#buffalo emoji
bovineblogger · 6 months
do you remember when emoji ratings was a thing!!! that was a great meme & we should bring it back. but you specifically should rate all the cow emojis. if you want :)
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super cute!!!! got the roundness in da front, square butt, perfect. luvly. would be cuter if it was stylized tho. 8/10
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VERY CUUUUTTEEEEE LOVELY!!! i preferred the old one tho :(( (right) 9/10
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the cartoony smiley face looks strange to me .. 6/10
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SOOOO CUUUUUUUUUTEEEEEEE SO CUUUTEEEEEEEE this is so good!!!!! perfect!!!!!!!!! big nose empty eyes. perfect. cow. 10/10
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kinda cute! dont really know what the face shape is supposed to be like ... uhhh . its okay! 4/10
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you had a perfectly good brown cow why did you . why did you get rid of her. bring hehr back. like this is fine but the sideways body and front on face is kinda jarring ig 4/10
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heheheehehehe she looks like a chihuahua 6/10
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horse without a neck/10
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EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEEEEE CUUUUUUUTEEEEEEEE this cow is excited about something!!!!!!!!!! this cows about to run up to u and try to lick ur face 8/10
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she looks like shes wearing slippers....... aouuu floopy brisket. round nose.. how lovely. 9/10
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what a lovely girl!!! oh my gosh!!!! and a lovely brown cow too!!!!!!!! not a thought behind those eyes. i lve her. the anatomy is a little strange but i forgive thiem 7/10
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a very pretty approximation of a cow!!!! with suuuuuuuper sharp horns!!!!!!!!!!! woawh!!!! a fearsome creature! 7/10
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theyre okay. bye
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miagwynwrites · 11 months
Henlo tis I @emeraldbabygirl! I’ve decided to make a blog just for my writing as I feel like my main blog is becoming a bit too messy and tbh my brother found my masterlist and I was so embarrassed so I’m making a new blog.
Hopefully this introduction won’t be too much but I did want to say that my main blog is the tagged above incase anyone sees a familiar fic floating around and thinks I stole it. So far I’m not sure if I’ll actually rewrite my fics and post them here or if I want to just reblog my older fics to this blog. However I will be writing all new fics on this blog from now on.
Another thing that I might do is reblog other fics I like on this blog too instead of my main but I’m not exactly sure if I will do that or if this blog with only be for my own writing.
I’ve been wanting to make this introduction post for a bit but I was still thinking of how I want to run this blog and what info I want to give out in my introduction. I would love to make this blog pretty though as I’ve seen a lot of writing blogs, especially my favorite ones use cute emojis and cute fonts and setups and gifs and things and I really want my blog to be aesthetically pleasing and not an eyesore. So far this introduction is doing just that but I don’t know how to make it all fancy and things so any tips and tricks are greatly appreciated! I just want one blog that I really like and think is pretty as my main blog is super messy and my others aren’t as pleasing to the eye.
So far not a lot is set in stone as far as who and what I write for. I am however not taking requests because I really suck and getting fics written and posted and I don’t want people to get impatient with me if their requests aren’t out soon. This being said, in the past I have freely written fics for my friends on my own time but those were not requests I just wanted to make something for my friends. Right now I’m writing for kpop idols mostly but I do want to write for jpop idols and thai idols and I have written some ideas for non kpop idols. I think it will just depend on what I’m into at the time. Maybe I’ll write for anime characters I’m not sure. As far as which idols again it depends on my mood and who I actually want to write for. You might see a lot of VAV and E’last and I do want to write more for those groups but it all just depends on how I feel and what I’m into at the time. Also IMPORTANT! I mostly write nsfw and some slightly darker themes so just be aware and I will be using better descriptions and making use of the content tags to help as well but just a warning this blog won’t be all fluffy and happy.
My masterlist won’t be up for awhile as I’m really going to rewrite it and make it fit this blog better I suppose. Also please don’t expect new fics until after I get my old fics and my new masterlist up and running. I might not be on this blog often but just know that I’ll be working behind the scenes trying to fix and improve my fics for this blog. If you are interested in my works you can always read them on my main @emeraldbabygirl they are all still up. I’m debating whether I want to delete them from my main blog or not, I’ll need a lot of time to think and prepare.
With small things like emojis and maybe anons because I’m thinking about allowing asks on this blog I’m just not sure how I want to go about it. Same for my tagging system. It’s going to be a bumpy ride in the beginning but I hope with some help and a lot of hard work I can get things to smooth over. Sorry if this intro is too long but I wanted to get all my thoughts out and share what this blog will be about. I’m already dreading the rebuild of my masterlist but I will do a little bit at a time and hopefully she’ll appear here. 🦬
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redfemme-com · 6 months
I NEED to talk to a former 2014 Lana heart shaped sunglasses thigh highs doe eyes tennis skirt lollipop frilly socks gingham pattern red lipstick kisses buffalo 66 cherry coke asks a man his age before his name Mary Jane shoe girly ASAP because I’m experiencing a wattpad story irl that younger me could only FANTASIZE about but now that I’m a bit older and actually experiencing it I need to weigh the pros and cons with a girlie WHO GETS IT
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going-fanfics17 · 3 months
The8 ( Minghao ) - words of affirmation.
For the man who is known for his savageness and witty comebacks , he is actually pretty good at comforting others , especially his girlfriend.
Whenever you have a bad day at work , all you have to do is text him this emoji 🥺 and he will come pick you up from work along with some flowers and your favourite takeout. Sushi , buffalo wings and tteokbokki . First , he will kiss your forehead and then open the passenger side of the car for you . He will silently hold your hand till you're ready to talk about it.
When you finally talk about it , he will just hold you in his arms and listen silently . Then he will comfort you and remind you to take it easy. Going on to say that you should not take that much stress . Remember that episode in ' in the soop s2 ' where he and Seungkwan were boating and Minghao said some really nice things about life , yeah , that is what he would say to you. He will continue to remind you that you matter , your opinions matter and that you are enough. Sometimes life can be hard but with the right people by your side , you can always conquer everything that life throws at you.
" Sometimes it feels like a race but trust me , it isn't. Whatever you are doing is enough and you don't have to push yourself to cross the limits. It's okay to be kind to yourself as it is your first time living life as well . I love you my darling. I am always going to be by your side, don't worry. "
Next up - Mingyu
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ladylooch · 7 months
What's It Gonna Be? [Mack X David]
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A/N: The ask for this blurb disappeared.... what is up with inboxes right now? My stuff disappears on the reg. Idk maybe it is too full. ANYWAYS, the original ask was something along the lines of: When is the next time David and Mack interact after the kiss. So here it is...
The day after their kiss is the first time she hears from Davey outside of a Lucie and Connor interaction. 
Mack is running on the treadmill in her building gym, just about to hit her highest ascent before beginning her cool down. She startles at Siri beginning to read off an unknown number into her AirPods, then her robotic voice shrills out “Hi Mackncheese.” Mack grabs the edges of the treadmill to stay upright. She slaps the stop button, then gradually lets the treadmill die off. 
You decide yet honey 🍯
Mack’s breathing is labored from her 4 mile run along with her surprise at hearing from him. How did he even get her number? She pushes her sweaty hair back into her ponytail, then grabs her phone. She opens her messages, reading his texts over again as a bubble signals he has more to say. She waits, anticipation clinging to her skin like sweat.
Would be so good to ya...
Mack absentmindedly grazes her lips with the tips of her fingers. His kiss left her discombobulated and speechless last night. She has little doubt that David Carlson knows how to treat a woman in the way he is insinuating. But he doesn't need to know that.
You’re confident of that? Mack decides to type back.
The bubble pops up again. 
Wanna play show and tell? All you gotta do is say yes.
Mack smiles down at her phone as she gets off the treadmill. She missteps and falls down. From her back, she closes her eyes in deep embarrassment. Good lord, this man has her all out of sorts. She needs to get her shit together. From her resting place, she sends him a single Emoji: 🤷🏻‍♀️
Hey, I'll take it for today. It’s not a no.
He has sent one text a day since then, all with the same sexy inquisitiveness. Now, it’s Wednesday and Mack finds herself scrolling back into those messages, scanning them over again while lounging on Lucie and Connor's couch.
Make up your mind yet baby? Bed is getting mighty lonely.
You still got that bikini from your Maldives article? Would love to see it in person.
When do you wanna come over? Got this great spot for you to sit on… 
Mackncheese, your time is running out. What have you decided?
The last one was from today and Mack still doesn’t have an answer for him. She is still attempting to catch up with these new feelings for him. She’s tried to reason the feelings away, insist they aren’t there, smother them out, but nothing is working. She finally had to come to the conclusion that they were real and she needed to sort them out before anything went further. 
David is everything Mack thought she hated in men. He is decisive, rugged, fights people on the ice, sarcastic as hell, and his endless teasing makes her eye twitch on the regular. She likes soft men. Men who read poetry and appreciate the arts and don’t mind sitting in a coffee shop for hours on end. David always has to be doing something. He’s either running around with Stella or helping Lucie in the kitchen or looking over Mack’s shoulder while she tries to formulate the outline for her next article. He’s too much and worst of all, he never lets Mack fade into the background when he is around. 
This would never work. 
Except, he’s the only one who sees her, clearly and unflinchingly. 
“Auntie? Can I have McDonald’s for dinner?” Mack blinks to come out of her thoughts.
“Your mom has chicken nuggets for you.”
“Yeah, gluten free.” Stella whines. “I want the crispy ones from McDonald’s.” Mack looks at her standing there, contemplating. Lucie didn’t say they couldn’t go out for dinner. She just said there was chicken nuggets in the freezer. If Mack��s being honest, McDonald’s chicken nuggets with buffalo and ranch sound really good.
“Only if you say I’m your favorite aunt.”
“You’re my favorite aunt.”
“You like me better than Uncle Lee?”
“No!” Stella laughs, then bites her lip, little shoulders quaking up and down. 
“What! You are such a stinker, Stell!” Mack laughs. 
“He brings McDonalds without me asking. Just shows up with it!” 
“We call that a suck up. He is buying your love.”
“And it’s working.” Mack claps her hand over her chest and howls with laughter. Stella is such a hoot. She always knows how to make Mack laugh.
“Let’s go sassy pants. Get some boots on, it was snowing earlier.”
Mack and Stella bundle up for the three walk block down the street to grab french fries, chicken nuggets, and a Sprite for each of them. Mack opens the door to let them out. They both startle when they see a tall figure on the other side of the door, fist raised, poised to knock. Stella catches on first.
“Davey!” Stella yells excitedly, launching into him. She headbutts him directly in the junk and he coughs out in pain. 
“Ooo. Hi Stell.” He says tightly, hand coming to grip himself over his zipper. “Ow.” He hisses air in through his teeth.
“Maybe you shouldn’t hover in people’s doorways.” Mack shrugs, stepping out of the apartment. She turns with the key, flipping the lock then turns back to the hallway. Mack gasps at how tightly David is crowding her space. She has to tilt her head all the way back to see his face.
“Got an answer for me?” He whispers, lips poised only a foot from her lips. She drags her top teeth over bottom lip. Her chest puffs out, feeling dizzy at the assault of his scent and masculine energy hovering over her.
“Is that why you’re here?” She wonders.
“No, I’m here to watch Stell.” He smirks, thinking it's cute that she thinks he came up to bug her.
“I’m here watching Stell? Lucie and Connor left an hour ago.” He furrows his brows in confusion, mustache pursing out with his top lip. He tilts his head to the side.
“Oh…” He trails off, then looks over his shoulder at Stella. “I guess you win again, Mackncheese.” 
“What? A night of watching TV dictated by a child? Lucky me.” He chuckles. 
“Over-under on how many times you’re watching the Little Mermaid?”
“I’m taking the under.” She laughs, then puts the keys in her purse. David shoves his hands in his worn, jean pockets, still not giving her much space. He is dressed in an olive green sweater that highlights the deepness of his emerald eyes.
“Where you going?” He asks.
“McDonalds!!!” Stell yells, coming back up to them. “You can come with us!”
“Oh… he probably has other-"
“Sweet! What are we getting?!” David answers before Mack can finish. She sighs heavily. Now that Stella is involved, there is no way David is not coming.
“Chicken nuggets!”
“Chicken nuggets?! Is that all you eat!? Gonna stunt your growth? Gonna be like the little runt piglets on my farm."
“Yeah!” She cheers, then slides her little hand in his big paw. “Go, go, go!”
She forces her body almost completely forward trying to pull him. He grips her tighter to keep her upright, then begins to walk. Mack stands there, dumbfounded at what is happening. How does he get invited along to everything? She watches her niece skip excitedly down to the elevator with David, admiring the way his strong arm easily supports and monitors every leap of Stella into the air. When she stumbles once, he catches her completely, like a constant safety net.They’re all the way to the elevator before they notice she isn’t with them.
“What’s it gonna be Mack?” David asks.
Mack knows he is talking about more than this McDonald’s run.
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mariacallous · 8 months
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Lansing — Democratic lawmakers are condemning a social media post from Republican state Rep. Josh Schriver of Oxford that promoted "the great replacement" theory, a racist ideological belief that there's a coordinated global effort to diminish the influence of White people.
On Tuesday, Schriver shared a post of a graphic that depicted black figurines covering most of a map of the world, with white figures occupying smaller sections of Australia, Canada, northern Europe and the northern United States. The bottom of the graphic read "The great replacement!"
The graphic, initially posted by right-wing pundit Jack Posobiec, was reposted by Schriver with an emoji of a chart showing a downward trend on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.
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In a statement Wednesday to The Detroit News, Schriver said he loved "all of God's offspring" and believed "everyone's immense value is rooted in the price Christ paid on the Cross when he died for our sins.
"I'm opposed to racists, race baiters, and victim politics," Schriver said in the statement. "What I find strange is the agenda to demoralize and reduce the white portion of our population. That's not inclusive and Christ is inclusive! I'm glad Tucker Carlson and Jack Posobiec are sharing links so I can continue my research on these issues."
The "great replacement" conspiracy theory asserts there is a coordinated effort to dilute the influence of White people through immigration and through low birth rates among White individuals, according to the Anti-Defamation League. The theory has been linked to anti-Semitism, with some versions alleging it is Jews coordinating the so-called replacement.
The shooter in a 2022 Buffalo, New York supermarket shooting that killed 10, most of whom were Black, raised the theory in a manifesto as a motive for the killings, the Associated Press reported. The killer in the 2018 Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburg blamed Jews for bringing non-white immigrants to the U.S.; a 2019 Poway, California synagogue shooter claimed Jews were responsible for the killing of White Europeans; and a shooter who killed 23 people at an El Paso Walmart in 2019 talked about a "Hispanic invasion" in his manifesto, according to the Anti-Defamation League.
At least a half-dozen Republican U.S. Senate candidates promoted the "great replacement" conspiracy theory in the 2022 elections, the AP reported.
House Speaker Joe Tate, a Detroit Democrat and Michigan's first Black speaker, said Schriver's "blatantly racist social media post" and later statement on the issue do not align with the chamber's values and are "deeply and personally" offensive.
Schriver's insistence that the issue was worthy of consideration "puts his ignorance on full display," Tate said in a statement, but is not an excuse for "proliferating obvious hate."
“Perhaps most disturbing is that his post uplifts a dangerous and tortured narrative that fosters violence and instability," Tate said. "His callous and reckless act is not within the spirit of what Michigan is, and it contributes to a hostile environment."
Rep. Jason Hoskins, a Black Democratic lawmaker from Southfield, also criticized the post Wednesday night.
"Michigan House Republican celebrates Black History Month by promoting racist and dangerous conspiracies that there are too many people of color," Hoskins wrote on X.
House Republican Leader Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, did not respond to a request Wednesday night for comment about Schriver's post.
Rep. Kelly Breen, D-Novi, condemned the post as "blatantly racist" and "dangerous rhetoric" that has no place in society or in the state Legislature.
"It saddens & infuriates me that a colleague shared this," Breen wrote on X. "For someone who claims to love God - Rep. Schriver is blind to the fact this would make Him weep."
Elected in 2022, Schriver represents the 66th District in the Michigan House of Representatives, which includes Addison, Brandon, Oxford townships and most of Oakland Township in Oakland County and Bruce and Washington townships in Macomb County. The Warren native is a graduate of De La Salle Collegiate High School.
Schriver serves on the House Natural Resources, Environment, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Committee.
Condemnation of Schriver's post extended beyond Michigan political circles.
The Northern Guard Supporters, a fan group supporting the Detroit City Football Club, also condemned the post and said the first term lawmaker was not welcome among the fan group. Schriver's wife plays for the Detroit City Football Club women's team, which plays in the Premier Arena Soccer League.
Nick Finn, who helps run communications for the group, said fans "won't tolerate that in our stands." On X, Northern Guard Supporters noted that the league included "players from all ethnic backgrounds in a high minority population city."
"It’s very upsetting to see something like that, one, from any representative in Michigan, let alone one directly connected to a member our team,” Finn told The News on Wednesday.
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expirisims · 8 months
Thanks @anamoon63 for the tag! 🤗🩷
💓Favorite Three Ships
* Connor and Saffron by @treason-and-plot
* Kneel and Melody from @miss-may-i Scratch the Surface story
* I know they're already in a relationship that death itself couldn't stop, but: Torgo and Poppy by @simspaghetti
🎧Last Song
This Song's Gonna Get Stuck Inside Your Head-- from Lego movie 2
🎬Last Movie
"Pete's Dragon" the 1977 version
📖 Currently Reading
At the moment no books, but I have "City of God" by E.L. Doctorow, "Nobody's Fool" by Richard Russo, " And the Mountains Echoed" by Khaled Hosseini, and a mystery novel by a local author all sitting on my nightstand waiting for me to decide which to read next.
🌶️ Craving
Always Buffalo Wings and a soda
👯‍♀️Relationship status
🪷Last thing I googled
Why does my kinetic sand say to was hands after use?
💫Current Obsession
Too many to name at the moment, I really get sucked down rabbit holes too easily 😂.
I guess not so much an obsession as a self conscious stressor, but getting my manuscript as perfect as possible and overcoming my self conscious nature to query. (Is there a nail biting emoji? Because there should be!)
Anyone who wants to play!
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fandomofone · 6 months
Look I'm booping fast and furious but the reality is I married into a Polish family and I live in Buffalo NY and it's Dyngus Day so we're out eating pierogie and kielbasa and drinking all day and my battery is not going to make it. 😩 So if I don't boop back it's not bc I don't want to or don't love you!
*please consider reblogging so that I still have Tumblr friends at the end of the Great Boopening, thank you
Also, Happy Dyngus Day! (Why is there no Polish flag emoji?!)
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oeldeservesthenorris · 6 months
“My best years are behind me.” Erik Johnson knows what he is at this point of his career. But the Flyers will need him -- and fellow veteran Marc Staal -- if they are going to get into the playoffs.
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TAMPA, Fla. — If nothing else, Erik Johnson is self-aware. The newly acquired Philadelphia Flyers defenseman, after morning skate at Amalie Arena on Saturday, admitted he hasn’t had the greatest season as part of a disappointing Buffalo Sabres squad. And, even though his getting dealt offers him a fresh start with a new club, the 35-year-old is not suddenly going to turn the clock back a decade.
“It was really tough being 13 years in Colorado and then coming to a new team. I don’t think I really played my best hockey,” said Johnson, who signed a one-year contract with the Sabres in the offseason after spending the majority of his career with the Avalanche.
“My best years are behind me.”
The Flyers know that too, of course. Their acquisition of Johnson on Friday just before the NHL trade deadline, though, serves two purposes: It provides immediate help for what is both an inexperienced and banged-up blue line, and potentially enhances the team culture that both coach John Tortorella and general manager Danny Briere have labeled as the foundation of their rebuild.
His first game was one to forget, as the Flyers were run out of the building 7-0 by the Tampa Bay Lightning in a game that will primarily be remembered for Tortorella’s ejection midway through the first period and his refusal to leave the bench right away.
And the game was abnormal even before it started. The Flyers were forced to dress just five defensemen after Egor Zamula came down with an illness and Adam Ginning, reassigned to the AHL on Friday, was unable to make it back from the Philadelphia area in time due to weather-related flight delays, according to a team source.
In other words, it’s probably not all that advisable to form any broad conclusions from that game about how Johnson will or won’t contribute down the stretch. He was on the ice for Nick Paul’s power-play goal that made it 2-0 and maybe could have been harder around the net. He was also a bit flat-footed on Conor Sheary’s wrist shot from the high slot that made it 3-0, but Flyers goalie Samuel Ersson could have been better on both of those two scores, as well. He finished with a minus-1 rating in 19:57 of ice time, with two shots on goal and six hits.
And it’s not like anyone else on the Flyers was all that effective on Saturday either, as they got behind 4-0 midway through the first period.
“We’re usually a pretty decisive team,” assistant coach Brad Shaw, filling in for Tortorella, said after the game. “We’re usually setting the tone and playing a specific game and I thought we let them get to their game really quickly. …  Just never seemed to get our footing.”
The Flyers are fortunate in that they’ll have a chance to quickly put the brutal loss behind them when they host the league’s second-worst team, the San Jose Sharks, on Tuesday. One of the primary reasons they have managed to stay in the playoff race this season is because of their ability to quickly respond to poor efforts.
Still, they’re a bit of a different team now that they’ve lost Sean Walker, with his ability to help break the puck out of their own end and play that fast transition game that’s led to so much of the Flyers’ offense.
Johnson isn’t that type of player, and neither is another veteran who’s being relied on to play big minutes — Marc Staal, who skated in just 17 of the Flyers’ first 51 games and has now been thrust back into nightly duty with Jamie Drysdale, Rasmus Ristolainen and Nick Seeler still all on the shelf.
The Flyers seemed to realize they need to play differently in at least one of their two games after the Walker deal: They put forth an impressive, buttoned-up defensive performance in their 2-1 win in Florida on Thursday with rookies Ginning and Ronnie Attard making their respective season debuts on the blue line.
Part of the reason why they held the high-powered Panthers offense to just one goal was, according to Staal, everyone on the ice playing together as a five-man unit.
“Realizing the position we were in with some new guys coming in. I think our forwards — they always do a great job of being pretty aware defensively and playing as five,” Staal said. “We really focused on that before the game. … Just good structurally to get that one.”
Staal’s ice time has been steadily rising. He skated a season-high 19:10 on Saturday. And although he’s certainly not the fleetest of foot anymore at age 37, he has a positive expected goals percentage of 54.2 according to Natural Stat Trick, and at five-on-five has been on the ice for an even 12 goals for and 12 against.
Getting into a rhythm after being a frequent healthy scratch has helped.
“For sure. It’s definitely tough not playing when you’re used to being in the lineup every night your whole career so that was an adjustment,” he said. “Stayed positive and kept working and obviously getting an opportunity now and we’re playing really important games and it’s exciting for me to be back in and try to help this team win. … I’m starting to feel better on the ice, getting my legs and timing back more where I’m used to.”
When he signed a one-year deal in the offseason, the prevailing notion at the time was that Staal would be a prime candidate to get moved for, say, a mid-round draft pick ahead of the trade deadline. But Staal said on Saturday that it was always his intention to stay with the Flyers for the season, and now part of what has become a close group, he’s thrilled to be sticking around for the playoff chase.
“Been around these guys since September, I’ve definitely grown to enjoy this room and these guys and what we’re doing here,” Staal said. “Leaving really wasn’t a thought I had. You’ve just got to get in, you know? Get in the playoffs and see what happens. You never know.”
Staal knows that well as part of last season’s eighth-seeded Panthers who advanced to the Stanley Cup Final before losing to the Vegas Golden Knights.
The Flyers have to get there first, though. And in order to do that, both Johnson and Staal are going to have to play a role.
“You check your ego at the door, it’s about winning and it’s about building the culture and continuing to go on a big playoff push here,” Johnson said. “What I just told them was I’m here for whatever you need from me, here to be a good teammate, and do whatever I can for the guys.”
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larkkspuur · 7 months
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realized I have not posted my newest dnd character here. first time playing a ranger.
A drawing of a tiefling from D&D. He is a blue tiefling with unguligrade legs and blue horns. He has yellow eyes and brown hair that goes white at the tips. He is dressed in a red and black buffalo check shirt, blue pants, a red neckerchief, and a cowboy hat. He also has pieces of leather armor. There is a full version with all the armor and quivers and a simple version. There is also a version of him hatless. There's text that reads, 'Side quiver for horseback,' 'back quiver for most hunting,' 'Arrows can look however,' and 'rope is just a prop (unless I can have a lass0)' with the eyes emoji. There is also text saying 'swarm of hardlight chickens' and pointing at a hologram chicken. There is also a description saying 'Age: 27, Height: 6 feet 9 inches, Pronouns: He/Him, Race: Tiefling, Class: Ranger'.
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ausetkmt · 2 months
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WASHINGTON (AP) — The social media posts are of a distinct type. They hint darkly that the CIA or the FBI are behind mass shootings. They traffic in racist, sexist and homophobic tropes. They revel in the prospect of a “white boy summer.”
White nationalists and supremacists, on accounts often run by young men, are building thriving, macho communities across social media platforms like Instagram, Telegram and TikTok, evading detection with coded hashtags and innuendo.
Their snarky memes and trendy videos are riling up thousands of followers on divisive issues including abortion, guns, immigration and LGBTQ rights. The Department of Homeland Security warned Tuesday that such skewed framing of the subjects could drive extremists to violently attack public places across the U.S. in the coming months.
These type of threats and racist ideology have become so commonplace on social media that it’s nearly impossible for law enforcement to separate internet ramblings from dangerous, potentially violent people, Michael German, who infiltrated white supremacy groups as an FBI agent, told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.
“It seems intuitive that effective social media monitoring might provide clues to help law enforcement prevent attacks,” German said. “After all, the white supremacist attackers in Buffalo, Pittsburgh and El Paso all gained access to materials online and expressed their hateful, violent intentions on social media.”
But, he continued, “so many false alarms drown out threats.”
DHS and the FBI are also working with state and local agencies to raise awareness about the increased threat around the U.S. in the coming months.
The heightened concern comes just weeks after a white 18-year-old entered a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, with the goal of killing as many Black patrons as possible. He gunned down 10.
WATCH: Senate Homeland Security committee holds hearing on white supremacist violence
That shooter claims to have been introduced to neo-Nazi websites and a livestream of the 2019 Christchurch, New Zealand mosque shootings on the anonymous, online messaging board 4Chan. In 2018, the white man who gunned down 11 at a Pittsburgh synagogue shared his antisemitic rants on Gab, a site that attracts extremists. The year before, a 21-year-old white man who killed 23 people at a Walmart in the largely Hispanic city of El Paso, Texas, shared his anti-immigrant hate on the messaging board 8Chan.
References to hate-filled ideologies are more elusive across mainstream platforms like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Telegram. To avoid detection from artificial intelligence-powered moderation, users don’t use obvious terms like “white genocide” or “white power” in conversation.
They signal their beliefs in other ways: a Christian cross emoji in their profile or words like “anglo” or “pilled,” a term embraced by far-right chatrooms, in usernames. Most recently, some of these accounts have borrowed the pop song “White Boy Summer” to cheer on the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on Roe v. Wade, according to an analysis by Zignal Labs, a social media intelligence firm.
Facebook and Instagram owner Meta banned praise and support for white nationalist and separatists movements in 2019 on company platforms, but the social media shift to subtlety makes it difficult to moderate the posts. Meta says it has more than 350 experts, with backgrounds from national security to radicalization research, dedicated to ridding the site of such hateful speech.
“We know these groups are determined to find new ways to try to evade our policies, and that’s why we invest in people and technology and work with outside experts to constantly update and improve our enforcement efforts,” David Tessler, the head of dangerous organizations and individuals policy for Meta, said in a statement.
A closer look reveals hundreds of posts steeped in sexist, antisemitic, racist and homophobic content.
In one Instagram post identified by The Associated Press, an account called White Primacy appeared to post a photo of a billboard that describes a common way Jewish people were exterminated during the Holocaust.
“We’re just 75 years since the gas chambers. So no, a billboard calling out bigotry against Jews isn’t an overreaction,” the pictured billboard said.
The caption of the post, however, denied gas chambers were used at all. The post’s comments were even worse: “If what they said really happened, we’d be in such a better place,” one user commented. “We’re going to finish what they started someday,” another wrote.
The account, which had more than 4,000 followers, was immediately removed Tuesday, after the AP asked Meta about it. Meta has banned posts that deny the Holocaust on its platform since 2020.
U.S. extremists are mimicking the social media strategy used by the Islamic State group, which turned to subtle language and images across Telegram, Facebook and YouTube a decade ago to evade the industry-wide crackdown of the terrorist group’s online presence, said Mia Bloom, a communications professor at Georgia State University.
“They’re trying to recruit,” said Bloom, who has researched social media use for both Islamic State terrorists and far-right extremists. “We’re starting to see some of the same patterns with ISIS and the far-right. The coded speech, the ways to evade AI. The groups were appealing to a younger and younger crowd.”
For example, on Instagram, one of the most popular apps for teens and young adults, white supremacists amplify each other’s content daily and point their followers to new accounts.
In recent weeks, a cluster of those accounts has turned its sights on Pride Month, with some calling for gay marriage to be “re-criminalized” and others using the #Pride or rainbow flag emoji to post homophobic memes.
Law enforcement agencies are already monitoring an active threat from a young Arizona man who says on his Telegram accounts that he is “leading the war” against retail giant Target for its Pride Month merchandise and children’s clothing line and has promised to “hunt LGBT supporters” at the stores. In videos posted to his Telegram and YouTube accounts, sometimes filmed at Target stores, he encourages others to go the stores as well.
Target said in a statement that it is working with local and national law enforcement agencies who are investigating the videos. As society becomes more accepting of LGBTQ rights, the issue may be especially triggering for young men who have held traditional beliefs around relationships and marriage, Bloom said.
“That might explain the vulnerability to radical belief systems: A lot of the beliefs that they grew up with, that they held rather firmly, are being shaken,” she said. “That’s where it becomes an opportunity for these groups: They’re lashing out and they’re picking on things that are very different.”
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dollarbin · 11 months
Dollar Bin #18:
Bob Dylan's Dream / Lord Franklin
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At some point in 1988 I discovered that there was music in my childhood home.
We'd grew up largely without it. I had an ancient, AM-only, dial radio at the head of my child sized bed, but that was strictly for listening to Vin Scully call Dodger games. At some point around 83 I spun the corroded dial experimentally and heard Borderline followed by Thriller. It was terrifying, and I did not repeat the experiment.
Therefore, as a child, the only song I remember singing along to was this ditty, which always immediately preceded Vinny declaring that it was "time for Dodger Baseball!"
Of course, I heard snatches of music outside our home. When Dolly, Emmylou and Linda put out Trio in 87 my mom bought the tape, shoved it into our red and white Vanagon's deck and kept that thing on repeat for years. And on the fourth of July I'd watch the annual Beach Boys Special at friends' houses while we lay about, sunburnt from head to toe and waiting for rock hard burgers off the grill. And yes, I'd sit in the park every summer and try to figure out how to eat KFC while the US Navy Brass band played. But all that music was around me, not in me.
Then, in 88, my buddy Matt's parents got cable, so MTV happened and we learned all about girls, I guess, from Straight Up Now Tell Me. By that point Buffalo Soldier, Shout, Brass Monkey and Take My Breath Away where spinning at elementary school dances and all the cool kids were bravely listening to Guns and Roses.
But I wasn't cool. I recognize this fact must be a surprise to all of you given the incomparably cool nature of this august blog and the meteoric rise of my Gordon Lightfoot musings among the cognoscenti (I have no doubt that among my legion of 14 followers cheesebot47 is Obama and dannhann is Bruuuuce while bloggin - I see you gentlemen! Thanks for my grand total of two heart emojis!), but I feel that my uninterrupted lifelong run of uncoolness needs to be acknowledged nonetheless. As proof I offer up the following evidence: my initial attempt at getting into music in 88 was buying the cassette single for Chicago's Look Away:
Yeah, definitely not cool. Even my father thought the song spewd chunks and the only song he ever sang to us as kids was Home on the Range. Baby! Look away!
So I did hear music at age 12. But my home had none to offer, and I'd yet to hear anything that really spoke to me, that shouted its way into my soul.
Then, somehow, furniture got rearranged or I opened my eyes a little wider and found a hitherto unknown cabinet in our living room. There weren't fur coats inside, or mothballs; nor did it take me straight to Mr. Tumnus. No, it was better than that. Instead, when I looked inside, I found The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan.
That's right: there was a record player in my home that I'd never noticed before, and records sat underneath it. No one had touched anything in there for a decade or more. But I knelt down and figured out what to do with it somehow and the next thing I knew I was listening to Blowin' in the Wind.
Picture me on my 12 year old knees, all 80 pounds of me watching the record spin, holding my breath. What was this noise? Why did it sound so glorious? And why, oh why, wouldn't it play smoothly?
You see, from the first moment Dylan began slapping at his 6 string and asking how many roads a man must walk down, the filthy, bruised record and the turntable's utterly battered needle refused to meld. I could hear only snatches of Blowing in the Wind before the whole thing popped and bolted and before you knew it there was a broken harmonica blast and Dylan was already telling me that he'd learned the next song somewhere down in the U-nited States. Then everything erupted again and it wasn't long before the needle leapt and dragged into full skid before thudding to a stop.
And yet somehow, one song on my parents' long forgotten and utterly ravaged copy of the Dylan's first masterpiece was largely intact and skip-free: at age 12 I joined Dylan on a train going west; I too dreamed a dream and weathered many a first storm. But Bob Dylan's Dream did not make me sad. Rather, it took my breath away.
And it still does.
I suspect each of us has a specific, elemental melody that insistently tugs at us; like an invisible tether, there's a combination of notes and pacing out there that's ineffably linked with our individual soul. Somehow, wonderfully, the borrowed melody Dylan used for his Dream is that tether for me.
Of course at that point I couldn't put any words together to describe what was happening to me when I listened. I was just fired up. What's more, I found that each time I replayed the record a bit more of it would emerge intact: the tortured needle harvested bits of dirt and debris from the grooves each time it passed through. Sure, I had to bully the record through several skips, but eventually I could track most of the record.
Next, somehow, probably at my friend Eric's, I found a blank tape and a turntable connected to a tape deck and was able to transfer my chopped up record into something I could carry around in my pocket like a talisman. There was a world of music out there, just for me. I had not found it yet, but I had a map.
And so I did what came naturally: I took the world's worst version of the The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan to my next Dungeons and Dragons game. Doing so made total sense to me. I was clearly 12 years old.
I emailed my personal dungeon lord, Jon, this week and asked him to recall what happened next. But Jon remembers nothing, which is surprising, because something definitely happened. The moment I pressed play on my brutalized copy of Freewheelin' in the middle of Jon's personally scripted orcfest he freaked the hell out, unplugged the stereo and carried my character sheet out to his dad's Weber, ranting all the while about how if I ever brought such crazed and unbearable sounds to one of his games again my character (I think he was named Illure...) would get doused in lighter fluid and would serve as a fitting holocaust to every god one could name. And Jon was true to his precociously literate 12 year old word: a few months later, when I brought not Bob Dylan but instead swiped cans of beer to D&D, Illure did indeed taste Jon's threatened flames and I was altogether banned from D&D henceforth. My buddy Jon: always totally awesome.
It's too bad about Illure. But I wouldn't change a thing.
So let's talk about Lord Franklin. Dylan openly acknowledged that he borrowed the tune for his Dream from Martin Carthy's version of the original. Let's drop the needle on the song's gold standard: Pentangle's version from their wrongly maligned Dollar Bin treasure, Cruel Sister.
Listen to John Renbourn, just above a whisper, recall his sighing dream. Bert Jansch's weary concertina trembles and pulses and Jacqui McShee's accompanying voice arches above and beyond until Renbourn finally produces the world's smallest and gnarliest electric guitar. Wow. What a song; what a version. That's my personal pulse friends; that's my tether.
Who knows how far back this melody actually goes; its primary known source, the Irish song Cailín Óg a Stór, is least 400 years old, but surely people were humming this thing under their breath long before any peer of Shakespeare thought about claiming ownership of it in print. Maybe my ever so great grandmother had some hand in its creation; or maybe yours did. I'll bet people all over the world have been warbling this melody in their own tongues for time out of mind.
Take a listen to the Carthy version that first inspired Dylan:
You can hear the song's racing pulse in Carthy's fleet picking beneath the swaying, stately melody. Maybe that tension of paces is part of the song's allure for me. I love slowly sung songs that still contain lurching threats of violence, terror or despair. Think Danger Bird or This Monkey's Gone to Heaven; think Mr. Bojangles.
Sure, Jerry's telling us his story with a smile. But he's not okay. He's grieving deeply as he sings, channeling his old prison mates' terrible loss for his dog.
Cailín Óg a Stór is a root stock that's been grafted beyond Franklin's tale and Dylan's dream. Happily, Stephen Stills' own take, a reworking entitled I Suck, remains unreleased. But check out Fairport Convention's A Sailor's Life. Hear the incomparable Sandy Denny spin that glorious melody in a new direction.
It takes some real guts to completely reconsider a song this elemental, but people are forever doing just that. Check out Renbourn's own masterful and hilarious version from the 90's. Just look at the guy sweat as he giggles then dives deeply in.
All of these examples help make Dylan's Dream particularly audacious. Forget telling timeless tails of terror on the deep; Dylan instead takes us to a scene from his own childhood: there they are, gathered about an old wooden stove, the first few friends he had. They never much thought they could get very old; but they have, they are all aged now, just like me and Jon, and all our long ago friends from 88.
Only art is timeless, Lord Franklin reminds us. Only art can never die.
Rest in Peace Sinead.
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angelmichelangelo · 16 days
chapter three
verse: human au/2k12/idw rating: t word count: 3.6k
read on ao3!
Mikey really does not like working with Xever. In all of his defenses, there wasn’t really a great deal of people Mikey worked with that were overly nice or fun to be around, with the exception of Angel of course, he oftentimes found himself paired up with the kinds of people that were his exact polar opposite. 
He greets him with a stiff nod of his head at the warehouse; as good as a hello or good morning than he’s ever gonna get. As they wait around outside for Hun to appear, he feels Xever’s eyes rake down his body – still dressed in Raph’s clothes from the day before, he’s sure he’s rocked up to work looking in a far worse state than he did right now. “Nice sweater,” Xever jeers, lip curling. “You going to church after this?” Mikey manages a meek, forced smile to appear at his lips. “Ha,” is all he says, fighting off the impending headache given to him from the night before. “Good one.” His phone chimes and when he looks down, there’s two new texts, one from Raph and a second one from Alopex. He’d texted Angel on his way out but it was probably going to be another long, few hours until she woke again to respond. The one from Raph simply reads, 
talk when you get home. Whilst the other one from Alopex says,
love you alongside a string of orange colored emojis trailing behind it; no doubt Raph and her had held a conversation about his whereabouts over breakfast this morning, making his stomach drop about fifty feet down. He’s back to thinking about Leo’s stupid guest bathroom again when Hun finally appears. He strolls up to them, pausing to drink in the state of Mikey’s face when he grins. “How’s your head?” He asks, jamming the keys into the door without breaking eye contact. Mikey knows if he wants something, he’s going to have to ham it up, so he smiles sultry at him, curling his lip and says with a shrug of his shoulder, “Dunno. You tell me.” Xever calls him a crude name under his breath as the pair follow their boss into the building. It wasn’t much, just a deliberate front for Hun to work out his business from without causing too much of a fuss with the authorities sniffing around. The back room housed a little makeshift greenhouse, where their boss would be tended lovingly to his crop whilst his minions ran about the city and did his dirty work. A little bit of green was far from the worst of what was to come out of Hun’s empire, and Mikey was pretty front and center to such things. His gut curls at the thought, the benzo’s from last night having slowly slunk away out of his system, there’s an itch starting to crawl beneath his skin he’s so desperate to claw at. 
“Gotta guy down on fifth,” Hun starts to explain, flicking a thumb over his phone, attention entirely on his screen rather than the two workers standing before him - this was just another Wednesday to him. “Wants a tester so give him the quart bag but nothing else. Don’t be fucking buffaloed by these assholes.” Xever nods stiffly and Mikey just hums in acknowledgement as to what they had to do. Dealing and selling was a far lot easier than having to get payments off people, he’d come to realize very quickly. More times than none he’d walked away from a job with bruised, bloody knuckles and a sick feeling in his chest that refused to go away for days on end until he reminded himself that the people he was ragging on were just as bad as Xever or Hun themselves. It didn’t stop the feeling from creeping back into his system of a night though, plaguing his subconscious like a dark shadow. “Half hour tops. I want you both back here after,” Hun says. He looks to Mikey, eyes flashing darkly. Half an hour, Mikey thinks to himself and he holds the eye contact fiercely. Then you can get what you want… for a price.
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slavicafire · 1 year
oh happy springtime!! i imagine your celebrations to look exactly like the music video of bii biyelgee, by the hu. i trust this is accurate. (except of course i also imagine you jumping into a muddy creek at the end 🐃) (water buffalo emoji how blessed!)
yes! thank you baya I love you to the very end of this world 🐃🐃🐃
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would like to give u a lil bowl of full-fat buffalo milk or cow milk, a non-aged, non-melting soft cheese made by curdling milk with a fruit- or vegetable-derived acid, such as lemon juice 🥣
MWAHHAHAHHAAHHA 😈 (there's no emoji which can accurately show my reaction T-T)
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rabbit-heart4 · 7 months
thinking about disloyal order of water buffalos (fob) as a jmart song
i have some sketches for an animatic of this song, but i don't think i'll ever make it so i figured i'd post about it here so that i don't forget. it would be from jon's POV, mostly
i'm coming apart at the seams
theory of jon needing a scar from every entity
pitching myself for leads in other people's dreams
how after jon eats people's trauma they see them in nightmares
now buzz, buzz, buzz / doc there's a hole where something was
can refer to jon's coma, how the institute felt empty without him
fell out of bed, butterfly bandage, but don't worry / you'll never remember, your head is far too blurry
prentiss attack. duh
put him in the back of a squad car, restrain that man / he needs his head put through a CAT scan
elias getting arrested heart emoji
hey editor, i'm undeniable / hey doctor, i'm certifiable
ok idk about this one
i'm a loose bolt of a complete machine / what a match, i'm half doomed and you're semi sweet
THIS LINE IS SOOOOOOOOOOO THEM. jon is the institute's loose bolt: he starts the eyepocalypse and the entities' loose bolt: by stopping it as jon is simultaneously the protagonist and antagonist and and and and and. the 2nd line: jon is doomed to start the eyepocalypse after doing everything to stop it. martin can be referred to as semi sweet as he is a very kind guy except for that part about how he could totally be a web avatar
so boycott love / detox just to retox
this is jon passing the eyepocalypse onto another world.
i'd promise you anything for another shot at life
"maybe we both die. probably. but maybe not. maybe, maybe everything works out, and we end up somewhere else." "together?" "one way or another. together."
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