#buddy's snippets
buddiesmutslut · 5 months
Can we be real, for a second?
People aren’t pissed bc a Buddie scene was cut during the Madney wedding episode.
People are pissed that the team used an entire scene to draw people into that episode & THEN dropped, through an actor interview a day before release, that it was cut.
They’ve been treating the song they were supposed to be singing like a state secret. Oliver was talking WEEKS ago about this episode and doing “one of the scariest things he’d ever done” on the show about the karaoke. There was subtext there & stuff in the bachelor party that was hinting more with the storyline Eddie is on.
For the last 3 weeks, they’ve been using THAT SCENE in every promo & teaser & interview to keep fans interested, and THAT’S why people are pissed.
We all know that e6 is about Madney, nobody is disputing that.
The promo team hasn’t done a very thorough job of showing us that though. They’ve showed us Buck & Eddie, & now they’re cutting (at least, inferring from what we’ve heard by the people who have already seen it) a substantial amount of that out.
THAT is why people are upset. If they hadn’t been making such a big deal about this scene being in the episode, it wouldn’t be such a big deal now that it’s been cut out.
Tell me you don’t understand context without TELLING ME you don’t understand context 🙄
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wikiangela · 6 months
fuck it friday 💗💜💙(7x04 coda?)
tagged by @tizniz 💖
hi! how are we feeling after 7x04 bc I feel like I'm dreaming and I've been crying the whole day today, my bi heart is sooooo happy😭😭 I wasn't gonna start new wips until i finish the cheating fic, but I opened a new doc and things happened lol - idk what this is, where I'm going with this, or if I'm even gonna continue, I just wanted to peek into Buck's head for a moment haha
Oh. Oh. Oooh. So that’s- that’s what it was. Huh.
That’s the first thing going through his mind as Tommy kisses him. It’s like- it’s like a piece of the puzzle finally sliding into place, after years and years of searching, looking for something to fill that space with, that feeling of something being missing. It’s almost weird, really, how easy it feels, how he’s more relieved than freaked out. Because this- oh, this makes so much sense. He’s into guys. He’s been into guys. And right now, at this moment, he’s into Tommy. 
Holy shit, he’s into Tommy.
Buck’s mind has been a whirlwind of chaos and confusion and frustration for days, but now, when Tommy kisses him, it all silences. Just to start anew as they part, butterflies in his stomach so intense he feels like he might float, as a slow smile spreads across his face when Tommy pulls away. 
This is the part of himself he’s been looking for, he’s been denying himself, he’s been silencing for so long. He doesn’t know why now, why Tommy, what it all means and where it’s leading. But he knows that now he feels almost... complete, feels like himself, feels at ease. Feels like Buck.
He feels giddy when Tommy asks him out, and finds that as soon as the door closes behind him, Buck already can’t wait to see him again. Jesus, he has a crush. He’s a grown man in his thirties, just now finding out he’s into guys, and he has a goddamn crush on a guy, and that’s why he’s been acting like a teenager. It makes so much sense now, and Buck feels- well, he’s embarrassed because of his idiotic behavior, and guilty for maiming his best friend, but most of all he just feels relieved. Because he knows now, knows why he’s been so bent out of shape about this whole situation, and can put a name to those feelings.  It’s like a huge weight has been lifted off his chest, that he didn’t even know was there.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @thebravebitch @canonbibuck @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @neverevan @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @exhuastedpigeon @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @theotherbuckley @buddieswhvre @dangerpronebuddie @diazsdimples @daffi-990 @bidisasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @hoodie-buck
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diazsdimples · 7 months
Prompt: forehead kiss
When Eddie gets home, he can tell something is wrong. Usually, if he has a shift without Buck, his boyfriend will be waiting for him at the door like an enthusiastic golden retriever. Today, however, the house is completely silent when Eddie opens the door.
Worried, Eddie puts his duffel down, kicks off his shoes, and pads down the hallway.
"Buck?" he calls out, listening for signs of life, with concern mounting when he hears none. "Baby, you home?"
Eddie turns the corner into the lounge and there he finds Buck, or what he assumes is Buck as all he can see is a mound of blankets on the couch. There's a small sniffle and the mound shakes, shifting as Buck turns and pokes his head out from his cocoon, revealing his bright red, tear streaked face, and mussed up blond curls.
Quick as a flash, Eddie rounds the couch, dropping to his knees so he's at eye level with Buck, and takes his boyfriends face in his hands.
"Mi amor, what happened? Are you okay?"
Buck sniffs pathetically, rubbing his eyes with the back of his fists, and drops his head back against the cushions. " 'M fine" he croaks, his voice cracked and raw from crying.
Eddie swipes his thumbs across Buck's cheeks, wiping away his tears, and taps his nose with his forefinger. Buck always looks so vulnerable when he cries, giving Eddie the overwhelming urge to wrap himself around Buck and snarl at anything that comes near. He's never been protective or possessive with past relationships before but with Buck, it's different. Buck has such light, such unadulterated joy that Eddie can't help but want to shield him from all that's bad, to be the armour that surrounds Buck, taking the blows instead.
"Sweetheart, you can talk to me. What's going on?" Eddie asks, dipping his head to keep Buck's gaze on him, forcing eye contact. "Please, I want to help."
"It's silly," Buck says with a shaky laugh. "Don't want you to laugh at me."
Eddie tucks a finger under Buck's chin, gently lifting his head upwards. "I would never laugh at you, I promise. Please, tell me?"
Buck shifts so he's sitting upright a bit more. "I was looking at a the card Chris made me when I passed my recertification test, you know, before I had the PE, and then I found the Father's Day card he made me this year and looking at them side by side, seeing how much his handwriting has changed and how he doesn't draw stick figures with ridiculously long legs anymore, but draws actual, real people, it just made me really emotional to think that he's not that tiny 7 year old you introduced me to anymore. Like I said, it's silly."
Eddie can't help but smile at his boyfriend's confession. He himself had been going through similar, mourning the loss of the little boy that would ask him about dogs knowing if they were dogs, and how he used to be able to carry him around all the time. His son is growing up, and it's taken him a moment to get used to it.
"Hey, that's not silly at all. It's an unfortunate part of being a parent, watching your baby grow up, and you mourn who they were when they were little but you also get to watch them flourish and become little adults." Eddie reaches forward and brushes a strand of hair from Buck's forehead. "This is a very normal part of parenting, amor."
"If it's normal then why does it suck so much?"
Eddie laughs as he scratches Buck's head, noting with satisfaction that Buck leans into the touch, his tears not coming as fast anymore.
"Life sucks sometimes," he says sagely, quoting Buck from not two nights prior when Christopher had asked them why he wasn't allowed a PS5 in his room. "But, we get through it together, right?"
Buck's lips quirk upwards in the ghost of a smile, and he nods. "Yeah, I'm glad I've got you, Eds."
Eddie leans forwards and kisses Buck's forehead, inhaling in the scent of the strawberry shampoo he insists on using, a scent that feels so perfect and so much like home to Eddie. "You've always got me," he murmurs, his lips brushing against Buck's forehead as he speaks.
He presses another tender kiss to Buck's forehead, then to his temple, the tip of his nose, and very gently to his lips. "I love you."
Buck nuzzles his nose against Eddie's, before tucking his face into Eddie's neck, circling his arms around his waist. "Love you too, Eds."
They stay like that for a while, tangled up in one another like they're two pieces of a puzzle, made to fit perfectly together. Eddie rubs his hand up and down Buck's back, feeling every bump of his spine, scratching between his shoulder blades, tracing his ears with the tip of his fingers. Buck relaxes in his arms, going soft and pliant as if his body is putty and Eddie's touch is moulding him, bringing him back to the shape of his regular self.
After a while Eddie pulls back and smooths his thumb over Buck's cheek. "You gonna be okay?"
"Yeah, yeah I think I will," Buck replies, and Eddie knows, as long as they're together, they can face the world. And there's no one he would rather have at his side, than his Buck.
Fuck around with me and ask things!
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loveyouanyway · 4 months
seven sentence sunday
a lil something from nonverbal buck fic <3
"Hey, uh are you doing anything on Saturday?" Eddie asks shyly. Christopher gives him a not so subtle thumbs up. Buck can't help but smile. Nope, I'm free. What's up? "We– Christopher was wondering if you'd want to go to the zoo with us? You can say no, it's okay if you don't." Buck feels all warm and fuzzy. They want to spend time with him. Are you kidding? I'd love to.
thanks for the tags 💜 @disasterbuck @tizniz @wikiangela
@smilingbuckley @spotsandsocks @exhuastedpigeon @bigfootsmom
npt 💕 @moonsharky @steadfastsaturnsrings @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz @dangerpronebuddie
@hippolotamus @diazsdimples @underwaterninja13 @father-salmon @watchyourbuck
@bi-buckrights @bekkachaos @theotherbuckley @jesuisici33 @queerdiaz
@evanbi-ckley @neverevan @honestlydarkprincess @the-likesofus @rainbow-nerdss and anyone else who wants to share <3
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disasterbuck · 19 days
thank you! sorry it took me a month 😬
😘😘😘😘 - cheek kiss
I had writer's block for this but now the wall is SMASHED!!! 🥳
Or was Buck overthinking this whole thing? After all, Eddie had only kissed his cheek. It wasn't like he'd kissed him on the mouth.
Buck felt his face burn at this last thought. Oh, how he wanted Eddie to kiss him on the mouth…
"You kissed him!?" Linda exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement. Josh thunked his glass down on the table in surprise, his mouth falling open.
"Not on the lips!" Eddie said quickly as he dropped his hands back down and looked up. "Just on the cheek. But…" He swallowed nervously. "Yeah."
"What are you still doing here?" Josh burst out.
"… Excuse me?"
Shaking his head, Josh shared a disbelieving glance with Linda before saying, "Go kiss him for real!"
"But…" Eddie stared between them, his heart pounding in his chest. "I'm here with you guys. We're hanging out. I can't just ditch you."
"Eddie!" Linda chided. "We can hang out later! Ditch us and go get your man!"
👀👀👀👀 - chris watches
But then weeks passed. Chris watched the two of them continue to smile and laugh and hang out together, their touches getting progressively more intimate every day. He waited, constantly, for his dad to tell him that he and Buck were dating and things might start to look a bit different from now on.
He waited, eager to be given the chance to tell his dad that he thought this was a really good idea and he was actually thrilled for them both. He could picture his dad's face lighting up with joy, the special smile he reserved for Buck bursting free, uncontainable.
But as the days passed, no one said anything.
@dluoser @taketheplanspinitsideways @loudenthusiastic @wallywise @mxrcjqckspnchqsc
@therosesaredying @stillfuckingtired @classtrialguru @smolfunpenguin @blackdragonofthenights
@awesome-igi @natnuszsstuff @olliesrants @crazyfangirlallert @delirium1995
@brah3280 @meanceclosetohell @anythingeverythingallofthetime @sunflower-eddiediaz
@darkrose6578 @veronae-buddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @inell @mjthe14thdoctor
@spicyrottingbrains @gnoeltop @idealuk @donationwayne @lemotmo
@smilingbuckley @realpersonwithrealfeelings @superlock-in-the-tardis @strxwbereee
@idontknowwhatimdoing777 @ashleigh2658 @mari-lwyd-fannibal-blog @mineyneedsmoney
@spotsandsocks @unlifeira @pirrusstuff @buddiedaydreamer911
@littlevampireprincessuniverse @misshiss727 @i-put-the-star-in-bastard @hermioneindisguise @dangerpronebuddie
@specialbrownieeater @blue-winged-boy @bucks-daddy-issues @lightningmcqueer8
Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed 💕
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daffi-990 · 2 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
More angst from my secret buddie wip (prev snippet here) …sorry 🙈
Tagged by @diazsdimples so you can all blame him for the pain 😅. Actually you can all blame James for all the pain of this fic, seeing as he’s the one that inspired me to write it haha 😜
God, she’s going through this too, yet she’s pulled herself together to comfort him.
Buck feels guilt, hot and uncomfortable, settle over him - like a blanket being draped over you as you sit out in the sun on a warm summers day. He doesn't deserve (redacted) strength and kindness.
Not when he just stood there.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he sobs as (redacted) clutches him tighter.
But sorry isn’t enough to change things. Sorry won’t turn back the clock. It won’t save Eddie.
“Shhh. It’s not your fault, Buck. It’s not your fault.”
He wants to yell and scream that it is. That if he’d just let Eddie walk over to the 133’s engine and climb in, instead of holding him back to flirt, then Eddie probably wouldn’t have been shot. Maybe Buck would’ve been the target instead.
He can’t help thinking that that would’ve been a much better outcome than the hell he’s living in now.
No pressure tagging: @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @wildlife4life @lover-of-mine @lonelychicago @dangerpronebuddie @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @wellcollapse @bekkachaos @missmagooglie @monsterrae1 @wikiangela @watchyourbuck @smilingbuckley @exhuastedpigeon @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @spagheddiediaz @queerdiazs @buckera @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @princessfbi @steadfastsaturnsrings @devirnis @diazheartsbuckley @disasterbuck @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck @jesuisici33 @jeeyuns @ladydorian05 @kitteneddiediaz @king-buckley @captain-hen @cowboy-eddie-diaz and as always, anyone who has something they’d like to share -> consider this your official tag 🏷️
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goodbye goodbye goodbye
Tumblr media
you were bigger than the whole sky 😔
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chaotic-orphan · 1 month
Intoxicating Fear (XX)redraft*
Revealing the Monster
Read part one here // Masterpost // Continued from here
Here's the tea, I am redrafting PART XX of this series and uploading it here, this is the canon - but I WILL POST THE NEXT PART TOMORROW!
The new part starts about halfway down XD
I am sorry, I wasn't happy with part XX! SO part XXI tomorrow, thank you for your time. :)
Kit was wary about following Ambrose down a very dark, a very concrete set of stairs. “If this is the fucking torture basement I woke up in initially—”
Ambrose waved the accusation away, as if it was daft for Kit to be wary. “It’s to the garage,” he told him, keying a code into the pin-pad beside the metal door.
Ambrose walked through the door and held it open, rolling his eyes when he noticed Kit still lingering at the top of the stairs.
“Come on.”
“I���m not going to willingly follow you into your torture dungeon.”
Ambrose blinked, tilting his head. “The sex dungeon is two floors down, Mallory.”
Ambrose laughed at the face that Kit pulled. “Come on. I can always force you to come if I want, and we’re kind of a time crunch here.”
Kit glared daggers at the man and begrudgingly walked down the stairs. He stopped at the last step, trying to get a peak into the room. Ambrose walked away from the door letting it close before Kit could. Kit lunged forward to catch the heavy metal door, but relaxed immediately when he saw it was in fact a garage.
Kit let out a long low whistle after stepping into the garage. The door shut with a buzzer after him. Ambrose opened a lock box with keys hung up in a numbered order.
He grabbed the keys named ‘01’.
“You’re such a control freak,” Kit snorted. “Do you have OCD or something?”
Ambrose shrugged, taking off through the cars covered by different tarps. The only car that wasn’t covered was the one closest to the garage door. The same car that Ambrose kidnapped Kit in last night.
He hated that Ambrose had a good taste in cars. He hated that Ambrose had this many cars when Kit couldn’t even afford one, nevermind a garage full.
Ambrose grinned at Kit over the roof of the Wraith as he unlocked the door. “If you like, I can give you one of the ones I don’t like.”
Kit rolled his eyes. “I thought I told you to stay out of my head,” he said, opening the door and climbing into the passenger seat. The cream leather was so comfortable under him as he put his seatbelt on.
“Seriously,” Kit went on, anger curling around him the more comfortable he became with all of Ambrose’s luxury. “Don’t you have any thoughts of your own?! It’s fucking creepy, man. Just ask questions if you want to know my thoughts.”
Ambrose laughed as he opened the garage door with a remote and they rolled out of the house and onto the road again.
“I mean, don’t you have any friends?” Kit demanded hotly. In all honesty, he didn’t know why he was getting pissed all of a sudden, it’s not like Ambrose invading his mind was a new thing, but now? It pissed him off. “Don’t you know how to talk to people?!”
“Relax, Mallory. You’re the only person I relay their thoughts to. It might shock you, but generally, people love when you know what they’re thinking. It’s why humans seek connection. To feel understood.”
“Okay, Socrates,” Kit grumbled. “It’s just fucking weird. I don’t like it when you do it.”
“All of a sudden.”
“Yes!” Kit snapped, glaring at the villain beside him as the forest zoomed past them. “All of a sudden!”
What had Ambrose seen? What parts of him did he know? Could he see everything or was it selective?
“After you found out I’m Mentor’s son,” Ambrose said pointedly. Kit scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring out the passenger window. They drove in a terse silence for a while, cause Ambrose was a psychopath and didn’t have the radio on.
“We have to talk about it, Kit.”
“Well, you already know my thoughts on it all, so enjoy having a conversation by yourself.”
“Mallory,” Ambrose said with a tired sigh, flicking on the indicator as they pulled to a stop. “I know it must seem like a weird coincidence to you, but I swear I didn’t know you were Mentor’s s—”
Kit’s hands tightened into fists. Son. He was about to say son.
“Prodigy,” he settled on, taking a right and messing with the gears until they were coasting again. The air seemed tighter. “I didn’t know that he meant anything to you. I swear— I just assumed that when you were scared of me turning you into him, that you had heard the horror stories in the academy, or Superhero told you. Not that you… not that you were personally affected.”
Kit’s eyes burned as he stared out the window, the forest growing sparser the closer they got to the city. “I didn’t know. You have to believe me.”
“And if you did?”
Ambrose hesitated.
Kit turned his head to look at him, studying the villain’s reactions.
“And if you knew that he was like a father to me.” Like a father, not an actual one. “If you knew how much it hurt to see a man who plucked me out of nothing be destroyed. Would it have been any different?! Or would you have laughed and rubbed it in like salt in a wound?”
“Oh, come off it. There’s no one here, Rosey. It’s only me and you,” Kit said, his voice dripping with a horrible hysterical knowing. “You can be your usual sadistic, unfeeling, monstrous self and I can tell nobody about it—”
“Mallory—” Ambrose tried to interject but Kit spoke over him again.
“But you know the funniest part in all this? You already took away the one person who would have given a shit about this! About me, not the Hero. Me. And you made him a monster!” Kit roared, something wet hitting his cheeks and flowing like a stream down his face. “And now, because clearly God hates me, I have to team up with you of all people, to go and stop — the one man who ever treated me like a person — from becoming a monster like you.”
The silence was deafening. In some strange way, it was comforting. No electricity crackles or malfunctioning lights accompanied his breakdown with the power dampeners locked around his wrist.
It was cathartic.
They had just pulled into the main road that brought them to the outskirts of the city, the skyline visible over the horizon when Ambrose spoke.
“He wasn’t a hero to me,” said Ambrose quietly, almost imperceptibly. Kit glanced at him, but his eyes settled on the white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel.
“Don’t fucking tell me you have daddy issues.” When Ambrose didn’t answer Kit let out a strangled laugh. Blinking in bewilderment, Kit raised his brows. “Are you telling me you have daddy issues? Mr Big Bad villain?”
“Oh fuck off, Mallory. At least I had parents.”
The words stung. They cut deeper than Kit would have ever admitted out loud or shown physically, but Kit knew that Ambrose was in his head after the villain winced.
Shifting in his seat, he said: “I’m— I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come off snarky. I just—” Ambrose let out a groan. “You just rub me up the wrong way.”
“Well who’s fucking fault is that, dickhead?!”
“Do you want me to explain, or are you just going to argue with me the entire drive to the hospital?” Ambrose snapped. “I can only do one of those things in our limited time, so choose.”
Kit clenched his teeth, glaring forwards at the car in front of them. “Fine. Tell me.”
“Mentor is my father. As you know, he only rose to prominence within our lifetimes, though you may be too young to remember. Before him, heroes and villains weren’t really a thing. There were a couple dotted here and there, but mostly they were vigilantes. The good guys and the bad guys.”
“Yeah. I remember learning about that in the academy.”
“Right. So after my father rose in public opinion and word of mouth, well the government started stepping in and trying to regulate it. Which they did and the rest is history, but he wasn’t the same heroic good man when he came home.”
Kit swallowed, tightening his fingers into fists. He didn’t want to hear this, he realised. He really wanted Ambrose to shut up and not tell him anymore, but he asked for this, didn’t he? To know the side of Mentor that Ambrose knew?
“He wasn’t abusive,” Ambrose said softly and Kit released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Not physically, anyway. When he discovered that I was born with powers he sought to train me, to make me in his image. A family of Superheroes. My Mom, she didn’t want that for me. She saw the toll it took on him to be the city’s saviour everyday, and that’s when they started fighting.”
Kit sat rigid in his seat, staring forward. He couldn’t imagine Mentor fig— well, no. He could, actually. How many times had Kit walked in on Mentor and Mr Silver arguing? Or Superhero trying to tell Mentor that the next step was a bad idea, that it was too risky.
“I trained hard. When he wanted me to push myself, I pushed myself. When he wanted me to commit 100%, I did 200%. It was never enough for him. None of it was. He wanted a son and a wife who adored him, who worshipped the ground he walked on, and instead he had a family. His ego was a problem.”
Kit cringed at that. Even he knew that Mentor wanted people to adore him, no matter who or why. He wanted to be the city’s saviour, the man on everyone’s tongue and in their thoughts.
Kit let out a breath of a laugh, running a hand through his hair.
“I guess… that’s why he adopted me, isn’t it?” Kit asked, his voice hollow. Ambrose didn’t answer, and that was answer enough. God, how could he be so stupid? How could he not have seen that to Mentor, Kit was just some charity project he knew would always support him. Worship the ground he walked on, defend him even when Kit knew he was in the wrong.
Ambrose opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again, setting his lips into a thin line.
“No. It’s okay,” Kit replied, letting out a long breath. “It’s fine, go on.”
Ambrose hesitated, fingers lifting from the steering wheel, before curling around them again. They passed the memorial garden in silence, taking the diversion around the square towards the hospital. They weren’t far away now.
“He started the Hero academy when I was twelve. A school for children with powers to develop their abilities to become heroes. I saw it for what it was though, incentive and resentment. He failed to teach me to control my abilities, and found a fault in me that I couldn’t rectify. My ability wasn’t flashy enough, or showy enough for him, for the great Mentor.”
“He wanted a child who would make the world stop and look at them. Someone who was as fast as him, as strong, but not stronger. In his eyes, I may as well have been born with strong charisma because you couldn’t see the effect of what I could do, only experience it.”
Kit looked down at his wrist, at the power dampeners locked around it. Lightning was flashy. Lightning gave Kit strength and strong reflexes, he was fast, he was flashy. He trained hard, to the point of exhaustion everyday in the Hero Academy. Not caring if he had no friends. Not caring if he passed out from pushing himself too hard. He just had to be the best. It was all he had. It was all he could do.
It wasn’t until he was beating people three years above him that Mentor started to pay him any attention. It felt good at the time. It felt like somebody finally recognised him for what he was.
Mentor made him feel seen. He saw that Kit had put his everything into training, because everything in him was all he had to give.
He didn’t have a family to worry about him getting hurt.
He didn’t have friends that would mourn him if he died in action.
All he had was being a hero.
Of course Mentor would latch onto that. Of course he would pick up on the fact that Kit was desperately trying to prove himself. Of course he would take pity on the orphan and bring him home like a trophy. Show him off to the world.
But that… that wasn’t the Mentor that Kit knew.
He brought him home, but it was after Kit denied him so many times. Told him to piss off, and asked if he was a pervert that prayed on boys his age. Kit had grown up on the streets, he knew what happened to skinny kids like him. One day they’re there, and the next, you never see them again.
Mentor was patient, and kind. He didn’t push Kit after Kit said no, told him he had everything he needed in the academy.
“Then my Mother got sick, and well…” Ambrose said, trailing off, pulling Kit from his memory and back into the car. “After she died it was like he… he didn’t even care. All he cared about was building the city up, saving everyone from possible Villains that lurked in the night. He didn’t sit with her in the hospital because he knew he couldn’t rescue her. He wasn’t there when she—”
Kit was quiet beside Ambrose, head tilted down. He knew what loss was like. He knew the absence a parent can leave behind, but losing someone who meant that? Kit didn’t know how to relate to that. When Omen destroyed Mentor’s mind, it wasn’t the same as if he died because Kit could still go and see him. Still talk to him, even if the Mentor he remembered was dead.
“I’m sorry,” Kit said softly. Ambrose cleared his throat, turning his head so Kit couldn’t see his face.
“Yeah,” he agreed, going rigid. “Me too.”
They drove the rest of the way in silence. It wasn’t far. Five minutes in the car, and two minutes to park.
“Are you…?” Kit began, then cut himself off when he met Ambrose’s black eyes. What was he going to say? Are you Okay? Alright with going into see the unfeeling man who wasn’t a good father? The man you cursed for being…
Ambrose shook his head, no. “Of course I’m fine.”
“Okay,” Kit said with an awkward shrug. They got out of the car, closing the door in unison. Kit thought nothing of it.
It was borderline awkward in the lift. Ambrose kind of just, stood there like a totem pole. His hands behind his back, standing straight up like a serial killer.
“Would you relax?” Kit said, rolling his neck. “You’re making me nervous.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not.”
“I’m fine,” Ambrose said slowly, voice cold. Kit shrugged and said: “fine.”
He ahead and almost cried in joy when the doors opened to the ground floor. He stopped at the reception desk. Ambrose was walking and stopped when Kit stopped, two steps ahead and glancing back to see what Kit was doing.
He joined him a moment later, standing beside him and glowering at Heather when she turned and beamed at Kit.
“Hi Heather.”
“Hey, Kit. You goin’ up to—” her big blue eyes trailed to Ambrose beside him, who looked as if he was under a storm cloud, or extremely constipated. “Oh. Hi. Is this your brother?”
Kit’s eyes blew wide, but Ambrose didn’t hesitate. “Yes. Older. We’d like to see—”
“I didn’t know you had a brother, Kit. Of course, darlin’s, go ahead. I’ll let them know you’re coming.”
Ambrose nodded stiffly and stepped back. Kit blinked, shaking his head, and smiled at Heather. “Oh, actually. Was there anything strange with him? Any new visitors or—”
“I’m sorry, hun. I’m just the receptionist for the main desk. You’ll have to ask the nurses up there.”
Kit nodded, standing up. “Thank you, Heather.”
“Anytime. And nice meeting you.”
Ambrose nodded at her. “You too.”
Kit clapped him on the back, a wide grin on his face. “Let’s go, bro.”
Ambrose made a noise and Kit had to stifle a laugh until they were in the stairwell. “What was that!” He barked, laughter bubbling up his throat.
“I— panicked.” [***RE-DRAFT STARTS HERE***]
“I thought you weren’t nervous,” Kit teased. He was turning to walk up the next set of stairs when Ambrose slammed his forearm against Kit’s throat, shoving him back into the corner of the stairwell, pinning him there.
Ambrose’s nostrils flared, his eyes blazing with cold fury down at Kit. “Of course I’m nervous, you fucking child. Tch. Don’t you ever switch off?”
Kit pushed Ambrose’s arm off him, and to his surprise, Ambrose let him, running a hand through his hair and letting out a breath.
The realisation only dawned on Kit, his mouth opening into a small ‘o’.
“You’ve never been to see him.”
Ambrose straightened. The villain returning as he stared down his nose at Kit, a sardonic smile on his lips. “And why should I? He didn’t give my mother that courtesy.”
Kit put his hands up, showing Ambrose he meant nothing by it. “Hey. It’s your decision. Not mine. He’s your dad, not—” the words choked up before he could say them. Ambrose didn’t pry. He knew what Kit was going to say.
Ambrose stared for a moment longer before glancing up the stairs and nodding stiffly.
“Yes. Well.” He cleared his throat and started walking up again. “What floor is it?”
“The fifth,” he replied, starting up the stairs beside Ambrose. “Top floor. They don’t want anyone stumbling amongst the crazies.”
“Probably for the best,” Ambrose muttered. Kit had meant it as a joke, but, he didn’t disagree with Ambrose as they climbed the stairs. Thankful that their footsteps filled the silence he couldn’t in the lift. They knew something had happened when they got to the fifth floor.
Kit stepped in first, Ambrose craning his neck around the door into the hall. Kit breathed a sigh of relief. No police tape, no police, no anything. That meant there was nothing to worry about.
Kit smiled at Ambrose and slapped him on the back, walking towards the door to the locked ward. “See! You were irrational. Overthinking everything. Nothing’s insidious about Mentor. He was here the whole time.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because if he did somehow magically vanish, there would be police and Superheroes and politicians here to interrogate him about what happened.”
“And if they just moved him down to the station to do that?” Ambrose asked, raising his brows. Kit’s smile dimmed a little, but it remained on his face.
“Too much risk. Trust me. Everything will be fine.”
The door buzzed open after Kit waved to the camera and the pair stepped through. Kit walked his usual path to Mentor’s room, and only realised halfway there that Ambrose wasn’t following him anymore. He paused, looking over his shoulder for the villain, before turning after laying eyes on him.
Ambrose stood in the middle of the hall, his eyes blazing and his little finger twitching by his side. A muscle in his jaw clenched and tightened when he met Kit’s questioning eyes.
He swallowed. “This was a mistake.”
“No,” Kit said, coming to stand beside the Villain. “It wasn’t. He’s out of it most of the time anyways, Rosey. He probably won’t even recognise you.”
Black eyes flashed like two burning coals. “He’ll recognise me.”
Kit didn’t tell him that Mentor didn’t recognise Kit for months after his accident. Then again, he didn’t have to. Something smoothed out in Ambrose’s face as Kit remembered his first meeting with a stark raving mad Mentor, who screamed at Kit to get out and leave him be. Kit thought for a minute that Ambrose could see the memory, but quickly remembered that the ward was built of the same power dampening material as the supers-prison and power dampeners.
Ambrose swallowed. “Let’s get this over with,” he said through clenched teeth. This time Kit led the way beside Ambrose, and let Ambrose walk into the room first. Ambrose didn’t falter as he stepped through the door, black eyes settling on his father for the first time since he drove him insane.
Kit followed him in, leaning against the wall beside the door. Mentor was sitting in an armchair, gazing out the window when they arrived. He turned his head and locked eyes with Ambrose and didn’t even glance over at Kit.
The tension was palpable in the air, tied like a three-way noose over their throats as nobody dared breathe in the room.
“Oskar,” Mentor said softly. Kit’s eyes blew wide, glancing at Ambrose who stiffened at the mention of his name. Mentor recognised him? He— remembered Ambrose?
“Hello Father.”
Mentor grunted a huff of a laugh. Almost like a derisive scoff, but Kit had never heard Mentor make a sound like that. A sound so like— well, Ambrose. Kit didn’t dare move, but he had the sneaking suspicion that Mentor didn’t notice, or if he did, didn’t care, that was Kit was in the room too.
“Is that all you can say to me, boy?” Mentor demanded, his voice hard, like gravel grating against gravel.
Ambrose shrugged, but Kit noticed the tightness to his usual casual gesture. “I can say a whole lot more, but word on the street is you have trouble remembering things lately, old man.”
Mentor’s eyes were cutting. “I remember the important stuff.”
The words came like a sharp slap to Kit’s face, almost staggering him out of the room, but Kit didn’t move. He just stared, eyes burning at the man that helped shape him into who he was today. But this man he was staring at may as well have been an alien. This wasn’t Mentor. This was the cold father that Ambrose told Kit about. The man who looked like Mentor, but was a monster beneath skin.
“What are you doing here?” Mentor spat. “Have you come to take more from me, hmm? The breath from my lungs.”
“Well it would be a wasted trip if I didn’t take something from you,” Ambrose replied with the cold smile that Kit was so used to seeing.
What he wasn’t used to seeing was Ambrose flinching. Kit pressed off the wall, eyes wide as a cold, dark chuckle filled the room. An empty laugh that caused shivers to run down his spine and freeze him in place.
“You’re still good at talking, Oskar.” Black eyes met Kit’s across the room, aware that Kit had just seen him flinch at Mentor’s raised hand and it was like the world slowed down around him, his heartbeat rushing in his ears.
Then it was as if a switch flipped of indifference. Ambrose straightened, black eyes smiling as he faced his father again. He slipped one hand into his trouser pocket, shifting his weight to lean on one leg and shot Mentor a cold smile.
“You’re still good at being a piece of shit, only, now you’ve exposed yourself to a witness.”
Mentor’s eyes narrowed and he got to his feet, turning his body to face Ambrose. He had only just turned when his eyes found Kit’s frozen blue ones staring as if he were a deer in headlights.
Mentor’s expression shifted into something softer, something kind. “Kit my boy—”
Kit’s eyes burned, his nostrils flaring. “Don’t.”
“This is-” Mentor began, gesturing between himself and Ambrose. “Family issues. They go back a long while.”
“I don’t care about your explanation,” Kit told him, shaking his head.
Mentor’s hard eyes looked between Kit and Ambrose, scrutinising. “What are you even doing together? Aren’t you a strange pair.”
“Not at all,” Kit said before Ambrose could even open his mouth. Kit stood talk, feeling Ambrose’s black eyes slide over to him as he commanded the space. “He’s helping me on a case. A new Supervillain.”
Mentor scoffed, folding his arms over his toned chest. “Have you considered him?” He asked, nodding his head to Ambrose.
“I have,” Kit ground out through clenched teeth. “But it turns out this new Supervillain has telekinesis. You wouldn’t happen to have an alibi for last night, would you?”
Mentor’s mouth fell open. Even Ambrose raised a brow at the accusation in Kit’s hard voice. He had never seen him so angry. It was very entertaining to watch, especially when it was directed at his father.
“I was here,” Mentor said, spreading his hands in a helpless shrugging gesture. “Obviously.”
“Can anyone corroborate that story?” Kit demanded, spitting venom at his old Hero and Mentor. Mentor glanced between Ambrose and Kit, his expression tightening as some understanding flashed across his face.
He rubbed his temple with the palm of his hand, kneading it into the soft flesh, letting out a disbelieving huff. “I can’t believe this. You’re seriously trusting this man over me, Kit? You're like a son to me.”
“Clearly I wasn’t,” Kit practically yelled, but he didn’t shout. His voice was surprisingly level despite everything. “Or you would have told me you had an actual son.”
Mentor’s gaze was cutting. “Surely you know what he did to me,” Mentor said, his voice a quiet fury. “What he did to our family, to this city! He—”
“Is Omen,” Kit finished, his eyes flashing. Mentor took a step back as if he’d been hit. Kit didn’t stop there though. “Yeah. I know. And I know he’s not a liar. So do you have an alibi or not?”
Ambrose was quite happy to let Kit take lead on this interrogation. It was true, Ambrose wasn’t a liar. If he said he’d torture you, he would. If he told you he liked you, he did. If he said he was Omen, he was. Something Ambrose didn’t think Kit picked up on, but was happy by the turn of events all the same.
Mentor was halfway through stuttering out a reply when a Doctor walked into the room, a clipboard in hand and already speaking. “Mentor, how are we tod—” Doctor, sensing the tension looked up and smiled at his obvious intrusion. He put the clipboard under his arm and stood taller. “Ah. Sorry, Mentor. I didn’t know you had visitors. Ah, hello Kit.”
“Doctor,” Kit replied not taking his eyes off of Mentor. “Can you confirm Mentor was here last night?”
Doctor’s eyes went around the room before bouncing back to Kit. “Uh, yes. I mean, CCTV and the hospital logs can probably. I wasn’t on personally, but as Mentor’s doctor today I can tell you there was no anomalies last night.”
“Great. Thank you,” Kit said, nodding at Ambrose. “That’s all we needed to know, we’re leaving.”
“No, wait—” Mentor protested, but Ambrose was already talking to the Doctor and walking back out the door. Kit turned to do the same when a hand was on his wrist, stopping him from leaving. Kit glanced back over his shoulder to see Mentor clinging to him like a desperate, old man.
“Kit…” he said with shining eyes. “M’boy. Please, let me explain.”
“You lied to me,” Kit hissed, finally letting the hurt shine through his features. “You told me, you— you made me feel special.”
“You are special, Kit, and not just to me.”
“Was I only special to you because I was strong?” Kit asked. Mentor hesitated. Kit pulled his arm from Mentor’s grasp. “You never saw me as a son. You saw me as a tool that you could mould and use to further your great image. Superhero. Saviour. Good charitable man,” Kit spat, tears springing suddenly to his eyes. “He even rescues orphans, the übermensch. Mentor: The great man.”
“You were everything to me,” Kit said, his bottom lip trembling. “My only normal in the world. My family. My father. I worshipped you, and you used me!”
“Kit, please. Let me explain.” Mentor said again, pawing at Kit’s jacket. Kit recoiled, shrugging his hands from his shoulders.
“You have two minutes before I’m walking out that door.”
“In the beginning, yes, I wanted to be close to you because I saw your potential. Nobody else in that academy ever came close to you. You were extraordinary. I wanted a sidekick when I walked through those doors on the day of your exams, and instead I found a second chance.”
Tears streamed continuously from Kit’s red rimmed eyes as he listened, occasionally wiping them on the cuff of his sleeve.
“I found a son in you, and from that day onwards I decided that I wanted to help you. To give you the start in life that you deserved, not the one you were given. I patrolled the Rookery looking for you every night because one of the other kids told me you slept rough on the streets. I wanted to offer you kindness, and you had such hard eyes. It was weeks before I ever saw you smile, and when I did, m’boy, I swear the heavens themselves opened.”
Kit sniffed, his breath catching in his throat, taking in fretful breaths once he saw the glisten in Mentor’s eyes, and the tears welling up behind them.
“I never wanted to use you as some piece of equipment to further my image. I wanted to make sure you had bread, and safe water to drink. I wanted to give you a home.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me you had a son?” Kit asked, barely above a whisper. “Why… why- why didn’t you tell me you had a family? I would’ve understood.”
Mentor shook his head. “I had already left them at that time, Kit, and I was too ashamed to tell you. To tell you that I fucked up my last family. How could I tell you that? A child yourself when I was trying to gain your trust so I could help you, and the way you looked at me…”
The pair of them stared at each other, tears streaming down their faces the longer they spoke. “You saw something in me that I hadn’t seen in years, and it made me feel special, Kit. It made me want to be the better man you thought I was. To change, for the better, for you. For us. I thought it was my second chance when I met you, and I can tell you now for certain, it was.”
Kit looked away, afraid he might collapse if had to listen to any more of this. Mentor touched a hand to his cheek, thumbing away the tears, drawing Kit’s attention back to Mentor.
“Just please,” he blubbered. “Please say you don’t hate me. I will fall to my knees and beg for your forgiveness, Kit. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Please.”
Kit didn’t say anything. He just stepped in and hugged his old man, wrapping his arms tight around him and holding him up when Mentor sobbed harder into Kit’s jumper.
“I’m sorry,” Mentor cried into Kit’s jumper, muffling the sound. “I’m so sorry. I love you, I’m so sorry.”
Kit held him tighter, trying to compose himself but there was nothing to be done except wait it out. Ambrose stood outside the door, leaning against the wall to his father’s room, downcast eyes staring unseeing at the clinically clean floor in front of him.
Kit stepped out after a few minutes, his tears dried but the red rimmed eyes gave him away. Ambrose stood, face impassive as he took a deep breath. “You good to go?” He asked.
Kit nodded dumbly. They walked to the exit of the ward, but Doctor shouted from down the hall and the pair turned. “Oh good, I caught you before you left. Here. I’ll walk you out.”
Doctor quickly caught up to them, half-jogging towards them with a self-deprecating smile. “Sorry. Shall we talk outside?”
Kit glanced at Ambrose before nodding. Doctor fell into step with them, flashing his keycard on the control panel and the doors to the locked ward opened with a beep. He pushed through them and held it open for Kit and Ambrose to walk out. They stood just outside the ward, Kit tilting his head at Doctor.
Doctor smiled at the pair, a handsome smile. He was a little older than Ambrose, his eyes crinkled at the edges when his smiled. His tan skin contrasted against Ambrose’s paleness to a stark degree that Kit would’ve laughed if he didn’t feel so drained.
Kind green eyes found Kit’s. “I double-checked the log’s after you asked about Mentor’s whereabouts last night,” he said. “He was here all night, I can confirm with 100% certainty.”
“Okay, thank you Doctor.” Kit said nodding.
A copycat? Ambrose said in Kit’s mind. Kit glanced at him, but Ambrose was still looking at Doctor.
Maybe. Or maybe another telekinetic… Kit thought, pushing it towards Ambrose.
“Well,” Doctor said, clapping his hands together. “I hope that is everything you need?”
“Yes, Doctor, thank you for confirming the alibi,” Kit said. Kit reached his hand out which Doctor took and shook it. Doctor turned to Ambrose as well, offering his hand which Doctor took with a smile.
“Nice meeting you.”
“Thank you Doctor,” Ambrose said coolly before withdrawing his hand and stepping away. The pair walked down the stairs, hearing the buzzer of the ward door open and close again.
“What now?” Ambrose asked. Kit ran his hands through his hair, letting out a sigh.
“I don’t know. I need to get my phone from my apartment, just to see if anyone’s been trying to call.”
“Right. Of course.” Ambrose said as they walked to the car. Sensing the stiffness in Ambrose’s body language, Kit kept quiet, not wanting to poke the bear, but feeling too bad to just remain silent and not say anything.
They got into the Wraith in silence. It was only when Ambrose turned the key in the ignition that he broke the silence. “It’s not your fault, Kit.”
“I’m still sorry.”
Ambrose turned his head to look Kit head on. The expression on his face would’ve floored Kit had he been standing up.
Ambrose’s eyes were like two rainbows, his eyebrows drawn low over them, his lips were curled up on his face, exposing his smile lines that usually looked so annoyed.
Was Ambrose smiling?
When Kit wasn’t even covered in blood or bruises or struggling to breathe?
“Really, Kit. It’s okay. I don’t have any ill will towards you. Just think of it like, we both had one good parent and leave it there. Okay?”
Kit nodded, not trusting his voice to speak. Ambrose’s face went back to neutral and Kit felt like he could breathe.
Then his eyes narrowed as they pulled out of the parking lot. “What?”
“I just—”
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I don’t think you should smile, Rosey. It doesn’t suit you.”
Ambrose almost hit the roof. “What?! My smile is charming.”
“I feared for my life. It is mortally terrifying. Do you smile at babies like that?”
“Babies love me,” Ambrose hissed.
Kit laughed, running a hand through his hair. “Actually can you drop me off at a therapist before we go back to my—”
“Oh yeah yeah,” Ambrose grumbled, turning the indicator on and taking off onto the main road. “Laugh it up.”
Kit did, and he felt good after it. The laugh smoothed everything out in his chest, unwinding the tension that weighed heavy on it and for a little, fleeting moment, he felt lighter than he had in a while. Ambrose turned the radio on.
Continued here
Orphanage roll-call (lmk if you wanna be added or removed): @beatenbruisedandbloody @404lunar1216 @whumpyworld @nameless-beanie e @andithewhumper @annablogsposts @whumpasaurus101 @0eggdealer r @rejectedbytheempty @sleepy-pearl @n3rv0usn0v4 @whumpatize-me-captain @sunshiline-writes @burningkittypoet @honeyed-euphrates @sacredwrath @theonewithallthefixations @m3rakii @xxgalgurlxx @princess-bubble-blossom @blood-enthusiast @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @andtheysaidspeaknoww @dutifullykrispyland @mononeigbour @tippytappytyping @shinokoro @bedtimescenarios @whatwhump @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @ehobep @acer-whumpstuff @fa1rie
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Harry doesn’t handle it very well, the first day he and Voldemort spend apart.
When he wakes that morning, Voldemort is up and putting on robes much more elegant than any he’s worn since their capture. He’s going to meet with his Death Eaters – he says as much, but Harry had already guessed. No need to dress up and stand on ceremony with someone who’s seen you piss in a bucket.
Harry follows him silently to the library Floo. Voldemort grabs a handful of powder and looks as though he will leave just like that, but at the last minute he goes still.
Facing away from Harry, voice neutral and even, he says, “I will return.”
Harry nods, then makes some vague sound of assent when he realises Voldemort can’t see him. And then the Dark Lord is gone.
He should do one of the many things he’d thought of doing while they were in that cell. Write to Ron and Hermione or other friends and Order members. Go outside and enjoy the sunshine (well, what sunshine there is on a grey autumn day) and fresh air. Eat and drink whatever and as much as he likes.
He drops into a nearby chair and stares at the empty fireplace, hugging his legs to his chest.
It’s fine, he’s fine, Voldemort’s probably fine.
Harry tries to remind himself that he’d known whenever Voldemort was being tortured – he could feel echoes through their connection. He would know if something was wrong. The only things he can feel through the bond are mild irritation (which Harry, having dealt with the Death Eaters before, can fully understand) and satisfaction (Nagini, his mind whispers).
Nothing to worry about there.
Harry starts plucking at the chair’s upholstery.
When Voldemort returns later that afternoon, he nearly trips over Harry as he exits the fireplace. 
To save the chair from his anxious destruction, Harry had eventually trekked to the kitchen and baked enough bread to feed an army. Channelling his stress into the dough had helped keep him somewhat calm, but he’s pretty sure he overworked a few loaves. That had occupied a few hours, but he’d been too wound up to eat anything, so he’d returned empty-stomached to the library to wait. 
And that’s where Voldemort finds him, seated on the hearth, dusted with flour and soot, halfheartedly pretending to read a book and about ready to storm Malfoy Manor or wherever the Death Eaters gather to make sure the Dark Lord is all right. 
Which – Harry squints up at him consideringly – he is. 
The look on Voldemort’s face is… actually quite funny, were Harry not as strung out as an addict kept from their substance of choice. He’d be more upset about that if Voldemort didn’t look as though their separation had strained him, too. 
“Welcome back,” Harry says as he dusts himself off. Might as well sweep the past few hours of losing his mind under the rug and ignore their many, many issues – they’ll be there whenever he’s forced to confront them.
Voldemort is on board for pretending they’re functioning human beings, thankfully. “I’ve brought Nagini.”
And so he has. The four-metre long snake, wrapped around the older man’s torso, peeks her head up from his shoulder at her name.
Harry only hopes his words come out in Parseltongue. “Hello there.”
She rears back slightly, apparently not expecting him to speak her language. “Hatchling. Master says I’m not to eat you anymore.”
“How kind of him,” he says dryly. She hisses in agreement, not catching the sarcasm. 
Voldemort unwinds her and sets her on the floor next to Harry. “I’ll leave you two to become acquainted,” he says as he heads towards the library door. “No biting.”
“You would bite Nagini?” she asks warily, coiling away from him. Dammit, Voldemort.
“I wouldn’t dare,” he attempts to reassure. “Your scales are, uh, much too beautiful for me to want to damage them.”
Appeased, she wriggles proudly. “Aren’t they?”
She shifts closer to him, butting her head into his hand. “You should express more appreciation for Nagini’s beautiful scales.”
He’s not entirely sure, but he thinks the giant murder snake is telling him to pet her. He rubs gently along Nagini’s chin and body, drawing contented noises from her. He murmurs some nonsense about how lovely her colouring is and she somehow manoeuvres the majority of her body into his lap and around him, praising him for his warmth. It’s, unexpectedly, really nice.
“Why,” Voldemort calls from the doorway, sounding just the tiniest bit perplexed. “Are there two dozen loaves of bread?”
(A long, hard road)
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usersiren · 5 months
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for today's wip wednesday, have something from my eddie & bucktommy accidental voyeurism fic i'm working on! i've affectionately dubbed this one "car hijinks". nsfw content ahead!
Buck is in Tommy’s lap. Buck is in Tommy’s lap kissing him. Buck is in Tommy’s lap kissing him and grinding the front of his jeans against Tommy’s hand, and Eddie whips his head back around to face forward, his face flushing with heat at the same time he feels it start to race south. Eddie curses softly to himself, wipes his suddenly sweat palms on his jeans. Fuck, anybody could walk by and see them, what were they thinking? But as Eddie looks around the parking lot, he realizes they’re the two cars furthest away from the building, so nobody would need to walk by them to get to their own car. Nobody except Eddie. Against his better judgement, Eddie slowly looks back into the backseat of the Jeep, and he tenses when he sees that Tommy’s hand is now inside Buck’s jeans, the back and forth motion of his arm erotic and undeniable, his eyes blown out and locked on Buck’s. Buck’s hands are on Tommy’s shoulders, digging into the fabric of his t-shirt, and something turns dark and twisted in Eddie’s chest as he watches one of them slide up to grab the back of Tommy’s head. Eddie is hard. Fuck.
tagging @bigfootsmom @honestlydarkprincess @swiftietartt @holdmygum @princessfbi @underwaterninja13 @father-salmon @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz and anyone else who wants to do it! 🩵
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wikiangela · 5 months
tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @bidisasterevankinard @tizniz 💖
more bucktommy the will talk (they're getting there, the conversation went a bit off track lol) - it might be done this week, and then I can focus on the smut, and the buddie fics, and I have a new bucktommy idea inspired by that video of lou barbecuing with his shirt off that I sooo wanna write🙈
prev snippet
“Well, yeah, of course.” Buck answers easily, his heartbeat speeding up. He’s a little anxious about putting too much pressure, too many expectations out there, but he also knows that even if he did, they’d get back on track, they’d be fine. And besides, Tommy’s smiling, he doesn’t seem freaked out at all. And that’s after Buck brought up children. But if they’re moving forward with their relationship, they need to know what they want out of life. It seems reasonable to have this conversation this early on.
“Good.” he responds, grinning widely. “Now I won't have to stress about your answer when I ask.” he adds, and Buck feels himself blush, butterflies in his stomach going wild. Oh. Oh. This is- this is real. They’re talking about it, and maybe someday soon- he might marry this man. He will marry this man. Tommy wants him forever. Tommy wants him. Tommy wants to marry him and have children with him, and just be with him. Sometimes it’s still so shocking to Buck that someone as great and amazing as Tommy wants him, but he does. Buck’s not sure he remembers the last time he felt this wanted.
“How- how do you know I won’t ask first?” Buck asks, moving his head slightly closer to Tommy, just enough to look into his beautiful blue eyes. It feels surreal, talking about this, when they only dated for a few months, but it also feels… right. It feels like they’re on the right track to get there one day.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @underwaterninja13 @exhuastedpigeon @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @buddieswhvre @fortheloveofbuddie @your-catfish-friend @theotherbuckley @daffi-990 @dangerpronebuddie @hoodie-buck @aroeddiediaz @diazsdimples
114 notes · View notes
fiona-fififi · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @messyhairdiaz (thank you!! 💚) yesterday for Tease Tidbit Tuesday, but didn't have a chance to post, and now it's Wednesday, so we're going wip Wednesday.
I'm also spoiling my own fic, but fuck it. Why not?? Have some more jealous!Tommy fic.
Warning: this is angsty. This was supposed to be a silly little fic and now Tommy’s getting his heart broken. I'm so sorry!
Tommy cuts through the bullshit. Refuses to let the conversation keep running in circles. “Do you have feelings for him?”
“He's not an option.”
“That's not what I asked you!” Tommy can't help the way his tone jumps, some combination of desperation and anger warring in the tenor of his voice, because he knows—he knows—but he wants so much to be wrong. Wants Buck to find the right words and fix it all so maybe they don't have to end. But Tommy knows better, and when he continues, it's with a deep and painful resignation. “Can you look me in the eye right now and tell me that if Eddie wanted you, you would choose me?”
For a moment, Buck looks like a fish out of water, eyes wide and unblinking and mouth agape as his jaw works to try to form words that won't come. Tommy wants to laugh, but can't with all the hurt choking him of any sound as he waits for Buck to find his words.
They hurt more than Tommy expects.
“He's not an option. He's never been an option,” Buck whispers finally. Quiet and stunned and confused. Still trying to process the reality of Tommy’s words. 
Tommy huffs something like a laugh, but it's humorless, maybe even a little derisive. “That's what I thought.” 
“You've never so much as said you love me!” He spits the words, anger and hurt clawing at his chest. He'd thought he could do this. Thought, maybe, they really were on their way to something real. But he's starting to see just how much he was fooling himself.
Buck looks stunned at the words, face falling with hurt. “You know I said it too soon the last time. You know—”
“And you know that it will always be too soon unless it's him.” Tommy’s voice is quiet now. Resigned.
Buck looks like he's about to break down—hands shaking, breathing rapid. “It can't be him.” His voice cracks, tears gathering heavy in his eyes. “Tommy, it can't be him.”
And Tommy hates himself a little for it when Buck’s hurt cuts straight through to his heart. Because he wants to be angry. He thinks he has every right to be angry.
But somewhere along the line, he'd fallen in love with Evan Buckley, and he can't help the way he gentles at Buck's hurt. Keeps distance, but lets his tone fall soft along with his gaze. He thinks maybe Buck can see the pity in his eyes. “Why?”
“Because if-if he doesn't want me, I—” Buck sucks in a harsh breath, trying to force out the words, “—I don't think I'd survive it.”
Tagging (if you'd like): @messyhairdiaz @spotsandsocks @shortsighted-owl @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz and anyone else who wants to participate.
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loveyouanyway · 3 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @tizniz 🩵
Eddie feels so overwhelmed—not in a bad way—it's just a lot. This guy saved his son and then he calls the place Eddie works at. Not to mention out of the ten other people on shift, he was the one who answered the call. Eddie doesn't believe in the universe and whatnot (or so he says) but he can't say this is just a coincidence. Buck saved Christopher and now it's time for them to save Buck.
npt <3 @moonsharky @steadfastsaturnsrings @monsterrae1 @lonelychicago @dangerpronebuddie
@theotherbuckley @wikiangela @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @diazsdimples
@bi-buckrights @watchyourbuck @bigfootsmom @underwaterninja13 @father-salmon
@queerdiaz @the-likesofus @neverevan @exhuastedpigeon @diazheartsbuckley
@eddiebabygirldiaz @bekkachaos @disasterbuck
if u wanna be added/removed let me know!
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disasterbuck · 1 month
sorry this took a while!! hope you enjoy!! 😘
💋💋💋💋 - kiss your best friend passionately
Giving a quiet cough, Buck began, "Uh… hey. I just wanted to say sorry. Uh, about before?"
Eddie remained stubbornly still.
"I didn't mean to upset you," Buck went on, his nerves taking control of his mouth and making it run. "I just wasn't thinking. At all. I heard something about kissing your best friend and just immediately went for it because I wanted to. Like, the idea of having to be paid money to kiss you? Laughable. I truly meant what I said, that I'd kiss you for free. I mean, obviously, since I did do that. But what I'm trying to say is it just didn't even occur to me that you might not want to, which is incredibly rude and selfish and inconsiderate of me. I absolutely should have asked before kissing you, and I just really hope–"
🙊🙊🙊🙊 - don't say his name
Buck and Eddie glanced at each other, their eyes darting away again just as quickly. Eddie cleared his throat and reached for the avocado to start dicing it, leaving Buck to answer Chimney's accusations.
"No," Buck enunciated carefully, as if it was a much more complicated word which could be easily misheard and not one with only one syllable. "Eddie and I are not secretly dating."
Chimney narrowed his eyes. For a moment he thought he saw one of Eddie's hands shake nervously, but then he was slicing the avocado expertly so Chimney assumed he'd imagined it.
"Hen, back me up here?" he said, turning to his partner in crime.
"You two have seemed extra close lately," Hen said, leaning forward on her arms. "You were practically cuddling on the couch earlier from the look of it."
"We weren't cuddling!" Eddie protested, looking up from his avocado. "That couch is tiny!"
Make Me Write ✨
also using this as Tidbit Tuesday!
and tagging:
@dluoser @taketheplanspinitsideways @loudenthusiastic @wallywise @mxrcjqckspnchqsc
@i-am-married-to-my-fandom @therosesaredying @stillfuckingtired @classtrialguru @speggle
@awesome-igi @natnuszsstuff @olliesrants @crazyfangirlallert @delirium1995
@brah3280 @meanceclosetohell @anythingeverythingallofthetime @izzysbeans @sunflower-eddiediaz
@darkrose6578 @veronae-buddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @loveyouanyway @inell
@spicyrottingbrains @gnoeltop @idealuk @donationwayne @lemotmo
@smilingbuckley @realpersonwithrealfeelings @superlock-in-the-tardis @mjthe14thdoctor @strxwbereee
@idontknowwhatimdoing777 @ashleigh2658 @mari-lwyd-fannibal-blog @mineyneedsmoney @faithhopeandmisery
@spotsandsocks @unlifeira @tofanasmuse @pirrusstuff @buddiedaydreamer911
@littlevampireprincessuniverse @misshiss727 @i-put-the-star-in-bastard @hermioneindisguise @dangerpronebuddie
@daffi-990 @monsterrae1
Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed 💕
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daffi-990 · 6 months
Fuck it Friday 🔥
I was tagged in various games over various days and I want to say a big thank you to all who tagged me. Love you all and loved all your snippets! 😘
I’ve had stuff to share this week but it’s pretty much all smut from chapter ten of Rival Firefighters 🚒 and well, I decided to wait until today to really put the fuck in Fuck it Friday … so hope you enjoy!
Prev snippet here
Eddie slowly begins to move, thrusting gently to allow Buck time to acclimate to the sensation of his cock. Buck mewls as he tries to fuck himself onto Eddie’s cock, but the grip Eddie has on his hips is preventing him from getting what he wants.
"Eddie, please," Buck begs, his voice coming out like a sob. “Harder. Fuck me, make me yours."
The words have a possessive snarl rippling through Eddie as he pulls back before thrusting forward hard, his hips slamming into Buck's rounded ass with a force that sends Buck’s body jolting forward as he cries out in pleasure. His inner walls clamp down around Eddie, sending jolts of electricity through them both.
"Fuck, Buck," Eddie growls, his hands gripping Buck's hips harder and holding him steady while he fucks into him like a man possessed. He watches in satisfaction as Buck’s ass jiggles when his hips smack against him again and again. "You feel so fucking good."
Buck moans in response, his hands gripping the sheets tighter, knuckles turning white as his body trembles with every thrust. The smell of sex fills the air, a heavy scent that permeates the room like a heady perfume as their bodies move together, mattress creaking under their weight, adding to the sensual symphony of skin slapping against skin and the soft moans and gasps escaping from Buck’s lips as he thrusts back against Eddie.
Eddie feels stripped raw, like he is nothing but primal alpha male instincts, focused on nothing else aside from fucking and claiming. He trails a hand down Buck’s sweat slick back and up into his hair, grabbing a fist full and tugging Buck’s head back roughly as he continues to fuck into him.
“This what you wanted, baby?”
“Yes!” Buck shouts, his voice hoarse with desire as he arches his back to meet Eddie's thrusts with increasing desperation. “Ah fuck!”
No pressure tagging: @diazsdimples @hippolotamus @spotsandsocks @tizniz @wikiangela @puppyboybuckley @exhuastedpigeon @hoodie-buck @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @elvensorceress @evanbegins @epicbuddieficrecs @athenagranted @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @shortsighted-owl @steadfastsaturnsrings @sibylsleaves @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @monsterrae1 @missmagooglie @mellaithwen @rainbow-nerdss @rewritetheending @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @dangerpronebuddie @donationwayne @fiona-fififi @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @nmcggg @captain-hen @bekkachaos @bigfootsmom @princessfbi @weewootruck @wackybuddiemewbs @shitouttabuck @sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz and as always, anyone who wants to join in -> consider this your official tag!
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watchyourbuck · 7 months
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Inspiration Sunday | A.R.C.A.N.E.3
“You okay?” Buck asked, turning his body and wincing at the pain of resting his head on his hand.
Eddie sighed, hiding his face in his own. “Yeah, I’m just… jumpy.” He sighed again. Buck frowned, reincorporating a little bit. “I keep thinking what could’ve happened to you out there.”
“Eddie, I’m fine,” he mumbled patiently. “I’m not defenseless, I know how to use our weapons.”
From across the room, Eddie scoffed, then cleared his throat. “It’s not about you being damn good with that machete, which I know you are,” he said, watching Buck nod in agreement. “It’s about the fact that you- it’s like you think this Camp could go on without you.”
“…That I could go on without you.”
Read on ao3
tagged for 7ss & inspo saturday by @hoodie-buck @exhuastedpigeon @disasterbuckdiaz @smilingbuckley @wikiangela @diazsdimples @tizniz @steadfastsaturnsrings @theotherbuckley & @daffi-990 thank you my loves! I’ll get to your works asap🧚🏼‍♀️
tagging in return @lover-of-mine @wildlife4life @hippolotamus @spagheddiediaz @malewifediaz @puppyboybuckley @bigfootsmom @911-on-abc @eowon @jesuisici33 @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @honestlyeddie @fortheloveofbuddie @kitteneddiediaz @eddiebabygirldiaz @eddie---diaz @bucksbackwardcap @loserdiaz @buckleyobsessed @tsunamibuckley @bucksbirthmark @singlethread @cal-daisies-and-briars @butraura @fionaswhvre @thewolvesof1998 @nmcggg @giddyupbuck @devirnis @spotsandsocks @urfactual & @eddiiediaz
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