eye, Pearl catches Gem trying to hide a smile.
Pearl returns to working on her sketch soon after, pausing for a second when she feels a weight press onto her shoulder. Gem was leaning on her to get a better view of the sketch pad, and as she shuffled closer, the unmistakable scent of pumpkins and flowers wafted into the air. Pearl makes a mental note to add more orange shades to the final picture.
The sketch at the moment is of the fields of sunflowers scattered around the grass fields of where the Mounders chose to set up camp at. Nothing too out of the ordinary, which is exactly what Pearl needs after days of chaos, all in the hopes of completing secret tasks.
“It looks pretty.” Gem breathes out after a brief lapse of silence between the two.
“Aw, thank you!” Pearl cranes her neck slightly to look at Gem. It doesn’t take long before she snorts and captures Gem’s attention, wondering what Pearl found worthy of laughing at.
Pearl points to the sunflowers. “They match your eyes.”
Gem pushes herself off of Pearl with an offended scrunch of her eyebrows. Her hand hovers dangerously close to the diamond sword she kept sheathed beside her waist. “Remind me again, can yellows kill greens? Because I’m really tempted to right now.”
There’s an amused flicker in Pearl’s face, and she clutches her chest with a horribly faked expression of terror. “Ooh no, am I being threatened by the great GeminiSlay?”
“Dork.” Gem huffs and rolls her eyes, moving to rest her arms on the ground below instead.
Pearl replies with a toothy grin.
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starkraivennemad · 5 months
Rooftop Confessions
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TW: Talk of past suicide thoughts.
Greg Lestrade internally sighed as he stepped onto the roof of St. Bart's hospital and saw Sherlock Holmes already there. He just wanted to smoke in peace and not be harangued yet again that he should quit. It was his choice. 
Sherlock stood near the ledge looking out at the vista of London. The lightly breezy afternoon was taking delight in playing with the man's curls. The dark hair seemed to move as though under water, the smoke of the cigarette he held in his gloved hand at face level swirled around the sharp cheekbones of handsome man. 
Sherlock had a look of concentration. Greg would have thought he was in his Mind Palace again, but that was not quite - right? Greg was trying to decide f he wanted to go a different section of the roof of the roof to smoke or leave altogether…
Then Sherlock gave a different choice.  
"Lestrade come over and smoke or go away but for God's sake stop hemming and hawing at the door. Its squeaks are more irritating than Anderson's voice!" the curly haired genius called out. 
Greg chuckled to himself as he joined the genius for a smoke. The two stood in companionable silence simply smoking. Sherlock finished his cigarette but remained on the roof. Greg has known Sherlock for several years now. Well as well as anyone can know such a man as a Holmes. He and brother were masters of hiding their feelings from people. Greg considered himself blessed or perhaps cursed in being one of the few people who had the fortitude to stay around long enough to begin to see beneath the surface. 
"It's nice up here on clear days like today." Greg broke the silence at last knowing Sherlock was not going to. "I'm glad I chose to stay around and enjoy it." He should have known the ever-observant Sherlock would hear the slight tone in his voice. A dark eyebrow rose curiously. "You, Greg?"
"Yeah me." 
"Do spill the tea as I hear is in vogue to say these days."
Greg sighed, knowing Sherlock won't let it go, and buried memories came to the surface. "I was having a shit time in my life.  In a six month span me mum had died. My shite car had broken down - again. My wife was all on my arse about my hours and never being there. I had a run of cases that were shite, and my superiors were all over me at work. Then came Markell …"  Greg stopped to light another cigarette. He shook one out of the pack and stared at it as he spoke.  "Yeah, they tried to tell me there was nothing I could do. The rookie was determined to go it alone and prove himself and he got killed for it. And I know that now, but just then? Danny Markell was the last straw. I figured I'd blow my brains out. I knew where I could do it. I had done a bust there weeks before, knew how to get in the building. Knew I could score what I needed there to fry my brain. What else I had to lose - right? I was pants at home, pants in the job I thought I loved, and pants at life. Who would fucking care if I was gone? I felt so… So worthless!"
Sherlock looked at him intently for a moment, something subtle shifting in those mercurial eyes, but said nothing, so Greg continued.
"I was on the top landing of the stairwell on my way to the roof that night to toss my life away - literally, when I heard a door open some stories below and someone speaking. The voices were kind of warped given the distance and echo, but I distinctly heard him say you have a choice, wallow in your misery and prove the idiots right or rise up above it and prove you have half the brain were blessed with and use them. Use them and show them how wrong they are or let them waste but choose because you can't keep going like this! I don't know who he was or who was being spoken to, but I swear it felt like he was speaking directly to me. There I was a copper in a derelict building known for drug use with enough shit to fry my brain. I knew I was a good cop. I knew I was a good husband. I knew I was a good man, but could all of them be better? Yes. So, I stood, went to the roof and made a choice. I chose to wait a day to see if I would feel better. If I could do better. To BE better." 
Greg smiles as different memories, better memories come forth. 
"The next day I met Linda Younger. I talked her down from jumping off the ledge of her building. Fifteen minutes after she was safe, I went to the loo and flushed the drugs. Had I made a different choice the night before would Linda Younger be alive now? Whose life will I be saving the next day besides my own because I decided to stay around that one more day?"  Greg reached in his pocket and pulled out his keys. He showed Sherlock a sterling silver key fob shaped like a horseshoe. "She gave me this on the first anniversary of that day. Said her luck had changed after we met. Three years later she was married and had named her first son after me. I don't know if someone else would have saved her, I just know because I made the choice to stay one more day, I did. Because I chose to stay, I saved more than one life. Because I stayed, I caught killers before they could kill again. Because I made the choice to stay, I met you. It's what gets me through the shite days of this job - like today. Sorry, I got a little maudlin there. And while I'm sure to catch some shite for your barely legal methods - thanks again for your help, last week, a little girl got to see her mum again because of us. It all balances out." He looked at his watch and winced at the time. "Need to head back to The Yard for my press conference for the suicide murders soon. It's going to be a shit show, I know it."
"It would be less of one if you-" Sherlock tried.
"Zip it you. If something changes, I have the new address, I'll come, alright? It's cold, let's go and I'll treat you to a cuppa first?" Greg gestured towards the door. 
"Are you offering me hospital coffee? No, thank you, Graham." Sherlock huffed as he checked his buzzing phone. "Fresh meat? Excellent! You do your press conference; I'll watch. Then I think I will make the choice to run an experiment with a cadaver, Molly Hooper and a riding crop. See how the rest of the day goes…"
"Your choice." Greg laughed. He reached in his pocket and made another choice: he crushed the cigarettes there. He will purchase nicotine patches later and try quitting again. 
"Yeah, Sherlock?" Greg blinked and looked at the call of his name. It was the second time Greg could recall Sherlock using his correct first name - ever. Oh, Greg knew once they left the roof Sherlock will go back to pretending otherwise, but Greg understood the importance of it being used then and was honored.
Again, something important shifted in Sherlock's eyes. "For the record, I… I for one am glad you made the choice to stay that night."
"Thank you, Sherlock." Greg smiled up at the man as the. "As am I, mate, as am I."
Read on AO3 @calaisreno @MayPrompts2024
#MayPrompts2024 - Prompt 10: Choice
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