#bucktommy endgame is coming soon
buckleyskin · 4 months
was just on tt and i saw a 9-1-1 video..someone commented “preparing for b*dude next season!!” and the replies were
“it’s never gonna happen get over it”
“nah bucktommy is better”
GOODBYEEEE LMAOO .. even got the ga involved now bruh we keep winning 😭
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epicbuddieficrecs · 5 months
Weekly Recap | April 8th-14th 2024
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Managed to put it out slightly earlier this time! 😆 This is still long af and there are still too many fics left in my ao3 inbox but maybe the mini hiatus will allow me to catch up!
As you can see I'm still enjoying podfics and I am happy to report that listening to Coma-Verse made me cry as much if not more as reading it 🙃 You can also looks forward to part 2 of my "BFF fic rec" series which will cover seasons 4 and 5, coming soon!
Enjoy! 😃
and with each one, i'm a little more free series by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (Post-S7E4, Coming Out):
settle (<1K | General): Buck comes out to Chimney. so let the words slip out of your mouth (1,7K | General): Buck comes out to Eddie.
kiss him once for me by 42hrb/ @exhuastedpigeon (S7E5 Spec, Jealous Eddie | <1K | General): Eddie was perfectly happy and accepting about Buck’s sexuality, in fact, he liked to think he was the ideal picture of a best friend when Buck had told him. So, nothing changed between them. Or at least, nothing changed until he sees Buck and Tommy kiss.
when we're barely awake in the heat of the day's weight by trysetmeonfire/ @try-set-me-on-fire (BuckTommy | 1K | Mature): Buck wakes up at Tommy’s place and they have a conversation about taking up space
like an empty bottle takes the rain by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (Post-S7E4, Sexuality Crisis | 1,2K | General): "I was wondering. You and Tommy—how did you know?" There's a soft intake of breath. "That I was into guys? Or that I was into him?" "Either." Eddie shrugs tightly. "Both."
Yes, Daddy by Tizniz/ @tizniz (PWP, Daddy Kink | 1,7K | Explicit): And really, the shit eating smirk that graces Buck’s too pink lips should have been Eddie’s warning. But he’s so used to his best friend’s antics that he’s become immune to them. Or, well he thought he had. “Yes, Daddy.”
don't stand a ghost of a chance (with you) by extasiswings/ @extasiswings (Post-S7E5, BuckTommy Breakup | 1,7K | Teen): Tommy isn’t stupid. He knows the score from the beginning. But. He’s only so strong. And Evan is both hot as hell and supremely adorable. So Tommy kisses him, and asks him out, and tells himself that maybe he’s just been reading the signs wrong. Maybe Evan and Eddie really are just…very…close friends. He’s imagining things. They’re friends—or maybe Evan has a crush—but that’s fine. Evan asked Tommy out. So Eddie is…a nonissue. Tommy tells himself that right up until he can’t anymore.
don't want to be a fool for you by fallingthorns/ @fallingthorns (Bachelor party, Madney Wedding Spec | 1,8K | Teen): Or, at both the bachelor party and the wedding reception, Buck looks at Eddie.
let’s get lost between the lines by wafflesofdoom/ @capseycartwright (BuckTommy, Post-S7E5 | 2K | General): “You handled that well,” Tommy said, as they left the restaurant and stepped out into this cool evening air. His words were soft, and gentle – genuine, even. As though he really meant it. Buck was baffled, frankly. “I handled that with as much grace as an elephant doing ballet,” Buck glared at his - his date? - incredulously. “Tommy, did you hit your head? Are you concussed? Do I need to take you to the emergency room?” or, after the eddie shaped hiccup of their first date, buck and tommy walk and talk - about coming out and why buck deserves a nice boyfriend.
good luck, babe by hattalove/ @hattalove (Outsider POV, Social Media fic, S7E5, BuckTommy Date | 2K | Teen): sometimes, when you've had a bad week, all you want is a romantic evening out with your wife over terrible pizza, and what you get instead is some kind of intricate gay ritual happening two tables away from you.
say my name and everything just stops by bellabrady (BuckTommy, Endgame Buddie, Getting Together | 3K | Not Rated): Or: Buck accidentally moans Eddie's name while making out with Tommy and it leads to some realizations.
behaving myself. by dylaesthetics (Secret Relationship | 3K | Teen): OR it’s just a regular day at fire station one-eighteen. No one’s acting weird. Nothing’s out of the ordinary. Everything's the same as it's always been. Right?
even for a phoenix (i’m getting tired) by hobbitprincess (Post-S5E18, Hurt Buck | 3K | Mature) : “You’re gonna be fine,” says Eddie again, and Buck hates that he can parse out the slight waver that wasn’t there the first time. Buck doesn’t have the heart to disagree with him, even if they both know it isn’t true.
This Old Love Has Me Bound by allyasavedtheday/ @littlespoonevan (Post-S7E4 | 3K | Teen): In an attempt to better understand his newfound bisexuality, Buck tries to figure out if he ever missed any signs with guys before. The universe keeps interrupting every time he's about to think about Eddie.
so much to say that's subject-sore by hattalove/ @hattalove (BuckTommy, Buddie Endgame | 3K | Teen): in which buck is convinced he's having commitment issues, tommy is there to hold his hand, and the tiramisu won't eat itself.
I get drunk on jealousy by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (FWB BuckTommy, Endgame Buddie | 5K | Explicit): Eddie calls Buck in the middle of the night at a not so covenient time, words are said, feelings are revealed and Buck's strenght is tested.
shoot another shot (try to stop the feeling) by withmeornotatall/ @chronicowboy (Bachelor Party Spec, BuckTommy, Endgame Buddie | 5K | General): "He just. He won't let me in, Tommy. It's terrifying. I don't know how to help him because he's refusing to even admit there's something wrong." Buck scrubs a hand down his face. "I'm not crazy, am I? I'm not making things up? He's not himself, right?" (OR: eddie gets drunk and cuts a little too loose, buck tries to pick up the pieces and ends up getting more than he bargained for, and tommy is just happy he got to be with buck at least for a little while)
Threes Not A Crowd by Tizniz/ @tizniz (Buck/Tommy/Eddie, PWP | 5K | Explicit): Follow up to Buck's Boyfriends in which Buck's boyfriends take care of him. Incredibly well. (Part 2 of Buck's Boyfriends)
🔥 To Build A Nest (To Build A Home) by Kwills91/ @kwills91 (Post-S5E14, Getting Together | 9K | Teen): Five times Buck shows his love for Eddie via pebbling and the one time Eddie uses those pebbles to build a nest.
don't go breaking my heart. by dylaesthetics (S7E6 Spec, Madney Wedding, Getting Together | 13K | Teen): Coming to terms with being bisexual and being in love with his best friend is not how Buck expected to spend the month or so leading up to his sister’s wedding. But then again, life has shown time and time again that he has been put on this planet to suffer. - OR Buck can’t take it anymore and kisses Eddie in the middle of his sister’s wedding reception. He’s never been known for making good decisions. (Part 2 of heaven is you.)
🔥 Test Drive by ElvenSorceress/ @elvensorceress (PWP, Buck/Tommy/Eddie, Buddie Endgame | 28K | Explicit): In which Buck wants his boyfriend to give his best friend a queer awakening like he had. For no particular reason at all. While he also has the most inopportune "Oh" moment ever.
Both Bermuda and Golden (Lost but Doing Just Fine) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Threesome, BuckTommyEddie | 4/6 | 20K | Explicit): In which everyone has two hands and two holes and is keeping their options fluid. (Or: a collection of threesome fics.)
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon S1-S6, S7 Spec | 125/? | 389K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
What’s Your Order? by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Post-S7E5, BuckTommy | 2K | Teen): 5 Times Buck Guessed Tommy’s Coffee Order + 1 Time He Didn’t Have To
🔥 Any Other Way by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, S2 | 8/18 | 45K | Mature): In a switcheroo alternate universe, Buck spends young adulthood in the military, while Eddie, who has no idea Christopher exists, spends his twenties messing around, finally enjoying freedom away from his family’s expectations. When they both end up in Los Angeles, at the 118, some things are different, and others will be the same in any universe.
🔥 Cowboy With a One Track Mind by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergence, Not A Firefighter Buck | 1/4 | 6K | Mature): Spin-off Sequel to Evan Buckley & the Coma-Verse of Madness - Chapter 7 (Land): Grieving and tortured, Evan Buckley has been living alone in Montana in a remote cabin for nearly a decade. After an incident that leaves him missing six months of his life, and suddenly in connection with a group of strangers from Los Angeles, Evan must decide whether to remain in his self-imposed exile, or take a chance at life again.
🔥 [podfic] wedding bells by All_I_Ask/ @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove for renecdote/ @renecdote (Friends to Fiances | 10-20 min | General): The background noise of the movie and the warm weight of his best friend against his side is lulling Eddie towards a nap when Buck breaks the silence. “Do you want to get married?” “Sure,” Eddie answers sleepily. “Fall wedding?” “What?” Buck frowns, and Eddie realises: oh, he meant do I want to get married generally not to him specifically. Then Buck is asking, “Why fall?”
🔥 [podfic] do you love me? all you gotta do is say yes by All_I_Ask/ @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove for fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (Outsider POV, Friends to Fiances | 30-45 min | Teen): or, two boy best friends and an ex lover walk into a grocery store. everyone is on their normalest behaviour.
OK with being OK [Podfic] by blackglass/ @blackestglass // fic by S_lycopersicum/ @slycopersicum-in-disguise (Post-S5, Coming Out | 10-20 min | Teen): Buck was about 10 minutes away from the firehouse when his phone pinged. "Message from Eddie Diaz," Hildy's too-smooth voice announced, and Buck laughed at how Eddie's face would scrunch at Hildy knowing his business. "Wait in your car when you get here. I need to talk to you before we go in" Oh shit.
🔥 [Podfic] rainbows have nothing to hide by slipofthetongue/ @burnthatbridge for hattalove/ @hattalove (Getting Together | 20-30 min | Teen): how is eddie diaz like kermit the frog? let buck and christopher count the ways. (Part 1 of the kermit verse)
🔥 [Podfic] Before the Night Fades by slipofthetongue/ @burnthatbridge // fic by MilenaDaniels/ @milenadaniels (Post-S4E14: Survivors, Outsider POV | 45-60 min | Teen): “I have a bottle of champagne, four champagne flutes, one engagement ring to go into one of those champagne flutes, and a note to deliver it all to table 34 with dessert,” Tomas explains, wide-eyed, throwing his hand back to the prep station where said champagne is waiting on ice next to four flutes and a small ring box. “Okay?” “Okay so there’s two men and two women and I have no idea who’s getting proposed to. I’m not even 100% on who came with who." --- Or, EddieAna and BuckTaylor double date and it ruins everyone's night.
🔥[Podfic] Close My Eyes and Stumble (Right Into Your Love) by Ceewelsh/ @mayonnaisetoffees // fic by HMSLusitania/ @hmslusitania (Canon Divergent, S1, Dispatcher Eddie | 2.5-3h | Mature): Eddie's PTSD is just that little bit worse and when he moves to Los Angeles, instead of joining the LAFD, he joins dispatch. Which is all good and fine, except for this one firefighter he keeps ending up talking to.
🔥[Podfic] i did, i did, i do by Ceewelsh/ @mayonnaisetoffees // fic by @hattalove (Canon Divergent | 30-45min | Teen): or the one in which, a couple of weeks after meeting each other, buck and eddie fell in love, broke up, and then forgot to fall out of it.
🔥The Evolution of Buddie [Podfics] by MistMarauder/ @gracieryder for InsaneJuliann/ @marvelingjules (Post-Shooting, Getting Together, Eddie Coming Out, Warning: Homophobia)
[Podfic] Someone Told Me Not to Cry (It's a Lie) (20-30min | Teen): Eddie's fine, he is. Really. He keeps telling himself that until he accidentally calls Buck in the middle of the night after a nightmare.
[Podfic] Just Bros being Bros (45-60min | Teen): It's totally normal to kiss your best friend on the cheek. Eddie has no idea why everyone keeps giving him looks and thinking there's more there.
[Podfic] I was Sinking (Somehow I Forgot) (45-60min | Teen): Eddie tries to figure out just what he may or may not be feeling for Buck. Really, it only leaves him with more questions than any actual answers. His mind keeps twisting around, unable to let him settle with any certainty.
[Podfic] Ready to Suffer, Ready to Hope (S3E18 | 45-60min | Teen): Buck's the one hurting this time, and Eddie wants to help, but he's not sure how, or if he even can. Maybe, he was wrong before. Maybe everyone was. Because clearly, Buck's not as over Abby as everyone seemed to think.
[Podfic] Hard to Learn to Love (45-60min | Teen): Buck's helping Eddie fix Abuela's porch. Eddie's pretty sure he's possibly going to do something stupid, because he can't stop thinking about how much he wants to kiss his best friend.
[Podfic] Someday (Gonna be Free) (45-60min | Teen): Karen points out to Eddie that maybe, his ideas of what a relationship has to look like are something he needs to reassess. She lends him a book, and before Eddie knows it, he's having one epiphany after another.
[Podfic] Bittersweet Triumph (1-1.5h | Teen): Eddie's parents drop by for an unexpected visit. The only thing Eddie can think to do is damage control. Eventually they'd leave, right? Eventually, he could relax again. But he's quickly reaching a breaking point, and he's not sure what'll be on the other side of it.
[Podfic] Pivotal Moment (1-1.5h | Teen): Eddie's stood up to his parents, but of course it can't be that easy. They're still in his house, and Eddie's just waiting for the other shoe to drop. He's frustrated, angry, scared even - and worried about so much at once he can't relax. It's not only leaving Eddie on edge, but Buck seems more and more tense, too.
[Podfic] Hello My Old Heart (1-1.5h | Teen): Eddie needs to check his parents have left - and either way, there's a lot he needs to work through about their visit. Good thing he has family, friends, and Buck to help him figure it all out. And maybe, it's time for him to start showing his hand more, with them all.
[Podfic] Unlearning Lonely After So Long (1-1.5h | Teen): It's the next morning, Buck's still there and making breakfast, and Eddie's realizing that while yeah, the list of things he needs to talk about - with Buck and others - definitely doesn't fill him with anything close to happiness, the rest of it? It's a kind of happiness he hasn't felt in a while.
[Podfic] The More Things Stay the Same (Getting Together | 30-45min | Teen): Eddie's realizing that, now that he's dating Buck, it's not that much different from before, really - except for the increased touching and kissing. That's new. Maybe that's why no one's caught on yet, and they're able to keep it to themselves for now.
🔥 Evan Buckley & The Coma-Verse of Madness by Daisies_and_Briars [Podfic]/@cal-daisies-and-briars by Rhea314 (Rhea)/ @rhea314 (Coma AU, Multiverse | 7-10h | Teen): After being struck by lightning on a call, Buck experiences a plethora of alternate realities showing him different directions his life could have taken. Fighting hard to get home, Buck learns what, or who, is important to him in every lifetime.
🔥 Ace of Hearts by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (Post-S6, Getting Together | 9K | Teen): "I've been wondering…" Maddie pauses, watches Buck make a face like he's bracing to be smacked. "What happened with Eddie? You two were dancing around it for so long, and then… what, it just didn't work out? Was the date really that bad?" She's expecting another wince, or even for him to duck out of the conversation entirely, but instead Buck is staring at her like she's grown a second head. "Maddie. I've never been on a date with Eddie." Or: the poker game was a date. It takes Buck a while to catch on, though.
🔥 all good things come to an end (but it's not the end) by wafflesofdoom/ @capseycartwright (Pre-S4, Quarantine, Friends with Benefits | 10K | Explicit): “Okay, hear me out,” Buck said. "What if we have sex?” Eddie could be forgiven for choking on his own breath, given how out of the blue Buck's suggestion was. “What?” “You’re my best friend," Buck gestured vaguely. "And in case you hadn’t noticed, we’re living through an actual plague right now, so neither of us is actually getting any. So who better to have sex with than each other?" - or, craving intimacy during quarantine, buck and eddie strike up a friends with benefits situation. because it couldn't possibly go wrong.
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stardustbuck · 3 months
this is my thoughts on what has been shown to us on screen/in canon from the perspective of someone who shipped bvdd!e and was deadset on them being endgame until seeing what unfolds in season 7 and why i slowly came to the realization that bvdd!e may forever stay fanon and choosing to embrace bucktommy rather than making it my enemy because buck is my favorite character and seeing him happy makes me happy.
certain 7x04 spec/response: buck is misconstruing his feelings for tommy with what he’s actually feeling for eddie, because it’s obvious he was trying to eddie’s attention not tommy’s—well at least tommy gave buck his queer awakening so that means bvdd!e canon is possible!
what actually happened: buck made an effort to try and get to know tommy, his attempts to get close with tommy are interrupted by eddie. so buck spends the rest of the episode desperately trying to get invited to hangout with tommy too, because buck is a silly goofball who’s unknowingly crushing hard and too nervous to ask tommy to hangout again in fear of rejection or eddie and him already having plans. buck fully processes what he was doing was for tommy’s attention right before they kiss which gives tommy a 🚨gay🚨signal. tommy being buck’s queer awakening is about buck and buck alone. tim minear confirms the entire episode was a bait and switch and that eddie was the red herring to the audience. at no point in the episode does eddie indicate having feelings for buck, in fact eddie doesn’t even realize he’s been unintentionally leaving buck out and feels bad about it.
continued below ⬇️
certain 7x05 spec/response: photo stills release. everyone is so sure that eddie and marisol will be sat across from buck and tommy and eddie is going to grow jealous watching them. this doesn’t end up happening but thats ok. as the episode continues we’re sure tommy isn’t going to return and eddie will continue his catholic guilt arc which will lead to his own gay realization. buck comes out to maddie and it’s almost feels like maddie knows buck has feelings for eddie with her “if theres something you need to tell eddie, you will” line (because of previous dialogue like bucks boy crush on eddie) we get buck then coming out to eddie which we think might spark up eddies feelings as well after finding out his best friend he has unknown feelings for is bisexual. marisol moving out means marisol bones soon, yay! buck asks tommy for a second chance, not what we wanted but ig it’s fine because tommy can be buck’s first boyfriend to show him the queer lifestyle.
what actually happened: buck is entirely too nervous but excited to be on a date with tommy. tommy seemingly knows how to make buck and blushing mess which is something we haven’t really seen before and its adorable. buck gets overwhelmed and screws himself over with his “hot chicks” line which he absolutely did not need to say at all when eddie and marisol run into them. we’re given conflict within the date because we need to see buck fully embrace this new queer side of himself, and although the storyline overall is fairly lighthearted the way tim and oliver wanted, it’s still good to show what it’s really like for a lot of newly realized queer people, especially someone in their 30s who isn’t necessarily ashamed but is still coming to terms with the fact that they are queer and having to tell people after spending so long as presumably “straight”. especially a masculine man like evan buckley. the rest of the episode has buck mourning what he could have has with tommy because he really likes him, he accidentally comes out to maddie because he can’t stop talking about how stupid he felt ruining his chance, maddie tells him he’s not a fraud, that he obviously is nervous to tell eddie because that’s his best friend and a queer man coming out to their (atp, canonically) straight friend is a scary thing to do. he doesnt want things to change between them. we eventually get to see buck coming out to eddie and seeking acceptance from eddie which he automatically is given. its a weight off his shoulders, his best friend accepts him and reminds him it changes absolutely nothing between then and in fact, eddie tells buck to call tommy because buck admits he cannot stop thinking about him but is scared of rejection again. tommy agrees to meet with him and they actually have a very beautiful conversation, buck takes responsibility for his behavior on their date, tommy assures buck he isn’t really upset about it because it was mostly about not wanting to pressure buck into something he wasn’t ready for. buck then assures tommy he is ready for something and thinks that something could be with him. their coffee date sweetly ends with tommy agreeing to be bucks date to maddie and chim’s wedding and then holding hands.
now this is where i truly started to lose my rose-colored shipping glasses and where the plot became completely lost to me.
certain 7x06 spec/response: the karaoke scene is going to be huge for bvdd!e. tommy not dressing up for the bachelor party is red flag behavior. they didn’t have to write him being on standby, even he’s on standby he could have worn an 80s band tee. he put in no effort meanwhile bvdd!e have matching costumes*. buck and eddie are going to drunkenly kiss/almost kiss which causes tension between them. buck and tommy will end up broken up.
what actually happened: tommy showed up to the bachelor party despite being on standby, meaning he could have open been there for 5 minutes before having to leave. no one else dressed up in costume or 80s themed, tommy wasn’t the only one. tommy only leaves because he gets called into work and promises buck he’ll try his best to make it to the wedding. buck is visibly upset but they hug and buck even tells him to be safe. most of the episode afterwards is chimney focused and at the end we get tommy showing up for buck, sooty, grimey in his turnout gear because he didn’t even bother getting changed because he wanted to show up for buck. tommy is showing he will put in effort of buck, even if it means not sleeping for at least 12 hours and showing up after fighting a fire all night and day. they kiss in the middle of the hospital, buck brings tommy to the hospital room with soot all over his face, basically coming out to everyone including his parents. buck is showing he’s not anxious to let people know he’s queer anymore which is a huge contrast from 7x05.
certain 7x09 spec/response: eddie is shown after buck gets his award, this points to bvdd!e endgame because everyone else has their loved ones shown after their medals. tommy’s comment about “enjoy while is lasts” is rude and pointing to bucktommy bones. the still we thought was between eddie and buck isn’t right but! buck still shows up at eddies house to confront him, ditching tommy for eddie.
what actually happened: yes, each character has their loved ones shown on screen after their medals, but i think the reason they chose eddie for after buck was because he was the last one called and it easily fit as his named is called while he’s on screen. also no one denies eddie and buck love each other, it just may not be romantic. tommy’s comment perfectly shows how he and buck contrast each other but work very well together as well. it’s very black cat x golden retriever vibes between them from what we’ve been shown. it’s also mostly there to foreshadow the return of gerrard. buck doesn’t ditch tommy for eddie because buck doesn’t stay all night, surely it’s implied buck still went to tommy’s afterwards. buck goes to eddies because he’s genuinely worried for his friend, thats what friends do for each other, tommy can wait an hour more for buck it’s not a big deal.
certain 7x10 spec/response: buck is going to ditch his date with tommy for eddie. bucktommy bones!
what actually happened: eddie fucks up bad. buck is there for eddie because he’s a good friend. buck and tommy’s date isn’t interrupted at all, in fact it’s nice that it was squeezed into the episode to show were their relationship is currently at. tommy can tune into buck’s emotions, he can tell needs to say something and asks if he’s okay. they’re still on getting to know each other terms but are becoming comfortable sharing vulnerable things about themselves to each other. they’re also openly flirting and being sexually suggestive with each other. bucktommy bones… oh boy. they sure do.
after each speculation became untrue, proven wrong, people seemed to double down on their toxic behavior and hatred of a fictional couple/person because they weren’t getting what they wanted to the point of harassment towards cast, crew and other fans. now im not saying all bucktommy shippers are angels, but the hostile reaction of people from one subset of the fandom left a bad taste in my mouth. most accounts i enjoyed i ended up blocking due to toxicity and their outright bullying towards those who enjoyed bucktommy even if they still believed in bvdd!e endgame. no im not embarrassed of being a multishipper or ‘jumping ship’ (i still ship bvdd!e i’m just convinced it’ll stay fanon atm) it’s a completely normal thing to happen in fandom, it’s not a sin to begin liking other ships or to start shipping characters with other people that you previously shipped with someone else. there’s a reason people enjoy buck and tommy together and it’s not because we just want to see two men kiss, that argument is so overused and bullshit because mlm ships so prominent in fandom you could use that argument for literally every mlm ship in existence that you hate. despite the echo chamber certain toxic fans are in, bucktommy has been well received by the GA and other 911 fans who couldn’t care less about buck and eddie as a ship. overall, this does not mean your ship isn’t valid, canonicity is not the end all be all of ships, it’s about having fun and being creative. it’s when you start trying to deny canon and villainize characters/ships/shippers simply because it exists that causes people to start making posts exactly like this.
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dudesrysly · 5 months
It’s so weird to me that a lot of people waited YEARS for buddie to become canon but as soon as a new love interest comes, they forget about Buck and Eddie and their strong bond and how they always been in love with each other. They just want bucktommy to be endgame. I love bucktommy so much, they’re the cutest and I really really want them to have a relationship. but come on!!! Eddie and Buck belong together, you can’t deny that. Of course you can ship bucktommy but why are some people just giving the buddie shippers such a hard time for wanting a buddie end game?
Don’t fight over something that we’ve all been waiting for for six seasons, and now it’s actually happening!!
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Random possibilities for 9-1-1 based on nothing more than my wandering, weird mind. These are just random thoughts:
What if Tommy is going to become a permanent cast member and he and Buck will last for a while, if not be endgame? Tim Minear seems to love Tommy and BuckTommy. I could see a proposal or marriage by the end of the season to complete the Tommy Kinard redemption arc.
What if Gerrard's return will be used to reinforce how Tommy is now a good man and "good people"? Tim Minear will use it to solidify Tommy's redemption arc and bring him in as a main character.
What if Eddie has a major emotional upheaval and moving back to Texas is a serious possibility? If they have him turn to his Catholic roots for guidance and comfort, I can see him choosing to leave LA and be what he was raised to be. That effectively gets rid of Ryan Guzman and puts all Buddie talk to an end, opening the door to a BuckTommy focused fanbase with no more distractions.
What if Bobby never comes back to the 118 and Gerrard is it? That is an easy way to send that character away.
What if with Bobby cut out, Athena decides to follow him? It wouldn't be difficult to remove Athena, who may decide that Bobby's new career is much more attractive and it's time she retired anyway.
What if with Bobby gone and Gerrard in permanently, the 118 becomes too hostile for Hen and Chim to finish their careers there? Hen could return to school to complete her medical degree (What happened with that storyline anyway?), Chimney could easily transfer, we have seen him training, and that would open the door for Buck to follow Tommy and Tim to create a show following them.
Buddie? There will always be fanfic. It is clear Tim loves the Tommy Kinard character and working with characters who can be hateful. (If you think it is normal to minimize racist, sexist bullying as just "fitting in", keep bringing back characters to infuse that element of hate, have the targets of the hate forgive and befriend their terrorists, then tell everyone how good they are, there is something wrong with you. Tim Minear loving those characters and redeeming them is a tired trope that has been dragged for decades and extremely sus.) Even if BuckTommy is not endgame, I feel the endgame will keep Eddie hetero and whoever Buck ends up with will be lily white and probably male, with that couple becoming the focus of the show. I still believe that right now, the plan is for BuckTommy to endure and end the series together.
Eddie? I think his character is going to be done very dirty. If he caves to his parents wishes for him and becomes the good son, it'll be one of the biggest disappointments ever. I could see him going to church, praying to be guided back to the fold, and deciding that LA is not the place for him if he wants to be a good, devout Catholic man with a son and, very soon in the future, a wife, so his parents will be proud.
What if Buck, who has been desperate for love and acceptance since episode one, changes to be more like Tommy and more like what Tommy wants in a partner? Since Buck is the fan favorite, having him mirror Tommy could support Tommy being a good guy and gain support from the fanbase.
Where the hell are Hen, Karen, and Ravi? Hen is a main. Karen has been around for years, as has Ravi. Why aren't we getting more of them?
I said this last season and I am going to say it again this season, I think the endgame now is for this to end as the Buck and Tommy hour. It looks like the other characters are possibly being set up for phase outs, with their stories being left underdeveloped on purpose in order to tie them up easily.
I could see a spin off in the works focused on Buck and Tommy.
No, I don't have inside information. I am no psychic, although I have ESPN. (Dad joke. Or is it a mom joke since I'm a woman? Whatever.) I'm just throwing random could-be's out there.
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kinardsboy · 2 months
This isn’t even really a specific ask but I would love any and all domestic soft bucktommy inspo/ficlets/headcanons. I am so sold on them it’s not even FUNNY I want them endgame happily ever after eternally forever and ever. Bonus points for hurt!tommy
Here’s a bunch of headcanons I have about them!!
Also sorry it took me a few days to answer this😔
1. As soon as Tommy found out Buck didnt have a baby box, he started collecting things from their dates or anything that just reminds him of Buck and he gives it to him on their wedding night (im actually working on a fic for this so stay tuned)
2. Tommy has a pet possum named Pumpkin, he is actually a licensed wildlife rehabilitator and has adopted or fostered many wild animals such as foxes, a wolf, raccoons, possums and owls.
3. Buck moves into Tommy’s house three months after dating, his leg is acting up and it hurts so bad he’s almost to the point of tears, and he doesnt want to go up the stairs to his loft, its actually easier for him to just drive to Tommy’s , where he ends up staying and not coming back till he needs more things from his place, in which they just take everything and move lol
4. Buck and Tommy DEFINITELY propose at the same time, like they are both so love struck idiots that they try to one up each other but their plans get in the way of each others and the day goes horribly wrong so they call it quits and go home, then both get down on one knee in the kitchen
5. Chimney and Hen have never seen Tommy REALLY angry before, with Gerard sure, he hated him but he was also scared and closeted. So when Evan gets a call from his parents during a 118 hang out- that ends in a vey nasty argument and a very upset Evan, they aren’t prepared for the look of pure rage that is on Tommy’s face due to the Buckley parents ruining Evan’s day. They are especially unprepared for how quickly he can turn it off and put on a comforting face for his boyfriend.
6. When Tommy gives Buck his dog tags, Buck has never felt so special and loved before. The next day he immediately finds a locket and puts a picture of himself in it, then gives it to Tommy.
7. Tommy has a small collection of stuffed animals, most of them reminders of the animals he’s fostered and rehabilitated over the years. They sit at the end of his bed. When Buck comes over for the first time, it’s spontaneous- so he hasnt had time to tidy up completely, and put the stuffed animals away like he usually does. When they get to the bedroom Tommy realizes this fact, but before he can apologize Buck is immediately asking if they have names and commenting on how soft they are
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lemotmo · 6 months
So, I woke up and dove into the spoilers. I haven't see the episode yet, but if I'm reading this right, this is what happened on the Buck, Tommy and Eddie front:
+ Buck told Tommy that he is an ally during a date.
+ Eddie and Marisol crashed the date and Buck pretended to be very very straight.
+ Tommy walked away from the date over that statement.
+ No Eddie spying on them in the restaurant. 😪 I really wanted to see that. It would have been hilarious.
+ Buck casually tells Maddie that he checks out men's asses, which... I mean... have you seen Eddie's ass? It's canon now that Buck checked it out. Yay!
+ Buck (once again) only rambles about Eddie while coming out to Maddie. I mean 🤦‍♀️...
+ Maddie tearfully tells him that he isn't sure what he's feeling yet and that he'll tell Eddie when he has it figured out. Uhmmmm... Maddie knows???
+ Eddie's girlfriend used to be a nun and now the catholic guilt is keeping him from having sex and he's pent up with it?
+ Buck actually says that he can't help him with that.
+ Marisol (who still doesn't have a last name) is moving in waaaaay too soon.
+ Eddie talks to Bobby about the whole Marisol situation and Bobby gives him some cryptic advice. Bobby knows???
+ Buck finally tells Eddie about him dating Tommy and a beautiful friendship scene unfolds where they hug, Buck tells him that he can't stop thinking about Tommy and Eddie tells him to call up Tommy.
(Listen, if nothing else, the thing I love most about these two is their solid friendship.)
+ Eddie talks to Marisol and she doesn't move in after all.
+ Buck and Tommy meet for coffee and hold hands. He asks Tommy to Maddie's wedding as his date, which... 'No honey, this is a bad idea.' Talk about a highly pressurised second date.🤦‍♀️
+ So, at the end of the episode, Eddie doubles down on Marisol and Buck doubles down on Tomy. *sigh* I swear six seasons of this and I have a feeling that season 7 won't be different. Where is that 'It has been 84 years' when you need it.
+ Wedding shenanigans where Eddie and Buck drink copious amonts of alcohol, sing karaoke together and wake up together looking more dead then alive and they seemed to have misplaced Chimney. I mean... what?!?
+ Then both Ryan and Lou decide to destroy the fandom with their interviews: Ryan an Oliver read fanfic 👀, Ryan heavily insinuates that it isn't time for Buddie yet, Lou flat put reveals that it was suppose to be Eddie and Tommy... which what?!? Then they decided on Oliver??? Not sure why, but something fell through. Then Lou is all 'Tommy is an older experienced guy who can teach Buch the ropes, so that he will be primed for when he gets with Eddie and the fandom should be happy with that. It'll give Buddie a better fighting chance... if they happen, because they could not happen. I mean... sure Jan. Whoever released these two from PR jail, I am kissing you on the mouth right now. Thank you.
Aftermath of the episode:
+ Marisol is bones in episode 7.
+ Lots of people say that Bucktommy is cute, which is a fair and valid take. I'm still neutral about him, but I'll be sure to look out for that when I watch the episode, since it seems that Tommy is here to stay a little while longer.
+ Lots of people seem to be sure of Buddie being in the works because of this episode. I hope I'll share their confidence when I've watched the episode. I'm still rooting for Buddie endgame. I'll never give up on that.
So, that's it. That's what I've picked up from all your posts. Does it fit the actual episode? Let me know. I need aaaaall the spoilers before I watch.
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sevensoulmates · 6 months
Not the anon who sent this but my only real concern for this is Tim mentioning in one of his interviews people needing to understand he can’t and doesn’t make decisions as if he’s in a vacuum. He has to make them with outside forces based on ratings views, the network. And if they had to pull hard to get what we’ve gotten so far with the network, and they see the omg we love Buck Tommy. Long live Buck Tommy responses, they might decide is it really worth it fighting the network for the rest of buddie when the fans seem ok to just get that instead.
I'm gonna be honest, I think they got the green light for buddie as soon as they made the deal to switch to ABC. Most everyone knows about buddie, like it or not, and I find it unlikely that buddie was not at least a minimal part of discussions when they switched to ABC.
Especially if it's true that this plot was originally considered for Eddie. If they've been having discussions about making both Buck and Eddie queer, then I think these discussions have been had long before the season started airing, long before ANYONE knew about Tommy coming back let alone being a love interest.
I'm so sorry but ABC would have to all be living under a rock if they don't know that MM pairings are popular and profitable. Yeah, they'd lose the homophobic audience, but they already gained so much more just by having Buck be bi. I find it hard to believe that they haven't already discussed buddie and decided that going there would gain them SO MUCH more clout and money. Imagine being the first TV show to not just make 1 Masc Male MC be canonically bi, but to make 2 come out. And not only that, but one of the first for a show of this length and background to make the pairing canon. If they thought the press and accolade and wave from bi Buck was a lot, it would be even bigger after that. At the end of the day, ABC wants money, and buddie is profitable. It is more profitable than Bucktommy. There's no way they aren't aware of this.
So, no. As much as we like Tommy, I don't think he stands a chance of being endgame (unless something unpredictable were to happen like say Oli or Ryan leave the show which I DO NOT I REPEAT I DO NOT BELIEVE WOULD HAPPEN). As much as it seems like to us a lot of people are "jumping ship", most of us actually just like them as a stepping stone to buddie. Or we're multi-shippers.
When Tim was talking about having to work around the network and actors, that seemed more to me about past seasons, and why buck/eddie being queer hasn't happened until now, and about the fact that so much of the story had to be switched around in this current season due to outside forces such as actors being unavailable, the network wanting the bachelor call earlier, etc.
But the concept of buddie and the approval for them going there I think has been a done deal for a while.
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tevanbuckley · 5 months
'bucktommy has all the baggage that comes with the history (and lack thereof) of canon queer relationships,' okay, but that's fundamentally missing the point, like, i would like buddie and i do think it's been pretty well signposted and if one of them was a woman they'd be dating by now, but they could have easily written buck and tommy to have a real emotional connection and for their relationship to feel organic but they didn't put the effort in because they knew that queer people would be happy just to have representation and homophobes would switch off as soon as two dudes were flirting on screen. and it worked because i've seen so many people talk about how quickly buck and tommy could fall in love and its like. have we ever seen them have any kind of real conversation that isn't about buck's sexuality? can you even tell me why buck is into tommy other than 'the writers say so? so much of what's considered endgame material is just invisible string theory which is an accident and has absolutely nothing to do with their on screen relationship. buddie may be fanon but at least no one pretends they're already fucking.
wdym because "the writers say so", everything we see on screen is because the writers say so, and the conversation pre-first kiss is very much a real conversation that's not about buck's sexuality. i think you need to accept that people do see a genuine emotional connection between buck and tommy.
like come on, it's very obvious that buck's attracted to him, oliver is acting like he's attracted to him, the dialogue is saying why he's attracted to him and tommy's behaviour is lining up with that. what do i get by pretending that's not happening?
and has b*ddie been well signposted? what does that even mean in the context of a ship the writers have (so far) never intended to make happen? yeah there's plenty there that can be read as romantic but that doesn't mean it was put there deliberately as part of some grand 10 year plan.
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outrunningthedark · 3 months
but couldnt there be a scenario where buck and tommy dont break up cause wouldnt them breaking up so soon put buck back on the hamster wheel???
I'm not thinking too far ahead for BuckTommy just because calling them "endgame" when we don't even know how many more years this show has left accomplishes nothing, but unless Lou and Tim come to mutual agreement about writing Tommy off the show (Tim won't give up on the ship when he knew what was gonna happen once things didn't lead to Buddie), I expect Tommy to be part of the show and part of Buck's life until he's not. Could be season 8, could be season 9, could be never because they actually do end up together in the end, but I have to see the story unravel before I actually start anticipating a breakup. My previous posts are more of a general commentary on how the fandom is spending their time theorizing about Lou wanting to be on SWAT full time (and thus having to walk away from 9-1-1, ending BuckTommy) and how saying goodbye to Tommy isn't going to pave the way for Buddie when Buddie going canon is more complicated and messy than "Well, if the guys are 'all for it' I don't see the problem." (First and foremost because, if fans haven't noticed, R&O are still not fully entertaining the "inevitability" of Buddie - they want the straight & bi platonic dynamic to be explored first so it's not a "bi guy falls for his BFF" trope, and then, and only then, if the story makes sense for their characters, they will work on taking those next steps to create a believable romance for the rest of the audience to get behind. And that's ONLY if ABC is on board, too!)
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evansboyfriend · 2 months
You wanna talk fic? OKAY.
1. How many wips do you have currently?
2. Which one are you finding the hardest to finish? Why do you think that is?
3. What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
4. Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
5. Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organised?
I'm just curious, it's interesting to know what it looks like for different authors and I wanna learn about you so. There you go! Have a nice day :D
like, 7? but i'm 90% done with the saltommy fic so if i exclude that, it'll be 6. although im so tempted to write more tommy threesome fic so.. might go back to 7 soon. hah. cant help myself.
the saltommy fic. i have chronic 'cant finish things' disorder plus i lowkey dont wanna let go 🥺 i get attached to my characters when writing long fic, because its a specific version of them. and endings are hard. and this one specifically because its not going to be a happy ending (it is canon compliant after all, and tommy meets buck some years later, so... it's bucktommy endgame in this universe) but im a weak bitch so i might write a little oneshot companion piece taking place when buck and tommy are together and run into sal. as a treat.
uhh.. usually i start a new tumblr text post or google doc and start writing down the words before i lose them. and it just happens at the most random times. i have no control over it whatsoever. rip.
not usually! i made a saltommy playlist to listen to as i write to keep me in the saltommy mood (because i tend to check tumblr and its like, 90% bucktommy, and then i get distracted) i tend to make character or ship playlists according to canon.
probably balls to the wall? i never plan before i start writing. i just write down ideas or scenes as they come to me. and then might rearrange the order or think a bit more about how to make the story flow better, with a clear beginning, middle, and end, even when there's not much *plot* happening, more character or relationship study. for more plot-heavy fics i'll have a vague outline at least in my head. i know other writers are more organised. im usually just winging it.
im gonna tag some writer friends if they want to answer about themselves but no pressure
/ @wikiangela @evanbi-ckley @buckera
/ @aringofsalt @theweewooshow @bucksboobs
/ @jewishbuckley @repressedqueen @evnnkinard
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Alright sorry for the rant.
I'm so tired to see buckt*ommy shipper everywhere man...ao3 is a f*cking nightmare since he's in every new fic , thr**somes fics and other things from hell ?!? same on tumblr and don't get me started on twitter too because its a freaking war zone everytime someone speak out.
They are gonna be so insufferable and even more soon and i'm so tired already i don't want to see them everywhere. Don't get me wrong people are free to ship the hell they want, and i get people who think they are cute but the thing i don't understand its the way some of " buddie shipper" jumped ship at the first very first second Buck had his lips on a MAN. They just wanted m/m relationship they truly don't care about Eddie and buddie. T*mmy had like 10min onscreen and oh woaw they are already endgame and he's the most well written character on the show please come on be real i swear. And they dragging us since calling us delulu and laughing at us ? Oh wait, wait do you remember everyone wanted lou/t*mmy dead/gone weeks before 7x05 aired because i remember EVERYDAY. I'm sorry but again i think the whole t*mmy thing is rushed af like every LI Buck had, nothing changed. But since that person is man again so yeah here we are...
I'm a die hard buddie shipper and i'll die on that freaking hill defending my ship until they are canon.
Again sorry for the rant...
I love reading rants. They are great to see. I don’t get the bucktommy shippers either.
I’ll be a diehard Buddie shipper till there’s no more show to ship.
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sevensoulmates · 6 months
Lou could have doubled down and said buck and tommy could be endgame, what does he do instead confirm basically that Tommy is short term and he's basically to get Buck comfortable with being with a man before Buck goes and pursues Eddie like wtf. We could be looking at our first canon buddie hint as early as the season finale.
I just genuinely don't think Lou knows what's going to happen with his character, which is fine. He was definitely only brought in initially for a four-episode arc (which would technically mean episode 6 would be his last) but that definitely doesn't seem like he could never come back, or extend his role past the initial four episodes. In fact, if I'm being quite honest with you, I'm not sure about episode 8 or 9, but I would not be surprised at all if Tommy makes an appearance in the finale 7x10 to really wrap up the arc.
I think that as of right now the writers want Tommy to be a "starter relationship" as mentioned by Tim, I believe. And starter relationships could last or they could not. To me, it seems like bucktommy and buddie right now both exist in the land of the vague. Literally a "will they won't they" at this point.
I do think the Eddie of it is going to end up being an elephant in the room through the entire relationship, as it's already become with all of Bucktommy being haunted by Eddie in both 7x04 and 7x05. I'm sure that's not going to end anytime soon. I don't think that'll mean buddie immediately following bucktommy, but I do think given how episode 5 went that it could lend to Buck possibly figuring out his feelings for Eddie by the end of the season. If he does, that could be before or after an ending with Tommy, or as a result of.
Either way, I actually want Tommy to hang around, pop in every now and then like Ravi or Josh, or Linda. I like him as a character, and I like Lou as an actor (Scorpios unite!!!) so I hope he gets to come back even if for a smaller story.
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