#bruh same
evintide · 1 year
sleep meme.
type of bed. large, bordering on king sized. each monarch is given an expansive room and a bed to match, and Midna’s is no different. the bed itself is low and affixed to the floor, but has a lip so that the bedding doesn’t slip away. there is a round half obelisk jutting up from the middle of said lip at the head. the the top corners have columns that rise towards the ceiling and hold a separate piece of material that allows several sheer pieces of drapery to flow over. all metallic and stone surfaces are adorned with insignias and carvings that range from echoing sacred beasts of the past to mere decoration, along with soft pulsing lines of teal that are commonly seen throughout the realm’s architecture. the bedding is a monochrome array of soft blacks, silvers and reds, not unlike the cloth Midna wears around her waist when out and about.
number of blankets. several, though they range in shape and size. cloth is a difficult material to produce in the twilight realm, even if their ruler has the pick of the pile. she’s kept several small circular blankets from her childhood, two of which will adorn her bed or lounging areas should she use them as a cover to and from her bed. they’re all faded because of age, and torn in places given how much they’ve been used, but Midna keeps them regardless, and if they’ve been taken to be washed or placed somewhere else by someone they are usually folded and waiting for her to use from where she left them before. typically she sleeps with two large sheets that are on the bed, and then will throw smaller ones off or on throughout her slumber.
number of pillows. there’s one long pillow that spans the width of the bed at the top and then several others that Midna will use to rest her head on or cocoon around during sleep. at most she can have up to five; two by her head, two on either side, and the one at top. though since returning to the realm Midna has found she will pick up blankets or other pillows of all sorts of shapes and sizes to further nestle herself against. she has grown accustomed to sleeping alongside or with someone else since her travels in the light realm, and has requested for pillows made in unusual colors in twili terms for her bed now; namely shades of greens, pinks and blues. on truly lonesome nights, she will give into a guilty pleasure of shaping the shadows into the form of a familiar canine, and use that as a pillow to sleep against or cuddle with.
type of clothing. as stated before, cloth of any kind is a difficult commodity to come by in the twilight realm, so clothing is typically kept loose and flowing as to make sure it can be adjusted and worn throughout the years as their wearers grow older. though there are many that have come to find wearing clothing made of cloth is just simply not for them, or too expensive, and instead are able to manipulate shadow to cover their forms as they please. Midna does both of these, though if needed to be seen in an official capacity will wear more elaborate pieces of clothing made from cloth and metal. at her most casual she will simply wear a large cloak that can be fitted comfortably around her shoulders and arms, while at other points a single fabric around her waist will do. she almost always has some form of jewelry around her ankle or forehead.
does it matter where they sleep? sometimes. after her return to the twili realm she has found sleeping outside to be more pleasant, but a good deal of the time she will prefer somewhere she can curl up or lounge comfortably. large windowsills and chairs are her typical spots, especially if she can curl up with a blanket or pillow.
what do they do if they cannot fall asleep? she used to enjoy sneaking out as a child, and still does to some extent, but Zant’s uprising has caused her to become more cautious, and her guards more wary at that. so if she can’t move around much she’ll do things around her room, such as trying to practice teleportation magicks or attempt to read up on other realms, but more often than not the words won’t stick and she goes back to pacing. if she can get out for some fresh air, Midna likes to wander, watch others if they are out about, and haunt around the castle. she also  might try one of her usual nap spots too to see if they’re more comfortable than her bed.
frequent dreams, nightmares. her dreams in the light realm typically revolved around Zant -- either in some shape or form exacting her revenge or, in weaker moments, replaying her banishment. later on she found that if her dreams slipped towards nightmares, they would end prematurely or be eased into a soft light. she attributes these moments of peace to her union with Zelda, as no such warmth or kindness has been bestowed to her in slumber before or since. nowadays her dreams involve passing landscapes, of grass underfoot and riding off into the distance on the back of a beast. of towers and skies foreign to the twili realm and the sound of a crackling fire. memories she wishes to hold closer in waking hours, but finds she can only recall them at their best when asleep. nightmares come in the form of her precious ones fading, cracking like a mirror beneath fingertips right before she reaches them, red clouds and deep shadows that lurk in the corners of her hallways.
deep slumber or naps? so. many. NAPS. she isn’t particularly picky as to where she naps either, so seeing Midna catch a quick rest somewhere isn’t that unusual. she doesn’t enjoy having people come across her during these catnaps however, and will try to find places out of the way or in less traveled areas to curl up for slumber. if she finds that her attendants have gotten wise to a certain spot she uses to nap, the monarch will try and find another space to catch a quick snooze in soon after.
when do they sleep? whenever and wherever, especially given how little the light changes in the twili realm. there is little difference in terms of day and night in said realm, save for some temperature change and the clouds growing denser. when Midna was younger she had a tight schedule to keep while learning and training with tutors and such, and while being the queen does have it’s many responsibilities that need to be maintained, she has more power with which to fudge those times with. her time spent rebuilding and healing the realm has taken away much of her free time previously spent napping, along with researching personal things on the side, so if given the opportunity to nap she will, more often than not, take it.
what could wake them up? not much. given how lightly she sleeps even a couple words from a bedmate or someone calling her name is enough to rouse her from slumber. whether she answers or not is another question entirely. often times she will simply roll over and ignore them, or bury herself deeper into blankets. if she needs to be roused again then typically pulling away what she has hidden herself under will work, but it will most definitely result in some choice words.
tagged by. @hyruin ( hands you a meme, gets back a meme LMAO ♥ )
tagging.  @twilitae & @somnium-led & @silenthime & @volcania & @somnium-led & @wolfviragoe && you!
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foxsketch6543 · 7 months
Is it me or is history is repeating itself?
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franpun · 6 months
Maurice loves his brother :)
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siyelius · 1 month
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boy you better not be belobog’s indestructible shield
my unyielding ass:
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secondary-colorentimy · 2 months
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Toma ref because hes overdue for one 😤
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
this is so bad that people are asking you when your comic updates are so they can sleep.
Yall really SHOULDN'T do that, its messed up, im just speaking from my standpoint but hearing stuff like that i wouldn't even Want to update anymore or announce wips or anything with all this "when is it coming out? can i sleep? can i do this? is it coming out soon?" i mean asking for WIPS of the comic seems fine but asking when its coming out bc its affecting you is wild. and not good. imagine what type of stress that is on a person to know that people arent taking care of themselves until the comic comes out.
idk it feels like some of yall dont know how to act. this comic is a passion project if anything. it just seems. so unhealthy and offputting to deal with this from an audience. idk.
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focaccia-nose · 11 months
me: Free Palestine!!!! Protest, scream, boycott, donate!!! Call your representatives!! Bibi and US government can eat my ass and they need to be held accountable. Just be sure to check your sources, don't post actual nazi rhetoric, and stop using random Jewish people on your timeline as a punching bag
goyim: oh so you want Palestinian children to get murdered
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sunlit-mess · 2 months
really, really
starting to get tired of feeling tired all the time with seemingly no amount of rest can fix.
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sleepytoycollection · 4 months
getting a lot of "ship of theseus" type comments on my discord post, which like...I don't think y'all understand the concept of the ship of theseus
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gilbirda · 2 months
hot take but we as a society need to be more comfortable about discussing "icky" parts of history, and even telling the side of the "bad guys"
hear me out
history is written by the victors, and will be heavily biased. The defeated will be painted as evil, deviants and/or like they have always been "the bad guys".
Reducing people to "the bad guys" does a huge disservice to the opportunity of learning from the past, because it creates a distance between the modern reader and the actual events, it creates the comfortable position of "I'm not like the bad guys, so i will never make their mistakes"
I think is important we understand how and why people believed in something, and where did things turn a certain way. Yes. Even "the wrong side". Even the nazis. Even those people you are thinking about, whoever they are.
Because you are not immune to propaganda and it's so so so so important to understand what happened and how did we get to those points before we fall to the same techniques again and again.
"Learning from the past" isn't deleting the ugly parts or cringing when someone brings up war. Thinking otherwise is a huge mistake and precisely what someone who wants to make the same mistakes wants you to think.
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anintroverteddarling · 5 months
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Probably a favorite character of mine because to me, he brings some sort of himbo energy with a high ego ladskfmadfslkmdsaflkmb
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catlover4536 · 1 year
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@carnivalcarrion Remember when I said I had something for you?
Yeah, me too.
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lemorgo · 22 days
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oc sketches
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karllost-mymind · 3 months
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I am downloading so many viruses to make this as accurate as possible.
But I can't resist adding my own flair to it
Side note if anyone has any old Minecraft comes alive skins plz contact me. I have almost none of the side characters.
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bonicedemandarina · 8 months
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I love them so much they're so iconic tbh
Sooo I recently read and watched scott pilgrim and this guy ended up as my fav so here's some fanart
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