#burying yourself in them. that sort of embrace that you lose yourself in
rainydaydreamsideblog · 5 months
(The Maze Runner) Imagine: He Protects You
It can be dangerous, especially for the only girl in the Glade.
Warnings: Guys being creeps in the Glade (nothing graphic), bullying, the Maze, danger.
. . .Thomas. . .
It’s a beautiful evening in the Glade.  You’re walking straight along the treeline on your way to run a final errand for Alby at the end of the day.  The sun is no longer visible, as it already descended far enough to be blocked by the walls.
Suddenly, you get the creeps.  It was hard to explain, but you feel goosebumps bloom along your skin, and you get the distinct feeling that you’re not alone.  The lovely glow of the bonfire is in your field of vision, but it’s so far away. It’s where most of the guys are gathered.  You can hear their distant whoops and hollers, reminding you that help is far away too.
A twig snaps, and your suspicions are confirmed.  There’s a figure following several feet behind you, lurking in the shadows cast from the trees above.
So, you veer off your original path to draw closer to the homestead where there would hopefully be someone who hadn’t made it to the bonfire yet.  Whoever it was must have caught on to what you were doing because they instantly pick up their pace.  You begin to hurry, increasing your speed so that they can’t catch you before you make it to what you hope will be a haven of safety.
Your heart is pounding, and your chest heaving with panicked breaths as you finally make it to the homestead.  
“Hello?” you call frantically.  
Suddenly, Thomas appears.  He sees your nervous state immediately, his hand taking yours.  But then his eyes lock onto something behind you, and he moves right past you to intercept your pursuer, effectively blocking them from you.
“What’s going on?” he demands.  Your follower is frozen to the spot, stuttering, failing miserably to offer up some sort of explanation.  Thomas steps forward, towering over the guy.  It’s plain to see that he is furious.  His forearms flex and his jaw is clenched.  You can hear his angry breaths as he speaks again.  “That’s what I thought.  Now, get out of here.”
As soon as the guy is gone, Thomas turns around to face you.  His close presence eases your fearful state when he steps into your space, filling your nose with his scent. “You okay?” he asks gently.
You manage a nod.
“We’re going to tell Alby right away.  This isn’t going to happen to you again.  Come here…” He carefully pulls you into his arms for an embrace, as if you’ll break apart if he’s too sudden. You bury your face in his chest, breathing a sigh of relief.  His heartbeat is close to your ears, like a lullaby.
“Thank you…” you whispered.
. . . Newt . . .
You couldn’t take it anymore.
The teasing, the taunts… The inability of certain individuals to just leave you alone.  Ever since you’d rejected him, Allan had made it his life’s mission to make your existence in the Glade all the more difficult.
Most recently, he had purposely bumped into you at lunchtime so that your meal was spilled all over your clothes and onto the ground.  Resources were limited in the Glade.  It was understood that wastefulness wouldn’t be tolerated.  You couldn’t afford to lose food or have clothing ruined.  Fortunately, your clothes would be fine after a wash, but the discarded food was a different story.
You dab at your tank top with a washcloth and pause to look at your reflection in the mirror.  It was all too easy to recall how quickly you’d reached your limit after Allan’s ridiculous ploy.  Your face is still wet from crying, eyes puffy, and lips parted as you took deep breaths.
There’s no use crying over spilled milk, you thought. Or in my case, spilled lunch.
After composing yourself, you decide it’s time to go back out there and face the music. You toss the damp rag aside and march determinedly out of the empty washroom.  To your surprise, you smack right into another individual coming in.  You instantly recognize the blonde hair and grumbles of complaint as he reels from the collision.
“Oi, shank, watch where you’re going-”  Newt quickly realizes it’s you and clamps his mouth shut, extending his hands to each of your shoulders to steady you gently.  He takes in the sight of your tear-stained face with his eyes showing clear concern.  “Hey, what’s gotten into you?”
“Oh, just… Nothing. It’s nothing.”
Newt looks far from convinced, and you lower your gaze.  He’s about to inquire further, but a familiar voice sounds from outside the washroom.
“Hey, _______!” Allan calls tauntingly, making you freeze up.  “How’s it going in there?”
Newt’s eyes instantly flash, and his face scrunches up anger.  You can hardly believe it when Allan continues.
“Sorry about my clumsiness earlier.  Maybe I can make it up to you.  Come on out before I go in there!”
Newt can’t contain himself anymore.  He turns on his heel and heads out of the washroom, and you follow behind just to see the look on Allan’s face when he realizes he’s been caught.
It is so worth it.  Allan’s stupid grin falls hard into a look of horror as the Second-in-Command approaches him furiously.  He doesn’t lay a hand on him, but he looks like he’s awfully close when he jabs a pointer finger in his direction.
“If I ever catch you bothering her, or even breathing in her general direction again, you’ll be a permanent Slopper for the rest of your time here in the Glade.  Do you understand, shank?”
Allan nods quickly, and doesn’t even wait to be dismissed.  He just hurries away, leaving you and Newt both standing there watching him flee.
“Coward,” he mumbles.  Then, Newt turns to you, resting a hand on your arm in a comforting gesture.  “I mean it, you know.  He’ll never bother you again.”
. . . Minho . . .
It’s hard not to panic when you glance up and can no longer see the sun above you. It’s the end of the day, and you’re nearly out of time.  The lightning pain that shoots through your ankle suddenly just becomes too much.  You lean against one of the ivy-covered walls and exhale.
“I don’t think I’m going to make it,” you say aloud, and the words weigh heavily on you.  You mentally scold yourself.  You can’t afford to think that way.  A Runner knows better.  With a wince, you continue limping on your way.  It’s not that the exit from the Maze isn’t close.  If memory serves you right (which it did), it wasn’t too far at all… but at your pace, it would take a lot of effort and some good luck to get you back in time.
Just when you are about to give up again, you hear footsteps rapidly approaching.  Your first thought is that perhaps your cowardly companion had a change of heart, but the footsteps didn’t match.
“Hello?” you call.
“_________!” Minho’s voice responds, and your heart swells with hope.  You aren’t out of the woods just yet, but your chances were much better with help. Minho nearly slides to a stop in front of you, instantly taking your arm and putting it around his broad shoulders to help you up.  There is no time to stop and compare notes, so you update him as he begins helping you back along the path.
“I sprained my ankle.” You hold onto Minho like he’s your lifeline as you push through the pain to keep up with his pace.  He’s right to go so fast.  Time is running out.
“Where’s Derek?” he asks with a grunt.
“He…he left me,” you gasp in pain.  “I think he was worried he wouldn’t make it out in time if he helped me.”
Minho goes quiet for a moment, and you can practically feel the anger rolling off him in waves.  His eyes are focused straight ahead at the path, and he huffs.  Finally, he bites out a sarcastic comment. “I think it’s safe to say that he’s getting demoted from being a Runner.”
You keep talking, trying to distract the both of you from the familiar groan of the Maze walls shifting.  “Why did you come out here?”
“Because it was getting late in the day, and no one had seen you,” he pants.  “Usually, you check in with me right away.  I knew something had to be wrong.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet.”
You continue limping with all your might toward the gate, feeling your heart jump, as the walls on either side begin their agonizingly slow crawl to a close.  There’s a small group standing on the other side, ushering you both out anxiously.  It was mostly Keepers, a select few who had been informed of the problem by Minho.
The two of you fell onto the green grass, gasping for breath, while the others surrounded you.  Alby knelt down beside you, resting a hand on your shoulder.  You just let yourself breathe, tears welling up in your eyes from relief.
“So it’s true?” Gally questioned, brows raised.  “Derek left her in there.” “Yes,” Minho replied, sitting up.  “And he will face the consequences.”  He looked over at you, finally catching his breath.  “You’re safe now.”
. . . Gally . . .
James had been haunting your steps for far too long.  He was always there, always hanging around, and sometimes showing up at the most alarming of instances.  What could be done about it?  It wasn’t as if he’d taken severe enough action to warrant disciplinary measures, you thought.  He was only ever seen staring at you, smirking, and just being an all-around jerk at times.
This time, he’d snatched your tools away from your working station while your back was turned. After uncovering a particularly tough old root, you turned around to get a spade to chop it up, only to see that your things were gone.
A few laughs caught your attention, and you glanced over to see James and one of his shadows standing there, staring at you from several feet away.  You couldn’t say for certain, but it seemed like they had something to do with your missing tools.
So, now you’re debating with yourself on the best course of action.  Do you ignore him and try to rustle up some extra tools from Newt or Zart?  Or do you bother to give this shank the attention he’s so desperately seeking to get your stuff back?
You don’t really like the latter option.  Frankly, James gives you the creeps. The last thing you want is to play his little game… But every minute that you spend deliberating is wasted time that could be put towards helping the Glade.
As much as you despise indulging him, you find yourself marching right over to his work area.  Both James and his minion are laughing in amusement, shoving each other at the sight of you approaching.
“Do you know where my tools went?” you ask, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“I might,” James replies cryptically.  “And I might be willing to strike up a bargain for that information.”
You fold your arms across your chest.  “What could you possibly want?”
“Ohh, I don’t know…Perhaps a kiss will do.”
You make a face as the disgust hits you.  “Seriously?”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?”
“Yeah, that’s going to be a ‘no’ for me.”  You wave off the concept, turning around.  You decided that your best bet is to find some spare tools.  This just wasn’t worth all the trouble.  Just as you start to leave, James comes running around to block you.
“Hey now, I didn’t say you could go.”
“Yeah, you might want to think about his offer,” James’ lackey said from behind you.  The two of them close in, and you clench your fists in preparation to fight.  If you make enough commotion, you’re sure that someone will notice and come to your aid.
You give him one last chance.  “Let me pass.”
“Come on, just one kiss.  Unless you want more than one after that-” to your relief, James is cut off by a new voice interjecting.
“What’s going on here?” The three of you turn to see Gally standing there, sweating from whatever project he was working on,with dirt and wood shavings on his clothes.  His expression looks expectant as he waits for an explanation, though his tall and bulky form makes him appear positively dangerous as he stares the two guys down with his hands resting on his hips.
“I, uh.. We…”  They break off in stutters and fumbled words.
“I’m fairly certain they have my tools,” you say, and Gally’s famous arched brows raise at the two guys in disbelief.
“Is that so?” As Gally walks forward, he plants his palms harshly on James’ shoulder, shoving him clear out of the way. James stumbles unceremoniously, almost falling straight into the grass.  Gally walks over to the bench and pauses.  He picks up a bundle of leather and tosses it to you, the tools rattling inside.  “Are those yours?”
You recognize it immediately.  “Yes, these are the ones.”
“You shanks had better never even speak to her again.  Understand?” He stares at each of them pointedly with all the authority of a Keeper, and they both nod.  With that, Gally walks up to you and ushers you away with a warm, gentle hand on your back protectively.
“Your timing was impeccable,” you say quietly.  “Thank you.”
“They won’t bother you again.  I’ll make sure of it.”
“I think you already have,” you chuckle.
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nadvs · 6 months
watch and learn (part four)
pairing fratboy! rafe cameron x female reader
rating explicit 18+
content warning drug and alcohol use
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summary it takes one conversation with your college dorm neighbor to know you won’t get along. rafe is loud, rude, and short-tempered. after he overhears you talking about a disappointing fling, he loses his confidence in his sexual abilities and suggests you start hooking up to both improve your skills in the bedroom. you can’t stand him, but it’s too good of an offer to turn down.
» masterlist
Rafe is relieved that you don’t linger in the morning. He’s not one for pillow talk.
All you did was sleep next to each other, but waking up next to a girl to talk and cuddle is just too much for him. It borders on boyfriend shit, and he doesn’t do boyfriend shit.
He woke up with you pressed tightly against him, legs tangled, his nose buried in your hair. And maybe he did like it for a second, but that was just from the daze of part-consciousness.
Rafe lends you a pair of sweatpants on top of the boxers and t-shirt you’ve already wearing so you can deal with your door’s lock issue.
You leave his room without many words exchanged, thankfully able to sort the problem out soon after putting an emergency request in with maintenance.
Rafe spends most of his Sunday at the frat house, playing video games with his buddies. When Blake settles onto the couch, he pats Rafe’s shoulder. Rafe is focusing on the screen, but he glances at his friend for a second.
“I dm’d her,” he says with a grin. Rafe immediately clues in that he’s talking about you.
“I put in a good word for you,” Rafe replies, glad he has the game to pay attention to. He feels awkward talking about this. About you.
“Appreciate it, man,” he laughs.
“You thinking of, uh, dating her or…?” Rafe asks, tense but desperate to know if he might lose the best fuck buddy he’s ever had.
“Maybe. We’ll see,” Blake says. Rafe sees him typing from his peripheral vision, surely working on a message to you.
Rafe gave you the heads up, so when you’re sitting in your room reading an article for school, you’re not surprised when Blake follows and messages you on Instagram. You follow back and respond, open to getting to know him.
After dinner that night, Rafe texts you: cowgirl time?
You laugh. It’s a stark difference from the g-rated messages you’ve been getting from Blake all day.
You reply: i’ll be over soon
You’re holding Rafe’s folded clothes when you knock. He opens his door and takes them from you as you walk into his room.
“They fixed my lock,” you say. “One question for you, though.”
Rafe shuts the door and drops the clothes onto his desk, then picks up the wrapped condom he has ready and tosses it on the bed.
“What?” he asks as you sit on his mattress.
“How come you were cuddling me this morning if you hate it so much?” you say.
Rafe feels the tips of his ears burn with embarrassment.
“I wasn’t,” he says. It’s funny seeing him shy for once. It’s even a little cute.
He was embracing you pretty sweetly this morning. You woke up with his warm, heavy arm wrapped around your shoulders, his head nuzzled into the nape of your neck, his snores sporadic and low.
You know it was just a sleep-induced reflex in his tiny bed, but you can’t pass up a chance to mess with him.
“It’s okay to like it,” you joke. “It doesn’t have to mean anything.”
Rafe can’t have this conversation. He leans over, his hands on your cheeks as he kisses you. He’s not wasting any more time.
You let him push you onto your back, lying in the middle of his bed, your head resting on his pillow. Rafe hovers over you and grinds against you, his hard bulge pushing against your middle.
You’re already throbbing for him as his lips roam over your neck. You angle yourself so that he can have full access to you, and he accepts the invitation immediately, his hot mouth on your throat.
He’s slow and tender. This is a far cry from the man who immediately went to groping you just a few nights ago.
Your hands find his hair, raking through his soft locks as he kisses and sucks at your neck. He lets out a soft, nearly silent moan as gently graze his scalp. The sensation gives him goosebumps.
“That feel nice?” you whisper with a smile. Rafe can only nod. He didn’t even have to tell you to do it. He didn’t even know he liked it until you did it.
You continue to play with his hair while he kisses your neck. Rafe feels you writhing beneath him, as if your body is begging for his.
You take turns taking off each other’s clothes with earnest movements, your pulse growing even faster once his boxers are off, his cock raised and swollen. He lingers over you, eyes sweeping over your face, before he puts his mouth on your neck again.
He kisses and sucks, making you gently buck your hips against him.
“You gonna ride me, baby?” Rafe asks against your skin. Your yes comes out with a raw exhale.
His hand cups your waist, pushing to encourage you to roll to your side and switch positions. He settles on his back as you straddle him, feeling the underside of his firm length pressing against your stomach.
“Don’t be shy,” Rafe says. You look down at him with a hungry look in your eyes and nod. It’s exhilarating to see you hanging on his words; outside of sex, you gibe and pester each other, but here, right now, you’re in perfect harmony.
You pick up the shiny condom wrapper he left on the bed and he smirks in satisfaction.
“Put it on me,” he instructs. “It shows how bad you want it.”
You open the wrapper and settle on your knees to set the condom on his tip, rolling the lubed latex down his thick cock.
The sight of you holding him with one hand and rolling the condom down with the other makes Rafe’s brain foggy.
You thought you’d feel graceless turning to mount him in reverse cowgirl, but it feels natural and familiar now that you’re getting more comfortable with him, remembering this is all to help each other improve. You sink down onto him, body tensing at the feeling of him stretching you out.
You shudder, eyes squeezing shut, remembering how he encouraged you talk through it last night in the car.
“You’re so big,” you praise, voice breathy.
“Yeah?” he groans behind you. “You take my dick so fucking good.”
Your silky walls hug him perfectly, your body starting to rock. He watches your pussy swallow his girth, wishing you would go faster, but letting you take your time and adjust.
Rafe always went fast before, right to what he wanted most, but you’re teaching him that there’s pleasure in the lead-up, too. Coming up with the proposal to do this with you was the best idea he’s ever had.
You arch your back, trembling as you start to quicken your pace, sliding up and down his slick cock and gasping at the pleasure of him hitting so deep inside of you.
Rafe’s breaths are ragged as he watches your ass bounce with every slam. His hands are on your hips, but his touch is feather-light, letting you do it all.
Between your thrusts, you pause when he’s bottomed out to writhe and roll on him, enjoying every angle as he massages inside of you.
“Yeah, just like that,” he groans as you squeeze around him.
“Should I…” you begin. You look over your shoulder to see the dazzling sight of his quirked up lips, lids heavy, bare chest glistening with sweat. You remind yourself to stop being so nervous. “I’m gonna touch myself.”
“Fuck,” he whispers. “Good girl.” He desperately wants to watch, but he’s here to get better in bed, and putting your pleasure first sometimes is clearly something he needs to work on.
Rafe hears you moan, knowing you’re rubbing yourself. He looks up at the ceiling to keep himself from cumming from hearing your groans mixed with the sound of your wetness.
“Shit, I…” you say, your thighs starting to weaken. “Okay, you can help a little.”
He immediately bucks his hips against you, positioning himself so he can fuck you while underneath you. The pressure from him jolting up against you is like a drug.
“How am I doing?” he rasps. Your moans are telling him everything he needs to know.
“You’re… fuck…” you breathe, your body shaking with every thrust. “Perfect.”
The pleasure from your words quells him. He feels you clenching around him and he knows with certainty now when you’re about to reach your peak.
His hands are on the small of your back, fingers splayed over your skin, as you ride him into a mind-blowing orgasm. Every inch of your skin tingles as you cum, looking down at your hands on his sheets.
You eventually lift off of him, breathless, turning to look at him. Rafe loves that expression on your face, pure elation and fatigue.
“However you want me,” you tell him tiredly, eager to give him the same feeling you gave him.
“On your knees,” Rafe says. He doesn’t even have to think about it. You twist into position for him, cheek pressed against his bed, unable to hold yourself up any longer.
Rafe’s hand is on his cock as he guides himself into you, revelling over how pretty your cunt looks, so swollen and wet.
His hands are tight against your hips as he slams into you, making your body rock. He looks down to your face, taking in your profile as you accept all of him, your lips parted.
“However I want?” he mutters, panting as he pushes in and out of you. “That’s how much you love this dick, yeah?”
“However you want,” you echo, your voice raspy from tiredness. “Whatever will make you cum inside me.”
He slaps your ass, the lust taking over him, and immediately worries it was too much.
The low moan you let out tells him it was a good move. He smirks to himself, thrashing harder, balls slapping against you, bed squeaking beneath you.
You feel him harden and with a few more sloppy thrusts, he cums, letting out a tangled string of fuck’s.
He pulls out and you drop to your side, laughing out of bliss. You knew sex was good, but never that it was this good.
As Rafe cleans up, you sit up to find your clothes, utterly fucked out. While you’re sliding your top on, he sits on the edge of his bed close to you, boxers back on and blue eyes travelling over your face.
“So, how… was your day?” he stiffly asks.
You laugh. Hard. He’s so awkward about it, but he’s trying. It’s endearing.
“Aftercare,” you say. “Look at you go.”
Your laugh is contagious, making him chuckle, too.
“It was good. My readings are kind of killing me, but good. How was your day?”
You stand to put your pants on as Rafe watches you, his dirty blond hair tousled.
“Just played video games with the guys,” he replies.
“You know we’re here for school, right, frat boy?” you tease.
“What’s that?” Rafe plays along. You chuckle and nudge his shoulder.
“I need a shower,” you say. “Promise I won’t show up in a towel this time. Well done.”
“You’re welcome,” he says. You smile and roll your eyes at him before leaving his room.
Between gruellingly long classes and hanging out with friends in his free time, the week seems to get away from Rafe. Before he knows it, it’s Thursday night and he’s hanging out with his brothers at the frat house.
Someone mentions ordering food, and as a show of camaraderie, Rafe picks up the tab. As he sits at the dining table amongst large group of guys, Sam gets to talking.
“Rafe, you think we could go with your car tomorrow, too?” Sam asks. “You could fit four of us, right?”
“Yeah, sure.” Rafe figures that all the new pledges are going to get stuck with the jobs nobody else wants, like driving to certain outings. It’s only an hour drive, though, so he won’t complain.
The frat has plans to go south to Sam’s family’s lakehouse for the weekend. He’s only been part of the frat for almost half a month now, but Rafe is thoroughly enjoying having such a full social calendar.
“It was supposed to be just us brothers…” He shoots a look at Blake.
“What? You said it was cool,” Blake laughs.
“Who else is coming?” Rafe asks.
“Blake invited your hot neighbor,” Sam says. Rafe almost wants to say that you have a name, the reflex to defend you surprising him.
“She said yes?” Rafe asks, his tone hastily snide.
“She’s bringing friends, too,” Blake says, not catching onto Rafe’s irritation. “It’ll be more fun having girls around. Trust me.”
“Can I invite some girls, too?” another frat brother asks.
Rafe glances down at his paper plate, his jaw tight. If you start something real with Blake, this is over. He regrets not seeing you since Sunday. He should have taken advantage of the potentially limited time with you.
When he heads back to his dorm room later that night, Rafe texts you: soo ur coming this weekend?
You respond: what kind of coming?
You’re at Liv’s, talking about what to pack for the upcoming getaway. You’re only staying for a night and half a day, but you don’t want to risk forgetting anything.
“This one? Or this one?” Liv asks, holding up two bikinis.
“The red one,” you answer. Blake only mentioned that there’s a hot tub at the lakehouse about ten times.
You didn’t think you’d say yes when he first asked about this weekend, but when Liv and three other friends said they’d be up for it, you figured a getaway would be fun. Even if it involved a group of rowdy frat boys.
Blake mentioned it was supposed to be a bonding trip, whatever that means, but said that he wants you to come. You’re still not sure how you feel about him, but you’re willing to pursue it.
Your phone buzzes.
Rafe: lol shut up
You smile at the message.
“What’d he say?” Liv asks, a smile on her face. She knows you’ve been casually texting Blake back and forth.
“It’s Rafe this time,” you tell her. “Probably a booty call.”
You reply to him: yeah I’m coming. does that make me a frat bro too
Rafe: u wish
You: i do :( i really do wish
You see the bubbles on your screen telling you that he’s typing.
Rafe: come over?
You just got to Liv’s and don’t want to bail on her for a guy. So you reply to Rafe: can’t tonight.
Rafe’s stomach drops at the notification. Maybe you’re done. Maybe all he got was three nights with you, before another guy swept in to take away the best no-strings-attached sex he could ask for.
He feels better when you reply: but i’ll see you tomorrow :). Good. At least you’re not tied down to anybody yet.
When you pull into the driveway of the lakehouse the next evening, you realize the word house doesn’t cut it. Maybe manor would be a better fit. Or palace. The place is gigantic.
You and your friends pile out of the car and enter the storm of loud men enjoying uncurbed fun and excessive beer. Sigma Chi brothers are scattered around the first story of the house, but the majority of them are surrounding the kitchen island, bottles and solo cups littering the granite counter-top.
Rafe has to look away when Blake greets you with a hug. He hasn’t mentioned to anybody that you’re technically still hooking up, but now, being in the same room with both of you, he feels a competitive urge catch fire in his gut.
He thought he liked Blake. He doesn’t right now.
Thankfully, your friend groups seem to naturally merge together. The endless amount of liquor probably helps.
During a rambunctious game of flip cup that you decide to sit out, in the haze of your tipsiness, you’re not sure if Rafe finds you or you find him or you find each other at the same time, but you’re soon standing by the fridge together, tension thick between you as you watch the drinking game unfold.
Rafe can’t help himself. He has to ask.
“What were you so busy with last night?”
“I was with my friend,” you say. “What were you so eager to practice?”
Rafe cracks a smile, ducking his head so you and only you can hear his low, smooth voice.
“I wanna see how fast I can make you cum.” Arousal coils in your stomach instantly. “I bet I could do it in a minute now.”
He pulls back, his smile coy.
“We’ve had sex like two times-”
“Three,” you laugh. “And you’re that sure of your skills?”
Rafe simply nods, taking a slow drag of his drink.
“I don’t know where you get that confidence from,” you say, looking at him with feigned disapproval.
“You called me perfect,” he says.
“Doesn’t sound like me.”
The group playing flip cup erupts in a loud applause. You can tell which group lost the game immediately by looking at Blake, who’s laughing and excitedly shaking his friend by the shoulders.
You watch him, realizing okay, you definitely have a crush. He’s cute and charismatic and if the messages you’ve exchanged this week are any indication of his character, he’s kind, too.
Rafe is looking at you the entire time, at the smile on your face.
“And you like this?” you tease, looking back at Rafe and gesturing to the group of boisterous frat boys.
“You mean fun?” Rafe replies. You laugh. You can admit you’re having fun, too. But this is what you and Rafe do. You mess with each other.
“I couldn’t be around this 24/7,” you say.
“I’m gonna be when I move in to the house next semester.” Rafe realizes he’s waiting on your reaction with bated breath, to see how you feel about not sharing a wall anymore.
But he’s interrupted by Blake, who approaches you with a drunken smile.
“Why didn’t you play?” he asks softly, tapping your shoulder.
“For my own safety,” you reply. “You guys are insane.”
“She’s so rude,” Blake says to Rafe, who can only nod and take another sip of his drink to swallow down the confusing lump of anger he feels growing in his chest.
“You mentioned a hot tub?” you say to Blake, the promise of a warm soak sounding amazing. Rafe wonders what else Blake mentioned to you.
Blake’s smile widens and when he offers his hand, you take it and let him lead you out of the kitchen. Rafe’s fist tightens around his cup.
Liv and two other frat boys join you and Blake in the hot tub. You have fun talking and joking with them as your beer wears off. You notice Blake moving closer to you as the night goes on.
Things slow down close to 2 a.m. People start to retire to the guest rooms. Some don’t even make it and pass out on the couch.
Rafe is still awake when you come through the back porch doors in your bikini, your hardly covered body wet. The sight makes his groin tighten.
He’s standing in the dining room snacking on pretzels and you meet his gaze. He has something about him that strikes you every time you see him. He’s just so handsome.
He seems entirely aware and alert.
“You’re sober, too?” you say with a surprised laugh, pacing to the other side of the dining table.
“I am,” he replies. You lean over to take a pretzel, giving him a good glance at your cleavage.
Truthfully, Rafe cut himself off when he started feeling buzzed. He stayed awake and sober for you.
The moment he watched Blake lead you away, he knew he had to have you at least one more time before you’re spoken for. Nobody’s going to take you away from him any longer, at least not tonight.
So before Sam went to bed, he convinced him to give him the keys to his family’s boat that’s sitting in the water down by the lakeside dock.
“You ever fucked on a boat?” Rafe asks, his eyes glinting, his dimples deep. He holds up a key.
You put a hand on your hip, excitement flooding your every sense.
“First a car, now a boat?” you say, a smirk growing on your face. Is he seriously about to take you out this late at night? He’s insatiable. And adventurous. It’s thrilling.
“Come on,” Rafe rasps with a bit of a whine to his voice, stepping closer to you, towering over you as his hand drags over your arm.
You couldn’t say no if you tried.
(part five)
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reddesires · 3 months
Birds of a feather. [Sunset Trio x Human!Reader]
Implied Noa x Human!Reader
Song fic.
Fandom: (Kingdom Of The) Planet Of The Apes
Rating: No Warning.
A/N: I just had to write this song fic. Birds of a feather just screamed out the Sunset Trio.
Tumblr media
I want you to stay
'Til I'm in the grave
'Til I rot away, dead and buried
'Til I'm in the casket you carry
You had never thought that you would up in this kind of situation before, you knew of hardship and bitterness in the unforgiving world outside of the Eagle Clan but you were unfamiliar with the soft look in Noa's eyes as he extended his hand out to help you out of the darkness that shrouded you, you could feel a tingle in your fingertips as you yearned to reach out in return for him, you were wanted by him and you badly wanted him too. It was like him and his clan were the missing pieces that you were looking for. You knew you just may be with them till the day you died.
If you go, I'm going too, uh
'Cause it was always you, alright
And if I'm turning blue, please don't save me
Nothing left to lose without my baby
You're willing to follow Noa anywhere. He was the light source that led you exactly where you are today. He was more than deserving of your loyalty, and you promised yourself that wherever he went, you would go too. You were aware of the risks he was taking when he took you in and tended to you as you lost all the will to live, it was like you were a baby bird that fell from it's nest and Noa revived you just so you could live to see the skies.
Birds of a feather, we should stick together, I know
I said I'd never think I wasn't better alone
Can't change the weather, might not be forever
But if it's forever, it's even better
Seeing the relationship the trio had was something that you found yourself admiring, but it set an almost hollow aching in your chest. You've never bonded to others the way they have bonded with each other. A reserved expression settled on your face as you watched the teasing and happiness radiating of them, your thoughts engulfing you entirely. As your thoughts lured you away, an embrace pulls you back as you snap back to reality, Soona is gently leading you between them all with all the intention of you being one with them. Birds of a feather.
And I don't know what I'm crying for
I don't think I could love you more
It might not be long, but baby, I
In moments of seclusion you couldn't help the tears that refused to be held hostage in the depths of your eyes, your life wasn't an easy one and you've lost more than you've ever received. Being accepted into the Clan, into a tight-knit community of sorts, wasn't an expectation you could've had before, but now you're living in it. You obviously try not to get this emotional in front of the others. You don't want to throw them into a panicked frenzy.
I'll love you 'til the day that I die
'Til the day that I die
'Til the light leaves my eyes
'Til the day that I die
You ran in the opposite direction of the burly ape escaping his grasp, a breathless laugh escaping your lungs as you tried to keep away from the doom of being drenched into the river behind him. Noa was on all fours as he followed after you in another attempt to grab at you. Even though you weren't really fast, you were still very agile in your movements. You bobbed and weaved to your best abilities before he finally caught up to you, you playfully screaming in response to being scooped up by him. Anaya and Soona on the sidelines hooting and hollering at the scene before them, also running to the shallow river to join in on the splash out.
I want you to see, hm
How you look to me, hm
You wouldn't believe if I told ya
You would keep the compliments I throw ya
You watched as Soona easily weaved the twine between her dexterous yet thick fingers. You admired the way she eased the intricacies into the adornment she was invested in. She looked to you in between the process, she was amused by the wondrous look in your eyes as you watched her hands, your expression reminding her of a young chimp that was intrigued by something so mundane. "Soona, it looks so pretty!" You grinned seeing her obvious expertise in the craftsmanship, she preened at your compliment, happily indulging in your commendation.
But you're so full of shit, uh
Tell me it's a bit, oh
Say you don't see it, your mind's polluted
Say you wanna quit, don't be stupid
Noa would sometimes have to talk you down from your self-deprecating headspace. You felt less than deserving of the all good that's come into your life. He doesn't understand why you think that way, and he tells you that it's stupid and it makes you choke on your spit at the dubious tone he takes on in response to your conflicts. "Stupid. Echo belongs..with us." He says gruffly, a pout like expression overtaking his usually kind features. You can't help but shyly chuckle in response as you bump your shoulder with his fur covered one "Yeah, you're right. You're always right. "
And I don't know what I'm crying for
I don't think I could love you more
Might not be long, but baby, I
Don't wanna say goodbye
The tears slipped from your eyes as you looked into the communal fire that lay in front of you, Noa gaze was soft as he hesitantly wiped the stray tear with his calloused finger. You looked to him as he stared back at you wordlessly, you were uncertain if he completely understood the pain you carried but you knew for certain that he was willing to try as he searched your expression with his green irises. Your lips pulled back in a watery smile as you intertwined your smaller finger around his. He was recipient of that.
Birds of a feather, we should stick together, I know ('til the day that I die)
I said I'd never think I wasn't better alone ('til the light leaves my eyes)
Can't change the weather, might not be forever ('til the day that I die)
But if it's forever, it's even better
You laughed as you watched Anaya hang upside down with his feet gripping the branch of the tree, he was handing you a ripe apple and you gratefully accepted his kind gift of the fruit, he always happily shared with you since you ate in smaller portions compared to him. As he looked at you, he tilted his head as a thought crossed his mind. You curiously gazed up at him. "Echo up?" He asked. You smiled as you outstretched your arm for him to take. He hoisted you up with his upper body strength plopping you down on the nearest sturdy branch. "Now Echo can reach apples too!".
I knew you in another life
You had that same look in your eyes
I love you, don't act so surprised
You knew that you loved them. They've become the highlight of your life. You loved Anaya like he was your brother, you loved Soona like she was your sister, and you love Noa with something more and you were unsure what it could mean but you knew that they were all meant to be apart of you in one way or another. You were accepted by them, and you accepted them too.
Birds of a feather.
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cuntghoulie · 4 months
Tall Goddess Reader
Reader x Josef (Creep)/ The Man (Hush)/Kurt Kunkle
I lost this request, but it essentially asked: What about a goddess reader who is taller than them, and who sleeps in her underwear with no top on?
AN: Ohhhhhhh baby,  It’s been a year and a half, but here we are. If anybody would want a full-NSFW part 2 of this with blurbs for each character… idk lemme know!
WARNING: SLIGHT HINTS AT NSFW, indication that reader is AFAB
The second he meets you, he’s basically enamored by you
Sure, he’s enamored by many, but he enjoys your height especially
The feeling of being smaller than you and being protected is a feeling this serial killer is not used to
He embraces it full-heartedly
Once you’re in a relationship, and he’s, theoretically, decided to keep you alive, he is utterly obsessed
We knew he would be obsessed, but you didn't’ expect how much he loved your height
He was obsessed with being protected by you, sheltered by you, loved and protected by you
When he sees your sleeping state, he goes nearly feral
He fights so hard to keep his hands to himself, so you should appreciate that much, right?
He can’t help but fondle your curves and skin and your chest as you sleep, wanting to be wrapped up in the warmth of you as much as humanly possible
This man is so clingy it’s absolutely suffocating, but hey, he DID let you live, so…
He will kiss every inch of you, his tongue flattening against your breasts
He only sees the underwear in front of him, with your otherwise unclothed state, as a sort of task
This is the kind of relationship you’ll need one of those underwear indicators: red meaning to go ahead, blue or otherwise meaning to hold back for the night
Can’t promise he’ll follow through though, we should remember who we’re dealing with
He’s incredibly desperate, starved, and loves you more than any other thing in this universe
He’s just GOT to have you, any time, any place
Hush “The Man”
Makes fun of your height at first
Mildly insecure about the fact that you’re taller than him at first, but gets over it fast once he sees the many advantages
AKA: tits in the face
He’s kind of a freak, sorry
He loves watching you and how you move, the way your hips sway when you walk
Not as much as he loves watching you sleep half-naked
His eyes trace over your body, highlighted by the moonlight filtering through the window
He’s outside the window, as per usual
Staring at you, pushing the window open oh so quietly
He crawls forward towards your sleeping state, sliding into bed
His hands immediately spread over your skin as his presses against you
His nose is pressed against your hair, and he wraps his arms around you tightly, giving you a BIIIIIIIG sniff
What a freak
He relaxes once the scent of you fills his senses, and he can finally start to find some sleep with your skin pressed against his
Sure, he loves to look at your nearly-naked body, but he loves the warm feeling of you pressed against him even more, as it lulls him into the only sense of safety he has
Kurt Kunkle
He is pure simp for you
He will get on his knees and worship you if you ask
Kurt is consistently confused as to why you’re in a relationship with him, being a tall goddess such as yourself
He’s such a nerd, such a loser, why would you be with someone lame like him?
Kurt can’t escape the massive ego boost you give him by even being in his life
The first time he sees how you sleeps, he basically loses all functioning skills for a few minutes
You are so gorgeous in every state, but in a peaceful, exposed state like that? Kurt is crawling towards you on his hands and knees.
He just can’t help it, with you so open to him in your sleeping state
He’s basically shaking the whole time, so you wake up the moment he gets onto the bed, the damn chihuahua 
You’re happy for it though, and the bright smile on blushy face as you make eye contact is all the go ahead he needs to bury his face right in your chest
He’s getting a bit too excited though, with all that skin exposed, so he’ll start rutting against you without even noticing it
Guess you’ll have to take care of that! Or you can shove him in the corner to do it himself, but he’ll be whiny the whole next morning.
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smokingtomas · 1 year
Goodbye, Hasashi
Summary: Takes place before the event of Mortal Kombat, you find yourself dealing with the certainty of losing Hanzo Hasashi, the captivating son of Shirai Ryu’s grandmaster whom you’ve been having a secret affair with, to someone else’s embrace in an arranged marriage. (Hanzo Hasashi/Female Reader)
AO3 / original Tumblr post / playlist
A/N: This fic is sort of an ode to the past– a fic that was written 7 years ago that I was highly insecure about. This was the last fic before I took a 6 month break and hadn’t created any fics for Mortal Kombat up until my recent one because this one really wore me out. I had been through hell and back to getting this published– quite literally had to drive myself to gloom to convey the emotions into this sole fic.
Reading it now, I’ve decided that I’m going to give it a proper love I hadn’t given back then. I really used to make fun of this– thinking this was cringey, which was unfair to my past self. But thankfully, I’ve grown up and am able to appreciate this a lot more. I didn’t even edit that much.
So If you are reading this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I really hope you could feel how much this means to me these days.
Whew, sorry for the long/sentimental A/N.
“We visited Harumi and her family today.”
As soon as he speaks of those words, your entire body feels numb. The teapot you were tilting earlier immediately bumps the cup over, causing some of the tea to spill and mess your tabletop up. You can feel your lower lip slightly tremble– thankfully biting the inside of your mouth helps a little bit, but you are certain the gloom within your eyes can’t hide the pain.
What kind of strange woman wouldn't be hurt when her beloved is forced to leave her to be tied with some other woman? And to make it even worse, for political reasons.
This is Hanzo Hasashi you’re talking about. 
The feisty, passionate and… handsome son of the Grandmaster of Shirai Ryu whom you’ve been having a secret affair with for what, four-five months? Yes, it hasn’t been a lifetime, but for you, it does mean something in spite of how young you and him are.
Oh, but the relationship isn’t perfect. Both of you have to keep it a secret since you are nothing but a filthy huntress with no title and no one considering you-- your skills for survival are probably the only thing that has been keeping you alive for so long. If the Grandmaster ever found out about you two? Ah, the possibility of burying you alive is real.
Though to you, being in love with someone like Hanzo Hasashi and to have him love you back is like shooting for the stars, but got the moon instead. For once in your life, you feel like you’ve done something too good that this is blessed to you as your reward.
Turns out, it is nothing but an illusion. Because soon, he will fall into someone else’s embrace.
It’s not that he said something, but you knew that tonight is your last night with him as he mentioned a few nights ago about getting married the next day from now. No, you’re not actually planning on a sad farewell night, but staying positive is no simple task.
Time does fly indeed, and how you wish you realized this earlier. If it is possible to turn back time, you’d definitely do it just so you can hold him longer a few more times… or at least caress that pompous face of his every time he thinks he has impressed you with something he does...  
You will miss the way how light always pierces through his hazel eyes and makes them look sort of aglow-- if you could, you would look at them forever. You will miss how he rubs his nose every time he gets nervous and he always tells you to stop teasing him about it.
You will miss how his stubble slightly pierces you every time he presses his face against your skin. How he knows it itches you but he keeps on teasing you with it anyway. Though he knows you like it every time he buries his face on the crook of your neck when he makes sweet love to you.
Oh, Hanzo… how could you survive without him now?
As you feel a tear rushing towards the brink of your eye, you bring a finger up and wipe it away… realizing how much time is wasted since the first time you laid your eyes on his features.
Those eminences of him that hit you all at once. That one sunny day when peaches were harvested; the day that’s impossible to forget...
It was the time of the month when peaches were blooming beautifully. Everywhere you looked-- from trees to the market stalls-- there were those ripe, mouthwatering goodness. The sun shone friendly along with the thin air that would occasionally blow the thin strands of your locks. Birds were swarming beneath the bright blue sky stretching majestically above you, and some of them that were perching on trees seemed to be enjoying the sweet smell of the sunset-colored fruit by the way they chirped so cheerfully.
And there you were with a belly filled completely with peaches you picked earlier, cozying yourself up above a larger, leafier tree on one of its bigger branches as you soaked up the warmth of the sun, resting your head above your hands. The crystal clear lake spreaded close to the tree streamed calmly in sync with the crisp air, sending those leaves slow dancing and making them let out a calming shrivel. This was the kind of surrounding that could send those insomniacs drift off in no time, and the drowsiness just kicked in to you.
Your eyes were getting heavier at this point, but you could care less-- you could drift off any second and you weren’t fighting it. Eyelashes swung as your mouth parted slightly in comfort. Oh, it really was a good day to sleep…
When you just thought nothing could bother you at this moment, crunches were heard next to your tree, followed by a sound of a frustrated male groan. Your eyes shot open at the remark and you knew something was caught in the trap you had set earlier today.
Now, you set the trap for animals-- something you could surely eat, but why was the male sound present?
Hastily, you maneuvered yourself and climbed down the tree. Of course, you were dying to find out what was going on, and what laid before your eyes was way out of your expectation that you felt your jaw drop slightly.
And there was Hanzo Hasashi; inside your net trap hanging strongly beneath a tree trunk, letting his mid-length hair down framing his solid cheek bone. Beads of sweat dripped from his temple and you were guessing he had been running. His callous fingers were shaking the net while his other hand held a whole bunch of peaches, and you could see some of them sliding off his grip onto the ground. Frantic was clearly drawn all over his face, but what you couldn’t get your head wrapped around was the fact that he was dressed in a lousy brown hoodie and torn, old cargo pants.
Instantly, you recognized that face-- who wouldn’t? This was the first time you’ve seen him up close and… well he didn’t look bad. But you figured it would be fun to mess with him since he always looked so serious.
“Well, well, well, look what we have here,” You uttered smugly as you swung your knife. “Was expecting a deer, but got the Grandmaster’s son dressed like a hobo instead.”
His forehead wrinkled at your remark as his lips formed a perfect ‘o’, “What the… how did you know?!”
“Easy, you got one of those kunai in your pocket,” You scoffed, “And your mask fell off.”
He did not look happy by the way he palpated his bare face before letting out a growl, obviously just realizing his mask went down to his neck, “Alright look, huntress! You need to help me off and hide me! Quick!”
“And how could you think I would do that, Hasashi?”
“Because I just stole these peaches from the market!”
As you placed your knife back in one of your boots, you almost bursted out of laughter hearing his explanation. The son of Grandmaster stealing fruits? Now, that was funny. 
“What? Like you can’t afford it?” You mocked sarcastically.
“I was undercover and things sprawled out of my control so--” He snarled once again. “Listen! I don’t have time for this. The villagers are chasing me, and I need your help!”
“You know, help doesn’t come free these days. Even huntresses need some--” You cleared your throat, “Gold.”
Rolling his eyes in advance, he finally gave up, “Alright, I will hand you 50 gold coins if you let me off your net and hide me-- but quick!”
“50 golds? Okay, I’ll keep your stolen peaches for you.”
“I’ll keep your peaches, and probably won’t eat them.”
“You’re robbing me, huntress!” He exclaimed irritatedly, “Final offer; 150 golds, and you must help me.”
Satisfied with his offer-- and messing around with Grandmaster’s son-- you finally agreed as you got your knife out and made your way towards him to free him. “Don’t have to ask me twice.”
As you were cutting the ropes off the branch, for a split second you thought you could feel his eyes on you. Reflectively, you looked up to meet him. From the distance so close, the features of his face hit you all at once; his perfectly carved bone structure with light stubble framing his… alright, you had to admit he’s gorgeous. Though what hooked you the most were those sharp hazel eyes.
And then you felt your heart skip a beat.
Trying to regain your focus, you chose to ignore this weird feeling as you shook your head back to reality, keeping your hand on the work.
“Can’t you cut faster? They’re coming!” Exclaimed Hanzo.
“Hey, I could easily leave you here if you keep that attitude.” You replied without stopping your rough work.
Thankfully, he only clenched his teeth at your remark-- that was the least he can do, so you couldn’t complain.
Before you knew it, all the ropes were cut and his feet were set on the solid ground. All the peaches he was holding earlier fell onto the ground and you think he could care less in the way he sighed in relief.
“Now go climb that big, leafy  tree over there. As high as your feet can take you.” You ordered as you pointed to the tree you were resting on earlier. Without saying anything else, Hanzo quickly rushed towards the tree while you cleared his tracks by covering your net trap and peaches with some fallen leaves.
As footsteps and chatter were heard from a distance, you spread the leaves as nonchalantly as you could as if you were just about to set a trap-- just another day in the office.
Sooner than you had expected, a swarm of villagers were moving towards you, and they were bringing all kinds of things they could use as a weapon: a stick, shoes, even some fabric which you had assumed would be used to catch Hanzo.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop now!” You commanded, stretching your hands out to them as they immediately paused their tracks, “You take another step and all of you will get inside an animal trap I just set up hours ago.”
“Did you see a street boy coming this way?” Asked one of the villagers, “He stole my peaches!”
“I’ve been here for hours, and I’ve seen nobody. I can’t help you.” You replied.
“But I saw him go this way!” Another villager shouted, “And look! There’s a peach on the ground!”
Good God, what kind of eyes do these people have?!
“Hey, I picked those earlier as a part of my trap!” You lied.
“Bullshit! I don’t believe her! It’s just her way to save her kind. I say we go this way!” Another villager decided to interlope and crunk the heat of the situation.
“For the last time, I’ve been here for hours and I don’t see nobody coming by, alright? If you don’t believe me, please take another step so you all can rot together inside my trap!” You threatened the villagers which sent them into dead silence. Some of them actually showed fear on their faces and were debating if they should go back.
“Hey, what are you all waiting for? Go! Now! You’re scaring my food!” You demanded as the villagers went another way with nothing left to say-- you could hear some of them curse behind their breaths, though.
As you watched them slowly disappear, you made your way towards the tree on which Hanzo was hiding as you looked around to make sure the situation was thoroughly cleared.
Looking up, you placed a palm close to your mouth as you shouted at him, “Get down, Hasashi! You’re safe.”
“Nicely deceived, huntress,” He complimented as he showed himself beneath the leaves while he tried to climb down, “Those people could’ve hurt you easily.”
“I may be a woman, but I’m immune to pain, y’know.” You scoffed.
Hanzo stopped in his track regarding your remark, and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “A little hard to believe, but--”
His voice trailed off as his feet stepped on a fragile branch and immediately lost his balance. It all happened so fast that the next thing you know after you shut your eyes in reflex of him falling off the tree was his robust figure over you.
The coarse feeling of the ground surely did not help the blinding pain on your head and hip.
“Ouch! Ah...” You grunted in pain as were him, “Fuck, you’re heavy as hell!”
Out of your expectation, Hanzo bursted out laughing at your remark over you as he rearranged his arms next to your head instead of immediately raising up to his feet. In this sort of inappropriate position of his, you could feel his perfectly sculpted chest above you and the unexpected tremor lining between your legs.
You were certain you could feel yourself blushing over the somewhat awkward situation, but in that moment, you were sure of one thing; he’s a hard candy with a surprise center.
But no, you weren't going to convey your thoughts aloud.
“What’s so funny, Hasashi?” You snapped under him.
“I knew you weren’t immune to pain,” He replied playfully, “I’m always right.”
“You did this on purpose?!” You shouted as you gave his shoulder a push in order for you to raise up, “Ugh! Get off me you sicko!”
Even though he was still laughing uncontrollably, he did as you say and ascended up to his feet. He stretched a hand for you, but instead of taking it, you pouted your lips and got up by yourself.
Not because you didn’t want to, you just refused to give him any ideas.
As he regained his self control and his laugh slightly dimmed-- but obviously still couldn’t get over it, he said: “Alright, alright, I apologize. And thank you, for your help.”
“For a Shirai Ryu, that was really shallow of you,” You pouted, crossing your arms, “But I guess I can let it go.”
As you were trying to straighten your dirty outfit, Hanzo asked: “So, have a name, huntress?”
Surprised by what you had heard, you turned your attention to him and scorned, “Yeah right, asking her name after getting them under you-- way to go, Hasashi!”
“It’s Hanzo,” He chuckled, “If you want to retrieve your gold, we need to see each other in a few days.”
“Is this how a Hasashi flirt?”
He shrugged at your remark, “I’m not exactly denying it, but suit yourself.”
You quickly turned your head away as you felt your cheek heating up. Despite him being good at this, you weren’t going to let him be an asshole about it.
Gathering your things as if you were ready to leave, you let out a chuckle at his remark as you hung your belongings on one shoulder, “Keep your gold, Hanzo. I don’t need it,” You assured before throwing him one of the peaches he had stolen which he reflectively caught with one hand.
“I only need one of these,” You added, sinking your teeth into another peach in your hand without caring about its juice that dripped all over your palm before you took some steps back away from him, “These are good peaches you have stolen.”
As the sight of him got slightly further, you could see him stretching both of his arms as he raised his tone, “So should I see you or not?”
“I don’t know, what do you think?” You shouted.
“I really think I should!”
At his assertion, you stopped your tracks and sank your teeth inside the peach once more as you shrug, “Well, you’ve found my hideout.”
As you turned your attention back on the road, you found yourself smiling. As much as you were dying to see his facial expression, you decided not to and keep this little game of yours happening.
Without knowing what the future will bring.
“Are you there?”
“Uh… yeah, yeah.” Startled by the depth of his voice, you hurry your fingers and wipe the vestiges of your tears, settling your feet back to earth as the trip down the memory lane has you caught up. “I just-- I made a mess.”
You grab the steaming cup of tea as you make your way to the edge of the bed and hand him his beverage, sitting next to him afterwards. You’re not sure how you can make it through this night, but you need to try as if nothing’s going to happen tomorrow. For his sake.
“So uh…” Trying to sound as normal as possible, you mutter while he takes a sip from the cup,  “How is she?”
Hanzo deliberately retreats the cup off his lips and rests his forearm above his thigh. The way his head falls tells you that sorrow is consuming him alive. His hazel eyes that usually glow with spirit are now covered by woe. 
As a sigh escapes his mouth, he simply replies, “She’s… kind.”
“I bet she’s beautiful.” Your lips twitch up into a wry smile. “More beautiful than what people have said about her.”
For what you have heard about Harumi, her beauty is beyond compare to even the most beautiful flower. Her long hair is the color of a midnight sky with ivory skin wrapped around her slender, small figure. People even say that her honey colored eyes beam brighter than the moonlight, and when she speaks, her voice is as soothing as a summer rain.
At your remark, Hanzo takes a short pause before he weakly shrugs, still refusing to turn his attention to you.
As you run your fingers through his soft, black locks, your gaze is locked at his complexion you’ve grown to love that not even the chill of misty, starless night sky displayed beneath your window pane overshadowed his beauty. No matter how much you’d love to mourn with him, you know you need to stay strong for him and not making this fucked up situation even worse.
Though if you look back, you wish you’d never meet him.
But ah, it’s too little too late now; you’ve fallen for him. You should’ve been ready for the risk of having to give him up to someone else-- someone better than you. You must be kidding yourself if you think he’d actually be your forever.
“It doesn’t matter,” He suddenly utters, “She’s not you.”
“And that’s better, right? I mean, look at me.” You scoff, ”Who am I kidding? I--”
“Can you stop making this about you for once?!” Cutting you off, his strenuous voice suddenly fills the empty room as he recoils your fingers off him. His profound gaze towards you clearly shows nothing but unhappiness.
“Hanzo, who says this is about me? I’m just trying to make it better for you.” You assure firmly.
“All you’ve been doing is making this worse for me!”
“How is that so?” 
“Did you think I asked for this? Did you think I wanted to make this choice?” He bleaks. Eyes gleaming with pain, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him like this.
“Well, no, but--”
“Then your attempt on making it better is useless! Because it’s sad enough for me to have to choose the clan over you!”
As he winds his attention away from you and buries his face above his palm, you sense the frigid of the night starts seeping inside your bones. This empty space you call your sanctuary feels even more depressing than it already is. You gently press your palms against the wonky mattress so it’ll make some noise within the silence that’s slowly killing you.
At this moment, you’re lost for words. You feel like you should say something, but your jaw feels rigid and your throat is just drying away. Even the spider in the corner of the room seems to have more of an idea of what it’s doing as its little feet slowly knitting its web. 
Unlike you. Clueless of what to say-- let alone doing something about it. You know you shouldn’t have fallen this deep with someone as powerful as the son of Shirai Ryu’s grandmaster, but for some reason your heart calls for him, and you knew in that moment you laid your eyes on his hazel ones, he’s what it’s longing for.
But why is it longing for someone you know you shouldn’t go for? How you wish you could rip your heart off your chest and throw it into the ocean, even though you know it wouldn’t be as painful as how you’re feeling right now.
“Wow…” You finally mumble slowly, relieving the silence.
“You’re madly in love with me, aren’t you?”
At your remark, Hanzo gradually lifts his head and turns his interest to you. Unlike before, he looks much calmer right now, but you can tell he’s still absorbing the pain of this state like a sponge. It’s like he knows you already know the answer to your own question-- heck, you’re not even sure why you asked such a question in the first place.
But one thing you know for sure-- whatever his answer is, it’s going to crush your soul.
Whilst he elevates his shoulders, he lets out a sigh. “To the point where I would actually give it all up,” Hanzo weakly answers.
At this point, you can already hear your heart cracking through your ears.
“By the Gods…” You grumble, running your fingers through your locks as you shortly stand up and taking a few steps away from him, heading to the small, dusty window ahead of you. Greeting you is a cloudy night sky-- a sky so cloudy that even the moon chooses to hide itself underneath the thick, gray clouds; a bed of sky that perfectly describes your feelings.
In a perfect world, if someone just told you they’re madly in love with you, your heart will fly as if it had wings of its own. Turns out in your case, the wings your heart once had are torn apart by force.
You know he loves you-- he’s said it before. But madly? Oh, how you wish you could ask him to stay. Though what’s breaking you the most is that you know you couldn’t.
As you feel your face heats up and clumps of tear start to cloud your vision, you can hear the bed squeaking with Hanzo’s footsteps following behind as he asks for your conviction, “Aren’t you?”
You press your palms against your eyes, gulping hard so your answer won’t be as croaky. After all, the point is to hide your sorrow from him.
Alas, your attempt seems to fail as you feel a tear slide down your left cheek, and you just find it hard to even contain yourself, “To the point where the whole world shatters with my heart when you told me you’re marrying somebody else.”
All of the sudden, you can feel two robust arms gently wrapped around your figure together with a strong cheekbone resting on the side of your face. The familiar warmth instantly drowns you in and you welcome the strong arms in your embrace. You don’t even mind the stubble that you normally would push away because of how it pierces through your skin, but you know even your skin will miss the slight roughness when it’s gone.
“I know,” Hanzo responds simply by leaving a peck on your temple, “I’m sorry…”
“I’m sorry too…” You bring one hand to caress his cheek, which slowly trails down to the side of his neck, “Shirai Ryu needs you, Hanzo. Don’t ever give it up, especially for me.”
“I just never thought that-- I would have to lose you for it.” He brittles, keeping his gaze far away as if he’s looking for some understanding.
“It’s the risk we should’ve prepared for.” You enlighten him as you turn yourself around and face him, cupping his jaw afterwards. His hand slowly slides down at your movement and you adore how they circle your waist perfectly. “ If I could turn back time, I really wish we’d never met-- let alone giving you a helping hand. Because even then I know, if I ever fell for you, I could never get back up.”
As your hands gradually travel to the nape of his neck, you pull him closer to you as he closes his eyes. His heavy breath pools down your frame and you add, “And now, I guess it got the best of me.”
At your confession, Hanzo stays still as if he's decided to get lost in your embrace and enjoy the closeness between him and your features. His hands stay ringing on your lower back and you don't think you'd want him to ever let go.
At the same time your fingers dig through his scalp, you whisper as you let out a feeble smile, “But you're my sweetest doom, Hasashi. And I've never felt more alive.”
It feels like you haven't had time to absorb your next move, but the next thing you know is that his lips brushes against yours like a drop of water in the middle of Sahara-- a kiss so chaste, so pure it could brace even the faintest heart.
As soon as he retracts himself, he mumbles, “Anata wa watashi no yume no josei da.” 
You're the woman of my dreams. His words are like a magnet to your soul and you’re instantly drawn to him. Another drop of tear slithers down your cheek as you let out a weak chuckle, and your lips yearn for him in a blink of an eye.
Against his lips, you let your lips slow dance with his moist ones as if it has a mind of its own, cupping his jaw and you let his hands roam every inch of your body. In this very tranquility-- and with his lips attached to yours, what’s been troubling your mind seems to be forgotten. Maybe making these last moments just for the two of you to embrace might be the best.
Still, you and Hanzo devour each other in your own utopia, and you’re not planning on letting go soon. Even when the heat of his hands slowly but skilfully undo the buttons of your top, your mind has its own way to stop working.
And as if new minds are planted at your fingertips, you let them do their work in unclasping his belt and out of his uniform.
You’re not sure how long it takes for your back to finally feel the softness of the bedsheet, but you know at that moment, your brain has retired and your heart is at work.
And for the rest of the night, there are only moans, ragged breathing, and the creak of the bed to be heard.
“I love you. Did you know that?” Hanzo’s voice is low and tense.
His gaze meets yours in the dim room filled with candle light. You rest your head above his shoulder as his arm wrapped around your figure. Legs intertwined and there’s nothing you love more than how his bare, warm skin collides with yours in silence under the sheet. The way his thumb slowly flatters your chin lets you know that he means what he says.
“Kind of,” With a smile, you nod, “You’ve said it a few times by now.”
You don’t need anymore assertion from him by the way he harbors his lips on your forehead softly. You’re not sure what it is with the forehead kisses he gives, but all you know is that they give you the thrill, and you can even feel it even through his fingertips that still caresses your back.
“Hanzo,” You call him tenderly, to which he responds with a small hum, “Do you have any regrets?”
For a split second, his forehead wrinkles as if he’s thinking about the true meaning of your random question, but he doesn’t keep you waiting until you start to get nervous.
“Ah, regrets?” He sighs, “I think my life itself is based on it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well… by now you must have been aware that being born into a clan isn’t something I ask for. When I grew up and accepted it, my father didn’t allow me to participate in the clan’s business-- quite strange, but again, I accepted it until he proposed this...”
His voice suddenly trails off before he rolls away from you. Your body still lies above his arm, but the empty gaze he’s showing tells you that he’s trying his best to stay composed. Even though you swear for a split second there you see his eyes sort of glisten.
“...forced marriage I don’t even want, and making it the only way for me to be involved in Shirai Ryu.” Hanzo continues.
“I’m sorry…” You whisper weakly, not knowing what to say but to move your body closer to him and rest your palm on his chest, supporting your weight with your other arm.
A hopeless sigh leaves his mouth at your remark. His eyes are fixed to the torn out paint mark on the roof as if it’s the most fascinating thing in the world, but you know the corner of his eyes are watching you.
Despite the woe that is drawn clearly through his face, he still looks beautiful.
Shortly, however, he shifts his body to your direction so you’re now face to face as he mirrors your position, causing the sheet to maneuver in sync with the movement of his solid figure.
“But do you know what my biggest regret is?” Hanzo triggers.
You shrug in response, by which he answers, “It’s not being able to choose you.”
His words sure don’t catch you by surprise-- you’ve known all along about his feelings towards you, but it sure leaves your stomach knotting and your gaze to drop. 
When you thought things couldn’t get any worse, he adds as he reaches for your hand, “See, I’ve never thought about marriage until I-- until I fall in love with you. Since then, I always thought if I ever got married, it was going to be to you.”
And in this moment, your heart drops. And it’s smashed into pieces.
You wish you could decide your own fate if you knew you were going to fall this deep for him. You wish you’d been born someone else-- someone like Harumi just so you could stay with Hanzo. Or at least you wish your soul could leave your body and stay inside Harumi’s so you could still feel the warmth of his body next to you every night.
And in this moment, you hate yourself as much as you hate the universe.
It hurts to be you. It hurts so much that the pain seeps into your chest. You wish you could go up on a limb and pull your hair so hard that it pricks your scalp as you scream your heart out to the universe for such an injustice. 
Breathing seems like no easy task as your vision gets blurry with a layer of tear in your eyes, and it’s about to stream freely anytime soon. You’re just thankful your face is dipped and Hanzo can’t see how much of a blubbering mess you are.
“I-I don’t know what to say…” With a croaky voice, you mumble.
And the unbearable tear finally drips.
“Shush, hey.” Hanzo’s voice is soothing. A thumb of his is brought up to your cheek as it wipes off your tear, “I’ve never seen you cry before.”
You decide to ignore his remark and keep your face to the sheet. Besides, it seems pretty reasonable to cry-- you can’t possibly stay rock hard when your world has appeared to turn upside down. 
Lifting your chin up so your eyes meet his, he despondently says, “Maybe this is how we are destined to be-- you and me, against the universe. I just wish we could win this battle by… coming clean.”
“Don’t, Hanzo. Please… It’s too late now.”
“I guess you’re right.” He sighs, taking a short pause. But then a ray of light emerges within his face, “But Harumi will be the one moving here once we get married. Nothing is going to change between us, I will still be seeing you every night. Here.”
You raise an eyebrow in confusion at his statement, “You mean… we’ll still see each other when you’re married?”
“Yes. Why wouldn’t I?”
Surprisingly, you’re not feeling better-- your heart is still broken and it refuses to fix itself even when Hanzo tells you nothing’s changing. Inside, you know it’s not entirely true.
But for some reason, you find yourself fetching him an uncertain smile realizing your head goes empty at his words.
And your body still freezes as he moves even closer to you before his lips reach for yours tenderly. His palm finds your jaw before you find yourself, once again, under his mercy.
Oh, you’re dying to say a word-- about how wrong this feels, but you forget that the power of his kiss could shed away even the hardest problems.
And that’s exactly what it’s doing as you find yourself lost within it.
“Nothing is going to change between us, I will still be seeing you every night. Here.”
Those words Hanzo said keeps echoing in your head like it’s shouted in one hollow room. No matter how many times you try massaging the bridge of your nose or even simply shut your eyes, drifting into a peaceful slumber appears impossible.
You shift your head to your left, and there he is. Eyes closed, looking serene with his lips perfectly formed in one single line. The sound of his unwavering breaths could usually doze you off, but not tonight.
Because deep down, you know it won’t be yours to hear the next day.
Your hand reaches out for his stubble, and the way your hand gently caresses it is as if it knows it’ll be the last time you feel the slight pierce. You know you will surely miss how it feels on the back of your hand that slides softly on the curve of his cheekbone.
No-- you knew even then you have to leave him some time, and you’re afraid the moment has arrived.
As you gaze into his aristocratic frame, your brain searches for a reason to stay-- for you to possibly have him near you as long as you can.
But no matter how hard you dig, the thought of the future always buries the hope back even deeper. The thought of his warmth being someone else’s to cherish leaves a huge burden in your heart. 
And no, that is not the only thing that troubles you-- what if they have children someday? Of course, Hanzo would be happy to have his descendants, and he’s going to love them with all his heart.
And in time, you know he will eventually fall for Harumi.
At those thoughts, you can feel as if a dagger stabs your heart repeatedly, but the pain is nothing compared to the fact that this is the last time you will witness his fair looking face. 
And that… you have to let yourself out of his life.
Right now, there’s no use holding the tears back-- you let them stream freely this time as your mind wanders to the happier times you’ve spent with Hanzo, and how you wish you could do something to turn back time and let yourself showered with joy all over again.
But even by sacrificing your soul to the most powerful God, you know it’s not feasible.
With a heavy heart, you wipe away your tears before forcing the stiffness of your feet to move and out of the sheet, making sure to keep your movement slowly so you don’t wake him up. 
Keeping yourself as stealthy as possible, you put on your clothes and gather your things before you sit in one corner of the room to write him a farewell letter, glancing one in a while at his direction. You can feel your hand shaking as tears keep flowing down your cheek, but you try your hardest to power through the sorrow and ignore those tears that drop on the paper.
Dearest Hanzo,
I'm sorry I have to leave you like this, but I can't stand the thought of me being in the middle of your marriage. I understand this is not a part of your will, but you will have to learn to love her in time, just like you did to me.
I want you to know that this is hard for me to do, but I know I'm leaving you in a good hand-- she will take care of you and love you with all her heart. For that, I'm grateful, and I'm lucky.
But if by any chance we meet again in the future, I'm hoping to see the same spirit and light I've witnessed in you these past couple of months. By then, I can always remember that one summer we spent under the peach tree, and how it will always bring joy to my heart. 
Even though I might not be the one that puts that smile on your face, knowing you're well and happy is more than enough for me.
I love you, always.
P.S: Anata wa watashi no yume no otokoda.*
Finished writing the letter, you slowly maneuver to his side of the bed and you kneel down, placing the letter neatly next to his resting face as you take one last glance at his perfection.
After landing your lips swiftly on his cheek, you stroke him and slowly whisper, “Goodbye, Hasashi.”
As you step out the door, you turn your head back to this worn-out hideout you’ve called your sanctuary for the last year-- the place you’ve made most memories at, and you know you’re not going to easily forget everything.
Now, you’re not sure where your feet will take you. You have to survive in some other strange place and start a new life on your own, going back to the solitude you haven’t felt ever since your first encounter with Hanzo Hasashi.
You’re not sure how you’re going to survive without him by your side, but as you sweep the tears off your cheek and move forward, you know you somehow will.
*you’re the man of my dreams
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solavirtus · 6 months
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( song jiyang , agender , they/him ) — the halls of verum academy is home to LI ZHIYU, the twenty-four year old student of transmutation. listen to the whispers that follow them through the door of the history of khemia classroom, the ones about growing up in a warm house, firewood crackling lulls you to sleep, running around and looking up to your siblings at every step, the smell of metal on your fingertips, sparks of khemia you cannot bring yourself to believe, the inherent guilt at what you can do, and who you can possibly be, when you don't think you deserve it. once they graduate, their legacy will be one that is gracious and diligent in nature, but the records will not mention that they are known to be quiet and self-critical, too. they are, after all, the future of verum. ╱ kira, 25, she/her, gmt+3.
you are born as the last li child. fond eyes look down at you, always a hand in yours to guide your way through life. at your first steps, claps echo around you, followed by joyful laughter.
there are hands on top of yours as you bury your first seeds into the soft soil. helping you dig, then close up the earth. when you raise the watering can, there is another pair helping you lift it up. you water it with precise care, close your eyes, and name your first tree.
you warm your hands against the fireplace, lean into a warm embrace. a bowl of warm food in front of you, gentle fingers running through your long hair.
life is good in the way that it's linear. the same. it went similarly for your grandparents. your parents. day after day. as a part of the traditional cynefian family, you learn about the earth. you are protective of your land just as you are of your family. grow to appreciate how to nurture it, how to care for it. knowing it will care for you right back.
you do not expect to feel the sparks on the tips of your fingertips. for your apprenticeship to yield this result. it changes every single thing at once. shatters the ground you walk on.
for the first time in your life, you feel alone.
li zhiyu is the youngest of the li children, and with it comes fewer responsibilities on his shoulders. parents more lenient. more freedom to wander off if he wishes, to go to the outskirts of the town, to watch how the earth and water respond to his touch, how they transform with the changing of seasons. attuned to the elements under his fingertips; the metal, the ores, the particles of sand.
he is a quiet child for he does not need to cry loud for attention. there is still a silent desperation that linger beneath every action, driven to never upset those he loves. to be good. to not lose those warm hands running through his hair, patting his back, holding his hand.
sheltered in more ways than others, he expects his future to lie through the earth. a farmer, a gardener, a regular way of life, nothing to stray from that linear, anticipated path.
after his secondary education, when he goes through his apprenticeship, he expects the answer to follow that expectation. that he does not have the affinity: he can go back to his home, back to what he is supposed to do, who he is supposed to become.
to learn that he does have the affinity is terrifying. the implications of him being part of a family with no trace of khemia before him. mind clouded with all sorts of emotions: the fear of the unknown, hand in hand with the thrill of so many possibilities unlocked before him. revelation chased by the sudden spike of expectations from his parents now that their little child is attuned to khemia.
it changes everything. how people act around him. how they look at him. their neighbors, their friends. especially the people who have always been wary of verum, of khemia. it becomes too much at once. his heart aches with the consequences of his path diverging in a way he was not prepared for.
beyond it all, he knows how much this would mean to his siblings, how unfair it is that he is the only one. the inherent guilt that comes whenever he looks at them claws all the way up to his throat, thorns of reality digging into the soft skin.
throughout the apprenticeship, he prays for his path to not lie with transmutation. 'dear stars, i beg of you, anything but that.' convinces himself with everything he has that it won't be. it is impossible to pray the fates away.
the first year, there are mostly mandatory classes, as well as some electives. he doesn't have to choose his major just yet. the second year, he chooses anima. from the moment he was a child, he has always been fascinated by the surrounding earth. it should be alright. it has to be.
it isn't. it's a failure over and over again. so much that it becomes all too clear to every anima professor that this isn't his calling.
in the end, as much as it pains him, he changes his major to transmutation, starting his second year all over. this becomes a secret, an unspoken truth. if asked, especially by his family, he says he is still deciding, learning how the khemia world works. how can he be expected to know the ropes already when it's all so foreign to him?
loneliness digs its claws into his chest. nothing is the same anymore. it never will be.
coldness seeps into his skin, into his bones. there is a sharp guilt and discomfort whenever he lies in his childhood bed, in a house with one less person. after that, it isn't difficult to decide it will be better for them all for him to move to the school dorms. veiled under the excuse of how he can learn better with this change, he moves away from home.
it feels like something is ripped from his chest. leaving behind a hole that will never be filled, a part always missing.
zhiyu does not know if verum will ever be his home, if he will ever belong in a world so terrifying, so foreign.
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limitlessscion · 4 months
It was quiet in the tub — the sort of tranquility found at the edges of the world. Warmth pools where skin meets skin, each miniscule chafe rippling the waters just enough to remind each other that they still live in separate bodies. Everything else has melted into one. Inky strands float around them, scatter like black veins over pearly skin. Suguru's head heaves and falls with each breath his lover draws. His lashes tickle the skin where they flutter.
Coarse fingers trace small circles over the space between his pecs, that soft hollow part that could plunge a knife straight through the ribs. Absently, he pops a soap bubble that has nested there.
❝ You should have let me. ❞ Quiet words; heavy words. His limbs coil around Satoru a little tighter, interwoven under the water. Some pause follows, his head rolls back to cast a loving gaze upon that angelic visage. It is as soft as it is pained; laden with his most recent revelation.
❝ ... I don't have what it takes to create a better world — if my condition is that you won't be in it. ❞ I know I'm going to lose.
Suguru felt so uncharacteristically fragile in his arms today, contrasted against this scene that has become a recurring warm comfort in recent years; too quiet against his usual chattiness or their soft half-hearted bickering. He idly ran his fingers through locks of black hair in the water, separating tangles and knots in a ritual that has become a soothing comfort, paying gentle care to every individual strand.
Satoru couldn't process the enormity of what occurred just yet. What he'd done today had been reckless, dangerous, fuelled by that ever more destructive desire for connection— but he'd never meant for it to have gone so far, had never meant to share Infinite Void as more than just a safely chaperoned glimpse. Like simply settling for the dull unfocused light of distant stars which shone so weak and diffusely compared to the sharp detail of the world he inhabited; as he'd once been able to accept so much less for the sake of that shared experience.
But Suguru's growing madness had sunk claws through his skin and dug out his own, the desire for more shallowly buried. He thought back to those seconds of insanity as they stood in the embodiment of his chaos, Suguru pulling away and him letting his lover go. Do you understand? It'd been like that manic urge back that day this all started, when he'd soaked them both in his own blood, that distance between them so starkly clear that it could only be ignored, not bridged.
His eyes opened reflexively as he felt that gaze cast upwards, grey-blues meeting violet as he reciprocated that tightening of their embrace. Throughout all the other chaos over the years, no matter what happened, they could still cling onto this— them. He listened quietly to those words dropping like stones in the cooling water as his heart followed suit. He shifted, feet curling in against an ankle, fingers abandoning floating locks to cling to skin, seeking those points of warmth to fend off the dissipating heat.
"So that's why you let go." Satoru didn't know anymore what was enough, what was too much. The sensation of drowning flicked briefly unbidden across his mind as he remembered that day he'd made his revelation, when he'd violently grasped onto the truth of Sorcery and tamed it to his own will. Would that be enough for Suguru? It hadn't been enough for Satoru.
You could do it yourself, Satoru, couldn't you?
Their divergent paths that day had led to ideals of different better worlds. Suguru's words violently pulled apart the veil Satoru cast so carefully over his own flimsy dreams to reveal that painful truth: the realization of his ideals had no place for Suguru Geto either. But that veil wasn't to protect this, them— it could only exist to protect that frail projected happiness that existed outside this much deeper need.
"Have you never thought to make me a part of it?" His gaze was suddenly unfocused and distant as if pulling away from the weight of that dangerous thought. His breath caught at the breaking of that fantasy; he knew what he'd choose, if the choice could ever be given to him. His convictions could never be as strong as Suguru's.
"You've never even asked if I wanted to be."
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yihrae · 11 months
I like Taylor Swift’s music. A lot of people like her music. Does that mean I’m some sort of plebeian for liking her music? Not necessarily. Even if we were to characterise humans by their music taste solely, most people are pretty normal. Since a lot of people like Taylor Swift’s music, we can infer that because a lot of people are normal, most people that like Taylor Swift’s music are probably normal. I’m sure if we did some hypothesis testing we’d prove my point right.
In fact, should we characterise people by their music taste, we should beware of those that like “underground” artists. There are not a lot of people like that, and there are also not a lot of criminals in the world (bingo). Who knows, the next person that likes music like that might just end up burying you underground…
I like HDL. Specifically I love Mantous. Lots of people love HDL. But liking something everyone else likes doesn’t make you any less special. If I were to possess no knowledge of the popularity of all restaurants and I went into each of them and tried all of them, would I still like HDL? The answer is probably yes.
I suppose the real point of this post is really just to say it’s okay to like things everyone else likes. There’s a lot of fruition in enjoying what everyone else enjoys. The most important thing is that those things bring you joy! Of course, different people with have different variations in the things they like. Some people might like Taylor Swift, HDL and soccer and someone else could like Justin Bieber, HDL and soccer but in the end as long as they’re happy that’s the most important thing.
I think sometimes we get so fixated on being different or being the best of the best we kind of lose sight of precious things. I’m not saying we should always accept mediocrity or never strive our hardest but I’m saying that maybe it’s not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. A lot of the times you can’t be the best in everything. If I were to pick up golf today and I golfed every week for the next 5 years I’d probably just end up an average golfer. I wouldn’t be Tiger Woods or whatever. But sometimes it’s okay to be average. Average golfers can still enjoy golfing with their friends. And if Tiger Woods derives joy from golfing at the highest level you can also derive the same amount, if not more joy from golfing with the people you love.
Anyway, the message of the day is simply not to forget to be happy sometimes. Don’t get so caught up in excellency and uniqueness so as to forget to have fun. Embrace being average (sometimes). It’s okay to have a couple of B+. It’s okay to not be the best of the best. Just enjoy yourself and the company that comes along with it!!
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noxtivagus · 2 years
grrr writing inspo always hits when i shld be asleep 😭😭
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Straddling, Riding, Mounting (NSFW)
Entrapped - series of smutty NSFW fansequels for Vyn's cards, with their own sort of continuity
Pt 01 Layers | Pt 02 House Call | Pt 03 Invitation | Pt 04 Hot Summer | Pt 05 Straddling, Riding, Mounting
Fansequel to Gentleman's Game
After being bombarded with double entendres and teasing by Vyn in a previous trip, Rosa could not help but see attempts for double entendres when he isn't even thinking them, throwing herself to a flustered loop every time certain words come to mind.
Rosa is trolling herself, with Vyn none the wiser.
"You want to try straddling?" Vyn asks you as he leads your horse out of the stables and into the field. " You are tired of the side saddle?"
You flinch at his words. Straddling.
Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into, you inwardly curse your brain for just reflexively going there.
You only want to ride a horse properly, after seeing a short scene where a girl could race neck and neck with her male rival. You want to eventually ride a horse on your own, and maybe go on extensive horseback riding with Vyn in the countryside without him having to coddle you.
Straddling. Your mind evokes the image of a very different straddling and it is not made for travelling.
A fierce flush blooms all over your face and neck.
You bury your flushed face in your hands as unbidden thoughts come rushing to your mind: You only tried it a few times with the man currently walking your horse, he who is most probably none the wiser about the degenerate thoughts filling your dirty, dirty mind as he guides you around the grassy field, to let you get a feel of riding with your legs dangling over both sides of your mount.
Thoughts of those delicious moments back then when you mounted his hips, letting yourself be impaled by his stiff cock as you are closely being watched, devoured by his hazy gold lust-filled eyes...
If it were possible to kick yourself to relative sanity you would have done so long ago. But no. Every trot of the horse that sends you into a light bounce, every time it slows into a walk your mind is sent to somewhere just there and you cannot help but be distracted from looking directly ahead between the horse's ears as Vyn had instructed you to do, but instead your gaze falls on his silver hair glinting magnificently in the sun...
...and how that very same silver head of hair gets tousled deliciously in bed.
An audible groan escapes your lips, and before you realize you misstep Vyn halts his walk, gently patting the horse's snout as he looks up at you with a concerned gaze.
"Love, is something the matter?"
Then his eyes widen slightly as he sees your flushed face. His doctor mode kicks in, and he quickly but carefully climbs the horse to settle himself behind you.
Strong, gentle fingers touch your forehead. "You are warm," he notes, then gently tips your face to the side so he can take a close look at you. "Your face is flushed red..."
Vyn's lips thinned. "We need to get back, take you home--"
"No!" You protest. "I--I'm fine."
Vyn does not look convinced that you are. After all, at the moment you display symptoms of light fever...never mind what had actually caused it. "You obviously look unwell, Rosa," Vyn murmurs. "And you are slightly feverish. Let me take you home."
"Trust me, I am fine," you say, desperate to hang onto what little quality time you have, and not to lose it over such a stupid reason like your own brain driving you up the wall with self-inflicted innuendo. "It's been a week since we last had time for each other. I'm not going to ruin our date because of what I'm doing to myself..."
"What you are doing to yourself....?" Vyn gently takes your wrist to check your pulse. "Even your heart rate is elevated..." His brows furrow. "What do you mean, Rosa? Could you tell me?" He wraps his arms around your waist, your head tucked under his chin.
You are in the middle of the open field but Vyn does not mind holding you in such an intimate embrace. It certainly does not help your current predicament; it is like he is flustering you even more on purpose, his gentle way of forcing you tell him what is up so you can be released from his all too public display of affection.
You fidget in his arms, avoiding his eyes even as he shifts his position so he could face you from your side.
"Vyn, if I told you, please don't get mad. Or laugh. I...I don't know."
"Have I ever made fun of you, Rosa?" Vyn asks.
"Of course not." Then you glare at him. "Well, maybe all those times in the strawberry field, all those teasing you did."
Vyn lets out a soft laugh. "All that was to provoke you, love. Not make fun of you." His arms snake around your waist even tighter. "You will not tell your doctor, whatever is ailing his most precious lady?"
You take a deep breath. Then, "This entire trip is nothing but self-inflicted innuendos and double entendres in my head."
It takes a few seconds for Vyn to digest what you just said. "Just to check if I understand you correctly...you are flustered, because you have been thinking about the possible double entendres related to equestrianism? All this time?"
"To be fair to me, Vyn, all the teasing you did last week did not help at all!" you cry out, defensively. "It's like you have trained me to expect nothing but innuendo and double entendres coming from your mouth!"
"'Coming from my mouth,'" Vyn repeats in a stage whisper. He is biting his lip but it does not stop the ends of his mouth from stretching out into an all-too amused grin.
Your eyes widen at the realization that you just said one out loud. "Argh..."
"I can see why you are agitated." Vyn completely drops all attempts to hold back his glee, his shit-eating grin manifesting once again. "Your brain is doing the work for me."
"Shit." You cover your face with your once again.
"Now, now love," Vyn says as he carefully peels away your hands from your face. "Look at me, please?"
Cursing yourself inwardly, you meet Vyn's mirth-filled eyes with your pained own.
He licks his lips. "Riding." he says with a neutral voice.
You cringe, the intensifying of your blush all too palpable.
"Straddling. Mounting."
Once again your face meets the palms of your hands, the skin of your cheeks and forehead radiating heat. "Please, stop," your pleading comes out strangled.
"Ride me." He says.
"Vyn, have mercy," you moan. "We're out in the open and you're torturing me with mindfucking in full sight of other people."
Sure enough, there were a few other riders out and about the field, but none of them have been paying you mind so far...or so your optimism would like you to believe.
Vyn lets out a chuckle. "To any onlooker, as long as they cannot hear us, I may appear to comfort someone who is scared of horses, or helping her get over her fear with exposure therapy. Or you may be unwell, and I am merely looking over your well-being.
"Let's go home. You're in no condition to ride horses." Vyn then puts his lips next to your ear. "But you can ride a different beast," he whispers in a voice low and dripping with honey.
You merely look at him, mouth agape.
Somehow Vyn chooses to spend the day in your place, instead of his. "I like your place, Rosa. It's uncomplicated, filled with light, and smells of you," he said as the both of you cross the threshold of your main door.
As expected, his hands are all over you the moment you look the main door. Breath shuddering. he presses you against the wall in the small corridor leading to your living room. "Hahaha, my silly little Rosa," he murmurs against the soft skin of your neck as his fingers make quick work of your riding costume. "You were thinking of fucking all this time."
"I can't help it!" you cry out as he peels off your tight pants, letting them pool around your ankles and slipping them off your feet after he swiftly removes your boots. "I'm still not over what you did to me last week--ahh!"
Vyn had pulled your panties down, giving him complete access to your dripping wet sex. Kneeling in front of you he hooks one of your thighs over his shoulder. "I am not over it, myself," he says before his lips and tongue kiss your nether lips; his tongue running the length of your slit. "Mm. If riding has presented you such a predicament," he says in between sucks on your clit, "Then mine would be eating the strawberries we brought home."
"Hahh--this is news to me, Vyn," you moan as you feel him worrying your sensitive nub with his lips and light, gentle scoring with his teeth. "What about strawberries?"
"Obviously they remind me of," his tongue now starts to flick at your clitoris relentlessly. "This little rosebud right here," he continues flicking it with the tip of his tongue, occasionally alternating it with gentle sucking of his lips. "Mmm," he hums, the slight vibrations driving you deeper in the throes of pleasure and you find yourself pushing your sex against his maddening mouth even more.
Your lover laughs in delight as you start gyrating your hips in abandon, his mouth and tongue all too happy to meet your movements.
Vyn's hands find yours and both of your fingers interlace with each other's as you grind your pussy against his mouth.
It is as if you are riding his face, with his hands and arms acting as your reins as you tug on his fingers.
"Hahh--ahh god, Vyn," you moan as that all too familiar flood of impending climax starts to flood your loins. "We're--haha--we're still by my door, you know...ahn--" you bite your lip as you can feel the heat gradually override all of your other senses--until all you can feel is Vyn's tongue and lips working your throbbing cunt into such a frenzy...
It is when you catch a glimpse of Vyn's long-lashed, hooded eyes underneath you as he wantonly eats you out that you finally shatter.
"VYN...!!" you scream out loud as your inner muscles spasm deliciously; your eyes seeing only stars as you almost topple over onto the floor; only for your lover to catch you in his arms.
When your vision comes to you see Vyn looking down at you with a gaze so voracious you know what is going to happen next.
He licks his lips still saturated with your juices. "Strawberries and cream," is all he says.
His beautifully naked lithe body is stretched out over your bed. "Come, Rosa," he beckons to you. "Feel free to...indulge your fantasies from earlier, pet," he purred. His stiff cock is tipped with a glistening smear of pre-cum, and you could not help but lap it up with your own tongue. "Hahh--yes, I think...I'll ride you now, Vyn," you whisper as you pull back, a trail of pre-cum hanging onto your mouth until you lick it off your lower lip.
The first time you rode him, when you fancied it as the best way for him to take your virginity, you were apprehensive. The second time you rode him--last week--you were worked up in such a frenzy that you never got to savor the moment, and even earned the ire of the slightly sadistic side of Vyn Richter.
This time, this time you are determined to fully enjoy the act, and so as you straddle his hips you lock gazes with the doctor who you so badly want to fuck.
"Can we do it slowly for now, Vyn?" You murmur as you slowly lower your throbbing pussy onto his cock. "I...I want to enjoy it. I never got much of a chance to, anyway," you admit, blushing all the while.
"I can teach you the correct riding posture too, pet, if you want--aaaah fuck, yesss..." he moans with relief as your nether lips start to envelop his tip; you can hear his breath grow erratic with desire the more his length gets sucked into you.
You let out your own moan once he is fully hilted inside; you close your eyes and relish the feel of Vyn inside your walls, stretching your heated muscles, filling that void that was all too palpable earlier as it called out its need to be filled...
You shift your hips a little, appreciating how Vyn's girth perfectly fills you up. "So good," you croon. "So...so good..."
Your inner walls clench a little, eliciting a moan from your lover.
"Do you like it, pet?" Vyn's smile is hazy with pleasure and lust. "Do you like how I feel inside you?"
"Yes," you breathe. "I...I'm glad it's you, Vyn." You start moving your hips, the base of his cock now visible, glistening wet with your own juices as it emerged from your cunt.
"...I can't imagine doing this with anyone else..."
This time it is your turn to look down at him with pure hunger: your fair-complexioned prince of silver hair and gold eyes, the man who possesses a tongue gifted in many ways, and whose intelligence more than satisfies your thirst for knowledge and can only amplify his attractiveness as a whole.
The man who made you lead him to his garden, to find your first pleasure, with him.
You finally close your eyes. Your hips start moving, all your focus on relishing the feel of his cock sliding in and out of you oh so sensuously...
"Mayhap I should teach you the proper riding posture," Vyn says, interrupting your focus, not letting up the grinding of his own hips against yours. "I cannot guide you on the correct footing for now, but let me show you the proper upper body posture..."
Your eyes snap open. "Huh? You mean...you will teach me right now?"
"Heh. What are you doing now pet? You are riding me," Vyn says, his grin seductive and erotic. "Might as well get that out of the way instead of having you all flustered thinking about fucking me, if I teach you out in the fields."
"Oh shit...I totally walked into this, huh?" You say to no one in particular, the movement of your own hips not missing a beat. "Fine. Teach me, Dr. Richter," you say as you clench your muscles, in an attempt to tease out some delightful moans out of your doctor. "Teach me how to ride you. Or a horse."
"Haahn--hahaha," Vyn breaks out into an amused laughter, lust never leaving his eyes. "Well then,
"Do not arch your back, pet," he whispers. "Make sure your lower back is flat."
You follow his instruction silently, your back now straighter as you slowly bounce on his cock. His tip hits that certain sweet spot; you fight hard to bite back your moans--you want to at least play the part of a studious, serious, student. For now.
"Good girl, you are doing well," Vyn purrs. "Now, make sure your chin is parallel to the ground. Do not tip your chin downwards, or tilt it upwards. Can you do this for me, pet?"
"How is this?" you look straight ahead of you, your eyes no longer gazing lustfully upon Vyn, chin aligned to what you think is parallel to the ground.
Slender fingers reach out to your chin to gently adjust your chin, lowering it a little. "There. Perfect," Vyn says approvingly. "And your eyes on me, pet. Just do not tip your chin as you do so."
"Okay, Professor Richter," you say with an impish grin. A professor fucking his student. Typical fantasy, but there's a reason why it's so popular...The very idea alone floods your pussy with heightened arousal. Shit. I'm a bit too turned on with what he's doing.. You find yourself even more sensitive than before...
"Role-playing now, are we?" Vyn teases your clit with a brief but firm brush with the pad of his fingertip.
"...aah!" You cry out, your perfect posture falling apart as you throw your head backwards, awash with the electric thrumming spreading from your clit to the rest of your body...
Vyn tutted as he grasps your hips with his hands, and thrusts into you faster. "Your posture is a mess, pet," he hisses as he--unbidden--slaps one of your ass cheeks with an open palm.
"Ah! God...what?!"
"Flat lower back. Chin straight ahead. Now," comes Vyn's command.
Whimpering, you struggle to do his bidding as he fucks you on a faster tempo, your breasts bouncing each time his cock drives straight into you. "Wait--it's too hard to--"
Vyn slaps her ass cheek once again; the same one as he did previously, and the warm sting intensifies your pleasure. "The horse will not understand words. You should learn how to control your body and posture to communicate," he says in a clinical manner, as if he is not repeatedly driving his cock into you all the while. "If you fail to comprehend this simple statement, then there is a probability of you getting grievously injured should your horse become uncontrollable. Do you understand?"
"Vyn--" you cry out, not in agony, but with pure, unadulterated desire...
Oh god, I think I'm--
"Professor Richter to you, pet," Vyn looks up at you in a cold, detached manner, still fucking you relentlessly from underneath. "Well? Do you understand, or no?"
"Professor--haah--Richter," you repeat his words. Once again you struggle to follow his instructions: Flat lower back, chin straight ahead, having to endure his rough lovemaking to you all the while.
You finally manage, and when you do Vyn lets go of your hips, letting your thighs do the work of clinging to his hips as he does not let up with his thrusting.
"I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore..." you whimper, as you finally lose all control of yourself. It only takes a few strokes on your clit before you come undone around Vyn's cock. "A-aaah...!" you shout as second climax blooms violently from your loins to the rest of your body.
Shuddering, still in the throes of orgasm you pitch forward, with presence of mind enough to catch yourself before you collide into him. You claim his lips into a rough, heady kiss; tongues sliding against each other as the both of you fight for dominance, limbs tangled and hands roaming each other's bodies.
"Was that to your liking, Rosa," Vyn asks, panting heavily, lips red and throbbing, after he pulls away from your violent kissing. "Do you like that kind of play?"
You groan and pull him into another kiss, this time your hands roughly playing with his hair, savoring Vyn's moans and sighs as he moves and slides against you, during the deep, heavy, soul-claiming kiss.
"Yes," you finally answer as yourself pull away, enjoying the sight of Vyn so deliciously tousled, gold eyes misted with desire for you, and you alone.
"I like it. I like it so much. More. I want more." Your words come like a chant.
"Good," Vyn says with urgency. "Now, let me fuck you with abandon, my little Rosa," he mutters after licking his lips. "All fours, pet, and grab your headboard. I will show you how I ride hard."
You nervously swallow as you assume his requested position; your fingers gripping the top of your headboard hard.
And then it comes--Vyn grabs your waist and with one single motion buries his cock inside you to the hilt. His hands slide upward and around you, his hands grabbing your breasts as he fucks you hard, rails into you so hard enough that your entire upper body is driven against the headboard; the headboard slamming against the wall loudly with each of his strong thrust...
"Shit--Vyn, this is too rough!" you cry out. And that is the last coherent sentence that you can form as Vyn starts putting most of his incredible core strength behind each thrust. Once again you are confused if the hot, searing sensation being pounded into you is pain or pleasure but you do not care, you now derive your pleasure from your lover's moans, sighs, cries, and how he repeats your name, over and over and over, professing his deep love, loyalty and obsession for you every time he drives into you until he comes and spills his hot essence deep into you...
The next day
Once again you are in the riding hall, and Vyn leads you to the stables to pick a horse that you can practice with.
After picking a piebald Vyn helps you mount your ride with no issue. "Thanks Vyn," you say as you assume the straddle, taking your time with finding your center of gravity on the saddle as he had instructed earlier. Your hips rotate a few times as you try to have a feel of how you sit on the saddle.
Once you settle you turn to Vyn, only to see him staring intently at you, eyes boring holes but at the same time not noticing that you are calling for his attention.
"Vyn?" you wave at him a little. "Anything wrong?"
Vyn blinks a little, then shakes his head. "Ah, I am sorry, Rosa," he murmured.
"I will probably need to spend some time alone with you again after this," he said, looking a little bit annoyed at himself.
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juyeoniemyhoney · 3 years
make you feel my love
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Losing means nothing to Ishikawa when he has you.
pairing: ishikawa yuki x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
warnings: i don’t think there’s any!
word count: 2074 words
A/N: i honestly dont know who wants to read this but im just gonna post it anyways HAHA so here all you ishikawa simps pls enjoy<3
It all happens at once.
The noise— screams of all pitches and encouragements of all sorts, forming a raucous cacophony in the large gymnasium— halts almost immediately; like a vacuum has sucked it all up and the only thing that is left is an eerie stillness as everyone waits in antsy anticipation for the player to serve.
And then he is running up, throwing the ball great lengths into the air and jumping to meet it halfway, hitting the ball with such force and determination you can almost feel the impact yourself. The ball hurtles through the air and crosses the net with such speed you almost don't see it.
But the Japanese team does. Their libero, Yamamoto, crosses the court in a flash and bumps the ball up so high up it gives his teammates half a second to breathe before they are rushing to connect it, the setter, Sekita, tossing the ball higher in the air for Ishikawa to hit it.
The tall Brazilians loom over him like a curse, like bad karma, as determined as the Japanese are, but not nearly as desperate. Ishikawa does not mind them and he bravely hits the ball with as much strength as his worn out body allows him, sending every last bit of energy into this spike, hoping, praying, practically begging for it to work, for the ball to hit the other side of the court with such violence that the Brazilians would not be able to even react before it hits the floor.
The next thing you know, the ball hits the hands of the Brazilians and is spindling down towards the floor at breakneck speed. Yamamoto, Sekita and Ishikawa (when he lands), all throw themselves to the floor in a desperate bid to save it, to not let it touch the floor, to not let all their hard work be washed down into a drain. But to no avail.
The ball hits the floor with a resounding thud. The whistle blows and all at once, the Brazilian supporters leap from their seats and yell and scream and shout with unadulterated joy. Because they have won! They have won the game! And the Japanese have lost. The Japanese team and their supporters are quiet in the wake of their loss. You do not move, almost as if if you did, the bleachers would crack open, the earth beneath the gymnasium would cave in and you would be falling to the floor, through the soil and to the core of the earth.
The three men lift themselves up from the floor with the weight of defeat on their shoulders and their teammates pat their backs silently, looking solemn but trying to be as encouraging as possible. The team gathers at the end line of the court and another whistle blows, signalling both teams to bow. When Ishikawa's eyes hit the floor, so do the tears.
He cries in silent agony, somehow feeling like it is all his fault. He is the captain, he should have led them better than this. He is the ace, he should have been able to hit pass those blocks. He knew hitting hard was risky, he should have been more careful. He should have moved faster, reacted faster, gotten to the ball faster. He should have been sharper, more alert, better. He should have been better.
His teammates shed a few tears too, but not quite nearly as much as Ishikawa. It's unrelenting— his tears. It doesn't want to stop, even when Ishikawa roughly wipes at his eyes in frustration, desperately wanting the raw showing of emotion to stop. Everyone can see him cry in this moment and he hates it.
When Ishikawa and his team begin to move off the court, is when you break from your stunned daze. Quite frankly, you were shocked speechless. You knew Brazil was a tough opponent but your faith in your boys would always trump any form of doubt. You knew they could do it. You knew they would be able to do it. Until they didn't.
You do not see the tears from quite so far away, but when you do, you are ripping yourself from your seat with such great speed, the people around you jump in surprise. You do not care, you do not even really notice before you are sprinting down the stairs, leaping from each flight, ignoring the desperate calls of your best friend and the shocked expressions directed at you as you race to the exit of the court.
"Ishikawa Yuki!" you yell just in case you don't catch them in time. You know you could just call him or meet him at his house but you came as a surprise, and though you'd wish you could surprise him after his victory, you think that surprising him and being able to comfort him in his loss will mean just as much.
At the sound of your voice, his head whips around, eyes wide in shock as he desperately searches the people for your face, eyes glassy with unshed tears and vision slightly blurry. You jump off the rest of the stairs, running to him with flailing arms. And when Ishikawa sees you, you swear you see his lips pout, eyes glossing over as tears run down his face.
You grin and run to him and he drops everything, his water bottle, his towel, his jacket, everything, so that he can hold his arms open for you to run into and give him a big hug. And you do exactly that. You run straight into his arms, wrapping your arms around his torso and shoving your face into his chest, not caring at all that he is drenched in sweat (and possibly tears), not caring at all that almost the whole gymnasium full of people can see the two of you have such an intimate moment, not caring at all because Ishikawa Yuki, the love of your life, is in tears and you have to do everything in your power to stop that.
Ishikawa's arms wrap around you too, holding you so tight and dear to him, you swear the both of you stop breathing. And with you in his arms, he finally crumbles to the floor, tears spilling from his eyes and sobs escaping his throat in ugly, high-pitched hiccups. But he doesn't care, you don't care, he's safe as long as you're here.
"When did you get here? I thought you were only going to touchdown tomorrow," he whispers in between sobs, his shaking, swollen hand coming up to your hair and entangling his fingers with the strands messily. You pull away slightly and pull Ishikawa down so that your chin rests on his shoulder and he can bury his face into your neck, your hand coming up to his sweaty hair to run your fingers through the corse, tangled strands as Ishikawa continues to cry in your arms. This position is so incredibly uncomfortable. After all, Ishikawa is insanely tall and the top of your head doesn't even really reach his neck, and you're sure Ishikawa's back is going to hurt a little later but he doesn't seem to mind at all at the position change, indulging in you as he shoves his face into the crook of your neck, hot breaths that tickle your skin, coming out in pants as he struggles to control his sobs.
"I wanted to surprise you," you say with a fond smile, the hand that was idle on his back coming up to send a wave to his teammates when your eyes meet, even sending one to his coach, who just smiles bitterly at you. His teammates send you rueful smiles and thumbs-ups of approval before they make their way back to the locker rooms, leaving you and Ishikawa to continue embracing at the exit of the court.
Ishikawa lets out a tearful laugh, saying, "Well, I'm surprised alright. I was just thinking about you when you called my name. I almost thought I was seeing things.".
You laugh but do not reply, allowing a comfortable silence to take over as Ishikawa lets all his emotions out in the form of hot, regretful tears. Your hand continues to soothe him with pats and strokes to his back and your hand remains in his hair. Ishikawa's large hands fist your shirt at your waist as his tears and sweat seep into your shirt. You don't mind. Of course, if this were anyone else you would. But this is Ishikawa Yuki, and you love him more than anything else in this world.
"You played so well," you whisper after a while of silence. You can feel Ishikawa wanting to pull away from you but you do not allow him, knowing full well that he wants to pull away to argue with you, to debunk your words with his incessant humility, so you do not allow him. You do not allow him to deny himself the praise he very much deserves because he's worked hard for this, no matter the outcome, he and his teammates have worked his ass off for this, and the least you can do is praise him.
"Yuki, you played very well. Don't try and deny it," you say with a firm voice, hand on his head keeping his chin to your shoulder. At this, he finally laughs and you loosen your grip, allowing him to pull out of your embrace just enough for him to see your face.
His cheeks are tear-stained and his eyes are beginning to puff up with all his crying, red beginning to bloom at the corner of his eyes, slowly taking over the white. His smile is nothing short of breathtaking, swollen eyes and red lips curled up brilliantly, smile lines and the corners of his eyes creasing sweetly. You can't help but grin back when you see his smile, nose souring with endearment.
"You know me so well," he comments, fingers coming up to tuck strands of your hair behind your ear, fingers trailing down your jaw to your chin, tilting your face up just a little bit more. His fingers guide your head just slightly forward before he is meeting you halfway in a sweet kiss, grinning immediately after your lips meet his.
Ishikawa's eyes trace over your every feature, observing, remembering, ingraining; tracing over the curve of your eyes, the slope of your nose, the perk of your lips, the peak of your eyebrows, and the line of your jaw, fingers ghosting over each feature along with his eyes, all the while maintaining the smile on his lips.
Then, he is giving your forehead a sweet kiss before pulling out of your embrace fully, turning around to pick up the things he had dropped when you came running into his arms. He brushes off his jacket and drapes it across your shoulders, holding open the jacket for you to slip your arms into the sleeves, to which you do, before he is hooking the zip and zipping it all the way up to your chin.
In his mind, he laughs at the way you are dwarfed by his jacket. Your hands can barely be seen, only the tips of your fingers peeking out from the sleeves, and the jacket, where it usually ends at his hip, ends almost at your knees. Unconsciously, he smiles and has to physically restrain himself from pinching your cheeks.
After he zips up his jacket, he bends down to pick up his towel, draping it over his shoulder before he is bending down once again to pick up his water bottle, having set them down to help you put on his jacket. Then, without a word but with the largest, goofiest grin, he takes your hand in his and leads you out of the court and to the locker rooms in a comfortable silence, fingers intertwined with yours.
For a second there, he almost forgets that they lost the game and are not able to proceed to the quarter-finals. For a second there, he almost completely forgets about his regrets and anger and frustration. And it's all because of you. And of course, he is eternally grateful to you. After all, what on earth would he do without you? He would still be crying his ass off, that's what, though he would never admit it out loud. And it is because of this reason— though he would do it without a reason at all— that he kisses you a little longer, hugs you a little tighter, loves you a little more.
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realcube · 4 years
saying things they don’t mean during an argument
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thank you to anon for this request <3
characters ♡ msby black jackals (hinata, sakusa, atsumu, bokuto)
content warning ♡ angst, hurt to comfort, fluff, swearing, crying, adoption  (sakusa’s) & suffocation (?)
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kōtarō bokuto 
♡ you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest - you knew he was a bit boyish sometimes but you never expected him to be so childish in regards to a simple request
♡ ‘bokuto, i have so much on my plate!’ you cried, tightly gripping the sheets underneath you, ‘planning the wedding, going to work, doing almost every chore in this damn house and filing all our fucking taxes!’
♡ you momentarily paused to look at him, expecting a look of sympathy but instead getting an eyeroll which prompted you to continue, ‘and all i am asking for is you to run a few errands! that’s it! why are you so opposed? i thought you enjoyed grocery shopping?!’
♡ bokuto pulled his night-shirt over his head as he stormed to his side of the bed, ‘it’s not fun without you!’  he whined childishly, plopping himself down next to you and gasping when you had the audacity to shuffle away from him
♡ ‘it’s not supposed to be fun, bokuto!’ you yelled, completely fed-up with him at this point, ‘a few errands, that’s all i ask of you!’
♡ bokuto notices how your voice shook and your lashline glistened; he didn’t want you to cry so he begrudgingly gave it, but with a strong comment to go along with it so you knew that he really didn’t want to 
♡ 'fine! i don't need you anyway!'
♡ then proceeded to dramatically pull the duvet over himself and pout, averting his gaze to the wall opposite 
♡ in this context, he hoped that you’d understand his comment and not take him too seriously but since you were already on the verge of tears, this simply pushed you over the edge
♡ you buried your face in your hands and hid under the blanket in hopes he didn’t realise you were crying but his senses are just different when it comes to you so try stifle that sob all you want, he’s still going to hear it and he’s still going to instantly pull you into his arms while frantically apologising 
♡ ‘please don’t cry, (y/n)! i really didn’t mean it- i do need you! i love you so much, my life wouldn’t be the same without you! you do so much for me and i am so sorry for not showing you how grateful i am! like you’re so pretty and kind and talented and smart - only geniuses can do taxes - so i’m just so lucky to be with you and i can’t wait until we’re married. please, don’t leave!’
♡ eventually his praise slowly became pleas as he begged for you not to leave/hate him
♡ he does not want to lose you bc of a silly comment he made-
♡ eventually his endless pleas started to become more than background noise to your sobs, so you finally hugged him back, whispering, ‘i can’t wait to marry you too, kō.’
♡ this action lifted a massive weight off his chest and he let out an audible sigh of relief, his grip on you loosening, ‘mhm, and of course, i’ll run the errands, babe. i suppose, it’s the least i could do.’
♡ you hummed in agreement, glad that a part of your mental stress had been relieved, allowing you to finally relax in his arms and perhaps doze off in his loving embrace 
♡ ...
♡ ‘mm, you smell like marshmallows, (y/n)- can i add marshmallows to the shopping list?’
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kiyoomi sakusa
♡ he spoke as if you were making some crazy, otherworldly request but in reality, all you were asking was for him to take paternity leave to help you care for the baby 
♡ you’re not really a baby-expert so you thought that sakusa would be happy to stay home and learn how to care for the child with you - as a couple, as a team 
♡ but he was extremely opposed to the idea, spewing out a much of nonsense as to why he needs to go to work, but a part of believed that he just didn’t want to deal with his child - or maybe, he didn’t want to deal with you
♡ ‘sakusa, how do you expect me to raise a whole baby on my own! they need a lot of attention - i don’t think you understand how big of a commitment this is, you can’t treat it like a hobby!’ you cried, having long before burst into tears because your mind told you the worse - that he didn’t actually love you, he lied about wanting a kid, he lied when he said ‘i do’.
♡ usually during arguments when he notices that you’ve started to cry, he’ll drop everything he was doing to shuffle over to you and wrap you in arms, then whisper sweet-nothings into your ear until you feel better but today, he showed little consideration to your emotions as he continued pacing through the living room while you bawled your eyes out on the couch
♡ ‘i thought you loved (c/n)! you were so gentle around them but it turns out you’re not even willing to take a paternity leave to help take care of them!’
♡ ‘what happened to the man i married?’
♡ ‘kiyoomi, you need to revaluate yourse--’
♡ you wouldn’t allow him to get a word in, which was probably for the best considering he had nothing good to say 
♡ but you were forced to cut yourself off when heard the sound of shattering so you immediately search for the source of the noise and there stood sakusa, his hand resting on the decorative table in the place your framed wedding photo once was - now, it was laying smashed on the ground surrounded by it’s own glass shards
♡ he pushed it off like the petty bastard he was
♡ while you sat stunned, staring the mess he just voluntarily made, he quickly turned on his heel and strolled away at a leisurely pace, 'my life was a lot easier before you entered it.'
♡ that was the last you heard of it for the next three days - you were giving each other the silent treatment 
♡ you couldn’t have any sort of grain for three whole days bc they are all on the top shelf and you usually make him grab it for you but you refused to talk to him- 
♡ you were the first one to break it though as you noticed that he hadn’t went to work for the last three days and curiosity got the better of you 
♡ ‘kiyoomi.’ you called out to him from the kitchen but he didn’t even look up from his book - ‘parenting for dummies’ - causing you to scoff, ‘why aren’t you going to work? did something happen?’
♡ finally, he sighed and shifted his gaze off his book but only to shoot you demeaning look, as if you were stupid, ‘paternity leave, duh.’
♡ the corners of your lips twitched into a smile, which you quickly forced away when you recalled the events that occurred three days ago and the hurtful things he said, instinctively looking over at the decorative table to remind yourself of what he did 
♡ but to your surprise, the picture was no longer laying on the ground, pooling in shards of glass but rather, it sit on the table with a brand new frame - which had both of your initials engraved onto it along with the date of the ceremony
♡ you didn’t need to choke out an inquiry as sakusa noticed your stunned expression and answered on his own, ‘i bought a new frame. i hope you like it.’
♡ of course you liked it; this one was a chic black with silver decals which matched your living room aesthetic way better than the other, tacky blue one did - plus, this one was customised which made you love it even more
♡ ‘i do. i really do. but i don’t like your attitude lately.’ you muttered, shaking your head as you waddled over to the couch 
♡ sakusa was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you down next to him, ‘i’m sorry, love.’ his voice cracked slightly as he whispered in your ear, ‘i cannot put into words how much harder my life would be without you. i just..hope you understand.’
♡ it’s not that sakusa was bad with words; he was just too emotional and overwhelmed to produce a long, coherent sentiment for you so he just prayed that you recognized that everything he said on that day was meaningless
♡ ‘i love you, (y/n).’
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atsumu miya
♡ you rolled your eyes, ignoring him and continuing to type your essay until atsumu slammed your laptop closed
♡ ‘please, (y/n)! you know how much this means to me! i’ve been waiting for this festival for years!’
♡ you scoffed, folding your arms and patiently waiting for him to move his filthy hand off your laptop, ‘i do and i’m proud of you. but i have a lecture that day and my exams are just around the corner - and you know how much my education means to me.’
♡ atsumu had to take a moment to suppress a gag at how sickening and condescending your tone was, ‘it’s just one lecture, (y/n)! you’re not going to fail your exams because you missed one lectu--’
♡ ‘you don’t know that.’
♡ atsumu blinked twice, a unimpressed expression painted on his face as he let out a sigh, realising there was no possible way he’s going to be able to get through to you - i mean, he’s been trying for the last 20 minutes to no avail
♡ he ran his hand through his hairs, turning on his heel, heading towards the door and left
♡ but not before peering over his shoulder to shoot you a nasty glare and spitting, ‘you’re so selfish. you can’t even do one thing that’d make me happy - you never can.’
♡ that was the final thing he said to you for the next....20 minutes 
♡ that’s actually a new record for him - usually he storms out of the room, sulks for a minute or two then renters to beg for your forgiveness 
♡ but not today. he was so mad that he needed 20 whole minutes to cool down and come to his senses
♡ but once he did, when he came back into the room, he expected to see you typing your essay or studying as usual since his words don’t usually effect you too much 
♡ so of course he was shocked when he slipped back into your shared bedroom to see you with the duvet tossed over your whole figure, faint sobs coming from underneath 
♡ his immediate reaction was to pull the blanket away and offer himself as your source of heat, so he wrapped you in his muscular embrace, ‘b-babe.’ he stuttered, eyes-wide as he never would’ve thought you’d take his words seriously, ‘are you okay?’
♡ he knew that was a stupid question but he simply asked it to determine how sad you were - and considering you weren’t able to babble out a reply, that wasn’t a good sign
♡ ‘you’re not selfish.’ he reassured you while rubbing circles on your back, ‘if anything, i was being selfish- and nothing makes me as happy as you do, (y/n). i- i really didn’t mean it.’
♡ he paused only to place a kiss on the top of your head, ‘i love you- and to show you how much i love you..i’ll drop you off at your lecture on that day, and take you to the festival afterwards; does that sound good?’
♡ you were finally able to choke out a response but only to explain how unachievable his idea was, ‘my lecture finishes at 5 and the festival ends at 7, and there is a 45 minute drive between the two- you’re only going to be able to spend a little over an hour there.’
♡ ‘and i’ll have a blast in that time!’
♡ you sighed, your lips twitching into a small smile as you buried your face into his chest as you really couldn’t look him in the eye, ‘and why can’t you just go without me again?’ 
♡ ‘who the fuck am i going to play dance dance revolution against if you don’t come?’
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shōyo hinata 
♡ you crossed your arms over your chest, internally regretting ever opening your mouth to try calm down fiancé as now, not only is he even more angry, but also most of his anger with now directed at you rather than manager, like it was previously 
♡ eventually, you started to develop a headache from all his screaming and shouting so you politely asked him to calm down, to which he replied, ‘calm down?! you’re the one who made me mad with your rude-ass comment and now you’re telling me to calm down?!’
♡ you preferred it when he was demanding for you to say ‘butt’ instead of ‘ass’ because now that’s he spent more time with bokuto, he’s started swearing more often and to be honest, it’s scary when a 5″4 ginger sunshine is yelling at you, calling you a ‘rude-ass’
♡ ‘shōyō, if i’m completely honest, i have no idea why what i said was so mean and i have no idea what’s going on- why are you so mad at your manager?’
♡ suddenly, he twisted his neck to look at you as if you had just been possessed, ‘what?’ he inquired in a hushed tone, his voice hoarse and oddly sinister  
♡ you quirked a brow, too tired of his constant bitching to pay attention to his tone of voice, ‘yeah, you speak too fast, shōyō.’ you said with a shrug, checking your nails to ensure that he knew that you truly did not care about how he scowled at you, ‘plus, i just don’t understand why this gets you so worked up - i try, i really do, but i guess your volleyball problems just go over my head.’
♡ hinata clenched his fist, realising that he wasn’t going to make any progress by complaining to you. he whipped his head away before storming off, not even sparing you a final glance, ‘you just don’t get it; you don’t understand anything i say and you don’t even make a fucking effort! you just think you are so much better than everyone - well, you’re not! try coming back down to reality with the rest of us, and then we can talk.’
♡ followed by a slam of the door which rattled through the whole apartment
♡ you really had never seen hinata so angry before in your 6 years of being together 
♡ the words he said were far from pleasant and a part of you wondered in he genuinely meant them, perhaps he had been supressing those thoughts for ages and now that he was finally mad, he could let it all out
♡ though you tried to reassure yourself that everyone says things they don’t mean when they are angry, but the tears started flowing on their own
♡ hinata didn’t plan on seeing you for another few hours as he had the idea of heading over to bokuto’s, have a drink and cool down but when he hopped out the shower, he realised he had left his phone in the bedroom - where he left you. 
♡ begrudgingly, he slid into the room with the intention of grabbing his phone then leaving but that went to shit when he noticed that you were bundled up under the blankets, and he could hear distant sniffles coming from underneath
♡ and hinata only has four moods: mad asf, happy asf, loving you & volleyball...asf
♡ so upon seeing you in such a state, presumably because of what he said, elicited his mood to change from ‘mad asf’ to ‘loving you’ 
♡ he pounced on you, causing you to fall sideways and squeal but he simply did not give a fuck
♡ ‘baby! i am so sorry! i didn’t think what i said would make you cry!’ he blubbered, or at least, that’s what it sounded like since you couldn’t actually see him due to the fact he had trapped you under the blankets, ‘i don’t know why i even said that! you’re not like that at all- i don’t think of you like that!’
♡ he paid little regard for your pleas of mercy as you squirmed frantically under the blanket, trying to escape his grip and body weight. he simply continued babbling on about how sorry he was and how amazing you are, ‘you are down here with the rest of us - i just said for no reason. please don’t be mad! you are - what does bokuto call it again? - oh! a humble--’
♡ ‘shōyō! i’ll forgive you if you get off me right now - i can hardly breathe!’
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
The one where Damiano leaves for tour
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Description | Damiano is leaving but before he does, he is sure to give you one last taste of himself.
Content | Smut - filthy, filthy smut
Pairing | Damiano x fem!Reader
Word Count | 2123
Taglist | @mywritingonlyfans @ethaneskin @ginny-lily @tabi-toast @mnskin @ohtorchio
You were awoken by a harsh slap to your bare butt. Your first instinct was to sit up but you soon realised that wasn't going to happen - you were lying on your front with your hands tied behind your back. Looking to your right you immediately found the culprit.
Damiano was standing next to the bed, completely naked, staring down at you with a dangerous smirk on his face. How on earth had the bastard managed to do that to you while you were asleep? You didn't even consider yourself a heavy sleeper, so this was rather impressive. Then again, you didn't really feel like complaining. There was something dangerous, something exciting about Damiano deciding to be the dominant one for once.
"Good morning, bellezza. Hope you're well-rested."
"Don't you have a bus to catch?" You challenged. You knew he had gained the upper hand long ago - in fact, he had done so the very moment he had decided to eliminate the use of your arms - but neither of you minded the little game.
"Oh, I do. Which is why you have very little time to make sure I remember you and your sweet body while I tour all over Europe for the next two weeks."
"And how exactly do you expect me to do that?"
Damiano didn't answer as he stared down at you. Instead, he slowly let his hand travel down his body, purposely putting on a show the way he sometimes did on stage, before grasping his cock and giving himself a few strokes. You tried wriggling in your restraints to no avail. It bothered you that he was standing next to you in all his naked glory while you were still clad in the shirt you slept in and a pair of skimpy panties. You were dying to touch him, run your hands over his skin, kiss where he needed you most, but he had other plans.
In slow, calculated moves, he started walking around the bed, vanishing from your field of vision. You desperately tried to turn around to catch a glimpse of what he was doing, but the silk rope around your wrists had you moving clumsily and without proper direction. As much as you wanted to hate it, you couldn't deny the excitement that came with it. The restraint, the fact that you didn't know what was coming. So naturally, it caught you off guard when another slap landed on your bum. Your gasp was quickly replaced by a quiet moan as both of his hands started squeezing the soft flesh of your buttocks, massaging them roughly. You could feel him push your panties upward to expose more of your skin, but it only ended up giving you delicious friction between your thighs as the fabric slid up your pussy. It was beyond you how he had gotten you so turned on so quickly.
"Don't you dare be quiet," he suddenly said from behind you. You could feel the mattress dip as he moved onto the bed, straddling your legs, his bare skin touching yours. "I want to hear every moan load and clear, understood?"
You barely whimpered out a yes when you felt his cock hard and heavy, resting on your butt. Your fingers were dying to reach for him, touch him, feel the weight of him in your palm, stroke him the way you knew he liked, but you had no choice. You were at his mercy, awaiting whatever he was planning to do with you.
Damiano's fingers trailed between your legs, softly rubbing your slit over your underwear and you were certain that a wet patch was forming rapidly. You craved more, a more intimate touch, more skin, a deeper feeling, but before you could even consider voicing your thoughts, he backed off. He started leaning over you, careful not to put too much of his weight on you, until his mouth was next to your ear.
"Enjoy it while you can because I'm not letting you come any time soon."
His low voice sent shivers down your spine, just as his movements did when his cock started rubbing on your behind. A whimper escaped your lips, the anticipation becoming too much. He got onto his knees, roughly pulling you up by your waist until your butt was sticking up in the air. Your attempts to hold yourself up were futile and your face was pressed into the mattress below you. This new position left you with even less of a chance to control your own body, leaving him to decide all your movements as your face was roughly rubbing against the sheets. You couldn't deny it - this was hot.
Damiano kicked your knees apart to make some space for himself as he slid his cock in between your legs and up against your pussy, before he started moving. Every thrusting motion seemed to be accompanied by a light slap to your flesh and you found yourself jerking forward every time his cock brushed against your clit through the fabric of your underwear. You couldn't contain your moans even if you had tried.
Suddenly his hand grasped your hair in a tight ponytail, yanking you upwards, his other hand quick to support your upper body as it left the mattress until you were seated on his lap. He was relentlessly thrusting up at you, your legs situated on either side of his. You were quickly turning into a sweaty mess, heat erupting from every pore of your body, especially knowing that Damiano was not going to let your release any time soon. His mouth was too close to your ear and his groans were sending you on another high, getting you closer and more worked up but never quite enough.
His hand wound himself around your front, lightly grasping at your throat, applying just enough pressure to take away your breath for a second at a time. You loved the feel of his fingers on you.
"I think I should leave you with a few souvenirs before I go just so you don't forget who you belong to."
His mouth was now attached to your neck, sucking and biting and unquestionably leaving an array of marks on you. You desperately wanted to bury your hands in his hair, pull on it, push him towards you, but your wrists were still bound, trapping your arms between the both of you. Usually, you'd tell him off, mad that he would mark you in places so hard to hide, but you wouldn't see him for two weeks. For once, he was allowed to do as he pleased. Your fingers started gingerly touching his belly, the only thing you could reach, but it wasn't enough.
His lips and teeth were still working their magic when his hands grasped onto your breasts. He easily found your nipples through the fabric of your shirt, giving little pinches before soothing them over with the palm of his hand. You were positively losing your mind, hot flashes running through you with every move he made. Every pinch had you gasping and shaking in his arms. He was touching you too much and not enough all at the same time. If only he would finally get you naked.
Your wishes were not heard - or simply ignored. Damiano noticed you getting increasingly restless though and in one sweeping motion, he had pushed you off his lap and let go of your completely. A coldness enveloped your sweaty skin immediately, leaving you in shivers.
"Turn around so I can see your face."
It felt clumsy, staying on your knees and shuffling around, but Damiano didn't seem to mind. Upon finally seeing his face again, you realised just how into this he was and judging from your situation, you couldn't blame him. His face already looked positively fucked out. Eyes dark and hooded, lips puffed from the treatment he had been giving your neck, hair all over the place. He had never looked more gorgeous to you and it filled you with a sense of pride knowing that only you could put him into this state. Your eyes wandered down his body, taking in every single one of his features and tattoos, before landing on his cock. He was impossibly hard.
Damiano came closer to you, your head now at cock-level, and it was painfully obvious where he wanted you. You didn't hesitate. Looking up at him through your lashes you willingly opened your mouth, an obvious sign of consent in anticipation of his next move. He didn't hesitate either, guiding his hard flesh between your lips. His groan sounded like music to your ears.
You eagerly sucked him, giving him everything you had, letting go and letting your tongue run up and down his shaft before swallowing him again. Damiano's hand wandered into your hair once more, carefully pushing you further onto him. Your eyes met his for a moment, telling him everything he needed to know, telling him you were willing to get him there. You ceased your movements, opening wide and let him take over. His hand was guiding your head as he thrust into your mouth, pushing his cock in deeper than before, making you deepthroat him. Tears were forming in the corners of your eyes from the intrusion and the strain and yet you had never felt sexier in your life. His other hand quickly caught a single drop that escaped, softly stroking your cheek as he continued to move into you. You pushed your thighs together as tightly as possible, chasing some sort of friction, clenching around nothing, but it just wasn't enough.
You knew he was close, aware of all the little signs you had grown to love so much in the time you had been with him. The way his movements became more irregular, the specific kind of high-pitched moans escaping his mouth, the way his eyes fluttered closed even when he tried to keep them open. You prepared yourself for his orgasm, willing to ride him through it, but he had other plans.
You were already embracing his impeding high, but he wrecked himself away from your mouth, roughly grabbing your shirt and pushing it upwards over your breasts. You arched towards him as he stroked himself two, three more times before finishing on you.
"Fuck," he groaned, eyes closed as relief and euphoria seeped through his veins. You felt like dying. Seeing him finish, and on your breasts nonetheless, had gotten you so wet, you were convinced your panties were completely soaked through at this point. As he opened his eyes again, he smirked down at you. You were aching all over, both from the position you were in and the fact that you still hadn't gotten any release.
In a quick move, Damiano grabbed your legs, shifting you from kneeling to sitting on the edge of the bed. As he knelt down between your legs, you were ready to transcend to heaven - or into a mindblowing orgasm, whichever came first. He placed hot, wet kisses along the inside of your calves, your thighs, getting closer to where you needed him most, spreading your legs, finally reaching your pussy.
His sneer didn't promise anything good. He slowly dragged your panties down your legs, fingers grazing your skin and leaving trails of goosebumps. You could see the massive wet patch as he held the fabric in his hands.
Then he stood up. Threw your underwear into his bag. And started dressing.
"Damiano, what the fuck?!"
This was unbelievable. Would he seriously go and leave now? Surely not, right? You were literally sitting on your bed, hands still tied, your wetness now probably dripping down onto the sheets, your breasts still covered in his fluids, and he was calmly putting on his clothes.
"Right, I gotta go," he said, nonchalantly, as if this was completely normal and not borderline insane. He moved around you to untie your hands, put a quick kiss to your mouth, and you briefly considered slapping him.
"No, no way you're doing this to me," you protested, trying to get up but failing, your legs still shaky. "You are not going to turn me on like this, use me, come on me and then leave?!"
"Well, I'm very sorry, bellezza." He didn't sound sorry at all. "But the bus is waiting and I've got a tour to go on."
Damiano walked away from you, just briefly stopping in the doorway to turn back towards you one more time.
"Oh, and remember the rules. No touching yourself while I'm away unless you're on the phone to me. I'll call you tonight. Maybe. And thanks for the souvenir."
You had never hated your boyfriend more.
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ventismommy · 3 years
You’d always pictured mermen as...bigger.
The merman who tumbled out of your net now was a little shorter than you in terms of height- height? Length? You weren’t sure of the correct terminology. He had dark blue hair, with two lighter sections in the front pulled into braids and adorned with little seashell beads. His tail was a vibrant teal, with gossamer fins that seemed to stir in the wind...if anything, his tail looked like that of an angelfish. As he shook his head like a disoriented puppy, you couldn’t help but smile softly...he was quite cute.
You bent over him a little bit with a teasing smile, pulling a piece of seaweed off of his face. “Now what’s a cute little thing like you doing in my net, hmm?”
The little merman just giggled, a little “ehe!” That made you smile even wider. “Sorry! Didn’t mean to ruin your catch. The name’s Venti!” He gave a little stretch and a yawn too, his fins flapping a bit with him and a little pink tongue poking out as he yawned. “I was just heading for those rocks over there to sing.”
“Sing, hmmm?” You asked as a wicked idea started to form in your head. Without much warning, you reached down to scoop him up, and he giggled again, this time out of surprise. “Well, no need to go all the way over to those rocks! Why not sing for me, hmm? Here, let me show you to my cabin~”
Venti seemed to know what your intentions were if the little gleam in his eye was anything to go by, but he didn’t say anything, only happily wrapped his arms around your neck as you carried him to your quarters belowdecks. “Alright, I suppose I could give a private show of sorts!” He chirped, already humming a little tune to himself while you opened the door and set him gently on the bed, not even minding that he was still damp with seawater. If you’d gotten the right impression from him, a little saltwater would be the least of the messes on your blanket by the end of the night.
You settled yourself behind him under the guise of giving him something to lean against, and the merman turned out to be quite the little perv, immediately turning his head to give you a cheeky little wink. You grinned right back at him and oh-so-subtly threw an arm around his waist to help him lean back against your chest. “Now, go on- I’m most curious to hear this song,” you teased. Venti only smiled again and cleared his throat before starting to sing.
His voice was truly heavenly, clear and bright as a bell. It really made you wonder what it’d sound like under...different context. And yes, true, curiosity killed the cat, as they say, but satisfaction brought it back...
Your hands wandered up his torso “innocently”, seemingly just helping to steady him- until, of course, your thumbs brushed over those little pink nipples, and he gasped mid-verse. Though you couldn’t see it, his face instantly flushed a little pink, and he squirmed a bit, stopping his song for a moment. But you were having none of that, and ran your fingers over his chest again, circling his nipples again with your finger and a featherlight touch. He gasped again, an adorable little sound, and stiffened a bit, even as you pulled him boldly into your lap.
“No no, go on...sing for me.”
He squirmed again, about to start once more when you gently stroked over his tummy with your hands, trailing them back upwards and pinching at his nipples lightly. That made him let out a little breathy cry, and he shook his head. “I c-can’t- if you’re gonna-ah-“
You chuckled, only continuing your ministrations and relishing in each little gasp and sound. “Awww, that’s okay- I can make you sing for me a different way if you want~”
Though the question seemed teasing, you waited with bated breath to make sure this was indeed what he wanted, and nearly sighed in relief when he managed a high pitched, quick little “yes, please-“
Your hands trailed downwards towards the edge where his scales met skin. “Now I’m not quite sure how this works-“ you started to say, but just as soon as you did, you became transfixed by the fact that his scales were slowly rippling down his body, stopping at his mid thigh, and there, where there had been scales, was the start of two human legs, and a cute little cock already half hard and flushed.
Squealing internally at how cute he was squirming around on your lap, you reached down to stroke over the head of his cock, and the end of his tail gave a wild little flick in response to go with his adorable, whiny little gasp. “Is this all from me? Just from teasing that pretty chest of yours?~”
Venti managed a whimper and a nod, and bucked up into your hand a bit, already chasing that pleasure desperately. You smiled into the crook of his neck where you nuzzled your face into. Biting down on the soft skin of his neck a little bit, you couldn’t help but give in to the needy little buck of his hips, sliding your hand down around him. “Awww~ it’s so cute~” you cooed as your hand stroked up and down his cock. Venti let his head fall back against your shoulder and turned his face into your neck, as if flustered by your praise- but he still bit his lip to muffle the little sounds coming from his throat.
You weren’t having that- quickly and carefully you lifted him to lay him on his back on the bed, towering over him a bit as you resumed the steady pace of your hand around his cock. “Don’t hide those pretty sounds from me now~ I wanted to hear you sing, remember? Moan for me, pretty boy.”
It seemed that was all it took to break his resolve, and a desperate little whine poured out of his mouth. His tail still flicked around wildly as you stroked him, so your free hand reached down to hold it still, rubbing comforting circles into it. His moans are so cute- high pitched and breathy and desperate in a way that made your heart seize up a bit. He squirmed restlessly underneath you as if searching for something more, something better. And, having a feeling you knew what it was, you gently slid a hand under where his knees would be were he human. “Can you pull your tail up for me, angel?”
He did so obediently, another whine pushing its way up his throat. The hand that had been holding his tail moved up to circle a finger around his little hole, cooing over how cute he was when he thrashed in response. “Y-Yes, yes, to-touch me there!” He whimpered.
You giggled at him, leaning down to kiss his cheeks. “Alright, alright- there, you say?” You asked with a teasing tone, running a finger over his tip to collect the precum beading at his tip and smearing it over his hole. “Don’t worry, I will. I promise.”
He didn’t have time to respond before you’re sliding in the first finger, as carefully and gently as possible. His whine as you searched for his prostate is long and drawn out, but it stops abruptly when you find it and is replaced by a moan, his hips jumping up a bit in response. “Does that feel good, angel?” You murmured, bending down by his ear and covering his neck in kisses and bites. He nodded feverishly and moans again in response, the moan only getting louder when you slip a second finger in. The stretch stings, but he can’t deny that it feels good- so good.
God, he truly was adorable- squirming all over and moaning for you, his eyes shut tight and his lips swollen a bit from him biting them. You just couldn’t resist leaning down and kissing him gently, nudging his nose up with yours for better access. His lips were so soft, and you delighted in catching his little whimpers with your kiss- if the way he kissed you back was any indication, he quite enjoyed it as well.
When your thumb ran over his leaking tip at the same moment that your fingers pressed right into the perfect spot, his back arched sharply and he whined, a loud, adorable little sound. He was trembling now- you couldn’t help feeling bad for him, so you settled in next to him in a way that let you cradle him into your chest while he thrashed weakly. His mouth hung open now, stunned from all the pleasure.
“S-S-So- go-good-“ he moaned almost sleepily, like he was drunk off of the feeling you were giving him. You chuckled and nuzzled his neck a bit. “Good, angel, I’m glad it feels good.” He leaned into your touch in response, his eyes half opening for just a moment to give you a pleading look.
Your heart just melted at that, and you nodded, kissing at his neck while you sped up the pace of your hands. His hips twisted in pleasure and nearly lifted off the bed- he was close, you could tell. “What a cutie,” you murmured as he squirmed and whimpered. Venti turned his head in your embrace, burying his face in your shoulder as his hips jumped upward a bit once again. “H-Hah- cl-close, m’ clo-ose-“ he keened weakly, and you hummed in response, kissing the part of his cheek that you could reach. Working your hand faster, you paid special attention to the spots he liked as you stroked him, and it paid off, each movement pulling another little whimper from the adorable merman.
And then, he gasped, losing his breath. With a loud moan, he came, spilling over your hand and wriggling around like it was too much for him. “Good boy,” you purred, nudging his face out of your shoulder so you could press kisses to it. He whined softly, a tiny little smile gracing his face. And then, he opened those teal blue eyes, and met your gaze.
You had a feeling this little merman was going to be absolutely insatiable.
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xutokawa · 4 years
I really love your s/o finding scratch marks, so I was wondering if you can do one for Bokuto & Hinata- if not Hinata you can do Akaashi uwu please crush my soul ~🥝
pairings: akaashi x reader, hinata x reader
genre(s): fluff to angst, cheating
warnings: langauge, cheating
wc: 2.4k
» masterlist
a/n: anon!! tysm for this request hehe. sorry it took so long to write :( but I hope you enjoy!! since i already wrote one for bokuto, it’s just hinata and akaashi in this one! also tysm guys for 400 followers!?!!??! i def don’t deserve it since i barely post oops but i still can’t be grateful enough for your support!
atsumu and oikawa ver.
osamu and iwazumi ver.
kuroo and sakusa ver.
suna and bokuto ver.
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Excitement bubbled in your stomach as you checked your appearance in the mirror. 
“How do I look?” you teasingly asked your boyfriend. Looking up from his phone, his face immediately formed into a smile.
“Ethereal,” Akaashi replied, taking in your appearance. You giggle as you walked over to where he was sitting on your shared bed, wrapping your arms around his waist, snuggling into his chest. His scent filled your nostrils as you felt his hand reach up to smooth your hair. Warmth spread through your body. 
“You ready to go then?” Akaashi asked you.
“Ready when you are,” you replied, tilting your head to meet his gaze. His eyes filled with adoration.
“Let’s go then.”
The two of you were seated in a nice cafe, hunger satiated as the two of you talked. Your conversations were filled with smiles and laughter. Yet Akaashi’s smiles never seemed to truly reach his eyes. How could they when nothing but guilt filled his mind, when evidence of a drunken escapade was marked on his body?
Akaashi had noticed your intense gaze on his neck, shifting uncomfortably. Panic and dread rose to his throat at the thought of there being a hickey on his neck from the night before. Despite checking in the mirror countless times, he still couldn’t help but feel panicked at the thought of missing one.
“Is everything okay, y/n?” Akaashi tentatively asked, rubbing his hand over his neck. Snapped out of your trance, you meet his eyes before laughing it off.
“Yeah, just zoning out,” you tried to laugh off. You couldn’t shake it from your head. That couldn’t have been a hickey. Even if it was, Akaashi wouldn’t be so careless to not cover it, right? Unless he wanted you to see it. Tears pricked at your eyes. You quickly excused yourself to the bathroom, not wanting Akaashi to see your tears. 
As soon as you left his sight, Akaashi hurriedly checked his camera on his phone to see what you were staring at. Sure enough, a purple splotch was peeking out from underneath his shirt. Akaashi cursed as he wracked his mind with what to do. All he could come up with was pulling his shirt collar to one side.
His heart hammered in his chest. Would you break up with him when you came out of the bathroom? He felt his heart crumble at the thought of you leaving him. Akaashi was hoping he would eventually forget about his mistake and move on with his life with you. He just wanted to move onto the moment he got down on one knee, the moment the two of you would buy a house for the first time, the moment you held your children in your arms. He just needed to get past this moment.
He knew as soon as he saw you walk out of the bathroom. Your red eyes and blotchy cheeks gave it away. You saw, and now you knew how shitty of a person he was.
Silence enveloped the two of you as you sat back down.
“So you saw,” Akaashi confirmed. All you could do was nod in response.
“Wh-what do you want to do now?” Akaashi choked out. He truly didn’t want to lose you. It was like living in a nightmare, but the most he could do now was respect your wishes.
“I-” you started off, taking a breath before continuing, “I want to go back to the apartment.”
Akaashi silently nodded in understanding before gathering his things and leaving to pay. You buried your face in your hands, not fully grasping the situation at hand. Why was he acting so guilty? This was Akaashi, your boyfriend since your third year at high school. Never once did you doubt the love you held for each other during your relationship. 
“C’mon, y/n, let’s go,” Akaashi said, tentatively reaching his hand out to you. You debated whether or not you should take it, still unsure of everything going on. Finally, you gave him, letting his long fingers intertwined with yours. You almost wanted to laugh at how easily your unease washed away at his touch, how you immediately felt comforted, when the man who made you feel this way had traces of another on his skin. 
The two of you drove in silence, neither one of you sure of what to say in this situation. Confusion swarmed Akaashi’s mind. You obviously saw the hickey on his neck, yet you weren’t lashing out, demanding to break up with him. Yet he could see you were visibly troubled, your history and past with him getting in the way of your rationality. Guilt and shame pooled in Akaashi’s stomach. He shouldn’t be using his familiarity with you as a way to keep you with him. He was unfaithful, and deserved all the consequences. He knew that, no matter how heart wrenching it was to have you leave him.
Silence continued to envelop the two of you as you walked up to your shared apartment. As soon as you entered the threshold of your home, Akaashi attempted to start some sort of conversation.
“Y/n, I think we need-” Akaashi attempted to start.
“Baby, I’m really tired, can this wait till after I take a nap,” you cut him off. Maybe if you continued to pretend you saw nothing, that this was just another day, everything would be okay. You and Akaashi would be okay.
“You can’t just ignore what just happened, y/n!” Akaashi reasoned. Your detachment from the situation honestly scared him a bit. He would’ve expected you to demand him to move out, maybe even a smack across the face, but your reaction was unexpected and unsettling.
“Nothing’s wrong, Akaashi,” you said, tears beginning to pool, “I still love you, and you love me, right?” 
“Y/n-” Akaashi started, “of course I love you, which is why I can’t stand to see you like this! I fucking cheated on you! I don’t deserve your love! You shouldn’t be forgiving me! I don’t deserve you anymore!”
Tears began streaming down your face at his words.
“No, no no no, Akaashi, no! We’re supposed to be together! You wouldn’t hurt me like that, Akaashi, you love me too much to do that to me!” You tried to reason. Deep down, you knew. Even if the two of you somehow got past this moment, new insecurities from this moment would arise. Your relationship would never be the same.
“Y/n! Get it through your fucking head! I cheated on you! I’m a fucking scumbag who forgot how fucking amazing you are! I’m the asshole here! You can’t just forgive me like this! How are you going to forgive me when I’m never going to forgive myself?!” Akaashi’s voice broke at the end.
“Akaashi, stop it! There’s no proof!” You yelled back, not wanting reality to hit. Your eyes widened when Akaashi moved to pull his shirt over his head.
“Is this proof enough?” Akaashi started, “What will it take for you to realize? Did you want me to call them up? Have them tell you? Y/n, please, don’t put yourself through this! Fucking wake up and realize!”
You collapsed to the ground, sobbing as you took in his appearance. Hickeys littered his neck and chest, red scratches on his shoulders. It finally hit you. Akaashi cheated on you. He left you for another. 
“Why? Why did you have to ruin this, Akaashi!” you yelled, “was this not enough?”
“I don’t know, y/n,” Akaashi began breaking down, “I regret all of it. I would give anything to turn the clock back, but I can’t! This is reality, and we both have to face it whether we like it or not!”
Pain flared in Akaashi’s chest as your eyes met his. He watched as the love you held for him slowly dissolved from your eyes. His heart fell into pieces as you walked into your shared bedroom, only to emerge moments later with a small duffle bag. He recognized it. It was the duffle bag you used when the two of you took trips. You were leaving.
Tears freely flowed down Akaashi’s face as you wordlessly brushed past him, nothing sounding in the room except your hiccups. 
“Y/n,” Akaashi started, “where are you going?”
“Away,” you replied, giving no other explanation. The coldness and sadness in your voice sent knives into Akaashi’s heart, but it’s what he deserved. He couldn’t beg for your love again, or have the right to yearn for your warm embrace. He’s the one who ruined everything, so Akaashi could do nothing but helplessly watch you walk away from him, leaving him alone in a cold apartment.
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“Y/n~” Your boyfriend whined, plopping his head into your lap. Your hand instinctively went to comb through his orange hair.
“What’s up?” You replied, not looking up from your phone screen. Your eyes finally met his, however, when he pushed away your hands, forcing you to look at him. One look at his pleading eyes was all it took for your heart to melt.
“Can we please go out today? The weather looks so nice,” Hinata pleaded, “Don’t you want to go to the beach?”
“But I just want to watch Netflix,” you whined.
“C’mon, baby. Please?” Hinata looked at you, bottom lip sticking out, “Let’s go outside and enjoy the sun! We can buy ice cream!”
You hesitated for a second.
“Ice cream and smoothies,” you said, “and we go to the mall tomorrow.”
Hinata sent you the brightest smile.
“Ugh, y/n, I love you so much,” Hinata mumbled out around a mouthful of ice cream. Giggling, you wiped the corner of his mouth.
“I love you too, baby,” you cooed back, heart swelling at the sight of his smile. Hinata didn’t understand how you still managed to give him butterflies after five years of dating, but he wasn’t complaining. The way your eyes crinkled and your nose scrunched when you laughed made him feel warm inside, and he wouldn’t trade you for the world.
“You know, I’ve been thinking a lot, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life like this with you,” you said, eyes shining with adoration as you looked at your boyfriend. The amount of love you held for the spiker in front of you was unexplainable. All you knew is he made you feel like you were on top of the world, the only thing that mattered to him.
Gasping dramatically, Hinata replied, “That’s insane, because I’ve been thinking that too!”
“Stop teasing me,” you laughed off. Hinata’s chuckles blended with yours. The spiker’s joy was cut off as guilt began rising in his stomach. Of course he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. You were his everything, the reason he felt like he could breathe easier, the reason everything in his world was so bright. But he knew he wasn’t faithful during your relationship. Hinata didn’t even know how it happened. All he remembered was waking up in a hotel room, his legs tangled with another’s. He remembered the feeling of his stomach plummeting to his feet once he saw the mangled marks on his back.
Hinata was pulled out of his thoughts by your voice.
“Is that Bokuto?” You questioned, gaze pointed at the sandy beach. Sure enough, the wing spiker along with Atsumu were there, standing on opposite sides of a volleyball net.
“Yeah, Kageyama and Hoshiumi are there too!” Hinata excitedly pointed out, already walking towards the volleyball match. You recognized a couple of other players standing around the area.
Hinata bounded towards them, yelling out, asking if he could join. You laughed as you watched him immediately settle into a disagreement with Kageyama before he came running back towards you.
“Y/n!” Hinata panted out, “I know this was supposed to be a date, but do you mind if I play a couple matches?”
You giggled as you saw the excitement shining in his eyes. 
“It’s no problem, I’ll just go shopping around the boardwalk! Call me when you’re done, but don’t play for too long,” you said, giving him a peck on the cheek.
“Yes! You’re the best! I love you,” Hinata said as he enveloped you in a hug before taking his shirt off and running back to the volleyball net. Your eyes immediately fell on his shoulders. 
“Shoyo, what’s on your back?”
Hinata stopped in his tracks as his stomach fell to his feet. He had completely forgotten about the evidence of his infidelity on his back. The prospect of playing beach volleyball with his friends overtook his rationality, and now he was paying the price for it. He whipped around, eyes now wide, panic replacing the excitement that was there moments before. The hurt swimming in your eyes was enough to make his heart shatter.
“Y/n, I-” Hinata breathed out, unable to form a complete sentence. The spiker felt his knees go weak as he watched you turn around and walk away from him, shoulders shaking. It wasn’t until he heard you say, ‘I won’t be going back to the apartment tonight, don’t wait up’ that he scrambled for his shirt, shoving it over his head as he attempted to catch up to you.
“Y/n, please wait! Let me explain-” Hinata ran after you. He stopped in his tracks, eyes wide, when you turned around. Nothing but hurt blazed in your eyes as you looked him in the eyes.
“Explain what, Hinata? Did you want to go into detail about how you fucked someone else? Was simply cheating on me not enough? You don’t get to hurt me more than you already have,” you spewed back at him, venom laced in your words. Hinata’s face crumpled into sobs.
“No, y/n, that’s not it at all. I never wanted to hurt you, not ever! I’m so pathetic! I can’t even remember how it happened. It never should have happened, I can’t lose you like this,” Hinata sobbed, falling to his knees at your feet. The thought of losing you sent Hinata’s mind into a panic. His hands scrambled to find yours, clasping to them for dear life. You scoffed at his actions.
“Get up,” you said, looking away from his figure. Hinata hopefully looked up, hoping you would give him the chance to make it up to you. His hopes were shattered, however, when he met your eyes. Instead of the care and affection he was hoping to see, he was met with nothing but embarrassment and putrid hate.
“You’re making a scene. People are staring,” you said, looking around you, “I told you, I’m not going back to the apartment tonight. I’ll grab my stuff later.”
“I’m sorry,” Hinata choked out, “I’m so sorry for everything. Please, you deserve better. Someone who won’t forget what he has in front of him. Someone who will cradle your heart and give you everything you deserve. I love you, y/n. I’m so sorry.”
“I wish I could believe you when you say ‘I love you’, but we both know it’s not true at this point. No loving boyfriend would cheat,” you said lowly, energy drained from the situation.
“No, y/n. Please, if anything, trust that I love you with all of my being, and I would do anything to try and fix this. I can’t imagine my life without you, let me fix this!” Hinata sobbed.
“You should’ve thought about that before you ruined everything,” you said as you looked into his eyes. Tears pooled in both of your eyes. The hurt and regret was evident on the spiker’s face, but you couldn’t give in.
“Goodbye, Hinata.”
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darthkruge · 3 years
hello lovely!! i’ve been getting back into star wars lately and i’ve been loving your fics!! and i was wondering if i could make a request?? sort of like,, anakin but he doesn’t turn to the dark side type thing?? like he maybe confesses he’s scared to lose you and you help him through it?? maybe obi wan helps out?? honestly you can take it however you want :)) ty ty
anakin skywalker x reader || rewritten
summary || a rots fix it fic where i take many liberties and give anakin a support system + everyone gets better communication and we think about how it would perhaps end differently
warnings || hella canon divergence, angst w/ a happy ending, some violence (non graphic and not super described)
words || 5.1k (i am legit shocked)
a/n || hello and thank you!! i’m so glad you’ve been loving my fics! this fic was honestly super challenging for me and it ended up being the longest thing i’ve ever written. i made some big changes and lots of smaller ones, but each one was fully intentional. i really, really hope y’all like it <3
main masterlist || anakin masterlist 
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Anakin awoke with a start, chest heaving and covered in sweat. He was gripping the blankets as he tried to ground himself, frantically looking around as if to discern between reality and the horrid dreamscape his mind created. He whipped his head to the side, visibly relaxing as he saw you staring up at him, a confused look on your face. 
You were no stranger to Anakin’s nightmares but this one seemed unlike any he’d ever had. You slept curled into him and, thus, his jolt caused one of your own. Unsure if he wanted your touch just yet, you reached out to him with the Force. Panic, loss, grief, fear, terror, insecurity. You looked into his eyes, watching as they slowly cleared and he registered your presence. He blinked quickly, trying to clear the tears from his vision and gave you a slight nod. 
Reaching a tentative hand to his shoulder, you suppressed a gasp as you felt him shudder beneath you. You quietly whispered his name and placed a finger under his jaw, guiding his face to yours. You nodded back at him and opened your arms in silent invitation. He crawled into your embrace as you pulled him impossibly close to you, situating yourself against the headboard so you could better wrap yourself around his shaking body. Choked sobs erupted from his lips, each one tearing a hole in your heart. As he finally let himself cry with his face buried into your neck, you held him. By the Maker, you held him. 
He didn’t want to speak just yet and you understood. You’ve always extended the same respect back to him as he gives to you. Tucked into you, Anakin’s fingers squeezed into your flesh, as if trying to remind himself you were solid. You placed a few kisses into his soft hair and onto his forehead, hands running up and down his arms and back. You physically pressed reminders of your love into his skin for hours and, somewhere in the midst of your embrace, he let himself fall into a state of limbo. Unawake, unasleep, umoving, yet feeling everything you had to offer. 
When morning came, you reached out once again. The emotions from last night were still evident, just not as strong. Simultaneously, you allowed a small smile to come to you as you felt something new. Warmth, comfort, love. You ran your fingers through Anakin’s hair to pull him to consciousness, needing to see his eyes. Stars, his eyes. While they were absolutely gorgeous, they also always gave him away. You once told him that. “Only for you, my love.” He’d replied. 
“Hi.” He croaked out, meeting your gaze. Your eyes fluttered closed for a second as you took a deep breath in relief. His eyes were clear. You didn’t know how long the shadows would be banished for, but as long as they weren’t constant, you had hope. 
“Hi, baby.” You whispered, allowing yourself to give him another forehead kiss, made easy by your position that you’d somehow remained in throughout the night. You looked at him expectantly and knew he knew what you were asking.
“You… you died,” Anakin started. His eyes were already filling with tears. “It wasn’t clear. There was so much blood. And you kept begging me to help you. You screamed and screamed and screamed and you were in agony and…” 
You took his hand in yours, squeezing his fingers in encouragement to go on.
“I never- I never came for you.” He spit the words out as if they were venomous and shook his head. You could hear the self-hatred in his words, the way he couldn’t grasp the concept of hurting you, ever, and yet how seriously he took this. 
“Hey, hey. Stop, my love.” You said, hoping to pull him out of his spiral. “You would never harm me, Anakin. You would come for me, you always have. That was a horrible dream and I’m so sorry you had to experience it. But it was just a dream, Anakin. It’s not real.” 
He pulled away from you as if he couldn’t stand to feel your gentle touch. “No, no, no! It-” His words were cut off by his uneven breathing, his pulse racing as he relived the nightmare. “It felt like the ones I had about my mother. It felt… prophetic. I’m scared, Y/N, I can’t lose you.” 
You walked over to him, placing your hands on his cheeks and rubbing your thumbs over his cheekbones, hoping to calm him. “You won’t. It takes a lot to kill me, you know? Especially when I have you by my side.” 
Anakin nodded but you could tell he was unconvinced. 
“How about you talk to Obi-Wan about the dreams? He’s always helped you before.” You suggested. 
While normally this would be unthinkable, as it would expose your relationship, Anakin felt himself pulled toward the choice. Inwardly, he admitted that he could definitely use a friend right now. And Obi-Wan had always stood by him. Somehow, he just knew that now would be no different.  
Obi-Wan easily swung the door open with the Force before Anakin even had a chance to knock. He knew his former Padawan’s force signature like the back of his hand and had sensed his distress for days. Unbeknownst to Anakin, Obi-Wan had canceled his missions due to this, wanting to stay close for when Anakin eventually came to him for guidance. 
Obi-Wan looked up from his paperwork as he realized Anakin refused to come closer. Huddled behind the door frame, a conflicted and fearful look on his face, Obi-Wan was struck by how similar Anakin looked to the little boy he’d found on Tatooine all those years ago. Many nights, young Anakin would come into Obi-Wan’s room, plagued with nightmares. Just as before, Obi-Wan never turned him away. 
“Something’s troubling you.” 
Anakin sighed, taking a tentative step forward. “You know Master L/N?”
Obi-Wan smiled knowingly, having a sense of where this is going. “Yes, of course. A brilliant strategist, much like yourself.” 
“I…. I’m involved with them, Master.” 
“Involved?” Obi-Wan replied, with a quirked eyebrow.
“Please don’t punish Y/N for this, I know the Council frowns upon relationships. If you need to report it, I understand. But just report me, say they had nothing to do with it. But before you do anything please, Master, listen to what I must tell you. I wouldn’t unless it was absolutely necessary.” Anakin pleaded. 
“Anakin, I know.” 
“Yeah, I mean it truly is necessary-” 
Obi-Wan placed a comforting hand on the younger Jedi’s shoulder. “You misunderstand. I mean, I know.” 
Anakin’s eyes widened with realization before confusion filtered into his gaze. “But we were so careful!” 
“Not as much as you would think,” Obi-Wan said with a slight laugh.
“And you’re not upset?”
He sighed. “Being honest, I was a bit at first. Anakin, you know the rules and you can be so reckless at times! But how could I fault you for your own humanity? And I knew who you were when I met you. I was always aware of your compassion, your capacity for emotions.” Anakin nodded and smiled, but the faraway look in his eye never wavered. 
Clearing his voice, Obi-Wan continued. “Are you alright, Anakin?” 
“No.” The strength of the word shocked them both and caused Anakin to take a moment to compose himself. “They’re dying.”
Panic flashed through Obi-Wan’s expression. “They’re what? What happened? Was it a mission? Do the medics know? Is-” 
“- No, nothing… nothing yet. But it will.” While Obi-Wan didn’t exactly understand, he could tell through Anakin’s tone that his former Padawan believed this with his entire soul. 
“I’ve been having more nightmares.” Anakin said. 
“Like the ones with your mother?” 
Anakin nodded, his gaze muddled as his mind wove through every possibility on how to save you. Coming up with none, he looked up quickly, the lost confusion clear. 
“It’s going to be alright, Anakin. We’re going to do this together.” Obi-Wan offered, trying to comfort his friend. When Anakin nodded this time, his expression had more hope in it. Obi-Wan returned the gesture, tipping his head as Anakin walked out. Before Anakin reached the door, Obi-Wan called his name. 
“Talk to me if you feel troubled. About anything, my friend. And just know… it’s okay to feel afraid. And you’re no less a Jedi because you love them. At least, not in my eyes.” For the first time since he’d walked in the room, Anakin gave a true smile. His former Master inhaled deeply, realizing after hearing those words, Anakin looked more like himself than he had in a long while. 
A few hours and a Council meeting later, Anakin walked back into your chambers, closing the door with a huff. He wasn’t enraged, per se, but definitely conflicted. You approached him cautiously, heart falling when you saw those familiar clouds back in his eyes. 
“Did Obi-Wan not take it well?”
Anakin shook his head. “It’s not… he was supportive. But the Council has assigned something to me and…” He trailed off and looked at you. Only then did you see his bloodshot, puffy eyes. 
“What did they ask of you, Anakin?” You questioned, coming behind him to gently massage his tense shoulders. 
“I’m needed to spy on the Chancellor. Apparently there’s a Sith Lord somewhere in the Order. They suspect him.” He tried to keep his voice strong, but you could see how torn apart he was by the inflection in his tone. 
You took a breath and tried to process the information. “Will you do it?”
“I don’t know… if the Council tells me I must, then I must. But the Chancellor has only been good to me. I worry about betraying him but I don’t want to let down the Order. I’m not sure how to do this without causing someone harm.” He confessed. 
“They shouldn’t have put you in this position, it’s unfair. And you don’t have to, Ani. I know it feels like you do but you don’t need to bend to each of the Council’s requests. Whatever the fallout, whatever you choose, please know that I’m with you. And so is Obi-Wan. Not that it fixes anything, but at the very least, you’ll always have us.” 
Anakin turned around so he was facing you. “I don’t know what to do.” He whispered, voice laced with hopelessness. 
“Trust yourself. You have a good heart, intelligence, and strong morals. They’ve never failed you before.”
He nodded before leaning into you and your arms instinctively wrapped around him. Your fingertips found their way to his hair, gently weaving through the golden strands. 
“We’ll get through this, yeah?” While it was a question, you both knew you meant it as a statement.
“We’ll get through this.” Anakin echoed. He mumbled the words into your neck where he had buried his face. As if the words could seep into your skin. As if the hope could find its way to your heart and stay there, ever protected, ever true. 
The next day, Anakin found himself in Palpatine’s office. He was wary, guarded. It was evident by the look on his eyes, the way he took a moment before taking another step. It was his training as both a Jedi and a General that allowed him to do this. The careful complexity of planning every move. 
“I heard the Council debating whether or not they should have made you a Master. It seems they do not trust you or value your talent as they should.” Palpatine’s words made Anakin freeze. Rationally, he knew this was wrong. At the very least, Obi-Wan trusts him and so do you. But there was a part of him that felt so validated by the Chancellor’s words that he wanted to hear more. To bask in them, in feeling wanted and appreciated. He hated himself for it. 
“I… I’m not sure what you mean by this.” Anakin attempted not to give himself away any more than he already has. 
“Well, they care about your potential. But they hold you back. They’ll never show you your true power, for they don’t want you to understand. They just wish to use it, no matter your own fate.” 
“I feel cast aside. Like I don’t matter.” Anakin wasn’t even sure why he shared these words. Somehow, in feeling so praised, the doubts just bubbled their way to the surface. He felt like a child in these moments, so painfully fragile. 
“You don’t. Not to them, Anakin. But with me I can teach you your power. I can teach you the ways of the Dark Side. I know of your fears, of those nightmares that plague you. I know about your secret marriage and how close you are to losing it all.” 
Anakin froze, his heart hammering in his chest. His thoughts raced as he tried to piece together the truth from all the lies. The mentions of Darth Plagueis. The Dark Side of the Force. 
“You’re the Sith Lord!” Anakin said, igniting his lightsaber and pointing it at the older man’s chest. 
Palpatine bowed his head slightly, a small smile gracing his lips. “Well done, my boy.” Anakin felt sick as he noted the pride in his tone. And yet that aching part inside him still swelled, ever so slightly.
“Now, don’t do anything rash.” The Chancellor reasoned. “Only the Dark Side can save the one you love.” 
Anakin wanted to do the right thing. He wished to be the one who could stand up and arrest Palpatine without a single ounce of guilt or regret. But as soon as Palpatine mentioned you, it’s like all his logic disappeared. He just wanted to save you, to not fail you as he’d failed his mother. But then he thought back to your words. “Strong morals.” And to his Master’s. “We’ll do this together.”
“I’m turning you into the Council.” 
“Wouldn’t you prefer to kill me?”
“Yes.” Anakin’s remark was forceful and clipped with anger.
“Then do it. Give yourself over to your wrath.”
He felt himself burning with betrayal, with resentment toward both sides. Even so, he could still tell right from wrong, selfless from selfish. And whatever Palpatine was doing… it certainly did not have the will of the people in mind. Without so much as deigning him with another response, Anakin turned and walked out of the room.
“If you turn me in, you’ll never save them!” Anakin tried to will Palpatine’s voice out of his head as he ventured back to the Council chambers. When he arrived back, he decided to slightly alter his plans. While he knew he must face all of them eventually, he wanted to talk to Obi-Wan first. Perhaps his Master could give him guidance, like he did about your nightmares. 
“General Skywalker… are you alright?” Anakin stumbled as he walked right into another figure, too caught up in his own head.
“I’m fine, Master Windu. Thank you- I’m sorry.” Mace looked at the younger Jedi with an unreadable expression. While there was much in his eyes, concern was definitely a part of it. 
“Have you seen Master Kenobi?” Anakin said after a brief pause for composure. 
“He’s supposed to leave for his next mission any moment now. If you hurry, you can probably still catch him.” 
Anakin thanked Master Windu before taking off in a run. No matter how fast his legs carried him, he felt his mind was working even faster, the internal conflict brewing more intently by the second. 
Obi-Wan opened the door as soon as before Anakin could even knock. He looked at Anakin and gestured at a vacant chair, a silent invitation to sit. Anakin shook his head quickly. The younger Jedi’s eyes were scattered and conflicted, as if he’d been shaken to his very core. 
“Palpatine is the Sith Lord.” The words came out rushed, yet clear. As if Anakin needed to get them out as quickly as he could but replayed them in his head until they were all he knew. The intensity showed Obi-Wan that there was no doubt in his friend’s mind. 
Obi-Wan blinked. “Okay.” He stroked his beard, trying to find the words to say. “Are you alright?”
Anakin looked at Obi-Wan in confusion. Certainly there were more important questions his former Master would want to ask than that. 
“I know you and the Chancellor were close. This can’t be easy for you. I just wanted to ask if you were alright.” 
“I’m not sure.” Anakin said after some hesitation. “I don’t really know what to think… Palpatine is evil, right? But he believed in me when no one else did. He saw my potential, allowed me to confide in him. He told me he could show me how to save Y/N. Would someone evil do that?” 
Obi-Wan’s eyes softened as he looked at the painfully conflicted young man in front of him. “Anakin… he was manipulating you. He was isolating you so you had no one to turn to but him. It was a tactic, a ploy. He doesn’t care for you.” Anakin looked so heartbroken that Obi-Wan knew Anakin believed him. “I’m so sorry.” 
“But what about Y/N?” Anakin asked desperately.
Obi-Wan sighed. “Loving someone in the Order isn’t easy. Especially after everything you’ve gone through. And losing someone… it changes the way you love. You fear constantly, wondering when your love will evade you. When it will fall apart, like all the rest. But living like that, loving like that… it leaves no room for growth or peace. And that’s what relationships are for, aren’t they?” His voice was filled with compassion and wisdom. From experience, perhaps? Regardless of the reason, Anakin was reminded that someone did understand him. Despite the circumstances, he felt content. At least a bit. 
“Is there any way to save them?”
“I’m not sure. Let’s focus on Palpatine for now, alright? And we’ll bring Master L/N with us so you know they’re safe.” Obi-Wan wished nothing more than having a set solution to save Y/N. But some things were even out of his grasp. “I know this must be impossible for you, Anakin. I truly am sorry.” 
Anakin nodded. After all, it was true. If there was anything to describe the impending threat of losing another person he loved, impossible summed up the process. “I know. You’re doing all you can. Thank you, Master. And yes, I would like to bring them with us.” 
Obi-Wan clasped a hand to Anakin’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze as they met each other with a smile. “I’ll send them a message right now.”
You gasped when you received Obi-Wan’s message with the details of the Supreme Chancellor’s truth. Your heart cried for Anakin, knowing the betrayal must be breaking him. All you could do was wish that with Obi-Wan’s help, the two of you could support Anakin until he felt like he could breathe again. And you had faith in him. You always had faith in him. 
Grabbing your cloak, you jogged to Obi-Wan’s quarters. As soon as you opened the door, you ran to Anakin and hugged him to you, needing to feel his presence. Somehow, you knew he needed it, too. 
“Ready?” Anakin and Obi-Wan gave you nods of confirmation and you gave a tentative smile. “Alright. Let’s do this.” 
Anakin entered Palpatine’s chambers first. For once, he felt sure of himself. He finally knew what he had to do. His gaze shifted to you, making sure you were alright. You placed a hand on his arm, rubbing your thumb up and down to reassure him. He inhaled. Exhaled. And ignited his saber. 
“I knew you’d come back, Skywalker. I knew you’d join me.” 
“Think again.” Obi-Wan responded as you and him walked into the chambers. Pure, unfiltered rage flickered through Palpatine’s eyes in response.
“Anakin, they’re trying to corrupt you. They’re trying to keep your power. Come with me, boy, and I’ll teach you all you wish to know. I’ll teach you how to save them.” He said, pointing a pale finger toward your face. 
You let out a sharp breath as you suddenly understood Anakin’s conflict. Of course Palpatine was using you as a bargaining chip. Using Anakin’s fear of abandonment, of losing his loved ones against him. It was disgusting, even for a Sith. 
“I… you can’t possibly know how to do that. It’s impossible!” 
“Not on the Dark Side. Look… Obi-Wan has turned them against you. He’s the cause of this! I’m sure he didn’t even pose a solution to saving Y/N. It’s because he doesn’t care about you, not like I do.” 
The shadows returned to Anakin’s eyes as his gaze switched between Obi-Wan and Palpatine. He couldn’t even bring himself to look at you, to see the pain in your eyes as he struggled with a choice that for others would be so simple. He hated himself for being weak but he truly couldn’t fathom losing you. 
Obi-Wan stepped forward, backing Palpatine against the wall and pointing his lightsaber at Palpatine’s throat. Anakin stepped back, too frozen to move, and unconsciously placed himself between them and you.
“It’s over, Chancellor. Don’t make this more difficult than it already is.” Obi-Wan said.
Palpatine shot lightning from his hands, causing Obi-Wan to deflect the matter with his lightsaber, redirecting it to Palpatine himself. As Palpatine shook from the force of his own blast, he once again called to Anakin.
“If you let him kill me, dear boy, Y/N will die. If you don’t try to save them, you will be the cause of their death.” 
Anakin’s eyes widened, those words hitting him right in the chest. He moved forward, pointing his lightsaber at Obi-Wan but refusing to make the final cut to end his life. Obi-Wan looked like he wanted to speak but the effort of holding of Palpatine’s lightning rendered him useless. It was Obi-Wan, after all. His former Master, his friend. The one person who he trusted with the secret of his marriage. He couldn’t kill him, right? He faltered, stepping slightly back. 
“Ani,” You said, your voice calm as you tried to reason with him. “Ani if you do this, you can’t come back from it. I know you don’t want to lose me and if you kill Obi-Wan, you will, regardless of the fate of my life. You aren’t too far gone, yet. You haven’t done anything irredeemable. Remember who you are, my love.” 
Anakin heard your words and looked at your face. You. He wanted to do good by you, to do good by all of them. He wanted to make his mother proud, make himself feel like leaving her for the Jedi Order meant something. And then his gaze filtered over to his friend. Obi-Wan stood tall against the force of Palpatine’s lightning, reminding Anakin of his friend’s strength. It was something Anakin wanted to emulate, too. 
Understanding his choice, Anakin took a step forward to position the blade toward Palpatine’s chest. His hand was shaking, movements unsure, eyes glossed over with immeasurable pain. But before he could make contact, you swiftly moved in front of him and killed Palpatine instead. Obi-Wan was thrust backward as the lightning ceased, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. 
“Why would you do that?” Anakin asked as he looked at you. 
“I didn’t want you to have to kill your friend. No matter what he turned out to be.” You said as you shifted on the balls of your feet. The weight of Palpatine’s death now weighed on your soul, as do those of every life you’ve ever ended. You could bear it and you knew Anakin was strong enough to do so, as well. You just didn’t want him to have to. 
Anakin nodded and whispered a thank you back to you. You just smiled, the love for him clear in your expression. Anakin turned around, walking to his friend and extending a hand for him. 
“I never doubted you.” Obi-Wan said simply as he met Anakin’s guilty eyes. 
“I should have made the choice to believe you earlier. I shouldn’t have let him get to me. I’m sorry, Master.” 
“Look at me, Anakin. We all struggle with our morals. We struggle and we’re unsure and we pray and hope to land on the right decision. And you did. You have nothing to apologize for.” Looking at your and Anakin’s arms around each other, Obi-Wan made one last decision. “How about the two of you retire for the evening? I’ll debrief with the Council, you’ve been through enough.” 
Once again, Anakin was struck by the older Jedi’s strength and selflessness. He nodded, as did you, before he accompanied you back to your quarters. 
You kept one arm around Anakin’s waist the entire way home, mirroring his that was around your shoulders. You couldn’t bear to separate, not after the events of the past few days. Seeing Anakin so torn up inside, it was eating away at you. Knowing you couldn’t save him was one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to deal with. 
Now, Palpatine was finally gone. There was no more threat to the Jedi Order, the Force once again balanced. But both of you still understood the one solution that hadn't been found: how to save you. It made everything easier, that you chose to kill the Chancellor. Anakin refused to voice the doubts in his head, wondering if he actually would have gone through with it knowing he would lose his chance at saving you. 
The air was melancholic surrounding you both. Heavy. Neither of you knew what to say, words failing in a moment that was so conflicted it almost overwhelmed you. But your heart warmed as you saw Anakin scamper in front of you to open and hold the door for you. You loved him so much, for doing the little things even in moments like these. It gave you hope.
You were okay with death, so long as it only affected you. When you joined the Jedi, you had to make your peace with it. But after you fell in love everything changed. You didn’t want Anakin to go through the pain of losing you. He’d been so open with you about, well, everything. Especially his past. He’d gone through so much, felt such raw pain and loss, you didn’t want to add to that. 
Taking his hands in yours, you looked into his blue eyes. 
“I don’t want you to die.” He whispered, the desperate, deflated tone making your heart break. “I won’t.” You wished to say, but you knew you couldn’t. 
“I don’t want to die, either.” You chose these words instead, relying on their honesty. 
“Palpatine could have saved you.” Anakin said after a beat. 
You sighed. “You don’t know that.” You stated, knowing it wouldn’t change how he felt. 
“Neither do you!” 
“But at what cost? At the cost of losing your soul? Anakin, you would have had to join the Sith! That’s no longer you! You’re good and you couldn’t have saved me if you were there, don’t you see that?” You pleaded. You wished he would see your logic, the truth behind your words. How even though he thought otherwise, he made the right decision. 
“What good is saving the Order if you won’t be a part of it?”
“What good is saving my life if I wouldn’t have you to live it with?” You countered. 
Anakin let out an exhausted breath before pulling you into him, hugging you. The fighting was too much and, frankly, he didn’t want to argue. Not with you, not ever. You both let out a humorless chuckle as you leaned into each other. 
“I love you.” His tone conveyed it all. 
“I love you.” You replied, your voice muffled from being pressed into his robes. 
“Can we sleep? I don’t want to face this right now. Can we just put this aside, if just for a moment? Can I lay with you and can you hold me and can we just have each other?” You questioned breathlessly.
“I would like nothing more, my love.” He smiled slightly and pressed a kiss to your head as he added the words of endearment, wanting you to understand he wasn’t upset with you. You already knew that, though. You were in love with Anakin Skywalker. Of course you’d argue from time to time. But at the end of the day, you were two hopelessly in love Jedi just trying to save each other. 
Crawling into bed, sleep came for the both of you quickly. You were holding him and he was holding you, tangled together as you nestled his warm embrace. He tucked his face into your neck as you did so and savored the feel of you next to him. Safe. 
Drifting off, Anakin tried to fight the pull of sleep, knowing he’d just suffer from another nightmare like he had every day since the first one. One where you’d die and he could do nothing to stop it. Amidst these tumultuous thoughts, his breathing evened, lulling him under. 
You were in the grass, a flower crown atop your head. Anakin was leaning against a small house. It was quaint but beautiful. Small, not outwardly flashy, but full of love and meaning. Looking around, he smiled as he saw green vines crawling up the sides of the house, a garden of your favorite flowers out front. You always had a soft spot for that. 
We are on Naboo, he realized. It was peaceful. It was the dream you always talked of together. Anakin’s breath caught as he felt the certainty of this dream. It felt just like his nightmares, except this one left him content. He didn’t want to entertain the thought for too long, afraid of jinxing it. But he knew it was prophetic. He wasn’t sure how he changed his fate, what exactly gave him this future. Something inside him just knew that when he wakes up the next morning, all will be okay. He felt infinitely lighter as he understood the threat was gone. 
When you looked up and saw him, you raced toward him and jumped into his arms. Anakin stumbled but caught you, breathing in your scent as you kissed the side of his neck. As he held you, his thoughts slightly wandered. But he was grounded by your presence, reminding him that you were safe and he was okay. With you, he was finally, completely, home.
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