#bi report
newfangled-polusai · 10 months
Top 5 Benefits of Low-Code/No-Code BI Solutions
Low-code/no-code Business Intelligence (BI) solutions offer a paradigm shift in analytics, providing organizations with five key benefits. Firstly, rapid development and deployment empower businesses to swiftly adapt to changing needs. Secondly, these solutions enhance collaboration by enabling non-technical users to contribute to BI processes. Thirdly, cost-effectiveness arises from reduced reliance on IT resources and streamlined development cycles. Fourthly, accessibility improves as these platforms democratize data insights, making BI available to a broader audience. Lastly, agility is heightened, allowing organizations to respond promptly to market dynamics. Low-code/no-code BI solutions thus deliver efficiency, collaboration, cost savings, accessibility, and agility in the analytics landscape.
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nitor-infotech · 2 years
Introduction to Power BI pipeline 
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As industries tend to rise and expand, data is one of the key reasons for such continuous growth. . Referring to this, business analysts often say that “raw data is useless without proper metrics or context to it”. So, a software programmer named Ron George came up with “Power Crescent” later known as Power BI and made it publicly available to download which gave meaning to the data. Power BI is a powerful data visualization tool that can help you make better business decisions. With Power BI, you can connect to multiple data sources, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Along with the BI software, in came the concept of Power BI pipeline later. 
In this blog you’ll get an overview about the Power BI pipeline, its stages, and benefits across businesses.  
What is a Power BI Pipeline? 
As Power BI was already playing a great role helping businesses to visualize data, in 2020, Microsoft planned to launch a new feature within the framework of Power BI Premium. This new feature was known as Deployment pipeline or simply Power BI pipeline.  
The Power BI Pipeline is a great way to transform and cleanse your data in preparation for analysis. With its dedicated connectors and transformation tools, the Power BI Pipeline makes it easy to get your data ready for actionable insights. 
So, now Power BI software made it possible for the users of this deployment feature to test content before releasing it to the market. If you are using pipeline data, I’m confident that deploying reports, datasets, and making dashboards has become easier for you. All thanks to the new feature in the BI software.  
Moving ahead, let’s look at the stages of the deployment pipelines. 
What are the main stages of Deployment Pipelines in Power BI? 
The main three stages are as follows:  
Development: This is the very first step in the entire development process. Here, collaborating with developers comes into play - where new content is designed, built, and uploaded.  
Test: This is one of the most important stages of the three. Here, the content, which is developed, is being tested and any changes that needs to be addressed, is implemented immediately.  
Production: Finally, after all the tests, the production process starts. 
Now, let’s dive into the benefits of these Pipelines. 
What are the benefits of Power BI Pipelines? 
Here are a few of the benefits: 
Faster release of products 
Elimination of errors 
Saves time for the developers  
Faster troubleshooting  
Increase in smaller updates  
With these positive elements, it really makes a great impact on businesses. Now, it's time to wrap up with this blog and share some more useful resources.  
The deployment pipeline truly leverages the whole development process with testing and modifying according to the requirements. If you want to release products faster into the market, I will recommend using this tool.  
Learn more about Power BI Pipeline in Nitor Infotech’s blog. 
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emblazons · 4 months
Forewarning: Gay Mike talk skip if you want
Not to be that person in 2024 that pride gifset did it to me but I still genuinely do not understand how the "girls being girls was never a problem for Mike" argument came to be, considering THIS the show's Mike talking about, learning about, confessing to and just being around spaces re: girls:
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note: this isn't even touching any of the moments we see hints that he's into boys—JUST the moments where we see his displeasure with/disinterest in engaging with girls (or commentary by other guys who are interested in them). Will, a confirmed gay character, doesn't even have this many reminders of his lack of interest in girls.
Once is a coincidence. Twice is a pattern. Twelve times without real effort to pull every example? and I didn't even include him taking a girls hands off him while kissing or the four other times they kissed eyes open or hidden? Iet's be so serious lmao
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lunar-wandering · 4 months
its pride month so im thinking about like headcanoning LMK characters with specific sexualities and genders and stuff and like.
with me im bi so i'm biased to assigning other characters as bi just automatically if i relate to them an all that. most of the time though i do like. fairly deep thought on it. does this actually seem to fit the character and all that.
and the thing. about Sun Wukong. is that. i cannot get a read on him. nothing fits. and you know what?? honestly??? i think not being able to get a read on him fits way better than slapping any kind of label on him
i shouldn't be able to get a read on what his deal is. he's a centuries old being with powers beyond imagination. in some ways he's borderline eldritch. it makes complete and utter sense that i don't understand what the fuck is going on here
he just has his entire own thing going on. i love this for him.
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gloaming-sometimes · 1 year
dear transhets, mspecs who are mlw or wlm, aspecs who are mlw or wlm, straight lesbians/gays/mspecs, polyamorous straights or any other queer person who is attracted to the opposite gender i wish you a wonderful day & you are awesome & you belong in the queer community just as much as the rest of us & i hope the next time youre in a fast food drive thru line the orders get mixed up and you get more than what you payed for and its your favorite foods on the menu.
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syrena-del-mar · 3 months
People forget that actors don't owe anybody the knowledge of their sexuality. Whether that be lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, demisexual, asexual, or any other sexuality. That includes their dating history or who they're currently dating. Actors only owe the public one thing: that they do their job and that they do it well.
If that job consists of partaking in CP/ship culture, consume their media knowing that what they show you in public is curated for you as a fan. If they're dating someone who is not their partner, they're not cheating you; they're not making a mockery out of you or of queer relationships. With ship work, they're simply doing their job how their culture expects them to.
Ship work is not queerbaiting. Living, breathing humans do not queerbait. Queerbaiting comes from a marketing tactic for fictional entertainment work to ensure that they don't alienate their straight audience while also ensuring queer interest. You're consuming BLs and GLs, where the shows deliver in the promised relationships. If you're consuming BL/GL, you should know that fanservice generally follows.
Fanservice works because it's understood to be common practice. It's acting, an extension of whatever series they're promoting. Also, realize that fans often find themselves so invested in a couple that a hug or even a tiny brush of their hands will be considered 'evidence' of a relationship. Friends can flirt, 'lovingly' touch each other, and mess around without it meaning anything.
That's still not queerbaiting.
Because of how advanced technology has become, we have so much access to these actors/actresses. Accessibility does not equal entitlement to know how they identify. Claiming an individual is 'queerbaiting' only causes harm in the long term because you might unknowingly force someone to come out of the closet before they were ever ready to be. This only pushes media/reporters to continuously ask for information that isn't anyone's business to drum up engagement, potentially exploiting them for clicks. There's no need to inquire about their personal life, relationships, or sexuality.
But what if they take cryptic 'couple' photos with someone other than their work partner? Stop searching. Take their social media posts at face value. Stop trying to come up with some 'gotcha' moment, whether that be actually dating their work partner or some other individual. It's their personal life (curated, but still their life); you're overstepping, and if what you find out upsets you, then it's time to pull away.
It's really that simple.
Just because you buy into the fantasy a little too much and invest yourself in the pseudo-relationship does not mean the actors are queerbaiters. At the end of the day, fanservice is just that—a service provided for the fans. In other words, it's a job. Finding out that an actor/actress is dating someone of the opposite sex does not make them queerbaiters. (Also, realize that dating someone of the opposite sex does not signify that they're straight; whether they are or not, it's none of your business.)
If an actor/actress's personal relationships make you so mentally unwell because they're not with the onscreen partner, it just means you've genuinely detached yourself from reality. I mean this sincerely, if you're at this point, find help. Try to learn and understand more about why you're putting so much of yourself into a parasocial relationship. It's unhealthy for you to get so worked up that you feel sick because two coworkers aren't together.
If you find out that you're not a fan of CP work because you feel lied to or cheated, just don't consume it. Simply watch the show, look up their artist profile to see what other works they've been in, and log off. Don't follow them on social media, don't look up their fan meets, or watch video compilations that fans have made for shipping.
You're the master curator of your online consumption.
Curate it.
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zo1nkss · 1 year
referencing my last tags but actually I'm gonna say it, if you weren't around when people got regularly called slurs and sent death threats for having gay ships you literally do not get to judge what the worst fandom ever is, thanks :)
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newfangled-polusai · 2 months
In a world overwhelmed by Excel sheets, PolusAI revolutionizes data management by automating preparation, handling dynamic formats, and enhancing data quality. It transforms data into actionable insights, giving businesses a competitive edge. PolusAI represents the future of analytics, enabling effortless creation of dashboards from extensive data sources.
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comradecowplant · 5 months
*sniffle* well, that's that then. voyager has made it back to the alpha quadrant (albeit i'm not the biggest fan of the "timey whimey antics save the day" means utilized but i've seen similar plots play out far worse so i'll accept it with minimal brow furrowing), my mind & heart are full with a new sci-fi obsession, and while i know i said i'm diving into TNG asap, i do think my little ticker needs a minute to process & say goodbye to the star fleet captain who-- no matter how good picard/other captains i can't wait to meet are-- will now forever be My Captain(tm), and her intrepid crew (i'll even miss the doctor!) of the U.S.S. Voyager o7
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opalescent-apples · 5 months
Attention fellow bot smashers! The asexual tag is being swarmed with bots selling fake health supplements
(and one peddling ragebaity incoherent ai generated news that was completely irrelevant to the tag? That's a new kind, and a concerning one at that).
Please help the aces of tumblr keep their tag, and rid Tumblr of the bots!
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lululawrence · 1 year
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Soooooo… we ( @londonfoginacup @jaerie @sadaveniren and I) did a thing. 😂 I didn’t get a photo of my nails before the show, but they are rainbow right into ace flag colors too, so we made sure even if no one else brought rainbows, they’d be there and we ourselves would be walking rainbows hah
I’d been incredibly excited about seeing Andrew Cushin as well as the Snuts and they did NOT disappoint! They both blew me away with how incredible they are live performance wise and while interacting with the crowd. They were the perfect start to the show!
Then Louis. He was amazing!!! I could barely see him even though we were only in the back of the party pit lol I mean I think outside of the rainbows and a photo of @jaerie smiling SO BIG because she was finally witnessing Louis singing High in California live, I only took maybe three photos during the entire show because I was dancing and waving my flag since I couldn’t see lol but look at him!
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So yeah, it was fine because we sure could HEAR HIM and that was all we really needed in addition to our random glimpses of him haha plus I had space to dance and we made a new friend Nicole who had come to the show alone and allowed me to adopt her into our group and was SO kind not being annoyed with me when I bumped into her while dancing or jumping on the uneven ground or randomly just leaning my head on her shoulder for a cuddle after another great performance of a song I love haha
And then the RAINBOWS DURING the megamix!!! They were SO BEAUTIFUL and I KNOW some of those people brought their own to add to ours because I saw inclusive pride flags and bi flags mixed in with the rest! It was so wonderful. I mean, LOOK!!!
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I took a longer video during SIBWAWC too, but that will get its own post. Then Louis almost making me cry during Saturdays… fuck. I love this song and it’s such a hopeful one that means SO MUCH!!! To me!!! But there was just SOMETHING in his voice that hit me so hard last night. It was incredible.
And the SPEECH after the megamix was DIFFERENT than I remember it being before! And the way he worded it hit me SO HARD. It was. A lot to take in. But just knowing he didn’t have to worry about doing what he wanted because he knew we would still be there? YOU GUYS. THAT WAS EVERYTHING!!!! Fuck I still keep thinking of how I was waving my flag up high ready to cheer when he said what he did before about making the album and I just FROZE. Because he’d come to our side of the stage and said those words… and I was barely breathing.
Because like… listen. There was something different about the show last night. Something special. Emotions were really close to the surface or something. But I could FEEL IT and it just made everything that much more palpable. This was my fourth show this tour and I got BOTH TANK TOPS OKAY. Iconic and a haze for me at this point in some ways because SO GREAT. SO FUN. AMAZING. But this was just… different and so fucking special.
So yeah. Rainbows. All the rainbows. @rainbowmegamix being a success. Great friends. Amazing music and dancing and vibes all around. Plus! We didn’t have to sneak the flags in this time 😂😂 always nice to not have that reason to have a heart attack lol
In summary, Council Bluffs was incredible. Can’t wait to finish off my group of shows in Red Rocks!
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divineei · 1 year
i might have to get into mortal kombat man these hotties got my attention
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ashimbisresearch · 21 days
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Precision Weeding Market | BIS Research
The precision weeding market is projected to reach $10,658.8 million by 2034 from $1,810.2 million in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 17.74% during the forecast period of 2024-2034.
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flamesignite · 1 month
so your like a ladies man?
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“I like any gender so I’m everyone’s man.”
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newfangled-polusai · 4 months
What advantages does PolusAI provide in terms of speed and decision-making? PolusAI accelerates data analytics processes, offering nine times faster generation of dashboards and insights, enabling swift data-driven decision-making. This rapid processing allows businesses to act on insights five times faster than traditional methods, enhancing responsiveness and strategic agility. PolusAI’s homegrown NLP engine provides real-time insights, ensuring decision-makers have up-to-date information. By streamlining data analysis and reducing the time from data collection to actionable insights, PolusAI significantly improves operational efficiency and decision accuracy, helping businesses maintain a competitive edge and quickly adapt to market changes.
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