#buddy when I tell you that I DO and most of them ain’t great I mean it
cindol · 10 months
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tw— reader a pretty princess, reader is 26 and ino is 22, ino is rich somehow just by being nanami’s assistant don’t ask me!!,
synopsis— ino is the perfect boy for a girl like y/n.
congrats on 600 naj! @honeybleed . 90’s collab event
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y/n’s worst trait was how forgiving she could be, even to the most heinous acts to her, her boyfriend now ex boyfriend took great advantage of that. It was sweet at first, him taking her to restaurants no matter how cheap they were but then it turned bitter sweet. Turning from him asking her for extra cash and even getting the audacity to even steal her credit card and use her car on his own whim. Once the breakup soon happened she had to ask the question, ‘where are all good men?’ This question even was on her mind as she was at the newest popular club with her girls.
When ranting to shoko and utahime on the Group FaceTime they took her to the new Blue Eagel club saying how there was a lot of eye candy at this joint. Y/n sipped the glass of pink Whitney she had as shoko and utahime had their usual Hennessy. Shoko smiled seeing the corners of y/n’s lips turned off.”whole lotta’ eye candy right? Get you outta that bummed out mood?” Y/n couldn’t help but make a chuckle come out her throat.”Mm… whole lot of male eye candy..”looking around the club she could see some now. a small group of tall of six men, there was about one that stuck out to her. She could’ve sworn she could see him staring at her from her small table. She was broken out her stare from how shoko and utahime made tipsy ‘ooo’ sound effects.
She rolled her eyes smiling at the two.”looks like our babe found her some skinny eye candy?” Utahime teased and it made y/n even scoff with a chuckle hidden in.”oh please.. I just got out a sticky ass breakup, what would I look like lusting over another scrawny man?” Shoko and utahime just raised their eyebrows up and down with a cat like smile.”ain’t that your type?” Shoko said in a teasing tone making y/n have a barely visible blush on her cheek.”Oh hush.. go on somewhere if y’all are just gonna tease me.” That was the invite for the two tipsy girls to make their way off to the dance floor.
Just as they left the man came closer to her table and she got a good look of him. He wasn’t very dolled up like the guys he came with. He was sporting just a normal black dress shirt, some grey slacks but had some generic lazy brown hair. He now stood right in front of her with a cheeky smile.”hey, don’t know how my buddies even do this kinda thing but.. saw ya staring at me across the room.” As soon as he said those words he wanted to cringe and turn pink when you rolled your eyes smiling.”room? We’re in a club. Don’t you mean across the dance floor?”
He played it off chuckling and scratching the back of his head.”I’m bad at catch lines what can I say? Can’t knock down a guy for trying.” Y/n liked his wit, she could tell he was obviously just a nervous boy but still very smooth with his comebacks. She took a sip of her pink Whitney.”mhm.. take a seat yes?” He listened to her taking a seat from across her at the small round table. Now that he was taking a close at her she was a gorgeous girl, with a beautiful dark straight haired brunette lace sat on her head perfectly when he looked at her face she had some light makeup on but her lips popped out with them lined and glossed up and even her outfit was pretty, with her wearing a light pink halter top and a pink mini skirt and chunky light pink chunky platform heels that matched her brown skin perfect. Everything about this girl was pretty to him
She noticed how he was zoning out just staring at her and snapped her fingers.”aye, eyes up here sir!” That made him blink and chuckle.”sorry bout that, can’t help but stare at a beautiful girl y’know?” That made her a bit bashful as she smiled at his cheesy lines. He could tell he was winning her over slowly.”instead of this awkward tension let me know something about the girl who was staring me down just from the dance floor.” She made a light chuckle tapping her fingers on the tables surface.”well, I just got out of weird breakup last night and now I’m here. That’s a small fact.” Ino could control the small damn he let out at that.”Ah shit, sorry that’s just a big bombshell.” She giggled at his reaction.”No no, my ex boyfriend was a bit of dick anyways.. He was always borrowing my car, money and nearly maxing my card out.”
That made ino’s brows raise.”what a way to treat a girl you love huh?” She hummed in response.”what can ya do though? Not much good boys in this town really..” Ino made a huff sound at that, the next thing he said he couldn’t even control out his mouth.”I would never do that to you.” It made y/n giggle to have a boy she barely even knew say this just 9 minutes into the conversation.”you barely know me boy, and yet you think you know what’s best for me hm?” She jokes a little which takes ino aback, everything she said made him fluster and think about the stupid words he said. He attempted to play off his words, still showing his boyish charm and overall confidence despite his blushing.”well I don’t know you well enough since I just met you well about some minutes ago but with how you stared at me across that floor and your body language maybe we can figure something out y’know?”
Before she could make another witty comment he continued.”You may look like you have more experience and a more rich taste but trust me, I could be that man for you. I could do the bill paying, the nice spa treatment and resorts. Just give me one chance.” That made y/n’s legs clench a bit, she still had some excuse up her sleeve.”you don’t even know my name.”
“Takuma ino, what’s yours?” He said it so quickly like he wasn’t taking no for a answer or any excuse. Y/n gave in seeing how determined this boy was.”l/n y/n.”
🎀 ᘏᘏ 🎀
In the 6 months y/n had gotten to know ino he kept his promise and word about treating her right. He definitely paid her bills and treated her to the best restaurants and clubs. It amazed her how he could just have this much money from being a assistant apparently. Throughout these months she started to date ino he showed a lot of chivalry for his age, there were some instances where his romance showed out.
He was very serious about paying her bills and expenses like she thought. Truthfully she thought it would just be some fun little three months she would be dating him till she was 4 months in and saw the effect. Even knowing how financially stable ino was she still hesitated asking him to pay for things, it was just her mentality when growing up poor. Ino had this mentality himself when he was younger, that’s how he picked her up on her habbit of always turning lights off and yelling at him across the room to make sure to turn the bathroom light off once he’s done in her bathroom, she even did this in his house without noticing.
When she was scolding him once again about turning the shower water and lights off more often he just hushed her with a finger on her lips.”babe babe, I can take care of all that dumb bill shit.” It stunned her a bit how he hushed her and he chuckled noticing.”I’m your rich new boyfriend did you forget?”
Another instance was him amazing her when taking her to a fresh new restaurant. It was foreign to her a little, as she looked at the fancy menu and the other customers around she felt a bit out of place even in the mini pink dress she had on. Ino could feel how uncomfortable she was, he had gone through the same feelings she did. Across the small table he put his hand on hers rubbing the back of her hand.”hey, enjoy yourself y’know? You deserve the best treatment. Can’t let ya leave out before you try the oxtails this place has.”
Ino was definitely trying to get her comfortable in his lifestyle and it was working slowly. Y/n didn’t even notice how she was wearing more tennis girl wear and going to a country club with him to meet some of his colleagues and friends.
He was showing he could be the boy to pay her bills and everything and more, before she even knew it.
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misctf · 1 year
Age Burner
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“Getting older ain’t easy”. My dad would often say that when I was growing up, and like most things your parents tell you, I didn’t take it too seriously. But 30ish years later, I started to appreciate those words of wisdom. I was a college baseball player, the ladies were all over me, and I actually had hair on my head and not everywhere else. But now I can barely throw a baseball around with my son without an ache or pain. And with him about to go off to college and play baseball, it was like he was reliving my golden days.
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So with father’s day and my birthday coming up, another great reminder of my age, I decided to get something for myself. I happened across an internet ad, big letters flashing “Age Burner!” Initially thought it’d be some type of scam supplement or something. But I ordered it and a few days later, a small package arrived with a single pill. I had half a mind to throw it out, but I already spent the money. I took the pill right before I went to bed as instructed, and had the best sleep of my life. When I woke up the next morning, I immediately noticed a difference. No aches or pains! My skin felt youthful and firm. No hair anywhere but my head! I ran to the mirror and was shocked- it was like time was turned back and I was my old 19-year old self. I could barely keep my hands off my firm pecs and my abs. I even flexed to show off my guns. It felt so good to be back.  
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After some time, I rummaged through my closet and found my old baseball glove, a grin forming on my face. I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to play ball with my son, show him what his old man was capable of back in his youth. I ran over to his room, excited to spend the day with him when my heart sunk. The man sitting in my son’s bed looked nothing like him: bald, hairy, a small flabby gut sitting between his legs. He looked up at me, a handful of his gut in his hand, too shocked to say anything.
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After the initial shock subsided, and my son had two cups of coffee, we went and investigated. The pill does in fact burn away age, almost like a fat loss supplement. But that age had to go somewhere and in this case, it all went to my son. Reversal should be easy enough, he would just need to take the pill too. The problem was the pill was on back order for at least a few months- apparently it was very popular and the company was having a hard time keeping up their supply.
It’s been a few weeks without them taking any new orders, but my son seems to be adjusting well. He’s enjoyed keeping up with lawn care and found himself a construction job. And the other day, he offered to fire up the grill for me and my new buddies from the baseball team. I even came home and found him sipping a beer on the patio and laughing with a few of his new work buddies. I'm just happy he's happy. To tell you the truth, the longer things stay like this, the more I wonder if we’ll want to go back. I for damn sure know my answer.
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sapphicdib · 1 year
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Your cycle consumes itself. What have you become?
(ˡᵒʳᵉ ᵈᵘᵐᵖ ᵇᵉˡᵒʷ ᶜᵘᵗ)
SO THIS IS MY INV VS SAINT AU!! It started as a shitpost and uh. Spiralled. Out of control. And now it’s genuine lol.
Enot and Saint are basically mortal enemies, and Saint needs to get Enot OUT OF THE CYCLES in order to continue his work, because this damn horny bastard won’t stop hunting him down…for some reason. Isn’t ascension the greatest gift you can bestow upon the creatures suffering in this barren wasteland? At least Saint thinks that. Inv, on the other hand, does not.
Enot stumbles upon Pebbles while passing through the silent construct, trying to find food one day. He takes a liking to this half-dead pink toaster, bringing him scraps of fabric as blankets and lanterns, and the best part…talking to him. Inv, somehow, can talk to iterators. And despite Pebbles’ very limited ability to reply, he does appreciate the company, and slowly the cycles become less agonizing. Pebbles has a friend. However, when Saint finds him, his immediate reaction is to attempt to ascend him—and he is tackled by a very angry slugcat, hissing and spitting at him in defence of its friend.
When Saint attempts to ascend him, he misses, just barely clipping Enot’s tail and glitching him half-out of reality. He then realizes, to his horror, that his karma seems to be draining. Whatever the hell this thing is, it’s dangerous, and Saint retreats to restore his karma (and heal some of the nasty wounds Enot gave him).
Inv turns back to see Pebbles, staring at him in pure fear, before he simply whispers out a “Thank…you…”. And that’s when Inv makes it his mission to save Pebbles (and everyone else) from Saint.
This leads to Inv running around the map, hot on Saint’s heels, trying to get any and all the iterators to figure out a way to get off their damn strings and LIVE again! Most of them are collapsed or semi-collapsed, so it’ll be an uphill battle, but when a glitchy, teleporting slugcat with the ability to speak tells you to do something…you’d be kinda inclined to do it.
Anyways the reason Enot can’t be ascended is because he is happy to give in to every single one of the great taboos. Wrath, Lust, Friendship, Gluttony, and Self Preservation. He revels in them. And if he can help the others experience them, and become happy with living again, they’ll be immune too! Also he is ridiculously OP to the point of him basically just having DevTools active because I think it’s Funny. He can glitch-teleport and drains the karma of beings around him. He also talks super casually and I think it’s funny.
A little bit of their dynamic hehe:
“Hey, pal!”
“I would like you to stop calling me that, please. You may call me the Saint.”
“Ahah. Not happening.”
“You are incredibly disrespectful.”
“Hey man, I’m not the one calling myself a saint but then running around killing shit and acting like it’s a good thing.”
“You use such vulgar words. I ascend beings, freeing them from the torment of these endless cycles. It is my purpose.”
“Even the ones who don’t want to go? Bro, you don’t even ask. The last robot you almost merked was screaming “no wait” at you, and you still think you’re in the right here? You’re not some kind of righteous saint, that’s called being a fuckin’ serial killer.”
“You do not understand what you are talking about!”
“Whoa, buddy! Are you gettin’ mad? Ain’t that…a lil taboo? PFFT look at your face!”
“I am not tolerating this any longer. Goodbye.”
That’s all I can think of rn! Send asks if you like!
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bcolfanfic · 6 months
Mollie I’m in desperate need of Curt HC’s from the young vet au!!! If you want!! Please don’t let me annoy you about it!!! <3
these are dedicated to @johnslittlespoon bc i associate curt with them <3
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most importantly, he ain’t dead! this is an AU and i make the rules, yay
still from new york, still a little crazy
this is in the 21st century and post don’t ask don’t tell being abolished. but people are still people and a handful still give bucky and gale shit when they pick up on their relationship. curt is protective of them and gets into more than one yelling match and/or brawl coming to their defense
puts himself in charge of making the hype up playlists for the field and takes it super seriously. doesn’t take requests either, everyone just has to trust his judgment.
when he gets his leg blown off by a land mine and goes home he says they aren’t allowed to let anyone else make the playlists, he’ll keep doing it from the states.
but before he leaves when he’s still in the hospital in bagram he gets in his head about how he wasn’t doing anything “noble” when he got hurt and was just in the wrong place at the wrong time
bucky tells him that doesn’t mean anything- that his being here at all was noble and nothing can take that away.
curt says he doesn’t know about that, and sees bucky’s face shift.
they change the topic.
the guys are all bummed to see him go home but bucky is *crushed*. gale sits up with him the first couple nights he’s gone and rubs his back while he cries. he just really misses his buddy 💔
when curt gets back to the states he gets a service dog that’s the most spoiled dog on earth. that’s his baby and he names it some goofy human name like tony soprano.
he keeps in touch with everyone while they’re still over seas. but the first people he sees when they’re back stateside are gale and bucky- flying out to visit once they’re settled in wyoming.
he knew bucky wasn’t doing great, but actually seeing how bad he’s doing in the flesh makes his gut twist. especially when he brushes it off. especially when he can see it in gale’s eyes how worried and exhausted he is.
it comes to a head one night when bucky and gale get into argument and bucky goes from 0-100 in about 60 seconds. curt steps in to intervene, tells bucky to come outside with him and smoke to cool off.
bucky tells him to fuck off and mind his business.
“we don’t need a couples therapist, get the fuck outta’ my god damn house.”
“yeah no can do bucky. not letting you talk to gale like this, or me. get outside. now.”
but bucky is stubborn and just doesn’t move. gale looks near tears and before curt can think better of it he smacks bucky upside the head.
“look at what you’re doing to him- you think this shit is cute? when’s the last time he raised his voice at you off the cuff?”
gale tells him to stop, even if he does appreciate someone else trying to get through to him.
tells him to stop because he knows what’s coming when he sees bucky’s bottom lip shake.
bucky bursts into tears and presses his hands into his eyes- mumbling about being too fucked up for all of this as his chest heaves.
“i got my shit too man, come on, let’s go outside.”
bucky follows him this time and they sit out there for 2 hours talking about the war and the government and PTSD and the VA’s office.
which is apparently just as incompetent in new york.
but bucky can’t help but laugh at one of curt’s gripes with them being that his insurance would cover an a-typical prosthetic, not a peg leg from some guy that manufactures them in his garage upstate.
he needed that laugh.
“i put gale through too much. feel like he regrets getting a marriage certificate the second we came back. not settlin’ down with some girl. not like he’d have a hard time getting one.”
“hey- no way. he loves you. wouldn’t be so bent up seeing you hurting if he didn’t. if he wanted out- he wouldn’t be here. you’re the self destructor, all respect. not buck.”
bucky taps his cig in the ash tray on the patio table.
“when you’d get so smart?”
“gotta compensate for havin’ one less leg with something.”
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*Destino noticed Felix rushing over to them.*
Destino: You see what I mean about all of these Pokémon being weird? What did I do wrong?
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*Felix was angry. Angry with himself. Angry that he didn’t stop Destino when he could see that they were going to insult the large Pokémon. Angry that he tried to make excuses for them. Also angry at Destino for not taking this situation with the seriousness it deserved*
Felix: Destino. I ain’t laughin’ at this.
*Destino could see their friend was trying to be serious with them. Oh great. Destino hated when Felix tried this. Hopefully the ghost type didn’t go full therapy mode on them.*
Destino: Of course not. I wouldn’t laugh either if I were dead. Then again, I wouldn’t be able to make a sound at all. You know, with the whole being dead thing.
*Before Felix could speak, Destino put their claw over the ghost type’s mouth.*
Destino: Shhh, I’m not done yet. You know it’s rude to interrupt someone when they’re about to speak. I just don’t see why you’re so worried, buddy. I’m not dead. Everything is fine. I’m sure I would have been able to charm that large Pokémon some more to get her to release me. This isn’t the first time I’ve-
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Destino: Of course it’s not my first time. The first time was with this other weird-looking Pokémon. Ky-something-or-other. I almost drowned but I survived. I’m fine. Came out of it wet but it dried fairly quickly. Though, I don’t know how I’m gonna get this gunk out of my fur. Nasty saliva stuff.
*Felix sighed. Why didn’t Destino tell him about the first time? He knew Destino didn’t tell him about every little detail in their life but they told him most things. Felix knew he needed to make things clear with Destino. Put it into words Destino would respond to.*
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Felix: I guarantee they ain’t filthier than what’s currently on ya face. *Felix takes his hands away and Destino glances at their fur again, disgusted look on their face.*
Destino: Perhaps I’ll need to be excused for an hour or so to remove this slime. Could you go and check on the prisoner downstairs? Interrogate her or something. Find out more about her before I go up there with her.
Felix: Of course. Take ya time. Perhaps don’t sing too loudly this time. I doubt you’d want everyone else ta hear ya.
Destino: Felix, you know everyone would want to hear my gorgeous voice. It would fill their ears with delight. I’m gonna sing extra loud just for them.
Felix: Alright pal. Good luck with that.
*Destino leaves to give their fur a good wash. You can definitely hear a voice singing through the stony walls and it’s actually surprisingly good. Destino can definitely hit those notes. Looks like that’s the only thing Destino seems to be good at. Felix heads down towards the dungeons to see Hope.*
*Destino is currently unavailable for asks.*
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owlafterhours · 7 months
[ac6] rusty/freud : what happens in vegas, doesn't always stay in vegas
Hello sorry for being extremely distractible, absolutely astronaut things incoming but this has definitely been on the brain (thank you kiva and the rusty/freud thread!) and i do not have the willpower to write this out proper. This is pretty tame. Nobody is terribly unhinged, but it’s admittedly not a premise where anyone can be properly unhinged, except sorta drunk.
CW: alcohol
IN WHICH: Rusty’s sorta hungover and hitched, Freud’s got the cream and the canary and Raven?? Is being a great spectator, that’s what. Featuring Space Vegas and the nebulous idea that they’re still AC pilots but like, things are a bit different. A lot less life or death.
Rusty wakes up on the couch of his hotel suite. His mouth feels like it got bonded together with year-old glue. Head’s not pounding though, so that’s good. He’s got some idea of what happened the night before but honestly, not that great of a recollection right now. Not a problem - he’s familiar with this, he’ll remember when he gets a bit of food and water in him. 
His phone is going off - it’s his morning break alarm. Ugh. He’s been out a while.
Makes sense though. What was it last night? He and a few of the others had gone out after the mandatory Arquebus company dinner and complained a bit. Rusty always knew that O’Keeffe and Hawkins had it in them to drink like fish, and he’d been careful to pace himself but Freud had appeared and then…more drinking. He’d wanted to share a drink with the guy. But that many? There are sixty-something messages waiting for him. Well, that’s not much of a surprise.
O’Keeffe, Flatwell, Freud…Buddy? 
Oh shit. Something better not have happened. Rusty’s fairly sure he’s at least five hours away from Raven, so he hopes his buddy didn’t get himself in trouble ‘cause Rusty sure ain’t going to drive all the way over to bail him out. 
>>morning >>congrats
Rusty scrolls up. He feels his brain freeze, juuust a little. It’s almost like that first time he met Raven, when the tyke had a bag of flour and a lighter. Except with more consequences! 
There are pictures. Of him and Freud. At one of those walk-in wedding places. He doesn’t look as drunk as he probably felt, and neither does Freud, which helps explain how it happened in the first place. It’s a string of like, ten pictures, and he can see that:
a) they did, indeed, get married b) no rings c) yes, certificates d) and raven had, indeed, been there if that one photo with a blurry officiant meant anything.
It’s at that time that the door to his hotel room swings open and Freud’s apparently just let himself in with two large paper bags. From the smell, Rusty can tell there are at least fries in it, but that doesn’t stop him from freezing. Freud just spares him a glance before setting the food down on the shelf by the door.
“Don’t tell me you forgot everything?” There’s a bit of a mocking edge to it. 
“Ah…no. I. remember most of it.” He mumbled back.
If his rapidly recovering memory is right, Freud had volunteered to take Rusty back to the hotel, while O’Keeffe and Hawkins had stayed behind to nurse a few more drinks. On their way back, Freud had complained about Rusty like, not taking notice of anything he was doing, and offhandedly mentioned that he’d probably have to marry Rusty to catch any hints. Rusty, drunk, had said ‘maybe’ and Freud had apparently, just.
And gone. “Really now?”
“Sure, yeah,” drunk Rusty had slurred, “Fly with me.”
Rusty thinks he can remember that. (Damn. He. really said that. To Freud.) He’d looked straight back into Freud’s eyes, because they had been very nice under the lights at night, the flecks of LED colour reflected in them. 
It’d been a pretty alright kiss at the altar, all things considered, and he passed out on the couch pretty quickly after getting back. Who knows why Freud had just left him there, but he supposes it’s better than waking up half naked or something of the sort.
Rusty looks at Freud now, standing there with two bags of take-away and figures that alright, maybe yeah sure. They can. Work it out. 
It’s a pretty awkward breakfast, mostly from Rusty’s end, but it’s more or less Rusty being like, ‘not sure if. that. was. my best moment.’ and Freud being ‘I do not try. I do. so trying to catch you was horrid.’ and whilst Freud is very ‘why not just leave it as is’, Rusty gets the feeling that if he doesn’t deal with this in a Responsible Manner, he’ll have a minimum of three people on his ass, maybe more. 
Flatwell, at the very least, will be Very Disappointed. Ziyi as well. That is never a good combo.
Anyway, O’Keeffe absolutely finds out because he takes like, One Look at Rusty and Freud before sighing and wandering off for more coffee. Snail seems to suspect something, which means that Swinburne shoots glances at them, and Pater’s got a curious glimmer in his eyes. Maeterlinck is firmly in I Do Not Percieve territory. Nobody actually comments on it though, so they get through the last full day of this company working holiday with little incident. 
Freud absolutely finally gets to take Rusty on a ‘proper date’ - aka an illegal drag race. It’s a good time! The vehicles are very nice. It feels like what they usually do, except they’re not the ones behind the wheel.
It only hits him the morning after, that he has no idea what Raven was even doing at the wedding venue, let alone the area. He’s managed to corral Freud into neatening up the bedroom at least, so he shoots off a message while he’s checking the kitchenette for anything they might’ve left behind.
what were u doing there did i ask u to come?
He gets his reply twenty minutes later when they’re getting ready to leave.
>> no
Followed by a selfie. Raven never takes selfies. There’s a shit-eating look in his eyes. He’s wearing a jacket that isn’t his, and it’s got an uncomfortably familiar logo on it. He can also see that someone’s head is resting on Raven’s shoulder and, you know what, that hair? Also uncomfortably familiar. 
Rusty hopes that it doesn’t mean what he thinks it means as the photo gets pushed up.
>> but also >> i was ur witness >> dw >> it’s freud who owes me
“Is that Raven?” Freud comes and hooks his chin over Rusty’s shoulder and Rusty has to stop from startling - he gets the feeling that Freud’s going to be doing a lot of that, even after they sort out this entire marriage fiasco. Rusty scrolls back up again to the selfie.
“No idea what he sees in that man.” Freud mutters, disgruntled.
Well, that’s another thing they agree on.
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
A Mermaid Princess and A Pirate King
The next installment of my mermaid AU of Motonari's route! I hope you enjoy!
I wasn’t sure exactly how many days it was, but we were eventually making port back in Aki. I was feeling somewhat stronger, surprisingly. Hiroyoshi had continued to bring me my meals while I had been on the ship.
“Just remember when ya get yer big tearful reunion with yer buddies, ya sing my praises.” Motonari told me. “And I’m Shojumaru.”
“Yes, yes I know.” I snapped at him. “I’m not an idiot.”
“Heh, heh sure ya ain’t, fish girl.” Motonari replied, grinning at me. “Just make sure ya fix yer face and have that big ole smile on when ya see yer buddies again.”
“I would think being kidnapped and put up for auction would be enough to traumatize anyone.” I replied. “So, if I don’t fix my face as you said, that would make more sense.”
“True, but I bought ya ‘fore anything too terrible could happen.” Motonari countered.
“Pretty sure I’d have preferred being bought by just about anyone else.” I replied. “I could have easily taken them down.”
“Ya talk a big game, Princess, but ya sure ain’t proved none of it yet.”
“Take this damn binding off of me and I’ll show you.” I replied, glaring at him defiantly.
Motonari’s smile only widened. “Heh, maybe one o’ these days when my plans are all done and the world’s the way it should be, I will.”
“And just how is the world supposed to be?” I asked him. “With you in charge?”
“Hell nah, I don’t want that shit.” Motonari replied. “I don’t want anyone up top. They do nothin’ but take and prop themselves up. Lookin’ down on everyone and makin’ ‘em their slaves.”
“If you don’t wanna be the one in charge then…what do you want?” I asked, unable to stop myself.
“I don’t care…just no one standin’ up top above everyone else.” Motonari answered. “No one tellin’ me what ta do.”
“Telling YOU what to do?” I asked.
“Just shut it.” Motonari commanded, glaring hard at me. “I don’t owe you an explanation fer nothin’. Yer my property and ya’ve got one purpose.” For someone who just down-talked slavery, he sure loved treating me like his property.
I felt a pang in my chest at the quick change in pace. He had seemed to be letting something slip, but then stopped, slamming that door back closed. But it did give me an idea. If I could get Motonari to trust me…maybe I could eventually get him to let me out of this damn bracelet and then I could take him down. We spent the rest of the walk back to his merchant house in silence, me contemplating how best to get him to trust me.
When we arrived back, I was greeted by a very relieved-looking Hideyoshi and Mitsunari. Hideyoshi seemed to forget himself and was pulling me into a tight hug. “Ava, thank gods you’re alright.” He said. “We have been so worried about you.”
I returned the hug, feeling tears sting my eyes at his warm kindness. He really was just like a big brother. “I’m so happy to see you again.” I replied.
“You have no idea how hard we have been searching for you, Lady Ava.” Mitsunari agreed. 
Hideyoshi released me from his hug and then turned to Motonari. “Thank you so much, Shojumaru. We owe you a great debt for finding and rescuing Ava.”
No. No you don’t! I internally screamed. He’s the reason I ended up captured in the first place!
“Think nothing of it, my lords.” Motonari replied, giving a deep bow. “I only wish I could have found the princess sooner, before she even had to go through such a terrible ordeal.”
Yeah, a terrible ordeal YOU put me through! I internally screamed.
“I should have known that scoundrel Motonari Mouri would target the princess.” Motonari continued.
“The important thing is Ava is safe now and that’s thanks to you.” Hideyoshi replied. “Now, we just need to find that bastard and make him pay, not only for what he did to Ava, but for what he did to Azichi and to even his own home.”
“Yes, it is a tragedy, indeed. The most heinous of crimes.” Motonari agreed.
You know, with as much as he pissed me off, I had to give the man credit as an actor.
“Were you able to get any closer to finding him?” Mitsunari asked.
Motonari shook his head. “Unfortunately, no, my lords.” He answered. “But I will keep looking and I swear to you, I won’t stop looking for him.”
Hideyoshi nodded resolutely. "We understand and really appreciate your efforts." He said. "Any information you can find we will greatly appreciate."
Motonari nodded and bowed. "Might I make a request that I believe will help us all in the matter of information sharing?"
Hideyoshi nodded. "Of course. What is your idea?"
"To accompany you back to Azuchi, my lords." Motonari answered. "That way when my contacts send word to me I can bring it directly to you and your lord right away."
So THAT was his plan all along! Oh, I hate saying this but he's good. Ugh, we could really use his intelligence on our side. I thought, though I worked hard to keep my expression neutral.
"That is a brilliant idea. I am sure Lord Nobunaga will be pleased." Hideyoshi replied after thinking for a moment. 
"Yes, and especially after your rescue of Lady Ava." Mitsunari agreed.
"I'll also be able to have the items you requested delivered sooner this way, my lady." Motonari said, looking at me, a polite smile on his face. Though his ruby eyes told me he had everything going according to his plan and I'd better play along.
"Oh, that would be most excellent, Shojumaru." I replied, hoping my tone didn't sound as sarcastic as it felt, as I held his gaze my own eyes showing my defiance. Yes I'm playing along with you for now, but that is all.
Motonari's smile took on an amused look. It was as if he found me entertaining. Clearly he was thinking Yeah right, fish girl!
We stayed in Aki a few more days before we were setting out back to Azuchi. This time with "Shojumaru" in tow. During the ride back, Motonari made sure to stay close to me. Though he had me completely under his control thanks to the damn shackle on my wrist, he didn't seem to trust me alone.
We were about one more days ride away from Azuchi. We were all camping out anf most everyone had gone to bed. I was feeling restless and was sitting by the fire, needing reading a book on medicinal herbs. It was more or less something to occupy my mind though that kept wandering.
"You're awake awfully late, my lady."
I sighed as I looked up at Motonari. Clearly he was keeping up his act in case the night watchmen were close by. "Just restless and decided to do some reading." 
He smiled at me. "Well, then hope you don't mind if I keep you company." He said as he plopped down at my side, though not too close. "What are you reading?"
I held up the book so he could see. "About medicinal herbs. Never hurts to know about as many as possible."
Motonari looked genuinely intrigued. "You really are a hard working Princess."
"Just trying to do my part. There's already enough pain and death in the world. I may as well do something to help alleviate some of it." I replied, giving my honest feelings.
Motonari snorted derisively. Then spoke in a low voice so only I could hear. "Ain't no way anyone's that kind. What do ya get outta takin' care o' everyone else, huh? What's yer game?" He asked glaring at me.
I glared right back at him. "Believe what you want, but I really do care. I DO WANT to help. I'm a healer first."
"That healers heart is what got ya in trouble in the first place, fish girl."
"For now." I reminded him. "Though clearly you are scared that the power won't hold, since you won't leave me alone."
"Just makin' sure my investment pays off." Motonari replied with a toothy grin.
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever asshole." I replied, shutting my book and standing up. "Goodnight Shojumaru." I was then walking off towards my tent.
Motonari got up and followed me. "Night, fish girl." He told me as we reached my tent.
I fought the urge to slap him as I stepped inside my tent grumbling incoherently about that damn pirate. I got one of the worst nights of sleep I’d had in a while and the next day on the last leg of our ride, I was feeling very irritated.
“Is there something the matter, my lady?” Motonari asked in his SHojumaru voice as he rode beside me.
“Terrible night of sleep.” I answered, glaring hard at him.
“That’s a shame.” He replied. “I might be able to find you some herbal teas that can help with that.”
“Ava, you should definitely let Shojumaru find you some tea. Or I might have something in my stores when we get back to Azuchi.” Hideyoshi added. “Sleep is very important.”
“Says the man who gets the least amount of sleep in all of Azuchi.” I replied, giving Hideyoshi a fond smile.
“We were talking about you.” Hideyoshi replied.
“Deflecting as always.” I replied. “Take care of yourself too, dear big brother Yoshi.”
Hideyoshi’s cheeks seemed to turn a bit pink at my teasing, which made me smile. Though with Motonari around and the difficult situation, it really did feel great to be reunited with a portion of my new family.
I happened to look over at Motonari and noticed he was watching me and Hideyoshi. He seemed to have a rather grumpy look on his face. That went away as soon as Hideyoshi looked back at him however and the Shojumaru mask was back on.
“I am sure Masamune will have a feast prepared.” Hideyoshi told him. “Have to give you a proper welcome to the castle and thank you for saving Ava.”
“I am honored.” Motonari replied with a bow. I happened to catch sight of the side of his face, a deep frown had appeared, but was gone by the time he came back up. I’m really starting to think of Shojumaru as “Customer Service Motonari.”
We soon arrived at Azuchi castle and were greeted at the gates by the rest of the found family. When I dismounted my horse, Masamune was soon sweeping me up into a tight hug. “Welcome back, lass! Glad to see you made it back in one piece.”
“Hey, I wanna hug the Princess, too!” Keiji declared with a pout as he pulled me from Masamune and was crushing me against his chest.
“Ooof!” I grumbled, but wore a happy smile as I returned each hug.
“Hey, it’s my turn! Don’t you big meatheads hog Lady Ava!” Ranmaru practically whined as he was then coming for a hug as well.
“I didn’t realize you guys missed me so much.” I said, smiling, feeling like I was being welcomed home by the best group of brothers.
“Things are never as fun without you, little mouse.” Mitsuhide replied, giving me his usual cheshire grin. “And you did give us quite the scare when we heard word of your kidnapping.”
“Yes, I commend you on coming back in one piece, Fireball.” Nobunaga greeted me, giving his usual haughty smile. Sharp carnelian eyes were then meeting red eyes as he looked at Motonari. “And I hear we have you to thank for her safe return, Shojumaru.”
“I am only happy I was able to do my part.” Motonari replied, bowing deeply to Nobunaga.
“Alright, come on. I made a big feast to celebrate your safe return and our hero of the day, Shojumaru!” Masamune declared. “I made all your favorites, lass.”
I smiled warmly at Masamune. “Your cooking? Say no more. Just lead the way!” Despite the binding on my wrist and knowing I was stuck bound to Motonari until I could figure my way out… I was happy to be back with the Oda forces. I would find a way to protect them all.
We gathered in the main hall to feast and catch up. Motonari stayed close to my side the entire evening. The man wouldn’t take his eyes off me. He seemed to watch me especially close whenever one of the Oda forces would come over to chat with me.
“Lady Ava, what are you doing here with Master Shojumaru? You should join the rest of us!” Ranmaru declared, giving Motonari an especially disgruntled look.
“Forgive me for taking all the lady’s attention.” Motonari said, smiling at Ranmaru. Though his smile was friendly his eyes were sharp. 
“You do appear rather attached to my lucky charm.” Nobunaga commented from his place on the dais.
Motonari was moving away from me then and going to bow low before Nobunaga. “Forgive me my lord, but I have completely fallen for Lady Ava and I can’t help but want to be near her.”
I blinked. Oh, what fresh hell is this?! I screamed internally. A new ploy to keep close to me and by extension the rest of the Oda forces.
“Shojumaru, I don’t think this is appropriate…” Hideyoshi scolded.
Nobunaga waved his hand dismissively at Hideyoshi. “It is alright.”
“Forgive my audacity, my lord.” Motonari said, looking like the picture of contrition. “But I can’t help to have fallen for my lady. And if I may, I have a request.”
“Go ahead.” Nobunaga said with a casual nod.
“While I am in Azuchi and awaiting word from my contacts, might I accompany the lady as her guard? I would like to keep my lady safe.” Motonari said, still bowed low. “I am afraid that that monster Motonari Mouri will try targeting her again and I would like to protect her.”
“I don’t think that’s really necessary…” I tried to speak up, but then Nobunaga was dismissing me.
“You are my lucky charm and I will decide what is best for your safety.” Nobunaga told me. “I grant you your request, Shojumaru.”
I fought off a grumble. Fuck all of you! Just take my freedom and my personhood and cut it up and serve it like cake. Why don’t we?! I internally screamed.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit too soon to trust Shojumaru with something as important as protecting Lady Ava?” Ranmaru asked, clearly having not fallen for Motonari’s act. At least someone knew how to smell a snake around here!
“I have not given him my trust. I am only choosing to use whatever tools are available to me.” Nobunaga replied.
“I see.” Ranmaru replied, frowning, but knowing he shouldn’t argue further.
The party went on for a while. Motonari was watching me as closely as ever. Though I was observing him as well. I would find a weakness. There had to be something I could use against him. He seemed to frown every time he saw me interacting with the Oda forces. The other odd thing I noticed was that he didn’t touch his food nor his sake. I wasn’t sure what this signified, but it meant something. Perhaps he was worried about poison? Didn’t want to have his senses dulled around his enemies, perhaps? These were things I could think and ponder on as I tried to solve the puzzle that was Motonari and stop whatever his plan was.
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adamarks · 3 years
hello! hope you're having a nice day
i was wondering if you have any wlw book recs? thank you in advance! :)
Into the Vanishers’ Palace, by Aliette de Bodard
I genuinely really really liked this book. The first half was a little slow but like once you’re in it you’re in it. It’s a shorter read, and it’s basically Vietnamese beauty and the beast. And yes she’s a dragon and yes they fuck and yes there’s nonbinary characters and yes all of the lgbt representation feels natural like how gays flock together in real life instead of those books where it’s like a tumblr post like “every friend group has…” It’s a refreshing, slightly confusing, fun read with doctor dragon milfs and disgraced scholars galore. I plan to read everything by this author eventually. (She has a lesbian Vietnamese Sherlock Holmes series. As if I’m not gonna read that.) 10/10
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me, by Mariko Tamaki
This is a graphic novel, for one. While it didn’t like.. grab me and hold me by the balls, I think it’s an important book for young wlw to read. Often times we romanticize being wlw and don’t like. Really register that women can be toxic just like men can when we’re growing up. I once had a lesbian tell me that before her one ex, she hadn’t known that women could be abusive. So just, genuinely, I think this is a good book to read if you haven’t been in many queer relationships because… it’s about finding your self worth and knowing when to get out! And not many books do or say that! 7/10
Motor Crush by Brendan Fletcher
Despite being written by a man they get to have personalities it’s all very exciting. I’m not caught up though so it might’ve all gone to pot who knows. It’s sexy lesbians (? Idk their sexualities) on motorcycles though so like whatever I won’t complain 9/10
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
I’m sick I’m SICK of ppl not having read this book it’s better than the movie. Anyway reccing this bc 1) buttercup is a stinky horse girl idiot with constantly cranky disease in the books. None of that translates into the movie NONE 2) Westley is a butch lesbian and you can’t change my mind and you won’t change my mind I refuse to listen 3) it has some of the most romantic passages my stupid eyes have ever read. Fuck you. 100/10
Howl’s Moving Castle, by Diane Wynne Jones
How’s is a gay man. Sophie is a lesbian. Against all odds they make it work 10/10
The Prince and the Troll, by Rainbow Rowell
Genuinely one of the best short stories I’ve ever read. I finished it and stared at the wall. I think the troll probably kisses women. 11/10
The Simon Snow Series, by Rainbow Rowell
Baz is a lesbian. 90/10
Honorable mention: I know gay women like pride and prejudice so u should read pride by ibi zoboi it’s not gay at all but it’s good
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All the things left unsaid
Summary: y/n and hangman have always been clearly head over heals for each other, but what happens when he leaves without either of them explicitly saying how they feel.
Pairing: Jake “ hangman” Seresin x female!reader
Warning: Angst, major character death
A/N: AAAAH this is my first ever fic so I’m sorry if it’s not great! But I hope you like it!
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Y/n sat outside on the back porch of the hard deck. There was a dark blue hue in the sky as the sun had just set. She clutched the note maverick had just handed her, she couldn’t bring herself to read it.
She couldn’t read it because then she would have to face her fear, her fear that he was actually gone. That she would never hear another witty remark out of Jake “hangman” Serensins mouth again.
They never openly admitted there feelings to each other, but you would be blind if you couldn’t see that y/n and hangman loved one another. The constant flirting between the two, that each would worry about the other, the constant flow of texts from one’s phone to the next. And yet y/n never said those three simple words to him “ I love you” and never will as Jake was killed on his latest mission.
“hey y/n/n want a hand closing up as I’m still here.” Hangman called to her. See she would work late shifts closing up for penny at the bar when she could, mostly because Jake would come in with his other aviator buddies and was always kind enough to stay and help her out. “ are you saying this out of pity Seresin because it was your fellow pilots who left the bar a mess.” She chuckled to herself, “maybe or maybe I just want to spend some time with the gorgeous bartender who works here.” He always knew the right things to say to her. “ also I’m leaving tomorrow morning for the mission and I’m not sure when I’ll see you next.” Ah the mission, Jake had been coming here since his OG topgun days so y/n was no stranger to him getting shipped off to the middle of no where but he always came back so it didn’t bother her. “ you’ll be right back here in no time like always flyboy” he just put on a stoic grin at that comment. She didn’t know this was going to be his most dangerous mission yet, and he wasn’t going to tell her. “ your right y/n/n but just in case…” she just had to cut him off, “ no not today we ain’t going to do none of that sappy stuff Jake you will make it home and I will have your favourite beer chilling here ice cold like I usually do.” “ ok I guess that’s how it’s going to be I’ll text you before I leave.” And with that y/n’s last interaction with hangman ever came to a close. God she wished she just let him speak.
By now it was dark, and the bar was lively behind her. She thought “ to hell with it” and opened up the letter.
Dear y/n,
Im sorry we never got to be together I always hoped we would someday get that chance. You make me a better person, I feel as though I can be myself around you and I haven’t had a person like that in a long time. Even with me being gone and all please take care of yourself, I always hated seeing you cry. I wanted to tell you I really did. Tell you about everything my feelings, the mission but the voice in my head kept telling me you deserved better than me. I’m sorry I never told you I loved you I really did. I think we will be together in another life time.
With much love,
Flyboy <3
God that nicknamed chocked her up. At this point she was sobbing, not caring if patrons from the bar saw. She was just so upset that there was so much left to tell him. She loved him more than anything, why did her fear of rejection keep her from being happy.
***2 weeks later***
Y/n was visiting his headstone. She laid the flowers that she brought and sat down in silence. The cemetery was nice it sat on a tall hill overlooking the ocean. She could hear the birds chirping and the waves crashing beneath her. It was nice, it was the first time in 2 weeks she had felt at peace. She stayed for awhile maybe a bit to long but who was to judge. Just before she left she knew she had to do one more thing. She got up and went to speak for the first time since she got there, “ I love you Jake and I’m sorry for all the things I left unsaid.” And with that she kissed the headstone and left.
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truglori · 4 years
Game Night...
(Heads I win...Tails you lose)
Synopsis: Game night at Erik’s crib with a twist...
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Plus size OC
Warning: Language, Smutt
A.N- Inspiration was this picture
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It was Game Night at Erik’s. He held them every other Saturday night and it was starting to become a ritual for Kaila to attend within the last month. When being surrounded by coworkers ,who became good friends, food, drinks, and music how could anyone turn down a time like this. Along with his beautiful luxurious bachelor’s pad Erik made a pretty good host.
Everything from wings with different flavors, a meat and cheese board, warm soft cinnamon pretzel bites, chicken and beef quesadillas, as well as different chocolates and chilled high class wine ,that Kaila wasn’t used to, had covered his antique walnut wooden dining table. Like she thought, he was a great host who had great taste and wasn’t cheap at all.
Standing in front of the miniature buffet with an empty plate Kaila was indecisive on what to get and how much. Still fresh to the friend group she was conscious on how much she ate in front of people that she wasn’t really comfortable with yet. Out of the six times she’s been here this was only her second time eating with them after getting pressured by her cubicle buddy ,Celina, telling her to make a plate before everything was gone.
Hearing the chatter coming from the livingroom, Kaila decided on a few slices of the quesadillas instead of the wings. She didn’t want to look like a pig knowing that she would try to suck the sauce off of her fingers afterwards. Filling up her red plastic cup with the cool wine she headed back into the huge living area. Spotting her purse and coat she sat in her spot and cuddled up with her belongings.
“See I told you, the food is good.” Celina smiled while sipping on her wine. She brought a hand to her hair stroking the box braids and giggled.
Kaila noticed that she had three cups prior so she knew that she was starting to become loose.
Laughing with her, Kaila shook her head and dug into her finger food. Looking at the small group she wondered how she was able to fit in with them. The group consisted of three women and three guys, Erik including as one of them. Every single person in their clique was extremely attractive and in shape. Her body type did not belong at all. There was always rumors going around the office about them setting up date nights to throw orgy parties. At least that’s what people assumed because they were so tight and never invited anyone else.
But Kaila had to take a chance and ask, since her desk buddy was a part of the famous group. So one day she asked Celina if it was true only to earn one of the most hysterical laughs in her face. She shut it down immediately and informed her the reason behind their closeness was because they all trained and got hired for their jobs at the exact same time and have been inseparable since.
Celina thought it was funny and invited her out so she could see that she wasn’t lying. Kaila refused the first few times but gave in after Celina had another one of their members, Leah, tag team against her insisting that she’d come. Kaila wasn’t an extrovert at all. Her regular day included work, talking on the phone with her baby sister who was away for college, and tv time with her cat, Snuggles.But she wanted to change that so she made Game Night at Erik’s a part of her weekend routines.
“Y’all mufuckas ready to get this bitch started.” Erik walked in finally making his presence known after being upstairs for half an hour. He was changed out of his work attire into something more relaxed. Nike grey sweats, a crisp white tshirt with his gold chains falling over it, and his Nike slides to match. His dreads were out of the braids that he only kept in while he was at work, now they were wild and free.
Kaila took in his frame. She watched as his muscles flexed from the slightest movements. Twisting open his personal bottle of Hennessy, she watched him take a long swig and shaking his head at the taste afterwards. She did a short giggle when she seen him hiss making his gold canines show. When Erik’s eyes turn to her direction she quickly averted her gaze to everyone else praying that she didn’t get caught staring.
This crush that she had for him was starting to be too much. At first she thought it would go away once she would find out that his body and personality didn’t mix but it became worst when she started to hang out with them. Erik was nothing like how she thought of him to be. Before hand she for sure figured him out as a smug and arrogant jerk but he was the total opposite. He was such a gentleman, sweet, and a charmer when it came to the ladies.
The littlest things he did like hold the door for her, or making sure that she wasn’t the last one going into a building whenever they went out for lunch to grab coffee. Kaila was falling for all of it. But after hanging out with them for so long Kaila noticed a few things about him. Yes, Erik was a sweetheart but he had a rough edge to him. When the drinks were in his system Erik liked to talk his shit, and he was nasty with it too. Of course all of the girls in the group would openly let him know that he could fuck if he wanted to. All except Kaila, she would never make a statement as bold as that no matter how much alcohol she had.
“About time nigga. The hell was you doing back there?” One of the guys, Tyler asked sitting in between Leah’s legs on the floor.
“My shit, my business bitch ass nigga.” Erik retorted playfully. He walked in front of his coffee table sitting in his chair. On the table had a display of all types of games. He sorted through them taking his time.
“Erik hurry up and pick a gamee.” Celina whined as she still sipped.
Glancing up he eyed everyone briefly. “The fuck is it, rush Erik night or sumn shit. Y’all niggas know without this y’all wouldn’t have shit else to do so calm the fuck down for I throw all y’all ass out.” He laughed drinking out his bottle.
“Hold up I didn’t say shit. I hope that’s not for everyone.” The thick dark skin girl who’s name was Keisha came in and sat down. Kaila thought she was the prettiest.
“Nah not you Keisha, you know you my boo.” He smirked.
She giggled doing the “period” motion with her hand. Kaila smiled sitting her plate on the floor beside her making a mental reminder to throw it away before she leaves.
Erik cleared his throat picking up a box. “Aight I got one. Do or Drink!” Sitting the other games to the side he placed the box in the middle.
Groanes and curses came from the other people. Kaila faced them amused with their reaction wondering what was wrong with the game he chosed.
“No Erik you always pick this game.” Leah flopped her hands to the side of her.
“Yeah I don’t like this one bae. You be making everybody drink and get drunk while playing this. Can we play something else.” Keisha sighed picking up her glass.
“No y’all only get drunk cause y’all mufuckas don’t know how to drink or hold ya liquor. Besides she ain’t never played this with us yet.” He spoke sorting the cards.
All of the attention went towards Kaila. Trying her best to shrink in her side of the couch she felt her cheeks heat up. Kaila hated when she was put on the spotlight in front of everybody. Bringing her cup to her mouth she sipped some hoping to calm her nerves.
“Kaila you ain’t never played this with us?” Troy asked.
Shaking her head she smiled timidly. “No but I guess I will tonight.”
“Kaila the game is real simple, all you have to do is draw a card, read it aloud so that everyone can hear you and you can either choose to do what it says or drink instead. Don’t worry about all that extra shit. Got it?” Erik asked her shuffling the deck.
“Yeah I got it.” She answered softly.
When he eyed her up and down part of her had to clenched her thighs to keep the wetness she felt down there from damping her panties and the other part wanted to run away from his gaze. The way he looked with his dreads covering his eyes was so enticing and it had her excited. Something she haven’t felt with a man in almost two years.
There was an order on how the rotation went. It was Celina, Keisha, Troy, Tyler, Leah, Erik, and lastly Kaila. She was okay with going last just to see how the game was to be played. It was easy to catch on to after the first few turns. Some of the draws that Kaila picked up were to risky for her so she had to drink for not doing them. Because she didn’t drink hard liquor Erik allowed her to take shots of the wine but for everyone else it was either tequila or some of his Hennessy. She was definitely starting to feel warm from the drinking she’s been doing.
Now it was going on the second round and it was Leah’s go,she had to draw a card. “Okay it says let the group go through your phones photo gallery for 60 seconds. Do this or take two shots?” She threw her card down looking for the shot glass.
Erik jumped up from his seat. “Unh uh hand it over. You passed the last time. Gimme your fuckin phone.” He chuckled walking near her.
Kaila laughed watching Leah try to keep her phone away from him but failed due to his tall and bulky stature taking it clean straight out of her hands. He held the IPhone to her face unlocking it and went to her gallery. Erik’s eyes went from entertained to lustful within seconds. Sucking in his bottom lip he glanced back at Leah.
“Damn girl. Yo shit pretty as fuck.” His low voice crept throughout the room. His eyes traveled down to her covered area.
Kaila, knowing what he was referring to, felt herself get jealous and turned on at the same time. She wanted him to look at her like that and speak to her the same way but she was to shy to say anything.
“Nigga let me see.” Tyler hopped up standing next to him. His mouth dropping when he saw whatever that was on the screen. “Damn Leah.”
Rolling her eyes Leah snatched her phone from their view. “Okay y’all niggas not bout to be fantasizing over my pussy.” She sat back on her end of the couch.
Erik shook his head walking to his chair. Picking up a card he read silently before trying to pick a new one. Celina sat up when she saw him and called him out.
“Uh Erik you never skip cards. What you doing baby boy?” She sat on the edge.
Erik smack his lips. “Nah not that one. Plus it’s my shit I could do whatever I want.” He spoke lowly going to the next card.
Keisha got up walking over to him. “No let me see the card because I ain’t never seen you skip one a day since I met you.” She tried picking it up but Erik snatched it away.
“Chill Keisha, watch out.” He grabbed her wrist lightly.
Keisha laughed. “Boy stop playing with me and let me see.”
Distracted by her going back and forth with him Erik wasn’t aware of Celina sneaking around the other side of him and successfully grabbing the card. She ran behind the couch and read it.
“Let’s see why Stevens was act like a pussy.” She slurred her words. “It’s says motorboat the person to the right of you for 15 seconds, even if they don’t have boobs. Do this or take three shots?”
Everyone looked to the right of him. Sitting at the end of the couch left only one person, Kaila. For the second time that night all eyes was on her. She wished that she could find a hole to crawl in and just die but that wasn’t possible for her. Hearing Celina read the card had her wishing that she would have just left it alone when he skipped the first time. She was embarrassed but she didn’t know if it was because the card dared him to put his face in her titties or that he wanted to skip the turn.
“Celina sit your drunk ass down and just leave the card alone.” Leah grabbed her arm and pulled her down.
“Oops sorry.” She burped putting the card back.
There was silence for a few minutes. For almost the whole night Kaila skipped her turn or declined when someone had to do something to her causing them to lose. She didn’t want to be the party pooper of the hour so she spoke up.
“You can do it if you want.” Her voice coming out lightly. Avoiding the stares from the others her eyes stayed on Erik’s.
His brows lifted up surprised. “Look don’t let Celina’s drunk ass pressure you into something you not down for Kaila.” The way he said her name made her squirm and Erik peeped it himself.
“She wasn’t but if you don’t want to I get it-“ She stopped her sentence when he stood up from his chair.
His body was now in front of hers. Kaila couldn’t help quickly glancing at the print that stuck out through his sweats. The feeling of his hand under her chin tilted it up startled her a bit.
“You wanna do this out here or we can go somewhere private? It’s up to you.”
The room was now quiet as everyone watched the two under the influence and yet still drinking from their cups. Kaila nodded as she stood up signaling that she would rather do it somewhere not in front of them. Stepping to the side she went in front of him and felt his hand on the small of her back.
“Don’t take longer than 15 seconds.” Celina laughed sticking her tongue out when they briefly looked back at her.
Kaila looked around aimlessly as Erik led her down his dark hallway. The only thing that could be seen was the faint wall art from the infrequent lightening outside that came through his windows due to the rainstorm they were going to have tonight. The closer they were to their destination the more the butterflies in Kaila’s stomach start to appear one by one.
“Here we are.” Erik pushed a tall black door opened revealing his master bedroom.
Kaila didn’t stop her eyes from wondering as she looked around. The theme color to his room was black and red. His king sized bed was placed in the middle with a Versace Medusa logo cover resting on top. Laying on the ground next to it was a large black and gold Persian rug. But what caught her attention was the wide mirror that was over his bed.
“You have a nice room Erik.” She sent him a light smile standing in the middle of the floor.
Erik closed his door with the weight of his body. He smirked watching her stand there timidly barely keeping eye contact with him. Erik knew that Kaila had some sort of crush on him but he never said anything about it because he didn’t want to embarrass her. She was always shy around him but was okay with talking to everyone else in the group. Erik couldn’t stand that shit. Watching her round face give her sweet smile to Troy and Tyler always made him jealous. He wanted to be the one to put it on her face but could never get the chance with her always running away from him.
Before she became a part of their group Erik already noticed Kaila around the office. The curve of her wide hips and thickness of her thighs that she would cover up lured him into her. There would be days when she wasn’t wearing her turtleneck and he could finally get a peak at her smooth and chocolate double D’s along with a whiff of her perfume. Erik’s mouth would began to salvitate as he became curious wondering how they would taste. Now he had the chance.
“Thank you. I appreciate that baby.” He chuckled walking to stand in front of her.
Kaila’s eyes averted down at the new pet name. Looking back up, his russet eyes met her chestnut colored ones. His teeth held the full bottom flesh between them. The moment she inhaled for the first time with their closeness Kaila smelled his cologne that sent signals down to her vagina. She could feel the sticky wetness that he was created and he hadn’t even touch her. Her chest rose and fell as her breath hiked up.
“So you ready? It’s only 15 seconds.” The sound of his deep voice had her doing kegals on an imaginary dick.
“Yeah let’s do this.”
The sudden movements of his hands going up to her breast spooked her. Wearing an off the shoulder ribbed dark grey long sleeve tub top Kaila was able to feel his fingertips against her skin. She did a soft moan from the contact hoping that he didn’t hear.
“Big ass fucking titties.” Erik spoke out loud not caring if she heard him or not.
He began to grope them. Bringing his hands to the cuff of them he played with her breast. Lifting them up and down. All of a sudden he was like a kid in a candy store. Kaila could feel her nipples harden on his hands, that frequently rubbed against them. She bit her lip.
Erik smirked watching her get aroused in front of him. He could feel the pebbles turning into rocks from his touch and when he saw her suck on her bottom lip his dick jumped. Wasting no time he lifted her breast up and dove straight in face first. With the combination or her soft titties and her scent Erik’s dick started to get rock hard. He knew then that he now wanted to add titty fucking to the list of nasty shit he wanted to do to her.
“Mm.” Kaila tried her best hide her moan. She didn’t want him to think she was a prude for moaning at something as little as this. It was all a part of a game for goodness sake, but she couldn’t help it. Reaching up she gripped his dreads holding on to him while he moved his head side to side.
The fifteen seconds was long and over with but he was still down there. What was only supposed to be a quick playful motorboat session turned into love bites and delicate sucks. Erik took his time placing a kiss on to each breast. Tracing his tongue over them and then giving a soft suck. He could hear her trying to suppress her moans, but he was working for them and wanted to hear them clearly.
Reaching behind her he slid his hands around her thick waist and then traveled down to her ass. Gripping her cheeks roughly through her leggings he pulled her body into his pressing her down on his thick and solid member. Still continuing his sucks on her breast he groaned hearing her give in.
“Erikk.” Kaila felt the flutters in her stomach and her toes curl when she felt his package bump her area.
“Hmm?” He was now moving up to her exposed neck never losening his grip on her ass.
“The game.” Her words came out as a whine.
“Fuck it. You can’t tell me you not tryna let me fuck right now. Letting me suck on you and shit. I know you wet as fuck down there.” The confidence he spoke with had her dripping even more.
Kaila brought her hands up to his biceps. She turned her head to give him more space to kiss. Squeals left her mouth every time he would grip her cheeks separating them. Kaila wanted to submit badly but was still undecided as she worried about the others listening to what could happen in this room.
Erik pulled away from her seeing that she was hesitant. That’s when an idea popped into his head. His dick was too hard for him to leave without feeling any type of warmth. Going into his nightstand he found the coin and flipped it before walking back to her.
“Alright I have this coin here that’ll decide on what I can receive from you. Since you’re so worried about that dumb ass game out there. We can play our own.”
Kaila’s knitted with confusion but she was curious.
“What type of game?” Her soft voice asked.
Erik licked his lips as she watched hers move. He tugged on her lower lip with his thumb and index finger before showing her the coin and handing it to her.
“If it flips on head I get some pussy and if it flips on tails I get some head. You down?” Stepping in her space he bent his head kissing on her neck. She was so soft to him and it was hard for him to stop.
Kaila observed the gold naughty coin. She never tried anything like this in her 24 years of living. It was new and exciting and with Erik being the person behind it tempting her, she wanted to give it a chance.
“Okay. You flip?” She handed the coin back rubbing her sweaty palms up and down her black leggings.
Taking the coin he strolled over to his bed. Sitting on the edge of it he patted the space next to it offering her a seat. Kaila worked up the nerve to walk over from the liquid courage that she was feeling from the wine. It was making her feel frisky and horny all in one. She sat next to him and smiled sheepishly.
Erik leaned back and smirked. He wrapped an arm behind her as he got ready to flip the coin. “Heads I win...Tails you lose.” He chuckled as she understood the double meaning.
He tossed it up just a few feet above them and caught it quickly with the same hand.
“Hold your hand out.” He demanded and placed the coin flat on her palm. There was a pause for a few seconds before he lifted his hand. It landed on tails.
“Hope you know how to suck some dick.” He reached his hand behind her smacking her ass.
Kaila got up and stood in front of him. Rolling her eyes at his cockiness she pulled her braids up into a bun wrapping them around to keep them out of the way. She pushed him back causing him to lean on his elbows. Getting on her knees he started to rock his leg side to side. Tugging at his sweats she pulled them down along with his briefs making his semi-hard long and girthy length pop out. From the size alone Kaila got intimidated know that if he knew how to work with it he would make her go crazy.
Erik pulled on the hem of his shirt hiking it up to show his abs. He reached down grabbing the base of his dick whirling it back and forth. “I don’t wanna feel no teeth. You hear me?” His command coming out crystal clear.
Nodding her head Kaila leaned forward giving him a gentle kiss. The thick mushroom tip felt good against her lips. She hasn’t been with a man in almost two years so she wasn’t sure if she still had it. But tonight she would find out knowing that Erik would have no problem letting her know.
Getting her mouth wet she let a long sting of saliva drip on to his length. Sticking out her tongue she ran it against the sides wetting his stick up before taking him into her mouth whole. Erik was a challenge so she wasn’t going to get him down in one fit. She’d have to work her way down. She let him slide in and out of her mouth twirling her head when she would reach his tip. Taking one of her free hands she stroked his shaft while shoving her other hand in her leggings rubbing her clit. The feeling of having a dick grow in her mouth made Kaila’s pussy drip and nipples hard.
Looking up she watched as Erik kept his eyes on her. His jaws tightening from her locked jaw that she had on him. The ‘gawking’ sound coming from her made his balls jump. Erik’s eyes now became low as he reached for her braids unraveling the bun and created a ponytail with his fist.
“That’s how you sucking Daddy dick?” He asked surprise as he now sat up leaning on his free hand watching her perform her work of art.
When she felt him hit the back of her throat she answered him on purpose so that he could feel the vibrations. “Mmhm.”
“Ahh SHIT!” Erik threw his head back feeling how her throat had clenched around him. Kaila surprise the fuck out of him. He never expected a head monster behind that quiet little desktop bookworm facade she had put on, but everyone know that they be the main freaks.
She was sucking his shit sloppy just the way he liked it. Her tight warm jaws had his heads in the clouds. Kaila’s head game was starting to get so good Erik felt like he had to do or say something to throw her off.
“Let Daddy slut this muthafucking throat out....gah damnn.” Standing up he lifted his crisp white shirt up to his mouth tucking it in between his teeth. Grabbing her braids and making a ponytail with one hand he cupped her chin with the other as he fucked her throat.
When the spit began to run down her chin and hit her top it reminded Erik of her big chocolate melons that he wanted to fall asleep on. He had got to feel them now he wanted to see them.
“Pull them big ass fuckin titties out.” He spoke with his shirt still clenched in his teeth making his dimples show.
Kaila heard comply to his orders. She pulled the top down and her strapless bra up and began to play with her nipples for him. Using the spit that dripped on her chest she rubbed it on her pebbles as her mouth became wetter with her arousal. She brought a hand back into her pants and tweaked her nub.
Erik watched her play with herself knowing that head wasn’t the only thing he was trying to get from her for the night. If she could suck dick this good he only imagine what that pussy was feeling like.
“Mouth to fuckin good to not try and fuck. You gon give me sum pussy after?” His hips still stroking in her mouth. Kaila tried to push him out by his thighs but he pushed her hands away. “Move them fuckin hands and answer my question.”
Closing her eyes trying to breathe through her nose she nodded her head. Erik smirked as he pulled out of her mouth. Dick standing up and dripping with her saliva.
“Get yo ass on this bed.” He took off his shirt and stepped out of his sweats and underwear leaving him in his naked glory.
Kaila got on the bed, kicking of her shoes she laid on her back looking at herself in his mirror that was above them before she felt him pulling at her leggings. She squealed from the quick action lifting up to help him get them off. The moment the air touched her thighs she grew self conscious of her appearance. Erik noticed when he opened her thighs climbing between them.
“Instead of being worried bout how thick these thighs are you should be worried about how you gon take this dick.” He leaned up and tapped his heavy meat on her covered clit.
“Ooh.” Out of reaction Kaila moaned and shut her thighs closed.
Erik grabbing them and pushing them back to their previous position. “Unh uh. Open ya fuckin legs. I know you got some good warm wet ass pussy. I can feel the heat coming off that muthafucka and I ain’t pull ya panties to the side yet.”
His dirty talk was making her pussy throb. Kaila wanted to feel that heavy dick split her open even if she cried right after. Erik spoke with big dick energy because he know he had big dick to deliver.
“I want some dick.” Her shy hushed words coming out. Kaila didn’t usually speak like this but Erik brought it out of her.
He smirked and grabbed her the back of her thighs and lifted them up pushing them on her stomach. “Oh you gon get this dick, but I wanna eat this pussy first.”
Without warning he bent his head down between her thighs. Using his teeth he dragged her panties to the side. Kaila jump feeling his breath on her lower lips. She started to brace herself when she felt a long lick go up and down her slick coated slit. Taking his hand he used it to separate her meaty flesh. Her natural juices sticking to the sides
Erik groaned biting his lip. “Mm I know you be making niggas drown in this shit.” He watched her hole open and closed as he spoke to it.
Spitting on her clit he went straight to sucking on it. Erik had to stop her legs from snapping on his head. He used the all the upper strength he had to hold her thick thighs down all the while never letting up on her clit. Keeping his mouth around her he flicked the bud repeatedly. Her juices started to drip out already soaking his beard. The smell of her sex made his dick jump with anticipation. He was ready to feel her in some type of way. Bringing his tongue down he began to tongue fuck her tight hole. She clenched down on him as he slid in and out of her walls. Using his thumb he rubbed her clit adding to her pleasure
“Ohh fuuckk....I’m about to cum babyy.” Kaila covered her mouth to try and lower her whining moans but the way he stuck his tongue in her made it impossible.
“Let that shit out.” Smacking her inner thigh he went back sucking her clit. Erik felt how tight she was on his tongue. He knew he had to open her up a bit to get her ready for his dick. He took two fingers and slowly worked them into her.
Kaila lifted her hips to meet his strokes as she felt herself come undone on his fingers. The suction he was applying on her clit brought tears to her eyes. Her legs shook already giving out. Erik lifted up bringing his fingers to his mouth sucking her essence.
“I’ll have game night every day just to get up in this pussy.” He rubbed his tip against her clit. Using her natural lubricant he made himself slick enough and sat at her tight opening. Erik lifted her thighs back to as far as they were able to go and used the weight of his hips and thrusted inside of her.
“Ahh FUCK!! Gah damn. Wait a minute.” He pulled out instantly and closed his eyes. He chuckled lowly shaking his head. “You got me fucked up if you think I’m not beatin this shit down.” He gripped Kaila’s thighs pulling her to the edge of the bed. He had her at an angle and was standing up.
Kaila squeaked. “Erik wait don’t go too deep-“ She was cut off feeling him sink inside of her. Her arms flailing over as she gripped his sheet. Mouth ajar and formed into a silent ‘o’ as she felt herself getting stretched open to max she’s ever been.
Erik wasn’t playing when he said he was going to beat her pussy up. The size or weight of her body didn’t stand a chance to him. He was in beast mode as he drilled her shit in. Kaila’s cry’s and moans fell on deaf ears as he was hitting her spot. No matter how much pushing at his chest she did, it didn’t change the pace or motion he was going in. She had already came on his dick two times but that didn’t mean anything to him.
Kaila whimpered as she brought her hands to his hips to try and stop him. “Daddyyy please l-I can’t.” She brought a hand up to her mouth and bit on her knuckles.
Erik ignored her knowing that she was only speaking because of the sensitivity of her pussy started to probably grow higher the more he stroked her out. The minute he felt her pussy wrapped around his dick Erik got stuck. Her warm and gushy walls clenching him every time he tried to pull out. There was no way she wanted him out of this pussy.
“Move ya fucking hand and take some dick.” He barked as his dreads hung over his eyes and chain swung low. He pulled out tapping on her clit only to slide back in deeper this time.
“Unh..okayy.” She cried frustrated that she couldn’t run
He had her thick frame bended up like a pretzel. Looking between their bodies that was starting to sweat up, Erik watched the way he slid in and out of her. Her coat attached on to his dick. The way he could see her pussy throb around him. But the way she would involuntarily clenched her walls around him when he would pull out only leaving his tip in had her flipping Erik’s crazy switch.
Erik wanted to laugh when he saw the tremble in her lower lip and her tears coming out the corner of her eyes. He was giving her that good dick and he loved watching her get ruined in front of his face. Leaning over her he started to suck her nipples while his stroke never faltered.
Glancing up at the cieling Kaila watched him stroke deep inside of her in the mirror. The rotation of his hips along with his slight curve he had on his dick was sending her to another dimension. He was digging so deep inside of her it had her mind making up scenarios of having a family with him. It was the way he stroked her and fed on her nipples at the same time that had her seeing stars on his wall.
Kaila gripped his dreads. She moaned and whimpered with panted breaths. She couldn’t control the level of her voice. When his strokes were short and fast she’d moan but when he started tapping at her bottom her toes would curl and she’d whimpered and shake underneath him. Kaila didn’t have a clue when she would be able to find another person to hit it the way he did or if there would be another at all.
“Ohh daddy....you so deep in my pussy.” Her sexy moans in his ear had Erik ready to bust. He lifted from her tittes and gave her a nasty kiss. Tongue and all. Kaila moaned and clenched down onto him. Erik’s fingers dug into her skin and sucked on her lip.
“You gon let me nut in this tight ass pussy?” He whispered in her neck.
Kaila shook her head yes willing to agree with anything while he was laying that pipe on her. “Cum in me daddy.”
Erik wanted to hold off but the pussy was hitting too good. He stood back up and stroked until he bottomed out inside her. He’d always get his best nuts when he would go deep. Tucking his lip into his mouth his deep long strokes started to slow feeling his balls tightened. Erik closed his eyes when she gripped his meat and pulling his seed right out of him.
“Fuck!” He groaned and continued to stroke his nut out until he was empty. He pulled out of her with her cream coating his member.
His dick was still hard. Kaila was laying in the same position. Her thighs sore and unable to close from staying open that long. Sitting up she rested on her palms to observe him. Erik’s eyes was glued to her pussy before taking his hand and rubbing her clit.
“I can’t stay out this shit.” He licked his lips.
Kaila shyly smiled as she was about to speak when she heard laughing on the other side of the door.
“Now y’all niggas know them 15 seconds been up.” Celina stated loudly before laughing along with the others.
Her hand covered her mouth as embarrassment clouded her face. She pushed his hand away.
“See Erik I told you.” Kaila whined getting up.
“Wait,where you going?” He asked stepping in front of her.
“I’m going back to the game.”
“We not done here yet. Now come flip this coin to see what you could get. This head...or... this dick.”
Please excuse any mistakes!
(Going to have to edit this later)
@supersizemeplz @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @hearteyes-for-killmonger @curls-and-crosses @killmonger-dolan @killmongerkink @migosis @raysunshine78 @alookintohersoul @popcorn803 @just-juicee-blog @mllover260 @kimmyblckswan2 @koriiii @tchallasbabymama @toniilaney @marvelmaree @mia-faith @adreamsublime @queen-b1 @mcdesij @vintage-pvssy @viewsfromrose @ceeverse @smuttywriter @harleycativy @callmemckenzieee @theblulife @bvssmob @everything-is-awesomesauce @xoxomyaah @19jammmy @tchallas-ikumkani-wam @suburbanblackhoe @allhailqueennel @admirehermind @themeirajay @asaanime @bellanay @skylahb @toni9 @iambabyharry @kiabialia @youlovetkay @lahuttor @kehlaniswifee @childishgambinaax @readingaddict1290 @sociallyawkward18 @iamching07 @sourbabynaee @unholyxcumbucket @ladymac82 @efonteno @xsweetdellzx @shalynn-m
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baka-writings · 4 years
𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬
Warnings: A tiny (Subin) bit of nsfw
Also I went kinda overboard with Hanse, cuz I'm a biased bitch 😅
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the sweetest bf ever, no kidding
honestly he'd do anything for you, anytime
like you wanna go on a date at midnight? you got it
he'd take care of you
lowkey forcing you eat your meals
and of course checking out if you eat your meals properly
he'd be the gentleman he is almost always whether he's tired or not
very affectionate
pda in front of other members? oh yEs
gives you random kisses 24/7
he'd be really quick to notice if there's something bothering you
he'd ask you about it and try his best to solve your problem
would listen to everything you're saying, nodding here and there
he's very serious when needed so if you were telling him something really serious/bad he'd be in the top 3 of the most understanding members in Victon
but he'd be also annoying like
challenging you in everything
he'd let you win tho, ngl
unless it was in bed😌
he's a strong man and fairly tall so no escaping
but even then he'd be such a gentleman
at first
later he wouldn't be that gentleman sorry not sorry
(later in the relationship/when you already did the deed etc)
he's a dom obviously
and very vocal if you ask me
i feel like he'd lOve to use his tongue anYwhere on you
would be rough most of the time but at the same time be careful not to hurt you
he'd love to pull your hair
and you better pull his too
also kinda kinky imo
he can go from 0 to 100 real quick, in bed as well
so you better watch out 😌
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the sweetest bf ever no 2
he'd sing for you anytime you wanted
he'd be so happy if you compliment his singing
cooks for you
wouldn't let you cook so you'd have to plead him
he'd like nicknames you'd give him unless they are dumb 😂
my personal favorite for him is angel, cuz he sings like one and looks like one
he'd same as Seungwoo take care of you
like a true mom
eye smiles 24/7
unlike Seungwoo, he wouldn't show that much pda in front of the members cuz they'd tease him for that too
but would always stay close to you whenever you all hangout
he'd sing you before sleep and would get flustered if you actually didn't fall asleep and only listened to his singing
he'd like to have you close to him
especially when you sleep
he's not as kinky as Seungwoo
but i think his biggest turn on would be your face while he's slamming himself inside of you
i can also lowkey see him liking to be slightly choked, but not too much
which reminds me
i don't see him that vocal honestly
but would like you being vocal
yes he likes to keep you close during these times too sO he'd probably go too deep just to be close don't @ me
when you are done i see him switching to his momma self again and clean ya'll up
unless you want another round 😌
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aka my side hoe
clown 1/3
he'd talk the shit outta you
but cute
too much pda in front of others
unless someone teases him about it
then he'd add even more
pda with some inappropriate touches, always a yes for him
he wouldn't even try to hide it tbh
pls touch his dimples
he'd crack jokes whenever you're sad, mad, stressed etc
so honestly there would be NO time for such negative emotions ✨
but he'd also tease you sometimes so you better prepare some comebacks
when you two are already dating he might get a bit possessive i feel like
but not the jealous possessive
more like he'd be lowkey worried you'd leave him or something
mention his brother and he'll gladly introduce you, but would be protective af
talking about his bro, if you want to tease him or want him to make love to you, just say his bro was your bias in madtown and he'll show you why he should be the only one you look at ;)
but he wouldn't really show it unless needed
great kisser
like have you seen those lips?
cuddles every day, anytime and anywhere
he looks cute and innocent, but we know he ain't
call him byunchan (pervert + Chan in korean)
we all know what I'm talking about 😉
you should probably watch what you're saying cuz he will make double meanings and pervert things from anything
unless you want that
in that case get ready for some fun
kinda kinky tbh
a switch
those hips 🥵
he'd be slightly on the rougher side tbh
if his hips do the same thing as when he's dancing then well rip you
bitting kink
would maybe like to choke you while he overstimulates you 💀
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clown 2/3
another annoying one
would talk the shit out of you as well
every date is eating somewhere
him eating your food
eating competitions between you two
PDA!! Like he'd even show you off
compliments won't work on him cuz he knows he's all that
you'd like to scare him sometimes even with the help of his members
he'd cry
he'd let you borrow his hoodies
"it looks better on me tho"
he'd be happy if you jammed to his songs and sang his parts
wouldn't let you touch his dimples or kiss them for fREE
which means he has to have something in it to let you touch 'em
probably a kiss or something
such a tease
and a brat
he's a switch, nothing else
praising kink (recieving)
he'd be very confident in himself during these times too
would like his hair to be pulled
i can also see him liking mirror sex??
i mean seeing him fucking you from behind in the mirror sounds kinda hot if you ask me 🥵
also he is kinky too, but keeps his kinks a bit lowkey.. at first
would high-key love being tamed like a brat he is
oh and also i see him being vOcal, same like Seungwoo
not that rough, but deep thrusts making you lose it pretty soon ;) aka ego boost
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my main hOe
clown 3/3
loud af
pda in front of members
but for him I feel like it'd also be some kind of flirting and inappropriate touches so someone, probably Sejun would "get a room" y'all
tattoos, pls touch them
or lick them-
honestly, biased or not he'd be one of the best bfs from this group
he seems like he could kill a bitch, but we know he's a soft boy
he'd be all giggly around you during your 1st days/weeks of dating
but then..ooof
a real clownery tbh
he'd like to be taken care of, like cooking for him, checking up on him and so on
that would make him so so so happy and happy Hanse is what we want
he'd love you two have matching accessories like earrings or chokers! (so he could choke you later)
everytime he smiles, you smile and then he smiles when you smile and-
okay but then he'd also be a pervert and sometimes you'd have to go 'eH?' when he talks shit to check if you heard correctly or not
you'll always hear correctly
ya'll would paint each other's nails
everytime he makes a new song, he'd ask you what do you think because your opinion is important to him
he'd be a lil happy puppy when you compliment his songs (either solos or group songs since he co-writes the lyrics)
I'd like to think he wouldn't wake you up anNoYinGly as he did to Seungsik, but- uhh he would
you might challenge him in freestyle, he'd let you win and compliment your skills even If you were nOt as good as him (i mean is that possible?)
but also would be highkey shook If you did very good, he'd even forget his lyrics so you'd win
then he'd whine
anyway...a switch (dom lean)
his usual flirty line or when he's in the mood would be "mind tasting my piercing?"
and If you're in the mood just say "Sure If I can Do you as well"
honestly use the "Do Hanse" joke anytime and he's yours, truly..
i feel like he'd say something like "I'll Do you now" while he enters you and fucks you senseless (like he will dO you while hAnse is in you-)
vocal in bed, but mostly like high grunts
chOking both recieving and giving as well as bitting and all of these kinks
also..his tongue..with a rap like that I can't imagine how good he'd be eating you out ;)
rough thrusts all the way
keeps going when he hears your moans
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big baby
back hugs or any kind of hugs
lowkey a brat too tbh
dimples show off™
he'd be actually vEry happy if you touched his dimples lmao
that would make him kInda cocky
would sing for you randomly and also teach you some dances
he'd actually enjoy dancing and/or singing together
a great cuddle buddy tbh
he'd be very clingy
to impress you he'd act manly and just hOt (see gif)
but would sometimes fail, because you'd start laughing 💀
borrowing his hoodies and shirts
but never giving them back-
if you're a lot shorter than him, he'd for example help you reach high places
if you're not that short well
he'd put things even higher so you'd ask for his help
kinda petty imo
anYway not really kinky, but on the more vocal side in bed
don't @ me but a sub
i think his most visible kink would be you doming him 💀 honestly
also some dirty talk (recieving) while you bounce on him
i can also see him mAybe being into some ice play tbh
just think about it😈
he's not rough, not vanilla either...perfect middle path
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a baby™
cuddles! always, whether you like it or not
i think he'd be teased by his hyungs
and told to use a protection
he'd just nervously laugh like ugH yeah sure
he'd be jelly if his pets greeted you before him or payed more attention to you
he'd pout
he can be very shy sometimes, so it'd take him ages to ask you out
he'd probably be accompanied by Seungwoo if you guys met 💀
if you by any chance go drinking, you should probably stop him tbh
he'd also pout if you called him cute
"I'm not cute *pout*"
which is cute
he maybe wouldn't necessarily sing for you as he'd be shy and not very confident
but would LOVE if you sang for him, it would make him fall in love with you more... especially if it was either his song or a song he loves
he'd never interrupt you, just listen to your voice
he'd love if he brought food to him when he practices (other members would be jelly and steal his food so you better bring them too then)
sometimes he'd tell you some weird/dirty jokes without thinking about them first
his excuse would be "Hanse said-"
now all jokes aside, he is a babie but when you two are alone he'd have those dirty times
however he'd be shy to ask for what he wants, like he'd never or rarely ask for it
but you'd see it on him anyway
like he'd be unfocused and talk less
a sub(in)
you could have so much fun with him honestly 😈
tsundere (Seungwoo said it, not me🤷🏻‍♀️)
his hidden kinky
would love bitting, both recieving and giving
for some reason i also see him liking having a collar with a chain so you can pull him whenever and wherever you like?😌
he would be vanilla of course but not that rough either, however his secret dream is to go rough tbh
also he is young so he might want to try many kinks as long as both of you want that
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nirikeehan · 2 years
happy Friday to my Cullen trash buddy<3
for Cullen x Thalia, "grief-stricken women (who under normal circumstances wouldn't hurt a fly) lashing out and striking the person responsible for the loss of their loved one"
Thank YOU Cullen trash fam. Keep these coming, I’m weak for it. Also, this turned into A Whole Thing.
For @dadrunkwriting
WC: 1572
A few notes:
1) Thalia isn’t precisely “wouldn’t hurt a fly” material but she usually did buffing, revival and long-range combat so I’m counting it
2) Cullen’s hurt but not dead bc my heart can’t take it rn
3) I’m obsessed with Samson as a villain and how he acts as a foil for Cullen so that’s why he’s here. I have another fic in the works where Samson and Thalia have a civil conversation but this ain’t it my dudes
4) This presupposes a world in which Cullen and Samson had a Cleganebowl-style showdown at the Temple of Mythal because missed opportunity there tbh 🤷‍♀️
The wound was grievous deep. It had sliced his side through the gap in his breastplate, leaving a jagged red line from armpit to navel. The healers in the medical tent had stitched him up as best they could, but potions to ease the journey were scarce, as they often were after a battle. Thalia dropped her staff and fell to her knees beside his cot. The world seemed to slide away, as if she were viewing all this at a great distance, even as she grabbed for his hand. 
When he did not respond, she gripped his hand between both of hers and tried to rub warmth back into it. His fingers were so often cold, and sometimes trembled, and she had taken to transferring her own body heat to his. She brought her lips to his knuckles as she massaged.
At last he stirred. He turned his head to the side and coughed weakly, which sent a spasm of pain through his whole frame. 
“Careful,” Thalia warned, steadying him. 
He cracked open one eye, distant and unfocused. He tried, unsuccessfully, to smile. “You’re all right. I was worried.” 
“You were worried?” Thalia demanded. She had come through the Temple of Mythal practically without a scratch. She blamed her damned curiosity — she’d just had to learn more about the old Elven rituals, all the while assuming the Inquisition soldiers had Corypheus’s forces under control. “I should have been there. I could have helped— I had the means to break his armor—”
“It wouldn’t have made a difference. The red lyrium— it made him too strong. Maddened.” He swallowed painfully. “I’ve never seen a man fight like that. It would have been you lying here instead of me.” 
“And maybe I would have preferred it,” Thalia snapped. “Did you ever think of that? Did you ever think what the Inquisition would be without its Commander?” 
His look was soft, but tired. “No worse off, as long as it had its Inquisitor.” 
She felt an insane urge to punch him. “Dammit, Cullen.”
“You know I’m right, my love.” He managed a grin at last. 
She realized her hands were shaking. She squeezed his fingers one last time and wiped her palms against her thighs. “Just rest. The healers tell me you need it.” 
He nodded absently, already slipping from consciousness. 
Thalia grabbed her staff and used it to stand, leaning on it and breathing hard. She stalked out of the medical tent and across the forest clearing. The Inquisition’s forces had set up the prison in the center of camp. Unlucky members of the Venatori and Red Templars were chained against wooden poles; the most dangerous amongst them had metal cages to themselves. The captain of the guard stood near the entrance conversing with his subordinates.
“Where is he?” Thalia demanded. 
The guard captain snapped to attention. “Which prisoner do you seek, Your Worship?” 
“Do I really have to say his name?” she snarled. 
The captain exchanged a quick glance with an underling, then cleared his throat. “General Samson has been confined to the special cells—”
That was all she needed to know. Thalia stormed past, into the bowels of the makeshift prison. “No matter how loud he screams, I don’t wish to be disturbed.” 
The captain hesitated. “Er, Inquisitor, is now really the time to—”
Thalia whirled on her heels and glared at him. “Your Commander may be dying as we speak, thanks to that man. Do you intend to stand there and tell me he deserves mercy?” 
The captain’s expression hardened, and he stood a little straighter. He was one of the Starkhaven Templars who had followed Cullen since the atrocity at Kirkwall, and was nothing if not loyal. A dangerous glint crept into his eye, and he nodded. “No one will interrupt, you have my word.” 
“Thank you.” Thalia gripped her staff, and walked on. 
Raleigh Samson knelt in the darkness of a tent erected to shield him from sight. Chains encircled wrists and ankles, and secured him to the wall of the rectangular cage that housed him. She was allowed entry swiftly enough, and the guards scurried from her sight without provocation. Thalia stood before him, stomach roiling, and took in the sight of Corypheus’s general — a former Templar, someone who had been Cullen’s friend. To think she had once thought there might still be some humanity left in him. He looked pitiful now, a sallow middle-aged man stripped of the power he’d paid any price to seize. 
He lifted his head and gazed at her with feverish, bloodshot eyes. A saturnine smirk reached his thin lips. “Heh. The Inquisitor, I presume?” When she said nothing, his smile only widened. “At last. ’S a pleasure, m’lady.”
She could focus only on the fury building within her. 
“Why?” was all she could manage. “Why did you do this to him?”
“Who?” He stared at her as if she were speaking another language. “Ah, shit, you mean Cullen?” Samson shrugged. “He used to raise his shield quicker.”  
She raised the staff and swung, connecting with his ribs with a satisfying crack. Samson let out a small cry of pain. His whole body jerked. Wheezing, he looked up at her and grinned again. “This is how the magnanimous Inquisitor treats prisoners of war, eh?” 
“Shut. Up.” Thalia hit him again, and again — in the knee cap, along his collarbone, in his horrible leering mouth. She was not strong on her own; a staff like hers was barely more useful than a walking stick without magic fueling it. Samson, however, was weakened by defeat and lyrium deprivation, and striking out physically had a savage satisfaction to it. 
Before long, he was bleeding and she was winded. Thalia leaned heavily on her staff, breathing hard to catch her breath. Samson sucked on a split lip, one eye swelling. Try as she might, she could not wipe the smirk from his face.
“You love him, huh?” Samson said at last, after spitting a mouthful of blood on the grass between them. 
“How dare you even ask,” Thalia hissed. 
“Look, look, ’s not personal. It’s how the chips fell, see?” He held up his hands in a shrug, the manacles on his wrists clinking. 
“No,” Thalia said through gritted teeth. Her vision blurred with tears. “I don’t see. All I see is the likelihood a great man will die while a piece of scum like you gets to live.” 
Samson sighed, slumping against the wall of his cage. “All’s fair in love and war, ain’t that how the saying goes? We picked our sides, Cullen and me. It’s mighty sweet that you see him as the hero in this story. As a mage and all.” He watched her closely. “But did you ever really have a choice as to who you wanted to be?” 
Her heart thudded. 
“‘The Herald of Andraste,’” he continued. “Surely you didn’t pick that title; you’re too clever by half. You of all people know exactly how the Chantry lies to keep itself in power. Why be a part of it?” Samson chuckled. “Is it for love?”
Slowly, Thalia lowered her staff. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“Know you were quick enough to free the mages when you had the chance. Would’ve paid good coin to see the look on his face when you did that.” 
Thalia raised her chin defiantly. “Cullen supported that decision.” 
Samson’s eyebrow quirked. “That so? People do change, I suppose. Then again, it was never really about control with him. It was about having someone to bow down and worship. Small wonder he found you, eh?” A wickedness gleamed in his good eye. “He call you ‘Herald’ in bed, too?”
Thalia was beginning to understand why Cullen hated Samson so much. It would be so easy to strike him again, but that would be giving him what he wanted. “You’re awfully interested in what Cullen and I do in private. One might think you’re jealous of him.” 
His smugness evaporated, replaced by a flash of fear. He composed himself quickly, but she saw it. “You’re a liar, Samson. It is personal between you two.”
He scowled. “So what if it is?” 
“So, if he dies, you’ve killed someone you once called a friend. Does that truly make you feel nothing?”
Samson sneered. “I was telling the truth when I said he used to block quicker. It was bloody sloppy. Meredith would never have allowed such a weak response, even in drills. It’s what happens without lyrium, see?”
Thalia shook her head. “It takes some audacity to blame a man for his own murder.”
For once, Samson did not have a fast response. Thalia felt like she finally had the upper hand. 
“You had better pray that he lives,” she said quietly. “I’m the one you’ll face in judgment back at Skyhold.” 
“You won’t just kill me now and be done with it?” He sounded almost disappointed. 
“No,” she said firmly. It was a mistake to come here. She had shown him too much of herself — and he had done the same in return. “I suggest you begin planning out your defense.”
The guard captain caught her eye on her way out. “Is there anything else we can do for you, Your Worship?”
“Yes.” Thalia tried not to flinch at his choice of address. “Have someone go in there and gag Samson. He talks too much.” 
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6blackfilin9 · 3 years
I love your Anko fanart! Tell me, what are your views/headcannons on Anko X Kazuku?
hThank you so much for the ask, finally I can answer it
here is my big thank you for the waitng
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In a nutshell, the shipp was created by accident while me and my buddy were working on our first Naruto AU in 2019, where Kakuzu and Deidara survived their shitty plotholes end eventually ended up in Konoha
so, the shipp’s birth date is july the 1, 2019
anything like classy, aristocracy kind of tension-filled passionate gothic romance with playful, psychological games & hurt/comfort vibes with slight scent of rivalry is KakuAnko
Basically, they are: a very, very old man with absolutely horrendous background who’s trying to finally have his mother*cking 10 or 30 years of peace, and a rather young lady with a rocky youth who’s being good & noble yet has very strong antihero tendencies
You know, I think they do have potential, since, in fact, they seem to be very similar, at the core
They are both very pragmatic realists, the people of logic and reason, yet if Kakuzu’s irritability doesn’t affect him a tiny bit due to his ideal self-control, Anko’s can lead her to quite bad places, sometimes. They put their interests in the first place, and even though she tries to attach them to Konoha’s, she still has ‘personal’ things (I’ll write ‘bout it lower*). Their mindsets are so complicatedly organized that, at some point & way, it prevents them from having many close people, and makes them very hard to see through and predict
Both of them are very flexible & adaptive, independent individuals with similar outlooks on plenty of things and high intellectual level. They clearly can find plenty of traits that they would highly respect and adore in each other
Here I will speak mostly for “why and how” kind of things, bc both of them are terribly tricky to accurately figure out. But there will be some headcanons too
So, there are still some odds about them, due to the strong difference in their occupation, like, in plenty of cases they are really tricky to be brought together, because:
- Of the job
In original, Anko is a Konoha’s special jounin, and she is very dedicated to serving the country. Independently of whether she likes her job or not (depends on the plot), she orienteers at the people, at society’s gain from her work. So, accordingly, in any other AU her job is somehow connected to civil service, whether it’s something police-like, connected to science, or something like CCG in Tokyo Ghoul
Kakuzu, on the other hand, is a hitman and a persona non grata in literally all the five big countries, Konoha too (which makes it barely possible to bring them together in the original universe without hard complications or heavy drama. But still possible). He orienteers on his own gain alone, but, depending on the job, it can include others’ gain, too.
This detail makes him a saint once he holds supervising position in some company or any high position in the government (the better the working conditions of the staff now- the more money in the prospective), and the sheer nightmare once he has it on the opposite side of the law. Him as a mob boss is a complete different topic for discussion, but to get the point, in this case, the trouble isn’t him increasing the level of criminality (its rather vice-versa), but taking hold of too much control in the high and underground structures. Even as an ordinary hitman he’s rather tricky, since everything depends on the case
In most of the stories, they come to some sort of compromise, and how hard it is to reach it depends on how shitty his job is and how attached they are to each other at the moment
Like, in the above mentioned Shippuden AU and Harry Potter AU (which I also wrote with my buddy) everything went like clockwork, because there they are both more or less on this side of the law, in Tokyo Ghoul AU (which I also wrote with my buddy) it is a bit more complicated, with her being in-law and him being very much outlaw, in the Avatar AU (which I also figured out with my buddy, but we never happened to write it) it is also pretty smooth, with both of them being outlaws and then jumping out to the glory after all the shit is done, but in another Shippuden AU of mine, this all would be just a motherfucking bloody disaster
- Kakuzu is actually a hard nut to get attached to anyone
He lived too long to be truly afraid of anything, though. Its mostly because he doesn’t really need to get attached to or become close with someone to satisfy his need for communication. The man can get along with anyone once he wishes to, he can have countless acquaintances and plenty of buddies, but he doesn’t have many comrades and barely can call anyone a friend. Because he is used to lose everything and everyone he ever had or happened to have, because of his inhumanly lengthened lifespan.
It requires time for him to get used to the person, and then, eventually, in some cases, spend plenty of it to get attached
Plus, for him, due to his profession, each close connection is a really great responsibility for him. In most cases, he’d think twice of weather he is ready to take it or not
Though it of course has the personal factor, too
In Anko’s case, she has a grand privilege by being a very intelligent and keen woman, not just in cognitive plane, but in emotional, too. High emotional intellect is actually a rare trait, so she automatically stands out of the crowd for him. Even though it won’t guarantee his alliance, it will grant her his high respect and some sort of sympathy
- Kakuzu is, technically, an asshole
He does have his moral compass, which includes a great amount of common social morality, but he also has that “I am working” state
Even though Kakusu has a set of professional principles, and he still acts accordingly to what he thinks is right, one and the very same situation can be solved diametrically different once the context changes from working to casual and vice versa
This, and him being very independent and quite antisocial, makes the degree of assholeness depend on various factors
This can lead to major conflicts of interests, and if they are possible to have any compromise or not is strongly attached to the circumstances. After all, both are very, very prideful and dignified people
- In other words, the only major issue for them would be morality questions. It’s possible to make the case acceptable for Anko, since both of them ain’t truly squeaky clean, along with Kakuzu being willing enough to watch his borders
- She is provident and doesn’t really need a lot of money on a daily basis, which is much of a joy to him lol
- *they both seek for the stable ground, first of all
Taking in consideration the life conditions Kakuzu had in his youth (despite war state, he still stably had family, friends, grand respect from everyone, home, warmth and food) and how terribly he was torn out of his secured social environment, I believe what he seeks through all his bounty hunt and other money-connected manipulations is stability. Sustainability he had back then. The only way to have it in the conditions of our existent world order is to have money (and a very good mind and luck)
Anko has indeed much more altruistic motives, yet it’s still not that simple. It seems to be, on the first sight, yet considering the “Orochimaru related cases” and her very wayward behavior toward them, it’s clear she keeps her own motives and needs in mind oh so well. The service she has is very well payed, it allows her to do what she likes or believes is right, and to have the living conditions she finds comfortable. And only here, relying on the made sustainable basis, she does what she does
- Thus, they both illustrate the principle “first help yourself, next help the other” just right
- She knows she can keep an eye on him, yet it’s clear for her that her influence isn’t borderless, as well as telling him off some stuff is kind of a not wise thing to do. So in the majority of cases, she never interferes
- This is not common, yet he can actually change some plans if the situation is serious and the compromise can’t be found. He is that kind of person who works on a further prospective, and in this context, this would be the relationship with his loved one
- While Kakuzu is quite conflicted and has very reserved controversial persona, Anko is both controversial, conflicted, and sort of two-faced, on top of that
She is a very sincere, cheerful and humbly honest human being, yet she has some darker natural traits of her character that became rather strong with age and traumatic experience. Cunningness, guile, ways-depend-on-the-case and a bit of ruthlessness, that is. Moreover, she has some unsolved personal issues, which makes her even more twisted.
Like, remember the time when she confronted Orochimaru during the exam? And Kabuto, on the war? Getting rid of them is indeed beneficial for Konoha, but it’s clear that for her it is personal vendetta in the first place. She wouldn’t have tried to do this alone, otherwise, because these two are rather dangerous ones, to say the least.
She uses greater good to cover her real motives (even though it is not truly complete bullshit), and seems to have a terrible habit to keep silence about really important things, which makes her quite prone to lying, in some cases
And sometimes it very badly pisses Kakuzu off, since it makes her prone to doing useless but dangerous shit too
Yet this not any kind of separate hidden side, it is integrated into her personality, and coexists with her bright one. That’s where her violent humour comes from, for example.
But Kakuzu, on the other side, is completely monolith individual, yet sometimes his mindset can create contradictions when it comes to something important to him. but it's another topic
And seeing these layered constructions, and motives, they can pretty finely predict each other’s behavior. Not super-neatly, but they for sure see the basis. This is what helps Kakuzu to prevent Anko from doing some stupid shit, sometimes
- Anko has a role of an indicator for the people who don’t understand and see the changes in Kakuzu’s mood sometimes, since she usually reacts quite openly. Yet, when she has the same unreadable mask of cold, or one of guile, it’s a nightmare for them
- They prefer the non-verbal way to show their feelings, even though Anko is obviously the more chatty one
- They don’t say things such as “I love you”, or other sensual stuff like that really often, believing it to be some sort of cherished words that shall not be spelled mindlessly
- Anko isn’t majorly into PDA, but she fancies it much more than Kakuzu does. She has her whole moments of studying something with her hands, whether it’s a hand, scar or face. He’s more into passive display of affection, like wrapping an arm over her waist or leaning to her or something of this kind; they can allow themselves to (not sexually) kiss in public though
- She knows he doesn’t like to walk hand in hand due to considering it a youthful thing, so there are times when she intentionally walks holding on to his sleeve; generally they walk separately in order not to bother each other, but sometimes they walk arm in arm (like an old Victorian couple lol)
- Being older and wiser, Kakuzu eventually upholds some kind of mentoring position, yet he never considers himself any kind of a teacher or master to Anko, believing her to have a good head of her own. He is just insightful enough to break something through to her or give a word of advise
- This, combined with his highly powerful demeanor, also makes him have the leading position in their relationship
- Anko respects him much enough to fortify this, entrusting with plenty of life questions (like organizing the family budget), even though they make the majority of decisions together. Mostly because he is truly wise and highly experienced individual.
- This makes him one of the very few people Anko would actually listen to and take their opinion in consideration
- So basically they have equal relationship with some tendency to patriarchal order
- And it is, really, mostly economically-based disbalance, with him earning much more than she does
- Yet they never have any financial-based issues, since both of them keep in mind and respect the contributions of each
- There is major power play here, too. He has the absolute might, she has seduction. Anko loves how he makes her want to submit to him, let him have all the power, so she likes provoking him. And she knows he adores it, loves the subtle control she has over him
- They don’t have conflicts in their everyday life. Each knows how to avoid pissing one another off
- He cherishes her playful demeanor, her intellect. Combined with her cunningness, it allows her to rival him, in social sphere. The way she constructs her phrases, the way she speaks, mimics, moves, how bewitchingly it suits her feminine snaky features makes his blood boil and heart melt
- Both of them, actually, have rather specific kind of dry, dark humour. Kakuzu’s is very cynical, satirical, quite often menacing and subtly demeaning; Anko’s is very sarcastic and quite dirty, even gruesome and rather violent
- Sometimes they “fight” verbally as a form of a play. In some circumstances they may sound pretty vile, so some unobservant people mistake this for display of hate
- In general, Anko is the one to heat things up with her playful demeanor, which can include provocation and rivalry, and Kakuzu is the one to keep this energy in borders, accumulating it up to much more intense states
- They both put the comfort in the first place when it comes to household. Everything must be cozy, useful, silent and super clean
- Yet they are both very unpretentious and modest, really
- She absolutely adores when he is showing his serious, severe side, or powerful demeanor. She finds it incredibly suitable for him. She also likes how his real age is sliding out in this or that way. Like, even though he has rather young face (that of 37-40 y.o.), his eyes give away that he’ve seen oh so much more than it seems; the grumpy noises and grunts he makes, the lazy attitude in movements and the way how rapidly he finds a comfy pose once he has a chance to take a seat
- They are both rather patriotic, yet while in the most stories Anko’s feelings mostly lay towards the country she lives in, Kakuzu’s more often lay towards some places, so called small motherland.
- Kakuzu actually could be a source of deep, strong admiration and delight for her, despite all of his bullshit. The unbreakable will he has, mighty burning heart, all the wisdom, talents and mind. Being sent to fight god damn Hashirama, clearly a genius of his times, financial & management genius at the least. And, still, after all the hard times he’ve been through, he maintained the very strong sense of dignity and nobility, even though slightly twisted due to the profession and abnormal lifespan
- And the very same things can serve as the source for her chagrin: with all those traits, he could have been so much more rather than a criminal. With all the gifts he’ve got, he could have been of great use to society. He’s much easier about this, since his prospective is much wider and embraces decades (and in some universes even centuries) instead of months & years, and he knows that he’d be switching sides throughout his life, being on this and that side of the law, yet he still is a bit uncomfortable once it’s brought up
- They are deeply into science, which makes them atheists. He’s into medicine and human biology, she’s into chemistry and reptilian biology; both of them are nuts for physics, history and psychology
- They solve complicated physical and mathematical problems together time to time. She is the first one to have tea-breaks due to losing her temper over it, he tries to figure things out right until you can sense the smoke coming off his head
- Actually, they do have a stumbling stone aside from job & morality complications. And this is Anko’s attitude towards Orochimaru
What she does is basically ruins her life very-very slowly, maintaining the issues she has and planning to make him pay for all he’s done
Kakuzu knows exactly what is really going on with this attitude and why, but he can’t really do anything about it. Like, he knows he can’t make her change her mind or put something into her head
All he can do is really nothing but try to explain how those things are working, and even this option is basically a landmine field for him. At some level she does understand that he could probably be right, yet she just refuses to go back on her mind. And this is actually really dangerous, so at some moments they can fight quite badly about it
- He’s scared shitless to lose her, though; especially like that, even though he knows clearly that he will, anyway, sooner or later
- he knows that losing loved ones ends up with sheer disaster for him, yet he isn’t afraid to pay such a high price for those six, five or four decades of being with her. Because these decades are that of a paradise ones for him. Wife and family, as well as stable job, incomes and life conditions, are some sort of physical definitions of sustainability he craves. Especially family, yet it’s far ahead to plan
- The fact that he will have to bury her one day makes her rather depressed, as well as the knowledge that the only thing she can really do about it is to try to bring him as much happiness and comfort as possible before she dies
thank you, i'd say more, but it's too much already
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Why Husker will be the driving force to save Angel Dust; Instagram deep-dive story! Angelhusk explained.
Okay full disclosure Hazbin Hotel is an adult cartoon has dark touchy subject matter so please tread carefully. This goes into shipper territory and I don’t want to get attack in my inbox about this or attacking each other too much shipping wars plus I’m a multi-shipper... But for the sake of this post it’s going to be all fuel Angelhusk (or Huskerdust), yes okay great thank you. This is a continuation of my previous post which was just a prequel to this one. I ended the post saying Husker will be the one to reach out to Angel and helping him. 
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First I’ll be breaking down Husker’s first appearance and how his character is. When Alastor first summons him, he’s very pissed off when he’s pulled from the poker game. And he’s very quick show his anger, without fear despite Alastor being “one of the most powerful demons in Hell”, and does not care. Though this is a very short interaction we know that Husker does not put up with BS, he’s a drinker, and a poker player. How is this important to Angel Dust? Well Angel Dust, often hypes himself up but also tears himself down in the process, emphasizing that during the limo ride after being scolded by Vaggie that “his body is flawless, everybody wants a piece”... and thinks that’s all anybody wants from him. This is Angel’s way of protecting himself; he flirts with them first before they can hurt him, it’s just hidden with his confidence.
In reality he thinks everyone looks down on him, which is why he doesn’t accept help or confine in Charlie (like when he flipped her off )he isn’t taking a pity party. Angel hides his pain with vibrato and at the same time is too prideful to ask for help... he won’t admit when he’s in trouble. I explained this a little more in detail in my previous post why he thinks Charlie and Vaggie look down on him. But with Husker he in the same boat; using his addictions (gambling & drinking) to cope with his problems. Angel will be more incline to gravitate towards Husker and telling him his problems. I say this because it’s the same reason why Angel confines in Cherri, and is close with her. And unlike Charlie who can be naive at time ( don’t get me wrong I still love her), Husker will know when he’s over stepping his boundaries, and when to helping him since he’s going through something similar.
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(Charlie wanting to help Angel but doesn’t know how...)
So all of you maybe wondering, how is Husker gonna help Angel dust then if he hides his problems like that. Vivziepop made Husker a poker-player for a reason, he knows how to tell if someone’s bluffing. And it’s already been established that Angel has a terrible poker face... so Angel can’t lie to Husker. This is why he was angry at Angel’s flirting when they first meet because he already sees through his facade, (plus he’s shy about it). He knows that he doesn’t really meant and he’s hiding something. His sense and observation skills are very necessary cause he can spot when Angel’s actually in trouble.
links to official instagrams below to follow the narrative: 
Angel’s instagram/Husker’s instagram/Nifty’s instagram/Sir Pentious’ instagram
This post starts the saga where Angel is waiting to be picked up at the studio. Saying “Waiting at the studio to...Be picked up for some fucking...Food.”, Val is quick comment on this saying “Forgot to pick you,lol.” and takes the chance to make him like an after thought and after Angel asks to be picked up again Val answer back “yeah but we are filming, I already ate.” just to rub it in. But that’s where Huskers intervenes and get Angel something to eat ,  and there’s a key detail here that it’s only Husker that comes to his aid. Now most of the main cast has an Instagram so you’d think they’d help him but they don’t... They all probably think he’s just being cute and sassy totally unaware of the Angel’s situation with Valentino, but we the audience know... (I’ll bring this point back later)
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This one post is enough for Husker to be able see that Angel was really in trouble, which is why he goes out of his way to get him something to eat. And I would also like to point out after this post Husker starts following Angel’s instagram liking all his instagram posts. There’s more to this... keep in mind he starts following Angel after his posts about being tired and hungry. He’s not following him just because he has a “little crush” on Angel... he’s doing this because he wants to make sure Angel’s doing okay. He cares about Angel Dust well being and follows him to make sure doesn’t go hungry again. But during this time Angel isn’t aware of this... that Husker doing this out of worrying for Angel. I say this because right after Angel gets Husker tickets to his strip show, as “thank you” for the food. Showing that he trusts Husker but not entirely...
At this point Angel I don’t believe that he sees Husker’s actions as a gustier of genuine kindness towards him. No, he sees Husker as someone who just wants his body and this is just his way of getting towards that goal. Offering his services (or being flirty) is Angel way of not getting attach to someone (like I’ve said before): think of it as “ripping the band-aid quick off before it hurts more...”  it’s so he doesn’t get hurt again like with Valentino. I believe Val also managed manipulated Angel by doing nice things for him at first, like saying nice words or buying him nice gifts as means to just use him for his body (this is a real thing pimps do). And Angel thinks Husk is no different from the other guys who used him, that what everybody wants from him... he might as well give him what he wants. 
Night of the show rolls around and Husker misses it, kitty got too drunk... which we know takes place during the music video of Addict. In which we get another post about backs my statement the cast doesn’t know about Angel’s abuse. Nifty’s posts a pic, of Angel Dust looking sad after his show... saying “Saw Angel earlier, i hope he doesn’t leave the butts there 😅” Nifty wouldn’t have posted this if she knew what was going on. But Husker knows, that Angel’s depressed and feels bad about missing the show commenting “Oh fuck is that what I missed. Aw shit.” Feeling very guilty about missing Angels, usually Husk tends to hide his feelings but in this moment is very honest. Meaning he really did want to go to the show, not only that but realizes that Angel is actually upset. And he didn’t have to post this comment on Angel’s instagram but he had to he wanted to show that he was remorseful for not coming showing he is attracted to Angel Dust. 
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This picks up to with a post with Husker saying “Ugh... Since I missed the show, @angie_fluffy_bootz is sayin I owe him one and is making me watch his fuckin pig... I ain’t a fuckin babysitter!” in which babysits Fat Nuggets, which means he went out of his way to say “ what can I do to make it up to you”, and the conversation after it is a major turning point in the relationship for them. In the comment section Husker complains that Fat Nuggets ate all the food at the bar and says he wants to be payed back. Angel’s offer to pay him pay with a “private show”, in the only way thing he thinks Husker wants (I mean that all anybody ever wants from him). He does this with his usually flirty response, but it’s very different (this is a cut version of the convo.):
Angel: “tell ya what I’ll pay ya back with another private show”
Husker: “...I’m not doing that.
Angel: that or nothing babe. I think it’s a good deal.
Husker:“Jesus fucking Christ...” 
Angel: Ugh. Fine I’ll quit it. Only if you join me for shakes.
Husker: Yeah okay I think I can do that. 
This is major turning point in their relationship; this conversation is very important. Like I said before this is just his way of ripping the band-aid but there’s a reason why he’s really pushing it this time. It’s because Angel knows that he’s starting to catching feelings for Husker. And he’s not sure if Husker wants his body or if really means it. And the matter of the situation is Husker’s feeling the same way. When Husker says “Jesus fucking Christ...” it’s his way of saying “For the last time I don’t want your body, I’m not playing this game”... Here’s the thing Husker believes he’s proven enough that he doesn’t see Angel as a sex object, he’s more tried of the facade than he is annoyed. He doesn’t want Angel Dust to be a “fuck buddy” to him...
And this is a major turning point in their relationship, Angel finally understands that Husker just wants to be there for him. This is why he offers to go out with shakes with him, and of course Husker denies it and says “it’s not a date...”, but we know Husker is happy, because he’s willing accept this as being payed back for the food fat nuggets are, to him this was enough. Needless to say to say it was very cute and I loved it. Not only that but Husker becomes more active on Instagram and low-key tries to flirt back to Angel in his own grumpy cat way. 
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Try and tell me they aren’t flirting with each other!
A week after their date Angel Dust does a instagram post showing off his new outfit he got and Husker is quick to ask “why so many zippers”, he’s still too nervous to flirt directly Angel Dust responses with “More to pull down, respond...” Huskers clueless and responses with a “eh” still likes it anyway (the feelings are mutual now). And within the same week Husker posts his own selfie“ Wanted to wear a tie for once. 🥃”, posting one because of Angel. And this isn’t for nothing the pics clearly mirror each other (no pun intended). Just-wanted-to-wear-a-tie-for-once-my-foot ..he clearly did this to impress Angel with him asking “If he needs help with that tie...”, with Husker still being oblivious with the sexual reference but kitty’s still trying. 
This to me highlights why Angel is good for Husker (and vice-versa)... During his first appearance he comments “I lost the ability to love years ago...” and drinks down his booze. Which alludes to why he drinks because he feels lonely. Angel makes him active thus eliminating his reason to drink, as we can see through Husk trying things he hasn’t done before like wearing nice clothes. Now he didn’t have to but Husker pushed himself to be better. As for Angel it gives him a genuine romantic relationship that is centered by an emotional connection and not physically. Husker prioritizes Angels feelings and well-being first.
And for those of you that are confused with Huskers grumpy tendencies. In an interview Viviziepop has said about him is that he is a tsundere. Now a tsundere, it is a character the initially appearing as cold and hostile only to hide their true feelings. This is a troupe used  many times in animes (but if you are not familiar with the term or need an example of one Helga from Hey Arnold is a prime example of one).  His actions disregard his attitude towards Angel... Most of his grumpy responses to Angel are to hide his feelings for him and never used to cut down or degrade Angel Dust (like Val does). I will even argue that Husker is the total opposite of Valentino; Val uses flashiness and with sweet words to hide his heinous and vile intentions. While Husker seems hotheaded and temperamental initially his actions show he’s actually a very kind and caring individual and Angel defiantly sees that...
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Angel is special to Husker and he feels the same way... Now and is upper there with Fat Nuggets and Cherri Bomb. And of course Husker is embarrassed, realizing his pics there too saying “what the fuck!” but we know he’s happy. At this post we can assume that Husker is just as important to him as Cherri & Fat Nuggets is to him... and vice-versa. Which is why I believe that Husker will be the one Angel reaches out to first for help within the Hazbin Hotel. And I know some of you may not be convinced, that it’s just platonic or think that Husker just sees him as a friend, but as we know Husker is not a man of words... but a man of action! 
There is a key detail in this story that I’ve been keeping under-warps up until now, (and the reason why it took me so long to because once I found it piece of info; I had to change my original plans for this post). 
Remember how I said that the rest of the cast doesn’t know what’s going on with Val... and that Husker’s observation skills were going to be integral in helping save Angel. Well around the same time as the PJ pic... on Sir Pentious’ instagram he posts a pic of himself trying to make his minions look like Valentino and Vox: I wasn’t even trying to find this but low and behold guess who pops up in the comment section...
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Now what does this post say to you. (Husker also liked the post too)
Now repeat after me...“You don’t hear shit about people unless you go looking for it.” ... HUSKER KNOWS!  My theory is that he’s been suspecting that there was something up with Val, ever since the pick-up post, so he’s been keep tabs on instagram Angel to make sure he was safe. And as time went on Angel became more precious to him and became more worried about him. And Husker not wanting to overstep his bounds by asking Angel directly, (because it’s none of his business but still super worried) so he goes around digging info on Valentino. SO then he probably knows that he abuses his workers.  
(Or Angel told him whats happening... I’m leaning towards that Husker did his own digging because narratively it would be too soon and we wouldn’t have a story to tell and would have told Charlie and the rest of the crew too already... Either way..)
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Val sent him this, scumbag! And it only takes Husker seconds to defend him and makes sure Angel knows he’s not fat. (most recent post)
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Husker has knows, he’s actively been looking into Valentino and the shit he’s done, because he wants to protect Angel Dust! And it’s evident now, he has been defending him on Instagram as well, now being in the know, Husker defending his boy! He is not afraid of Valentino and is not putting up with his BS for putting down Angel anymore... our boy Husker is watching you rat-man.
He maybe the only one who knows that Valentino is abusing Angel (or catching on to it). Which will lead Angel coming clean about how Valentino raped him... And at this point Angel trusts Husker so much that he maybe willing to listen to him when he says “Hey you need to tell someone” or “you need help” and Husker already knows Angel well enough to know how to help him without having Angel push him away. 
AND THAT is why I believe he will be the major driving force in saving Angel from the RAT-MAN (Val)... And we know Husker isn’t afraid of overlords; he’s gonna protect his boy. He is proven time and time again that he loves and cares for Angel Dust so much... and oh I’m gushing now.
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AND LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE! I just want them to be happy, I want the best for our bois!
Thank you and I hope you all enjoyed the post (and please no shipping war in the comment section I don’t condone it whether you support it or not! Not fighting in the fandom)
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socheckitout-mikey · 4 years
Can I request a Johnny x soc reader where they hide their relationship and suddenly realize they really dont want to so now they have to adjust
heya birdie! i only really write hc’s so that’s the format they’re in. also, i kinda focused it more heavily on the reader meeting the gang, bc johnny would be pretty set on her meeting them since they’re pretty much his family. i hope you enjoy what i came up with! - mae
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Johnny Dating a Soc Reader and Hiding their Relationship Hc’s:
° None of the gang seemed to pick up on the fact that Johnnycake is dating you, and honestly, Johnny is pretty happy about that. Boii get’s teased enough as it is whenever he does open his mouth, he doesn’t need to be flooded with an onslaught of attention in regards to you.
° It’s just not Johnny’s style to be propped on top of a roof of a building, yowling about how he’s together with you. That’s more of Two-bit’s style. It’s not born out of embarrassment of dating you, someone who’s in a different social class altogether, it’s more over the fact that attention tends to overwhelm Johnny since he’s a raging introvert.
° In fact, Johnny is incredibly ecstatic to have you as his s/o despite the ample amount of insecurities he has about himself and his social status. He considers himself a lucky guy to have bagged someone as amazing and understanding as you. You balance a lot of his anxieties and insecurities out with patience and reassurance: Two things that we all know Johnny desperately lacks outside of the gang.
° Johnny tends to get effortlessly embarrassed whenever the spotlight is scorching on his form. So when you had told him you wanted to keep your relationship a secret, a part of him was incredibly relieved, but not before his mind started racing madly over the negative avenues for your reasoning.
° That other part of him felt ashamed of himself, especially because he primarily thought you were doing this out of the fact you were embarrassed of what others would think of you if they discovered the pair of you were dating.
° Yet you swiftly shutdown those ridiculous avenues of thought, ensuring him that you cared for him deeply and that societies prim and proper nose wouldn’t make you change who you loved, - even if it was upturned -. Similarly to Johnnycake, you relinquished from attention, the sheer thought of all these eyes being on you both made your skin crawl grotesquely.
° And thus began the comfortable pinnacle of your relationship with Johnny Cade. There was never much pressure, the pair of you free in the lack of obligation of speaking about your relationship to anyone else. It was beautiful while it lasted.
° You see, the gang weren’t blind. Soon they began to notice a spring in Johnny’s step, how he spoke a little more, how he disappeared frequently. The amount of times he’d led the gang on wild goose chases across town to lose them somewhere along the way to yours drove him insane!
° Teasing became an ample part of his life, the gang eventually guessing that he was dating someone. And although his crimson cheeks probably gave him away, his mouth never did. But Dally was hot onto the younger boy with a knowing smirk because Johnny may’ve slipped it loose once or twice whilst the guy was drunk: Sometimes, miraculously, Dally remembered his drunk endeavors.
° And your friends... fickle they were! Figured it out two weeks into your relationship with Johnny. Though fortunately for you they were trustworthy folk, they never pushed the topic, ready for whenever you were ready to tell them on your own terms.
° It was incredibly comical when you and Johnny met one night, both wild eyed and slightly breathless. The pair of you were sat in your car, the soft drawl of the radio humming whimsically in the background as Johnny sucked the life out of his tenth cancer stick of the night.
° “We gotta talk-” the paid of you mumbled out desperately in unison, the anxiety shivering in your tones made the pair of you spooked. Now that you look back on it, you laugh.
° “You first-” a unison it was once more and Johnny couldn’t help but crack a wry toothy grin before throwing his cigarette butt out the window.
° “Okay, you shoot first, Y/N.” Johnny stated in a shaky tone, his stammering long gone. You were one of the only people he felt real comfortable talking with.
° “I-I think we should tell our friends, because my friends are figurin’ it out.”
° And that night the pair of you stayed up till the early hours devising a plan on how best to break this to your friends.
° Johnny decided he’d need to pull up his bootstraps and meet your pals first, considering they were the nicest of the bunch. After all, the gang were notorious for being nasty to people they didn’t know, though laid off once they did get to know people. It was precautionary.
° And him meeting your friends went spectacularly! They loved Johnny so much and had nothing but great things to say about him. It was a bit of an ego boost for the kid, albeit incredibly overwhelming. He was still grinning in the vacant lot that night when Dally sat with the kid, fully sober for once.
° “Dal,” Johnny had hummed through the night air, shaking softly as nerves wracked his guts, “I gotta come clean about somethin’.” Did he have to say it so corny?
° “Shoot, Johnny-kid, what’s up?” Dally stated, seriousness taking him by the reins.
° And out it all came...
° Dally was ecstatic to say the least, taunting came out in boisterous fits and soon enough he’d wrestled Johnny into the Curtis house, gloating about how Johnny had snatched himself someone fancy.
° No one believed him initially, but then Johnny told them your name and when I tell you Soda’s jaw slammed onto the floor, it really did. They were so happy for him! And with happiness came the wild teasing of six boisterous boys, all eager to meet the person who’d won Johnny’s attention.
° Johnny was on edge about you meeting the gang, considering that you’d seen some of their antics in person from afar. He assured you that after awhile, they’d lay off; but for now, you’d be like that new attraction at the zoo. You hated that analogy but it made you laugh.
° You’d pretty much prepared yourself for the absolute worst, and although you were scared stiff, you sure didn’t show it. It made Johnny admire you more because you took everything the boys gave you in stride: I mean, it wasn’t like you weren’t a stranger to how teenage boys acted, after all, you did go to school with a whole bunch of em’.
° Darry was the most intimidating besides Dallas, due to his stature and height, but also because of that notorious icy look in his eye. He’d firmly shook your hand, muttering a brief “Hi, I’m Darry,” before slinking back into the kitchen to finish cooking dinner. Darry was a tough nut to crack, something Johnny had told you not to take personally: In fact, Darry really liked you from the moment you walked through the door because you were precisely what Johnny needed in a partner. You were also a good kid, something he hoped eventually would rub off on the other boys, but he wasn’t exactly expecting miracles.
° Sodapop was wild eyed and dreamy as ever, albeit just as dirty as the other boys. He flirted with you every chance he could get, eliciting Johnny to wise off to him; something that made the gang both gawk and simper like wolves.
° “What? You’ve never heard him speak before?” You’d quipped back wittily. You were also weary on how witty you were, seeing as you were typically seen as someone out of their leagues, you didn’t wanna come off as preppy, like you looked down on them. The truth was, you didn’t look down on them. After all, they were important people to Johnny, so they deserved as much respect as anyone else.
° Steve was cocky and smart mouthed, something you had witnessed all too often at school: In fact, you were pretty sure you’d been on the receiving end of his callous words more than once. You took everything he said with a grain of salt. He was also a little intense to begin with, joining in on Soda, Two and Dally flirting with you, but only in the sense to get you to be severely embarrassed.
° And Johnny was almost defensive of you, swatting away the gang and wising off to them to cut it out and leave you alone. He should’ve known better than to rise to their bait, because after all, that’s what they were really looking for; to get him going all red in the face.
° “You guys are nasty! I swear, ain’t nobody was this bad when Evie came round...”
° The minute you’d walked through the front door, Two-bit was hot on your heels, with Dally in tow, attempting to make you laugh up a storm. Well, he did, because it’s Two-bit after all: Who couldn’t that guy make laugh? His flirting would’ve been smooth if not for him having hiccupped halfway through his sentence.
° “Hey, sweet cheeks, why don’t you ditch Johnny for a real good lookin’ man like me, huh sugar?”
° “If the mirrors the one who told you that, then it’s lying.” You quipped back skillfully, more than comfortable taking on someone as wise-cracking as Two. The insult seemed to break the ice somewhat because Two didn’t take anything personally. In fact, all the boys thought it was pretty funny.
° Dally was the one that genuinely terrified you. The lines between a hood and a greaser weren’t present in him after all: Dallas Winston was as bad as they got, like Tim Shepard, and if it weren’t for him being Johnny’s buddy, you’d have avoided him at all costs. You weren’t sold short on his little show at the beginning, flirting with you, pulling on your hair like you were his kid sister or something... Dally found every way to irritate the hell out of you.
° “C’mon now, Dal! Cut that shit out!” Johnny snapped particularly at one point, but he meant business: Johnny never really wised off to anyone, so it took some guts for him to go out for Dally like that. Dally just grinned at him silly before ruffling the kids hair. “Alright, alright! Who knew you dug this one so much, eh?”
° Ponyboy, although quiet, was probably your most favorite of the gang. You really weren’t a stranger to him at school, often having some classes together with him. So it was somewhat refreshing to see someone you knew a little well in class. Every so often you’d catch the kid looking at you apologetically from the dining room whenever Steve or Two would say something that would’ve made anyone else run for the hills.
° “You know, if you keep goin’ like that, Johnny-cakes’ heads gonna burst into flames.”
° Whenever the boys got too rambunctious, Darry would pipe up from the doorway, reminding the boys that they needed to tone it down. After all, they’d promised Johnny they’d be on their best behavior, which in fact, that whole promise had been thrown out the window long ago. You’d just accepted it at this point.
° Eventually nighttime curled over Tulsa Oklahoma, and it was time for you to head on home. As soon as you and Johnny got down to the lot, he was intent on apologizing for their awful behavior, absolutely certain that you wouldn’t wanna be with a bum like him that hung out with trash like that.
° “What’re you apologizin’ for? I like em’. I mean, they’re awful, but...” You grinned at your boyfriend, linking fingers with him.
° “Did Two sneak you some booze?!” Johnny was animated, his voice cracking as it reached an octave that it hadn’t before.
° It did take awhile for the gang to accept you as Johnny’s girlfriend, but that didn’t matter to you as the cat was out of the bag: Outing your relationship to both of your friend groups was probably the best avenue to have gone down, since it was never in either of your guys’s nature to have just shown up to school one day holding hands and all that mushy galore!
° Everyone at school made a huge deal out of you guys dating for about a week until the next ‘crazy’ rumor swept their attention. Although you were still subject to some odd looks and some remarks, the pair of you just ignored them.
° The most the pair of you would do in public was hold hands or Johnny’s arm was around your shoulders. Subtle things. He got a whole ear full from the gang about how whipped he was. Johnny just didn’t dig the whole possessive thing that Dally was into. He didn’t need the whole world watching him make out with you!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Meeting and Dating Andy Cavenaugh
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(My shitty gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- Living in the middle of the desert was an interesting experience. You’d lived in the same home since you were born and yet there were still occupants of your town that you’d never seen or met; even though there was only a meager population of under 50.
- It was the sheer size of your state that did it. Everyone lived miles away from each other and any shop that was considered to be “nearby” was still at least a thirty minute drive so you only ever went into town a couple times a month. Which is how you met Andy.
- You’d driven into town with a list of supplies you’d needed and a wallet full of that months savings, ready to get your stuff and go as quickly as you could; hoping to get home before the sun rose all the way and baked you alive.
- Coincidentally, Andy was in town at the same time, loitering around the store you were attempting to shop at. You paid him no mind and went about your business until you were ready to check out.
- Once the shopkeep had rung you up, you found that you didn’t have enough money for all the things on your list and reluctantly told the man to keep something as he helped you pack up what you could afford.
- Andy watched the entire interaction from somewhere behind you as he pocketed whatever he felt like. Once you headed towards the doors of the building, he picked some cheap thing off the shelf and went to the checkout, watching you as you packed up your car.
- While the store clerk was preoccupied with the cash register, the boy snuck whatever you’d left behind into his jacket and waited another few moments for the man to hand him his actual purchase before he made his way outside.
- You were just about to get into your car when he came up to you, greeting you casually before he held out his hand and offered you the thing that you’d left behind. You looked at him in surprise before you thanked him and took it, shifting it to your other hand so that you could offer him yours in a handshake.
- The two of you introduced yourselves and he asked if you’d be interested in going out sometime. Since all you knew about him was that he was attractive and sweet enough to “buy” you the thing you couldn’t afford, you agreed and wrote down your number for him, telling him that it was nice meeting him and saying goodbye before you drove off. 
- He calls you a couple days later while out with his friends, a little liquid courage in his system and a bit of peer pressure from his buddies leading to his wonderful decision making. 
- You’re clueless and he thinks his friends will stick to their word of “heading out before you show”, which obviously doesn’t happen. You arrive and they’re still there, almost immediately inviting themselves to what was supposed to be your first date and making the night rather uncomfortable at times. 
- You can tell that your date is just as uncomfortable as you, but that doesn’t exactly make things any better. By the time the night ends, you’ve already decided that you’re probably just gonna count your losses and find a potential boyfriend elsewhere. 
- But fate seems to be on Andy’s side because the two of you find yourselves face to face a few days later. He gives you an apology, explaining everything before telling you that he’d like to see you again.
- It takes you a minute to decide but you finally agree and tell him that you’ll give it another shot, bringing up your own idea for a date in hopes that you won’t be bothered by his buddies again. He gives you a wide smile, asking when he should pick you up and thanking you genuinely just before he leaves.
- So, for your second date; though you like to consider it your first, the two of you go to whichever place you chose and wind up having a really nice time. He seems to be on his best behavior but his real personality shines through as well; and it’s one that you really enjoy.
- You probably give him a kiss on the cheek as a goodnight but the two of you share your first real kiss on your next date. You’d spent pretty much the entire night together and wound up parking off on the side of the road to stargaze for a while. 
- You were leaning against the hood of his car with him, looking up at the sky before your gaze shifted to the man beside you. He was preoccupied with watching the stars, leaving you to let your mind wander. 
“I’m glad we gave this another shot.” You said and watched as his focus shifted to you instead. 
- He gave you a smile and told you that he was too before he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. 
- Congratulations, you caught yourself a firebird in the middle of the desert.
- Andy really doesn’t give a shit about how other people feel like 80% of the time, and he’s just a fan of affection in general, so there’s going to be a lot of Pda in your relationship; if you’ll allow it.
- Handholding. He likes keeping you close to him and making sure that you aren’t getting into any dangerous trouble; especially if you’re around his friends. Although he does wear his gloves a lot so; even though he gives you the occasional reassuring squeeze or strokes his thumb across your knuckles, you’ll most likely be feeling leather more than his skin.
- If someone’s kissing a face, it’s you. His lips are for your lips only, he doesn’t bother touching them to anything else; though he does enjoy when you kiss him on the cheek or jaw.
- Deep, slow kisses.
- He calls you honey or baby more than he calls you by your name. And as tough as he likes to pretend he is, he’d love to have you call him by pet names too.
- Cuddling is one of his favorite pastimes; he absolutely loves it. Most of the time, he’ll pull you in, pressing his cheek/jaw to your head and letting you lay right up against him, your head resting against his shoulder or in the crook of his neck.
- A lot of the time, he prefers to be loving in a more reserved way. He tends to show that he cares through his actions and by doing little things to make your life easier. Things like waking up early to put gas in your car or picking up things that you need from the store whenever he’s in town so that you don’t have to go.
- Sometimes, he’ll set up a sentence like he’s about to say something really sweet or you’ll ask him something expecting a cute response and he’ll just say something crude or lewd instead.
“How do I look.” He turns and looks at you, a smile gracing his face.
“Your tits look great.” He replies, barely holding in his laughter.
- He indulges you more than he cares to admit. He might occasionally act like he’s too cool but he’s too in love with you to say no and potentially make you sad.
- Tv dates. There ain’t shit else to do.
- Cruising around in his firebird; and sometimes parking somewhere to makeout.
- Going on road trips or long outings. There isn’t a whole lot to do in your town so you’ll occasionally take the long ride over to the next town in hopes of finding something fun.
- He’ll never tell you that he does but he always dodges potholes and bumpy areas during these trips so that he doesn’t wake you up while he’s driving.
- Driving out to the middle of the desert with a bundle of blankets to watch the sunrise; or stopping on the side of the road during one of your trips.
- Sitting with him while he works on his car.
- Going out into the desert to shoot or smash random junk. Vases, porcelain, tin cans; stuff like that.
- Playing pinball and other convenience store arcade games.
- Every now and again, he’ll get some money from his pops and take you out to a nice dinner; especially if it’s after the two of you are pushed into doing something you dont like and he can see that you’re upset. It’s usually because of Sam but he still feels the need to try and make it up to you and make sure that you aren’t gonna ghost him.
“Hey, why don’t we go and get some dinner,” he’ll say, a hint of nervous desperation in his voice as you walk out to his car. “You can get whatever you want. Dessert too.”
- It isn’t clear exactly how rich Andy actually is but it seems like he’s sort of embarrassed to have wealth in such a poor town. Because of this, I feel like he probably wouldn’t mention it and would try to dodge questions that would lead to him exposing the truth, maybe acting like he’s less wealthy than he is until Sam “outs” him and causes an awkward situation.
- Him stealing things for you. You’d much prefer if he just bought them but at least he doesn’t tell you whether or not he’s stolen it most of the time.
- Likes to fool around a lot; he’s rarely ever fully serious and he’s always trying to make you laugh.
- Can quote just about any western film you can name and does impressions of all the characters. He grew up on those sorts of things so he’s practically an expert by now.
- He likes messing with your stuff: putting on your clothes, using your mirror for random stuff, picking things up off your dresser and toying around with them, etc.
- My god, the change of character he has when he’s with his friends and you, compared to when he’s with his parents gives you whiplash. It’s hilarious seeing him lie and act like an angel during family dinners.
- His dad probably lectures him about manners whenever you’re with them: things like putting his elbows on the table, saying grace, how he treats you, etc. Its pretty amusing to see.
- He seems like a good guy who got mixed in with the wrong people. Sure, he enjoys a little chaos and trouble making like the rest of them but he doesn't like hurting people and you can tell from the way he acts afterward that he isn't proud; especially when you give him a look in the middle of the situation and sober him up.
- You’re dragged along with him and the boys a lot; or he’s forced to ditch you to hang out with them whenever Sam calls.
- Sam flirting with you. You know damn well that he’d make you compliment him or get you to agree with his praise of himself; and Andy would be miffed but unable to do anything besides listen to him while his knuckles whiten on his steering wheel.
- There aren’t a lot of people in your town for him to get jealous of but whenever there is, he does. Most of the time, it’s Sam or some flirtatious traveler but other times it’s your celebrity crushes or old boyfriends. He usually just bites his tongue or makes some kind of sarcastic, passive aggressive comment; it depends on who it is and how you’re reacting to them.
- He’s always looking over at you and making sure you’re alright whenever he can; especially when you’re out with his friends. He knows that getting into the trouble that they do can be dangerous and he doesn’t want anything happening to you just because Sam doesn’t know when to stop.
- The two of you get into a lot of arguments but they’re rarely ever serious. You mostly just bicker before the two of you give up and decide that it’s a pointless fight.
- Whenever you do have an argument, one that he causes and upsets you with, he always feels guilty and finds himself unable to stay mad at you. He might not verbally apologize but he will try to make it up to you in some way and tell you that he’s sorry.
- He’s not big on saying he loves you but he does say it on occasion; and definitely shows it more than he says it.
- The two of you probably get engaged on a whim a bit too early into your relationship but he’s promising to take you out of that desert city and along with him to Hollywood so the ring is a nice symbol of that oath. 
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