#bronw eyes
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1225 by mac_star
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rene-01 · 2 months
looks at u with my big bronw eyes,,,,,,,,, zekey,,,,,,,,, prebby peas (art req)
I would’ve done more but I haven’t gotten a body shape figure out for them, but someday!!!!!!
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amyyythestarry · 7 months
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This is an event where we give chocolates to Kamome students!
First is Teru and Akane. President of the student council, who’s the charmer and model. And the vice president, who only has an interest for his crush.. 😅
And then Yamabuki.
I voted Akane!
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larcenywrites · 1 year
Reader is so in trouble with tony and one or two little tonys, how to say no to those big bronw eyes and puppy face? How to stop kissing that cute noses? It's impossible, this is the kind of "problem" I want in my life
Oh for real! Tony is already a manipulative little shit, so his carbon copies are gonna pick up on that and their advantage of being even more adorable within the first few months probably 😂 And how could you not dote on all of them when they’re so cute and completely innocent 🥺
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blablabladg · 5 years
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Sumi as Ochako Uraraka (Boku no Hero)
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facesofcinema · 2 years
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Blazing Saddles (1974)
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joysboards · 6 years
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He is one of my most favourite OC’s, because he is quite literally a cinnamon roll.
(him on the top left, not my art but my faceclaim, as found on Pinterest with no other link)
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His name is “Oranor” (it means “Sunday” in Elvish—the day he was begetted on)
He’s from another one of my main stories, “Phony Matrimony”
Basically, he’s about the elven equivalent of 18 years old, and developed a strong childhood crush on Legolas after the war against Sauron, upon seeing him ride to Aragorn’s coronation atop a white steed (very swoon-worthy for a 6 year old gay-to-be)
When Legolas took over Ithilien, I headcanon he built his town in Emyn Arnen—a canon place which looks like the Shire, but more yellow.
(Emyn Arnen, Ithilien)
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He’s a baker’s boy (originally born in mirkwood) who Legolas regularly orders from, and the story follows one big lie that Oranor accidentally orchestrated with his scheming older brother.
So, his parents perished in the war, so he and his brother are both taken in by their aunt, Bronwe.
His older brother, Remmirath (means “constellation”), is an...eccentric “El Dorado” type of fellow, always chasing one big adventure after another, or selling snake oil as “cures” to people—a total charlatan.
Remmi comes back one day to find his little brother heartbroken over Legolas being forced to choose a Sindar-blooded partner soon by Thranduil (Oranor himself is just a lowly silvan), and sees an opportunity to be set for life.
The brothers are both naturally brunette, but Remmi returns as a blonde, explaining that he found this “amazing flower” which can change your hair colour for a short amount of time (like polyjuice potion, but just for your hair), depending on which hued flower you pick.
After being coerced (Remmirath just wants his brother to marry a royal so he can mooch off of them both), Oranor agrees to take the flower and turn blonde, as to convince Legolas and Thranduil that he, “Alfirin” (his new alias, quite literally means “white flower”), is actually Glorfindel’s illegitimate son, making him of noble blood, and consequently allowed to marry Legolas.
Big antics ensue with a “suitor competition”, as Thranduil calls in potential elves for Legolas to court, and now Oranor, under the guise of the blonde “Alfirin” has to make Legolas fall in love with him.
However, Legolas has actually been in love with the simple baker’s boy all along, and isn’t interested in any of the suitors, until “Alfirin” starts to remind him of Oranor, who has mysteriously skipped town.
An extract of chapter 2 underneath the cut!
I’ll get around to posting the story eventually lol
Also don’t mind Legolas being a little bit scandalous, he’s doing it to piss his father off (and rightfully so, too)
Blowing a stray strand of his fringe out from his eyes, Oranor readied himself under his breath. Readjusting the crate underarm, he shifted his weight to one hip.
Muttering quietly to himself, the young elf further pushed the letter down behind the sticky buns. “You can do this, Oran. He will never know it’s you unless you reveal so to him. Don’t be a coward, for once in your life, don’t be just a little baker’s boy. All you have to do is—”
Halting his nervous tongue, Oranor heard voices on the other side of the door. They sounded heated and tense, clearly two males.
It was only with quite some strain on Oranor’s elven ears, that he recognised both Thranduil and Legolas’ voices.
The Elvenking was here, in Emyn Arnen?
Frightened out of his idea immediately, but still curious, Oranor pressed his ear flat against the wood, and listened closely.
“I ask this of you because I care about you, Legolas!”
“Ada, please! You only wish for me to court so you can have an heir begotten for you!”
“That is NOT true, and I resent your thoughts regarding so! Just study the list of names, Legolas. Some are male, too! I know you and your preferences.”
“My preference is to NOT get married right now! Especially to your presumptuous list! I’ll be sailing soon after Aragorn’s departure from our world, so what does it matter, Ada?”
“You will be lonely by yourself overseas! I want to ensure my son is spoken for before he goes.”
“Your son is speaking; you’re just not listening.”
“I could be a lot meaner, Legolas. I am allowing you to choose whom you marry freely, so long as they’re from my list. There are many names on there! You will see—love will find you swiftly.”
There was a short silence on the other side of the door, and Oranor imagined it was his usually reserved lord taking a moment to roll his eyes at his father. Once those few seconds had passed, Thranduil spoke up again—sterner this time, too.
“I am not being unreasonable, Legolas. I only ask two things of you; that you see to yourself being betrothed in the next few months, and that they be of Sindar lineage. There are many to choose from. I won’t hear another word about it—you are still my subject and heir, therefore I have the right to ask this of you.”
Oranor gulped down the nerves that rose in his throat, and made quick moves to retrieve the letter. Hastily, for he heard footsteps approaching from the other side of the door (most likely Legolas seeking to leave his father’s presence in a furious state), Oranor began to rip the letter in two.
He was blushing madly in humiliation. Of course he could never court Legolas. Legolas was a prince, and Sindar at that. Oranor himself was just a lowly Silvan of bakery origins. It was simply not meant to be.
Perhaps it hadn’t moved past a childish crush after all.
Feeling the tips of his ears turning red, Oranor anxiously glanced between the letter he was tearing in half, as well as the door.
He knew he could not hide both himself and the crate in time, for the angered steps were upon him. Glancing all around, Oranor spun on his heel a few times, as he hastily thought of where to flee and stash the crate.
There was a pot of fern to his right, but before he could throw the crate inside and finish tearing the letter, the door to Legolas’ large reading room opened.
A roaring fireplace soon met Oranor with its warmth, as it fought to fend off the winter snow’s cold, just outside the large windows of light running along one side of the room.
Oranor, shorter than his lord by at least a head, was soon met face-to-face with Legolas. They blinked at each other in shock for a moment, before Thranduil spoke up again.
Oranor peeked over the prince’s soldier, and saw the king rise from the long couch before the fire to chase after his son.
“Legolas, do not be such a child, it is very unbecoming of you to storm away—”
Thranduil, too, was stunned to find someone there. If he didn’t possess all the class in the world, Thranduil perhaps would have been embarrassed over someone having heard his conversation.
Formally, Oranor bowed his head to both Thranduil and Legolas, and greeted them by their respective titles. At the same time, he tucked the one half of the letter he’d managed to rip into his winter cloak’s pocket—partially grateful the rest was hidden down the side of the buns.
At least most of it was unintelligible now.
“Your majesty.” He moved his eyes away from Thranduil’s, and nervously met Legolas’. “My lord.”
“My delivery?” Legolas repeated back, offering a mustered smile to the baker’s boy. He also gave a brief nod down at the buns in gesture.
“Yes, my lord,” Oranor meekly replied, shifting the crate under his arm again, so that he brought it forwards with both hands.
“Amazing timing,” Legolas sincerely commended. He took the order and practically drooled over the scent of cinnamon and icing.
Turning on his heel, and ignoring his unimpressed father, Legolas walked over to the table set before the fire. He placed the crate down promptly, planning on curling up with a good book later on and divulging himself in the treats.
The crate was slightly messy, and icing soon covered the lord’s fingers. Extracting a low, quiet whine from the back of Oranor’s throat, he watched as Legolas licked the icing from his fingers, one by one.
Thranduil caught this, and narrowed his eyes in Oranor’s direction. The younger elf noticed the king’s scrutiny quickly, and averted his eyes from the blonde, who seemed to be cleaning each finger very slowly, almost aware of his audience.
“Legolas,” Thranduil ordered, pausing the lord’s tongue as he looked at his father innocently with blinking eyes. “Pay the baker, and then we shall discuss your betrothal plans further.”
With one finger still in his mouth, Legolas flickered his eyes on over at Oranor. The brunette could’ve sworn he spotted mischief behind the blue, and the slightest of smirks upon his lips.
Oranor shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, wishing more than anything to run upstairs in the bakery to his bedroom. It’d been a blessing since his older brother had left on another adventure, for privacy was entirely his in the shared room and bunk beds, and his alone.
“Of course, Ada,” Legolas replied, popping his finger from his mouth. “I was just about to.”
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katcoquette · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a matchup for marauders era? Preferably a male character
Appereance: Hazel eyes and bronw hair. I have bangs and pretty thick hair. I would say I am on the thinner side. My nose is kinda long and my exebrows are thick. My height ks 5.3 ft. My body shape is hourglass amd my face shape is probably square (not sure).
My style is dark academia and lots of retro pieces.
Personality: I am INTP, 5w4. Iam Gryffindor. I am goofy, funny and creative at my best. At my worst I am Hot-headed, Stubborn and I am bad at expressing my feelings. I am also very sarcastic and introverted. Family before friends. I don’t like studying.
I like reading and writing. I am also interested in the supernatural and true crime. I would like to be a writer or work in a bookshop.
Thank you and have a nice day ❤️
I ship you with...Sirius Black!
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Enjoy! <3
Your secondary pairing is Regulus Black. I could see you with either of them, but I felt Sirius in my heart ahaha
Before you met Sirius, you struggled to express your feelings. But Sirius didn’t mind, in fact, he was always patient with you, never judging you or getting upset when you couldn’t explain how you felt. Now, you feel comfortable enough to share everything with him, he’s your biggest confidant.
When he found out you wanted to be a writer, he took you to his favorite book shop because he thought you would enjoy it. It quickly became a spot the two of you spent lots of time together. Your other favorite place to visit with him is the record store. You have to sneak out of Hogwarts to get to it, and the adventure always pays off. Your combined record collection is the envy of your school.
You always have a fun time together. He finds out quickly that he laughs the hardest when he’s with you, and he loves your goofy personality. He thinks he should tell you more often, but he’s in absolute awe of your creativity and thinks that you’ll be the most amazing writer.
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
( Sorry for the misunderstanding thank you for letting me a chance ! )
Hey, congrats for the 5K ! I love following you and you deserve every one ! 🥰 Can I request for shiping event ? 👉👈 Name : Bex Gender+Pronouns : Non-binary - They/Them Sexuality : Lesbian Fandom : MCU Relationship : Romantic Love Language : Words of affirmation and act of service Physical Traits : I'm 5,2 tall and skiny, I have blond hair that I often dye, I have blue/grey eyes and a bronw spot on my left eye, I wear glasses and I'm very pale like the sun is a nightmare 😭 Personality Traits : I try my best to always be considerate and benevolent, I'm pretty optimistic but also very shy and easily scared Hobbies : Museum, Opéra, reading, movie, TV show, baking, video games, coloring, podcast Likes+Dislikes : I like fall, sugar, cats, corgis, animation, geopolitics, art, history, cheese, and Dark Academia clothes and aesthetic I dislike horror, edgy stuff, bullying, loud noises, spiders, big animals, dresses, and summer Other Relevant Info : I am french, I can speak French, English and Spanish I'm disabled, dyspraxia who you can describe as clinically clumsy, I'm also neurodivergent I do a lot of volunteering and also protest, big militant here 😅 CHOICE NUMBER : 2 ( headcanons ) please ! Again congrats ! And thank you for reading my request, take care 💖
thank you so much darling!!!
i ship you with…
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Darcy Lewis !!!
i just think you guys could totally make a podcast together and it would be beautifully chaotic and fun, it’d bring you even closer together.
you borrow her clothes often. almost too often. it’s like you have no clothes of your own. in the cooler months, her wardrobe is absolutely your wardrobe
darcy gets you coffee/tea/cocoa and a sweet treat whenever she goes out and will track you down to get it to you. also she has a sharpie on her at all times to write you sweet messages when she gives you your drink
5K Shipping Event!
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mari-gt · 3 years
Kny x Sny (G/T AU)
Part 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Hey!...uuuhmm I'm starting to not know what to write on this beggning of text soooooo let's jump to the story, shall we.
The human woman turned to the tinnies with a gently smile, some soldiers got confused and scared about her witch was obvious since the tinnies that lives inside the walls beraly heard about humans. They only teach about humans in school, but with little information, that humans are just like tinnies but bigger.
But they couldn't inform how big was humans, and that lady was insanely bigger from what they imagine. Eren saw her and before the human turn her back to the tinnies, he was able to read Exterminate on her back. That's when he remembered about the storys that he heard from Armin of the outside world where humans and tinnies used to be together, and the humans always protected them for being bigger.
For being stronger.
'Is this the reason why this is happening to us? Because tinnies are weak? Is crying the only thing the weak can do?'
That was the thought of Eren, he was scared, angry, lost. He wanted to kill them, all the corpses that put a foot on this world. That was a promise.
"Oh my! You don't need to anymore tinnies, I'll help you." The human lady said quietly to the tinnies, and before any of them could process something they were lifted and left it on the Wall-Rose in such velocity that they got dizzy.
"Ops to fast? I'm sorry sometimes I forget how sencible you are. And I see that you are scared, so I going to take care of some of this corpses for you and my little compannions will help you" Again she smiled for the tinnies and went to do what she said.
And after that three tinnies landed out of nowhere, and just like the human woman, they wear a black clothes and a white cape that has a drawing of a butterfly. One of them approached one of the guards, a girl with long black hair and green eyes and also had a butterfly clip on her hair.
"Hello there! My name is Yuki, and this are Kenji and Mia, and the human there is master Shinobu. We are here to help, we are oni and corpses extaminators, is there anyone from our corp that you know about?" The girl named Yuki made a quick presentation of her friends and master.
The other two, Kenji and Mia. The boy was short for tinnies standards, has a bronw hair and eyes and it looks like his head was out of the world. And the girl was the tallest of the three, and also had a black hair but it was short and she had a serious expression.
The policy men looked at each other, they didn't know what to say. They were so shocked of everthing, they were lost, one of them approached Yuki hesitant.
"Uhm sorry we...you are from...outside the wall?" The man asked.
"Why yes! hihi." Yuki even though she giggled, she anwserd politly.
"How did you survived?"
"Oh! Well, we just trainned a little thats all.But we certainly wouldn't survive for long if it wasn't our master." She pointed to Shinobu that was fighting against the corpses easily.
"So do you know anyone from our corp?" Yuki asked again.
"What corp? The asked hesitant.
"The demon slayer corp" Mia spoke almost out of patience.
"That...corp has closed for years" He said after thinking a little, he heard that in the military acadamy.
"Oh that's bad, no wander you didn't know what to do" Kenji said looking at the butterfly in a flower a few miles away.
"Well then, that is a shame. But that is something that can be fixed." Shinobu appeard behind them, the tinnies jumped of surprise because they didn't noticed her.
"You won't be able to fight agianst the corpses without the proper training. So I'll bring some of you to one of the slayer academy for tinnies." Shinobu, even though her gentle smile, she was serious.
She talked with the goverment that quickly agreed to her conditions, they were kind scared because of her height. The announciment of a new corp of soldiers spread on the Eldia nation, and for sure heard about it.
And the anwser to make his promise real, of ending with all the corpses that lives, was in this corp. And he would join it, and he wouldn't be alone, Mikasa and Armin will be together with him no matter what. They already lost to much, and they won't let t happen again.
And so it happened 2 years ago after the Titan corpse inveaded and the promise to destroy all of them was made.
Eren, Mikasa and Armin got in the demon slayer academy, and for the first time in there lives, they got out of the walls. It was exciting and terrifiyng at the same time, and even though they weren't far from Eldia it was stil outside.
The area the academy was next to a human house, they new recruits were brought there by two ravens that belong to Shinobu and Kanao. The place was well structured, large dormitories, cafeteria, a tall tower, arsenal of weapons and equipment and a training and fighting arena. But the thing that draws the most attentiont, was the gigantic human house, no one could take their eyes from it the house was incredible for them even if the house it so simple.
"RECRUITS ATTENTION!" The chief-instructor, Keith Shadis, yelled without mercy to the new recruits.
"Today it starts the traning of the 104th recruit squad! And in charge to train you! You are not welcome here in the academy! And you wil respect and thank the human master Urokudaki for allowed your presence on his house! Right now you are nothing but trash that only serve to be bait to onis ans corpses! And we will waste years training you to be more then bait! We will teach how to fight! And when it comes the time of facing a corpse will you still be just food?! Or will you be glorious warriors the will kill corpses in the name of tinnies?! You will decide!" Keith end his strong introduction to the recruits.
'Yes, I'll be, I'll kill all the corpses until there is no one left' Eren thought focused.
The ground started to shake, but not like when the corpses invaded but like Shinobu arrived. The recruits that came from Eldia, got nervous but not the others that lived among humans they were used to that.
Keith and the captain that surrounded the new recruits looked at the direction of where the shake came from, and they saw master Urokudaki coming back to his house and he was with someone behind him.
"Recruits master Urokudaki is back to his home! Hand, salute to welcome him!" Keith make his order while giving his salute to the human.
Urokudaki stop his running and give to the new tinnies a head shake to thanks the salutation, and behind him comes Tanjirou with his sister inside of a basket on his back. He was tired and sweaty from the run to Urokudaki house, he saw the tinnies and wave to them with a smile and turned back to the old man.
"So does that mean that I passed the test?" Tanjirou said panting.
"We're just begginig the test, we'll be climbing the mountain" Urokudaki said entering house.
Tanjirou scream on his inside, he almost fell from running to the master house and now he has to climb a whole mountain. The tinnies heard that and most of them were shocked about what the human said, some of them knew that the humans training were much harder in compared to them so they knew the worst was about to come to the human boy.
Eren had a chance to look at the mountain before they landed on the academy, and it was huge. And by the state of that boy, he would came back in pieces...that was strange to him, the humans, he never saw something like that and they are just like tinnies but bigger. But still, there was a strange sensation on him.
Keith got his attention to the recruits.
"HEY YOU!" He yelled to Armin.
"Yes sir!" Armin positioned himself with his right hand on his chest.
"What's your name?!" Keith went in front of Armin
"Armin Arlet, from the district Shiganshina of Eldia!"
And while the tinnies were screaming outside the house, Tanjirou lied down his sister in a room that Urokudaki reserved for the siblings.
"I promise to take care of your sister" Urokudaki said to Tanjirou waiting for him to initiate the training.
"Thank you, I'll be counting on you"
Tanjirou and the master started the climbing, and they passed through the tinnies academy, Tanjirou looked at them with a man yelling at the new recruits and he remembered that Tomioka was with three of them with him.
"Why are they here?" Tanjirou asked.
"When we get back I'll explain to you, now climb" And he hurried the step.
Hehehehe :3
end of chapter! see you lateeerrr!
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blablabladg · 4 years
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Queen Katamari as Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
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izzyartisticmakeup · 6 years
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Delineado Dramático
Dando seguimento ao uso dos novos produtos, sigo fazendo experimentações  com  com o kit de duas cores em gel para delineado e as minhas  nova paleta de sombra.
Neste olho eu fiz um concavo aberto com sombras em marrom quente e fume, na pálpebra móvel foi usada sombra liquida perolizada branca e glitter cristal lilas.
Para o delineado usei o pincel chanfrado a primeira camada de marrom e depois a ponta de exatidão para passar o gel preto por cima para uma cor mais profunda. É preciso habilidade pra esse delineado, mas nada que um pouco de pratica não resolva , indico também paciência, pois o processo é demorado, mas vale a pena pelo resultado final. Para arrematar o uso de cílios postiços é opcional, mas como eu queria um efeito maior usei um cilho bem  denso .    
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afraidofchange · 5 years
About the Mun
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Name: Lexie Mun FC: I like to use LP but I’m feeling Dolly Parton at this moment. Gender: woman Height: 5′7″ Hair Color: Brown. Sometimes gets lighter in summer.  Eye Color: Bronw Relationship Status: In an (open) relationship - though I’m still on the fence if being poly is for me or not at the moment. Sexuality: butch lesbian Birthday: feb 5 Zodiac Sign: aquarius sun / sagitarius moon / pisces rising Nationality: Canadian Hobbies / Likes: showing cattle/livestock, writing, playing guitar # of siblings: I have a younger half-brother.  # of pets: I have an Aussie Shepherd named Duke, numerous barn cats (named Zebra, Bailey, Thomas, and Ms Friendly), and a bunch of cows.  Favorite color: red! Favorite singer/band: LP, Halestorm, Florence + The Machine, HC McEntire, Fleetwood Mac, Adele, etc. I love a lot.  Last song listened to: Dolly Parton’s 1974 album, Jolene.  Currently listening to: ^^^^  Last movie watched: Dumplin’ (2018) Favorite book: Honestly, it’s been so long since I’ve been able to read for pleasure but I still really enjoyed Shamim Sarif’s Despite the Falling Snow.  Last book read: hahahahahaha I haven’t read fiction for the last like 6 years, thanks university. However, I think I’m actually going to try and get through the Alice Isn’t Dead novelization! Currently reading: ^^ Best school subject: Considering I have my Masters in sociology, I’mma say sociology.  Mac or PC: PC. Day or night: Night. Summer or winter: Summer Most-visited website: Tumblr/Twitter/FB
Tagged by: i stole it @theharellan ! Tagging: you see, you steal, you do.
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kya-kya-kya · 5 years
Tagged by @rammsteinfan-lindemann - know me better
1. Are you named after someone? - no 
2. When was the last time you cried?-  1 week ago
3. Do you have kids? - no :v
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? -  no, actually i hate it
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? - maybe the hair and the voice
6. What’s your eye colour? - greenish (bronw)
7. Scary movie or happy ending? - none, i like sad endig bc i hate protagonists - unless its a cartoon, then i like happy endings
8. Any specials talents? - none, i try my best in things that I apreciate (editing, drawing), but I dont think that Im good at these things
9. Where were you born? - Brazil
10. What are your hobbies? - editing, drawing ‘n’ dancin’
11. Do you have any pets? - yes, 4 cats: Finesa, Artemis, Lua and Mafalda 
12. What sport do you/have you played? - Tennis 
13. How tall are you? -  168cm 
14. Favourite subject in school? - biology
15. Dream job? - archaeologist
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truegoist · 2 years
( 🦈 anon)
he has red/ginger idk whatever CURLY hair and hell lots of freckles from his nose/cheeks to shoulders (which for some reason he don’t likes cause they’re almost always covered up by cloth even if it’s summer tf)
AND AND AND HE HAS THOSE HONEYISH BRONW EYES OMG THEY FUCKING SPARKLE WHEN HE SMILES (which is the cutest thing ever btw if you couldn’t tell)
he’s usually pouty though but that’s also very cute so it’s fine
Also he’s shorter than me something like 5’9-5’10
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