#brian q miller
soleminisanction · 2 years
An earlier ask reminded me that there’s still one sequence of Batgirl (2009) that I’ve always wanted to break down because my frustration with it is palpable so…why not. This is as good a time as ever. Let’s talk about Issue 24 and extended fantasy sequence that makes up the very end of this series.
See, apparently—and I have not been able to find a first-hand record of the interview that confirms this, so take it with a grain of salt—Brian Q. Miller decided that, since the universe was getting reset in the wake of Flashpoint, his Batgirl was getting canceled and Stephanie was getting retconned out of existence for the New52, he would use a fantasy sequence in the final issue show off all the wonderful ideas he never got to do because of editorial meddling or whatever. Which is… fine. Y’know? I get it, it’s utterly self-indulgent but not an invalid way to deal with your book getting canceled before you can finish all you set out to do.
The thing is though, sequences like this don’t just exist in the vacuum of their Doylist explanation. The entire narrative point of fantasy sequences like this, whether they’re fear gas, or lotus eater machines, or especially the Black Mercy, isn’t just to have a cool spectacle for the audience to look at, it’s to take a part of the character’s inner life and put it on display for everyone to see.
So the question I’m asking here is: what does a Watsonian reading of finale sequence say about Our Heroine, Stephanie Brown?
Quick primer for those of you who may be unfamiliar: the Black Mercy is an Alan Moore creation, originally introduced in the story he wrote with Dave Gibbons for 1985’s Superman Annual #11 – “For the Man Who has Everything.”
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If you’re my age, you may be more familiar with this story as a fantastic episode of Justice League Unlimited, which has the notable distinction of being the only Alan Moore adaptation that the old warlock actually likes. The basic story of both is the same: Batman and Wonder Woman (and, in the comic, the Jason Todd Robin) arrive at the Fortress of Solitude for Superman’s birthday, only to find that Mongul has trapped Supes under the influence of the Black Mercy, a magical alien parasite that digs its vines into its victim’s chest while trapping their minds in an illusion of their ideal perfect life.
“For the Man Who has Everything” is regarded as one of the best Superman stories ever written so it’s honestly kind of a surprise that the Black Mercy has only shown up a handful of times since then. But I’m not complaining, because it means the concept hasn’t been diluted much… with this appearance in Batgirl being a notable exception, in weird ways that make me really wonder what was intentional and what wasn’t.
See, this whole thing starts when Steph confronts her father, Arthur Brown, alias the Cluemaster, in his prison cell. And Arthur—a second-rate Riddler knock-off whose only experience outside of Gotham was an extremely brief Suicide Squad adventure to Iceland where everybody died—just, has a Black Mercy, an incredibly rare and dangerous magical alien super plant, sitting in his prison cell. As you do.
Arthur then puts Steph under the Mercy’s influence to cover his escape from the cell, but he doesn’t subject her to the Black Mercy for real, he crushes one of the blossoms and blows it in her face, which his dialogue implies is something he regularly does to himself as a recreational experience.
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Which means that, despite the following pages making a big freaking deal about “spores in her system” and Barbara gushing about how special Stephanie is for being able to, quote, “fight the Mercy and win,” it’s all a load of shit. Arthur didn’t need to be rushed to the hospital every time he took this drug, so it would follow the Stephanie doesn’t either.  
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That would actually make a lot of sense for Arthur as a character—for all his faults, he’s usually written as caring for his family and not wanting Stephanie permanently hurt (a sentiment she generally doesn't return). Hell, his last appearance before this one was trying to get revenge for her death. If that was intentional, it would mean that in the above panel, Stephanie knows that Barbara’s conclusion about her “fighting the Mercy” is full of shit and just, isn’t telling her.
I have no confidence that it was intentional—given the rest of the series I think it’s far more likely that Miller & Co. just didn’t want the icky flower vines to mess up Steph’s boobies and thus came up with a convoluted alternative that they immediately forgot the rules for—but I wish it was because it would actually be an interesting character turn. Black Mercy stories usually hinge on the emotional climax of the enraptured hero choosing to give up the beautiful illusion of a life they can never have in order to return to the hard world where they have real friends and heroic responsibilities waiting for them. Just ask anyone who still cries over this scene:
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Stephanie not getting that moment and only escaping because it’s a temporary drug would imply that she’s still very susceptible to her own desires. It’s a way that she’s fallen short compared to others who’ve been subjected to the full Black Mercy experience. And who knows, maybe she could’ve pulled herself out of it if the illusion had lasted longer… but maybe she wouldn’t have. She can’t know. And that doubt could sit with her.
It doesn't. But it could, in a better story.
And then there’s the illusion itself. Keep in mind as we go through this, this montage, in-universe, represents Stephanie’s idea of her ideally perfect life. Just for comparison, in “For the Man Who has Everything,” Superman’s ideal life has him living on Krypton as a normal man, married with children, happy and content in his normal life. Batman saw his parents’ murder foiled and the life that could have unfolded without that tragedy to define it. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), in another story, saw a world where his parents never died, his family is happy together, and his mentor Sinestro never turned evil.
Stephanie? Stephanie sees herself as Batgirl, posing dramatically and beating up random street thugs in a metaphorical continuation of her current status quo. Then there’s a sequence where she’s fighting the Queen of Fables alongside the four female heroes, all of whom except for Supergirl literally appeared out of nowhere in the last issue with no explanation because we need to pretend that Stephanie is very popular and well-liked and not a stuck-up loner who rarely leaves Gotham City and almost never talks to anybody but her boyfriend when she does.
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But y’know, this scene makes sense right? Steph dreams of being a successful superhero and fantasizes about going on grand superhero adventures with other superheroes, fine. That’s all well and good.
Then comes the Blackest Night page which is just... ugh.
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I am so glad DC vetoed this idea because it’s genuinely embarrassing. I get (finally! it several painful re-reads) that what Miller has been trying to do with Stephanie this entire book is pretend that she can be Captain America or Superman: a character who doesn’t so much develop or change as they do lead by example and inspire others to have hope for the future just by being themselves. So of course when he hears that Blue Lanterns are powered by hope he neeeeeeds that for his precious Batgirl—an idea that he apparently carried over to the Smallville Season 11 comics, but we’ll come back to that in a moment.
The problem of course being that Stephanie had never been that kind of character before Brian Miller decided she should be, and he did absolutely nothing to work his way up to earning her that status. So shit like this comes across as, frankly, blatant attempts to turn her into a Mary Sue, especially with how badly he refused to deal with her actual history and established character.
But again, remember: in-universe, this illusion isn’t being imposed on Stephanie, it’s being created by her, by her mind. This is part of her greatest desire. So where other heroes long to be safe and happy, surrounded by their families, Stephanie, apparently, wants nothing less than to be a literal Messiah figure. And I’m not exaggerating there—Blue Lanterns are supposed to be the holiest beings in the universe.
Just… the ego that implies. Yeesh.
After that comes a black-and-white photograph implying a time travel adventure where the three Batgirls (presumably from different eras in their own timelines) go back to 1944 to fly with the (male) Blackhawks. I’m not going to post it because there’s not really anything to say about it and this is already a long post but Stephanie’s stupid utility garter belt is drawn so HUGE it takes up her ENTIRE THIGH almost up to the crotch and it’s super distracting.
Then comes this scene.
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Which mostly just drives home how much Steph hates her boring average school life given that she’s fantasizing about being attacked by supervillains at her graduation so her secret identity can be exposed to her entire graduating class. Thing is though, you’d think this should be a nightmare. Her identity has been exposed! She’s being attacked out in the open by supervillains and she doesn’t have her gear or weapons! Her classmates and—explicitly up in the audience—her mother are in danger, because Stephanie is Batgirl!
But because this is a Black Mercy illusion, we know it’s not a nightmare. This is, explicitly, something that Stephanie wants to happen. It’s part of her fantasy life, her greatest desire. And yeah, if we’re being generous, she probably isn’t thinking that people are going to get hurt. In her fantasy, she probably just gets to show off and save the day and be venerated as Gotham University’s Great Hero, like Buffy getting crowned the Sunnyville Class Protector. But even that, the most generous of readings, implies that she has never internalized the lesson that she should have learned back in War Games re: the great power of being a superhero coming with great responsibility. It absolutely flies in the face of anybody’s attempts to insist that no really, she’s only doing this whole superhero thing because she cares about other people SO MUCH.
Following that is page of what’s clearly Neo-Gotham, flashing forward many years into the future, where Steph is wrangling some kid into bed (while wearing her wedding ring on the second knuckle because otherwise you wouldn’t be able to see it and that might imply she’s a single mom) with the Batsignal shining out the window.
Which leads us, at last, to the page I have the most to say about, and the one that is my biggest inspiration for make this post:
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I. Hate. This page.
I hate it because it gets regularly reposted without context on Tumblr and Reddit so the Steph simps can gush over how much they wish it was real and how Stephanie should get to be every single member of the Batfamily because she’s just so awesome and not one of them ever stops to think about what any of it would or should actually mean in-universe or out.
This page exists because Brian Q. Miller was originally a writer on Smallville. He joined the team around Season 5, served as showrunner for Season 10, and used the connections he made there to get some comic book jobs, including Batgirl and the spin-off comic Smallville Season 11. In “Season 11,” they finally showed the Smallville version of Gotham City and Batman, who is accompanied by only a single sidekick: not Robin, but Barbara Gordon as an (adult) female Nightwing who eventually becomes a Blue Lantern (hence the Blackest Night page earlier).
Now again, I cannot find the original source for this so I’m going off fandom rumor and wiki trivia, but supposedly, Brian’s original pitch was that the Smallville character would also be Stephanie, making her the only Batfamily member to ever exist in that universe. DC’s editors supposedly made him switch to Barbara instead, which was smart of them, because it’s way more likely that the people picking up the Smallville comic would be excited to see her, one of the most famous pop-culture characters ever invented, and not a satellite character like Stephanie who’s only familiar to a niche market. (This for the record is the same reason Babs is the Batgirl in Gotham Knights.)
So that’s the out-of-universe explanation for why Brian would stick this idea here, but stop and think about this for half a second: why the fuck would Stephanie want to be Nightwing?
Nightwing is not like Batman, Batgirl, or even Robin, it’s not a larger symbol with a legacy behind it. If you say the word Nightwing in the DC Universe, you’re referring to only one of two things: either you’re Kryptonian and you’re referencing a legendary figure from your lost planet’s mythology (either a god or a culture hero depending on the continuity), or you’re talking about Dick Grayson. Every other character who has ever taken on the name in a non-Kryptonian context has done so because of their relationship to Dick: either to piss him off (Jason), because they were inspired by him (Cheyenne Freemont, the Nightwings, Nite-Wing in a negative capacity), or in memoriam/penance after his death (Damian in the first Injustice game).
But Stephanie doesn’t have that kind of relationship with Dick. At this point in her career, they’d barely spoken, and all of their meaningful interactions had been with him as Batman. Nightwing means nothing to her. She has no emotional connection to identity, not even the desire to be “part of the legend” that drove her to chase Robin and Batgirl. So then, why? Why is this part of her fantasy?
Well… because if Batgirl isn’t the second-most popular superhero in the franchise after the Big Bat himself, then Nightwing is. And all Stephanie has apparently ever wanted is to be everybody’s favorite superhero, loved and adored and told how she’s so very special and wonderful, forever.
In Conclusion – As you might’ve noticed back in the panels where Steph was getting dosed, Brian Miller actually calls out his own bookending, having started the story with a climax where Steph got exposed to a fear-gas-based-anger drug and ended it with one where she encounters the Black Mercy. Like I’ve said before, the narrative purpose of hallucination sequences like this are to lay the characters’ psyches bare and show us who they really are on the inside. 
In issue 3, Stephanie’s anger/fear gas exposure (and the resulting philosophically frustrating speech) presents Stephanie as someone whose primary motivation is her own self-interest, the sense of control and personal triumph she gets from being a superhero. All through the series, the way she handles her rare rescues (and, even more tellingly, the few people who don’t immediately recognize her greatness) only backs that up.
And now, the Black Mercy sequence, the very last thing to happen in the entire series, just solidifies it: after 24 issues, she hasn’t changed. Her only desire, the only thing she cares about, is that she gets to be a badass superhero who goes on adventure after adventure without worry or care for anyone around her, even after multiple people have literally died over the course of just this book. Who cares? They’re not Stephanie, so they don’t matter. It’s all about her. 
I will never understand what anyone saw in this series.
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call-me-oracle · 5 months
barbara gordon in batgirl #1
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roseworth · 2 years
reading a comic and getting to an issue that was written by a writer you dont actively hate
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skecherss · 4 months
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Batgirl by her very nature should be immediately relatable to the reader. That’s why we gave her a costume where you can see her eyes and, more importantly, her smile. She’s a hero with emotion, which is both her biggest vulnerability… and her greatest asset. And in that space in between, that’s where Batgirl’s sense of hope comes from.
Brian Q. Miller on Stephanie Brown
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but-a-humble-goon · 9 months
Steph’s original faceless amorphous blob Spoiler costume was radical, tubular even. Steph’s Batgirl costume too was cool and worked for that version of the character for the reasons Brian Q Miller outlined in his interview. Steph’s current costume with the mouth guard somehow manages to combine them in such a way that captures none of what made either of them work.
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companion-showdown · 1 year
Favourite Companion's Companions Masterpost
Welcome one and all to our first tournament with a unique lineup. This time we will be electing the best Doctor Who character who could be described as the companion of one of our main companions
This tournament was suggested by @tardiswithadrivethrough
K9 vs Luke Smith WINNER: K9
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K9 vs Ianto Jones WINNER: K9
Isobel Watkins vs Luke Smith WINNER: Luke Smith
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Rory Williams vs K9 WINNER: K9
Jenny Flint vs Ianto Jones WINNER: Ianto Jones
John Benton vs Isobel Watkins WINNER: Isobel Watkins
Wolsey vs Luke Smith WINNER: Luke Smith
all matches are tagged #companion squared: round 3
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Rory Williams vs Chang Lee WINNER: Rory Williams
K9 vs Li Shou Yuing WINNER: K9
Jenny Flint vs The Silver Cloak WINNER: Jenny Flint
Ianto Jones vs Brian Williams WINNER: Ianto Jones
John Benton vs Dan Lewis WINNER: John Benton
Isobel Watkins vs Duggan WINNER: Isobel Watkins
Wolsey vs Rodan WINNER: Wolsey
Hath Peck vs Luke Smith WINNER: Luke Smith
all matches are tagged #companion squared: round 2
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Rory Williams vs Jenny Chaplin WINNER: Rory Williams
Chang Lee vs C'rizz WINNER: Chang Lee
K9 vs Simm!Master WINNER: K9
Li Shou Yuing vs Hex Schofield WINNER: Li Shou Yuing
Jenny Flint vs Andred WINNER: Jenny Flint
The Silver Cloak vs Karra WINNER: The Silver Cloak
Ianto Jones vs Anne Chaplet WINNER: Ianto Jones
Brian Williams vs The Pipe People WINNER: Brian Williams
John Benton vs Cliff Jones WINNER: John Benton
Dan Lewis vs The Doctor WINNER: Dan Lewis by 0.1%
Isobel Watkins vs Eustacius Jericho WINNER: Isobel Watkins
Jo Jones (nee Grant) vs Duggan WINNER: Duggan
Wolsey vs Miss Evangelista WINNER: Wolsey
Rodan vs Panda WINNER: Rodan
Hath Peck vs Bill Potts WINNER: Hath Peck
Luke Smith vs Courtney Woods WINNER: Luke Smith
ROUND 1 (Group Stage):
Polls are tagged #companion squared: round 1
Group 1 (8 Characters, 4 Eliminations):
K9 as Sarah-Jane Smith's companion
Mickey Smith as Rose Tyler's companion (suggested by @tardiswithadrivethrough) ELIMINATED
Adam Mitchell as Rose Tyler's companion (suggested by @lilydvoratrelundar, and anonymously) ELIMINATED
Rory Williams as Amy Pond's companion (suggested by @tardiswithadrivethrough , and anonymously)
Clara Oswald as Missy's companion (suggested anonymously) ELIMINATED
Nardole as River Song's companion (suggested by @rlainarin, and as Missy's companion by @spookyspoon-official and anonymously) ELIMINATED
Bill Potts as Missy's companion (suggested by @spookyspoon-official )
Dan Lewis as Yasmin Khan's companion (suggested by @tardiswithadrivethrough)
Group 2 (8 Characters, 3 Eliminations):
Ben Jackson as Polly Wright's companion (suggested by @p0stscripter) ELIMINATED
John Benton as The Brigadier's companion (suggested by @rlainarin)
Mike Yates as The Brigadier's companion (suggested by @rlainarin) ELIMINATED
Duggan (The City of Death) as Romana's companion (suggested by @lilydvoratrelundar)
Suzie Q (The Happiness Patrol) as Ace McShane's companion ELIMINATED
Li Shou Yuing (Battlefield) as Ace McShane's companion
Karra (Survival) as Ace McShane's companion
Chang Lee as Roberts!Master's companion (suggested by @rekhyt-of-arcadia, and anonymously)
Group 3 (8 Characters, 3 Eliminations):
Erimem as Peri Brown's companion (suggested by @thenugking) ELIMINATED
Hex Schofield as Ace McShane's companion (suggested by @thenugking)
Alex Campbell as Lucie Miller's companion (suggested by @thenugking) ELIMINATED
C'rizz as Charley Pollard's companion (suggested by @thenugking)
Wolsey as Bernice Summerfield's companion (suggested by @causalityparadoxes)
Jason Kane as Bernice Summerfield's companion (suggested by @thenugking) ELIMINATED
Panda as Iris Wildthyme's companion
Jo Jones (nee Grant) as Iris Wildthyme's companion (suggested by @theskyismadeofpenguins, and as Delgado!Master's companion by @rekhyt-of-arcadia)
Group 4 (8 Characters, 4 Eliminations):
The Doctor (almost every episode 1963-present) as every companion's companion
Simm!Master (The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords, The End of Time, World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls) as Missy's companion (suggested by @greenslime69)
Luke Smith (The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, The End of Time (and also The Sarah-Jane Adventures)) as Sarah-Jane's companion
Jenny Flint (Various, Member of The Paternoster Gang) as Madame Vastra's companion (suggested anonymously)
Strax (Various, Member of the Paternoster Gang) as Madame Vastra's companion (suggested anonymously) ELIMINATED
Rigsy (Flatline, Face the Raven) as Clara Oswald's companion (suggested by @lilydvoratrelundar) ELIMINATED
Me (AKA Ashildr, The Girl Who Died/The Woman Who Lived, Face the Raven, Hell Bent) as Clara Oswald's companion (suggested anonymously) ELIMINATED
Heather (The Pilot, The Doctor Falls) as Bill Pott's companion (suggested anonymously) ELIMINATED
Group 5 (8 Characters, 4 Eliminations):
Jake Simmonds (Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel, Doomsday) as Mickey Smith's companion ELIMINATED
Ianto Jones (The Stolen Earth/Journey's End (and also Torchwood)) as Jack Harkness' companion
Gwen Cooper (The Stolen Earth/Journey's End (and also Torchwood)) as Jack Harkness' companion ELIMINATED
Tom Milligan (The Last of the Time Lords) as Martha Jones' companion (suggested anonymously) ELIMINATED
Tentoo (AKA The Metacrisis Doctor, The Stolen Earth/Journey's End) as Rose Tyler's companion (suggested anonymously) ELIMINATED
Miss Evangelista (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead) as Donna Noble's companion (suggested by @greenslime69)
Brian Williams (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, The Power of Three) as Rory Williams' companion
Eustacius Jericho (Flux) as Yasmin Khan's companion
Group 6 (9 Characters, 4 Eliminations):
David Campbell (The Dalek Invasion of Earth) as Susan Foreman's companion (suggested by @thenugking) ELIMINATED
Cliff Jones (The Green Death) as Jo Grant's companion (suggested by @thenugking)
Andred (The Invasion of Time) as Leela's companion (suggested by @thenugking)
Riley Vashtee (42) as Martha Jones' companion (suggested by @pazandzero) ELIMINATED
Hath Peck (The Doctor's Daughter) as Martha Jones' companion
The Silver Cloak (The End of Time) as Wilfred Mott's companions (suggested by @greenslime69)
Angie and Artie Maitland (The Bells of Saint John, Nightmare in Silver, etc) as Clara Oswald's companions ELIMINATED
Courtney Woods (Kill the Moon, etc) as Clara Oswald's companion
Residents of Floor 0507 (The Doctor Falls) as Nardole's companions (suggested by @spookyspoon-official ) ELIMINATED
Group 7 (9 Characters, 4 Eliminations):
Jenny Chaplin (The Dalek Invasion of Earth) as Barbara Wright's companion (suggested by @lilydvoratrelundar)
Troilus (The Myth Makers) as Vicki Pallister's companion (suggested by @thenugking) ELIMINATED
Anne Chaplet (The Massacre) as Steven Taylor's companion (suggested by @lilydvoratrelundar)
Isobel Watkins (The Invasion) as Zoe Heriot's companion (suggested by @thenugking)
Bill Filer (The Claws of Axos) as Jo Grant's companion (suggested by @believerindaydreams) ELIMINATED
Rodan (The Invasion of Time) as Leela's companion (suggested by @rlainarin)
King Yrcanos (Mindwarp) as Peri Brown's companion (suggested by @lilydvoratrelundar) ELIMINATED
DJ (Revelation of the Daleks) as Peri Brown's companion (suggested by @lilydvoratrelundar) ELIMINATED
The Pipe People (The Happiness Patrol) as Ace McShane's companion (suggested by @intodarknes)
links to previous tournament masterposts can be found here
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brightbeautifulthings · 3 months
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Hello, lovelies! Tell Me Something Tuesday is a meme created by Rainy Day Ramblings and currently hosted by Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life, That's What I'm Talking About, For What It's Worth, Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell and Offbeat YA. It provides weekly discussion prompts on various book and blogging topics with optional participation. You can sign up for prompts here.
This week’s prompt is: Share some LGBTQ-character books you've recently enjoyed.
Since I've been on a streak of mediocrity in my reading lately, I decided to choose some of my favorite LGBTQ+ novels of all time for this post rather than keeping it strictly recent. (Trust me, these are better.)
L: The Dead and the Dark by Courtney Gould This is both one of my favorite YA horror novels and, coincidentally, one of my favorite wlw romances of all time. It's wonderfully creepy and good on the representation in other ways (mlm and poc), including a Gay Dads ghost hunting show that I fervently wish was a real thing.
G: I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson I love this book a ridiculous amount, and I've read and reread it enough times to have sections of it memorized. Noah and Brian's mlm romance is hugely complicated by the fact that neither of them are out yet, and it's one of the most beautifully handled mutual pining stories I've ever read--plus gorgeous writing, and lovable, heartbreaking characters.
B: Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales Representation is so important, and I've never felt seen in a novel like I did in this one. I love having a bisexual main character who has both male and female love interests in the story (but no love triangle trope, don’t worry). I’ve read books with bi mc’s before, but never one that so directly addresses bi erasure and not feeling “queer enough” to be in queer spaces.
T: Not Your Villain by C.B. Lee This is technically the second book in the Sidekick Squad series, but you should be reading it anyway for its excellent rep in the cast of main characters. Bells is one of my favorite trans characters ever, complete with cool shapeshifting superpowers and a sweet, heartfelt best friend crush.
Q: Strange Grace by Tessa Gratton This has one of my favorite poly ships ever with the three main characters: Mairwen, the witch, Ruhn, the saint, and Arthur, the outcast. It also includes spooky woods, lurking monsters, a dash of witchcraft, and some complex examinations of gender identities.
I: Across the Green Grass Fields by Seanan McGuire It's hard to go wrong with the Wayward Children series, and McGuire always delivers on the diversity and representation. When Regan faces challenges in being intersex in the human world, she escapes through a doorway to an equine world that accepts her as she is, complete with major Horse Girl vibes, found family, and my personal favorite murder horse, the kelpie.
A: Radio Silence by Alice Oseman Oseman's prose and characters are an absolute delight, and this is one of the most beautiful friendship stories I've ever read, with one of my favorite asexual characters, Aled. I love the way friendships are never discounted as "less" than romance in this book, and there's an excellent celebration and critique of Tumblr/fandom culture.
+: Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller We know if there's an assassin character to be found anywhere, I'm going to love them the most. Sal is a genderfluid thief who joins an audition to be one of the Queen's Left Hand, a group of the most elite and feared assassins in the kingdom. There's also a clever, worthy love interest in Elise.
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aftermidnightfmk · 8 months
Part 1: January 16, 2025 through April 10, 2024
Tumblr limits posts to 100 links, thus the necessity of splitting of the Guests page into parts. It is inconvenient, yes. Click here for a list of all parts.
Alphabetical by last name, unless they don't have a surname, in which case, good luck.
Looking for the host? Try the Taylor Tomlinson tag.
Is a name misspelled? Link broken? Dear god, please tell me.
Please note: “kill” choices are (usually) not tagged. Therefore the links below may not be inclusive of every guest’s appearance on After Midnight.
Marcella Arguello
Maria Bamford
Suzi Barrett
W. Kamau Bell
Doug Benson
Ashley Nicole Black
Flula Borg
Wayne Brady
Guy Branum
Matt Braunger
Kurt Braunohler
Sophie Buddle
Reggie Conquest
Kelsey Cook
Affion Crockett
Whitney Cummings
Jon Daly
Chad Daniels
James Davis
Bianca Del Rio
Billy Eichner
Jackie Fabulous
Fortune Feimster
Jourdain Fisher
Chris Fleming
Ron Funches
Jon Gabrus
Megan Gailey
Lisa Gilroy
Vanessa Gonzalez
Chris Grace
Max Greenfield
Rob Haze
John Hodgman
Robby Hoffman
Pete Holmes
Sandy Honig
Rob Huebel
London Hughes
Brendan Hunt
Josh Johnson
Joyelle Nicole Johnson
Zainab Johnson
Anjelah Johnson-Reyes
Amir K
Moshe Kasher
Jackie Kashian
Laurie Kilmartin
Joel Kim Booster
Kyle Kinane
Nick Kocher
Nish Kumar
Lauren Lapkus
Natasha Leggero
Thomas Lennon
Dan Levy
Riki Lindhome
Loni Love
Marc Maron
Jack Martin
Mae Martin
Brian McElhaney
Wendi McLendon-Covey
Liz Miele
Will Miles
Amy Miller
Kel Mitchell
Arden Myrin
Aparna Nancherla
Purple Necktie
Dustin Nickerson
Tig Notaro
Jerry O'Connell
Atsuko Okatsuka
Taylor Ortega
Haley Joel Osment
Adam Pally
Caitlin Peluffo
Dewayne Perkins
Pink Foxx
Esther Povitsky
Jeff Probst
Chloe Radcliffe
Mary Lynn Rajskub
Adam Ray
Caroline Rhea
Rob Riggle
Phoebe Robinson
Matt Rogers
Giulia Rozzi
Nico Santos
Anna Seregina
Jason Sklar
Randy Sklar
Dusty Slay
Dulcé Sloan
Kevin Smith
Blair Socci
Beth Stelling
Carl Tart
Jordan Temple
Chris Thayer
Vinny Thomas
Sarah Tiana
Greta Titelman
Paul F. Tompkins
Shane Torres
Zach Noe Towers
Irene Tu
Milana Vayntrub
Melissa Villaseñor
Trevor Wallace
Matt Walsh
Reggie Watts
Mo Welch
Maggie Winters
Monét X Change
Sasheer Zamata
Jenny Zigrino
Zach Zimmerman
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Batgirl Stephanie Brown vol. 1 (2009)
Written by Brian Q. Miller
When your inside voice gets outside 😳😳
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 372
Comic Reviews:
Black Adam: The Justice Society Files – Dr. Fate by Bryan Q. Miller, Cavan Scott, Marco Santucci, Jesus Merino, Ulises Arreola, Michael Atiyeh
Dark Crisis 5 by Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere, Alejandro Sanchez
Dark Crisis: The Deadly Green by Alex Paknadel, Dan Watters, Ram V, Tom Derenick, Brent Peeples, Daniel Bayliss, George Kambadais, Matt Herms
Gotham City Year One 1 by Tom King, Phil Hester, Eric Gapstur, Jordie Bellaire
Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing 1 by Matt Rosenberg, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Francesco Francavilla, Arif Prianto
A.X.E.: Starfox by Kieron Gillen, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Frank William
A.X.E.: X-Men by Kieron Gillen, Francesco Mobili, Frank Martin
Edge of Spider-Verse 5 by Dan Slott, J.M. DeMatteis, Steve Foxe, Phil Lord, Bob McLeod, Kei Zama, David Lopez, Brian Reber, Jim Campbell
Miracleman 0 by Jason Aaron, Mike Carey, Neil Gaiman, Zack Davisson, Ty Templeton, Mick Anglo, Ryan Stegman, Peach Momoko, Leinil Francis Yu, Paul Davidson, Mark Buckingham, Zak Davisson, JP Mayer, Sunny Gho, Jordie Bellaire, Sonia Oback, Antonio Fabela
Spider-Man 1 by Dan Slott, Mark Bagley, John Dell, Edgar Delgado
Spider-Ham: Hollywood May-Ham OGN by Steve Foxe, Shadia Amin
Infinity Comics
Who is Daredevil?
Marvel’s Voices: Werewolf By Night
It’s Jeff
Dark Horse
Leonide the Vampyr: Miracle at the Crow’s Head by Mike Mignola, Rachele Aragno, Dave Stewart
3 Keys 1 by David Messina
Dark Ride 1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan, Adriano Lucas
Junkyard Joe 1 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Kaya 1 by Wes Craig, Jason Wordie
Revolvers 1 by John Zuur Platten, Christian Dibari, Simon Gough
Book of Evil 1 by Scott Snyder, Jock
Earthdivers: Kill Columbus 1 by Stephen Graham Jones, Davide Gianfelice, Joana Lafuente
TMNT: Saturday Morning Adventures 1 by Erik Burnham, Tim Lattie, Sarah Myer
Garbage Pail Kids Origins 1 by Hans Rodionoff, Adam Goldberg, Jeff Zapata
Sirens Gate 1 by Shannon Maer
Sweetie Candy Vigilante 1 by Suzanne Cafiero, Jeff Zornow
Unbreakable Red Sonja 1 by Jim Zub, Giovanni Valletta, Ceci de la Cruz
Red 5
August Purgatory Underground 1 by Benjamin Morse
Mystery Brothers 1 by Quentin Lee, Elis Zill
Pink Lemonade 1 by Nick Cagnetti
Monster Bar Mitzvah by Josh Anderson, Dustin Evans
Side Effects by Ted Anderson, Tara O’Connor
Kings of Nowhere by Soroush Barazesh
Ray’s OGN Corner: Pumpkin Heads by Rainbow Rowell, Faith Erin Hicks
Additional Reviews: Andor 5, She-Hulk, Werewolf by Night, Hellraiser (1987), Disney’s Chibi-Verse
Longbox of Horror 2022 part 2: Dark Knight Strikes Again
Ray pitches the Nintendo-Verse
News: Mike Marts takes over Mad Cave, NYCC shenanigans, Slott’s Who Special delayed, Night of the Ghoul optioned, Snyder re-ups at ComiXology, Cunningham and Ryall take over AfterShock, Spawn movie writers, El Muerto director, Five Nights at Freddie’s movie, Stephen King’s Fairy Tale optioned, Lazarus Planet, Owl House, Dragon Prince, Velma, Milestone 30th Anniversary plans, Joe Q doing DC covers, Mike Hawthorne arc of Zdarsky Batman, Keanu out of Devil in the White City, more Cartoon Network upheaval, Superman revamp, Flanagan no longer involved in Something is Killing the Children adaptation, Marvel’s Voices and Women of Marvel, titles of next Marvel events, Red Goblin series, Omninews, Rogue and Gambit by Stephanie Phillips, Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain by Tini Howard, X-23 mini, Guardians series coming, Sana Starros series from Marvel
Trailers: Wakanda Forever, Mario, Violent Night, Velma, Power of the Doctor, Picard s3
Comics Countdown:
Dark Ride 1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan, Adriano Lucas
Spider-Man 1 by Dan Slott, Mark Bagley, John Dell, Edgar Delgado
Batman 128 by Chip Zdarsky, Leonardo Romero, Jorge Jimenez, Tomeu Morey, Jordie Bellaire
Ant-Man 4 by Al Ewing, Tom Reilly, Jordie Bellaire
Kaya 1 by Wes Craig, Jason Wordie
Time Before Time 17 by Rory McConville, Declan Shalvey, Eric Zawadski, Chris O’Halloran
Side Effects GN by Ted Anderson, Tara O’Connor
Junkyard Joe 1 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Undiscovered Country 21 by Scott Snyder, Charles Soule, Leonardo Marcello Grassi, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Matt Wilson
 Minor Threats 2 by Patton Oswalt, Jordan Blum, Scott Hepburn, Ian Herring
Check out this episode!
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soleminisanction · 2 months
Do you think Tim would have been more angry at Steph for starting the war games if she survived/didn’t fake her death? Or do you think the fact that she tried to fix it in the end would absolve her of that blame a little bit in his eyes?
I always love your analysis btw! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the world
That's a good question. An interesting complication to the answer being: does canon Tim even know that Steph was responsible for for starting the War Games?
It can be hard to tell because certain people muddled the waters a lot (cough Brian Q Miller cough no-nothing wiki writers cough cough) but near as I've been able to glean from reading the comics, so far as most people in-universe were concerned, the blame for the War Games gang war fell on Batman's shoulders. There was a big publicity campaign during the War Crimes arc that followed that outed Steph as the girl Robin, but it painted her as a martyr and laid all the blame at Batman's feet.
Near as I could tell, the only people who actually knew Steph was involved with causing the war were Bruce, Selina, Black Mask, and Cass; and Bruce also blamed himself. The only person who ever really held Steph responsible was Cass.
So the question is, was Tim only not upset because he didn't know about Steph's involvement? Personally, I like to think that, if Steph had lived/not faked her death, she would've been open about her part, and that she'd continue the arc she showed in War Games of newfound awareness and understanding of how her actions affect others.
And if she did that, I think Tim wouldn't be angry. Hurt, yes. I think the whole mess of emotions surrounding those days, especially the fact that she became Robin in part to deliberately hurt him, would irrevocably damage their relationship to the point where they couldn't date anymore, and they'd need to spend some time apart. Tim would go off to Bludhaven with Cass after his dad dies, and Steph would go... somewhere else, away from Gotham, maybe with her mom, to recover and figure out her own way to move on after everything.
But the parting, I like to think, would be more sad than angry, a mix of remorse and hurt and being glad they're both alive and just... knowing they can't be around each other right now. That they won't be able to stand doing that again for a while.
Eventually, after a few months or years, they might get back to a point where they've worked through the grief and trauma enough to be friends again. And it'll be a different relationship than they had before, but it'd still be good. Or maybe they'd just stay apart from each other and live their own lives. You never know.
So yeah, bit of a ramble, but that's how I figure it'd work. Steph really does show her best character during War Games so I'm inclined to say that people who met her in the immediate aftermath, especially people who knew her before and could see how she'd changed, would give her the benefit of the doubt.
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pureimaginefic · 2 months
Character Guide Part VIII: Couples
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*-denotes a future event
Couple: Adam Mclean & Quinn Taylor
Ship name: “Q&A”
Years together: 2010-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: AJ McLean & Melissa Jordan
Ship name: “Alissa”
Years together: 1988-1996
Relationship status: ended
Couple: Bradley J. Littrell & Sydney James
Ship name: “Bradney”
Years together: 2010-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Brian Littrell & Vicki McAdams
Ship name: “Bricki”
Years together: 1990-1995, 2009-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Chandler McLean & Libby Littrell
Ship name: “ChandLib”
Years together: 20**-
Relationship status: dating
Couple: Chris Fox & Ariel McIntosh
Ship name: “Chariel”
Years together: 1988-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Christian McLean & Gabriela Dorough
Ship name: “Cribs”
Years together: 20**-
Relationship status: dating
Couple: Craig & Kathleen Miller
Ship name: “Craileen”
Years together: 1968-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Craig & Alicia Miller
Ship name: “Cralicia”
Years together: 1987-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Dean Stone & Kellie Mitchell
Ship name: “Dellie”
Years together: 2010-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Derek & Daphne Winchester
Ship name: Dephne
Years together: 1984-2009
Relationship status: divorced
Couple: Drake and Louise Johnson
Ship name: “Drakise”
Years together: 1966-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Harry Dorough & Greta Leoni
Ship name: “Harieta”
Years together: 2010-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Howie Dorough & Christina Johnson
Ship name: “Howina”
Years together: 1988-1995
Relationship status: ended
Couple: Jack & Kate Mitchell-Andres
Ship name: “Jate”
Years together: 1987-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Jack & Michelle Jordan
Ship name: “JaMI”
Years together: 1969-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Jake & Leigha Johnson-Thomas
Ship name: “Jakeigha”
Years together: 1990-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: James & Lizzie McAdams
Ship name: “Jazzie”
Years together: 1970-1983
Relationship status: divorced
Couple: James & Cindy McAdams
Ship name: “Jandy”
Years together: 1983-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Jason & Emily Anderson-Errison
Ship name: “Jem”
Years together: 1988-2011
Relationship status: divorced
Couple: Jeremy & Jessica Montgomery
Ship name: “Jerica”
Years together: 1985-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Joe & Jodi Cappel
Ship name: “JoeDi”
Years together: 1983-2002
Relationship status: dissolved by his death
Couple: Joey Carter & Rachel Littrell
Ship name: “Racey”
Years together: 20**-
Relationship status: dating
Couple: Ken & Lynda Mitchell
Ship name: “KeLyn”
Years together: 1965-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Kevin Richardson & Kellie Mitchell
Ship name: “Kelvin/K2”
Years together: 1988-1994
Relationship status: ended
Couple: Kyle Richardson & Zoey Montgomery
Ship name: “Kyloe”
Years together: 2009, 2010-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Neilson Carter & Natalie Cappel
Ship name: “Natalson”
Years together: 2006-2010, 2010-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Nick Carter & Sasha Miller
Ship name: “Nisha”
Years together: 1988-1994
Relationship status: ended
Couple: Omar Hayes & Jacqui Watson
Ship name: “OJ”
Years together: 1988-present
Relationship status: married
Couple: Tom & Grace Cavanaugh
Ship name: “Tomcie”
Years together: 19**-1989
Relationship status: divorced
Couple: Tommy Porter & Lizzie Moore-McAdams
Ship name: “Tozzie”
Years together: 1965-1968
Relationship status: dissolved by his death
Couple: Will & Tracie Johnson-Warner
Ship name: “Wilcie”
Years together: 19**-present
Relationship status: married
0 notes
cyclone-rachel · 5 months
books read in February and March 2024:
Interesting Facts About Space by Emily Austin
Mislaid in Parts Half-Known by Seanan McGuire
The Spirit Glass by Roshani Chokshi
Last Chance Books by Kelsey Rodkey
Maus vol. 1 by Art Spiegelman
Invincible vol. 18 by Robert Kirkman
Playmakers by Mike Florio
Didn’t See That Coming by Jesse Q. Sutanto
Far Sector by N. K. Jemisin
We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Antigone Rising by Helen Morales
Moonray vol. 1 by Brandon Graham
Victim by Andrew Boryga
Static Shock vol. 1 by Dwayne McDuffie
Little Blue Encyclopedia by Hazel Jane Plante
Ringmaster by Abraham Riesman
If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say by Leila Sales
I Met a Traveller in an Antique Land by Connie Willis
The He-Man Effect by Brian Brown
Brazen by Penelope Bagieu
Accountable by Dashka Slater
The Dark Side of the Game by Tim Green
Raw Dog by Jamie Loftus
Annie Bot by Sierra Greer
The Last Fallen Realm by Graci Kim
The Assignment by Liza M. Weimer
We Got the Beat by Jenna Miller
The Truth of the Aleke by Moses Ose Utomi
Dolls of Our Lives by Allison Horrocks and Mary Mahoney
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ulkaralakbarova · 7 months
A thief makes a disturbing discovery in the house where he breaks in. Later, when he returns to the same house with his partner in crime, things are no longer how he expected. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Cale Erendreich: David Tennant Sean Falco: Robert Sheehan Katie: Kerry Condon Derek Sandoval: Carlito Olivero Riley Seabrook: Jacqueline Byers FBI Agent Olivia Fuller: Tracey Heggins Don Falco: Rob Nagle Patti Falco: Lorraine Bahr Rowan Falco: Jacob Resnikoff Nino: David Meyers Detective Wayne Banyon: Tony Doupe Helen Leyton: Lisa Brenner Jocelyn: Sofia Hasmik Officer Aguilar: Delpaneaux Wills Sabine: Hannah Barefoot Mitchell: Danny Bruno Young Cale: Austin Leo FBI Agent: Jared Q. Miller FBI Agent Driver: Lydia Reim FBI Supervisor: Brandon Boyce Female Cop: Dana Millican Girlfriend #1: Emily Kimball Horse Trainer: Sam Bangs Newscaster: Brenda Braxton Uniform Cop: David S. Hogan Valet: Alex Donnolo FBI Agent: Tim Bennett Umbrella Ped: Chris Ihlenfeldt Film Crew: Producer: Dean Devlin Original Music Composer: Joseph LoDuca Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Greg P. Russell Second Unit Director: Carsten H.W. Lorenz Property Master: John Pearson-Denning Makeup Artist: Eva Lohse Director of Photography: David Connell Art Direction: Michelle Jones Screenplay: Brandon Boyce Editor: Brian Gonosey Production Design: Nate Jones Extras Casting: Susan Funk Producer: Marc Roskin Costume Design: Critter Pierce Gaffer: Neil Holcomb Steadicam Operator: Gary L. Camp Extras Casting: Bill Marinella Second Unit Director of Photography: Matthew Moriarty Foley Artist: Jörg Klinkenberg Makeup Department Head: Christina Kortum Stunt Double: Tim Bennett Construction Coordinator: Dean G. Roberts Scenic Artist: Ellen Lepinski First Assistant Director: Gregory J. Pawlik Jr. Sound Editor: James Gallivan Dialect Coach: Mary McDonald-Lewis Script Supervisor: Andy Spletzer Co-Producer: Mark Franco Special Effects Coordinator: William Boggs Assistant Editor: Lana Wolverton Focus Puller: Bob Webeck Stunt Double: Daniel Locicero Stunt Double: Kym Stys Still Photographer: James N. Clark Key Grip: Art Bartels Assistant Production Coordinator: Naomi Yospe Casting Associate: Marin Hope Makeup Artist: Stephanie June Johnson Unit Production Manager: Brandon Lambdin First Assistant “C” Camera: Ronnie Dennis Assistant Property Master: Sean Fong Producer: Rachel Olschan Set Decoration: Benjamin Hayden Stunt Coordinator: Kent W. Luttrell Assistant Editor: Rick Chapman Sound Designer: Mark Hailstone Dolly Grip: Todd England Nicodemus Location Manager: Robert Warberg Boom Operator: Heidi DuBose Stunt Driver: Michelle Damis Utility Stunts: Lex Damis First Assistant “A” Camera: Kyril Cvetkov Hair Department Head: Autumn Sanders Production Accountant: Colleen Emry Hairstylist: Dusti Leon Stunt Driver: Ken Clark Second Assistant Director: Devan Linforth Script Coordinator: Kerry Glover Stunt Double: Anthony Oh Makeup Artist: Tammy Brant Second Second Assistant Director: Jesse Bellis Second Second Assistant Director: James McCoy Leadman: Jason Beveridge Construction Foreman: Jarred Decker Greensman: Rick Lepinski Set Designer: Jason Raines Foley Mixer: Jean-Marie Gilles Stunt Driver: Tommy Goodwin Stunt Double: James A. Smith Second Assistant Camera: Michael Crockett Second Assistant Camera: Madison Rowley Best Boy Grip: Brian Shotzbarger Best Boy Electrician: Jeremiah Skender Costume Supervisor: Alison Carlos Set Medic: Michael Fine Set Medic: Taylor Saxon Producer: Tony Malzone Movie Reviews: offscreenbabble: I did not enjoy the movie. The trailer looked really interesting and I really like David Tennant.The movie had some strange editing choices. It’s unintentionally funny but not a movie thats so bad its fun. To give you a quick spoiler free review it’s about a valet who tries to rob David Tennant’s place. When he is about to leave he sees a woman tied up. The rest of the movie is him trying to notify the police but it becomes a “Cat and Mouse” game between the valet and David Tennant. But increasingly gets silly and overall the stuff that is s...
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melonreads · 1 year
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SO many 3x3's. I love to overshare. Consider this an extension of my about
Left to right in order, my absolute fave: Comics, manga, anime, video games & albums
actual titles, authors, directors, artists, etc. under the cut :3
All titles in order from left to right!
Snotgirl by Bryan Lee O'Malley & @milkmanner
Super Mutant Magic Academy by @jilliantamaki
Umbrella Academy by Gerard Way & Gabriel Bá
Pinky & Pepper Forever by Eddy Atoms
Funky Town by @mathilde-vg
Heat by @jean-wei
The Sprite & the Gardener by @riibrego & @obligatorymorningfart
This One Summer by @jilliantamaki & Mariko Tamaki
My Friend Dahmer by Derf Backderf
Lucky Star by Kagami Yoshimizu
Her Majesty's Dog by Mick Takeuchi
Oyasumi Punpun by Inio Asano
Hellsing by Kouta Hirano
JJBA Steel Ball Run by Hirohiko Araki
Dorohedoro by Q Hayashida
Zombie Loan by PEACH PIT
Yotsuba by Kiyohiko Azuma
Berserk by Kentaro Miura
Space Dandy
JJBA Battle Tendency
Lucky Star
Hellsing Ultimate
Magic User's Club OVA
One Piece (fml)
Video Games:
(if a specific title isn't mentioned then it's the franchise as a whole)
Animal Crossing
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai/Diva
Monkey Ball
Mystic Messenger
FFVII Crisis Core
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
The World Ends With You
Heathers Dir. Michael Lehmann
Parasite Dir. Bong Joon-Ho
The Breakfast Club Dir. John Hughes
Battle Royale Dir. Kinji Fukasaku
Carrie Dir. Brian De Palma
Mad Max Fury Road Dir. George Miller
Into the Spiderverse Dir. Peter Ramsey, Bob Persichetti & Rodney Rothman
Alien Dir. Ridley Scott
The Shape of Water Dir. Guillermo Del Toro
Melodrama - Lorde
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - Daniel Pemberton
Fetch the Bolt Cutters - Fiona Apple
BTR - Big Time Rush
Keep on Truckin' - Surfbort
Bullets - My Chemical Romance
My Foot - The Pillows
Harry Styles - Harry Styles
Paramore - Paramore
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FILM ▷ Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse en Streaming-VF en Français
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Telecharger ➡ Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse | Film Complet [2023] Streaming vF Français
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Les meilleurs sites pour regarder Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse un film en streaming gratuit en VF ou VOSTFR, en illimité et sans inscription. Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse 2023 Trailer Music | Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse,org Genre: Action, Aventure, Animation, Science-Fiction, Sortie: 2023-05-31 Etoiles: Shameik Moore, Hailee Steinfeld, Brian Tyree Henry, Luna Lauren Velez, Jake Johnson, Oscar Isaac, Jason Schwartzman, Issa Rae, Daniel Kaluuya, Karan Soni, Shea Whigham, Greta Lee, Mahershala Ali, Amandla Stenberg, Jharrel Jerome, Andy Samberg, Jack Quaid, Rachel Dratch, Ziggy Marley, Jorma Taccone, J.K. Simmons, Donald Glover, Elizabeth Perkins, Kathryn Hahn, Ayo Edebiri, Nicole Delaney, Antonina Lentini, Atsuko Okatsuka, Peter Sohn, Melissa Sturm, Lorraine Velez, Nic Novicki, Taran Killam, Metro Boomin, Josh Keaton, Sofia Barclay, Danielle Perez, Yuri Lowenthal, Rita Rani Ahuja, Ismail Bashey, Oscar Camacho, Freddy Ferrari, Kerry Gutierrez, Kamal Khan, Angelo Sekou Kouyate, Andrew Leviton, David Michie, Sumit Naig, Juan Pacheco, Chrystee Pharris, Ben Pronsky, Al Rodrigo, Jaswant Dev Shrestha, Libby Thomas Dickey, Ruth Zalduondo, Jasper Johannes Andrews, Gredel Berrios Calladine, Natalia Castellanos, Russell Tyre Francis, Deepti Gupta, Sohm Kapila, Pradnya Kuwadekar, Ashley London, Christopher Miller, Andrea Navedo, Lakshmi Patel, Jacqueline Pinol, Eliyas Qureshi, Lashana Rodriguez, Dennis Singletary, Amanda Troop, Sitara Attaie, Mayuri Bhandari, June Christopher, Michelle Jubilee Gonzalez, Marabina Jaimes, Rez Kempton, Lex Lang, Phil Lord, Richard Miro, Doug Nicholas, Shakira Ja'nai Paye, James Pirri, Marley Ralph, Michelle Ruff, Narender Sood, Cedric L. Williams, Kimberly Bailey, Sanjay Chandani, Melanie Duke, Jorge R. Gutierrez, Miguel Jiron, Deepti Kingra-Mickelsen, Luisa Leschin, Caitlin McKenna, Richard Andrew Morgado, Arthur Ortiz, Eliana A. Perez, Juan Pope, Mike Rianda, Stan Sellers, Warren Sroka, Jason Linere-White, Kimiko Glenn, Peggy Lu, John Mulaney, Andrew Garfield, Denis Leary, Tobey Maguire, Cliff Robertson, Alfred Molina, Post Malone, Le site Web où Vous pouVez regarder des Films de Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse en streaming gratuit. Regarder film complet Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse(2023) en Streaming français sans inscription. Bonne qualite HD 720p, Full HD 1080p, 4k. Le Vrai Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse streaming VF gratuit et complet de tout les derniers Films des meilleurs séries en HD Version Francaise, original et sous titré. Voir Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse Film en streaming gratuit en ligne Version Française en qualité Full HD 1080p. Les meilleurs sites pour regarder Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse un film en streaming gratuit en VF ou VOSTFR, en illimité et sans inscription. Voir Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse - Streaming Gratuit en Français Voir tous les films avec des catégories complètes, Streaming en français, en Full HD, gratuit et illimité. Rendez-vous sur le site ci-dessous ! Les meilleurs sites pour regarder Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse un film en streaming gratuit en VF ou VOSTFR, en illimité et sans inscription. Comment Voir Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse des films gratuitement en français complet ? Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse un film sur internet gratuitement sans télécharger bonne qualité HD. Quelle est la diFFérence entre le téléchargement et streaming ? étiquette : Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse Film complet Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse 2023 Film complet Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse Film complet en Français Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse streaming VostFR Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse Film streaming Spider-Man : Across the Spider-Verse streaming VF
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