#businessman castiel
goldenraeofsun · 2 years
Day 26: Hum
The hum of the airplane rattles Dean down to his very bones, and his heart is about to jackrabbit out of his chest. With shaking hands, he unscrews the fun size bottle of whiskey he brought from the duty-free store by the gate and swigs back a hearty shot.
It does nothing.
Well, nothing except make his blue-eyed seatmate shoot him a look of alarm. After a beat his neighbor asks tentatively, “Are you okay?”
“Fine,” Dean grunts.
The plane jolts, and Dean whimpers. Jesus Christ, how long does it take to taxi to the runway? The airport’s only so big for crying out loud.
“Are you sure?” his neighbor asks.
Dean nods and takes another swig of alcohol. “I’m fine,” he repeats quickly. “Other than the fact that I’m stuck in a flying metal tube for the next two hours unless it plummets to Earth in a fiery ball of scrap metal before we land.”
His neighbor squints at him. “That is… extremely unlikely.”
Dean just shrugs and takes another swig of his bottle, now pitifully half-empty.
“I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but flying is statistically the safest way to travel.”
“Thanks, Supes,” Dean says bitterly.
“But I know phobias aren’t always rational,” his neighbor acknowledges, “but I would feel remiss if I didn’t mention it.”
The plane’s engines go from a hum to a blood-chilling roar as they take off down the runway.
Dean’s hands fly to the armrest, bearing down with all his strength. “Son of a bitch, why did I ever think this was a good idea?” he mutters to himself. “I have no fucking clue what I’m doing. I shouldn’t even be in this goddamn death trap.”
The plane takes off into the air, and Dean knocks back the rest of his whiskey. Every groan and creak from the cabin gives Dean a mini heart attack. He’s breathing too fast, and the whiskey threatens to come back up several times as they climb farther and farther away from the safety of the ground.
“If people were meant to fly, we would’ve been given fucking wings,” Dean hisses, squeezing his eyes shut. “No, we were meant to stay on planet Earth. Traveling like this is … unnatural.”
“It’s more a matter of aerodynamics than a facet of the supernatural,” his neighbor cuts through his rambling monologue.
Eyes still closed like he can pretend he’s not a thousand feet up in the air, Dean shakes his head. “Not helping.”
“My apologies. Is there anything I can do to help?”
Dean opens his eyes, more than a little surprised at the sincerity written all over his neighbor’s face. “No.”
“Attention passengers, we have reached cruising altitude. You are free to move about the cabin.”
“Thank god.” Dean breathes out heavily through his mouth, but the exhale doesn’t do much to suppress the low thrum of panic still running through his veins. He flexes his fingers, pulling his right arm back from the armrest. “Sorry,” he mutters to his seat neighbor. “Didn’t mean to hog it.”
“Don’t worry about it,” his neighbor says with a warm smile. “You needed it more than I did.”
“Still,” Dean grunts. He cranes his neck. “Where’s the booze cart?”
“Usually they wait a few minutes to let people stretch their legs first,” his neighbor says, “or go to the bathroom.”
“Huh,” Dean leans back in his seat. “You fly often?”
“Not often enough,” he says to Dean’s complete confusion. How could someone want more of this? “I love traveling.”
“I see,” Dean says because he’s not about to tell a complete stranger he’s a Cuckoo’s Nest of Cocoa Puffs.
“It’s not for everyone,” his neighbor says with a slight dip of his head. “But I –” he breaks off as the plane lurches mid-air.
The bottom drops out of Dean’s stomach.
“Attention passengers, we’re hitting a bad bout of turbulence so the captain has turned the fasten seat belt sign on. Please return to your seats.”
Dean’s stomach flies back up into his throat as the plane starts fucking falling, and it’s like Dean’s stuck on a hellish roller coaster made only of death-complying drops. “We’re gonna die,” he moans. 
“I don’t think –”
“The last thing I said to Sammy was, ‘see ya on the other side, bitch’,” he plows on. “I didn’t mean it literally!”
“I really doubt –”
“At least he’ll be alright without his big brother,” Dean babbles, “he’s gonna be a hot shot lawyer, and I’m gonna be a smear on the ground. I hope he knows I’m proud of him.”
“I’m sure he kn –”
“’Cause we’re not going to make it, and I’m never even gonna have a chance at that stupid job I’m not even qualified for. I mean, who the hell would employ a high school dropout with only a GED and a give ’em hell attitude?” he says, his voice rising in pitch. “Nobody, that’s who!”
“That seems un –”
“I mean, do I look like a fucking secretary? Sorry, executive assistant,” he makes a pfft noise with his mouth. “No sir. No siree.” God, he sounds drunk – or like he’s about to cry. “Sammy says I can do it, but, fuck, he’s family. He organized this whole interview; of course he’s gonna say that. He’s always thought I was better than I am. But that’s just how kids view their parent figures, right? I thought the sun shone outta my dad’s ass until he up and left us.”
Alarmed, his neighbor just gapes at him.
The plane shudders and unleashes another torrent of words from Dean’s mouth. His last will and testament – or confession? – before he meets his maker.
“What a goddamn cliche,” Dean rambles, “leaving for a pack of smokes – fucking smokes, can you believe it? – and just never coming back. At least Sammy was a good kid. He practically raised himself after that.”
Something deep in the belly of the plane makes a horrible scraping noise, and this is it. This is the end.
“I did my best though,” he adds fervently, “I helped him with his homework, drove him to dances and SAT classes, made sure all the bills got paid on time so Sammy had a roof over his head, electricity, gas, and running water.”
“Very admirable of you,” his neighbor says faintly.
“I even sweet talked one teacher into writing his college recommendation after Sammy forgot the application deadline. Shit, she was a hard ass, but Sammy loved Mrs. Mosely, so I wasn’t gonna let one mistake set him back. I had to change her oil for free, but it got Sammy into Stanford with a full ride, so I’m not complaining.”
“I think that’s the textbook definition of comp –”
“Attention passengers, we seem to be through the worst of the turbulence, so the captain will turn off the fasten seatbelt sign in a minute. When seated, please keep your seatbelt on and enjoy the rest of the flight.”
Dean snaps his jaw shut, his face heating to a temperature only known to Mount Doom. 
His neighbor opens his mouth to say something, but Dean just shakes his head and turns away to flag down a flight attendant. That booze cart has his goddamn name on it.
Two hours and change later, Sammy meets him at the arrivals gate, smirking. “How was the flight?” he asks as they make their way to the exit.
“Shut up. I don’t want to talk about it.”
Sam chuckles. “That bad?”
“We hit turbulence five minutes in.”
“Damn,” Sam says sympathetically. “But at least Castiel is excited to meet you.”
* * *
Sammy drops off Dean at Castiel Novak’s office in some horrible reverse parody of the first day of school. As he gets out of the car, Dean half-expects Sam to hand him a bag lunch and tell him to play nice with the other kids. But Sam just lets him go with a grin and a wave.
Dean gives his name at the welcome desk and gets a visitor’s pass and directions to the fourth floor.
He spends the short elevator ride fiddling with the cuffs of his blazer and adjusting his tie.
All too soon, the doors open, and Dean steps out only to stop dead in his tracks.
“Hello, Dean,” says his seatmate from his flight-from-hell. He takes a step closer and holds out his hand. “I don’t believe we ever traded formal introductions. I’m Castiel Novak.”
For the second time in two days, the bottom drops out of Dean’s stomach.
Read the sequel here!
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dorkylilguy · 10 months
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loving white collar businessman and his spoiled freelance husband 💚💙
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
the thing about me is that I have this need to pick up every angel on supernatural by their scruff and place them into an enclosure that will allow them to, if not heal and become better, than at least to be petty and vindictive in a way that causes less death and destruction and is just kind of annoying. which I would argue is also good for them. let angels make choices where the consequences of their actions are non-existent rather than world-ending. teaches them free will in a safe, healthy way.
#this is still about Zachariah to be clear#it’s about all of them. I’m putting them all in such nice enclosures. with so much enrichment#but mostly this is about Zachariah. just kind of want to put him in an actual office and watch him whirr away. maybe he prints things.#stands at a water cooler and makes awkward small talk.#I don’t know what happens in offices. what do I look like. I don’t think he does either really. he just likes the aesthetic#he’s constantly cosplaying and it makes all the other angels slightly uncomfortable like. Okay Zach We Get It. This Is Your Businessman OC.#Can We Please Go Back To Talking About How To Stop Castiel From Breaking Containment For The Fifth Time This Month.#(my integration of old and new angel rebellion canon is per s5 all angels have the capacity to rebel. and many do. often. and are punished#for it. and also per s8 Cas just does it the most because he is so sooo annoying <3#also maybe because a combination of factors like. Anna is his boss for a lot of that time and she goes lighter on the reprogramming because#she’s already having doubts. and then also he’s paired with Uriel always. they make each other question things. but they also work#too well together for Heaven to separate them. the cost isn’t so high (yet) just toss them in the brain cleaner after each assignment#and they’re still useful.)#sorry this was supposed to be about Zachariah.#his enclosure has fax machines in it. he likes them. you know. the same way most angels like radio towers. he *likes* them.#spn#Zachariah spn
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rincewinds-hat · 26 days
picture this: destiel mama mia au. Dean (who, for this plot will be trans masc and also why not) and his brother Sam move to an island in Greece to get away from their toxic father. Dean meets amd falls for several men in the first few months - Benny, a sailor from Luisiana who's writing a book about his journeys; Crowley, a businessman who he didn't get along with at first but ended up having a fling with (Crowley development feelings, but Dean didn't); and Castiel, an architect who's been following a plan his whole life, and coming here and being with Dean has showed him free will and actual love (but he has to go back, because despite everything he still wants to be accepted and loved by his family). Suddenly, they all reunite when Jack (Dean's child) is having his 18 birthday party
Edit: it took 6 reblogs (2 of them with tags/ text, love yall for that) and 27 likes. I will start writing it tonight, updates soon
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explainslowly · 1 month
Day 13 of @spnficrecfest - Poly ships and rare-pairs
How to Succeed in Business Dean Smith hooks up with a mysterious pushy businessman
No Expenses Spared Blood magic gone wrong
Find Me Faithless Demon Dean is Crowley's prized bitch <3 (I have debated with myself whether to include this one but I believe we can all be reasonable - that said there is implied but not depicted bestiality at the end, ok? You have been warned. Anyway.)
To Lie with the Devil Don't bite off more than you can chew, Crowley says, stuffing the entire Castiel into his mouth.
When The Bill Comes Due Something something Castiel as a being of limitless hunger.
not him/not her/not me - graphic depiction of violence, creator chose not to use warnings Strange and fragmented <3 Meg and Cas meet in the empty.
Fractured link - Meanstiel sweet!
one on, two out - Dean/Deacon You ever think about Dean/Deacon? I do.
meet my girlfriend - Lisa Braeden/Daphne Allen hey.... what if Lisa and Daphne got together? Would that be crazy or what? Read on for some gender too.
to survive on this shore - Rhonda Hurley/Dean Winchester transfem Dean character portrait that will gut you in under 1k words
Any Port - Dean Winchester/Aaron Bass THE best Dean/Aaron canonverse fic I have found so far (bless au writers but I simply do not think Aaron is analogous to a dweeby training wheels boyfriend Dean doesn't like that much)
The Song In Your Blood - Dean Winchester/Siren (Nick Monroe), Rape I think we can all agree that Dean was looking for a little more than *just* a brother
Yes - Castiel/Jimmy Novak, Rape Canonverse. Jimmy's and Castiel's relationship sours, post Rapture.
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sofreddie · 1 month
The Parts You Hide 4
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Summary: Dean's fallen into old habits to cope. Meanwhile, Sam runs into Nick, and their dark past catches up with him.
Characters: Bisexual!Sam x Bisexual!Closeted!Dean, Nick, Castiel (briefly), Unnamed Woman/Women
Warnings: Wincest (Not Related), M/M, Implied Smut, Mentioned Drug Abuse, Mentioned Prostitution, Violence
WC: 913
A/N: Some dark themes here that will carry into the next part. Thanks for sticking with me on this one! Feedback is appreciated. : )
The Parts You Hide Masterlist
Part 3
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Dean groaned as the sunlight streamed through the curtains, bringing him to consciousness and making him aware of the hangover demanding attention. He groaned and rubbed his face, debating returning to sleep when he felt movement beside him. Cracking open his eyes, he turned his head and saw his conquest from the night before. He couldn't remember the petite blonde's name. It didn't matter. It was yet another in a long line of random women he'd fucked over the past week.
After the intervention, Dean took a leave of absence from work and took off in Baby, grateful he kept an overnight bag in his trunk in case of emergencies. Or, as it were, an escape from reality and all the people within it who wanted to 'fix' him. Forcing himself from the bed, he went to the bathroom, intending to relieve himself and shower away the previous night's activities that still clung to his skin.
When he emerged, he was grateful to see the blonde had dressed and left a simple note on her pillow. He sighed and crumpled the note, tossing it across the room toward the bin, not caring that it missed entirely. Removing his towel, he dressed and rummaged through his bag for meds to help with his pounding head. The constant ringing of his cell phone wasn't helping any.
Downing the meds and gulping half a bottle of water, he reluctantly viewed his phone. He'd been ignoring it for days. The phone rang again in his hand, Castiel's name popping up, another in a long line of calls. Sighing, he swiped to answer the call. He knew he owed his friend an apology for the way he decked him and ran off.
"Cas. Hey man, look, I'm sorry about how I left-"
"Dean? Sam's in the hospital."
Dean's breath stuttered, and his heart dropped at Cas' hastily spoken words.
"What?" he breathed, holding onto the edge of the small kitchen table to stabilize himself as his knees suddenly felt weak.
"Apparently, he was attacked," Cas rushed to explain.
After Cas told him the floor and room number, Dean grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet and rushed to Baby. He didn't know what had happened or how Sam had ended up in the hospital. All he knew was that he had to get to him. Even if Sam didn't want him there, Dean had to see that Sam was okay and find out what happened from him. Whoever dared attack him was in for a world of hurt.
Stepping out of the bar into the cold night air, Sam tugged his jacket closer around him. He smiled at his companion—a young and cute businessman just passing through—and walked with him into the night. He didn't care to remember his name or anything about him. Sam didn't care that the man wouldn't be there tomorrow; he was nothing more than a distraction, a way to cleanse his palette and get over Dean.
"Heya, Sammy."
The voice behind him stopped Sam in his tracks, tensing his body and hunching his shoulders at the distinct sound. He reluctantly turned, seeing Nick approaching from the bar.
"Who's your friend?" Nick teased, looking the more petite man up and down and licking his lips.
"I-I don't want any trouble," Sam's date spoke.
When Nick chuckled and grinned menacingly, the smaller male lifted his hands in surrender. He backed away, leaving Sam to face Nick alone. He didn't expect much from a one-night stand but to abandon him at the first sign of trouble?
Sam never liked Nick, but they became associated when one of Sam's flings - a trouble-making brunette named Ruby - got him hooked on drugs. Nick was his dealer, and when Sam was strapped for cash and in need of a fix, Nick was all too willing to accept other means of payment.
It wasn't something Sam was proud of, and Dean helped him not only break from addiction but heal from his traumatic past with Nick and Ruby - though Sam never told him their names as he didn't want Dean hunting them down. With Dean out of the picture, it seemed Sam was doomed to fall into old patterns. But he refused to touch any drugs ever again.
And he certainly hadn't forgotten when Dean accused Nick of trying to drug Sam at the bar by slipping something into his drink. After that, he was more than afraid of Nick and was starting to realize how far he'd go.
"Shame your date took off. I'm available for the night," Nick continued, grinning.
"I told you, I'm not interested. And I don't do drugs anymore."
"Yeah, that's right. Since Dean came along and took you away. But…I don't see him anywhere. In fact, my boys told me he left town in a hurry. So I guess I don't need to worry about him interrupting us again, huh?"
Sam swallowed hard as Nick stepped closer and closer to his personal space. Sam could fight, yell, and scream, but Nick knew a lot of people in town, not to mention he was strong and a skilled fighter.
"Don't," Sam growled, slapping away Nick's hand when he reached to caress him.
In the next instant, Nick's hand was squeezing around his throat as he pressed Sam's back into the side of a parked car.
"Oh, Honey," Nick cooed in Sam's ear as his vision began to blur. "You know I love it when you're feisty."
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destielficarchive · 4 months
Hello, im searching for a fic inread back maybe in 2019 or 2018 and its :
Castiel is a wealthy businessman who offers to pay off Dean's debts in exchange for a relationship. Dean works as a mechanic
I couldn't find it
Maybe it's
Like Midas ?? But I can't find it
Anyone know this one?
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destieltaggedfic · 7 months
Hi there!
Sorry if you’ve already posted this, but do you happen to have a list of au fics where either Dean or Cas (or both) are in the mafia?
Thanks and keep up the AMAZING work, you are a fanfic god <3
Mafia isn't really my thing, but I do have a few.
That Shipwreck of Your Heart - Faster_Than_the_Speed_of_Sound   Ao3
A/B/O AU.  Of the three jobs he works, Dean loves working at burger place Mystery Spot.  When he accidentally finds out that its run by the Russian mafia his life is about to change drastically.  Especially because he saved his favourite Krushnic brother Castiel.  
Word Count: 200k                                            Graphic Sexual Acts
Drive – CandyCains   Ao3
AU.  For months Dean has watched his boss change as he’s had to take on more responsibilities within the family.  They both just want to get away.
Word Count: 2k                                 No Sex
The Cupcake Identity – destimushi   Ao3
AU.  When rocker Dean confesses that he has a boyfriend, he’s in for a world of surprise, because he doesn’t realise that Cas and his cupcake bakery isn’t his real identity. (I recommend reading the whole series, but this is the only one with mafia-type stuff)
Word Count: 10k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
When the Assassin met the Mafia Boss - sophie_cherie   Ao3
AU.  When he wants to take out his rival, Cas hires the best assassin available.  He doesn’t know how much they are going to be attracted to each other though.
Word Count: 3k                                 Graphic Sexual Acts
Hit On Me - SomethingBlue42   Ao3
AU.  Every week the same Russian comes into Dean’s restaurant.  Its obvious the guy is not just a businessman, but Dean loves waiting on him all the same.
Word Count: 3k                                 No Sex
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deancaspinefest · 2 years
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Devil On the Dirt  |  Explicit  |  32,300
Author: Powersuitup
Artist: Birdstiel
Dean’s only ever wanted to race. He grew up following his dad around the US, watching and then racing flat track. It’s all he knows.
But then he almost screws everything up, partying too hard and getting into trouble.
He doesn’t know if he deserves the second that a sponsorship with Harley Davidson could be, but he knows he’s not gonna mess it up this time. Even if that means playing nice with his new PR rep, one Castiel Novak, resident stick in the mud.
Castiel hates flat track with a passion. He’s worked his way up the Harley Davidson food chain, he gets to pick his clients, he shouldn’t have to deal with this.
But he is the best at what he does, so he’s stuck with Dean Winchester, a rising star in the flat track world with a penchant for getting himself into trouble.
It’s just one summer. Surely he can get through this.
Link to fic  |  Link to art 
Pairings: Dean/Cas (Meg Masters/Castiel, Gordon Walker/Dean Winchester, Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester)
Warnings: Homophobia, Motorcycle Accident, Motorcycle Death, Minor Character Death
Tags: Motorcycle Racer!Dean, Businessman!Cas, Racing AU
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fandomtherapy44 · 1 year
castiel x reader
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Winchester. The sister Of Sam and Dean. We will be starting from season four since sadly we did not get Misha Collins as Castiel throughout the whole series. It will start off as a friendship, but it will grow more as the series goes on. I will be skipping some episodes even though they are great episodes they do not push the story forward. I am so excited to get to write this since they are not many Castiel X reader stories out there. Okay without further due Love War & Grace enjoy the Story.
Paring: Castiel X Reader
Word count: 4,088
Warnings: Some language, Typical Supernatural violence, Spoilers for season four of Supernatural
I got the divider from
Firefly Graphics
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Chapter 10: It’s A Terrible Life
POV: Y/n
My alarm goes off at 6:00 and I get up happily. I go to my kitchen and start to make my breakfast of eggs, bacon, and grapes. I turn on my favorite song. 
Ohhhh, yeeeh
I used to think maybe you loved me now baby I'm sure
And I just can't wait till the day when you knock on my door
Now everytime I go for the mailbox, gotta hold myself down
'Cause I just can't wait till you write me you're coming around
I'm dancing around the kitchen and having so much that I don’t notice the time. “Crap I'm going to be late.”
I'm walking on sunshine, wooah
I'm walking on sunshine, woooah
I'm walking on sunshine, woooah
And don't it feel good!
I walk in the coffee shop to get my boss's order with a smile on my face. “Hey brain, how's it going?” ” It’s going good Y/n, the regular” “You know it!” I said back to him I got the coffee, and I went on my way to my job.
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I enter the building quickly, being five minutes away from being late. I walk calmly over to Mr. Alder’s office and knock on his door. “Come in” I hear from the other side and enter the room. “Good morning Mr. Alder, here is your black coffee with two sugars and two creamers.” I said placing the coffee down. “Aww thanks sweetheart you're the best secretary in the world.” For some reason a small chill went up my spine when he called me sweetheart. “No problem, it is my job, do you need anything else?” “Nah all you need to do is sit there and be pretty I'll call you if I do though.” With that comment I walked back to my desk. 
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It was lunchtime and I went to the break room to make a sandwich. My work bestie Lyndsey comes up to me. “Ugg, I swear if Mr. Carson makes me do his basic paperwork one more time, I might commit murder.” “Ha ha right.” “Oh, you have nothing to complain about, you have the top secretary spot in the company, and you've only been here for a month.” “I don’t know, all I have to do is just sit there. I get pretty bored to be honest.” “Oh, to be bored, I envy thee. Did you see Mr. Smith this morning so hot right?” She said, biting her lip. “Uh I don’t know.”
“Girl, are you blind whatever, did you have any more dreams about Mr. Businessman.” “You're just going to make fun of me.” “No, totally not.” I sighed looking into my coffee. “This time I was in a carpark, and I was hurt, and I hugged him, and he hugged back.” “Ohh did it go beyond hugging.” She said, raising her eyebrows up and down. “No no it’s nothing like that, it feels like a friendship.” “Ugg boring.” “You said you wouldn't make fun.” “I'm not, it's just my opinion.” Sometimes Lindsey could be a bitch that’s why she’s my work bestie.
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I ran towards the elevator and yelled out for whoever was in there to hold it. “Thanks.” “No problem.” Mr. Smith and I think the other guy’s name was Sam. The three of us were just standing listening to the elevator music before Sam asked us a question. “Do I know you two?” Sam asked us. “Um I don’t think so, Sorry.” I responded. “I don't think so.” “I'm sorry, guys, you just look really familiar.” “Save it for the health club, pal.” With that Mr. Smith walked out of the elevator quickly. “Have a good night, Sam.” I told him. “You too?” “Y/n” “Right Y/n goodnight.” 
I got home and got ready for bed and thought about Sam’s question. He did kind of look familiar even though I hadn’t really met him before. Oh well with that I went off to sleep. 
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  The next morning I woke up feeling groggy and my head was filled with my dreams from the night before and I think I saw Mr.Smith and I think Sam in them. Which is really weird because I barley known them and what we were doing was hunting monsters so like what the hell?! 
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I walked down to Lynsey’s office because she was not in the break room for our daily coffee talk. When I go into her space, she is working hard which she never does. “Lyndsey? Lyn? Why don’t you take a break huh?” I go to touch her shoulder, but she does not take that well. “Don’t touch me Y/n! I don’t have time to sit around all day like you!” I was surprised because yeah, we weren't besties 24/7 but we wouldn't seriously insult each other. “Look Lyn I don’t know what’s wrong but whatever it is I can help you.” “No, you can’t! Just leave me alone. I have to work work…” She said drifting off not looking back at me.
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I go to heat up my lunch, but the microwave is busted. “Oh, come on.” I went to the tech floor knowing that was the closest microwave to me. The elevator dings and I walk into a huge crowd of people around the break room, the reason being that a body was being rolled out. I look around and see Sam and Dean again. 
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Now what the hell is happening. As I sit down, I get a call. “Hello, this Mr. Alders-” “This is Mr. Smith I need you in my office now.” He hangs up and I put the phone down. I walk to his office, and I walk in, and Sam is in here too. “Am I in trouble?” I said because so far this is weird. “No no you're not. Just sit down.” Mr. Smith gestured to the chair, and I did. “Ok so this is going sound weird, but do you believe in ghosts?” Mr. Smith asked, and I was expecting a smile after that, but one didn't come. “He he, I'm sorry ghosts, is there a camera somewhere?” “No, unfortunately not Y/n he’s being serious.” Sam said, looking at me.
“Ghosts? What the Hell are you talking about?” “Okay, listen. What if these suicides aren't suicides? I mean, what if they're something not natural?” “So, what, ghosts are real? And they're responsible for all the dead bodies around here? Is that what you're telling me?” “That’s what Sam and I have concluded, yeah.” “Based on what? Delusion.” I said not believing what I was hearing. “No, Instinct.” “Instinct I think I have the same one.” Now remembering the dreams. “Really?” They both said at the same time.
“Yeah, I've been having these dreams with you guys in it, and we were killing monsters also I saw a businessman.” “Businessman didn’t see him but yes to the ghosts and the monsters.” Sam said. “So, you're telling me that your guy's dreams are special visions and you're some kind of psychics’?” “No. I mean, that would be nuts. I'm just saying something weird is definitely going on around here, right? So, I've been digging around a little.”
“Yeah, I agree with him.” I backed Sam up. Sam pulled at some papers. “I think I found a connection between the two guys.” He explained. “You broke into their email accounts?” “Nice Sam�� I compilated him. “Thanks Y/n, I used some skills that I happen to have to satisfy my curiosity.” “So, it turns out Ian and Paul both got this same email telling them to report to HR, room fourteen forty-four.” “HR's on seven.” “Exactly.” “Should we go check this out?” “Like right now?” “No. No, it's getting late. You're right.” “I am dying to check this out right now.” “Right?” “Me too” I added, and we went on our way to room fourteen four-four.
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We walk closer to the room, and we hear a man screaming. Sam kicked the door in, and we rushed in, and the man was under a shelf. We go to try to lift it off as we do. I look behind an old man standing there, and he flings Dean back. He walked to Sam with a sparky hand, and I had the thought to grab a wrench and hit him and he disappeared with that. Dean walks over and we lift the shelf off the man. “How'd you know how to do that?” They asked me. “I have no idea.”
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Dean’s apartment was thankfully close. “Holy crap, Guys.” Dean said, referring to what just happened to us. “Yeah. I could use a beer.” Sam said. “Yeah, put me down for one too.” “Oh, sorry, Guys. I'm on the Cleanse. I got rid of all the carbs in the house.” “Hey. How the hell did you know that ghosts are scared of wrenches?” They ask me. “Crazy, right? And nice job kicking that door too. That was very Jet Li. What are you, like a black belt or something?” “No. I have no clue how I did that. It's like...we've done this before.” “What do you mean, before? Like Shirley MacLaine before?” “No. I—I just can't shake this feeling like I—like I don't belong here. You know? Like I should do something more than sit in a cubicle.” “I think most people who work in a cubicle feel that same way.” 
“No. Well, look, it's more than that. Like, I don't like my job. I don't like this town. I don't like my clothes. I don't like my own last name. I don't know how else to explain it, except that...it feels like I should be doing something else. There's just something in my blood. Like I was destined for something different. What about you? You ever feel that way?” “I don't believe in destiny. I do believe in dealing with what's right in front of us, though.” “What about you Y/n.”Dean asked me. “I feel the same as I make my own future.” “All right, so, what do we do now?” Sam asked, which was a good question cause what the hell do you do in this situation? “We do what I do best, Sammy, N/n. Research.” “Okay. Did you just call me Sammy?” “And me N/n?” “Did I?” “I think you did. Yeah. Don't.” “Yeah, please don’t” “Sorry.” He goes to sit at his laptop.
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“Oh, jackpot.” “What you got?” Sam and I walked over to Dean. “I just found the best site ever. Real, actual ghost hunters.” “Oh wow, cool!” I said sitting next to Dean. “These guys are genius. Check it out.” “Instructional videos.” Sam pointed out. Dean hits play “We know why you're watching.” These two guys were in lab coats in front of a table. “You've got a problem.” “A ghost problem.” “A ghost-related problem. A ghost—it's like a ghost-adjacent pr—it's like a problem that's—and the ghost is—” “Whatever. You've come to the right place. The only decent place, really, because the Ghostfacers know how to solve it.” “Period.” “Watch and learn.” “See, the first step in any supernatural fight:” “Figure out what you're up against.” Both of them said together. 
I went onto the computer and looked up the company’s history. There was a picture of an old man next to the article. “That's him. That's the ghost.” Dean pointed out over my shoulder. “P. T. Sandover. Died 1916. Devoted his life to his work. No wife, no kids.
The article text visible next to the picture reads "Office 1444 was considered to be the center of the company's operations, with Sandover himself overseeing all details of any construction project the company undertook. / Considered to be a difficult person to work for, P.T. Sandover had an exceptionally high standard of quality, often marching onto construction sites and halting all work until he personally inspected each aspect of the structure. Aiming for perfection is perhaps why the Sandover legacy is so impressive, dominating the industry with the scale and scope of its projects.” “Used to say he was the company, and his very blood pumped through the building.” Sam read. “Wow, okay. So slight workaholic. Maybe he's still here, you know, watching over the company, even killing for it.” Dean theorized.
“Plus, turns out this isn't the first time people started killing themselves in the building. 1929.” “Yeah, but lots of guys jumped off lots of high rises that year.” “How many companies had seventeen suicides?” I added in. “Phew. Okay, so P. T. Sandover, protector of the company. His ghost wakes up and becomes active during times of grave economic distress.” “Well, I mean, the worst time we've seen since the Great Depression—” “Is now. Yeah, now sucks. My portfolio's in the sewer. I don't even wanna talk about it.” “So Sandover's helping the bottom line—” “By zapping some model employees.” 
“Yeah. I mean, Ian and Paul. It was like he turned them into different people.” “Perfect worker bees, exactly. So devoted to the company that they would commit hara-kiri if they failed it.” “Oh my gosh Lyndsey was acting like that. Now we abustley have to do this.” “One more interesting fact. The building wasn't always that high. Used to be fourteen floors. And the room where the ghost attacked, fourteen forty-four? Once upon a time, that was the old man's office.” Of course it was.
We went back to the Ghostbusters videos. “Once you've got that thing in your sights—” “You kill it.” Good to know. “Using special ghost-hunting weapons.” “First, salt. It's like acid to ghosts.” “Burny acid.” “Not LSD.” “No. It's a bad trip for ghosts. Next up, iron.” “That's why the wrench worked.” I concluded. “Pure power in your hand.” “Dissipates ghosts instantly.” “Next little trick. We learned this from those useless douchebags—” “That we hate.” I wonder who pissed them off so much. “The Winchesters. Well, except for the sister who was nice to us, she was also hot.” “Yeah hot.” He looked off like he was thinking about this woman. “Uhh right back to the ghosts. Gun.” “Shotgun shell. Pack it up with fresh rock salt.” “Very effective.” “Very effective.” “Winchesters still suck ass, though. But the sister.” “Affirmative. Suckage major. But the sister.” 
We pack two duffels of iron pokers and salt. “Where do we even get a gun?” Dean questioned. “Gun store?” “Isn't there like some kind of waiting period or something?” “I think so.” “Well, how in the hell—” “I don't know. Seems pretty impossible, honestly.” “Right.” I mean who can just get guns on a whim.
Back to the video. “The aforementioned super-annoying Winchester douchenozzles but the sister also taught us this one other thing. You have to burn the remains.” “Okay, this next part gets a little gross. Sometimes you might have to dig up the body. Sorry.” Eww “It's illegal in some states.” “All states.” “Possibly all states.” I look up where our body is buried. “Sandover was cremated.” “What? So what do we do now?” “Now, if the deceased has been cremated—” “Don't panic.” “Don't panic.” “Just gotta look for some other remains.” “A hair in a locket, maybe. Fingernails. Baby teeth.” “Milk teeth.” “Genetic material. You know what we're talking about.” “Go find it.” “Godspeed.”
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I am terrified to go back but Lynsey is under this ghost’s spell I guess, and she needs help so here I am back in this cursed building. We entered the elevator. “Set your cell phone to walkie-talkie in case we get separated.” Dean commented. We go to search in the old man’s office Sam, and I are searching the desk when we get found out by the security officer. “What the hell are you doing here?” He asks us.”Uhh, a new cleaning service.” I responded back trying to not get us arrested. “Yeah right. Come with me.” He grabs the both of us. “Man, listen. Look. It's okay. We- we work here.” Sam tried to explain. “Whatever. Tell it to the cops.” He drags us to the elevator.
We awkwardly stand there when there is a cold spot when the elevator absurdly stops. Sam and I look at each other knowing what was going on. The guard goes to use his emergency key to open the door. “Well, come on.” Something makes an ominous sound. Sam and I are thinking the same thing Hell to the no. “Last time this happened, it took them two hours to get here.”
“Let’s just wait here I think I might have some uno cards on me.” They both look at me like your crazy girl. The guard Shimes through the door and he turns around to us. “Seriously, we’ll wait.” “Look, I don't have the rest of my life.” As he was saying the doors slam shut oh his body. And we get sprayed in blood. “Hey. You guys, okay?” Dean asked through the phone. “We’ll call you back.” 
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We regroup at the main lobby. “Whoa. That's a lot of blood.” “Yeah, we know” “Right. So, uh, in there.” Dean gestured to the display of P.T. gloves. “P. T. Sandover's gloves.” “Yeah, how much you wanna bet there's a little smidge of DNA in there? You know, like a fingernail clipping or a hair or two? Something.” “Sweat.” I added in. “So, you ready?” Sam asks us. “I have no idea.” “Me neither.” “Me too.” The boys hit the glass, but Mr. Old man shows up. All three of us hit him with the iron pickers. “Oh. Nice.” He reappears and he flings the boys back. “Dean! Sam!” P.T. is about spark them. I scramble to get the lighter. “Sorry I'm forcing you into retirement.” I said as I lit up the gloves. And he lights up like a Christmas tree and vanishes. "That was amazing.” “Right? Right?”
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Dean hands me the first kit and I'm patching up Sam. “Wow you're really good at Y/n.” “Yeah, I don’t know, I've always been good at it, thanks.” “Man, I gotta tell you, I've never had so much fun in my life.” Dean said sitting next to us. “I feel the same and I thought the bachelor was the craziest thing in my life.” “Was a hell of a workout too, wasn't it?” “Yeah, you can say that again.” “We should keep doing this.” Sam says very seriously. “I know.” Dean replied in a joking way when I was thinking about his words. “I mean it. There gotta be other ghosts out there. We could help a lot of people.” Sam went on with this. “Right, we'd be like the Ghostfacers.”
“No, really. I mean, for real.” “What? Like, quit our jobs and hit the road?” “Exactly.” “How would we live?” “You gotta be kidding me. How would we get by? With stolen credit cards? Huh? Eating diner food drenched in saturated fats? Sharing a crap motel room every night?” “That's all just details. What about you Y/n?” Sam asked me. “Uhh I don’t know Sam, this is a good job for me.” “Do you even like your Job I mean all you do is get Mr. Alder coffee! All right. Um. Confession. Remember those dreams I told you about with the ghosts? I was fighting them. With you guys. We were these, like, hunters, and we were friends. More like brothers and sister, really. I mean, what if that's who we really are? I mean, you saw us back there, working together. The ghost was scrambling people's brains. What if it scrambled ours?”
“Sam, that's a little insane.” “Is it? Think about it for just one second. What if we think this is our life, but it's not?” “Hey, man, the ghost is dead and we're still standing. I mean, I'm sorry, but—” Dean started to say. “Look, all I know is this isn't who we're supposed to be.” Sam stood his ground. “No. I'm Dean Smith, okay? Director of Sales and Marketing. I went to Stanford. My father's name is Bob, my mother's name is Ellen, and my sister's name is Jo.” And when he said that it felt so wrong. “When was the last time you talked to them? To any of them? And you Y/n?” “I don’t really have any family to talk to.” “See that’s what I'm talking about, cause I only moved here cause I just broke up with my fiancée, Madison. But I called her number, and I got a damn animal hospital.” I try to hold my laugh back at that line.
“Okay. What are you saying? Are you trying to say that my family isn't real? Huh? That we've been injected with fake memories? Come on.” Dean was getting irritated at this point. “All I know is, I got this feeling in my gut. And I know—I know that deep down, you gotta be feeling it too. We're supposed to be something else. You're not just some corporate douchebag and you Y/n are not just some pretty secretary that gets coffee. This isn't you Guys. I know you.” Dean answered. “Know me? You don't know me, pal. You should go.” I leave with Sam and stop him. “Look Sam, the girl you're describing sounds incredible but that’s just not me.”
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The next morning, I was walking to Mr. Alder’s office with his coffee, and I was thinking about what Sam said last night. “Knock knock Come in.” I heard and I entered. “Here’s… your coffee.” I set it down and went to leave but he stopped me. “Mrs. F/l/n I would like to talk about something, sit down please.” So, I do. “Look I think you're an amazing employee and simply put I want you higher on the food chain.” I was a little bit shocked.
“You want me in a company position? Wow I'm flattered but are you sure?” “Yes, I am so sure that this would be your pay raise.” He writes down a number and slides it to me. My eyes widen like saucers. “That’s a whole lot more than now to keep me here.” “Well, you are worth it now you would have to work for it properly more than others because you are starting from a low level but in like fifteen years maybe ten it you could be it.” I look down at the number and think about it. “Now Mr. Alder I really appreciate it and I am totally thankful, but I will be giving in my notice.” Now he looks shocked.
“Please tell me this is a joke Y/n.” “No Mr. Alder I just realized that sitting in a desk for the rest of my life and getting coffee from other people is not for me. It's hard to explain. Um. It's just that this—this is—it's just—it's not who I'm supposed to be.” Mr. Alder smiles at that. “Y/n, Y/n, Y/n you and your brother are a lot alike.” “My brother? What are you talking about?” He walks over to me and touches my forehead and it was like the air had shifted and everything came flooding back.
“What the fuck? Am I wearing heels god my feet hurt.” Mr. Alder laughs at that. “You- did I—did I just get touched by—you're an angel, aren't you?” He nods. “I'm Zachariah.” “Fantastic. You want me to throw you a parade.” “I'm hardly a simple angel, Y/N. I'm Castiel's superior. Believe me, I had no interest in popping down here into one of these smelly things” “But after the unfortunate situation with Uriel, I felt it necessary to pay a visit. Get my ducks in a row.” “” Unfortunate situation” he almost killed me.”
“Well, you're not so you should be grateful.” “What the hell does not that even mean?” “It means that you're alive and hunting” “Is that what this little passion project of yours is for?” “Exactly you are a Winchester, hunting is in your blood, and you will help your brother stop the apocalypse.” “I am not just a helper.” “Of course, not but you will always be by your brother’s side, right?” “Yes but-” “perfect then you be on your merry way to your codependent brothers.” I start to walk out but I stop. “Zachariah angel or not I will stab you in the face if you ever call me sweetheart again.” And with that I slam the door behind me.
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Hey oh, my gosh we have gotten to chapter ten like wow I just wanted to say thank you for reading and liking when I started, I just did for me and I'm so happy that others have liked this as much as I have! Also did anyone peak the song that Y/n was playing in the beginning. It was a little easter egg for a future character that I am so excited to get to. That Animal hospital joke of Madison gets me every time the angels went off with that one. If you like the originals, I started a Klaus x reader so yeah hope I see you over there see you next time!
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goldenraeofsun · 2 years
Day 3: Digital
Dean should have never taken advice from Zachariah Adler, AKA the worst boss in existence. While Dean eats wheatgrass and manifests his best self (whatever the hell that actually means), Adler’s probably poaching his biggest accounts with his oily charm and smarmy grin.
It was Dean’s fault for getting too personal in smalltalk before the Marketing & Sales all-hands meeting, saying how he’d been on an improvement kick – Kubrick oversold the damn Master Cleanse by several hundred orders of magnitude – but he didn’t know what to do next.
Zachariah, of course, had the perfect solution: a digital detox retreat. Worked wonders for him a few months ago.
After everyone arrives at the campsite – if you can call it that, with its electricity, running water, and actual toilets – they go on an hour-long hike, do yoga by the lake, and in the afternoon have some weird group therapy session to discuss their “technology addiction”.
Dean spends most of his turn complaining about Sandover’s batshit promotion policy, but a couple people nod in agreement around the circle. The uncomfortable-looking guy in pristine jeans and boots that Dean would bet dollars to donuts never touched actual dirt until that morning, mumbles he works at Sandover too.
He – Castiel – goes next, saying his roommate pressed him to go on this retreat. He drops corporate buzzwords like “toxic environments” and “poor work-life balance” with a pinched, bewildered expression on his face, and Dean has a sneaking suspicion that Cas has no idea what they actually mean. The weirdo actually uses finger quotes around “hustle culture”. 
Cas evidently made time for yoga, though. (Dean wasn’t entirely focused on the instructor when it came time for downward dog.) He has an ass Dean hasn’t seen outside of porn – the fancy kind, the kind you pay for.
By day four, Dean can practically feel Zachariah and the other sales sharks circling his biggest accounts.
In the evening, Dean lines up for the lone phone on the premises – a communal landline – and calls Charlie, their western sales rep and Dean’s best work-friend at Sandover. He not-so-subtly probes her, and Charlie admits she saw Zachariah having lunch with Lily Sunder of Sunder Inc. 
Dean almost loses it right then and there. 
But because he is a goddamn professional, he politely listens to Charlie’s dramatic retelling of last Tuesday night’s bar trivia (they lost without Dean’s pop culture powerhouse) before hanging up and stalking out of the room.
Incensed, he paces around his cabin, trying to come up with a plan. Sammy isn’t due to pick him up in the Impala until the end of the retreat in three days. But by then, it could be all over.
So, after some serious Mission Impossible shit and Ocean’s 11 levels of safe cracking, Dean is once again in possession of his phone. 
Just out of sight of the campsite, probably standing in a bunch of poison ivy, knowing his luck, he turns it on. “Fuck,” he mutters, entirely unsurprised to see he has no bars out here in the ass end of nowhere.
Time to rough it.
He ducks back into his cabin to grab a flashlight, his swiss army knife, and a granola bar – all stuff he packed without knowing he was going glamping. Armed with his gear and his phone, he goes on the hunt for a signal. The hiking trail from their first day reached a decently high elevation.
About a third of the way up, a rustling in the underbrush makes him freeze.
Heart pounding, his gaze darts up from his phone screen and his hand tightens around his swiss army knife in his pocket. Are there bears in this area? Why the hell didn’t he pack bear spray?
Dean exhales a quick sigh of relief. Not a bear.
“Hey, Cas,” Dean says as he quickly stashes his phone in his jacket. “What the hell are you doin’ all the way out here?”
Cas blinks owlishly at him. He has a few leaves and a twig or two stuck in his hair. The fresh dirt covers the knees of his jeans, like he took a fall (or five) in the past ten minutes. After a long beat, he deadpans, “Communing with nature.”
Dean unclenches his hands from around his knife and instead crosses his arms over his chest, regarding Cas impassively. Internally, he’s beyond amused, so he can’t help but ask, “And how’s that goin’ for ya?”
Cas narrows his eyes. “Poorly,” he says sourly.
A rapid series of tinny chimes cut off Dean’s snort of laughter. He eagerly grabs his phone, scanning the barrage texts coming in. He only has one bar, but better that than nothing.
“You have service?” Cas demands, stepping closer.
“Fucking finally,” Dean breathes as he holds his phone up above his head. The signal stubbornly does not improve. Damn.
Sighing, Cas slips his own phone out of his pocket and squints despondently at the screen.
Maybe that was why Mr. Wilderness was bumbling around in the dark, halfway up a mountain. Well, Dean’s not a heartless corporate suit, no matter what Charlie calls him when he has to cancel Moondoor plans at the last-minute. “D’you wanna use mine?” Dean asks. “I’ve got almost a full charge.”
Cas looks like he could kiss Dean right then and there – and, huh, isn’t that an idea? Cas’s gaze shifts to Dean’s phone, an eager glint in his eyes like Dean might as well be holding the holy grail itself. “Thank you,” Cas breathes.
“No problem,” Dean says casually. “Mind if we go a bit higher? I think we can get a better signal.”
Cas nods, and they set off up the trails.
“So…” Dean starts, “Sandover too?”
“Unfortunately,” Cas says with an adorable grimace. “You as well?”
Dean nods. “Marketing.”
Dean’s dealings with Finance are limited, mostly to the junior accountants who have nothing better to do than pull him reports that should all be entered into the dullest Excel sheet of the year awards. “Do you work with Marv?” he asks, naming the one Finance Director he worked with on the Talbot account.
A sliver of moonlight falls on Cas’s face from a break in the tree cover, or else Dean never would have caught his look of apprehension. After a beat, Cas says evenly, “I do.”
“What a dick,” Dean says, and Cas’s expression relaxes. “Has he told you about the book he’s writing?” During their last meeting, Marv spent twenty minutes droning on and on.
“Yes,” Cas says with the look of a man who was indeed up to date on the intricate politics of angel factions and the motivations of a stupidly overpowered hero. “I’m surprised he told you about it, though. He tends only to inflict his writing process on the Finance Department.”
Dean lifts one shoulder in a half-shrug. “I guess I’m just that adorable.”
“I’d say so,” Cas says before promptly tripping over a root. He straightens, his blush all but glowing in the dark.
“You alright?” Dean says, trying and mostly failing to keep in his laughter.
“Fine,” Cas mutters. “We’d better keep going. I think there’s a plateau up ahead.”
“So why did you come out to this thing if tree hugging isn’t your deal?” Dean asks conversationally.
“My roommate said I needed to get out of the city for my own good,” Cas says glumly. “She said it was either this or Coachella.”
Dean doesn’t bother muffling his laughter this time around. Cas at Coachella? Dean can just as easily see him flying around outer space. 
Once Dean’s chuckles subside, Cas asks, “So why are you here, Dean?”
Dean rubs the back of his neck. “Similar to you, I guess. I’ve been looking for a change, you know?” Way back when, he thought Sandover would be a pitstop. A way to make a decent paycheck with good dental before he figured out what he really wanted to do with his life (other than hunt ghosts and/or run around Gotham in an awesome batsuit). 
But it only seemed like the blink of an eye when he looked up and realized his fifth anniversary at Sandover came and went. And he had nothing to show for it except a stellar portfolio and a dozen dead plants in an apartment he rarely saw during daylight hours.
“I guess I was hoping for a reset,” Dean says seriously. “It’s like, one day I woke up and I saw that my whole life was my work.” He shakes his head. “That’s no way to live.”
“I suppose not.” Cas smiles crookedly. “Not that I would know any differently.”
They reach the plateau, and Dean checks his phone.
Three whole bars shine brightly back at him from his phone screen. 
And because he’s a gentleman when it counts, he hands it over to Cas to make the first call. He lays back against a tree, staring out as the stars as Cas talks over returns and turnovers for next quarter. Every so often, Dean picks out a recognizable name like MacLeod Pharma, Sandover’s biggest client. 
Fifteen minutes later (ten more than they are allowed on the communal landline back at camp), Cas hands over the phone with a grateful smile. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” Dean says as he dials Lily’s number. He leaves her a voicemail since she’s old school, and moves on down his mental list, sending emails to Benny, Lenore, and Garth. He sends a meme to Andy, the only form of communication that has a chance of getting through to him.
That done, he finds Cas leaning against a tree, staring out at the night sky above them. “I’d forgotten how beautiful it can be under a full moon with all the stars.”
Dean nods in agreement. He’s not normally a touchy-feely guy, but he feels strangely not-himself, halfway up some random mountain in the Catskills with an almost-stranger in the dark. Not in a bad way, though. Not at all. 
“Hey,” he says with far more confidence than he actually feels, “d’you wanna do something like this back home?”
Cas stares at him, his eyes impossibly wide. “Like what?”
“I dunno,” Dean hedges, the remaining bravado draining away at Cas’s lack of immediate enthusiasm, “Something just the two of us, no phones, no work.”
“I believe the whole point of this little trip was to enable phone usage and catch up on work,” Cas says dryly.
Dean nudges him with his elbow. “You know what I mean.”
Cas steals a sidelong glance his way. “Would this be like… a date?”
“If you want it to be,” Dean says, deliberately keeping his eyes trained on the moon overhead. “Or just a few hours to keep ourselves honest about what we want out of life.”
“I’d like that.”
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dothwrites · 2 years
dothraki_shieldmaiden's 2022 Year in Review
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i shall believe | rated: E | Word count: 80,745 | COMPLETE
Castiel Novak is a down-to-earth businessman. Most of the time. His romantic side has him secretly dreaming of Mr Right, a family, and happy ever after. Dean Winchester is a single father who doesn’t believe in happy families anymore. In order to keep his son safe and happy, he would sell his soul, but as a sadistic Dom takes an interest in him, he sells his body instead. A shared session at a BDSM club leaves Castiel intrigued and soon he finds himself willing to do anything in his power to heal the wounds that life has left on Dean’s soul. When he realizes that the very thing Dean dreads the most might just be what he needs, Castiel sets out on a mission - but maybe it’s just not in his power to save Dean. Will Dean be able to battle the demons that haunt him and find the happy ever after Castiel has dreamed up for them?
many the miles | rated: E | Word count: 61,220 | COMPLETE
After Dean's little brother moves to Stanford, leaving him behind in their hometown of Lawrence, Kansas, Dean feels untethered. The obvious solution is to go on semi-regular trips to see Sam. The problem is that the drive to Stanford is long, and Dean's not quite as young as he used to be. Pushing through isn't really an option. Enter The Carriage House, an Airbnb located halfway between Lawrence and Palo Alto. The price is right and the location is perfect. There's just one snag, and that comes in the form of Castiel Novak, the owner of The Carriage House. Castiel is smart, funny, and one of the hottest guys Dean's ever seen. Unfortunately, he's taken. Nevertheless, Dean and Castiel embark on a friendship that spans the miles between them. As their friendship deepens, Dean realizes that Cas is everything he wants, but the persistent question nags him: what if he's not everything Cas wants?
stability | rated: E | Word count: 17,991 | COMPLETE
Benny and Castiel have played this game so many times, with so many different rules. By now, Benny thinks that he could predict every one of Castiel’s moves. It’s led to a comfortable balance between the three of them, where there are no surprises. He relies on that rhythm, but tonight… Tonight, something’s different.
another night on mars | rated: E | Word count: 54,482 | COMPLETE
The first time Dean Winchester met Castiel Novak, he thought the alpha was the biggest asshole he'd ever met. No blockers, awkward, with outdated opinions on almost everything? The second time didn't go much better.
Whiskey & November | co-written with @friendofcarlotta | rated: E | Word count: 188,236 | COMPLETE
There is a place in L.A. where the richest of the rich can make their dreams come true. For an outrageous sum, they can hire an “angel” who is programmed to be exactly what they need: a stripper, a scientist, a temporary boyfriend. Most people don’t choose to question who the angels are, or where they came from. Sam Winchester is not most people. His brother Dean went missing in L.A. two years ago, and Sam has spent all that time trying to track him down. The trail leads him to a shadowy organization known as “Heaven” that coerces people into giving up their identities and personalities so they can be reprogrammed for Heaven’s purposes. Inside Heaven, trouble is brewing: two of the angels, Whiskey and November, are beginning to break through their programming. As they fall for each other and fight to remember who they are, they discover that they have an ally already working to bring down Heaven from within.
empty places | rated: M | Word count: 71,871 | COMPLETE
There’s something outside the house. Something is moving outside the house, moving inside the house. Maybe moving inside him. Something is outside the house, and it wants in. After tragedy derails his life, Castiel Novak needs to escape. He flees to Lawrence, Kansas, where he answers Dean Winchester’s ad for a roommate. There, he tries to mend the shattered pieces of his life. But as he starts to become closer with Dean, Castiel finds that escape isn’t so easy. The past doesn’t want to be left behind, and there’s something inside the house. Something hungry. And it won’t be appeased until it has him.
o weary traveler | rated: E | Word count: 107,436 | COMPLETE
Still reeling from the death of his father, Dean Winchester has one goal: make it home to Lawrence, where his kingdom and the rest of his life are waiting for him. His task is made infinitely more difficult when he shipwrecks on a mysterious island. When his crew and then his brother disappears, Dean enters into a deal with the island's mysterious inhabitant, Castiel, to keep them safe. The catch? He can never leave. Bound by his deal, Dean has no choice but to get to know Castiel, and what he finds is surprising. Castiel is kinder than he originally thought, even though he's harboring his own secrets and guilt. Dean needs to return to Lawrence, but he finds himself reluctant to leave Castiel behind. Meanwhile, Castiel knows that the kindest thing to do for Dean is to let him go, regardless of his own feelings towards him. As their relationship deepens into friendship and then something more, Dean and Castiel face both outside dangers as well as their own doubts. Can Castiel find it within himself to let Dean leave? Can Dean find it within himself to go? Or can these two create their own destiny?
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Since I can't, y'know, shut my mouth, I decided it's better to make a whole ass post about this so thank you @juniperjello for asking.
Here are my Top 13 Destiel Traxx AKA Fic Recs:
And This, Your Living Kiss (M) is a GODSEND I've read this more times than I can count, I even have NerdyNerdenstein's podfic of it saved on my phone, it is that good. It stars poet! Dean relearning his love for the arts and Literature professor! Castiel, whose favorite author just so happens to be Jack Allen (AKA Dean). I also love love loved the family dynamics here, it's all so homey and cozy. The poetry in this is stunning too. Highly recommend this one!
A Thousand Lies (E) follows con artist! Dean on his latest assignment of unraveling rich businessman! Crowley's secrets by playing as his secretary, all the while juggling dates with accountant! Castiel. Except there's more to them than meets the eye, and the plot gets thicker and thicker until you find yourself stuck to your phone for more than 4 hours, hopping from one chapter to the next. Yes that's exactly what happened to me lmao I was hooked, and stories like these where the angel fam are humans are always so fun. I love spotting the parallels and whatnot.
(goldenraeofsun, author of the previous fic, has a ton of fics I highly recommend so if you vibe with their style, go check out their account! I was torn about what to put here between "The Original Apple Pie Latte", "Not the Fire, but the Spark" and this—also I'm pretty sure I have half of their works bookmarked by now 😭)
Forget-Me-Not Blues (E) has all the correct vibes of a classic early 2000s romcom. It's set in Sam and Jessica's wedding, with Dean as the former's best man and Castiel as the latter's. Oh, and did I mention they have history? A particularly roughly-broken high school love story? That they absolutely refuse to acknowledge so now the wedding prep is so full of tension it's choking everybody? Yeah... This is a good one.
An Exercise In 'Worthless' (M) is one of the first destiel fics I've ever read. At that point, I was only on S2 or S3 and had no idea what was happening or who most of the other cast was, but the vibes were immaculate and reading it again as I progressed through the show, it just kept getting better. It's got tattoo artist! Dean whose shop is set up beside Gabriel's cafe (it's called the Physical Graffitea heh). It's got grad student! Castiel attending the same uni as Sam for a niche course in dialects. It's got Dean thinking Cas is more interested than Sam (missing the heart eyes Sam and Gabe are giving each other). It's got family feels!!!!!! as these four idiots live normal, non-supernatural lives!!!!!!!
Kissing Strangers (T/E) is a happy(!!!!!) queer awakening story, wherein Castiel realizes he's not as straight as he thought when he gets kissed by Dean for a social experiment. There's actually three fics in the series, the first one covers The Kiss while the next two are insights on the progress of destiel's relationship. It's really neat, and the author—sharkfish—has a lot of fics I've been reading this past week. (They have a lot of good ace! dean and/or ace! cas fics!!!!!!!!!!)
In Due Time (Dean Winchester is Saved) (T) is not only touching as hell but also mind-blowing. 26-year-old Dean is zapped to the future by an unknown power, and what does he see? Himself, happily settled; married to an angel of the frickin' lord with a son; and his brother, still hunting. THIS FIC IS AN ABSOLUTE GEM!!!! Baby Dean interacting with Cas means So Much to me.
Broadway Musical (T) is, in my humble opinion, an absolute banger and a classic. It's got the fun, lighthearted tone of a romcom and my favorite trope of "they may all be dicks but at least there's no murder" with the angel family. It's a reimagining of the first ever Armageddon: what if, instead of being the Righteous Man himself, Dean was chosen to father the two brothers of old with Jo Harvelle, with the entire Host of angels excitedly chattering about it in heaven. Except the cupid's arrow doesn't sink in, to either Dean or Jo, and they don't fall in love. So good ol' Cas comes down to take matters into his own (awkward) hands.
Sand and Salt (E) continues off of S9 fallen angel! Castiel. The timeline is important to me for two reasons, namely: Kevin and Charlie. Destiel are highlighted at the second half but the first is just Sam, Dean, Kevin, and Charlie helping Cas settle in as a human. They go to a mall to shop and eat and bond and they are so, so precious to me.
Carnival Oasis (E) is a series as well, but it's honestly SO worth it. We have creature! Castiel who eats sin and extremely guilty! Dean who first confessed his sins to Cas as a way to gauge what the fuck he is. But then he kept coming back. They get all gooey and shit here, as they should be. Plus the reveal on Cas' background??? It made me go insane I swear.
Convenient Husbands (E) is honestly just. So good. I've reread it multiple times over the past few weeks and it never gets tiring. This one's about hunter! Dean and Garuda! Castiel forming a marriage bond... Purely for convenience, of course. I'm also obsessed with the set-up of the hunting community in this AU, they got a whole network and base and it's awesome you should definitely read it. (Annie D also has a lot of fics on AO3 that you should check out—I'm very partial to "It's Always the End of the World Somewhere"!!)
This Witch!Cas AU series is based off of probably my most favorite story prompts to ever trend in Tumblr history: it's about witch! Cas who's moved to town after his grandmother's passing. Madame Novak's will is all that everyone's talking about, as it states that Castiel needs to marry to not only inherit the estate but also to keep his magick. Gardener and shopkeeper! Dean finds this tasteless, what with everyone treating Cas like he's just some prize and not, y'know, a person. Then, Castiel makes an announcement: he ties the key to the estate to his cat's collar, and whoever gets the key may take his hand as well. Everyone scrambles to chase after the surprisingly smart feline... except for Dean, who's slowly warming up to the little guy, and the cat to him in return.
it's brighter now (G/T) is actually a series but!!! It's a babyjackverse like come on, how can you resist that? This speaks for itself and it says all you will ever need in a fic, which is BABY JACK!!!!!!!!!!
conversations between brother & sister (T) is, simply put, criminally short but perfectly encapsulated my ideal ending for Supernatural. It's two fics; the first is about Jack and Emma, and the second is about Jack and Claire. The reason this is here is because I am a firm believer that this deserves more recognition and love and we need more AUs like this. Destiel are so, so tender and sweet but the main focus is, of course, Jack's conflicting feelings. I would leave a hundred thousand kudos on this if I could.
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talesmaniac89 · 2 years
The Man in Apartment 43 - Epilogue
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Series Masterpost (Complete)
Summary: Dean x Reader - Neighbours AU - Dean and the reader live next door to each other and can’t stand each other. Will things change once circumstances bring this bartender and businessman duo closer together?
Triggers: None
Start Here | Last Part | THE END
A/N: This story is now complete!
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Two years later
“Agent, you are amazing,” 
The former special forces officer’s voice was warm and hot against her neck as he held her close. The world was safe, and it was only him and her, on the top of the icy mountain ridge. He moved his mouth from her neck and leaned in, inches from her lips as she let her fingers comb through his hair and moved in to kiss him. Even as the battle-hardened agent she was, she could swear she heard background music swell as he leaned in and… 
Living easy! Living free! Season ticket on a one way ride!  
Groaning, you pushed away from your laptop with a heavy sigh after the initial chords of Highway to Hell had you jumping in your seat. Stretching your body and rolling your stiff shoulders from the hours spent writing, you let your head fall back against the chair before you swivelled it around. 
“Dean Winchester!” You called out, knowing he’d be somewhere close by if he’d decided to treat you to one of his rock shows. Schooling your features, you made sure no sign of the smile that was threatening to break free showed as Dean’s green eyes peeked in at you from behind the door.
That boyish grin still easily sent your heart soaring after two full years together. You were sure you’d never grow immune to what that smile did to you, nor the handsome man it was attached to. Not that you wanted to grow immune. Hell, you loved him more and more every day. Even when he pulled his little tricks and broke your concentration just as you were nearly finishing up your second book in your bestselling series. 
“Sorry sunshine, but you did tell me to let you know when the movers got here with the last of it,” He chuckled as he finally deemed it safe enough to come inside your home office to sneak a small kiss from your pouting lips. The damned handsome man always thought he could get away with everything that way. And, as you felt yourself melt from the taste of him on your lips, you had to admit he really could. 
“Not by pulling me down a highway to hell again,” You said with a pout as you held your hands out for him to pull you out of your office chair and into his arms. Wrapping an arm around your waist, he placed a small placating kiss on your forehead.
“I’ll use Stairway to Heaven next time,” He chuckled, bright eyes smiling down on you as you reached up to trace his laugh lines before lifting yourself up to kiss the handsome prankster. 
“Sometimes I wonder why I ever agreed to move in with you Mr. Winchester,” You mused as you smiled against his lips before you finally untangled yourself from him and grabbed his hand instead. Pulling him towards the front of the house. You should, after all, not let your movers wait. 
“I make a mean cup of coffee, and you love my burgers,” Dean shot back, not even pretending to think it through, or even act offended, as he fell into step next to you and placed a soft peck at the back of your hand. 
“True… Though I can think of a few other reasons,” You let your voice fall to a whisper as you shot him a heated look. Rolling your tongue against your bottom lips, you gave your handsome man another quick once over as your free hand traced along his upper body down towards his belt. A look that had green eyes darkening as he grabbed for you, trying to pull you up against the hard panes of his body as you quickly evaded his grasp with a teasing wink. 
“We can’t keep the movers waiting,” You sing-songed back over your shoulder as you ran down the hallway. Ending your words with a squealed laugh as you heard Dean let out an indignant growl before chasing you down the hall of your new home. 
After your Gabe-orchestrated “meet cute” outside Castiel’s apartment, Dean had moved back to Apartment 43 temporarily, until another apartment opened up in your building six months later. And after one and a half years of being somewhat ‘neighbours’ you had finally left apartment 11A and 32B behind to move in together. Moving into a cute little house on the outskirts of Lawrence. 
It already felt like home. Even though you had only been there for a week and you didn’t even have all your furniture in place yet. None of that mattered. All you needed was each other. 
Well… Each other, and the waffle iron that was with the load the movers were delivering, since you had people coming over later. Rushing to the door, your squealed laughter caused the movers to look up from where they were unloading the boxes from the truck to see you being lifted into the air by Dean just as you opened the door. 
Smiling into the soft kiss Dean pressed against your lips, you gently tapped his arm. Making him put you down as he easily, as easy and naturally as breathing, entwined your fingers with his. Squeezing your hand gently before the two of you walked out onto your perfect picket fence lawn to greet the movers. 
“Are you sure it’s in this box, sunshine?” Dean had to speak up to be heard over the music filling your small kitchen as you danced back and forth preparing for the lunch you were hosting. His task had been to find your waffle iron in the multitude of boxes, but he kept getting distracted as he came up behind you to twirl you around the room to one of his favourite songs or just place soft open-mouthed kisses against your neck. 
“Never mind, I found it!” He exclaimed with a grin just as you turned to help him look. A small proud smile lighting up his face and making him look younger as you rolled your eyes at him before reaching out to pluck the waffle iron out of his hands. 
Dean however, wasn’t ready to give up his hard won treasure all that easily as he held it out of your reach with a smirk before quickly placing it on the countertop behind him and grabbing your outstretched hand. Placing a soft kiss against your fingertips, he turned those forest green eyes up towards you.
“Do I get a prize?” He murmured as his lips gently brushed up your fingers before placing another kiss against the diamond ring that was nestled securely around your left ring finger. The same ring he’d nervously gotten down on one knee to give you just a week earlier. Between moving boxes and madness the day you first moved in together. Exclaiming he couldn’t wait a second longer to ask you to marry him. 
“And what prize do you want Mr. Winchester,” You asked your fiancé as you turned your hand in his gentle grasp to trace the shape of his plump bottom lip. 
“I can think of a few things I’d like…” Raising his eyebrows at you, Dean threw you a cheeky wink as he let his free arm snake around your waist to push your body against his. His lips chased after yours as you placed your fingers more firmly against his lips. Stopping the sneaky thief from stealing another kiss, since you knew it would just be the first of many, and so much more. 
“Everyone will be here in an hour De,” You reminded him as his teeth teasingly nipped at your fingertips. Normally you would nearly always give in to your soon to be husband’s advances. After all, you could barely keep your hands off of the devastatingly handsome man. But you had one hour to get lunch ready for eight people. Including a small waffle station for Sam’s kids. 
So your own little indulgence had to wait. 
“We should just call them all and cancel,” Dean grumbled, but he still let go of you as you leaned up to place a placating kiss on his pouting lips with a small laugh. Moving quickly, you slipped fully out of his reach as you grabbed the waffle iron from behind him, before just as quickly going back to your little prep station to ready it. 
“You know we can’t do that,” You hummed softly, as Dean slid in next to you. Quickly getting to work at chopping up the strawberries, grapes, chocolate and other waffle station ingredients while you focused on the actual batter. 
It was one year, to the day, that the final verdict was passed down, and both Brian and Ketch went away for a very long time. Both of them had been sentenced for attempted murder, kidnapping and a slew of other charges. And the latest from Detective Davies was that Ketch was also facing additional new charges, which would leave him rotting in jail for a very long time. Since Charlie’s work in her new role for the Cyber Crime Unit had found proof that he’d been hindering multiple other investigations. As well as supplying classified information to some very bad people. 
So, you had decided to host a lunch in your backyard. Not just to celebrate the one year anniversary of the sentencing, but also the housewarming of your new house. And, though they didn’t know it yet, to tell Charlie, Gabe, Jess and Sam about your engagement. 
You wanted your family, the people you had gone through thick and thin with over the last two years, to be the first to know. Which was why there was no way you could cancel your lunch. And, after all… You and Dean had the rest of your lives together. 
Your man from apartment 43 had become the man you were going to marry. You were his, and he was yours. Forever. And though it took a hellish situation to break down the wall between your apartments so you could see him for who he was, you had made it through it all, stronger than ever. You’d come to know the man behind the rock music, and you’d fallen in love with him. More and more every day. 
You’d broken down all your walls, and built a home out of the scraps. Letting Dean hold your hand, you’d crossed every new bridge, together. Into a bright future, a happily ever after, that was everything you ever wanted and more. 
You were happy. You were home. And you were done running. 
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Dean Winchester Tags: @ria132love @woodworthti666 @defenderrosetyler  @akshi8278 @justanotherwinchester @lyarr24 @torn-and-frayed @all-will-be-well-love @wearesuchstuff1 @adoptdontshoppets @starsandmidnightblue @screechingartisancashbailiff @septixtrash @punof-agun  @deandreamernp @justagirlinafandomworld @sexyvixen7 @justrealizedimmascifygurl @globetrotter28
The Man in Apartment 43 Tags: @campingmonkey @talia-ciufo @monkeymcpoopoo @deans-baby-momma @kalesrebellion @sarahpunkinator @smokinserious @cookiechipdough @winchestergirl82 @babykalika2001 @bagpussjocken @thefridgeismybestie @elliloumom @pinknerdpanda @zombiecupcake29 @justaparttimeauthor @that-one-gay-girl @starchildwild @poptart06294 @gia-25 @siospins2 @ariesbabe1993 @jamerlynn
Forever tags will be added as reblog
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magickastiel · 2 years
Please mob boss cas and babygirld dean fic rec list?!
i'm so sorry this has taken me so long!! i read some more bc i wanted to make sure i had a decent list
putting this under a cut because most of these are nsfw 👀
russian mob cas x babygirl dean fics recs ⬇️
ok here goes! for some reason, mob!cas and omegaverse go hand in hand in the fanfic world, so i've seperated this lil list into normal au and omegaverse because i know it makes some people uncomfy!!
normal au:
i'll come for you (rating: explicit | warnings: violence | complete) this one is next on my list to read so i can't give it a definite seal of approval but it sounds very interesting!!
Castiel is a member of the Bratva who holds a lot of power inside and out of prison. Dean is a former Army medic whose big mouth got him into deep trouble with the Aryan brotherhood just weeks into his sentence. He needs protection, or his measly two years in lockup could end as a death sentence.
life is a highway (rating: explicit | warnings: none | complete) dean is oblivious and hot for an accent. cas is violently hashtag girlbossing his life
The one where Dean falls for fellow student Cas, who’s so much more than first perceived. Will Dean be able to live with the secret once revealed, or will it doom them both?
rule one (rating: unrated (i'd say mature) | warnings: none | complete) short oneshot which i would love more of! dean is the prison babygirl and cas has dibs
There were only a few rules to prison. Some were the stuff you saw in movies: keep your head down, spend as little time in the showers as possible, etc. And some were specific to the George Hoyt Correctional Facility (aka Purgatory): the guards usually overlooked contraband porn mags if you let them have one, if TJ is on kitchen duty do not eat the mashed potatoes. And most importantly: you do not fucking touch Dean Winchester.
angels like you (rating: explicit | warnings: violence | incomplete) it looks like this one may have been abandoned but i've subbed just in case because i really liked where it was going!
Dean Winchester's trip for a drink turns into so much more when he visits the Red Room, a shithole strip club right in the center of the city. Run by Castiel Krushnic, the leader of the Russian mob, it's a hotspot for booze, sex, drugs, and for-hire mercenaries. But Dean doesn't know that- he's just moved here. Yet, in his first week in the city, he's already attracted the attention of Krushnic himself- which can only spell trouble, in a town like this one.
look what you made me do (rating: explicit | warnings: graphic violence | complete) despite the serious and dramatic summary, this one is VERY fun. a dark romantic comedy if you will
Dean watches, terrified, as blood coats the door–his knuckles depositing more and more of it with every knock. “Come on, Cas, open up.” Panicked, he looks back over his shoulder, the dead of night feeling less comforting and more like it’s about to bust wide open at any second. How could he be so stupid?
hit on me (rating: mature | warnings: none | complete) this is super cute! dean and cas are both just trying to do their jobs with mixed results
Dean had a standing date every Thursday night with an incredibly attractive Russian businessman. Well, “date” may have been a little misleading, given that Dean was at work and the Russian businessman was someone Dean waited on. Whatever Dean could think what he wanted about it in the privacy of his own head.
perfectly capable crime lord (rating: teen | warnings: none | complete) i'm cheating a bit with this one because cas isn't russian but he does speak russian at one point so eh
When Dean asked his boyfriend what his job was, Cas told him, completely deadpan, “I’m a mob boss, Dean.” But no one’s boyfriend is actually a mob boss. Right?
shouldn't have opened the door (rating: teen | warnings: none | complete) again, cheating bc cas isn't russian but this is a very cute series!
Dean opens the door one night to find one of his spookier customers at his door.
omegaverse au:
shipwreck of your heart (rating: explicit | warnings: violence | WIP) ✨ ok this is THEE fic to read and follow imo!! if you're like me and you don't have strong feelings about a/b/o, i would recommend giving this a try! while a/b/o is definitely a theme here, it's not front and centre. dean is the most babygirl to ever babygirl. cas is basically a russian mr darcy. it's amazing.
Dean Winchester is a young Omega working three jobs to support himself and his abusive, alcoholic father. His dream is to help his aunt and uncle send his brilliant little brother to college. One of the few bright spots for him is the job he works at a burger place called Mystery Spot, a restaurant owned by four Russian brothers that Sammy and Dean joke all the time is a front for a mafia. One day, however, when a man comes in and tries to kill Dean’s favorite Krushnic brother right in front of him, the Omega is forced to admit that maybe his running joke with Sammy isn’t too far off the mark. As Dean is thrown into the world of the Krushnic mafia, he finds himself getting closer than ever to Castiel Krushnic himself. The Alpha seems to harbor a strange soft spot for Dean, one that grows more obvious and more confusing by the day. Suddenly, Dean has to wonder why the kindest person in his life is a mafia boss, and why said mafia boss is so dead-set on taking care of him. It’ll take a very stubborn person to convince Dean he deserves that. It’s lucky Castiel Krushnic is a very stubborn man.
better than revenge (rating: explicit | warnings: none | complete) as the author's notes say, this one is a lot lighter than you think it will be! this definitely has a 'modern' omegaverse vibe too which is a lot more enjoyable to read than most other a/b/o fics
Dean Winchester is #blessed. He's got a great family, a million followers on social media, ad endorsements coming out of his extremely fine omega ass, and he's about to graduate with a hard-won Master's Degree in Computer Engineering. Said degree is an escape hatch to the life he craves, away from the scripted roles his well-meaning father keeps trying to corral him into. Dean's a lot of things, but he's not cut out to be a Don—or to fall in love. Castiel Krushnic is a ruthless, hardened alpha underboss for the Russian Mafia and his only soft spot is for his daughter. When she's sent away to the U.S. in hopes of a better life, Castiel follows, reluctantly moving a chunk of the operation with him. His marching orders are clear—first order of business is to send a message to John Winchester, Don of the enemy local syndicate. The easiest way to do that? Use his son. Sounds easy, but Castiel wasn't expecting to fall head-over-heels, or for Dean to want him back. What's an alpha to do when a beautiful omega and an unorthodox mob boss have him questioning everything, abandoning his past and all of its pain for something much better than revenge?
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 3 days
Red Lights and Late Nights
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/pAJm2q3 by BlackRoseMyou Dean once relied on his body to support him, as well as his younger brother - and it hadn't failed him then. When his body turns on him and he can no longer support himself - and pay his brother's insanely expensive Stanford tuition for him anymore - Dean finds himself finding new ways to support himself with the body that's betraying him. Though, if he's being honest, it might not be as novel to him as he claims... Castiel finds himself alone and cut off from his family for the first time, without support and with zero knowledge of the outside world. Raised in a very isolated cult and manipulated into playing caregiver to his siblings his entire life rather than pursuing a future of his own, he finds himself at the age of 22 with no skills, no references, no jobs, and no hope. When a would-be client makes him an offer that gives him a safe place to sleep and keeps the filthy alley gravel out of his knees.....well, what's he got to lose? Crowley? Well, he's just a businessman who knows what sells. Words: 3640, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Crowley (Supernatural), Alastair (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Sam Winchester Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester/Other(s), Castiel/Others - Relationship Additional Tags: no beta we die like Castiel and go to superhell, Sex Worker Dean Winchester, Sex Worker Castiel (Supernatural), Former Stripper Dean Winchester, Chronic Illness, Disabled Character read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/pAJm2q3
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