#btw this is not meant to like. change your opinion or anything anon just giving my own thoughts about it
yongislong · 2 years
ideal types + dreamies.
genre: fluff? haha
note: ty anon! i hope this is what you meant! this is just my opinion btw i don't know what these mfs like, i tried not to do body types or anything like that bc... ya lol. lmk if anything comes across as harmful! not proofread...
mark... would probably want someone who is just very chill in general. an ambivert for sure. someone very genuine, personable and freindly. someone who can go with the flow but is also so naturally funny. he laughs at everything so that shouldn't be too hard LMAO. loves people who have good music taste. LOOVE a street style type of person. dancer maybe?? someone who he can spend alone time with and fully drop any act he feels he needs to put up. someone who makes him feel safe and comforted. i don't think height matters to him since i think he's pretty secure with himself! likes someone with a loud laugh hehe. someone poc probably. prefers longer hair but will hype you up no matter what you look like because he genuinely finds you perfect. someone who hypes him up as well
renjun... someone artsy for sure! probably someone softer and a more... calming? aura? if he can sit in silence with you and still feel fulfilled i think that's perfect for him. someone shorter maybe? likes full cheeks. doesn't really matter what style for him tbh, he has a pretty dark academia style so if you're similar that cool but if you can change the way he dresses and have him explore new things, he is so down for that. someone who supports him and comforts him when he's having a hard week/month/etc. someone who likes cafes and museums. likes unique features. bubbly personality but also someone who is silently observant. a sucker for intelligent ppl
jeno... hmm... someone cool for sure. likes darker styles i feel like? but also likes it when you dress in lighter colors and stuff as well! doesn't matter what length your hair is, but likes pixie cuts tbh. i feel like he likes more quirky people since he can be a bit serious sometimes. shy boy/excited cute partner trope for sure. someone more assertive. nice smile so you can both be known as the cute smile couple muahaha. like someone who he can go on hikes with and someone who likes nature, dogs and enjoys being more adventurous. would like someone to nurture him tbh, like not baby him but... can take care of him and make him feel loved and relaxed. likes to feel wanted and manly most of the time though. giving very wattpad bad boy whos also a sweetheart?
haechan... someone shy probably so he can be brought back down to earth LMAO but again!!! i think as long as he clicks with someone, he won't really mind. likes to reassure his partner but also likes someone who is driven and passionate about something. would enjoy being around someone who enjoys watching movies and tv. looots of movie dates. someone in a more vintage style would be very intriguing to him. likes people out of the norm. think of chae from twice in regards to style. someone confident no matter what people say about them. likes to be able to have emotional conversations and be open about issues so someone more mature in that aspect would be appreciated. likes clingy people tbh. someone who's probably a bit more structured
jaemin... likes people who are hard to understand. likes people who dress and act however they want to. would support you no matter what LMAO. someone respectful and polite and full of love. animal lover. he pegs me as the type of person who goes for personality more than anything else, if he finds you attractive its just a plus LOL. definitely someone who's an ambivert. someone who can keep up when he's more excited/extroverted but also someone who can sit, cuddle, cook and read in silence with. definitely someone cute! especially if they seem more intimidating on the outside. he finds that juxtaposition really charming. maybe someone short but i don't think it would make or break anything. a poc lover, SLAAYY. hates try-hards or pick me's. someone who can give him confidence and vice versa
chenle... someone more emotionally mature and go with the flow. someone who is consistent. probably someone smart but not necessarily academically? like someone who is wise! life smart LOL. someone who enjoys cooking and shopping together. likes someone who is able to drive him forward if he feels stuck. someone who's really nice. like really REALLY nice. someone who can teach him good values and helps him see life through different perspectives. doesn't really care too much about style, i can't see him being with someone who is heavy heavy into fashion unless its more leaned towards street wear. just someone really cool, yknow? enjoys introverts because he likes to be able to be the only person to see you come out of your shell
jisung... short extrovert HAHA. he's pretty tall so tbh... most people are shorter than him so it doesn't really matter. but i love the trope of him being super quiet with a partner who enjoys peppering his face in kisses and bragging about him to all their friends. carefree person for sure. someone who can let him look at hard situations and help him alleviate his anxiety and let him know everything is gonna be okay because he's trying his best. likes darker styles. i think of like 2014 tumblr when i think of him LMAOO. so yeah... maybe something like that but modernized? likes bangs. loooves people who are naturally cute. likes people who get flustered easily haha. someone who's not embarrassed to show that they love him
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mauveberries · 2 months
I saw your anti-Jegulus post, and wanted to offer my two cents. I actually don’t personally mind Jegulus as a ship itself (I wouldn’t call myself a fan or anything, but I’m not too bothered by it), but I actually do think a lot of the fanon portrayals of Jegulus have constant hints of misogyny. For example, I’ve seen a lot of Jegulus fics/headcanons about Lily having a baby and essentially abandoning her family in order to leave room for Jegulus raising Harry. It’s a very tired cliche of fans of MLM ships trying to get women out of the way any way they can, as long as they can get use out of them first (in this scenario, Lily giving birth to Harry).
Another common thing I see is the criticism/opinion that Jily is boring (which is absolutely fair, everyone is entitled to their opinion) but then project a lot of Jily’s tropes onto Jegulus (some that I’ve seen are matching patronuses, James being extremely infatuated and pining over Regulus, or making Regulus’ personality identical to canon Lily’s and then turning Lily into a bland, one dimensional character). I think where people are coming from is that because of this, it genuinely feels like these people would in fact like Jily, and the only issue they have with it is that Lily is a woman. I also find myself genuinely wondering if Regulus would be as popular as he is now if he were a female character.
I don’t think people who like Jegulus are individually being misogynistic, I think it’s more of the general concept of Jegulus becoming popular and the treatment of all characters involved has strong undertones of misogyny.
This isn’t meant to be hateful or combative btw, so I hope it didn’t come off that way. I just saw your post and wanted to offer my perspective on it.
oh no worries anon, your message is clear. and you are right, the jegulus fandom is misogynistic in the way that you say that they are, and i dislike that.
but the point of my post is that you can't exactly be mysogynistic towards lily evans, because the author herself is already misogynistic towards her. my point was that jily is no better than jegulus.
think of it this way, lily evans, the mother of the protagonist of the series, whose love saved the protag’s life should have a more prominent role in the series. but instead, her whole life is portrayed to revolve around male characters. her role in ths story is reduced to being a mother. [i'm not saying motherhood is a bad thing, i just wish it was explored with more complexity and nuance.]
jily is also the most basic, misogynistic heterosexual pairing ever imo. james is immature, lily is mature, and james changed for her because he wanted her to like him.
that's it, that's literally it. the fact that james 'changed' himself is the more important part of their dynamic. lily herself is not shown having any feelings for james, and how she went through the process of forgiving him. james is this manchild, with atrocious behaviour and he's expected to change for lily. it's like lily isn't even her own person anymore!
i don't like the jily dynamics as well because james was lowkey blackmailing lily into dating him and the way that their romance is pprtrayed, it feels like she just eventually accepted it, after he 'changed.'
at this point, even though it was lily's love that saved harry's life, she is such a non-entity in the series. harry is portrayed to be more interested in learning about james, and lily is depicted as having NO concrete friends in canon! the mary detail in canon hardly counts because that scene was more focused on snape! another man. seriously! every aspect of her life revolves around some GUY.
not to mention, after she graduates, guess what. she stays at home to take care of the baby while james becomes a strong auror! are you seeing this?! she's a trad wife. she's literally a stay-at-home mum because she decided she wanted to get knocked up in the middle of the war. the only counter-point to this is if voldemort wasn't after harry, she might have gone to work, but it is iffy, too, because who decides it's a good idea to have a baby in the middle of a war? she could have fought alongside james but nooo she has to watch while james puts his invisibility cloak on to goof around with sirius while her baby's life is in danger.
"it genuinely feels like these people would in fact like Jily, and the only issue they have with it is that Lily is a woman." <- you're right anon, but this doesn't matter to me as i feel that both the ships are equally bad.
tl;dr: jily is also a lowkey misogynistic in my opinion. jegulus is just as bad, and you are right, some of its fans are misogynistic as well.
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boyfhee · 1 year
i woke up, went on tumblr.com like one does, and the first thing i see is “to you, with love” reblogged for me. 
so i closed the app. screamed a bit into a pillow. and came back to write this.
THE THING IS.. i read that work, im pretty sure i even left an ask but it was more shy, timid (?)in a sense - “thank u, this was beautiful ,i cried.”cuz i was overwhelmed lol <- the lol is to make is seem more causal as if my heart didnt feel like it was punched ^^
but i remember vividly going through heeseung hashtag and seeing this for the first time.. and the title was cute, i was like “oh fluff”. i had not read the genre or warnings notes before diving into it….
so u can imagine my reaction to this sentence…
“however, heeseung’s death changed that for you.” BTW  ofc the best time to read angst its dead into the night with taylor swift playing on my headphones :>
if i remember correctly, you deleted it (?) and then posted it again? i read it the very first time it was uploaded. this might have been a changing point cuz i didn't read angst.. not in it full potential like that before this and know im knees deep 
i finished reading it. and time kinda froze. the concept of hearing the voice of the love of your life. when things were good, were fine. i wept. BUT hearing them talk about what future could hold for both of u? knowing what u know now? literally curled with my phone in my hand and bawled my eyes out
promises… the forever heartbreaking factor of life.. what are they? meant to be broken or kept.. maybe neither.. i hate them… they give false hope for those who long and yearn to be reassure and make u believe that a single person could hold such a power over the universe… well, heeseung certainly couldn't.. no matter how genuinely his heart was beating while he said “forever”
wow, im in my feels again, i just loved it, truly loved it and cherished it for so long, in my own little world with spiraling thoughts about this, 
thank u thank u thank u  thank u!!!!!!!!!!! ur works mean the world to me
im sorry for making u sad with my ask, but i cant help it :] u made me feel too much !!!!!!!!!!
i loved the poem. the flashbacks from the fic hit me like a truck. whats ur favorite poem? ^^ i would love to read some if u have a recommendation
thanks for the little career stuff note, i appreciate it a lot truly
thank u in general, ure the coolest writer,  love u too 
ps. hee angst ?? i might die tho
                                               - > swift anonie ♡♡♡
ANON MAY I INTEREST YOU IN ANOTHER THOUGHT I HAD . about 'to you, my love' being set after 'if lovesick was a person' 😁😁 IT FITS SO WELL im so devastated actually . and that's why they tell u to read the warnings but who am i to say bc i straight up jump to the content ( i like surprises ) also i didn't delete it, my brother deleted my whole acc before i remade under the same user and reposted it 😭 oh but im so honoured that was the beginning of your angst reading arc, you should not be missing out on such a genre
and ur thoughts on promises, umm i can't say you're all wrong but i think they can serve as a driving force to do something? like some sort of motivation, or a reason idk . obvs, not saying that empty promises should be made. actually i dont have any opinion here, head empty. please never apologise for sending sad asks or wtv, i enjoy reading ur thought processes ure really really cool 🫵💗 as for poem recs hmm; i wandered lonely as a cloud by willian wordsworth, cadabianca by felicia dorothea hemans, la belle dame sams merci by john keats, rain before dawn, on a play twice seen and marching streets by fitzgerlad ( anything by him and emily dickinson is worth reading ) that's all i have on the top of my head
and no, thank u for taking ur time to write these asks, you're even cooler than me fr ☝️
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general-cyno · 4 years
Tbh, if taxian- jun had stayed out of 2.0 ranwan I would be fine, but the way things turned out in the end the fact that Chu Wanning 0.5 didn't get a chance, was like erasing him.
Oop we do have to disagree here anon. Not sure if you've read meatbun's explanation for it but chu fei did get a chance bc the soul he left behind in chu wanning and mo ran actually merged within chu wanning and became a part of him, like mo zongshi and txj. The reason chu fei doesn't show up as a distinct personality the way txj does, as explained by meatbun, is basically that chu wanning's core personality wasn't really that different in both lifetimes so the merge was... smooth, so to say. But chu fei is truly there, as well.
In fact, meatbun emphasized that she wanted mo ran and chu wanning to have their past selves' memories and give them a chance too (otherwise it'd be sad) so that's why the soul merges happened.
Also, I don't think you can separate txj from mo ran and ranwan. I have Opinions on this. Like. I don't wanna generalize but from what I've seen (mostly on twitter, and it's a huge peeve of mine actually), the constant fandom divide between txj and mo zongshi seems to have made some ppl believe they're completely different characters when they're not. The one who was reborn was txj, mo zongshi IS txj and book 1 couldn't be more explicit about it. The reason behind mo ran's split personality is that not all of his souls were reborn - one bit stayed in his 0.5 corpse, that one didn't get a chance to go through the same character development as the rest hence why after all of mo ran's souls merged, the difference in development between the souls caused the split. But ultimately, they are the same person and mo zongshi does not differentiate between txj and himself, despite the split (birthday extras even mention they share consciousness sometimes).
0.5 timeline was the original, no matter the way it turned out. And maybe I'm giving meatbun too much credit but I do think mo ran's split personality might be some commentary on how we can't/shouldn't forget where we came from and what we did in the past, but that doesn't mean we can't move on and accept ourselves. Mo ran himself had a lot of hang ups regarding the things he did as txj but by the extras, he's reconciled with it and accepts it as part of himself which I think is narratively important. And well, by sacrificing himself for chu wanning, 0.5 mo ran did kind of indirectly kickstart 2.0 so 2.0 ranwan wouldn't really exist without 0.5 ranwan.
Anyways, the point of this long ass rant: 2ha ending is not perfect but chu fei got his second chance to be with the man he loved in a healthy environment, txj is not butting in 2.0 and I really recommend reading the birthday extras!
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makeste · 3 years
i saw a post that explained well why i hate this: deku's outlook is now like kacchan's at the beginning. whereas before he saw people like kacchan, aizawa & shoto as heroes, strong & admirable, now he looks down on them (regardless of intent), invalidates their decision to participate and only sees them as useless and bloody. now kacchan's the kid throwing a notebook at a villain and deku's the one dismissing him (see: kacchan's sacrifice). i guess the speech from post-ground beta 2 is forgotten
also like seriously fuck the narrative, fuck all might and tbh fuck deku too lol kacchan kept their stupid fucking useless secret, helped deku train for months on end while knowing deku getting stronger and dominating 7 entire effing quirks inevitably meant kacchan never would even have the slightest chance to accomplish any of his dreams, worried his mind off about deku (all might knows, not like he gives a fuck), mounted strategies to prevent deku from battling alone, sacrificed himself (cont)
(contd) got out of his literal coma bed marching to see deku while still bleeding from the mouth, was dismissed by everyone, and still nothing at all. his hero name reveal was treated like a fucking joke, his sacrifice amounted to nothing by the stellar narrative, he was off paneled for literally anything that wasn't a stupid gag, and now he's thrown aside like garbage. hero name after all might: all might doesn't care. all might in the room hearing the ruckus: doesn't care, but ida & co (cont)
(contd) can see him. spent months helping deku & all might figure out the ofa stuff, with the most productive contributions: no one cares. so to have not only deku dismiss him like this (he's now a useless victim, not a hero who decides to collaborate, help, and save), but also all might, who kacchan also did all of this for, and who told them THEY, TOGETHER, would be the best winning to save and whatever, so sucks. all might no longer has any use for bakugo, so he's ignored and thrown aside.
(last ask abt this i swear) & ALL OF THIS comes after kacchan's plot has been reduced to absolutetely nothing but deku to the point he has spent literal years of this manga without even interacting with kiri or kami. at least have kiri in his room when he woke up but nope, not even that, kiri's with shoto for some reason bc we have to make a gag out of kacchan's worry and he can't have meaningful interactions. no battles, no wins, no friends. just a side char in the ofa plot, now not even that
anon, no offense (because you seem polite enough in spite of this ask getting rather heated), but I disagree with literally every single point in this ask. literally every last one. this is basically all of my least favorite discourse bundled into a single post. I don't particularly enjoy reading "fuck All Might and Deku" in my inbox first thing in the morning, and I don't like reading paragraphs of hyperbolic negativity about Kacchan being shortchanged because the story doesn't revolve around him every single moment, and we haven't yet -- yet, because the story is still very much ongoing -- gotten to the narrative payoff for things like his hero name and his reunion with Deku. these are opinions you're more than welcome to post about on your own blog, anon. but to be frank, I'm not keen on spending a ton of mental energy trying to change your mind on my own blog when I'd much rather be discussing other things about the chapter and about the series. so yeah, my apologies, but I'm just going to leave it at that.
ETA: as promised anon, here are links to my other posts about the various topics you brought up:
re: Deku’s current mindset (tl;dr he’s traumatized by what happened at Jakku and him pushing everyone else away because he’s afraid of them getting hurt is totally expected)
more on said mindset and what drives it, and the parallels between him and Kacchan (and why Kacchan is inevitably going to be the one to knock some sense back into him)
meta on Deku’s role as a MC and how that affects his characterization (by design, for better or for worse)
and a couple of add-ons to that meta
meta re: All Might keeping OFA a secret
and another post about that
and another!! this is why I don’t want to talk about it any more lol
meta re: the meaning of Kacchan’s new hero name (which btw All Might hasn’t even heard yet, and which I suspect has more to do with Deku anyway)
and lastly, re: fandom needing to chill and be patient when it comes to Kacchan and Deku’s storyline
a big part of my reluctance to wade into these discourse waters again is because I would probably just be reiterating stuff I’ve already said in previous posts. but anyway so here you go if you or anyone else is interested.
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gayerthantheewrites · 3 years
Hi hi i sent a request earlier but tmblr said it didnt send so im doing this again,,I saw ur post about 3 things smth and I wanted to request if its still open 😅
I tend to ignore people during morning(particularlly when i dont feel like talkin), I close my eyes when Im upset/trouble(particularlly when I feel like crying) and I like cute plushies + bokuto + puppies.
Sorry for this if its too detailed or smth and if your not accepting request anymore, ignore this JSKDKSKSKSKS I look forward to your future contents btw💕💕
𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐞;
➽ 3 things + 𝐁𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐊𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮 + puppies
a/n: hello nonnie!! don't worry ur pretty little head, your request was fine!! i'm sorry this took so long tho,, thank you for waiting!! baby boy bokuto is onuv my comfort characters and writing this was like a relieving breath of air :') enjoy!
!!: ambiguous au, implied college, gn reader
w: self-consciousness in beginning, awful judgement over people, it's brief and not the focus tho, just kinda so 's all good :'))
requests: open <3
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They say Bokuto Koutarou was many things: assuming, barbaric, shallow and maybe self-satisfied. Everyone had an opinion over the campus’ golden boy, but these, and more were what struck him harder than the compliments that reached his ears. It put a stain on his mind. He became more aware of his actions and thinking. If the slight change in his posture was obvious, no one had given him away.
Bokuto Koutarou had become conscious.
And today, if he was any younger, he’d be quick to voice his denial. He’d disagree and prove himself, say it was simple misconception. But like everyone else, he grows. Which is why today, he is well past that; Bokuto Koutarou had better things to do than correct shallow judgement said to define who he is.
So what if they thought he was assuming?
If keeping his words to himself as he got to class, because he sensed your mood that morning was assuming, maybe he really was. As he sat there, a few spaces beside you, quiet and content, maybe it was true. Already knowing how you feel without you needing to communicate, to tell him you didn’t feel like socializing early in the day, Bokuto could say he was assuming.
And if Bokuto was barbaric, perhaps he could agree to that. As he frowned at the sight of you scrunching your eyes closed, your eyebrows heavy, unspeaking, and the shine of brine in the corner of your eyes maybe he was barbaric. Barbaric for wanting the reason you’re upset to be taught a lesson, a lesson he’d personally give. Barbaric as he shook his head disapprovingly, yet as he invites you in his arms that you accept, he looks anything but. Big, barbaric Bokuto whose arms were massive, whose touches were as delicate as a petal, he pulls you to him and engulfs you like a safety net. Maybe he really was barbaric, as he thought of how to speak to that person to not upset you any further.
But he thinks he’d most agree to being shallow. Shallow, shallow Bokuto as he scanned the many items on the specific isle. Skimming the pads of his fingers on the fabric, trying to find the one he liked that you’d like too. Shallow as he pedalled to the till, smiling up at the cashier who seemed a bit amused over the adorable stuffed toy Bokuto laid on their counter, and a few snacks and beverages he knew you’d like. If shallow meant putting a smile to your face with gifts he laced his heart with, price be damned, then shallow is he.
And as Bokuto sits over the mattress with you, whose form was enveloped by the comforter, he agrees. He can finally feel the apples of his cheeks climb up further to his eyes when he finally saw the loose curl of your lips. He can feel his eyes shine as you lay a gentle gaze on him. He could burst with accomplishment any second now, but you postpone his combustion once you lay both your palms over the sides of his face to pull him closer, to lay a soft kiss on his temple. All your love, emotion, appreciation and acknowledgement secreted by the touch of your lips to his skin, and he felt everything swelling in his chest. His eyes water as he clutches on the hands you placed on his face. He hiccups and you chuckle, on the verge of sobbing too.
He whole-heartedly agrees. Maybe Bokuto Koutarou truly was self-satisfied, if the feeling of achieving your love was his greatest accomplishment of all.
“Wouldn’t if be cool if.. we get something that looks like this,” he points at the newest addition to your collection of stuffed animals. “ but it moves?”
“...you mean a puppy?”
“Puppies, actually but yeah,”
Yet to be completely honest? He could care less about being portrayed as assuming, barbaric, shallow and self-satisfied. He knows what defines him, and he doesn’t owe them an explanation, let alone change. Bokuto Koutarou knows his worth, and he could thank the both of you for it.
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It’s time to begin, isn’t it?
I get a little bit bigger, but then I’ll admit
I’m just the same as I was
Now don’t you understand
That I’m never changing who I am
— It’s Time, Imagine Dragons
; anon u're lovely!! i look forward too!! so sweet u r,,
; i just,, rlly love bokuto and i hope i did him justice,, now back to calculus!! part of the warm-up/match-up event <33 requests are open!
tagging: @neoheros ilysm how r u
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bronwiebear-brad · 4 years
Giiiiirl! Listen this I know u only write about Bradleyboy but I see that u fancy the holland boys and haz 😏😏 (who doesn't right?) so pleaseeeee write something with them, pleaaaaaaaaase 🥺love you writing so much it would mean the world for me 💛
A/N: You all know that I cannot resist my sweet anon’s requests, so consider this an early christmas gift. Lmao. I hope your staying healthy. Btw I’ve choosen the most soft boy ever aka Harry Holland because that boy is lovely af - also this is my first time writing about the boys so pls be gentle 💛
Warnings: nothing much just a few curse words.
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Spending quarentine and 24/7 trapped inside a house with the most loud, messy, cheeky boys ever wasn’t actually in your dream plans. Everyone got a part of their day busy, either was college, work, cooking, drinking, boys silly videogames challenges, boardgames and a lot of pranks. But apart from all that quarentine was making you guys build strong bonds.
You all tried to be active, productive and keep the days busy. But let me tell you this: that boys were always up to no good.
You were siting in the living room with your laptop in the coffee table and paying extreme attention to your zoom class. Harrison was in his, writing a few emails and you both were enjoying the quietness of the room while your teacher rambled about something important.
You totally missed Harry cheekily giggling and running into the living room, disappearing right after into the backyard. But little boy Tom definitely not gone unnoticed when he came shouting and shirtless, trying to catch his brother, making a quick appearence into your lecture since you had your camera and mic on the moment he passed behind you.
“HARRY! YOU’RE GONNA GET IT, YOU DICKHEAD!” Tom disapeared into the backyard door and Harrison looked at you trying his best not to laugh. You were looking at your classmates, with your face pale and widen eyes as you were noticing some of them laughing, freaking out and most importantly, your teacher had this serious unread expression on his face.
“That's it, I'm completely done”. You thought to yourself while smiling awkardly to the camera and thinking about million ways to murder Thomas freaking Holland.
"Wait, wasn't that dude, Spiderman?" Your teacher asked making Harrison and the rest of the class brust in laughter, meanwhile you grew red.
Apart from ruining zoom lectures, spending quality time with your bestfriends was the best thing. But most important, spending quality time with your very special friend Harry. Of course he didn’t knew he had a special place in you heart - and you meant to keep that way - but you two were very close and as the days went by it was more dificult to pretend that he didn’t make your stomach funny every morning when he came down and kissed your cheek, smelling heavenly with his sleepy eyes and messy curls.
Harrison was the mainly reason you've met Harry and the rest of the boys. It was during a summer break where you joined an workshop to learn more about the process of making movies and writing scripts. You didn't want to persue that professionally, but you needed exciting things to do on your summer break from high school so why not join a class to discuss movies?
You two got along right away after the teacher set you together to recreate a new ending for Titanic. You both did a comic approach, making everyone in the group laugh and even the teacher said that you were really a good duo. You had the writing skills and he had the acting. You were pretty unaware of Harrison’s truly intentions tho. But the minute he noticed your general interests about certain genres and cinema in general, the way you discuss the photography, scripts and plots even tho you didn’t understand very well about it and just by the way you stood in the theaters reading all the credits after a movie just ended. All of that simple things, reminded him of something. Or to be more precised, someone. That someone was nothing less than Harry Holland.
So he knew that he had to settle up you two, that you two would get along very well but Harrison wasn't going to force it, it had to happen naturally. That's why you started to hang out more with him. Going out to lunch or drink coffee, study sessions in the library, parties or movie sessions in his house and that eventually, gave you Tom.
Tom usually came with Harrison to the study sessions, studying his scrips and even joined the workshop at one point. Sadly he got off when he started working on the first big challenge in his career and all the Spiderman thing.
You three grew together and everyone started to getting in the right way of their lifes. Of course Tom knew his best friend's intentions from the start and decided to join the team of cupids.
It was needed one night at the pub, where you three were drinking and having a good time, to steping the plan to a whole another level.
"Guys, I'm going to quit the workshop." You said camly making Tom frown and Harrison almost spit his drink.
No no no, his plan didn't even started yet!! He thought.
"What? Why?!" Tom whined. After he had to quit it because his filming career, he was truly excited about his two best friends doing something similar to his job. He like the heated arguments and opinions about the films on movie nights, like you all had some sorta of film club.
"Did you got a boyfriend, is that it?" Harrison talked curious. "He doesn't let you hang with us?" He leaned on the tabled talking low as if he was saying a secret password.
"No Harrison, I'm still single. What the hell?" You chuckled and rolled your eyes.
This man and his obsession with my lofe life. You thought.
“I'm starting college and thats a big deal. I'm not going to have time to commit there, I only joined it as a hobby and it's been two years, guys." You smiled at them noticing their attention on you. "Also, I'm searching for a flat here, downtown before it all starts and I'm not finding anything." You simple explain frowning and taking a long sip on your drink and Tom's eyes lit up. He was proud of his flash thinking. Even if sometimes he wished he could just shut up and don’t say stupid things as his brothers would say to him.
"Move in with us, there's enough room there!" He let out excited. His eyes moved to Harrison and the blonde boy raised an eyebrow thinking further and understanding his best friend cheeky expression.
"Yeah, you could join us, darling. Real estate is a mess these days" Harrison smiled widely and your jaw dropped.
Are they serious right now?
"As if you knew about real estate." Tom rolled his eyes and Harrison playfully smacked his head.
"Uh-I-I don't know... You don't live there alone, what about the other guys? I don’t want to change the frat crazy house of yours.." You weren't sure if it was a good idea to move to a house without asking the other people who lived there.
"Oh you mean my brother Harry?" You nod after whatching Tom carefully. "He is super excited to met you, we’ve talk a lot about you". He simply let out making Harrison widen his blue eyes.Tom and his big mouth.
"Wait what?!" You asked being caught in surprise.
Three years later and there you were, standing in the kitchen, after Tom cooked dinner - by cooking you mean ordering - since it was your and Harry's turn to wash the dishes. As you washed the plates, he dried them with a white towel and was humming a song that was playing from his playlist. - swear that boy had a playlist for everything.
"Did you and Tom got your script thing sorted out yet?" You asked while passing a plate under the water. He stopped singing and listened to you carefully.
"Yeah, we are pretty far ahead. Moving to find a good plot. It's pretty hard" He answer grabbing the plate from your hands and noticing your eyes on his face, blushing slightly. "Don't tell Tom but I can give you the abstracts if you want to have a read? I know how much you love to read." He smiled and looked at your face properly. You were smiling widely and his heart softened finding your dimple extremely cute.
"Really?!" You sound so excited that he chuckled nodding.
"Of course. You're running out of books to read, I was planing on giving you one for Christmas but-" he continued driyng the plates but got caught in surprised when you kissed his cheek and said thanks. Seconds later he was right back in the kitchen after a short trip to the moon. "How's the online classes going?" He smiled, still blushing from your previous interaction, and looked at your face.
"It's going good." You stopped for a few seconds just admiring his face and the way his curls fell into his face lazily. He looked extremely cute in that green sweater. "I think my teacher fancies me more now. After the litle acident and knowing I share roof with spiderman, the dude." You said with a funny expression and you both laughed.
"Glad I could contribute on such achievements, miss." He bumped his shoulder into yours playfully. And you laughed even more. Your giggles filling the kitchen and besides the music playing on his playlist, Harry swore it was the most beautiful melodies he ever heard.
You two returned your attention to the sink and as you were doing it you got caugh in a Arctic Monkeys music playing and trying to remember the lyrics.
Your attention was brought back after hearing a camera and seeing a flash. Harry was still looking at you thru the lense with a lovely smile.
"Harry? Oh my god, no!" You blushed at his bold moves. "I'm looking horrible right now. Why did you take a picture?"
"Nonsense. You look so cute while doing the dishes." He turned the camera, showing you the picture and you blushed even more.
"Eww. Please, delete it." You warned and he chuckled putting the camera straps above his neck and resting the camera on his chest.
"I'm not going to delete it, love." He kept his task as you. "Sorry not sorry." He laughed maliciously and you rolled your eyes.
"You're going to delete it." You looked at him and he clicked his tongue.
"Uh-uh." He hummed moving his head negatively and his curls balanced up and down. That was a good sight.
"Oh yeah?" You raised and eyebrow asking one more time and didn't even gave him the time to turn your direction. Your hands already throwing him foam and he stepped back, foam hitting his hoodie and his chest.
He smirked but his hands went to his camera, inspection it.
"Oh shit, the camera." Your mouth making a "o" shape. "Im sorry H, I didn't thought about it." You pouted giving him the most apologetic smile and he pulled a poker face at you for a few minutes.
You were starting to believe that you actually broke the device but then he started to laugh hard.
"It's water proof, dummy." He showed you his tongue and hit you smoothly with the towel in your face.
"You absolute arse!" You thrown him more foam and after a peace threaten by his hands up, he finally stopped laughing. "Im serious now, delete the picture, carrot." You warned and he laughed at the nickname.
"I think I'm going to set it as my wallpaper." His words rolled out of his tongue so easily as he concentrate on drying the plates again and you didn't even moved from your spot, getting caught by his words.
"What?" You asked finally, studying his face and his eyes opened widely. "Harry why use my picture as your background?" You dried your hands.
Did I said that out loud? Damn it, Harry you fucking dick. He thought.
"Hmm..." He swallowed. "It's a really nice picture. You look rather pretty.... And I-uh kinda like you, I guess." His hands scratching his head and his blood stopping running thru his body. Well there wasn't no intention of hidden it now.
"Oh I'm so enjoying this." Tom said to Harrison, as they were siting across the room in the couch watching the whole scene in silence. You two didn't even noticed them spying.
"It's a romcom and we were the directors of it." Harrison joked and Tom chuckled.
"Thanks." You smiled and went to hug Harry. "You look rather pretty too." You said into his shoulder and earned a kind smile from him "Look." You were closer to him and your head moved back to look into his eyes properly, his hand traveled to your back and laid way to high for your liking. But it was Harry, and he was always so respectful that he didn't want to be sneaky or ruin the moment by placing his hands too down. You found that gesture so cute.
"I think I kinda like you, too." Your face got closer to his and his eyes closed feeling your hot breath hit his face. You stand there admiring his freckles for minutes.
"Do we have to move their heads too?" Harrison asked whispering. The duo was watching the scene unfold ahead of them with frowning expressions.
"Why aren't they kissing?" Tom dramatically pulled a face as if their plan came out totally wrong after all those years of dedication.
Harry started to dance slowly, his lashes clicked a few times and he opened his eyes. And you followed him. You both had silly smiles on your faces and after a long time of slowly dancing in his arms. He lean in, kissing you passionately. And you returned the kiss, like you meant to tell him that you loved him all along.
Continuously gags and whistles followed by an loud “FINALLY” from Harrison could be heard from the kitchen making Harry and you pull back from the kiss and stare at the boys. You both smiled and kissed again.
"Oh get a room you two!" Tuwaine shouted after entering the kitchen surprisingly and seeing you.
Despite that, you two didn't pulled back and Harry gave them the middle finger, covering your faces and the kiss with his hand, from the sneaky bastards across the room.
"We've created monsters" Tom's statement made everyone laugh.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I’m the tin foil hat anon and I wanted to thank you for the response on my bb submission, you make great points. Although I was frustrated that some of them raised even more questions I didn’t think of myself… UGH… lol the S2 wait is gonna be painful
On the point of crosshair thinking his chip was removed a looong time ago(meaning before bracca or even as early as ep1) it wouldn’t make sense bc of his response to Hunter’s “you tried to kill us, we didn’t have a choice”. He says “and I did?”. So he seems to be aware he couldn’t control himself in all their previous encounters. Does it mean he knows his actions were due to chip then?
And you say crosshair avoiding the “when” question can be due to him not caring if the horrible actions he committed are chip or himself and it’s meant to show that he truly is despicable and evil. It could be the case because he shows absolutely no remorse or regret over slaughtering civilians, never apologizes to his brothers for not only trying to kill them but almost successfully incinerating(!!!) them. On top of that (apparently) without a chip he casually murders his own squad without a blink of an eye right in front of them.
On the other hand, he shows care for Omega’s safety in that episode and wants a better place in the universe for his brothers(even if it’s obviously a mistake). He sounds hurt and betrayed by them yet he still wants what he thinks is best for them. He seemed genuine and sincere in that moment. Even after they refused to join he protected them against the droids. He had multiple opportunities to shoot Hunter or others in the back but never did(and looked like didn’t even consider it). BUT after all of that he decides to raise his gun and try to shoot hunter who already has his gun drawn?! And in front of the whole squad holding him at gun point!!! WTF was he thinking?! WHY? I know they rejected his offer but still. Did his reveal completely change his plans? I just don’t understand. I know he is meant to be “complex and nuanced character with layers” but what a mood swing lmao
As much as I loved and enjoyed the bad batch overall I’m beginning to think that all these inconsistencies aren’t meant to be a crafty set up for next season. What they most likely are is just writers being vague on purpose so they don’t write themselves into a corner.
And as to why the batch and Omega didn’t even try to rescue their brother could just be so that Hunter and Crosshair would have this drama and disagreement at the end. Despite brad rau claiming their argument was over ideological differences. And Jen Corbett saying in that same cursed interview that the batch always love and support each other no matter what because they’re family. Well, I guess not crosshair, he doesn’t count anymore lol
And I agree with you I’d rather see the batch acknowledging they could have done more to try and rescue him than go into the chip details. However, I have a suspicion the real reason or explanation on why they never went back for him isn’t going to be brought up ever. Even *in universe* it simply does not make sense. Just makes me sad seeing how many people also try to come up with explanations. That should have been the writers job to provide something besides Hunter’s “you tried to kill us” bc that’s a weak argument and a total bs since he was SHOCKED to learn crosshair doesn’t have a chip.
Btw sorry for the long posts lol I just found your takes very intriguing
The season two wait is something awful and I only just started it lol. No worries about long asks though! My blog has become quite meta heavy over the years, so this is normal for my inbox. Besides, it’s a bit of a pot and kettle situation. It's not like my answers are particularly concise :D
Okay first, I have the unpopular (?) opinion that Crosshair was never planning to shoot Hunter, partly for the reasons you lay out here. You’re right, it doesn’t make sense, and rather than just accepting that he had that kind of “mood swing" (which would be pretty bad writing based on everything else we've seen) I think it does make sense that this was never his intention at all. Rather, it’s just a setup to make the audience think he’s about to shoot Hunter—that’s the obvious goal of that moment: the shock, drama, confusion, and then relief—but that doesn’t mean that in-universe that was ever Crosshair’s goal, even for just a split second. Omega leaves the pod. Echo, crucially, says that he can’t see her, setting up that Crosshair with his enhanced sight is probably the only one who could. He grabs his rifle off screen and as he does, Hunter leans over the side of the pod as he prepares to jump in, precisely where Crosshair needs to aim to hit Omega. Hunter is in his way. He’s directly in the line of fire, not because Crosshair is aiming for him, but just because that's where Omega is and they're both aiming for her: Crosshair with his rifle, Hunter ready to dive. The little shift Crosshair makes reads to me as him ensuring he doesn’t hit Hunter, despite him being right where he needs to aim, not him full on changing targets.
Even if we choose to read it as him deliberately aiming at Hunter—because yeah, the scene is meant to be ambiguous—I don’t think he, like, meant it meant it. Crosshair, as we’ve seen throughout TBB and TCW, can be pretty antagonistic. He likes to do things to get a rise out of people, like staring at regs until they snap at him, or pushing Rex’s buttons until he swings. If he was choosing to aim at Hunter in that moment, rather than Hunter just being in the way, I think it’s only bravado. Remember the “Don’t make the same mistake twice. Don’t make me your enemy” line? Crosshair has a need to remind others of his skill and power—whether it’s playfully like in TCW, or more seriously in TBB—and that’s likely what this is here. “Hey, Hunter. Look. I got my weapon back. I’ve got you cornered. I’m about to save our sister when you can’t. Remember that I’m good and you need me.” Those feelings of abandonment are tied up in that need to be needed, so when Crosshair is seething at being left behind, brutally showing them how he can get a drop on their leader and doing the thing they can't (save Omega) is a great way to remind them of what they threw away/re-boost his own self-esteem. But none of that means shooting Hunter was ever a real possibility. Because nowhere else do we see Crosshair willingly trying to harm his team. He does while under the chip’s influence, but then he never hurts Hunter when he’s captured. He kills his new team before they can hurt the batch. He helps them fight off the droids. There’s a tussle, but it’s not choreographed like either he or Hunter truly intends harm. Crosshair demonstrates no aggression during the entire escape, willingly gives up his weapon after saving Omega, and just stands there as they leave. If this guy actually wanted to hurt them, he would. Which is more likely, that Crosshair had a split second of real murder intent across two episodes of doing everything possible to help his team, or that this was just a mean bluff?
But personally, I don’t even think it was a bluff. I think the coincidence of Crosshair needing to aim there and Hunter already being there is just meant to imply an attack for the audience, not imply that Crosshair, in-universe, ever intended to hurt him, even for just a second. If he had, he wouldn’t look so surprised and sad when he realizes the others are pointing their weapons at him. If he was out to shoot Hunter, even if only for a moment, seeing his brothers come to his defense would be expected; a given. But if he only ever intended to save Omega, then seeing their weapons trained on him would produce the emotions we saw: shock that they’d turn on him and then severe disappointment. From Crosshair’s perspective, he didn’t do anything wrong and never intended to do wrong either. Hence, looking away in disbelief that his need to aim through Hunter was taken as a serious threat. He's realizing that they honestly believe that he would hurt them. Not the chipped version of him, but just him, all on his own.
As for the rest of his characterization, I think your point that “You tried to kill us” is a weak argument is pretty important. Meaning, Crosshair knows he didn’t attack his team and nearly kill them, the Empire controlling him like a puppet did. He (arguably) doesn’t owe them an apology for something that he was as much a victim for. However, we usually expect one anyway—like Wrecker still apologizing to Omega—because that's how people who have hurt loved ones react, whether the hurt was intentional or not, but that guilt is currently overshadowed by his fury that they left him behind. For him I think it’s a bit of a circular problem. Yes, he nearly killed them… but he wouldn’t have nearly killed them if they’d come back and rescued him. With the obvious disclaimer that the Empire is the real evil here, Crosshair as a threat is a bit of a problem of the batch's own making. If they’d done the right thing and gotten him out, there wouldn’t have been these scary moments like the engine incident. If they’d at least tried, then Crosshair likely would have been more guilt-ridden because he hurt his brothers who were trying to help him. As it stands, he tried to hurt the people who claim they're his brothers, but who left him behind. That's why he presents this second chance as magnanimous: from Crosshair's perspective, they haven't done anything to earn his care, but they're getting it anyway. An apology though? That's pushing things too far. If when Wrecker turned the group had locked him somewhere in the ship and gone off planet, leaving him there under the justification “Well, he tried to kill us!" would Wrecker still return with apologies for his actions... or would he be primarily pissed at being left like that, withholding apologies because they did him harm intentionally, whereas he did harm under another's control? I mean, maybe he'd be forgiving (the huge difference between his and Crosshair’s personalities is another factor), but also maybe not. Having Crosshair apologize for the near-death experiences requires 1. For him to feel responsibility for something that was forced on him and 2. For him to not be absolutely furious at the batch for abandoning him. They've gotta work through that before Crosshair can acknowledge that guilt.
Killing his second team on the other hand… idk if the batch cares, honestly. It was the killing of civilians that they balked at, not other fighters like themselves. Even the Jedis’ execution, something they clearly didn’t like, wasn’t enough to turn them from the Empire, presumably because the Jedi are capable of defending themselves. They fell in battle. It’s only when the Empire asks them to kill kids and untrained civilians that they go, “Absolutely not. This organization is evil.” Murder of other fighters was, you know, not great, but not worth defecting over either. Crosshair’s second team is made up of fighters who have been trying to kill them, so they’re definitely fair game. If we removed Crosshair’s plan from the situation and the batch was just fighting their way off Kamino after a capture, would they have also killed the team without a blink of an eye? Probably. It's self-defense. The second they raised their blasters it became a battle and, unless you’re specifically out to stun someone for some reason, battles end bloody. The shock is which side Crosshair was on, not that one side was willing to murder the other. It’s definitely messed up from our perspective that Crosshair laid a trap to murder his team to prove a point… but from the batch’s perspective? Crosshair killed a bunch of imperial fighters who were threatening them during a battle. That’s just an average Tuesday for them, nothing much to get upset over.
And omg don’t get me started on Crosshair wanting to find Omega a family! Like yeah, it’s obviously a #mistake and his faith in the Empire is Super Messed Up but... the underlying motivation is so good. It’s another situation where there’s no easy answer. Which is more important: Omega’s emotional health where she grows up with clones like her, the people who are now 100% her family, or her physical health, where she stays some place where she’s not always getting shot at, kidnapped, at risk of going hungry, etc.? It’s easy as the audience to go, “Of course she belongs with her dads!!” but if you choose to read the story through any realistic lens, Crosshair absolutely has a point about this being terrible environment for a kid, the exact point the batch themselves were making until Omega begged to stay. I love my feral, compassionate child but let me tell you, I YELLED when she yeeted herself out of that pod. This is a traumatized, formerly isolated kid with absolutely zero self-preservation, combined with, at times, a lack of basic common sense that’s inevitable in children (like not realizing she can’t pull a very heavy droid up through the water). As emotionally gutting as the thought is and, in this particular case, a Very Bad Idea, I really can’t fault anyone for raising the possibility that she go somewhere else, somewhere she’s likely to survive into her teens 😅
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musclesandhammering · 2 years
First off: idc what some random blog who won't even show their face has to say; you're an awesome person, and everything you've been saying about Cas and queer identities has been 100% factual, non-offensive, considerate, and important. Anons can say some pretty shitty things. At this point they're not even listening to what you have to say, and are probably just skimming for keywords they can use to turn against you, but that's a reflection on their character, not yours, otherwise they wouldn't have anon on. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions and interpretations, but if that anon wanted to have an actual conversation about it, they wouldn't use the anon feature as a tool to do it. You don't deserve any hate, ever.
Second, to give you something more positive to think about if you want (no pressure to answer any time soon or even at all): How did you first start headcanoning that Joshua raised Cas when they (Cas) were a fledgling? Was there anything specific that sparked the hc, or anything that resonated with you enough to maintain the hc long-term? What kind of relationship do you think those two had? What do you think would happen if Cas and Joshua met up again post-finale?
Tumblr media
First of all, that’s like the sweetest ask ever Oh My gOD. <3<3<3 Ily and your blog is perfect and it’s so meaningful to get this from you!!! I also had to physically go to your blog to figure out who you are cause it’s been awhile since you sent this ask and you changed your name lmao. (“heaven ecologist” is like. Perfect for you, btw.) And sorry it took so long to respond! I’ve been on and off tumblr for awhile now so I haven’t been answering the longer asks/comments cause I didn’t wanna just give a half-assed response, you know?
And, yeah, that anon was definitely reaching. I never wanna just dismiss someone when it comes to something like that, though, considering I’m not nonbinary. I think it’s really annoying when minority people tell someone something they say is offensive and then the person who isn’t a member of said minority brushes it off and tries to argue that it’s not. Like. Anytime somebody complains about a post I try to have a conversation with them about what exactly was problematic about it. But yeah, that wasn’t working with this person lol. I blocked them (which I didn’t even know you could do with an anon, cause I’m a troglodyte apparently) so it’s resolved now. :)
Ok. About Cas and Joshua.
So I don’t have this as a concrete headcanon, just something I tend to gravitate towards a lot of the time. The thing is, I don’t actually think Joshua spent much time with Cas, just that he was initially supposed to. I have this whole intricate hc about how angels are “raised” (I’ve spent way too much time thinking about this lol), but basically I think Joshua was Cas’s guardian in the beginning, and he spent maybe the human equivalent (not that it’s really comparable but whatevs) of like his baby and toddler years with him, but then Cas was taken away to be in Naomi’s program, and she placed him with Anna. So.. like. Anna was actually the one to raise him (along with Naomi) but Joshua was the one who was meant to. If that makes sense.
And idk how I first started thinking about that really. I think it probably had something to do with the fact that Cas instantly recognised and seemed to completely and totally trust him in season 5, while at the same time not showing any sign of having had a close personal relationship with him at all.. like he knew he could trust him but at the same time he didn’t really know him. And then in season 12/13/14/whatever it was lmao, when Joshua was mentioned as coming out of retirement to try to help fix heaven, Cas was obviously relieved. Idk.
And, compared to the other two angels that Cas had the most parent/child-seeming relationships with (Anna and Naomi), Joshua seemed like the one with the least baggage. Cas obviously loved and respected Anna, but in a much more deferential way, almost like how you’d act around a teacher or coach you were close to. And he treated Naomi like his drill sargent (understandable). So it seems kinda logical that he got to know those two a bit later in life when he was already in the process of being militarised, so to speak.
That’s just a loose hc, though. His og guardian could’ve also been somebody like Gabriel or Michael or even Zachariah or something. I just think Joshua fits the best.
And I think Cas was just so desperate to have a relationship with any angel at all by the end of the series that he’d be as ecstatic to see Joshua as he would any of the rest of them. He was so lonely and so starved for the affection of his own kind that I don’t think it would’ve mattered a whole lot who it was, it would just be a lot of “brother, I’m so glad to see you! I can’t believe you’re here! I missed you!”
Thanks so so much for this!! Once again, I love your blog and I loved this question and I love your thoughtful ass metas!! Please keep it up <3
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thedreadvampy · 3 years
Ok please if you don’t mind saying - who is Stuart semple and what did he do? I’m so confused. Like I recognise the name and I think he might the an artist or something but I have no idea
He is indeed an artist! He’s a English multidisciplinary fine artist best known for his ongoing beef with English sculptor Anish Kapoor over the 2016 exclusive licensing on the process to make Vantablack colour coating, which meant Kapoor was the only artist allowed to use it. Then Stuart Semple made Pinkest Pink pigment and said it was available to everyone but Anish Kapoor, and there was a big blowup which there’s a lot of documentation of - it was very memed.
Since then, Semple has made a bunch more pigments, most of them with the available-to-everyone-but-Anish-Kapoor disclaimer, and the beef periodically flares up, although I will say as time goes on it seems to me to have got increasingly one-sided given that Kapoor has pretty much wandered off.
(I’ve used several of his colours, btw. Pinkest Pink is pretty good. Blackest Black, his attempt to make the blackest possible paint (as opposed to Vantablack which is a nanofibre coating) I was pretty disappointed in, I’ve honestly had better light capture from mid-range art shop paints. His other pigments vary in quality - some I really liked, some I was meh on, but I think Blackest Black is the only one I was actively unimpressed by)
Anyway. Where I come in is much less exciting. 
A few months ago I reblogged a post on Tumblr asking about Semple from a discourse tag (my reblog did not tag or @ anyone), and I made a glib comment where I said (very truthfully) that while I thought he was pretty decent at pigments, both his paintings and his online persona came across pretty adolescent to me.
so it turns out Stuart Semple is an inveterate name searcher (hi Stuart if you’re reading this!) 
(Side note: I actually should have guessed this from 2019 Twitter when he saw and commented on an untagged thread I wrote about him and Kapoor’s beef (which was because I’d seen an article in which Kapoor, a British-Asian man, said that the racist Prevent strategy was liable to drive young British-Asian men into the arms of terrorist groups by making it clear their country hates them reblogged on Semple’s account with a caption claiming Anish Kapoor was pro-terrorism, which, while tongue-in-cheek, isn’t a neutral statement for a white person to make about an Asian person and was a pretty phenomenally bad-faith reading of Kapoor’s actual words) and in my thread I pretty much said that when the story had broken, I, like everybody else, had found it very funny and been firmly on side with Semple’s bit, but I felt that a) after a couple of years it really wasn’t very relevant any more and it had started to feel less like Fighting The Power and more like bullying the amount of Semple’s web presence was devoted to talking about Anish Kapoor; b) that it was a shame that Anish Kapoor was increasingly only known as The Vantablack Guy given that I really like a lot of his work and c) that continuing to frame a Jewish person of colour as the Face of the Artistic Elite was a bit weird given how overwhelmingly white the high-end art world is. but I digress. Semple responded to that thread, I don’t really remember what he said, it wasn’t an acrimonious response but it was a bit Oh I Didn’t Do Anything To Tag You?)
so anyway he found my reblog and commented saying ehhh I don’t remember, something along the lines of not feeling like I was being very kind and that he was trying his best. also I think he said I had accused him of being racist? which again the actual Tumblr post literally just said I thought his art and persona came across as juvenile and I think in the tags? I mentioned that I thought it was time for him to step off the Kapoor beef. 
then he screencapped my post, including my profile picture and username, and posted it on all his socials with a kind of :( people are so mean on Tumblr :( caption and um
idk if you know this about Being A Public Persona With Tens Of Thousands of Followers but. if you post someone’s identity and say ‘I do not like what this person is doing’ it. can get messy fast.
uh I don’t follow Stuart Semple (see the original post I made) but he commented to make sure I knew he’d posted my post on Instagram and “all my followers like your wig :)” which. according to my partner who did go and look at the time, the Instagram comments were largely about how I was an ugly non-passing trans woman aka “man in a wig” which. throw the whole suitcase out. There were a good few days where I got a lot of angry anons, ranging from ‘stop bullying Stuart Semple!!!!!’ to ‘die in a ditch graphically’ to ‘how can you claim to have opinions on art when You Are On Tumblr’ (I have been a freelance illustrator for 7 years and I have a Masters in art and design) to ‘your art sucks and you’re fat and ugly’ and my personal favourite ‘how can u be cis and use she/her pronouns you dumb snowflake’
(within that furore was a whole branch where someone was like ‘sex worker huh bet you’re bad at it’ and I was like ‘yep! that’s why I don’t do it any more! it’s hard work and it involves a lot of self-promotion and customer skills which I don’t like and am not good at!’ and this was a Whole Thing where they kept trying to insult me (much like today’s anon) about my supposed failures as a Slut Who Is Bad At Sex and I kept going like ‘ok but here’s how that just. doesn’t make sense in reference to what sex work actually is so like, ok?’)
and Stuart Semple and I were also having a conversation which, depending on your perspective I would call his attitude either conciliatory or passive-aggressive, there was a lot of ‘me and my followers would never say rude things about you :) keep up the art kiddo :)’ and being charitable I would say he was trying to be nice while being angry, and to avoid escalating (but with the added context I got later about the wig comment, I think that interpretation of his behaviour maybe. has some cracks?) and ultimately he took down the posts, we had a brief conversation about keeping pet reptiles (apparently he has a lizard) and we left it on, if not good terms, at least peaceable ones. 
however I still periodically get messages about it from angry Semple stans. and I’m not sure the argument was resolved, in that I still very much think it’s fair to make criticism, including quite harsh criticism (which I’m not sure ‘adolescent’ is), on art which is put out for public display and enjoyment, and that it isn’t a personal attack to post a criticism of someone’s public-facing work and statements on social media unless you actively target it towards them (for example, @ ing them), and Semple still thinks there’s no difference between a random blog with under a thousand followers criticising a public figure’s work and a public figure with 100k followers on most platforms criticising that blog (out of context - he clipped out the post I was reblogging from and my explanatory tags, and looking at my blog you may notice that 90% of my nuance is in the tags) while giving his followers all the information to find said blog.
(also as multiple people have remarked. if you want to say it’s an unfair criticism to call your online presence immature, being a middle-aged artist who as far as I can tell has a net worth over a million who spends your time name searching yourself in order to get mad at untagged mild criticism from strangers on the internet and share it on all your socials for your followers to join you in Being Big Mad is uhhhhhhh. it uh. it’s not like. not super thin-skinned and immature)
(also also I just googled his net worth and unsurprisingly I can’t find a source on it I’d consider reliable, but I did find multiple articles about him getting in trouble for breach of contract and nonpayment for gallery employees, including two accusations of him writing a big defensive blog post then changing it after a few hours to a very short post saying I LOVE YOU so like idk how true that is but it does seem. consistent with the above interactions.)
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yaboylevi · 5 years
Does Eren's question mean that he has a cruch on Mikasa?
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Mmm, I’ll try to explain how I read the scene.
Short answer: No, I do not believe Eren has a crush on Mikasa and the scene, albeit presented in a romantic light from Mikasa’s pov, it was not on Eren’s part. Same as usual, I’d argue.
I will expand on this under the cut, but I just want to reiterate that this is just my interpretation, as one of the anons said, and I am aware everyone is free to have their own, even if they might puzzle me. You are free to disagree, but please don’t send me hate messages.
Upon reading the chapter the first time, I didn’t feel romantic vibes. It was actually quite tragic and disappointing for me to see one of my favorite characters (Mikasa) completely misunderstand my favorite character (Eren), in spite of how close they are supposed to be. I was so depressed and disturbed by the whole chapter, that even if I read it at 5 AM and I could’ve slept another 2 hours before having to actually wake up, I just laid in bed restlessly, absolutely depressed. I even tweeted about it lol.
Anyway, I was pretty busy that week, and only later I found out most people interpreted the scene as Eren being in love with Mikasa. It was a shock for me. It was literally the opposite of what I personally understood.
- Eren’s headspace
Let’s first talk about Eren and where his mind is in this chapter.
I felt discomfort and anxiety throughout the whole chapter. I am a pretty empathetic person, so I realized why I was feeling like that only later, after rationalizing chapter 123: Eren’s memories (which we know are horrible and gruesome and depressing) were being triggered the whole time he was in Marley and it was disturbing to watch.
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He looks distressed and uncomfortable. His gaze is often unfocused (or, well, not focused on the present) and he is constantly spacing out - Armin notices but doesn’t seem to care or understand why. Honestly, it is cringe-worthy seeing Eren’s friends’ behavior. They should know what memories Eren has of this place. I do not know if anyone reading right now is familiar with triggers and what they do to a mind affected by PTSD. It’s enough to know that you feel like suffocating because you are fundamentally battling a panic attack and you ideally would want to get away from the source that is triggering you. So, imagine being in a situation you can’t escape from and everything is triggering your worst nightmares. Literally.
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Even here, I’m ashamed no one in canon (and almost even in the fandom?) realizes or bothers to be understanding and careful, even when Eren makes a disturbing comment about it. Mikasa admits to it when it's all too late.
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The ice-cream scene, just like the one I’m supposed to analyze in this post, is rose-tinted through Mikasa’s glasses, until we are faced with reality and are asked to reflect on Eren’s emotional state, again and again.
Reality is not a happy trip in a foreign country. Reality is a crowd of grown men wanting to hang a child because he’s different. Reality is people wanting to kill them all. Reality is Eren being triggered by ice-cream. Imagine being unable to look at a certain food because it reminds you of people being abused and brutally killed, something that you have actual memories of.
It’s just really frustrating seeing Mikasa looking at Eren, with this dumbfounded look on her face, every time Eren’s eyes seem to scream “help”.
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The strain he is put under for the whole time culminates in him crying while looking at the war victims’ homes. Here at this moment, Mikasa enters the scene.
- The “eremika” scene
At this point, Eren’s reminiscing about an awful part of his past, and has a pretty clear idea of what will happen in Marley in a close future. We can be certain of this because he voices both of these topics out loud.
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Eren is visibly distressed. Honestly, I’m pretty sure his voice in this scene will be quite telling of his emotional state in the anime. The direction his thoughts go, when expressed out loud, and the expression on his face are self-explanatory. Or should be, at least.
It doesn’t matter that Mikasa hasn’t seen him cry, she saw Eren wipe his face and noticed that there is, again, something wrong, but she doesn’t even ask him if he’s alright. She either doesn’t comprehend the depth of Eren’s pain, yet again, or she isn’t brave enough to ask. I believe it’s the former.
The whole chapter revolves around Mikasa’s inability to see Eren’s true feelings. Chapter 123 opens with this concept. And it is also quite clear that everything is retold from her point of view, so we shouldn’t complacently accept a surface reading of it; we are instead invited to have a deeper look into the events, both by Mikasa’s initial lines as well as the not at all subtle visual storytelling. So yeah, she has a perspective on Eren that is wrong. I think we should keep this in mind.
That’s why the moment she thinks ice-cream can make Eren happy, she is wrong. The moment she thinks Eren’s question has romantic implications, she is wrong. The moment she wonders if a different answer could’ve prevented Eren from choosing this path, she is also wrong...
Let’s go back to the scene.
Eren opens up on his own, even if Mikasa didn’t ask. He’s always been open throughout the time-skip (and even before), but I believe at this moment he has reached the breaking point since landing in Marley. He is at the most vulnerable. Like a dam finally breaking, his walls, that he had tried to keep up until that moment, fall and his feelings/thoughts spill out, after being mostly silent all day.
His short monologue is a direct continuation, or out loud repetition, of what he had been thinking about only moments before and that had caused him to cry. I believe the future he has decided upon also plays a part in it, but he doesn’t voice it, just offhandedly acknowledge its existence with that “Not yet.” comment.
Seeing a family living in poor conditions because of a war they didn’t even have any say in, has triggered Eren’s memories of the past. His and Mikasa’s and Armin’s past. They only had each other, as family, because the adults weren’t there anymore, unjustly killed, like many others. They had experienced first hand what it meant to lose your loved ones, to live a life without enough food, enough rest, enough protection. Without freedom.
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Mikasa doesn’t say anything to this. She doesn’t know how to reply, and, thanks to the chapters dedicated to the time-skip, we know this has been going on for years. It’s honestly…disappointing.
And even before the time-skip, we know that she sometimes projected her insecurities and wishes on Eren, misinterpreting him really badly, to the point of making situations romantic when it really weren't.
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The scene in chapter 123 is no different, especially because, as I said, it is explicitly a chapter told from Mikasa’s point of view where she also explicitly says she hasn’t been seeing Eren correctly.
There have been a lot of parallels with past chapters in this recent arc, and even 123 wasn’t lacking in this department: if the ice-cream scene parallels the ocean scene, with everyone having fun, while Eren is in emotional pain and discomfort; This other scene parallels chapter 50. At the ocean, Eren’s words gave pause to everyone, but in chapter 123 nobody, quite frankly, gives a damn about Eren to the point that they forget about him. Similarly, in chapter 50 Mikasa had managed to express her feelings for Eren’s existence (gratitude, acceptance and unconditional love - not necessarily romantic), and managed to surprisingly help him because she understood his needs on a basic level. In chapter 123, she doesn’t understand Eren’s pain and so she doesn’t say the right thing (that, btw, wouldn’t have changed Eren’s mind about his future actions, imo).
Just like in chapter 50, Eren is in an emotionally fragile moment, and what he needs, unconsciously, is the reassurance that he is loved, that someone cares about him for who he is, even if he feels undeserving of it.
I believe he is feeling despair on both occasions.
Of course, we can only guess about what made Eren cry in this new chapter, because we don’t have access to his mind this time around, but I’m sure it’s a mixture of things: knowing how ineluctable their future seems, and whatever it entails is upsetting for Eren as well; empathy for someone else’s painful condition because he’s been there before; probably also sadness, because he knows what he himself will cause to happen (as implied by that “not yet”) as well as that his time with his found family and friends is about to end; the bonds he will have to break, something that breaks Eren in return.
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So it’s honestly not that surprising that he searches for comfort. I guess he’s been struggling with what he has seen in his future because he would have never thought himself able to kill innocents. His mindset used to be about protecting himself and his loved ones and innocents from being robbed of their freedom, yet he knows he is about to become someone who takes away that freedom, along with lives. For him, life equals freedom, because when you are born you are intrinsically free. So his future actions must have been weighing heavy on his mind and heart.
I find it fitting and incredibly sad that he asks Mikasa what she thinks of him now, after talking about families being robbed of their freedom and how much pain this causes.
Mikasa has always been family to him. So has been Armin, but Mikasa is somehow different. She has lived with him, he has directly invited her to be part of his family, he admitted he childishly rejected her familial care because he was jealous but after this admittance, he embraces it. Opening Grisha’s book together was an important moment exactly because they are family, and that was their home.
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They are constantly compared to family. It doesn’t matter, in my opinion, that Mikasa holds also romantic feelings for Eren. She primarily sees him as family, too.
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They are what is left of the Yeager household, and the story has highlighted this.
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So I believe that in his pain in 123, Eren seeks something, a word of comfort, an assurance that he is not just a killer or a failure, and that he is Eren, someone who has been trying to do the right thing since forever, someone who has done the right thing often, someone who is deserving of the care of the girl he once saved (even if the question clearly implies he doesn’t think he deserves it). In chapter 50, Eren invokes his mother. I am sure he is searching for the same kind of warmth here too. The warmth of his family.
The scene, to me, felt a lot more about Eren’s feelings of self-hatred and Mikasa missing the point.
The entirety of the chapter is meant to show how Mikasa didn’t understand Eren: both by ignoring some signs and misunderstanding others.
He is suffering, but she thinks he is asking her about her romantic feelings.
She blushes, yet Eren has just finished crying and becomes teary-eyed once again.
He is distressed and looks haunted, during both of the rose-colored scenes with Mikasa. 
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His questions are almost needy. Yet, she fails to understand what Eren was in need of: comfort, understanding, an “I care about you because it’s YOU”. Something that she implied later in chapter 112, when it was indeed too late.
- The two choices were possibly both wrong
Eren presented two options and I think they were both partially correct but at the same time incomplete, because Mikasa’s care for Eren is comprised of many facets. We don’t know what he thinks of Mikasa's answer because we don’t see his reaction to it. However, he seems at peace, later on, falling asleep next to the closest members of his found family, meaning he is content with and values the way their relationship is. 
Eren surely doesn’t regret saving Mikasa. He also surely considers Mikasa his family, as I stated before. But there are certain kinds of expectations in being family and in being someone’s savior. You will always care about someone who literally saved your life. You will always care about family because they are…well, family. No matter how messed up they may be, they will always have a small place in your heart, whether it’s bad or good. 
“You’re my savior” might imply a dependance or sticking to someone just to repay them. “Family” might have the meaning of “it’s my duty to look after you because it’s simply what family members do”. Both also imply that Mikasa will be hurt even worse by what Eren is about to do.
These weren’t the answers Eren needed, perhaps.
As I said already, I believe that what he searched for, was a different answer. If Mikasa had told him she cared about him as a person, as Eren himself, Eren would have felt reassured - because he would be loved for the neutral quality of simply existing. That’s also what made him feel better, when hearing Carla’s words at the end of Uprising. That he was loved, cared for, and worthy of existing just for being born. No expectations, no burdens. An “I stick with you because I love you (romantically)” could have held the same meaning, potentially, because love is love, but in no way this means Eren wanted a romantic answer or that he feels the same way. Besides, that’s not the reason Mikasa cares about Eren, that’s just a side effect, imo.
And I don’t believe Mikasa, at the question “what am I to you?”, believes she should have responded with “you are the love of my life”. That would’ve been so out of place, because Eren is not the love of her life. He is more. I think family well describes it, but her half-assed, panicked answer wasn’t truthful or as powerful as her words were in chapter 50, so they had no real effect and felt unsatisfying for everyone, honestly.
I always stated that if Eren fell in love with someone else, their love for one another wouldn’t change, because the strongest feeling Mikasa feels for Eren isn’t romantic love, and romantic love is something that has never been in Eren’s mind when it came to Mikasa, as shown countless times (or rather, the lack of romantic undertones on his part re:Mikasa should be proof enough, imo).
Anyway, I could be wrong, but I can’t see it any other way. I think it’s a very complex scene to analyze and there is way more than meets the eye, especially because we aren’t granted access to Eren.
I am a great fan of Mikasa, but this scene and chapter made me reconsider her a lot, unfortunately. I strongly believed she had resolved and understood her complicated feelings for Eren in chapter 50, so she had reached a less biased view, but there has been a regression. The same happened with Armin, his character arc was about him growing confident in himself, and learning to always pay close attention to his own realistic reading of the world, but he has just become unsure of what he has to do and lost his cynical edge.
And finally, I want to quickly address another two points so I don't have to talk about this scene anymore until new information is revealed:
The “perfect timing” comment: I interpreted it as Eren knowing what was about to happen and being depressed but used to his memories being correct. Proof, for me, is Mikasa being confused at Eren’s comment, just like she was at the “not yet” one. Besides, they had already been interrupted by the old man and he didn’t seem to mind, so this “perfect timing” has nothing to do with their friends “ruining” the moment. He willingly invites them to join in and finally, he is content and relaxed, when he is with all of them. He loves them all. 
Mikasa’s comment about “if only I had said something different”: I think she may have realized that it wasn’t a romantic situation - because clearly, her romantic inclinations have clouded her judgment. That she had failed to understand Eren’s feelings and his reason for bringing up Mikasa’s care for him. I don’t sense a “I should’ve told him I loved him”. Because honestly, familial love IS love. Platonic love IS love, too. If Eren wasn’t “saved” by the purest form of love, I don’t see how any other type of love could’ve changed anything. That panel, revisited by the current Mikasa, focuses even more on Eren’s tears. Eren’s deep sadness clashes with Mikasa’s initial frivolous reading of the moment. So stating that she believes she should’ve confessed, means going against what the chapter has stated to be…not right.
Thank you for reading all of this, if anyone has managed to! :)
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lucidpantone · 4 years
Your “review” that “won’t headcanon smut” worries me based on previous “analyses” that existed in the tag that did just that - delve into the sexual scenes of the show under the guise of providing a critical lens, but in reality they provided more material for the tag’s fantasies of these characters. I believe you said you identify as female, and that you’re in your 30s - I think it’s important to ask yourself why does THIS scene interest you in particular to “review.” (1/?)
Why focus on a scene in which a) there’s sexual content that has been heavily debated, b) where your identities mean you have a certain lens that make you maybe not the best person to write about this, and c) that frankly has been dissected quite a few times before. There’s frankly, no need for a “review” of this scene beyond what’s already been said by many sides - and I wonder if you’re just interested in notes because “analyses” of explicit scenes have gone pretty viral in the tag. A redacted review doesn’t actually show that you care about the communities that didn’t appreciate the way the scene was constructed, but rather you’re excusing yourself from more direct criticism for actually posting the explicit review in the first place. I ask you: what are you really adding to any conversation - and again, does your intersectional identity give you any place to be adding to this specific dialogue?
Hey anon. Firstly, thank you so much for writing this all out and taking time to pose some really interesting questions. I do want to start off by saying that I was asking a question and so that opens the gate for an exchange of thought. I haven’t myself written anything yet but I have asked and so you’re in your right to counter me. So I don’t know if you follow me or not but implying am interested in notes? thats a fair assumption but if you actually look at my blog I am not super popular or anything and I don’t care to be. My blog is sorta of a corner in my head to discuss thoughts or think pieces on skamverse topics.  The only thing as of recently that has been heavily popular that I have posted is the fan fic reviews and I think thats because everyone has been dying for some form of content its a sorta of flash in the pan moment. Also, I completely get you bringing up some past “reviews” and their “analyzes” which were heavily criticized as veiled objectification of the actors. I actually have a previous review we can reference for style *here*. I did say it would be more so about writing/production as a whole versus implications. My Vrijdag 14:38 review kinda of shows you how I would chose to dissect the scene. I also think you are making a huge assumption thinking I wouldn’t consult one of the male bloggers in the tag for their voice. Though you do have a point about age anon. The male bloggers in the tag I speak to frequently are in my age range(mid 20′s+) and thus our interpretation of sexual comfortability (I mildly reviewed/hottake-d Dingdag 23:12 on this topic btw) will be different than for those who the scene is meant for which is teenager to young adults(early 20′s). However at the same time what I can contribute to this review is a dose of personal experience because the action that took place I myself have experienced at exactly this age(1st with a girl) and have experienced again in my late twenties(then with a boy) and guess what my pov on this act has changed over some years ALOT. Which brings me to the criticism. Your assuming again I am going to praise every part of this clip. I am not. They are a few things I don’t love. Concerning this particular scene or explicit scenes in general I have commented on explicit scenes/the mentality towards them pretty equally concerning the wlw scenes here & here of skamfr. My comments once again are mainly from the angle of queer content production. If your argument is just because I am queer woman am not allowed to comment on my male/non-binary counterparts experiences I sorta of disagree. Queer media is pretty niche overall and only now is it becoming readily available and I think its important for the 1st/2nd? gen (people like me) who has seen the exposure growth to comment/critique these pieces of production but I also respect if a queer woman states she doesn’t want a queer man’s opinion on sex. She is entitled to that opinion but I disagree myself as both parties are fighting for queer education as a whole. Our fight is one and so maybe you have a point. Why not examine this through the lens of queer education: was there any? was it helpful? was it objectification?does it serve as a tool for queer sexual education. Lastly, I think redacting for me is actually about providing people choices based on how they identify on the sexual comfortability spectrum. I see alot of young queer people on here not so much disagreeing that queer education is needed but more so how its not catered to all. Some queer boys/girls have sex (not all, as queer asexuals absolutely exist) and that sometimes queer sexual content is highlighted by physical acts of what defines queer sex verses emotional acts or differing exchanges. Hence since I am analyzing a piece of content that contains both I should allow people to chose what type of opinions on queer media they chose or don’t chose to consume. I hope I covered everything you asked me anon. As I said I haven’t wrote anything yet but your questions have posed the idea of critiquing queer content that deems itself as education and how we measure that as a whole (if it can be measured).
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janiedean · 5 years
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hello dearest (not) anon, excuse me if I don’t reply to you directly but as I want to block each single one of you I’ll keep the original so I can lovingly delete it after I’m finished. :)
now, I was this tempted to just delete or troll you, but as y’all have honestly seemed to not realize that you’ve gone overboard and that I didn’t want to get further involved with this dumb shipwar but you’re basically making me go like
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so fine, whatever, I’ll address this one because it has all the single dumbest arguments we could have and I kind of want it for safekeeping, so.
point one: starting an ask with you freaks and then complain we don’t complain about jaime calling brienne ugly makes me wonder if you actually re-read your asks before you send them or if you even bother to make sure they’re internally coherent, because sorry but you’re basically saying this entire fandom is made of **freaks** which last I know was not a compliment to anyone’s aesthetic, so you already don’t have ground to stand on;
point two: stupid is actually a universally degrading word when referred to a specific person and used to undermine their intelligence, especially if continuously repeated. now, in *itself* it’s not damning - an argument can be stupid, a discussion can be stupid (I mean I’ve seen people savagely arguing over who had to wash the dishes, that’s a stupid reason to argue with anyone), a law can be stupid (all of italian bureaucracy is definitely a challenge for anyone for one), of course it’s all about how it’s used. for one, if used ironically and not meaning it, as in ‘my stupid son charging against dragons’, it’s not damning either, because wow, wait a moment, every single person who says that also knows that jaime is doing that out of ptsd fight instinct and that there’s nothing funny about it, but as we are people outside the narrative who love the character, we don’t mean it in a demeaning way. obviously charging at a dragon is suicidal, and it’s exactly what he’d have done (probably also in book canon I’ll give them that), but we all know why he did it, and btw dork is nowhere near on the same level as the stupidest lannister, it can be meant positively as well and tbh it’s used way more positively than that - I mean, there’s dorks in love and idiots in love as ao3 tags, no one uses them to insult the people in the ship they’re writing about now, do they? however, the whole thing about ‘the stupidest lannister’ is completely different because it implies cersei, someone jaime trusts implicitly and who’s his sister and, to him, also his lover and his other half - going by your own/their own definition - continuously demeaning his intelligence. now, I don’t think you quite realize how emotional abuse works or how that works, but let me tell you: if people you are that close with or have a fundamental impact in your upbringing (your parents, your siblings, your first teachers etc.) tell you that all the time, you end up believing that. and what comes with it? if you think you’re more stupid then them, then it means that their decisions will be better than yours because you’re too dumb to take them properly and they’re not, and you won’t even start to wonder that maybe they’re wrong and you’re right, and it’s an exceedingly common thing that happens between abusers and their victims, ie convincing them that they’re not smart enough to know what’s good for themselves, and so coming from cersei who also doesn’t want jaime to put two and two together and realize he’s a different person from her and actually, worse, doesn’t even consider the possibility that he might actually not be a different person from her, it’s straight up emotional abuse of the ugliest kind and it has nothing to do with *fans of the character* calling him a dork over his utter lack of smoothness when hitting on people, because we know why he doesn’t know how to hit on people. other than that, in the show they made jaime canonically dyslexic. now, if you even don’t get that calling someone stupid for thirty years will do a great fucking lot of damage to them (I mean, I’ve been told I was snobbish for three years by a teacher I didn’t even particularly admire in my formative years and I still have to finish unpacking the consequence of that shit, I can’t imagine being constantly demeaned by your relatives or people you trust implicitly) I doubt you’ll realize the fucking wrongness depths of the implication that the only lannister with a canon in-show learning disability is *the stupidest lannister* especially when there’s still the stigma about dyslexic people being dumb because *they can’t read* when that’s not true at all and they just need different ways of approaching a text and then they’re good to go and it has nothing to do with how smart or no they aren’t, but I’m going to tell you: it’s ableist as hell, falls under harmful stereotypes about dyslexic people that tv shows should go against, not reinforce and it has really disgusting connotations, so excuse me if I am pressed about it and other people are pressed about it and your opinion belongs in the trash and I really hope you’re not a teacher not are planning to become one;
point three: now we go at how you don’t get at all how those two work and how brienne’s character is structured, but here, let me explain you: a) jaime calls her ugly when they meet and after he loses the hand he only calls her ugly in his head and/or to her face when he’s irritated or she has misunderstood his intentions or he feels hurt by the fact that she misunderstood his intentions (when he gives her oathkeeper in the books), and in the show he stopped mid S3. on the other side, she calls him an oathbreaker and all the worst things she can call him - if you missed it, they insult each other and they start their relationship thinking the worst of the other person, and even with that he spends the entire first chapter of his in asos checking her out but you didn’t notice that I suppose; b) jaime does not call her ugly at all after he punches ronnet connington and in the show again he hasn’t since mid s3, and given that they were supposed to start as enemies and she insulted him right back, I won’t be here being pressed about them trading insults when the entire point of the story is that they stop insulting each other after they get to know each other and get closer to each other, or have you missed that too? c) the fact that he calls her ugly is actually narratively important because let me explain you something that you don’t know because you obv. haven’t read brienne’s chapters: most of the time she remembers being hurt by other men when it comes to her feelings, it’s when she found out they lied to her about her looks. she got her first trauma related to her looks when her septa told her that people who called her pretty were lying, and she got hurt during the bet with hyle and so on because those people were courting her and telling her nice things and then they were all planning on screwing her literally and metaphorically, so if someone went to brienne and told her ‘oh hey you look hot as hell let’s bang!!’, she wouldn’t believe them. let me guarantee you, she wouldn’t. the fact that jaime did not compliment her at all if not going all the way around to do it about her fighting prowess and maskerading it as insults means that he never lied to her about her looks or about anything, and the fact that then he changes and genuinely respects her and trusts in her and gives her THE THING SHE’S WANTED MOST IN HER LIFE ie a sword and a knightly quest and someone actually believing she could be a knight and carry out her vows instead of thinking she was a joke weights a lot more than any insult he might have thrown at her in the past and actually, she can trust him to not make fun of her/she can know for sure he’s not joking exactly because he never had a problem with calling her ugly (which she knows she is according to westeros beauty standards in the beginning) nor to tell her mean things when he thought them, and so since he never lied to her before and she can see that he changed, she has no reason to think he could or would lie to her after, and considering that most of her trauma is tied to having been lied to in that sense... sorry but no, it doesn’t bother me at all because if it’s an enemies to lovers kind of trope I really don’t think I’d expect him to gift her flowers at their first meeting. I mean, *enemies* to *lovers* implies that at the beginning they don’t like each other, or did you forget that words have meanings? also, hairy is not an insult. I suppose that for people who insult other people about the peach fuzz mustache most women have it would be an insult, but let me tell you: it’s not. and given that I’ve seen posts over posts about how it’s an expression of feminism to not shave I really think you haven’t even checked that discourse lately - personally I don’t care for it but like, having body hair is not automatically a crime nor a reason why you’re unattractive. get lost. and like, excuse me if insults traded by people who didn’t know each other and that they both outgrew when they did know each other are nowhere near on the same level of making someone think they’re too fucking stupid to take their own decisions and always have to follow someone else’s lead, and excuse me if I’m way more than mildly worried that anyone in this fandom would look at that stupidest lannister bullshit and actually don’t feel horrified at it.
now, honestly, can y’all just stop with this grasping at straws which happens to also be ableist as hell while pretending to give a fuck about brienne as a character - because you don’t, it’s obvious from how you don’t understand her issues at all - and keep to your own lane or what? because honestly, it’s obvious no one has ever called you ugly in your life and that you never had to deal with anyone demeaning your intelligence because you were most likely too busy demeaning other people’s, but you’ve been at this bullshit since 2013.
didn’t you get bored?\
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roxannepolice · 5 years
Long asks anon again, here to offer my opinion on the current wank. Rey as a character is rather blatantly breaking sw story rules and nothing is going to get SFF fans hackles up like rule breakage. This is root of both the MarySue accusations and current wank. Rey has a tragic backstory thats doubling as the only failure she can call her own. But its a) damn near entirely offscreen and b) serves as convenient justification for why shes competent at near everything that comes up.
Reys instantly good at the force because of a convenient force download that to the best of my knowledge only occured in the noncanon KOTOR II and quite frankly cant blame most of the general audience for not getting because without prior knowledge or the novelizations why would they? She has darkness in her but as so far used and touched it consequence free and its almost entirely symbolically externalized on the Kylo (and in SW symbolism is Real in a way it isnt in other narratives) Shes strong in the force because Light rises to meet Dark but to quote the current crop of movies ‘thats not how the force works) or at least thats never how it worked before. Shes the first SW protagonist to go behind enemy lines and come out with both hands in the second movie. For ppl wondering how come Luke and Ani never get labeled MarySues, this is why, they got thier asses handed to them, Rey hasnt. There /is/ something /off/ in Reys story, and ppl pick up on it. if you can make a post (w/ over 1k notes!) about how great it is that a character meant to prop up 7hrs worth of movies has little to no character development to go through, somethings off. If multiple ppl can make posts about how its neat Rey can tap into the darkside (still characterized as evil in ST) consequence free (with some quite frankly stupid justifications, 'shes disciplined’ really? jedi lacked a lot of things thats not one of them) somethings off and again, if the only failure your main heroine has is /entirely retroactive something’s off/. If the story were getting with the is the story most ppl think we are, a 'female empowerment’ (i dont feel particularly empowered by being told I have an equal chance at being a deus ex machina but ok) than well, her story is over and theres no need for IX (hell it could have been over in TFA, most ppl assumed she had accepted her place as the future jedi in that one) and no need for reylo The ST was always gonna deconstruct all that came before it purely by virtue of being a sequel. The tragedy of anakin skywalker is now a farce, the happy ot ending now a tragedy, and the mythopoetic structure shot to shit in the name of serialization and perpetual warfare. this stand true for all the sequel characters including rey and ben. the only question is are we going to get anything out of it? I compare it to home renovation. You can knock out a wall and the walls gone, but new opportunities arise. With Benlo, I’m reasonably confident that there will be at least some attempt to take advantage of the new space. With rey and the resistance kids? not so much. it just feels like they knocked down a blue wall to rebuild it as pink one and at the point it just feels like a waste of time because ive seen this before. Ive seen pure cinnamon roll desert orphan reform jedi order If this was all youre going to do that the fuck was the point? which circles around to my problem with team good guy this go around and That Scene. JJ twisted the story into a pretzel to justify the winners of the last round being the underdogs again and then rian twisted so much further the storys head may as well be up its own ass. And then at the very end he shoots it all to shit and rushes to reassure us its all gonna be okay. He removes the entire point of the underdog trope /the tension that comes from the fact that they might lose/. I mean there wasnt a whole lot of that to begin with already but really? So theres no tension that Reys gonna win so her journey feels frictionless, and theres no question where shes gonna end up so full offense why give a shit? Thats where the whole 'can rey lose a fight?’ thing comes from. Ppl want conflict in her arc to justify its existence and give us a reason why this her story to begin with. if the only character going through growth for all three movies is ben, if the only characters whos fate is up in the air is ben, and if all the tension in the reylo relationship comes from ben, then why is this /reys story/? why not just make it about the character actually driving all the drama and thus, the story?   As a final thought, im going to add that having Kylo be aware and insecure that hes never gonna be as Iconic as Vader was a great story choice, regardless of where ends up. Current Rebels, on the other hand, seems to have not gotten the memo that they are never gonna be as iconic as Original Rebels, and the story itself seems to being trying to sell them to me as being better. Rey is Luke but better, Poe/Finn are Han wo the smuggler grit, and id be lying if i said it didnt piss me off.
Long asks anon to kick down ur door again, AND ANOTHER THING. SW is a lotta things. Subtle aint one of them, and St hasnt changed in that regard. If you have to debate it chances are either a) ur arguing counter to the text in which case mor power to you but not really helpful for predictions or intended meaning or b) /it aint there. A bunch of ppl didnt like anidala, but nobody doubted we were supposed to think they were in love by the end of AOTC, bunch of ppl didnt like poes arc, but no one doubts he fucked up by not listening to holdo was the intended take away. Which brings to rey and flaws or lack there of. Were told rey has flaws but she has yet to suffer any real consequences from them with the exception of The Damn Parentage Wank, which again, pulls the double duty of making her hyper competent at everything. Because rey has no consequences for her flaws, from a story function pov there aren’t any. If rey did have a flaw to overcome, we would all agree what it was
Now won’t you all just look at this beautiful, spot on rant which has been lagging in my askbox since the last time Rey’s flaws or lack thereof were the discourse’s focus (November, I believe?) and suddenly became a thing again, courtesy of Tweetgate. I think you really summed up the crux of this debate wonderfully, anon.
I particularly agree with the part about Rey not getting narratively punished for whatever flaws we’d like her to have (great point about returning from behind the enemy lines with both arms still in place), when SW don’t stay away from allowing characters to get “punished” even for otherwise applaudable features - vide Padmé, whose idealism is what Palps manipulates into gaining more power (this is why Padmé will never come off as a Mary Sue or too perfect, btw). But I’ll say even more - Rey doesn’t even get called out on her flaws, except for by Ben, who’s mostly dismissed as a baddie like Palpatine saying Luke was foolish to rely on his friends. Let’s just consider one thing - both Anakin and Luke get called out on their flaws by Yoda (Anakin repeatedly and by lots of other people for that matter) whereas with Rey, the same grumpy-yet-jolly senex pops up from the afterlife to further inform us what a great jedi material she is.
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TBH, I have a very cynical theory as to why Rey is being pushed as the main character while it’s difficult to deny that it’s Kylo Ben who does all the plot heavy lifting. I’m pretty sure Ben’s arc was the first one DLF thought out (and the big question is, was it the only one they thought out) and only later on decided to make Rey the main character, which also involved much less spontaneous writing. Mind you, it’s not as if benepemption didn’t have a manufactured subtaste to it, but with Rey’s heroine’s journey stiff structure occasionally substitutes any in-world explanations of her actions (this is why I have to hope renperor has some narrative purpose rather than happening because lovers need to be separated and anti-hero needs to achieve what he wanted in 2nd act). I feel as if whatever potential her character had (and hopefully still has, pending IX) got smothered by layer upon layer of making her likable by everyone, which largely relied on negative characterization: she’s not helpless, she’s not too naive, not cynical, not too emotional, not too emotionless, not morally corruptible, not anything you’ve ever complained about regarding any SW character, not falling for the bad boy, not not not - and in the end it’s kinda difficult to say what Rey is like and while the goal of making her widely likable was achieved, it also made it almost impossible to view her as loveably flawed/annoying like the classic characters. And on top of all this is the matter of making her a nobody just like you!, as DLF appears to say with uncle Sam’s gesture (which also kinda assumes the existence of a Star Wars fan as some uniform entity? because if you identify with her, good for you, I just don’t understand why the franchise assumes I’ll identify with her by the grace of being a SW fan alone), because, as you excellently put it, the message here is that everyone can be chosen by God - which again, it’s not as if the saga ever contradicted this, so why the hell make a case of it? I can’t agree that it’s made into Rey’s flaw, though, imo her low birth only serves to further frame her as an oppressed virtue. And I definitely agree regarding too much of her growth being left off-screen, or before the story ever begins. The problem here isn’t even that it is left off-screen (it’s not as if we had huge insight into any of the pt or ot characters) but rather that her characterizations is left off-screen while being depicted as at least untypical (unique to put it bluntly) for her situation (same goes for Finn). A hopeful, kind person growing up on her on her own in slavery under a nicer name is a rarity and DLF makes a case for it being a rarity - and this sparks up curiosity in her past, as if market pandering to Re/sky wasn’t enough. So from this pov her un-reveal being frustrating isn’t just a case of not wanting to love her or her self only a potentially deeper psychological question getting answered with well, light.
I should add, Ben’s arc feels like the most spontaneous one (though Finn’s may yet be a masterpiece) and he’s the one to admit his fear of not living up to Vader’s legacy, because I think he’s the character serving as the creators’ vessel, more or less like Luke was Lucas’ avatar in ot. In his fear regarding Vader’s legacy one can feel Disney’s fear due to having bought popculture’s holy grail and not being entirely sure what to do with it. On this background, Rey (a literal scavenger of OT’s pieces) and rebels 2.0 repeatedly blessed by Leia come off as what DLF would want to be. And the result is that the character which was supposed to be Vader 2.0 proves the most original and surprising one, whereas “breaths of fresh air” come off as room aromatizers with “fresh” written on them.
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And as far as the plot being bended into a pretzel and then disappearing up it’s own ass, well, a part of me is still hoping that taking virtually the same villains as before is a mythological-psychoanalitical metaphor of a nigredo repeating itself until the unconscious gets accepted by the conscious…. but, tbh, as the leaks flow this hope is withering.
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wcamino-confessions · 5 years
I submitted this last night but Tumblr ate it
In regards to the Soul drama, I feel mostly anyone who sat down and read those screenshots probably feels the same way I do on it and so I honestly wouldn’t say anything if it weren’t for me needing to vent on this topic. I have felt disappointment in the Warriors Amino Leadership team countless times since I became more involved in the community back in 2017, and time and time again it seems as if it is the personal goal of the LT to prove that they can still find a better way to piss us off. I feel the need to point out that my complaints come from a place of concern and hope rather than an intentional bash on the LT. If I didn’t care (and this goes for many others as well), we probably would have stayed silent and just moved on long ago. Issues like this give me unwelcome reminders of the past issues that led to the current LT’s position as of now. It is the job of the present LT to hold themselves higher than the mistakes of their predecessors, and as things stand this does not seem to be the intention at all. If anything, I see a replay of history that many of us recall without stating as such by name.
Firstly, let’s revisit the quote in regards to why Soul was banned. The screenshot from Vaga that has been shared states this, “Soul was not demoted for voicing his opinion, it was mainly for leaking information-”. I could go write an entire essay on the topic of the WA lt and the insanity that is ‘leaking information’, but I’ll spare any fool who’s decided to read my rage and summarize it simply. What does a leadership team of a murder cat amino hold so dearly that leaks of a genuine discussion in regards to a popular and serious issue on amino will and did count as a leak of information? One of the most off putting and enraging concepts is that somehow this conversation is worth keeping private? I’d understand if it was a private conversation amongst LT members just hanging out or a discussion in regards to the privacy of another user outside of the lt, however this falls under neither. The discussion on the 13+ rule change has been public conversation for some time and something not worthy keeping a secret. Surely the LT hasn’t forgotten that a huge problem members have is their lack of transparency in regards to these situations in the first place? Rule changes and conversations in regards to it have no place being hidden behind lock and key, but that’s a rant for another day.
There was no real private information leaked, unless the LT is speaking on a VC discussion that they do not know nor have any proof in relation to it happening? More on that later. Anyway I feel like it only takes a hint of common understanding to see that Soul was not leaking information. Furthermore, why would the users pester Andro for screenshots if he had shared this so called private information? Where did he share it? Unless this VC was just him venting about the absurd one sidedness of the conversation and his anger towards an issue that affects all of us? But… that would be him being banned for venting so that can’t be? . In the screenshots provided by the LT themselves, we witness an agitated and heated conversation between Soul, Hawk and Andro. The conversation that supposedly made them uncomfortable wasn’t even worthy of apologizing for and I praise Soul for having the guts and passion to speak on something worth discussing. On an amino where accusations and real scenarios of pedophilia run rampant; those in power very much should be held accountable for the situation. This is also a conversation for another day, but Soul and Dark spoke true on a real issue. Only parents, TA and the individual LT have the power to remove underaged members before they potentially put themselves at risk. It’s easy to say that it isn’t the LT’s responsibility, but that’s merely a decision made to run away from a problem. If a stranger lures a child to their car in your vision, it’s not your responsibility to intervene in that situation either, but if that child is hurt because of this decision who is really at fault. I’m not saying who was right or who was wrong in the argument, but instead I’m choosing to prove a point. Soul wasn’t wrong, and the way he worded it was meant to make those reading it understand the true gravity of the decision they were making. Whoever felt guilty did so because there was a reason to. That was the true weight of another conversation that the LT was trying to brush off with a quick and easy majority vote. Clearly they didn’t learn from the situation with Fenris at all. The escape from that situation was blaming Soul for choosing to bring up this obvious point because it made members uncomfortable. I’m sorry to say but as leaders responsible for managing an amino of 200 thousand, sometimes you’ll have to face uncomfortable situations. As the first line of defense between members and potentially hazardous content, it’s more uncomfortable that rather than confronting and discussing Soul’s point, it was instead Soul’s fault for pointing out the obvious.
From what I’ve gathered, that portion of the conversation was irrelevant anyway due to the decision to move past that, though the issues still remained. There were LT members who openly held a grudge and this problem was never properly addressed and left alone to stew. In Soul’s chat, we only get to see one side of this problem. As someone who has witnessed Lionclan’s harassment some time ago, I’m more concerned about the mentions of Andro’s offensive comments over what was said in Soul’s chat as well at the discussion where these not very anon users pressured Andro for screenshots. Soul said nothing in text that could even partially be taken in the context of an attack on Andro. He vented his concerns and the reactions of those in the chat are not and never have been his responsibility. It disgusts me that this was labelled at an assault on Andro when the real “insults” (if you really want to call them that) were made by those who were speaking to him. I’ve never spoken to or really agreed with Soul, but these conversations seem much more like a real guy trying to seek comfort from those close to him. And this VC where he spewed insults sounds a bit far fetched considering not once has Soul actively attacked users in text. I’m sorry but the current LT do NOT have a good track record with honesty and I cannot take that at face value considering this. How do the LT know about this VC? Did they develop telepathy and suddenly know that Soul “attacked” Andro without the knowledge? Even if a member of that vc gave this information to the LT, are you telling me you took this at face value and called it a day?
The real problem with the screenshots comes from the invasion of privacy of those involved? Sure you censored the names (you missed Fen at one point btw), but occasionally you also missed the users speaking to each other. It’s almost too easy to figure out the chat participants based on the mentions of their names alone! The LT publicly posted a notice giving the community the names of the users who were accused of  “attacking” Andro. Are you serious! Flashback to Lionclan when Artclan was publicly outed as the clan in the center of the Lionclan drama. At least one of the current leadership (not name dropping) saw the aftermath of that decision and how innocent members of Artclan suffered slander and hatred based on that decision. While no one worth mentioning would go after those users on an argument that clearly favors Soul, this only further highlights the LT’s inadequacy in dealing with this situation. Are you serious? How many times do we need to say that your words carry weight! If you’re going to censor those screens at all, be sure to do so thoroughly. Especially when some of these screens are private conversations between users and Soul! Did you ask for permission before posting them? I doubt it judging by the conversations of those involved in the comments section of this aftermath.
So what’s the tally now? Inadequate and one sided information, invasion of privacy, public slander and a lacking of evidence. Also it was brought to our attention that some of these screenshots are months old! While I can neither confirm nor deny this, bringing back a topic of months in the past as evidence backing your reasoning is flawed in of itself.  I’m not even angry anymore, I’m just in disbelief. I’m sure we can expect to see a public, FEATURED apology from every leadership team member involved in this no matter if they’ve stepped down or not. The LT has overstepped their boundaries once more and I’m sick of seeing a half assed apology covering the issue briefly on one leader’s profile. Put it on the front page and give Soul the opportunity to step back up. What you believe was right does not and has not done right by the community. Fix it.
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familiaanteomnia · 5 years
all of the things in the "get to know the role-player" meme!
*The ones I didn’t answer already*
◜ get to know the rp & rph mun ◇ ask memes ◞
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{ ⊽ } —- link some of your favorite partners!: Well I adore all my partners, pretty much a lot of people but- @prxtty-muses​ @hauntedmediium​ @pulchrousati​ @sevendeadlymusings​ @cateyeswarlock​ @herfragilewarrior​ @poisonpunkking​ like there’s more but top of my head.  (Plus some of yall write a few common muses, so I try to remember who is what url/the urls and its that multimuse life, love you all in general) { ⊾ } —- favorite rp memory?: Mmm hard to pick. I’ve got a good collection. *despite the big collection of trashy ones* I do really miss the days where out of nowhere I was the inbox for people like ‘hey how do I start rping’ etc. Like I was a chill space, still am but now there’s not people just randomly anon telling dumb little stories. Random nights where everybody would talk about stupid crushes they had, etc. 
The good ooc in general. But like a strong one is that one situation where it was me wanting to come out to somebody, they beat me to it and then I was like ‘oh cool, so you’re still amazing and you to me btw me too’. Or when I was slyly just being me and it was like ‘wait hold up you’re trans? me too dude’. 
{ ⋀ } —- talk about your favorite ship!: I don’t have a favorite? Like I have some I adore and those I would kill for. Especially because of the partner. But like I adore especially people who ship with my ocs, or like naturally most things with chemistry. Not even like romantic/sexual ships. Got loads of like family, found family, friends, etc that I adore too. { ⋁ } —- describe a muse you want to play, but haven’t yet.: I mean *cough* my ocs all need more love. *cough* Zephaniah. But I’ve got this series in mind, that I’ve ‘written’ *procrastinate/isn’t published but hopefully one day* and I’d be super happy to write a oc/muse based in that reality. Where pretty much humans are aware of demons,angels and like there’s a whole bunch to it. But the angels are actually trouble, demons have more morals technically. There’s also fallen angels who aren’t meant to interfere with humans/keep to themselves,etc. 
{ ⋂ } —- describe a ship dynamic you really want: I need more variety overall. But I’d adore a real slow burn, childhood friends to lovers to friends. Friends. Best friends. Odd dynamics. 
.{ ⋃ } —- favorite fandom to rp in?: Hmm most the ‘fandoms’ are uhh strictly attached is to deal with drama. But I naturally do enjoy s.hadowhunters *tv based myself but obviously not a snob*. Or t.ua. 
{ ⋋ } —- favorite group experience?: No experience with groups, did try making a og group verse once and uhh it was terrible. 
{ ⋌ } —- favorite fc?: Don’t have one. I have loads I love/want to use. Then adore the ones I’ve got. 
{ ⋍ } —- favorite 1x1 and/or indie experience?: I don’t want to seem like I value something more than another thing right, it depends. I’d say the people who get that I should write for me, and have backed those choices. From this multi, to that I have a muse that I’ll only be writing for one person/a few I’ll only write selectively because I want to write them for real again. 
{ ⋈ } —- what’s your favorite thing to do as a rph?: I do have a technically rph blog, it’s more a disaster blog in general. But I enjoy making the odd musing, sentence starter memes, odd gif icons,etc. 
{ ⋊ } —- favorite thing about the rph community?: Haven’t been much in it/a big part of it technically not a “cool” kid. But like one blog I really enjoy reblogged this gif pack I made, with super nice comments/briefly followed my one blog and that was cool. Especially cause I wasn’t too sure the pack was that great. Cause I don’t go fancy or anything- it was a trial dimension thing too,etc. 
{ ⋎ } —- favorite thing about the rp community?: The good, wholesome interactions. How as much drama, crap there might be. There’s also people who will back you if you’re scared to leave toxic stuff behind, or make changes cause you need to for your health. 
{ ⋏ } —- show a little love! mention a favorite rph or rp partner and give them the affection they deserve.: For everybody, your writing is amazing and all of you are super nice lovely people. I genuinely enjoy seeing you on the dash, writing with you. And everything that also goes for people I haven’t interacted with yet. 
Now to be specific cause I’ve done plenty to show I adore everybody. @pulchrousati​ is frankly a wonderful person, with such spectacular writing on every blog/every muse he writes. Indulges my dumbass. Gets a few unpopular opinions I’ve got. Wonderful interaction ooc, actual communication that I’ve had perhaps like a handful of times. Put the theme for the blog together, the fancy tags- basically the sane voice that was like ‘yo just do the multimuse already’. 
Just ashjfkhdsal pretty much and I stan. 
{ ⋐ } —- underrated fc you like? : fcs that aren’t overused, fcs that aren’t trashy people- I can’t think of just one. There’s quite a few I wanna gif/use that have no resources and such. So -puts head down- honestly I can’t pick 
{ ⋑ } —- underrated ship you like?: Canon? Non canon? Ships I have but nobody else might be down for? But uhhh I really adore Taylor getting to be a sibling. Maia, and Rebecca like fight me but that’s some ship material. Clary where she’d be able to actually you know take all the yuck out/mess with plot a bit but get to have a sibling relationship with her brother. Then like there’s of course more but top of my head so yee.
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