#but I can’t fucking afford it
wewontbesleeping · 1 year
btw the hardest part of my classes is trying to do it on a laptop from 2012 lol
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vilsoo · 6 months
is it a safe space to say we should bring back assassinations cuz literally our us government is just incompetent asf
mass shootings happen every day, womens rights are being taken away, ppl are living off minimum wage, the housing costs are just dreadful, cop cities are being funded, a genocide is going on and thousands of palestinian kids are dead but yeah lets just ban tiktok!! that'll solve all our problems <33
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mayonesavegana · 5 months
This whole debacle makes me think of ao3. It’s a free website (of course it’s by fans for fans and not a business) that is so good that when they ask for donations the exceed their goal every single time, they even have merch and people still just give them money because they love the site. Quality free content and profit are not exclusive from each other. If your consumers are happy you will make money no matter the price of your product.
I understand production costs and all that, but I feel like they have been making bad business decisions for a while. The distribution of viewers per video is very uneven and not all of their content popular. I can’t justify paying for a streaming service if I’m not sure of the quality and amount of content I’m going to have access to. Sure, I love puppet history and I guess I enjoy mystery files, but would I pay only for those two? No way. I don’t subscribe to HBO just to watch Rick and Morty, sure it helps that it’s in there, but I also like the DC animated series, and I could watch game of thrones I guess, and the nanny, and the Barbie movie, and Harry Potter. And a lot of shows and movies with different actors and directors and production companies.
And the people comparing this to Dropout don’t get that they have a lot of content that makes the subscription not feel like a waste of money.
Artist should get paid and be allowed to art in peace, but you can’t ask casual viewers to pay for your airplane tickets, your Tesla, your cameras, your new background and your A grade wagyu gold covered stake in china when not even your more loyal fans watch all of your content. It feels greedy and out of touch with American economy right now, but also with your international fans who can’t pay because of region restrictions or because 6 dollars in other countries is not a reasonable price for anything.
I hope they grow and that their creative dreams come true, but I feel like it will be incredibly difficult to accomplish that after the way they went about it (abruptly and with no kind of preparation) and the response they got.
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woundjob · 8 months
hi friends i know i was on here asking for money last week but i have to again bc we gotta take the dog back to the vet. she’s got an impacted anal gland and won’t keep any food down. we had to ask the landlord to wait on rent :’) any help would be appreciated, idk how much the vet visit will be but hoping to get 500ish
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acorn-alcove · 5 months
Me seeing the new watcher video knowing I’m a broke college student who cannot afford to pay another monthly subscription 😭
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ao3screenshotss · 1 year
if there’s anything i ever want ai to be able to do it’s for them to sense when i’ve taken a nap and set an alarm for half an hour
fuck privacy i need to study
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deeplord · 4 months
If u use AI art and ur anything but an artist using it as a minor tool literally fuck you and stop. Imagine showing an ai generated art to someone and being like “this is my oc” and it’s so OBVIOUSLY ai bc it always is. That’s so embarrassing for you. I would drop dead of cringe. You don’t NEED art of ur characters. Use face claims and descriptors and aesthetic boards. Edit pics in one of the billion free apps on your phone. Use models. Hero forge. Picrew. Sims 4, dragons dogma or saints row 4 character creators - ALL FREE. Learn to draw yourself in a $1 notebook from dollar general. A mash of reference photos. All that time you spend typing trying to get the perfect prompt to rip off the perfect mash of real artists to get something that vaguely resembles your character in glassy anime baby face form could be spent in a much more accurate, descriptive avenue that isn’t utterly morally bankrupt.
It’s not fucking hard. No excuses. Zero.
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zeb-z · 1 year
Cellbit who holds his shit together, pieces together the clues, and solves the issue while walking on a tightrope, where if he cannot correct for the mistakes made, the fallout would be catastrophic. He cannot fail to solve the case, he cannot fail to cure his friends, it isn’t an option in how desperate the situation has gotten.
He’s relied upon by everyone as the leader of the order, shoulders heavy with the burden. He is intense when he needs to be, gentle when a soft touch is required, and keeps his head when the situation is so intense the others are speechless.
He gets through Forevers stubbornness, reassures Pac in his sorrow and indecisiveness. It’s a fucked up scene and he handles it well because he has no other choice.
He doesn’t cry until it’s all over. Just for a second, when the moment is over, and he can take a breath of air. And even then he leads the rest of them through clean up. He makes sure Pac gets home, gets Forever to a proper place to rest, ensures the rest of the group is okay after what they just witnessed.
Then the moment he leaves the others, he finds another critical clue that he can’t just ignore or put to the back burner.
Another mystery, another crisis, another billion clues he’ll have to organize and follow up on and solve, because he’s the investigation guy, the leader of the order, and the island is counting on him. The kids are counting on him. He doesn’t get a chance to truly breathe. To fully sit down and let himself crumble, let someone, anyone, else be the strong foundation, because if he can’t solve this, who will?
Even with his family returning to him, it’s no wonder he feels so alone. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, I guess.
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ghosttotheparty · 1 year
i hate summer. i hate heat. i hate humidity. i hate bright sunlight. i hate summer. i am dying.
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bonebrokebuddy · 3 months
Hey uhhh if anyone wants to help let me have a bike again, feel free to kofi my twin bc I don’t have one. now when our shitbox breaks down I have zero alternative mode of transportation so any support would be appreciated
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justanillvampire · 3 months
So I guess I’m being signed out because I don’t want medication that could possibly hurt me. They won’t look at any other medicines and won’t do any tests until I take it… IS THAT NORMAL??? They did an ekg and some blood work but no test back yet, but they want to give me medication for the heart.
They gave me an ultimatum take it or they literally told me I’d probably die if I went home. They literally said my heart could give out and I’d die.
They weren’t not expecting me to say “that doesn’t scare me, that’s the best case scenario”
Lmao these bitches tried to guilt me into taking medication FUCK YOU HEALTH CARE!!
I’m at a different hospital now and they not only put the IV in my hand like I was told could not happen at the other place. I made sure they would be ok with me refusing medication and they said your an adult we can talk it out to see what fits best.
Absolutely don’t let drs bully you. Fuck them. Leave find somewhere better.
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why-the-heck-not · 1 year
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22.09.23, friday
Got my laptop unstuck ! So in theory it now works. But in practice? The loser’s throwing me error messages and has not downloaded the essentials. So I’m drinking wine & fighting with my laptop. Friday evening.
things done today:
half-way fixed the laptop, but still have some fuckery to deal with
went to a thrift store and found Bowie and Kiss t-shirts and a coffee cup from a random medical conference; a great thrift store haul
2 long-ish walks (20k steps babeyy, I’ve been walking)
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leverage-ot3 · 6 months
best total eclipse photos
also yall I literally got the camera safety film it just didn’t work 😭😭😭 unfortunately I didn’t get the best videos but I had a lot of fun!
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meme-ish pics under the cut
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symbiotic-slime · 4 months
I wish my body would stop self-sabotaging for once
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comradekarin · 3 months
im sorry but social media “leftists activists” are some of the most unserious people? especially twitter ones? you don’t vote, you don’t donate, you don’t endorse candidates…. hell some of you have never taken a civics class before and it shows. y’all just bitch about trivial things like flag emojis and instagram posts and fucking twitter likes? play moral high ground? distress over the current state of affairs and then do absolutely NOTHING about it? project 2025 is probably the most terrifying thing I’ve ever read, and I foresee 2016 happening all over again. for an online group of people who preach about caring about human rights and civil liberties, you’ve been doing such a great job showing that. VOTE blue
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eddiethehunted · 4 months
depressed because i am still hyperfixating on steddie and st in general but i’m just so burnt out. i can’t even recover from the burnout bc i just keep having to work and i can’t afford to not work. i can never just rest. so i have no energy to think about anything fun or even draw or write which i WANT to do!!! i just feel like a failure idk 😔 i know it isn’t like my responsibility to provide content but i like being active in fandoms!! i just have 0 energy to even do anything bc im so depressed and that just makes me more depressed 😭
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