#btw there's a few more similarities between them🥺
p4nicaker · 4 months
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if I had a nickel for every time there's a silly(✌️) grown-ass man who hangs out with grumpy traumatized teenager forced to grow earlier and shows them hope in this world again,
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I'd have two nickels - which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice
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guilty-pleasures21 · 7 months
(ughh some days i just wanna top that man and see him trying and failing to not be submissive as hell)
~ 🐺anon
Ahh! @🐺anon thank you so much!
Okay, so I'm actually a HUGE vampire nerd (I've never seen/read Twilight, but I have other recommendations if people are interested!) and funnily enough, I only realised when one of my friends pointed out to me my suspiciously extensive knowledge of vampires once back in school. (And I also found out my best friend was secretly OBSESSED with werewolves - she used to read all the Patricia Briggs books and I called her out on it one day? 🤣)
BUT ANYWAY! I really love wolf-coded guys? Like, the fangs and the claws and the pure masculine dominance and need to protect their mate (I FELL IN LOVE WITH MIGUEL BEFORE KNOWING ANY OF THIS ABOUT HIM THOUGH OKAY?!! 🥺).
P.S. I was actually working on a Dick Grayson fanfic loosely based off of Red Riding/Beauty and the Beast once, so ... 😳😅
The monster
Jason's already told you all his secrets. Are you ready to tell him yours?
Warnings: mentions of trauma, descriptions of sex including blowjob (f & m receiving), fisting (m receiving) and penetration (p in v).
She rang the doorbell, then knocked on his door when he still hadn’t answered.
“Jay!” X yelled through the door. “You know I'm gonna find some other way to come in!”
She waited patiently for a few moments, then finally, he opened the door. “What?!”
X reflected his expression back at him, her eyebrows scrunching together in irritation. “Rude!”
Jason clenched his jaw at her response and tightened his grip on the edge of the door. “Not tonight, X.”
X folded her arms across her chest. “I came all this way and you're just going to turn me away at the door?! At least let me use your bathroom first!”
Jason rolled his eyes and sighed before heading back into his apartment. He left the door open behind him, but didn’t speak a word to her as he trudged back into his bedroom. It must have been really bad then. But was it because of a mission or another nightmare? She shouldn't have left him alone last night, but she'd had no choice! It was the full moon, after all, and her parents would have killed her if she’d missed it.
She took her bag off and set it down on the kitchen island before tiptoeing into Jason's bedroom. He was lying on his side of the bed, even when she wasn't there to take up the empty space beside him, and her heart cracked at the sight. She slid onto her stomach next to him, taking care to keep that bit of distance between them. Then she turned to face him. “You don't have to talk about it, but you don't have to take it out on me.”
Jason sighed, knowing she was right - wanting to believe that she was right. But it was difficult to undo years of damage in just a few months. And even though she always encouraged him about the progress she saw him making, some days, he felt like life hadn't moved at all; like he was still trapped in that abandoned warehouse, waiting for someone to want him enough to come rescue him. He removed his arm from over his face, but continued to avoid her gaze. X watched him quietly, giving him the time he needed. Then finally, he glanced over at her - her thick hair trailing across her pillow, her long limbs sprawled out over his bed. He shuffled closer to her and she turned onto her side so he could snuggle against her, his arm coming around her waist as he buried his face in her chest. She ran her fingers through his hair, still waiting patiently.
“How-” He broke off as his voice cracked and took a moment to compose himself. “Why do you love me?” ‘Why do love me? What do you love about me? What in me is worth loving?’. That was what he was really asking her to tell him. She continued to stroke his hair, trying to find the right words to comfort him.
“Hmm,” she contemplated. “You're really sweet, Jay. I know you think that everyone thinks you're this big, bad, tough guy who just hates everything, but you care so much about the things that are important to you.” Jason tightened his grip on her, wanting so badly to believe what she was saying, to believe that he was good, so she continued.
“You always fight so hard to give everyone the opportunity to be good; to give them a choice and teach them all the different reasons they should make the right decision. You put everything into what you believe in, even at the cost of yourself.” She paused to press a kiss to the top of his head and he finally relaxed a little. “You're gentle and attentive and so caring; so deserving of all the love in the entire world and I will fight everyone to give it to you!”
Jason let out a soft snicker at the thought of his tiny little girlfriend beating people up for him. Then he tensed up again. “But … But I've hurt people. I've done bad things.”
Her response was immediate.
“We've all done bad things, Jay - we're only human.” Mostly. “But you've never hurt anyone … You've only hurt those who have hurt hundreds of other people! And in doing that, you've given all those other people a chance at life. At a better life. You basically do what everyone complains about God not doing.”
He pulled back slightly to raise an eyebrow at her in disbelief: had she just compared him to God? X shuffled closer to him and cupped his cheek in her hand, her fingers brushing along the stubble sprinkled around his jaw.
“You serve justice - even if it doesn't look so pretty sometimes,” she added. “Like karma.” Her eyes lit up at the thought.
“Ooh! Should we change your vigilante name to that?” she suggested excitedly. “That's such a cool name: Karma. And you'd have such cool catchphrases too!”
Jason couldn’t stop the smile that creeped across his face at her enthusiasm. He'd revealed his identity to her a few weeks before they'd started dating, secretly thrilled that the cute friend he'd made at the library months ago was already so enamoured with his alter ego. She liked how firm he was, she'd always say; how he wasn't afraid to make sure that everyone got what they deserved. She'd scare Dick and Steph sometimes, with how intense she could be, but he loved it - he loved her. Even though he still hadn't found the courage to say it just yet. He stroked her back gently, delighting in how soft she was. “I'm not changing my name, X.”
Her eyes widened as she looked up at him - like a little puppy. She'd remind him of one sometimes, bouncing around with her infectious enthusiasm, rambling on about something interesting she'd found without stopping taking a breath. He could practically see her wagging her imaginary little tail whenever she got excited. “Then can I do it? Can I become a vigilante like you?”
She held her fists close to her mouth, almost whimpering as she begged him for it - just like a little puppy. Jason ruffled her hair fondly and tugged her a little closer to him. “I don't want you to ever be in danger because of me.”
“Then keep me safe!” she responded quickly, grinning like it was that easy, that simple.
Jason snuck his hand beneath the hem of her shirt and scratched her skin lightly as he studied her. Then he pulled her into his chest and pressed his lips to her hair.
“I'll keep you safe,” he promised her. “I'll keep you safe, sweetheart.” He hesitated after saying it, thinking about it. If he was being honest, he didn't want her to get involved in that part of his life because he never wanted her to see that side of him: to see him for the monster he really was. And maybe it was selfish of him, but … what other choice did he have?
“X …” he began slowly.
“Hmm?” She tilted her head back to look up at him.
“Do you … Do you ever get scared of me?” he asked her quietly. “Do you ever think … I could be a monster?”
He looked so sad as he said it, his voice all soft and terrified. And she wanted to beat up whoever had ever made him feel that way. She frowned.
“Why would I ever get scared of you, Jay? You keep me safe, remember?” Her brows remained creased as she watched him consider her response. Then her heart leapt into her throat as she realised that this was the best opening she was ever going to get. “But Jay … Even if … Even if you thought you were a monster … I'd say that we can be monsters together.” She curled into herself and peeked up at him nervously, then let her eyes glow gold in the dim light of the moon streaming in through the windows.
He did a double take, unsure if he’d just seen what he thought he saw. Had her eyes just … flashed gold?! Or had it just been a reflection of something? “What?”
X bit her lip and sat up, avoiding his gaze.
“What if … What if I told you I was a monster?” she asked him carefully. “Would you still love me then?” Sure, he'd never said it, but she knew that he loved her - how could she not when he was always looking after her and buying her little gifts, planning small surprises for her and showering her with all his affection whenever they were together? But she'd been selfish - she'd fallen in love with the poetic boy with the white streak in his hair from their first conversation in the library and ever since then, she hadn't been able to stomach the thought of ever losing him.
Jason sat up, bewildered. Why was she suddenly acting so strangely?
“Of course!” he assured her firmly. He reached out to cup her cheeks. “Of course I'd …”
“I'd still want you,” he finished lamely. “Even then.”
X turned her face away from his, her stomach roiling with nerves. But she had to tell him - she couldn’t keep lying to him forever. “I'd never hurt you, Jay! You know that, right?”
“Of course I know that,” he assured her, turning her face back to his. “Of course I know you'd never hurt me, princess. But why are you talking like this? What happened?”
X dug her fingers into the mattress, wincing in anticipation of his response.
“I belong to a family that …” Ugh, it was like pulling teeth! Or fangs. Maybe she should just come out and say it. “I can turn into a wolf! Sometimes. But I don't hurt anyone! I'd never hurt anyone, Jay! Especially not you!” She looked up at him with wide eyes, the fear scrawled all over her face, and his breath caught in his throat: he'd never had anyone afraid to lose him. Not him, never him.
“W-What … What are you talking about?” He rubbed his thumb along her cheek, waiting for a better explanation.
X whimpered nervously as she curled into herself. “I can … I can show you?”
A wolf?! She could turn into a wolf?! What the f*ck?! What the hell was he supposed to say to that?! He let his hand fall from her face and shrugged, wanting to put her at ease. “Okay.”
She stood up and went over to the window to pull the curtains open. She took a moment to soak in the moonlight, letting its power wash over her, then she turned back to him, allowing him to see her for who she really was.
Jason’s jaw dropped at the sight of her golden eyes, her elongated canines, her sharp claws. What the actual f*ck?!
“I'm not … I can turn into a full wolf, if I wanted to, but I'd be too big.” She glanced around the room after saying it, imagining her large wolf form trying to squeeze into the space between his bed and his window. Then she lowered her head and waited for his response.
She still seemed the same: still spoke the same, still acted the same, still curled into herself with fear in anticipation of his response in the same way. He narrowed his eyes at her thoughtfully. “How?”
“It runs in my family,” X admitted, brushing her hair behind her ear. “I've been able to do it since I was young.”
“Does it hurt?” Jason asked her.
“Come here,” he commanded. X walked forward, but then stopped at the foot of the bed, still avoiding his gaze.
X shook her head quickly, still keeping her distance from him so she wouldn't scare him. “No!”
Jason sat in silence for a moment, thinking. Then he waved her over to him.
She was out of the moonlight now, but she wasn't changing back. “You don't need to be in the moonlight to do that?”
“Only for the first transformation of the night,” she explained. “Then I can do it whenever I want. It only lasts for about twelve hours though. Then I'd need the moonlight again.”
She didn't seem to have a problem speaking around her fangs. Would he have trouble kissing her though? He moved to sit on the edge of the bed and gestured for her to get on his lap. “Come here.”
She curled her fingers around his shoulders nervously and straddled his lap. Jason placed his hands on her waist and took a moment to study her body. She was still as soft as she always was, still as warm. But wait. Was that a tail? His lips twitched as he ran his fingers along her silky fur. “You have a tail?”
“Mmhmm!” She nodded enthusiastically in agreement, but her eyes were still wide with fear. And Jason couldn't help but let out a huff of amusement at the irony of the situation: there he'd been, terrified that she wouldn't accept him once she knew the truth about him, and now here she was, asking him to do the same. He glided the hand that wasn’t stroking her tail up her back and around her waist, checking to see if everything else was still the same. He reached up to cup her cheek in his hand when he was satisfied, then he leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers. He kissed her slowly, cautiously, taking care to not cut his tongue on her fangs.
He was kissing her! He was really kissing her! But did that mean that he was okay with it? Or was he just testing it out? She pulled back slowly, then squeezed her arms to her chest, avoiding his gaze as she did so. “Are you … Are you okay with it? With me being a monster?”
Her voice was just a whisper as she said it, and she glanced up at him nervously. He tilted her face up to his and smiled. “We can be monsters together.”
X grinned as he repeated her words, and she started kissing him again, her movements a little hungrier, a little less careful this time. She pushed him down onto the bed and Jason chuckled at her eagerness. She looked so cute like this, her tail wagging with joy at his acceptance of her, her lips curled into that happy smile as she looked at him. She bent over to nip at his earlobe and Jason sucked in a breath as she began trailing her teeth down his skin, a delighted growl escaping her throat everytime her fangs pricked his skin. He slid his hands beneath the hem of her shirt and crawled his fingers up her skin cautiously, and she sat up to let him take her shirt off.
Her skin almost seemed to glow beneath the moonlight, and he sucked in a breath at the sight before looking up at her in question. They’d had sex before, of course, but this was … different. This time, they'd expose all of themselves to each other, every ugly piece of them they both thought should be locked away forever. X curled her fingers around the hem of his shirt, taking care to not scratch him with her claws. Then she nodded.
He kept his eyes fixed on her chest as he took her bra off, then he licked his lips hungrily when she was bare before him. She was so f*cking beautiful; more now than she’d ever been before, so completely herself, so utterly unafraid. He turned them over so she was lying beneath him, then slowly slid off her jeans and underwear. Shit, she was hot: her smooth skin, her soft curves, her silky curls. He stood up to take his own clothes off, then knelt down on the floor, settling himself between her legs. He tugged her to him, pulling her knees onto her shoulders, then began pressing soft kisses to the insides of her thighs, his teeth closing around her flesh occasionally to tug on her skin.
She pushed herself to her hands, wanting to look at him, but then he was dragging his tongue up her length and closing his lips around her clit and her head was falling back in pleasure. Jason continued licking and sucking on her like he was trying to make out with her p*ssy and she shuddered as she felt herself getting wetter and wetter.
“Hngrh … J-Jay …” X twisted her claws into the bedsheet, her body trembling as he continued to arouse her.
F*ck, she was cute. The helpless little whimpers that kept escaping from her lips as he continued to eat her out slowly? It drove him crazy. “I guess the transformation doesn't affect your sensitivity, huh, sweetheart?”
He chuckled against her pulsing p*ssy and X let out a surprised yelp as her leg twitched in response. Jason ran his fingers up and down her thighs as he gave a low moan of satisfaction. “Mmm. You gonna come for me, princess? Already?”
He closed his lips around her folds and gently pulled them into his mouth before lazily dribbling his tongue along her length. F*ck, she tasted sweet.
He was so good, so gentle and slow, her Jason, always taking his time to appreciate the taste of her on his tongue. She shuddered as he let out another low moan and started moving her hips against his mouth to get him to go faster. But Jason pulled back instead and chuckled at her impatience. X growled at the sudden absence of his mouth and bared her teeth at him in a snarl. Jason flashed her a smug smirk in response as he stood up and leaned over her.
“You think I'm scared of you, princess?” he asked, gripping her chin tightly and turning her face up to his. “With those cute little puppy dog eyes of yours?” He snickered as she continued to glare at him, then he bent over to press a kiss to her lips.
X loosened her grip on the bed sheets when she felt his tongue brushing across hers. She'd always been a bit of an outcast within her pack: the male wolves would always go for someone bigger, stronger - a mate who would be able to give them many children and help them hunt for and look after the rest of the pack. It wasn't their fault - just a part of their DNA - but it didn't make it hurt any less. She gasped as Jason reached up to cup her breast, his mouth moving to trail along her neck and shoulder instead. But here was a man, big and strong and always ready to defend his pack, worshipping her body like she was some kind of angel he was blessed to be able to lay his hands upon. If only he could see himself in the same way; in the way she saw him. She steeled herself so her voice wouldn't shake when she next spoke. “Jason.”
“Hmm?” he grunted, continuing to trail his lips and hands all over her body. F*ck, she tasted so sweet.
He wasn't listening to her and she was starting to get a little frustrated at the smugness in his voice. So she grabbed him by the waist and flung him onto the bed.
“Whoa!” Jason exclaimed, caught off guard. Then he turned to grin at her. “How'd you do that?!”
X kept her face scrunched into a frown as she climbed on top of him and pinned his wrists against the bed. “It's my wolf strength. Now shut up!”
He stopped talking, but continued to smile at her, amused by how cute she still looked despite her wickedly sharp canines; she looked more like a puppy than a wolf, glaring down at him with her beautiful, round eyes. X huffed in irritation when she saw that he still wasn't taking her seriously.
“Tell me where it hurts, Jay,” she demanded. Jason shut his mouth and raised an eyebrow at her, his lips curling at the ends in teasing. X shoved him into the mattress in warning. “Jason!”
Jason lets out a little snicker. She was so powerful - a full-on wolf when she wanted to be! - and yet, she was still so vulnerable before him.
“What?” he finally relented. “What do you want me to tell you, princess?”
X began to hesitate, her resolve weakening as she contemplated what she wanted to ask of him. “I want … I want you to tell me … all the parts of you that you think aren't worth loving.”
His breath caught in his throat at that and he felt his heart skip a beat. “W-What?”
X let go of his wrists and sat back, taking a moment to assess his body. Her fingers trailed over all of his scars and bruises and she repeated herself, her tone more firm this time. “Tell me all the parts of you that you think aren't worth loving.”
Jason swallowed hard, his heart resuming its beats, but much faster this time. He shifted uncomfortably in position, so she curled up on his chest, her big dark eyes looking up at him as she held him down. He clenched and unclenched his fists, then turned away from her, ashamed.
“My mouth.” Something easy, he'd start with something easy. “Someone always gets hurt whenever I open it. I've always been told that I have a big mouth.” X smiled and crawled up over him to trace the curve of his lips with her finger.
“All the better to kiss with,” she joked. She pressed her lips to his and kissed him slowly, pouring all her affection into him. Then she pulled back. “What else?”
Jason's chest started heaving with shallow breaths as the anxiety began to creep in. He was going to do this, he was really going to do this: tear himself open and let her see all the vulnerable bits he tried so hard to hide. “M-My … My hands. All they do is take and take and take.”
X lifted his hand to her mouth and pressed a kiss to his palm. Then she began listing all the things he'd taken from her, stopping to nip each of his fingers in between.
“They take my sadness. They take my pain. They take my loneliness. They take my tears. They take my hunger.” She placed his hand on her waist when she was done, then she took hold of his other one to do the same. “They take my sorrow. They take my fear. They take my nightmares. They take my ignorance. They take my insecurities.”
She placed his hand on the other side of her waist and continued. “What else?”
Jason swallowed hard, the pressure beginning to build up behind his eyes as he digested her words. How could she do that? How could she take all of his self-loathing, all of his hurt and his pain … and turn it into something so beautiful?
“My shoulders,” he choked out helplessly. “They're not strong enough to carry the weight of … of his expectations.” She lowered herself back on top of him and rubbed his shoulder gently, knowing exactly who he was talking about. She scratched his skin lightly with her claw, leaving a faint red line, then she smiled down at him, her eyes glowing in the dark again as she did so.
“They carry mine perfectly fine.” She bent over and sank her fangs into his shoulder, just enough to draw a surprised hiss out of him, but not enough to hurt him - he'd already had enough pain to last a lifetime. Longer, even. She bit him softly, then pulled back and began reciting all the expectations he'd taught her she was allowed to have of someone. “Brave.”
X moved her mouth higher up his shoulder and nipped at his brawny muscle again.
“Sweet.” Nip. “Patient.” She moved to his other shoulder when she ran out of space.
“Thoughtful. Attentive. Generous.” She sat up again and fixed him with a challenging look. “Is there anything else?”
Jason tightened his grip on her waist and, this time, his voice cracked with pain when he spoke. “I'm broken. I'm so broken, X.”
X gave him a soft smile and traced one of the scars on his shoulder.
“You're not broken, Jace. You're all stitched up! Here.” She brushed her fingers down his scar, then moved on to another. “And here.”
She repeated the phrase, her fingers sliding along his skin, her claws outlining each of his hideous scars. Then when she was done, she bent over and nipped at each of them, her fangs pricking his skin delightfully. She took hold of his cock when she reached his abdomen, curling her fingers around it and moving it aside. But then she began stroking him gently, her thumb rubbing across his slit as she dragged her fangs along the inside of his thighs.
“X …” Jason breathed, clutching onto the bed sheets as his arousal began to intensify. X raised her head to grin at him, her tail wagging happily behind her. Jason pushed himself up to his elbows, glancing down at his body to see what she'd done, and his heart squeezed in his chest. Where before he'd had scars, now he was showered with little bite marks, the imprint of her fangs scattered across his body as she'd claimed him as her own. X sat up, her fingers still stroking his cock carefully, and smiled down at his body.
“They're not scars anymore, Jay,” she told him, brushing her fingers across his rough skin tenderly. “They're all the places I've marked you.”
She looked up at him, her eyes glinting gold with mischief and glee. “You don't belong to Death anymore, Jason Todd - you belong to me.”
Jason reached up to cup her cheek and pull her closer to him so he could start kissing her. He kissed her hard, aggressive, licking into her mouth thirstily like she was the only thing that could soothe the aching emptiness inside of him. X giggled as she kissed him back, then she yelped in surprise when he pushed her down onto the bed beneath him. She gasped and twisted her fingers in his hair as he began pressing his lips and teeth all over her body, marking her like she'd marked him.
“I belong to you,” Jason recited feverishly, like the words were a prayer on his lips. “I'm yours. All yours, baby. All yours, X.” He squeezed her breast in his hand, then growled and nipped at the other before dragging his tongue across her nipple. X whimpered and curled her toes as her legs twitched with arousal. Then she let out a helpless moan when Jason sucked hard on her breast before releasing her with a wet ‘pop’.
“You like that?” he teased her, making his way down her abdomen, nibbling on her soft skin and leaving small bruises all over her body. “You like it when I mark you like this, princess? When I …” He trailed off as he reached her centre, her sweet little p*ssy blushing and dripping just for him. He growled again at the sight, then pushed his mouth into her folds and groaned at the taste of her before drinking her up.
“You're all mine,” he declared. “You're all mine, X, all mine, princess.”
She whimpered and moaned again as her walls began to throb with arousal, the intensity of it causing her body to contract hard. “J-Jason!”
“F*ck,” he breathed. He flipped her over and started licking her up from behind, his fingers digging into her ass to spread her apart as he dragged his tongue along her length. X twisted her fingers into the bedsheets, her claws ripping the soft fabric as she did so.
“Jay!” she squealed helplessly. Jason bit down on her ass, his teeth sinking into her skin delightfully, then he held her tail down so he could start making his way up her body.
“You're so perfect,” he murmured, his words slurred with desire. “So perfect, baby. So pretty, so f*cking pretty.”
She shuddered as he trailed his lips up her spine, her entire body so sensitive from how badly he'd stimulated her already. Then finally, he reached her neck and she found the strength to push herself up to shrug him off of her. He rolled over onto his back and she pounced on him quickly before he could get up.
He looked up at her, his eyes glazed over with lust, a dazed expression on his rugged features. He was so handsome when he was confused, when he was completely at her mercy like this.
“W-What?” he stammered out, puzzled. X placed her hands on his shoulders, then dragged them down his chest, her claws leaving a faint trail of pink down his torso. Jason sucked in a breath at the pleasant sting of it, then she turned around on top of him and settled her p*ssy over his mouth. Her tail flicked playfully at his nose as she took hold of his cock and began licking the insides of his thighs and he grabbed onto her ass instinctively, digging his fingers into her skin.
“F*ck!” He tried to continue eating her out again, to suck on her and lick her up and please her, but he was just too distracted by the feeling of her fingers teasing his tip to do anything besides pressing soft kisses along her length.
X fisted his cock as he suckled on her clit, her body giving a hard contraction that had her curling her back involuntarily. “Hngrh …”
She pushed her hips against his mouth and Jason let out a satisfied groan at the feeling. He started lapping at her folds, picking up the pace of his movements, and she whined.
“J-Jay … Stop …” He didn't listen, so she started running her tail across his face, stroking his cheeks and tickling him softly. Finally, he released her, his head falling back onto the mattress against his own will.
“F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!” Jason swore, his brain turning completely numb with pleasure. “X … Stop … Princess, I want …” She refused to listen to him, happily sucking on his cock as he dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her ass. He groaned and pulled her back, settling her hips back over his face. X yelped in surprise, then flopped over him and started whining again when he shoved his tongue straight into her hole.
“F*ck!” he exclaimed. X continued to run her tail across his neck and shoulders as she began licking his cock, her silky fur brushing against his skin teasingly. Jason held his breath, overwhelmed by the feeling of her all over him; her tail around his neck, her c*m leaking onto his chest, her breasts pressing into his abdomen. He bucked his hips as she lowered her mouth onto his cock, pushing it deeper in so that his tip hit the back of her throat. X growled at the feeling and he muttered another curse when he felt the vibrations racing down his length to his core. X trailed her tongue up his length, tracing the veins in his shaft. Then she shook her head like he was a toy she was playing with and his hips lifted off the bed again as his dick slapped against the insides of her cheeks.
“J-Jay!” He groaned against her and she shivered as his low voice sank into her skin and danced along her bones. Then she ripped herself away from him and turned around so that their centres were perfectly aligned. The both of them paused for a second, chests panting with shallow breaths as they took each other in. Then Jason took hold of himself and tugged her down onto him. She sucked in a breath when she felt all of him filling up all of her, then she threw her head back with pleasure and started riding him.
“H-Hold … Hold on, princess …” Jason's voice shook as he bounced against the bed with the force of her movements. But he eventually managed to push himself up and grab her by the waist to lift her up slightly. She growled and snapped at him with her fangs, but he just chuckled and held her in position.
“Calm down, princess,” he reassured her lazily. “Just tryna get comfortable.” He shuffled up the mattress to lean back against the headboard, then loosened his hold on her, allowing her to continue.
X began rolling her hips against him again, her movements hard and fast. Shit! He felt so good! His thick cock stuffing her completely, his swollen tip hitting that one spot that had her entire body relaxing with pleasure. She could feel a howl starting to build up deep inside of her; a call to her mate, a warning to mark her territory. But there were still some parts of her she was too ashamed to share with him, so she did her best to swallow it back down.
She kept whining and whimpering, like she was trying hard to silence herself. But he didn't want her to silence herself - he wanted her to let him in, to feel safe enough with him to let him see all of her. “What's wrong … princess?”
“H-H-Hooowl …” X winced as the urge continued to press against her throat.
“Y-You … You wanna howl?” Jason asked, another wave of desire hitting him as she made her eyes all round and sweet.
She nodded eagerly, her features still scrunched up in embarrassment. Jason tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “You can howl if you want, princess.”
His voice was low and gravelly as he said it and she found herself unable to hold back anymore. She pushed him against the headboard and finally let out a shy and adorable little howl.
“F*ck.” How the f*ck was she so cute?! Jason buried his face in her breasts and glided his hands along her sides and up her back. He tugged on her nipple with his teeth then circled it with his tongue before sucking on her. X whined at the sensation and let out another soft howl as she continued to bounce on his cock. “Shit.”
Jason released her breast and his head fell back against the headboard as she slammed him against it again. X yipped happily when she saw the dazed look on his face, then she curled herself around him to nip at his ear. Jason winced and tightened his grip on her before letting out another curse. “F*ck!”
X giggled against his neck and slowed down a little, rolling her hips slower, but harder, against him. God, he felt good, thick and warm and filling her up so very nicely. She gripped onto his hair as her body shuddered, her p*ssy pulsing around him desperately as she came for him.
“F*ck.” Jason kept his arms around her as his entire body tightened, and then he was coming too, his c*m shooting into her cervix and coating her walls with his seed. X slumped over against him, her entire body relaxing at the feeling of his warm semen inside of her. Then she closed her eyes and took a moment to listen to his heartbeat, the steady sound of it soothing her. They stayed like that for a while, the both of them holding each other in silence. Then finally, “I love you.”
It was so soft that she almost didn't hear it at first. She transformed her ears and angled them towards him in question. Did he … Had he really said it? After months of her being the only one who would? Jason let out a small laugh, then pressed a kiss to the top of her head before repeating himself. “I love you, X.”
X sat up to grin at him, her tail wagging furiously behind her. “I love you too, Jay.”
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anotheroceanid · 4 months
QUESTION (if you’re willing to answer it that is😅)! What was Leto doing when Percy went missing/throughout the time till the current story? Also, did she like Percy (was she finally happy to see Apollo happy)? If she did like Percy, how do you think she reacted to Percy’s disappearance (especially since she also probably had to comfort her baby Apollo🥺)? It’s just that Leto is oftentimes left out of Apollo’s family members when it comes to Percy meeting them, and I wonder what she was thinking/feeling (especially since Apollo and Percy were so secretive about their relationship). Apologies for the spiel, if you think any of this would be too spoiler-y you can feel free not to answer btw😄😆.
We get to see Leto, I believe (if I don't edit it out), in chapter seven, that is Apollo’s POV. Leto (before the events of the fic), lives peacefully in Delos and has a very happy life, and she gets to meet Percy way before she and Apollo get together. She really adores her, and she approves of their relationship.
Despite Percy and Apollo having a secretive relationship, there are a few individuals who know what is going on between them, and Leto is one of them. So she really feels Percy’s disappearance in a somewhat personal way, especially because Leto is similar to Apollo in many aspects, so she sympathizes with his feelings even more deeply than just because she’s his mom. Just like him, she felt like Percy was The One ™️ for Apollo.
I won't say much more, but she definitely misses Percy and hopes everything will turn out well. In a way, she’s Perpollo first shipper in the story lol
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honeyhare · 3 months
I drawed the ANIMAL!!!!!! its me I'm the animal :)
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My fnaf self insert / sona! Her full ref will be on artfight but here I just wanted to post the basic stuff
Silly words under the cut
For the most part this critter is basically just a second reluctant follower idk. Lore is similar to game but there A FEW updates. I'm calling glitchtrap "The Glitch" and vanny "VNI" for this.
In this world the VR game was released without anyone knowing something was off about it, which is how The Glitch found more people to infect afterwards yay
He is a computer virus BUT also a real virus? Dont ask me how that works. Just know that you will get cold and flulike symptoms from him ☝️
He is the digital form of Burntrap! VNI is the digital form of Vanessa, and B33 is the digital form of Bee. In the cyberspace they look super cute and silly but irl they are not so cuddly </3
During "nightmare sequences" reality is more distorted, VNI and B33 appearing as actual rabbits and The Glitch as that ugly fursuit form. He can, and often does, blur the line between the rabbits and himself, turning them all into that goopy mass from princess quest, reminding them of their connection to him.
Yes I love Vanessa/Vanny no i cannot resist self shipping in this I'm surry :( but anyway yeah the girls work the night shift together and they are great comforts to one another and they kiss muah muah muah >:)
The Glitch hates this btw 😌 he regrets choosing them to be his followers sooooo bad what a loser
The idea is that he wants to be revered. If the ghosts he forces into robots don't like him, maybe a more subtle method of control will work. So he recruits a BUNCH of bunnies and messes with them for fun. The issue is, he told everyone they're his favorite!!!! Whoops wouldn't ya know it the followers you told are special want to be special. They will. Fight to the death about it 🥺
Good ending the girls eventually leave his control together and their rabbit counterparts are given their own comfy digital realms to inhabit! bad ending... Uh :(
THANK YOU FOR READING! IT WAS SO CRINGE I KNOW!! Go forth with rabbit in your brain now<3
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches Mysterious Lotus Casebook - Ep 4
I found out while I was doing a bit of research last night that the screenwriter who wrote this drama was one of the directors on Heroes 😬 I am now Very Concerned about how this is going to end
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Still not ruling her out as the murderer, but I love his face at being accused. That's such a 'sure, Jan' face
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He just looks mildly exasperated at being surrounded by stupid people all the time
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Oh no he's all chained up 😏
Unrelated: does anyone know if Cheng Yi did his own voice dubbing for this? It's definitely not the same voice that he had in Love and Redemption. Just wondering if this is his actual voice, if Love and Redemption was his actual voice or neither of them were. I'm pretty sure Love and Redemption and Immortal Samsara had the same voice but could just be the same voice actor
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Definitely feeling Fine and Normal about Fang Duobing bursting in to save Li Lianhua just as he was about to be tortured
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I love that Li Lianhua is the damsel in distress but also the main lead who is annoyed that his robes just nearly got singed
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Li Lianhua is learning what having a puppy is like
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He's such a smug little shit (affectionate)
You know, there's more than a few similarities between him and Ye Xiu in The King's Avatar. Both well renowned and respected leaders who, for reasons, are forced to change their names and live new lives while being insufferable to everyone around them. Funny that I'm watching them both at the same time.
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Ah nothing like solving crime on a time limit
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He is very determined to solve crime with his new best bro
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Fang Duobing: If you don't help me solve this crime innocent people will die 🥺 Li Lianhua: lol no
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I love that he keeps calling him a fox
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Why are you so obsessed with me?
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LOL dude!
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Oh no is Li Lianhua going to drug him again?
I'm not liveblogging much while they're doing actual detective stuff btw because I'm trying to follow what's happening. Same as I don't liveblog much during the game sections of The King's Avatar
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Aww Li Lianhua is comforting him. He does care underneath all the snark
I am very much enjoying this. It's reminding me a bit of Ancient Detective, which I also loved.
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unsettlingcreature · 3 months
RIGHT OK SO thoughts. i have them.
It's beautiful. I want to see more of Minrathous and Tevinter in general, I am SO excited for the environments and buildings and- (muffled screaming).
Also Minrathous? Do you know who else might be in Minrathous? 🥺🥺🥺 i'm sorry i just want to see dorian again. But also, I hope we'll see Maevaris too! So badly!
edit: actually, I realised what the started segment where you run through the city with demons Fucking Shit up reminds me of! The scene in Origins where you are running across the bridge to get to the beacon at the battle of Ostagar! Having to ignore the carnage around you as you push forwards because the end goal is ultimately more important...
I love that we get a background for our Rook that seems to actually come up outside of the rare dialogue option. And speaking of dialogue, I like that we're keeping the dialogue wheel with contextual icons! I'm not a massive fan of the UI but it's by no means bad.
As they walked through the streets of Minrathous, I was for some reason reminded of Assassin's Creed. But once combat began, I was reminded of Shadow of Mordor...? I think it was the switching between blade and bow.
I can already tell that the combat is not really my thing. I'll cope. I'll suffer through it. I will say that it looks very fluid and makes me hope that we'll get a similar flow of combat (for rogues at least) similar to DA2 (which I think has the best dual-wielding combat of the three games imo). I'll probably still pick a mage for my first playthrough but rogues are tempting me.
The warning lines for ranged attacks is... interesting! I've seen something similar in a few games and it'll definitely make dodging a lot easier to figure out timings, even if I personally hate dodge-heavy combat. Again, I'll cope.
The music... oh my god, it's beautiful. As they approached the ritual site, you could hear the same motifs that were present in the Tresspasser's soundtrack (specifically Dark Solas Theme) (I go feral whenever I hear those strings btw). Very excited by the music, even the song that was present for the countdown before it started was beautiful!
Some of the dialogue was a bit... quippy. It was way better than the character reveal though. For the most part, it felt fine but then now and then I'd pull a face at a cheesy line or the odd sentence that felt stilted to me.
I didn't realise Neve was an amputee! I love the stylised prosthetic. I definitely need to get around to reading the comics.
The new direction with demons is interesting. They seem to be going more wraith-like, with even the pride demon no longer have legs and just kind of floating. The fiery dog-like are what I assume are meant to be rage demons? I actually love them, far more than the weird blobby things we've seen in past games.
The facial expressions are very good. Definitely not having the same issue as ME:A. Honestly, the animation in general is brilliant. I enjoyed watching Rook dart about during combat and his movement was very fun.
Whenever the pride demon teleported away just as Rook went to strike, I kept thinking "nah that would piss me off so much".
Seeing Varric approach Solas, I was like haha wow, imagine if they killed off Varric really early on in the game. I don't think Bioware would but it did genuinely put me on edge for a moment. Destroying Bianca though... Nah, somehow that's worse. Where's he going to get another one? :(
Also, hi Venatori! You're still around after ten years? Fucking hell, you'd think they'd have given up considering Corypheus was dunked on over a decade ago. Learn to take the L.
Finally, that shout from Solas as the ritual was disrupted... I think it's the angriest I've heard him, at least put against how he was in Inquisition. Also are we going to talk about the purple eyes? I think I'd like to talk about the purple eyes. Solas could get it. WHAAAAAT WHO SAID THATTTTT, THAT'S WILDDDDDDD...
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sungbeam · 3 months
no your Eric is sososo well written you're one of the few writers that's putting me back on reading!! I literally had to send several of your works to my bestie even tho she analyzes writing a lot more and is p strict about stuff she reads (who btw said, and I quote "if this person wrote a novel, I would read it"!!^)
I feel like the fact you understand Eric's mannerisms is the reason I like it a lot; you really make a good distinction between characters and the way they act! particularly enjoyed swing my way, esp with all the other members involved!! like it's perfect, if anything I wish I could see more of what happens with them down the road because it's so cute 🥺🥺
ty for writing well~ hehe
also either of the names is fine! I mostly used ducky on tumblr but use moon more as of recently ^🫶 I also remember seeing you on tumblr when I still had an account and being like omgg another duck!! but I was too shy to say hi and then sadly went inactive and ended up deactivating LMAO if I come back I'll let you know so we can actually be moots 🫶 honestly you're inspiring me to write again/go through my old drafts but we'll see!!
- ducky/moon
awh im so happy i could help u get back into reading 😭 and raaaah ur friend's praise is much appreciated as well!! i always feel a little nervous abt my writing in fanfic just cuz i have a bad habit of not extensively editing/proofreading TT but glad she would read a book of mine 🙇🏻‍♀️
omg swing my way eric was so sjfbdjfnnf i personally think that if he wasn't a kpop idol, that's the kind of eric he would turn out to be LOL but ACTUALLY i really wanted to make a mini series w the other boyz at the country club too !! so like a fic for changmin as a dance instructor, chanhee at the spa, haknyeon in dining, jacob on the courts, and maybe the lee cousins just in general haha and then you'd see a returning cast of characters, kind of similar to love in unity!
PLS ITS OKAY 😭😭 im always super shy to say hi first as well :'))) interacting and initiating convos is scary @@ but thank u for sending that first ask anyway; hope to chat w u even more in the future !!! and i really hope u do come back, but ofc no pressure <3
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baekhvuns · 2 years
But the fact I even got my American friend who never watched the ACTUAL football and calls it futbol (I banned the word soccer - meanwhile I call American football - futbol lmao) and got excited. She said the final was entertaining. Right, honestly it's sad to see some top players go or lose their strengths. PSG has great players, it's good to have a mix of young stars and experienced legends, but sometimes the more experienced ones aren't doing too well, so even though it's weird seeing them on the bench sometimes they gotta be sacrificed. Lots of people were unhappy that Madrid was keeping the "old" players instead of introducing new faces, but guys like Benzema were clearly capable and we won CL after all.
I'm also a huge tennis fan, idk if you're into it, but both Roger and Serena retired this year, painful 😭💔
The San overlooking the stadium is really so so pretty. Please Pique stay away 😭 normalise blaming everything on Gerard. I'm a fan of Spain NT and I remember him fucking things up a few times. We RM fans laugh that he 100% has an anti-Madrid Twitter account, cause he always talks shit. He'll have more time to commit to hating on Madrid during his unemployment era. 😊
Btw recently I was like "where the hell is Suarez at" but he's playing at home :o
I'm not that into Ronaldo anymore for multiple reasons, but I used to be a stan kayusuahakshuakavs. Now we gotta fight Baek 🥊
Listen I was betrayed by a few players who decided to go to Barcelona, Fabregas, recently my guy Bellerin (I like him more as a person than a footballer, cause we have mutual friends same with a few other ex-Arsenal players 😭) and speaking of French footballers, Griezmann idk what was he doing in Barcelona, I like him but he consistently plays for my enemies Atletico, Barca 🔫
There was a moment years ago when my fave French club was Olympique Marseille, but that was a short-lived love affair. Idk know why I liked them. Not Karim unfollowing almost all French players?! My man Varane is safe from his wrath though haudhsjdgagajaha
And Wooyoung would be a menace on the field 😭 throw Suarez into the mix for biting
Literally, every guy in a manhwa is based on Hwa can you believe? Now let him be the lead in an adaptation.
I think Jongho is winning the battle, Shownu might be in the military, but he's harmless. It's between Jongho and Seulgi then
Damn Eric get a new producer cause wtfff 🤡
A few Shinestars talked about the Hwa thing, but it's always hard not to sound delulu, though even my non-Hwa biased friend (the one who got wrecked by him during the concert 👀) noticed he doesn't have that many opportunities to showcase his skills. I know he's popular and people love him, he's not mistreated or anything like that, but idk I wish he could do more. Mingi is similar, though he was out for a while, but still. Maybe Hwa's too humble 😭 but my guy, please volunteer more if that's the case
Hey, hey he can do both Lego and Dior or whatever, he has the duality after all! At least we're not fighting over model Hwa, he's still on thin ice for me 😅
I hope LSF goes darker! Btw I've been obsessed with their song No Celestial as well as IVE's My Satisfaction
I don't know whether it's April 2nd or 4th I can't count for shit, but aksuuauahauaajajaaaaaaa!!!
I keep forgetting the cb is next week, it still didn't register, I hope we get another movie-like teaser
Happy holidays! I'm not really celebrating, but I got the best gift please HE'S SO CUTE I'M GONNA KMS the reindeers and the kitty 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Big brain
🦌👀 sexy reindeer
I... won't say a word, but I could say A LOT
Me when none of my gifts were that blonde Ateez guy :/ rigged - DV 💖
hi hello!!
But the fact I even got my American friend who never watched the ACTUAL football and calls it futbol (I banned the word soccer - meanwhile I call American football - futbol lmao) and got excited. She said the final was entertaining. Right, honestly it's sad to see some top players go or lose their strengths. PSG has great players, it's good to have a mix of young stars and experienced legends, but sometimes the more experienced ones aren't doing too well, so even though it's weird seeing them on the bench sometimes they gotta be sacrificed. Lots of people were unhappy that Madrid was keeping the "old" players instead of introducing new faces, but guys like Benzema were clearly capable and we won CL after all.
no bc i literally do not get the american way, i've been taught to say football since the beginning but here, everyone says soccer, i was so confused when i heard it and tried correcting them BUT NOOOO,, and what i call rugby is called football by westerners??? I DONT GET IT,, no its sad to see the once insanely talented players beginning to grow old and worn out their skills 😭😭😭 the new era of players arent as eye catching as the ones before,, yeah! it's sad and weird seeing legends be benched, ronaldo ofc, sometimes they are just benched bc they're "old" but they're still good and its just sad seeing their expression where they wanna play but arent allowed too 😭😭 my entire family was raged when ronaldo got benched JUST BC U SCORED SM GOALS WITHOUT HIM IN ONE GAME DONT MEANT IT WILL CONTINUE 😭😭 tbh imo its good that they kept them bc they;ve polished them into what they are today and the attachment they have w the club it'll be hard to get used to the new ones like pedri and gavi WHEN I HEARD XAVI AND INIESTA SAY THEY WERENT AS GOOD AS GAVI AND PEDRI WHEN THEY JOINED MADE ME WANNA THROW HANDS AT THEM
I'm also a huge tennis fan, idk if you're into it, but both Roger and Serena retired this year, painful 😭💔
im not an avid follower but sometimes matches are usually on so i will watch it! always happens to be someone from an australian team too, but im more of football and cricket (only when its ind vs pak fbjbkk) person
The San overlooking the stadium is really so so pretty. Please Pique stay away 😭 normalise blaming everything on Gerard. I'm a fan of Spain NT and I remember him fucking things up a few times. We RM fans laugh that he 100% has an anti-Madrid Twitter account, cause he always talks shit. He'll have more time to commit to hating on Madrid during his unemployment era. 😊
IT REALLY IS SO SO PRETTY, normalize wanting gerard to wanna retire every month bc it geels nice to see the news again idc he'S A SNAKE !! LMFAOOO I WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED IF HE DOES TBH FHBJBFH he's a full time hater, part-time player,,, i am wondering what will happen between rm and ronaldo and mourinho, bc ronaldo wants to play till 41, and honestly mourinho is the only one who can make him do that in finesse
Btw recently I was like "where the hell is Suarez at" but he's playing at home :o ///// I'm not that into Ronaldo anymore for multiple reasons, but I used to be a stan kayusuahakshuakavs. Now we gotta fight Baek 🥊
YEAAAAAAAAH HE IS, A SHOCKER everytime i see him all i see is his teeth 😭😭😭😭 u think his kids get bullied bc their dad bites ppl 😭😭 i will turn into a ronaldo stan at the next wc, i do want him to hold the trophy now that messi has, it only makes sense for him or neymar (bro is suffering, did insane good at copa but messi fjhbkhb read somewhere that he’s like the king who was never crowned bc he’s mostly forgotten, his stats are ignored so hard it mAKES ME UN POCO LOCO) to hold it next,,,it’ll be amazing to see the top 3 players of our gen to hold them, messi pls let them man 😭😭😭😭😭😭 LMFAOOOO ITS ON SIGHT,, mayne in the near future it’s the 3 messi’s v ronaldo jr that would be insane
Listen I was betrayed by a few players who decided to go to Barcelona, Fabregas, recently my guy Bellerin (I like him more as a person than a footballer, cause we have mutual friends same with a few other ex-Arsenal players 😭) and speaking of French footballers, Griezmann idk what was he doing in Barcelona, I like him but he consistently plays for my enemies Atletico, Barca 🔫
oh???? u know him???? NOW WHO DO U NOT KNOW EVERYTIME IM SURPISED U KNOW SOMEONE FAMOUS WTF IS THIS, DROP ALL THE NAMES U KNOW U CANNOT KEEP DOING THIS,, no what was greizmann doing there 😭😭 it's so random,,, LMFAOOO tbh his presence in the french team makes the team sm better, sometimes i be thinking that he's the captain and not lloris 😭😭 lloris didnt save a single penalty what went on with him 😭😭
There was a moment years ago when my fave French club was Olympique Marseille, but that was a short-lived love affair. Idk know why I liked them. Not Karim unfollowing almost all French players?! My man Varane is safe from his wrath though haudhsjdgagajaha /// And Wooyoung would be a menace on the field 😭 throw Suarez into the mix for biting
Literally, every guy in a manhwa is based on Hwa can you believe? Now let him be the lead in an adaptation. /// I think Jongho is winning the battle, Shownu might be in the military, but he's harmless. It's between Jongho and Seulgi then
i actually believe it's all shinestars writing these webtoons under a pseudo,,, 1 hour of jongho dying of shyness in front of seulgi when,,, shownu breaking that axe when cutting wood still has me going crazy FORGET JONGHO SEULGI, KAI AND SEULGI
Damn Eric get a new producer cause wtfff 🤡
yeah 😭😭 bc daehyun posted about it too 😭😭😭😭
A few Shinestars talked about the Hwa thing, but it's always hard not to sound delulu, though even my non-Hwa biased friend (the one who got wrecked by him during the concert 👀) noticed he doesn't have that many opportunities to showcase his skills. I know he's popular and people love him, he's not mistreated or anything like that, but idk I wish he could do more. Mingi is similar, though he was out for a while, but still. Maybe Hwa's too humble 😭 but my guy, please volunteer more if that's the case
yeah!! he rly doesn't, i hope he does in the future,, yeah exactly he's not mistreated or anything maybe he's just shy and wants to let his other members shine before he gets the chance BUT HOPEFULLY HWA COLLABS IN 2023 !!! YEAH PLS VOLUNTEER MORE AND MINGI TOO,, sometimes i think the two are the same when it comes to things like this, they took humble and kindness to the next level dbfbf
Hey, hey he can do both Lego and Dior or whatever, he has the duality after all! At least we're not fighting over model Hwa, he's still on thin ice for me 😅 //// I hope LSF goes darker! Btw I've been obsessed with their song No Celestial as well as IVE's My Satisfaction
HE NEED TO DO ANYTHING NOW, FROM BASKIN ROBBIN ADS TO PARIS FASHION WEEKS 😭😭😭😭 imagine one day he's live and he;s in paris for dior but he's doing a lego live in his hotel room 😭😭 GIVE HIM A SECOND CHANCE!!!! omg no bc no celestial is so so good, their discography so far is >>> impurities is also very good!! haVE NOT HEARD THE IVE ON EYET BUT I WILL
I don't know whether it's April 2nd or 4th I can't count for shit, but aksuuauahauaajajaaaaaaa!!! //// I keep forgetting the cb is next week, it still didn't register, I hope we get another movie-like teaser
ITS IN APRIL AND THATS WHAT MATTERS 😭😭😭😭 HES FINALLY COMING 😭😭😭😭 SHINEE TOUR COMING 😭😭,, wait it's next week??? time flew by so fast the euro tours coming too 😭😭 i hope the mv is movie like too! it looks like they're about to perform pink venom
Happy holidays! I'm not really celebrating, but I got the best gift please HE'S SO CUTE I'M GONNA KMS the reindeers and the kitty 🥺🥺🥺🥺 /// Big brain
happy holidays to u too! HES SO CUTE AAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!! AND THESE,, forget big brain what is this fbkbj
🦌👀 sexy reindeer /// I... won't say a word, but I could say A LOT
Me when none of my gifts were that blonde Ateez guy :/ rigged - DV 💖
what is this 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
pls do this dhfhef + also someone needs to date this guy 😭😭😭 do u rmr his talk with eric where he said he keeps the lights on at his home so when he comes back its like someone’s waiting for him 😭😭 eunwoo too 😭😭🤚🏼
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
since the epilogue is close to ending, here's some sketches of wip designs
this is very rambly so i'll add ID descriptions later, sorry. (its 4am for me rn)
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Frisk looks too older, they've only aged 2 years. both chara and asriel's designs here are SO beta and non refined. I think this was drawn even before Flowey came out -I wasn't sure how much of the trans aspect was going to come into play. I initially wanted the comic to end with Chara and Asriel reconciling after the Toriel-Asriel Airplane Call scene, but realized that there was too much unsaid between the two that needed to be hashed out and the epilogue had enough to cover already.
It was going to be a last minute "oh btw, since coming home Asriel is trans now, deal with it" but THANK GOD i didn't just sneak it in like that and explored the topic in the comic instead.
I forgot where this artwork was saved so I tried to draw it back from memory a few months later:
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Chara's form was starting to come together -i assume this was around the time that Chara got their boss monster form in the comic itself. I like that Frisk has a Bi flag shirt here -I should of gone with that! The cheeks are more square but ultimately I thought age 15 wouldn't allow for that much of a change. so yeah, this is what an adult frisk would look instead.
oh! for funsis: did you know i was originally going to have the other fallen humans be skeletons instead of different monsters?
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I thought it was too similar to insanelyadd's skeleton fallen kids. I actually am friends with Addy now, but then I had to message and be like "🥺is it ok if i also do this i swear i'm not copying" to which they were chill about. ultmatly i felt the designs were to Sans-like and didn't allow for much creativity. (also why tf does Hol have green instead of cyan colors what was wrong with my computer or me in 2018 lmao
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I always wanted to show the kids age and progress throughout the comic. oh my god the hair is SO anime here ouch! anyway I wanted Chara to really lean into the "prim and proper" role they give themself. I thought it was so cool to have them cut their hair short in the back and have long hair in the front. (wait. wait, thats what Chara does now in the epilogue. huh.)
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honestly??? i like "pissed off librarian" vibes this frisk has here. Also weird to see my Frisk without an afro!
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sadly no beta adult asriel designs. no idea why i never drew any then.
Here's me figuring out how Chara should have a monster form -here's proto boss monster chara, as you can see i planned out the red hair aspect early on enough that this was before the timeskip happened.
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um. anyway, pre-epilogue concept sketches. I think Raine had bird wings at this stage?? dang wild. Don't ask why Franky looks like a new yorker paper boy. Hol looks too much like a raggedy ann which is funny. Ursus... well, they probably won't look much different.
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Hol eye concept art. done before they were revealed in the comic itself. ..........less said about this the better
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And lastly, chara's boss monster design drawn right before they showed up. First one drawn <- left to right <- You can see I wanted Chara to have a hippy/punk design, but realized like, that jacket was going to be a binch to draw over and over. so i simplified it, and then was like, "ok this is TOO plain, i need SOME detail" and got very close to the final version.
alright since I know some people like color ref sheets, here
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Continue Arc full cast. Was SUPER annoying to scroll thru to find the right character lmao
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hol's prequel story color ref -actually changed the Berry's hair color last minute and never got around to updating the color sheet. was very annoying to hand-color pick from a previous page instead of using the ref :/ smh @/ me
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Baker's Trouble.
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OLDIE. From the Start Again? and Christmas sections of the tumblr version. God. Hol is so small. Asriel looks like a mess. Good lord.
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Cancelled Christmas Arc. Chara was supposed to meet up with Asriel on a boat offshore of Monsterland for Christmas, but turns out Asriel was using Chara as publicity. Except... not fully. He did want to meet up with Chara, but they get the wrong impression that Asriel was only doing this for image's sake. It'd explore how the public views Chara as an idolized figure and how Frisk plays into that too.
Anyway the story was too ambitious and I should of started this on December 1st instead of days before Christmas. Plus, I wasn't happy with how I started it and the vibes were off. I might have this as a side story in the redraw but idk
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Back to the Epilogue. I changed Asriel's dress just a little bit to improve the body shape silhouette (the dress is so plane its like she's wearing a towel! gah! I should have added SOME flair to that dress dang it!) anyway the dress is more... swooshy? swirly? and the teal ties up to the neck which works nicely with the heart locket and bow combo. Actually. Shit. Why didn't I just put the locket OVER the bow i'm so stupid that'd be so much easier-
If I could redo it, I'd make some changes...
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now here's the cousin and sib groups here. Flowey is actually a little TOO big and not up to scale which is funny hehe (also more blocky looking??? weird) In the Redraw version I'm modifying Raine's dress to have a sash and other details, this thing is TOO plain. Franky's Mad Scientist like outfit could of just been an actual labcoat and ideally, the fact that Franky wasn't at the party could of foreshadowed that they knew it was going to be reloaded.
(...Which, actually, Chara's surprise was a surprise for me as well. That was a impulsive idea that came to me when we were getting very close to meeting with Chara again. Thus I couldn't foreshadow it. Redraw WILL have better foreshadowing U_U;)
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ACTUALLY SCREW IT for the remainder of the epilogue, i made some changes I wanted to add detail and change some designs a tad -mainly to make the designs more distinct from each other and for story continuity. (AKA: Asriel and Papyrus are supposed to be the only "red scarf" wearers. Asriel's bowtie is knitted like a scarf. previously, hol and yun had red bows which made this match up less distinct. mew Mew's design was a little too similar to Sans' and Alphys and needed some changes.)
anyway i think thats all i can share now! thanks for reading and hope you guys keep following the redraw. I really really want a completed version of this story that's not missing holes. i want AFR to be complete and well, even with the epilogue ending, it won't be "done" for a long while. But thank you guys, it's been a journey!
If you hadn't guessed, I might be finishing the epilogue today (tomorrow for me, cause i'm going to bed in a few minutes). Depends on how much I manage to draw today, but yeah. Chara is going to the party, we'll get to say hi, close some loose ends and come to end. worst case scenario, i'll have to do a little comic to tie it off (like I did with the main storyline's ending) at a later date and this will be the end of the ask-able portion of the epilogue.
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doomed-prophetess · 3 years
ohhh pls share your unpopular opinions 🥺
- Athy is an introvert
- Lily and Felix have no chemestry
- LP Jennette is prettier than wmmap Athy
- Athy and Lucas are not in love. They are just two lonely people with similar traumas who feel alienated from others because of their talents/abilities/knowledge and seek comfort in each other.
- I suspect novel Ijekiel wouldn’t have cared about Athy’s death had he not been in love with her. According to spoon one of manhwa Ijekiel’s traits is being just. Even if he had not loved Athy he would have felt sorry for her death and felt guilt for how his family had wronged her, but I think novel Ijekiel would have shrugged and moved on. Idk novel Ijekiel just hits different from the few quotes I could read. He wasn’t just or had empathy with the weak. If he was willing to let his bestie die in the ditch for coming in between him and the thing he wanted (Athy), would  1st timeline Ijekiel have really have felt bad for the death of a stranger, especially if he wasn’t directly involved and the death of said stranger benefitted his family? Novel Ijekiel’s dubious morality is so fascinating. The fact that we barely know anything about him just makes him more interesting.
- Ijekiel is still the superior male lead and should’ve ended up with Athy
- BUT right now there is not enough build up for either romance. It would feel forced. Lucathy feels forced.
- erasing Lucas’ abusive childhood was a big mistake. I shouldn’t care, because spoon is erasing Lucathy parallels, yet I do care as I mourn the missed opportunity to add dephts to Lucas’ character
- Lucas would have found Jennette intriguing (especially novel Jennette), if it weren't for Pluto’s apparent dislike of Jennette's character. The reason why Lucas became interested in Athy in the first place was because she was different from the norm. Had he met Jennette instead of Athy in the garden it could have set the flag for Jennette/Lucas childhood friends to lovers.
- It is unclear if Athy would have made a better Empress than Jennette. Talent in foreign languages & poetry doesn't necessarily make you a qualified ruler. Similar to how Lucas' talent in magic didn't make him a good teacher either. Athy's great education can lay the foundation for her to become a capable Empress, however, we don't know about Jennette's education and for example Athy's language skills don't really benefit her regarding politics as there are 1.) diplomats for a reason 2.) Athy doesn't seem to understand certain nuances. Hmm...how do I explain this. For example to language there is more than just the language. I remember a scene from the novel where Cabel (?) asked Athy for her handkierchief and the question indicated something romantic in Arlanta, but Athy obvlious to it asked Felix to give his handkierchief to Cabel which horrified both men. Now imagine if it had been the prince of Arlanta asking this and Athy answered the same. Imagine if the relationship between Arlanta and Obelia had been strained and not good. She would have insulted the heir of Arlanta, she would have insulted Arlanta itself. Even her guard Felix knew about the insinuation of the question. Athy was clearly lacking. ( Which leads me to -> Obelian's education system is flawed. and I suspect that the Obelian education is very self-centered. Btw I also headcanon Obelia to be imperialistic and I want it destroyed.)
About Jennette...manhwa Jennette would have definitely wanted to be a classic fairy tale princess like making laws to improve things for the poor. The question is whether Roger and Rosalia would have manipulated her (which they probably did), but to which degree was LP Jennette allowed to have freedom? As long as Roger ended up in the Obelias family register and Rosalia could fill her own pockets with gold they probably wouldn't have cared for laws that didn't hurt them.
- Claude would have fucked Athy the day of her debutante ball if he hadn’t realized that she was not Diana 02.
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boba-beom · 3 years
Can I please request a 22 fluff with Mr. Yeonjun 🥺 I love your work btw, it's very cute ❤️
Hi sweets! I apologise that it took so long to post, I wrote this a while ago. Requests were closed at the time but I quite like this prompt so I kept it ♡ and thank you very much! I hope this does your request justice!!
*+:。.。 hi, hello 。.。:+*
✧ prompt 22: “sometimes I just can't control myself when around you."
✧ pairing: Yeonjun x reader
✧ genre: general fluff!
✧ word count: 623
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Today was the day of the big event.
You were rushing to get dressed, hoping to look as presentable as you could for this rare event. You were struggling to choose between a dark pinstripe suit set to match with your red bottom stilettos, or a simple black, satin cocktail dress that hugged your figure with black lace-up heels.
The TXT boys have been your good friends for who knows how long, and they’ve invited you to one of their red carpet premiers. They were told they could bring plus-ones but they settled to just have you to accompany all of them, that’s how much you meant to them.
“Y/n, where are you?” Kai’s voice panicked over the phone.
“Hyuka, don’t fret, I’ll meet you guys there in a few minutes! I promise I won’t be late,” you reassured the younger, hearing him sigh in relief.
You had arrived just a few metres away from the entrance to the red carpet to meet up with the boys, hoping they weren’t too far from you. Already, you could see the paparazzi bombarding numerous music artists and celebrities — who you were surprisingly acquainted with thanks to your male friends.
Your eyes wandered around for them, trying to spot at least one of their significant hair colours, yet they were nowhere to be found.
A hand slipped around your waist, swiftly pulling you to the side of their body. You quietly shrieked in surprise, not realising who it might’ve been until you turned your head to meet with a blond Taehyun in a dark tux.
“This way, we don’t want to lose you before we walk the carpet,” he chuckles, winking towards you. You found it quite endearing how he’s always looked out for you, which in return, you’d forgotten he’s younger than you.
It was only you and Taehyun walking closer to the entrance, yet to see the rest of the boys. Though it didn’t take long until you were met with three more familiar faces. Wait, three?
Staring at you were Soobin, Hueningkai and Beomgyu all dressed in similar suits to the one Taehyun was wearing. One by one they greeted you and complimented what you decided to wear.
“You guys look so handsome!” Your sudden burst brought your attention to a couple of their cheeks intensely blushing. “But where’s Yeonjun?”
“Miss me already?” A voice arose from behind you, turning around to be met with Yeonjun and his slick black hair, complimenting his all black tux and his silver accessories as accents.
You turn around, noticing his arm held out for you as your eyes met. It’s been a few days since you last saw Yeonjun, the last time being when his hair was a shade of the faded pink that you loved. 
“Hi, hello.” His plushy lips curved into a boyish grin.
Accepting his arm, you stepped closer to him as he looks at you with so much admiration, but you also notice him cheekily eyeing up and down your figure.
“Eyes up here, Choi.”
You could hear the boys snicker, “Hyung you got caught in 4k.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at him, your eyes softened once you watched Yeonjun’s cheeks flush.
“Sorry, you just look beautiful tonight,” you noticed him leaning awfully close, feeling the warmth on your cheeks rising. He placed a soft kiss on your cheek, pulling back just a little so his lips were close by your ear, “Sometimes I just can’t control myself when I’m around you.”
From such a simple action and those words, who would’ve thought that would make your heart race like crazy. What’s more is the fact that this was the start of your feelings developing for this fine man, and you couldn’t wait for that journey to continue.
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helloquotemyfoot · 2 years
QUOTE!!! 😍 12, 17, 21 for the weird writing asks. Any or all if you want. <3
Sorry this is a bit late!!
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
Okay wow this is mean, I can only have three? Ughhh okay I think my wishes would be 1) better focus because I'm always flicking between different WIPs and struggle to get anything done! 2) ability to write more in one go, I'm often frustrated by not being able to write more than a paragraph or two in one sitting! >.< I know it could always be worse, but a slightly larger consistent output would be nice! And I think wish 3) would be a better ability to chop enormous fic ideas down to a respectable size. I'm not even asking to not get the absurd epic-length ideas that would take most people a lifetime to write, just to be better to rationing them down to bare essentials so they're completeable in a reasonable time!
Any genies out there bored? Please? 🥺🙏
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Haha sorry this one is going to be a disappointing answer because I'm not really good at these sorts of questions! There's always too much and too little to talk about at the same time... way too much to squeeze into one tumblr post but I'm also simultaneously like "uh. I made up a book in one chapter. and someone who wrote a response to the book" lol.
I guess my favourite bit of lore is Brigid transitioning out of a tanistry system similar to medieval Ireland, which is simultaneously how Petra is the heir apparent and her position isn't secure. But whilst that didn't make it into the WIP, I already did a lore dump author's note about that XDDD
21. Could you ever quit writing? Do you ever wish you could? Why or why not?
Honestly yeah there are absolutley times I've wished to quit writing. Last year (or was it 2020? I think it was 2020 actually. Time is a lie), I really genuinely did try to quit for good. I stopped writing, and I think told a few people to tell me to stop if I mentioned starting again. By that point I was just absolutely sick of getting into cycles of feeling awful about my writing, feeling it was stupid and useless and I was doing it all wrong and so on, which was something that happened several times a year at that point, and sometimes it felt like that feeling went on for months. I stopped wanting to feel that way, so I tried to cut out the main thing that was making me feel that way, which was writing.
Obviously, that didn't really stick, even though it hasn't been smooth sailing from then either. To be honest, I think I'm still affected from a period of bad burnout back in early 2019 and I'm not fully recovered yet, and maybe I never will be. Most of those genie wishes? Are basically just wishing to go back to my pre-2019 self when I could write a lot more, a lot more consistently, and because my output was greater, it wasn't such a chore to stay focused on one project long enough to finish it (oneshots to short multi chapter works), which increased motivation, because I was finishing more things, etc. I went from thinking of 20k fics as "short" things that could be completed in a little over a month if I knuckled down, to having to drop to a schedule for my main WIP (this is just within the past year) of only being able to write one 4-6k chapter per month on average, whilst still feeling like I had no energy to work on other things and I didn't get a break from it. And even that after a while became too much and I just had to take a hiatus from that fic, which could still be a permanent hiatus even though I hope it won't be. The difference in my abilities is staggering even years later and I constantly find myself frustrated and sometimes really disheartened by how little I can do compared to what I used to be able to do, never mind when I think of other people who write even more than that. (Before anyone says anything, no, it's not outside responsibilities, if anything I have way more free time and fewer stressors than I did back in 2019.) Burn out is not a joke.
But I don't want this to just be negative so I'll also talk about what's helped me move past the burn out to an extent as well. Part of feeling better about coming back to writing over the past year and a half or so has been coming to terms with why I am writing and no longer letting people impose expectations on why I should be writing from the outside. Trying to "write for myself", a phrase that has never made any sense to me, just led to me becoming increasingly frantic and self-loathing as I tried to find the recipe to Write The Correct Way. I did not and have never had the internal id or voice that other people seem to have which tells me what I "want" to write, so I do not instinctively "know" how to write for myself, even though this is the expectation created by that phrase. Nor do I get any pleasure out of writing what I want to read, another thing people say they mean by "writing for yourself". Sure, I sometimes enjoy reading back things I've already written, but it's not WHY I put myself through all that hard work and annoyance, there are plenty of stories that I don't write and will never write because I enjoy playing them over in my head well enough - I don't need to have a story on paper to enjoy it.
Actually just admitting and saying with my whole chest "yeah, I write for engagement. Deal with it" has been a lot healthier for me. I write because it's the way I engage with fandom as I'm not very good at doing other things to engage with fandom (I struggle with essays and putting down character analysis, can't make art or gifs, and I'm bad at just having conversations with people) and it's a good way to hear what people think of my ideas and characterisations, things I don't really have other ways of talking about. So just saying this is my reason for writing, being self-aware about it, has given me confidence to push back against the universal idea that you should "write for yourself" and I no longer feel like I'm broken or wrong for not writing fanfic the way that other people write it. Because I'm not trying to fit a square peg mindset into a round motivation hole (that metaphor works, right? Right???) I just feel a lot happier in general and I can actually maintain more self-awareness about how I'm feeling about writing, such as realising I'm getting a bit overwhelmed by my main WIP and deciding to take a break, when I'm not taking these things as signals I have not yet found The Perfect Way I Should Be Writing and so I should keep going.
To bring this back to the original question, whilst I have tried to quit/want to quit writing many times, I've never actually been able to and I don't really think that I actually can. I've been writing for about 15 years now if not a bit longer, and I think when the writing bug grabs you, it really grabs you. I don't know if this is the case for anybody else, but I genuinely feel that writing and writing fanfiction in particular has changed the way I look at the world and other media. I approach everything with a more analytical mindset, which I suppose to some people sounds un-fun, but to me it's not un-fun at all, it only makes every piece of media more fun to experience and re-experience because I can see how all the parts of it fit together...... or don't fit together in the place of plot holes or similar, but honestly, there's usually joy even in that, in noticing a plot hole but realising that in the context of the moment, in the emotions and the characters, the plot hole doesn't actually matter, it doesn't take away from the culmination of the character arc (or whatever) at all. It makes every new piece of media a chance to experience new inspiration and get new ideas, which are fun to play with even if I never end up writing them. And not just stories, but all kinds of aspects of real life can provide this inspiration. It's joyful, and it's something that's so intricately linked to my writing, that it's not something I can turn off, and equally, it's something that keeps bringing me back to writing and storytelling. So I might regret saying this, but no, I don't think I could ever quit writing any more.
All asks from THIS post.
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