#bruce evil mode on when his kids don't have batman merch is so real
wondersinwaynemanor · 4 months
Jason aggressively searching through the Manor, grumbling profanities under his breath.
Jason: If y'all don't give it up, I guarantee what will happen next won't be pretty.
Damian: Tt. You disarranged the Legos I worked hard on, Todd.
Tim: Hey! I helped Dami with that last night.
Duke: What are you looking for, Jay? Maybe we can help.
Dick: Little Wing, what is it?
Jason: My Wonder Woman plushie! Where the fuck is it? I swear, if one of you tried to--
Duke: Haven't seen it.
Damian: If you weren't so careless and if you were smarter, Todd, it would be easier to find.
Tim: You still have that plushie? Didn't you have it since you were fifteen?
Dick: You're an adult now, Jay. No need to be mad about it.
Damian: Grow up, Todd.
Jason: What did you say?
Duke and Tim: Uh, oh.
Jason: Doesn't matter how old I am, that plushie is important to me!
Jason: And don't be a hypocrite, Dickhead, you still have that Superman stuffed toy in your apartment and you're nearing your thirties.
the rest of the younger brothers stare at Dick.
Dick: I--I lost it! I don't know where it went.
Bruce, on the other side of the room, laughing wickedly. he's the culprit for hiding his kids' plushies or stuffed toys that aren't Batman.
this man is nearing his fifties but he still gets grumpy when his kids don't own a merch of him.
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