#burrito rant
this entire rant sounds exactly how I picture root beer to sound like when foamy decides to control her
[its the burrito rant btw]
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bishoptheboy · 1 year
I don't wanna do it on twt but freaking Salad's design on that timeskip... Sorry but it makes her look like she is just there to be a doll, like the rest of the girls (heck I am still icked that basically all of them needs their legs to be shown?? Ike what the f?? ) isn't she basically an Uchiha? If she aims to be a Hokage she has to be just as skilled (not freaking aimed to be saved like what kind of vision is that IkE??? Making her look like a freakin damsel in distress)
And the heels... how are you supposed to fight in those high heels? I am forever bitter with the design. More focused on creating a visual that would appease a certain kind of "crowd" (Idk maybe Ike is part of it), than the storytelling of it all. (And I know some in the Akatsuki wore heels and even Tsunade but THEY WERE GROWN WOMEN WITH EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS vs 16 year old who is still in training??? A chunin?? Their ranks are different. And Salad have platforms on top of those heels, how are you gonna jump and run and kick and ninja with those smh)
*lots of casuals were dragging the design btw, saying stuff like Salad is basically going to a night club and Burrito looks like he got three people under his cloak*
Bruh Naruto trained to catch up to Sasuke and stand with him as an equal.. I dont know what is the even the goal for this story. And the whole Momo-whatever-the-heck inside Burrito is just another reason for Burrito to get something just like how Naruto has kurama. He still gets to be overtaken by that and still can't control it. And apparently something might happen to Sasuke Bec of it.
And finally this abomination:
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What kind of a stance is this??? Like those weird cringe anime girls where their feet are skewed and legs bent inward???? How is this a fighting pose??
I can't believe she is supposed to be Sasuke's daughter.
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stressed-burrito · 11 days
Days 5 & 6 of 100 DOP
〒▽〒 Right, I think I'm running for the most inconsistent studyblr award at this point
Apologies for my tardiness and I'll try my best to be more consistent :') The thing is, I've been stuck in a rut and getting out of it has been so hard. Like I'm too tired to even take a few pictures or make a post?
Tbh most I have done in the previous two days is attend my live lectures and review my notes. I couldn't even be bothered to brush my hair and looked like someone from The Walking Dead.
But today, I've managed to pull myself together to clean my room, freshen up, do my hair, and arrange my desk? My friend whom I haven't seen in a long time is visiting and I don't want her to see me in a horrible state so here we are. Also feeling more productive than I did last week so maybe I'll tackle a few tasks from my master list :) Will update how the day goes by tonight maybe?
As a side note, if anyone has any tips on overcoming an academic slump, pleaseee help out this girl :')
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mysticfemme · 11 months
the amount of excitement I get from putting fluffy socks on and snuggling into a fluffy blanket is unreal
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kirishwima · 10 months
wait no. cuz i just saw the jjk leaks and what. WHAT. GEGE U MONSTER WHAT FUCKING CURVE BALL WAS THIS????
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auntie-histamine · 1 year
she's finally come for me
miss rona
she hath arrivéd
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marinerainbow · 1 year
I SAW YOUR TAGS!! Ahhh, 8 hours??? I empathise with you completely, that's e x h a u s t i n g. Especially your first!! I am doing a spell for you for at most 8 hours of deep restful sleep (Gotta put a time limit on it. Don't want you to be cursed).
I also hope you had a good dinner! Or at least a good breakfast when you wake up ^^ 🥙🥙🥙
Don't worry about my last ask XD Just take care! ^^ Good work! ^^
I got as much sleep as I could, and I had a good breakfast. Your spell worked! XD ^^
Thank you for the well wishes. It really means a lot. Especially now <3
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just-about-nothing · 2 years
whys there a texan in line for golden pride go away >:(
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I think they should be allowed to put, idk, crack cocaine in cat medicine. Get them hooked so they want it stuffed down their throats.
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superbattrash · 2 years
G’night ❤️
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badlucksav · 2 years
I hate that pre-made frozen foods do not taste even half as good as homemade and has three times the salt but we live in a world where productivity is prioritized so there isn’t always time to make a well-made home cooked meal with good ingredients that haven’t been processed and filled with preservatives.
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inkandarsenic · 2 years
The internet really is just one big recycle bin of posts
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autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
Might just stock up on soup tomorrow and put myself on a purely liquid diet and see if it helps my stomach issues bc this is getting insane now that I'm really paying attention to my body
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1-800-dnkichu · 1 month
I spent my childhood not getting the chance to know my brother. In the past few years tho, I have been taking notes about everything. Oddly, it's a lot of his food habits.
Bro H A T E S pickles. Learned that one recently. Said it's a texture thing. I can understand that. I am happy to steal pickles off his plate in the future.
Same with onions. Any time I buy us Taco Bell I make sure his bean burritos lack onions.
Learned a while back that he hates eggs. This has changed recently. Our mom was just shit at making eggs. His wife makes delicious eggs and he is a happy egg boi now.
If I want to make him smile, a 20 piece nugget from McDonalds and a pack of M&Ms will make his day. The 3 or 4 times I've done this, he says "omg did you know-" and I have to interrupt him and be like "yes I know I didn't just come up with this out of the blue please brother do not assume I am a psychic"
I also know this man puts way too much salt on his chickie nuggies. Like. Bro. You're gonna turn into a hunk of salt at this rate. Am worried for ya health boi. Chill. Goddamn.
Last big thing I can think of is he fucking l o v e s mozzarella sticks. In the past few years there been a "tradition" that for birthdays we go out to eat somewhere and every single time, if mozzarella sticks are an option as an appetizer, he orders as many plates of them as his wife will allow. (And he wonders why his tummy has troubles! Silly brother, fried foods and marinara sauce are for people without ulcerative colitis! I thought he would've learned from me but noooooo)
I'm just enjoying know stuff about my brother. It's nice. Younger me would be thriving on this information alone, so all the other knowledge I have packed away now? Better than gold from my perspective.
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lonelywitch15 · 2 months
I realized Ikemoto is such a biased artist because both sumire and sarada looked like a mess in their timeskip debuts but only now that they're in near vicinity to boruto they get beauty upgrades (especially sumire in the cover- I had to rub my eyes first I legit thought it was fanart)
And the same for Inojin, he just recently started having a more aged teen face now that he played an important role in Himawari's tranformation
I still hate Ikemoto
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kirishwima · 8 months
also just voicing a random thought i had since yesterday after a phone call w a coworker but. I wish people treated working in medicine less like a lifestyle and more as a...job?
Like, yes, studying medicine and then working in the field takes up a LOT of your time, life, effort etc. But...it's still a job. I still clock in and clock out, I'm allowed sick days like anyone else, and at the end of the day when I go home, I do other things with my life and enjoy other hobbies. Being a doctor shouldn't immediately mean you live and breathe for your work and love it more than anything. It's a job!!! And the stigma around medical professionals expressing just that is kind of baffling to me. A doctor doesn't have to be on 'doctor mode' 24/7, just as an idk, a teacher, doesn't have to be on 'teacher mode' outside of work. Just. food for thought
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