#theo raeken liam dunbar
One of our fave things is this fandom and ship is to say Liam is the sunshine to Theo being moonlight, and while I'm not one for overly saccharine comparisons like that, it's too accurate to not use.
Theo is the moon because of how he changes, waxing and waning, trying to find a place, but really only being able to to be seen when he's given light to reflect. there's a side that everyone knows is there but no one can get a look at without being invited in. people are scared of him because he's different, something is off about him because he's too quiet and too loud, too hard to find and too bright all at once. he's what people can't understand but are drawn to because ultimately he's a safehaven. what could they tell him that's worse than what he's lived? he is soft and careful, cradling the secrets he's given, or a fierce protector, twisting the shadows of leafless trees into monster hands chasing innocents through the forest.
Liam is the sun, but not just because of what he gives to others or how he is the one you can always count on to be there, loyal and dependable to a damn fault. no, not for the gentleness he can show, but for the dangers he could pose. people can't look straight at who he is deep down without turning away bc it messes with how they perceive him. sunlight is supposed to be so good and gentle, but he's so angry and scared, no wonder his temper flares and lashes out at the nearest thing, unleashing the power of a raging gas ball. he brings out the best in people around him, always giving, always trying to prove that he's the softest thing around since baby bunnies, but he can't help but hurt people when they try to pay too much attention to him.
together they are balanced. one let the other step out of the shadows, truly shining for the first time while in turn the moon gives the sun a break, offering a place to rest and let go of his stranglehold on the core of himself. they push each other in a take and give, encouraging the other to grow and settle into themselves.
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singitoutgirl26 · 1 month
Hey, can anyone send me some Thiam fic recommendations? Or even Theo Raeken x OC or Liam Dunbar x OC? I'll even take Brett Talbot or Nolan Holloway fics, Brett x Nolan, or Nolan x Alec fics too. I need more new stuff to read, I've just been reading the same stories over and over to the point I've almost memorized them. I'm fine with pretty much any fanfic site. I'm getting really desperate here 😅 thanks in advance!
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lesbiradshaw · 6 months
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thiam lore alive and well!
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 5 months
I'll protect him.
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If you even dare to touch him I'll murder you with a smile on my face.
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allisonjamaica · 7 months
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you can’t tell me this isn’t how that scene went
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reggieslocket · 1 year
why can't i ever win? i just wanna win once
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clementinecalls · 1 month
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theking-mustdie · 3 months
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how it feels to be a teen wolf fan in the year of our lord 2024
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Person B: Dom or sub?
Person A: I guess Domino's, since I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category though
Person C: I'm gonna tell them
Person B: Don't you fucking dare
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Now correct me if I’m wrong, but as someone who’s thinking of watching Teen Wolf, from what I’ve seen it seems to be:
(Group of outcast teenagers have gotten themselves involved in deadly supernatural shenanigans)
Derek, standing there silently, unhelpfully:…
Stiles:…we don’t need an adult but if we did we would need an adultier adult
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Y'all, this chapter is monstruous. Like, I'm not even 1/2 done and it's 3200 words.
Not to mention, Theo is causing himself so many problems. Please pray for this boy so he stops making his psycho hunter captor madder.
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singitoutgirl26 · 4 months
I recently got into Teen Wolf and now I'm trying to find some good Thiam fics or poly Theo, Liam, & someone else (idc if it's an OC, reader insert, or another character from the show) since I absolutely adore poly fic/relationships. I 100% would want to be in one if I hadn't given up on relationships two years ago 😅 I would much rather read cute shit about them than deal with the drama and my terrible taste in romantic partners.
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subpar-celestial · 8 months
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Don't tell me of it's shit I'm tired and this is the first drawing I've completed in ages
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allisonjamaica · 6 months
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that awkward moment when you lash out at your enemy-turned-ally-turned-anchor and he has the audacity to be patient and Soft™ instead of letting you pick a fight
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Liam: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?
Theo: Probably because I’m a chimera with a long history of violence.
Theo: I don’t know how you keep forgetting that
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lesbiradshaw · 7 months
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lovers’ quarrel <3
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