#building standards
rjzimmerman · 15 days
Excerpt from this story from Canary Media:
Colorado just got a big boost to help slash planet-warming emissions from commercial buildings.
Last week, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the state was selected to receive a $20 million grant to help implement its building performance standards — ambitious rules that limit the amount of carbon pollution big buildings can emit. Colorado adopted the policy, which applies to edifices 50,000 square feet or greater, last year.
The funding will be used to help buildings in marginalized communities, whose owners may be less able to afford deep carbon-cutting measures like insulation and heat pumps, meet the state’s building decarbonization targets.
“We’re really excited about this DOE award to ensure the success of Colorado’s building performance standard,” Dominique Gómez, deputy director of the Colorado Energy Office, told Canary Media.
The Colorado award was the largest among the 19 grants to state and local governments announced last week as part of a broader $1 billion Inflation Reduction Act effort to clean up the U.S. building stock. The vast majority of the new round of funding went to helping cities and states design or implement performance standards for buildings, a means of tackling emissions that’s taking root around the country. From New York City’s pioneering Local Law 97 to Seattle’s Building Emissions Performance Standards, these policies set emissions or energy-use intensity caps per square foot in large structures that become more stringent over time.
Building owners have flexibility in figuring out how to meet these standards, whether that’s switching to LED light bulbs, weatherizing, electrifying heating or all of the above. If they fall short, owners face hefty penalties that are designed to exceed retrofit costs, according to Paulina Torres, research manager at global real-estate services firm JLL.
Performance standards are sticks to the policy carrots incentivizing energy efficiency upgrades that, on their own, largely haven’t worked to reduce building sector emissions, said Marshall Duer-Balkind, policy director at the building decarbonization nonprofit Institute for Market Transformation (IMT).
Unlike building energy codes, which generally target new construction, performance standards tackle emissions from existing buildings — a massive source of climate pollution. When you include the electricity they consume, buildings are the largest source of carbon emissions in the country — more than transportation, agriculture, or industry (excluding its buildings), according to the DOE. 
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What's the Biggest Risk You'd Like to Take — But Haven't Been Able To? Navigating Construction Safety Challenges
What’s the biggest risk you’d like to take — but haven’t been able to? When we delve deeper into the essence of construction safety, we uncover a tapestry woven with ambition, responsibility, and caution. For safety professionals in construction, the daily reality is a juxtaposition of wanting to push the envelope while ensuring every worker’s well-being. The question, “What’s the biggest risk…
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autismdeathglare · 6 months
Ya know what shout out to butches who wrestle with our butchness because we don’t fit the mold in some way. Butches who aren’t physically strong or naturally caretaking because of physical disability, who need to be cared for, who can’t hold open the door for a femme. Butches with long hair, butches with big hair, butches who express their culture via their hair. Butches who’s masculinity is shaped by their culture, who’s masculinity doesn’t fit the white eurocentric mold. Fat butches, butches with curves viewed as feminine, butches who don’t have skinny, boyish builds. Butches who don’t want to be sexualized, butches on the ace spectrum. Butches who don’t have traditionally masculine interests or mannerisms or whatever. Effeminate butches. Butches who take inspo from gay men. Butches who like the occasional dress or skirt. TRANSFEM BUTCHES!!!!! And any other butches who don’t fit a certain mold!! All butches are good butches and we are all valid.
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lawbreaker13 · 5 months
It’s actually insane how some of you justify your antisemitism. And yes, this time I’m specifically talking about being anti-Israel.
When Israel is attacked by Hamas, it’s their fault for retaliating. When is Israel is attacked by Iran, it’s ok because it’s retaliation. When Israel calls out the UN for being unhelpful, they’re getting what they deserve. When Israel asks the UN to step up, it’s a sad cry for help.
It is no coincidence that Israel can’t do anything right and that it houses 7 million Jewish refugees. It’s the oldest excuse in the book. “It’s just the zionists!” Israeli children are children, too. They have no better of a concept of Zionism than you, and yours is scarce. Zionism IS LITERALLY ABOUT JEWS.
Just say you won’t be happy until half the world’s Jews are dead. It’s a lot better to be an antisemite when you’re comfortable with your identity.
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dragonroilz · 1 year
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two girls, rival schools, best friends, hotel trivago
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ryssbelle · 7 months
Does the flower from your first n2 post have any significance? Why isn't it blooming?
Yes the flower here does have significance!
It’s a memorial flower, the exact species of flower is one I made up, it’s one that has a strange growth period, there’s no real way to tell when it’s going to bloom but it does only bloom at night.
John Dory got the seeds while on one of his searches and gave it to Floyd since at the time Floyd was severely depressed and was spending all day everyday in his room in the bunker. JD had given Floyd a bunch of seeds for a garden but Floyd ended up only planting one which he’s been taking care of since he planted it.
He planted it on Clays birthday so they refer to it as Clay’s flower, but it’s a memorial for all their lost family members, so their parents, grandma, Clay, and Spruce/Bruce
Other than just maintaining it, Floyd also talks to it like the ones they lost can hear him through the flower, he visits it at least once everyday while the other brothers only visit on anniversaries and birthdays. (They also only bring the lights and photos out then as well, to keep the photos safe from damage)
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It’s Floyd’s way of grieving :)
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some-witterings · 1 month
[Post New War Warframe Spoilers Ahead]
I just need to gush about Qorvex a little...
Because god damn, DE did an absolutely fantastic job with him.
His cycopean and brutalist aesthetic make him feel less "alive" than other frames. He just feels unnatural. While most other frames look powerfull, heroic and storied; Qorvex is just imposing. He has no obvious location where a face would be, just a single glowing red eye. He might have a standard human form, but it is buried beneath his concrete plating that is so functional looking it strips him of any obvious signs of humanity.
His sound design is amazing too. There is no bluster or massive sounds in his first three abilities, just grinding and slamming concrete followed by the degranged clicking of a gieger counter. Hidden beneath all of that noise is a low gutteral roar. Something inhuman, strange and angry. That all changes when you reach his fourth ability though. The crucible blast feels exactly as it should, like the beam itself is ripping apart the air and poisoning the world. All whilst Qorvex bellows in his deep alagory for a voice.
It even permeates into his gameplay. He is filling the battlefield is radiation which causes the enemies to turn on each other. Slamming them together and crushing their armor. Not flinching when hit. Then causing the enemies to erupt in nuclear fire from within themselves. His gameplay feels like it lives up to the tool of extiction that Albrecht made him to be. Both the immovable object and unstoppable force.
I appreciate my thoughts on him my be tainted by just how much I enjoy playing him and my love of nuclear stuff to begin with, but he feels so much more like a form of nature than anything else. He radiates this aura of something that will kill and will not care. A tool, not a person. Which absolutely suits the radiation he is the representative of. It will not care and it his hard to stop. Qorvex is the uncaring nuclear fire at the heart of every fission reactor and he plays the part perfectly.
Well done DE. Hell of a frame you made.
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shampookoski · 9 months
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genshin idles 4/∞ - tighnari
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Legolas: *drinking something from his flask*
Arwen: what’s that?
Legolas: oh, it’s just a drink. It’s an alcohol i created specifically to my taste.
Arwen: that’s so cool! Can i try some?
Legolas: ye- no.....
Arwen: what, why not? You let me try all the other kinds of silvan food and drinks from you, so why not this? Is it because you think i can’t handle it.
Legolas: no, no, and it’s not so much as a silvan thing as it is a family thing, and that “thing” is that my family likes to spice our food and beverages with poison.
Arwen: what
Legolas: yeah, so let’s not accidentally poison you.
Arwen: WTF
——————————-later ————————-
Arwen and family + legolas at the dinning table
Arwen: hey, so did you know that legolas drinks poison?
Elrond: *chokes on drink* wHAT-
Legolas: Arwen, you traitor!
Elladan: bro, what the fuck!?!
Legolas: in my defense, it’s not as if it can do anything to me at this point!
Legolas: let me spice my wine with some belladona in peace!
Elrohir: but why? How did you even get to this point???
Legolas: extenuated circumstances.
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rubywolf0201 · 2 months
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I’m probably not going to get Zhu Yan anytime soon but she’s kind of funny and cool.
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sun-marie · 30 days
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"If someone asked me at the end I'd tell them put me back in it" x
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hylianengineer · 4 months
My job has really sucked for most of this week but today I got to turn solutions purple which was a nice little bit of joy. Look how pretty they are!
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psychoticallytrans · 1 year
Buildings where you don't have a choice about being there should be held to the highest standards of accessibility. If you are going to forcibly compel people to be in a building, it must be possible for them to move around the building easily.
An incomplete list of said buildings:
-Courthouses -Prisons -All buildings related to acquiring licenses of any kind -Public schools
Ideally, of course, all buildings should be held to the highest accessibility standards. But if you're going to be slapped with criminal charges for not showing up somewhere, then it should be incredibly high priority to make sure that everyone can be in the building and move around it.
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mintaikk · 3 months
I know DAMN well that the Venom Movie is NOT getting me into body horror romance-
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tweedfrog · 2 months
I remember when a bunch of terfs on here ganged up on me when i said I'd feel way more solidarity for a trans woman than a white girl terf because im far more likely to be branded "a man" for not fitting into white european standards of femininity and they jumped me and now we see 4 yrs later these morons running a disinformation campaign because a cis female Olympic boxer *checks notes* is brown and has a squareish jaw and muscles
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hcnnibal · 5 months
would you ever consider drawing a1/2 gender swapped 🥺👉👈 for science reasons 🤓
yes but there is just so much to consider
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