#bryke destroyed them
i-draw-zutara · 2 years
Day 5171 of Zutara not being endgame.
God bless Bryke for not destroying our beautiful ship.
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rifari2037 · 3 months
6. Do you consider the comics/LoK canon?
I prefer to pretend that comics and TLOK aren't canon.
ATLA is enough for me, even though the love story isn't good written. It's weird and rushed except for Sokka and Suki. I'm a Zutara shipper, but I wouldn't expect them to end up together either if the better story is ended with friendship.
Why I don't consider comics as canon?
I probably can't give to much criticism because I don't read the comics yet and I'm not interested to do so because I've read many criticisms about it before, this is one of them that I found recently.
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There are other criticisms about it, most of them about the plot and how is Katara's role reduce, from Katara we all know to not more than Avatar's girlfriend. Those makes me less interested, though.
Plus, I probably can't stand reading Aang and Katara calling each other 'Sweetie' all the time. It wasn't romantic but cheesy to me.
Why I don't consider TLOK as canon?
Don't get me wrong, I quite enjoyed TLOK since Bolin exist, but I don't think it's as well written as ATLA. The conflicts, the arcs, the complexity. I have a lot of thoughts on some aspects that make TLOK no more special than ATLA, but I will only explain the most disappointing for me - and a lot of fans - here, which is how Katara is written.
Bryke always tells fans that Kat/Ang are perfect pairing. Since they became canon in ATLA, Bryke has many chances in TLOK to convince fans (especially Zutara stand) of what Bryke said.
But what we get are – Katara's role simply as the wife and mother of the Avatar's children. Like, having 3 kids doesn't make them perfect couple. And if Katara's role replaced by another character, would the main story change? No, not at all.
Zuko still the one who knew Aang more than anyone else, not Katara.
It doesn't matter if Katara only end up being a healer in her old age even though she wanted to fight when she was young. I mean, Toph also lives in the swamp and Zuko chooses to retire as Fire Lord.
But where was she when she was young? Where was she when Sokka was a leader, Toph was a police chief, Zuko was a Fire Lord, and Aang was the avatar? Where is her statue, while even cabbage man has it?
Not only that, Bryke also thought it's a brilliant idea to make Aang as a bad father. Unbelievable!
Bryke ignores all the opportunities of Zutara. But seeing how Bryke's favourite pairing is written, it's better that Zutara don't end up together. I'm afraid Bryke would destroy Zutara more than Kat/Ang.
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the-badger-mole · 2 months
While a part of mine wants nothing to do with the upcoming atla movies, another part of me wants to see them butcher Zuko, and flop so bad and see if, finally, that manages to destroy the bryke pedestal (*insert that one pic of please god let that happen because it would be so fucking funny*)
Honestly, I don't think Bryke are doing as well as people think. What have they really done that's gotten any attention? I know they're still doing the comics thing, but I barely hear about them anymore. Like I don't even hear people complaining about them anymore. I'm not claiming the gift of clairvoyance or anything, but I think this movie will be their last real attempt before they finally let this franchise die and leave it to the fandom. I am further predicting this will be another excuse to live vicariously through Aang, and the story will suffer for it. Aang will neither learn nor grow from his experiences, and his dumbest decisions will be lauded by the other characters as the height of wisdom. This movie is a transparent attempt to draw attention from the live action show they were dropped from quit. Who knows, maybe this movie flopping will be a good thing for them, and they will finally come up with another idea after 20 years of beating their first, and only idea to a pulp and then griding it into sausage meat.
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forevermore05 · 2 months
What's your opinion about A@ng? As someone who likes Zutara, what version of A@ng do you like to read or write? Perhaps there are more to the list, but these are what I can think of off the top of my head.
There's the:
He supports Zutara wholeheartedly, never had a crush on Katara
He's hurt, but is willing to let go so she and Zuko can be happy. He grows both as a person and Avatar
This is the ultimate betrayal from Katara, and Zuko is a forever girl-stealing back stabber. This can even turn into a tragedy, as A@ng never truly lets her go
Divorced kat_aang
I've read several fics with these premises and have enjoyed them all, though I prefer the version of him where he grows as a person.
Well, my friend, I think this is a very good question and there's a lot to unpack.
In my posts, I've been very critical of Aang and I think I am justified to do so. However, do I hate him? No, I think he's a very good character that has been destroyed by the writers in the third season and honestly, I felt like his character was showing through the cracks in the early seasons too. However, I digress, I still think he's a good kid and can be extremely wholesome. However, he does have flaws that are almost ignored by the mainstream fandom outside the Zutara and non-shipper community.
If you notice in my own works, my first 2 fan fictions are very anti Aang. I felt like I needed to give some artistic commentary on my opinions of how Aang treated Katara. Maybe I'll write a few more, who knows. I also want to take this time to repeat that I do not hate his character. I am very critical of it.
So right now I'm looking at the options you've provided for me and I think you've summed it up very well. Ideally, I would like to see Aang be hurt and feel that hurt and learn how to let go, so he's able to move on and grow as a person as and as an Avatar. However, I will also be honest with you that I have indulged in fanfiction where he is forever upset at the 2 of them. Because of the botched writing from Bryke with Aang's character In season 3, it is very possible for him to be jealous and upset, as seen in the Ember Island players.
However, I think he deserves to be able to move on and be able to let go and grow up and be a good avatar.
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mah-o-daryaa · 4 months
Aang should've struggled with waterbending.
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OK! OK! OK! I get why you're upset, just hear me out first! (Also I'm a teenage girl, not an old man.)
Now, if we remember the whole system with the four elements, fire is the element of power, earth is the element of substance, air is the element of freedom, and water is the element of change. And each Avatar has an element that they struggle with because its principles conflict with their personality.
That's why Aang struggled to earthbend, its mindset of facing conflict head-on contrasted with his avoidance of conflict. Similarly, Korra struggled to airbend because its mindset of avoiding conflict contradicted with her hot-headedness and brash attitude.
However, the problem is that while Korra (realistically) spends the entire first season learning to airbend (but this isn't about her though, this is about Aang), Aang struggles with earthbending for just one episode and then instantly grasps the concept and become really proficient (hey, maybe Toph's just a really good teacher).
This is the problem. The writers wanted Aang to struggle, so they gave them challenges that clashed with Aang's character traits, but then as soon as the episode ends, he's automatically succeeded in the given task. It's really annoying how Bryke especially don't want Aang to learn from his mistakes and grow as a person, because Raava forbid their Pwecious Boi(TM) is ever in the wrong!
Another element he struggled with is firebending, but not so much with the element itself as with the application of firebending. In The Deserter (1x16), Aang is given the opportunity to learn how to firebend under the tutelage of Jeong Jeong, but over time Aang becomes careless until he accidentally burns Katara while playing around. The episode ends with Aang swearing to never firebend again, and he stays true to his word until The Firebending Masters (3x13), when he and Zuko relearn firebending from the titular masters, Ran and Shaw. This episode ends with them learning that fire isn't an element of destruction, but rather one of life, warmth, and light, and thus becoming more confident in their firebending abilities.
Then there's waterbending, which is the only element besides air that Aang did not struggle with (apparently it was because Aang was quickly able to grasp the mindset of water), but he somehow managed to be a better waterbender than Katara? "Hard to believe" is how I'd put it. I really think there's a missed opportunity to have Aang struggle with the element, and here's why.
The world has changed a lot during the hundred years Aang was trapped in the iceberg. As Katara put it best, "Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked." Aang had just found out that every single one of his people were exterminated by the Fire Nation, and the rest of the world was caught in a brutal war that lasted an entire century. Worse, in The Northern Air Temple (1x17), Aang discovers that a group of refugees have moved into the Northern Air Temple and almost completely renovated the interior for their own needs (this is a really grey area of morality, I personally believe that the Mechanist was wrong for destroying what was already there in the temple, but Aang was acting on borderline supremacist behaviour throughout the episode. Plus the Mechanist and Teo especially were genuinely interested in Air Nomad culture and wanted the best for their community).
That's why I believe that Aang should have had a mini-arc about waterbending throughout Book 1 (like how he did with learning earthbending and later firebending in the later seasons), which would be about realizing that the world has changed so much during the last century. The Gaang still steals the waterbending scroll, but this time around, instead of getting it right first try, Aang would struggle terribly the first few times because he's still in denial that he's the Avatar and truly the last of his kind.
This would be explored at the Northern Air Temple, which would still new development. He'd have a talk with Teo who reminds him of his people, and that they would never leave him, and that they would live on in his heart. (I personally think it was a missed opportunity that Teo didn't become one of the Air Acolytes. He'd do great improving the standard of living by inventing new machines that would be a benefit, not a detriment, to the new Air Nation and to everyone who is part of it. That's for another time, though.)
Then at the North Pole the whole deal with Pakku would still be there, but this time Aang would still lag behind Katara, this time not because of his laziness, but rather because he still doesn't understand the change. Then with a little help from Katara and Yue, Aang would finally understand that the world has changed, nothing will be the same, but he can face this. With a little help from Water Tribe philosophy, Aang would realize during the finale that what makes the Water Tribe strong is their ability to work with adversity, rather than resisting or fleeing, and their strong bonds with family that can hold them through anything. Also can we please please please have more Water Tribe Aang? The Gaang spent most of Book 1: Water in the Earth Kingdom!
And there you have it. My argument for why Aang should have struggled with waterbending. You can agree or disagree (you are, after all, entitled to your own opinion), but please don't be rude about it, and try to consider my perspective too.
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longing-for-rain · 7 months
don't get me wrong I love aangs character. And avatar. I just feel like when the writers have control of the show it's good. It makes sense. But when Bryke has control of it. They do questionable bad things. That don't make sense writing wise. Example legend of korra(Sorry if you like legend of korra). Legend of korra had potential to be good. It had some good moments. But over all the show is a mess. Writing wise, character development wise. And just plain destroying their past characters. I feel like if Bryke had full control over avatar it would be as popular as it is.
I get what you’re saying and that definitely makes sense. While I know LOK had external issues that had to do with funding/airtime, some of the terrible plots (especially romantic ones) I blame the creators for. There are also always inconsistencies that come with multiple people writing the same characters at different points.
However, I also can’t really separate Bryke from some of the bad character/plot writing in ATLA. Ultimately, they had final creative say and made the characters what they are. I found Aang’s development stunted, and it just got worse from what we saw in LOK. So, I really don’t like Aang’s character as a result. I guess I like the concept of what his character could have been, but canon is ultimately how they chose to write him, and I don’t like that character.
But that’s what fandom is about, right? We can take the aspects we like and run with them. I’ve seen fan interpretations of Aang that I like. I just don’t like his canon character and the way the narrative adjusted itself around him.
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evelyyyna · 2 years
In my mind and in my heart I know that Zutara was going to happen. I have actually a degree in seminar about theatre writing, writing for movies and TV shows and I have learned that through the script and the planning of the directing you could actually show what is going to happen with the gift of small hints so you won't destroy the ending. So you won't give it away. It is actually great and very interesting and thoughtful that the viewers can recognize and notice or observe small details that are connected and "spoiling" the ending without actually reveling it. And Avatar The Last Airbender is a great show that has a combination of many cultures that represent the four nations. Of course we all are aware that the creators have been affected from the Chinese culture and like the China, in the show too,there are many legends and stories (mostly of love) that are also shown in the series. We all I think, are aware of what I'm talking about. And that is the legend of the two lovers that are destined to belong to different nations and only find each other in secret, until their end where the male is dying etc etc. We have seen the story in the episode with Aang and Katara. Their almost kiss made us think that Katara would actually start and seeing Aang with a different point of view and maybe actually fall in love with him. But instead of that, what we've got was her, leaving that incident behind (she LITERALLY RUN AWAY FROM HIM) and actually keeping acting like his friend. And it's sad cause the only times that we might actually saw her feelings (until the last scene at least) was when she was blushing. Do you know what incident she never left behind and actually is similar and in my opinion, more similar to the legend of two lovers?
When Katara and Zuko stayed together for some hours inside the prisons under Ba Sing Che.
(I will fix the spelling later sorry :) )
Their moves, the way of them standing in a certain way, Zuko letting her touching his wound( something that he never did before) the colors, the green crystals that were surrounding them like in the grave of two lovers, we're showing a million hints that had to do with the legend. But besides that, and even though the creators never actually admitted this, the fact that Katara is looking at Zuko, the fact that Zuko is meeting her eyes when they have to apart and the fact that in the same episode, Aang was in the air temple with the guru and had to learn about his attachment problem with Katara (something that was mentally stopping him from concentrating and managing to be one with the Avatar State, in order to win against the fire Lord and save the world...) All these things are showing us something. Something that has to do with a change. A change of their relationships. These three are connected on this episode. And finally a love triangle starts to be shown. And is one thing that many antizutara fans cannot argue with.
Hints that are all gathered here in Tumblr from other users. Hints that CANNOT be considered as fake cause one of the biggest works of animation, would never use a fake ship just to play with the audience. They don't have to. They have so many things to risk. Money that are spended behind the cameras. Work and hours from many stuff members. As I said before, because I have learned many things from the seminar, I now understand that ZUTARA ACTUALLY MEANT TO HAPPEN, but in the last episode, the duo of Bryke, CHANGED THE ENDING. And Aaron E. actually admitted that he had another ending in his mind that has to do with a certain couple and that most of people agreed to it. That he was shocked with the ending that Bryke wrote.
And it's actually pretty sad, cause that has many effects in the story. And plot holes that many people discussed about. And I would like to talk about the results of their choice in my next post and the amazing outcomes that would exist if the ending was different.
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idkjustletmescroll · 1 year
Give the Red Lotus more!
I know I made a post praising the fact that the Red Lotus had diverse personalities, but I think all fans could agree that they could’ve used more to differentiate themselves from Zaheer. Naturally, I have thoughts. The entire prison break scene just proves that P’li and Ming-Hua are ride-or-die besties, so why couldn’t that dynamic have been continued, huh, Bryke? Just a scene with P’li braiding Ming-Hua’s hair for her or teasing each other over something stupid or having a running gag with Ming-Hua, the tiniest of the group, giving the literal giant P’li piggyback rides, just because she can. I mean, if they had more moments like Ghazan’s “really? Right now?” Like, the BROTHER-SISTER DYNAMIC THAT COULD EXIST BETWEEN GHAZAN AND P’LI? I saw a creator talk about a who-can-be-more-destructive-in-battle competition between themn and like...
Like, hello, the banter during their fight scenes on the bridge getting out of Republic City or in Zaofu? Or even Ghazan gloating as he destroys the air temple with lava because he SO just won with that entire move.
Imagine a throwaway scene with P’li making too-spicy dinner and the others literally dying as she just peacefully eats and goes in for seconds. The badass Zaheer, sobbing in pain and begging Ming-Hua for the water she’s hogging for herself.
Also, I’d play up the bromance between Ghazan and Bolin a bit more, even it’s just Ghazan making a comment during their final fight that he’s sad he’s going to have to kill him.
During the stakeout fight, I’d have Ghazan and Ming-Hua sharing amused glances and snarky comments, make it explicitly obvious they’re just playing with the boys before they pummel them and Ghazan runs off to try and find Korra. They’re supposed to be “able to take down any bender,” and have had nine episodes to get back into bending after 13 years.
An idea that recently surfaced was that the red lotus should cause more conflicts within team avatar. Team Avatar’s been a little all over the place for the first two seasons, so having the red lotus so in sync with each other might motivate them to work on their own unity, and maybe help add to Mako coming back to the group and not being a weirdo about his breakups. That all just kind of disappeared as soon as they left. Hell, give them all internal conflicts surrounding anarchy! Have Korra struggling with her own doubts about the world needing an avatar and being raised by authorities--the white lotus--isolated in a compound. Have Mako struggling with being a cop when he’s reminded of how the authorities failed him and Bolin when they were on the streets, with Bolin coming to similar realizations. Even Asami, who faced discrimination as a nonbender, even if it was better because she’s rich and the Avatar’s bestie/gf. Have the red lotus leave lasting impressions on the characters. Plus, this kind of things would be great for team avatar to develop their friendships more, in a way a lot of LOK fans wish had happened.
I would show more foreshadowing to P’li’s backstory before it was revealed in enter the void. One thing I came up with was--and this is kind of reaching--Asami or Mako being reminded of their mothers, both of whom were dark-haired fire nation beauties. Maybe Asami’s mother was taller than average and fairly quiet, as well, and had some similar physical features to P’li, or maybe it was Mako. Let’s explore that trauma and its lasting impact on them! ATLA did it fantastically, and the LOK characters deserved at least some of that treatment. Maybe give one of them a brief moment alone and ask her why she’s doing these things, to which P’li’s only response is “you have no idea what people in power can do,” which we later learn is a reference to her own exploitation at the hands of a warlord. Hell, during her conversation with Zaheer in “enter the void,” maybe even add something about how she never wanted to kidnap an innocent girl, but will do it for the greater good, etc., or something that makes one of the mysteries of season 3 clearer: why would a girl who’d been kidnapped and exploited as a child be willing to do the same to another? I’d actually change the poisoning scene, having Korra knocked unconscious before they administer it, with one of them making a remark to the effect that P’li would only go through with the plan if this part of it were painless--even Zaheer yelling in their final fight that he doesn’t want to hurt her, or SOMETHING like that!
Some kind of will-they-or-won’t-they between Ming-Hua and Ghazan that has the other two rolling their eyes also wouldn’t hurt, fyi.
Red Lotus miniseries when?
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
Which is the worst writting duo: Bryan and Mike, Craig and Carter, or David and Dan?
I cannot believe I'm saying this, but put some respect on Bryke's name!
Bryan and Mike already get bonus points because, even though Avatar had it's problems, at least there is more than enough good in the show and it's conclusion that the audience doesn't want to burn their TVs after the finale. And even the weakest season was still enjoyable, instead of dragging on and on only to slap us in the face like seasons 7-9 of HIMYM, or making even the past three awful seasons look briliant like season 8 of GOT.
And even the terrible shit like rampant ableism that would eventually make the comics unsalvageable? They never hide that shit. They're ableist dicks, but they're honest ableist dicks.
Why does that matter? Simple: because How I Met Your Mother only lasted as long as it did because Carter and Craig spent years straight up lying to the fans.
The very first episode shows us that Robin, the girl the main character, Ted, is obsessed with it is NOT the love of his life, but she did eventually become a close friend that his kids now think of as their aunt. We see how Barney goes from womanizer to a hopeless romantic that just wants to make Robin happy, and they spend SIX SEASONS developing their romance, with their wedding leading up to Ted meeting Tracy, aka the "Mother," and the writers are giving interviews talking about Robin and Barney are soulmates, and how Ted's love for Tracy will completely change his life and make him FINALLY experience true love...
And then the finale happens, Barney and Robin divorce because there's no wi-fi at their hotel, Robin starts living the nightmare that is the revenge dream of every incel (aka she regrets being with the "jerk" that the "nice guy" warned her about and is now completely isolated from everyone, desperately pinning for Ted), Tracy is dead and neither her husband nor their kids give a shit, and we have the reavel that the epic love story/tribuite to his deceased wife that Ted has been telling his kids is actually just going "Can I go bone Robin? You know, the actual love of my life? Your mom was just another girl I banged, and she only mattered because Robin can't have kids."
The level of bullshit these two bastards put the fans through was unbelievable, and I can't believe they're still being allowed to work in television. They destroyed nine years of work (though some of said work was mediocre or straight up bad at times) with one absurdly terrible episode that they still think was brilliant.
And now we have the infamous Dumb & Dumber. These two are, without doubt the worst duo on this list, and I instantly knew that, because I was actually OFFENDED that you called them "writers."
There's a reason Game Of Thrones went to shit the second they ran out of books to adapt. The REAL writer was gone, and left us with the two morons that straight up said they scammed HBO when they convinced them that they totally knew what they were doing. The guys who said "themes are for book reports."
Bryke made mistakes, but they never made the heroes suffer a major loss because they "kind of forgot" they still had enemies. C&C might be idiots, but they would have never made Barney be seduced by a girl who said "You want the good girl, but you need the bad pussy."
There's a reason these two got fired from Star Wars before even writting anything: the way they botched the second half of the show, the final season, and especially the finale was SO OBVIOUSLY BAD that two people who thought that was not only good, but actually talked about how they expected it to get 100% positive reviews from critics and audiences like Breaking Bad's finale did, were two men that shouldn't be anywhere NEAR a writting process.
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burst-of-iridescent · 2 years
002: zutara (and totally not asking to know what you look for in a fic, noooo totally not bestie 👀💕)
always happy to deliver, dearest <3
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: February 2021, when i finished watching book 1 of atla for the first time. after "you rise with the moon, i rise with the sun", i was a goner.
My thoughts: beautiful, talented, show stopping, spectacular, never before done, marvelous, amazing, absolute perfection. i wouldn't change a single thing about them, i love them so much, and i will never stop believing that they were happy and in love together, canon be damned.
What makes me happy about them: literally everything. i love their development, i love their symbolism, i love that they go from fighting each other to risking absolutely everything to save each other. i love that they're the only people to see each other at their absolute best and worst, i love that they unconditionally support and are there for each other, i love that they get to be open and vulnerable with each other in a way they rarely are with anyone else. i love how much they have in common, i love how beautiful they look together, i love that they're fire and water, i love that they encapsulate the themes of the show perfectly. they're just *chef's kiss*
What makes me sad about them: that their beautiful, deep, intimate relationship was thrown out the window as if it never existed post show. obviously, i'm sad they were never canon, but it's somehow more hurtful that the writers destroyed their wonderful platonic connection too. it breaks my heart to think that after everything they went through, after being the only people who could truly understand each other, they spent the rest of their lives as nothing more than acquaintances. fuck that.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: when zuko is made out to be some sort of smirking, smooth bad boy, like... did yall watch the show? zuko is an awkward turtleduck with a penchant for excessive drama, not a wattpad romantic lead. give me a zuko who can barely string a cohesive sentence together because he's so dazzled by katara, or give me nothing.
Things I look for in fanfic: zuko being a complete simp for katara (absolute must), fire lord and southern water tribe ambassador fix its, fire lady katara who retains her culture but also loves the fire nation with all her heart, modern au tea shop zutara, FAKE DATING, canon divergences where they end up having to travel together, aang letting go of his crush on katara and being happy to see his friends in love, mutual pining (on ember island or post atla).
My wishlist: time traveling back to 2008 to kick bryke off the show and write the last half of book 3 myself
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: probably ty lee or sokka for zuko, and suki for katara. imo, zuko is the only male character on the show who could form a happy, healthy and lasting relationship with katara.
My happily ever after for them: fire lord zuko and fire lady katara usher the world into a golden age of peace and prosperity together, working to fix the damage done by years of war and rebuild the ties between their countries. they are second in fame only to the avatar, with hundreds of statues built and cities named in their honour. they remain very much in love to the end of their long, happy lives.
Send me an ask!
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progmanx · 1 year
Hello, I was wondering if I could ask about a post you made years ago about how the spirit vines worked (how Mako almost destroyed Republic City). You theorized that Unalaq was growing the vines in RC because he wanted to create more portals. However, could it be possible that spirit portals can only be created in certain places? In the ATLA comics, it's revealed that the land that RC was built on was guarded in ancient times by a spirit named Tienhai (suggesting something unique about the area). Also, in the commentary for Book 2 Bryke said they originally wanted to have four spirit portals, but decided on two to be more concise. The only other place where spirit vines were shown to grow was the Swamp (which was also shown to be a uniquely spiritual place). Do you think another portal could be created in the Swamp?
It's been like 8 or 9 years since I've listened to the commentary tracks of Korra, but I honestly do kind of remember them saying that about four portals.
That's certainly one interpretation for how the portals work, and yes making one in the swamp would make sense because it already has vines.
As for only certain places? The finale to a post canon fic I wrote about 8 years ago depicted hundreds of them being opened all over the planet simultaneously. So, gonna disagree on that particular element. It's also kinda limiting and what would have happened if Korra tried to energy bend the beam and she wasn't in a special portal place?
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the-badger-mole · 7 months
i don't think there's a single take you have regarding Aang that i haven't agreed with. Like, i have so many thoughts regarding him and while i'd say them, you already have, and far more gracefully and eloquently than i ever could.
there is one thing i can say that i do want your thoughts on that i don't think i've seen from you before. Aang being a bad father, to me, is absolutely in character and i don't have a problem with it. What i DO have a problem with, however, is Bryke destroying Katara's character in the process. There is NO POSSIBLE WAY that Katara would EVER tolerate her children getting ignored by their father to the extent that the Air Acolytes don't even know they exist. Brykes done her dirty in every possible way, but to me this is by far the worst offender. So i want to hear your thoughts on it. (this also just proves my point that katara and aang wouldn't have lasted longer than a year at most in canon but whatever)
I've talked about this before (here), but I actually think it's completely realistic that she wouldn't intervene in any major way with how Aang treated his kids, given how her dynamic with Aang was set up. I know a lot of people won't hear me, but Kataang is actually a very emotionally abusive dynamic. Katara in the show has a massive blind spot when it comes to Aang. He does some pretty awful things to her in the series. I mean, yes, there are the non-con kisses, and the Lava Fissure Incident, but also the way he took off to go play the day after Katara's father sacrificed himself so Aang could get away safely. It's bad enough that he ignored her when she and the others wanted to plan next moves, but it just shows a lack of empathy on his part. Same with how he engages (or rather doesn't engage) her grief over the loss of her mother. There is no point where he shows any real interest in her emotional well-being. Most of these moments are framed as sad moments for Aang.
Katara also has a massive blind spot for the Avatar, and for Aang the kid. She trusts the Avatar as this supernatural entity that's going to fix the world and all of her hopes are pinned on that. She can't call out Aang or even be remotely tough on him because she's taken on the role of emotional nanny for him. So between her awe for the Avatar and her care for Aang the kid, she puts her needs completely aside in favor of making his life easier. Remember in the comics where Aang is entertaining those fangirls who are openly disrespectful of Katara and he thanks her for understanding? (Gag!) How else was their family life going to go? I am just shocked at how Bryke managed to prat fall into such a realistically heartbreaking portrayal of how dysfunctional Aang's family would be, and not realize it. And think Aang is still a good father and husband. And have people BELIEVE that.
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gaymilfbrainrot · 4 years
can we choose to ignore the fact that the northern air temple was destroyed, because i would like to do that very much
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helbertinelli · 6 years
Let's be real, ATLA did more to address the issues non-benders had in Sokka's Master than LoK did in an entire season that was supposed to talk about it. Not only that, but ATLA kept everyone pretty equal, regardless if they could bend or not. Non-benders weren't just useless characters. They brought a lot to the show. I mean look at Ty Lee, Mai, Sokka, Suki and the other Kyoshi Warriors, Jet and his Freedom Fighters, June, Teo and his dad, etc. They were all non-benders and they were really serious characters. How many significant non-benders do we have in LoK? Asami and maybe the Lieutenant? That's it? Even the leader of the Equalists was a bender because apparently non-benders can't do anything on their own.
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avatarfandompolice · 2 years
It still disturbing me the fact that after all this years, already over decade now, there are still hard-core Azula-stans and zutara shippers with NEW posts with tags like Azula deserve better, Zuko critical, Iroh critical, Ursa critical, anti-Bryke, anti-Aang, anti-comics, anti-LOK, etc... where they just repeating old horrible arguments from over decades ago. Is there any other fandom where fans stay horrendously toxic for over decade because their ship didn't become canon or their favorite characters didn't get redemption arc?
I’m sure there are others but i find the hate for ATLA/LOK comes primarily from people who fundamentally cannot cope with stories that go outside of very specific tropes. When the cute girl doesn’t date the hot guy, it’s disastrous towards their understanding of the show. When a sympathetic character does something irredeemable, it totally destroys their brains. Things have to be black and white or they don’t get it.
You can see it a lot in what the people who are mad say they enjoy. A lot of them will say they enjoy some of the most basic, formulaic, run-of-the-mill shows/movies that don’t challenge the viewer at all. That’s not to gatekeep ATLA or anything because literal children are capable of understanding the show while these adults cannot. But when some doofus is claiming avatar fucked up a character while praising a D-tier Marvel movie it’s kind of clear where their story analysis skills stop.
The reason they stay mad is because they’re only able to focus on their surface level reaction rather than evaluating context, character arc, development, etc. If it requires anything beyond a passing thought it makes them angry, and they’re willing to spend more time defending their anger than trying to understand the show. Plus it has the side benefit of making themselves feel smart for “outsmarting” the writers.
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low-budget-korra · 2 years
My controversial opinions on Avatar #4
-Ursa wasn't a good mom. We all know that she was a victim of Ozai's abusive behavior and that may be the reason why she wasn't a good mom but my point is: One thing doesn't exclude the other, she can be a victim of abuse and a bad mom.
And she is a bad mom because we all know how she favor Zuko over Azula, she didn't even tried to hide that. She wasn't half as caring and patience with Azula as she was with Zuko. And at the end she was right she didn't loved Azula enough. She go for he easy love that was Zuko.
- Toph becoming a cop is not outta nowhere or bryke destroying her character. Let's not project our problems with the real cops in the Avatar World. Sure, that is similarities but they are not the same.
As a 12'old Toph hated rules just like other 12'old kids. The thing is she grew up and she didn't have a throne to heir or something, and as we see in the show her teaching skills are questionable. So what she could do? More specifically, what she could do to help Aang and Zuko in Republic City? Sokka, had the leadership skills and became a counselor. Toph had the combat skills so she became a cop.
I think the only other career that could fit her is as a fighting career but how that would help Aang in Republic City?
Also, let's not forget that she came from a rich family and hated all the match set that was, all the little rules. So yeah, I don't see Toph Beifong doing any political shit like a counselor
-I think Asami was interested in Korra, since book 1, wanting to meet her and hangout with her. She was more interested in get closed and bond with Korra than with Bolin, her brother in law at that time. She also seemed more mad at Mako for kissing Korra than for betraying her lmao. And i think that already in book 3 she realized that the feelings she had for Korra may be stronger than she thought, stronger that just friendship
-I don't understand the difficulty of people to acknowledge that Bolin is straight. People always complain about toxic masculinity but as soon as a character act different from what is expected from him for being a man , they try to deduct his sexuality. Bolin, Sokka, Varrick, Zuko they are all canonically straight (until now)
If you wanna have headcanon of them discovering themselves as bi or gay or pan that's alright. But treat as it is: Headcanon. Because I've seen people treat some of those Headcanon as they were canon to the point of getting mad when people question about it.
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