#business dashboard
newfangled-polusai · 10 months
Top 5 Benefits of Low-Code/No-Code BI Solutions
Low-code/no-code Business Intelligence (BI) solutions offer a paradigm shift in analytics, providing organizations with five key benefits. Firstly, rapid development and deployment empower businesses to swiftly adapt to changing needs. Secondly, these solutions enhance collaboration by enabling non-technical users to contribute to BI processes. Thirdly, cost-effectiveness arises from reduced reliance on IT resources and streamlined development cycles. Fourthly, accessibility improves as these platforms democratize data insights, making BI available to a broader audience. Lastly, agility is heightened, allowing organizations to respond promptly to market dynamics. Low-code/no-code BI solutions thus deliver efficiency, collaboration, cost savings, accessibility, and agility in the analytics landscape.
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fusioncharts · 1 year
Best Business Dashboard | FusionCharts
Business dashboards compile and show important metrics and KPIs on a single screen, allowing users to monitor and assess business performance quickly.  For end users of all skill levels, business intelligence dashboards extract and communicate high-level information such as anomalies, problems, and trends before they decide to examine data in more depth using sophisticated tools like contextual analytics.
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zivazivc · 2 months
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Happy birthday @spooky-pop! Here's a delightful picture of Ivy happily posing with her newly hatched baby brother who she adores very much <3
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peachyfnaf · 24 days
sun and moon show tumblr dashboard simulator. because i find these hilarious and this fandom needs one. assume this takes place in a "bad shit happens, but everyone's still on speaking terms" au for it to make the most sense kfjhsfd
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🌠 worldrecordnutellaeater Follow
when the nightmare goes so hard when you wake up you have to walk into the ocean just to make sure
🌎 princessandthepaupersupreme Follow
Lunar, are you okay..?
🌠 worldrecordnutellaeater Follow
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👤 sunsthirdfingerjoint Follow
ok but the creator is kind of a dilf tho
🦙 TSAJSwillprevail Follow
he's killed hundreds
👤sunsthirdfingerjoint Follow
is a man not allowed to be a manic pixie dream girl in this day and age
🛸 moonenjoyer9315 Follow
guys are we just ignoring op's url
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☣️ mellorinefuega Follow
coming across montgomery gator in the wild is crazy. like i was just trying to make a deposit at the bank one time and he came up behind me and punched the teller in the face
🐩 hottodoggors Follow
op my girlfriend went thru a similar experience a few months ago. this dude sounds like a menace, fr. so happy hes not near me.
🐊 trustmewithyourinformation Follow
🐩 hottodoggors Follow
is that my fukcign ip address
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🌎 princessandthepaupersupreme Follow
This is a gentle reminder that everything will be okay, you just have to give it time!!!
🌎 princessandthepaupersupreme Follow
im seriously at my limit
🌎 princessandthepaupersupreme Follow
Just give it time, everyone!!!
🔧 applejackenjoyer Follow
earth are you okay
🌎 princessandthepaupersupreme Follow
🌑 twilightsparkleno1fan Follow
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🔧 applejackenjoyer Follow
nexus NO
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🪔 cloudandloud Follow
eclipse v2 and nexus are one in the same. hit post. and go to bed
🪔 cloudandloud Follow
i just woke up. ive never been this scared to look at notes in my life
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💡 ballogmore Follow
i love going to the pizzaplex with my little sister bc she's there for the glamrocks. i'm there to see if i can get my hands on that twinky little jester
🔋 buttonsandbatterypacks Follow
Which twinky little jester op
💡 ballogmore Follow
the daycare attendant model??? whomst the fuck else?????
🔋 buttonsandbatterypacks Follow
You'd be surprised how little that narrows it down, actually
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🧛🏿‍♀️ horseonabeach-man Follow
🗡️ leavethatlittleguyalone Follow
bro what did v2 do to you
🧛🏿‍♀️ horseonabeach-man Follow
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☀️ catdadofthedecade Follow
every day i try to not let my brother rob a bank, and then every day he provides me good reasons as to why i should let him
🌕 ricksanchezreborn Follow
sun do yuo know what you could do with the money
☀️ catdadofthedecade Follow
i dont want to know, moon
🌕 ricksanchezreborn Follow
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☀️ catdadofthedecade Follow
do you need a getaway diver
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🌊 themagicwawa Follow
"sun is so cute!! solar's such a dilf. nexus being insane is so ho-"
absolutely none of you can handle what i have to say about him
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👾 certifiedrobotfracker
god help me, hes so fine
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🏝 chronicappleeater-deactiaved062324
yeah, him and all 5 pixels
👾 certifiedrobotfracker
i see god smited you for this one
😈 itsme-fromthebible
wrong deity, but appreciate it regardless
👾 certifiedrobotfracker
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🦌 dailydazzledeer Follow
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☀️ catdadofthedecade Follow
if anything happens to this blog i genuinely hope taurus destroys the planet
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🦫 elchipichipichapachapa Follow
it's taken months, but i've finally finished it. the document explaining everything wrong with the sun and moon show
here's the link. enjoy
732 notes
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☀️ catdadofthedecade Follow
every time one of us makes them mad, moon and nexus get closer to becoming the Hitachiin twins from ohshc to retaliate, and i fear the day they decide to just do it
🌕 ricksanchezreborn Follow
even the thought of doing that is stupid
🌑 twilightsparkleno1fan Follow
even the thought of doing that is stupid
☀️ catdadofthedecade Follow
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🟦 woobificationofthesillies Follow
"we need more evil women in the world!!!" you people cant even handle miku
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🌠 worldrecordnutellaeater Follow
starting a conspiracy theory that we're all just puppets in a youtube show's script and that's why our lives are so miserable
🌠 worldrecordnutellaeater Follow
hey guys why was i shadowbanned after posting this
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captainsavre · 1 month
Ok so, it’s time to finally get into business… enough of all this laziness 🤭🤦🏻‍♀️ Starting today I’ll be diving into Station 19 hashtag and you should expect lots of reblogs, likes and comments these next few days. I have almost three months of content to catch up on so bear with me 🤭🥹
I will also be posting some of my videos, pics and memories from the cons along the way and probably start editing and giffing again too, so yeah I guess now I’m definitely back 😊🫶🏼
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how about you earn me back my dashboard
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givemaycoffee · 2 months
Yo if we are mutuals but tumblr has somehow made my account unfollow you and you notice, come give me a poke.
Just found one such case
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hussyknee · 4 months
Giving 10 Things That Never Happened a second go. On Chapter 11 and it's fairly engaging, even if it's no Boyfriend Material. But I'm honestly more invested in the love story between Jonathan and Sam's adorable ugly cat.
Cat-specific spoilers ahead.
When we meet Gollum:
As soon as Gollum hears the door open, he lies down on the floor next to his bowl and starts making how-could-it-have-come-to-this-terrible-tragedy noises. Which is bollocks because I’d left him plenty of food while I was away and, actually, he eats better than I do on account of how I got him gourmet cat food once, just to help him settle in, and now the bugger refuses to eat anything else.
This is exactly the Terror Trio. Our tom Kaha is basically a garbage disposal but I was very careful about feeding the kittens because they were dumped barely weaned and now Their Highnesses won't eat anything that isn't prepared on purpose for them to their exact specifications.
Gollum starts rubbing himself all over Jonathan’s legs. Jonathan looks down in a bit of a panic. "What’s it doing?" "Scent marking. He owns you now." "He does not." "You’ll have to take that up with him." Jonathan shakes his leg very gently but realises he probably doesn’t want to punt my cat across the room. “Can you make it stop?" "Liking you?” I ask. “Give him time. He’ll work it out." “Sam”—he does his best to sound forceful even though there’s a cat glommed onto his shin—“you’re not amusing. You’re just annoying. Now please move the cat." I get up and move the cat. At least, I try to but he’s not having it. The moment I pull him away from Jonathan he starts making these sad why-must-you-ruin-my-life sounds. Jonathan glares at me over a ball of feline tragedy. “What…what’s wrong with him?" "I think you’ve hurt his feelings.” I hold Gollum out and he hangs there like a wet dishcloth. “You see? Look at his little face." Jonathan does, in fact, look at his little face. Then he looks at my little face and I’m not sure which of them he likes less. Actually, I can’t read his expression at all. Very occasionally—when he’s not shouting or interfering in things that don’t concern him—he’s almost a good-looking man. If you like ’em sour and interesting. Which I didn’t think I did. He pulls back suddenly. “This is ridiculous. I have work to do." Then he turns and strides off to his study and Gollum, showing a worrying lack of taste for a creature I thought I could trust, runs right after him.
Clearly Jonathan makes up for his personality with his animal magnetism.
Jonathan’s in his study working and Gollum’s in the study with Jonathan. And that’s, well, I mean, I don’t really like weekends at the best of times but at least I’ve got my cat. But now I’m concussed, and I’m bored and I’m alone and my fucking cat has dumped me for my fucking boss. Which really stings because he’s a wanker. Plus, I’m meant to be doing this whole thing where I get him to see me as a person so he won’t just fire me once I’m medically cleared, and it’ll be really hard to do that if I never speak to him. Which I can’t. Because he’s shut up in his study. With my fucking cat. So I get up, go into the study, give Gollum—who’s sitting on Jonathan’s lap as happy as can be—a look of absolute betrayal and tell Jonathan I’m going for a walk. “Jonathan,” I say, “I’m going for a walk.” He doesn’t even look up from his laptop. “You are not.” “I think I am. My feet are going one in front of the other and everything.” At last he deigns to swivel his chair around. With Gollum right there he looks like an actual supervillain.
Already a power couple!
Turns out, going to a supermarket is like wiping your arse. You mostly do it alone so assume everyone does it the same way you do, but there’s actually a surprising amount of variation. I think I picked up my habits from my mam. She’d go in with a good sense of what she was after but mostly she’d wander up and down, looking for bargains and that. Jonathan seems to have got his habits from movies about people escaping from prisoner of war camps in World War II. Plan the whole thing in advance, stay close, don’t talk, don’t get distracted, and get out as fast as you can. I put up with this for all of two minutes while Jonathan berates me for dithering. "What are your thoughts on parsnips?” “I thought they went downhill after their third album. What do you mean, what are my thoughts on parsnips? I don’t have thoughts on parsnips. Who has time to have thoughts on parsnips?”
But then...
I find him in pets looking at cat treats. And when he spots me, he gets this expression on his face like I caught him with porn.
He's already in love! But he doesn't know how to express his feelings!
“You told me to be quick.” “Yes, but I didn’t think you’d listen.” He’s holding one of those cat toys that’s a stick with a mouse on a string. Teasers, I think they call them. And the idea of Jonathan Forest dangling a mouse in front of Gollum is a funny mix of endearing, bizarre, and a little bit terrifying. Clearly, he wants to buy it but doesn’t want to admit he wants to buy it, so I take it out of his hand and put it in the trolley.
He turns to Gollum when all the world is against him.
Finally he settles on, “I don’t have time for this. Just stay out of my business.” And then he scoops up Gollum, who settles against his shoulder like a smug ugly baby who’s decided to abandon the person who brought it home from the baby shelter, and they both storm off into the office. ... The timer goes on the oven, and while the chicken’s resting I transfer everything to the kitchen island and lay it all out so it looks kind of rustic, then I yell through to Jonathan that everything’s ready. “I’ll take it in here,” he yells back. Like fuck he will. I storm through to the study and I must have gone faster than he expected because he’s sitting there cuddling Gollum very much not doing any work. He makes a desperate attempt to look busy but all that does is dump Gollum onto his lap, where he steps on the Windows key and opens the calculator.
I've decided this book is actually The Adventures of Gollum The Cat and His Grumpy New Friend (ft. Whatever's Going On With Him and Daddy That Sometimes Involves Chicken).
I'm at the point where Sam's threatening to go home if Jonathan doesn't start being less of a dick, but I'm fairly certain Jonathan only wants him to stay because he doesn't want to be parted from the cat. Relatable, honestly.
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newfangled-polusai · 2 months
In a world overwhelmed by Excel sheets, PolusAI revolutionizes data management by automating preparation, handling dynamic formats, and enhancing data quality. It transforms data into actionable insights, giving businesses a competitive edge. PolusAI represents the future of analytics, enabling effortless creation of dashboards from extensive data sources.
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saltygilmores · 10 months
I didn't think I'd be going into four chapters+ for this filler/completely lacking in boy drama episode, but here we are.
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Shady Taylor Business as per uzh. He’s committed so many white collar crimes that he’s in over his head trying to keep track of them all. Does ayone else just think of Taylor as the Mayor? He’s technically “town selectman", which is a real thing, and after many years I've finally looked up what a selectman does. I won't bore you with the details, but somehow Taylor got put into a position of authority that involves a heavy responsibility for other people's money. I know we have seen the actual mayor of The Hollow before, but only twice so far, I think. Taylor is treading into the shark infested waters of airing private grievances with Luke Danes publicly, again. Has Taylor learned nothing from the last time he tried this stunt at the emergency meeting he called about Jess and his sidewalk drawing? He really loves poking that hornet's nest. It's not going to be pretty.
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Miss Patty waving at Rory and Lorelai. She is such a treasure. A horny, horny treasure. She must be protected at all costs.
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Taylor calls his malt shop a "necessary service", which immediately calls me back to our comedian friend who predicted Taylor would classify his malt shop as a "necessary service" in order to stay open during the pandemic. How was that guy so spot on about everything?
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That's real slimy, Taylor. Taylor Doose is slime. And not the fun kind of slime, either. According to Slimy Doose, If a 3/4ths majority of the town decide Taylor should have that building then he gets that building. It's just that simple! Check the towns bylaws! Which were probably written by Taylor! Why does Taylor want to run Luke out of town so badly? His diner is literally the only attraction in town that keeps the town economy churning (well, not Rory and Lorelai's money, but everyone else's). Taylor spends 7 years trying to find the money to fix a small wooden bridge. Like Tumblr, behind the scenes, The Hollow is being held together with paperclips and fairy dust. If tourists ever find out that Luke's special coffee is nothing more than ordinary Folgers, it's all over.
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No, Salty is NOT going to research the nitty gritty details of eminent domain for you to determine if Luke is correct. You're on your own, people. I'm here to make the masturbation jokes.
Now things are real getting real loopy doopy as Taylor stands his ground that his proposed soda shop is even more necessary than a hospital. DId someone vote this guy in? According to Google, yes. A town selectman is an elected position. The people who voted for Taylor may even be voting in larger elections, which is a scary thought. Ya'll voted for this putz, you live with him.
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RORY YOU ARE NOT HELPING. Sit down! Oh, you already are. Well, keep sitting. And stop talking. The town decides they love their beloved coffee proprietor Luke so much that they refuse to side with him and don't give a flying cupcake if he gets screwed into next week. If this were my unrated Gilmore Girls spinoff, The Hollow, which explores the gritty realism of small tourist town life, the Malt shop goes under in a few years because the economies of these towns are very shaky. Someone is going to turn around and Eminent Domain Taylor's ass and bulldoze his businesses to build luxury townhomes.
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If looks could kill, man. Someone PLEASE edit a cartoon bloody axe or hatchet into this screen shot for me. I'm going to use this face on the promo posters for my horror movie series, "Blood In The Hollow." Luke's Revenge.
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Rory saying "Ice cream soda, yum" and a couple of elderly people nodding is enough to count as a majority vote. I know they worship Rory in the Hollow for some reason but how does she have that much power? Can't we get some kind of auditor in here to examine the electoral process in The Hollow? Then an accountant to audit Taylor's financial books.
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Yay! We hate you Luke! Go get fucked! But keep the free coffee coming.
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Even after what she just did, you know she’s going to shamelessly march right over to the diner where she won’t pay him for her food and coffee. I saw Lane unaccompained at the meeting, and started thinking since Mrs Kim apparently lets Lane go to town meetings unsupervised, they're a perfect opportunity for her to get out from the watchful eye of her mother and get up to some teenage rebellion/shenanigans. I still say she should have hooked up with Jess to give her mother a coronary.
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Welcome, Shenanigans. We get an introductory story about Rygalski's musical interests, which Lane finds rather keen. Keen is like my new favorite word. It's old fashioned sounding so it just works with these old fashioned teenagers.
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Get a hold of yourself woman!
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Don't underestimate this geek in a dorky sweater. He's smooth.
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Could she be any dorkier? Sheesh.
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Don't tell me Lorelai doesn't looks jealous watching Rory kiss Dean. Dean actually listens patiently while Rory updates him about her life, and this behavior continues to feel highly suspicious. Is it because he was at home jerking off while everyone else was at the meeting and now he's not so cranky?
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Don't worry Deano, you won't be lonely. There are other fish in the Hollow. Maybe you'll even manage to trap some poor innocent teenage girl and brainwash her into marrying you. I'm still not sure how he pulled that off.
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I saw these oven mitts on Amazon yesterday and thought of Lindsey Lister. Whenever she's cooking one of Dean's meatloaves, she's quietly side eyeing the box of rat poison under the sink. Rory is mildly irritated because his question is "blunt and out of nowhere." and a discussion About Our Future is underway.
I'm going to keep a scoring system for this discussion: +1 point to Rory because Dean's question was really "out of nowhere" and dropped on suddenly her late at night. +1 point to Dean because his question wasn't totally unreasonable. Minus 1 point for Dean because Rory hasn't even been accepted to Harvard, no less any college, yet. + half point for Dean doing the bare minimum and believing in the idea that Rory will get into Harvard later. Minus 1 point for Dean because even if she did get into college she isn't going to start for another year, so he could have waited like, at least another 6 months before it would matter. Minus 1 point for Dean because there's no guarantee they will even be together a year from now (and they won't be).
Minus 1 point for Rory even entertaining the silly notion that she could have a "Weekends only" relationship with Dean when he is a controlling maniac who tracks her schedule and gets angry if she does not spend every minute of her free time with him. MInus 1 point for Rory engaging in more "I promise I will spend every spare minute of every day that I'm not studying with you" and "we can talk on the phone constantly during the week" negotiations. Enough with the negotiations!! Minus a kajillion points for Dean just because he's rotten hamburger meat. What is he going to do Monday-Friday after he graduates hgh school, without Rory to kick around like his personal hacky sack? Reversing the roles for fun: Dean: What are you going to do when I leave for college? Rory:
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"Christianne Amanpour spends of a third of her life in foxholes in third world countries! She was on C-Span last week getting an award! And she has a family!" Girl?! Rory Gilmore is comparing her life to that of an award winning, world renowned field journalist, someone who travels the world and risks her life on a regular basis, to her life as a boring high school student dating another boring high school student, some illiterate 17 year old softball playing clown from Stars Hollow Connecticut whose own mother is still trying to abandon him at a gas station, hoping that a pack of wild dogs will find and adopt him as one of their own instead. If Christianne Amanpour can survive being blown up in a war torn country and go home to her husband and family at the end of the day, then surely Dean Forrester and Rory Gilmore can make it work. Rory, pleaase. Settle down. Minus -2 points for that sheer ridiculousness. I'm not sure Dean even knows who Christianne Amanpour is, anyway. This goes on WAY too long so I will summarize so I can get on with my life and finally finish out this episode. R: Dean you should to go to college in Boston D: I'm going to junior college R: Junior college in Boston?! D: No dorm rooms R: Rent an apartment! D: With what money? R:Why are you being like this? D: Realistic? R: Stop being so serious D: Forget it Jackson: What happens to Rory's room when she moves out, can i rent it out to put my tools in it? Lorelai: Idk (panic sweats at the thought of losing her codependent relationship with Rory if she moved out) Springsteen (Harvard Dinner Guy) on answering machine: I looked at Rory's records and even though I'm just some rich guy who graduated decades ago and I don't actually attend Harvard anymore or work at Harvard and I only met her once over an awkward dinner where she barely said anything, she's definitely a shoo in for Harvard, she may as well just pack her bags and move in right now. like she should find a dorm room that's already occupied and kick out whoever's living there already and take over their room. I'm going to tell everyone I know that Rory is definitely for sure going to Harvard there has never been a more Harvardy student that has ever ever Harvarded before. The end. Things Googled While Watching GIlmore Girls: Selectman, is a selectman elected, codependent relationship Things Not Googled: Eminent domain
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yiga-hellhole · 6 months
tangent break again. you know me by now and i'm not exactly a gan/link fan but it's puzzling to me how a BIG take-away of the ship among people who dislikes it seems to be "every person who ships this enjoys problematic dynamics and sees link as a minor"
and not. yknow. the basic universal appeal of "big buff guy x smaller guy who can be lugged around like a handbag with ease". which seems to be the general opinion
which doesn't absolve the ship of criticism, sure (especially because people can be Really weird with the racial dynamics, as happens in general with the gerudo shipping or not, fanon or canon). but like. in general, i wish everyone could cut people some slack. and not project the worst possible option on a stranger. they probably just like bara and that's all there is to it.
.... and even if they Do enjoy it in a "problematic" way. you are not the pope of zelda. you have no power to change what people like. i'm not a big fan of it either. but you know what saves you and everyone else a lot of stress? The Block Button
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draklorn · 5 months
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sins-of-the-sea · 8 months
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"I'll just… take this and this and this and this and-
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"….Eh. And this and this and this-" He jumps in surprise, thinking someone nearby fell, but then he looks closer. "… Is that cardboard?"
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Ruixiong, meanwhile, lowers his head as he gives Kaelan a little pipe cleaner stick figure with googly eyes glued onto it. "I tried."
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2soulscollide · 2 years
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hello hello!
disclaimer: this post is not related to writing, but to a notion template I've created.
these past few weeks i've been developing a notion template for 2023 (for myself), and thought why not sell it online?
honestly, it's been a bit difficult lately because I'm a college student and there's lots of stuff to pay all the time and I'm aware I can't ask my parents for money 24/7. also, next year I'm going to study abroad for a whole semester, which (again) is going to take a lot of money.
so, i opened gumroad store, but I found out it only works when you already have a platform (yay 😒) and guess what! i don't have a platform! tumblr probably is where I have more followers, so that's why I'm posting this here (kind of off-topic I know!)
here goes the little promo:
2023? Well, this is your year!
Make sure you write down your goals, keep them visible on a vision board, and run after them! Don't forget to plan your days through the year and, also important, to keep track of things in your life such as your health and fitness goals, books and articles, recipes, and more.
To help with all of this, I've created this notion template, which contains:
dashboard (overview of your calendar, undated tasks, and upcoming events)
planner (schedule, tasks & events, habit tracker)
health (fitness goals, workout and meal history, life trackers)
workouts (categories, exercises, progress with pictures, measurements, diary)
meals (plan your meals through the week, grocery list)
recipes (save your favorite recipes by category)
finances (weekly balance, log income/expense, statistics, yearly overview, bills, subscriptions, savings)
goals (2023 resolutions, vision board, monthly goals)
personal (learning, shelf - books and articles, prompts, mood log)
This template is all you need to start this new year! Organize and plan each day and month of 2023 with this operating system and make sure you achieve all your goals this year!
Version 1 - Minimalist Grey or Brown
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Buy it here
Version 2 - Cottagecore
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Buy it here
They both cost 7€ / $7 <3 also, if you're not interested, please share to help (I mean if you want to!)
Ah! And the first 15 people to buy get $2 off with this code: decemberplanning
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bladeofthewest · 3 days
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cxpperhead · 10 months
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Is he a worm or a snake?
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