#but I don't think it was about femininity or even necessarily beauty
slverblood · 4 months
I think what makes the most sense is if Aylin has extremely short hair for a long time post-canon, almost shaved if not shaved at times, and then eventually grows it out again. Short hair is just easier to manage when she's already struggling and overwhelmed and adjusting to life after a century of torment. She's also trying to reclaim some power over the trauma of it being cut against her will by essentially revisiting what happened except now she's in control, she's holding the shears. As well as ensuring no one can ever take her hair from her again. She's cutting it off and burning it; there's nothing for them to take. It's an imperfect way of coping, but honestly show me a perfect one.
It's a long time — I'm talking years — before she decides to grow it out again. It's part of an attempt to move beyond what's been done to her, to rediscover how she wants to look not how she thinks it's safe to look. It's another way of reclaiming autonomy and power over herself, wearing her crown of hair in spite of those who would take it from her. It's also done in memory of the people, especially the women, she loved in her past. Erlona, the Four Moons, the priestesses in the temple — hair care was a shared ritual. Even Meadowlin brushed and braided her hair. She struggles a lot with physical touch after being freed, and she's hard on herself about that; she used to be so free with it. She used to fear nothing. But, it starts with trusting Isobel to help with her hair and slowly grows to trusting other people. She has a community again; she has family and friends again; she can trust and be safe and be loved.
Maybe there will be periods where she cuts it again and grows it out and shaves half and styles it a different way and dyes it. Ultimately, it's not about the hair. It's not about beauty or even femininity. It's about what the hair means to her. Having control over her own body and how she presents it. Having a connection to the community, to the people, that were her home. Carrying those rituals of intimacy forward into new relationships, feeling safe and loved again.
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janesgms · 10 months
Asteroid Industria
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✨️ Industria (389) Persona Chart Edition ✨️
Having a 5th house stellium can indicate that you will work in the creative field or with children in general, it can also indicate that your own children will interfere in your career like bringing your children with you to your job (and this can cause problems to you depending on the planets we're talking about).
career examples: being a teacher, a pediatrician, a performer, an artist
Sun conjunct mercury indicates your job has a lot to do with communicating yourself/speaking in general, your job is a lot about languages or just communicating in general.
career examples: being a teacher (again), a singer, a mailman, etc. it reminds me of hermes in greek mythology
Having a 2nd house stellium is a huge indicator of having a job that brings you financial comfort and gains in general, you're probably the "official" supporter of the house financially.
Virgo stellium in this chart shows someone bery hardworker, to the point where it's even obsessive depending on the planets and aspects, people can even take advantage of you because you have no problem with doing the "dirty work".
7th house moon is an indicator you have a soft heart in your job space and a lot of peoole with bad intentions take advantage of your kindness, you need to set your boundaries, seriously.
3rd house venus = gossips about your love life in your job space?? 👀 just a guess
Neptune square moon can indicate that you're very uncertain or lost when it comes to choosing what your heart wants for a profession, you feel like there isn't a dream job for you and you'll just get on with life lol. I think this also applies specially if you have pisces personal placements or a stellium in this chart.
On the other side, and kind of surprisingly, moon conjunct neptune can indicate that you've always dreamt about a certain job and it fits you like a glove.
Mars in the 8th house can mean you like to work alone, secretly, you don't like to be ordered around much and you hate when people invade your privacy in your work space.
Having a libra venus in this chart can indicate your beauty and charm have a huge impact on your job.
celebrity example: Taehyung from BTS
Having a libra midheaven can mean your aesthetic has a huge impact on others, you can influenciate a lot of people from your profession.
celebrity example: Lana Del Rey
I think Taurus stellium is a huge indicator of talent and a gorgeous aura in general that makes people pulled in by you in your job space. You'll probably work in the comestics/fashion area (sometimes people forget that venus also rules taurus but let's give them some credits too here lmao)
Mercury in the 5th house: you communicate yourself so pretty, so beautifully in your job, your words and/or voice let people in awe, this has a siren effect but not necessarily a singing voice. Your words can be hypnotizing and your diction too
7th house venus or stellium can indicate your romantic life impacts on your job immensely, even negatively if you're not careful. Also, it can mean you'll find your significant others in your profession field.
Pluto sextile sun means you impose yourself beautifully in your profession, you have an impact on others in a gracious but unforgettable way.
1st house moon can mean you pour your heart out when you're really trying hard to leave an impression through your job. This can also means you care a lot about how others perceive your appearance and this affects you really personally
5th house venus is so pretty, I wish I had it in my chart lol, this person really knows how to use her creativity to make her job properly, she has a natural talent for what she does.
Having a combo of positive aspects between the moon/venus/asc in this chart can indicate your femininity is very in tune in your profession field, you can come off as really beautiful and "in form"/put together when you're working, you just know how to have the ideal vibes, you know? This is very beautiful.
1° Sun means you can show your ego pretty easily when you're in your job space, unless neptune is aspecting it or it's in pisces, then you can hide it pretty well, but you still can be very certain about your abilities and even your appearance, this can indicate a natural leader.
A Leo or Aquarius MC is the true trendsetter of their professional field, they have the best ideas and they're always ahead of others, they can be really inovative. Leo can do it in a more traditional way that still works and leave an impact, in a big and colorful way, aquarius make it in a standing way that leaves people shocked with their ideas, they do that crazy thought that others are scared. The Leo MC knows that they're the royalty and the Aquarius MC knows that they're the mastermind. This duo can work greatly together, their ideas mix pretty well.
1st house Mars in aries are such fast workers!! they do their job pretty fast
I've talked about virgo stellium, but Capricorn stellium are the TRUE workaholics and they do the hard job without an ounce of laziness, they're down for anything as long as it makes them satisfied with fulfilling a useful meaning to them and with ✨️money✨️ of course lol
Speaking of capricorn, having a Capricorn MC means you have fame of doing your job impeccably, you're not joking in your area lol.
If aries/1st house placements are fast workers, taurus/2nd house placements are the opposite. They appreciate the details very much and they hate doing a job for the "half", they can be slow workers but their talent makes it worth it.
8th house pluto and/or mars can indicate you're pretty envied in your job space 🤫 be careful with gossips, lies and secrets...
Scorpio moons do not put their souls in their jobs, their jobs ARE their souls, they pour everything in their profession. They turn their traumas in art
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tiamathh · 3 months
How do they Remember You?
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Note: Hi!! I'm back with another PAC :P Hope you like it! Please Like, Reblog and comment, if you do/if it resonates. Btw some of the likes are tough so like goodluck T_T. DO NOT REWORD, STEAL, PLAGIARISE, REPOST MY WORK!!
1 -> 3
Masterlist <3
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Pile 1
Hi Pile 1! Okay, you may not have had the cleanest break with whomsoever you are asking about. To begin with, this person remembers you as a bad lesson in their life I'm getting "bad news", they remember you as someone who was very blocked and stunted creatively and intuitively, someone who is not that passionate or fun and is very hesitant to do anything or even interact with them. Damn, this person has a bone to pick, they think you moved on from them too fast and don't know who you are. They remember you as someone who wastes not only money but also your talents and your potential, and when they reminisce they think you were overly infatuated with them not necessarily romantically, just in a clingy way I got, "for someone this clingy you sure moved on fast" oof.
They were definitely hung up on you for longer than you thought about them post leaving or the falling out happening. They remember you as a hopeless romantic who could easily get swept off their feet, may think you are "easy" ew I don't like that word that's mean asl. They could also remember you as someone who gives up easy and is very weak or timid about their beliefs and views, someone who can't stand their ground.
I am also feeling a burning in my chest (not a heartburn) but this person has strong STRONG feelings either one of you could have strong fire energy too, but you are kind of etched in their memory for better or for worse. I am also getting "barren field" if this is relevant for anyone, like you burnt everything they had and then just left them with nothing. They do remember you with good characteristics too I'm getting, thinking you were grounded and humble and stable with your career, knowing what you want and being thoroughly planned out.
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Pile 2 (Fun fact while typing 2 I accidentally typed W which is exactly what this pile is)
Hello pile 2, this person thinks the World of you, whoever you are asking about, you made a very big and positive impact on their life and how they were shaped. Your image in their mind is one of royalty, they hold you in high regards still and remember you as a mother figure, someone warm and welcoming, who was there for them when others were not, someone with overflowing femininity and warmth who had the beauty to match it, I see someone with beautiful shiny hair that sways as the light hits it just right.
They remember you as someone who not only had a lot of luck, but also someone who brought a lot of joy and love with you wherever you went, they remember you as a karmic connection to them, destined to happen and end but some of the best moments they may have in life, I heard "taught me how to love", I'm kinda tearing up randomly, they may miss you a lot, especially your smile and your eyes.
They also remember you as someone who held a lot of power and resources, someone who had the ability to anything they want, like a jack of all trades kinda person. Not only that but, they remember you as a master manifestor, you create your own life and helped them realise what they want in life too. Whenever they are thinking or remembering what you are like, they cannot help but attach themselves to it as well it's like they cannot see you without them, they still feel a deep attachment and deep love towards you.
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Pile 3 (Sighs...goodluck)
Pile 3, this person feels so wronged by you. Like they remember you as someone who used them and manipulated them, someone greedy and untrustworthy, I also heard "slimy" they could think you tricked them into something and remember you as someone who tried to blame your failures and lack of success onto the world rather than looking inwards.
Oh, this is so bad, they think you were a disappointment and burdened yourself with responsibilities you did not have the ability to handle, which led to your "demise". When they reminisce about you, they sense that you did not see something through with them, like you were supposed to complete something with them, but you left in the middle, and they are very bitter about that.
They remember you as someone greedy as I mentioned earlier and someone who used them for their money till you got into a better position and left them, that you did not wait for them. They remember you as someone who they wanted to treat as an equal, but could not because you held more power over them than they did over you. I am sorry Pile 3 this is all I can channel from them, the energy is very negative.
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All Rights Reserved tiamathh©® DO NOT PLAGIARISE, REWORD, STEAL!
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astrologylunadream · 10 months
Your Next Long-term Friendship🍒💄♥️ (Pick a card/Tarot reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream~ we're going to learn all about your next long lasting/healthy friendship!💋 Who is your future bestie?🥰 hope you find your message~
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Also thank you all for the love and support on my readings!!❤ You are all such gifts.💋🤗
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the you and your future bestie, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~📮🍬♥️
Pile 1🍓
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Pile 2🍬
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Pile 3🍒
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Pile 4🍫
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 😍💄♥️
Pile 1🍓
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Sign energy: Knowledge, Health, Audience, Seduction, Conquer, 7th house, Mercury, Air, 11th house, Pluto, 🚫🥳🔮☀️
💄Your energy: I am sensing very venusian, feminine vibes for you guys💕 Very charming and beautiful, like I feel like you can gain anyone's trust with just the way you speak. You're sociable in a soft and seductive way, people fall for the way your mind works and the way you word things.💬🥰 So sweet and captivating aura for this pile. Noticable placements are air dominants, Libra, Gemini and Aquarius placements. Pluto/Scorpio is also apparent! Of course those are just some of the main energies I'm getting, take what resonates <3 You guys are just so attractive mentally especially, Also you may have put a stop to romantic relationships for your health sake or at least tried to shift focus away from giving so much energy into those types of connections. You are very aware and knowledgable of the world around you, mostly through sources of the internet.🔍 There is definitely a soft vibe to my pile 1's💘 Also your mind and intelligence is your superpower, you may have a lot of followers online/or have many connections with people that way. I'm getting extrovert vibes but not necessarily have to be, you may just have a lot of people who like you. Some of you are health conscious, or trying to focus on self care.💅💄🤗
♥️Your next long term friendship: Read, Relaxed, Reserved, Cinderella, Rose, North node, Leo, Scorpio, 9th house, 3rd house, 😫✂️🍭🥱 Ohhh interesting my pile 1's your next bestie will be very kind and understanding of you, I'm getting older sibling vibes from them🥺❤ Like they will be totally there for you, and a good listener I'm hearing. Something is telling me they read books, and may enjoy writing stories. Placements for them may be Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Gemini so look out for those!!😊 Omg you guys your friend is going to compliment you so well, it's honestly adorable😭😭 Like you two are somewhat different but go together like salt and pepper🧂🖤 Really cute, they are more of an introvert loner type, but like super chill and just vibing. I feel like they were really lonely until they met you🥺 You two may enjoy watching disney movies together😍❤ I feel like they will help keep you down to earth and end toxic cycles or relationships that aren't good for you.🥺 Ahhh they are just so there for you, they could have the name Rose or a flower related name. Omg your friend may become a successful writer in the future. Lol I feel like your bestie will come into your life as sort of a "prince charming" but in a best friend way, giving you the best advice and preventing you from letting yourself get hurt or disappointed⚔✊ Even though they aren't very social and more so closed off, they are so sweet to you omg.🙊♥️
📮Extra cards: Over, Chiron, Entertainment, Business, Anger (They may get very defensive if you get hurt or sad, I feel like they will be the first to tell somebody off that broke your heart or offended you. True bestie vibes👌🥰
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!♥️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the strawberry emoji~🍓 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💋
Pile 2🍬
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Sign energy: Honest, Honey, Secret admirer, Us, Trouble, North node, Chiron, 7th house, Moon, Leo,🗒🥰🏎🚨
💄Your energy: Okay so you guys are going through a lot🤯 We have prominent Libra, Cancer and Leo for this pile's chart. Some of you are searching for a way to heal from past experiences, you may not be addressing it directly or trying to shift focus from your problems. You guys are healing from something, likely a romantic connection or situation. You could be in a one sided relationship or there are blockages in your love life, whatever the case there is some tension with romance for you guys. You may be keeping secrets or hiding your feelings, you just want someone to talk about it with. I think you need to be sweeter to yourself, and think highly of yourself too.❤ My pile 2's have gone through a lot, I heard you have trouble sharing your emotions a lot. But you will be healing so fast and in no time you will be unstoppable✊🤗 Also your emotions make you very attractive and you may have secret admirers due to your kind and true feelings. Some of you may write in your diary often, or write down affirmations for your future or goals. I'm hearing you are very sweet and genuine my pile 2's🤧💕 You want to be understood and cared for, and omg you are so soft and beautiful I just want to give you a hug!!
♥️Your next long-term friendship: Important, Capricorn, Teddy bear, Power, Tease, Chiron, South node, 6th house, Uranus, 10th house, 🌇🌅🧍‍♂️😁 Okay so it is highly likely your next long term friendship has more assertive qualities, omg they will want to take care of you and help you. Heavy Capricorn influence on their chart, also look out for Virgo and Aquarius placements. Saturnian vibes. They are very stable and strong, I think they are more dominant with you like taking your problems into their own hands or teasing you slightly. You may meet them through online or business of some sort, they can seem cheeky at first until you see how attentive they are to you.☺ They will most likely hug you a lot or more often, because they see your emotional needs and want to care for you.🥺♥️ They themselves are rather less expressive and they seem like they aren't as needy for emotional comfort, but deep down they too are healing and have past experiences they feel hurt by.😭🏚 Probably why they want to comfort and care for you because they wanted that themselves, your next friend may be successful in business. For some of you this friend will be a masculine. They may act as a sort of "husband" archetype but in a friend sense, like providing support and help to you and all. Their body language is very commanding, they could live in the city or do business there soon. Also I just got virgo rising vibes. They will get your life together for you, opening doors and huge opportunities. What a helpful and supportive friend they will be.😊 They'll want to help you through everything, it will be a very stable and healthy friendship.♥️👏
Extra cards: Safe, Allow, Be yourself, Lies, Kitty (Your friend want you to feel able to be you and be happy, and let you feel safe and good about yourself☀️)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!♥️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the candy emoji~🍬 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💋
Pile 3🍒
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Sign energy: Salty, Memories, Right, Couple, Impulsive, Lilith, 2nd house, 10th house, 1st house, Jupiter,💎♓🔦👄
💄Your energy: Ah we have some bad b*ch vibes here in this pile, so powerful and seductive.😘 You want that ride or die best friend, to have real fun with🚀🎉 Taurus, Capricorn, Aries, Sagittarius and Pisces energy is prominent. Your lips are your very attractive feature, also you have this hot look that draws others in.🧲 You may be bitter about something like old memories or an ex that gets you mad, something you remember that makes you salty.😡 Some of you were the type to date really early in life or have many breakups, but now you are very powerful and on the right track🏆 You guys are so ambitious and stunning, you are owning your bad side😈 Your voice mesmerizes all your admirers and you speak power, total hotties.🔥 Physically gorgeous, mentally too. I just heard people get addicted to your voice, like they can't let it go. Everyone has this fatal attraction to you, the spotlight is on you my pile 3's💋 You don't take no for an answer, direct approach to what you want. If anyone in this pile is going through heartbresk or break up just know you don't need them like you are high demand they don't deserve you.👑 You are a diamond, one of a kind and they know it too. My pile 3's have this look in theirs eyes that is so alluring and captivating.💫
♥️Your next long-term friendship: Eternity, Long, Push, Shame, Image, Fire, Sun, 7th house, Neptune, 11th house, 📸🐭😩😑 So your bestie is going to be in your life for a while I'm hearing, very long lasting connection to confirm! Look out for Leo, Libra, Pisces, and Aquarius energies. You guys will take selfies together and share photos with eachother, giggling about it and I also feel like you two will roast people for fun.😂 You may even tease eachother or act like enemies as an inside joke. You two will be very playful with one another, like lifetime close friends. Your friend may be against the idea of you getting into a romantic relationship or commitment because then you will be just as close with that person.🥺❤ They are a little clingy, but only because they will feel like you guys are inseparable <3 It may be a long time before either of you get a romantic relationship of your own, like you two may both stay single for a while and just own your single power together👑💫 They will push you to do things you haven't tried before and vice versa, they want to be friends with you forever I'm hearing omg😢💞 You two get to be weird together, and your humor combined is 10/10. I feel like people may shame you two for whatever reason, like paint a picture of you guys being bad or a chaotic duo but that's only because they are jealous of a friendship like yours😌🔥🌈
Extra cards: Lies, Psycho, Loose, Matchmaker, Flower (Aww no I'm getting that many others will insist your bestie is a bad influence on you, like they're untamed or too wild. Like people won't like you guys spontaneous nature together because they will call it mischievous or crazy🥺 Your friend will stick with you through it all though, no matter what people say about the two of you. Omg like ride or die❤🎆
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!♥️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the cherry emoji~🍒 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💋
Pile 4🍫
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Sign energy: Father, Self love, Odd, Past, Perfect, Virgo, Water, Venus,💛👢🖇🍫
💄Your energy: Okayy so for my pile 4's this is a very preppy, feminine energy. I am getting vintage vibes~🖤 Prominent energies are Virgo, Taurus and Libra as well as water placements. You may hold on to the past even uncommon things that not many people remember, you have a vivid memory. You may be really into shoes, or rare clothing (Like things you don't see people wear often). My pile 4's have high standards, it can be for anything from clothes to romantic partners. You may think very highly of yourself or at least acknowledge your beauty, because after all you are very beautiful😌♥️ Some of you have a specific relationship with your father, either inspired or disappointed by him. You think a lot, but I feel like you put too much pressure on yourself. Accept that you are perfect in your own way, I think you already know that💓 You guys are so sweet, also chocolate may be your favorite sweet treat.🍫 Such a delicate feminine aura, very pretty and well kept. You may have a strange hobby or interests, many people perceive you as being different (most likely in a good way☀️) and the color yellow may be significant to you. This pile is just so polished and gorgeous oml😩♥️💞
♥️Your next long-term friendship: Psycho, Leader, Door, Tsundere, Nostalgia, Venus, Chiron, South node, Mercury, Saturn,☀️🟦🌋💬 Omg my pile 4's this is so interesting idk where to start!! They will be very bold and take the initiative, this could be a coping mechanism to act tough when they are actually not that way. You may have met this person in the past, or they bring back many memories to you.⏳ Your friend could be a little older than you, or have that vibe about them. Feminine energies are also present, It is possible for them to have Venus-Sun aspects. Libra, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius are all prominent placements to remember. This could be an existing connection that was closed off or seemed distant, for a small amount of you I'm getting that this is someone who didn't like you at first or vice versa, but then becomes close to you. They may have acted cold on purpose out of fear of getting close to someone⛈💔 They talk a lot, but they may accidentally say harsh things out of habit🥺 They can have bursts of anger centered from their past, they may have been hurt by other's words.😭😭 Blue is a color for them, they may wear that as their comfort color. They will definitely hide their intnese emotions from you, shutting them out so you don't feel burdened. Also I feel like when you two become friends they will be strangely worried about preserving your beauty?? Keeping you covered up or saying you should wear less revealing outfits😂😂 I think it comes from a place of protecting you, they don't want you to get used or tricked by others I'm hearing.♥️ They will care about you a lot more than you will know🥺💞
Extra cards: Pisces, Ankles, Fishing, Yellow, Passion
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!♥️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the chocolate emoji~🍫 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💋
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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moonywiitch · 4 months
Pick a pile 🤍
💕 By analysing the pictures only
( pls let me know if it resonated as this is my first time 💗) ( please take this with a grain of salt ) 💋 xoxo
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Pile 1 ❤️-
They both are looking at the sunset 🌇It appears like it's the ending of something ( not the relationship necessarily) but something is ending and also they are looking relaxed also I think there is some foot fetish there 👀 like the masculine wants to touch her feet 🐾, I'm getting really soft love vibes 💘 and it feels like the masculine is a secretive person or is just not good at showing emotions and the feminine have this airy energy to her , also I'm seeing a heart in the cloudes with orange 🧡 and yellow 💛 shades it feels like a love which beautiful , which makes you feel alive, it is strong like really strong with a lot of comfort in it like you have gone through a lot of things together!
Pile 2 -
They both look so much at comfort with each other , the guy have a playful childlike energy and the girl is also like that but more mature and they have a playful energy but they are mature in love ❤️, the guy is cunning though , also I feel like they are not very rich but happy , I'm getting gloomy vibes too lol , like you want to cherish each other forever ♾️, I'm getting a very mutual energy it's really sweet 🧁 I'm getting teary now !
Pile 3-
The first thing I saw was the light between their chests like the love is glowing inside them 💛🌸 aww it's beautiful, they are looking at each other with disbelief and so many questions in their head about the whole situation , I'm also getting how on earth I found you like they had lost all the hopes for love ❤️ the masculine gives sweet , 🧁 cupcake vibes and the girl appears to be a baddie to me , she's also stylish even the guy is ,also I feel like the guy wants to say something but the words are stucked in his Adam's apple like he's not being able to say anything , the girl wants to kiss him also he's looking at her very passionately , also there's so much pink energy that it feels like a new spark !
Please read this pretty💗💗 !!
( it is my first time 💗 doing a reading so please don't take this seriously at all , i just did this for fun and I wrote whatever came to my mind by seeing these pictures so that's that , but if it resonated please 🥺 let me know!)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Idk why but lately I've been thinking a lot about a reader who is some flavor of trans/didn't vibe with their assigned gender at birth. Maybe in a scenario where they were kinda neglected with the X-men they were worried being different like that would only make them more isolated/get reader in trouble. So in a scenario like in fallen snow au where they are separated from the yans for an extended period of time and find themselves free and living on their own, reader just goes all out with dressing and presenting themselves in a way that they feel like they couldn't before. Like, they look completely different from when they left/ran away from the mansion.
When the yans do find reader? Reader has gone all out, they realized theyre transfem? Reader is wearing all the girly clothes she always wanted to but was too scared to try. Reader realized theyre transmasc? He's cut his hair, has a binder and models his look after like- Ryan Reynolds or something. Reader realized theyre nonbinary? They be rocking the most slaying fit that reassures them of their androgenous identity.
Idk just- the x-men finally finding reader after a long time only to realize just how little they all really knew reader. The yans realizing just how badly they messed up bc only when reader was alone and away from the mansion did reader feel confident/comfortable enough to come out. Heck, maybe reader DID try to come out but the yans were just that neglectful.
The real question is if the yans overcorrect themselves and slather trans!reader with affection or just act like reader always presented as their preferred gender and the yans try to pretend they didnt mess up as badly as they did.
I was thinking about this as well-
If Creed Reader (or any Reader) was trans (transfem/transmasc/transenby), they'd feel like they could breath, could just be, foe the first time they're alone amd on their own. They have no one to please, no reason to pretend, nothing to hide or standards to reach or anything holding them back. So they get creative. Go all out.
They're transfem? Good bye nether region, hello lipstick and sleek dresses and skirts and appearing more feminine! They adore feeling this way, and enjoy becoming more of themself each day!
They're transmasc? Good bye chest, and welcome extra hair everywhere and wearing only shorts and trying different suits on and appearing more masculine! They appreciate the warmth they feel, and accept their new changes with open arms!
They're transenby? Well, they're doing whatever they want! Don't want a chest? It's gone! Don't like their lower regions? They're changing them! They want to wear tank tops and shorts and not be too curvy or muscular? Ha! It's no problem! They like being them, not necessarily a male or female, just them, scars and flesh and soul and all!
The platonic yans, upon seeing Reader for the first time in awhile, are shocked.
Reader is... a guy/woman/envy?
They know even less about them then they thought!
The platonic yans are bending over backwards to try and get their pronouns right, trying to appeal to their preferred wants and likes, calling them pretty or beautiful or handsome or gorgeous or cute or stunning, whatever makes them smile or feels good, they'll do it, just tell them! Reader likes skirts or shorts or pants? Oh, look, a whole closet full, each in varying lengths and styles and colors! Reader likes certain body sprays or perfumes or scents? Here's a new one to try each day of the year, in enough scents that any body or beauty store woukd be jealous! Reader wants to appear a certain way? Let them help! Be it braiding their hair or trimming it or shaving it off or growing it out or whatever they want, let them know, amd they'll accommodate it!
They're all so, so eager, and very, very overzealous in their efforts. They will NOT fail this time. And if anyone gets Reader's gender wrong?
That person will find a very p*ssed-off Sabretooth, Wolverine, Charles Xavier, Morph, and a whole herd of unhappy teens about to beat their *ss.
Reader is THEIR little sunshine, so they better treat them with respect!!!
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silentcryracha · 9 months
❍ ‗ SKZ + What they love on you (fashion) ‗ ❍
Pairings : OT8 x reader
Genre/warnings : skz simp agenda. Fluff, lots of compliments and sweet boys. no smut but it's definitely suggestive (18+), boobs and ass are mentioned and reader is female presenting
Summary : Which items of clothing (or related things) I think would drive the boys insane when you're wearing them
Word count : 1.8k
A/n : None <3
ps: No beta'd. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
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Chan ‗ ❍
- This man would adore you regardless. He's one of those guys who would find it 10x times more sexy or romantic seeing you just being yourself in an intimate setting, like a house, some sort of trip, going grocery shopping and so on. Plus 10+ points if you happen to be wearing something of his.
- Yeah, wear one of his hoodies or shirts and he's already GONE. He's a (simp)le man. Or his beanie, jackets, scarf, anything that could look good on you tbh.
- But hear me out: also his accessories like his famous stay bracelet, or you could even be lovey doveys and share one earring each.
- NAIL POLISH!! Let him paint your nails for you and do silly little designs on them! You'd have so much fun, he'd giggle so much and end you playing with your hands at random times reminiscing the memories.
- Now onto what would ACTUALLY get him going: I think that either a really really nice dress (like a cocktail or party dress) would make Chan go CRAZYYY
- Bonus points if it's black and hugs your body perfectly. Even more if some skin is showing. V neck, shoulders, low back. He LOVES seeing you dolled up and confident and would make sure to boost the energy as much as he can because you deserve it and he wants to make his girl the most beautiful in the world <3
- Okay now hear me out, seems quite specific but random at the same time BUT, what about side boob. You know those loose sleeveless shirts/tank tops? Like the sporty ones? If you ever wore one of those he would NOT be able to control himself. Imagine if you're not wearing anything underneath tho 🫠
- The side boob + nipple shadow peeking...oh he's HARD and only an emergency fuck can fix it for him I fear
Minho ‗ ❍
- Anything that shows your skin is free real estate for this man. Shoulder? Neck? Collarbones? He's gonna BITE.
- Oh but not only. Imagine wearing something that exposes your legs (and maybe some thighs) like shorts or a mini dress, skirts and so on.
- He's so unhinged like he would purposefully drop his keys or something and leave a bite on the side of your thigh when he crunches down. If he's feeling romantic he'd go for a lil kiss but his goal is to make you flustered nonetheless.
- Speaking of touch and kisses: he'd make sure to get his mouth literally everywhere. Picking up your hand to linger his lips on your palm, back, wrist or forearm, fingers.
- Moving your hair to the side to kiss the back and side of your neck. Yeah 🤒
- In general I don't think he has specific preferences in fashion? I just think that he'd love to see you confident and comfortable in whatever you want to wear.
Changbin ‗ ❍
- You're either his little precious porcelain doll or his emo bad bitch. Nor in between. Man CAN do both and can HAVE both.
- I feel like Changbin (like all the others tbh) would be happy seeing you comfortable and confident. Which doesn't necessarily needs to tie with fashion or your looks.
- BUT☝🏻 he'd be a sucker for a good aesthetic look. He'd lose his mind fr, worshipping the ground you walk on, being loud about how HOT his girlfriend his and all that. As he should!
- As I was saying, he'd like both someone who's extremely feminine and delicate, doll like almost. Soft make up, lots of girly clothes, dresses, skirts, stockings, cute hats and accessories.
- But also someone who gives off the same 'dark/emo' vibe that he gives off at first glance. Lots of black, leather, dark colors, laces, a stronger make up, some edgy accessories.
- And a resting bitch face that would make anyone run but NOT HIM! You'd look like a cupcake to him regardless. He'd go around gushing and fighting his cute aggression for you by just existing.
- Now, a little treat that would most likely (and fortunately for you😵‍💫) get him turned on would be a GOOD pair of jeans. Either some very tight jeans or some cargo style ones, as long as they show off the delicious curve of your ass he's gone. It's literally over for him.
- Trust him to be EMBARRASSINGLY turned on by this, to the point where he'd ask you to wear some just for him, he'd buy them for you and so on. Your body and your ass are already his constant thought and motivation while he works out so might as well fuel his own delulu fantasies by providing the material, am I right?
Hyunjin ‗ ❍
- Once again, he loves you as you are and would be happy just knowing you comfortable in your own skin. But that won't stop him to try and dress you up like his personal model.
- He would never force on you something, especially if it was something that would make you uncomfortable. But he would give you some suggestions here and there, on how to mix and match some items, which colors he thinks compliment you the most.
- He would love to see you being so confident and happy in the results, too. Just like a painter adding details to his masterpiece.
- I lowkey feel like, since we got Mr. Romantic and artsy boy on our hands, I kinda feel like he'd lose if he saw you wearing something more... ethereal? Like a specifically made dress. It could be the soft palette, the delicacy of laces and pearls, the perfect way that the draping compliments your body and falls perfectly.
- His own personal princess. Yes, I think that he would love to either have you as his personal hot catwalk style model or a literal princess that came out of a painting.
- Speaking of art. You're also his muse, of course. And few things to him are equally as aesthetically pleasing as certified turn on for him like your chest.
- He does love lingerie on you, BUT, if you really want to make him drop on his knees on the spot, just wear one of those pretty corsets. You know, the ones with laces, and ribbons. This is for the bedroom though.
- He'd get equally as horny with any type of garment that gave the same effect though. Like a sweetheart neckline paired with a good bra. A low v neckline dress, a slightly unbuttoned plain shirt. Oh yes.
- Hyune tits man agenda going strong and I'll die on this hill.
Jisung ‗ ❍
- He's a homebody. Being at home and domestic is probably his favorite place after being on stage. I feel like his perfect day would be chilling and having fun at home, where you're most free and comfortable.
- Which is why, while I of course think that Jisung would foam at the mouth with you being all sexy and dressed up, he'd as easily get turned on by a simple home outfit.
- Yoga pants showing your ass, shorts showing your thighs, long oversized t shirts showing legs AND thighs. Bonus if the stuff is his. Bonus X2 if you're not wearing anything underneath.
- Yes absolutely that's enough for him. He loves a nice put up together outfit but would that allow him to take you on the nearest surface and make an absolute mess of you without a care in the world? Probably not, so there you go, you got yourself a winner
- You wearing his old glasses (since he doesn't need them anymore) or even your own glasses get him turned on. Don't ask, he's a pervert.
Felix ‗ ❍
- Felix seems like he has a taste for expensive things. Especially fashion and accessories wise.
- He'd drool seeing you sport a very high fashion item, like peculiarly cut out dress or jacket, something quite unique. He loves seeing you looking like a literal model straight out of a magazine. And would love even more to match with you.
- The matching would be valid for the accessories too. You would share pretty much everything, from the earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, watches, hats, gloves and so on. He'd insist to have always something matching with you.
- In a more intimate setting though, something that you can never go wrong with are pretty sleeping gowns, lingerie sets, silky and lacy pajamas. Something very girly, dollish, delicate, almost innocent. Strictly in pale and pastel colors. He would love to buy them for you, too. As his personal treat.
- The sight of you wearing such a delicate but expensive as fuck bralette and panties that he knows he could rip off of you with his own teeth just makes him nearly cum in his pants.
Seungmin ‗ ❍
- Seungmin would get off on the confidence that you show to others. Whether it is a façade or you're really just a bad bitch, he finds it extremely hot.
- He goes crazy when you dress up smartly, elegantly, and maybe, just a tad provocative.
- A normal blouse, elegant. But that shows just enough cleavage when you move or bend in certain ways. Cigarette pants perfectly ironed, peofessional. But that make the curve of your ass so delicious. A normal pair of black Louboutines, with that sexy red heels.
- It makes him hard because he feels superior in knowing exactly what's behind that façade and that he's the only one that you'd be willing to drop it for.
- Extra points if he saw you getting ready and you're the only two people in the room who know that a pretty, lacy red lingerie set is hiding under all those elegant and composed clothes. You'd get him thinking about it all night.
- I also feel like he'd have a thing for your legs being shown off and your nais being done, maybe even when you're wearing a particular perfume. Maybe HIS, perfume.
Jeongin ‗ ❍
- Jeongin would be a sucker for you acting cool. Like standing there with some sporty clothes and a pair of sunglasses and a nice perfume. That's enough for him to simp HARD.
- He'd love to go shopping together and purposefully buy stuff that you could easily switch and match with each other. You're boyfriend and girlfriend yes but you are COOL boyfriend and girlfriend ykwim.
- In a more formal setting, he particularly loves when you wear dresses that have low cuts. Somewhere. Whether is a frontal low cut, a side low cut, a back low cut, or a high slit on the bottom part.
- The idea that all it would take for him to take it off you is just a flick of his fingers gets him CRAZY. Especially if they are dresses that require to not wear a bra.
- All that bare back, shoulders, neck, chest...idk man in his opinion it should all be covered in kisses, licks and bruises IMMEDIATELY.
- Bonus if you wear a high slit dress and you make him understand that you're not wearing panties underneath. Now you're in for a treat...
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numinously-yours · 6 months
Pick a crystal: Messages from your inner child
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I've been doing a lot of my own inner child work lately and really felt called to channel all of (well, as many of) yours as I could. This reading is looking at:
What did you need as a child?
How is your inner child now?
What do they want you to work on next?
I also gauged the time of your childhood that I think these feels really became a part of you - but the ranges are large and don't necessarily mean it's not for you!
Choose a crystal and see below the cut for your reading
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Pile one, stability is the world I would use to describe what you needed as a kid. It feels like every time you ALMOST felt settled, your caretaker would get too scared to commit and you were off to the next place. You never got the chance to really make connection. Yeah, you've always had friends but you never had that connection that really showed you what friendship was. I'm here to tell you that all of the people you were worried about liking you are thankful you were a part of their lives, no matter the length of time.
I REALLY hope my intuition is correct about how your inner child is feeling right now. It is beautiful energy. It's either a relatively recent happening or it's happening very soon, but your sense of emotional fulfillment is so strong. Since this time in your childhood, you have finally started to understand what unconditional love feels like. I want to cry, pile 1! There is a huge sense of relief coming over me. You're realizing that it doesn't matter how long you've been somewhere, as long as you are your authentic self and you allow others to be their authentic selves, that is all you need space for.
What your inner child wants you to work on next is believing that others know this too! In your heart of heart, you know it's true. But you wonder if you're being an imposter of your own self. Are you making up that this is the truth?! Nope. This is only your ego talking. It's trying to protect you, but you don't need it this time around. Take your time learning this, remembering this, and giving yourself grace when you forget it. It will come back easier each and every time.
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Pile two, I don't think you were allowed to actually be a child when you were a kid. It's not that you weren't able to have fun, but I think your parental unit guilt tripped you a lot and sometimes made you the parent. You may have heard phrases like "You don't appreciate what I do for you", "I'm a terrible mother/father/etc", "You'll never be able to make it on your own." It can be any parental figure, but I am feeling strong feminine energy. This person wasn't like this ALL the time,. In fact, you have a lot of fun memories from your childhood. You don't think your childhood was bad by any means, but you wish it didn't still affect you like it does.
I absolutely believe that you've grown a lot. I think this person still does this and, while it doesn't always get to you, every once and awhile you feel really let down. You may be having some trouble trusting your instincts, lately. You're wondering if you're saying "yes" to the people you love because you WANT to or if it's because you're going back to your old ways? Your inner child wants you to know that you're allowed to trust your gut. You will know when you're doing something for yourself versus for other people.
What your inner child may need now is the chance to grow on their own, without the influence of this person. It might be time to take a brief separation from this person if possible. It will be difficult, and you may need to grieve, but I think the grief is really toward letting your childhood hopes go versus feeling badly about hurting this person. I'm sorry you have to worry about this step, but it's so going to be worth it.
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As a child, pile three, I think you have to leave someone you love and, even if you didn't have control over the situation, ou still feel guilty. For some of you, you feel like an outcome would be different if you never left. For others, you haven't had much contact with this person since leaving and you feel like it's something you did that didn't make you "worthy" of being reached out to.
Right now, your inner child knows you're putting in the work to heal this wound. I'm proud of you! Sometimes, though, when you feel yourself feeling unworthy, you can tend to be hard on yourself. "I know the cause of this feeling, so why can't I just get rid of it??" But you are doing a GREAT job of being patient with yourself. You're taking initiative in your own healing. You are continually finding new ways to take care of yourself. You are confident that there is always a way to make it through.
Next up on your healing journey is letting others help you, too. I think you are afraid that if you let someone get close that you'll just end up leaving them again OR that if you get to vulnerable you'll see why the person above never reached out to you, and anyone you let in is bound to leave you instead. Your inner child knows exactly what you've been working on and wants you to know that this work has made you strong enough to let someone else in.
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Hey pile four. First, I wanted to make note that this is the only pile I felt like I was really talking TO your inner child versus asking the universe for information. While shuffling for the first question, I said "you're can tell me" ; while shuffling for the last question, I said "you're allowed to work on yourself, babe." I think things are feeling tough right now for you and your inner child and I hope this reading helps brings some insights.
First, something you needed as a child was someone to commit to you. You may be a child of divorce who split time between your parents' houses and there were multiple times where one of the parents didn't take you for their assigned times. If your parents/parental figures were together, it seemed like they could commit to everything else, but not you. They could commit to work and they could commit to other relationships, but never showed up for you. All you wanted was the adults in your life to just BE there.
At this point in time, you seem to be indulging in the needs of your ego. In an effort (conscious or not) to not worry about your traumas, you push your sad/angry/disappointed feelings into the shadows. What your doing seems like it should be fun, but are you actually enjoying yourself? Your inner child is telling you that you're holding back in an effort to protect yourself and it's time to think about what you REALLY need to help you feel better.
Pile four, you deserved to be loved the way you needed and I'm sorry that you didn't get that. But, it's not too late to love yourself this way. Be gentle with yourself when you start your new phase of healing. You have the capabilities to see beauty in the drabbest of places and you'll find the beauty in this, too. It isn't going to be easy, but damnit, if little you doesn't deserve this healing <3
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highladyjane · 10 months
I don't want another warrior training like we've already had in the former books, but aside from training her Seer abilities, I can also see Elain having some basic and necessary training both for self-defence and to become a spy disguised as an emissary of the NC (because she can definitely be both at the same time). And I definitely see Nuala and Cerridwen + Az, and maybe even her sisters, teaching her a thing or two about how to properly wield a knife outside the kitchen - on her own terms and choice ofc.
Feyre was the bow and arrow, Nesta is the sword, and Elain is definitely the "knife in the dark" (just like Azriel).
I can totally see her carrying a knife/dagger as her weapon of choice under all her beautiful dresses like...
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I don't think Elain, nor any other female character (especially in the Maasverse tbh) will lose her "soft femininity" just because she learns how to wield a blade. I think what they choose to do with that blade is what makes the difference.
None of them likes violence itself (except for probably mostly the Illyrians), but they sometimes have to resort to it because they need to. Knowing how to handle a blade doesn't necessarily mean it's for violence or to kill - but to defend, protect and save lives just like she did with Nessian vs Hybern.
She may have some lingering trauma from that incident to process, but I think Elain will see that having a dagger around at times is actually useful and easy enough to hide - and the perfect weapon of spies.
Maybe not even just for self-defence but for random pruning, carving, and slicing things in her garden and kitchen lol... It can be subtle and unexpected, but useful and sharp enough when needed - just like her.
No matter what happens to Truth-teller after HOFAS, I still think daggers and knives will come to play for both Az and Elain.
Maybe he'll even gift her a secret, lovely dagger of her own next Solstice... 😏
So that she can...
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... in front of Az so he can momentarily forget the existence of air and have something new to fantasize and be tormented about at night 🤭 Like "Call me a mistake one more time, you jackAz" 😏 loljk
Yes, I'm getting carried away.
I can see so many possibilities and potentials for Elain.
She has repeatedly shown the will of becoming more useful and not like how she herself realised and admitted to being like in the first book (because character development, duh). And since she's starting to "show some claws" I think she'll also want to learn how to really fend for herself and not always have to rely on others, especially not Az (not after that Solstice incident) nor her sisters to always come and save her.
She likes domestic things and is the only one among her sisters who is actually good and useful at it, she's a Cauldron-blessed Seer (and now likely also Koschei's next target), but she also has hinted unexplored potential for something besides all that - the stealth, shadows, and secret-keeping = spywork.
She's the perfect housewife-spy like those in WW2 that SJM herself referred to.
Introverts like Elain are always underestimated observers and always so easily dismissed as boring just because their mouths aren't as open as their minds.
Elain knows how to surprise and I think she definitely will again in her book.
Especially with something sharp at your throat the next time you call her boring and useless.
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She's the perfect knife in the dark. A beautiful rose with thorns. A thing of secret, lovely beauty. 🌹🗡✨😌
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tallysgreatestfan · 1 month
My biggest surprise about the Uglies trailer is that Dr. Cable now is feminine instead of androgynous, and that she doesn't acts out of the shadows anymore.
Both isn't necessarily a bad thing and could be thematically interesting, but its a change.
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And while I am surprised that they cast Laverne Cox as her, since Dr. Cable is pretty much the only vaguely white sounding person in the book (crooked nose and creepy grey eyes), I think making her a black trans woman will only make her character even more interesting.
As I said in the trailer reaction, Dr. Cable sees herself as protecting humanity from it's worst impulses. If she now belongs to three, instead of one minorities which have historically been abused the worst, this becomes personal.
Sure, this could also lead to bigoted interpretations aka her being a dictator forcing children into plastic surgery (misunderstanding of gender reassignment surgery, but you don't become transphobe by understanding stuff). But also they would misinterpret her no matter what.
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Not sure how much of that is directly described in the book and how much is just vibes, since it never lingers on what Dr. Cable wears or what her gender presentation is, but she seems to always wear her uniform, other than a scene (Pretties) where she sneaks onto Tally in a coat.
She is very not-gendered in the narrative in a way female villains hardly ever are. She doesn't revenge a dead husband or is a femme fatale and she is cold and calculating instead of emotional. She could be a man in the books and nothing about her narrative would change.
To be honest I am a bit sad to loose this, but also, while a white cis woman being feminine is expected and cliche, a black trans woman being feminine is empowering and subversive.
And hey, she still is a super soldier.
Her, the enforcer of this beauty culture dystopia, being feminine also actually makes more narrative sense, since beauty culture almost exclusively forces women to be traditionally feminine.
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What worries me more is that now Dr. Cable, who in the books acts so hidden that Tally previously didn't even knew her unit exists, now holds a uncomfortably Divergent-like speech in front of presumably students.
That changes the role Dr. Cable and the other Specials play in the story a lot. I presume you could still do interesting things with this, but I can't really see which ones and this is somewhat more standard dystopia dictatorship stuff.
I guess we just have to wait for the movie
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diamondmooniii · 2 years
People's first impression of you
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1 - 3
n o t e : this reading is about how others perceive you, nothing to do with who you actually are necessarily. I may do a part two about how your friends and family see you, so let me know what you think.
Enjoy the reading!
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p i l e 1
[the moon - the fool rx - justice rx]
People may think that you're very dreamy and have an "out of this world" vibe based on your appearance or style. They may think that you're very pretty but always seem to have your mind somewhere else, like you're not truly present or even paying attention to what's in front of you.
You may be seen as someone who doesn't like to take risks, someone that prefers to do things a certain way and doesn't want to do it differently. Someone who stays in their comfort zone and doesn't want to expand, branch out or take any new opportunities out of being comfortable now, leading you to being a conformist. They think you don't like spontaneity and prefer to have everything planned and under your control.
They may think that you're very controlling and have a fickle sense of morality and justice. You may have a resting bitch face and that leads them to think that you're not trustworthy or that you're judging them in your mind, even if that's not the case and you're being genuinely nice with them. Thinking that you may betray them and stab their back if they're not paying much attention.
They may think you're very feminine or that you may embody your feminine energy and people can notice that. They may notice by looking at your face, specially your eyes, that you've gone through a lot of shit in your life, that you have overcome some really dark challenges but that you came out on top, becoming a renewed version of who you once were.
p i l e 2
[three of swords rx - ace of wands - four of cups rx - ace of cups rx]
Just by looking at you people may get the vibe that you've been betrayed before, that someone you trusted deeply hurt you in the past but that you were able to overcome this and find yourself a new sense of stability in your life. They see you definitely grew from this. I feel like for some of you, they see you as an artist (some of you may be). They definitely feel inspired by you since you were able to transform your pain and scars into beauty and creativity and allowed that to add value to others while healing yourself.
For others, it feels like strangers see you as someone who lacks structure and stability in your life, but specially when it comes to dealing with your emotional side. They may see that you repress your emotions, leading them to overflow in the most inopportune times. They may also see you as someone who needs and wants help or craves to receive something/a certain treatment from others, but when you don't receive it, you get upset (that you're spoiled, basically) or that you want a certain thing but then someone offers it to you, you reject it or don't feel like it's good enough, so they may see you as bratty or someone that's really hard to please.
They may also see you as controlling and as someone who likes to keep people under your control, that you keep certain people in your life and even close to you just because they might come in handy in the future.
p i l e 3
[ace of cups rx, the emperor rx, three of swords]
People may think you have a really strong energy and they may perceive you as mysterious. You may be really hard to read for others, but they can definitely feel the intense energy you emanate.
They can't really see anything about you at first glance, but they may think that this intense energy comes from a controlling nature, probably due to past betrayals and a lot of repressed emotions.
They may see you as someone who is misunderstood and whose potential and talent has been ignored for some reason.
They may perceive that you need to relax, take a step back and let things unfold instead of feeling pressured or pressuring others so that things come out perfect.
They may think you're a perfectionist, and not gonna lie, they may feel intimidated by you because they'll get to the conclusion that you'll never see them or what they do as good enough for you/to be around you. They may even tell you to chill and to let things flow, that being hard on yourself will get you nowhere.
They definitely think you work hard for your goals, but that you need to calm down and allow things to flow instead of controlling the stream.
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m a s t e r l i s t
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jacevelaryonswife · 2 years
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This a request by anon and was really challenging. Also, reader is Fem!Targ, but, there are no mentions of her appearance, it’s quite neutral actually.
⌲warnings: mentions of sex (course), explicit sexual content, don’t read if you’re a underage. English is not my first language.
jacaerys velaryon masterlist
K - Kink
I don't see him having any kind of kink other than enjoying mild domination from both sides. You see, he's not necessarily a sub — he spends a good deal of sex on top or in some position of power — and he doesn't even practice domination the way we know it today. Is different. He likes it when you ride him and don't let him touch your body, likes it when you pull his hair harder, likes it when you tease him in all the ways only you know how and rides him hard to the limit. But he also likes to “dominate”. He loves to know that you are enjoying it and that he is responsible for your moans and sounds and only he can make you feel that way.
L - Location
Mostly chambers, specifically bed, but it can take place outside the castle with the sky witnessing the love between you. It's good to define that Jace will never make any sexual passes around other people, he values discretion and privacy. Which doesn't mean he won't make love in a public place. It can happen at night outside the palace, in or out of the sea with only the gods watching such obscenity, but usually he prefers to have you in the comfort of his bed.
M - Mastubation
Before marriage it wasn't something he took pride in doing. Imagine the following scene: after long High Valyrian lessons, Jacaerys hurries to his chambers feeling the growing erection that leaves him mortified. He quickly removes his pants and pumps his cock eagerly. A vision, isn't it? After marriage he longs for your hands, it's fucking heaven and yours is so much better than his. He almost gags when you move his warm, soft member while holding your hair tightly. After marriage he loves to be touched by you.
And doesn't think you'll be neglected. When he discovers the effect of the mound between your legs and that he can use his fingers to satisfy you, mmm, the horizon really opens up for him.
N - Nicknames
Jace likes to use nicknames and pet names to communicate with you, just as he likes you to use them with him. My love, my darling, honey… all those and more for his beautiful wife. In sex he repeats all those mentioned above, but he can be a little more daring in calling you his queen close to your ear, as if it were a secret that only you can hear. After all, you are his queen. He likes it when you call him "my dragon", but trust me, there's nothing that makes him harder to hear you revere him as your king. Forget the other nicknames, even "my dragon" doesn't do half the effect that "my king" does. His thrusts will increase as the two of you make love intensely until you are fully satisfied.
O - Oral sex
The discovery of mouth’s function in sexual activities was overwhelming. Jace had read (with wide eyes) and heard from some men about how to satisfy a woman with his lips, but it was very different to hear/read about than to do. He was nervous as he settled between your legs and held your thighs awkwardly, what was he supposed to do? Kiss? lick? He tried both, first openly kissing your sweet femininity and then tentatively licking a long strip. It takes a while for him to learn to eat you properly, but unlike a dinner table, Jace isn't as well mannered when he's between your legs, he really tastes everything you have to offer and delights in your cunt. He loves to see you sensitive and excited when he makes you cum.
Speaking of cumming, I've already mentioned that his favorite way to cum is in your mouth. When you get down on him the first time he is shocked and anxious, truly shocked, he breaks down fast with parted lip and sweaty forehead. He loves when you takes him in your mouth, it's so sexy and almost obscene as he moans and tangles you hair with his hand. He doesn't dare look anywhere other than closing his eyes in pure pleasure.
P - Positions
Missionary is a recurring position, especially the first few times. Jace likes to feel intimate with you and have his eyes on you, he loves when you ride him lying down or sitting up in bed. These three positions are the most recurring, but he's not opposed to new adventures when you suggest it. Eventually he can get behind you when things get hotter and fuck you with his hands firmly on your waist and ass. He still prefers to see your face, but you are also a beautiful sight from the back.
Q - Quickie
Imagine teasing him all day, palming under the table briefly, stealing indecent kisses and touching in the halls of Dragonstone, kneeling in front of him to pretend to pick up the flower that fell (purposefully dropped) from your hand to encourage his imagination. He doesn't resist. When you arrive in the shared chambers he throws you on the bed and climbs on top of you like a predator. You have a fast and hard sex, with no foreplay or touching, just mind-blowing penetration that makes you come hard.
R - Risk
He will never do anything that could hurt you. It takes a while for Jace to do bold things in four walls, at first he's a little embarrassed, it feels wrong, but it feels so good. Still nothing that puts the two of you at risk of getting hurt or getting caught by anyone. It almost happened once that his mother saw the two of you inappropriately kissing before you entered the room, since then he makes sure no one is around.
S - Speed
Depends on the moment. Jace usually progresses from slow movements to fast ones, but if things start spicy his thrusts will be faster and stronger right from the start, robbing you of all the air in your body. If the situation is romantic he will be slow and sexy, crawling in and out of you with love and care. He loves making love to you romantically and whispering sweet/turn-on things in his ear.
T - Tease
Believe it or not, Jace enjoys a little teasing. Out of his chambers, when no one is around, he teases you with sweet kisses on your neck and squeezes around your waist, in sex he does the same only with extras. He licks behind your ear when he finds it makes you squeeze, he circles your pearl with his thumb and then stops on purpose (you really hate when he does this and you know it's on purpose because he doesn't hide the smirk).
U - Unusual (humor)
Unusual things to happen during sex: Jace doesn't care about your pleasure and well-being, he doesn't moan louder than he should and gets embarrassed if anyone hears, he doesn't understand the position you want and almost falls off the bed when trying to perform.
V - Volume
He's quite vocal, especially the first few times, but he's not thunderous. He groans with every thrust of your hips against his, especially when you squeeze him. Jace usually rests his head on your neck to moan close to your ear while leaving marks on your sensitive skin. You may not be very discreet at times, again, it's not a blatantly pornographic sound, but it's noticeable to anyone approaching the chambers when you're making love. If both of you hadn't been so wrapped up in each other you would have heard Luke whisper a disgusted "Ugh" from the other side of the door.
Mmm, he is mesmerized to see your wet and glowing intimacy, casting an obscene look as he watches his manhood come in and out of you.
X - Xiaomi (????)
I had no idea what to put so I thought of a modern headcanon where you are Jace's girlfriend and you haven't seen each other for a long time, so things evolve from a casual dick pick to a videocall. He would be shy at first, but soon he would be masturbating in front of the camera for your pleasure as you moan his name with your hand between your legs. It's sexy and he hates to admit it, yet he relents when he wipes away the seed that has soiled his hand and stomach.
Y - Yeah
Yeah! (Sorry)
Z - Zzz?
Jace doesn't sleep so fast, he can still handle a good conversation (if you want it) or petting and teasing. It's quite rare actually when he just cums and sleeps, he likes to be held or close to you until he falls asleep, whether it's talking about anything or just maintaining a comfortable silence.
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rederiswrites · 6 months
I know I'm a day late and a dollar short, but I guess I haven't been Visibly Genderqueer in a while. So sure. I can talk about my trans-adjacent experience.
That's the thing, though. I am not. Visibly genderqueer, that is. If you're a traditionalist, you'd definitely notice that I utterly and completely fail to perform femininity--but then, you also might not. People tend to be very focused on specific features and assume gender and stick with that. My neighbor used to get grumpy because even though she routinely dressed her sons in camo and sports gear, they both had long, beautiful hair, and were both id'd by strangers as girls very regularly. Me, I have big breasts and wide hips, thick thighs, a cute, upturned nose, a fairly conventionally attractive face, and I top out at 5 foot 3 (160cm). I know perfectly well what basically anyone around here sees when they look at me.
They see a woman, married to a man (a very Manly man, at that, both in appearance and habits), with two children. I know that. Even though I am out to anyone who's been around long enough to hear me mention it, I haven't asked for a pronoun change. For me, it's just too much bother. It'd be different if my nonbinary experience were different, but I'm agender. I just don't have a connection of any sort with gender. It's just a sort of void space, a blank incomprehension, though I can observe that This Thing matters a great deal to nearly everyone else.
Well, there's a reflexive avoidance. Long before I had heard words like genderqueer or agender or even trans (when I was young, these words were limited to the queer community for the most part, and certainly not used where I lived), I had a reflexive avoidance of all things feminine. It wasn't a thought. I just knew that I absolutely did not want to wear lace, or pink, or ruffles--yes, we still wore ruffles in the 80's. My freshman year high school picture appears to be a fresh-faced ten year old boy, with short hair, a red and white striped turtleneck, and brown corduroy overalls. But I didn't have thoughts for that, only a feeling.
I envy younger people their confidence that people can and should and will treat them according to their personal relationship with gender. Maybe at 42 I am too old to learn that optimism, even though things are changing so much. I think about going by they/them, and it sounds like teaching multiple overlapping communities how to handle the idea of an agender person. Exhausting. Even though there are trans people in some of my in-person communities, and those communities are making honest efforts to welcome that, a person who just doesn't have any attachment to gender at all feels like going even further back to the beginning, undoing even more of their basic beliefs about the world. Ah, yes, you've begun to accept that sometimes the categories of "man" and "woman" can flip around. Now, how would you like to just reject the entire notion that people necessarily have gender? How would you like to just trash-bin one of the defining elements of Self?
And all this effort, over a concept I don't understand at all. It just doesn't feel worth it.
I am me. My name is Red. I look like this, and I like how I look. It comes with assumptions. Many of those assumptions are wrong. Some of them chafe. But I do not have the time or energy to individually disabuse people of every wrong assumption. I'll just live the way I live, and if that shatters a few assumptions along the way, all the better. And honestly, if you're calling me she or her, I'm probably not there to be bothered by it anyway.
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tomwambsgans · 7 months
i'm ngl it's because i recently read fight club, But i'm thinking a lot lately about castration and the true/deepest implications of it irt nero and sporus and tom and greg. obviously we've got tom's line about greg being "castrated on pay" and some pretty solid analysis on that being a matter of tom keeping greg dependent on him, but tbh even with said meta posts...
like, i'm sorry, but it's a weak line. it feels just as strangely on the nose as shiv falling down the stairs, and in fact like a line that exists specifically to match shiv falling. it almost even seems like a last-minute rush to complete Following Up The Nero And Sporus Thing, like they did the first part and managed to get all the way to the last episode before realizing they'd forgotten to do the second thing, so they had to reach for anything they could relate castration to without having to film a new scene. this feels especially evident/likely in the fact that there is NO way greg's salary is actually getting docked to the degree that tom implied. it's markedly disappointing, too, in the way that setting it up with shiv literally falling down stairs had the audience looking forward to how the rest of the overt symbolism would play out. castration on pay was the most mundane and least expected possible conclusion, lol. and not at all on par with the literal fall. like if that is the castration we were actually waiting for the whole time...
it's also all overkill, for that matter, considering that the s3 finale fit "pushed his wife down the stairs and married sporus" thing perfectly fine and a perfect amount of vague. like tom ALREADY betrayed shiv, symbolically "killing" her, and had an ancient-roman-wedding-handshake agreement with greg about his soul. even tom and greg's initial dynamic in the final season often feels like that of a married couple. which begs the question: why have the stuff in s4 on top of that? it may very well be simply one of the many marks of s4's drop in quality, caused by a myriad of irl factors. or it could possibly be on purpose to specifically bring home something else about the nero and sporus story. maybe it's to reinforce the tomshiv divorce and also tom and greg's marriage after all the rapid shifts in dynamic. who knows.
but what i DO know is that i wanna get to the bottom (lol) of the castration symbolism/motif. so i'm gonna go through everything that could possibly inform the audience's interpretation.
i'll start with the least significant, which i believe is the reality of castration in ancient rome and in the circumstances around the irl nero and sporus. part of why this falls on the bottom rung is the fact that historical accounts of nero especially with sporus are hotly contested. another reason is that the story tom tells is one that not only omits many details in a technically misleading/recontextualizing way, but also adds details that are present in no known accounts.
so: WHY was sporus castrated? there are 2 main possibilities/reasons.
to maintain his youthful [and therefore feminine] beauty. the real sporus was most likely around 16 when nero had him castrated. and the practice of castration to preserve youth had precedence. basically, twinks were REALLY in. it's alleged that sporus may have already been more effeminate (and sexually attractive) than average. but it's also said that sporus bore an uncanny resemblance to poppaea, which nero chose him for specifically and wanted to maintain.
in order to marry him with legal/social sanction. ancient roman society, rather than being built upon the heterosexual, was more built upon the Top/generally masculine. Eunuch was a gender class/category essentially equivalent with Woman, which allowed sporus to specifically be nero's wife. this didn't mean that his marriage to sporus was necessarily seen as good and normal, only technically acceptable.
and i have a ways more to go with the analysis but i'm gonna say right here that i do not think the first reason bears any significance to tom and greg. firstly due to that there is no textual evidence that tom wants greg to be explicitly feminine, even compared to himself, and a LOT to the contrary. tom consistently invites greg to join him in performing masculinity and gaining power through it, case in point the "let's fight like chickens" scene that directly follows the nero and sporus story. secondly, sporus's possible resemblance to poppaea does not track to greg and shiv more than incidentally; greg being shiv's cousin doesn't directly earn tom anything. but more importantly, imo, is the fact that what would have made nero want sporus to look like poppaea is in direct contrast with both the story tom tells AND the way their arc plays out.
so NOW, to demonstrate this, let's look at the irl poppaea's death/murder, which happened during her second pregnancy. different historians (even those alive at the time) have different theories for how it went down. who knows how much truth they're based in, bc there's a clear heavy bias against nero, but they're all we have anyway and therefore all tom would have had. here they are:
nero kicked her in the stomach in a fit of rage, while she was fighting with him about how much time he spent at the races (main theory/rumor)
nero kicked her in the stomach in a casual outburst
nero "leapt upon her belly" either accidentally or on purpose
nero poisoned her (uncommon rumor, most likely bs)
she died through no fault of nero's at all, simply bc of complications with her pregnancy (this has the most evidence, and is believed by many modern historians)
you'll notice a complete lack of stairs-related death theories, and in fact a near total lack of Nero Purposefully Murdered Poppaea theories. the general idea is that nero deeply mourned poppaea's death (and was remorseful, if it was his own fault), and proceeded to replace her with sporus, even calling him by her name.
which feels like a good segue into the more significant story of nero and sporus to analyze: the one that TOM told.
Sporus was a young slave boy. He was Nero's favorite. And, uh... you know what Nero did to him? Well, Nero... pushed his wife... down the stairs. And then he had Sporus castrated and he married him instead. And he gave him a ring. And he made him dress up like his dead wife. ...I'd castrate you and marry you in a heartbeat.
without looking into the actual story, this would sound like nero murdering his wife in order to marry sporus. with bringing up sporus first, it even sounds like nero met sporus and started favoring him prior to killing poppaea. which is also overtly analogous to tom and greg's relationship arc.
despite what tom must have read in his book, and what one could very easily imagine him, a Wife Guy, latching onto in that book... tom isn't telling greg about the tragedy of an emperor who accidentally killed his wife and then had to replace her with a young boy. tom literally invents a method of death that there is NO preexisting source for. furthermore he chooses one that does not sound remotely unintentional. at best he keeps in line with themes that suggest a violent miscarriage. but he removes all notions of an accident. he turns it into an unambiguous, purposeful uxorcide.
so, since all notions of trying to keep sporus looking like poppaea are not only unfitting as potential parallels, but also utterly irrelevant to the version of events that tom tells, and since we know tom twists and omits many other details (like what happens just a year into their marriage) anyway... what reasons DOES tom have for bringing up castration in this story? here's the possibilities i can come up with:
to make it sound less overtly romantic through means of the bizarre. classic diversionary tactic. literally without the castration it would sound undeniably like he's just saying "i read about this ancient roman gay marriage. an emperor murdered his wife so that he could marry a boy. i would like to do that with you also :)"
to make it sound less gay, specifically, because of nero's power in the situation. this of course calls back to that second reason for the actual sporus to be castrated. it's not gay if i've made you a eunuch, greg.
to emphasize the cruelty on nero's end. tom often puts himself in the role of a villain, especially irt his behavior with greg. considering also that this whole scene follows tom talking about how he's going to prison (AND that the next time he calls greg sporus it's in the scripts before the diner scene, where he agrees to sacrifice himself and go down for greg), it would make sense for him to buffer this confession with the caveat of what a bad person he is, like express in SOME way how insane his feelings are and how terrible he knows it is that he feels this way about greg. tom is notoriously unable to make normal apologies either, so. it tracks.
i think all of these are true, and i'm sure most would agree. i'm also sure most who've read this far are in full agreement that tom fixated on the story of nero and sporus in particular because it was a gay relationship with just enough ambiguity that he's able to relate to it without panicking. hell, the "he gave him a ring" line alone doesn't even evoke an ancient roman marriage nearly as much as a modern american one. i can't find even any sources that specifically mention a ring from nero to sporus, so i imagine tom invented that as well.
BUT while i'm here i do still want to mention a couple other queer things about nero to drive home that it's not just incidental gayness but overt homosexual desire being portrayed, as well as to emphasize that second reason that the irl nero may have had to castrate sporus:
prior to knowing sporus, nero had a mock-wedding as part of festive role-reversals during saturnalia. in this wedding he took the role of a bride, marrying a different freedman.
this is apocryphal and practically historical fiction, and may also specifically be due to perceived deviancy in nero, but it's old enough (like 13th century) that it's lowkey in the nero "canon" that he had womb envy and was obsessed with being the one to get pregnant
okay so NOW... how does all this translate into the actual events demanded/foreshadowed/symbolized by this story? if pushing shiv down the stairs is the betrayal that keeps her from being able to block the gojo deal (but also shiv is shown to fall down a couple real stairs)... and marrying sporus is making the "deal with the devil" (AND the sticker on the forehead)... then what's the castration? what was the first, less on-the-nose-and-simultaneously-meaningless castration, at least?
my best answer is that it's tom getting greg to drop his brightstar buffalo plans and follow him instead. because if death is just corporate death, then your testicles/manhood is your independence. tom says you're a joke, you can't function on your own, you need me (i need you). he's insecure that greg will leave if he has the option to do so. fair enough.
......and yet i come back to my initial disappointment, because that is barely different than the pay castration. and it's redefining greg's symbolic testes to something that tom gave him in the first place, thus practically retconning the first castration. but if that's it, does shiv's literal fall also replace her kick out of the company? that would sure be stupid! is the point of rehashing the symbolism to be stupid? to have meaningless stuff follow up the more significant events? even if that was the case, wouldn't you at least be doing it to give a visual element to the symbols? if shiv gets actual stairs, WHERE are greg's actual balls? or ANY balls!!!! greg even started wearing grey suits which he hadn't done before (but shiv had), and got a "ring" in his final scene. where's the FUCKING balls, huh?????
occam's razor, i think, may be that the meaninglessness of the castration specifically is the point. tom's insecurity that greg will leave if he has the option to (that greg would never actually want him but only need him), has been present for basically the duration of the show. it's just a character trait, and thus doesn't even work as foreshadowing when that just means "he's gonna keep doing what he's been doing." then, take that second reason--the purely pragmatic, not based in heterosexual-adjacent desire reason--for nero to castrate sporus. aka the only reason that makes sense for the way tom spins the story.
(it's also a motivation that leaves room for not even actually doing it. sporus wasn't going through rapid masculinization or anything. and they only lived another year. you could get away with just claiming that you did it for a while, probably.)
i should say there IS technically a third reason, postulated by modern scholars, for sporus's castration: to intentionally humiliate a potential rival for the throne. imagine if tom had told greg about nero and sporus upon first meeting. obviously things changed very quickly, but if all castration is here is tom keeping greg on a tight leash, then it works. and if the castration is nothing, then greg nearly tanking tom's plan out of naivety can be a nothing version of sporus wanting revenge. and shiv falling down real stairs can, instead of actually intending to set up a meaningful castration, be a red herring in that regard and simply foreshadow her pregnancy.
and that could be it. but... i've got One More Thing. maybe the most significant of all. lightning round:
who or what, in modern day where tom and greg live, actually IS castrated?
specifically dogs
and why are DOGS castrated?
to reduce sexual and territorial aggression
reduce other unwanted behaviors
to keep them from breeding
okay. think greg's newfound sexual confidence in s4 and tom's distaste for it. tom's continued anxiety that greg's independence might lead him to leave him. think greg being tom's attack dog and how that nearly backfires at the very end. greg approaching tom at the end like a begging puppy.
think full circle: who's the rescue pup, i'll take care of you, i've got you...
i feel justified in recontextualizing all of this, and i come back to fight club:
Valley of the Dogs. Where even if they don't kill you, if someone loves you enough to take you home, they still castrate you.
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holdoncallfailed · 8 months
whenever i see anything like universal girlhood lipstick stains eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man i think about a diary entry i wrote when i was fifteen years old that said WEAPONIZED FEMININITY ISN'T VERY GOOD PRAXIS BUT IT EMPOWERS ME which yeah in retrospect is kinda cringe but at least i recognized that this was something EYE needed in order to feel more confident in myself...i don't regret the hours i spent on my makeup because it was an important part of figuring out my own identity and i was doing it almost entirely within the context of connecting to other women (again, think rookiemag et al) rather than for the sake of attracting boys. but at the same time i was never laboring under the delusion that it was a radical feminist act for me to wear high heels to school every day. it wasn't something that was necessarily inherent to my understanding of girlhood but it was something that i leaned on more and more heavily and i was aware of that. and then in college when i realized i didn't feel comfortable going to class or even to the bodega without makeup i forced myself to reckon with why i had been doing this for years and years. and be honest with myself. what i'm saying is i don't begrudge women (girls) individually for adhering to feminine beauty standards but i can't abide by GROWN women refusing to be honest with themselves and each other about said feminine beauty standards and i certainly can't abide by people implying that makeup and stereotypically feminine activities are universal or that doing them confers actual material power...
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samwisethewitch · 1 year
15 Days of Freyja Devotion
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Day 6: Relations to Other Gods
This is where it gets... controversial.
So. Keeping in mind that true, pre-Christian Heathenry is not well documented, and keeping in mind that "Heathenry" is an umbrella term for a collection of regional traditions that could and did contradict each other, it's hard to make generalizations about the gods and their relationships to each other. Two seemingly contradictory interpretations can both be supported by textual and archaeological sources, and may in fact have coexisted historically. This becomes especially clear when talking about Freyja's relationships to the other gods. What is presented in this post is my own interpretation based on research and personal experience. Other Heathens may disagree, and that's okay.
As I mentioned on Day 2, Freyja is the daughter of Njord and an unnamed mother and is the sister of Freyr. This, at least, is pretty consistent across all Norse Heathen traditions.
Freyja's husband is called Odr. Some scholars, such as Jackson Crawford, believe that Odr is Odin, and I tend to agree. Odr and Odin seem to be different forms of the same name, and Odr is described as a mad wanderer, which sounds a lot like Odin. There are also places in the Poetic Edda where Freyja seems to be referred to as Odin's wife or lover.
On a more personal note, I experience Freyja and Odin as deities that are very closely connected. There is a lot of overlap in their powers and associations, and they seem to frequently work together. Based on this and the textual evidence, I tend to see Odin and Freyja as partners and spouses.
Freyja is also sometimes said to be the consort of her brother, Freyr. Remember, the Eddas say sibling marriages are a common practice among the Vanir, so this wouldn't have been seen as a taboo, incestuous pairing. I think it's also important to note that while the gods are like humans in some ways, they are also abstract ideas and, in some cases, forces of nature. As siblings and lovers, I see Freyr and Freyja as embodying the male/masculine and female/feminine aspects of fertility. (This makes it even more interesting that they both subvert Norse gender roles in some ways -- for example, Freyr gives up his ability to fight while Freyja revels in warfare.)
I am comfortable saying that both Freyr and Odin are Freyja's partners and lovers. The Old Norse practiced what we would recognize as polyamory or open relationships, so it makes sense that Freyja, like many of the Aesir, would have multiple lovers.
In Old Norse society, marriages were literal legal contracts and were often used to seal alliances and treaties. (In Anglo-Saxon England, which is not Norse but is a related culture, brides were called "Peace Weavers" because of how common these political marriages were.) It makes sense that Freyja, who is important or possibly royal among the Vanir, would be married to Odin, the chief of the Aesir. We know Freyja and her family went to live with the Aesir as peace hostages after a war between the Aesir and the Vanir. A marriage contract between Odin and Freyja would have helped keep war from breaking out again.
I see Freyja's partners as reflecting different sides of her as a goddess. Freyr reflects and complements her associations with sex, fertility, love, beauty, and agriculture. Odin reflects and complements her associations with magic, battle, death, and prophecy. Interestingly, both Odin and Freyr are associated with kingship and were said to have fathered lines of mortal kings, which may hint at some sovereignty aspects for Freyja.
And because I know someone is going to bring it up if I don't: yes, Frigg is also called Odin's wife and is arguably given this title more often than Freyja in the Eddas. Again, because having more than one lover was socially acceptable to the Old Norse, I don't necessarily see this as a contradiction. Maybe Frigg is Odin's wife and Freyja is his concubine. Maybe he was married to both of them at different times, but divorced one and then married the other. Maybe they're a functioning polycule. I don't necessarily need to know the answers to love and respect the gods.
There is a popular academic theory that Frigg and Freyja were originally one goddess, and I do see some truth in it. Talking about this theory would easily double the length of this post, so I'll just link to Jackson Crawford's excellent video on this instead.
I mostly agree with Crawford's conclusion that Frigg and Freyja were originally a single sex-and-queenship-and-motherhood-and-magic goddess who was Odin's wife, and that they had recently split and were in the process of becoming differentiated when the Conversion began. In terms of modern worship, I see them as separate but closely connected goddesses with some shared functions, similar to how I see the three Morrigan sisters in Irish polytheism.
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