#but 2019?? unparalleled
minimoefoe · 2 years
It's unreal how much I miss 2019 Ballum like you don't understand
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robyn-goodfellowe · 1 year
seance summoning circle for ahit new dlc please god please
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kp777 · 7 months
By Ralph Nader
Common Dreams
October 29, 2023
The message of Israeli peace groups’ peaceful solutions are drowned out by the media’s addiction to interviews with military tacticians.
In the midst of extensive coverage of the war in Gaza, there are questions that the U.S. mass media should address:
1. How did Hamas, with tiny Gaza surrounded by a 17-year Israeli blockade, subjected to unparalleled electronic surveillance, with spies and informants, and augmented by an overwhelming air, sea, and land military presence, manage to get these weapons and associated technology for their October 7 surprise raid?
2. What is the connection between the stunning failure of the Israeli government to protect its people on the border and the policy of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? Recall TheNew York Times (October 22, 2023) article by prominent journalist, Roger Cohen, to wit: “All means were good to undo the notion of Palestinian statehood. In 2019, Mr. Netanyahu told a meeting of his center-right Likud party: ‘Those who want to thwart the possibility of a Palestinian state should support the strengthening of Hamas and the transfer of money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy.’” (Note: Israel and the U.S. fostered the rise of Islamic Hamas in 1987 to counter the secular Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)).
3. Why is Congress preparing to appropriate over $14 billion to Israel in military and other aid without any public hearings and without any demonstrated fiscal need by Israel, a prosperous economic, technological, and military superpower with a social safety net superior to that of the U.S.? USDA just reported over 44 million Americans struggled with hunger in 2022. This, in the midst of a childcare crisis. Should U.S. taxpayers be expected to pay for Netanyahu’s colossal intelligence/military collapse?
Under international law, Biden has made the U.S. an active “co-belligerent” of the Israeli government’s vocal demolition of the 2.3 million inhabitants in Gaza, who are mostly descendants of Palestinian refugees driven from their homes in 1948.
4. Why hasn’t the media reported on President Joe Biden’s statement that the Gaza Health Ministry’s body count (now over 7,000 fatalities) is exaggerated? All indications, however, are that it is a large undercount by Hamas to minimize its inability to protect its people. Israel has fired over 8,000 powerful precision munitions and bombs so far. These have struck many thousands of inhabited buildings—homes, apartments buildings, over 120 health facilities, ambulances, crowded markets, fleeing refugees, schools, water and sewage systems, and electric networks—implementing Israeli military orders to cut off all food, water, fuel, medicine, and electricity to this already impoverished densely packed area the size of Philadelphia. For those not directly slain, the deadly harm caused by no food, water, medicine, medical facilities, and fuel will lead to even more deaths and serious injuries.
Note that over three-quarters of Gaza’s population consists of children and women. Soon there will be thousands of babies born to die in the rubble. Other Palestinians will perish from untreated diseases, injuries, dehydration, and from drinking contaminated water. With crumbled sanitation facilities, physicians are fearing a deadly cholera epidemic.
Israel bombed the Rafah crossing on the Gaza-Egypt border. Only a tiny trickle of trucks are now allowed there by Israel to carry food and water. Fuel for hospital generators still remains blocked.
5. Why can’t Biden even persuade Israel to let 600 desperate Americans out of the Gaza firestorm?
6. Why isn’t the mass media making a bigger issue out of Israel’s long-time practices of blocking journalists from entering Gaza, including European, American, and Israeli journalists? The only television crews left are Gazan-residing Al Jazeera reporters. Israeli bombs have already killed 26 journalists in the Gaza Strip since October 7th. Is Israel targeting journalists’ families? Gaza bureau chief of Al Jazeera Wael Al-Dahdouh’s family was killed in an Israeli airstrike on Wednesday.
Historians remind us that in a gridlocked conflict over time, it is the most powerful party’s responsibility to lead the way to peace.
7. Why isn’t the mainstream U.S. media giving adequate space and voice to groups advocating a cease-fire and humanitarian aid? The message of Israeli peace groups’ peaceful solutions are drowned out by the media’s addiction to interviews with military tacticians. Much time and space are being given to hawks pushing for a war that could flash outside of Gaza big time. Shouldn’t groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace, the Arab-American Institute, Veterans for Peace, and associations of clergy have their views and activities reported?
8. Why is the coverage of the war overlooking the Geneva Conventions, the United Nations Charter, and the many provisions of international law that all the parties, including the U.S., have been violating? (See the October 24, 2023 letter to President Biden). Under international law, Biden has made the U.S. an active “co-belligerent” of the Israeli government’s vocal demolition of the 2.3 million inhabitants in Gaza, who are mostly descendants of Palestinian refugees driven from their homes in 1948. (See, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide).
9. What about the human-interest stories that would be revealing? For example: How do Israeli F-16 pilots feel about their daily bombing of the completely defenseless Gazan civilian population and its life-sustaining infrastructures? What are the courageous Israeli human rights and refuseniks thinking and doing in a climate of serious repression of their views as a result of Netanyahu’s defense collapse on October 7?
10. Where is the media attention on the statements from Israeli military commentators, who, for years have declared high-tech U.S.-backed, nuclear-armed Israel to be more secure than at any time in its history? Israel is reasserting its overwhelming military domination of the entire region, fully backed by U.S. militarism.
Historians remind us that in a gridlocked conflict over time, it is the most powerful party’s responsibility to lead the way to peace.
Establishing a two-state solution has been supported by Palestinians. All the Arab nations, starting with the Arab League peace proposal in 2002, support this solution as well. It is up to Israel and the U.S., assuming annexation of what is left of Palestine is not Israel’s objective. (See, the March 29, 2002 New York Times article: “Mideast Turmoil; Text of the Peace Proposals Backed by the Arab League”).
More media attention on this subject matter is much needed.
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justzawe · 5 months
Zawe Ashton Covers AMAZING Magazine | Issue 4
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Actor, author, playwright and new mum Zawe Ashton adds another string to her bow: supervillain. As she joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she tells AMAZING about her love of poetry, getting physical on the set of The Marvels and the unwavering support of her own parents.
Zawe Ashton is no stranger to playing the antagonist. From her very first film role as rude schoolgirl Bianca in 2009’s St Trinian's 2: The Legend Of Fritton's Gold, to playing the intimidatingly cool Violet “Vod” Nordstrom in four seasons of student sitcom Fresh Meat and – more recently - as the rejected Julia Thistlewaite in 2022 period drama, Mr. Malcolm’s List, Ashton has a knack for taking on characters who appear unlikeable on paper… and making audiences fall in love with them. However, for her latest role as Dar-Benn in The Marvels, she had to go full villain.
“Very little can prepare you to have to embody an antagonist at this level, in a Universe that is literally not known to anyone – like our Space - and to make it real and impactful,” says the London-born actor, a new recruit to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “There's something deeply humbling about having to return to the sandbox; you have to go back to the playground and that was something I was not expecting. You have to indulge in adult play and it’s surprisingly vulnerable. I know that there are gamers out there, there are cosplayers out there, there are adults who have managed to keep that level of childlike play going and I respect it so much. There's a self-consciousness that can take over if you are not careful. Trying to react realistically to a laser coming towards you is not something I’d done since I was seven years old, and I had to get to that level of childlike confidence to just delve into the imagination. Once that was all clearer, the villainous elements came so much from the physical world, with costume and hair.”
For 39-year-old Ashton, adult play will likely become a more frequent fixture in her life, thanks to her most exciting new role – as a mother. She welcomed her first child in 2022 with fiancé Tom Hiddleston, her co-star in the 2019 revival of Harold Pinter's Betrayal on London’s West End, later transferred to Broadway. “What has genuinely surprised me about motherhood is how much I don't feel ready to talk about it,” she laughs. “And this isn’t to shut down the conversation. I have gained so much insight from public people who have this incredible candour and this disarming, relatable dialogue about it very early on, but it's something that I am just dedicating time to absorbing. I’m listening rather than expelling energy. That genuinely has surprised me, because it's something you want to shout from the rooftops about; it's the most unparalleled, most important role in my life. The surprise has been how quiet I want to be about it. Maybe that's also me as a writer and this is something that will come through the pen at some point.”
Ashton attended London’s Anna Scher Theatre School from the age of six and was a member of the National Youth Theatre, before getting her degree in acting at Manchester Metropolitan University, but writing has always been significant in her life. She won the London Poetry Slam Championship in 2000, becoming the event’s youngest winner, at 17. “I may have been knocked off that pillar long ago, but in my head I'm still the youngest,” she laughs. “I love poetry. I had not written for a really long time; during the pandemic I lost a huge chunk of my creative soul when it came to putting pen to paper, which was really scary and was clearly the fallout of being in survival mode and feeling quite fearful. People's attention spans just went all sorts of different ways, didn't they? It was very hard for me to read, and it was very hard for me to write, which is very strange for me.
“More recently, a friend of mine from drama school who I used to do open mic nights with in Manchester – I used to perform poetry and she used to sing - asked me to write a poem for her wedding. I had a few moments where it was really tough, but I did it. I love her and I'm so happy for her, and being inspired enough to get a poem out and read it aloud really opened the floodgates. So, weirdly enough, I've been writing a lot of poetry recently and found a new love for it. I will always continue to use poetry as a way to understand the world. It's just so much part of who I am.”
For Zawe's full interview and shoot, order your copy of AMAZING issue 4 now. The Marvels is out now.
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maria-taiwin · 11 months
I'm seeing people denying the actual importance and good quality and merits The Untamed had just for their personal issues.
Folks, you can have your personal tastes, you can repeat the usual discourse novel vs drama all over again, but it's really dumb and blind denying the actual facts: how this drama even after 4 years is still a major hit in cn charts, it won a lot of awards in mailand - many of the most important critics' awards - its popularity count billion views, millions got literally obsessed, not just normal liking, and started a community of content creators. A chinese artist managed to get her paintings based on The Untamed to a museum exhibition in the homeland. Two chinese olympians skaters did their program at China Gran Prix of Figure Skating with The Untamed soundtrack in 2019.
Many international people discovered the danmei genre or cdramas in general thanks to it and approached into this large world after seeing and loving it. Finally this genre got the big deserved attention and not anymore underrated. Thanks to The Untamed's popularity, the english amateur translation of Scum Villain, first in hiatus, then restarted and finally finished. Tencent ordered 2HA's live action right on the crest of The Untamed's popularity. And so on.
The impact that The Untamed had and still has, in Asia and beyond, is truly big and unparalleled. There's no doubt this drama has a special place in many fans' heart and even changed our lives for how much it had rearranged our brains.
Seeing people having trouble admitting these actual facts, attempting to deny it (I've read the crazy opinion that The Untamed is loved mostly by westerns in order to miscredit his true chinese heritage and uh my god???) and spreading fake news, misinformations and biased opinions without even watching the drama, dismissing the good stuff it had, is truly surreal and dishonest. You may not love it, it's your business, but do not pretend it's not loved or worthy of people's love and spread bullshit for simple envy over its success D:
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kobzars · 2 months
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At the end of 2019, a new, unparalleled complete edition of Taras Shevchenko's poetry Kobzar was published, featuring drawings by the prominent Ukrainian artist Ambrosiy Zhdakha.
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At the All-Ukrainian competition, Kobzar was awarded the Grand Prix "Best Book of Ukraine".
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Kobzar is a book of the Ukrainian land!
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Denmark's historic old stock exchange building in the centre of Copenhagen has been engulfed by fire.
The 17th Century Børsen is one of the city's oldest buildings and onlookers gasped as its iconic dragon spire tumbled into the street below.
Culture minister Jakob Engel-Schmidt said 400 years of Danish cultural heritage had gone up in flames.
Members of the public rushed to rescue historic paintings and it took hours before the fire was under control.
The building, dating back to 1625, is a stone's throw from Denmark's parliament, the Folketing, housed in the old royal palace of Christiansborg castle. Danish media said the nearby square was being evacuated and the main entrance to Christiansborg was closed because of smoke.
The old stock exchange was being renovated and had been shrouded in scaffolding and protective plastic covering.
It currently houses the Danish chamber of commerce, which described the scenes on Tuesday morning as a terrible sight. Its director, Brian Mikkelsen, said as much as half of the old stock exchange had burned down but vowed that it would be rebuilt "no matter what".
Local craftsman Henrik Grage told Danish TV that it was a tragic day. "This is our Notre-Dame," he said, comparing it with the fire that engulfed the roof and spire of the cathedral in the centre of Paris almost exactly five years ago.
The Paris fire broke out under the eaves of Notre-Dame on 15 April 2019 when it was also shrouded in scaffolding as part of extensive renovations. Investigators have blamed either a short circuit in the electrics or a worker's cigarette butt that was not properly put out.
The cause of the fire in Copenhagen is also for the moment unknown but emergency services said the scaffolding made their operation more difficult. Officials said the fire was most intense around the tower.
One of the craftsmen replacing brickwork on the building saw the fire break out on the roof while he was on the scaffolding. Ole Hansen said he shouted to his colleagues they needed to get down and that he left the door unlocked for firemen to get in.
Fire department chief Jakob Vedsted Andersen said firefighters faced an almost impossible task accessing the area under the old copper roof. It was not until Tuesday afternoon that he said the fire had been brought under control, although much of the building was burned out.
"Furniture, floor partitions and everything that could burn has been affected by the fire," he said.
"I'm completely speechless - this is an unparalleled tragedy," one onlooker told Danish media.
Members of the public joined emergency services as well as the head of the chamber of commerce in rushing into the building to save the Børsen building's substantial art collection.
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen spoke of "terrible images" and of a piece of Danish history going up in flames.
Local museum inspector Benjamin Asmussen told Denmark's TV2 that the fire was difficult to watch, as the old stock exchange was filled with paintings of Danes who had played important roles since the 17th Century.
Camilla Jul Bastholm from Denmark's National Museum said that several hundred works had been rescued and taken into storage under escort. Among the prized works rescued was an 1895 portrait by PS Krøyer of 50 Danish men of commerce standing inside the building in their top hats. Ornate chandeliers, mirrors and some clocks were also recovered.
King Frederik X said the fire was a "sad sight" for such an important part of Denmark's cultural heritage: its characteristic dragon spire had helped define Copenhagen. He succeeded Queen Margrethe II in January and events for her 84th birthday planned on Tuesday were being toned down because of the fire.
The Dutch Renaissance-style building on the city's Slotsholmen, or palace island, was commissioned by Denmark's King Christian IV with the aim of turning Copenhagen into a major trading centre.
The famous spire featured four dragons whose tails were twisted into a spear and three crowns, symbolising close ties with neighbours Norway and Sweden.
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putschki1969 · 6 months
Hi Puts!
I just wanted to gush my thoughts to you about Keiko's recent performances! I was really surprised by the recent Magia live as Keiko hadn't been this dramatic since her Kalafina days. Then I saw some footage of the YK Shanghai concert on VK and... she's actually just like how she used to! With all the energy, the dramatic and cheesy hand movements - everything!
Ever since she started her solo career, it seemed to me like Keiko never wanted to perform like she used to. Even her FictionJunction performances were boring stage-presence wise. It seems like recently she's finally felt like getting back into how she used to perform and honestly it made me really emotional. Watching Keiko having so much fun when performing with FictionJunction in Shanghai, she was really stealing the stage at it just felt like I was watching Kalafina again! A small part deep inside of me thought she somewhat resented Kalafina, but these latest performances has made me remember that she really just loves Yuki Kajiura's music probably more than anyone and I love that about her.
This isn't really an ask, I just wanted to gush!!!
Hi there!
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Another reply that's long overdue, I am so sorry!
Absolutely, Keiko's love for YK's music is certainly unparalleled. I'm sure she likes her solo stuff well enough but it's nothing compared to what she feels about YK's work. From what we know, Keiko very much appreciates contributing to something meaningful, having a purpose and knowing her place in the grand scale of things. Being part of the YK family achieves all of that. Her solo work on the other hand is not as structured or target-oriented so Keiko probably just views it as a bit of casual fun on the side.
As for Keiko's stage-presence in the past few years, I personally do not feel like Keiko's performances have ever been truly lacking in that particular department. Maybe some of her solo gigs are a bit stilted and awkward (which is to be expected I guess) but when it comes to FictionJunction performances, I still vividly remember being blown away by her enthusiasm at the YK Live in Taiwan back in 2019. And let's not even mention the most recent Budokan live XD That was on a whole new level of epicness.
I would say Keiko is the type of person who heavily feeds off of her fellow stage members. If she is alone on stage, there's no one to take cues from. However, if she performs with someone she feels comfortable with and who exudes passion, she will naturally let loose too. Another thing to consider is the fact that all the FJ performances we got to see in the past few years were official recordings for home video releases or online broadcasts. These tend to be a bit more toned down in general so Keiko will often fall back on a sort of "business-mode" for those.
Anyways, I am glad you are enjoying Keiko's performances. There's a lot to gush about indeed.
PS: I have really been enjoying your YouTube uploads as of late. The "LIVE Evolution" videos are so much fun to watch and truly fascinating. It must have taken forever to put all the footage together so thank you for that!
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fashionbooksmilano · 7 months
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Dressing Barbie
A Celebration of the Clothes That Made America's Favorite Doll and the Incredible Woman Behind Them
Carol Spencer
Harper Design, 2019, 160 pages, 20x23,4cm, ISBN 978-0062802446
euro 28,50
email if you want to buy [email protected]
If you've ever had a Barbie doll, or you know someone who did, chances are that Barbie was dressed in one of the thousands of designs created by Carol Spencer during her unparalleled reign as a Barbie fashion designer spanning more than thirty-five years. Published in commemoration of Barbie’s sixtieth anniversary, Dressing Barbie is a dazzling celebration of the clothes that made America’s favorite doll and the incredible woman behind them.
Illustrated with more than 100 full-color photographs, including many never-before-seen images of rare and one-of-a-kind pieces from Spencer’s private archive, Dressing Barbie is a treasure trove of some of the best and most iconic Barbie looks from the early 1960s until the late 1990s. Along with behind-the-scenes stories of how these designs came to be, Spencer reminisces about her thrilling time at Mattel working with legendary figures such as Ruth Handler, Barbie’s creator, and Charlotte Johnson, the original Barbie designer, for a full, insider look into life with the beloved doll.
Over the course of her career, Spencer won many accolades. She was the first designer to have her signature on the doll, the first to go on a signing tour, the first to design a limited-edition Barbie Doll for collectors, and the designer of the biggest selling Barbie of all time. Now, she is the first member of the inner circle to reveal the fashion world of the quintessential California girl as never before.
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laquilasse · 1 year
i am sooooooooooo happy you're enjoying yugioh, ive been a fan of your stuff since like 2019 so its like, super cool to see. im so curious on your thoughts on it so far!! anything specific you like in particular?
thank you for sticking around!! it's always very fun when I get into a new thing and people are still here for it. thoughts on yugioh are: I love the kaibas obviously, and Yugi and Yami's relationship also makes me so happy. he has an older brother that lives in his head and tells him that he can do anything if he believes in the heart of the cards. yugi's such a little goth sweetie he deserves a cool guy who believes in him. And what's not to love about kaiba. he's fucking hilarious AND he doesn't give a shit about anything in the world except his little brother. chef kiss. the drama of "if I can't beat you then I can't save Mokuba so you may as well kill me. go ahead and knock me off this castle wall" I'm obsessed with him. also I'm currently a couple episodes into s5 but I miss s3 because marik and ishizu and odeon... wobblecry..!!!!!! also the baby kaibas. unparalleled.
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Excerpt from this story from DeSmog Blog:
With its unparalleled purchasing power and exacting demands, fast food has long shaped agricultural systems in the United States, Europe, and China. But as major American fast food brands, like KFC, expand into so-called “frontier markets,” taxpayer-funded development banks have made their global expansion possible by underwriting the factory farms that supply them with chicken, a DeSmog investigation has found. 
In all, the investigation identified five factory-scale poultry companies in as many countries that have received financial support from the International Finance Corporation (IFC, the private-sector lending arm of the World Bank Group), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), or both since 2003, and that supply chicken to KFC. A sixth company has benefited from IFC advisory services but has not received financing. 
A review of press accounts, financial disclosures, and the companies’ websites shows this support aided these firms’ KFC-linked operations in up to 13 countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe. 
In Kazakhstan, both banks helped a Soviet-era poultry factory become a KFC supplier. In 2011, the IFC lent poultry company Ust-Kamenogorsk Poultry (UKPF) invested $2 million in refurbishing housing for chickens, among other projects. In 2016, the EBRD made a $20 million equity investment in the company’s parent, Aitas, to finance the construction of a new facility to raise and process poultry. In 2018, two years after announcing the financing deal, UKPF revealed it had become a supplier to KFC in Kazakhstan. The EBRD sold its stake in the company in 2019. 
In South Africa, the IFC helped one KFC supplier bolster its operations across the region. In 2013, the bank loaned Country Bird Holdings $25 million to expand existing operations in South Africa, Botswana, and Zambia. Country Bird supplies KFC in all three countries, as well as Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Three years later, in 2016, Country Bird also became KFC’s sole franchisee in Zambia.
In Jordan, the EBRD’s technical support and a 2015 loan worth up to $21 million helped poultry company Al Jazeera Agricultural Company upgrade its facilities and expand its retail presence. Al Jazeera claims to produce half the country’s restaurant-sold chicken. It includes the local franchisees of KFC and Texas Chicken (known by its original name, Church’s Chicken, in the U.S.) as clients. 
With this Global North-financed fast-food expansion comes a host of environmental, social, and health concerns in regions often unprepared to field them.
“It’s so clear that these investments are not consistent with any coherent notion of sustainable development,” Kari Hamerschlag, deputy director for the food and agriculture program at Friends of the Earth US, told DeSmog. 
Providing Financial Security for Fast Food Suppliers 
Both the IFC and the EBRD are financed primarily by the governments of developed countries for the benefit of developing countries. The IFC was founded in 1956 under the umbrella of the World Bank Group to stimulate developing economies by lending directly to businesses. Founded in 1991, the EBRD was formed to support Eastern Europe’s transition to a market economy. Since then, it has extended its geographic reach to include other regions. 
Development banks often finance companies and projects in regions that more risk-averse commercial banks tend to avoid. The idea is to help grow a company’s operations and lower the risk for private sector investors. 
Both of these development banks’ investments cover a range of sectors, including manufacturing, education, agribusiness, energy, and tourism. Because large agro-processors, such as poultry companies, can transform bushel upon bushel of local crops into more valuable products, like meat, they make especially attractive clients. 
The world’s largest restaurant company, U.S.-based Yum! Brands, owns KFC, and calls the fried chicken powerhouse, which oversees more than 30,000 locations across the globe, a “major growth engine.” 
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zawescource · 5 months
Actor, author, playwright and new mum Zawe Ashton adds another string to her bow: supervillain. As she joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she tells AMAZING about her love of poetry, getting physical on the set of The Marvels and the unwavering support of her own parents.
Zawe Ashton is no stranger to playing the antagonist. From her very first film role as rude schoolgirl Bianca in 2009’s St Trinian's 2: The Legend Of Fritton's Gold, to playing the intimidatingly cool Violet “Vod” Nordstrom in four seasons of student sitcom Fresh Meat and – more recently - as the rejected Julia Thistlewaite in 2022 period drama, Mr. Malcolm’s List, Ashton has a knack for taking on characters who appear unlikeable on paper… and making audiences fall in love with them. However, for her latest role as Dar-Benn in The Marvels, she had to go full villain.
“Very little can prepare you to have to embody an antagonist at this level, in a Universe that is literally not known to anyone – like our Space - and to make it real and impactful,” says the London-born actor, a new recruit to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “There's something deeply humbling about having to return to the sandbox; you have to go back to the playground and that was something I was not expecting. You have to indulge in adult play and it’s surprisingly vulnerable. I know that there are gamers out there, there are cosplayers out there, there are adults who have managed to keep that level of childlike play going and I respect it so much. There's a self-consciousness that can take over if you are not careful. Trying to react realistically to a laser coming towards you is not something I’d done since I was seven years old, and I had to get to that level of childlike confidence to just delve into the imagination. Once that was all clearer, the villainous elements came so much from the physical world, with costume and hair.”
For 39-year-old Ashton, adult play will likely become a more frequent fixture in her life, thanks to her most exciting new role – as a mother. She welcomed her first child in 2022 with fiancé Tom Hiddleston, her co-star in the 2019 revival of Harold Pinter's Betrayal on London’s West End, later transferred to Broadway. “What has genuinely surprised me about motherhood is how much I don't feel ready to talk about it,” she laughs. “And this isn’t to shut down the conversation. I have gained so much insight from public people who have this incredible candour and this disarming, relatable dialogue about it very early on, but it's something that I am just dedicating time to absorbing. I’m listening rather than expelling energy. That genuinely has surprised me, because it's something you want to shout from the rooftops about; it's the most unparalleled, most important role in my life. The surprise has been how quiet I want to be about it. Maybe that's also me as a writer and this is something that will come through the pen at some point.”
Ashton attended London’s Anna Scher Theatre School from the age of six and was a member of the National Youth Theatre, before getting her degree in acting at Manchester Metropolitan University, but writing has always been significant in her life. She won the London Poetry Slam Championship in 2000, becoming the event’s youngest winner, at 17. “I may have been knocked off that pillar long ago, but in my head I'm still the youngest,” she laughs. “I love poetry. I had not written for a really long time; during the pandemic I lost a huge chunk of my creative soul when it came to putting pen to paper, which was really scary and was clearly the fallout of being in survival mode and feeling quite fearful. People's attention spans just went all sorts of different ways, didn't they? It was very hard for me to read, and it was very hard for me to write, which is very strange for me.
“More recently, a friend of mine from drama school who I used to do open mic nights with in Manchester – I used to perform poetry and she used to sing - asked me to write a poem for her wedding. I had a few moments where it was really tough, but I did it. I love her and I'm so happy for her, and being inspired enough to get a poem out and read it aloud really opened the floodgates. So, weirdly enough, I've been writing a lot of poetry recently and found a new love for it. I will always continue to use poetry as a way to understand the world. It's just so much part of who I am.”
For Zawe's full interview and shoot, order your copy of AMAZING issue 4 now. The Marvels is out now.
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Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex is a feminist, champion of human rights and gender equity, and global role model. Her lifelong advocacy for women and girls remains a constant thread she weaves through both humanitarian and business ventures. She is noted as one of the most powerful and influential women in the world, topping lists such as TIME Magazine’s Most Influential People, The Financial Times’ 25 Most Influential Women, Variety Power of Women, and British Vogue’s Vogue 25. She and her husband, Prince Harry have also been the recipients of the NAACP President’s Award as well as the Robert F. Kennedy Ripple of Hope Award. Meghan’s global impact, and strong stance on resilience, equality, and compassion through action, have made her one of the most iconic public figures of this generation.
Born and raised in Southern California, Meghan attended Los Angeles based all-girls Catholic School, Immaculate Heart, which she continues to support as an alumna, before moving to Chicago to attend the prestigious Northwestern University. While there, she double majored in Theater and International Relations, and went on to intern at the US Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as well as to study abroad in Madrid, Spain. After graduation, Meghan turned her focus to the entertainment industry, landing her big break as a lead actor on the hit series, ‘Suits’ which she starred in for seven seasons. During her time off between filming, Meghan travelled to Rwanda, India, and across the globe working on humanitarian missions, and serving in key roles such as: UN Women’s Advocate for Women’s Political Participation and Leadership, a World Vision Global Ambassador, and a leading Counsellor to One Young World, where she inspired youth and women around the world through her passionate advocacy and hands-on approach to being of service. She also travelled to support the military community on a USO Tour, visiting six military bases in seven days including Bagram, Afghanistan. In 2018, Meghan married Prince Harry, becoming The Duchess of Sussex.
An accomplished writer, she has contributed pieces to publications in the UK, US, and Ireland, and parlayed that skill into the creation of the successful lifestyle website, ‘The Tig’, where her thoughtful and inspiring op-eds cultivated a global fanbase. The Duchess of Sussex was the first guest editor in the history of British Vogue for their July Issue in 2019, which was the fastest selling copy in the history of the publication. She and Prince Harry founded The Archewell Foundation in 2020 to support communities in need at a micro and macro level, in both moments of crisis as well as for long term aid. At The Archewell Foundation, they hold the value that charitable work should not simply be ‘a handout, but rather a hand held’, a phrase which Meghan first coined when supporting UK charity Smart Works, of which she is patron, that uplifts and prepares underserved women to enter the workforce. Meghan and her husband also founded and oversee production company, Archewell Productions and podcasting arm, Archewell Audio. In 2022, Meghan launched ‘Archetypes’, a record-breaking podcast exploring the labels that try to hold women back; ‘Archetypes’ debuted at Number 1 in The US, UK, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand, and topped the charts as the Number 1 podcast in 47 countries, demonstrating her unparalleled global reach. After its first season, Archetypes was awarded was awarded The People’s Choice Award in the podcast category.
She is a NY Times Best Selling author, publishing her highly celebrated children’s book, ‘The Bench’, and “Together: Our Community Kitchen” a publication she spearheaded with the women of the Hubb Community Kitchen in the UK, who were displaced after the tragic Grenfell Fire. True to her character, The Duchess of Sussex mobilized to turn pain into purpose, working alongside this dynamic group of women to help them heal, grow, and develop their own business enterprises in the face of adversity. In addition to topping the NY Times Bestsellers list, “Together,” also debuted as number one on the UK’s Sunday Booklist, with proceeds going to the Kitchen. Meghan’s influence in fashion has been coined “The Meghan Effect” with items selling out within hours of her wearing them. Her ‘effect’ has transcended fashion, shifting cultural conversations as seen with her op-ed for the NY Times “The Losses We Share.” The piece detailed a heartbreaking personal loss which spiked the conversation surrounding miscarriage to the highest it had been spoken of in over two decades at the time of publishing.
Meghan is a passionate advocate for mental health and family care, the holistic support of women and children’s rights, and the immeasurable value of one’s self worth. Her core belief that representation matters, and her connection to community through the lens of learning, healing, and inspiring have helped define her as a cultural catalyst for positive change. Meghan resides in California with her husband and their children Prince Archie Harrison and Princess Lilibet Diana, and their three dogs.
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buhtercups · 4 months
My Fictional Romances / Relationships / Marriages
Last Updated 6/1/24 (June 1st, 2024)
Mentions of self shipping, fictional character love, details of some of the f/o relationships, and so on.
Disclaimer: My entire Tumblr page is mainly for entertainment purposes only. I am not out of touch with reality or insane. I use my vivid imagination, roleplay, and playing pretend as healthy coping mechanisms. And if you know me in RL, no you don't! XD
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Userboxes by @selfshipuserbox
My F/Os List below the cut
My F/O Male Wifey
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Ollie Ramses (Dislyte) (I can share him and I ship him with both canon characters and ocs! Our relationship raised a few eyebrows at first, but people see how happy we are and eventually accepted us despite our age difference. I've told Ollie my darkest secrets and he will keep them safe. He accepts me for who I am and I accept him for who he is; something that is priceless for both of us. I made Ollie my male wifey when he was furious with me for falling in love with Magna Swing. He didn't talk to me for days. When he came back to talk with him, I assured him nothing changed between us and I would hold him in a special place in my heart now and always. I declared him my male wife at the suggestion of my online family and it stuck...)
My F/O Husbands / Husbandos
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Giles Christophe (Midnight Cinderella) (I normally don't share him; Giles is my first, official fictional husbando. It was just him and I from 2015-2019. He helped tutor me during University studies and Princess Studies. I can talk to him about anything, he is my lover, husband, and best friend. When I started falling for other fictional characters and when "Midnight Cinderella" was slowly starting to be discontinued, I kept him as a fond memory. But I was fooling myself, he never left my side. I thought he'd break up with me for falling for other fictional characters, but he wanted to stay because he loves me that much. I've had several, vivid dreams about Giles Christophe. Even after all of these years, our connection as f/o husband and wife is unparalleled. We are entirely devoted to our twin girls Lily and Rose (canon in the Ever After story) and although we have an open marriage now, our hearts still remain devoted to each other and we openly communicate constantly. Giles is also my advisor and confidant, much like Topaz and Fourth Prince Yin Zhen.)
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Mycroft Holmes (Guard Me Sherlock! version) (No sharing; I fell hard and fast for Mycroft in "Guard Me Sherlock!" When the game ended, I was as heartbroken as I was about "Midnight Cinderella". I still kept him close to my heart since he is British like my IRL husband Topaz. And I just knew he was special to me from the moment I saw him. We fell in love at first sight.)
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Magna Swing (Black Clover) (I can share him! Magna is my newest husband. I love and adore this fire mage with all of my heart. I trust him with my entire heart and he's also my best friend. I can talk to him about anything and everything. I've told Magna my darkest secrets and he accepted them, comforted me, and will never tell a soul. Our age gap, however, has also raised several eyebrows, but most people have accepted us so far... And I understand why others love and adore Magna too. I could never try to claim him all for myself when so, so many love him.)
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Yin Zhen / Fourth Prince (I normally don't share him. I mainly ship Fourth Prince from "Legend of the Phoenix" but I also romanced him in several others games...I headcanon that he and I had several children together in Legend of the Phoenix, including the future emperor, Hongli)
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Klaus Goldstein (Wizardess Heart) (I will tolerate sharing him; Klaus figured out really quickly I wasn't younger than him but that did not stop him from falling in love with me and wanting to satisfy my 'daddy' urges.)
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Dr. Julian Devorak (The Arcana) (I can share him! Julian refers to me as they/them since I preferred to be non-binary in his world. He calls me by my real name and by the name I use in the Arcana: Destiny.)
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Victor (Li Zeyan) (I normally don't share him. Even though I am not the long lost girl he was looking for, he fell in love with me because I desperately wanted to help him find her. Victor romances me as this character and as Fourth Prince Yin Zhen (I headcanon that they both are the same person))
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Shane (Stardew Valley) (I can share him! I never gave up on Shane from the moment we met I wanted to help him become the best version of himself.)
(image taken from Amazon.com)
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Dr. Jin (Harvest Moon) (I can share him; I first fell in love with Jin when I went into his world and went by a fake name, "Angela". After we got married and started having kids, I told him who I really was. He accepted me wholeheartedly and admitted he knew my name wasn't Angela all along he was waiting patiently for me to tell him the truth.)
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Allen Schezar (Vision of Escaflowne / Escaflowne) (It's complicated; I married him when I was very, very young when I was accidentally transported to his world of Gaea. When I figured out that we weren't a match, I left him and figured out a way to get back to my world. Years later, he came back to me in my world and begged me for another chance. So far, we are on and off. What keeps us together is our previous history but I debate on whether or not I should stay with him constantly...)
My F/O Husbandos Who I Have A Mysterious Bond With Or A Pact
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Klaus Goldstein (Wizardess Heart) (I will tolerate sharing him)
Type of Bond: We are "Magic Buddies" (the equivalent of magical soulmates)
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Magna Swing (Black Clover) (I can share him!)
Type of Bond: Whenever I think of Magna, I can "feel" him with me. It's one of the reasons he is my primary comfort character right now. I also know he is near me day and night. He's also my comfort character at work.
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Ollie Ramses (Dislyte) (I can share him!)
Type of Bond: Ollie likes to appear to me randomly via images or otherwise. I know he's always thinking of me and I of him. And I also can "feel him" near me.
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Lucifer Morningstar (Obey Me!) (I can share him!)
Type of Bond: Picture it: 2020. The pandemic is ongoing. I installed the game Obey Me! Totally disregarded it was a game about demons, I had a lot of fun. I ended up making pacts with all of the brothers (like everyone who played Obey Me! all the way through the first season). The pact I take most seriously is the one with the one I fell in love with, Lucifer Morningstar.
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Harleep (BG3)
I pledged my body to him in BG3 so now I feel like this pledge bleeds into my everyday...?
My Male F/O Partners (Have not declared them as husbands or husbandos, but we are in a relationship)
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Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3) (I can share)
Our relationship is mostly friends with benefits, but we do have feelings for each other. We recently started adding sex to the equation (I never force him since he has a complicated relationship with sex). I love and care about him a lot, and I know he cares for me too. My online family member bought me an Astarion charm too which I love.
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Halsin (BG3) (He's poly in canon and in my "self shipping polycule! )- He's Daddy Halsin. No further elaboration needed. <3
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Merlock Holmes (Flint: The Time Detective) (I normally don't share)
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Gavin (Bai Qi) (I can share him!)
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Lucifer Morningstar (Obey Me!) (I can share him!)
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Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic) (We have a long on and off history, but we are currently on again)
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Arthur Conan Doyle (Ikemen Vampire) (We are in an open relationship. He has multiple partners and obviously I do also.)
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Peter Palette (Elmchanted Forest) (I've loved Peter for a long time but I never understood what my feelings were until recent years.)
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Marlin (Harvest Moon) (One of my first husbandos in the Harvest Moon world)
Fictional Women Who I Love Romantically
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Cecilia (Game of Sultans) (I've been married to her in Game of Sultans since 2018. I prefer to not share her, she is devoted to me but she doesn't mind sharing me and other male partners when the occasion calls for it (her current favorite male partner is Magna))
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Shadowheart (BG3 / Balder's Gate 3) (I can share her and she's such a complex character but I want to protect her and help her anyway that I can. I knew I would like her, but I didn't know I'd catch feelings! I share her with Magna Swing <3. Magna is her primary partner, and I love seeing them so happy together. Outside of the narrative, we are in a happy polycule)
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Lae'zel (BG3 / Balder's Gate 3) (We are doomed by the narrative of our story (so far! I am working to change that!), but I love her. Outside of the narrative, we are in a happy polycule with Shadowheart, Magna Swing, and others <3 I don't mind sharing Lae'zel, but Lae'zel is picky with her partners normally)
F/O's That I Am or Have Been Romantically Involved With, But Currently Not In An Active Relationship
Gale (Baldur's Gate 3) - Gale and I had a budding romance in my second playthrough, but my two women (Shadowheart and Lae'zel) demanded he leave when he revealed he had the orb in his chest that could explode. I didn't care enough about him to ask him to stay... In my third playthrough, I ended up romancing Astarion instead again.
Raphael (Baldur's Gate 3) - Raphael flirts with me and I flirt with him. I know he's a raging narcissist and a devil, he knows he can try to fool me. I love his poetic and smooth words. He is also the lesser of the two evils (The Emperor vs. Raphael). Right now, our fling is just for fun. I'm not giving him the nookie or my soul; he can dream on.
Harleep (BG3) - In the narrative, Harleep and I did the deed and I pledged my body to him. Outside of the narrative, he's a fling I had...
The Emperor (Baldur's Gate 3) - The Emperor and I had a brief fling in my first playthrough. He got into my mind when we had sex (or something like it) in Act 3. Something about the way he was sitting there shirtless really got me in the mood. And he came to me not long after Lae'zel broke up with me (she was ascended). I was vulnerable and we made love in the heat of the moment. Don't judge too harshly lmbo. Astarion talked sense into me and when I saw how quickly The Emperor joined the Netherbrain when I refused to give him the stones, I realized the truth. Outside of the narrative, The Emperor and I are attracted to each other but I can't trust him so...yep!!
Nobunaga Oda (Ikemen Sengoku) (Nobunaga can't accept that I am fictionally poly)
Toshimichi Okubo (Destined to Love) (Okubo likes me but doesn't want to share me)
Eduard the Ninja (I call him Eduardo like a genius) (Eduard accepts that I am poly but he can't commit to me because of it; He does love me though)
Zora (Black Clover) (I can share him!)
Makoto Nakagawa (Ninja Shadow) (he's an ex, since I chose Eduard)
Norton, Wizard of the North (Oz+) (We lost contact, but I still care about him)
Sirius Oswald (Ikemen Revolution) (Sirius can't accept that I have multiple partners)
Sasuke Sarutobi (Ninja Love) (Sasuke and I are on and off, but he was one of my first otome loves)
Ginnojo (Ayakashi Romance Reborn) (Ginnojo doesn't agree with my promiscuous nature and being poly. We have feelings for each other but...)
Leonardo da Vinci (Ikemen Vampire) (He was my first route but I fell harder for Arthur)
Rock Lee (Naruto) (Rock Lee doesn't want to share me so he had to let me go)
Yami Yugi (Yu Gi Oh) (He's my ex, and he went back to his own timeline)
Yuno Grinberryall (Black Clover) (He's my ex)
Kogoro Katsura (Destined to Love) (He's my ex since I chose Okubo)
F/Os That I Want But They Wouldn't Feel The Same
Raphael (BG3) (he's a devil and a narcissist; Harleep told us: Raphael only loves to have sex with himself (like what the actual lmfao) )
Mycroft Holmes (BBC version) (Mycroft would not have time for a yank like me)
L Lawliet (Death Note) (L's heart belongs to Misa and to his work)
Orlando (The Nifilheim)
Legolas (LOTR)
Itachi (Naruto)
Ray (Magic Sword) (His heart belongs to the MC)
Nolan (Love Tangle) (Too much of an a-hole for us to get along)
Kirisato / Haru-akira (Destined to Love)
*Bonus: Fictional Men I Love Platonically*
Drew (Dislyte)
Long Mian (Dislyte)
Sherlock Holmes
John H. Watson
Prince Kyle Amure (I'll Save This Damned Family)
Yi Taewon (Hanyang Diaries)
Lee Hyun (Wild Eyes)
Seto Kaiba (Yu Gi Oh)
Elias Goldstein (Wizardess Heart)
Luca Orlem (Wizardess Heart)
Van Fanel (Vision of Escaflowne / Escaflowne)
Alyn Crawford (Midnight Cinderella)
Leo Crawford (Midnight Cinderella)
Robert Branche (Midnight Cinderella)
Sid (Lloyd Grandier) (Midnight Cinderella)
Bryon Wagner (Midnight Cinderella)
Nico Meier (Midnight Cinderella)
Yukiya Reizen (Wizardess Heart)
Joel Crawford (Wizardess Heart)
Mikah Hudson (Guard Me Sherlock)
George Lestrade (Guard Me Sherlock)
Heartman (Oz+)
Crowle (Oz+)
Captain Yami (Black Clover)
Asta (Black Clover)
Thistle (Elmchanted Forest)
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
*Bonus: Fictional Women Who I Love Platonically*
Mulan (Disney)
Camellia / Camellia Bale (Finding Camellia)
Tara Elias (I'll Save This Damned Family)
Portia Devorak (The Arcana)
Dami (Hanyang Diaries)
Eun Woo (Wild Eyes)
Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Leora (Dislyte)
Elaine (Dislyte)
Brynn (Dislyte)
Hilda (Dislyte)
Laura Ramses (Dislyte)
Uday (Dislyte)
Asenath (Dislyte)
Misa (Death Note)
Noelle (Black Clover)
Vanessa (Black Clover)
Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Utena Tenjo (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Juri Arisugawa (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
*Bonus: Fictional Character Crushes From Childhood*
Peter Palette (Elmchanted Forest)
Apollo Blue (The Jetsons Movie)
Aladdin (Disney)
Prince Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
Prince Philip (Sleeping Beauty)
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alexzalben · 2 years
NEW YORK, NY (November 11, 2022) - Actor Kevin Conroy, the most beloved voice of Batman in the animated history of the character, died Thursday at age 66 after a short battle with cancer.
A noted stage, film and television performer, Conroy rose to unparalleled voice acting fame as the title character of the landmark Batman: The Animated Series (1992-1996). He would establish never-to-be-broken records as the quintessential voice of Batman, bringing the super hero to animated life in nearly 60 different productions, including 15 films – highlighted by the acclaimed Batman: Mask of the Phantasm; 15 animated series, spanning nearly 400 episodes and more than 100 hours of television; as well as two dozen video games. Conroy was also featured as a live-action Bruce Wayne in the Arrowverse’s 2019-2020 “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover event.
In recent years, Conroy was a notable fixture on the Con circuit, greeting fans with the same warmth, respect and enthusiasm they reserved for him.
“Kevin was far more than an actor whom I had the pleasure of casting and directing – he was a dear friend for 30+ years whose kindness and generous spirit knew no boundaries,” said Emmy Award winning casting/dialogue director Andrea Romano. “Kevin’s warm heart, delightfully deep laugh and pure love of life will be with me forever.”
“Kevin was perfection,” recalled Mark Hamill, who redefined the Joker playing opposite Conroy’s Batman. “He was one of my favorite people on the planet, and I loved him like a brother. He truly cared for the people around him – his decency shone through everything he did. Every time I saw him or spoke with him, my spirits were elevated.”
Born on November 30, 1955 in Westbury, New York, and raised in Westport, CT, Conroy began establishing himself in the acting community while under the tutelage of John Houseman at The Julliard School – where he studied alongside the likes of Christopher Reeve, Frances Conroy, and his roommate Robin Williams. 
Conroy began his career following his love of the theatre, keeping him on stage in both New York and at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego. The actor received rave reviews for his starring performances in A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Public Theater, Eastern Standard on Broadway, Arthur Miller’s The Last Yankee, and in the title role of Hamlet at the 1984 New York Shakespeare Festival. In addition, he performed in films and television – most notably in the mid-1980s when he had recurring roles on Dynasty, Tour of Duty and Ohara; successful runs on soap operas Search for Tomorrow and Another World; and guest roles on popular series like Cheers, Murphy Brown, Spenser: For Hire and Matlock.
But it was his incomparable, nuanced performance as the voice of Batman that put Conroy on the map – and the fans’ radar – when Batman: The Animated Series debuted on September 5, 1992. From that point on, Conroy would forever be linked to the Dark Knight – in TV series like Batman Beyond and Justice League/Justice League Unlimited; films ranging from Batman: the Killing Joke and Batman: Gotham Knight to Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero and Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman; and more than two dozen video games.
“Kevin was a brilliant actor,” Hamill said. “For several generations, he has been the definitive Batman. It was one of those perfect scenarios where they got the exact right guy for the exact right part, and the world was better for it. His rhythms and subtleties, tones and delivery – that all also helped inform my performance. He was the ideal partner – it was such a complementary, creative experience. I couldn’t have done it without him. He will always be my Batman.”
“Kevin brought a light with him everywhere,” said Paul Dini, producer of Batman: The Animated Series, “whether in the recording booth giving it his all, or feeding first responders during 9/11, or making sure every fan who ever waited for him had a moment with their Batman. A hero in every sense of the word. Irreplaceable. Eternal.”
Conroy is survived by his husband Vaughn C. Williams, sister Trisha Conroy, and brother Tom Conroy. Memorial services are pending.
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shefanispeculator · 6 months
Producer and longtime Warner Music Nashville executive Scott Hendricks will be leaving the company at the end of the month. He joined Warner Nashville in 2007 and currently serves as executive vp of A&R/ creative advisor. Hendricks will transition back to being an independent producer and will continue his work with Warner Nashville artists Blake Shelton and Dan+Shay.
While at Warner Nashville, Hendricks has overseen numerous No. 1 singles on the Country Airplay chart, including several chart-topping hits recorded by Shelton. During that time, Shelton has earned a slew of RIAA certifications, including two five-times-platinum singles with “Boys ‘Round Here” and “God Gave Me You,” as well as the three-times-platinum album Based on a True Story… and the two-times-platinum album Red River Blue.
Hendricks is also responsible for signing Dan+Shay, the duo behind the Grammy-winning hit “Tequila” — which was named song and single of the year at the ACM Awards in 2019 — as well as the Grammy-winning hit “Speechless.” Hendricks returned as a co-producer alongside Dan Smyers on Dan+Shay’s most recent album, Bigger Houses, including their current single, “Save Me the Trouble.” Hendricks was also responsible for signing and/or managing A&R for artists including Hunter Hayes (“Wanted”) and Brett Eldredge.
“Scott has been a friend, a mentor, a brother and an always generous teacher from the day I met him as a publisher almost 30 years ago,” Warner Music Nashville co-chair/co-president Cris Lacy said in a statement. “His unparalleled expertise in the studio and his willingness to share the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ of everything he does — whether as a label head, producer or A&R person — makes him irreplaceable. His quintessential stories will live on, and we look forward to hearing and co-creating many more of them as we work together on projects now and in the future.”
“It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 16 years since I joined the Warner team. It’s true time flies when you are having fun!” Hendricks said in a statement. “I’ve been a part of countless great memories in those years. It’s been an honor and a privilege to collaborate with so many talented people, as well as the artists we served. I am thankful for each and every one. I look forward to continuing my work with Blake Shelton and Dan + Shay as I transition back to being an independent producer. With Ben and Cris now leading the charge, Warner Music Nashville is in good hands moving forward.”
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