#but FUCK if it does not haunt me. ahhhh
harrowharkwife · 9 months
do you guys ever think about the fact that one of camilla hect's titles back on the sixth was. the warden's hand.
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I'm back on my MoB kick and all I can think about is
Tony and Stephen either married/partners/friendenmies
Tony gets hurt
Stephen wants to take care of him, but his job is a surgeon. After care is someone else's job. But Tony deserves the best.
Enter at home Nurse Peter Parker. [ Stephen pulled strings to get him]
Who may or may not know who Tony is or atleast his connection to the mob.
- WinterSpiderPurrs
@winterspiderpurrs YOU BRILLIANT THING AHHHH💗💗💗 i literally cannot remember the last time i wrote smth bUt here i am with this!! i’d be so flattered if you continued it and maybe i can continue your piece?🥴🥴💗💗
Mafia boss Tony, surgeon Stephen, Tony and Stephen are married, nurse Peter, mentions of gun violence
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Peter has never been headhunted for a job before. It made him feel important and special among the thousands of nurses who are more qualified and experienced than him. They didn’t get the job offer, he did. There must be someone who finally sees value in Peter’s skills, and the young nurse has to take the rare chance offered to him.
However, he may have jumped into this too soon, because now he is stood across the street from the address he was given and the house looks intimidating.
The house is practically a mansion, and an old one at that. But, the house seems resilient and well kept. The lush garden must look beautiful in daylight, but now in the October moonlight it looks haunted. There is a large black metal gate in front of the house and black shapes move back and forth with confident footfalls.
“What the fuck…” Peter whispers to himself. He checks the address again, and again. It is the right one and he is in the right place. The number of the house and street is correct. “Here goes nothing…”
Peter walks up to the gate, and he is about to say something awkward to one of the men guarding the gate, but he doesn’t get the chance.
“Mr Parker?”
“Uhm- yes. Yes, that’s me.” Peter squeaks.
The guard says nothing, but he makes a gesture with his hand and a built in door opens up from the gate. Peter steps inside and follows one of the guards up to the house.
The house is well-lit and warm when Peter steps inside. There are lush carpets and expensive furniture in the entrance hall, which hints to even more richness inside the rest of the house.
The guard wipes his shoes, but keeps them on, so Peter does the same. The guard says nothing still, but he turns back to look at Peter while he wipes his shoes and waits for him to catch up before walking on.
They head upstairs and make a turn around a corner before the guard gestures for Peter to wait. The man knocks on one of the doors and steps inside before closing the door. Only now does Peter notice how quick his heart is beating in his chest. His limbs feel jelly-like, and he takes this small moment of alone time to calm himself.
“You’re okay, you’re okay…” Peter mouths to himself.
The door opens again, but another man steps out and Peter snaps his head up. Finally, a familiar face.
“Doctor Strange!” Peter breathes out in relief. He hopes it is not too obvious, and that the doctor doesn’t notice how shaky Peter’s hand is in their handshake.
“Peter, thank you for coming. I know I didn’t tell you a lot about this assignment, but all will be revealed soon. You can ask any question you’d like.” The doctor says and leads Peter down to the next door and opens it.
It is an office and Stephen heads to the desk to look through some papers. The doctor returns quickly though with a paper for Peter and a pen.
“So, this is how you live…?” Peter asks before taking the paper. An NDA.
“Some of the time, yeah.” Stephen answers shortly. “I’d like you to sign this before I tell you anything about the assignment. You can quit whenever you like, but you-”
“Cannot talk about it, got it.” Peter chuckles and Stephen gives in a smile. The doctor gestures for Peter to use the desk to sign and the young nurse does so.
“Great! Now that’s settled.” Stephen says after checking the signature and leaving the paper on the desk. They head out into the hallway again. “I’ll show you your patient now.”
Stephen opens the door he came out from before and lets Peter step inside the room. It is a bedroom and a king-sized bed takes up most of the space. And on the bed, is a man, fast asleep. Peter cannot see him well from where he is standing, but he sees some dark hair and facial hair. The room looks quite ordinary, although much classier than Peter could ever afford with a nurse’s pay. However, the medical equipment and machines in the room stand out.
Peter recognises all of them, of course. All the tubes and wires connected to the sleep man on the bed. And based on them, he deduces that the man should be in hospital, not at home.
“Who is he?” Peter asks.
“Tony Stark. Your patient, and my husband.” Stephen answers.
Something about Stephen’s tone of voice makes Peter feel uneasy.
“What happened?”
“He was shot in the abdomen. Stupid.” Stephen says the last part through slightly gritted teeth.
“When? Who treated him? He needs to be in hospital still, surely.” Peter says in disbelief.
“I did.”
Peter takes a step from the doctor. The guards, the NDA, gunshot wounds, treated by family… The headhunting. It all starts to make sense.
“He can’t go to the hospital.” Peter says quietly. Or else, the police will find out…
“No.” Stephen says simply. “But, he won’t need to when he has you taking care of him. I cannot be here all the time, plus, I’m a surgeon. I’ve done what I can.” The doctor steps closer to Peter, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Now I need your help, and you will need the money. Trust me, I know. So, you will take the job, yes?”
Peter squeezes his eyes shut. He lets out a breath and then opens his eyes.
He nods.
“I’ll take the job.”
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number1rizgukgakstan · 5 months
Spoilers under the cut
Adaine trying to relax for her friends is so sweet I love her so much
Fig wrote a song so banging she managed to reach out to and touch her God. I love her so much.
The way she's trying to reach out to Ankarna is so sweet to her. The fact they're bonding over their girlfriends being out of town is insane.
What Fig does to Ruben is lowkey wild when you think about it. What are you doing to that poor guy. What did he do to deserve this.
BRITISH KRISTEN FUCKING GOT ME AGAIN holy shit. K2 you are in my head what is up with you???
WHY IS EVERYONE HELPING HER DO THIS? They're all absolutely deranged I love it.
This whole scene is so crazy what the hell is happening
Jawbone is so fucking sweet I love that man so much. He's so great. I love how much Kristen is concerned for him and how close they are. Jawbone's amazing <3
Murph's face while Kristen talks to Bobby Dawn is SO FUNNY. They're great.
Brennan Lee Mulligan how dare you make me cry about Bucky Applebees right now.
Fig talking about her future made me so happy,,, the kids are alright.
DID AYDA LEAVE HER A METEOR SHOWER??? OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD HOLY FUCKING SHIT I LOVE LOVE. BRENNAN LEE MULLIGAN I OWE YOU MY LIFE. I have NEVER in my ENTIRE LIFE HEARD ANYTHING AS ROMANTIC AS THAT MESSAGE. I AM OVERWHELMED WITH EMOTION. And the ending was just fucking great. "You are not going to believe how much my dad spent on this jet ski" absolute peak comedy.
The foreshadowing of Fig leaving the group is a little sad, but like. You know what? Fig's great. And wherever she goes I know the Bad Kids have her back :)
SHE WRITES AYDA A LETTER [sobs] These two ARE true love!
Ankarna and Cassandra's fascinating relationship will haunt me forever. And the fact that Ankarna fell before Cassandra also haunts me. holy hell
FUCK. YES! Is coming back to fucking bite the party in the ass. Kristen Applebees you have to pull a nat 20 out of your fucking ass
Kristen's bid for president being the key to stopping the big bad evil guy is absurd to me. I love her so much
I love Emily Axford so much. She always swings to the fucking fences with her acting and I love her so much.
GOD I LOVE PORTER he's so fucking evil he's great.
Riz is so smart and Murph's luck has been INSANE. That whole scene had me WRACKED with emotion. His insane spy shit fucks so hard this is so cool.
The final battle's going to be at Fabian's party isn't it??? I'm so excited
This group has such good chemistry and they're such good friends and I love them SO MUCH
Riz's ability to case a fucking joint is ABSURD. This man is BUILT for this shit and it's great to see him do the shit he's best at.
The RatGrinder's Plan as its laid out now is so scary, and I CANNOT WAIT to see how this all plays out. Aguefort picked the WORST time to go on fucking vacation.
THEY HAVE TO KILL THOSE FUCKERS. Maybe the RG's just need therapy but you just need to KILL THOSE FUCKING TEACHERS.
Fried Rice Dimension in the Garage, losing it.
"this is too easy" god Murph you're so right this is too fucking easy
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anteroom-of-death · 8 months
Teacher's Pet part 5
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Synopsis: After a good long talk with an old friend, the Doctor catches Reader out on her lie. And figures some things out.
A/n: I feel so indebted to you all. The praise and likes and reblogs feels good, my guys. Also, this weekend, I'll have maybe not as much output but you know...gotta work on big issues instead of work and vibin. But ahhhh. Hope you like it.
(Y/N) called out of class. Maybe she really was sick. Humans leaked a lot. Especially when sick.
Rose once had a common flu and she cried until her temperature came back down to normal. It was hard to hold her, his body being so cool in comparison to hers, he felt like, in that time and body and place, it would relieve her nearly 39 degree fever. The tender grasp he held her body in made her cry and sweat even harder. Mickey apparently never held her like this when she was sick. It overwhelmed her shocked system even more…
Suddenly the thought of him, in this body, holding (y/n) to cool her down invaded his mind.
Ideas of different ways and reasons to hold her left his mind awry. He imagined how it would feel, her skin against his. Her lips against his. The feeling of him looking in those nervous, doe-scared eyes as he thrust de- he stopped himself before he could finish the fantasy.
Her empty seat later that day haunted him.
Another mystery woman from the universe. Hell-bent on driving him to madness.
It was always the women, the one’s that seemed so mundane, yet glimmered in a way that their essence caught his eye. Drove him wild. Even when he wasn’t initially attracted to them. Sooner or later he’d become so.
A fatal flaw.
The class ended.
He visited Missy in her Vault.
If anyone could understand madness, it’d be her. Despite the cost it’d bring him.
“Ignore the blindingly obvious irony. But you need to help me.” He half-pleaded, half-ordered.
“Oh? Wee Ickle Me? The great Doctor needs my help?” Missy cackled an awful grin. “Whatever bothers you, my sweet?” She purred. “What can I do that you don’t, besides serve.” She straightened herself up and gave a snap of her fingers above her head and put herself in almost a ballet dancer’s poise.
“A girl I teach in my class. Why do I keep thinking of her. I have all these primal, base instincts when I see her. Frankly way beneath a member of our species…” He confessed to his oldest friend and greatest foe. And ex-lover. “She is ruining me and my focus.”
Missy fell over laughing and pointing. Her petticoat flashing wildly through the air.
“It’s always the Earth girls!” She exclaimed.
“Though, I did marry that poor Lucy girl.” She had a moment of lucidity.
“These Earth girls are going to kill us. And hey- why not just let them! Get me a perky little thing to ruin me too! Let’s commit suicide and genocide in one fell swoop!” She cackled even harder, her booming voices echoing throughout the Vault.
“No, you shouldn’t.” She seemingly sobered up.
“Assuming that you don’t kill her, as you usually do with these little flings.” She made a hand and body gesture that resembled herself being flung. It hearkened back for the Doctor how physically emotive (y/n) was…
“You’re her teacher. And in position of power! If things get wonky in a marriage bed sense…well doctor, can you handle the storm? Con your way out? You’ll be the one holding the dirty diaper. Not her.”
“And wherever will you put me… I’ll have no good place for your prison to be?” she became sing-song and gave a sarcastic pout.
The Doctor put his hands on his face and rubbed hard. This was both too much help, and not enough.
Missy was right.
And seemingly taking a moral stance, an action previously unheard of for many a millennia.
He decided that he’d go and take this all with a grain of salt.
“Yeah, yeah. You’re right.”
“Oh.” She seemed shocked into silence.
Giggling ceased.
They stood in silence.
“You might be fucked.” She said after minute.
He crouched deeper into his despair. The weight of his grief and Missy’s well-balanced advice echoed in his skull.
“Oh, off you go Teacher! Go get yourself a new Pet!” She seemingly understood and definitely read his mind.
He found himself at odds.
He left her and vanished further into the day fading into the dark of the night. Refusing to leave the planet and irk Nardole’s ire.
He chose to walk the streets of Bristol.
The cold air whipped around him. It was a blustery day. The air had a bit of winter’s last ice in it. Dying season for a dying ethos. The freshly birthed night was adding a layer of chill.
He could feel the turn on the planet under his feet as he turned a corner.
What was this?
He swore he saw (y/n) turn the adjacent corner into a street ahead of him. He took a few quick steps and curved into an alley. It was definitely her.
Go into a large detached building with a sizeable car park. She had her big, over stuffed tote bag with her. She looked in perfect health.
Whatever happened to her sickness?
A lie? Or did she feel his encroaching gazes and seclude herself from him.
He wouldn’t blame her…
It didn’t appear to be flats or even a room-share or sublet situation. Maybe it was her elusive job?
But what was it, in this seemingly askance residential building? With the car park that seemed a bit too big, even for the size of the house.
He stood on the corner of the street and gazed at it. He was clever enough to find out what she did now. Obviously.
But did he want to break her trust? Even in this little way? She was obviously quite guarded about her source of income.
Was it shame? Was she something that was shameful?
That narrowed it down, what jobs held stigma?
Down to a few.
What job would necessitate a huge bag such as that?
Seldom more.
He came to two or three careers.
Now which would be held in this suburb?
Two left.
What one would be in a place with a large car park and- he noticed all the windows were blacked out. As if coated in the same tint a car would have on its..
He couldn’t honestly be shocked. It could prove lucrative. And it was flexible for her schedule. Not a common choice, but one trillions across the universe and time had made…
He crooked his head.
“Ah, bingo!” He felt himself saying aloud.
No wonder he felt sexually charged and drawn to her, he rationalized. She was changed by this career. Even in her normal, day-to-day, her mind was probably racing on ways to keep this concealed. The psychic cues probably just meddled with his mind.
She was probably scared shitless that a peer or a professor, or someone on administration would see her here. The stigma around this would damage her chances at a civilian career once she graduated.
Or even worse, request her to service them…
Though, yet he couldn’t fault her for the risk…
He’d taken billions.
Especially when the economy was fascistic.
All these humans had to make do to tread water.
And this was her attempt…
He felt liberated over this. Just psychic cues and her own internal warfare! Not him!
Or was it?
How easily was it for him to accept these fantasies, despite how much he tried against them?
Was it so simple? Or was it deeper? He enjoyed the brief time they had shared. She was intuitive. Empathetic and, if the last class they shared, valued everything from humans to microbes at the same level…
He decided it was a combination of all of the above.
She’d definitely make an interesting companion, of not a romantic partner.
Why not?
Precious little to lose, except her…
He said he’d email her about meeting on Monday. He whipped our his phone, and shot her a nice, professional sounding email requesting her presence at the same time.
Let the seduction of (y/n) begin…He thought as he made his way back home.
He had to prepare.
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miimo96 · 3 days
Thoughts on TBHK Chapter 118
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Another month another chapter, and it looks like you guys Finally let me know when this one was out, and I gotta be honest, judging by the Cover card, I'm completely scarred. because since we're going back to Red house and with that THING Still possessing Kou, I Honestly Don't know what to expect, all I know is that this cover gives me the heebie jeebies
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Not even 2 minutes in and already I'm scared because this whole just Screams, "Hey someone is going to die" or "Hey, we're going to F*$k with your emotions today " ^^ maybe it's just me, but with last few Chapters, I don't think I can Trust anything Anymore. Also, I'm 100% sure that the Senpai is a 100% Hanako, because why wouldn't it be at this point?
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Yeah 2 things: either the Senpai IS Hanako and we just stumbled into his house and he's about to idk Greet us or something, Or 2, The Red house or should I say, The ENTITY, is about to Kill us
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Oh. Well that's something, Yeah I was totally Not expecting that 😐 Okay, time to Run
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Man between This house, The house on Neebolt Street, And the house from Monster house, What is with Most of the shit I like having Haunted houses? Also it looks like Kou's Starting to remember Things 👀
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WHAT!? OK 1st off Kou DEFINITELY remembers the other World, and Second of all, How the Hell does HE Know!? 🤯
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CAPTIVATED!? Oh it's confirmed, This Guy LOVES Him ^w^
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Oh This is making me Sad, OMG aidairo Please Don't do this to Me 🥺
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Oh you little TROLL, I Effing Hate you 😢
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This giving me MAJOR Picture perfect arc vibes and I Don't like it ^^;
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Oh God No, Every F#$king Time we get a Chapter of these 2, Something Bad ALWAYS has to happen, and lately it's been happening to Kou more, What the fuucck!!😫
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Ok seriously, What the Hell are these THINGS!? I'm guessing their either Kanagi's or maybe just people who were Sacrificed to the Red house, but Idk Tbh. Also Who the f%$k is SPEAKING right here!? I only have 1 guess and Literally could just be Hanako, but imagine if was Past Tsukasa or something Crazy like idk, Sakura. That would be Amazing Lol
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AAAAHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU!!! 😱 😱😱 Holy Shit it looks like people's theories on Hanako being the one behind this are Right, Holy Shit I didn't expect this. I'm guessing this means That in THIS Timeline, instead of him and Tsukasa becoming Ghosts, they ended up both being Possessed by The Red house Entity instead. 😨 Holy SHIT, this Chapter was AMAZZINNG, Once again aidairo Proves that they DO NOT PLAY and they DO NOT MISS When It comes to their Chapters! Shit this Chapter was effing AMAZING I Totally can't wait for the Next one, How is yashiro gonna React to this, and are Our boys Ok!? Well only 1 way to find out, in the mean time I'll see you guys Next month, *chuckles nervously* 😅😅😅 We're in trouble aren't we...
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Good evening.
1) I just watched "The Abominable Doctor Phibes" because I saw it on your page and I'm screaming of joy, this movie is so beautiful and poetic and everything. So I wanted to say thank you.
2) Could you give me an advise on which movie starring Vincent Price should I watch next? I really loved the vibe of TADP and the House of Wax, but I'm kinda having troubles deciding what to watch next.
The answer will be really appreciated.
Oh yay! So glad you enjoyed Dr. Phibes. There's a sequel to the film called "Dr. Phibes Rises Again" that you may wanna check out.
Also, "The Comedy of Terrors" is a wonderful, campy movie that I honestly think is a favorite of mine.
"The Raven" is amazing!! Loosely based on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven", it's a cute, fun movie that is just cozy and it's just...so good.
"The Haunted Palace" is a perfect movie if you're in a spooky mood.
"The Tingler" is one of my favorites, as well. I know I say that a lot, but it's just...perfect. Trust me, you'll like it, if you're a fan of Vincent.
"Witchfinder General" is a brutal movie but it is so fucking good. It's about witch hunting and based on the true story of Matthew Hopkins.
"The Masque of the Red Death" is another Edgar Allan Poe story come to life in one of his more iconic roles. His role as Prince Prospero is perfect. And you just have to see it! You won't be disappointed.
"Pit and the Pendulum" ----- AHHHH! I love this movie so much! And the way it ends...and his acting is just...🤌🏼. Check it out if you get time!
"The Last Man On Earth" is a post apocalyptic zombie/vampire movie based on Richard Mathesons "I am legend". And in my Honest opinion - THIS is the best version!! Vincent does a wonderful job given the fact he's alone, at least for a while, and he's fighting zombies left and right.
"The House of Long Shadows" is a wonderful spooky horror movie with all the legends in horror - Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, John Carradine, and Peter Cushing!
"Madhouse" one of my faves. You just have to see it!
There are SO MANY MOVIES and I can go on forever and ever. I hope these help you out!!
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coderiderr · 5 months
9, 22 and 27 for you good friend!!
09. personal bias aside, who do you think is the best written character and why? 
regarding MCD oh katelyn absolutely no question. plot threads and arcs can get a little all over the place but katelyn has a consistent motiv/arc she follows through on s1-2 with her defection and everything, we love you katelyn <333 ugh queen
For mystreet well tbh. uhh. s1-3 zane is the only one who had a solid like. arc (?) about opening up and making friends. (not that he should be opening up to these ppl theyre all assholes to him lmfao) so much happens in mystreet and the quality, ranges. s1-3 was like a sitcom but then s4-6 were so much idk.
22. who's the character that you most identify with and why?
i dont think i identify with any of these guys honestly. theyre all very different from me,. mystreet liochant ig, bc he does nothing <3
27. what's something really interesting that you wished canon decided to explore more? alternatively, what's something interesting that you wished the fandom acknowledged more?
OH THERES SOSOSSOSOSOS MUCH goign on mystreet concepts first uhm s4-6 i dont like ghost but her concept is so insane but the fucking execution but like she literally cant remember anything about her life other than the name zane & like love. which she interprets as oh he must be the love of my life or smthin so shes obsessed with him but extremely strongly implied (or outright confirmed id have to rewatch) this is the ghost of emmalyn from mcd and the reason she remembers zane is bc MCD zane literally killed her husband in front of her its so crazy. thinking the reincarnation of the guy who killed your soulmate is your one true love bc you cant remember why you know him AHHHHHHH
s1-3 mystreet im blankin on a lot of it. idk garroth repsect ur brothers boundries more or smthin </3 wish they leaned more into the hilarity of zane being part of the homeowners association. wwe only got the ep where he judges christmas decorations for a competition. ohhh wait they shouldve leaned more into zane being an outcast and why bc theyre kinda like hes a dick ig? even tho like. he reasonable defensive and shit bc the people around him are like. constantly making fun of him. i think he deserves to be a little bit of a dick.
MCD JUST LIKE>> TRAVIS IN GENERAL HIS CONCEPT GOES SO INSANE AND THEN THEY JUSARGHHH like his dad is the demon lord and he grew up solely with his mom and is extremely outcast at the village he protects FROM HIS DAD bc of his parentage and the dude literally spends all his time alone after his mother died he has so much compassion for people who hate him it goes so crazy. and hes so ashmed of his demon side im ahhhh. hes always lurking in ym brain
and dante and gene dante and gene. pov youre orphans and your big brother is doing something terrible so you report him and he winds up being hanged for it and he comes back as an undead monstrosity and kills literally everyone in your hometown ((i realize i have misremebered it was a memory wipe not killing but so many village wipes happen in this series can you blame me)) but you and you are haunted by the guilt you feel. its hard but you end up finding a new place to call home and new people to call family until one day theyre gone and you do your best to help your little struggling village and you perservere until one day 15 years later theyre back and havent aged a day. you thought they were gone.
also just fucking getting to see dante age and get married and become a father while gene is stuck in the same 20 y/o body goes crazy. what happens when you outgrow your big brother
also hmm i dunno. i think we should all aprreciate brenden more. also kiki & zane are so we need to talk about that more
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ronanceautistic · 5 months
Ahhhh Fred was one of my new favorite characters introduced s4, i get why people love Chrisy but he should have gotten more attention. His backstory and chemistry with Nancy was so refreshing (they gave her a friend who is not a love interest to interact with ), where are all the fics of him and Nancy being pals trying to solve crimes. In spirit of that do you have any canons if Fred didnt die ?
Sorry this took so long I have the memory of a goldfish as of late.
They're like Romeo and Juliet to me except gay and deeply platonic. Starcrossed frenemies doomed to haunt the narrative or whatever. Honest to god my brain is empty for an 'if Fred didn't die' scenario because his death is too engrained in me but I can speak my shit about before he died if that's any consolation.
They both desperately try to hide their trauma, but they see through each other's shit. Neither of them explicitly say "are you okay?" or anything, but they're good at making the other not feel like a freak.
Nancy asks Fred what it felt like to be in a kind-of relationship with his boyf. I sort of picture it as the closeted 'they were going to a motel outside of town' type of situation where the other kid was like a football player or some shit but he was sweet and caring to Fred in a way no one else knew about it. In my headcanon he's called Harry and their love was probably wholesome and tender in a way that makes Nancy's heart ache because at least Fred got some time. But with Barb, Nancy just fucked it all up before she could admit she loved her. It's the whole 'is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all' conundrum where Nancy believes Fred is better off and Fred believes Nancy is better off.
They definitely lose their filters around each other. They're both smart, and polite around authority (sorta), but around each other they will say literally everything that pops into their head. (E.g. "Jonathan isn't like you, he's caring and sweet" - and Fred does not even flinch at that statement). I think it's funny if they're bickering with each other while on the job, knock on some sweet old ladies door and just have to contain themselves in front of her. They're the kind of people to look over at each other from across the room and read each other's minds and try desperately not to burst out into laughter during a very serious situation.
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jennyandvastraflint · 8 months
Xena Reactions S2Ep13
Cold opener with Gabrielle my poor girl looks so tires
"Xena?" she wants her backkk
"What a coincidence. So have you." Who's that... Should I know who this dude is?
Gabrielle my bbg is desperate for a hug she needs all the hugs
"She just left me. How could she do that? I really want to hate her for it." "No you don't." "I miss her." NOOOOOOO. I'M SOBBING
"How empty my life was without her"
Ohhhh! The guy is Hercules's boytoy!
Ephiny is gorgeous...
Bruh I don't like this new queen
Bigass statue
Who are these boring men in hood and armour
Shfhfs bdbd He just picked the lock
"No offence" 😂
Oop... Possession?
"Because she's strong and talks about the old ways" Ah...
"And maybe then, you can..." "Let her go..." How about NOOOO
Gabrielle is like You entitled shitttt XD
"Choose the one drink you wouldn't give your worst enemy"
"i want you to steal my dead body from the amazons"
'No messing with my limbs or bodily functions unless I say so" shdhfhs
"Xena, I'll always love you"
"I always thought of you as my home"
"I'm not just leering at scantily clad women, I'm working." sdjfhs
"Losing your body has done nothing to improve your patience" Xena HITS him
Oh Gabrielle looks GOOD in that armour
And the one earring? 👀
What is this Ephiny slander from this woman
"Look, they made me queen" SHE'S SO BROKEN AND SAD
"There are two kinds of tears."
"I won't say goodbye to you, Xena, because we'll be together again, one day" AAAAAAAAH
"Actually it is what you think it is, but not WHY you think it is"
Xena "Pathetic..." Gabrielle "That's so pathetic" sjdhdsv
Is she controlling his body
Yup. Gabrielle is about to believe it
Ephiny is like Whaat is happening
Ffs she's such a shittttt...
"I'm going to speak through you"
"why did you leave" T_T
"Get your hands off my butt" sbfhdhdhd
Spikes. OBVIOUSLY there's spikes
No signal underground 😔
Ew why is she kissing him
"I like pain. I like what it does to people and I like what it makes people do" sadist... 😂
"One or the other"
"Hey I paid for an hour" djfhdhs
Urgh ffs stop sexualising her...
"I wanna tell you THIS"
"With that Amazonian... Female"
Oh the grin on Gabrielle's face is SEXY
Holy shit they're hanging over fire and spikes... And fight
Was that wobbly jelly thing the ambrosia
HAND HOLDING. HAND HOLDING. "Come back. Please come back."
OH NO She's gonna eat it...
"I'm just giving you your chance... to thank me."
He's a good person, in some aspects
"Promise me that you'll never die on me again"
"It was warm, friendly, loving... I felt protected."
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fratricideknight · 1 year
top 5 merlin characters go !
AHHHH I LOVE THEM ALL I CAN'TTTTTT. bc i adore them all, i'll name them in no particular order depending on how compelling i think they are.
i can say that lancelot is my favourite in every way. listen. he's just so lovely and cool and softly spoken. and i just. i make jokes about him being perfect, but i honestly don't think he is. i might not like him if he was. he's sad and overly devoted to the point of self-ruin, and his humility and endless pursuit of nobility sometimes do more harm than good. e.g. when he left gwen bc arthur liked her without asking how she felt. he's "everything the knight's code stands for" so he's also something of an examination of the knight's code and its ethics?? where those ethics fail, where the rules must be bent for the sake of goodness (for instance, lance keeping merlin's secret even though he hates lying). which, of course, i want to see when watching a medieval chivalry show. he's just so compelling to me. he's just like me fr. i, in no way, shape or form, self-insert as sir lancelot. absolutely none. he was so underutilised. i was robbed of self-insert content. i am normal about him. not to mention his dynamic with every character he interacted with was gold. he deserved to spend time with more characters. e.g. morgana. i would KILL to have an arc about his response to the oppression of magic users and morgana's ideology. he trusts in systems of power and wants so desperately to be a knight of camelot - how would he respond when that quite possibly contradicts the righteous course of action?? which is more important to him?? would he be swayed by the allegiances of the people he loves, thereby showing a major chink in his nobility?? please. i need this to be explored more in fanon.
okay listen. gaius. it's widely acknowledged that his dynamic with uther is almost the grown-up version of merlin and arthur's. by the time season 5 rolls around, merlin has been groomed very well into becoming the next gaius. he would watch his kin burn at the stake for the sake of a "promised kingdom" "a better future" which he is convinced will be brought about by arthur even if he hates magic. literally what gaius did. he was kept alive despite practicing magic bc he was uther's friend and confidant. but he isn't just loyal to uther in the way that merlin becomes doggedly loyal to arthur. he also adores merlin. it's super interesting to think about where the hope for the chosen one who will help arthur unite albion ends and his devotion to his surrogate son begins. if he had to choose between merlin and arthur, who would he choose? has he been utterly sucked in by the prophecy like merlin eventually is or does he retain enough love for merlin that he would toss it aside? i need answers
morgana was done so, so unbelievably dirty. but she's so fucking interesting. i'm just gonna toss aside botched canon characterisation for a sec and talk about her arc like it was done well. she was uther's beloved ward, valued but (bc she didn't know she was his daughter) dispensable, unlike arthur. maybe uther would never execute his son, the crown prince and sole heir, but her? uther is so mad with hatred and emotionally withdrawn that she can't possibly know where she stands. she's plagued by haunting dreams which she swears show the future but can't discuss openly, with absolutely no one to turn to. her attempt to connect with the druids ends in their being slaughtered. when she finally knows she has magic, she is forced to watch her own father figure execute people like her, alone and scared. no one tells her anything, she is in the dark and utterly alone. she clings to the first person who tries to connect with her, who also happens to be her sister - a family relation who isn't, at least outwardly, pro murdering sorcerers. then her own friend, who tells her nothing, fucking poisons her. no explanation. the only one she receives is no doubt a twisted one from morgause. before, she was conflicted by her love for uther to the point that she couldn't go through with killing him, but when she finally reaches a stage where she must resolve to murder her own surrogate father because he's a horrible tyrant, she's the villain. she's told that it's not right to kill him, that she should stand by and watch him kill. by people she considered allies. then she learns that this bastard is actually her father ;_; and then the whole "mOrGanA wANtS tHe ThRonE" "sHe'S jUsT lIkE uThEr" arc begins and it all goes downhill. (it is absolute bullshit that morgana coveted power that badly 💀 she wanted to live in the woods with the druids before they were all murdered before her eyes. if she wants power, it's so she can change things, not for selfish reasons.) the writers had to make her do drastic, ooc things like shooting innocent citizens of camelot to turn her into a villain, bc she simply wasn't wrong lmaoooo. the girl who handed out food to the poor and rode out to defend a village outside of camelot's borders for her friend's sake suddenly despises both the people and her friends. feelings do not suddenly change that drastically, i'm afraid. if they added in something about morgause brainwashing her, it would make so much more sense, but if they did that then morgana would be a tragic antagonist and WE CAN'T HAVE THAT!!! SHE MUST MAKE POTIONS WITH BABIES' GUTS JUST BECAUSE!!!
nimueh was only around for one season but she was so interesting. she's kind of a mix between gaius and morgana. used to be uther's friend, but after being betrayed by him became vindictive. she, too, was labelled a villain for attempting to strike out at a nasty tyrant 💀 young women on this show are either arthur's love interests or villains, istg. instead of playing the "why did she go about hurting uther in an evil way?" card like i did with morgana, bc we never saw her before she turned "evil" and therefore cannot speak on the legitimacy of her characterisation, i'm just going to accept that she's willing to make innocent people suffer to hurt uther. in that way, the writers could have drawn a contrast between her and morgana; nimueh goes about bringing uther down in an immoral way, whereas morgana is righteous in her actions. but ofc. we can't have that. speaking again about her relationship with uther: she gives some level of insight into the person he was and the person he became. he wasn't brought up to hate magic but rather came to that - utterly illogical - conclusion on his own and was willing to toss aside a loyal friend and an entire group of people bc he could not bear the consequences of his own actions.
everything seems to come back to uther. he's at the centre of it all, the main driving force. without him the plot simply would not exist. he's irredeemable, literally a genocidal murderer. not to mention a man who betrays his friends and unfairly pressures his son and to an extent values his pride above his people. there is no redemption arc for him. which makes these little glimpses of something else so interesting. a broken husband mourning his wife, a father worried for his son, a man haunted by visions of what he did. the concept that he built camelot from the ground up commends him as a good ruler, and to an extent he is. he's jaded, and makes heartless but practical decisions, unlike arthur in the early seasons, but ultimately he cares for the kingdom over his own son. as time goes on and arthur's burden increases, even he - our lovable hero - becomes more like uther. how did uther's rise to power change him like arthur's did? i wonder if uther built camelot with magic and what tearing out that essential pillar of his kingdom felt like. if he feels lost without its support, if he regretted his decision but his pride and the weight of what he'd already done just caused him to double down harder to avoid holding himself accountable. again, he's irredeemable, but he deserves good faith character analysis which many people don't afford him in favour of calling him profanities. understandable - but still.
it genuinely caused me great amounts of pain to choose. i mean it when i say i love all of them, and could wax poetic about them as characters. i think the reason 3 of the core 4 aren't on the list is bc they were around for so long that the writers had plenty of time to botch their arcs and it was just so much more pronounced with them. the way arthur wasn't allowed to hold an intelligent thought for more than 2 seconds?? the way gwen was gradually reduced to just "star-crossed love interest"?? it frustrates me so much that i'm not naming them just to be petty tbh. morgana suffered the worst, imo. they did her so dirty that i just want to toss aside canon and talk about her potential.
anyway. apologies for that essay. thanks for asking!!!
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numetaljackdog · 1 year
what i'm listening to 9/5/2023 (song notes under cut)
spot. link//yt link
Laura Les - Haunted: haunted. by laura les.
Laura Les/osno1 - ditch a body in the laundry (feat. Dylan Brady): i'll make no secret of it; i've been a sad little dog this past month. and this song is like PERFECT sad little dog soundtrack material (the whole ep is, and lots of laura's work if we're honest... but more on that later). there's this absolutely ice-cold novocaine hatred instilled in it, the kind of agony that stings the skin because the very action of having to exist as a physical animal hurts so bitterly. i'm really terribly obsessed with it and have also cried a lot to it and i really like the addition of dylan because while his part is short it's very good. links to this post also
House Of Pain - On Point: i lovvvve house of pain omg ^-^ their second album is kind of a cult classic and while idk if i'd say i like it better than the first, it's still real good. and this is a banger single. that horn riff? awesome. we did this one for videos night (which i am still planning more of!!) and it was fun. there is a little surprise slur moment in the last verse which is. y'know. but as far as the sound goes i think this is basically unparalleled, i could listen to songs that sounnd just like this forever and ever
Radiohead - How To Disappear Completely: did i mention that i was sad. bc i was. this was another song i turned to when lying in bed late at night and just really going through it. the idea of being able to disappear off to somewhere, anywhere that wasn't where i was...... well you get it. tears a gal up. it's almost like this is a good song on a good album or something
Madness - One Step Beyond: yeah okay a couple songs from the skaugust WILT stuck around. i just adore that fucking deep growly riff that comes in after the spoken intro, i can never ever get enough of it. and it's so danceable but still maintains that narstyness. good good shit i love ska so terribly much and especially the rockingest rocksteady beat..... of MADNESS
Nirvana - Blew: this should probably be higher tbh but it's close competition. despite remaining relatively unknown when held up next to something like about a girl, blew is SUCH a highlight from bleach (and i do really like bleach). the way kurt's voice lays over the main riff makes it so chunky and layered but it also feels dissonant, like it was accidental or improvised. every day i become slightly more of a nirvana fangirl.... there's worse things to be
Ada Rook - UNDERNEATH IT ALL: GOD i fucking love this album. it can be really dumb sometimes but it's so just. grrrrrrrrrh. ada rook is one of those musicians who just Gets It, i've often said that her music is the type of music i wish i could make. and the addition of ash nerve on this one creates that nice balance between abrasive screaming cyber rage and prettier clean sung choruses and harmonies. kind of the same effect the two achieve on angel electronics projects but i prefer the overall sound of this a lot
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - See Me: does anybody have the video of that weird as fuck animation with this song over it....... i watched that and was like idk what to do with this but the song jams i wonder who this is. and i found it in the notes and was like ahhhh that makes sense. the glizzard. and yeah idk the descending melody that kind of quavers around the lead line is just really otherworldly and takes me in right away each time i hear it. it's cool
The Specials - A Message To You Rudy: i feel i've said pretty much everythingg i wanted to say about this song. it's just one of the catchiest damn things ever
House Of Pain - I'm A Swing It: hey they're back!!! this one doesn't stick in my head as much as on point but again the sound is just immaculate and there's always so many corny-but-actually-really-good lines. it also always interests me how much everlast referecnes rock musicians and the like. he knows the audience lol
laura les/osno1 - nothing just hanging out: less of a song really, but still so representative of that coldness that represents me. none of the cemetary stuff is gonna be available on spotify, those are my local bandcamp files, and i don't have an individual upload of this track on youtube nor the time to create one, so i just put in an upload of the full ep. just listen to the whole thing it's really good and not that long. but yeah sorry lol
Mark Morrison - Return Of The Mack: i think this appeared on a previous WILT but i mean. talk about the catchiest things ever!!!!
Crisis Sigil - Blood Semen Box-Elder: a favorite album cut from the new crisis sigil. this release my first proper exposure to the project and mannnn that shit is brutal. this one esp methinks. once again. rook music good
Nicki Minaj - Roman Holiday: was listening to this one because of worstsongever and being like whoever nominated this doesn't know shit. this slaps hard. i was never like especially a nicki fan but this just straight up goes. weird as fuck but that's kind of the appeal. if you want a REAL bad song, that will come later
The Front Bottoms - Au Revoir (Adios): no not this one!! well. maybe a bit. idk i like folk punk but never really cared about these guys that much? but i've met some people recently who do like them and was like yeah i could give this another spin. i do admittedly alwways think of the post that's like "this gif is silent but it still manages to sound like shit." it's not as deep of a song as it's probably supposed to be, but i still think there's something there. a lot of folk punk songs focus around character writing that acknowledge their flaws, including (and sometimes especially) the narrator and this is a good example without coming out and stating it. it piqued my inch rest
Roxy Radclyffe - Exemption's Dominion: i'll be real i don't exactly "get" what this song is about but it is freaky and cool. i was really interested to see the music video when it popped up in my subscriptions. the part of the song that does get stuck in my head is the little two-word pitchshifted phrases in one of the verses
Haggus - Uneducated Politician: someone recommended "mincecore" to me, and these guys in particular. weird as fuck sound but i think it's fun! maybe it's just the bad recording quality but the growls on this track in particular come out sounding reallll fucked up, which is what drew me to this selection in particular. still got a lot to learn about this whole scene but it's made it this far with me!
MC Boing - Car Song: tbh i don't tend to really like danny harle, i don't mind him but it's just not really my deal. this one got me, though, despite being dumb as all fuck. we are driving in a car car car car car car. mc boing indeed
Eminem - FACK: you did this to me, worstsongever (R.I.P.). it's annoying to me that i actually don't completely hate this thing.... it manages to be so stupid it loops back around to being funny for about a minute and then it just gets so old so quickly. but somehow still found itself stuck in my head :( many such cases
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random-bi-writer · 2 years
My Reaction to Little Nightmares 2
My first impression based on a random sound clip I heard:
Mono: So I thought I was talking to a cat but it turns out to be Six and we’ve been meowing at each other for the past hour.
:3 You didn’t tell me you were in a game.
Chapter 1
I’m a little worried. This is the final game, but I got spoilers of the timeline. The intro made it seem like Mono is gonna fight the eyes. It would have been an awesome way to end the series.
I am so sick of bridges.
Woah, his voice is deeper than I thought.
That music. I know that music. It’s the fucking “let’s eat” music.
So the first boss is a sewer, fashion designer? Weird for a sewer to live in the woods.
Stop giving my baby heart attacks! Six has enough trauma and she doesn’t need a “here’s Johnny” meme added to that!
If I was playing music and someone broke down the door with an axe while wearing a paper with two holes for eyes in the middle of the night, I’d run too.
OH. The first boss likes taxidermy. Okay
I guess Six has no choice but to trust Mono, but can he not carry her? I don’t know they’re actual ages but I can tell that Mono is much bigger than Six.
No matter what game, Six never fails to be cute.
Broken mirrors, does the first boss know the Lady?
Oh, the first boss is a Hunter.
Wait, so the Hunter only tries to shoot Mono? Well, it was weird for Six to be alive so maybe there’s a weird father-daughter relationship going on?
Why is this series so obsessed with bridges?
Huh, how did Six sound even cuter than the first game.
So Mono’s first choice is murder, considering that Six looks younger than him, she probably thought that’s normal to do now.
Chapter 2
Mono: I can show you the world. Haunting, Terrifying, Scary!
Again with the bridges, why did they start making it a trust fall exercise?
So Mono gets hurt by Tvs. I am suddenly reminded off the ending in Secrets of The Maw, guess that dude survived and is looking for Six.
Wait, why is he glitching?
Woah, that’s too early for the final boss!
An orphanage. Although, probably not a safe one considering the bed sheets.
Aww, she’s copying him.
WOAH! The second boss looks terrifying enough based on that shadow.
Wait, are those lockers?
Oh, this is a boarding school.
Geez, Mono. I know that locker was open, but how strong are you?
So the final boss is a teacher. Makes sense.
See this? THIS is why I don’t play horror games. They do unpredictable things that can terrify you while you already know what kind of gore you will see in death games.
Um, please tell me that’s a porcelain and not an actual kid that looks like they starved to death while being tied like that?
Oh, the eyes are definetely an enemy.
Wow, Mono is way more murderous than Ori (the  name I gave to RCG)
So she’s a science teacher. I hope those aren’t actual organs in those jars.
NO! Six, the baby is hurt! Mono’s overprotective brother vibes is gonna slam those bullies to the ground.
Okay, I get that you need to get her down. But could you not have placed a mattress for her? I’m surprised Six survived that.
I know that piano scene is meant for distraction, but I wonder if Six likes music.
Mono, I don’t mind your murderous tendencies. But you’re going to become a very bad influence on Six.
Lady, how are you not hearing that?
Oh so you can hear vents.
Trust fall exercise. Is this game hinting something?
Chapter 3
Aww, Six found her raincoat. Wait why are the lights flickering, she’s not even hungry yet. Huh, how on earth is she not hungry? She always gets hungry in the first game.
I just realized, you can hear Six’s voice more clearly than the first game.
Are they in a prison? Is the third boss gonna be a policeman?
Sheesh, Mono is like Sasha Waybright.. Always falling to cliffs.
OH, it’s a hospital. So the third boss is a doctor.
So like how lights flicker when Six is hungry, Mono glitches when he’s around tvs.
Oh no, Six...she’s scared of Mono now. :(
At least they get to act like kids...WHY DID YOU BURN THE TOYS?!
Mono, is violence always your answer? Are you the arson kid? What would Six play now if you were gone doing work? :(
Oh no, this is worse than the leeches.
I was right. Mono is being a bad influence, Six is breaking fingers now.
Actually the manaquins are worse than the fingers.
Huh, this reminds me of BATIM.
And the doctor is like the pretender. Can’t walk normally for the life of them.
Huh, I could have sworn that I can hear the Lady singing. Probably my imagination, it’s hard to hear the music with the extra sounds in the way.
Um, maybe I was quick to misjudged the prison thing? I heard there are places called prison hospitals? There’s even an electric chair in that place.
Hmm, the teacher is more terrifying.
Okay, this murder, I can slide. I don’t see any locks there, so better safe than sorry.
It’s probably from the amount of trauma she’s faced, but Six has a very weak body; and I mean the sick kind of weak.
Chapter 4
Okay, I’ve heard of cellphones in showers. But this is a bit much, the Pretender was bad enough.
Huh, I wonder why Six is fascinated at the tower.
Another trust fall exercise, I feel like something is going to happen.
Not again! Why do the developers like torturing Six?!
Mono, I get the tvs hurt but stop doing that. Even Six is getting hurt because of it.
I get that Mono tries his best to save Six, but my dude sucks at protecting her. I mean this one is understandable since he was getting headaches.
Woah, is that the Dark Six I’ve heard about. How did you show up? Does this relate to the final boss?
Wow, so when the game says eyes they really meant it.
Gasp! Six! She’s alive!
Nooo, the baby sounds so scared.
Wow this final boss is obsessed with keeping Six trapped. Wait, he was at the ending of Secrets of the Maw. And judging from the timeline, Mono failed to kill the final boss and Six managed to escape, but the final boss is probably looking for Six...
Wait, if the final boss is dead...what happened to Mono and who was chasing Six in the Maw?
Chapter 5
For some reason, this reminds me of Coraline.
Oh. Oh no, Six, the poor baby. What did that guy do to you. :(
She’s not even attacking him. :(
No. Just no. It was funny at first but why is violence always your answer?
You either die as a hero or live long enough to be the villain.
I guess that’s why Six is alone in the Maw, Mono managed to cure Six but she doesn’t trust her big brother anymore. That music box seems like it’s literally attached to her soul, and smashing it just hurts her.
His calls even hurt her now.
Mono, I get that you’re trying to help Six, but just stop. It’s clearly hurting her.
I can’t see her face but I can tell that she hates him now.
Jesus Christ, this game is so intense, Anne, Sasha, play Lean on Me.
I like how Six still catches Mono even when she’s mad at him-
Well...not what I was expecting, but I get why she did it.
I mean Mono probably doesn’t realize how much he hurt her, I think he has low-empath or something.
I guess that’s why this series is obsessed with bridges. That also explains the constant trust falls.
I can even see her crying. Dang it, why can’t any of this kids be happy.
Wait, Mono’s not dead?
Why is there a random chair in a room made of flesh?
Why do I hear the “let’s eat” music but speed up?
This is so sad. None of them deserves this.
What in the-
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cowboylikedean · 2 years
my preliminary track by track
Lavender Haze: Not what I thought it would be, but somehow better??? she mentioned the engagement rumors!!! also like..... the chorus is so bouncy and I love it so much. It gives off nyd vibes to me in that I think this song is like a promise of commitment
Maroon: my first thought on my first listen was "is this a haylor song???? and then when she said "that's a fucking legacy" i was like "AHHHH” now though, I think it’s about Karlie. Whoever it’s about, I think it’s beautiful. When we got the title, my first thought was “Red but darker” and I still think that… it’s like… dirty red. and I need to flesh that out more, but I’m spending time with other songs and I’ll get back to Maroon.
Anti-Hero: I CRIED LIKE A BABYthe chorus, introducing herself as the problem!!! then oh my god calling her depression by its name!!!, daughter in law was interesting to me too.... the implication she would have a kid also its a fucking bop that made me want to die. It still does. Its so relatable and honest and genuine and I would die for her. 
Snow on the Beach: the sweetest thing i’ve ever heard, that second verse transcends language. 
You’re on Your Own Kid: To me, this song is about celebrating choices. it’s knowing you made your own choices, and no one made them for you. It’s knowing you’ll make your own choices again. And it’s learning to trust yourself and your choices. The uplifting way the end happens and everything swells… I just think it’s like…….. about growing into trusting yourself and I have a lot I want to dive into about it being track 5 specifically that I haven’t had the time to. but my first thoughts are that it’s track 5 because the thesis of this album is about choices
Midnight Rain: This is my favorite song after anti-hero. I love the alterations on her voice but also “I wanted that pain” is a lyric that will haunt me forever. But more than anything, this song really fleshed out the ttds/dorthea story and that contextualizes a lot of evermore for me. i think there’s so much to be said about her relationship with fame and her choices around that, which ties into yoyok. I just think this song provides rich context to her life and also normalizes her fame while discussing its abnormality. I have so much I could say
Question…?: Obvious haylor song that makes me endlessly happy to hear it. It’s remarkable to me that the haylor song Taylor writes looking back years later still doesn’t have any closure. and then she opens up the idea that everyone is second best in comparison to her for him and i just have so many feelings and most of it is just like KJAKLDJFLK THIS WOMAN WILL NOT LET THIS MAN JUST LIVE like she really was like “hey…. i’m the love of your life and you can’t have me…. KK BYE” like lol and she knows what she’s doing which is why she’s like “it’s just a question” like yeah it’s just a question that’s unnecessary!!! anyway, i’m glad she made the decision to poke that particular bear because i love hearing them write about each other. i hope he responds.
Vigilante Shit: She came for Scooter’s jugular. Anyway, I love this song. It’s so different from anything else she’s done and yet is 100% the same as mad woman and no body no crime. I haven’t spent the time with it I would need to spend to have more thoughts
Bejeweled: My first thought was that this is about Calvin or Jake. But the more I listen to it, the more it feels almost like she’s personified her depression and is singing to it. I LOVE the “i can still make the whole place SHIMMER” “I can still say I don’t REMEMBER” like it just sounds SO good!! I think this is going to be a song I use to personify my depression, whether that’s what she was doing or not. 
Labyrinth: I need the lyrics in front of me and more time to feel this song the way I need to feel it…. But this THIS  this…………. it’s the process of the healing she has been singing about the whole time… Daylight/the whole rep album/evermore. I can’t wait to listen to this in the middle of a breakdown and feel completely understood and have a direction. and that production on her vocals from midnight rain!! i love it!! also its soakljalkjlk the way it swells at the end and gets progressively lighter and happier…. IT’S ABOUT THE HEALING JOURNEY 
Karma: I know that reddit hates the playful lyrics but i lOVE THEM!! “Karma is a cat purring on my lap cause it loves me” I NEED HER TO KNOW THAT THIS IS THE MOST INCREDIBLE THING I’VE HEARD!! It gives me the playful freedom/I’m moving on vibes that ibytam gives. And coming right after labyrinth… the two of these songs work in tandem to me. It’s about healing. I love this song
Sweet Nothings: I am so glad that it really is a love song about them they wrote together. “You say what a mind/this happens all the time” I love that! I’m going need a lot more time with it before I have more complex thoughts especially about “to you I can admit that I’m just too soft for all of it” 
Mastermind: KLSJADFLKJASDKLF COWBOY LIKE ME HAS ITS MOMENT IN THE SUN I, again need to spend more time with it before I have more complex words… but it really feels, again like it’s about choices. She made the choices that led her here with Joe and she planned to love him forever. She saw him that first night she came home and wrote the barebones of Gorgeous (and the fucking reference!!!!JKljdlaskfjlkI CAN’T) and every choice after that made this all possible. And he made choices too and it made all of it happen. “No one wanted to play with me as a little kid” I WANT TO DIE and this song is just kjsadlfkjkl I don’t have the words. I just get overwhelmed with this song. I need more time before I can get it together lol
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forlorn-crows · 2 years
majesty, if you haven’t done it already 😇
okay okay right off the bat, bc i need confirmation if anyone else thinks this
doesnt the opening have a little...country rock flair?? like?? i feel like a metal cowboy. does that make sense???
pathetic humans in despair / defaced deflowered now to death devout
the guitar after the 1st and 3rd lines of each verse, that 4 note progression? makes my brain go brr
the guitar solo part at 4:02 HELLO??
the fact the only time he says the title is the end? YOUR INFERNAL MAJEESTTYYYY (agAIN with that 'e' vowel. its haunting me)
and the drumS at the end. fuck me up
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facade · 2 years
autism analysis of ps2 horror games but MOSTLY haunting ground and some of sh2
slight nsf*w mention just scroll if you're not interested im rambling, mentions of assault but not in depth
This is really long
Psychosexual horror is a very neglected trope I think but also rightfully so for being such a squeamish subject for people. Horror themes relating to sexual encounters is like. not something everyone wants to relive or sit through in games so it's not ideal to come across it. I think about how interesting in SH2, the bubble head nurses in relevance to James are something people are crazy about 1. for their boobs 2. they are relevant to james being that theyre apart of his guilty conscience and cognition of women around him while he's unable to touch and hold mary like he absolutely Should be able to. Ahhhh dying illness pain. Theyre good people. James Wants to be a good man and is desperate to be convinced he Is one, despite silent hill holding him down and persisting the signs that he is an immoral fucked little man.
I liked that. It's guilty. Very guilty and lots of emotion, but he couldnt help it, and all he could do to combat was deny he ever did. Desperate repression and punishing yourself for carrying such awful rancid fantasies about infedelity etc etc and you're still in genuine love with your wife. Not so black and white in a situation like this
Its fun
I guess that might allude to why haunting ground is so fun for me. My favorite theme of horror in games will always be Psychological yes, but psychosexual is very fun with how much variety it can be sometimes. Sex is tied to a lot of emotions and for one person can be the best thing in the eworld and for another the worst.
Haunting ground is very themed with sex seeing as how the protagonist is being chased solely for her womb for reproduction reasons but the motivation most of the stalkers have for fiona is actually infatuation and ambition.
debilitas is innocently chasing after fiona under the impression she's alike to his expensive bisque dolls. she is the princess, she's 'pretty', with fair skin and blonde hair and blue eyes, she's slim >_> the conventional traits of what some random dude would label Pretty- she's "perfect" and clean, like the dolls debilitas carries around the castle - the first Girl he's met! (as daniella is more treated as a failure, "wench", servant, bloodied and unkind woman. she doesn't smile kindly like fiona does, nor does she give off 'innocence'. her eyes look tired, slender - she's cruel and nasty..)
he chases relentlessly after fiona, not for sexual gratification, but out of admiration and infatuation. he thinks fiona is like a doll! his most dangerous attack is picking fiona up and hugging her so tight, he cant control his strength - and therefore she's crushed under his weight. it's only until despite all his chasing that fiona decides to spare him that he realize she's not actually like. some scampering mouse lol. she showed him. mercy! and debilitas suddenly feels incredible guilt. running away, hiding in his shack - he doesn't dare come out while fiona is still roaming the castle, doesnt want to get in her way - and when you confront him, he begs for forgiveness by offering a gift - the way out of the castle!! ( at least in a "new game +" lol)
his AI difficulty is easy to maneuever, too, so i feel like that's why daniella's introudction is such a spike in difficulty and processing.
immediately, daniella pursues fiona with... um. err..
two interpretations of daniella's dinner made for fiona is that she fed fiona bits of her mother, or that daniella drugged her. the former is more popular. weakening down fiona to the point she falls unconscious, just so daniella can observe her - it's.... um.
- i feel like now that i forgot to mention the already reoccuring shots of a person watching fiona from behind, from her side - lots of lingering views on her in haunting ground, it would be best to comment on that now. it's genuine voyuerism at this point. a violation of her privacy - and this is from the start of the game, by the way.
daniella watching over fiona while she sleeps, with this context, it feels a bit. alarming! fiona is obviously freaked when she wakes up, but because daniella has disturbed her, she has a total meltdown and suddenly becomes hostile.
daniella is a very traumatized girl, no matter how you look at her. no one quite knows what she is, but either way, it's sad! her "creator" made her with the intention to make the "perfect" woman, but she cannot feel pain, or pleasure, and she can't taste food, either. she's lacking in humanity. HOWEVER, you learn that daniella has also been kidnapped at a young age. so...
...? is she a homunculus? is she a kidnapping victim who was so traumatized to the point of shutting down?
nevertheless, it comes to light that daniella is also infertile. she can't bare children (how did they... find that out.. i was really squeamish to hear about this part, very nauseating details that are subtle, but sickening when you think about it.)
Riccardo is seriously fucked for his impact on debilitas and especially Daniella + fiona. he’s not as fleshed out as the first two stalkers, but he serves his purpose. he’s controlling, violently misogynistic, and terribly cruel. kidnapping daniella at her young age, traumatizing her just for her to serve as fiona’s maid for the rest of her life — how could daniella Not resent fiona? the girl she was groomed to serve and she never consented to any of it.
riccardo will ruin the life of anyone else’s and throw it all away if it means it’ll benefit him— so it’s no surprise that when he comes across fiona, she’s nothing more than a prize or an object. he literally believes that fiona belongs to Him.
But that’s really all there is to it. It’s interesting, at least, that the person stalking Fiona throughout the game is revealed to be lorenzo— a man who swears he only intends to help Fiona and nothing more than that. but he quite literally just. has the same intentions as Riccardo
I feel personally.. that while it is probably necessary to explore every variety of infatuation and obsession — all these characters desire fiona in one way or another . Whether it be sexually, out of ambition, out of objectification or all three. it’s just that the first half, debilitas and daniella serve so much more complexity than the latter half.
i feel like that’s why, when you talk to any haunting ground fan— their favorite always happens to be one of the early stalkers, most likely daniella. she’s a fan favorite for a reason, but it’s also because she serves so much interesting potential and is such a fun character to think about— you do have people still making theories about whether she’s believed to be human or a homunculus.
I dunno. I like haunting ground a lot. My brother got this game when it came out and he adored it. he’s more of a fan of like. girl characters running away from action/intense situations in ridiculous revealing outfits (fiona’s figure is especially sexualized) but he’s some gay guy who likes playing pretty women in gta online LOL. he loooves girls in horror or action media. even if it’s sometimes for weird reasons i don’t get. he’s really funny to me. i asked him if he still had his copy, because i remember him looking on ign for walkthroughs trying to figure things out — he sold it LOL he couldn’t beat the game…
But I Remember Playing A Lot of It. As a 7 Year Old Girl
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toiletwipes · 2 years
Wipes, sunshine I fuckin destroyed my knee (not really just moved a bone) so I'm doing a mental recap of devil's law (I always misremember the name) characters so plz correct me of I'm wrong
Mc: memory of their summers as clean as a math test, no think let's do type of person, a complete mess, we love them
Faebur: a lovable nuisance, a murderer😬???, Protective sibling/bf, doesn't know about boundaries
Eileen: a complete weirdo, also lovable, caring and the mother friend, a cockblock🙄
Garth: best husband, understanding, I know he knows something I can't put my finger on it 🤔🤔
Honey: a baby (or a toddler??) No comments she is just a baby ✨✨
Phil: another weirdo, magic man🧙🧙, curious man why didn't you throw that raccoon boy away?? I need to know more about him, where are you from baby??
Tommy: a complete chaos (does is surprise you), wants to learn 🪄✨, but Will also knows magic🤔🤔, why he didn't teach him??, I bet if he tried something bad happened, also blood covered tommy?? Not a good sign
Fundy: mysterious man, monster hunter🪓🪓 (points against him, in this house we support monster fuckin) where are you from?? Who haunts you??
Niki and Ranboo: know nothing about them, but I love them anyways 🥰🥰🥰
you MOVED A FUCKING BONE???? UM??? i hope you're okay now!?!?!?!?!
ahhhh and its all good, it IS (villain by the) devil's law SO YOU ARE CORRECT! *the price is right theme*
MC is on point, very impulsive head fucking empty because it was invaded by a magic hand lol
and i wouldn't say sibling, more like a close close friend because if we say sibling we ride into DANGEROUS territory BUT YES protective like no other, who's boundaries who is she
eileen is RIGHT AND SO IS GARTH, and yes he knows things, they've known each other since high school, you think they have SECRETS? married to EILEEN?
honey is the best toddler i've ever met hands down (i say toddler because um. ive made her age horribly ambiguous)
phil TRIED SO HARD to throw him away the fucker is like A ROACH
OKAY so with tommy, what my aim for him is that he is of course magic, but in an inherent way, like he's magic inside of him but he really likes the way phil, born human and bland and boring, can perform magic as well and he wants to know all about HIS magic, and because well, will mopes around because of you know who pretty much ALL the time so djfjsjfj.
FUNDY. OUR BLORBO. for his arc, i am very very excited.
niki and ranboo are trying to live their lives supernatural free so they called the human version of beetlejuice LMAO
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