#bride negotiations au
sea-owl · 7 months
I just saw this tiktok video of what I believe is an Indian drama. I'm not 100% sure if it was a show or movie. I couldn't find the name on it. But in the video, it was described that a village made its money by selling off daughters to wealthy men for marriage. The female lead was the "ugly" girl (she was not ugly) who managed a side business off this main business by having the potential grooms see her first as their bride and then showing the real girl. Basically, helping with negotiations saying, "Hey, you could've gotten me, but instead, we have this gem here. Don't you think she's worth more?" After getting the higher bride price she takes her cut.
After watching, I said I could see Kate and Penelope making a small business doing this around the ton. Not to say they aren't beautiful, they are, and the girl in the original video was beautiful too. They just don't fit society beauty standards. Actually, side note now that I think about it canonically the only one of the wives who did was Sophie. Sophie was described to fit the ton's beauty standards to a t and would probably have been the incomparable/diamond of her debute season if she was born legitimate.
Anyway, Kate probably started it. For one reason or another, they couldn't wait for Edwina to debute, and Kate wasn't having a successful season, so she thought of a way to earn some money to help her family. It started as an accident, Kate was visiting a friend the same time negotiations were happening for her friend's engagement. Her friend has never met the lord, and two just so happened to walk by the room the negotiations were happening in. The lord saw Kate before her friend and assumed she was to be his bride. He was about to be outraged until her friend turned the corner. Things went much better for the bride to be in the negotiations after that.
Kate's friend apologized for the situation, but the wheels in Kate's head were turning. She didn't care all that much about being compared to her friend. Strangers loved to unpromptly compare her to Edwina when they were together and Kate couldn't really bring herself to care she has other things to worry about. But this new development, might work in her favor.
So Kate started offering her services to get brides to be better deals on marriage negotiations. First looks from arranged marriages she'll be in front and then show the real bride. Sometimes, be part of the negotiations by giving little reminders that hey, she is still in need of a husband, and if they want to pay less, then they can negotiate with her family. Sometimes, she didn't have to do anything besides sit next to the bride to be and just talk with her as a silent reminder. Kate also offered services such as attending balls with her clients and spreading word about bride's accomplishments. Kate would get her cut, which helped her family's financial situation longer, just long enough to get Edwina married.
A few years pass, and Kate is booked, possibly overly so. She has more and more parents there who wish for her to be part of the negotiations. There are so many that there is no possible way she can do them all by herself. Unless she gets a partner.
In 1813, Kate saw a miserable wallflower standing at the edge of one of the balls. That yellow dress did not do the poor girl any favors with her complexion, nor did the shape help with her curvy figure. Her poor red hair reminded Kate of an overdone poodle. She looked to be Edwina's age, and that made Kate's big sister instincts go off.
Introductions were made, and Kate learned the girl's name was Penelope Featherington. Kate learned the girl was rather smart and witty when she relaxed around you. She, like Kate, had a good head on her shoulders and it's a shame others don't see that.
Oh well, their loss is Kate's gain.
"Penelope, how would you feel about helping me with some business?" Kate asked one night at a ball. She had a negotiation to go to tomorrow and it would be an ideal time to take her new friend to get her feet wet.
Penelope looked up at Kate. "What kind of business?"
Kate took Penelope with her to the negotiations, and the deals doubled in favor of the bride.
Kate grinned the first time her friend participated in negotiations, raising deals much more favorably for the bride. By mid-season, Penelope will be ready to go on her own. Which will be good because next season, Edwina debutes. Kate will have to focus on her while Penelope takes on the majority of the negotiation calls. When Edwina is settled then Kate can fully jump back in. Which hopefully shouldn't be too hard, Kate knows Edwina will be popular, so it's just a matter of sorting the good men from the rakes. After that Kate can fully focus on her business.
It will all go according to plan.
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sun-e-chips · 2 years
The Introduction
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Corpse spouse writing belongs to @peste-bubonica
Had to draw a part of this scene y/n really takes no crap from anyone!
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So I had some time to think tonight at work (in between operating heavy machinery, swearing at the materials, and trying to keep the line running, fun times!) And I asked myself, "self, hypothetically, what might @inexplicifics Accidental Warlord AU look like in another generation or two - once people really get used to witchers being The Good Guys (TM) and helping out?"
And I was like "well, they'd probably get invited to social events - ooh! Who'd like which events best?!? What would that look like?"
Geralt, as we all know, detests anything too formal or Warlord-focused. He enjoys weddings and receptions, but his TRUE favorite is baby christenings. Seriously. Put him in a room with a tiny baby and he's happy as a clam. He'll happily growl away (or weaponize his puppy-dog eyes against) grannies, aunties, and other family members to hold the baby for as long as possible. He's also 90% of the reason that witchers are now rumored to be able to bless babies.
When Mouse and Treyse bring this new rumor to the council, everyone has to just sit. And process for a minute. Because what the ever-loving fuck?!? (Jaskier immediately writes the sweetest lullaby ever, "A Witcher's Blessing", and it is the ONLY song that Geralt ever sings in public, and only ever to babies and small children. Multiple women blame this for their immediate conceptions.)
Jaskier adores weddings and festivals of all types, and if a happy couple includes details of how they met and/or fell in love with their wedding invitation, there's at least a 50% chance that he'll show up to the wedding with a personalized love song, holy shit.
Ciri loves tourneys. Loves watching them, loves displaying in them, loves sneaking into competing in them (omg, heir, NO), loves WINNING them. She's a menace. She has various stealth coats of arms that she rotates between when she's not supposed to be competing, but her favorite is the battle goose. Obviously.
Eskel doesn't like crowds or being the center of attention, which are almost inevitable with public invitations, but he does enjoy being the +1 for his family. Several of his and their interests overlap, and even where they don't, he likes to see them enjoying themselves.
Yennifer becomes well-known as an extremely efficient - albeit terrifying - treaty negotiator. She'll talk to both sides, get a list of their must haves, deal-breakers, would-likes, and don't-wants (as well as - perhaps more importantly - the reason why each of those are on that particular list). Then she draws up a draft and viciously negotiates a compromise. She is genuinely surprised the first time that both sides thank her for her help.
Vesemir, with all his long years of teaching, loves visiting schools and seeing any sort of student performance or sporting event. Kindergarten to university, drama to music to dance recitals to track and field meets to football games to student symposiums to science contests to... He buys out bake sales and funds club field trips and donates several fortunes worth of antique knick knacks to various schools. He's invited as a guest lecturer, a commencement speaker, a competition judge, a referee.
Lambert and Aiden, at some point, discover bachelor's parties, call dibs, and never look back. People learn very quickly not to invite witchers to their stag nights unless they want the entire party to get horrifyingly drunk - but at least Lam and Aiden will make sure that everyone makes it home (or to the wedding) safely. Perhaps not soberly, or sans hangover, but definitely without major injury. (And if the bride asks nicely and the groom and friends weren't total jerks, Lambert can usually be counted on to make a hangover cure. He really is a softie at heart.)
Dragonfly and Serrit get tapped for the odd bachelorette party or ladies' birthday parties. Anything that falls under "I want to be able to drink and party with my friends without worrying about some strange guy hurting one of us." They are extremely protective and have both been drunkenly proposed to several times. (Livi finds this terribly amusing. Gweld just wants to know if he can watch.) Milena and Zofia sometimes go with them.
Milena loves going to wedding showers and baby showers, but outside Kaer Morhen, she has to stay in sight of Lambert or one of his brothers. Lambert's rule. (She got KIDNAPPED, okay? He's allowed to worry!) Usually she'll take Geralt (there might be babies! He's excellent protection!) or Eskel (he's very quiet and has excellent manners, and his signs are impossible to fight) for the more, ah, female-heavy events. If anyone asks, they're her brother-in-law and genuinely like spending time around kids. And very, very married.
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calciumcryptid · 17 days
Hello, did someone order a We Are Mythology AU? No? Well, you are going to get it anyways.
Peem is the god of water, and everything to do with water such as marine life and bodies of water. He isn't a surfer dude though, he is a bottom-half tentacles skin blue compass around the neck monstrous looking god. He is depicted with a calm form and an angry form, and the more angrier he is the more monstrous mortals depict him.
He is a part of a pantheon with some of the others. Q is the god of evolution, civilization, culture, craftsman, and the arts while Tan is the god of war, warfare, conquest. Chain is the resident health god and Pun is the party and emotion god.
The recent addition to the pantheon is Toey, who became the god of the sun, light, and color. He was a mortal set to be married off, but Q came down from the heavens and stole him away to be his 'bride'. The Pantheon was surprised by this, not the stealing of a mortal part (Pun stole Chain) but it being Q to steal a mortal. QToey are in their godly honeymoon phase, and they are never leaving it.
Tan believes he has more tact because he is waiting for his chosen mortal to die before proposing. Said chosen mortal is Emperor Fang who inherited an empire from his tyrannical parents and is a king of warfare and conquest. Fang doesn't realize the scope of Tan's affections, but knows he has an in with the war god.
This leads to Phum, who is the empire equivalent of a duke and a navy captain. His ship gets caught up in a storm which leads to it getting destroyed and Phum heading to certain death. Luckily, Tan notices and determines Fang is going to be really sad if Phum dies dies so he calls a favor from Peem to save the mortal.
Peem does and holds him captive as he awaits the next order. The problem is the order is going to take a while because mortals aren't at the instant text message stage yet, they are still in the waiting for the ship to dock and send letter stage so Phum ends up staying in Peem's underwater palace.
As they wait, Peem and Phum fall in love (after getting to a rocky start of course). By the time Fang sends a message to Tan for Tan to appear and go "You're brother isn't dead. Aren't I a caring and thoughtful god? What do you think about dying early and joining me in godhood?" Peem does not want to give Phum back because this is his mortal and Q and Pun got to keep their mortals. :(
Tan negotiates a time of the year for Phum to return to the mortal plane to spend the rest of his life with his brother, but has to return to Peem for the remaining time until he dies and becomes a god. Phum returns to his brother for June to November (storm seasons when the sea is at the most volatile), but returns to Peem for December to May.
Once the brothers die, Fang becomes the leader of the pantheon (god of gods, leadership, victory) and Phum becomes the god of weather (particularly storms) represented by a rose.
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loosingmoreletters · 1 year
take an AU haunting me for ages now: the “sects go to the terrifying Yiling patriarch to ask for his help in the war, WWX ends up demanding LWJ marry him” fics?
Yes, that, but kinda in reverse.
The Sects go to meet the Yiling Patriarch and he’s as expected: arrogant, bold, careless, demanding. And using heretic powers to keep his Burial Mounds untouched by the world.
They negotiate, he smirks properly wicked, and and says he wants to name a bride and a marriage to the Lan.
The Lan talk, outraged, but they have a war to win so the agreement is struck: marriage to the Lan and the Yiling Patriarch is allowed to name bride and groom. They write it down exactly like that.
The war happens, but with the Yiling Patriarch’s army of the resentful dead, they lose less soldiers, win more battles. The Lan wonder why they were chosen, perhaps because they hold enough moral sway that any hostage of theirs wouldn’t result in another war? Regardless, Lan Wangji makes it his job to stick close to the Yiling Patriarch, as close as he will let anyone. He has a whole entourage of ghost brides, though only one stays close to him at all times, veiled whenever they have company
They win the war. “Bride and groom,” the Yiling Patriarch says and swears to return in three months. There is talk of taking him down now that Wen are gone, but no one wants to go to war in the Burial Mounds.
The Yiling Patriarch arrives in three months as promised, dressed in red, followed by a parade of people. “I’ve come to collect my debt,” he tells them. “I will name Lan Wangji as the groom,” he says, sparking confusion and outrage. Does he intend to name one of his ghost brides next? And indeed, he reached for one, lifts her veil, revealing living woman, but takes the veil for himself instead. “And I, myself, will be his bride.”
The story goes a little like this:
One. Wei Ying’s parents die and he follows them. Only he is young and alive and curious and the Burial Mounds are very hungry. They devour him skin, flesh, bone, teeth. And they spit him out again. And again again and again.
Two. Wen Qing is her uncle’s favorite, but she’s her brother’s only sister. She fears what war means, what the retaliation might mean. Young Masters go to the Cloud Recesses for study on invitation, Wen Qing goes to the Burial Mounds to beg.
Three. There is very little begging to be done in front of a boy her brother’s age, who hasn’t been hugged in years and keeps the company of murdered brides as though they are his mothers, aunts and sisters. She asks for protection, he asks for a meal.
Four. They cannot stay in the Burial Mounds forever. It is not a place for children even Wei Wuxian realizes that one morning and promptly disappears in his childhood bedroom, a cold cave filled with trinkets of the dead. He survived on the cost of skin, flesh, bone, teeth. They cannot all pay this price.
Five. The Sects knock at his door, a solution presents itself. He dressed Wen Qing like his older sister, veil and all, and hides her among his undead. They strike a bargain.
Six. They could keep a hostage, but a hostage will not keep them fed. Brides, he knows from childhood on, marry out. One of his sisters would’ve taken with her all her servants, had her unwilling husband not killed her on the wedding night.
Seven. “This is why it has to be a Lan,” Wen Qing tells him. Your husband would not kill you like this. They might keep him in some other way, but what could be worse than skin, flesh, bone, teeth? A wedding night of death? Nothing. And if he can help his family by making them servants and himself a bride, he’ll stay locked up in the Cloud Recesses. At least this prison will not spit him out.
What Lan Wangji knows is this: the Yiling Patriarch is mocking them, but there is a debt and a debt must be paid.
They marry in name, no matter how much the Yiling Patriarch taunts him about the contents of a proper marriage, and then they live separately. They keep an eye on him of course, him and his servants, who keep to themselves, settling in Caiyi and the Cloud Recesses, wary, hungry, terrified people - not of their master, but of everyone else.
And then, on accident maybe, a slip of the tongue, one of those servants soak a different name. Within a second, the Yiling Patriarch is in front of them in protection, though he looks less arrogant, less bold, less careless, less demanding. He looks, Lan Wangji thinks, like someone who has more too lose than he’d ever admit. He looks terrified like no one in the Cloud Recesses ever should.
So maybe he should ask him why
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Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter AU Crossover ideas. Port Mafia Edition
Previous posts [I] [II] [III] [V] [VI] [VII] [VIII] [IX]
💉 Ougai Mori has his own nemesis. Zhongli hurt you and made you fear Mori's voice. Mori's goal is to destroy Zhongli's precious Liyue. Ougai will shower you with gifts, while you are recovering.
🍷 Even if all people with Geo Vision, Azdaha and Morax in a peak of his power will try to stop him, they won't stop Chuuya Nakahara. He won't even need to use the Corruption. He will make them pay for what they have done to you.
Chuuya will bring you gems he found in Teyvat. If the gems in question are valuable on Earth, he will sell them and will use the money on whatever you want. You can burn them, donate them, save them.
🌂 Kouyou Ozaki will become the nightmare for Inazuma's citizens. She and Golden Demon are silent and deadly. And no one will suspect a thing, Ranpo will make sure of it.
She will spend time with you, will let you pet Golden Demon.
🇫🇷 Paul Verlaine will become Teyvat Nightmare. Back in the app, he got his powers back, thanks to the messing with cards. If needed, he will unleash Demonic Beast Guivre on seven nations.
He will let you bride his hair. Makes sure, that you are healthy and happy.
🎧 Arthur Rimbaud is back to being a spy. He is ready to go to any nation he needs (even Snezhnaya). He and Verlaine will sabotage Dottore's work.
His hyperspace became one of the safest places for you. He will share his coat with you.
🏍️ Albatross is staying by your side, but, he is ready to sabotage any vehicle from Teyvat. He will take you on a motorcycle rides.
🧑‍⚕️ Doc is always checking your health. People of Teyvat take a number on you, and, while Yosano's ability did its job, he is concerned about mental scars.
🧊 While Iceman doesn't bear any grudges, he will make an exception for Teyvat's people. He will show them the hit man of Port Mafia.
He will listen to his records together with you.
🗣️ Lippman is doing his best in negotiating and tricking Teyvat officials. One day, even 'The Creator', that order to hunt you, will fall for his lies.
He will arrange spontaneous spa days for you. Your skin and hair were never that pretty.
🎹 Piano Man is using his skills to create fake mora. Mora are important not only as money, but in an alchemy. Soon Teyvat citizens won't be sure, if their money are real or not.
He will tell you funny stories he has heard. If it makes you happy, he will pronounce you an Honorary Flags member.
🧥 Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Rashomon like a black storm tear through Teyvat. Nothing will stop them. He feels guilty. He is your bodyguard and he failed you. He will undo his mistakes.
While on Earth, he won't leave your side. Will make hammock from Rashomon for you.
🔫 Ichiyou Higuichi is another spy. She will gather information from Liyue, getting close to Ninguang.
Will bring you fresh rumors.
🚬 Ryuurou Hirotsu is dealing with Treasure Hoarders and other criminal organizations. Black Lizards knew, how to show low criminals their place.
He will tell you stories about his youth (some of them are fictional, but, he is happy, when these stories make you smile).
🔪 Gin Akutagawa is a spy in Inazuma. She will get into Narukami Shrine as one of the shrine maidens.
She and Akutagawa will spend quiet evenings with you, watching movies.
🩹🧲 Tachihara Michizou is overworked. He is dealing with criminal organizations of Teyvat as Port Mafia member, and with official organizations of Teyvat (Fatui, Knights of Favonius...) as Hunting Dog. He won't stop. He wants to make them pay. Tachihara will use his ability to destroy factories.
🍰 Elise is staying near you. She is making sure, that you always have snacks and water. She will let you choose her outfit, take her to a shopping trip. She will listen to everything you say.
Waiting for the day she and Mori will face against Zhongli.
💎 Karma is reading you your favorite books. Doesn't matter, if the book is boring or scary, he will read it to you. Always worried about you.
⭐⭕ Kyuusaku Yumeno are waiting. From time to time, they are called by Mori to take a stroll in the main city of random nation. And every time, the stroll ends up in injuries. Not Q's.
They will try to make you smile. Offered you to play or cuddle with their doll.
🍋 Kaji Motojirou will drown Teyvat markets in lemon bombs. And, until his command, they won't detonate. He is waiting for a signal.
Kaji will show you easy and interesting scientific experiments.
🍛 Oda Sakunosuke is taking care of you. While he is ready to go to Teyvat, he decided to spoil you and make happy.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms
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These are some of my favorite fics dealing with arranged marriages. Usually to help end the war.
To such a deep delight ’twould win me by Sroloc_Elbisivni (@sroloc--elbisivni)
With an army on their doorstep, Mirage is being offered up as a blushing bride to a mysterious sorcerer warlord his city is already planning to double-cross. He decides to take his chances with his new conjunx.
Hound would just like to get every single one of the people and creatures he’s currently responsible for out of this trap alive before working out what exactly his feelings about marriage are, but between treaty negotiations, pretending to be besotted, and slowly growing a hologram until it’s the size of an army, that might be easier said than done.
In his clearest vocalizer setting, tone flat with the complete absence of doubt, Mirage announced “I was sent here as a distraction. The Crystal City Council is planning to betray and destroy you.”
Hound/Mirage, Minor SkyStar | AU, Cartoon G1 | T | Completed | 20k+ | 2/2
Settlement by Heliopauseentertainments (@heliopauseentertainments)
In which, as part of a peace treaty, Prowl and Starscream are caught in a very, very unwanted arranged marriage.
Prowl/Starscream, Past MegaStar | IDW 1 | G | Completed | 13k+ | 11/11
We'll Rise Up Ourselves by choomchoom
When Wheeljack and Starscream are chosen as representatives from their respective factions to enter into an arranged marriage to end the war, everyone expects it to implode almost immediately. Nearly everyone is pleasantly surprised when it doesn’t.
StarJack | IDW 1 | G | Completed | 15k+ | 1/1
Meister Ain't My Designation by GoblinCatKC (@kc-anathema)
Long before the war, Prowl is intent on tracking down and arresting Meister, a joyriding thief causing mayhem in Praxis. Unfortunately Prowl must also deal with the distraction of an arranged marriage to a mech he's never met, Jazz of the tower Chamber Harmonic.
Jazz/Prowl | G1 | T | Completed | 50k+ | 31/31
All's Well That Ends Well by Baird Crevan
The war is coming to an end but Starscream is being an aft about it. He threatens to start the war up again, so Megatron arranges to have him conjunxed to an Autobot to undermine his power. Of course, falling (back) in love with the Autobot would be ridiculous. Right? SkyStar, implied MegaOp, ends happily I promise.
SkyStar | G1 | E | Completed | 20k+ | 15/15
Bright Still by Spoon888 (@doomspoon888)
In order to strengthen political bonds during the turmoiling war, a reluctant Megatron is promised the 'fairest' seeker Vos has to offer.
He should have suspected earlier why the Vosians were so eager to marry off their own crown prince.
MegaStar | Soup | E | Completed | 85k+ | 27/27
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sjsmith56 · 2 months
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The Flame Burns From Within, Part 1 - Negotiations
Summary: The arrival of three strangers at the castle of Ser Anthony of House Stark, signals the start of negotiations for the hand of his niece, Lady Arden Worth.
Length: 5.2 K
Characters: Lady Arden (OFC, described), Lord James Barnes, Ser Anthony Stark, Lady Stark, His Highness, the Duke of Long Isle, Steven Rogers, Ser Samuel Wilson.
Warnings: Age gap (OFC is 21 while Lord Barnes is 32. She would be considered old for her first marriage during this time period). Description of the status of women in the 15th century as property, description of the death of Lady Arden’s parents, arranged marriage.
Author notes: Set in the 15th century AU where America is a sovereign kingdom. Spain has only recently returned to Catholic control after some time of being a part of the Moors empire (they were Islamic). It would take some time for the remaining Muslims to leave or convert to Catholicism. AI image in banner created by author using MS Copilot app in Designer mode. Borders found at vecteezy.com.
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Part 1 - Negotiations
Lady Arden
The gates to the courtyard opened and the delegation from the Citadel were welcomed into the keep of my uncle's castle. I watched their arrival from the window of my chambers, as my presence wouldn't be needed until later, after the three men who rode in were formally welcomed by my uncle and legal guardian, Ser Anthony of House Stark. Ever since my parents died of the wasting disease when I was still a child, he had overseen my preparation for life as the lady of a great lord. Unlike some of the fathers and guardians of other young women of my ilk, he had been rather progressive towards my education. Where others had been taught to walk and speak with grace, while learning the arts of needlework, music and art, my uncle had made sure I could do all of those, plus ride a horse, handle a sword, learn foreign languages, read and write more than just my name, and above all else, to carry myself as one who was as capable as any man. It was certainly not the usual life of a young woman.
My uncle had his reasons for my unusual upbringing; some of which he shared with me. Where other young women of my stature were being married off to whomever was politically in favour, in addition to receiving a generous dowry, my uncle was more interested in a particular man to become my husband. Lord James Barnes of the Citadel was his goal; a consummate warrior, well educated, able to speak several languages due to his travels, and the most powerful lord of our region. He had already been sought as husband for any number of simpering brides that didn't interest him. Rumours circulated by the unsuccessful families seeking to install their daughters as his lady said that he was a lover of men, or was damaged in body and spirit by his travels in dangerous lands, but my uncle had heard through unofficial sources that he preferred an accomplished woman to become his consort, as he saw value in intelligence above all else. By promoting my unconventional education, my uncle was certain that word of me would eventually reach the ears of those at the Citadel whose task it was to find a suitable mate for the great lord. That day had finally come.
That's not to say there weren't bumps in the road to this occasion. There are always men who want what they see as different or even exotic. Before I turned 14 my uncle was being offered great wealth for the promise of an engagement with any number of eligible sons. Several great houses in our land, Walker, Rumlow, Pierce, even Dreykov in the Russian region far to the east across the sea, had amped up the pressure for my uncle to accept one of their own as my future husband, but he wouldn't even entertain the offers that came over the years. It was some time before he shared that his goal was to align his house with the Citadel, and nothing less would interest him.
As I approached my 21st birthday, an age considered old for marriage, rumours began of my own shortcomings as a prospective bride. It was said I was vain, unattractive, too heavy, too thin, too unhealthy, defective in mind and spirit, even that I was barren due to the wasting disease that had killed my parents but had spared me. Knowing I was none of those, I always held my head high. At public occasions I was visible, open, and friendly with those around me. I acted as I had been taught; that I had a place in society, and it would be one of influence no matter if I were the wife of a great lord or not.
Thus, the arrival of the three men from the Citadel on that cool autumn afternoon was proof that my uncle had properly read the situation. It was clear that I was of interest to the most powerful lord, seen as an important counsellor for the next king himself. As the three men dismounted, they stood in their travelling cloaks, heads still covered, removing their gloves and, in the way of men of action, taking note of their surroundings. I could see that they assessed the guard complement in the keep, while searching the walls of the castle itself to see if their arrival had been noted. That is when one of them pulled his hood back, revealing a bearded man of dark-hair and eyes of blue like the ocean. He made eye contact with me from his place in the courtyard. A hint of a smile crossed his face then I stepped away from the window when he turned to his companions. His looks matched the description of Lord Barnes, but it was unusual for the head of a great house to personally attend the negotiations for a marriage. Until I was summoned for dinner, I wouldn't find out who he actually was.
My aunt, a strong and confident woman in her own right, sought entry to my chambers shortly after the arrival of the three men. She entered with a complement of maidservants, intent on preparing and dressing me in a way that emphasized my best features. With my tall build and red hair, that I was born with, the colour of which had only deepened over the years of my existence, there wasn't much else to be done to make me more visible. I had drawn attention from many sources my whole life. Even my name, Arden, was different as it meant "little and fiery." Although I was no longer little, I was often referred to as the Flame of the Forest, for I usually took my daily ride there with my hair unencumbered by coverings.
After much fussing over the various dresses, they chose a blue one, trimmed with lace and a brocade border. Its full sleeves ended at a wide brocade cuff. My hair, left long, was brushed until it gleamed, then a portion was twisted and fastened at the back of my head. My colouring was usually high, so no additional applications of powder, charcoal or berries were needed to accentuate my features. By all the accounts of my uncle's inquiries, Lord Barnes was known to prefer a natural appearance. Regardless, as my aunt regarded my appearance she smiled in approval.
"If they don't acknowledge your physical appearance, they are blind," she said, with authority. "You are a vision, Arden."
"Did you see their arrival?" I asked. "There were three and one fit Lord Barnes' description."
"Yes, but I was not presented to them when they entered so I cannot confirm that gentleman was him," she answered. "I will be presented to them in the great hall then you will be sent for."
"May I wait in the library?"
It was my favourite place in the castle. When my uncle first discovered me in there after taking me into his care, he could have sent me away but apparently, I offered him a book and asked that he read it to me. Seeing the title, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, my uncle took it as a sign of my innate intelligence and determined then that I would be educated in the same manner as any young man of high standing. In that sanctuary, I spent many hours reading of far-off lands, great heroes, and tragic loves.
With my aunt's approval, I relocated to the library and pulled out the copy of The Canterbury Tales, one of less than a hundred in existence according to the Bishop, as they were hand lettered and illuminated by monks who spent weeks or even months creating them. The time and effort it took to create a book meant the possession of more than a handful was a sign of great wealth. Our library had hundreds. This book was a favourite of mine and I sat down at a table in the late afternoon sun. I had only been there a brief time when I heard the door open. Assuming it was my aunt, I closed the book and stood up to return it to its proper place. Instead, it was the dark-haired man who entered, dressed in richly brocaded clothing. At his discovery of my presence, he bowed his head briefly.
"I beg your pardon, my Lady." He spoke in a voice that was deep and rich. "Ser Anthony did not say anyone would be in here."
I curtsied to acknowledge him. "He was unaware of my presence here," I answered. "I sought some comfort from Chaucer."
He approached and extended his hand to receive the book, looking fondly at the title.
"Which one is your favourite?" he asked.
"The Wife of Bath's Tale, of course," I smiled then spoke freely. "I have been raised to believe that I am equal to any man but not all men believe the same. It is my hope to be blessed with a husband who freely gives me my sovereignty."
He smiled warmly. "It is one that I enjoy reading as well, although I am not meek, or submissive. I take it that you are the Lady Arden. I am James Barnes, Lord of the Citadel. I am at your service, my Lady. It was you in the window overlooking the courtyard, was it not?"
"It was, sir," I replied. "I was curious about you accompanying your courtiers for the negotiations. That is why you are here, is it not?"
He seemed amused. "You are correct that my travelling companions will undertake the negotiations on my behalf. I accompanied them to meet the Flame of the Forest herself. Word of your beauty has travelled far and contrary to the rumours which swirl around us both, I am pleased to find that the positive reports are quite true." He opened the book and glanced inside. "Your education appears to be superior to other women of your status if you find comfort in a library. Your skills on a horse and with a sword are also based on truth, according to my sources."
I could have been elevated by his declarations, but I wasn't, not completely. Even though it was proof of my uncle's contention that I would be of interest to this handsome and powerful man, there was still a part of me that remained wary. At that moment, the door opened, and a servant announced to Lord Barnes that Ser Anthony wished to present his wife and niece. He then announced that I was to present myself in the Great Hall. Looking at the shelf, Barnes immediately spotted the place where the book belonged and returned it to its spot. Then he bowed graciously to me and left. With a breath to calm myself I exited the space and stood at the top of the stairs for a moment before descending.
Lord Barnes was already at the bottom of the large staircase, with his travelling companions, a man with dark blond hair and a darker beard, and a man of Moorish descent, both dressed as he was, in fine clothing as befit their stations. Although I didn't know who the blond man was, the other was well known as one befriended by Barnes on his journeys in the Spanish peninsula. Taking the Christian name of Samuel Wilson, he had become famous throughout our kingdom for his chivalry. All three men watched me closely as I descended alone down the great stone staircase, no doubt to assess the grace of my movements. As the wife of a powerful lord, I would constantly be looked upon as a symbol of his house. My comportment would be seen as either a benefit to his stature or a hindrance to it. When I reached the bottom, my uncle smiled and extended his hand to me.
"May I present my niece, Lady Arden Worth," he said simply. "Lady Arden, may I introduce you to Lord James Barnes, of the Citadel, his Highness, Steven Rogers, the Duke of Long Isle, and their trusted friend, Ser Samuel Wilson."
The blond man was Steven Rogers, the Duke, grandson of the king and third in line for the throne. No wonder Barnes seemed amused when I described him as a courtier. That alone required a deeper curtsy than what I gave Lord Barnes in the library.
"My Lady," said Barnes, taking my hand to raise me from my lowered position. "The Duke is here as my closest friend and has agreed to act as a negotiator for the marriage arrangement. May I escort you to the dining hall?"
To refuse would have been considered rude so I placed my hand on his forearm and allowed him to lead me to the dining hall. The Duke escorted my aunt, which was puzzling, since he should have led us all, considering he was of the higher echelon of nobility. My uncle and Ser Samuel brought up the rear of the party. Footmen pulled our chairs out, then assisted in pushing them closer to the table as we settled. I noticed the arrangement of cutlery in our places, a knife and fork, specifically. Although I had been exposed to using them it was still surprising as most of the nobility thought that forks were an affectation of the Italians; a sign of hubris that they were too proud to dirty their fingers as they ate. In our nation most of the nobility dispensed with any utensils, other than using a knife to spear a portion of fowl, or roast, then bite into it with their teeth and allow the juices to run over their faces and onto their clothing. It was obvious by how our guests used their utensils to cut the meat into smaller bites, that they were well used to eating in the new fashion.
"You were successful in finding my library, Lord Barnes?" asked my uncle.
"I was Ser Anthony," he replied. "A fine library at that. You must spend many pleasant hours there."
"When I have the time. Lady Arden is there often. She has likely read everything in there at least once, even the texts in French or Latin."
"Is that true?" he asked me in French. "You are fluent in those two languages?"
I answered him in French. "Yes, in Spanish and Italian, also. My uncle invested a lot of money in language tutors."
He said nothing about our meeting in the library, but he looked at my uncle with a degree of surprise and approval. Apparently, four additional languages were more than he was expecting. The look exchanged between Lord Barnes, the Duke, and Ser Samuel was subtle but telling. I had the feeling that even with the reports they had commissioned about my attributes I was still something of a mystery.
After dinner, my uncle disappeared into the library with the Duke and Ser Samuel with the intent of beginning the negotiations. My aunt went up to help settle my cousins for bed. That left me and Lord Barnes alone.
"Is there a garden where we can walk before it gets dark?"
"There is."
I led him out to the formal gardens, walking along the gravelled path between the displays of hyacinths and mums which were still blooming. The trees, which were casting off their green colour, were displaying some yellow, red, and orange hues. As the sun approached the horizon, the golden light it projected lent a soft glow to everything. We stopped at a pond briefly, then the wind came up and I shivered. Although it had warmed slightly since Lord Barnes arrival, I wore only a shawl over my dress, not enough to stay warm as it darkened.
"We should return to the castle," he said. "I wouldn't want you to catch a chill on my account."
"As you wish, my Lord," I answered, mindful of his superior status. "There is a small conservatory in the castle, with a fireplace where we can keep warm and still enjoy the plants around us."
He agreed to go there and by the time we arrived a fire had been lit, and a tray with a decanter of wine and two metal goblets were on a table. As I sat, he poured out some for each of us, then joined me on a padded bench built into the wall near the fireplace.
"To your good health," he said, before sipping his drink
"And to yours," I replied, sipping my own. "You know this is unusual. Allowing us to be alone."
"I requested it. Too many of my peers have arranged their marriages through intermediaries without meeting until the wedding day. Both parties experienced disappointment more often than not. I vowed never to make that mistake." He gazed steadily at me. "If there is anything you wish to ask me, I am open to your inquiries."
"Where have you travelled?" It was something I was genuinely interested in, having never left the country myself.
"I have been as far east as Greece, to the northern shore of Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Brittania. There have been journeys north of our kingdom, but it is still mostly wilderness and those who have lived there for eons are not the friendliest, with reason considering how our ancestors first treated them. The Northmen still have settlements there and have a truce with the original inhabitants. We do have trading relationships with the Northmen, as you know. Most of my travels was accompanying the Duke as his Majesty desired to know those who have the closest relationships with our country. We met Ser Samuel in the portion of Spain that had recently thrown off Moorish control. He agreed to stay with us as we found each other's company engaging. Since his Arabic name of Saqr Sama Allayl or Falcon of the Night Sky, was often mispronounced by those who were unfamiliar saying it, he asked for a Christian name to go by while he travelled our lands. The name Samuel in Arabic means prophet and seer. Wilson was suggested as a common last name. It has made his travels here easier. When he returns ... if he returns, he will revert to his given name."
There was a lot of information in his answer, but he obviously found value in knowing about the people in other realms. Placing his goblet down, he picked up the poker and adjusted the wood in the fireplace, as if he were used to taking care of such things himself. He sat next to me again.
"Have you travelled?"
"Alas, no, although I have read many accounts of different journeys, such as those of Marco Polo, The Travels of John Mandeville, and others. I have great admiration for the women who journeyed with Eleanor of Aquitaine to the Holy Lands. I wish someone had thought to document their journey."
"As my wife I would request that you accompany me on my travels," he mentioned. "It would be your choice but the alternative would be spending a significant amount of time apart, which is not conducive to marital harmony."
"What about children? Travelling with an infant would be an issue, wouldn't it?"
"Depends on the destination."
We were quiet again, with only the crackle of the fire to listen to. When the moon's glow appeared through the window, Lord Barnes stood up and turned to me.
"I believe I will retire now. May I request the honour of riding with you tomorrow?"
I stood up. "Of course. I usually ride in the morning an hour after breakfast. If that is acceptable to you."
"It is."
He bowed to me and left, leaving me puzzled to his sudden and arbitrary departure. My aunt arrived shortly after, and we returned to my chambers where she questioned me on what Lord Barnes and I spoke about.
Lord Barnes
As I walked to my chambers, I reflected on the time spent with Lady Arden. Her beauty was unmatched by any other woman I had ever seen. How Ser Anthony had managed to keep her isolated enough to avoid a kidnapping and forced marriage I will never know but it was imperative that we formalize our marriage as soon as possible. Since I first glimpsed her in the window, then spoke with her in the library, I had been unable to think rationally of anything or anyone else. Steven and Samuel were already in my chambers on my arrival, having ceased the negotiations at moonrise, which prompted my departure from the conservatory. They both turned to me as I entered and bolted the door, then checked the hidden passageway for listening servants. Steven handed me a goblet of wine.
"Well?" I looked at both expectantly. Steven answered.
"She is the only survivor of the House of Forrest. Ser Anthony confirmed it. She was brought to him by the housekeeper of the House Forrest, after they were attacked by the forces of House Pierce. Of course, they were not wearing the insignia, but she recognized several faces as Pierce's men. Lady Forrest pressed her daughter into the care of that woman, and they escaped via a secret passage that let them out a mile away. Even in the passageway she could hear as Pierce's men slaughtered the entire family. You know he would have taken her to keep for one of his sons, or his nephews and cement his acquisition of their lands."
"It was he who said he made a social call the following day and found the family dead of the wasting disease. Then he burned their castle to purify it and took their lands for himself, although he calls it a stewardship until the missing heir is found." I was angry at such villainy. "She doesn't know the truth, does she?"
"No, upon the housekeeper's arrival, Stark swore her to secrecy and claimed the child was his orphaned niece. She believes she is the daughter of his sister, Lady Worth and Ser Louis of House Worth from a sudden bout of the wasting disease. His position as godfather to Lady Arden guided him in her upbringing. It was her father's wish she be given every opportunity to be as educated as well as possible. He is aware of the betrothal document which is why he indicated his preference for your favour. That was late in being made known as he was under the impression for some time that you were aligned with House Pierce."
I looked at Samuel for his opinion. "That is understandable. You feel his vow of fealty to House Barnes is now honestly offered?"
"I do. Ser Anthony is a rare individual. He is a man of truth and honour, and both he and Lady Stark love the young woman as much as one of their own. His dowry request is for her benefit, not his, so that she is independently wealthy in the event of your death. Otherwise, he only requests an alliance with the Citadel. It may be that he fears reprisals if Pierce realizes the true identity of Lady Arden so would require the strength of your garrison to protect him and his family."
"Accept his terms. We'll read the banns as soon as possible, then I will apply for a marriage license so that the normal time period can be waived. As soon as it is approved, I will send for her to come to the Citadel for the marriage ceremony. With luck, we can be married after a fortnight. If there are any objections, then I can produce the original betrothal contract between our parents."
Steven placed a hand on my arm. "It will come to pass, Buck. I have faith."
"I hope you're right," I replied, draining my goblet. "Now that I have seen her, I cannot think of ever marrying another woman. By the way, we're going riding tomorrow, so we'll have to stay another night since you'll be engaged in negotiations during the day."
"Alone?" Steven and Samuel smirked at each other. "Is that wise?"
"We were alone this evening when we walked in the garden and when we sat in the conservatory, drinking wine. I'm a changed man. No more brothels or courtesans for me. A woman of her quality deserves a husband who will remain steadfast and faithful. It is my intention to be that type of husband for her."
"If you say so," remarked Steven, draining his wine. "Come Samuel, let's leave Lord Barnes to have sweet dreams of the Lady Arden."
I gave him a rude gesture then locked the door behind them. As I disrobed, I felt encouraged by their report. When our spy in Pierce's castle brought us proof of his part in the death of Lady Arden's parents, I knew the day was coming for the man's part in many similar incidents. He amassed his wealth and power by undermining the rule of law we were all supposed to live under. Even if it wasn't his men who performed all his suspected crimes, his alliances with the Walker and Rumlow houses meant he had them as his accomplices and co-conspirators. With his end game believed to be an attempt on the throne, we needed to be careful not to tip our hand too soon.
The following morning, we took breakfast with the Stark family, and I met the younger children, three daughters. The oldest was dark, like her father, while the other two resembled their mother with their fairer features. They were very well behaved, and I observed Lady Arden's interaction with them, curious about her suitability as a mother. They seemed fond of each other, and it was obvious that they were also being raised in the same manner as Lady Arden had been, for they spoke extensively of stories they wrote for each other's pleasure. They spoke French and Italian easily, making each other laugh. Their commentary was enjoyable, even bringing grins to Steven and Samuel's faces. The oldest child, Morgan, dared to ask Samuel about his childhood in Spain, then listened with rapt attention as he told her about his first time hunting with a falcon under his control.
When the meal was finished, Ser Anthony and my two friends repaired to the library to continue the marriage negotiations. Lady Arden excused herself to prepare for her daily horseback ride, agreeing to meet me in the courtyard of the keep. With the order given to prepare both of our horses I returned to my chambers to change into something more suitable for riding. I went out to check my horse, and found the care given to Soldier since our arrival the day before was exemplary. His coat gleamed in the warm sunlight. As always, he greeted me with affection, brushing his head against mine, then searching for the apple I usually gave him. The stable master offered me one and I broke it in two, feeding the pieces to him separately.
"He is a fine stallion," said Lady Arden's voice, behind me. "It is rare to find a fully black horse without a white patch somewhere on his body. Have you bred him yet?"
"Aye, he has sired a dozen foals in the past two years," I answered, before turning to look at her. For a moment, no words came out of my mouth as I took in what she was wearing. "This is your usual riding attire?"
She grinned and looked down at the short knee length skirt, and knee-high leather boots she wore. On her upper body she wore a tunic under a jacket that was styled in the same manner as a man's. It was scandalous but it also allowed her to have greater control over her horse. Her hair was loose and flowing down her back, brilliant in its colour that reminded me of a sunset or a smouldering flame.
"Do you disapprove?" she asked, almost daring me to forbid her from leaving the keep.
"No, it suits you," I answered, truthfully. I gestured to her horse, a beautiful grey mare. "Do you require assistance to get on?"
"A hand up, please," she answered.
Lacing my hands together, I boosted her up after she put her boot into them. She easily mounted the rest of the way, and I realized the many folds of her skirt hid the fact they were cut like trousers. It gave her as much control over her horse as a man would have. I mounted my horse and signalled to her to lead the way. With a nod to the stable master, we left the keep and began with an easy canter towards a wooded area. She slowed up once we were well out of eyesight. Looking back at me, she waited for me to ride beside her.
"You go out on your own?" I asked. "Are you not afraid of being accosted?"
"I can defend myself," she answered, then reached into her boot and pulled out a long knife, flipping it over in her hand before reinserting it. "Minerva is fast and can outrun almost any horse in the area."
I wondered if she would be so unconcerned with her personal safety if she knew who she really was, but it wouldn't be my place to tell her until we were married, so I kept my observation to myself. As we rode, I took time to scan our surroundings. It was evident why she chose this area. There were many trees already covered in the finery of autumn. The reds, golds, and oranges were everywhere. Whenever a breeze came up, we were showered with the leaves pulled from the branches. It was peaceful and, in her company, I found myself relaxing just enough to forget the affairs of state.
At one point, she glanced at me then nudged her horse into a gallop. I watched with admiration as her hair flew behind her, proving the moniker Flame of the Forest. She was beautiful and magnificent, and if I had my way, she would be my wife in just over a fortnight. Perhaps, just perhaps, she would be safe from those who wanted her for their own purposes.
Note about The Wife of Bath’s Tale. It recounts the story of a knight who is accused of rape. He is given a year to find out what it is women most desire, in order to spare his life. An old crone says she will tell him if he agrees to her request. He agrees and she tells him that women desire sovereignty over their own lives more than anything. When he offers the answer to the courts he is spared and he returns to the old crone to fulfill her request. She demands that he marries her. Since he is a knight and is bound by his oath he agrees. In bed on their wedding night she asks if he would like an old ugly wife who is faithful or a beautiful one who is faithless. He leaves the decision to her, declaring himself bound to it. For his honesty and concession to her she becomes beautiful and faithful, and they live happily as husband and wife.
Saqr Sama Allayl or Falcon of the Night Sky - From Google Translate
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rivensdefenseattorney · 6 months
Regarding royal weddings, how are they organised? They are mostly political or love purpose. Furthermore, in the past, in reality, princes had to marry another prince from other royal houses, in your Au and also like this? Sorry for the complicated question but so the marriages of the parents of the real Winx and Sky are arranged and are they related to each other?
It took me a bit to sort out the different points of your ask, but I believe I've organized it in a manner where I've (hopefully) answered every part of it. I will go a lot more in depth on the royal families as they become more relevant to the narrative.
How are royal weddings organized?
Families take the lead role in arranging marriages for their children. Parents or other family members negotiate with potential partners or their families to find suitable matches based on factors such as social status, wealth, and family reputation.
Parents often exert significant influence in arranging marriages for their children, especially in cultures where filial piety is highly valued. Children may defer to their parents' judgment and accept their choice of a spouse out of respect for family traditions and expectations.
Arrangements may involve dowries, bride prices, or other financial considerations negotiated between the families as part of the marriage contract.
Are royal weddings mostly political or for love?
In your AU, are royal marriages arranged similarly to historical practices? (i.e. royals marrying other royals)
Yes, as noted in the first question, but ultimately, it depends on the planet. Some royal marriages include a member of royalty and a noble family. For example, Nabu and Aisha.
Are the marriages of the parents of the Winx and Sky arranged?
Yes, all of the Winx who come from a royal lineage have parents who come from arranged marriages.
*Sky's parents' marriage is a bit more complicated to explain in a simple tumblr post, but technically it wasn't arranged.
Are they related to each other?
No, they are not related to each other biologically, but depending on the family they might have political ties to each other. For example, Solaria Royal Family and Eraklyon's Imperial Family.
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Some Tamsand bits that I didn't use for Tamlin week that I still want to share because I had fun writing them
This is NOT AT ALL a coherent wip, just bits of paragraphs that I got too lazy to string together.
Entirely inspired by @szalonykasztan00 and their tamsand au post, read it in all of it's glory here!
She tilted her head up to the sky, closing her eyes as she breathed in deeply. The air was… different here. Crisper, stronger than Spring, with a quality of mystery about the place, as if it knew something that she did not.
Lord Beron had begrudgingly allowed them to pass through the lands of Autumn to negotiate the marriage contract there. Her father certainly wasn’t willing to host the Night Court delegation, nor was he willing to make the journey to the Night Court. It seemed that the High Lord of Night felt similarly. Hence, the Autumn Court.
Tamlin had approached the topic with her mother, wondering why they couldn’t just winnow to the damned meeting and avoid the weeks worth of journeying that they would need to endure before finally arriving in the Autumn Keep.
“It is a symbolic journey, my sweet.” Mother had said, braiding gold threads into her hair.
“Each of you will make the journey. Each of you will meet as equals.”
“Yes, equals. But only one of us is arriving cloaked in lies and expected to lay down like a dog in the marriage bed.” She bit out.
Mother’s hand tightened on her shoulder for the briefest of moments before resuming its intricate work. Her voice, when she spoke again, was cool, her eyes in the mirror like chips of stone.
“Your father has gone to great lengths to arrange this marriage. It would do you some good to be happy about it.”
Her jaw clicked shut and she lowered her gaze. Her mother began to hum as she worked, picking up another gold thread.
She turned on her heel and began to walk towards the large campfire. On her approach, Sir Amon stood from his seat.
“Sir Amon, I am tired and would like to bathe before retiring for the night. I'm going to find a pond in which to bathe.”
“Certainly, my lady. Allow me to accompany you to-”
“There is no need. As I am to be married, I wish to enjoy as much of my freedom as I can before then.”
Amon looked back up at her with understanding.
“Of course. If you need my assistance in anything else at all. I am here.”
She smiled, “Thank-you Amon.”
The water was like a balm to her body, soothing all of the aches she’d gained from doing nothing but sitting in a carriage for days on end. If she’d had her way, she would have been running alongside Amon’s horse in her beast form, powerful and free and strong, they’d certainly have made better time. But her father was immoveable on that matter.
She would ride in a carriage, as was traditional for a bride.
She ducked her head below the water, looking down at the rocky bed of the pond, at the glimmering shoals of little fish that swam around her ankles. Finally needing to come up for air, Tamlin began to swim back up, breaking the surface with a gasp.
He shook the water from his hair, stretching his arms.
“I still don’t have your name, by the way,” Tamlin said, “After all, I don’t want to keep calling you Shadow singer.”
“Well, I don’t know your name either,” he shot back childishly.
Tamlin almost laughed.
He reached out his hand, “Alright then. Hello, yet un-named Shadow singer, my name is Amon of the Spring Court," Tamlin said smoothly, "and I am on my way to the Autumn Court for a very special occasion.”
+ Rhysand pining after his mysterious blond, green eyed poet
“I can give you something new.” The male’s eyes- green eyes, glimmered.
Rhys emptied his tankard, his head becoming delightfully fuzzy.
“What did you have in mind?”
“Nothing you won’t enjoy.”
He roved his eyes over the other male, who preened under his gaze.
Close enough.
Upstairs, he vanished both of their clothes away into neat piles on the floor, impatient.
It wasn’t him. His hair was the wrong colour, and he wasn’t as strong, wasn’t as powerfully built, but he would have to be enough.
He was rougher than he would have been. Pushed the other male’s face into the pillows and lost himself in memories of laughing eyes and soft lips. He finished with a grunt, tension coiling in every muscle. He left still unsatisfied, still wanting.
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sea-owl · 1 year
Who remembers my Spouses Friend Group? If you want a reminder, here's the first post. Link and Link
Well, anyway, I just saw this video where it's an Indian tradition Joota Chupai where the women on the bride's side steal the groom's shoes after he takes them off for the ceremony while the men on the grooms side tries to thwart the women. After the ceremony, the groom has to negotiate with the women as they hold his shoes for ransom. Eventually, they come to a deal, and he pays the women for his shoes. From what I saw, it's a fun game that welcomes the two families together.
So imagine in the Spouses Friend Group AU Kate does this for her wedding, but to get her girls the edge, she doesn't say anything about the tradition to Anthony nor his groomsmen. Simon suspects she's gonna pull this, Kate's too competitive not to, but he wants to see how this goes down, so he keeps quiet too.
So when it's time for the shoe stealing, Anthony is bamboozled as Sophie and Lucy hold him down while Edwina and Penelope proceed to snatch off his shoes. Edwina and Penelope proceed to take off, each one holding one shoe, Lucy and Sophie following behind them. Kate's side helping them hide. Simon quickly explains the tradition to Anthony and the other groomsmen, and the groomsmen take off after the bridesmaids.
Kate is cackling watching her girls go against the guys and winning. Unknown to her and anyone on the grooms side, the bridesmaids hid the shoes on Mrs. Danbury's feet. Really, who's gonna check there?
Anthony now has to negotiate with the four women for his shoes. They make sure to get their bag from him before giving them back.
Kate is so proud of them.
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merakiui · 2 years
(cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, female reader, apocalypse logic, mentions of pregnancy/breeding, misogyny)
Jade is meticulous about every little thing he does, so this meticulousness also extends to choosing a bride. Since he's Azul's second-in-command, Jade is permitted to peruse in whichever way he sees fit. As enjoyable (and few and far between) as ceremonies are, they take up resources that should be put to better use elsewhere within the compound. So Jade makes his process fairly simple and decides that each eligible bride (which he will handpick to create a substantial list for himself) will meet with him for a ten minute interview, in which he will ask a set of questions to determine various types of compatibility, to fact-check health records and other files he's received, and to get to know a little more about the bride's personality.
Jade isn't a fool. He knows that most brides will stretch the truth in order to look more appealing than the last. After all, selection comes with its fair share of benefits and luxuries. Anyone smart enough to take advantage of that will, much like how Jade will take advantage of his position to choose a bride who will produce the best, healthiest results. Or that was his original plan, until he meets you and now his focus on his main objective strays.
He chooses you not because of your records or what's been catalogued on your profile, but because you're interesting. Unlike the other brides. An unexpected source of entertainment. The other interviews were not very special; in fact, they went about as well as Jade expected them to go, which is a shame considering he was hoping there would be a little more...excitement rather than blatant bootlicking. He's not very scary, or so he'll tell each bride with an amiably sharp smile.
You don't seem very frightened when you sit casually in your chair and answer each of his questions (nor do you try to gain his favor like the others), even being so bold as to ask him—the interviewer—questions. Jade ends up having a very entertaining back-and-forth with you rather than a true interview. And when your time with him reaches its end, you leave him with an enticing offer: "I don't expect you to love me or treat me with love, but I can at least make compromises. I'll give you what you want if you give me the things I want."
Jade's sold. He likes a person who knows how to negotiate and bargain, how to get the most out of a relationship. And lucky for you there are things he wants from you. It's not just to breed you full until you're guaranteed to give him lots of children. Jade wants to know the inner workings of the bride dormitories. He wants to know what goes on within those walls, what sorts of secrets are exchanged, what sort of information travels in and out. He's certain that there's something he can dig up that Azul might find useful.
Your relationship with Jade will be pleasant if you continue to provide him with everything he asks for. In return, he has no problems getting you better meals, moving you into a nicer, more spacious lodging, protecting you from any vindictive brides or handsy men, and so on. Just name your prices and he will pay them. Though it's also expected that you pay his prices, however steep they may seem.
For a while, he sees you as nothing more than a scarce commodity—a precious resource who's good for many things, one of those being breeding. But he's spent enough intimate moments with you, both in and out of the bedroom, to truly bond with you. Little things warm him up to you—like when you, still drowsy with sleep, wrap your arms around him from behind in what he thinks is a sweet good morning greeting while he's preparing tea. Or when you keep him up at night to talk about a world in which life is normal—would you be friends? Lovers? Enemies? Would you have even met? Or when you exchange playful, pointed statements about random things that aren't truly worth serious debates. Or when you're finally pregnant and you become oddly excited about the entire thing, constantly promising him with bright, happy eyes that you won't let him down. Truthfully, Jade would have preferred it if you hated him and this arrangement. He could have been fine if you fought and protested. That would have made it easier to not care about you so much.
Jade realizes something as he's organizing some documents for Azul while you sleep curled and comfy in bed, your belly rounded considerably and filled with a life that he helped create. It feels foolish and elementary to be so overwhelmed with love, especially during an apocalypse, but he likes you. Genuinely, truly likes you. And he isn't going to hand you back over to the bride dormitory after just one child. He's never had to be greedy with you, but now he wants to because you're all that consumes his every thought. He'll marry you whether you want that—whether you return his affections—and he'll be sure to keep you all to himself for the rest of his life. You won't be given a choice in this matter; he's already made up his mind, and when Jade has a goal in his head he'll do everything he can to achieve it.
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fizzigigsimmer · 1 year
🌟Writer Appreciation🌟
When you get this show of our five of your favorite fics and five fics you like from other writers then send this to at least one other person.
To whoever sent these to me, thank you and I hope some goodness is finding its way to you today ❤️ So here we go all in one post.
My five favorites of my own fic:
1. The Wish Your Heart Makes: Alpha/Omega verse fic featuring teen omega Billy , pre-Hawkins traveling to the year 2002 and getting a glimpse of married life with Steve. I just love the domesticity of this verse and giving Billy the love and family he deserves.
2. To B, With Love: Alpha/Omega period romance where Steve is a society belle and Billy is a cowboy. I wanted to write a steamy western romance novel about cowboy!Billy and his fancy mail order bride, so I did. No regrets.
3. She lays me down, soft and sweet. Crack fic treated seriously. Steve gets turned into a girl and has the most dramatic bi-sexual awakening. I can't explain this fic, other than it started out as a joke and just grew into something wonderful. I love it.
4. Blinding baby, like city lights. BDSM-Au where everyone is either a dom or a sub. I have such a weakness for bratty sub Billy and the fandom definitely needs more of him.
5. All The Kings Men. BDSM-Au with some Alpha/Omega thrown in cause why not. An epic fantasy where Billy is a siren of royal blood, abandoned in the land of his enemies. Steve is a prince of that land. Billy's not about to let two armies and a centuries old war stand between him and his sub though. This fic is honestly just everything I love about fantasy cooked up in a pot but I love it.
And now for the best part!!!!! Five fics that I absolutely loved reading or am reading and thirsting for updates. Although honestly this list could be soooo much longer. But here we go in no particular order.
1. The Long Night by Nox_Wicked - I am FERAL for this story.
In September of 1986, a plane transporting several inmates from Hawkins Penitentiary crashes into the west Canadian Wilderness. It only lets one of them go.
2. The Mean Dom Steve Multiverse by @shieldofiron - I couldn't just pick one so sue me!
Mean Dom Steve short Drabbles and one shots. Enjoy your mean Dom!Steve!
3. what a wicked game you played (to make me feel this way) by @brawlites - Alpha/Alpha Harringrove and it's so goooood.
Billy knew Steve Harrington would ruin him. Steve knew Billy Hargrove was nothing but trouble. They never expected it to end up like this.
4. Only One Bed by @robthegoodfellow - this fic is so chef kiss. Gender fluid Billy. Polly relationship negotiations. One of the best oc's in existence. Chrissy!!!
After high school, Eddie works at the Hideout. And then moves into the ratty apartment above the bar. And then Billy moves in with him. And then they start hooking up. And then they scheme to set each other up with the person they think the other really wants.
5. definitely better than being dead by @dragonflylady77 - what I said about loving giving Billy family and all the good things he deserves? This fic just hit the spot for me this summer. Such a tender piece.
When Billy comes to, everything hurts. He keeps his eyes closed, even though the space around him feels dark, and slowly takes a tally of where it hurts: hands, sides, chest, back, feet too… He listens to the noises in the room and the regular beeping of a machine close by tells him he’s in a hospital.
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
Praetor’s Pride - Part 1
This fic is inspired by a poll made by bigblissandlove1 which can be found here. So uh...yep. I have no idea exactly how many parts this will end up being, but I have a vague outline, and at absolute minimum, there will be eight. This could easily end up longer than that if my brain gets verbose about it. And we all know that’s very possible, so... Romulan words found via my usual source here.
For anyone checking my masterlists, this will be on the TNG Masterlist since Nemesis was a TNG movie.
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Praetor Hiren (ST: Nemesis) x Reader
[A/N: Later chapters will have smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of a Human/Romulan relationship, Letant is a good wing man, first meetings, first impressions, Hiren is from “Nemesis,” but this isn’t set during “Nemesis.”
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Hiren stepped behind his bride and draped the thick, midnight blue fabric of his outer robe over her bare shoulders - the final step in a Romulan state wedding and the one that officially marked his claim to her. The color contrasted beautifully with the white dress that adorned her - a Human custom that had been added to this ceremonial tying of two cultures.
When he circled back around to her front, she looked up at him with such open admiration that he couldn’t suppress the urge to cup her cheeks in his palms.
“Before all of Romulus, the Federation, and the rest of the galaxy, I declare you husband and wife,” the officiator announced as Hiren’s forehead touched hers. “You are now of one life, one heart, one future. May your bond be strong.”
Hiren felt his wife’s hands come to rest on his chest, and his joy drowned out the sound of applause from the crowd. The world narrowed to just the two of them.
“Jol-ao au.” She whispered the words against his lips - words that had taken so long for her to say the first time. Hiren treasured them every time they spilled from her lips, clutching them greedily to his breast even as he assured her most ardently that he felt the same.
“Jol-ao au, e’lev,” the Praetor murmured capturing his wife’s mouth with his in a passionate kiss. That was one Human custom which Hiren believed more Romulans should experience. It had taken quite some time for her to become comfortable enough with him to allow such intimacy. There wasn’t a single doubt in his mind that she was worth the wait. After all, a single year was a small price to pay, especially for a Romulan.
-- One Year Earlier --
“I still don’t understand why I have to attend this function. Why would it matter if one less Federation diplomat shows up? There’s a veritable herd of them here already. I doubt the illustrious Romulan Praetor would even notice one less Human,” I groused as I fidgeted with the sleeves of my dress uniform.
“Our presence honors the growing relationship between Romulus and the Federation,” Lojal stated in his ever-logical manner. The hum of the turbolift underscored his calm demeanor, and I took a deep, slow breath.
“I know, but I just hate crowds, especially those at stuffy state functions,” I murmured. Lojal looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “I’m perfectly aware that it’s an illogical position to take given my profession, but I can’t help it. I enjoy the negotiating and the cooperation it takes to solidify relations between two groups of people, but I just don’t like being forced to listen to a room full of arrogant bureaucrats posturing and making speeches.”
“Understandable. The posturing can become...tedious,” the Ambassador admitted as the lift opened. “However, this alliance is essential for the stability of the quadrant. On the ‘bright side,’ as you call it, with the plethora of people in attendance, you will likely not be required to do more than nod politely and consume your dinner.”
“That’s true. You always know just how to lift my mood, my friend,” I said with a small smile at the Vulcan at my side. We walked the final few feet in silence together to the transporter room.
Beaming down to Romulus’s surface was no small accomplishment. Very few outsiders had been allowed to do so prior to this alliance. I’d met with several Romulan Senators since the war with the Dominion, but as far as I knew, nobody from the Federation had met with their Praetor. All anyone knew was that his name was Hiren and that he would be in attendance tonight.
Stepping onto the transporter pad with Lojal and four other diplomats, we blinked and found ourselves being greeted by Romulan centurions. In short order, we were escorted to the banquet hall and to our respective seats. Lojal was seated to my left, but the seat to my right was empty thus far. A few long moments passed before it was filled by someone I was quite familiar with. We spotted each other at the same time.
“Why, hello again, my friend! Welcome to Romulus.” The Senator exclaimed as he lifted my hand to his lips. “I had hoped I would be graced with the pleasure of but a few minutes of your company this evening, but it seems as though I am much more fortunate than I had anticipated.”
“Senator Letant, what a pleasure to see you again.” For once when speaking to a government official, I meant it. Letant was one of the more entertaining people I’d dealt with in my career. He never hesitated to speak his mind, allowing his wit and acerbic humor to come out to play with almost inappropriate frequency. One of his favorite activities was trying to draw laughter from me when stoicism or respectful silence were required. He was often damnably successful at it, too. “Perhaps I’ll survive this event after all.”
“I shall drag you through it kicking and screaming - or I should say giggling,” he promised with a mirthful little laugh. “Besides, there is a close friend I’d like to introduce you to–”
“Oh no, not this again,” I groaned. Letant had tried to set me up with several of his colleagues, but none had been quite right. To be more precise, most had been disgusted by my humanity.
“Where is the harm in me showing off my beautiful, intelligent, unbonded friend to those whom I believe might be good matches? As a Senator, I have the ears of many eligible, unbonded Romulans. I admit, my previous attempts were with people who turned out to be wholly unworthy of you, but–”
“No, Senator. Forgive me, but I don’t want to be humiliated again.” The firmness in my voice made his smile droop a fraction. No doubt he was remembering the last time one of his suggestions had called me a hevam and sneered at me as though I was no more than pond scum. I suspected for some time that the reason the man had gone missing was my friend’s ire on my behalf, but I didn’t have any proof. “I don’t relish being told that I’m a poor substitute for a Romulan woman yet again. You know as well as I that that is likely the only sentiment I am going to inspire in any Romulan men.”
“Now, that is utterly ridiculous. Were I looking for a mate, I would consider myself quite fortunate to have your attention for even a few moments. I am not asking you to marry him or even to share a drink with him. All I ask is that you allow me to introduce you. You needn’t even converse with him beyond a greeting if you find he is not to your taste,” the Senator murmured, drawing a sigh from deep in my chest. Letant knew me well enough to recognize the resignation seeping from my every pore. “If you don’t like him, I promise you, I’ll drop the subject.”
“Fine. I’ll do this for you,” I capitulated, “but if this is another failure, you owe me a drink.”
“And if I’m correct, you’ll come to dinner at my home in two days’ time when there’s a break from all this pomp and circumstance,” he bargained, and after a moment’s hesitation, I offered him my hand to shake on it. A gleeful smile made his dimples even more evident. “You won’t regret it, lovely.”
“Easy for you to say,” I muttered just as a hush began to fall over the crowd. Our eyes all shifted to the double doors as they swung open to reveal the President of the Federation and a gray-haired Romulan in opulent, dark green robes walking side-by-side.
“All rise for Praetor Hiren of the Romulan Empire and President Inyo of the United Federation of Planets.” The announcement nearly echoed through the room, and the shuffling of chairs and fabric heralded its observance by all the attendees. As I got to my feet, Letant leaned close to me and whispered in my ear.
“That’s him.”
“That’s who? What do you mean?” I replied curiously.
“Hiren. He’s the one I want you to meet.” I turned my head so sharply I nearly gave myself whiplash. Searching his face for any sign that he was teasing me, I was astonished to see nothing but sincerity.
Letant was serious. I turned my gaze back toward the procession of high-ranking officials only to find Hiren’s eyes already on me. We regarded each other for barely a moment, but when he looked away, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding and noticed my cheeks were burning.
What the hell was that?
“I take it you aren’t opposed, then?” The Senator sounded smug as usual, even though I didn’t deign to answer him. We resumed our seats as the speeches began, and, falling into our usual routine, Letant and I took turns attempting to break each other’s stoic resolve with whispered quips while Lojal gave us the occasional disapproving glance.
My attention shifted, though, when the Praetor stood to give his welcome address and officially begin the evening. Letant muttered something in my ear as he normally did, but for once I didn’t hear a word.
“...as we stand together, resolved to solidify the friendship between our people. To each acknowledge the strength of the other and offer support where weaknesses may appear.” Hiren’s voice was strong, authoritative, and oddly pleasant to the ear. The way his voice traveled over words, placing emphasis and importance with his mere cadence sounded almost musical. What would it be like to hear him speak Romulan without the aid of a Universal Translator matrix?
I was roused from my thoughts as the audience began to applaud, and I belatedly joined in. As Hiren took his seat once more, a swarm of servers entered the hall and began placing food before all the present dignitaries. His eyes swept over to our table again, and I looked away quickly so he wouldn’t catch me staring.
“Well? Your assessment?” Letant asked with a hint of mischief in his tone.
“He’s...well-spoken.” To say any more than that would have been extremely revealing. After last time, I wasn’t sure I was ready for that sort of vulnerability again.
“Is that all? Your eyes were practically glued to him for the duration of his speech. Come, come, am I not your friend? Give me your true opinion,” he cajoled as he graciously poured a glass of Romulan ale for me. When I did no more than remain silent, he smirked. “I shall proceed one aspect at a time then.”
“Letant, I am not discussing the Praetor with y–”
“His appearance?” He really wasn’t giving this up tonight. “Indulge me just this once.”
“It’s never ‘just this once’ with you, Letant, but fine,” I muttered. “He looks distinguished and not quite as harsh as I would’ve expected.”
“Tell me about his voice. You seemed quite focused when he was speaking.” The Senator’s eyes practically sparkled as he took a sip of his ale, the bastard.
“It’s nice. Smooth, strong...” I trailed off not wanting to admit my curiosity about hearing him without the translator, but Letant didn’t give up. He could tell there was something I was holding back.
“He’s looking forward to meeting you, you know.” I froze with my glass halfway to my lips and looked at him for an explanation to his casual statement. “The Praetor is a busy man. I assumed he would enjoy at least a small conversation with a beautiful woman, so naturally I told him about you and your accomplishments. He was quite intrigued even before I showed him your picture. Naturally, he was quite happy to ensure that he left sufficient time in his schedule tonight for socializing so that he might meet you.”
“You showed him what?”
“Well, he needed to know who to keep an eye out for. He said you were quite possibly the loveliest woman he’d laid eyes on in all his years,” Letant crowed triumphantly, and I let out an exasperated sigh. “Forgive me if I overstepped. I simply wished to present you in the best light possible. I owe you that much at least, my dear. For now, though, put it out of your mind. Tell me what I’ve missed since I saw you last.”
The rest of the dinner was filled with pleasant conversation and plenty of Letant’s own stories, as well. As soon as the time to move to the reception hall and mingle came, however, the Senator had me on my feet almost quicker than I could blink.
“What are–?”
“My Lord Praetor, it is an honor to see you this evening,” Letant said, but the older man let out a low, velvety laugh that sent a rather pleasant shiver up my spine. I hadn’t even been aware of his approach, yet there he stood. He was taller up close than I’d anticipated.
“You know you needn’t address me so formally, old friend,” he said grasping Letant’s shoulder amiably. His gaze shifted to me and he stood a little taller. “Ah, am I to assume that this is the lovely woman you wished me to meet?”
Vaguely I heard Letant conducting the formal introduction, but all I could seem to focus on was Hiren as he took a slow step closer to me and gave me a warm smile. His eyes were so...kind. Oh no. That spelled trouble for me.
“It’s an honor to meet you, Praetor,” I stated giving him a polite nod, but a warm smile stretched his lips as he waved me off.
“Please, call me Hiren, lhhei,” he said with remarkable deference considering that he was the head of an empire. I’d only heard such a formal address when I first met Senator Letant. Perhaps my friend was right. Maybe he wasn’t like the other Romulans I’d been introduced to thus far. “Letant has told me much about you. Perhaps before the night is through we could spend some time discussing philosophy? I understand that you studied the subject extensively.”
“Yes, I did. I’d enjoy that, but only if you have the time. Running an empire makes you quite a busy man, and you’re going to be in high demand tonight.”
“I’m never too busy to entertain such an enchanting lady. Forgive me, I must make my rounds - diplomatic obligations, you understand - but I will find you again before the night is out, lhhei.” His eyes sparkled as he brought my hand to his lips. It wasn’t the traditional kiss to the knuckles that I expected, but rather what I might expect of someone who had only ever seen kisses depicted in movies. He touched my fingers to his mouth for a long moment, keeping his eye contact constant as he did so before releasing me. A bolt of warmth wound its way up my spine just before he let go.
It was charming in a way. He had clearly made an attempt to learn something of Human customs even if he hadn’t quite gotten it right on his first try. That was better than any others Letant had introduced me to by a long shot.
Damn it to hell, I didn’t want to like him, but he was making it very difficult.
“...Your opinion on him now, my friend?” Letant murmured smugly in my ear as we watched him disappear into a crowd of eager ambassadors and cultural representatives. I didn’t need to answer. He of all people would know exactly how I felt from my expression alone.
“He made a good first impression, so...tentatively positive for the moment,” I replied, and the Senator looped his arm with mine.
“Excellent! Now, let’s get the rest of this accursed socializing over with and free ourselves of our obligations all the earlier.” Accepting my fate, I allowed Letant to drag me through the crowd with him.
Romulan Words:
Jol-ao au = I love you.
e’lev = dear, darling
hevam = human (derogatory)
lhhei = madam
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minzart · 2 years
Hi, how are you? Have you been taking care of yourself? I hope you have!
Anyway, for the 'Bad beginnings AU' I was wondering, what would happen during the Ghost marriage event? Cause personally I like to think that Yuu totally wins the 'Composition' I think this is how it goes:
Yuu, being pushed to the front by Crowley: Uhmmm, Madam Eliza. If I may, I don't have a kingdom, a wolf or a castle, but I'm here to ask you, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart, will you marry me?
Vil: They'll blow it-
Eliza: Hmmmm, YES!
Ghosts: What
Yuu: What
Everyone: What
You don't have to do this, but if you can please do, thank and take care!
Trying my best wich isn't a lot but it's enough :D
Also thank you for asking and my deepest apology for the long wait
Shoroud was in trouble, bigg trouble, he literally just wanted his game for seven sake, he had things to do! Games to play! Movies to see and cameras to watch! He can't be stays trapped here with a goddamed gosth bride THAT WANTS TO MARRY HIM OF ALL FUCKING PEOPLE!
His selfsteen doesn't need more blows in it hell, only a dead person showed interest in him, it that was the bar then what could he even do if he ever daydreamed of having the littlest of chances with the magicless annoyance that was the janit-wearenotgettingintothatyet, goddamed it he could feel and see the pink sparks in his hair.
... were are they bringing him anyway?
[Meanwhile at Ramshackle]
Yuu was trying their best to not be kicked out of the only place they could sleep, bc seven know the headmaster wouldn't provide another room and all seven dorm leaders are dieing for the chance to have them in their grasp and lord knows very well Yuu couldn't take more of their daily weird bullshit than they already take
So if what it takes to stay in their only home is negotiating with... ghosts... great....
"Look what a second! Please! Listen! I-"
"NO MORE WAIT! Our princess needs her room for our stay to her wedding! She has waited too much already!"
".... what? She has many already"
"Buttttt one more couldn't hurt right? I already do many chores here, I have experience then! And and and! I heard that there's going to be a wedding! I could help her with... wedding stuff... right..."
"... the groom is a living being..."
Yuu sweats, the ghost guard continues to concider
As the time comes for the boys to storm in the weeding, Yuu makes sure the preparation and food is editable for the groom, wich means, Idia, trapped as he may be, is having the most stressful evening of all time, for his crush looks like a servant... and by the seven they look so good and proper and this is the longest they both have been alone... together
It's silent, mostly at least, Yuu cleans and, most times, tries to make themselfs useful, even if the ghosts already did all there is to do, and then there was Eliza... oh dearest ghost princess, sweet and kind, even if she's a little bit too obsessed with the idea of a perfect prince
The stories Yuu hears are of her past, of loves never blossoming and kindness ever lasting. And the few interaction they had had been... good.
For running and felling always watched, with Eliza they felt almost at peace, so a bit of their true personality shines at her presence, tired, hardworker, soft, and so much more
And Eliza... she takes such a liking to Yuu, they speak as in fear of anger, wich makes them clearer in their words, and their eyes, tired eyes screaming gratitude at her, as if she's a goddess of eternal mercy, her subjects always said she was/is such a kind person, but they have always lived in her reing, not knowing hardships of another ruler, Yuu whoever... Yuu confirms to her, how her kindness is true... so much alike... a love of a servant to their mistress...
And Idia, he's in awe, he saw it, shining brighter than any star, rarer than any character he has wished for, Yuu's smile... oh he wishes he had a cellphone, he wishes the ghost apearence didn't interfere with the cameras, he prays to hear their laugh... but the burning feeling of jealousy... Eliza... not only is she trying to speared him of Yuu but she... the glimmer of want... he knows it well, as a distorted mirror in a sweet face, she wants Yuu... wants them as he and many other wants them... and... she has them...
That smile was never show, never seen, never existed to any others after Yuu had finaly understood how things work at school, too soon for any of them to see their true self... but Eliza... merely a day has passed and she has already cracked them... a smile... Idia wonders... if he accept the proposal... would Yuu came too?
They were there...
The boys saw at the right side of the so famous Ghost Bride, Yui hasn't been seen I'm campus for a day, they tried to argue with headmaster about the insue, to unburden them and scearch for the poor magicless handyman of the school... but there they are...
Proper, quiet, servant of Eliza, and desire of thousands... oh how lovely how cruel, how... perfect. Why act, if it can be true? They glanced at Yuu at every sentence, a clearly attempt to signal to them, this can be us, this will be us... can you picture it Yuu?
Oh Idia is fuming, he knows what they are doing, each and every single one of them were rejected, Yuu continues silent during it all, eyes downcast, but then... he felt something droping in his hand, small, cold... circular. A whisper in the loveliest sound made his spine tremble "propose"
His breath was rapidly, his face contorted in a frown only to hold the panic and euphoria inside... Yuu smelled like lavender, their hand harsh from work but in their head such a cleaver being... how can he let Yuu down? Not after that... not after he felt Yuu's breath in his neck and hand in his even for a brief moment
"T-that's not fair..."
"Oh? Did you said something love?"
"I mean-Shouldn'tIproposetoo?"
"Princess, I think your prince has been overtaken with jealousy" Yuu interfered, bowing gently and placing their hand in Idia's shoulder, if they felt him tremble they didn't say "Perhaps letting him propose would quell these feelings"
The whole hall echos with "WHAT???"
"has he accepted his fate?"
"my skills wasted for nothing"
"He has lost it"
"A... proposal?"
"I... never understood how someone in the real world could make the kinds of actions Videogame characters did so flawlessly in games. Saying their love out lound so noisy... but with you it almost seems possible, heh. I dream of whisking you away like in "the queen of the underworld" your voice your laugh everything about you hunts me to my very core" his eyes focused beyond Eliza, boring into Yuu's soul, his smile sharpens and his hair sparkles tiny amber's of pink
"I-I... I want to-tobewithyouforethernity I-i" trembling he gets on one knee"w-wouldyouhavemeasyourplayer2?" Presenting the rin
The shout frightens all, Idia drops the ring, only for Yuu dive fro it grabbing the princess hand and sliding it into the proper finger "sorry"
The ghosts disappears
"At least the headmaster didn't lie about it... this ring realy does send the ghosts back..." turning to Idia Yuu gives him a sheepish smile "you did great... Idia Shroud was it?"
He can't stop replaying that smile over and over again in his mind... it was for him...
Asks for the AUs are still closed
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lothiriel84 · 9 days
Things New and Old
They were married six weeks later in Cádiz, with only Frederick and Dolores in attendance.
A North and South ficlet. AU. John/Margaret. Sequel to There Will Your Heart Be Also.
They were married six weeks later in Cádiz, with only Frederick and Dolores in attendance. Enticed by the prospect of a lucrative partnership with Mr Barbour, Mr Hamper had consented to send Mr Thornton back to Spain rather sooner than he had originally intended; they were to spend the next fortnight in Cádiz as the final details of the business arrangement were agreed with Mr Barbour, allowing the newlyweds enough time for a honeymoon Mr Thornton could not otherwise afford.  
Two days before the wedding was to take place Dolores took her sister-in-law to one side, detailing in plain words what was to take place on the wedding night. Margaret was somewhat alarmed at first, but Dolores assured her in the warmest terms that everything which happened in the marriage bed was perfectly natural, and could be a source of great comfort for the bride and groom alike, so long as they were open and honest with one another.  
Fortified by so frank a speech, Margaret Thornton approached her wedding night with more eagerness than trepidation. Still, nothing could have prepared her for the reality of the physical consummation of their love, and they were both of them so moved by their union they could not speak a word afterwards; they simply lay in each other’s arms, breathing in the same air until they drifted off to sleep one after the other.  
And so it was that, while most of Mr Thornton’s days were spent in business negotiations, the nights were all for exploring the joys of this new, deeper connection; it was a gift, and it was theirs alone to cherish and share. Their time in Cádiz would forever be imprinted in Margaret’s mind as one of the happiest periods in her life, and she knew the same to be true of her husband.  
Back in Milton proper, Mr Thornton was faced with the mortifying reality of introducing his new wife to the life of hardship and toil that came with his reduced circumstances. Since giving up his business he had moved to a modest house not far from Crampton, retaining only two of his former servants; in vain he had tried to reason with his mother that she ought to take up residence with Fanny and her husband, instead she persisted in her self-appointed task of running her son’s household with a firmer and more parsimonious hand than ever before. 
If Hannah Thornton had not been best pleased with John’s happy news, she still had enough sense to keep her objections to herself; what was done was done, and if nothing else, no one could accuse Miss Hale – as was – of mercenary intentions now that the man she had once refused had fallen so low from the position of power and influence he had worked so hard to achieve. Mollified by her son’s explanation as to the exact nature of the connection between his wife and the man from Outwood Station, she swiftly decided that there was nothing to be gained by persisting in her former hostility towards Margaret, and resolved to work alongside her daughter-in-law to ensure that enough of John’s income could be put aside to provide for all children that might come out of this marriage.  
Little did any of them suspect that a new life was already growing inside Margaret, a gift they had unknowingly brought home from their Spanish honeymoon; Margaret herself was so busy with her many responsibilities that she did not realise until much later, determined as she was to overcome her occasional ailment so as not to burden her husband with unnecessary concern while he strove to make a position for himself in Mr Hamper’s employ.  
“He would want to know,” Hannah told her one morning, as she took possession of the basket of laundry Margaret had been meaning to carry upstairs by herself. “Even if it all comes to nothing, he would want to be told.” 
“I do not wish to disappoint him,” Margaret made to protest, even as she reluctantly let go of the basket. “And I haven’t seen Dr Donaldson yet.” 
“You forget I carried three myself, lass; I know the signs. It’s a wonder John hasn’t caught up yet, though it’s true he’s been much taken up with his work of late.” 
Still, Margaret reasoned that the best course of action was to delay any announcement until the quickening came; and so she carried on as before, though Hannah eventually persuaded her to hire a girl that would come in for a few hours a day to help with the housework. Mary Higgins was only too eager to accept the position, and while she did not quite meet Hannah’s approval, she was still a great comfort to Margaret in her current situation. 
“I trust you and Mother, always,” John broached the subject one evening, as they both undressed for bed. “But I fear I do not see how we can afford to pay the Higgins girl on top of our other servants.” 
“Your mother and I have been over the household accounts twice already,” Margaret assured him calmly, taking off the last of her pins and reaching for the hairbrush. “And we’re both taking up as much needlework from our neighbours as we can manage, so as to cover the greater part of the expenses.” 
“You know best,” her husband conceded, mesmerised as ever by the sight of her hair cascading around her shoulders. “I am only sorry that I cannot give you the life you have every right to expect.” 
“Nonsense, John. I knew what I was marrying into, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.” 
Seized by a momentary impulse he felt powerless to resist, he walked up to his wife and sneaked his arms around her. “You cannot possibly know how much I love you, Mrs Thornton.” 
“I think I have a fairly good idea, Mr Thornton,” Margaret laughed, her hands covering his own where they rested lightly upon her waist. John’s fingers trembled in awe as she guided them to trace the faint curve of her stomach, the first tangible proof of the miracle they had created out of their love.  
“Oh, that I could finally see you with our child in your arms,” he whispered, overcome with emotion, looking forward already to the long-dreamt happiness that was to come.  
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