#but I am holding this ask up so high omggg
bittersweetbeet · 4 months
Okay so thoughts about the building contest and such, here we go–
(this turned out so long, I'm so sorry–)
I applaud Alan and his team, because the only reason I'm able to infer so much from these wordless videos is because of their body language animations and clever world building.
Okay so I went back and rewatched (my favorite thing to do). The beginning of this portion of Green's arc starts in "The Building Contest", aka AvM 2. Which takes place approximately two years after the og Animation vs Minecraft. We are early in the timeline.
Anyway, Orange begins the contest, and Green is seen to be very particular about what blocks he uses. He lays down some blocks, looks back at the reference picture, and then apparently decides they aren't good enough. He starts over.
End of the video, Green has created a lovely build, earning himself the trophy. He is very excited about this; he dances around, punches the air, etc. In response to this, Blue and Yellow work together (like the dynamic duo they are) and toss TNT onto his build, blowing it up.
A fascinating start. In simply this video, you could defend Green with "Well, Yellow and Blue were just being bad sports. He earned the win!" That may be true. Let's carry on.
Next video: "Build Battle", aka AvM 17. Two years later (approximately). They've lived through that first big adventure: The Nether, Purple and the End, Skyblock, all of that.
Green's first build this time around is extremely detailed, and he receives the trophy once again. However, his attitude seems challenging. Almost a "what are you gonna do, not give it me? Look what I did." kind of attitude. And then he Fortnite dances on the losers. Not a great look, Green.
Now, the video isn't over, but I have to mention something. I believe that we can infer at this time that this has happened before, and has been happening, from Yellow's reaction.
Yellow approaches Orange and begins to scheme a way to get Green to lose a build battle. I don't think someone would plot their friend's downfall unless 1) the winning had gotten to the point where the game was no longer fun, and 2) if the winner's attitude was one of annoyingly-confidant arrogance.
The next challenge for the build battle is a toy robot. Machines and robotics are Yellow's thing– literally two episodes before he'd taught his friends the basics of redstone. Should be an easy win, right?
Yellow makes a working robot; its eyes light up, the limbs move, it can jump up-and-down. Yellow seems proud of himself, and he and Green share a moment of tense eye contact before they move on. Blue's robot build is good, but then Green brings out his robot.
This is where we delve into one of my headcanons for this scene. I believe that Green cheated here. You simply can't build a robot that complex in vanilla Minecraft, and Green been shown to have cheated in contests before (remember his Minecraft simulator in "Redstone Academy"? I don't think either Green or Orange were being honest there)
Even if Green didn't cheat, and created his robot through completely legitimate means, that doesn't excuse his taunting of his friends after his win, and the fact his robot chased Red and Blue with a diamond sword after they tried and failed to blow it up.
On to another build battle. Interestingly enough, it seems as though Yellow and Co have stopped trying to sabotage Green's success. They continue through the building process as normal.
And then Green summons a Wither. Completely by accident, he was thinking only of what would look most authentic and didn't realize what he was doing. Regardless, the Wither is here and it demolishes most of Green's build and starts to fight him.
While this is going on, the rest of the Color Gang are carrying on as if nothing is happening. They inspect Red's build, then Yellow's (complete with redstone-activated teeth and claws!), where Green attempts to get their attention before getting chased by the Wither. They ignore him. At Blue's build, it is even more clear that they are doing this on purpose. Part of Blue's build gets disintegrated but Blue just casually rebuilds it. Doesn't even look in the direction of the fight in the background.
They continue to Green's... remains of a build. They are not impressed, and then Orange presents the trophy to Blue. Which I think was a fun way to subvert expectations that Yellow would have won because he'd been set up to rival Green in this episode, but we carry on.
What next? The Wither attacks them and the video ends. We have not gotten a build battle video since.
So what do we make of this? Green technically got what he deserved, being all cocky and such. I find it fascinating that we haven't gotten more build battle videos. Sure, it might be because Alan prefers the Noteblock episodes, but in universe?
I think the Gang might have stopped doing build battles, or at least made them less of a deal. They have other things to compete about; see "The Ultimate Minecart Race". And I think Green may have mellowed out a bit.
It is very interesting that between these videos and "The Prank", where his smug personality was on full display, that there was a trend in the Actual Shorts where he would keep getting hurt. Or at least be the butt of the joke.
This was early on. They hadn't gone through some of the craziest adventures yet, where their friendship would be tested, and their very lives put in danger.
I think Green has matured; yes, he's still ridiculously competitive and has an arrogant streak a mile long. But he seems to have focused his skills– honing them, instead of trying to the best at everything. Specifically with music, something that can be done together. Even if he still manages to make it competition. It is still something that brings people together– after all, it's how he was able to reach Purple.
Green is still competitive. But he has become so much more than that. He is focused, determined, confidant, kind, compassionate. A wondrous musician, and likely a terrible cook. He is nuanced and I love him for it.
You sent this at the right time tbh I needed a break from my final paper-
GOD I LOVE THIS ANALYSIS SO MUCH I never noticed that Green mellows out and matures throughout his arc and that’s so real omggg. The idea of Green honing his skills in music not for the sake of being better than anyone but because it brings people together is so good omggg im injecting this into my blood stream.
IT ALSO NEVER STRUCK ME THAT THEY STOPPED HAVING BUILDING CONTESTS AFTER THE LAST ONE THATS TRUE they probably were looking for other ways to compete with each other that’s fair for everyone involved.
And I love love LOVE how Green’s competitive nature is still there even when he has become more compassionate and mature. Since it feels that’s a pretty big stable for his character; being the one that’s good at everything and brags about it.
It’s kinda like how Purple is still a trickster/schemer at heart even though it’s clear he’s much happier and isn’t afraid to be more expressive now. Cause without those traits, the characters just kinda lose the charm and nuance they initially had. So I always get very happy when characters development as people but that trait that gives them so much charm is still there in a way.
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sodabranch · 6 months
Halo again. I have the sudden hunch to announce that I'm not legally liable for any caffeine highs and mild injuries to oneself that I may or may not be remotely associated with. Take care of yourself <3
1. I thought of a scene of two similar company ships land on the same moon. The doors of them open. An employee from the ship sticks their head out, peaking out to see the other ship. At the same time, an employee from that ship does the same. Another employee from each side joins in on the staring...
Then, Justice checks to see what its crew mates are looking at. Once again, at the same time, someone else sticks their head out... They also have a nutcracker?! (I imagine it being Woody, but it could also be another of Justice's model.)
Haven't developed anything past this, other than an epic team up time and Justice gifting Woody a hat it took off an enemy nutcracker.
2. How would Justice react to the employee/master returning the favour?: helping it with the chores and trying to stop it from getting damaged from entities, even if it means injury to themself?
Also, if I give Justice a kiss on the cheek, how does it respond? :3
3. I had a realisation: there are giant pumpkins and beehives in the game. We have moons with straight up forests in them, which the employees can look up info about. I'm starting to think that with a mix of research, determination, and cooking prowess, Justice could actually cook banger meals more often.
4. What's Justice's problem with bright colours?
5. Justice using its dancing abilities to pull a tired employee out of bed, to make sure they're awake for this morning's excursion, and forcing them awake as they suddenly have to keep up with Justice's moves.
~ Halo
Good time for my internet to have returned, you are my saviour...
Also apparently I don't have the need to spoiler content because Tumblr already does it by itself?? Technology...
But ok, I've honestly never thought about the idea of two ships landing on the same moon, which open the door to many many possibilities?????
I think the idea about Woody is kinda cute lol,, I would love to see them interacting,,,, I believe Justice would be very interested in his liking for classical music :3 like going out of its way to find a record player to play some for its new friend <3<3
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AND IMAGE JUST SEEING A CLONE OF YOURSELF AFTER ALL THOSE YEARS SPENT ON SOLITUDE I WOUDLD BE TRIPPING BALLS;;;; like, I just think Justice would be really really confused at first, but will push forward and try to strike up conversation, maybe ask if the other one knows if there are more out there??? what are you doing here?? what huh??
Also :sob: Justice wouldn't let them help, that's what it is for!! You'll have to rip it out of it, and maybe it will just let you help preparing the ingredients for cooking or sweeping some dust,,
AND THERE'S NO WAY IT WOULD LET YOU GO NEAR AN ENTITY;; enemies be blasted instantly. If something were to actually happen to you, even if that something is a single scratch it would get you out of there to get you parched up as soon as possible
ANASKDKJSDJSAFHJFJHAHJAGS THE KISS OMGGG I feel it wouldn't register it as first,,, then get so giddy LIKE OMGG LOVE!!!! it would enjoy it very much and hug you so tight. Maybe it would try to copy you in the future and smash its face against your cheek,, resulting in a bruise phftttt it has learnt it's lesson
Honestly, if a machine was able to blush it would <3
ALSO NOW THAT YOU MENTION IT YEA!! Maybe with the help of a friend they could go forage for some goods. I also think cracking open one of those pumpkins would be such a chore
But oh god if I wasn't willing to do it.
And we better not talk about the beehives,, I imagine the crew has had some bad experiences with them.
I am now left wondering about the mansion's kitchen..
Also I, myself, being sensitive to them, felt that bright colours would be pretty straining to a creature who solely bases its perception on sight alone;; any flashing or bright light would hurt it :( that's mostly it,, keeping it as a fun fact.
THE LAST PART D'AWWWW IM MELTING IM CRYING,,, an employee thinking they could maybe oversleep while they're travelling to the moon but no, Justice can't let that happen!!
A cold water bucket would be too harsh, so why not start the day on a good note! You suddenly are swept to your feet by the Nutcracker, who is now taking you for a quick dance session.
And when the dizziness finally settles, you are bound to follow it's steps as the crew watches, chuckling a bit,,
You groan, but soon cave in :3 thanks Justice!
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yushipie · 7 months
Plsss can u do a Sungmin (fantasy boys) fic where he is ur academic rival and ends up being roomates with u? And while your in the living room one day, you say something that absolutely pisses him off, causing him to drag you to his room and tie you up while he fucks you all while degrading you and just being a mean sadist in general? Omggg i love ur fics
☆18+ minors dni | smut | degrading | swearing | reader is tied up for a little | male idol x fem reader!
You and sungmin have known each other since freshman year in high school both of you were always on top with the highest scores in your grade the only problem was you hated it, sungmin always won no matter what you did you could stay up all night studying and he would still beat you by a point and after come up to you showing off as his friends laugh in the back making you more annoyed so when collage comes around and you find out both of you would be roommates you tried everything in your power to change with someone else ( well no it didn't work)
You can't deny the fact sungmin is very good looking but with his snobby attitude living with him would be a nightmare.
It's been about 4 weeks since you two lived together, and it's been nothing but hell. You two seem to argue over the smallest things. One day you were sitting in the living room scrolling on your phone as you toned out the noise coming from the TV hearing the front door open you sigh ready to be met with an annoying sungmin coming back from hanging with his friends.
Walking through the door sungmin takes off his shoes while putting his jacket on the rack, ignoring your presence he walks to the kitchen going into the fridge looking for a drink he brought, not being able to find it he goes in the living room. " Where's the drink I put in the fridge the other day?" He says getting annoyed," not bothering to look up from your phone, you tell him. " How am I supposed to know where it is? " You replied with a little attitude standing up to head to your room. Before you could pass, sungmin grabs your arm, pulling you back. " im not done talking to you yet. Don't be a brat," he says with a straight face, voice deeper than usual.
Being fed up with him you say "YOUR NOT MY DAD SUNGMIN I DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU SO LET ME GO" you say getting mad at him for grabbing you thinking he would let go he only holds your wrist tighter. " Who are you talking to HUH? All I did was ask you a question why are you being a bitch?" ... me ? Why are you being a jerk? Your so annoying you know that? Why does everyone like you in the first place? You aren't special in fact you wanna know what happened to your stupid drink? FINE I threw it away you idiot you think you're so smart when you are just dumb peace of shi- before you could get it out he wraps his hand around your neck squeezing it hard while staring you in the eyes as your face start to change color.
"I'm the dumb peace of shit? Well, let's see just how dumb I can make you, " he says with a devilish glare, letting go of your neck and pulling you toward his room. Throwing you on his bed he gets on top of you not wasting anytime before his lips attach to yours sucking feverishly as he smirks into the kiss as he hears the loud gasps you let out feeling him undo your bra. Having enough, you try to push him off, making him reach into the nearby drawer and pulling out a little rope before tying your hand on the bed frame.
Taking off his shirt, he sees the hint of fear and neediness in your eyes before smirking and grabbing your neck once again, this time making the kiss much deeper. He slowly moves down to your neck while his right hand plays with your now harden nipple as you accidentally let out a little moan, making sungmin look up at you.
"What a little whore does this turn you on?" He says in a cocky tone moving down to pull your pj shorts down discovering you have nothing else on down there he smirks using his left hand to balance himself up and moves his right hand down to rub on your clit " how pathetic I've barely did anything and your already wet for me" he says laughing "you hate me so much but your clit is so thirsty for my touch " he says with a disgusted face inserting a finger before taking it back out watching as you held in a moan "why so quite baby? You had a lot to say earlier ... well if you won't say anything I guess I'll have to fuck it out of you " he says inserting two fingers inside of you at once not giving you time to prepare he moves his fingers in and out at a fast pace as you lay there fighting your moans seeing this he adds in a third finger making you finally release out a loud moan as he hits all of the right spots
Not being able to escape due to the rope on your wrist, you try and close your legs only for him to slam them back open. before you could release, he takes his fingers out, looking at the shock expression on your face. "Oh? what's wrong? You didn't think I'd let you off that easy, did you? " He says before stepping off the bed undoing his pants and pulling them down along with his boxers, as he notices you trying to look away he gets back on the bed and grabs your face Turing you to face him " why are you looking away baby girl? Scared?"
Rubbing his now harden memeber he slowly pushes into you making you yelp and choke on your saliva as he waste no time thrusting in and out of you at a fast pace not giving you anytime to adjust to his size. " look at me" he says voice 10× deeper seeing you cover your now red face, wrapping his big hand around your little neck squeezing a little but just enough to have you wheezing over his strength as you dig into his skin with your nails as u moan like no tomorrow. His thrust starting to get harder and faster. "Look at you go dumb over me already," he says with a cocky smirk. "You like being treated like this, don't you ?" Slowing down his pace a little. "Dumb just for me" , your my dumb little whore right? He says, making you look at him again. " Answer me," he says, squeezing the sides of your throat, trying to say yes, but instead, it comes out as another loud moan "huh? what's that?" He says, leaning in your face."You talk a lot of shit but can't speak now?"
Sungmin effortlessly untying the rope that held your hands together, he turns you around not wasting anytime before you feel him push back in now fucking you from behind...
t- too m- much u say in between moans trying to push him away as he grabs your hand with his left one holding it behind your back before saying " quit being a bitch and take me you whore" making him speed up even faster. Sungmin watches as your head falls into the pillow, crying from the roughness and pleasure only for him to grab your hair and lift you back up your back now pressed against his chest.
Sungmin watches as you get weaker and weaker neck covered with purple marks, legs shaking, and your upper body giving out as you put your face back in the pillow as you try to hold yourself up. Feeling sungmin tighten up his grip on your hair you can feel his thrust start to get sloppy and desperate " fuck I'm so close " he says letting out a deep moan throwing his head back, hitting all of the right spots sungmin waste no time before shooting his white fluid inside of you before pulling all the way out as you both breath heavily as sungmin falls down on the bed laying next to you, " your still a jerk " you say looking at his casual cocky smile.
Screaming at this, I hope it's good. I tried lol I'm so bad at writing smut 😭
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I'm a bit tired and high on absolutly nothing but air, and i come up with this weird headcanon :
Kiyondo (and a tiny bit Celestia) forced Kiyotaka to watch Twilight. For absolut no goddamn reason.
Here is his differents reaction to the movies iconic moments (that i chose. Obviously)
First movie ; The "You better hold on thight spider monkey" Line :
Taka : Why does he say that ??
Kiyo : Dunno, dude's weird.
Taka : Let me look up something quickly.
Kiyo : *pause the movie while Taka is writting violently on his phone*
Taka : *show something on his phone to Kiyondo*
The picture on his phone :
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Kiyo : It does look like her-
The "Sparkly vampire"
Taka : Why ?
Kiyondo : *shurg*
Second movie ;
The "I am depressed for 8 months because my hot vampire boyfriend left me"
Taka : ... Somehow this feel familiar ?
Kiyo : How ?!
Taka : I-I don't know ! It feel like something i have done in another life or something...
Kiyo : Okay !! Coffee break !! Now.
(I don't remmember what happened in the other movie so fast foward to Breaking dawn part 1)
The "Oh god, oh god, he broke the freaking bed frame 😳" scene
Taka and Kiyo : ....
Taka : ...Is it weird if i want that ?
Kiyo : If it's weird i don't want to be normal...
Taka : God...
Kiyo : ...You think Mondo can do that ?
Taka : Brother !... I-I don't know...
Kiyo : Well you know what to do next.
"What the hell happened to the house- THEY HAD SEX ??? THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED ???"
Taka : I need that man but only for that part.
Kiyo : This movie is awekening something in ya and i am all for that bro.
Taka : I mean, Jacob is more handsome but if Edward do that to me...
Kiyo : Bro ! Stop ! But yeah, Team Jacob ?
Taka : Yes. Team Jacob.
Kiyo : Anyway back to the fact that ya are a slut-
(If you want more of Taka reaction to certain movie just come in my ask box bro, i'm so bored and i'm okay with watching weird movie lmao)
LMAOOOO, OMGGG, TAKA ME FR!!! Get you a guy who loves you AND WILL BREAK THE DAMN BED WHILE Y'ALL HAVE SEX! (I wonder who he gets that from...*looks over at Takaaki*)
Also, yes, Team Jacob, he was a little annoying in later movies, but like...love him <33. I wonder how he'd react to Edward telling Bella he watches her sleep. From the first movie fndne. It's not iconic, but broski is so weird for that, like HELLO???
Also, go to bed soon! Sleep is very important! (<- hypocrite)
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brightymir · 3 years
Weird request but- if that's okay could i request Zenitsu, Tanjiro and Inosuke with a demon slayer reader that comes from another country but knows doesn't know japanese? Like the first time they met for a mission they literally communicate with gestures. They do learn pretty quickly in the end but their lack of knowledge often leads to hilarious situations/shenanigans (So crack basically!!).
𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐀 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 / 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬]
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cw: contains manga spoilers (entertainment district arc), language
word count: 1.1k
characters: tanjiro, inosuke, zenitsu x gn!reader
author's note: omggg this is the first req i've received and i'm glad that ppl want to read my works! i'll do my best here even though i'm not that good at crack! thank you sm and have a great day <3
oiran - used to address a high-ranking prostitute in taisho period of japan
kamaboko squad || hashira pt. 1 || hashira pt. 2
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❄︎ tanjiro kamado
first and foremost this guy is amazed, and also kinda puzzled that demon slayers existed outside japan
you stumbled upon him when he was going undercover as a hostess too in the red light district
you two immediately recognized each other, because of his keen sense of smell and because of your sharp eyes
you resorted to just helping the people evacuate because you did not want to get in the way of combat
you learned japanese pretty quickly but there was still some naivety when it comes to their inside jokes and culture
a lot of dumb moments with this guy
it was a mess, because you two cannot understand each other. it was a whole two hours of gestures and drawing of diagrams and pictures. you had to hold back your laugh at tanjiro's poor illustration of his friends and the pillar. after confirming each other's identity, tanjiro brought you to the meet up place of him, inosuke, zenitsu and uzui.
there was one thing though, the language barrier. the only thing that made communication possible was because of uzui's knowledge of the language you speak, being a former shinobi
you managed to get your message across, that you'll be responsible for evacuating the people, since the four of them are the ones who are able to communicate during combat
after that, you sticked to tanjiro, and the two of you managed to understand each other. it was funny at times though, because you are gullible, and he's an airhead
"so, the pillar that night is the god of flamboyance?" you asked, you never knew that japan had these kinds of god. he nodded feverently as he continued to eat.
"how about you, which do you rule over?" you inquired and he stopped eating, looking straight at your eyes. he blinked once, twice, thrice.
"rule over?" he asked back
"yes, aren't you a god too?" you queried carefully. he put down his chopsticks and began to blink rapidly. he pointed to himself and tilted his head while looking back at you
"i'm a god?"
"are you not?" he seemed like someone who could be the god of honesty, because he was not capable of lying. he racked his brains for answers before giving a firm nod at you
"i am"
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❄︎ inosuke hashibira
the two of you first met at his solo mission at a nearby town
you were on your way to the headquarters because oyakata-sama requested for some aid and manpower from foreign demon slayer corps
his guesses are not on point but he gets what you're trying to say
even as you learn japanese steadily, this guy will make everything about him
teaches you boar language as well
you were staying at a rest house when a commotion occurred outside. grabbing your sword, you saw a boar head sparring with a demon. apparently, one managed to escape your hold earlier. you opted to get the people to safety to prevent damages
afterwards, you tried to introduce yourself to him and explain your situation but it took a few tries before he understood you (with the help of his kasugai crow).
you weren't able to meet oyakata-sama yet because of personal reasons, so inosuke insisted on taking a detour on the mountains, he taught you a few words that could be useful when communicating during missions
"so you're the boss?" you asked with wide eyes as he let out a boisterous laugh while nodding in agreement
"and you're also the god of the mountain?" you continued, watching as he relished in your acknowledgement and praise. "do you have a shrine? or a temple?" you asked, making him stop in his tracks
dear god you just inserted a new idea in his head.
the next time you meet him was when your aid was needed in a mission in the red light district. remembering that he told you that he was the boss, you exclaimed and greeted him from a distance
"oyakata-sama!!!" you shouted, making tanjiro and zenitsu freeze. uzui's eyes almost popped out of its sockets as he glared down at inosuke.
you didn't mean to almost end inosuke's life by the hands of uzui, but, he is oyakata-sama? right?
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❄︎ zenitsu agatsuma
exhilarated at the thought of a new female slayer joining their missions
to the point he wants you to teach him your language
the two of you met at the butterfly estate when he was recuperating
you popped in sometimes during their training and during your breaks from japanese lessons
saves you from tanjiro's and inosuke's dumb concepts
"y/n-chaaaan~" he called out upon hearing your footsteps approach them, making him pause from training. he grumbled in annoyance when aoi pulled him back.
introduction was quick, because his enthusiasm went through the roof, and he understood your drawings and diagrams and broken japanese while explaining your circumstances
literally pulls you away from tanjiro and inosuke because he knows that those two will try to trick you into believing false things about japan and its culture
however, he can't always keep his eyes on you
so one day, when you two were training, you brought up a topic that you got from a reliable source (tanjiro and inosuke)
"hey, zenitsu, what's it like being an oiran?" you asked innocently, cleaning the blade of your sword. zenitsu, on the other hand, looked like he was about to butcher two people soon
"w-wha- where did you even get that term?" he asked slowly but you can see his eyes filled with bloodlust. oh how he wanted to bury his friends 6ft underground right now
"well, tanjiro and inosuke told me that you were an oiran" you said, making steam go out of zenitsu's ears
"what did they tell you it meant?" he treaded lightly, making you turn to him confusedly. "well, they told me it is used to address someone who almost turned into a spider" you answered back and zenitsu did not whether to laugh or cry. "i heard about the natagumo mountain mission, there are a lot of oiran in the corps, huh?" you muttered to yourself
safe to say, zenitsu made tanjiro and inosuke feel what it feels to be almost turned into a spider
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© 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐘𝐌𝐈𝐑 2021 - all rights reserved. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or share my work on other platforms. thank you.
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justdaphne · 3 years
Reading the Queen of Nothing was basically like:
jude probably listened to all too well
the way she deals with heartbreak is literally going on suicide missions
oh my god she actlly-
i swear i hate cardan sm rn there has to be a reason tho but FUCK CARDAN
oh my god there she is
..taryn redemption ig she killed locke
didnt know she had it in her
you definitely arent the same sis
Jude you wont help her right
..cardan. he’s hot tho BUT UGH but mmh
what is ur game cardan
ofc madoc had to ruin this little reunion
didnt madoc raise her how does he not know fr-
when oriana and madoc finds out oh shes in deep shit
okay- OH.
hellow roach
mhm okay
“you dirty mortal liar” i-
they need to talk
it was. a joke.-
okay listen i feel like jude figured it out maybe idk she might have but brushed it off becoz she didnt know if she was the true queen or not so this is valid.
okay okay scheming timeeeee
i totally understand this plan rn
liliverr x roach
“oh idk maybe he’d like to hear me scream” “i would. and perhaps one day i will” HOLD UP. HOLD UP. HOLD UPPP. *rereads that sentence* HOLLL UP- HE DIDNT NOTTT *screams*
totally understanding rn
things were going so well
he’s a snake-
mm ok
yea im not okay
oh noooo
Nicasia’s pov of pre tcp cardan’s crush: she knew of course
hello madoc.
yeah u didnt know she was alive the same way u thought she was taryn
OMGGG *cue the slow motion* OH THE TEARS
mhm okay
oh ofc he doesnt believe her
“I KNEW LITTLE ELSE BUT I ALWAYS KNEW YOU” God, its me again. so like, when is it my turn
okay now what.
like idk what to do with my life anymore
anyway we went from fuck cardan to fuck cardan. both have different meanings 😚
im dead inside
i cant feel anymore
*tears falling*
i hate lady asha man
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
Team Gojo with babies
Summary: Team Gojo handling babies while they’re babysitting.
Content warning: fragile babies and Gojo
A/N: Oh, I’m almost caught up; only a two or three chapters are left until I have nothing to import from AO3 anymore lol Then I can finally start writing another oneshot lmao
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Gojo Satoru
You would never guess but he is surprisingly good at holding babies, this man would never drop a baby
but he would pretend that he's dropping the baby just to fuck with everyone
This man seems to not only be a great jujutsu sorcerer but also some kind of magician: babies stop crying as soon as he holds them
Babies love playing with his white hair
He has no problems making the baby burp after feeding them
No problems with changing diapers either, he does it so neatly??
but he will whisper "This is all for the sake of the next generation" when he does it
Satoru going on a walk with the baby in the stroller? A sight to behold.
This man absolutely loves making the baby exercise because it's "like playing a video game console"
He talks to the baby... a lot... about almost everything. He'll sometimes imitate girly voices. Or reenact High School Musical scenes.
Sometimes he tells the baby about his day while changing the diaper. The baby wails. He'd say stuff like "Oh my god, so true bestie!!" (in the said imitation of a girly voice)
will pretend to eat the baby's hands or feet. His favorite part to "eat" are the cheeks though
Oooooh, the baby enjoys the airplane game with Gojo
I don't even know what to say, he's just great at everything. Even if he's not, that's just him pretending, not trying.
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Itadori Yuji
He's a baby himself, so he will be helpless
someone has to tell him what to do and preferably show him how to do it
Feeding the baby: Bottle? Okay, that should be easy. Baby food? This boy will put one spoon into the baby's mouth and then a spoon into his own mouth.
occasionally, the baby will throw up on him but "it's fine", he says
Yuji will try to teach the baby to say his name. He'll be like "Yu-ji" for at least 45 minutes before realizing that this is a literal baby with limited ability.
changing diapers would be messy but good thing that Yuji is a quick learner
Babies like Yuji's fingers, they will use their iron grip on his fingers
sometimes they will try to jab their fingers in Yuji's second pair of eyes too
Like Satoru, he talks to the babies but somehow manages to be on the same wavelength as them??? Don't ask me how, he just does that. Baby laughs? Yuji laughs. Baby cries? Yuji almost cries too.
He also tells the baby about his day: "Did you know that Fushiguro....???"
He will toss the baby in the air - baby laughs, he laughs, all is well.
His go-to technique to make babies laugh is making dumb faces
watches movies or shows for children while holding the baby
tries to teach the baby how to walk
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Fushiguro Megumi
Babysitting? He initially scowls at the very idea but let me present to you some soft Megumi hours when he is alone with the tiny human
HE WILL iNTRODUCE HIMSELF TO THE BABY, LIKE: "I'm Fushiguro, not that you know how to say it anyway but I'll be taking care of you today." IN THE SOFTEST VOICE
This boy will cook baby food himself, he knows how
not the best at changing diapers but does just fine
other than that, he is at a loss
'What do you do with babies?' - Still does better than Yuji though... but still at a loss.
will hold the baby so tenderly, he thinks they will break if he grips a little too hard
Contrary to the other two, he will leave the baby on the baby mat to play on their own at times while he does chores... but not for too long. He will check on them a lot.
Sometimes, he will play some soft music so the baby can listen to it while he holds them, gently rocking back and forth
Please, his facial expression when he holds the baby is so soft. Nobody can convince me otherwise.
He lets the baby play with and squish his cheeks
He reads children's books to the baby
plays with their baby arms and tickles them omggg
In his mind, that's his little sibling now.
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Kugisaki Nobara
The baby is oddly drawn to the heart on her hammer but Nobara knows better than to give the baby the hammer. She will look for cardboard to cut out a heart-shaped form and paint it pink, so the baby can play with it safely.
creates a whole blanket fort for herself and the baby
Nobara definitely does that airplane thingy when feeding the baby
plays her favorite songs and dances(?) with the baby, twirling them around
At times, she will just hold the baby close to her and do nothing
Did you see these tiny hands though? Nobara loves them. She's always surprised at how strong a baby's grip can be.
is the type to play peek-a-boo a lot
How dare anyone breathe wrongly into this precious tiny human's direction?
naps with the baby, I don't make the rules.
Nobara definitely would dress up the baby but I doubt she has any spare baby clothes lying around
One thing she enjoys a lot is going out with the baby sitting in the stroller. It feels so peaceful, unless the baby starts crying..
Talking of a crying baby, she's not very good at handling them. Happy babies >>> crying babies, so she tries her best not to upset them.
"When you grow up, you better be as strong as I am," she says while squishing those squishable cheeks.
Nobara is lowkey sad when she has to return the baby
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Taglist: @gojos-mochi​ @megumifushi​ @bleueluna​
284 notes · View notes
burnedbyshoto · 5 years
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— Being a Pro Hero means having a will of steel, too bad for Shinsou that will of steel has one major kryptonite: a schoolgirls skirt. —
pairing: pro hero!shinsou hitoshi x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, dom!shinsou, bondage (capturing weapon), blindfold, orgasm denial, cursing, praising, mindcontrol, degradation, roleplay
word count: 6,789
a/n: this was a commission!!! omggg!!!! also i used the name mindjack for his pro hero name and neutralizer is your hero name! okay, so like, don’t come for me until you read the entire thing. if I get a single message about what I think ya’ll might come at me for imma spit on your butter. if you cant eat butter then your oat milk or whateva.
Shinsou stood in the kitchen, his Pro-Hero costume on, and his hands pressed onto the countertop. Today was the day that his hero work student was coming in for a small dinner of celebration. After months of conducting some late-night hours and intensive fighting, they had finally taken down an underground crime ring that had been resurfacing in Japan. 
His fingers ran through his hair, the soft locks parting with his calloused fingers. Years of having to strengthen himself to keep up with physically powerful quirk holders had left his body sharp, hard, and rugged. There wasn’t a part of his body that hadn’t been bruised; that wasn’t without its imperfections.
It was almost hilarious to think of where he used to be, a child in high school who was no stronger than the average person in Japan, and where he was now. 
Placing his cup to his lip, Shinsou was about to take a drink of water when a knock was heard. A small grin quipped on his face knowing precisely who it was, placing the cup on the table and shoving his hands into his pocket, Shinsou walked over to the front door and opened it.
Opening the wooden door, his violet gaze locked onto a bright and eager set of eyes.
Outside his door stood a young woman who had just recently eighteen with your hair fluttering in the wind. You wore the well-recognized U.A. uniform, your backpack resting on your shoulders. A smile soon grew on your face at the sight of him, and you tilted your head with a small smile in greeting. 
“Neutralizer,” he greeted with a coy smile, and his body leaned onto the doorway. His eyes drank you in, the swell of your chest against the button up white shirt, the striking red tie, the jacket that remained unbuttoned on your body, the dark socks that reached your knees, and that stupidly short skirt.
“Hi, Mindjack-sensei,” you greeted with a bright smile, unfazed by the coyness of his energy and ignorant to his straying eyes. “You wanted to meet here today?”
He wet his lips and nodded his head, his eyes closing, “Well, I had to celebrate this joyful win with my favorite student, didn’t I?”
“I’m your only student,” you snorted, pushing past him and entering his house.
You didn’t seem to notice the way his eyes zeroed in on your ass when you passed him, nor did you see how he was nearly drunk off your figure when you bent down to exchange your shoes for his guest slippers. 
“I think that speaks volumes on how highly I perceive you,” Shinsou lazily grinned, taking your jacket and backpack and went to put them in his closet. “You’re so great that I don’t need to look for another helping hand.”
“What will you do when I graduate in these next months?” you asked teasingly, your focus back on Shinsou, and you both held each other’s gaze while standing in the hallway. 
“You’re trying to tell me that you won’t accept my offer to be my sidekick before you go pro?”
His gaze was dangerous, practically begging you in this subdued cat and mouse game to contradict his theory.
“Maybe I am.”
His eyes narrowed; to anyone else, they would’ve been daunting, menacing, threatening, but to you who had known him for years, you could see right past the playful glare.
“Watch it, punk.”
With that, you walked further into the household and having never been to his house before, you couldn’t help but point out the different pictures you saw. There was no stopping you on asserting how weird it was that he went to school with so many well-known heroes. U.A. sure was something else.
The conversation between the two of you flowed like water. There was no dull moment while you stood by the counter, mindlessly eating fruit while exchanging lively words. You had since reaching the bar rolled your sleeves up to your elbows while attempting to catch the fruit that Shinsou was now throwing at you, but most often, they continued to bounce off your nose and go flying onto the floor. 
“You’re horrible at this,” Shinsou snorts when you reappear from the floor with the slightly dirty fruit.
“Get a better aim,” you retorted with a snicker, eating the fruit.
But then Shinsou focused in the wrong area. His eyes focused on the way your lips gleamed under the fluorescent lights, coated with what was definitely your saliva and tinted with berry juices. Your lips stunned him with how delicate and soft they looked. How full and sinful they would feel pressed against his lips, wrapped around his—
His eyes snapped up to meet your eyes that looked curious, naive to his thoughts, and with the slightest hint of embarrassment.
Recomposing himself, Shinsou cleared his throat and leaned against the counter again, the cold marble digging into his hip. “Y/l/n?”
“I was asking why you’re wearing your costume inside your house, it’s a bit dorkish.”
It seemed the embarrassment wasn’t from his drinking of your lips, but instead because of your question. Shinsou’s fingers fisted into the capturing weapon that rested around his neck. Honestly, he had no idea why he did; his costume was definitely a very comfortable piece, and well, he didn’t exactly go out on the field today, so it was clean.
But when he went to answer your question, his eyes saw the way your teeth gnawed on your bottom lip, and the way that you leaned in closer. Such a flustered school girl. How was he supposed to be professional when you did that? The only thing he could see — the only thing he wanted to see — was you gnawing at your lips when he was fucking you to the heavens, your embarrassment keeping you from being as loud as you could be.
“Come here,” Shinsou commanded, his head gesturing to you to move over to his side of the counter.
Obediently, you followed and stepped before him.
Fuck, you were tiny compared to him. Shinsou looked down at you, your eyes stared up at him curiously, unsure of what he was going to say or do.
“What do you think about me?”
Your eyes widened, your tongue coming out to lick your lips nervously. What was that kind of question? You thought he knew exactly what you thought about him? “Well, um, I think you’re an excellent Pro Hero! You’ve taught me a lot in my work-study, and I’ll forever be grateful for you!”
It seemed like an appropriate response, not too harsh, and it wouldn’t be enough to inflate his ego. But it seemed that he wasn’t in agreement with your thoughts, his hand came to rub his stubbled cheeks, and his eyes darkened.
“What else?”
The words sent a shiver down your spine at those words. There was so much intention behind what that could mean. What was he trying to insinuate here?
“I’m sorry, I don’t follow.”
Shinsou took a drink of his water, his eyes still focused on you. His gaze as calculating, as if he was studying a bug under a microscope. Your locked stares were unbreakable and soul searching, and as you were now just growing used to while on the field, a sense of an upcoming battle was flaring on your instincts. Placing the cup down, he took a step forward, a smirk pulling at his lips.
“What do you think of me?”
“I-I already told you,” you stammered, taking the smallest step back, but your didn’t retreat when he took another step closer. “You’re a very good—.”
“Not like that,” he growled lowly, his eyes dropping down to your breasts, to the swell of your hips.
It was becoming increasingly harder to breathe, his musky scent was overwhelming your nose, sending shivers down your spine, and there was nothing you could do but gasp for air.
“I don’t think I understand…”
Shinsou was now entirely parallel to you, your chest nearly touching his while he leaned down, his lips ghosting the shell of your ear. You could no longer breathe, unable to focus or think of anything but the fact that your boss — your mentor — was seemingly admitting that he was attracted to you.
“How do I make you feel?” he nearly panted in your ear. “All I know is that you drive me fucking insane with how beautiful you are, you’re so fucking pure, yet I know you know what you’ve been doing.”
“Mindjack-sensei—!” you squeak, your face radiated heat. You tried to stumble back, to deny his accusations, but his hands were on your waist, keeping you cemented in place.
“Do you want me the way I want you? The way I want to fuck you until your body is forever printed into the mattress of my bed? To have you begging until my bed frame breaks?”
Shinsou grin turned sly at the way you trembled against his hold.
“Don’t you think about fucking me, kitten? Because I can only think about your pretty lips and pussy around my cock. I bet you have such a pretty fucking pussy too.” An audible moan left your lips, and Shinsou’s fingers tightened around your waist to the point he was most likely leaving bruises. He was enjoying the way you were obviously enjoying this too. “You like this? Mm, of course, you would. Such a dirty little kitten, I bet you’re already fucking wet, wanting nothing more than my cock to fuck you into oblivion.”
“Mindjack-sensei,” you gasped in horror of his words despite your body pressing flush against his. His words hadn’t been false, by god did you want him to fuck you into oblivion, but you always pressed those feelings aside because he was a respected authority. He could have just about anyone as a top hero, so why would he want a high school student who worked for him? Shinsou let out a sharp stream of air at the feeling of your thigh rubbing against his growing boner. “We can’t do this! If we’re caught, we’ll—”
“We can’t do this? On the contrary, I think we can fucking do this. No one has to know, but if you don’t want me the way I want you, that’s okay. Tell me to stop then,” he interrupted you, his fingers pulling at the waistband of your skirt, his teeth nibbling at your ear. “Tell me you don’t feel the same way about me, and I’ll stop.”
Your chest heaved, your body screaming at you to let him fuck you. You’ve wanted him for so long, to have him buried balls deep within you, calling him yours and no one else’s. But your brain — your anxieties — screamed at you that this was wrong because he is your teacher. What if something terrible were to happen because of this?
“Nothing bad will happen,” Shinsou murmured, and you stopped breathing at the way his warm breath fanned against your neck. “I promise.”
You pushed away, your eyes wide while looking up at his violet gaze that seemed to grow impossibly darker. You had been under his mind control before, countless days being spent to see who could use their quirk faster, him or you. Each and every time so far, you had bitterly lost, you knew what it was like to be under control. To have your ability to choose what you wanted to do or not taken away. You knew what it was like to not have free will, but this was not it. 
You could choose.
You would choose.
Gulping, your fingers rose to his soft purple hair, raking through the short purple locks that were ever present in your fantasies and dreams.
“Fuck me then.”
His lips pressed against yours immediately, and your breathing nearly stopped at the immediate contact. The scruff on his cheeks, chin, and jaw tickled the softness of your own skin, and only continued to scratch against your skin when the kiss increased in intensity. His mouth drank you in quickly, the heat of his mouth making you overwhelmingly woozy. The kiss alone was sending throbbing heat to your core, your cunt already feeling slick with your essence just from this kiss that you’ve wanted for so long.
Shinsou then took a step forward, and you took a step back, a dance between these new lovers until your back was slammed against a wall. With the feeling of the cold wall pressing into your back, the knowledge of where this was going shot through you.
“How do you want me to fuck you, kitten?” Shinsou growled against your mouth, pulling away afterward so that his nearly black with lust irises burned into your own. “Tell me your deepest fantasy.”
You wheezed when he lifted you up, the height difference between the two of you was too grand for him to grind his hardened cock into you while merely standing. The growing slick in your panties grazed against his hardness, and you pressed your hands onto his shoulders. Your head lolled backward; the shuddering pleasure from the harsh graze was already overstimulating you. His mouth latched onto your exposed neck, pressing spicy-sweet kisses onto the soft skin, his hips pressing hardened circles into your growing heat. 
“I want you to,” you swallowed, your mouth running dry from his actions, mind unable to keep up with his pleasure gaining effects. 
“What do you want, kitten?” he growled against your growing slick neck. His fingers were kneading and pulling at your covered breasts, someone how managed to press onto your nipples despite not knowing your naked body. Fisting your hands into his hair, you tugged hard at the roots, the pleasure shooting through your body unignorable. 
“I want you to use your capturing weapon on me,” you plead, your hips jerking against his in frantic attempt to get this going. “I want you to blindfold me — fuck, I want you to use your quirk on me, deny me, overstimulate me, I don’t care. I just want your cock in my pussy.”
“My, my, you’ve been thinking about this for a while now, haven’t you?” Shinsou grinned with a burst of barking laughter at your embarrassment of being caught. “How many times have you thought about me bending you over in the middle of an alleyway, right after a successful mission, fucking you as congratulations?”
“S-Shinsou—!” you whimpered at the way his hips were now embedding into you as if you two weren’t fully clothed, but already fucking like savage animals.
“I want to hear you call me sensei when I’m fucking you,” he grunts against your throat.
“Not daddy?” you squeak when he pulls away from the wall, and your arms wrap around his neck in precaution. His hard cock now presses deliciously against your heated core, the movement of his walking legs adding to the slow and imbued sensations running their course through your body.
“Maybe another day,” he chuckled deep within his throat.
You felt a chill run through your spine at the way he possessively grabbed onto your waist, his body leaning down to press your back against the soft mattress of his bed. His lips were so ardent against your skin. The body heat expelling from his person, making you sweat when his lips dominated you again.
Your lips glided over each other, your fingers fisting into his shirt with undeniable electricity pouring down your spine. Powerful and sharp pulses slamming through your body when he ground his hips down onto you. 
“Sensei,” you whimpered when his needy lips pressed once more against your cold neck. The contradicting temperatures quickly spun your head, and your eyes clenched closed, trying to focus in on these exhilarating sensations. “Please, sensei do— oh my god.”
Shinsou’s hips were grinding insistently into your, his fingers now pressing into your clit above your panties, expertly rubbing figure eights into your puffy bundle of nerves. Your legs trembled around his waist, your head flying backward with the beating of your heart heavy between your thighs.
“Do what, kitten?” he asked, his teeth marking purple ringed bruises onto your collarbone, enjoying the angry warm colors appearing on your skin. “Is your sensei making you feel good? What do you want from me right now, use your words? Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”
The last bit is no louder than a mere whisper, but it’s loud in your ears. You hadn’t even stripped yet, and he had these opinions on you! The intensity of that piece of knowledge made your knees weak with the thought of how intense his own emotions were — for how long has he wanted you in the same way you wanted him? Your mouth opened with a chill running down your spine, your hips grinding down onto his circling fingers.
“Now, I don’t like being disrespected,” he warned, his finger stilling against your clit. You, however, were already consumed by the pleasure that throbbed deep in your core over his nimble fingers teasingly touching where you wanted him most. Your hips still roll against his stiff appendages, and he chuckles at the almost needy and pathetic whimpers that expel from your lips. Your eyes are again shut, mouth opened, and body begging for more.
“Stop grinding,” he commands, his left hand pressing onto your hip, stilling any and all actions from you. You groaned loudly, disappointment and disapproval profoundly evident on your face when you finally opened your eyes.
“Sensei—” you whined, but your hips stopped nonetheless, a pout on your lips. 
“I want you right now,” he says quietly, but his words are firm, unwavering, and genuine. His fingers trace the inside of your thighs, making you jerk with horny anticipation until you felt like taking in charge of him. “Can I fuck you right now, kitten?”
The words almost knock the wind out of you, the innocent yet well-knowing tone on his tongue enough to make you bite down on your lip harshly while you nodded. “Fuck me right now.”
Shinsou lips stretched into a cunning smirk, his teeth capturing his mouth while he nodded, “I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.”
Sitting up, your eyes took in his body that was hidden under his baggy clothes, much like his own mentor. You did nothing to conceal the way your teeth tugged at your lower lip in lustful need, and your hand pressed down onto the restrained bulge in his pants, grinning when he twitched under your hot hand. 
“I want sensei to fuck me, to fill me with his cock and cum until no one can deny that I’m yours, sensei,” you mewled in his ear.
Without a second thought or a moment to realize what was happening, your shirt was ripped off your person, the buttons scattering loudly against the wooden floor. You shouted in complete shock when Shinsou tugged the red tie off your neck and tossed it on the corner of the bed, and your skirt was thrown to the floor. You lay on the bed exposed in just your undergarments, but they were more than only your regular garments. Shinsou’s eyebrow quirked up upon recognizing that the piece you were wearing was lingerie — expensive lingerie at that.
His eyes met yours, and your eyes swam with confidence that made him stop.
“Were you expecting this?” he asked softly, his fingers grabbing onto the bridge of your bra. His touch so gentle, so soft, it was almost as if he touched it for too long he would destroy the lace fabric of your lingerie.
“It’s hard not to be extra prepared when celebrating with sensei,” you fluttered your eyelashes as you shifted so that you were now straddling his hips. Your body was pressed firmly against his, your mouth ghosting the shell of his ear, “Especially when I want my sensei to fuck me until I’m only his.”
The small victory you gained from being able to distract the Pro Hero was soon snuffed out when cold, and steel-like cloth wrapped all over your legs and arms and slipped between your teeth. The world spun when your face and chest was then shoved into the mattress.
“See what you make me do to you, kitten?”
You whimpered loudly at the arched position you were contorted into. Despite your discomfort, your core ached in need, flaring with this dominative aura that burned to life within him. This is what you had been craving since the beginning, you wanted nothing more than for the purple-haired hero to bend you to his will, to make you no better than some damn puppet while he fucked you deep into his bed.
“Look at you, you’re fucking soaked, and I haven’t done so much as grazing your clit!” Shinsou chuckles, leaning closer to you until you could feel his warm breath fanning against your clenching wet hole. “You’re such a dirty kitten, wanting your sensei’s cock. I guess your sensei is going to have to teach you a few things about mannerisms and make sure you’re fucked to completion.”
You chocked against the cloth in your mouth; it was pressing harshly against your tongue, riling your gag reflexes until saliva poured from your mouth. You weakly looked at Shinsou, your cheeks feeling like they were on fire, your pussy clenching in its attempt to draw him nearer. This was so dirty though, he was older than you, he was your mentor — your sensei. You shouldn’t be letting him talk to you this way, letting him tease your soaked folds, but you wanted his cock — you needed your sensei’s cock to ruin you for anyone ever again. 
Shinsou looked at you, his eyes glinting dangerously as if he could read your filthy thoughts while his fingers slid off the black panties until they bunched at your angled knees. Your arch deepens at the feeling of the cold air now reaching your blazing core, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head while you wantonly whine. The restraints on your wrists and ankles were tight, sending just the minutest bit of discomfort through your nerves to send you wiggling your ass impatiently.
But as you stared up at Shinsou, and the way his coarse fingers dug into your hips. His heated fingers dragged against your smooth skin until he caught you staring. “You don’t need to be looking at this, kitten.”
The binding left your mouth and wrapped around your eyes. The cold and wet with your saliva metal binding to your face caused a sensation to course through you that was foreign. It disgusted you on a shallow level but fueled the gagging moan that pressed in your throat.
“Sensei!” you squeaked, not expecting this to happen so soon. Especially with the fact that your body was ultimately under his domination. 
Your lack of sight immediately sent all your other senses to one hundred, and you were acutely aware of the fact that he was no longer touching you. You knew he was in the room, but you couldn’t sense him. You only knew that your ass was perked into the air, your arms shot before you in a position that you never knew you could achieve without weight to shove your chest further down.
Shinsou, however, was behind you, his eyes focused on your shining heated slick cunt. A groan emits slowly from his mouth, and he almost relishes in the way that you twitch towards him, the blindfold doing precisely what he had hoped for. Rumbling lowly in his chest, Shinsou inserted two nimble fingers into your wet cunt, moaning at the way that your walls are tight against him. It was so lewdish in the way that your walls were already milking his fingers, begging for more despite the initial entrance.
Your legs trembled, and your mouth fell at the feeling of his foreign fingers entering your spasming cunt. It’s a feeling you immediately burn into your skin. You want this; you crave this. His fingers reach knuckle deep against your heated walls, and they clench around him whenever he attempts to move.
“Your pussy is so pretty and so fucking tight, and all I have in you is my fingers,” Shinsou groans, his fingers curling smoothly within you. Your hips snap backward, trying to fuck yourself against his appendages, desperate the elevated pleasure felt as his fingers moved against you. Desire soaks your body, and you thrust your hips against his fingers, uncaring about how needy this looked.
His fingers were buried in your cunt, and you whined loudly at the feeling of his fingers pushing and pressing against your velvet walls. The feeling of his fingers stroking your walls, sending your body thrusting forward and backward. They continue this pace, not slow enough to be teasing, but not quick enough to satisfy your needs.
“Don’t tease me, sensei,” you pant, your ass moving and wiggling in the air while he manipulated your body under his ministrations. “I want you to — please, fuck my pussy so good!”
There was no response to your pleading, only action. His fingers then hooked within you, scissoring, and even pressing against your walls until nothing was coming out of you except the squelching noises of his fingers digging deeper into your cunt. His hero name a mantra on your lips. 
“Such a pretty little kitten, taking my fingers so well. I can’t wait to see how you’ll react against my cock. I bet your cries will be fucking cute to hear,” he chuckled, his thighs hugging against yours, and you moaned at the feeling of his hard cock pressing against your lower belly. You whimpered loudly at the sensation, craving nothing more than to have his cock buried deep within you instead of his fingers.
“Sensei, please!” you begged, the feeling of him all over you. Yet the denial of both seeing him and having his cock buried deep within you was too much. “I don’t want sensei’s fingers, I want sensei’s cock — fuck, please!”
Shinsou chuckled, his fingers left your cunt, and you whimpered at the way your body felt so cold and empty without him buried within you.
“You’ve been good so far, I think you deserve my cock,” he grinned, his breathing heavy and hot against your spine. Your back arched and your body trembled with excitement and nerves as he guided his cock against your wet slit.
Then his hips pressed forward, only the tip of his head pushing through your folds. Teasing you, tormenting you with this half fullness when you knew his cock was much bigger.
“Stop playing unfairly, sensei!” you squawk, your hips trying to slam back to take him more in, but he predicts it and moves back with you. More of his cock leaves you, and you cry in blatant need and horrid horniness. 
“Don’t you have any embarrassment?” he chuckles, his hands finally removing the bra on your chest, and his fingers grip and pull at your nipples. You shudder against his hold, curse that he was so much bigger than you. You needed more of his cock, but he didn’t seem willing to give it to you. “A schoolgirl asking her sensei to fuck her silly, do you know what you’re doing to me, kitten? So fucking dirty, so fucking needy. You want my goddamn dick, you better admit that you’re a stupid little girl who wants her sensei for the rest of her fucking life.”
There was nothing but pure electric shivers that poured through your body at those words, and still, you needed him. Your mouth let out a strained whimper; the slightly circling of his fat cock buried an inch into your cunt, a reminder that you needed to get him fully within you.
“I’m a dirty stupid fucking little girl who wants my sensei and his fucking cock for the rest of my fucking life,” you parrot with no shame, your hips bouncing in hopes of engaging him. “I only want my sensei!”
“Such a good kitten, saying such pretty things,” he sighs, but still, he doesn’t penetrate you fully. 
But he does begin to move.
It’s teasing and by every means maddening feeling the first three inches of his swollen dick push into you and exit. The feeling of the veins on his cock dragging against your sensitive walls made you stammer his name. But that wasn’t good enough, no Shinsou wanted you to howl his name to the heavens, to make sure that everyone knew what a good sensei he was.
His hips move in faster to meet the back of your thighs. With the slowly deepening penetration, your eyes lull to the back of your head, your tongue pooling from your mouth.
“Say more pretty things, or I’ll take my fucking cock away,” he growled, his fingers digging impossibly deeper into your waist.
“Sensei!” you squirm, your back arching like a cat the second the tip of his cock drags against your particular spot.
“What did I say about not following what I command!”
You splutter, your body thrashing against his stilling hips, “But sensei’s cock! It makes me so dumb!” you whine, your fingers digging into the mattress when he slowly starts again. “It’s so big, so thick in my tight pussy! Sensei, please defile me, please make me cum! Cum in my pussy, please! I need you, sensei!”
Those must have been some magic words because Shinsou snarled, and his hips hammered into you. Sending your arms sprawling, your scream of pleasure and glee dripping from your throat. The way that his cock is now brushing over your g-spot again and again was too much.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“Your pussy is so fucking tight,” he gasped, his hands slamming your ass back against him. The slapping of your skin on his pelvis sends your eyes fluttering behind the blindfold. He was contorting your body to his will. “After today, I’ll make sure you’ll always be able to take me, all of me, no matter how wet you are.”
Your voluptuous moans are untamable, your thighs trembling with the upcoming orgasm that you can feel throbbing from your toes.
“I needa cum!” you sob, hoping that with how he was drilling against your g-spot, it would be soon.
“You don’t get to cum yet.”
You cried when he pulled out of you completely, and the capturing weapon wrapped around your waist, and you were suddenly pulled to your knees. You heard a familiar sound of a body dropping to the bed, and his hands replaced the fabric around your waist.
“You’re going to ride your sensei’s cock,” he instructed, pulling you down towards him so that your dripping wet cunt was once against grinding against the tip of his dick. “Show sensei what a good kitten you’ve been, what a great hero you’ve become because of me.”
You swallow thickly, your mind swimming with lust and need while his swollen cock twitches at your entrance, “I’m going to show sensei that he’s taught me well.”
“Damn right, you will.”
And with that, he lowered you.
While the blindfold around your eyes obstructed your vision, your sight was wholly taken away from you by his actions. When Shinsou guided you onto his cock, the feeling of his thick veiny length reentering your cunt that begged for his return nearly took your sight away. He wasn’t even within you yet, only the tip of his cock penetrating your slit once more, teasing your walls that clenched in desperation for him. “Don’t tease me, sensei,” you pant, the capturing weapon preventing you from lowering yourself fully onto him, but surprisingly, he does as you hope for. 
Then, what you’ve wanted this entire time. His hips thrust forward at the same moment that you’re dropped onto his cock, and your jaw splits into a soundless scream.
“SHINSOU!” you scream, and his fingers that have your dried slick are placed into your mouth.
Without arguing, your mouth clamps around his fingers and sucks your essence clean from his fingers. He holds you from behind, his free hand meshing and tweaking at your breasts, making sure to tease and pull at your sensitive nipples until your legs were shaking underneath you. 
His hand rips from your mouth, a trail of saliva following after his mouth. You can only cry louder, more wantonly of how the cold saliva dribbles onto your overheating body. Your head slams back against him, and his hot breath fans against your collarbone while the capturing weapon still proceeds to make you bounce against his cock. Every bounce sends his cock deeper within your clamping cunt, stretching you out in unimaginable ways until your walls spasming around his length because you need more.
You whine into his ear, your mouth pressing blind and sloppy kisses against his slick with sweat neck.
It’s when both his hands bring your hips down to him, his cock finally bottoming out entirely within you, does the most primal moan rip through your mouth. You convulse on his lap, trying to move as the head of his cock buries against your cervix, and you swear behind the blackness of your vision, you can see the entire galaxy. You tremble on top of him, wordless cries pittering from your mouth while he nibbles onto your earlobe.
“Fuck, kitten, I can feel your cervix against my cock,” Shinsou grunts, and you rise and falls against his throbbing cock. 
“You’re filling me out, sensei,” you cry, your hips bouncing up and down, the feeling of his cock pressing up against your cervix, making you dizzier by the second. “Sensei’s cock is so fucking big, he’s filling and stretching me out so much! My pussy can’t — fuck — I can’t take it, sensei!”
“You can take it,” Shinsou growls into your neck, his hands rising you up and down against his cock. The soft slapping of your ass meeting his thighs a drum in your ear. “You’re taking my cock so fucking well, I taught you — I’m teaching you better, I know you can do this kitten.”
You soon readjust to the numbing pleasure, the bruising pleasure, and pain that comes with his cock slamming against your cervix. The way that he thrusts up into you, stretching out your walls far more than you was ever used to.
“I can’t fuck you correctly like this,” he growled, and the restraints yanked you forward once more.
You yelped loudly when you were now on your back, your ankles by your wrists, and your cunt exposed to him completely. In seconds flat, he was buried back into you, but the angle of being on your back aided to the curve of his cock, and your spine nearly snapped in the way you reacted to the pleasure spasming in your toes. This was what you wanted. “Sensei, your cock! SHIT! Oh my god, oh my god, this angle—!”
Your voice lessened to a senseless babble, your sentences blurring together, and your cheek pressed into the mattress and drool pooled from your lips. You feel his hot and robust shoulder touch against the backside of your thighs. With your thighs to support him, he begins to drill his hips into you.
His pace is completely irreplicable, every maddening powerful thrust of his hips shoves you closer to the headboard. The wet slapping echoing throughout the room when he pierces into you almost drowned out both of your senseless cries. His fingers dig into your skin, leaving purple fingerprints on your soft skin, and it amplified your howls of pleasure. 
Fire erupts in your cunt, an overwhelming heat that throbs right in your core, and with every slam of his hips, it grows only more. 
The temperature of your body sizzles off you in large heat, and you swear that your sweat evaporates with every slam of his hips. His lips press against yours, a maddening escape of lust and need exchanging between your parted lips. Your salvia is everywhere, covering both of their faces with the sticky coldness. But that didn’t stop him; it only fueled him to kiss you entirely, engulfing you with his mouth, daring you with his tongue.
You were barely keeping up with his snapping hips, your mouth begging for more when he suckled on your tongue.
Her walls fluttered and clamped around him, a constant reminder of the impending orgasm that you could no longer warn him about.
“Do you need to cum?” he huffs against the corner of your mouth, his hips continuing to drill dangerously fast and deep into you.
“Y-Yes, sensei, I needa come so badly! Let me come against sensei big cock, please!” you sobbed, your body trying to press even closer to him. It was at that moment, the revelation that you were close that his quirk washes over you. 
It’s a weird feeling, your body continues to feel disgustingly on fire, like an illness burning you from the inside out. But you’re no longer in control, your mind fuzzy and muggy, but he continues to fuck you as if you weren’t there. The coil that had wound so tightly in the core of your uterus seemed frozen. No longer tightening to the point of snapping, but so tight that it pained you that he now denied you a release.
“Well, I’m not ready,” he pants, “you don’t cum until I do.”
His hips now work against you with untapped vigor he had not been using before. One hand holding your leg over his shoulder, the other keeping your hips in place as he continued to push his cock deep within you. Your body was by all terms relaxed, not a single muscle was tense while he drilled into you, his fingers massaging your clit and nipples. But your mind was alert, thoroughly overworked, over thrilled, and feeling like you were moments from exploding with no choice but to keep it in. 
His sweat dripped onto your body, and your drool slowly slipped from your lips. 
It pained you not to moan, the inability to move your hips against his rutting ones nearly driving you insane until he was snarling like a savage beast, and with his teeth buried into your neck, you only heard one thing before your vision turned white.
You weren’t sure whether you broke free from his quirk because he let you go or because the orgasm that crashed through you sent your body snapping up and rolling them over so that Shinsou was on his back. But the orgasm was still ripping through you. Powerful waves of insane pleasure drumming deep within you until there was nothing left but that hollowness that came after an orgasm.
Your breathing was erratic, your heartbeat on your tongue while you looked down at him with a frazzled expression.
“Holy fuck, ‘toshi,” you gasped, your hands pulling away at the tie from your eyes, and now you held onto your breasts. Your brain must have short-circuited because nothing was running through your mind, no matter what you tried to think about. 
“Look at that,” he mused, looking down at his lower abdomen. You followed his eyes, and a blush brightened your face at the clear liquid that coated his abs. 
You had squirted.
“Well, that was fucking hot, I don’t blame ya,” he chuckles, bringing you in. “How are you feeling? I know I was pretty deep in you, sorry.”
You sighed, nestling into his chest, finally relaxed. It took a bit of willpower to ignore the slick wetness that came with your mixed cum sprayed out onto his lower stomach. His lips pressed against your temple, and you sighed wistfully, tiredly.
“I’m fine, ‘toshi,” you affirm, grinning at him. “I might have problems walking tomorrow, so you’ll just needa help me.” 
He chuckles but nods in agreement. Tapping you on your waist, he rolls you over so that you’re relaxing on the bed, and he pulls out, and you groan at the lack of his dick in you. Waving off your protests, he leaves and reappears with a damp washcloth. Without speaking, he begins to gently clean you up, placing tender and scratchy kisses against your body.
You grin when your husband finally collapses back onto the bed and pulls you in close, his nose rubbing against your bruised collarbones, eliciting a sharp squeal from you.
“Maybe I’ll pull out my old schoolgirl skirt more often,” you giggle, and he hummed in agreement. “It was fun.”
“I think that would be perfect.”
“Happy anniversary, sensei.”
“Happy anniversary, kitten.”
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notnctu · 4 years
to jaehyun, my first love ♡
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To All The J’s I’ve Loved Before Series by notnctu ♡ jung jaehyun x fem!reader ♡ genre - fluff, slight angst ♡ wc - 2.1k ♡ warnings - explicit language ♡ synopsis - in which Mark accidentally sets you up on a date with your first love and ex-boyfriend, Jung Jaehyun ♡ taglist - @colpen​ ; @cestmoncoeur​ ; @hyucksberry​ ♡ a/n - i had to repost bc tumblr keeps randomly deleting our shit omggg pls ;-; let us know if you want to be on the taglist for the next ones!
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I’ve never done this before, but the feelings you give me are too intense to not write it out. You’re like every dream come to life. A fairytale that came alive from the books. You remind me of a noble, quiet prince riding on his high horse. It’s not subtle, but not too grand to be overwhelming.
I think I love you. You’d be rolling your eyes at that word. It’s high school, what could I possibly know about love, right? And no, it’s not about you being my first boyfriend and my first kiss. It’s much more than those mundane things.
It’s the skipping of my heart when I’m the reason behind the dimples appearing. Or the butterflies I feel knowing that you, Jung Jaehyun, likes me back. I’m truly still in shock that you’re dating me. There are about two hundred people in this entire school and I’m the one who you send goodmorning and goodnight texts to.
My favorite day is still the day you asked me to be your’s. Cliche, whatever. But I’m not the only one who gushed at the sight of you holding the bouquet of my favorite flowers. Or the way you nervously couldn’t look me in the eye. You are the sweetest boy that has graced my life. I don’t know how I managed to get so lucky.
It’s a lie for me to not admit that I do feel insecure at times about our relationship. You’re not one to express your emotions or thoughts, you tell me it’s your actions. As your slow, yet improving partner, I am currently mindful of every action, like when you brush my hair out of my face because you want to get a good look at me. To see the real me. I like that the most.
Do guys feel these same strange intense feelings? Like my heart bursts thinking about your shy glances and your fingers tangled with mine. Whenever you hug me, I feel like I’m holding the very thing that makes me feel alive. I’m experiencing excitement, joy, and a weird burning sensation that spreads across my chest. It’s like we’re living a movie, but it’s better because it’s real life.
You’re the one, Jaehyun. It’s hard to explain and I’m absolutely being dramatic. But it’s not too far fetched. We’re still young, but I can see a future with you and how you want to chase your dreams with someone by your side. Don’t act like you don’t look directly at me when you say that.
Don’t feel pressured, I’m not asking for your hand in marriage just yet. I just have an inexplicable feeling that you’re someone that I’m going to love forever.
In this fairytale, do you believe in forever?
-from your hopeless romantic girlfriend, y/n
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If anyone were to be blamed for this very awkward encounter between you and your ex-boyfriend, it would be Mark Lee. He went on for ages, boasting about some hot guy he wanted to set you up with since you had been single for quite a time. He only meant good intentions, so you could stop holding yourself in your apartment alone during the weekends.
And there was no possible way for Mark to know that his Jung Jaehyun was the same Jung Jaehyun you dated back in high school. Though, if Mark had been specific by telling you the mystery boy’s name, you wouldn’t have to be standing in front of Jaehyun in a stiff atmosphere intended for a harmonious date.
“I didn’t expect to run into you.” Stupid and you knew, you weren’t the only one who thought so. Jaehyun practically scoffed so loud that it physically pained you. Arms crossed, weight barred on his left leg, eyes rolled all the way to the back of his head. He was definitely expecting someone else who didn’t make a fool out of themselves.
“(Y/N), don’t act like we didn’t apply and commit to the same college. We were bound to see each other in some way.”
“Fine, you’re right. I guess, I didn’t expect it to be like this.” Your eyes diverted shyly to the ground as you played with the ends of your sweet dress. At this point, your bed and pj’s seemed much better than a rekindle of the mess you made.
Jaehyun cursed at Mark underneath his breath before running his hands through his brown locks. There was too much you wished to stare at. Jaehyun still managed to make your heart stop with his attractiveness. Time benefited him more than anyone else you’ve met from your past. Through his changes, there were the similarities you loved: the depth of his dimples, the softness of his skin, the charm with a simple look, the fluffiness of his hair.
He dug his hands into his jean pockets and pursed his lips together before saying, “look, I don’t want to date you again and truthfully, Mark never told me your name when he talked about you, so I don’t know what twisted setup you two planned for this to be.”
Your facial expression reacted before you could collect your thoughts at the harsh rejection, which was a complete spin from when he had first accepted your heart. You were really regretting the pitiful letter sitting in your childhood room at the moment and the fact that he was the first letter.  
“Listen, Mark didn’t mention your name either when he talked about the ‘hot, sweet boy’, so you can kiss my ass if you really think that I purposefully set this up to get back together with you.” Jaehyun’s eyebrow rose and his jaw tightened at your response.
“I’m supposed to believe that this was a mere coincidence or a sickly twisted fate that we ended up together again?”
It was your turn to scoff, roll your eyes, and cross your arms. “Like how I’m supposed to believe you’re the same guy that Mark raves about. You’re far from a kindhearted, wholesome person who volunteers at the dog rescue center and to think, I ever fell for someone who had the potential to be this arrogant!”
A quick spin on your heels sent you dramatically walking off to your car. Though, the sounds of heavy footsteps caught up to you and a hand closed your car door shut before you could step in. “I’m sorry. I haven’t completely forgiven myself and you for the breakup.”
“It happened a long, long time ago.”
“You’re right, but I still beat myself up to this day that our relationship could have been saved if we both didn’t give up.”
Sighing, you held his cheek gently and he faced you with hurt reflecting in his eyes. “We were young and stubborn. We gave up because we didn’t have the emotional capacity to fix it, Jae.”
He lit up at the sound of his nickname and how much he missed hearing it roll off your tongue. It was like a switch flipped on. “Haven’t heard you say my name in a while. I almost forgot how much I loved it.”
The appearance of his dimples and brightening smile caused a disruption of butterflies to swarm in your stomach. This feeling could only be produced by him and no one else. The true holder of your heart has returned and left you a bit unsettled.
If he hasn’t already charmed your pants enough, his cool lean against your car definitely sealed the deal. “Are you flirting with me, Jung Jaehyun?” Your narrowed eyes zoned in on the unmistakable smirk that plastered his face.
His lips rolled together, emphasizing the crescents in his cheeks more. “We can’t let poor Mark down. How about we try going on this date?” He paused to gauge your reaction, “so we don’t have to lie when we report back to him.”
“Fine, for the sake of Mark and because I’ll admit, I did miss your presence.” Every detail reminded him of the most amazing times he spent with you. It was like he was watching one of his favorite films or listening to a forgotten playlist that triggered all kinds of emotions he had felt before.
He jumped off the vehicle with the biggest gleam that was not present earlier. This was the Jaehyun you remember. He couldn’t contain his excitement and oftentimes, only being able to express his emotions through his actions.
“Well, you’re not one who’s hard to miss. I don’t think I can get your smile out of my head for the next few days.” You quietly pondered the thought of how easy this all was for him.
Hours flew by, endlessly chatting away to catch up with each other’s lives and reminiscing the good parts of your relationship. The restaurant had grown empty and quiet, to the point of being kicked out of the establishment. Before either of you could process the mutual feeling of happiness, there was a brief moment of wondering what the next steps of this was. He cleared his throat when you two arrived at your car.
“I had a great time today, Jaehyun.” The sadness in your voice was not unnoticed by him.
“Can I ask why Mark was so persistent in setting us up?” Jaehyun inquired as he took off his jacket to wrap around your shaking, exposed shoulders. His thin shirt blew wildly in the breeze, but he’d rather have you warm and him frozen by the night.
The tiny thanks escaped as a whisper and you hugged his scent tighter. “He just wants me to stop being alone on the weekends because that’s when he goes back home with his family.”
Jaehyun nodded knowingly, “I can still change that for you.”
“Don’t give up your weekends at the shelter for me and it sounds like you already have a lot on your plate.”
He chuckled delightfully and there was hope to hear it again. “I can sacrifice a few hours at the shelter to be with a friend. Plus, you’re important to me and like I said many years before, I want you by my side as I chased my dreams. Look, I’m sorry I didn’t reach out sooner. I take the responsibility of being bitter over something in the past and tonight really made me realize what all the anger stole from me.”
Jaehyun pulled you into an overdue hug. His cologne engulfed you like old times. “Just to avoid confusion, we aren’t getting back together.. ever.” His chest muffled your words, but he heard you loud and clear.
“There’s not a sliver of hope?” It wasn’t hurt that laced his question, but something light and playful. Jaehyun’s strong arms pulled away, but his hands dropped to hold yours. A small smile rested on his face, his lips looked as tempting as you remembered them to be.
“No, there’s not.” The mood shifted to a more serious atmosphere, but it was finally time to address the elephant in the empty parking lot. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m always going to love you. People don’t call it a first love for nothing. Back when we were still together, and I told you I believed in forever, I meant it. But that doesn’t mean my heart wants you back, I want you to be happy with someone else.”
Jaehyun’s eyes sparkled underneath the dark night sky, but he broke the gaze when he grew shy at how the conversation had turned. A warmth spread across his chest and suffocated him tenderly. “Nice to know that I’m not the only one that still holds you in a special place in my heart. You’re right, my first love is unforgettable. You are unforgettable.”
Warm cheeks and shy, averting eyes wrapped up the date nicely. And all of which was thanks to Mark, who cluelessly set you up with your first love. You coughed to fill the tense air, noticing the goosebumps that rose on his arms. “We should get going, it’s too cold to be standing out here.”
“Right, I don’t want you catching a cold. You know how needy you get when your nose starts dripping uncontrollably.” His laughter mixed with yours as you handed his jacket back to him.
Rolling your eyes, Jaehyun helped you open your car door. “Anyways, are you up for a movie night this weekend?”
“No horror movies unless you want to end up in my arms.” He winked and you punched his arm playfully at his flirty banter.
“Don’t push it, Jae!” You giggled, entering your car to shield from the bitterness that was abandoned to linger in the air.
“Okay, princess. I’ll see you at your castle real soon.” With that, he closed your door and waved a small goodbye. Watching his figure disappear into his own vehicle, you realized the thought that Jaehyun was always the reason you started to love. Even in this reality, he was the reason you believed in a forever.
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ddmvg · 4 years
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Guren ichinose x reader
Warnings:18+ smuuutttt all the way ,enemies to lovers, Light degradation
The Guren squad and the y/n squad were always around each other since you had the same amount of ability if it wasn't guren’s squad getting called it was your squad but this ended up leading to a rivalry between the two squads mostly between you and guren
you woke up on a cloudy but beautiful morning the weather was cool and breezey you look at your alarm clock just to see how you are about to be LATE to the very very very boring meeting but none the less you had to go you dash to sloppily put on your clothes shove a granola bar into your mouth you attend the meeting ten minutes late you slowly open the door as to not get caught. but stupid guren decides to call you out ”finnaly you show up you look like a bus just hit you” ” shut up stupid guren at least I don't Ditch” ”what did you say y/n”guren sais as he grabs your messy collar. as you grab his collar ” you Heard me” the Vatican clears his throat you and guren tilt your heads and slowly sit down  you got called for a mission in Nagoya after you leave the meeting your squad and guren squad we're outside you wish your squad mates a good morning you look at guren squad and say ”ha stupid guren my squad got called I guess I’m better”
Your squadmates rolled their eyes at your smart ass remark ”in your dreams y/n” it was quite obvious to everyone that you had feelings for each other you walk away with your squad to get ready for the Nagoya mission the next day. in your head you curse at yourself for going to sleep at 3 am because you haven't been able to get guren out of your head but you would never admit that to yourself you say goodbye to your squad mates after a long day of preparations and walk to your room and see guren walking to his room ”why are you out so late guren””oh y/n I just can't sleep”guren’s eyes softly look at your red features he continues ”are you okay do you have a fever your so red ” you hastily reply oh no I um feel f-fine he reply ok then with his own red cheeks you both fast walk to your rooms that happen to be right across from eachother
You close your bedroom door and launch yourself to your bed you fall asleep instantly from your exhaustion. you fell asleep earlier than usual so you woke up at the perfect time you brushed your hair and teeth and put on your uniform the right way so you looked like a whole snack and no bags under your eyes you just looked absolutely breathtaking you and your squad headed to Nagoya after you were done killing some vampires you saw an old cafe you and your mother used to go to when you were little in your head you told your mother ”look mom look what I found ” you and your squad sat in the intact coffee tables in the front you were fine until one of your female squad members asked ”so y/n do you like guren ” you go red as a tomato
”Well um eh ”you cover your cheeks and nod yes like it was on cue every one starts gushing ”omggg y/n I knew it ”after a while you get over your self and tell everyone we have to go back you and your squad goes back to the dorms you go back to your room and your squad stays in the lobby you run to your room and lock your self in and try to go to sleep and guren heads to the lobby and overhears your squad talking about how you confessed to liking him as he realises one of your squad members sees him and said ”oh shit” the other tilt their heads and think the same thing he just said .
Guren pretends to not hear what they said and they fall for it he fast walks to his room as he is about to open his door he stops and looks at your door and slowly walks to it and knocks you open your door not expecting guren he grabs your wrist and pushes you to the end of the room he knows that this Isn’t a very gentlemanly thing to do things but it’s the only way to get you to confess he pins you to the wall by the wrist you try to struggle out of his hold he kisses you during your kiss he let's go of your wrist and pulls away he looks at. You and thinks ”oh shit I messed up I got carried away but I couldn’t help myself while he's inside of his head you kiss him back passionately the kiss turns into a make-out and your hands start to wander guren grabs your wrist again and pins them to the wall ”pretty girl don't get ahead of yourself you might regret it” he leans down and makes marks all over your neck he grabs your waist and pushes you to your bed he removes his moon demon company coat and gloves and shirt leaving his fit toned body exposed
Your eyes turn from Soft to clouded With lust his eyes are hungry for you you take of your top”wow no bra what a little slut” he starts kissing you from the neck and slowly goes down once he gets to your pants he groans and pulls them off of you he stares at the wet patch on your underwear and Lets out a deep hum ”your this wet just from me kissing you” ”yes just for you” your bold ness makes him impossibly harder” oh yeah pretty girl”he rips of your underwear in one swoop. It was your favorite but you didn't care he picked up your riped panties and brought them up to his nose making you even more wet as you were destracted the inserted two fingers into your cunt and stretched you out so deliciously to prepare for his thick member you let out a beautiful High pitched moan he couldn’t take it anymore and in one second shoved himself inside you your cunt squeezed him and begged him to move ”shit you're so fucking tight are you really that desperate ” you couldn't respond from how full you were guren grabs your neck
And stares at you coldly ”yes daddy you fill me up so good” just from your words he set of a brutal pace pressing you into the matress”your little pretty pussy takes me so well but I'm not ah-shit until your screaming my name ” he said through gritted teeth his cock is perfectly tilted upwards that it kisses your cervix deliciously he starts going faster and faster your core getting right and your eyes tearing ”pretty girl ah- I want you to come with daddy -shit ””yes daddy fill me up please”he trusted deep almost reaching your womb a sudden pleasure washed over you taking over your body and contorting your face”omg baby you look so beautiful when you cum” he guided you through your high
After you came down from your high he kept pumping fast to get his in a flash you Felt him release ”baby I'm going to fill you up ””fuck you are so good shit”He quickly pulls out and collapses next to you and pushes you to his chest you have post-sex cuddles then he gets up gets a wet towel and clean you and himself up you guys get dressed comfortably when you cuddle together in your bed ”so will you be my girlfriend ”” of course you dummy” he leans down and gives you a loving kiss you fall asleep in his arms
The next day you wake up late you both dash to get ready and leave your room hand and hand everyone finally relieved that you guys got together
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magic-number-3 · 4 years
okay so i actually did watch a few episodes of 911 this week without liveblogging them but i did take notes as if i was liveblogging and then just,,, didnt lmao so in case anyone cares about my thoughts im going to share them anyway asdlfkjsdl mostly i think they’ll just be fun to look at later
Eddie Diaz is soooooo fuckin dreamy i stgggggg
“I cant order you guys to go inside that building and im not gonna judge you if you decide not to” “Hen, you got a kid, so...” “Yeah. And I’d hope if someone whose job it was to save him they’d do it. No matter what.” QUEEN SHIT 😤😤😤
Marvin you on thin ice but you right; you a king
“They could really use a miracle today” “I might just have a few  of those left. I see them.” ALSKFKGKS crying why is the dialogue so good in this show???
Russ gonna die im calling it. They saved the athlete and they’ll probably save the little girl?? So hes not gonna make it. At least hen is okay
“Even i couldnt save me. You dont know me, but im good.” “Oh yeah? Well maybe im better”
FUCK. I called it but it still hurts
ALL OF THAT ENDING??? WE CAN BE HEROES SLAPS AND IK WE BEEN KNEW BUT ALDJFKFKSKJ everything about the end to that episode is so 👌👌👌 i wanna cry
ATHENA AND BOBBY HELL YEAHHHHH the husband is a straight g pullin thru for him like that
Also Christopher is such. Lil cutie
“These fire guys are totally hot” LAKJDFKAL I MEAN YOURE RIGHT
Oh sheet Eddies abuela 😞
Every interaction between Eddie and Christopher got me like 🥺🥺🥺
Okay how are you not supposed to ship Buddie they’re talking about being single together and then his aunt telling buck about how ‘he’s a saint’ and all that??? THATS SUCH ROMANTIC INTEREST SHIT. WHEN DO YOU HAVE A FAMILY MEMBER GUSHING TO A MAIN CHARACTER AND THAT CHARACTER ISNT THE LOVE INTEREST????
Oooh I love this song STUCK IN THE MIDDLE WITH YOU
“Now I feel kind of lame” “BECAUSE YOU ARE” LMAO HEN
Ooooh yeah why do you call him chim???
Awe good for Maddie omg 🥺🥺🥺
CHIMNEY IS A MODERN MEDICAL MIRACLE???? I mean good for him bro figured lol but for it to be said out loud shittttttt
alkjsdskla im losing it over Tatiana
Awww now this is sad :( chim’s got noboddddddy
Sdkljfas Buck you have GOT to move out of Abby’s place dude
‘I had a life-altering trauma and her life got altered. All I got was the trauma.’ THATS SUCH A GOOD LINE SPEAK YOUR TRUTH CHIM
Chim 🥺 awe. “Wakes me up in the middle of the night”. Buddy :( CAPS GOT YA
like. Fuck Tatiana. But also good for her. And Chim gets to start to move on!! That was a really sweet scene
Aw Bobby gets Athena ^-^
This was such a good fucking episode yo. Like the way the idea of being stuck had to do with the 911s lives while also all of the calls they went one were being physically stuck and the way the proposal instigated Chim’s breakdown to allow him to finally move on…. just. Excellent television!!!!
So proud of Maddie!!!! So proud of everybody this episode :)
Buck yeah you gotta move out buddy
ASKFJHASJLAD this has gotta be fake im sdlfkjsaldk
LMAOOOO THIS BITCH she’s gonna end up actually getting hurt
OMFGGGGGGGG this bitch had it coming
What is this girls fucking problem with Maddie lmaaooooooo fuck off
Awe this lady with the muffin or whatever is so sweet. This places Celine dion 😂😂😂 queen
Lmao wait why is she actually horrible 😂😭😭
Omg Maddie and Athena are so fun
I love Maddie and Athena so much alsdkfj
Gloria im sorry but you’re getting what you deserve.
LKAJSDALKS. “People who yell and scream and cry and expect you to do something for them” GIRL YOU ARE LITERALLY A 911 RESPONDER THAT IS YOUR GOT DAMN JOB???
“Do they ever think of anything but themselves and what they need?” THEY ARE USUALLY DYING GLORIA
I feel so bad for Hen and Karen :( Eva can fuck off dude. Can’t they get sharing rights with the dad? I mean yeah it sucks that Eva is just doing this to fuck em over but like.. the dad still deserves to get to know his son if he wants to. Though Eva would probably try to stay with him just to turn Denny against Hen and Karen… UGHHHHHH
Lil denny :( aw Hen. I love her sm
Hen what u doing girl…. Cant it make the case more difficult if you keep interacting with Eva?
I love Karen and Hen sm 🥺
Ugh I hate that she lived but it was the right thing to do….
“I save awful people every day its my job” Hell yeah girl
Dont love cheering for her going back tho jail can be terrible…. But at least she’ll be out of Karen and hens lives. we’re not meant to think too deeply about this is.
oh…. gloria… damn.
Cant you just share custody?? :( I mean it sucks but like… just talk to him.
“Yeah people can be awful… but not everyone is awful… but you’ll never know what kind of person someone is unless you give them the chance to show you” :(
Wow the last shot of the episode thats like the long shot at the dinner table with the narration was real fucking good :( im emo.
listen. I do know what happens between those two and I am very excited.
Oh no maddies so anxiousssss
Buck fangirling over this reporter lady im asldkjflksad
“But the way they cared for me, thats what kept me alive” :( Hen :(
Omg are Athenas kids like the same age as Bobbys :(
Oh no eddies upsetttttt 😂
This is fucking HILARIOUS
Oh no bobbyyyyyyyy :((((((
Awe the news piece was so nice
Oh shes got a fucking POPCORN MAKER IM SO JEALOUS
Wow Taylor was really going to use the footage :/
“Just get a room already” BUCK NOOOO DUDE
The way bobby always fist bumps Athenas son whenever they say hello/goodbye. So fun 🥺good content right there
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ayyyoonohwhatimean · 4 years
highschool!boyfriend haechan
mode: fluff, comedy and a lot of bickering! 
haechan x reader! 
p.s.: hii it’s been a long damn time I haven’t written about nct-related kind of things lol anyways I hope you guys would like this one eventhough it’s quite long and I had so much fun writing it! haha I would appreciate it so much! happy birthday to lee donghyuck, our pride, our fullsun haechan! I love you. ♡ (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
ridin and rollin oh baby 
first of all y all know haechan aka lee donghyuck 
such a pain in the ass jjsjsjs jk 
he would literally annoy you every second, every minute everytime hes with u 
bcus he loves u 
like he finds u cute he loves seeing reactions 
so u guys go to the same highschool and obviously classmates duh 
and imagine him in a smart highschool attire esp with his body proportion  and his hair up showing his forehead omg 
he would wait for u outside the school bcus u’re too slow jsjs
too slow too fasT 
but whenever ure done and is finally outside the school w him, he would hold your hand tightly and kiss ur knuckles as he swings ur arm
when he sees the other guys tryna check u out oof boy he snapped 
“what are u looking at she’s mine u flat ass”
u guys aren’t seatmates but he’d literally push ur seatmate mark lee away so he can sit with u 
“get away im lee haechan aka y/n��s boyfriend” 
and whenever it gets cold and u fall asleep in the classroom he’d silently wrap ur body w his sweater or jacket 
hanging out at the canteen with the dreamies!! 
haechan would literally steal your food when you look away 
and out of anger and annoyance you’d pull his hair literally 
you guys would literally chase each other haha 
god hes so annoying 
but i love him 
btw hes such a bad influence 
you guys will be doing the baekhyun’s candy dance challenge in the school’s hallway!!
u’ve never ever skipped ur class in ur entire life until like u guys met and got closer im srs 
“duDe aren’t you bored? this class is so boring i might die lets sneak out together and ill buy u food” 
“shut up im trying to focus here dumbass” 
“u can’t tell me what to do” 
“im gonna get in trouble again if i follow all the things that u said wtf-”
“well u only live once oh come on please pls-” he replied back w his pouty lips and u know that kind of sad cute eyes 
“what food where” 
“um me cus im a snack-” 
“i bet u taste horrible-” 
“oh no i mean im a wholemeal and i bet u taste even more horrible” 
“right now im not even surprised if i have a damn high blood pressure bcus of u”, you replied to him 
“me too bcus u’re old”
the no ending bickering jsjs it’s a MUST 
he loves to pick a fight w u for no reason man I SWEAR TO GOD
no bickering, no haechan
no haechan, no life
bcus he thinks ure cute when ure about to explode and get upset 
omg remember when he talked about renjun being cute whenever they bicker and he makes him feel upset uwu
he be gettin all the attention skrrrttt skrt
but anyways u guys ended up skipping class and went to eat at ur favorite restaurant or whatevahh 
he attac but he also protec 
u guys went to his house after chillin and eating at the restaurant cus why nOt 
it’s normal sometimes u would spend ur time at his house or he’d come to ur house so that u guys can spend ur time together ehe 
spending time at his house with him is so much fun even his parents adore u 
his room would be filled w michael jackson’s songs, ur and his loud laughter, a lot of love and just pure affection uwu 
u guys would study together and help each other whenever one of u have trouble in understanding smthg, eat and even cook together eventho it’d be a mess, play games, listen to the playlist that he made for u, listen to his smooth  honey voice singing to u, dancing w just the two of u together like u guys are just vibin y knoww 
he might be a pain in the ass kind of boyfriend but deep inside his love for u is soooo deep u can’t even see 
he has this special soft spot for u but he doesnt rlly show it but its obvious most of the time lol 
“hi baby”
“im literally sitting beside u haechan” 
“hello my name is haechan” 
you giggled, “what’s up, baby?”
“um nothing but like have u ever thought about your weakness? do you even like exactly know what are some of ur actual weakness is?” he suddenly asked
“honestly yeah i do think about it a lot and yea i know what are some of my main weakness is it’s quite...a lot”
“what is it?” 
haechan pulls u closer into his arms till u guys are like in a cuddling position next to each other on his bed and then he plays w ur fingers w full of love as u continue
“hmm like um failing? like i can’t accept my own failures” u hold his hand while stroking it up and down gently 
he might be annoying and always love to tease u nonstop and like how u guys would bicker and everything 
BUT having a deep heart to heart conversation w him is the best 
he loves it and treasures it so much and so do u 
he’s very attentive and a genuine good listener, like when he listens to u, he ACTUALLY listens 
he knows when to be goofy and tease u and when to actually be serious 
“failures? baby, you’ve been doing great and working so hard especially in your studies! I can’t even do it like you and in fact you’re the smartest person I’ve ever met and known” 
you shrugged, “I mean yeah sure but like I feel like I’ve been lacking a lot especially in my maths! you know how I’ve always dreamed of studying actuarial science for my uni major and it’s rlly deadass tough-”
haechan then holds ur chin up so that u can look at him and he cups ur cheek as he looks at u softly 
“hey, if you fall, I also fall. I’m not letting you give up so come on what do u need help with ur maths? I can help and teach u” 
you chuckled as ur eyes met his eyes and sigh, “hey, thank you for existing, hyuck. really.” 
he smooches ur whole face and coos at u, “no problem, I’m ur fullsun” uwu 
haechan wants to go to the bathroom so he stands up from the bed before making his way 
“hey wait, wait a second, I have something to tell u before u go to the bathroom-”, you said trying to stop him 
he looks at you with a curiosity, “hm, what is it?” 
“your breath...smells kinda bad just now” 
he rolls his eyes showing his disbelieved facial expression, “i swear to god don’t even start you-” 
and thennnn it beginsss 
anyways u guys spent ur time together in his room that day with him teaching u maths in the topic that u had hard time understanding and solving it 
hes so good at teaching and explaining that u can’t help but to stare at him in awe 
“sTop checking me ouT” 
“wtf hyuck i aM noT” 
jamming to love again while studying together!!
after like half an hour, u guys wanna take a break and u wanna eat some snack so u go to the kitchen 
haechan wraps his arms around your waist as he snuggles his face into your neck, “I thought you want a snack” 
“babe, i’m trying to cut these oranges stop bothering me” you replied to him while struggling with cutting the oranges 
to be honest ure not really good with cutting fruits :’) but u love oranges 
ten can’t relate oops 
haechan watches u from behind with his arms still wrapping tightly around ur waist and stops u
“hMm wait hold up, who the heck cuts an orange like that-” 
“I-I actually am not really good at cutting fruits-”, you replied as u look at him
he giggles while shaking his head, “shut up you’re cute” 
he then proceeds to hold your hand and fingers holding the knife carefully as he stands still behind u and shows u the right way to cut the orange at the same time teaching u slowly too
isn’t he lovely made from love 
you guys would always end up watching the same movie haha
so the two of u lie beside each other on the couch w some of the snacks that u guys prepared at the kitchen 
cuddling is a must!!! 
he prefers to be the big spoon and u the smol spoon 
but when he doesn’t feel well or stressed out, you’d be the big spoon 
he loves to wrap his arms around your waist and just having your hand in his hand
he would kiss your knuckles and stare at u but as in like lovingly and admiringly 
he loves giving u smooches and lil kisses all over ur face eventho u might act disgusted but u love it too deep inside lol 
“hey, look at me” he whispers to u as he entangled his legs w urs 
pls just look at him or else he’d make u suffer with his otteoke otteoke song aegyo 
anyways the movie got boring so u just get closer to him and lay your head on his shoulder while putting ur left arm around his waist tightly 
“hyuck baby, sing me a song”, you telling him 
“you’re my missing puzzle piece”, he starts singing softly in ur ears while playing with your hair gently using his delicate fingers 
you rub his cheek slowly as u admiring his tanned skin, the details on his face and his beautiful honey brown eyes 
then u fell asleep 
he pulls the blanket nearby the couch and wrap the blanket around the two of you tightly so warm like a tortilla 
haechan looks at u w that soft eyes for awhile and smile before closing his eyes
“7 days a week, I’ll always hover by your side”, he whispers lightly 
“I love you”, you mumbled before going back to sleep 
“I love you too, idiot.” 
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Haha krebs saying “fuck you, little bitch” was the funniest thing ever. They probs swear so much on the ice lol .
Yess I would need a floatie! I want Jamie to live hehe. Somebody would definitely flip the floatie. Please teach us! I need to practice a bit. Also why do I get the feeling that the boys would give you the nickname “mermaid” just me ??. Yes you and dylan are elite! But would you win a fight tho?? Against me and Braden? I choose him as my partner cuz he’s solid. The photos in the water would be amazing because everybody looks real hot in water yk? With like the hair slicked back and everything.
Wait we totally forgot about jet skiing w them! Racing would be so fun
Ooo damn you are the aggressive girl, I’d be scared lol. I can guarantee that a chain reaction would happen lol, at least you can fall on dyl.
Yesss we wanna be d1 athletes! I’m not sure yetttt but I’m going to be apply to the states and in Canada to be safe. Wbu?
The tennis fits would be amazing, us in high ponytails 🥵. Yes ! I can finally have a person to take photos with lol. Pffff maybe, honestly if I was teaching I would probably get hit in the face w a racquet lmaoo.
Our log ride team would be 🤌. I know! I feel like the guys would have high pitched screams? Or would loudly swear and the moms would just look at us! The photos do not do us justice. Ooo yes, I would probably sit behind you or behind Dylan because I want him to hold you lol.
Fun story : I went to Disney land w my bro years ago and over went on California screamin at the time and when we saw the photo, my seat is empty ! Like my brother is there but next him the seat is just empty. How does that even happen?.
Please send me your hoodie collection I am lacking lol . Tennis tourneys never give out hoodies lol . Only hockey apparently so I stole my guy friends hoodie lol.
Dressing cute for the club is a musttt. Are you more of a dress type of girl or a skirt type of girl. Like what’s your style?. We need to slay the photos 😜
Me too! I get those vibes from him as well. Can he just spin me !! Apparently our assigned dance partners are you +Jamie, me and bo, me and Ryan and you and Braden! I’m also dancing the Macarena w quinner hehe.
Have you ever had a drink? Just asking for the next thing I’m going to write lol .
I love chipotle but only have it when I’m in the states, we have mucho burrito hehe .
I just want this to happen sm that it gives me ideas ! We are connecting 💕
lmao saying “fuck you, little bitch” has become my thing when i’m mad after hearing krebs say it at wjc. and yeah i’m sure they swear all the time on the ice and we just don’t hear it lol
hahha yes i’ll teach all of you so no one drowns lol. if any of the guys tried to call me mermaid i would probably punch them lmao, idk why i just can’t stand having cutsie nicknames like that. ig i just feel like they don’t fit my personality idk? and yes me and dylan would definitely win bc i’m the aggressive one lol. also bc i’m way to fucking competitive for my own good. and yesss water pics are the hottest
omg yes that would be so fun to go jet skiing with them! and then racing them and then chirping them when we beat them
oooh yeah that’s smart to apply both places. rn i’m looking mostly at cornell, bc, bu, and maybe umich but i still have to get my times down a bit for all of those schools
whenever i wear high ponytails i kind of look like ariana grande lmao. but yes our fits would be amazing and we could take such cute pics so i could finally post on my insta lol. hahha i would probably laugh if you got hit in the face, no offense i just laugh whenever anyone else gets injured bc i get injured so often i’m used to it
lmaooooo if any of the guys screamed high pitched i would die laughing. or they would just be swearing and we would make all the parents in the park hate us lol. hahha yes the pictures do us so dirty, like how tf did you not even show up in it? lol you making dylan sit behind me so he can hold me, i love that
hehe yeah my hoodie collection is huge bc it’s all from different regional meets, so i’m sure i could spare a couple for you lol. but i wear my hoodies all the time lol. ma’am you’re so lucky, i wish i could have someone’s hockey hoodie even if we were just friends
yess we would slay in our clubbing pics. i’m not really much of a dress of skirt girl, i’m more of like ripped jeans with one of those sheer shirts and a cute bralette under it, but if i see like a really cute skirt or dress i’ll cave and wear it. 
ok i’m down with those partners, i would love to dance with jamie that would be so cute 🥺 but also braden is so underrated so i would love to dance with him too! and yes you would be so cute with bo or ryan. hehe teaching quinner the macarena. whenever we have to do wallsits for dryland me and the guys will start doing the macarena lol
lol yeah, i get nicer stuff with my parents, but they barely let me drink any like maybe half a drink. and then with my friends white claws bc that’s the easiest for us to get lol
omggg yes i’m so happy you love chipotle too, some of my irls hate it and i’m just like how? but if we were in canada i would definitely try mucho burrito
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Okay so I have an oc names is Arbany her quirk is indestructible wings and telekinesis and I would like u to do her x Bakugo where they fight and he say something that hurts her feelings and she later has a fight with some villains and almost die and whatever else u wanna add but an happy ending if that’s not too much for you I don’t wanna stress u out and if u don’t wanna do it it’s fine or if you have an better idea I will gladly take that thank u so much again I love you work take care 💕💕💕
A/N : omggg tysm for requesting and you’re so sweet ahhhh!! It actually means the world to me!
Apologises if she’s ooc, I’m not really sure what her personality is like.
Bakugou x oc
Warnings : violence/fighting, swearing
Words : 3,800
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Arbany had met Bakugou during the June of their first year in high school, meeting each other for the first time when her school Shiketsu High bumped into his. The impression they left on each other wasn’t the best. She remembered him as the foul mouthed, egoistic boy with a superiority complex, and he saw her as a good for nothing brat with one too many words and nothing but a dumb set of wings.
She had managed to knock him off his pedestal after she received her hero licence before he had and it sparked rivalry of sorts, Bakugou vowing that he would never lose to her again. They had stayed in contact after Kirishima asked for her number, adding her to a group chat with himself, Bakugou and a few more of their friends.
Soon, unbeknown to any of their other mutual friends, they had began to text privately, and she often found herself rushing to the phone whenever his special notification sounded. They would often take about modern day affairs, the latest updates on well known heroes and villains, and sometimes they would open up and talk about themselves, asking each other for advice on certain things or how their day went.
It wasn’t long before Arbany found herself developing a massive crush on him. Sure his attitude was brash and unnecessarily rude, but that didn’t mean he was a terrible person, in fact he did care a lot, and she supposed he just tried hard not show it for some odd reason or another.
They would meet up regularly, normally at places that were a few train stations away from their houses. The distance between their schools wasn’t incredibly big, but it did take at least an hour to get to one place from another, so they compromised with spots in the middle. On specials occasions, when it was their birthdays or a pubic holiday, one would wait by the school gates of the other.
This led to their classmates noticing and hence teasing them about each other. On Arbany’s side, her face would flush, ears light pink as her friends made comments about shipping them whereas on the other side of town, Bakugou would scream threats as his friends laughed.
Eventually, they started dating. It was a few weeks into the second year and Bakugou had asked her out during a picnic in a field with a wreath of fresh flowers that he had hidden in his backpack and a necklace. It was cheesy, and he was embarrassed the entire time, his cheeks dusted with red, letting out small curses every now as then, but he decided the massive smile on who was now his girlfriend’s face was worth him putting down his ego and taking the first step.
In the following autumn, Arbany had transferred into his school for the last year, after her parents moved for their jobs, she decided to finish off her second year at Shiketsu before joining her parents closer to UA. She was understandably upset at leaving behind her good friends, however being with her boyfriend of nearly a year and also his friends, who she was pretty close to as well, helped cheer her up significantly.  
“Arbany!” Mina called, waving her over to the side of the gym. She walked over, pulling on her sports jumper as Aizawa began telling them of today’s training lesson. It was a 1v1 spar with no quirks and he gave everyone the choice to choose a partner.
“Are you going to spar Bakugou?” Mina asked.
Arbany started, “Possibly I-” before cutting herself off as she watched the blonde stomp towards Midoriya.
“Fight me Deku.” he shouted.
She laughed slightly, shaking her head before turning back to Mina. “I think I’ll choose someone I rarely train with.” she said, to which the latter nodded.
“Alright, you better not loose!” she cheered before walking off. Arbany looked around, catching sight of Todoroki standing alone.
“Hey Todoroki!” she called out, smiling as he turned around. “Would you like to be my partner?”
He nodded politely, before the pair began walking to an empty marked area of the hall. Her physical skill was only a few hairs short of Todoroki’s, him often catching to smallest openings and attacking. She stepped back in a wide stance, bringing her leg up which he blocked, before jumping up and swinging the other leg. He dodged, stepping backwards as she swung up, about to land a punch when a sudden large explosion sounded.
“The hell?” she jumped back, whipping her head around to see a large charred dent in the floor of the hall.
“Bakugou! This is a no quirk exercise.” Aizawa shouted, using his scarf to hold the younger boy back from continuing to attack Midoriya. “Are you alright Midoriya?”
She felt a small pang of guilt. Maybe if she had spotted Bakugou’s increasing anger towards the other boy, then she could have possibly prevented this. Maybe she should’ve payed more attention to her own boyfriend.
“I’ll take him to nurse’s office.” she offered, walking towards the boy and pulling on his arm.
“It’s alright I’m fine.” Midoriya protested, shaking his head but she tugged on his arm again and he followed without much more complaint. In the background she could hear Bakugou screaming at her to leave the damn nerd alone but she simply ignored him.
After leaving the hall, she slowed down her pace, letting go of his arm. “I’m sorry about Katsuki, I’m not sure why he even thought something like that would be acceptable.” she sighed, rubbing her forehead as Midoriya awkwardly chuckled.
“It’s not your fault don’t worry.” he reassured her.
“No it’s not.” she huffed out frustrated, “but maybe I could’ve talked him out of pulling something like this.”
Midoriya shook his head. “I think we need to sort it out between ourselves.” he said. “There’s no need to blame yourself Arbany.”
She nodded and sighed, stepping into the nurse’s office after him and looking around for any burn ailments.
Bakugou was seething. He detested the thought of his girlfriend together with the only person on earth that he utterly loathed. As soon as class ended, he rushed off to find Arbany, spotting her near their classroom and pulling her to the side.
“Why are you hanging out with the damn Deku.” Bakugou asked.
She sighed, grimacing. “I was not ‘hanging out’ with him, I went to treat him for a burn that you caused.” she answered, pointing a figure to his chest.
“He could’ve easily taken care of that himself.” he muttered.
“No Katsuki. He could’ve easily not been hurt at all if you just learn how to grow up.”
He could feel himself shaking with anger as he clenched his fists. “What the fuck do you mean I need to grow up.”
“Katsuki you are literally an adult next year, stop acting like a child towards someone who literally hasn't done anything to deserve this hate.”
“So you’re defending him now?”
“Yes! Yes I am because I think you’re being utterly unreasonable.”
“I don’t get you. You’re my girlfriend and yet-”
“Exactly! I’m your girlfriend and you should listen to me when I tell you what you’re doing something wrong. I care about you and that’s exactly why I’m not going to condone this behaviour.”
“But he’s just a fucking loser-” He stopped shouting to hold his head with his hand, rubbing his temple. “Look, I didn’t pull you over for a fight.”
“Well I’m not sure what you expected pulling a stunt like that.”
“Look I can explain-”
“You literally attempted to kill him. For what reason? Because he’s your rival?”
“No because-”
The sound of a phone ringing cut him off. “Hold on, let me take this.” she said, side stepping away and bringing the phone up to her ear.
“Hello? Arbany speaking.”
“Hello Arbany, you are being requested for a case.”
“Alright, I’m coming right now.”
“Mirio is waiting for you at the front gates.”
“Thank you.” she said before hanging up the phone, turning around. “Listen I’ve got a job now, but don’t you dare think this conversation is over Bakugou Katsuki.”
“Wait- Arbany!”
She ignored him, rushing off back to the classroom to gather her bag before running down the hallway and stairs. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs, telling herself to stay calm as she slowly counted to 10 before regaining her composure. “You’re okay Arbany, you can do this.” she said to herself, pushing open the main doors and quickly walking to the school’s front gate.
“Mirio!” she called out, a smile plastered on her face as she threw her bag in the back seat and climbed into the passenger’s seat.
“Hey Arbany.” he replied, throwing her and earpiece before starting the engine and speeding down the road as she put on her seat belt, catching herself with her hand as the car lurched forward.
“Woah, slow down or you’re going to hit someone.” she laughed, securing the piece around her ear.
“I’ll be careful, but today’s job is really urgent.” he said, and she grimaced at the lack of a single hint of humour in his voice.
“Well that sucks, who is it?”
“The League again.” he sighed.
“Seriously? I’ve never met them before.” she answered, a pang of excitement hitting her as she was finally going to face the area’s most infamous villains.
“Really? They’ve been all over your class since first year.”
“Oh damn. I transferred this year so I guess I missed all of the fun stuff.” she answered.
“Well, I wouldn’t say fun.” he replied with a small laugh. “Your boyfriend did end up kidnapped for a good few days.”
She huffed at the word boyfriend and this caused Mirio to loosen up and actually laugh for one time in their journey. His usual upbeat self was incredibly tense and Arbany noticed as soon as she heard his less than enthusiastic greeting. “What did he do this time?”
“Arh.” She put her head in her hands before looking back up and staring at the traffic light. “I don’t even know, he just acts like a child like oh my fucking god Katsuki you’re turning 18 next year and you’re still trying to kill this poor bean over some childhood superiority complex.” she ranted, throwing her hands up in the air, hitting the car’s ceiling by accident.
“That sounds like him.” Mirio laughed, turning the corner, them both now spotting a massive colour of smoke.
“Well shit.” she cursed, tightening her grip on her seat belt as she saw a few people running away from the general direction. “Care to brief me in on which fucker might have done this?”
“Most likely Dabi.” he replied. “He’s the most active member who has a fire quirk. Just a warning, they may possibly have nomus.”
He pulled over to the side of the road, a sticker on his car’s windscreen showing that he was okay to do what would have otherwise been illegal parking. She got out of the car, running towards the scene. “Damn I don’t even have my hero suit on.” she complained under her breath, jumping into the air and with a flap of her wings she was above, looking down towards the scene.
“[hero name] here reporting for duty.” she called out after turning the ear piece on.
“Alright Arbany, your job is to make sure all civilians are out of the area.”
“Understood.” she answered, starting by doing a massive lap around the burning building with her wings. Spotting a pair walking towards it’s general direction, she swooped down and guided them to another route, before flying back up.
Getting closer to the building her eye caught sight on a fairly unburnt rooming, severely out of place considering the entire building was up in roaring flames and smoke. She slowly made her way to, realising a fairly young woman had been using her quirk to fireproof the room, but visibly growing tired. Arbany banged harshly on the window, getting no response as the woman remained leaning against her bed, almost motionless apart from the slight turn of her head, her eyes widening at the fact that someone had noticed her.
Arbany landed on the balcony, stepping back before swinging her leg up and shattering the window. She reached inside and unlatched the door, walking in hurriedly and placing her hands underneath the woman’s knees and back.
“Are you alright miss?” she asked, lifting her up and exiting the building.
She closed her eyes, a faint smile on her lips. “Thank you...”
“It’s alright.” Arbany replied, dropping to the ground at the sight of an ambulance, passing the woman over to a health worker. “Have some rest.” she said before jumping back into the air.
Before she could even travel another few feet, something at an incredible speed knocked into her from behind, sending her shooting down into the ground. “Fuck!” she screamed, wrapping her wings around her as she plummeted into the concrete.
“Arbany? Are you alright?” her ear piece sounded.
“Oh my fucking god.” she cried out, standing back up with a wobble and turning to see a massive lump of muscle and flesh flying in the sky. “Holy shit that thing is ugly.” she snorted, rolling back her shoulders to ease the tension as she most likely had to face that thing.
“That’s a nomu. Try not to engage in contact.”
“I think it’s a bit too late for that.” she responded as it started flying down towards her at a rapid speed.
“We’re sending another pro hero your way. Stay on your toes until then.”
“Alright.” she answered, focusing her mind on the incoming nomu and trying to stop it with her telekinesis. It slowed down considerably, no longer a blur in the sky, however she knew that once it reached her, even with a swing of it’s arm, she would be toast.
She couldn’t take her eyes off it otherwise he telekinesis would cease to work, so slowly she flew back into the air. The nomu changed it’s direction of path and sped towards her. She watched it intently as it grew closer and closer and by the time it was arms distance, she forced all of her energy onto it. It slowed down even more, and with that, she flew up, waiting for it be directly underneath her, before hardening her wings and burying them into it’s muscles as knifes.
It let out an ear piercing howl and with that she focused her telekinesis onto her leg, giving it extra as she stomped downwards on the nomu’s body. It started falling almost instantly, yet in that minuscule time frame, it had grabbed onto her ankle, pulling her down as well. With a shift of it’s body, it launched Arbany down towards the ground with it’s immense strength.
“Fuck.” she screamed. Her wings couldn’t catch any updraft of air so she resorted to encasing herself in her wings again. She hit the ground with a massive crash, the things around her becoming debris as she lay still in the dent in the ground.
In the quick seconds this had all occurred, she had forgotten to unharden her wings. She groaned in frustration at her stupidity as she felt an overwhelming pain in her side.
“Well fuck I might be out of commission soon.” she announced, roughly pulling out one of her feathers out of her side and tying her clothes tightly around the wound.
“You can stop Arbany, Endeavour has made it to your area.”
“I’m gonna keep helping until I can’t move anymore.” she muttered, standing up slowly as she winced at her side wound. She fell in pain as she stretched out her wings. Her wings were indestructible yes, the bones in them could never break, however that didn’t mean the rest of her body was too. The muscles connecting her wings to her back had been severely injured in the fall.
She felt utterly useless. She was a combat hero as much as a rescue one but she had essentially failed at both tasks. She watched as the nomu burned up in flames, still rushing towards Endeavour in a rage. With the last part of her energy, she focused and stopped most of it’s movements, and he sent another fire attack it’s way. With it unable to dodge or even shake out the flames, it slowly burnt up. She guessed this one was the regenerative type the others had encountered before.
With a small nod, satisfied at her help, she leaned against a wall and said “Alright well I’m gonna take a quick nap.”
“Arbany you are still in the battlefield, open your eyes right now!” She winced at the shouting in her ear and grumbled.
“Fine fine, I’m leaving.” she slowly started limping away, her hand on the wall to steady her and she made her way back to the main road. Spotting the ambulance again she stood up straight to walk over, missing the curb and falling flat on her face.
She felt fatigue wash over her as she rested her head on the concrete. Her head was spinning uncontrollably and she closed her eyes shut, hearing people running over to her as she slowly faded away.
“Kacchan I’m guessing you’re going to visit Arbany right now?” Midoriya asked as Bakugou strolled into the kitchen.
“What?” he scowled, turning his attention to the other boy with a glare.
“Wait you haven’t heard?”
“Do I look like I have Deku? Fucking spit it out already.”
“R-right, Arbany’s in hopsital after the villain attack by the-”
“Are you fucking with me Deku? I swear to god.”
“N-no I’m not!” he quickly answered, shaking his head before getting out his phone and turning to the most recent screenshot. “It’s on the news.”
Bakugou snatched the phone off him, his eyes squinted as he hurriedly read the small test. “Fuck.” he said, tossing the phone back to him absentmindedly as he rushed out of the kitchen, grabbing someone’s random jacket that was rested on the couch before running out of the door.
He sprinted all the way to the front gate, propelling himself with his quirk. He stopped at a main road, waving down a taxi aggressively before jumping inside and demanding they go to the nearest hospital. He tapped his feet impatiently as the drive there felt so agonisingly long. His eye watched digital distance measurer and calculator, pulling out what he assumed to be more than enough cash.
“Just park here.” he demanded as the hospital came into view.
“Sir I can’t-”
“Just fucking park here.” he shouted, the timid guy agreeing and stopping the car. He slammed the cash onto the dashboard before bolting out.
“Sir your change.” the driver called out.
“Keep it for all I care.” he shouted back, not sparing another glance as he ran into the hospital, knocking into a few people and almost colliding with a few more.
“Arbany. Arbany [L/N]” he said at the front desk as he almost started shouting at the receptionist for how slow he felt she was going.
“Second floor, room 214.” she said and he nodded, rushing to the elevators.
“Please refrain from running in here.” she called out from behind him. “This is a hospital, not a playground.”
He disregarded her words, pressing the up button multiple times, watching the floors come down to the ground, stepping in and pressing the 2. He soon reached her room, knocking before entering. She sat up on the bed, grimacing slightly as her side throbbed.
“Fucking hell, what were you thinking.” he said, sitting down next to her. His words were harsh but she could hear the genuine worry in them.
“Funny thing right, I did this to myself.” she chuckled, pouting when he didn’t show any reaction to her lightheartedness expect sighing.
“You idiot. Do you know how worried I was when I heard that. And if was from that nobody Deku as well.” he rubbed his eyes, his lips drawn up in a tight grimace.
She kissed her teeth. “Yeah, we’ve got to sort out what problem you have with Midoriya.”
“Fuck that brat, don’t think you can just change the conversation topic. What the fuck were you doing out there to get you landed in this bloody hell.” he threw his hands up, but his tone remained worried, making sure not to raise his voice at her.
“I’m a hero Katsuki, of course there are going to be injuries now and then.” she reasoned.
“I know.” he breathed out. He knew too that it was inevitable. They were both aiming to be pro hero and such a path like that wouldn’t be smooth sailing. “I know, I just...”
She stayed silent, not rushing him to go on as she wrapped her fingers around his. He clasped her hand in both of his, bringing them up to his head as he looked down at the bed. “I was scared.” he whispered.
Her heart melted at his words. It was almost never that someone like Bakugou would put down his pride to admit something like that. She reached over with her other hand, stroking his hair as he continued. “They wrote about you as if you were in some life threatening condition.”
She giggled. “That’s the media for you.”
“I, I thought I might lose you.” he said. She felt him shaking and pulled him towards her, wrapping her arm around him.
“I’m not going to leave you, you dummy.” she assured him. “I promise.”
He pulled back, flicking her on the forehead. “You better, otherwise I’m gonna follow you to hell and beat your ass.”
“Hey!” she pouted. “Who says I’d end up in hell anyways.”
“Pfft, and you’re going to heaven then?”
“In your dreams.” he snorted.
She laughed at him before they fell into a silence, fiddling with his fingers as he simply just stared her.
“What’s up sweatpea?” she asked, tilting her head to the side and trying to read his expression.
“I love you dumbass.”
“Ew gross.” she laughed as he glared at her. “I’m just joking, ow! Don’t hit me I’m injured.”
Leaning back on the bed and away from him, she stuck her tongue out. “Say it back.” he demanded.
She squinted her eyes at him. “Are you sure you’re not the injured one Katsuki?”
He huffed and crossed his arms. “Fine then. Be like that.”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding oh my god.” she rolled her eyes, leaning forwards to peck him on the lips.
“I love you too, you baby.”
If it wasn’t for her being injured, he might have blown her to pieces in sheer embarrassment.
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istgimamess · 4 years
Moodboard Ship(s): NCT and TXT...
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"...hiii my love !! how are you ? i hope you're well ashaja it is now my turn to threaten so yes you better be well or else 🔪 aahha.
may i get a moodboard ship with nct and txt please ? if not two then either of them is fine love !! thank you so muchh you're absolutely an angel and im so happy to have you as a friend. we need to talk more truly..."
In NCT I ship you with...
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Your moodboard:
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“Why do I get the feeling our relationship is backwards?” he asks as he wanders into your room, shrugs his jacket off, and hangs it over the back of your desk chair. You stare at his back, perplexed. Why was he here? “Isn’t it usually the girl who always wants to talk about feelings and the guy who bottles everything up inside?” he continues, his words finally catching up to you. Relationship? Feelings?
“I don’t bottle things up,” you shoot back, unable to clearly process the deeper meaning behind his words. Well, there is an imaginary box you like to hide things in, but that’s different—you think, in afterthought. “Right.” he responds, concurring. You can practically taste the sarcasm, his usual honey-like voice dripping with it. 
“Why—” you clear your throat, “Why are you here?” There’s a brief pause—not too long, but still long enough for your palms to begin to garner sweat. “Give me the setting sun, and I’ll be a richer man than most.” his voice is soft, almost as if he’s whispering. His hand reaches back in a swift motion, and he’s pulling off his shirt. As pure reflex you lower your gaze, but not before catching sight of his wings. They flutter momentarily, the sheer pink reflection catching in the setting sun. “For never have I seen gold like that which glows above the earth. Give me the night sky, and I’ll be the richest man for sure. For never have I seen diamonds like those that dance beside the moon.” he continues, back still facing you. You just barely recognize the scripture, fae are an ancient breed who take tradition very seriously. They have scriptures for everything—some more important than others. Your gut tells you this specific scripture is important. You begin to panic, wracking your brain for any clue as to what he’s saying to you—what he means.
And that’s when you see it, tucked beneath his left shoulder blade, almost hidden by his wing. A tattoo. Tattoos, to fae specifically, are much more than body art. They’re not meant for fun, they’re a declaration. A promise. A vow. You swallow your shock, narrowing your eyes to get a better look at the art. It’s small, delicate—but it also sticks out amongst his smooth, wide back.  You open your mouth to question him but your words die in place, your tongue suddenly feels thick, heavy in your mouth. It’s your name—the intricate design, the complex lines. This was more than a friend showing another friend some body art. This was a confession of the highest degree. A confession a fae of royalty should not be making to a simple human.
 “That’s incredible, Jaehyun. It is. But—" you swallow loudly in the quiet room, your heart jumping erratically in your chest.
“No." He turns around. "No buts. You think I'm going to hurt you? You think I'm going to get bored and run off with some undergrounder, some fairy, the first chance I get?” his eyes are piercing, dark with frustration. “You obviously have no idea how amazing you are. You are incredible, and I want you.” you take a step back, suddenly overwhelmed by his proximity, what he’s saying. “Every part of you. I want your stubbornness and your sarcasm and your competitive spirit. I want you challenging me and fighting beside me.” His large hands settle around your shoulders, pulling you closer. You resist—holding your hand on his chest—keeping him at a distance. What if one of the guards saw? “I want to hold you and kiss you and so much more because there's no one else in the world who knows me like you do. You have always been the one for me, even when we couldn't stand each other.” he lowers his voice, and suddenly everything becomes much more intimate. “You're beautiful, and you're more intelligent than any fairy I've met. It just feels right when you're beside me. It feel like I've been lost in the desert for years, and...I've finally come home.” he finishes, winded like he’s ran a marathon.
His dark eyes trace your features, gently removing your hand from his chest, closing the distance between you slowly. And, instead of fighting it like you should, you close your eyes and let yourself go. You feel the muscles of his shoulder beneath your hand. The frame his arms create is strong, secure, but you want those arms tighter around you. You want there to be no space at all between you.
As if reading your mind, he closes the distance. Tilting your chin up—his lips drawing you in—your breath becoming one. You want him so badly. You want to kiss him, laugh with him, cry with him, share every waking moment of your life with him because no matter how many awful things he's done in the past, you can't shake the undeniable feeling that when his arms are around you, you’re home.
In TXT I ship you with...
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Your moodboard:
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“I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trelon. I have spent the night with the Duke of Death and left with both my sanity and my life.” he’s ranting now, his wide eyes holding you in place, hands frantically waving about. “I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during the day. I have talked to gods, slept with sirens, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.” you cock your eyebrow, patiently waiting for him to get to the point. 
“You have to have heard of me.” he balks at your impassive expression. 
“Your highness,” you resist the urge to roll your eyes. “I know who you are, I just don’t care.” The absolute shock that momentarily paints his handsome features has you holding back a laugh. “But—” now you do roll your eyes, already bored with the conversation. 
“Your highness, I’m here to teach you—not indulge your ego. You’re going to be king soon—” he cuts you off, abruptly. “I do not wish to be king.” there’s an edge to his voice, a hard set to his jaw. You take a deep breath. “That doesn’t change the fact that you will be.” There’s a dark, forlorn and almost heartbreaking look in his eyes—it’s sudden and it’s gone as fast as it appeared—but it’s enough to stop you in your tracks. You swallow down the insult that was steadily making its way up your throat and you look at him, really look. Despite all of his accomplishments, if you wish to call sharing a chamber with a siren an accomplishment, he still just a kid. And suddenly your heart hurts for him,
“I once knew a troll who was heir to the throne of a great kingdom, he lived as a ranger and fought his destiny to sit on a throne but in his blood he was a king.” you say offhandedly, gazing out the large window to the east woodlands. You can feel the snap of his gaze on you. “I also knew a fae who was the king of a small kingdom, it was very small and his throne very humble.” you smile to yourself, remembering how delighted you were to meet such a respectable court. “He and his people were all brave and worthy conquerors.”
He takes a step towards you, you feel his eyes settle on your own—but you keep your gaze resolutely out the window. “And I knew a vampire who sat on a magnificent throne of a big and majestic kingdom, but he was not a king at all, he was only a cowardly steward.” you confessed quietly, suddenly overwhelmed by the memory of such a cruel ruler. Your eyes must reflect your feelings on the matter because the prince steps in front of you, cutting off your line of sight to the great woods.  “Why are you telling me this?” he questions, his tone lowered to match yours. 
You finally concede, looking up and catching his eyes. “Because I want you to know. You will be the king of a great kingdom, human or not—whether you want it or not—you will be the king, even if you live in naivety.”  His gaze darkens as you turn around and reach for a book on the 9 woodland kingdoms, the kingdoms you’re meant to teach the prince about, thoroughly; the book is old and worn, it smells like burnt leaves.  “My lady, I did not think you could answer it.” his voice cuts through the sudden silence. You tilt your head in his direction, for the first time, curious. “Answer what?” you voice, confusion etched in your features.
“Your calling, of course. When my father took you from your home without your leave—and set value only on your gift—I questioned your knowledge on the subject matter at hand.” he rounds the table, holding your gaze hostage. “But I am answered truly. You have given fair return for insult thrice over and set your worth: higher than my life and all my kingdom and all who live therein.”
He comes to a stop in front of you, yet again, this time much closer than before. “And though you can send my people to the fire, I can claim no debt to repay. It would be justly done.” his whispered words catch you off guard—the implication, the suggestion of a confession. You drop the book you’re holding, the noise echoing through the barren halls. 
@urirealvibekiller​ omggg you're sooo sweet 😍😭 I'm going to cryyy. But also? That knife threat sENT ME hahhahaa 😂
And no, YOUR an absolute angel! I can't get over how pretty you areeeee! Teach me your ways! 🥺
Lol I hope you like your moodboard ship(s) — It started out one way, and then I randomly got inspired by a fantasy cottage-core advertisement lmfaoooo sorry! 🥰
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159potterhead · 3 years
Oh! I thought I've to make up for it with a poetry. I'm sorry I didn't knew you were looking for hurt poem. You know I could never say no to you. So here it is;
I opened my dash to see someone flirting with you,
Wondering do you still love me too?
I thought I was in a queue,
With several other people and a small crew,
It was all so new and I didn't wanna screw,
Worrying if you see me as a residue,
I couldn't help myself but to argue,
I'm so sorry, Honey, I had no clue,
And I didn't thought it through,
It was all out of the blue,
I didn't knew it was untrue,
Wish I could fix things back with a glue,
So everything would be undo,
And it all happened so fast
I thought we are not meant to last.
(Idk. I just wasn't satisfied with the last poem it wasn't fitting into me yk and I had to do this again.)
HOLY SHITTT!!! YOU MADE THAT??? FOR ME??? ALL THOSE SONGS ARE IN ORDER OF THE ASK!!! ADVDAVSFVFS.😭😭😭😭😭 I'm crying...The very first song is photograph and I cant–I just cant– (previous gif if you remember) hold on a second man–hold on a second. THAT'S OUR SONG!!! And those Polaroid pictures ✨✨✨ THEY GIVE ME US VIBES!! THAT'S LITERALLY US IF WE EVER MEET! I want to stand in that kitchen beside you. I want to cuddle with you on a rainy night and fall asleep like that with our arms entangled around each other ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm really crying this is really modern version of DEAN'S TOP 13 ZEPP TRAXX!!! (I'm really crying no one has ever done anything like this for me❤️ I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH😘😘) Are you like a person??? Coz I still can't believe you exists!! Can you believe this people my gf just made me a mixtape, and I falling more in love with her!!😘🤗 Get your dress I'm marrying you righ away my beloved!!! I don't care if people won't make it to the Avenue. I'M HIGH ON YOUR LOVE TODAY!!💕💕💞💞💞💞💖💖
Anything is fine by me as long as I get to marry you!! I hope you have settled on a lovely dress but I bet everything looks perfect on you coz you're so gorgeous my love😚💕🤗😍😍
You did not just say archery!! I had this craze for learning archery coz lotr phase and I loved Legolas and elfs. I find it hot. Yeah, I know that trick I've been a victim of it too. But for Archery my parents were like learn some useful skill coz you can't run around with a bow and arrow all the time if some emergency happens. If there's a thief you can't just shoot him with an arrow.
(I was making a list of songs that you tell me about but you were one step ahead of me and I gotta say I didn't expected that. I really loveeeeee loveeeee youu soooo sooo muchh Loveeerrrr😘❤️💖💖)
🎶Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home, you're my, my, my, my, Looooover🎶
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ok I made another one with all the songs, and left the one I made earlier for only songs with actual “dancing” vibes
*** ohhh. oh no it’s okay you don‘t have to...😬
*** wooooooah!!! babe that was deep. I still love you, and we were meant to last!!! I promise never to make you this mad again🥺
**** the last poem was iconic pls😂 I loved it. YEESSSHDHSJJXNDKD!!!! YES IN ORDER, I’M GLAD YOU NOTICED!! yeah, our song😭😭😭 OUR SONG!!!! I KNOW RIGHHTT!!!😆💞💞 I want that too🥺❤️❤️ WAIIIIT... THIS IS GIVING ME ANOTHER IDEA😳 (awwbsjsj! I’m happy i’m the first😚) idk, am I??👽🛸 OMGGG SKISOS OK BRB💖💖✨✨✨
well... I was thinking of showing up in my pj’s🤔 unless you want me to get a dress... i’ve got just the thing in mind😌✨ but no matter how beautiful the dress is, you’re gonna wear it 10x better I just know;)
another point for our soulmates bingo!! okay that is a reasonable excuse. we really should be allowed to walk around with bows and arrows.
(I read your mind I guess😏💞 ily ily ilysm ilyyyy😚😚😚)
🎶we could leave the christmas lights up till January, and this is our place, we make the rules. and there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear, have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?🎶💕
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ahah perfect reaction!! yessss I really diddd!!!🥺💞💞💞
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