#brother THIS is what you were watching and/or collecting obsessively back in the day!
m0chisenpai · 2 days
Hi, could you do a Louis x Fem!reader x Armand? Like something where they are both obsessed with her and maybe she a little oblivious even tho they give her what ever she wants. I love your others too by the way.🫶🏼
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desires of the heart
˚。⋆ louis de pointe du lac x black!fem!reader x armand
in which she has two immortals wrapped around her little finger
Author note: this sounds similarish to a loumand fic I got previously so I’m gonna build onto that one
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Time in the penthouse seems to move slower. The days and nights felt blurred from adjusting your schedule to the ‘vampires’ Daniel interviews. And with each passing day, more and more do the vampires find themselves falling deeper into your heart.
You had their own dead ones in the palm of your hand yet you remained so oblivious to it.
But on top of this you find yourself spending your time less in your room and more in their company.
“Those books, are the older ones right?” You watch Armand hover above in the collection looking for more pictures of Claudia for your personal “research”.
“Yes, some of these are beyond your time,” he looks down at you slowly allowing himself to settle in front of you. You push your frames back up the bridge of your nose so you can properly look at the elder vampire.
“Can I see them?”
Louis watches amused from his seat as Armand holds you close to show you the books. Slowly he glides back u with you in his arms following your direction till you pick a small stack to sit with Louis and look through.
These are older photographs from his years in New Orleans.
"Aw what happened to the fro?" you pout as Louis pulls a family picture out.
"Times were different," Louis rolls his eyes as you scoff. You page through the album carefully.
"Is that him?" your eyes settle on a duo picture, him and his brother side by side. Louis can only nod, his lips pressed in a line as you stare. "He was handsome. Sweetheart, I can tell by how he's looking at you here in this one."
Before Louis can respond one f the workers has entered. Interrupting your bubble of peace. "Mr.Molloy has requested you in his room."
Armand's face immediately ices over into a glare, his response fiery. "Tell Mr.Molloy if he wishes for his help to return he can come and get them himself. She is not a dog."
"It's alright, the old fart does this all the time in the offices." You go to stand stretching your arms overhead and quickly rubbing your forearms for friction. You're cold, Louis observes the goosebumps across your freckled shoulders from the slouch neck sweater you wear.
When you are are out of ear shot Louis speaks to the worker.
"Have the shoppers come in tomorrow morning for Mr.Molloy's intern. The girl needs proper clothing."
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Much to Daniel's distaste. you are like a child in a candy shop pointing to sweaters from Ralph Lauren's upcoming fall collection. But he hides his distaste giving you a smile when you happily show hi the sweater that was 'giving Rory Gilmore but I wear it better.' Armand sits watching as you soar through racks and picking your items of choice.
You hesitate when a woman approaches holding a cases of lenses, "we offer these in prescription of course."
"Oh no these are fine."
"Pick one." Armand finally speaks up. When you look at him he is now sitting up, but the way he sits with his legs crossed, an arm draped across the back while the other rests atop his knee. His eyes a show of dominance, as if daring you to say no to him.
You settle on a thick marbled brown pair. But he stands to move in front of you, picking up a few for you to try. You try on several till you are pushing his hands away.
"The jade green ones as well as the golden wired ones for her," you grumble watching as he picks up the two for the woman to box. "We will have your prescription sent as soon as possible."
"Thank you but, this a bit much for a few days stay."
"We have no issue providing you your comforts whilst you work on the novel."
"Ok but-"
He raises a bro that silences any opposition. When you offer no more pushback, Armand places his hand on the small of your back, guiding you to the women who begin to drape you in abayas and scarves for your hair.
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You're nearing the end of the interviews. You can tell cause they spend any bit of time of the days glued to your side. You don't bring it up, you accidentally mentioned it in passing to Louis and his entire demeanor once so warm and gentle became...rigid.
He sits beside you on the couch now. Watching you listen and take notes.
These days he's more brazen in his affections. Sitting closer, allowing his hand to linger when he passes your chai, playing with the baby curls at the nape of your neck. But there is something even more intimate as he sits across from you, watching you.
"Gonna keep staring me down like a creep?"
His lips perk up, "sorry cher. Just memorizing your face."
Your fingers stop typing, your train of thought halts for a second till they both return at the steady pace you had going.
"Can a vampire love?"
"I believe we feel immensely. Everything feels...deeper. Almost too much."
"But if your entire being is dead, what is it that allows you to feel again?"
Ah, that mind of yours. Louis loved it deeply. His eyes flicker to his joined palms till they return on you.
"I've heard stories, seen elder vampires that lived many lifetimes take their life because of the loneliness. At times, I myself felt it. Had our feelings died with us, then I do not think they would put an end to themselves."
You nod, pausing for a moment again.
"I feel it too," you pause for a moment, "it's the worst."
Though Louis respects your boundaries, he feels the buzz in your bones. A desire sitting on your lips. “What do you need?” It comes out as a whisper, yet it feels so loud.
And your response is just as quiet, “can you hold me. Please.”
Louis is beside you in an instant. The laptop shut and atop the table, and he is holding you close. Your eyes slowly fall shut as you wrap your arms back around him. He pulls you atop him.
You feel complete again, so whole.
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tarraxahum · 9 months
Image quality is such a weird thing
Like, nowadays you find old YouTube videos from the 00s and you're shocked at how pixel-y they are. Because 240p was the average resolution. And it's so bad compared to todays 1080p or the 4K ones.
Or take the old LiveJournal icons. The small ones. People made gifs inside them, some so small you can't even see the face of the person. Right now it's like. Why so tiny? You can't even tell who that is? But back then it was probably a cool ass icon.
Somehow back then I never once complained about the video quality. Or smaller image files everywhere. It was what it was and it was enough?
But in comparison to the better quality today... It's so glaring.
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Inspiration came from this post by @stars-obsession-pit !
Word count: 1479
Masterpost of Archive Down Fics here.
(I wrote three dp x dc fics based off of prompts I've seen in the last day for reading while the site is getting maintenance. )
There was a high, shrill scream in the Fenton lab.
Maddie bolted for the stairs, abandoning her coffee without a thought. She flung herself down to see Jack bent over a body in front of the portal.
“Is this person a threat?” Maddie prepared to defend her husband, but the body didn't move.
Jack looked up at her. “No, I was just surprised! I think he's hurt, Mads.”
Her bleeding heart husband. She crossed the room and rolled their intruder over to see it was a kid, maybe Danny's age. In his sleep, he had a sweet, soft face. His face and throat were covered in faint scars.
Well. That was one of hers, now. No getting around it. That was a teenage boy on her floor who has obviously been the victim of violence.
“Well, shit,” Maddie said companionably. She blew out air between her teeth. “Dear, would you put clean sheets on in Jazz's room?”
They were running out of space, between the clones and the past evil alternate future children.
Jack saluted her, shouted an affirmation , and bounded away.
Maddie took a moment to wonder if her children would be an infinitely expanding collection and if so, if it would be better to move into Vlad's castle than to build the home addition they had planned for.
She gathered the teenager up in her arms despite him being her size, and laid him out on an exam table. She started checking his vitals.
A hand shot out and grabbed her by the wrist.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Maddie said. She redirected her hand to smooth hair behind his ear. He blearily followed the movement, just as obviously intelligent as he was obviously compromised. She didn't know if it was a concussion or drugs or what, but this boy was not well. “It's Friday June 29th, and you're in Amity Park, Illinois. I'm Madeleine Fenton and you're at my house because you fell through a portal. Is there someone I should call for you?”
He stared at her. She could see the moment he decided not to speak to her.
That situation didn't change much all day. The kid walked himself up to bed and peered around at Jazz's old posters. He seemed to want to be alone, but Maddie caught him watching Dani and Dan playing catch in the yard. She made eye contact with him over her book and then looked back at her shrieking kids. Dan was doing flips on the trampoline and launching his sister in the air, catching and tossing her back up in the nick of time between flips.
Their new boy closed his curtains.
“I was thinking about Dante,” Jack said, bringing out a pitcher of iced tea. “Or, how about Jasper! Eh? Eh? You know, like Jazz-per?” Jack belly laughed.
“He probably has his own name,” Maddie said calmly. She'd estimated him at 16 or so, anyway. But whatever. If he wasn't going to give them a name, they did eventually need something to call him. And they needed to sort out accommodation fast, before Jazz got back from her college tour trip.
“Let's go with Jasper until he gives us his real name.” There were enough Ds in her home, honestly.
She lured Jasper out of his room for lunch. He sat at the kitchen table and watched them all warily. He only ate what they ate.
Danny arrived mid-meal. “Mom! Dad!” There was a whumpf as he probably threw himself onto the sofa. “We wanna go to Elmerton, that ok?”
“You should take your brother with you,” Maddie called back. “He needs clothes.”
“What?” Danny clearly pried himself up and came into the kitchen. Maddie silently offered to make him a plate. “No, I ate at Tuck's. Dan, what'd you do to your clothes?”
“Nothing, you pathetic worm,” said Dan, who really was a sensitive boy. “I am not the topic of discussion, you blithering fool.” He jerked a finger at Jasper. “New one.”
Danny stared.
Jasper looked uncomfortable. He gave a sort of hello nod.
“He's, uh, he's not-”
“Not a clone or alternate future version of you, nope,” Maddie agreed. “Though he did come out of the portal. We wondered if he might be a ghost, but it didn't seem necessary to ask.”
Jasper full body flinched at the word “ghost”, but he looked confused.
Danny squinted at his new bother who, it must be said, did look a bit like a Fenton already. “Not a ghost,” he said after a long pause. “But a little undead. Not sure what kind. But yeah, you're walking dead, buddy.” He clapped Jasper on the shoulder.
“You'll fit right in!” Jack cheered. “Dan is half dead! So is Danno! And so is Dani here! And-”
“Thank you, Jack,” Maddie cut him off. “It might be a sensitive subject, don't you think?”
“Nah,” said Danny, stealing food out of the pan despite saying he wasn't hungry. “We aren't that sensitive. Like-” he looked at Jasper and explained: “I got electrocuted to death in the lab two years ago. Dan is from an alternate future where everyone he loved died, so then he killed everyone else on earth. And Dani is a science experiment baby.”
“It's true,” Dani said solemnly. “I'm a work of science.”
“You make me sound so uncool,” Dan complained, stabbing at his spaghetti.
Jasper laughed for the first time. He himself seemed surprised by the sound. It was hoarse but there was promise there.
When the boys were off at the mall in Elmerton with Sam and Tucker, Maddie called up Vlad.
“You want to come here?”
“I’ve got more kids than I have rooms in my house,” she said wryly. “So if the offer is still open…”
“Yes, of course it is,” he assured her. “But- most of the little ones are still in the Ghost Zone, correct?”
“They're not big enough to leave yet,” Maddie agreed. “Which is why I need to be near a portal.” The ghostlings were staying with the LunchLady and Box Ghost, but they needed to be able to be in touch. “But no, I've got another one.”
Glass shattered in the background. “Another- what happened to Daniel this time?”
Maddie laughed at how flustered her old college friend got. “Nothing to do with Danny, actually, this one fell out of the portal. He's some level of partly dead, but we don't think he's a ghost at all.”
Left unsaid was that they needed to do a lot of research to figure out what other possibilities there were. If they could get into contact with Danny's GP, he might be able to get them on the right track.
“Well.” Vlad took a moment to rally. “When will the family be arriving?”
Two months later, all the kids were pretty settled in.
Jasper had never shared a name, but he was happy to let them call him Jay. He was a phenomenal big brother to Dani. He wrestled with Dan. He bullied Danny into doing his homework. It had been something of an administrative nightmare to get Jaspen enrolled in school, but Vlad had pulled off whatever magic trick he'd done for Dani (applied a lot of money to the problem, Maddie supposed) and Jay had settled in very well.
“Your debut in society,” Maddie hummed, making a point of straightening Jay’s tie. He was growing already, she was sure of it! He was going to wind up as tall as Jack.
“I've been to parties before, Mom,” Jay drawled, and then flushed a dark red that meant he didn't want to be asked questions. Maddie tweaked his nose instead of answering.
“But this is the first one where Vlad's introducing you to his business friends!” She said, already dressed up for a fun night. Vlad had flown them all in on his private jet for the day.
“Queen is a family man as well,” Vlad had said the night before, aiming for calculating and coming off soft. “It will put him off his guard or perhaps make him sick with envy that I have brought a higher quality child than he could ever manage to produce.”
They arrived together, Maddie on Jack's arm, keeping her flock of kids within eyesight as Vlad led the pack. She had a perfect view of Oliver Queen seeing them arrive, the smile dropping off his face, and him choking on his drink. He did look very silly, Maddie had to admit.
“Inept,” Vlad hissed, very pleased. “The fool can't even drink. His company will be mine-” he looked at Danny for some reason. Vlad faltered at whatever be saw. “....Through legitimate business practices, such as buying a majority of stocks,” Vlad weakly finished.
Maddie slapped him on the back. “Go get him, tiger.”
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orshii · 1 month
Highway to Cloud Nine
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🏍️ Pairing: biker! Kim Hongjoong x mechanic! female reader 🏍️ Word count: 12,8 k 🏍️ Warnings: cursing, mentions of alcohol use, smoking, shotgun, cheating (not by Hongjoong), angst, suggestive 🏍️Trope: Brother's best friend
🏍️ Summary: The car service you run with your brother, Jongho, is rather challenging, especially in his absence when you must manage everything on your own. Kim Hongjoong, your brother’s best friend, needs urgent repairs for his bike only complicating everything more for you, however, some tension also arises between the two of you as you notice a shift in your dynamic.
San, who is your ex, only makes everything more complicated when he reappears in your life. You’re faced with two choices now: you navigate your life the way you want it or you let the fear of disappointing your brother consume you.
🏍️ A/N: Hello there! Here I am again because suddenly I became obsessed with biker Hongjoong and I can't get over it. Nice! And I just love the brother's best friend trope. This story popped up in my mind in like 15 minutes and I don't know when I was able to write this much only in two days, lol. So yeah, I hope I managed to convert what I wanted, (sorry Sannie), and I hope you enjoy hehet! (this Hongjoong is so HOT I want to be the MC.) Byee! (divider)
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The loud banging on the door coming from the garage under our flat disturbed my evening as I watched a TV show, tired of the day full of chaos. I stood up annoyed, thinking who was coming at this hour when we were closed for the day. I went to the stairs that led down to the car service we ran with my brother Jongho, who was away for a trip with his girlfriend. We named our service, Limitless and it has been almost ten years since we led this business. I grew up with cars and bikes and fell in love with fixing the machines and just admiring some expensive collections that some rich people owned. I already finished college and until I found what I wanted to do for a living, I decided I was going to help my brother out for a while as he was capable of overworking himself. I convinced him to get some rest because he needed a little break from the nonstop work in the garage. Our parents were long gone out of our lives. Our mom died and our dad was nowhere to be seen since then. We remained alone and Jongho took care of me since then. And I couldn't be more grateful for him, so this is why I told him I could manage the garage for a few days and he didn't need to worry about a thing. It was hard managing alone but I needed to do this for my beloved brother because he deserved a break.
I went downstairs as it led to the garage, the familiar smell of oil and steel hit my nose and the banging on the garage door did not stop.
"Coming!" I said annoyed by the loud noise.
I unlocked the door and saw a frustrated Kim Hongjoong standing in front of the garage. His biker helmet in his hands, his dark red hair falling onto his forehead a little wet from sweating, his undercut barely in sight. He was wearing his black leather jacket a white T-shirt under it, his pumped-up chest on the sight, paired with black skinny jeans that were ripped on the knees. As I saw it was him, I rolled my eyes annoyed, because I hated this guy. He was a walking red flag with his red hair that screamed he was a bad guy from far away. He was Jongho's best friend and he was a daily guest in our service. He always annoyed the shit out of me and he seemed he did not like me as much as I didn't like him.
"We are closed Hongjoong, what do you want?" I asked still holding the door, ready to slam it into his face.
"Where is Jongho? He didn't answer my calls." He asked running his fingers through his wet hair.
"He is on a trip with his girlfriend so don't disturb him." I deadpanned as I was ready to slam the door. But Hongjoong's hands prevented it.
"When is he coming back?" He seemed desperate.
"Tomorrow night."
"Fuck!" He shouted out loud stressed as he buried his face into his hands.
I sighed annoyed. I did not start to pity him; I was just curious. "Why?"
"Something happened with my bike and I have an important race tonight. I pushed my bike all the way here because it won't start no matter what I do. But now I'm fucked." His gaze bored into mine as he sighed.
I looked behind him, where his big dark red motorbike was standing waiting for a hand to repair it. "It doesn't get fuel?"
"I don’t know, I'm not a mechanic." He said looking over his shoulders at his beloved bike. "But I really need it for tonight."
I sighed for the thousandth time this evening. "Bring it in. I can fix it." I mumbled annoyed. Yes, I might have pitied Hongjoong, because he seemed so desperate and it seemed it was really important for him. Fixing cars—and bikes apparently—was my job and I just couldn't resist my passion, which helped me through tough times. Fixing cars helped me organize my thoughts and to even not think at all. So, I offered my help.
Hongjoong seemed quite surprised at that as he raised his eyebrows. "Seriously?"
"Come before I change my mind."
Hongjoong did as told and pushed the bike into the garage as I lifted the door up. His bike was a shade of dark red, with some black colors appearing on the sharp features, the lamp on the front was sharp and it looked like sharp eyes, which reminded me of Hongjoong’s eyes.  I prepared some tools I needed to fix the bike. As I analyzed it a little and tried to start the engine, I already knew what was the problem and it wasn't that big of a deal. The fuel just couldn't reach the engine, because a part of the engine was slacked and it didn't let the fuel flow into the engine. I felt Hongjoong's gaze on me the whole time as I crouched down next to the bike so I could repair it.
"Can I help you with something?" He asked a little embarrassed as he scratched the back of his nape.
"No, just sit and let me work." I deadpanned as I looked up at him as he was standing next to me.
So, he sat down and silence fell over us. I was curious so I asked. "So, again those illegal races? I thought you stopped."
"I need money." He stated.
"For what?"
"It's none of your business."
I scoffed as I tried to screw a clamp into its place. "Okay, big boy."
"Can you just do your work?" His voice came out frustrated.
I stopped, as I looked at him in disbelief. I couldn't believe this guy. "I'm making a favor for you, so shut the fuck up!" I started to get angry.
He laughed. "Oh sorry, princess for disturbing you." His voice sounded sarcastic and annoyed.
I really tried to stay calm, it was in both of our favor. "Don't call me a princess!"
"Don't be mad, princess." He always did this, to annoy my shit out and today was not the day when I let him do it.
So, I stopped what I did and stood up with a scoff. "You know what? Go fuck yourself and your bike. It's not my business as you told me. The door is that way." I pointed towards the door as I dropped the spanner on the dusty concrete floor and turned away to leave him there. I just lost my patience and was under pressure the whole day, he needed to step over it, because he didn’t care.
Then he grabbed my wrist and whirled me around to look into his eyes. He was hovering over me with a deadly stare, his lips in a thin line, his red hair messy. "No, you fucking get that spanner and fix my bike, because I need it!" His face was close to mine, I felt his heavy breathing on my cheeks.
"Fix it yourself, the tools are there." I pointed at the ground towards his bike.
"Stop this shitty attitude of yours, Y/N! I really need to win this race tonight, please!" He seemed like he was near dropping to his knees and begging for me.
"Oh, you can say such things as well like, please? I'm surprised" I said as I pushed him away from my face, with my hands on his chest. I needed to show him, that he couldn't just control me and to be unrespectable with me. I couldn’t let that, I fixed his beloved bike so he was going to disappear as quickly as I wanted because I did not want to see his face.
And when I finished his bike and started the engine, it lighted up and it was ready to race for whatever reason it needed to. When Hongjoong left he mumbled something that sounded like a thank you and that he was going to arrange the price with Jongho. Like my brother fixed it…
Then I went upstairs, the quiet of our flat reminding me of how tired I was from working all day. So, after a short shower, I collapsed into my bed, trying to compose myself for another tiring day without Jongho as I fell asleep finally, an annoying face with red hair popped up in my dream that turned out to be a nightmare.
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It was the middle of the night when I got a call. I groaned in frustration as I hated it when I couldn't get my well-deserved beauty sleep. It was still dark outside as my room was in complete darkness, my phone on the nightstand the only light in it. I reached for my phone; I just couldn't imagine what was so important that couldn't wait until the morning. When I grabbed my phone, it lit my face and I squinted my eyes from the sudden brightness, couldn't even read who was calling me, I just answered.
"Y/N! Thank God you picked up!" Comes a familiar and annoying voice from the phone.
I looked at my phone to check the time and I grew more annoyed when I saw that Hongjoong's name was looking back at me. "Hongjoong, it's 3 in the morning what the hell do you want?"
"I know, I'm sorry. But I think I need a little help." His voice seemed a little sheepish. Like he was embarrassed for calling me—as he should be.
"What the hell happened now?"
"I crashed with my bike…I need help in carrying it away…Please, I swear I'mma pay you back, but the police can't find me, I'mma be in big trouble if they do."
I squeezed the bridge of my nose in frustration as I shot my eyes closed. "Where are you?"
He mumbled something about being next to a factory on the edge of the city and thanked me at least a thousand times. I sat up with a groan, I couldn't believe myself, why couldn't I just say no to him? I was even surprised by myself. Then I sat up in the black Jeep we bought with Jongho together, the trailer hanging from behind as I was on the way to save Hongjoong's ass, the second time in like 10 hours—he was going to pay for this for the rest of his life I'm going to make sure about it.
When I was reaching Hongjoong's location my eyes averted around the surroundings, trying to find him. It seemed it rained a few hours before because the asphalt was wet and slippery. Then suddenly he appeared in front of my car and I almost hit him, I stepped on the brakes quickly and cursed. The sight in front of me was like in the movies. Hongjoong was standing on the road, the car's lights illuminating his face, some shadows lurking on it, making his features sharper, where some blood was flowing down from his temple. His red hair was damp I assumed from the rain, it was sticking to his forehead, some red wet drops flowing down his face that came from the red dye, mixing with his blood. He was wearing blue jeans that were ripped but not intentionally as his knees were bloody as well. On top, he was wearing a colorful shirt unbuttoned and a white T-shirt under it. I saw his bike which was lying on the ground crushed. It was a miracle it didn't catch on fire.
"Shit," I mumbled to myself as I stepped out of my car.
"What the hell happened Joong?" I walked towards him, as his expression told me nothing.
"The road was a little slippery from the rain and the police came after the race ended. I needed to get away from there quickly. And this happened." He pointed at his motorbike which was nothing like a few hours before.
"Oh my God Joong…" I ran my hands through my face frustrated, the sleepiness long gone from my eyes.
"Let's just get this shit away from here." He walked towards his bike in pieces, almost mourning his beloved bike.
Then we somehow managed to lift the bike to the trailer, collecting the broken pieces from the ground, and with that I drove back to our car service with Hongjoong sitting on the passenger seat.
“Did you at least win the race?” I broke the deafening silence in the car as I looked at the road ahead.
“Of course I did.” He leaned back against the headboard and looked out the window looking sad.  
When I parked in the garage, it was already 5 in the morning. Hongjoong sighed as we both stepped out of the car and he sat on the old couch that was pushed against the wall, serving perfectly when we needed a little break from work. I closed the garage door and sat next to him, my head on the back of the couch as I closed my eyes with a sigh.
"Don't tell anything to your brother, please." I heard Hongjoong's tired voice from my side. "He is going to fucking kill me."
"I bet," I said with my eyes still closed. Then silence and I opened my eyes to look at Hongjoong whose eyes were already on me. His eyes were sharp and looked at me a little angry.
"Okay, I won't tell him anything." I lifted my hands giving up. "But what about the bike?"
He sighed as he leaned forward supporting his head on his arms. "I have no fucking idea." He buried his face into his hands, he seemed a little panicked. I just looked at his figure that seemed lost and little now, and there it was again. The feeling I hated so much. I just wanted to help him again, and I truly hated this feeling.
"I can't believe myself," I mumbled to myself as I sighed. Hongjoong looked up at me with a confused look. "Jongho is coming back tomorrow night…I guess we can fix that shit until he arrives."
I had never seen Hongjoong this surprised as his eyebrows disappeared from how high they were. "Seriously?"
"Yes, but I'm gonna need your help too."
He set up straight as he turned towards me on the couch. "I'm here, whatever you need, princess." He smirked as he leaned closer to me. I rolled my eyes and stood up waking to a cabinet where we held the first-aid kit.
"But first put yourself together, because you look like shit." I threw the box towards him and he caught it immediately, looking down at it with a frown as he opened it. He looked up at me with child-like eyes. Then I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed.
"You are seriously like a child," I stated as I sat next to him growing more annoyed as he just didn't know what to do with the thing, I just gave him.
Kim Hongjoong then pouted—I say it again pouted at me—as I grabbed the box from his hands and took the cotton from it with the alcoholic liquid—at least this is going to hurt. His face was full of blood strings that flew from the wound on his temple, his lips were also cut somehow just like his right cheek. I reached the cotton with the liquid towards his temple, where a serious-looking wound was. "Did you drive without your helmet or how did you manage to do this?" He hissed when the cotton touched his temple.
"Nah, the visor of my helmet broke when I crashed and it cut me. I didn't even notice…" He mumbled as he grabbed my wrist, trying to prevent me from touching the cotton to his skin again.
"Stop, it's going to infect you if you won't let me do it," I stated as Hongjoong was looking at my concentrating face from close. Then his lips were the next, the bottom of it cut as the blood was already dry. He parted his thin lips when I traced the cotton slowly on his lips. He hissed at that again but grabbed my waist squeezing it as the liquid stung his lip. I looked up into his eyes and I saw something unusual of Hongjoong. It was something like caring and something I couldn't recognize. I couldn’t read much into it, because he came back to his senses and let my waist as he took the cotton from my hand and started to trace the cotton on his face looking at the little mirror from the box. I was stunned for a moment; I couldn’t process what just happened but I just let it go. It was Kim Hongjoong after all, and he made my next day miserable.
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We didn't even sleep as we worked from there, trying to put the puzzles of the motorbike together. It seemed like a mission impossible; the bike was almost a dead duck. But there wasn't something I couldn’t fix, at least if it came to fixing machines. Fixing my problems, however, was beyond my capability. Just as the next problem came in line. We managed to put the pieces of the bike together somehow, working on it without stopping, only when we were too hungry to even lift something. But the engine was completely gone. And it needed a replacement. Was there anywhere you could find a brand-new engine in just a few hours? 
Sadly, there was. And it was my ex-boyfriend's workshop, where he sold parts of motorbikes and cars. He was my only way of finding a new engine in a few hours, for this specific motorbike and it sounded like the worst of my nightmares. Asking for a favor from my ex whom I broke up with six months ago was shit. I didn’t want to do it, but it was already midday and Jongho was coming back at night.
My ex-boyfriend was Choi San. We were in a happy relationship, we really did. I thought we were going to be together for good. I already imagined my life with him, marrying him and having kids. I loved him, truly. But six months ago, it turned out he cheated on me. And it hurt. It broke me, I didn't even recognize myself back then. My worst nightmare came to life, which was not knowing San by my side anymore. He was the pillar I needed in my life to keep going. But when that pillar collapses into ashes, what was the reason to keep going with life?
I even considered letting it go and just forgetting about what happened and letting San come back to me because I didn't want him out of my life. But my brother was by my side the whole time and helped me through it, he hit some sanity into me—not literally—and talked me off of going back to him. San was Jongho's best friend. It was difficult for him too, having to choose between us, but he chose me. I knew Jongho was hurt by losing a friend, especially since he had warned me from the start that he didn't want to be forced to pick sides if we ever fought. In the end, he had to, and I felt guilty about it. I never imagined that San and I might break up one day. 
He didn't even have a normal explanation. He just said it happened he was drunk and he can't go back in time to undo it. It was so disappointing hearing those words from him and more heartbreaking when I broke up with him but still loved him. It was already six months ago but I couldn't state that I didn't love him anymore. So, this was the reason it was hard for me to call him. But it needed to be done.
"It's Choi San's workshop, what can I do for you?" I heard his voice and I hoped it wouldn't make me feel anything, but it certainly made my heart beat faster. I was leaning against the receptionist's table in the garage, and Hongjoong sitting on the couch as he was smoking a cigarette.
"Hey, San. I'm Y/N. I need a favor from you." I said to the phone without any emotions.
"Oh, Y/N, hi. It's a surprise hearing from you." His voice was low and sweet like the San I knew from the beginning. "How are you?"
"I'm fine, I just need a favor it's important."
"Okay…what can I help you with?"
"I need a Honda CBR engine as soon as possible," I stated.
"How much is as soon as possible?"
"Like…right now?"
"Mhmm…" He hummed at that. "I don't know babe, what are you going to give me in exchange?"
My heart was beating faster as I grew angrier. "Money? What else could I give you San? Please don't make it harder, I just want to do business with you nothing else."
I saw as Hongjoong snapped his head up as he was still smoking his cigarette. I just averted my gaze from him as I rolled my eyes.
"Okay, okay relax babe. I'mma need at least an hour to bring it to you." San said through the phone as I ignored him calling me like that on purpose, I just wanted to get over it as soon as possible but I felt a little scared because of seeing him again after a long time.
"Thank you," I said before ending the call abruptly.
"The new engine is gonna be here in an hour. I think we can fix it until Jongho arrives." I said looking at Hongjoong a little frustrated from the call.
Hongjoong just nodded and he just stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray, but I saw on his face something was bothering him.
One hour later as promised San came into the garage with the engine on his blue truck. "It's good to see you, Y/N." He welcomed me sweetly as he walked to the rear of the car and opened the door so we could lift the engine off. I hated seeing him but it made my stomach twist without me wanting it. He hadn't really changed since I last saw him, his hair was still black, his muscles were still pumped, and he was wearing a black sleeveless top paired with beige oversized pants and his working black gloves. He was the same yet, everything changed between us.
Hongjoong helped him lift the engine out of the car, and together they carried it into the garage. As they stood next to the bike, Hongjoong and San made small talk about what had happened to it. They knew each other well—we were all part of the same friend group—but San had stopped showing up when we invited him, for obvious reasons. Hongjoong was the only one who still kept in touch with him. Watching them chat, I couldn’t help but think, What the hell? We don’t have time for chit-chat. 
"Okay, we don't have time for chatting, thank you San I'm going to send you the money." I stood in front of them folding my arms as they both looked at me surprised, I was there.
"Chill, babe I was just curious about what happened to Hongjoong." San walked closer to me and placed his hands on my waist, leaving a sweet kiss on my cheeks. I hated him so much; I could've punched him in the face. "You look good, Y/N, I hope to see you again." He whispered into my ears as goosebumps ran through my body, but it was because of the disgust I felt towards him. Yet, I couldn't do anything just stand there and let him kiss me and brush my cheeks after. I wanted to throw up. Then for my luck, he disappeared after shaking hands with Hongjoong.
I was just standing there a little stunned. I hated myself for letting him crawl into my head again. I hated him for behaving like nothing bad happened between us. And I hated Hongjoong for witnessing all of that.
"Is he still bothering you?" Hongjoong asked sheepishly as he looked at me.
"It's none of your business, yeah? Let's finish this up, 'cause I'm tired." I started without any emotions. Hongjoong was the last person I wanted to talk to about my feelings towards San. Everyone knew the story of ours, but the details were a mystery for everyone. He had secrets. So, did I.
With that, we worked all day to somehow put that engine in its place, without saying any words to each other, because I just wanted to finish this and be alone a little. I started to feel overwhelmed and the only solution for this was being alone on my own and somehow organizing my thoughts, or letting them drown me. It was whatever.
Then we finally finished and I collapsed on the couch when we heard the bike's engine fire alive. I was kind of proud of myself, I never really fixed motorbikes, my knowledge stopped at cars but I assumed they were similar so I had no problem in doing it.
"Thank you so much Y/N," Hongjoong said as he was sitting on his bike the helmet on already, a few strings of his red hair falling onto his forehead. "I really own you one…or two. I'mma pay you back I promise." He said as he closed the visor on his helmet. I just couldn’t say anything as I just watched him rolling out of the garage, the sound of the bike hearable even when he was long gone. The tiredness hit me at that moment as I was barely capable of going upstairs after closing the garage and collapsed into my soft bed like somebody just knocked me out.
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Jongho returned and I was so glad to know him by my side again. Managing Limitless without him was tough but I knew I would do it again if it meant him resting a little. And I thought it was time for a little partying for myself as well after this tiring week. My best friend called me and told me her boyfriend, Seonghwa was holding a party at his house, as the end of summer was near. So, I accepted the invitation gladly because I really needed a break from everything.
I quickly got ready for the party, dressed up in my black leather jacket a white top under it, with a black skirt and black boots, along with some silver accessories and I made a black eyeshadow as makeup. I was quite satisfied with my appearance when I heard a honk coming from my best friend's car, as he said she was going to pick me up so I could drink.
When we arrived at Seonghwa's house, it was already full of people that I knew from college or from Limitless as the majority of the city came to us to repair their machines. It was great for our finances, which we definitely needed. We were heading straight to the drinks as we walked through the people somehow the music throbbing loudly in my heart, almost deafening. The living room was lit with different colors, making the dancing people disappear into the mixture of colors.
After pouring some drinks for ourselves we walked back to the backyard, where our friends were sitting. They were sitting next to a table with only a few seats available. Everyone was there, my brother, and his girlfriend who was sitting next to him leaning on his shoulder. Seonghwa, my best friend's boyfriend as she sat straight into his lap without thinking. And there was Wooyoung, my other best friend who was a goofy person, we always bickered or made fun of the others together. Then there was Mingi and Yunho, the boyfriends as they had been together for almost five years. I always envied their relationship because it was so honest and just looking at them made my heart beat with happiness. They beamed happiness all the time. And there was Hongjoong, wearing his usual biker jacket, his red hair now pulled back a few strings on his forehead only. Our eyes met and I quickly averted my eyes off him as I sat next to Wooyoung hugging him comfortably.
We haven’t met with Hongjoong since I fixed his bike, he just sent me the money for the service and the engine and that was all. I wondered if he told Jongho what happened.
Then lastly San was the only one who was missing from our friend circle and yes it was my fault, I did feel guilty, but it wasn't only my fault. He played a part in it as well, everyone started to hate him after what he did with me. They wanted to apologize to San, and they waited for an apology from him as well, but he simply never showed up when they invited him and slowly, they just let him go.
As the night got deeper and chillier, a lot of drinks came to our table as well, and we just chatted with the others, not bothering to dance inside. The host was with us the whole time as well, not even caring what was happening inside his house. It was a habit of ours as we went to house parties. We just needed a table to sit at and a few drinks and the night was gone with us having fun and bickering around. The alcohol slowly started to get up into my mind and I started to feel a little drunk, but it was a good drunk. I just felt happy being around my friends.
When we got bored of sitting in one place everyone seemed to disappear. The couples needed their own time as well—disgusting—and I found myself on the backyard bench alone as I looked up at the sky, where the moon was shining back at me in its full form in a shade of light blue. It was mesmerizing, I could look up at it for hours as I sipped from my drink occasionally, my legs pulled up to my chest. I didn't even notice how much time passed by as I was wandering around my thoughts when someone sat next to me. I looked to my side when I saw Hongjoong sitting next to me, the last person I was thinking about. Then I just ignored him and sipped from my drink looking up at the sky again. His gaze followed mine.
"The moon looks beautiful tonight." He started looking up at the sky.
"I know," I mumbled a little annoyed.
Then he didn't say anything and just pulled out his cigarette from his pocket and lit one up. He reached the pack towards me offering me one as I shook my head. He just shrugged and pocketed the rest of the cigarettes with the lighter. He leaned back on the bench and sighed as I looked at him, his eyes were closed facing the sky. The moon lit up his features, the shadows lurking on his face, making it look more intimidating, sharper. His eyelashes touched his face, the cigarette between his thin lips as he inhaled it, then exhaled it and it into the chilly air, as it flew up towards the blue moon.
"What are you doing here by yourself?" He broke the silence as he opened his eyes and met mine that were already on him. I quickly narrowed my gaze away from him as I got caught.
I just shrugged. "Drinking, thinking about life."
"What are you drinking?" He asked taking the alcohol from my hands as he sipped from it without my permission. He squinted at the taste of it as I watched him struggle. "Ew, how can you drink this?" He handed back the glass.
"It's like water for me, dude," I said sipping from it again.
I saw as he furrowed his brows. "Dude?" He gasped as he acted surprised his hands on his heart.
"So, we are friends now?" He asked.
"No, dude, we are not."
"What a shame, you have no idea what you're missing out on," he said with a slight giggle. He seemed drunk too. 
"Trust me I do know." I looked at him with a knowing smile. "Is your bike working still?" I asked him curious.
"Yes, it's better than before. I won already a few races with it." He said proudly. It was obvious how passionate he was about his bike and racing.
 "Why do you race?” I asked suddenly.
"I fell in love with bikes a long time ago, and when I discovered racing, I just couldn’t stop. Also, I need the money too.” He said his gaze on his hands.
"Will you tell me why? Or it’s still not my business?” I looked at him tilting my head.
His gaze remained averted as he said sincerely, “My mom needs it. The company she worked for let her go due to having too many employees. I want to support her until she finds a new job."
"That's really kind of you," I said sincerely. I would never have guessed that he needed the money for such reasons, rather than trouble with the law or something like that.
He just nodded as a comfortable silence fell on us. That I would've never imagined besides Kim Hongjoong.
"Do you want to shotgun?" He broke the silence again as I looked at him frowning. He seemed serious with his unserious question.
"Yeah, why not?" I answered and it surprised the both of us. I was just drunk and I was curious how his lips felt against mine.
Hongjoong chuckled at that, not waiting for agreement as an answer. He studied me thoughtfully, as if unsure whether I was serious. "Are you scared or something?" I teased, raising my eyebrows. 
"Not at all." Then I watched as he reached the cigarette between his fingers to his lips that slightly parted and inhaled the toxic smoke deeply, as it went straight into his lungs. Then he quickly leaned forward and cupped one side of my face under my jaw as his lips were almost touching mine. My heart rate was as high as the sky as I looked straight into his eyes when the smoke came out from his lips as he exhaled it straight into my parted mouth, his lips brushing against mine slightly.
At that moment I felt like my heart might just stop. Might just say “Hello I'm moving out because I can't handle this guy.” Something was weird in my chest, something that I couldn't name, couldn't compare. The smoke was long gone as I inhaled it deeply into my lungs as it disappeared there. But Hongjoong did not pull away and neither did I. We were just frozen as we were still looking into each other's eyes like we were locked there into a framed picture. Then Hongjoong's eyes narrowed from my eyes to my still parted lips as I breathed out, a barely visible smoke coming out. I saw in his eyes he was thinking about his next move a lot as he tried to close the distance between our lips and I just couldn't insist. Just until this weird bubble of ours exploded.
"Hongjoong." I heard a familiar voice coming from Hongjoong's side. It was my brother and I just wanted to dig myself deep into the soil. I wanted to be anywhere but there at that moment. Jongho approached us with a smile, his focus solely on Hongjoong. "Oh, you're not alone—sorry for interrupting," he said, lifting his hands in a gesture of apology. But as he took in the scene, he noticed me sitting next to Hongjoong. His expression shifted as he recognized me, his sister who had already played this game with him. I felt ashamed. Embarrassed. Jongho's smile just vanished, like it was never there. "You've got to be kidding me." He scoffed and then turned away from us walking towards the house madly.
"Fuck," I said standing up from the bench, where a frustrated Hongjoong was still sitting like he didn't know what to do.
"Go tell him that there's nothing between us and nothing ever will be," Hongjoong said his voice going quiet at the end. I won't say it didn't hurt. It did, but it was nothing compared to what I felt because of Jongho. Because he was disappointed in me again. My plan was not to make his life harder than it is. But I always failed and failed.
I chased after him, stumbling through a sea of unfamiliar and familiar faces, desperately trying to locate Jongho in the crowd. I felt like I was in a dark and all-the-time-changing maze. Then I went out the front door and I just saw Jongho heading towards his car.
"Jongho!" I screamed his name to stop. He did not stop.
"Jongho, please hear me out! It's not what it looks like!" I shouted after him, my voice breaking slightly.
Then he stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me with a furious expression his brows furrowed. "Don't tell me it's nothing when you just can't do other things than fucking with my best friends. So, when they are going to break your heart, I have to fucking choose between you or them. I'm sick. I'm sick of your games, Y/N.
I thought after San you learned your lesson, but I guess you are just into this shit of getting together with my best friends so in the end they are going to fucking disappear from my life for good after breaking your heart. I had enough of this shit. I won't repeat this scenario again…" Meanwhile, he spoke I was just frozen in place as tears rolled down my cheeks. I wanted to say a lot of things to him, to scream at him, Hongjoong meant nothing to me. But words just couldn't leave my mouth they were stuck in there, almost not letting me breathe.
"There's…there's nothing between Hongjoong and I, Jongho. I swear to God there's nothing." My voice came out weak as I somehow managed to let those words out that hurt like hell but history simply just couldn’t repeat itself.
He just looked at me like he couldn't believe me anymore but seemed like he accepted it for now. "Let's just go home." He sighed as he said.
I just nodded and sat in the back seat of his car as Jongho went back to get his girlfriend as well. The way home was silent as the only noise was the night radio that was playing some romantic melodies and my eyes averted in front where Jongho was holding his girlfriend's hands on the gear stick as they looked at each other sweetly for a moment. A few tears just flew down my cheeks because I thought I was never going to experience love that is not only one-sided. Love that is on the same level as mine. A partner in crime who calms you down in this cruel world. Love, love, love. I couldn't believe in experiencing true love for the rest of my life. I just simply gave up and signed up for the dark side.
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            Since that night, Jongho's behavior wasn’t the same. He was cold and barely talked to me. I couldn't blame him, because I truly deserved the silent treatment. Hongjoong did the same. He hadn't even come to Limitless since then and pretended like he wasn't about to kiss me that night. It was shit and I just wanted to forget it. Everything was good a few weeks ago. But Hongjoong needed to appear at my door to help him, then I needed to call my ex-boyfriend.
It seemed he took it as a sign that I might let him back. Because he was constantly annoying me, calling me at night drunk and telling me he was still loving me and shit. If he would've said this four months ago, I would've let him come back to me without any thought. But now it was different and I didn't even want to hear from him. Yes, I was scared a few weeks ago when I called him, because I was terrified, I might feel something for him still. I have to admit perhaps a part of me will always love him, it's the curse of a first love. But talking to him and even meeting with him, kind of led me to the conclusion that I was ready to let him go for good. It was for the better.
I was in the garage, sweeping the dusty concrete floor, ready to close Limitless for the night, when I heard a car's engine sound that stopped, then a knock on the garage door. I sighed again as I was the only one home for the night. I opened the door and I saw Choi San standing in the door with a flower bucket in his hands.
"San?" I was so confused, what the hell did he want from me?
"Hey, babe, brought you some flowers." He said casually leaving the flowers in my hands, as he stepped closer to me pecking my cheeks and letting himself inside. I was just too stunned by his actions; I scoffed in disbelief turning towards him where he plopped down on the couch.
"San what are you doing?"
"I came to see you. Is that a problem?" He asked like there wasn't a single problem with it.
"Yes! It is, what the hell are you thinking right now? I called you to do me a favor and now we are back together? Are you delusional?" I asked him getting more and more angry as I threw the flowers from my hands at the floor.
He looked down at the flowers and he seemed hurt at that. He stood up and started to walk slowly towards me. His expression changed entirely; it became serious like no one was allowed to speak to him like that. "I know you still love me, Y/N." His fingertips traced through my cheeks, looking almost psychotically at me.
"No, I don't love you anymore! Just get the fuck out of here I don't want to see you San!" My voice raised as I pointed towards the door putting a little distance between us.
He tilted his head to the side still looking at me. He looked like a tiger that was going to hunt you down in a blink of an eye. He started to step closer to me as I stepped back. We played this game until I was pushed against the wall, his broad figure hovering over me. That was the moment I felt terrified. I was caged in between his arms; I had no way out of there.
"Stop lying to yourself and come back to me, babe." His fingertips were tracing down my neck, then up to my lips, my cheeks, like I was an art in a museum and I was allowed to be touched. My body started to tremble.
"San, please just go away!" I sounded desperate like I would've done anything for him to leave.
"What if I don’t want to, my love?" He smiled at me with an evil smile I just couldn't think anymore.
"Get your hands off her, San!" A familiar voice came from behind San when all I saw was him being dragged away from me, as I finally was able to breathe. I saw Hongjoong's figure as he held San by the collar of his shirt. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Hongjoong hissed through his teeth.
"It's none of your fucking business, Hongjoong. What? Did you two fuck? Does Jongho know?" San sneered his only intent to provoke. The words struck a nerve in Hongjoong, and before I knew it, he landed a punch squarely on San's face, nearly knocking him to the ground.
"Fuck you, San. You're a fucking nobody. Why can't you just leave Y/N alone? Hasn't she suffered enough because of you?" Hongjoong spat, pointing at me as if I were just an object, devoid of emotions. But his words hit home, and I was taken aback by how much he seemed to understand my feelings. 
San just spat blood on the floor as he lurked forward and sent Hongjoong to the floor and he started to punch him. But Hongjoong was quick and prevented San from hitting him more in the face and quickly turned them around, so now Hongjoong was on top, hitting San in the face with his full power. "You fucking bastard, Jongho trusted you but you betrayed him. What is wrong with you? I don't recognize you anymore." Hongjoong mumbled in between hitting San, then he just held down San's arms strongly and looked down at him with a furious expression. Then San taking advantage of this, tried to hit Hongjoong again, but he dodged quickly.
"You guys left me alone, I knew I wasn't welcomed there, so I didn't go." San gritted through his bloody teeth as he dodged one of Hongjoong's hits.
 I knew the fight wasn't just about me. They were friends as well, but San became so arrogant everyone started to leave him.
Along the way, everything happened so quickly I couldn't react in time. When I realized what was happening, I went next to them and yelled as much as I could. "Stop fighting for fuck's sake!" I pleaded. "Please, Hongjoong…" My voice became softer as I placed a hand on his shoulder. His fist hung in the air, but he froze, glancing up at me. The skin around his left eye was already reddening, a cut had opened on his right brow, and blood began to trickle down, matching the wound on his lower lip. I just couldn’t look at San's face because I knew he was covered in blood just like Hongjoong's fist that was full of San's blood.
Hongjoong stood up and lifted San. "Get the fuck out of here and I don't want to hear from you again!" Hongjoong stated to his once best friend as San just left without any words, but I saw in his face a burning desire for revenge in his eyes. And I knew it wasn't the last time we saw him.
"Are you okay?" Hongjoong then suddenly cupped my face, his sweet scent embracing me. My body was still shaking, I just couldn't believe that was the man I loved so deeply. San showed a new side of him and I just couldn't recognize him anymore.
I breathed out slowly as I closed my eyes for a second, taking in the warmth of Hongjoong's hands. "Yeah…" I whispered as I held his hands to push him away. I walked to the closet again, like we were at the beginning, and took the first aid kit. Hongjoong was just looking at me the whole time and when I signaled him to sit down on the couch, he obeyed without a word. He leaned down on the way to take his black cap from the ground that he lost between fighting with San, he wore the cap backward, pushing his red hair back from his forehead. He was wearing a black and white T-shirt with grey sweatpants and white sneakers. He sat down and I followed him as I opened the box. History repeats itself.
We were quiet the whole time as I traced the cotton with the liquid on his eyebrows as he just stared into my eyes the whole time not even hissing from the pain. Then I went down to his thin rosy lips the blood already dried.
"You always take such good care of me..." Hongjoong whispered, his gaze locked on mine, his red hair damp and clinging to his forehead.
"Because you need to be taken care of. You're like a child," I teased, a small smile forming on my lips as he pouted slightly in response. 
Then I looked down at his hands and lifted it between us as I traced the cotton on his bloody knuckles as well. The air between us was thick and the tension was growing higher and higher.      
Hongjoong looked down at our hands and without any thought he took the cotton from my hands, putting it down, then his hands traveled to my waist and lifted me to straddle his lap. My body felt hot and as I looked into his eyes, I felt woozy like I was drunk suddenly. I couldn't think clearly, my hands were on his shoulders and the eye contact was so deep I found myself in Hongjoong's mind and him in mine. Then I bit my lips because I felt so nervous I felt like it was the first time someone ever touched me. His eyes averted to my lips then his hands on my waist that pulled me closer to him left burning flames behind, making my body catch on fire from the sudden desire I felt. Then he leaned his forehead against mine as we both breathed heavily. Both our desires were blocked by an important reason. We both closed our eyes taking the other's presence in.
"We can't do this Joong," I whispered as my lips almost brushed his.
"I know," His lips were even closer as he almost whispered it into my mouth.
We breathed heavily against each other's lips, our chests moving in synchrony, our eyes taking in the other as we both saw the burning desire in each other's eyes. I fought so hard against this feeling, and so did Hongjoong. But…
"Fuck it!" He said as his lips crashed against mine suddenly and the air from my lungs was suddenly knocked out as I started to move my lips against his. It was rushed, harsh, teeth and tongue tangling with each other, as his hands traveled down my thighs, tracing them slowly as they went back to my ass, as he pushed me closer to himself.
My breath caught in my throat as he groaned, sinking his teeth into my already bruised lips from the rough kisses. My sanity just left my body and I gave in to the desire I felt towards him. But then…something hit me in the gut a feeling that was called guilt. And I pushed Hongjoong away my hands on his chest.
"Let's stop, please. I can't do this." Suddenly my eyes watered from the emotions that were bombarding my already breaking walls. I knew I wanted him, but I just couldn’t. The thought of seeing the disappointment in Jongho's eyes again held me back.
"Y/N…" He whispered as he leaned his head against mine.
"No, Hongjoong. I don't want to run through the same road once again…" I said as I stood up from his lap, it felt like I left a part of me with him.
He stood up too and took my hands into his. "I want you, Y/N. You have no idea how much..." His voice seemed desperate and honest.
"You were the one who told me to tell Jongho that there's nothing between us and never will be," I said, pulling my hands away from his. "And you were right—there is nothing, and there never will be. We both knew it; we just didn’t want to admit it." 
"Jongho would understand it." Hongjoong seemed hopeful, but I long lost my hope along the way.
"No, he wouldn't. He is just afraid he might lose another friend because of me. And he is right. It might be that just desire speaks from you…" I looked down at my hands, not daring to look into his sharp eyes that changed all of a sudden.
"How the hell do you know what I feel when I didn't even have the chance to tell you?" Hongjoong stepped closer to me and lifted my head holding my chin. "Look at me and tell me you don't feel anything towards me and I'm walking out of that door." He stated as my eyes locked with his. I wanted to cry so bad, he couldn't say that, he couldn't just tell me to choose between him and my brother. I just looked at him as my eyes watered.
"Or do you still love that fucker who hurt you?" His expression turned furious as his fingers around my chin tightened.
I simply couldn't say anything, I tried, I tried to say anything, to say no I hated San with my whole heart, and yes, I felt something whenever I looked at him. I felt my stomach twist and like my heart wanted to stop all the time. But I just couldn't say anything, I went silent as he read my eyes that probably didn't say the things that I wanted to tell him, because he scoffed, his eyes dark with fury as he looked into mine one last time. "You're a fucking coward." Then, he turned and slammed the door shut.
Those words pierced right into my heart, reopening the cracks that had just begun to heal. My heart shattered again into pieces of hopelessness because he was right. I was a coward.
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I felt like I was a robot that was programmed to do some things. My feelings were long gone and I wasn't myself these past days. Jongho was still kind of ignoring me, we were working together but the communication was shallow between us. Hongjoong was in the garage a lot recently. It turned out he was working in the garage, helping for Jongho, so I didn't have to help that much. It seemed like they both wanted to close me out and it hurt. So much I couldn't even think. Hongjoong didn't even look at me whenever I was in the garage like I didn't even exist. So, I just let it go, I figured they didn't need me in their life as their friendship was so much more important than me. I accepted it, I let them be and I started to deal with my own problems. For example, studying. My dream was always to be a doctor after my mother died from a cruel disease. But as our father left us, Limitless was left for us to handle. So, I left my dreams behind and started to work in the garage. Working on cars is a lot like being a doctor. As a car mechanic, I diagnose and fix problems with vehicles, much like a doctor diagnosing and treating diseases. It's about diagnosing the issue, repairing the damage, and putting everything back together. 
I started to go to a class that trained nurses. I had to start somewhere and I liked it. Jongho didn't even know about it. I started to question his behavior. We didn't even speak with Hongjoong yet he still closed me out like I wasn't even his beloved sister.
Weeks later I had enough of Jongho ignoring me so I had to speak with him. I went downstairs on a Friday night when I saw Jongho and Hongjoong fixing a black Maserati, that was lifted to the air.
I approached them. "Jongho, can we talk?" He looked surprised by the voice coming from behind. He was wearing a blue overall, his chubby cheeks a little smashed with oil. Then I narrowed my eyes at Hongjoong who was wearing the same blue overall with a black T-shirt, his face full of black patches, the usual black cap on his head turned backward.
"Yeah, give me five minutes." His hands were behind the car's tire as he was searching for something behind.
I just nodded and sat on the couch to wait for him. I just wanted to tell him that to stop this childish behavior because I won't steal his best friend, and it was supposed to be clear for now.
As I was sitting on the couch lost in my thoughts, I felt as if someone had come into the garage. I lifted my head and it was San. My heart started to beat fast as my body shivered remembering the last time I saw San. His face seemed normal; it didn't seem like he came to get some revenge because of what happened. His face screamed that he felt guilty about it.
"Y/N, can we talk?" He asked as he didn't even dare to come close to me.
Two heads peeped out under the car hearing the voice of someone. When Hongjoong saw who was it, he quickly swooped forward and pushed San against the wall grabbing the collar of his shirt. "How the fuck do you dare to come back here?" He hissed through his teeth his face close to San's.
"Fuck off you dog!" San pushed him away by the chest. Then I quickly slipped between them facing San.
"What do you want San?" My voice came out straightforward not even trembling for a second.
"I want to talk to you and apologize, please Y/N." His eyes were soft and he seemed desperate.
"What the hell is happening here?" Jongho's voice came from behind as he wiped his hands with a used cloth.
San's gaze locked with Jongho's. The once best friends were now at the same place and I felt like I shouldn't be there. "I just want to talk with Y/N, that's all," San said his voice low and determined as his gaze never left Jongho's.
"She’s not going with you!" Jongho stated firmly.
"That’s not up to you," San retorted flatly.
"She won’t go with you," Hongjoong’s voice cut in sharply.
"Stop talking like I'm not fucking here," I snapped, glaring at the three of them. "You all need to sort this out because you're acting like children. It's pathetic." I pointed at them, my frustration growing. "Let’s go, San!" I grabbed his hands and tugged him away.
"Y/N! Don't you fucking dare to go with him!" To my surprise, it was Hongjoong's voice. I stopped in my tracks at that.
"Or what? What are you going to do?" I looked at him questioningly. "Are you going to beat him again?" Jongho's brows furrowed at that.
Hongjoong looked speechless. "That is what I thought," Then I turned to leave him there with Jongho so he could explain what he did.
I sat in San's car and told him to take me away from there. I was just so mad at my brother, at Hongjoong, I couldn't even look at their faces anymore.
San took me to a random park, we didn't even have any connection with the place. He could've taken me to the place that was our favorite to go together, but he didn't. The reason was because we both sought closure and it needed a new place. So, we sat down on a bench and we talked about how we felt. He asked for an apology from me and I accepted it because there was no point in tiring the other out. We both needed to move on and this talk helped us go through it. It wasn't good when we broke up and it affected our friends too. I wanted San back in our friend group because he deserved to be there. And I knew the others wanted him to come back as well. Lastly, I hugged San and we both agreed on a distanced friendship. As I prepared to step out of his car, parked in front of Limitless, I noted that it was already late into the night. I suggested to San to talk with Jongho and even Hongjoong because their friendship needed fixing—these guys could fix any cars and bikes but they couldn't fix their friendship…
After talking with San, I headed upstairs, passing by a concerned Hongjoong who scanned me with his eyes, checking for any signs of injury. Then I encountered a furious Jongho, who I assumed was aware of the confrontation between San and Hongjoong. I chose to ignore both of them, closing the door behind me with a weary sigh. 
After speaking with San my head was a little clearer as I finally felt like I could think clearly and analyze the emotions I felt. My feelings towards San were deep but I could find the bottom of it, it was clear to me now that it had an ending. We just weren't meant to be and it had to happen like this. We can learn even from the heartbreaks; it makes us stronger and more experienced if we get into a new relationship.
Then Hongjoong came into my mind and I wanted to face the fact I did feel something for him, I couldn't deny that. It's hard to say but these emotions towards Hongjoong were deeper than what I felt for San, it almost felt endless, like it had no bottom. And I would've never imagined one day I'm going to say something like this.
But I might have fallen for Kim Hongjoong.
After what felt like an eternity, being drowned in my thoughts, I heard a low knock on my door as I was sitting in my bed and Jongho's head peeped into my room.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," He sat down on my bed and started to adjust the sheets carefully avoiding my eyes.
"Hongjoong told me some things…" He started. "Why didn't you tell me about San?" His brown eyes met mine.
"There was no point, Hongjoong was there at the right time, it happened and that's all. You ignored me anyway so…" I shrugged.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I was just so frustrated at the thought we have to go through the same road as half a month ago." His eyes were sincere and emotional.
"I get it, seriously. But after you saw we didn't even talk with Hongjoong you still ignored me. Why?"
He just shrugged. "I still thought something was happening behind my back…even though you didn't show it in front of me, I just felt it."
Guilt crept up my body. "Actually—" I wanted to tell him. No more secrets.
"I know. Hongjoong told me everything." He didn’t let me say anything.
My heart started to race I analyzed his face, searching for some signs of anger. But there was none. "Aren't you like…mad?"
He sighed as he ran his fingers through his brown hair. "No, I—Look I'm not mad, Y/N, I never was. I just wanted to protect you from another heartbreak. I just wanted to act like your big brother who protects you from anything…" He looked down at his hands, he looked so small like this.
"Jongho…" I reached for his hands and took it into mine. "I know you want to protect me; you really did our whole life and I am so grateful for that. But…you can't save me from the feelings I feel and the heartbreaks that are written for me. And I know that your friends are in this story and that is also a sensitive topic. But I didn't mean to fall in love with both of your best friends." Tears welled up in my eyes as this sentence sounded too deep and fragile. "I—I never said you had to choose between me and your friends and I would never ask you that. I would be glad if San would come back to our friend group like in the old days. It would be weird but it's not like I can't be in the same place with him.
"Okay, not anymore…but we talked and we are fine now. At least we can tolerate each other."
Jongho seemed like he was proud of me for being so collected.
"I'm going to talk with San, I promise," he said earnestly. "And about Hongjoong… I won’t get in your way. If you two have feelings for each other, then I shouldn’t stop you just because I’m afraid of losing you and my friends." Jongho spoke with a vulnerability that made his eyes well up, revealing his emotional struggle. 
"You won't lose us. We are always going to be by your side, this way or another but you can't get rid of us." I pulled him closer as I hugged him strongly.
"I would never want to. I love you!" Jongho whispered as the room slowly embraced in darkness.
"I love you too, and thank you!"
"You should talk to him."
"Where is he?" I asked.
"He has an important race and he was so stressed when he left. I didn't want to admit it but I think he needs you." Jongho said as his lips curved up a little as I stood up. I quickly walked towards my closet to get my black leather jacket as I was wearing black ripped jeans with a black top.
I hugged Jongho one last time before I stepped out of my room to run to my car and get to Hongjoong before he started the race.     
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When I arrived at the location Jongho told me the race was going to be held, it was full of people. It was at the top of a huge parking lot in the heart of the city, where they could easily run speeding races. I was amused by how they held something illegal in this part of the city. We were late into the night already as the city lights were shining from up above. Colorful and upgraded cars were parked, and people looking at them like they were a work of art as I passed by them. Then there was a part where only motorbikes were and after parking my car, I walked towards it as I took my surroundings in. The music was beating through my heart as I walked past a car that had installed subwoofers. Everything was strange for me but I always wanted to come to races like these, it had a quite good atmosphere, and everyone seemed excited for the upcoming race.
I reached the motorbikes, there were a few types of bikes standing. They were so beautifully shaped and the colors highlighted its sharp features. I was searching for Hongjoong's red Honda in the eternity of bikes. I looked around, my eyes narrowing through the people who passed by me when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I saw Hongjoong in front of me as he led us to a quieter place, which was the end of the parking lot.
He stopped and turned to face me. "What are you doing here?" He looked stressed like he didn't know where his head was. "You have to get away from here, it's dangerous here Y/N!" He snapped his head from the crowd back to me, looking like a maniac with his wide pupils and eyes nearly completely black. He wore ripped blue jeans and a leather jacket, his red hair disheveled from frequent, stressed attempts to comb it through.
"I came to watch you race and I wanted to talk to you." I stepped closer to him. I needed to calm him down.
He froze at that. "About what?"
"About us."
The crowd was cheering loudly when he said. "I have to go." He looked behind me at the crowd and then back at me like he didn't know what to do.
"Then go!" I nudged him.
He still wasn't himself as he just nodded his lips in a thin line. I stepped closer to him and looked up at him my eyes beaming sincerity. I brushed a red hair string away from his forehead as I whispered close to his lips. "Win this for me." Then I leaned closer to his face and left a sealing kiss on his parted lips. This seemed to bring back Hongjoong to the real world because his eyes were now full of sincere emotions and the burning desire that almost lit his eyes up.
"I will." Then he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close to his body, his other hand cupping one side of my face as he crushed our lips into a quick chaste kiss, as he kissed me passionately telling me everything, he couldn't with it. Then he slightly pulled away leaving one little peck on my lips as he leaned his forehead against mine.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N…the things I said…" He whispered against my lips.
"Go, Hongjoong!" I chuckled and pushed him by his chest as he didn't want to release me.
"Okay," He left one last kiss on my mouth. "Wait for me, I have a race to win for my princess." He smiled at me, and there was the Hongjoong that finally didn't seem lost. He was full of life and that made my heart full with fuel that is never going to run out.
I stood beside the starting line, watching as Hongjoong pulled up on his dark red bike. His black helmet was on, but I could still feel his intense gaze piercing through it as he twisted the throttle, preparing to race against the competitor beside him. Then the guy in the middle counted back and all I saw was smoke that came from their tires. Whoever was faster won. It seemed like the guy was faster than Hongjoong at first and my heart was racing along with Hongjoong as I prayed for him to win this. Then it seemed this was all the guy could pull out from his bike because Hongjoong flew through the finish line in a blink of an eye.
 I saw as he stopped and bumped his fist into the air. I smiled he looked so cool from far away. As Hongjoong turned to come back to me on his bike, red and blue lights started to blind the people who were standing on the roof of a parking lot. The police were here.
I started to look around because I lost Hongjoong as the crowd started to run haphazardly panicking not to be caught by the police. Then a familiar bike pulled next to me and I felt relieved as Hongjoong offered his hand with a helmet. I saw his sharp eyes as he lifted the visor of his helmet, the red and blue lights dancing on his face.
"Come on, princess," He mumbled through his helmet. I accepted his inviting hand and took the helmet as I settled behind him on the bike. Hongjoong took my hand and pulled me close to his back as I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head on his shoulder. I smiled even though we probably needed to get away from there as soon as we could. But it was an adventure just as everything with Hongjoong. I knew if he was there with me, life just couldn't be boring.
Hongjoong rolled through the people carefully and when we managed to get out of the parking lot where I saw the police caught a few people, we finally speeded through the highway. The city lights faded into one thin line as we passed by the big buildings. I never felt this free, I suddenly understood why was Hongjoong so passionate about biking. It gave you the free will, the power to just disappear between the city lights. As we speeded through the highway, I raised one of my hands into the chilly air and chuckled. I just felt so happy the world just stopped for a moment and it was just only us; Hongjoong, the bike, and me. I looked up at the sky, where one side of it was black as the night and the other side was a shade of orange as the sun just started to rise. It was so beautiful.
When Hongjoong stopped at a parking lot as we passed some mountains and drove through some windings the view was more beautiful. Mesmerizing if I may say so. It's hard to describe something like this. We were in the middle of a mountain and at the edge of it all I could see were clouds. The city was covered in white clouds, the sky still painted bright yellow and orange, with a little hint of red that reminded me of Hongjoong's hair. It was like we were three meters above the sky.
We were still sitting on Hongjoong's bike both of us were just mesmerized by the view, only bothered to take off the helmet as we switched places and Hongjoong hugged me from behind, his head on top of mine as I leaned against his chest, his legs were balancing the both of us on the bike. We were sitting there in a comfortable silence as we took in the view in from of us, melting into each other’s presence. Hongjoong nudged me to get off the bike, helping me dismount before stepping off himself. He took my hands in his, lifting them to his mouth to place a gentle kiss on my knuckles. 
"Forgive me for being an asshole. I just—after our kiss…but to be honest way before that…I just couldn't get you out of my mind." He stated sincerely as his eyes sparkled with hope. "When I saw, what San was doing to you, I could have killed him right there. But even after everything, you still went with him yesterday. I'm not going to pretend it didn’t hurt, but I guess I deserved it..." He looked down at our hands, gently tracing my knuckles with his fingers.
"I needed closure, Joong. I couldn’t move on until everything with San was cleared up. That’s why I needed to talk with him. It’s done now." Hongjoong lifted his head, a sense of relief evident on his face. "And about Jongho…" 
"I talked with him, I told everything to him, about the fight with San, about our kiss afterward, that I have feelings for you, I told everything and he understood it." He seemed desperate, afraid of me stepping back again because of my brother.
"I talked with him too. He told me to go to your race because you needed me." I smiled sheepishly looking at our hands. Suddenly I felt as my cheeks started to blush.
 "He was right. My mind was a mess. I wasn’t sure if I could win this." He admitted.
"Did you like it?" He asked with a beaming smile, his perfect-white teeth showing. 
"Very much," I said feeling excited as I smiled. "But it was better riding with you through the city."
"Yeah?" He stepped closer to me as he hovered over me, his hands on my waist as he turned me to lean against his bike that was standing still. "Do you want to repeat it?" He asked as he leaned down his lips brushing slightly against mine.
"Definitely," I started looking up at him with sparkling eyes.
"Anything for my princess." His lips curled up as I rolled my eyes at the nickname, but I didn't have the time to complain as his lips were on mine in no time. It felt so good and so right. The passion I felt towards Hongjoong was beyond the universe. His lips moved against mine as I wrapped my hands around his neck, my fingers traveling up on his nape into his red strings as I brushed my fingers through it. He deepened the kiss by cupping one side of my face into his hand and lifting my head so he had better access. Sudden fireworks erupted in my chest, the burning desire igniting and exploding within my heart. Then his hands traveled down to my thighs as he traced his hands through them, then to the back of my thighs as he slowly lifted me to his bike so I was at the same height level as him. I wrapped my legs around his torso as his lips still moved against mine. I couldn't breathe anymore but I just couldn't stop because it was addicting kissing him, I felt like I never wanted to stop because if I did, I might disappear. It didn't feel real. He groaned lowly when his tongue got free access into my mouth, discovering every inch of my mouth. His hands were on my waist holding me still, afraid of falling off his bike. When he finally pulled away, after what felt like an eternity but still wasn’t long enough, he rested his forehead against mine and whispered. 
"Let me take care of you now. Let me give you what you deserve."             
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(Ateez masterlist)
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bimbo-baggins17 · 19 days
HEYYY!! I hope you’re doing okay and that both sides of your pillows are cold <3 I watched Higher Ground recently and I am so obsessed over Scott who is literally the same as Sam so could you do something with the both of them? SMUTTY if not that’s completely fine have good day/nighr!
Literally you’re in my messages too. You gotta be. This is insaneeeeee. But thank you lovely <3 I hope you enjoy this:) it’s def not my best work tho.
Credit to whoever originally said Sam and Scott were brothers <3 idk who but if you do tag them!
“Oh fuck, Scotty. Right there..” You moan as your boyfriend pounds into you from behind, your arms trembling as they keep you up. He grips your hips tightly, pulling you back to meet his thrusts.
Scott brings a hand down and slaps your ass cheek, watching as the fat ripples. “Shit. So tight.”
The bed creaks under you both with each snap of his hips. The sound catches Sam’s attention across the hall. In Scott’s defense, he thought he was home alone.
Sam could guess what was happening but he still wanted to see for himself. He quietly steps out of his room, silently he turns the doorknob of Scott’s bedroom door and cracks it open.
Immediately Sam feels himself get rock hard in his pants. You’re on all fours, your back arched as his brother fucks you from behind. He doesn’t get a full view, just angled from the side but he could see enough. He reaches down into his pants, wrapping a hand around his cock, starting to pump his himself.
“Shit…” Scott groans. “..’m getting close.”
Your eyes flutter open and land on Sam in the doorway and they widen immediately. “Oh my god.” You breathe out.
“Yeah? You like that?”
“What the fuck?” Scott scoffs thinking you’re calling him by his brother’s name instead, his hips slowing.
You shake your head, “No..Sam..door..”
“Huh?” Scott follows where you’re looking and sees what you mean, Sam’s eyes widening further being caught like that, stopping the movement of his hand. “Dude! What the fuck??” But he doesn’t stop fucking into you despite seeing Sam’s hand in his pants. “Get out of here you fucking perv!”
You shake your head, “W-wait..let..let him stay.”
Scott’s eyebrows knit together, looking at you. “What? You want him to watch?” Sam’s just as surprised to hear what you say. Slowly he starts pumping his shaft again.
This time you nod in answer to his question, your pussy squeezing tighter around Scott’s cock.
“Fuck you’re a slut.” He grits out but doesn’t argue.
Sam takes the opening he’s presented with and steps into Scott’s room the rest of the way, shutting the door behind him. He quickly undoes his pants and shimmys his boxers down enough so his cock is freed. He spits into his palm and collects the precum from his tip before jerking himself again. “Fuck.”
“Sam..C’mere..” You breathe out.
His eyebrows shoot in, his hand slowing before he’s obliging your request. He comes to where you’re at, your head at the foot of Scott’s bed. You reach out, wrapping a hand around his cock, guiding it to your mouth.
Sam couldn’t believe what was happening. He lets out a low groan as he feels you envelope him into your warm mouth. It felt like heaven to him and he understood why his brother constantly ran back to you no matter how many times he broke it off with you and swore he wouldn’t go back an umpteenth time. His fingers curl into your hair, gripping tightly onto the strands.
Scott was too focused on his need to cum to really care that you were sucking his freak brother off. Each time he thrusted into you, it pushed Sam’s cock further down your throat.
Your boyfriend fucks you stupid, hitting the right spot, causing you to pull your mouth off of Sam, unable to do much.
He’s frustrated as his rapidly approaching high is cut off. “Come back.” He rasps before he grips your hair and forces his dick back into your mouth, roughly fucking your throat, not caring as you sputter and gasp around it.
Scott continues to thrust into your tight hole from behind rapidly, his sack slapping against your clit. The sound of skin hitting skin mixes with the sounds of you choking on his twin’s shaft.
Both boys chase their highs, using you and taking what they want. Their moans blend together. The only difference is Sam is more whinier.
You feel Scott’s cock twitching in you, giving away to how close he was. You do your best to rock back against him as Sam keeps abusing your throat.
Scott pounds harshly into you a couple more times before he buries himself all the way in, cumming into you, Sam reaches his release in your mouth a few seconds later. You’re filled with both brothers’ hot cum in both ends.
Sam and Scott stay plugged in you for another few seconds, making sure you take every last drop. Sam slips out first, pinching your cheeks to see his cum on your tongue before allowing you to swallow.
You whimper feeling Scott slip out after, his cum dripping out of your still spasming hole.
Scott looks up at his brother, “Switch?”
And that’s how you end up spending the next few hours, tagged team by them both.
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frannyzooey · 1 year
Short Days, Long Nights: 5
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Joel Miller x f!reader
Rating: Explicit (some desperate stuff right here people)
A/N: An endless and forever thank you to @mourningbirds1 for being exactly who she is and for being so patient with me. ❤
Summer comes, and you ache for the man across the hall. 
It’s been almost a month since he kissed you — a month — and you’re starting to wonder if it was real, save for the way you can feel it vividly when you seek relief with your own fingers. Waiting until he’s hunting or during the dead of night, you slip them south and swirl with practiced, efficient pressure, muffling the sounds you make so he can’t hear you with your door open the way he insists. 
You bite back the cry that gathers in your throat when you come knowing he would do it so much better than you. You know, because you’ve become obsessed with his hands. 
He won’t touch you — not like he did at the lake, or on the couch — and you can’t stop yourself from watching his hands touch everything else: handling his gun as he cleans it, the ease of his knife as he prepares dinner, mending the clothes line outside when it becomes warm enough to start drying items out there. 
He fixed up a rain barrel for the garden, helped you measure and stake lines into the ground for the plants to climb and all the while, you watched his thick, competent fingers. Calloused and rough, his hands are so broad you can still remember the way your fingers barely spread enough to fit between his and when you close your eyes during the peak of your pleasure, you imagine his hand replacing yours.  
He told you he worked in construction, and it makes more sense now, the way he knows the build of things. He also told you about where he came from (Austin, Texas), what he did there (contractor), let it slip that he had a brother (Tommy). You didn’t ask him about why he called for his brother in his sleep once you knew who he was calling for, or what he wanted Tommy to help him with though. Those were topics you knew instinctively to avoid, and given the way he acted the last time you asked him if he wanted to talk about it, you didn’t dare bring it up. 
Nights in the QZ spent smuggling under the cover of darkness replaced by nights spent keeping watch when you were traveling, he now spends them reading. Another trek over to the other cabin with you to collect things he missed before, you had carried home a sack full of paperbacks and he’s amassed a library of sorts on his bedside table, something that makes you smile every time you see it. 
He tells you about those too: westerns mostly, a couple of thrillers, one family saga that he didn’t get through; his words spilling out into the peaceful forest and into your ears, like he couldn’t stop once he started. 
You’ve learned a lot about him in the last few weeks, but you want to learn so much more. 
A live wire every time you’re in his presence, your palms itch with the want to map the planes of his body, your lips longing for his. You study the lines of his body out of the corner of your eye every chance you get until you have his image burned into your memory for recall at night: the swirls of his dark hair peppered with gray, the fit of his t-shirts around his shoulders, the crinkles that surround his eyes when he smiles. You caught him grooming one day in the mirror, and for some reason, that’s one of the images that you think about the most: the meticulous way he trimmed his mustache; the careful, focused look on his face, the bunched, taut muscles in his arms as his hand held the scissors. 
It’s the worst though when he works in the garden.
Always ending up in a simple white cotton shirt, the material is form fitting and thin, molding to the dip of his collarbones and dampening with sweat down the middle of his back. Your mouth waters every time you see him strip his top layer off, unveiling the undershirt he prefers to work in. 
His hands still have something to do with it – those hands, working open a button at a time until he peels away the flannel to throw it carelessly in the grass, the short hem of his sleeves only serving to highlight his biceps even more. 
It’s almost indecent, the image, but it’s definitely indecent the way you think about it later.
The same white cotton that has been seared into the back of your eyes is soft in your hands, when you take the laundry to the river. Hidden under a blend of your clothes in the basket, you take it out and steal a glance over your shoulder towards the cabin. 
He’s not there, and looking around for a moment to make sure he’s not in your sightline either, you press the cotton to your face and inhale, closing your eyes. It smells so strongly of him, his sweat and skin and scent pressed into the fabric and it brings you back to the couch, when his face was next to yours. 
Your thighs buckle slightly (his mouth moving against yours), arousal blossoming bright as it floods between them (his hold on your cheek, the low hum of satisfaction he let out). Kneeling along the embankment, cold water seeps through the knees of your jeans and brings you back to the shore. 
Fighting the urge to bring it back to your room for safekeeping under your pillow, you pull it away from your face and submerge it into the water, watching it slowly sink.  
It’s near suffocating, his want for you. 
He should just give in, but with every day that passes, the possibility of it moves further away. 
Your softness, the curving slopes of your body, your voice. Every scattered item of your belongings left around the cabin a reminder of you, it haunts him all.
You’re there during the day, the water of the creek molding the front of your wet shirt to your body while you do laundry. During the afternoon, a peek of your tailbone leading to the curve of your ass as you kneel on all fours in the garden. During the evening, your features softened by lantern light and your skin luminous and inviting, like velvet. 
During the night, arching beneath him in his dreams. 
He finds relief when he goes hunting, his bow discarded on the grass as his hand braces on a tree, his other stroking in rapid, firm pumps. The arousal in his gut is ever present, his cock half hard all the time and he grips the rough bark with a white knuckled hold when he comes, seed spilling onto the leaves below. 
Every day. Every day he does this, unable to focus on anything else until he does - and even then, it’s hard. 
He’s been tempted to do it while in bed at night, but he can’t quite bring himself to. The need to be quiet reminds him too much of adolescent anxiety and besides, he can’t shake the feeling that you would be able to hear him should he do it.
He thinks you might, because he can hear you after all, in the other room. 
He hears your sheets rustle in the darkness, the springs of your mattress when you shift in bed. He can’t help the twitch he feels underneath his pajama pants at the sound and it shouldn’t be lewd, but somehow knowing you’re in there makes it so. His eyes staring up at his ceiling, he thinks about your twin bed tucked into the corner, the way he’d have to press close to fit in with you, the sounds the bed would make after that.
And so he’s begun reading, to distract himself. 
At first, he tried doing it with you in the room, but he couldn’t stop the words from blurring, his mind focused instead on your presence. There was a tangible weight between the two of you, one he couldn’t ignore and when he found himself glancing above the top of the book at your face more than he was actually turning the pages, he started reading elsewhere. 
On the stoop outside, down by the water, in his bed propped against the headboard.
He spends more time doing it now than he ever has, now that he’s got the time. Never really did before with a new baby and then a kid to raise on his own and then…everything else. Never really wanted to after that, choosing instead to work himself to exhaustion in order to sleep or having no choice in the matter just to survive. 
He does like it, but besides that, he knows what he would do if he allowed himself to put the book down. 
He tries to distract himself in other ways too: checking the traps every day, keeping up with hunting, helping you repair anything that needs it around the cabin with the materials he has. He stays busy because this is more peace than he’s known in a long time, and he also can’t stop worrying about when the peace will break. All good things must come to an end, especially in this life where the good things almost never get a chance to take root in the first place.
With every day that you make this place a home for the two of you, he already mourns the day that it will come to pass and so in the meantime, he takes what he can, when he can convince himself to take it. 
Everything he can, except you. 
Clouds darken and gather in the distance, the damp smell of impending rain permeating the air and you stand on the porch, your teeth worrying at your bottom lip. Not for the first time since this all began, you wish you had a reliable way to tell the weather. Sometimes it’s nice, never knowing what the day will bring, a certain sort of peace that comes with being forced to take each day as it is without worrying about how to prepare for it – but mostly, it’s a nuisance. 
“It start yet?” he asks, and the question makes you glance over your shoulder at him as he comes out to join you. 
“No, not yet.”
His eyes scan the yard, an unconscious action that you don’t think he’ll ever be able to stop and when they land on your face, he frowns. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Your lip tells me it’s somethin’.” 
He nods at the way you’re biting it, his eyes lingering there and you let it go. 
“I know it seems dumb, but I’m worried about them.”
“About who?”
You gesture at the garden, and his eyebrows raise as he lets out a chuckle. “The plants?”
They are more than just seeds now – delicate, tender alive things that burst from the soil in neat rows, climbing the threads he’s hung. Their vines wind around the stakes in their search for light, their creeping leaves fanning out as they face up towards the sun. You created those, and you’re protective of them: check on them every morning, afternoon and night. They need to work, in order for this to work, and so you bite your lip again, pulling it into your mouth. 
“Stop,” he soothes. His hand comes to rest reassuringly on your shoulder, the familiar weight of it making your heart pick up. “It’s rained before, honey. It’ll be fine.” 
Honey — that was new, the nickname. Started calling you that after you decided you couldn’t learn to hunt because you didn’t want to see the animal suffer. 
“You’re too sweet. Sweet as honey.”
You thought he would mind after the way he originally insisted on you learning, but were surprised when he didn’t push it. He just accepted it, and the action had made you come to a conclusion in the middle of the night after thinking about it for a couple of days: Joel liked having someone to take care of. 
It seemed to be his driving force, his purpose and shed new color on every thing he’s done for you since you met him. You liked the idea of belonging to him enough that he felt he needed to care for you, but with every day that passed since the kiss, you had begun to wonder if that was why he wasn’t touching you: this sense of responsibility where you were concerned.
Somehow that made you want him more, if more was even possible. 
Honey. His southern accent gave way to nicknames, that’s what you told yourself. It didn’t mean anything, but it didn’t stop you from inwardly preening every time he said it, like the sun itself was shining on your leaves. 
“Don’t worry about them. They’ll be fine. Rain’ll be good for ‘em.” 
You nod, knowing he’s right but when the distant rumble of thunder echoes through the trees, you look up at the sky, your eyes searching. You can feel the weight of his gaze on your profile, his eyes slowly sliding down.
The flutter of his curls is in the corner of your vision; your hand gripping the warped, dry railing. Never wanting anything more in your life than to feel the solid, warm wall of his chest and to breathe him in, your lips tingle with the imagined brush of his whiskers when you picture fitting your face into his neck. You’d kiss him there, along the pebbled, tan skin and the sound of satisfaction he would make floods into your mind.
The electricity in the air heightens what you feel, the weight of it wrapping around your lungs, making your inhales thin in the charged space. It pulses between your bodies, his eyes studying you as he pretends he’s looking at something else and you silently will him to just touch you.
Say something. 
Do anything. 
Jumpy with anticipation, you give him a moment before looking up at him and the intensity of his direct gaze is felt only for a fraction of a second before he breaks it, looking away. 
His jaw ticks under his beard, his fist knocking restlessly against the top of his thigh as he avoids looking at you with a straight backed stance and then he's turning towards the cabin, leaving you to it.
“I’m gonna go read.”
A crack of lightning startles you awake, the sound coming from just outside your window and you're immediately thrown back into the base fear of childhood. Branches scrape and drag along the roof, your eyes open wide as they search the dark corners of the room and twigs snap and roll down the slope above you with an unfamiliar sound, rain pelting the window next to your bed in a torrential beat. 
Another flash of lightning brightens your room for a split second before plunging it back into darkness and thunder immediately follows, rumbling directly above. The sound shakes the windows in their frames, the wind outside howling and you focus on that sound for a moment before it starts to blend with another one. 
A low moan; a staggered strobe of light followed by another ground shaking roll. 
You hear it again – a plea barely heard over the rain, but when it slips from a single drawn out sound to a more distinct muttering, you recognize Joel’s sleep blurred voice. 
“Tommy,” he groans, the syllables long and slow. “Tommy, help me.”
Getting up from your bed, lightning illuminates the space again as you cross the hall and when you step foot in his room, a shake of thunder accompanies your first step over the threshold. Rain pours down his window, the wavy, lit reflection sliding over his bed and you kneel beside him on the mattress, reaching to wake him up. 
“Joel,” you whisper, saying it again a bit louder over the storm. “Joel.”
A deep frown etched between his brows, he stays asleep, his body shifting on the mattress away from you. “No. No. Come on, baby. Come on.”
Pain laced through his voice, you turn desperate to soothe him. “Joel, wake up.”
The dream keeping him within its grasp, you grab his shoulder to give it a hard shake and the motion finally wakes him. Up in an instant, furious and wide eyed, his hands reach out to grab you in their hold and wrapping tightly around the top of your arms, a small sound of surprise escapes from your mouth when he flips you faster than you can react onto the mattress underneath him, pinning you down with his weight. 
The dream clouding his vision, he’s still half gone above you and you lay still beneath him, not daring to move. Your heart thunders in your chest to match the rumble outside, and the longer he stays between your legs, you start to feel a dampness collect along your seam. The heat of his body leeches through his sweatpants, his solid weight pressing into the inside of your thighs to spread them wide.
“Hey,” you whisper, tentatively moving your hand. You bring it up, fitting the curve of his whiskered cheek into your palm. “It’s just me.”
The second he slips fully into consciousness, you can see it. His gaze regains its clarity, muted streaks of light flashing across his profile and the sound of the storm dies behind the sound of his labored breathing, warm gusts of it ghosting over your mouth. He frowns slightly in confusion, his eyes searching yours and when you offer no resistance and look right back, he bends to press his mouth to yours just as you rise to meet him.  
Coming alive underneath him immediately, your fingers slide up to thread through his mussed hair and he tilts his mouth to fit yours, your head lifting to meet his urgency. He groans, a ragged sound of relief that tears from his chest and pours into you as his mouth devours. His hips seek the cradle of your thighs as he relaxes on top of you with a firm grind and you feel the stiff heft of his hardening cock against the curve of your ass, your legs already finding their way around his waist. 
Holding on for dear life should he suddenly decide to pull away from you, you don’t have to worry this time. He’s so much more intent than he was on the couch, so much more focused and yet his urgency makes his movements almost frantic. Shaky and desperate, his hands hold you a little too tight, his mouth kisses a little too rough, and the grind of his hips is a little too harsh, but you absorb it all, shuddering as the heat from his body infuses into yours. 
His kiss moves from your mouth to your jaw and then down your neck, his teeth dragging along the tender skin and when you moan, the sound is eclipsed by a distant roll of thunder. Your hands slide over his back, smoothing down the planes of firm muscle that you’ve been dreaming about and his hand comes up to wrap around the underside of your jaw, pushing it up so he can taste the hollow of your throat. 
His fingers tug your neckline down before changing his mind to shove it up, giving you just enough space within the cage of his arms to untangle your limbs when he helps tear it off and when he wraps the heat of his mouth around your nipple with a reverential suck, you cry out loud enough for him to hear it this time. His tongue swirls a wet circle around it, the tip dragging over the peaked bud and his hand cradles the bottom of your breast, pushing more of it into his mouth. He moves onto the other one, tasting it just as thoroughly when he gives it an open mouthed kiss and then he’s coming back up. 
Kissing him again, you’re already lifting your hips up into his, squirming under his weight and the both of you reach down at the same time, working the other’s bottoms off. It’s a hasty scramble, the material kicked off into the nest of his bedding and when he settles back between your thighs, you feel the pressure of him already lining up. The thick tip of his cock fitting at your entrance, he doesn’t stop for a moment before pressing into you and it’s a tight fit even for how wet you already are. 
“Joel,” you moan, whining when he bottoms out and he groans into the crook of your neck, his hold coming to wrap around your nape to keep you in place underneath him. 
“Fuck,” he grits out with a heavy exhale. “Fuck. You feel so goddamn good. Just like I knew you would. I knew it, honey.”
His words are punctuated with a heavy gust of breath for every stroke of his hips forward, his back rounding with each one as the the filling stretch of his cock overwhelms you. There is a slight pain to it, being used for the first time in years, but it’s quickly replaced with a delicious spark of pleasure, your slick cunt clenching around him to pull him deeper. 
“Yes. Yes.”
His strokes get harder, harsher, the old bed beginning to squeak slightly in a rhythmic beat and while you can still distantly hear the storm still going strong around you, it’s muffled now by your mingled sounds: small whines to match his grunts, soft moans to match his deeper ones. His desperation is felt in every stroke, adding to your own ache in your core. Just knowing that he has been wanting this just as much, you wrap your arms around him to keep him close. Moving above you like his body craves relief, his grip digs into the meat of your hips while his other hand tightens on your neck and you absorb the frantic need rolling off his hot skin, your ankles crossing over his tailbone.
You need to come. You want to come so bad you’ll do anything, and you close your eyes and hope that he lasts long enough for you to do it, because you’re so close you can taste it in the back of your throat if you focus on it. Your body hums with it, your hips rolling frantically to match his every pound down and your thighs tighten around his waist in a squeeze of warning, your pleading getting higher in pitch. 
“Please, Joel. Please. Please.”
“I got you, honey. I got it.” He shifts the weight of his hips, grinding his pubic bone into your clit as he pushes in deep and it’s only a couple strokes just like that before you’re coming harder than you have in years, the want you’ve been trying to foolishly relieve by yourself bursting inside you. 
Ten times better than any release you’ve ever given yourself, he fucks you right through it, his hold getting tighter on your hip.
“Oh goddamn, honey,” he groans, the sound pleasure soaked and low. “Fuckin’ yes. Yes.”
His praise is panted into you right before he kisses you and it’s sloppy and hungry, his mouth resting just over yours. He shoves himself in as deep as he can get, a couple of rough strokes slipping into your snug, soaked heat and then he groans loudly, jerking his hips back just in time to spurt hot across the inside of your thigh. It splashes along the crease of your leg, painting milky white as it slips down over the curve of your ass and his eyes are clenched tight above you, his torso giving shivering little shudders as he finishes and starts to come down. 
He’s breathing heavily, your heart pounding right underneath his own and then he opens his eyes, his gaze finding yours. 
You don’t know what to say. Afraid to shatter this moment with speaking lest he suddenly realize what he just did and pull away, but also afraid that staying quiet will be taken as a sign of regret, you open your mouth and at that very moment, another flash of lightning bursts outside the window, a loud crack of thunder following immediately after. 
It startles you, your body jumping slightly under his but he’s already flattening his body instinctively on top of yours, his hand coming up to cup the crown of your head. He’s covering you, the reaction to gunfire embedded into the very bones of his body and then he stiffens, realizing what he just did. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles, moving to shift off of you but your arms wind tight around his torso, keeping him in place. 
“Don’t go.”
He stops moving, his expression softening and his tone slips into a reassuring murmur; the storm still raging outside. 
“I’m not goin’ anywhere, honey. I’m right here.”
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motherofdogs1010 · 5 months
Siren I (Dark!Thomas Shelby x Reader)
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Summary: A new singer has come to Small Heath and has unfortunately enraptured the soul of a big-time, Birmingham gangster...
Warnings: 18+ only, eventual NONCON/DUBCON smut, forced marriage, dark!Tommy, obsessed!Tommy, singer!reader, eventual pinv sex, eventual pregnancy, dark shit will be happening
A/N: Song used ''Young and Beautiful"- Lana Del Ray
Dividers @firefly-graphics Banner @vase-of-lilies
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Tommy was skeptical when Harry had said he found a singer, the man saying that he needed Grace more for the bar tending than her singing. Harry had said that Grace protested but soon enough shut her mouth once he had found a suitable singer for the pub, someone Harry had said was the daughter of his best friend.
Tommy had been in the snug with his brothers when he heard a woman singing, her voice lulling him in a way that differed from Grace's soft singing.
It intrigued Tommy so much that he stood from his seat, ignoring the looks of his brothers and walking out of the snug to see a woman standing on one of the chairs.
Her voice was hauntingly beautiful as he listened to the song.
I've seen the world, done it all, had my cake now Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel Air now Hot summer nights, mid-July When you and I were forever wild The crazy days, city lights The way you'd play with me like a child
Her hair hung in thick curls and her eyes were drawing him in as lightly swayed as she continued her song, Tommy noted that the other men in the bar were calm as they listened. He never realized how calm a pub full of men could feel even when Grace had been singing away her tunes.
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul?
She wore a black dress, a odd color to wear since most of the women here in Birmingham tended to stray away from such a funeral color unless necessary. Tommy took a drag of his cigarette as he went to lean on the bar, listening to the song that felt almost like a sad love letter in a way.
Dear Lord, when I get to Heaven Please let me bring my man When he comes, tell me that you'll let him in Father, tell me if you can
His mind, for once, felt calm like the voices of tunnels were no longer existing in his battle-wounded mind as Tommy ignored Grace's presence. The woman singing felt as if she was one of the mermaid singers drawing him into the sea from his ship, ready to drown him so he could be with her forever.
All that grace, all that body All that face makes me wanna party He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds
Peace was not something Tommy had been granted since the war, using drugs, alcohol, and prostitutes to just get by.
But her voice was drawing him so well and his mind was quiet!
Quiet, can you believe it?
He needed that quiet, he needed her! Tommy brought the cigarette to his lips and inhaled the nicotine as he mind began to unravel as he listened and watched.
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul? I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
He needed to possess her for himself, break her down until all she knew was him and that healing voice singing for her whenever he wanted, whenever he needed.
France had changed Tommy and it wasn't for the better. He wasn't the same man who envisioned himself working with horses and laughing along to the newest joke John had come up with.
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful? Will you still love me when I'm not young and beautiful?
"Another one, Tommy?" Grace asked, holding the whiskey bottle.
Another song was what he needed and he was going to do whatever it took to have it all to himself.
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Her time singing had come to a close that night, Y/N in the back room of the Garrison collecting her purse and lighting a cigarette as Harry came into the room with a small envelope.
" 'Ere you go", he said with a grin. "How's Small Heath holding to your expectations?"
"It's certainly not California", she remarked and he chuckled.
"Ya use to all the sunshine", Harry joked before leaving.
California, specifically Los Angeles, had been her home and before that, France had been her temporary home as she was a nurse during the war.
Coming home had been something of shell-shock for her, she had witnessed blood and guts and heard the screams of men she was treating to coming back home with her mother where she was expected to be normal. She tried for her family's sake, she truly did but in the end, it felt suffocating and thus, her move outside of America.
Collecting her things, Y/N looked inside the envelope at the bills given to her when she heard the door open once again.
"Hello there."
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indigofyrebird · 26 days
For the @summer-of-bad-batch prompt "It's not what you think".
816 words
Crosshair collects orchids now that he's old. And this is all of the prompts for the @summer-of-bad-batch!
Crosshair ran his finger delicately over the striped petals, reciting the name under his breath. "Cymbidium dayanum." He had just been reading about this type of tree orchid in his book.
The orchid show was busy, islanders had come from upper and lower Pabu to see what the traveling experts had brought. Crosshair had slipped out of the house early, undetected by his housemate. 
He walked through the aisles of orchids, eyes feasting on the colors, the delicate beauty, the exotic forms of the flowers that he had only ever seen in his book. Their island had exotic flowers, to be sure, but he had become fascinated with orchids after seeing one a neighbor had been given as a gift from off planet. 
He knew he was going to come home with one, but there were so many to choose from. The greenhouse that hosted the show was hot and humid, a soft green smell filling the air. Crosshair carefully looked at each aisle, each row as the day grew warm.
The little yellow sprays of Oncidium sphacelatum caught his eye, and he picked a tiny variety, the flowers no bigger than a small pebble. Each flower looked like a dancer in an ochre colored dress, and the miniscule plant hung heavy with blooms.
It was small enough that he kept it hidden in the crook of his arm as he brought it to his room. Crosshair carefully placed it in its new home, his bright and sunny window. 
He wasn't sure why he kept it from Hunter. Would he accuse him of going soft? He read his orchid book in private, memorizing species names, care.
Daily, he misted his orchid. He talked to it, turning it so every part received sunlight. He collected rainwater for it. His now old and wrinkled hand cared for it like it used to care for a rifle. 
One day, a new orchid appeared in his window and Crosshair rushed to examine it. "Phalaenopsis aphrodite," he said aloud, wondering. One of the white moth orchids. He held it up, admiring the way the light reflected off the iridescent petals. 
"You like it?" Hunter said from the doorway. 
Crosshair turned, his eyes wide with surprise. "You bought me an orchid?" Apparently, he hadn't kept his obsession as secret as he'd thought. 
"I saw it at market and thought you'd like it." Hunter smiled, knowing his gift had been well received. 
"Thank you, Hunter..." Crosshair turned back to his new plant. He carefully pulled a dead leaf from underneath, set the pot down, turned it one direction, then the other. Hunter left him to be alone with his orchids. 
Crosshair stood in front of his mirror, trimming his beard, silver-white, neatly groomed. He had watched Hunter grow his and thought it gave him a wise, softened appearance. He quite liked the look on his brother and decided to try one for himself. He liked how it hid the wrinkles at the corners of his mouth. He squinted at himself. Nothing was going to hide the lines at the outside edges of his eyes, and he snorted at his reflection. 
He knew Omega didn't care, but he wished for a second that he was young again. He imagined seeing himself through her eyes, and he cringed. He didn't want to appear old to her, weak.
She was coming to see them. 
He went with Hunter to meet her at the landing pad. She brought her things to their home, unpacked. Hugs and news were exchanged, and then Omega went back to her ship to retrieve gifts. She loved to bring them things. Once, it had been water guns, and they had played on the beach together until dark. Now that Wrecker was gone, it didn't feel quite as joyous. 
Omega gave Hunter a beautifully hand carved knife, and he held it reverantly, spun it several times. 
Crosshair's gift was wrapped loosely in paper. He carefully tore it away to reveal an orchid. The color was deep purple accented with the darkest olive green, and he almost gasped. 
"Hunter told me you liked them," Omega said, her voice almost shy.
"Paphiopedilum vexillarium..." he said in wonder. He had never seen such a beautiful thing. Had he ever felt this way about a new weapon? He couldn't recall. 
"It's not what you think. See the difference here in the leaves? It's a violascens. I only know because the man I picked it up from told me all about them. It's very rare..." Omega smiled watching him. Crosshair hummed in approval. 
He held the lady slipper orchid up to the window to catch all the color variations in the petals. Hunter grinned at Omega, the two watching Crosshair, who was beyond enthralled. 
"Glad you like it, little brother," she said, moving to his side to examine the orchid with him. Crosshair smiled at her, and his eyes sparkled.
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ericshoney · 7 months
Made for me ~ Yandere!Bang Chan
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Warnings: Yandere!BangChan, obsessive Chan, possessive Chan, creepy behaviour, jealous Chan.
It was a normal day. You had just finished work and was off to meet your best friend Chan. This was a normal day for you, the same routine for the past couple years, when you finished work you would walk over to Chan's place for a catch up and sometimes dinner. You had known Chan since you moved to the city, the boy instantly became connected to you and made you feel supported.
But what you didn't know about were his dark intentions and thoughts. Chan instantly fell for you the moment he met you, he thought it was love at first sight. But he never went for it. At first he was shy about it, but over time those thoughts and feelings grew, and he always felt especially jealous when you spoke to other males. He wanted to whisk you away from them, but was just waiting for the right time to do it. If he rushed, he could lose you forever.
So when you arrived at Chan's place, only to see his younger brother Felix leaving and the way you hugged the younger boy, Chan's jealousy rose. He was practically green.
"Hey it's great to see you!" Felix exclaimed cheerfully as he hugged you.
"Likewise, bud. How are things?" You asked.
"Great I-"
"Yeah he's great and was just leaving."
You looked at Chan, to see him leaning in the doorway of his apartment. His arms crossed as he looked at you, a stone cold expression on his face. You felt confused, why was he being so cold suddenly?
"I'll text you later. Don't stay too long." Felix whispered before he left.
You watched as he walked down the hall, a sudden confusion hit you at his words, why wouldn't you stay too long? You then turned back to Chan, the sudden coldness was gone, the warm Chan was back, he smiled sweetly at you and moved out the way, letting you into his apartment. You wasn't sure if to ask him about what Felix said or not.
"How was work, darling?" He asked sweetly.
"It was the same old." You answered plainly.
"Of course it was. Well I ordered some food and it should arrive any moment, I got your favourite~" He sang.
"Sounds good. While we wait I have a question." You said, taking a seat on the sofa.
"Ask away, babe." He said, sitting next to you.
"Why were you so rude to Felix just now?" You asked.
Chan looked at you blankly before laughing. Yes, he laughed. As if you just told a joke.
"Oh your so funny, I wasn't rude to him. It's just brotherly love." He said, defending himself.
"No, you were rude." You responded.
Chan stopped laughing and looked at you again. This time, you saw a dark glimmer in his eyes.
"I just told you, sweetheart, I wasn't rude, he was leaving anyways." He said, a visible change in his tone of voice.
You felt your blood run cold at his dark tone. Chan had never spoken to you like that before. Weirdly enough, there was a small part of you that liked it.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. You knew it was the food. Chan got up to go collect it, giving you a moment alone to think. It wasn't long enough to think about much as Chan soon arrived with the food, a smile on his face.
"You okay?" You asked softly.
"Of course, let's eat." He answered.
With that, you two both started to eat. You were happy Chan remembered your favourite food and ordered it for you. You quietly ate and watched the TV, when suddenly, your phone rang.
"Hello?" You called as you picked up the phone.
"Y/n, are you still with Chan?" It was Felix.
"Uh yeah, we're just eating." You told him.
Chan looked at you with a dark expression, his now empty plate placed on the side table.
"Hang up." He mouthed to you.
"Y/n get out now. I'll explain later but you need to leave, Chan's crazy!" Felix exclaimed down the phone.
"What are you tal-"
Your phone was suddenly taken out of your hand and thrown across the room. You looked at Chan in shock.
"I told you to hang up." He said with a chuckle.
"You....You just threw my phone!" You shouted in shock.
"You should have listened, darling~" He said.
"I was trying to listen to Felix!" You exclaimed. Big mistake.
"Felix this, Felix that. What about me!" He shouted.
You looked at him. What about him? When you didn't reply, Chan scoffed and shook his head.
"Do I really have to break it down, sweetheart? Your mine. I don't like when you talk about or to Felix, or another man in general. Your mine! You were made for me!" He exclaimed.
"I'm your friend, Chan. You can't own me." You said. Mistake number two.
Chan chuckled darkly. He thought you were so funny. He knew he would have fun breaking you.
"Oh sweet Y/n. Yes I can, your mine and only mine~" He said in a sweet tone.
You glanced at the door, thinking you could make a run for it. You were quick to make a dash for it, however Chan already thought of that, he locked the door with an extra tight bolt after the delivery guy arrived. You tugged at the handle but it didn't budge one bit. Chan laughed and clapped from behind you.
"Just relax, my love~" He whispered.
Chan quickly grabbed you, pinning you to the wall. You tried to fight, but Chan was too strong. As you fought, you didn't see him pulling out a wet cloth with his free hand, until it was too late.
"Night my honey, just remember, I love you."
Those were the last words you heard before darkness over took and you collapsed into Chan's arms.
Lovely little request from my cassieroll, I hope I did your idea justice and you love it! 💓
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 5 months
Currently Watching - May
aka The Masterlist
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 31.05.2024
A little link to my favorite bl-tropes-collection 💙
I am happy about gif-requests 🌼
Here you can find all of my gifs.
At the end you can have a look at what we can expect in April with a MDL link and a link for a trailer (if avaible).
This is guaranteed to contain spoilers!
1. 25 Ju, Akasaka de 🇯🇵 (7/10)
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I really enjoyed this episode. It didn't feel like a filler. I loved to see some of Hayama's thoughts and emotions. He liked Shirasaki since forever and I really hope they can find their way back together. The pain is so bittersweet. They like each other, but because of walls and misunderstandings they can't live their feelings. Really good episode this week!
2. Cityboy_Log 🇰🇷 (16/?)
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I am so confused right now. Sometimes these time jumps are confusing. But okay. Those two made up. And only Jihan apologised? I hate jealousy, extreme jealousy, but I think he didn't need to apologise... I think Jaejun should apologise too, at least for his flirty behavior and this fucking kiss. I still need time to love this again and I hope this story is not going to be more fucked up with cheating and stuff...
3. My Stand-In 🇹🇭 (6/12)
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The only thing I can say about the last episode is: I am obsessed with this kiss... There is nothing more in my head. Brain empty. This series is becoming more and more interesting. I am emotional invested now!
4. Only Boo 🇹🇭 (8/12)
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I love these two. They are adorable and a blessing on my sundays! We got our first kiss this week and it was a first kiss. It was a little bit awkward and hesitant and cautious and it fit their character really good. I love their energy and the fact that they love each other like they are. It is such a healthy relationship.
5. Wandee Goodday 🇹🇭 (4/12)
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From One-nicht-stand to friends with benefits to fake boyfriends... And Kao is right, they have crossed the line with only being fake boyfriends a while ago. Jealousy is beginning to blossom. The wish to kiss each other is groing stronger day to day and I love it here! And is it not normal that you need time to come clean with your own feelings and getting over a year long crush? I totally understand both of them for not letting go of their crushes of years that easy.
6. Word of Honor 🇨🇳 (20/36)
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Those two flirt a lot and are a married couple. Everyone knows that. And I love and enjoy that! Overall this is such a fun watch and the different sects and intrigues are sometimes a little bit confusing, but interesting. I love this world of martial arts and I love how protective Wen Kexing is over Zhou Zishu.
Finished in May
Unknown 🇹🇼
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The story about found family, childhood trauma and struggling topped with a lovestory between "brothers". They aren't brothers by blood so I really didn't care and just enjoyed this forbidden and hurtful lovestory to the fullest. This was exactly what I hoped for! The longing, tension and hurting is so good! The love between them is real and strong, but Qian is afraid and can't just let his heart decide over the head, yet. He loves Yuan, but is afraid what that means for them and especially for Yuan's future. I love this series so much! I didn't expect too much when I started it and got hooked really fast and in the end my entire week pointed to the saturdays and te new episode and the interaction here with the fandom. The last two epsiodes lost a little bit track and were to cramped with things that didn't need to be there, but I still loved this whole experience! So fucking beautiful! One of my all time favorites. A clear and big 10 out of 10!
Love Is Like A Cat 🇰🇷
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The last two epsiodes were so bad I didn't want to gif any scene for this post... I cringed through this whole series... well at least through those parts I didn't skip. I mean, I could not even watch the kiss-scene, because all I could see were the few beard stubbles around Mew's mouth like he didn't get all of them while shaving. And they were so visible against the lightning. And all of their relationship felt so rushed and don't get me started with the thai/korean translator thingy. The concept of this was interesting, but bad executed. It really hurt my feelings to rate a korean bl this low, but everything, the plot, the acting, the dialogue, the script... everything was bad. When I close one eye really tight and think about this cutie Dae Byeol I can give it a 3 out of 10, but really not more.
You Are Mine Special 🇹🇼
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This was not on my list this month, but here we are. And what can I say? They kissed a lot! So many kisses! If someone likes kiss, here ya go! It was sweet and a good ending to their story, but a little bit to sugary for me. But that is a personal preference. Those two get engaged and Shun Yu's mother approves of their relationship. It was kinda sweet seeing our CEO as "just" the boyfriend. I guess it is what you wish for as a special episode. I am not mad about it. I give it a solid 7 out of 10.
Blue Boys 🇰🇷
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What was this ending? I am speechless and so damn angry! They overcame every misscommunication trope and ended like this? The bad-bitch-wanna-be-girlfriend? The If-I-can't-have-him-no-one-can-bitch? Really? It was a solid web series with great acting and incredible chemistry and they ended up breaking up, because a jealous bitch would destroy Jaemin's life if he continued dating Namyi? And Namyi is now thinking it is his own fault, because his family is rich and because he fell in love? I don't like it here. That ending was stupid. Sorry. Overall a 7 out of 10.
Memory in the letter 🇹🇭
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I enjoyed this cute series so much, until the final episode... What was that? It was sweet and kinda wholesome, a little bit tacky, but that was alright and I really liked how they fell in love over the mirror. But that ending? The dad's best friend is now your boyfriend? And he looks so fucking different! Like a total different person. I know, love should be blindm but lets me real, if that was me, I would be: Stop. Who the fuck are you? Why is a 40 year old man hitting on me 20 year old? This felt so bad... I have no problem with the whole time travel, but 20 years is too much! And he is his father's best friend. He delivered his future boyfriend. That felt so wrong! I was a fan until ep 5 and with 6 everything went down... I still give it a 7 out of 10.
Boys Be Brave! 🇰🇷
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Okay, it ended.... like that... where is the special epsiode? I want to know how the last date goes between Balgeum and Inho. I am happy for our main couple and they are cute as fuck, but what is with our unlucky side couple? Balgeum wants to become a better person for Inho and that is quite cute, unnecessary, but still kind of understandable. He needs to feel like he can offer Inho something more, while Inho is happy what he already has to offer. But with social backgrounds, I kind of understand him. But where is this special epsiode or spin-off?! I need it! Now! But I am really happy with the ending for our main couple. They are adorable! But the time skips with the hair-extansions confused me a little bit. But for me a strong 8 out of 10.
Kare no Iru Seikatsu 🇯🇵
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They got their happy ending and I am happy with that. We got an I love you and some cozy snuggle time. What more do I need? Nothing... A coffee perhaps, but that's okay. I like this series. It was a cute watch with some heartache, but overall it was sweet and cute and positive. And I love Haruna for telling Natsukawa that wanting the best and happiest life for someone you love and at the same time refusing to give that person the thing that would make them the happiest is stupid. They are happy, I am happy. A happy 8 out of 10 for me.
Short Film
Dropped in May
Looking forward to in May
Upside Down aka Inverse Identity 🇨🇳 - Trailer (May 3rd)
Wandee Goodday 🇹🇭 - Trailer (May 4th)
My Marvellous Dream Is You 🇹🇭 - Trailer (May 8th)
Blossom Campus - Trailer 🇰🇷 (May 16th)
OMG! Vampire 🇹🇭 - Trailer (May 19th)
No international release dates:
A Balloon's Landing 🇹🇼 - Trailer (Coming to cinemas on May 10th)
The Time Of Fever 🇰🇷 - Trailer (Coming to cinemas on May 15th)
Manji Reverse 🇯🇵 (Coming to cinemas on May 24th)
The Time Of Huannan 🇹🇼 - Trailer (Coming to cinemas on May 31st)
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iaure · 1 year
𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁; 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚the dearest collection - part one/beloved 𓆩♡𓆪 part two/prized 𓆩♡𓆪 part three/devoted 𓆩♡𓆪 part four/desperate 𓆩♡𓆪 part five/blind 𓆩♡𓆪 part six/watcher 𓆩♡𓆪 part seven/ardor 𓆩♡𓆪 part eight/fervor this is very heavily inspired by @//clusterfuck-yandere's yandere leon headcanons; please check out their works. this is something of a love letter to their puppy obsession series.
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yandere leon s. kennedy headcanons; reader is a survivor of raccoon city.
tw: general yandere behaviour, NSFW (leon has an erotic daydream/slight somnophilia + it is marked by a large page marker like the one below), stalking, ptsd, mentions of mourning
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ i am very excited for part four! this one was much longer than the rest; this makes me happy. i may potentially take a slight break from this as i want to see where i want to take this small series; i want to deliver the best product i can to all of you ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ i also want to take time to create my own persona for this blog; i am thinking a sheep. what do you think? ꒰ᐢ⸝⸝•༝•⸝⸝ᐢ꒱⸒⸒
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he'd been getting worse.
♡ the truth of the matter was that this was an addiction.
♡ Leon could manage to quit smoking. but this was entirely different. how do you quit someone?
♡ and it's not like it was hard to love you.
♡ gaining entry into your home wasn't difficult. you kept a spare key above the doorframe, and Leon was always careful to replace it.
♡ your apartment always smelled of you, felt like you, and whenever he went in, he couldn't help but imagine a life where he lived with you-as your boyfriend. Your fiancé? Your husband, if he dared.
♡ and he made sure to take care of you, even if you didn't know!
♡ he knew how hard it was for you to take care of yourself, especially with your work.
♡ when he saw that you had made yourself a list of things to do, he was so proud!
♡ he knew you were taking steps to live better. what was wrong with helping, just a little bit?
♡ a dish here, a wipedown there, a dusting every now and then. small things.
♡ he'd made a handful of habits, such as watching you sleep or snagging the occasional piece of clothing for his own purposes.
♡ your closet had just enough space for him to stow away if you ever showed signs of waking up.
♡ you were just too sweet. obsession was staring down Leon's love, and you didn't even know it.
how was he supposed to stay away?
♡ as for your work, Loen had made his peace with it.
♡ as alarming as it was that you were in possible danger every day, it also meant that you were happier, getting more sunshine, and the opportunity to get yourself nice things.
♡ your happiness always came first, after all.
♡ secondly was the blessing that Leon got that was seeing you whenever he could, just by strutting down from his gym and watching you brew some sort of ridiculous concoction.
♡ overall, your work was more positives than anything. besides, Leon could simply watch you walk to and fro from work to make sure you were safe.
♡ his perception of you had completely expanded as well.
♡ back then, on the AOL forum, he only knew a few vaguely scattered personal details that you'd hint at in posts and comments, mentioned offhand, like your brother.
♡ but now, he knew so much more.
♡ he knew your favourite colours, foods, hobbies, who you liked, who you didn't, what you thought about your work, your opinions on just about anything-you'd share them if he simply asked.
♡ you were so sweet, so clueless, and he loved it.
♡ you would spend hours with Leon simply talking about little to nothing, and it meant everything to him.
♡ you were so kind, so soft, and every word that fell from your lips was divine.
♡ for the last two weeks, he'd been as sneaky as he possibly could.
but you were bound to take notice.
♡ he was hanging out with you as you closed the bakery, counting out the tills and setting aside the deposits. Leon was simply happy to be in your presence.
♡ you began speaking about how you felt unsafe, about how you felt someone staring at you in the night.
♡ instantly, Leon felt guilty.
♡ he didn't mean to scare you. he was trying to protect you, for goodness' sake!
♡ he wasn't frustrated with you, though. of course. he never would be. you were perfect and did no wrong.
♡ he wished there was some way that he could convey he didn't want to hurt you on those nights where he made sure you were safe, but nothing seemed like a good idea.
♡ the guilt chewed away at his insides until you asked him that...holy, divine question.
"would you walk me home?"
♡ he might've gotten on his knees and wept.
♡ what opportunity was this? walking next to your warm body, in the rain, under an umbrella...almost like a couple.
♡ the idea sent Leon's heart into overdrive, pounding in his ears as all sorts of ideas filled his head.
♡ upon his enthusiastic agreement, your face filled with comfort, and Leon couldn't help but feel a bit delighted.
♡ he didn't care if he was going to get soaked. as you locked the door to the bakery, he took care to cover you entirely with the umbrella. you asked him if he was cold at all, but no. the heat of your body was enough to light him on fire.
♡ Leon was in heaven.
♡ during the whole walk, he made sure to keep an eye out on the off chance that there were bad actors around. he even made a show of whipping his head back and forth, which he knew you noticed.
♡ and several times, you laughed. oh, what a sweet angelic sound.
♡ how he wished this walk could last forever; your hand brushing against his, the gentle lull of your voice as you made conversation.
♡ he wasn't sure which god or entity or spirit or soul he pleased, but he was thanking all of them.
♡ when the two of you reached your apartment, he could feel himself deflate a bit. he was so endlessly grateful for the time you gave him, but he dared to want more.
♡ he knew he wouldn't be satiated, no matter what you did. but he could hope. he could pray.
♡ whatever prayer he said worked; you turned with an almost guilty look-as though you could ever be guilty-and asked him if he wanted to see the inside of your apartment.
♡ he practically cheered.
♡ when you turned to finish opening the door, he couldn't help a low whine from leaving his throat. his chest was tight, his heart was pounding, and it was like all his dreams were coming true.
♡ he had seen your apartment dozens of times. at that point, every photo and speck of dust had their locations memorised.
♡ spending time alone, with you, in your apartment, with your scent and your signs of life surrounding him might've even been too much to bear.
♡ but he accepted, because what insanity would it be for him to say no? what lunacy would have to possess him?
♡ upon stepping in, he did everything a polite guest should do; took off his shoes, set his bag and umbrella down, and proceeded to try and shake off the excess water.
♡ your laugh at his shake made his heart swell.
♡ you were trying to dig for food, and you had bent over at the waist; it made Leon delirious.
♡ he couldn't not stare.
♡ you either didn't notice or didn't mind, because you gave up, ordering a pizza instead.
♡ he tried to pay-this was dreamy enough, you didn't need to do anything else-but you insisted, saying it was your way of thanking him.
♡ thanking him? for what could you possibly be thanking him for? that walk was no burden, it was a blessing. why would you need to thank him?
but you refused his money.
♡ he felt guilty, but you turned on your TV and began watching some romantic sitcom that he'd never heard of before.
♡ was it a sign? Leon couldn't tell.
♡ the peace was domestic, crumbling away at Leon's self-restraint. why couldn't every day be like this?
♡ if he just told you, then you'd understand. you would forgive him. you would hold him close.
♡ his mind began to wander. did you think of him like that? did you even consider him as a romantic interest?
♡ would you? if he asked?
♡ the question, confession, was on the tip of his tongue.
♡ you were good. you were kind. you wouldn't be creeped out.
♡ he opened his mouth, and-
the power went out.
♡ his heart dropped to his toes, and all the courage he managed to muster disappeared as you got up to light some candles.
♡ he went back to his bag, rummaging for his military-grade flashlight that he kept on hand.
♡ he'd rather you have it, than something go wrong and you stumble in the dark.
♡ he'd rather walk home in the pouring rain than you risk anything for a second.
♡ you lit a handful of candles, setting them aside as he passed the flashlight off to you.
♡ he figured it was time to go, licking his wounds and dragging his pride and courage behind him.
♡ but you didn't say goodbye.
♡ instead, you asked where he lived. his heart seized.
♡ he could do two things from here. one, admit that he lived maybe a fifteen minute walk away.
♡ or he could lie.
♡ he knew how your heart worked, for the most part. you felt like you were in debt. you wouldn't make him walk back in the rain.
♡ so he could pretend that he lived far away, even by car. he could just...manipulate you.
♡ after a beat too long, he made his choice.
♡ he 'confessed' that he lived thirty minutes from his gym, which was ten from the bakery, which was five from your apartment.
♡ and he could see you think in real time.
♡ your eyes flickered from the door, to his still-damp hair, to the half-eaten pizza on the counter, to the flashlight.
♡ and god, the guilt was going to eat him alive.
♡ he knew you were kind. he knew you were soft. and he abused that. he abused your sweetness and goodness. for what? his sick kicks?
♡ but your pretty lips pursed, and they formed around those words that he wanted-no, needed-so desperately.
would you want to stay the night?
♡ the guilt disappeared, his heart wept for joy!
♡ yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, a thousand times, yes! always! yes!
♡ you seemed relieved, disappearing into your room and coming out with men's pyjamas.
♡ they were a little snug on Leon, hanging a bit low, but he certainly didn't mind. this was effectively the greatest task of his life.
♡ he had to be a viable partner for you. he had to show his worth.
♡ you were quick to go to bed. with the power still out, you clearly just wanted to wait it out.
♡ Leon pulled a blanket out of his bag, but you insisted on giving him several more, as well as a pillow.
♡ and oh god, how was he supposed to control himself? they all smelled like you.
♡ maybe he'd take one in the morning. for safekeeping.
♡ as he lay on your couch, the thought crossed his mind to wander while you were asleep, to see everything with the daring of you being inside your own home.
♡ but he knew better. or, at least, he thought he did.
♡ ten minutes turned into thirty. thirty turned into an hour, turned into two, into four, before he finally cracked.
♡ he literally had you at his fingertips, in a situation where he'd most likely be excused. he had to use it. he had to make the most of it.
♡ and, despite everything he could do...he wandered into your room. and he watched you.
♡ you snored, just a little bit. it was a cute snore that Leon liked. you also slept a bit erratically, sometimes throwing your body in weird positions.
♡ part of your blanket was on the floor, your head was between two pillows, and you were out like a light.
♡ or apparently not, because after about ten minutes of Leon standing there, you woke up abruptly. you gave a small gasp, bleary eyes still trying to grasp what you were seeing. you asked what he was doing.
♡ and what was he doing, honestly? he was watching you sleep. but he couldn't admit to that, not in a thousand years.
♡ so, he said the first thing that he could come up with, in a voice that lost every shred of pride he had left.
"i thought you were gone."
♡ and he can see the pity on your face, and he can't help but almost feel childish at how he hoped you'd comfort him.
♡ your eyes wandered over him, as though putting pieces together. you finally lay your head back down, and pat your bed.
♡ Leon goes into overdrive. again. for how many times this night were you going to do that? how many times were you going to make his heart leap into his throat?
♡ he, for a second, isn't sure what you want. there's no way you'd...
"do you want me to...sleep with you?"
♡ his voice was weak, and he asked, again, until you nodded. maybe you were just moving in your sleep. he asked another time. you nodded again. he asked once more. you said yes.
♡ he started shaking. his grip on your blanket was white-knuckled, his knees were ready to buckle, and the world was spinning.
♡ you did. you wanted to share your bed with him. you wanted to sleep with him. you want him. you wanted him!
♡ he gets into bed with you, gently setting the blanket over your body and trying to not freak out.
♡ you were so warm and so close to him. everything was invading his senses, and when you realised he was staring, you shot him a smile that turned his insides to goo.
♡ he had to take this chance. and he moved a little closer.
♡ you didn't move.
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♡ and you were just so unguarded, so gentle. Leon's mind was wandering.
♡ what would you look like in a far more intimate scenario?
♡ what would your kisses look like? feel like?
♡ Leon squirmed a bit.
♡ what would your skin feel like? the skin that he couldn't touch? your neck, your stomach, your thighs...?
♡ his eyes wandered down the silhouette of your body under the covers.
♡ how would you feel underneath him? if he was touching your chest, suckling on your neck, leaving hickeys for everyone to see?
♡ how would you feel if he had his hands everywhere, pinned under his body and rutting into you?
♡ how would you act if he had his cock in you? how would you moan? would you try to close your eyes? or would you keep them open and watch how he loved you?
♡ would you be quick to orgasm? or would you take time, and Leon would be blessed to have your body for so long?
♡ he thought you would maybe try to cover yourself with your hands. you did seem the shy type. oh, but he'd be greedy, and he'd ask if you could move them-he wants to see all of you.
♡ he thinks that you'd be quiet at first, trying to stop yourself from being loud in case it woke your neighbours. but Leon would be in so deep into that tight, divine warmth, and you'd call out his name.
♡ and he'd swallow it. he'd take your lips in his and devour every gasp and moan that left your mouth.
♡ he'd never make you beg, either. he'd do everything to make you be so perfectly spent, fucked out of your mind and left limp on your bed. and even then, Leon wouldn't be satiated.
♡ he'd need more. he'd take you in his mouth, even if you had passed out, just to keep working you until your taste was all over his tongue. and when you woke up, he'd still be hard at work, trying to get more, begging for more.
♡ and maybe you'd decide to take him, instead, as thanks for taking care of you.
♡ you'd be on top of him, sucking sweetly at his cock, and he'd cry out your name with no inhibition. he didn't care about the people in your apartment complex. he just cared about you, and that you would know just how much he loved you.
♡ he'd fuck you for hours, days even, to finally have the curve of your body and the taste of your cum memorised.
♡ but let's be honest.
♡ he'd never have enough.
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@theybotomy ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @kujosuke
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kit-williams · 6 months
I want to use the Emperor on his golden throne to fry an egg. I’ll be butchered by the Custodes within seconds but it’ll be worth. Emperor fried egg. :)
If the egg ain’t cooked to perfection then I’m using my final breath to Yeet a second egg at his divine corpse/body/being.
So I remember getting this ask and being very confused... but I put this on the backburner for when I would get around to writing yandere custodes and the necromundan scum, that one of them decided to bring home, named smoothie.
@sculptorofcrimson this is your fault/this is the funny one (again my knowledge of the golden boys is very limited/I struggle to write them)
And you lot get to benefit from it @bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog @thevoidscreams @barn-anon
thank you to @squishyowl for the dividers
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Smoothie did not like it here... the clean empty inner hallways left nothing for her to scavenge... no place to get food or drinkable water for miles. It was two days before her golden shadow found her dehydrated as she slipped away from him when he had a chance. Adonis only collected her so soon as they were about to release a small swarm of hormagaunts into the imperial palace for practice and Adonis did not like how easily she could slip from his grasp.
Like recently... Adonis felt his fingers clench and unclench as Nicodemus had jested even at how he must have picked up a mindwiped assassin with how easily she could vanish from his grip. But there was something about her that satiated the itch behind his eyes... it sated the desire to feel a crumb of affection back.
Smoothie crawled through the vents moving on padded knees and wearing thicker gloves as she looks around unable to make marks or else they'll figure out where she's going. Everything seemed to narc on her if she tried to make herself comfortable add her own touch to this gawken gawdy golden glitter glamhouse! She looks around as her body starts to tingle and she is certain that she's getting closer to the radiation.
It makes her body tingle... her nose bleed and she needs to get a bit closer to the source till she feels her teeth itch and then she's in the right spot to cook the eggs she stole from the kitchen. Not like she was gonna live very long anyway and if the glamshow that is Donnie and his brothers just casually relaxing with an open source of radiation then she could die faster making something she loved to eat.
"Adonis." One of the Companions said into the coms with a monotone drone that to Adonis belied a hint of amusement.
"Yes?" He replied going over the mental checklist of places to look for her and she rarely went to the same place twice in succession.
"She's in the vents again."
"Of course she is. Thank you Amadeus." He replied slightly between his teeth. If a companion was telling him where she was... he moved quickly.
She saw her 'lover boy' look at her with the most unamused look in his eyes as she just gave a shit eating grin offering him a radaition cooked egg, "Can I offer you an egg my lord?" She snarked at him as one of her eyes was bloodshot and her nose bleeding from even being this close to the golden throne unprotected.
"If I eat it will you come back willingly?" Adonis asked knowing he could just grab her but he hardly delt with such willful... creatures? She was certainly human... just very different from any other... paramour would be a word but so would obsession fit as equally for what this... itches would be.
"I dunno Donnie... I worked so hard in cooking these." Smoothie says peeling the shell away as she took a bite leaving a smear of the neon green lipstick she wore on the white of the egg.
"Smoothie." His augmented voice shakes the air as he does his best not to order her, because that is not what lovers did. But what the supposed ideal versus reality was also another thing to take into account.vHe watches her frown as blood trickles from her nose. She was so much more willful than any of his other paramours obsessions that it confounded him but also greatly excited him.
He is certain that his beloved Lord would have teased him... But then again he and the others would not feel that itching need so often. The pout on her green lips as she crawled closer to him before just putting one to his lips. He ate it, it was simple as he expected it to be.
"Fine we can go. At least before more of my teeth fall out." She says trying to crawl past only for Adonis to hold her to his chest. He moved quicker than she could out of the vents.
She whined as he took her to a rather unused medical area. As it was time to start some treatments to keep at bay the... Side effects of her lifestyle. Adonis had told her that she would be surprised at how much longer she would live around him. He wasn't going to let her fall apart so soon.
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m-feline · 10 months
No way out but his arms
Emperor Thrawn x Empress reader
You didn't choose to be the Empress. But Thrawn has his ways to get you to submit.
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Picture made by @netmors
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (TBA)
All you could do was sit and watch outside the viewport to the bustling city below you. Once upon a time, you would have been in awe of the sight of Coruscant at night. But these days nothing made you happy. You barely recall the days when you were truly happy. You had loving parents, loving brothers and sisters, friends, and most importantly hope of something better. But now it was all gone. All because the Empire came back and its heir Grand Admiral Thrawn made a quick and unstoppable campaign to remove the New Republic before it could even settle down the government. In a matter of barely two years, the Grand Admiral became the new Emperor.
The first thing he did was to find you. And take you away. He left your family alive, of course he did, but in your eyes they were all now hostages to keep you obeying him. He knew very well that your parents were rebel sympathizers from the start. He had approached you a long time ago before the battle of Yavin, in order to expose them. What neither of you didn't expect was for him to become obsessed with you. He fell for your courage, your wisdom for your age, how you saw the big picture of things, your demure, but most importantly, your loyalty to a cause. He wanted all of it to stay at his side. He knew you would eventually betray the Empire. And when he went missing he wasn't surprised to later figure out that your family now stood at the side of the Republic. But you were still the same despite all that. Seeking a way to improve the lives of your people. The Republic didn't aid in that, in fact, Thrawn was sure if you would have stood as one of the Moff’s you could have made so much progress. But, if you stood at his side as an Empress, you could do so much more.
And here you were now, the Empress of the Empire, locked away in the most luxurious prison there ever was. Surrounded by the most lavish items, clothes, and art pieces that anyone could ever imagine. Servants coming for your every beck and call, people trying to impress you by words and sometimes even in actions. But it all felt as if your prison cell got wider, and your chains heavier.
Your family were humble nobles in the Mid Rim. They were now living in a big house with servants as many as any other nobles could have. They missed nothing. Well, you all missed one thing. Your big brother, who died in the hands of the Empire as he tried to lift the rebels again against the new Empire. But he barely created a handful of cells when he was discovered and dealt with. Your whole family should have been wiped out, but the Emperor, your husband, left it only with restrictions on the planet for the next three decades. Nothing too serious, but nowhere to hide if anyone ever tried the same again.
So now, your family was under so much surveillance that even you knew what it meant. If you made the Emperor angry enough your family was the first to go. You had resisted in the beginning very adamantly but after your brother's death and a call from your parents, all your fighting ceased. The reason Thrawn wanted you was for you to lead politically while he led the military. You didn't want to aid him, but if you didn't your family would pay the price. You shivered at the thought as you looked at your collection of jewelry waiting to be chosen for tonight's banquet. But those jewels were chains that kept you tied to him. You didn't want to attend but that could be just enough to anger Thrawn. What would people say when the Empress won't attend the Emperor's banquet? You sighed and simply turned to look at the view again. The servants will pick whatever would fit the gown and the occasion. You simply didn't care. You simply had to endure this event since it was the first one after your brother’s death.
Your mental preparation was interrupted as the doors opened and your husband walked in with two dark troopers at his side. All the servants stopped what they were doing and bowed their heads. You simply turned to see him with a solemn face. Unlike the previous Emperor, Thrawn always wore white and never hid his face under robes. He wore his plaques with pride, after becoming the Emperor, he raised his military rank to Supreme Admiral. Besides his white uniform and rank plaques, he now also wore a long white cape when he wasn't leading any ships. The cape bellowed as he walked to you. He just needed to raise his right hand and everyone around you scattered and left you alone with him. You didn't want to talk with him so you turned to face the viewport again.
“I see that you haven't progressed in selecting your attire for tonight,” Thrawn said as he eyed the jewels set for you to pick and leave untouched. “Do you have trouble choosing or are you simply stalling?”
“You know perfectly well what it is,” You said with a voice as cold as you can muster.
“Sometimes I wish I didn't,” Thrawn sighed and stepped to stand right behind you. “You do realize that your reluctance will bring more damage to you than it does to my image.” You tried to call out all of your self-control to not turn and say a few selected words that you have been holding in. It is one thing, to make things difficult and simply be slow or uncooperative. But a straight-out rebellion against him would indeed cause losses that you weren't ready to face.
“There is a rumor going on again,” Thrawn said leaning to your ear. “The Empress fights against the Emperor and is held against her will in the palace. Some people even mentioned another lover.”
“That's outrageous. There is no such thing,” You said angrily. If there was something you hated more than him, it was the ridiculous rumors and people who tried to benefit from them. “I'm not stupid enough to even try to cheat on you.”
“Of course not, especially if it will take down your family,” Thrawn said and placed his arms around you. You resisted the urge to push yourself away, you weren't in the mood for any of his approaches. Besides, you discourage yourself when sometimes you feel yourself falling under his touch as your body yearns his caresses. But not now, and not today.
“But the rumors still exist, and something must be done before someone unnecessarily gets hurt. You wouldn't want that, would you?” Thrawn asked.
“No, I don't,” You said, trying to keep yourself unaffected by his silent threat.
“Good, now I think our best way to put an end to these ridiculous rumors is for us to share a bed again,” Thrawn said. It was never simply to share the bed with him and you knew it. You would share not only the bed but the room and the bathroom. But it was his way to cut down the absurd rumors. A way that you both hated and regrettably enjoyed. But not now, not when your brother had died not so long ago.
“I’ll set time for later before you leave again for another campaign,” You said with a diplomatic voice.
“No, tonight right after the banquet,” Thrawn said as his grip on you got tighter. “I can't let some pest take the opportunity and try to approach my wife. My Empress.”
“I don't feel like it tonight. I don't feel so well,” You said, and you weren't lying. You always needed time to prepare yourself whenever you were meant to spend a night with Thrawn. Not just physically but especially mentally.
“Tonight, my dear,” Thrawn said with a tone that left no room for arguments. You tried to pry yourself off of his embrace and you did get away but only because he allowed it. That only meant one thing.
“I heard your little sister is progressing well in the Imperial Academy,” Thrawn said, looking out at the viewport that you were looking at before. Just hearing about your sister made your blood run cold. “It is delightful to hear that someone in your family does their best to live up to you. I certainly don't wish for her to get involved in anything unpleasant.”
“Stay away from her,” You tried to sound menacing but your voice broke. Just the thought of losing another sibling felt so dreadful.
“Maybe we should visit her sometimes. Or better yet invite her to the palace. I'm sure she would enjoy seeing her older sister again,” Thrawn said, ignoring your pathetic threat.
“You will not hurt her,” You said again and failed again at sounding serious.
“Now why would I ever do that?” Thrawn asked as if he had no idea. “Your sister isn't involved in anything treasonous. Yet.” Thrawn turned to leave, and you couldn't help but let the words slip from you like the bursting dam.
“Wait! Please,” You cried. Thrawn stopped but didn't turn to face you. You grabbed at your robe as you tried to push your pride away and do what needed to be done to save your family. “Please, I… I…”
“You what?” Thrawn asked, his tone turned cold.
“I will share the bed with you,” You finally let words out as sobs.
“I'm not convinced,” Thrawn said as he turned to face you but his voice was still cold. This wasn't the first time so you knew what he wanted. He wanted you to submit and to beg for his love. It angered him that he had gotten this obedience through threats. If only you'd be like that from the beginning. One day, he might truly kill your family, and then the last chain to keep tamed would disappear. Fortunately, your family wasn't a small one. And hopefully just losing one brother will be enough.
You walked close to him and dropped to your knees before him. You reached for his gloved hand and kissed it softly.
“Please, forgive my rude behavior, husband,” You said between kisses. Thrawn didn't say anything, he just looked down on your crumbled appearance. You knew this wouldn't be enough. “Please, tell me how I can make it up to you.”
“I have some ideas,” Thrawn said, his voice finally growing warm. You let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't angry anymore. He wasn't going after your little sister, for now.
Thrawn gently grabbed your chin with the hand you had kissed a moment ago and made you look up to him. He had no trouble seeing the tears on your cheeks. Yet he still made you rise to stand before him. His eyes burned you as he kept eye contact.
“Remove the robe,” Thrawn said. You did as told since you knew that if you tried to disobey, tomorrow your little sister would be framed as a traitor.
The robe fell to the floor in a pool around your feet, what was left on you was a silk chemise that left you back more open that it barely could be called decent. Thrawn wasted no time in placing his hands on the skin now bare for him. His hands started from your sides and slowly went up and down. His thumbs just barely came to you breasts but still passed at the underside of your bosom. You tried to keep yourself steeled but failed miserably as a moan escaped your lips when his hands came to the hem of your chemise and dipped under the fabric. Thrawn didn't make it any easier as he latched to neck and began to kiss and suck a pulse point. He marked you from the neck and aroused you from below. You worried that he might take it further but at the same time wished he would get you off fast. And then he stopped and simply watched at his work on your neck.
“Wear the ruby necklace, it hides from afar these marks,” Thrawn said. “But it shows anyone near us to whom you belong.”
“Yes, your majesty,” You said in defeat. Thrawn kissed you sweetly to the forehead and then to your lips. When his lips parted from yours you could tell he was trying to hold back. His eyes devoured your look with the wrinkled chemise and the marks he left on you.
“Come to me after ten and ask me to leave the guests, then I’ll take you to my chambers,” Thrawn said, his voice slightly growling.
“Yes, your majesty,” You said, fixing your chemise. Thrawn was about to leave but he stopped and half turned to you.
“Remember you must come to me,” He said before he turned completely and left the room.
You waited till the doors shut behind him and then you fell to your knees and cried. You thought you were ready to face anything but your were proven wrong once again. Thrawn wasn't someone to be underestimated. He knew you better than yourself. He knew how to bend you and how to break you. And unless you bend as he wanted he most certainly would break you. You learned that the hard way. Now you had bent your will in time. Otherwise he would have made the coming night intolerable for you.
You wiped your face and tried to steel yourself again. You had now the time to change dress and the banquet before you would have been with him alone again. If you did well your sister will be fine. If you pleased him then perhaps you could convince him to let at least her out of his hostages. You had to prepare yourself.
The servant came in and helped you to change. No one said anything about the mark on your neck. They got you the necklace Thrawn had mentioned and found a dress that matched it. They offered to hide the marks with make up but you told them to stop. Thrawn wanted the rumors to die and hiding the marks wouldn't achieve that.
If you played the loving wife and Empress your family would live. Did they know what you had to do for them? Would they understand? That scared you as much as losing them. If they would hate you for what you had become, the trap had just gotten tighter around you. If you'd stop and fight back Thrawn would end them and your home would burn.
You had no other way to save them but lie in the arms of the man who was now the Emperor.
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adoremexxs · 1 year
You can have a story or a headcanon (From your AU, she is great)
Urogi × Extremely calm reader.
Don't know how to explain, they're like, like the sun and the moon. Underwater and cheerful Urogi and a calm, perhaps slow and sleepy reader.
thank you in advance! your blog is one of my favorites <3
AW, this means so much to me! So sweet!
also i’m sorry guys for not posting multiple times a day, my brain is fried and i’m extremely busy ☠️
Urogi with a calm S/O
warnings: none
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met him through Aizetsu
you and aizetsu are besties bc u both are extremely calm people and reserved
so whenever you came over to his house, you didn’t expect to see 4 loud and chaotic brothers
zohakuten was relatively quiet until sekido or urogi and karaku pissed him off
the first one to greet to you was urogi
immediately checking you out and trying to figure out who u were
asked if u were aizetsu’s lover
aizetsu said no so fast, he didn’t want to get harassed
urogi was happy on the other hand
“yay! that means they can be mine!”
sekido hit Urogi so hard for saying that
karaku tried to get into your pants a few times but you were like “no! bye!”
you started to befriend urogi and talk to him more, even starting to hang out
even though he is hyper 99.99999% of the time, you enjoy it
he can drive so he takes you everywhere, listening to “Eyes without a face” by Billy Idol
it’s very spiritual tbh
takes you to the beach
will take your instagram photos for you
he’s been trained
shows you his crystals that him and aizetsu collect
whenever you express that you collect crystals too, Urogi goes crazy and needs to absolutely see them which results in bringing him over
your room radiates your energy, sleepy and calm and Urogi realizes how much you are like Aizetsu!
which makes him even more clingy towards you
his energy can sometimes overwhelm you and when you snap at him, he gets so sad and leaves you alone
you feel bad but he’s happy within like 5 seconds
the day that he asks you out is on the beach, the sun is rising and you are watching it
he looks so nervous, you can clearly tell something is up
when you ask him what’s up with him
he pours all of his feelings out to you, expressing how he has liked you since the first day he met you and how he can’t get enough of you
obviously you accept it bc you aren’t dumb, like why would you reject HIM?! He’s so fine and cute and sweet
you are somehow able to deal with his energy most of the time, sometimes you can get overwhelmed but it’s not terrible
he gets REALLY clingy to you, he has to be touching you 24/7 or he has a freak out
whenever you saw the scar on his waist, you were extremely concerned because Urogi casually just said
“oh it’s from when my dad hit me with a beer bottle.”
he completely brushed it off?! like what?!
Urogi doesn’t mind talking about his childhood, he’s indifferent about it
it’s his way of coping with it, he acts like it wasn’t that serious, it’s just how he grew up
he ended up telling you about how he used to get bullied a bunch
and how he struggles with his self image sometimes, he gets really anxious sometimes and doesn’t eat for days but then he’ll end up eating a bunch later on
now it’s your job to get him back on track!
your calm energy relaxes him a bit
if he’s at your house, he is completely calm and sleeps on you
he’s heavy but you aren’t going to push him off
Urogi posts you a lot
he makes you known to everyone
you are referred to as “Urogi’s S/O”
random people will say hi to you in the hallways
urogi LOVES kissing you
everytime he sees you, he has to kiss you
he’s very passionate about it, he usually ends up out of breath
you almost die half the time, he cuts off half your air supply
Urogi is legit obsessed with you
he wants you to be equally as obsessed with him so he looks up love spells online
it works though
i mean he really didn’t need the love spell but man, you got equally obsessed as him
you are so calm that it terrifies him sometimes
if he did something bad, he’s scared that you’re mad
you’re not
Urogi doesn’t handle calm energy too well whenever he thinks they are angry
Urogi is a D2 overthinker when it comes to his S/O
Sekido is a D1 overthinker y’all
Urogi doesn’t think 90% of the time but the 10% goes to you
stresses over gifts and holidays and dates
it’s okay because you already take care of everything and take care of it for Urogi
everyone says you guys are the golden retriever and black cat duo
so that’s what you dressed up for halloween as
even though Urogi wanted to be a bird
tries to compare you to a bird
compliments 24/7
extremely loyal
he is in love with you and you take a lot of his firsts
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soapyghostie · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if possibly you can write about reader meeting Bo Sinclair for the first time and him being charming and flirting with the reader…👁️ if not that’s ok, just sum a lil simple. Thanks!
Hey! I hope this is good. I didn’t really have very many ideas for this, but I tried my best. Hope you like it!
Bo Sinclair
When Bo saw you walk into Ambrose with all your friends, he thought you were gorgeous: the most beautiful human-being he has ever seen. Then and there he decided that no one would hurt you. Bo called up Vincent to inform him that he was not allowed to touch or harm you. 
Massive amounts of flirting. He’s probably flirted with you more than he has with anyone else. Also, he is constantly looking you up. Hey! It’s not his fault you’re stunning. He’s gotta get a glimpse of you every chance he gets. 
He gets a little too touchy with you. He’ll give you a lot of headpats and backpats when he walks by. Bo will slyly bump his shoulder into you and make it look like an accident. He’s done it way too many times for it to be an accident, but somehow he convinces you it was every single time. Also, when you and your friends go up with him to his house to grab a ‘fan-belt,’ he rests in hand on your back. Your friends thought it was weird and sus. 
He doesn’t acknowledge any of your friends at all, just you. Everytime you speak, you have his attention. He can’t miss the chance to hear your pretty voice. Whenever your friends try to speak or interrupt you, he aggressively shuts them down. He’s like, “how fucking dare you silence the most majestic voice in the world?!” It has your friends wanting to hide in their skin. 
Your friends are really worried for your safety. They can tell that Bo has an unhealthy obsession with you and that there is something off about Ambrose because of Bo’s demeanor. Yeah, Bo really let his act down. He has been showing more of his true self than his friendly mechanic persona.
Vincent has been watching. When Vincent got the chance to talk with Bo, he reminded him of the plan and that he was letting his persona down. Bo was letting you get in the way and he needed to focus; he needed to regain you and your friends' trust. 
Bo was able to collect himself. He apologized for how he treated you to your friends, using his charming smirk and southern accent. He easily regained their trust. Idk how the hell he did that, but your friends must be that much of imbeciles. He still flirted a lot with you though. 
Once time for the killing spree, he lured you into the basement below his gas station and locked you in there while Vincent was taking care of your friends. He didn’t tape you down in the chair because, again, he doesn’t want to hurt you. 
It takes a long time for him to regain your trust. Once you start living with him and his brothers, you avoid him a lot and never speak to him. You have no clue what he did to your friends, but you know he did something awful. Bo consistently told you they left you behind, but you knew better. You knew they wouldn’t leave you. Why else would he have locked you in that basement that one fateful day?
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satansapostle6 · 9 months
Kids | Rodrick Heffley
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Spotify Playlist Link
Rodrick Heffley becomes obsessed when he finally meets his thirty-five year old band mate, Bill Walter’s, younger sister.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Drug use. Sexual content. Violence.
“10 Things I Hate About You”
“The Perks of Being A Disappointment”
Rodrick found that he very much liked holding hands. Especially Sara’s. He felt he looked better than ever that Monday morning, because her hand was in his.
“Ew. Look,” Heather Hills whispered, staring with her friends as they watched Rodrick and Sara coming down the hall. “The emus are dating.”
Sara just chuckled as Rodrick stood tall beside her, completely unaware. But he wouldn’t have had it any other way. His only focus was Sara, and the way her smile was something reserved mostly for him.
“Alright. I guess I gotta get to class,” Rodrick sighed, fully aware that he and Sara were already fifteen minutes late.
“Okay,” she sighed unenthusiastically, smiling as he gave her a quick peck on the lips as he leaned in the doorframe.
“Be good,” he teased.
“You first.”
“Never,” Rodrick promised, chuckling as he just stood there for a moment, admiring what was his.
“Sara, are we joining us for first period?” Mr. Emerson called in annoyance.
“In a minute, you old fart!” Rodrick yelled impatiently, peeved that someone had interrupted his state of bliss.
“Mr. Heffley, do I need to call administration?” the history teacher asked.
“No, Mr. Emerson,” Rodrick said quickly, looking back at Sara as he awkwardly scratched at his shaggy dark hair. “Go to the bathroom in ten minutes,” he mouthed.
Sara just smirked back at him as she entered the classroom, taking her seat by Lauren. Class that day went by faster than she’d anticipated, and before she knew it, Rodrick was walking her out, with his arm lazily thrown around her.
He had deemed it chivalrous to take care in walking Sara to and from all of her classes, conveniently giving him a reason to miss the first and last ten minutes or so of each of his own classes. Sara had just barely sat down in her elective psychology class before receiving a slip of paper from the office on her desk.
Sara squinted in confusion as she read it. Apparently, she had been checked out of school right at the beginning of second period by someone listed as “brother”. She didn’t question why Bill would check her out of school without telling her, so she collected her things and headed to the front office, not sure what to expect.
Sure enough, there was Bill Walter.
“Hey, Sar Bear,” her older brother smiled.
“Hey,” she nodded. “What’s up? Is everything okay?”
“More than okay,” he promised her as they walked out of the school together.
“What’s going on?”
“You’ll see,” he promised her excitedly.
Bill walked Sara down the street to where Rodrick’s van was parked, not saying a word. Sara was confused for a moment as she saw Rodrick leaning against the van, arms crossed before he hopped up.
“Hey, baby,” he said casually.
“What’s up?” Sara asked, not understanding.
“I’ll leave you two to it,” Bill smiled, walking off to where his own car was parked.
She just looked at Rodrick, waiting for an explanation.
“I got Bill to check you out of school, so I could take you on our first date,” he smiled happily, seeming satisfied with himself.
“But, we’ve been on a date,” Sara pointed out. “And we go to the mall together.”
“This is something a lot better than the mall,” Rodrick promised her, making a point of it as he put on a dark pair of Ray Bans. “We’re going to the boardwalk.”
“Really?” she asked, surprised by the spontaneous gesture. “You’re cutting school? Again?”
“Yeah,” he scoffed nonchalantly, “I blocked the school on my mom’s phone. She’ll never know anyway.”
“Okay,” Sara grinned, throwing her arms around him as he smiled down at her. “So I have you for the whole day?”
“Definitely,” he said in a low tone, hands situated on her hips. “I’m all yours, beautiful,” he said in a cocky manner.
“Good,” she mumbled, kissing him on the lips.
He held her in arms as tightly as he could, making sure to wrap his arms all the way around her in a way that always made her feel safe.
“Hop in, sweetheart,” Rodrick teased her. “I’ll let you pick the music.”
Rodrick drove off as Sara sat blissfully in the front seat next to him, flipping through CD’s for a few minutes.
“Limp Bizkit?” she asked, holding up one of his CD’s.
“Whatever you want, princess. Today’s about you,” he responded affectionately as she popped it in.
The drive to Oceanside Pier would take about an hour, but Sara almost wished it would take longer just so she could sit in the passenger seat while Rodrick drove and talked to her. She felt like his world was centered around her whenever he would find special places to take her.
“You look really good sitting there like that, you know that?” Rodrick said a he watched her.
Her fair skin glowed golden like moonlight with the way sunlight poured in through the window.
“I think you forget how handsome you are,” she pointed out with a raised eyebrow.
She loved his shaggy hair and crooked smile like nothing else. Rodrick Heffley didn’t completely show it, but her words had an impact on him he couldn’t find the words to fully describe.
“You know, you have more personality than anybody I know. And it even shows on your face, and the way you look,” he stared in amazement. “Everything about you is just perfect. Just right,” he thought.
Sara thought for a moment, finding the compliment had a certain novelty to it. Her nose wrinkled in surprise as she tried to place her reaction.
“I always thought there was a lot wrong with my face,” she said softly.
This fact seemed appalling to Rodrick.
“What idiot made you think that?” he demanded.
“I don’t know. I just kind of accepted it as a fact. My teeth are kind of fucked. My eyes are hooded and uneven, and they have bags underneath. And my eyes are kind of droopy and dead,” she thought, seeming physically overwhelmed by the details as she spoke, as if not quite understanding.
“I think your eyes are one of the best things about you,” he said honestly. “And your smile’s the cutest thing ever.”
“Well. I think you feel about me the way I feel about you,” she stated.
“I hope so,” Rodrick expressed. “Because… I want you to be my girlfriend,” he concluded.
“You do?” Sara looked up at him.
“I do,” he nodded, completely serious. “Do you want that too?”
“Yes, I do,” she said without a second thought. “I think that would be perfect.”
He smiled at her, genuinely content with the world. When Rodrick and Sara frolicked around on the beach, after having bought swimsuits on the pier, he saw the whole world in her eyes. They were just brown, but to him, they reflected so much more.
In her eyes, he saw the same darkness he had in his own heart, and the same golden light he imagined pouring into his home through the windows ten years from then. Rodrick had never given growing up much thought, mostly because he thought he never wanted to do it.
But as he ran along the beach with Sara, and carried her in his arms in the water, he so badly wanted to fast forward and see if this, the lunacy of this dream, stood the test of time.
“Nobody has a voice like you,” Sara Walter said softly, as Rodrick heard their second joint in her voice.
They were sitting on a towel close to the water, but the few people who’d been somewhat close to them had cleared out because of the aromatic smoke. Rodrick chuckled lightly as he hit the joint with his sunglasses on, charmed by the sight of his girlfriend in her matching two-piece black and pink bikini.
“You think I could really sing if I wanted to?” Rodrick asked her.
The truth was, he heavily valued her opinion more than anyone else’s.
“Not necessarily sing. Scream, maybe,” she reasoned. “I think you have a voice that really rocks. You just have to find your style.”
“I think I want you onstage with me,” he expressed, passing the joint to her. “Like, background vocals, or something. I think someone like you could really take the band to a whole ‘nother level. Like, Amy Lee, or Lacey Sturm.”
“Please don’t compare me to Lacey Sturm,” Sara grimaced, taking a deep hit off the joint, “I don’t wanna fuck Jesus.”
“I have sandals on right now,” Rodrick pointed out in amusement. “Would that work?”
“Very funny,” she said to him with sarcastic approval.
“Do you ever think about dying?” Rodrick asked as she smoked while processing.
“What about it?” she questioned.
“Like, how you would wanna do it?” he asked awkwardly. “Or why you would wanna do it?”
“All the time,” Sara nodded. “I used to think about it a lot… I always thought I’d just OD, or something. Die young,” she offered her sentiments.
“Really?” Rodrick asked, seeming sad despite having the conversation on the sunny beach.
“Yeah… My family has a history of suicide,” she confessed. “My mom’s grandpa committed suicide. And my grandma; my dad’s mom. And my cousin, too.”
“Your cousin?” Rodrick said softly.
“Yeah. Bryan,” she nodded. “He was like my best friend growing up.”
“You told me about him,” he thought, remembering all the different stories. “You never told me he died.”
“Yeah. Shot himself a few years back,” Sara remembered. “He was seventeen.”
“I’m sorry,” Rodrick offered. “That… really, really sucks.”
“It does,” she agreed. “I didn’t understand it. I always thought, out of the two of us, it would’ve been me. He only smoked a little weed. I was the one who did all the drugs, even then… I wanted to go out like him. Young, and smarter than everybody. I wanted to go out on my own terms.”
“I think I know what you mean,” Rodrick thought. “I don’t…” he paused for a moment, seeming genuinely perturbed.
Sara watched him, wondering what was going on his mind.
“I don’t know what my life is for. I’m not smart, I’m not a good person. I’m not good at anything that matters.”
“Music matters,” she offered, not even able to process the inaccuracy of the other claims.
“Mine doesn’t,” Rodrick said spitefully. “I mean, my dad’s right; it’s not real music. We just bang on our instruments and scream about blood and shit, like, literal shit.”
“But that is real music,” Sara promised, sitting up in front of him. “If it means something, it’s real music. You think music has to be serious all the time? Look at Jim Morrison. Half of the time, he had no idea what the fuck he was talking about.
“And you saw what happened when Fred Durst and Jonathan Davis got together and recorded a song. That was the least serious shit I’ve ever heard. Think about the people that made you wanna make music; did their music not make you feel something? Did it not make you feel good?”
“You’re right, you know that?” he said after a moment.
“How many times have you turned on the radio and heard a piece of industry-planted garbage that’s full of buzzwords and bullshit just to appeal to as many people as possible? ‘Baby’, ‘love’, ‘girl’, ‘party’, ‘boy’, ‘beach’. That’s the shit that doesn’t deserve to be called music.”
“You’re so smart,” Rodrick sighed, overwhelmed by his feelings for her.
“You’re really something, Rodrick. You have passion, and talent, and you really are driven when you actually put your mind to something,” Sara remarked. “Anyone who really sees who you are could tell you that.”
“But, I don’t know what I even wanna do with my life,” he confessed. “Mom and Dad both say I gotta go to college, but what the fuck am I gonna do at college? I don’t read, I can’t pass tests, and I definitely don’t know how to be an adult.”
“I think once you find something, it’ll all fall into place,” she told him.
“But what am I gonna do?” he asked. “I’m not good at anything.”
“That’s not true. No one who really knows you would let you think that,” she frowned.
“Well, what do you think I’m good at?”
“You are good with music. Specifically working out the beat and music of a song… Like the composition. And, you don’t think you are, but you’re good at finding ways to look at things so that you can understand them,” she offered. “I saw you explaining stuff to Chris during practice.”
“See, this is why I love talking to you about stuff,” Rodrick sighed. “You really get me, and you really wanna help me.”
“I hope so,” she thought, looking him in the eyes as she hoped he would see what she saw in him.
“I think my mom would really like you,” he remarked.
“I don’t know,” she sighed, exhaling a heavy puff of smoke. “I’m just different than what she wants for you.”
“She wants someone who cares about me, and is a good influence on me,” he stated confidently. “That’s you.”
That evening, a while after had Sara went off to work, and Rodrick had returned home, the Heffley family was seated around their dinner table for a family meal. Frank’s day at work and Greg’s day at school had already been discussed, and Susan was rambling on about different people they knew, before Rodrick decided he had something to share with them.
“Hey, Mom?” he said as he got himself a second helping of mashed potatoes.
“Yes, Rodrick?” Susan looked up at him, pleasantly surprised to find that he was willingly speaking up during a family gathering.
“I, uh… I have a girlfriend now,” Rodrick smiled smugly.
“Huh. That’s my boy,” Frank offered him an extremely paternal smile, for once finding a reason to be proud of his eldest son.
“What?” she finally looked up at him through her glasses, eyes widened.
“Whoa, look outside!” Greg interrupted loudly, pointing out the window. “There’s pigs flying!”
“Shut it, smart ass!”
“After you, dumb ass,” Greg muttered.
“I’m sorry, what did you say, Rodrick?” Susan asked after a moment.”
“I said, I’m a changed man. I have a girlfriend now,” Rodrick grinned, proud of the one he had ended up with.
“Oh, that’s nice, who’s the lucky girl?” his mother asked pleasantly, seeming thrilled.
“Sara,” Rodrick told her, expecting that to be obvious.
“Sara, Bill’s sister, Sara?” she asked incredulously.
“Sara?” Frank Heffley blurted out, almost sounding startled. “The blonde girl?” his eyes widened as a smile spread across his face.
He was quickly met with a sharp nudge from his wife, who seemed less than enthusiastic about the new development now.
“Yeah,” Rodrick nodded, not understanding the reaction. “I’m with Sara.”
“But, why?” Susan asked him. “She’s so…”
She failed to come up with something acceptable.
“‘So’ what?” he asked defensively, seeming upset. “Sara’s what?”
“She’s just… not who I would’ve pictured you with, is all,” she tried to soften her demeanor.
“Mom, do you even know me at all?” Rodrick demanded, seeing the disappointed frown on her face. “I’m serious. Like, do you know what I like, or how I think?”
“Of course I know you! I gave birth to you! You’re my oldest son!” she exclaimed in shock. “That’s why I don’t want you to end up with someone you’d regret being with, is all.”
“How do you even know I’d regret it? You don’t know anything about her!” he cried. “You’ve met her once.”
“And I’m not assuming anything!” Susan assured him. “I just… want you to be careful, that’s all.”
“Yeah. Your mother doesn’t mean anything by it,” Frank attempted to mediate the situation.
“Okay,” Rodrick tested her, a suspicious look on his face. “Then, can I invite her to dinner tomorrow?”
Susan nearly choked on her food.
“But, the Bensons are coming over for dinner tomorrow,” she reminded him, her face even looking pale.
“You said I could have a friend over for dinner whenever I want,” he pointed out.
“No, I said you seem to have friends over for dinner whenever you want,” she chuckled as patiently as she could, patience clearly thinning.
“Honey, Sara seems like a nice girl. Sure, she’s Bill’s sister, and she looks a little edgy, but she seems nice enough,” Frank reasoned, stepping in. “She’s polite, and she says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. That’s more than we can say for most of the other kids he’s had over. I’m just glad he found a girl he likes that doesn’t sell pot in an alley,” he justified simply.
“I don’t know…” Susan considered skeptically.
“Come on, Mom,” Rodrick sighed. “You don’t change your mind with Greg’s friends.”
“That’s because Greg’s friends don’t come from families with more teen pregnancies and suicides than college degrees,” she mumbled.
“Susan,” Frank looked at her in shock.
Everyone realized that he seemed genuinely hurt.
“I’m sorry, honey, I didn’t mean it like that,” she sighed, realizing her mistake.
“What other way is there to mean it?!” Rodrick snapped at her. “You don’t say shit like that!”
His father remained completely silent for a moment, not sure at all how to deal with the topic. Even Manny started to seem uncomfortable at the dinner table, as Greg was also surprised to find he was on his brother’s side.
“That’s dark, Mom.”
“I’m sorry, okay?” Susan gave in, “I didn’t mean it like that. I was just getting stressed out, with all this… It was a horrible thing, and I shouldn’t have said it. I take it back.”
“How did you even know that?” Rodrick questioned her, disregarding the apology.
Even he seemed to be just finding out about it.
“People talk,” she sighed, “One of the PTA moms has a sister who used to work with Bill and Sara’s mom. People talk about that family, and the things you hear aren’t exactly good. I just didn’t know if I wanted you hanging around a girl like that.”
“Why would people talk about that? It’s fucked,”Rodrick said in disgust.
“I know. And I shouldn’t encourage it,” Susan agreed.
“So, are you actually willing to give Sara a chance?”
“Yes, honey, of course,” she promised, mostly out of obligation and guilt.
“Congratulations, son,” Frank beamed, shifting the direction of the conversation, “On finally getting a girl.”
It seems that was all they really could’ve hoped for. Rodrick just smiled in more of an awkward grimace, not really feeling as good as he thought he would after their conversation.
Meet the Fuckers
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