#bunny’s ranting
nanamin-nah-nanamine · 2 months
TW: rant‼️
Basically recent life events and the reasoning why I probably won’t be writing as frequently. If you’re easily triggered by relationship issues and mental health this is nawt for you pookie stay safe🫶🏾
Y’all I just got out of a five month long relationship literally yesterday and I’m still processing so much of it. I thought the information I garnered yesterday was the end of it but turns out he’s just been playing pretend,using me to feel loved and said and quote “I thought you would catch on to me being unhappy” when I’m SO autistic and have told him many times that I need things spelled out for me. Like I don’t get undertones a lot of the time in day to day conversations and I’ve mentioned it so many times so now it hurts even more to know that the whole duration of the relationship my needs were just falling on deaf ears. And it sucks even more that I was being played like bozo the fucking clown the entire time simply because I couldn’t read between the lines of his bullshit.
Like I already have trust issues from previous relationships both romantic and platonic and this really nailed the coffin shut on that. It’s looking like it’s back to therapy for me to unpack this shit cause Jesus Christ.
Like y’all I want to be so fucking mean about him right now but it’s not in my character to hurt the people I love even though I really want to but I know better so I took the high road and it doesn’t feel good even though I told him about his ass.
Like I just want to snap and be a bitch and yell and scream but I’m too god damn nice to hurt anyone unless they’ve pushed me past my breaking point which has only happened once in my life despite everything I’ve been through.
Like it’s so jarring to think this was the man I was going to move in with and marry and have a family with only to realize his love for me was a lie because he was too much of a coward(his words) to let me go because he liked the way I made him feel.
No matter what I say or how cocky I get I am a LOVER and I am SENSITIVE y’all. Daughter of Aphrodite kinda shit. Been having crushes since I was four kinda shit. Thinking about marriage since I was eight kinda shit. I am a lover and a nurturer and sensitive and fragile and one hell of an empath which this world wasn’t made for so I’m fighting for my life.
Everyday I wake up and choose to be kind but it’s like a choice that isn’t mine because it’s etched into my being and comes as naturally as breathing. I hate being kind because it’s always been to my detriment but I will continue to do so because that’s what I’ve always done.
Im honesty just sick and tired of being hurt and I don’t even know what love feels like anymore.
I will continue to be a lover, and that will be the thing that ruins me.
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Me if you even care btw
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divinebunnii · 1 month
so what a transgirl wants on keep her dick? so what a trans man wants to keep his pussy? trans people do not owe you bottom surgery
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rockrosethistle · 3 months
I think one of the slept on things that makes The Secret History feel like a real world is Donna Tartt's willingness to introduce a character that is just never brought up again (or brought up once or twice again.)
Because i'm real life, not every person you meet is going to have significance in your life. Not everyone is going to change that plot. Think about the teacher that takes over when Julian leaves. Or the farmer who claims to have seen Bunny. Or Richard's one night stand. Even the man stalking Henry and Bunny in Italy doesn't show up later.
And not only does this fill the gaps in the world, it absolutely helps build suspense. You never know if a character might have significance later, because there's simply no pattern to follow. It keeps you guessing.
Did I mention I started rereading The Secret History
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twentyfunnybunnies · 2 months
Think about it:
He lives in a tower, has a manipulative mom, and has awesome blonde hair.
Do you see the difference between these two images???
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betryl · 5 months
Honestly Henry did commit horrible and inexcusable and unforgivable acts but it doesn't mean that every single thing he ever did for the entire book had to be out of ill intent.
He didn't save Richard during Winter to get him to trust him, he saved him because Richard was his friend he found freezing to death in an attic. He wasn't manipulating Camilla, he loved her and was trying to protect her and prevent her abusive brother from hurting her any more. He killed himself for a lot of different reasons but one of them was that it really was the only remaining way he could find to get everyone out of trouble and make things somewhat right again.
He surely was detached, and while he generally didn't feel as strongly as other people and even suppressed his own emotions to try and always be as rational as possible, it's not like he was completely incapable of feeling anything at all. In his own aloof way, he did care for them. I think that it's really the fact that despite everything there was some good in all of them that makes them so compelling, Henry included.
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running-with-kn1ves · 3 months
The Happy Bunny Tavern, a small joint nestled in the middle of nowhere, trees seemingly sprouting from its log walls and golden lanterns. Bunnies of all kinds are employed to carry drinks, take orders, and be anything short of a table to house a customers tankard of ale.
Even then, it was common for the weakest of bunny barmaids to be yanked by their ears and placed under a bounty hunter's boots as a footstool. The pub hosted mostly a series of regulars or dangerous drifters, patrons finding suspicion in any newcomers who were too bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to fit in. 
Whether they be half-human hybrids or full pure-bloods under a black hood to keep their disguise, creatures of all kinds came to relish in the bars established cinnamon whiskey and cute bar staff who weren’t unfamiliar to being used and abused. Even the tavern’s owner, a vicious grim burgundy stoat who was no stranger to a few scars, was quite verbally profound when it came to ordering around her staff. She had amped up their marketability over the years, changing regular tan uniforms to hiked up shorts that showed off the staffs bunny tails, and bows clipped to each pointy ear, often which the right of a bunny waiter’s is cut in order to show their domestication to the tavern. 
You were new, looking for any job you’d be hired for, a poor preyed creature who was turned away for being too lithe,” not enough muscle on your bones”, as each potential employer put it. But maybe no job was better than this job, a slave to your boss and any lowlife who walked in the door wanting a bunny playtoy. Whether it was sitting on a silvertailed wolf’s lap to nurse their drunken kisses and laps at your cute neck, or strung up on the dart board for sly weasels to throw pins and needles at, you were the equivalent of a stressball for any assassin, bounty hunter, or prey seller looking for a harmless treat to sink their teeth and claws into. 
And you, a new sight for sore eyes, easily became a house favorite amongst those most sadistic. You were lucky when they only wanted company, or perhaps to see your cheeks puff out from tugging at the base of your ears, but the worst of the worst came when your least favorite customer, a thinly sharp coyote entered the tavern to request your presence to drink with him. You’d be down a cup of ale, room spinning and hazy-eyed whilst forced to put on a shameful strip show for him, his claws raking at your apron and thumbing your hiccupping mouth. The laughs and warm hands that smelled of dirt and dried blood became familiar, thin eyes of every canine, feline and aviary creature that wanted you for themselves digging into you.
At least the pay was nice, even if you had to pick yourself up in pieces after every shift.
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forthlin · 1 month
it is soooo sickening to think about how post-break up george must have felt when he realized that john chose yoko. george stuck with him throughout the divorce with paul but john still didn't choose him as his new creative partner
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forever going to believe in a version of the secret history where everything is fine in the end. a version where Bunny doesn’t find out about the murder, or maybe the murder never happens. maybe they all spend winter break at Francis’s house, and they eat grossly extravagant meals and drink too much wine and maybe Richard lets slip something about his real home and they all smother him with love like real friends do. maybe Bunny really does just die in a tragic hiking accident, or maybe he never dies at all. maybe Camilla says something so profound to Richard over a cup of wine sipped from teacups that he suddenly sees her as a person, as someone to cherish and not something to covet. maybe Henry and Richard become closer, maybe Charles and Camilla have a healthy sibling relationship. maybe Richard proposes, maybe Camilla says yes. and maybe, just maybe, when they’ve all graduated, they live happily. Bunny has married Marion and doesn’t contact the group anymore, except to send them Christmas cards full of photos of his children: all blond and round faced like he is, all cherub-faced angels like he never was. Francis doesn’t marry, but stays in his aunt’s house in the country; Richard and Camilla marry but never have children, they stay together and spend their days in Francis’s library and spend so much time with him they practically move in with him; Charles goes his own way, maybe he gets over his addiction and finds a sweet woman down south who promises that she’ll love him forever and no matter what; and Henry, he teaches at Hampden, in the same room Julian taught in before he passed, and he lets anyone study Greek if they want to because he longs more than anything to share the love of his life with anyone who will listen. little does he know that there have always been people listening, and a few in particular who still do.
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min-angel · 29 days
date night?
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vita-divata · 2 years
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And now I'm happy 😌
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dreamlifebunny · 10 months
it doesn't matter where you came from, what matters is that you're here now.
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one thing that really bugs me about spiritual communities in general (reality shifting, law of assumption, non dualism, etc.) is that a lot of people shame others for not understanding things or for believing in things that are limiting when they first start out. i mean, i understand the frustration - anons can ask a thousand questions that could be answered if they read pinned posts, and we all just want everyone to abandon their limiting beliefs and just get it.
but the fact is that we were born in a society that teaches us that we are limited and that some things are impossible, from the time that we are small until we find these teachings, and we are slowly undoing them through exploration and self-inquiry. it's an overwhelming and tricky journey, filled with so many beautiful highs and a lot of devastating lows, and i feel like everyone deserves a whole lot of compassion when searching for answers. i know i needed love and compassion when i first started, because my ego was scared and sad and was searching for answers in order to feel loved and secure. being told i was dumb and having someone be frustrated with me for my questions was the last thing i needed to become self-actualized. i know that everyone is different, but this is just my experience, so i wanted to share it.
my beliefs are constantly evolving into what brings me more peace and understanding. in the beginning, i wouldn't have been able to believe that my assumptions create my reality (law of assumption) if i hadn't been introduced to the idea of reality shifting. i wouldn't have understood the fact that this life is just beautiful dream and that my true Self is the dreamer (non dualism) if i hadn't first been able to separate my "imagination" from my "real life" (3D and 4D from law of assumption). these were all stepping stones in my understanding of the greater ideas that i needed to get to, and i feel no shame in formerly having beliefs or practices that i don't identify with anymore. i don't believe that you should have shame, either, regardless of where you are at in your journey of self-discovery and creative power.
i get so sad when i see bloggers shaming others for not understanding things when all of this is so fucking difficult to grasp when one is first starting out. i mean, we come from societies that have beliefs as foolish and damaging as skin colour making you inferior, or that gender is binary and you can't express yourself the way you feel inside. with beliefs such as these, of course the beliefs of anything being possible and the fictional being real are going to sound impossible and profoundly false. in my personal opinion, the tough love approach has never helped me - compassion and patience has. i feel like so many people believe and understand that we are all one and have a great understanding of the truth of things, and yet go around and are rude to those seeking answers. it just feels so pathetic to me to see bullying of those seeking answers when they're literally just an extension of the answerer. anons are showing up with silly questions because bloggers expect them to have silly questions. and i realize that even this is hypocritical of me to say because i could just choose to see a spiritual community full of love and compassion instead of what i'm seeing, but i still wanted to share this while i unravel my own hypocrisy.
i feel like if you are wanting to be a teacher of others, you have to take on the responsibility that being a teacher holds, which includes patience, patience, and more patience. that's just my own perspective at least, and everyone is welcome to have their own, but my favourite teachers have been ones that guide me to my own answers with patience and compassion. i am also profoundly sensitive and feel wilty when others are cruel to me, so maybe i'm just trying to speak out to those who feel similarly, because this is a post i wish i could have read when i first started my journey. ultimately, everyone can do, be, and say whatever they like - it's their own blog after all - but i just want to be a voice of compassion to anyone who is in the beginning stages of learning about the law of assumption, non dualism, or reality shifting. it all comes down to the same profound teachings that we are, at our core, limitless.
all of this is to say that i am proud of you. you are doing a good, great, amazing job. you are worthy of love and goodness in your life no matter what others may make you feel. you are worthy of the absolute best and nothing less. it is a hard journey at times, but it is a worthwhile journey, and you are brave and creative and beautiful for taking the steps to expand and give yourself the best life. you deserve compassion and love and patience, and i am rooting for you every step of the way. i hope you are rooting for yourself, too.
ultimately, it doesn't matter where you got your beliefs. what matters is: does it feel right to you? does it make you feel connected to your true, unlimited Self? does it open up your world and your heart to the endless possibilities available to you? does it give you peace? if so, it doesn't matter what practice or teaching you believe in. you are your own greatest teacher.
it doesn't matter where you came from, what beliefs you once held, or who you've been in the past. what matters is that you are here, learning and growing, learning how to give yourself the most beautiful experiences that your creative power has to offer. be kind to yourself and remember that we're all just trying to expand and love and open ourselves up.
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divinebunnii · 1 month
just a reminder that it’s okay if it takes the love and admiration of someone else before you can fully see it yourself, it’s okay if you need and depend on the love and affection of someone else until you can say them about yourself, it’s okay and VALID if you cannot love yourself until someone loves you first
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twentyfunnybunnies · 2 months
I dunno if I missed something but are we just gonna ignore the scene in Nightfall when Sophie is casually walking across Riverdrift when Keefe and Blur are dying on the side cause they're on a choppy river?
Sophie is the clumsiest elf that has ever existed, and she can mysteriously balance perfectly on Riverdrift. And she acknowledges it too. Sophie's like, "Oh my, is this what normal people walking on normal ground feel like? Wow, I don't feel like I'm gonna fall on my face!" and then we don't ever go back to it.
Did anyone ever say it was part of her genetic engineering? That's what I'm assuming but what's the point of that?? I wouldn't put it past me that I missed something, but seriously. I know Forkle made mistakes with her creation, like giving her zero self-preservation, but why give her zero balance unless everyone else is seasick?
Anyways, please tell me if I missed something because I wouldn't put it past me.
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hisui-dreamer · 5 months
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as per your suggestion... (from this post)
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fluffy sheep jade!!! he's an eel in sheep's clothing
i managed to crochet a little sheep onesie for him alhdjdgakahsk fr so proud of myself
i tried to make sleeves but the yarn just engulfed him into a fluffy cloud even more so i just left it sleeveless so you can at least see his body😂
tagging ppl who love to see my eel simpery lol: @bi-panicatthedisco @hheun @fukashiin @azulashengrottospiano @dove-da-birb @keii-starz @siren-serenity @officialdaydreamer00 @identity-theft-101 @moonlit-midnight @atsdlura
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inthedarktrees · 1 year
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“Tortoise Wins by a Hare” | 1943  
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doumadono · 6 months
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Yep – snagged a pirate ship for my bunny, because why settle for less? And Furioza deserves a touch of extravagance 🐇🏴‍☠️
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